WRAP Technical Support System for Air Quality Planning, Tracking, & Decision Support

WRAP Technical Support System for Air Quality Planning, Tracking, & Decision Support Tom Moore, Western Regional Air Partnership, Western Governor’s Association Shawn McClure, CIRA, Colorado State University December 6, 2007


WRAP Technical Support System for Air Quality Planning, Tracking, & Decision Support. December 6, 2007. Tom Moore , Western Regional Air Partnership, Western Governor’s Association Shawn McClure , CIRA, Colorado State University. Acknowledgments. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of WRAP Technical Support System for Air Quality Planning, Tracking, & Decision Support

WRAP Technical Support System for Air Quality Planning, Tracking, & Decision Support

Tom Moore, Western Regional Air Partnership, Western Governor’s AssociationShawn McClure, CIRA, Colorado State University

December 6, 2007


• The TSS is based upon WRAP work done between 1997 and 2007

– Experience with §309 Haze SIPs submitted 12/03

– Need to distill key information for haze planning across wide variety of air programs in the West

• Thanks to:

– WRAP Forums and Workgroups - Too many individuals to list all

• Attribution of Haze: Steve Arnold (CO) & Bob Kotchenruther (EPA-R10)

• Modeling: John Vimont (NPS), Mary Uhl (NM), Kevin Briggs (CO)

• Monitoring & Data Analysis: Marc Pitchford (NOAA)

• Hundreds involved: feds, tribes, states, industry, enviros

– TSS Development Team: Shawn McClure (CIRA), Joe Adlhoch (Air Resource Specialists), Gerry Mansell (ENVIRON) & others

– EPA funding

– In-kind staff work from many agencies & organizations; thousands of hours

• Purpose of talk is to describe progress to date and plans for the future

What is the TSS?(http://vista.cira.colostate.edu/tss)

• A decision support system for facilitating the completion of regional haze implementation plans to improve visibility in Class I areas

• A primary online source for visualization, analysis, and retrieval of regional technical data and analytical results

• An integrated, interactive database:• air quality monitoring data• meteorological and receptor modeling data analyses• emissions inventories and models• gridded air quality/visibility regional modeling simulations

VIEWS / TSS Introduction

VIEWS / TSS Architectural Components

Database Infrastructure

Software Infrastructure

Data Metadata Spatial

Data Support System (VIEWS)Data, Resources, and Infrastructure

Decision Support System (TSS)Guidance, Analyses, and Results

Hardware and Network Infrastructure

Web/FTPDatabase File GIS

Policies, Procedures, Guidance, Expertise

· Build Upon Existing Efforts· Incorporate Lessons Learned· Add Value to Current Resources· Incorporate New Features· Expand Our Future Vision

Architectural Goals:

VIEWS / TSS Overview

End-to-end Air Quality Data and Decision Support

VIEWS / TSS Vision

• Acquisition

• Import

• Unification

• Management

• Manipulation

• Retrