Writers Victoria Program 2012



Writers Victorian workshops, seminars and year-long courses include more than 90 literary superstars ready to teach and inspire you, as you make your way through your writing journey.

Transcript of Writers Victoria Program 2012

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Program 2012

The WriTer’s Journey

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State Librar


of Victoria


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booking ConTenTs

Summer School 06Session Series 09Your Writing, Your Year 13Special Events 17 Services & Initiatives 21Event Calendar 22Weekend Writing 24Weekday Writers 28Compact Courses 31The Year to Come 34

online: writersvictoria.org.au email: [email protected]: (03) 9094 7855

booking PoLiCy

bookings are required for all events. as places are limited, we advise booking at least one week prior to event start date.

bookings are confirmed upon full payment to Writers Victoria.

refunds will only be given where a cancellation is made at least three working days prior to an event start date (excluding summer school–refer to summer school booking refund Policy on page 6).

Writers Victoria reserves the right to cancel any activity due to lack of bookings up to two days prior to an event or course.

earLy bird disCounTs

book early for courses and selected events and Writers Victoria will provide a 10% discount on the advertised price. Please note the early bird closing date for each activity to take advantage of this special offer.

oTher disCounT inCenTiVes

Writers Victoria offers a discount for group bookings of 8+ to attend our publishing panel sessions. Please call our office on 9094 7855 to arrange. a discount also applies to those who book for all four sessions from selected series.

Venue deTaiLs

unless otherwise stated, all program workshops, seminars and events are held at:

Writers Victoria Level 3, the Wheeler Centre, 176 Little Lonsdale street, melbourne (entry alongside state Library of Victoria).

aCCess inFormaTion

Writers Victoria attempts to provide access for people with disability where possible. Please assist us by phoning prior to your visit if you have any special needs.

LaTesT eVenT uPdaTes

due to the nature of a 12-month program, the event line-up may be subject to change. see our website for the latest event updates:


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direCTor’s noTe Program noTe

as an organisation, we’ve been on quite a journey over the past 12 months, leaving behind an old name and embracing another. This change is more than a symbolic gesture;

we are, more than ever, focusing our energies on writers. We are determined to ensure that at the heart of every one of our activities is a tangible way to support writers; to help you write with more confidence, to assist you to improve your craft and to give you a better understanding of the business of writing. We also acknowledge that the effects of this support are unlikely to come about overnight. Whatever your goal in writing, whether the completion of a first draft or to forge a full-time career, your development as a writer is a journey, and rarely a simple one. it will no doubt involve periods in the wilderness, times of tedium and moments where your destination vanishes like a mirage. We have brought together an impressive collection of experienced and inspirational writing professionals to walk at least part of the way with you, to not only help you find the best path, but to help you enjoy the journey itself.

roderiCk PooLe, Writers Victoria Director

Welcome to your journey of writing at Writers Victoria. The aim of our 2012 events program is not just to open professional development opportunities

to writers of all levels. by broadening our selection of courses and events, we can provide writers with all the help they need to start out on their journey across the sometimes bumpy literary terrain. We recognise the importance of time for the writer and the varying day-to-day responsi-bilities that influence literary pursuits, so our activities accommodate the weekend, weekday and night-time writer.

This year we have put a fresh slant on old favourites and introduced new events. a particular highlight is our Tuesday Tutorials. in an intimate and interactive environment, audiences will dissect the craft of fiction and non-fiction writing led by ten professional authors across the year.

i wish to give special thanks to all our guest speakers, authors and tutors who are the essence of this unique program.

happy Writing!

mary naPier, Writers Victoria Program Manager

Writers Victoria gratefully acknowledges the support of the Victorian government through arts Victoria–department of Premier and Cabinet, and the australian government through the australia Council, its arts and funding advisory body.

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6Writers Victoria

Short Storywith CHRIS WomeRSleyWoRKSHoP: Short fiction relies on a deci-sive and concise approach to crafting the story. learn the basics of constructing a short story, including how to define its shape, voice, tone and point of ending.CHRIS WomeRSley’s fiction has appeared in Granta, Best Australian Stories 2006, 2010 and 2011, Griffith Review and Meanjin. His second novel, Bereft, won the ABIA Award for Literary Fiction and was shortlisted for the Miles Franklin Literary Award, The Age Fiction Prize and the ASL Gold Medal. www.chriswomersley.com RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: moN 9 JAN, 10Am–4Pm CoST: $180, membeRS $125/$115Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 21 December.

Self-Publishingwith DebbIe HIGGSWoRKSHoP: The era of digital publishing and online media has opened doors to the writer. Discover the process of self-publishing via print and ebook, and explore market strate-gies to successfully launch your book and maximise your audience.DebbIe HIGGS’ career took her into the sales and marketing area of the information technology industry in its early boom years of personal computing. Eventually she joined her husband at their company Palmer Higgs, a leading provider of book publishing services to trade and self-published authors. She has published the book An Eventful Life–Life Stories of Eventing Champions, is the publisher of Equestrian Life magazine and is the author of The Self-publisher’s Marketing Guide. RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: WeD 11 JAN, 10Am–4Pm CoST: $195, membeRS $140/$130Cost includes a copy of The Self-publisher’s Marketing Guide. Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 21 December.

Editing for Authorswith mANDy bReTTWoRKSHoP: be guided through the processes of re-drafting your own work and learn common editing problems including basic grammar and punctuation, as well as dialogue, structure, character flaws and inconsistencies.mANDy bReTT is a senior editor with Text Publishing, working on fiction and trade non-fiction titles. She has worked in Indigenous publishing and small magazine publishing. Among other speaking and teaching roles, she is a regular guest lecturer in fiction editing for the RMIT Graduate Diploma in Editing and Publishing. RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: TueS 10 JAN, 10Am–4Pm CoST: $180, membeRS $125/$115Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 21 December.

Feature Writingwith JANe SullIVANWoRKSHoP: Gain professional tips on refining your skills and understanding what editors want. Find out what it takes to do a good interview; to structure, write and revise your copy; and to tailor and sell your ideas.JANe SullIVAN has worked for The Age as a reporter, feature writer and editor of various sections, including the books pages. Her column Turning Pages, about books and writing, runs in the Saturday Age and on the National Times website. Her latest novel is Little People (Scribe). RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: THuRS 12 JAN, 10Am–4Pm CoST: $180, membeRS $125/$115Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 21 December.

summer sChooL

summer sChooL booking reFund PoLiCy

Please note our office will be closed from 21 december 2011 and will not re-open until monday 9 January 2012. Writers Victoria cannot provide refunds for any cancellations made after 21 december.

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Program 20127

summer sChooLCartoon Writingwith ANDReW mARlToNWoRKSHoP: Cartoons capture and entertain audiences by combining the written word with the powerful impact of images and humour. Cartoons are an effective medium for conducting social commentary, inciting political awareness or for simply creating a great story. First Dog on the Moon (ANDReW mARlToN) is the senior editorial cartoonist at Crikey.com.au where he mercilessly lampoons anyone who gets his goat. Andrew illustrated The Wombat and the Grand Poohjam, written by Jackie French. His most recent book First Dog on the Moon's The Story of the Christmas Story, which he wrote and illustrated, was released in 2010 (Text). RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: WeD 18 JAN, 10Am–4Pm CoST: $180, membeRS $125/$115Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 21 December.

Memoirwith CARmel bIRDWoRKSHoP: explore writing techniques, voice, character, settings and perspective to ensure your personal story incorporates the essential elements of narrative flow required to engage the reader.CARmel bIRD'S book Writing the Story of Your Life has given many writers the inspira-tion, techniques and templates to discover and express their personal memoirs. Carmel is a highly experienced and popular workshop leader. www.carmelbird.com RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: TueS 17 JAN, 10Am–4Pm CoST: $205, membeRS $150/$140Cost includes a copy of Writing the Story of Your Life. Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 21 December.

Starting a Novelwith STeVeN CoNTeWoRKSHoP: Do you have an idea for a novel but don’t know how to start? This work-shop will inspire and motivate you to develop your idea, ground the foundations of your story and launch words on to the blank page. Through a PhD in Creative Writing at the University of Melbourne, STeVeN CoNTe developed the manuscript that became The Zookeeper’s War. The novel was published in 2007 and in 2008 was awarded the inaugural Australian Prime Minister’s Literary Award for Fiction. Steven was recently writer-in-residence at the University of Melbourne’s Trinity College. RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: moN 16 JAN, 10Am–4Pm CoST: $180, membeRS $125/$115Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 21 December.

Popular Fictionwith JAmeS PHelANWoRKSHoP: learn what it takes to create a successful commercial novel. This day will cover both adult and young adult popular fiction, looking at aspects of genre writing, character development and the creative process. JAmeS PHelAN is a Melbourne-based writer. He has written the author-interview collection Literati: Australian Contemporary Literary Figures Discuss Fear, Frustrations and Fame ( John Wiley), the bestselling Lachlan Fox thrillers and Alone trilogy of YA post-apocalyptic novels. James is currently working on a new adult thriller, a YA series and several film proj-ects. www.jamesphelan.com RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: FRI 13 JAN, 10Am–4Pm CoST: $180, membeRS $125/$115Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 21 December.

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summer sChooL

Freelancing for Online Mediawith JACINDA WooDHeADWoRKSHoP: Whether you want to write essays, features, articles, reviews, blogs or opinion pieces, this workshop will cover the online media opportunities available to free-lance writers and the best options of where to target your work.JACINDA WooDHeAD is an editor at Overland literary journal, where she also runs the Overland and Meanland blogs. She writes about politics, technology and culture, and is currently working on a literary non-fiction PhD at Victoria University on the politics of abortion. RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: THuRS 19 JAN, 10Am–4Pm CoST: $180, membeRS $125/$115Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 21 December.

Essaywith CRAIG SHeRboRNeWoRKSHoP: examine the form of the essay and the defining features that distinguish it from other forms of writing. Participants will be steered through the steps of research, structure and developing tone in constructing a quality essay.CRAIG SHeRboRNe’s memoir Hoi Polloi was shortlisted for the Queensland and Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards. The follow-up, Muck, won the Queensland Literary Award for Non-fiction. Craig’s journalism and poetry have appeared in Australia’s leading literary journals and anthologies. His novel, The Amateur Science of Love, was shortlisted for the 2011 Victorian Premier’s Prize for Fiction. RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: FRI 20 JAN, 10Am–4Pm CoST: $180, membeRS $125/$115Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 21 December.

Summer Fiction Masterclasswith STeVeN CARRollmASTeRClASS: This five-day intensive will provide participants with an in-depth and practical insight into fiction writing through a combination of exercises, facilitator commen-tary and group feedback. This course is tailored towards intermediate to established writers who are working on a manuscript, about to commence a new body of work or simply need an inspirational kickstart to create their next novel.STeVeN CARRoll’s most recent novel is Spirit of Progress (2011), a prequel to his award-winning Glenroy trilogy. His other books include Remember Me, Jimmy James, Momoko, The Love Song of Lucy McBride, The Art of the Engine Driver and The Gift of Speed (both shortlisted for the Miles Franklin Award), The Time We Have Taken, which won the Commonwealth Writers’ (SE Asia and South Pacific Region) Prize and the Miles Franklin Award, and The Lost Life, which was shortlisted for the Barbara Jefferis Award and for the ALS Gold Medal. RATING: emeRGING, eSTAblISHeDWHeN: moN To FRI 10Am–4Pm, 9–13 JAN CoST: $670, membeRS $600/$560Enrolment is by application only, upon paying a $200 online booking deposit. Applicants will be required to complete an online submission, which will include a one-page CV and sample of writing (max 1000 words). Submissions closed 1 December. All applicants will be notified on 16 December. Note: Successful applicants are advised to finalise payment before 21 December to receive a 10% discount.

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session series

Ask the Publisher SeRIeS: Writers Victoria, in conjunction with the Society of Editors Victoria, presents publishing panel sessions across the year with guest publishers specialising in fiction and non-fiction areas. Find out the process of submission, the editorial relationship and the best publishing avenue for you.

March / EssayoVeRlAND and THe moNTHlyJeFF SPARRoW is editor of Overland, a magazine committed to engaging with impor-tant literary, cultural and political issues in contemporary Australia. overland.org.au CHRIS FeIK is associate editor of the Monthly–an independent magazine of Australian politics, society, culture and media. www.themonthly.com.auWHeN: moNDAy 19 mARCH, 7–8Pm

May / Children’s Books & GenreWIlKINS FARAGo and ClAN DeSTINe PReSSANDReW WIlKINS is the director of Wilkins Farago, a Melbourne-based children’s book publishing company. www.wilkinsfarago.com.au lINDy CAmeRoN is the publisher of Clan Destine Press, which specialises in Australian genre print and ebook publishing. clandestinepress.com.auWHeN: moNDAy 21 mAy, 7–8Pm

July / Short FictionmeANJIN and melbouRNe booKSZoRA SANDeRS is deputy editor of Meanjin literary magazine. The focus for this session will be short fiction submission. meanjin.com.au ADolFo ARANJueZ is editor of Melbourne Books and its annual anthology, The Best Winning Writing from Short Story & Poetry Competitions Nationally. www.melbournebooks.com.auWHeN: moNDAy 23 July, 7–8Pm

September / Non-FictionARCADe PublICATIoNS, AFFIRm PReSS and SPINIFex PReSSDAle CAmPISI is an editor and publisher at Arcade, where his focus is Australian stories. www.arcadepublications.com mARTIN HuGHeS is the publisher of Affirm, a company committed to publishing books that have a positive impact on the community. www.affirmpress.com.au SuSAN HAWTHoRNe is the co-founder of Spinifex Press, an independent Australian femi-nist press that publishes a wide range of subjects, with local and overseas distribution. www.spinifexpress.com.auWHeN: moNDAy 17 SePT, 7–8Pm

November / FictionSleePeRS PublISHING, TexT PublISHING and TRANSIT louNGeZoe DATTNeR is co-founder of Sleepers, a publishing house advocating for new and established Australia writers. sleeperspublishing.com PeNNy HueSToN is the associate publisher of Text, which publishes a broad range of fiction and non-fiction books for adults and young adults. textpublishing.com.au bARRy SCoTT is the co-founder of Transit Lounge, which has published books by writers including Cate Kennedy, Ouyang Yu and Patrick Holland. www.transitlounge.com.auWHeN: moNDAy 19 NoV, 7–8Pm

RATING: All CoST: $15, membeRS $12/$10 GRouP booKINGS (8+) $10

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session series

The Writer’s Journey SeRIeS: Join Writers Victoria director RODERICK POOLE for an intimate and in-depth discussion with successful fiction authors and industry professionals. Learn about their writing journeys, the relationships formed along the way, the process of developing a manuscript to publication standard and the task of getting work out there.

Week One / The IdeaANDReA GolDSmITH will reveal her sources of inspiration and methods of devel-oping ideas into a polished manuscript. The first step is to capture the reader within the initial page. From there a whole story unfolds, complete with the unique challenges of char-acter, structure and plot.ANDReA GolDSmITH has published six novels. Her most recent, Reunion, was published by 4th Estate to wide acclaim. She has mentored many new novelists and has conducted several courses at universities, Writers Victoria and writers’ centres throughout Australia.WHeN: WeD 6 JuNe, 6.30–8Pm

Week Two / The MentorWriting can be an insular process that raises questions of doubt in the quality or direc-tion of the story. one option is to seek advice from an expert who will give guidance on the writer’s craft. A mentor for the Grace marion Wilson mentorships for emerging Writers, ToNI JoRDAN will discuss her role in assisting the writer.ToNI JoRDAN is an award-winning, best-selling author whose debut novel, Addition, has been translated into 12 languages and optioned for a film adaptation. Her second novel, Fall Girl, followed in 2010. Since 2007, Toni has taught Novel in RMIT’s acclaimed Professional Writing and Editing course.WHeN: WeD 13 JuNe, 6.30–8Pm

Week Three / The EditorWorking as an editor is not just about dotting ‘i’s and crossing ‘t’s. AVIVA TuFFIelD discusses the author/editor relationship and the creative collaboration involved in honing a manuscript to publishable standard.AVIVA TuFFIelD is associate publisher, fiction, at Scribe where she is building an Australian fiction list. Her prize-winning authors include Cate Kennedy, Fiona McGregor and Chris Womersley. She has worked in publishing for almost 15 years.WHeN: WeD 20 JuNe, 6.30–8Pm

Week Four / The SpotlightNow that your book is published, it’s time to enter the spotlight in the quest to sell your book. How much responsibility do you have and what does being in the spotlight really entail? From interviews, festival circuits, media appearances and publicists, author and illustrator leIGH HobbS uncovers what to expect and how to keep your expectations realistic.leIGH HobbS is an artist and children’s author. His latest picture book, Mr Chicken Goes to Paris, was shortlisted for the 2010 Prime Minister’s Literary Award as well as the 2010 CBC Picture Book of the Year. Prestigious UK publisher Bloomsbury published four of Leigh’s picture books in 2010.WHeN: WeD 27 JuNe, 6.30–8Pm

RATING: All CoST: $40, membeRS $30/$25 Book for all four sessions to receive the package discount of $140, Members $105/$90. Limited places for all sessions. Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 23 May.

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Program 201213

Your Writing, Your YearYear of the Essaywith DAmoN youNGCouRSe: The essay is a distinctive modern artform and is often intimate in its composi-tion; think montaigne’s les essais, Virginia Woolf ’s The Death of the moth, Tony Judt’s New york Review of books columns–many ideas, styles and voices, but all written in seductive and illuminating prose. Participants will savour some exemplary essays, pick apart their virtues and vices, and hone their own skills. They will also learn about the nuts and bolts of pitching essays to newspapers and magazines. DAmoN youNG is an Australian philosopher and writer, and the author of Distraction, recently published in the UK and US. He has written columns and features for The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian, and the BBC and ABC.  Damon has also published short fiction and poetry in Meanjin and Overland. www.damonyoung.com.au RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: SuNDAyS 10Am–4Pm, 19 Feb, 22 APRIl, 24 JuNe, 19 AuG & 21 oCT CoST: $690, membeRS $625/$580Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 1 February.

Year of Children’ s & Young Adult Writingwith ARCHImeDe FuSIlloCouRSe: Have you ever wanted to try your hand at a yA novel or children’s book? This course will introduce participants to the world of writing for young people and assist you to develop your idea into a manuscript over the course of the year. each session will focus on a different aspect of the writing craft through examination of children’s and yA writing forms and follow on with practical tasks to develop your work. ARCHImeDe FuSIllo is the award-winning author of YA novels and children’s books, including the Aussie Bites series Let it Rip, Bragging Reggie, Game Or Not and The Great Switcheroo (Penguin). His work has been published overseas, including in the US and China, and his further published works include short stories, text books and feature writing for international magazines. RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: SuNDAyS 10Am–4Pm, 4 mAR, 6 mAy, 8 July, 9 SePT & 11 NoV CoST: $690, membeRS $625/$580Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 15 February.

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Year of Memoirwith DmeTRI KAKmICouRSe: Dmetri Kakmi’s practical guide to writing memoir leads emerging and novice writers through the writing process from inception to publication, addressing tech-nical issues such as theme, voice, tone, form, plot, structure and character development. Dmetri will draw on his own book to illustrate techniques. This course will also feature special guest speakers.DmeTRI KAKmI is an experienced editor, writer and broadcaster. His acclaimed memoir, Mother Land, was shortlisted for the NSW Premier’s Literary Awards in 2008. It was also published in England where Cornucopia maga-zine said it was “destined to become a classic”. RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: SATuRDAyS 10Am–4Pm, 17 mAR, 12 mAy, 14 July, 15 SePT & 17 NoV CoST: $720, membeRS $650/$610Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 29 February.

Year of Romancewith mARIoN leNNoxCouRSe: over 50 percent of the world’s trade fiction is romance–so if you’re interested in writing romance, your market is assured. In 2012, marion will take you and your manu-script on a journey to discover your market and how to work your romance novel so it sizzles on an editor’s desk.mARIoN leNNox has written over 90 romance novels for the giant romance publisher Harlequin Mills and Boon. Her books are translated into 28 languages and sold in over 130 countries. She’s won numerous writing awards including twice winning the prestigious US Rita Award for Best Traditional Romance. Last year she received a US Romantic Times Career Award for a body of work that “makes us laugh and teaches us about love”. www.marionlennox.com RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: SATuRDAyS 10Am–4Pm, 14 APRIl, 23 JuNe, 11 AuG, 13 oCT & 8 DeC CoST: $690, membeRS $625/$580Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 28 March.

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your WriTing, your year

Year of the Novel Extensivewith PD mARTINCouRSe: Whether you’re a beginner or emerging author, by the end of this eight-month course you will have improved your writing craft and finished a first draft of your novel. Phillipa (PD) martin will guide you through the major stages of novel writing including analysing genres, planning, research, character development, plot development, dialogue and the all-important writing process. The sessions will include theory, practical tips and exercises/workshopping to improve your writing skills, including methods for “stream of consciousness” writing. you’ll also learn about the basics of self-editing and the publishing industry–how to find an agent or publisher, the publishing process and self-promotion.PHIllIPA mARTIN is the author of five crime fiction novels published in 13 countries. Her Sophie Anderson series has met with inter-national acclaim. Her books are Body Count, The Murderers’ Club, Fan Mail, The Killing Hands and Kiss of Death. She has published an ebook novella, Coming Home. www.pdmartin.com.au RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: SuNDAyS 10Am–4Pm, 18 mAR, 15 APRIl, 20 mAy, 17 JuNe, 15 July, 12 AuG, 16 SePT & 14 oCT CoST: $1070, membeRS $960/$890Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 29 February.

Year of Non-Fiction Extensivewith mARIA TumARKINCouRSe: Participants will explore the many thrilling possibilities of true stories vividly and distinctively told. We will think hard about the most important challenges of narrative non-fiction–questions of ethics, voice, structure and narrative momentum. We will also look at the relationship between storytelling and research, and between writers and their subject matter. learn what it takes to make autobiographical writing resonant and relevant, and research-based writing fresh and compelling.Melbourne based writer mARIA TumARKIN is the author of Traumascapes, Courage and Otherland. www.mtumarkin.net RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: SuNDAyS 10Am–4Pm, 18 mAR, 15 APRIl, 20 mAy, 17 JuNe, 15 July, 12 AuG, 16 SePT & 14 oCT CoST: $1070, membeRS $960/$890Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 29 February.

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16Writers Victoria

Year of the Popular Novel Intensivewith ADRIAN HylANDCouRSe: Tailored to writers with previous publication who may be currently working on a manuscript or are about to commence their next novel. each session will be home to a supportive environment, combining lecture and workshop process for participants to collectively troubleshoot critical points of story development, explore techniques and find resolutions to develop their manuscript.ADRIAN HylAND’s first book, Diamond Dove, won the 2007 Ned Kelly Award for Best First Fiction and is the first crime novel to feature an Indigenous protagonist since Arthur Upfield's Boney series. Gunshot Road, his second novel, was published in 2010. Kinglake-350 (Text) is Adrian’s first work of non-fiction. Adrian is a lecturer at La Trobe University. RATING: emeRGING, eSTAblISHeD WHeN: SATuRDAyS 10Am–4Pm, 3 mAR, 5 mAy, 30 JuNe, 8 SePT & 10 NoV CoST: $690, membeRS $625/$580Enrolment is by application only, upon paying a $200 online booking deposit. Applicants will be required to complete an online submission, which will include a one-page CV and sample of writing (max 1000 words). Class limit: 12. Submissions close 1 February. All applicants will be notified 15 February. Note: Successful appli-cants are advised to finalise payment before 20 February to receive a 10% discount.

Year of Non-Fiction Intensivewith leSlIe CANNolDCouRSe: Gain the tools for successful non-fiction writing. bring your idea, proposal or partly finished manuscript; this course will uncover what’s standing in the way of its further development or completion, and clear the doubt and confusion away. learn research skills, gain help with ethical quandaries and the tone or structure of the work, and acquire the experience and confidence you need to get your project off the drawing board and into print. leSlIe CANNolD is the author of the award-winning The Abortion Myth and What, No Baby? Her first novel, The Book of Rachael, was published in 2011 (Text). Leslie is an award-winning columnist, oft-noted as one of Australia’s leading thinkers. She mentors young thinkers and writers through the Writing Centre for Scholars and Researchers at the University of Melbourne and the Australian Society of Authors. RATING: emeRGING, eSTAblISHeD WHeN: SuNDAyS 10Am–4Pm, 4 mAR, 6 mAy, 8 July, 9 SePT & 11 NoV CoST: $690, membeRS $625/$580Enrolment is by application only, upon paying a $200 online booking deposit. Applicants will be required to complete an online submission, which will include a one-page CV and sample of writing (max 1000 words). Class limit: 12. Submissions close 1 February. All applicants will be notified 15 February. Note: Successful applicants are advised to finalise payment before 20 February to receive a 10% discount.

your WriTing, your year

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sPeCiaL eVenTs

Funding Your Artwith ARTS VICToRIA and CAleVeNT: In conjunction with Arts Victoria and Copyright Agency limited (CAl), Writers Victoria presents an information session on the opportunities available to writers through various funding programs. The application closing date for Arts Victoria’s Arts Devel-opment Program is 27 February 2012. This program allows professional writers to seek funds to develop a literary manuscript or poetry collection for submission to a recognised publisher or literary agent. The CAl Cultural Fund supports a wide variety of projects, which aim to encourage and provide practical assis-tance to CAl’s members and the Australian cultural community. Arts Vic and CAl staff will discuss the application process in detail.RATING: AllWHeN: moN 6 Feb, 6.30–8Pm CoST: FRee

Law of the Written Wordwith RobyN AyReS and special guestseVeNT: Arts law Centre of Australia executive Director, Robyn Ayres, hosts a panel of guest practitioners discussing a broad range of topical Arts law issues affecting writers.The ARTS lAW CeNTRe oF AuSTRAlIA (ARTS lAW) is the national community legal centre for the arts. Arts Law provides legal advice and information on a wide range of arts related legal and business matters including contracts, copyright, business struc-tures, defamation, insurance, employment and taxation to artists and arts organisations across all art forms. For more information, keep an eye on writersvictoria.org.auRATING: AllWHeN: moNDAy 23 APRIl, 6.30–8Pm CoST: FRee

Australia Council for the Arts Client MeetingseVeNT: The Australia Council offers grants to writers to support new work, publishing and promotion, residencies, fellowships, publishing in languages other than english and more. Staff from the literature board will be avail-able for 30-minute individual meetings.RATING: AllWHeN: THuRS 15 mAR 10Am–4Pm, & FRI 16 mAR 10Am–12Pm CoST: FReeTo book an appointment, please contact Writers Victoria at [email protected] or phone 9094 7855. Please note: Before making an appointment we strongly advise you to look at the Australia Council website: www.australiacouncil.gov.au

Doris Leadbetter Poetry CupeVeNT: 2012 celebrates 16 years of the Doris leadbetter Poetry Cup. This vibrant event incorporates 40 poets on stage–their task is to present an awe-inspiring one-minute poem. With three judges on hand, entrants have the potential to win a first prize of $2000. There is a runner-up prize of $300 and two encouragement awards of $100 each. Partici-pating poets can register from 10am, monday 10 September. limit of 40 registrations and conditions apply. See writersvictoria.org.au for full details. Audience members can book online anytime.RATING: AllWHeN: SAT 15 SePT, 7Pm WHeRe: bellA uNIoN bAR, leVel 1, TRADeS HAll, (CoRNeR oF VICToRIA & lyGoN STReeTS, CARlToN SouTH) CoST: $10 ReGISTeReD PoeTS / $6 AuDIeNCe membeRSThis is a licensed event.

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sPeCiaL eVenTs

Non-Fiction Masterclasswith RobIN HemleymASTeRClASS: experienced writers working on longer works of creative non-fiction will discuss the structure and pacing of longer works of non-fiction and strategies for completing them. Participants will be asked to submit a chapter of a work-in-progress as well as prepare an outline. During the week, we’ll discuss the topic of prologues and try our hands at them. This course is ideal for writers in the midst of a longer project and who are struggling with the form, have become bored with their project, or simply need some further direction and instruction to allow the work to breathe.RobIN Hemley is the author of ten books of non-fiction and fiction, and is director of the Non-fiction Writing Program at The University of Iowa, the top-ranked non-fiction writing program in the United States. He has taught creative writing for 23 years and has been awarded many prizes, including a Guggenheim Fellowship. His books and writing include memoir, investigative journalism, writing craft, short story collections and novel. His most recent publications are Field Guide For Immersion Writing: Memoir, Journalism, Travel and a book of short stories, Reply All. He is also the editor of Defunct Magazine (Defunctmag.com). www.robinhemley.com RATING: emeRGING, eSTAblISHeD WHeN: moN To FRI 10Am–4Pm, 7–11 mAyCoST: $670, membeRS $600/$560Enrolment is by application only, upon paying a $200 online booking deposit. Applicants will be required to complete an online submission, which will include a one-page CV and sample of writing (max 1000 words). Class limit: 12. Submission deadline 9 April. All applicants will be notified 19 April. Note: Successful applicants are advised to finalise payment before 24 April to receive a 10% discount.

Tuesday TutorialsSeRIeS: over the year guest authors will impart their expertise and share analysis of the writing craft in an intimate, relaxed and interactive environment. each month will alternate between fiction and non-fiction writing areas and topics will address the step-by-step processes and essential make-up of successful writing. Special guests include STeVeN AmSTeRDAm, DAVID ASTle, STeVeN CARRoll, leSlIe CANNolD, ARNolD ZAble and more. For full details of the Tuesday Tutorials event diary, guest speakers and early bird discount deadlines, check out the Writers Victoria website in early 2012.RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: TueSDAyS 6.30–8.30Pm,28 Feb, 27 mAR, 24 APR, 22 mAy, 26 JuNe, 31 July, 21 AuG, 25 SePT, 30 oCT & 27 NoVCoST PeR SeSSIoN: $40, membeRS $30/$25Places are limited.

Meet the ResidentseVeNT: The long awaited cafe bar moAT has opened its doors and the Wheeler Centre residents invite you to relax with your fellow writers and industry folk for informal drinks and interesting conversation. A close writing community is a thriving one; we encourage you to leave your lonely garret behind for an hour or two every second month and enjoy the social side of our City of literature. RA TING: All WHeN: THuRSDAyS 5Pm,16 Feb, 19 APR, 21 JuNe, 16 AuG & 18 oCTCoST: FReeThis is a licensed event.

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Program 201221

Manuscript AssessmentWriters of all genres and styles can submit their manuscript for assessment at Writers Victoria. our reputable service provides writers with detailed feedback and is an important step in the process of getting a manuscript to a publishable standard.

MentoringPost-assessment consultations and mentor-ships offer writers the opportunity to meet with industry professionals face-to-face, and to seek advice and guidance in a broad range of areas related to writing.

Writers’ Residencesessential elements for any successful writing journey are the time and space to allow ideas the chance to take flight. Writers Victoria offers two distinct forms of writing space. Glenfern, the wonderful National Trust property in east St Kilda, offers nine non-residential writers’ studios available for rent at very affordable rates for non-residential writing. Rosebank, nestled in a remote location in the picturesque macedon Ranges, offers a residential retreat for a fully immersive writing experience. We hope to extend our partnership with the National Trust to access other historic properties to give writers more options for inspiring writing spaces.

FellowshipsWriters Victoria is active in raising funds and support to provide some of our key writers’ services free of charge. Funded by supporters such as the Grace marion Wilson Trust, the besen Family Foundation, the Readings Foundation and our other generous partners, the fellowships provide writers with extraordi-nary opportunities to extend their work. Keep an eye on the website or weekly enews to learn about fellowship application requirements and deadlines.

Regional Partnerships ProgramWriters Victoria is committed to supporting writers throughout Victoria and we are keenly aware of the geographical limitations experienced by regional members. As a way to extend its professional development program for regionally based writers, in 2011 Writers Victoria launched an initiative to offer subsi-dised literary activities throughout Victoria.This program directly targets regional writers by offering regional writing groups and festivals the opportunity to present customised professional development events designed for the needs of their members and audiences.The first funding round of the 2012 Regional Partnerships Program opens 1 march with full details, guidelines, application form and closing date available on the Writers Victoria website.

Magazine and enewsThe Victorian Writer is the member magazine of Writers Victoria, published ten times per year (double issues are Jan-Feb and Sept-oct). The magazine includes news and views from the writing world, in-depth articles on all aspects of writing and publishing, and listings of the latest writing-related opportunities and competitions. Writers Victoria also publishes a weekly enews for members with the latest writing news and upcoming events, book launches, readings, writing groups, workshops and more occurring around Victoria. There are opportunities and competitions, and job vacancies for writers, researchers, editors and proofreaders.

serViCes & iniTiaTiVes

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Doris Leadbetter Poetry C



Non-Fiction M


obin Hem



Tuesday TutorialsVarious







Meet the R





Writing for C


Rachel Berger




Action Poetry: M

iddle of LifeO

uyang Yu18




No N

onsense Spec-FicJack D





The Play

Van Badham7




Writing the Short Story

Paddy O’R





Writing for the Sm

all ScreenAm

anda Brotchie21




The N

ovelSonia O





Children’s Books

Sofie Laguna8



Creative N


ate Holden




First Draft Postm

ortemToni Jordan




Editing Your Own W

orkJo Case




Writing from


Christine Balint12



Taming the Beast

Lee Kofm




The W

riter’s Research


y Ash8-29


Introduction to EditingIan See


Writing for R

adioSian Prior


Writing for the W


el Campbell


Essay Writing

Anne Manne


Leap Out of the Slush Pile

Nicola R



Feature Writing

John Bailey3-24





2013 Program Launch



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Short Story Chris W



Editing for Authors

Mandy Brett


Self-Publishing D

ebbie Higgs


Feature Writing

Jane Sullivan12


Popular FictionJam

es Phelan13


Starting a Novel

Steven Conte16




el Bird17


Cartoon W




Freelancing for Online M

ediaJacinda W



Essay Craig Sherborne



er Fiction Masterclass

Steven Carroll9-13


Ask the Publisher





The W

riter’s JourneyVarious


Year of the EssayD

amon Young




Year of Children’ s &


ede Fusillo4




Year of Mem


metri K





Year of Rom


arion Lennox14




Year of the Novel Extensive







Year of Non-Fiction Extensive

Maria Tum






Year of the Popular Novel Int.

Adrian Hyland




Year of Non-Fiction Intensive

Leslie Cannold4




Funding your Art

Arts Vic & C



Australia C

ouncil Meetings

Aust Council for Arts15-16


Law of the Written W

ordArts Law




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24Writers Victoria

Weekend WriTing

Writing for Comedywith RACHel beRGeRCouRSe: Writing comedy is not an exact science; it’s not like learning to be an astro-naut. It’s more difficult, it takes longer and it’s riskier. over five sessions you’ll discuss the principles of comedy–the raw materials, constructing comedy and the marketing of a comedy writer. All you need is motivation, courage and a high tolerance of suffering. be warned, Rachel’s opinions are undocu-mented and unscientific. She believes that anybody can write comedy if they want to.RACHel beRGeR is one of Australia’s favourite stand-up comedy performers, working variously as a broadcaster, comic, novelist, columnist, agitator and television entertainer. She’s taken four solo shows to the Edinburgh Festival, worked extensively on the London comedy circuit and her debut novel Whaddya Mean You’re Allergic To Rubber? (Penguin) sold out faster than Judas. RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: SATuRDAyS 10Am–4Pm,11 Feb, 17 mAR, 14 APRIl, 12 mAy & 16 JuNeCoST: $690, membeRS $625/$580Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 25 January.

Action Poetry: Write in the Middle of Lifewith ouyANG yuCouRSe: explore the facets of creating, crafting and reading poems, and source inspi-ration from the real and imagined. Participants will learn to confront the blank page with determination, expand their percep-tion, invent new voices and rework their poetry to avoid overwriting and clichéd metaphors. From refining your work to publication, discover the opportunities out there to publish your collection or submit your poems to literary journals worldwide. ouyANG yu has published 59 books of poetry, fiction, non-fiction, literary translation and literary criticism in English and Chinese. He also edits Australia’s only Chinese literary journal, Otherland (since 1995). His collections of poetry include Songs of the Last Chinese Poet (Wild Peony Book Publishers), New and Selected Poems (Salt Publishing), White and Yu, (PressPress) and recent Chinese poetry, shifeishi (poemnon-poem) published by Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House. RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: SATuRDAyS 10Am–4Pm,18 Feb 24 mAR, 21 APR, 19 mAy & 23 JuNeCoST: $690, membeRS $625/$580Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 1 February.

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Program 201225

Weekend WriTing

No Nonsense Spec-Fic: How to Write Professional Fictionwith JACK DANNCouRSe: Participants will gain hands-on writing experience and a unique opportunity to develop a working understanding of the craft of speculative fiction with a writer of international renown. This intensive course will cover the technical and thematic aspects of fantastic fiction, including science fiction, fantasy, horror and magical realism. Partici-pants will learn about writing in the various genres and their histories; the essentials of writing cutting edge fiction; the nature of creativity; how to treat writing as a business; and how to market their work in a paradigm changing environment. most importantly, they will learn how to approach the craft of writing as professionals.JACK DANN is a multiple-award winning author who has written or edited over 75 books, including the international bestseller The Memory Cathedral. He lives in Australia on a farm overlooking the sea and “commutes” back and forth to Los Angeles and New York.RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: SATuRDAyS 10Am–4Pm, 25 Feb, 31 mAR, 28 APR, 19 mAy & 30 JuNe CoST: $690, membeRS $625/$580 Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 8 February.

The Playwith VAN bADHAmCouRSe: Designed for writers wanting to learn and explore the structural techniques of writing for the stage, in-class activity will include workshop exercises as well as discus-sion and analysis of successful and popular play scripts from traditional, contemporary and experimental forms of stage writing. Gain an understanding of the relationship between writing and stagecraft, as well as the demands of writing for professional production in Australia and internationally. Participants will be encouraged to share their ongoing work for group workshopping to assist the progress of their draft development. VAN bADHAm is an internationally award-winning playwright, critic and screenwriter, currently employed as an artistic associate for Malthouse Theatre. Her plays have been staged professionally across Australia, the UK, the USA, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia and Iceland. She has also written for radio, opera, cabaret, TV and music theatre, and her first book, Burnt Snow (Pan Macmillan Australia), was published in 2010. An experienced educator, Van taught theatre and film subjects at the University of Wollongong for many years and spent two years as writer-in-residence at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. www.vanbadham.com RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: SATuRDAyS 10Am–4Pm, 7 July, 4 AuG, 8 SePT, 6 oCT & 10 NoV CoST: $690, membeRS $625/$580Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 20 June.

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26Writers Victoria

Writing the Short Storywith PADDy o’ReIllyCouRSe: Through writing, reflection and rewriting, participants will work on producing one or more short stories. We will work hard. We will laugh. We will hate our stories and learn to love them again.PADDy o’ReIlly’s stories have won awards and been published nationally and inter-nationally, as well as in her collection, The End of the World. Her latest novel is The Fine Colour of Rust (Blue Door HarperCollins, 2012). RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: SATuRDAyS 10Am–4Pm, 14 July, 11 AuG, 15 SePT, 13 oCT & 17 NoV CoST: $690, membeRS $625/$580Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 27 June.

Writing for the Small Screenwith AmANDA bRoTCHIeCouRSe: Participants will be guided through the stages of screenwriting, from the idea to outline, treatment, scene break-down and script development, in order to create a screenplay draft tailored for televi-sion. examine character, dialogue, structure, plot and direction, along with the process of working with a script editor and managing notes from networks. learn the defining traits of television screenplay in comparison to feature film with a focus on the short, punchy format necessary for television serials. Discover opportunities and challenges involved to get a TV series up and running, and what it takes to make the perfect pitch. AmANDA bRoTCHIe is the co-creator, co-writer and director of the multi-award winning ABC comedy series, Lowdown. Other credits include award-winning short film Break & Enter (director), Neighbours (director), and feature film Rats and Cats (script editor). Theatre credits include The Inner Sanctum (director), and Headlock (writer-director), which was nomi-nated for a Green Room Award for Outstanding Achievement in Writing. RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: SATuRDAyS 10Am–4Pm, 21 July, 18 AuG, 22 SePT, 20 oCT & 24 NoV CoST: $690, membeRS $625/$580Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 4 July.

Weekend WriTing

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The Novelwith SoNIA oRCHARDCouRSe: Are you struggling with your novel manuscript? or do you need some help getting it to the next level? This course combines intensive facilitated manuscript workshopping with theory classes and exercises covering technical aspects of novel writing. Participants will learn to identify their own novel-writing aims, strengths and weaknesses, become their own editor, and work to write more effectively. All participants will be expected to have made a start on a manuscript and be willing to workshop their own writing.SoNIA oRCHARD has had two books published: a memoir, Something More Wonderful (Hodder Headline) and literary fiction, The Virtuoso (Fourth Estate), which won the Independent Booksellers Award for Best Debut Fiction in 2009. She taught Creative Writing and Novel Writing (in the Professional Writing and Editing Diploma) at RMIT for seven years and has a PhD in Creative Writing.RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: SATuRDAyS 10Am–4Pm, 28 July, 18 AuG, 29 SePT, 27 oCT & 24 NoV CoST: $690, membeRS $625/$580Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 11 July.

Weekend WriTing

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28Writers Victoria

Weekday WriTers

Children’s Bookswith SoFIe lAGuNACouRSe: Focus on developing picture books and chapter books for children. Sofie will share with participants all that she has learnt about creating appealing characters and plot lines that engage the younger reader. Participants will examine the relationship between text and image, and learn how to pare back their manuscripts to provide space for illustrations. Participants can expect to be encouraged and inspired.SoFIe lAGuNA is an author, actor and playwright. Many of her books for children have been named Honour Books and Notable Books in the Children’s Book Council of Australia Book of the Year Awards and have been shortlisted in the Queensland Premier’s Awards. Some of her titles for children include My Yellow Blanky, Too Loud Lily, Stephens’s Music, Bad Buster, and Bird and Sugar Boy. RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: THuRSDAyS 12–4Pm, 8 mAR, 5 APR, 3 mAy & 7 JuNe CoST: $360, membeRS $310/$275Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 22 February.

Creative Non-Fictionwith KATe HolDeNCouRSe: learn to refine skills in researching, writing, editing, reviewing and marketing a non-fiction project of your choice. you will explore different genres of creative non-fiction writing and participate in practical and enjoyable activities designed to enhance writing skills and develop your work.KATe HolDeN is the author of In My Skin: A Memoir and The Romantic: Italian Nights and Days, both best-selling, non-fiction books published by Text. She writes a regular column for The Age as well as essays, short stories, and reviews for major literary journals and newspapers in Australia. RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: THuRSDAyS 12–4Pm, 15 mAR, 12 APR, 10 mAy & 14 JuNe CoST: $360, membeRS $310/$275Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 29 February.

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Program 201229

Weekday WriTers

First Draft Postmortemwith ToNI JoRDANCouRSe: you’ve finished the first draft of your novel. Congratulations, but don’t crack open the champagne just yet. It’s time to get your first draft on the slab and open it up. This hands-on course examines character, plot and structure, pace and theme, and the writing itself to help you to a better second draft. ToNI JoRDAN is an award-winning best-selling novelist. Her debut novel, Addition, was published in 2008 and longlisted for the Miles Franklin Literary Award, and won best debut fiction in the 2008 Indie awards. Addition has been translated into 12 languages and has been optioned for a film adaptation. Her second novel, Fall Girl, was published in 2010 in Australia, with the UK, Germany and France to follow. Toni has been a columnist for The Age and her short stories and articles have appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald, Courier Mail, Herald Sun, the Australian and the Monthly. Since 2007, Toni has taught Novel in RMIT’s acclaimed Professional Writing and Editing course. RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: THuRSDAyS 12–4Pm, 22 mAR, 19 APR, 17 mAy & 21 JuNe CoST: $360, membeRS $310/$275Please submit a five-page sample of the manu-script and a two-page synopsis by 8 March. Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 7 March.

Editing Your Own Workwith Jo CASeCouRSe: learn the basics of editing your own work for publication–teaching you what you can do as an author to ready your work for submission to a publisher, and how to work with an editor towards publication. you’ll learn how to recognise common editing problems–from the detail of grammar and punctuation to the “big picture” issues of dialogue, character, structural flaws and deleting unnecessary repetition. There will be tips and exercises on the business of both editing your work and redrafting, along with tips on how to work with an editor.Jo CASe is associate editor of Kill Your Darlings and editor of Readings Monthly. She has been books editor of The Big Issue and deputy editor of the Australian Book Review. Her first book, a memoir, will be published by Hardie Grant. RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: THuRSDAyS 12–4Pm, 5 July, 2 AuG, 6 SePT & 4 oCT CoST: $360, membeRS $310/$275 Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 20 June.

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30Writers Victoria

Weekday WriTers

Writing from Historywith CHRISTINe bAlINTCouRSe: Have you begun researching a family history, historic episode or local event, but don’t know what to do next? This course is for people in the early stages of a book-length project that draws upon historical sources. Topics will include the research process, structuring a work based on history, different ways of working with source material and the ethical obligations of the novelist or non-fiction writer. Participants will be given exercises that may be tailored to their own projects, and will receive regular feedback from the tutor and other members of the class.CHRISTINe bAlINT is the author of two internationally acclaimed historical novels: The Salt Letters and Ophelia’s Fan. She has undertaken research in many archives and libraries including Duke University, The Biblio-thèque Nationale de France and The National Library of Ireland. Christine has a PhD in Creative Arts from the University of Melbourne. She is currently teaching in RMIT’s writing program. www.christinebalint.com RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: THuRSDAyS 12–4Pm, 12 July, 9 AuG, 13 SePT & 11 oCT CoST: $360, membeRS $310/$275Enrolment is by application only, upon paying a $100 online booking deposit. Applicants will be required to complete an online submission which will include a synopsis (up to one page) and sample of writing (max. 500 words). Submis-sions close 15 June. All applicants will be notified 22 June. Note: Successful applicants are advised to finalise payment before 27 June to receive a 10% discount.

Taming the Beast: Managing the Writing Processwith lee KoFmANCouRSe: one of the greatest challenges of writing is finding the balance between letting the beast of your subconscious go wild on the page – and then taming it. Another is to find the perfect glue to keep your bum on the writing chair. Then there is that annoying entity called “inner critic” buzzing at your ear. This course is directed towards learning strategies to understand and manage the turbulent time we call the “writing process”. Find and maintain the voice, stay motivated and inspired, and discover what your book wants to become. It is best suited for writers already working on fiction or creative non-fiction manuscripts and will include exercises to develop your work.lee KoFmAN is the author of three fiction books and recipient of various awards and fellow-ships. Her short fiction, creative non-fiction and poetry has appeared in Australia, UK, Israel and USA. She has been teaching writing classes and mentoring writers since 2003. RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: THuRSDAyS 12–4Pm, 19 July, 16 AuG, 20 SePT & 18 oCT CoST: $360, membeRS $310/$275Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 4 July.

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Program 201231

ComPaCT Courses

The Writer’s Researchwith Romy ASHCouRSe: Develop the research skills required for credible writing. Apply techniques to both fiction and non-fiction, with attention to researching character and setting for novel-length works. learn the dangers and possibili-ties of utilising memory and personal histories in both fiction and non-fiction. utilise oral histories and learn interview techniques. While the emphasis is on “hearing voices” through research, importance will be placed on the writer’s vision and retention of their own unique voice. Romy ASH is a Melbourne-based writer. Her first novel, Floundering, was shortlisted for the 2011 Australian/Vogel Literary Award and is published by Text in 2012. Romy Ash has written for The Griffith Review, The Big Issue and frankie magazine. She writes a cooking column for Yen magazine and the blog Trotski & Ash. She has taught writing at The University of Melbourne for the past four years. RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: WeDNeSDAyS 6.30–8.30Pm, 8–29 Feb CoST: membeRS $220, $180/$165Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 25 January.

Introduction to Editingwith IAN SeeCouRSe: Whether you’re an aspiring writer or editor, this introductory course will equip you with the basic tools to improve your own or others’ writing. Through practical exercises and class discussion, you’ll brush up on your grammar and punctuation, and learn how to use style sheets and proofreading marks. Although you’ll gain insight into the book publishing process, the techniques covered in the course can also be applied to other publica-tions, such as corporate reports, media releases, newsletters, brochures and website copy.IAN See is an editor at Scribe Publica-tions, where he has worked since 2009. He is a graduate of RMIT’s Professional Writing and Editing program and has been involved with Sleepers Publishing, Overland and Meanjin. RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: WeDNeSDAyS 6.30–8.30Pm, 7–28 mAR CoST: $220, membeRS $180/$165 Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 22 February.

Writing for Radiowith SIAN PRIoRCouRSe: Television, video, DVD, the internet–all were predicted to kill off talk radio. yet we still love listening to those voices bringing us news, views, stories and audio arts from far and wide. behind the voices and the artistry are a bunch of skilled writers pulling it all together. If you’ve ever had a hankering to produce must-listen radio, this is the course for you. Writer and broad-caster Sian Prior will give you the skills to write for the spoken voice, including: scripting and conducting interviews; understanding the language and formats of radio; writing radio essays; and crafting memorable programs and packages.SIAN PRIoR has worked in radio for two decades, producing and presenting programs for 3RRR, 774 ABC Melbourne and ABC Radio National. She also teaches Writing for Radio in RMIT’s Professional Writing and Editing Diploma. RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: WeDNeSDAyS 6.30–8.30Pm, 2–23 mAy CoST: $220, membeRS $180/$165 Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 18 April.

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32Writers Victoria

ComPaCT Courses

Writing for the Webwith mel CAmPbellCouRSe: learn which blogging platform is right for you, how to get published in online-only publications and the importance of an online portfolio to impress potential editors and publishers. Discover how Facebook, Twitter and other tools can help your research, expand your audience and help you access a like-minded community of other writers. learn to write successful email pitches–and where to send them–and explore what makes online writing different from writing for print.mel CAmPbell is a freelance journalist, founding editor of online pop-culture maga-zine The Enthusiast (www.theenthusiast.com.au) and national film editor of the Thousands network of city guides (www.thethousands.com.au). She teaches online journalism at Monash University and has blogged since 2004. RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: WeDNeSDAyS 6.30–8.30Pm, 4–25 July CoST: $220, membeRS $180/$165Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 20 June.

Essay Writingwith ANNe mANNeCouRSe: What is an essay? How does the essay, that most beguiling classic of writerly forms, differ from opinion columns, reportage or memoir? In these sessions, writer and social philosopher Anne manne will discuss the essay as an art form and assist students in shaping their own.A former columnist with The Age and The Australian, ANNe mANNe’s longer essays on contemporary life appear regularly in the Monthly. Her book Motherhood; How should we care for our children 2005 was a finalist in the Walkley Award for Best Non-Fiction Book. Her Quarterly Essay “Love and Money: The Family and the Free Market”, was published in 2008. A Memoir, So This Is Life, Scenes from a Country Childhood (Melbourne University Press, 2009). Her Monthly essay on child abuse, “Ebony, The Girl in the Room”, was selected for The Best Australian Essays, a Ten Year Collec-tion (Black Inc). RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: WeDNeSDAyS 6.30–8.30Pm, 1–22 AuG CoST: $220, membeRS $180/$165Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 18 July.Leap Out of the

Slush Pilewith NIColA ReDHouSeCouRSe: It takes more than a great manuscript to get noticed. It pays to do your homework to gain insight into how the publishing world works and how to find the right niche. This course explores the key principles to a successful book proposal and provides tips on how to negotiate the publishing industry.NIColA ReDHouSe is a freelance writer and editor. She worked as an editor for a number of years at Scribe, where her interest in strong narrative non-fiction saw her edit authors including David Carlin and Vivienne Ulman. She now works across the genres for a range of publishers. Her fiction has been published in Meanjin, Kill Your Darlings, Wet Ink and harvest, and her non-fiction in the Big Issue, Indigo and RealTime. RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: WeDNeSDAyS 6.30–8.30Pm, 5–26 SePT CoST: $220, membeRS $180/$165 Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 22 August.

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Program 201233

ComPaCT Courses

Feature Writingwith JoHN bAIleyCouRSe: be introduced to feature writing and explore the techniques required to craft works of long-form journalism. Topics covered will include the role and importance of interviewing; the distinctions between opinion, research and analysis; ethical considerations, media laws and defamation; differing forms of structure and voice; and methods for finding original, compelling stories drawn from fact. Participants will emerge with an understanding of the landscape of Australian feature writing and the avenues for publication available to them across newspapers, magazines and online outlets.JoHN bAIley has been a journalist and critic for more than ten years, acting as arts writer for The Sunday Age and appearing regularly in various publications throughout Australia. He also presents fortnightly on radio station 3RRR, lectures at the University of Melbourne and coordinates The Signal Express, an online culture magazine written entirely by Melbourne teenagers. RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: WeDNeSDAyS 6.30–8.30Pm, 3–24 oCT CoST: $220, membeRS $180/$165Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 19 September.

epublishingwith SPuNCCouRSe: The ebook isn’t simply about publication of the written word via the humble PDF file. The digital revolution has opened doors to hybrid publications that can incorpo-rate visual, audio and interactive applications, and links to other source material. This course is suitable for writers of all genres and will cover the publishing and distribution process of the “future book”. Facilitated by SPuNC, sessions will outline benefits available to the writer and tackle challenges to avoid in order to get published or to self-publish successfully.SPuNC (The Small Press Network) promotes independent publishing and supports the principle of diversity within the publishing industry as a vital component of Australian literary culture. SPUNC initiates and facilitates programs that contribute to the development of the publishing sector, particularly regarding sales and distribution, marketing and publicity, and networking and communication within the publishing and book industries. RATING: eARly, emeRGING WHeN: WeDNeSDAyS 6.30–8.30Pm, 7–28 NoV CoST: $220, membeRS $180/$165Early birds receive 10% discount. Offer closes 24 October.

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34Writers Victoria

membership benefitsbenefits of membership with Writers Victoria include access to Writers Victoria staff for information and advice; The Victorian Writer magazine, published ten times per year, with articles by writers on their craft, and the best round-up of competitions and opportunities; weekly enews with writing news, events and opportunities; access to Writers Victoria’s library and a great collection of writing-related reference books, literary magazines, trade weeklies and more; up to three free classifieds a year in The Victorian Writer magazine or enews; discounts on Writers Victoria services including: all workshops and events, our professional manuscript assessment service, rental of writers' studio spaces, an extensive range of discounted books for sale, covering topics of the writing craft and the writers market; member discounts at bookshops, cinemas and more.

The year to ComeWriters Victoria is looking forward to great initiatives during the year through its ongoing collaborations with fellow resident organisations at the Wheeler Centre, and its blossoming relationships with the australian society of authors and other state writers’ centres via Writing australia. Writing australia is a national federation of state writers’ centres from nsW, sa, aCT, Tasmania and here in Victoria, which came into being in 2011. it aims to take the best of existing centre programs and extend them beyond state borders. Victorian writers will see the best of interstate writing teachers visit the centre to give workshops throughout the year. Look out also for the unpublished manuscript award worth $12,000.

This is the tip of the iceberg for what’s to come in 2012. To cap off our year, we will be celebrating the 2013 Writers Victoria Program Launch on 30 november, 2012.

staff: roderiCk PooLe, director / JaCqueLin LoW, administration and Finance manager / mary naPier, Program manager / anna keLsey-sugg, Publications

manager / eLise hearsT, marketing and membership Coordinator

design: WWW.Transmig.Com

© 2012 Writers Victoria, all rights reserved


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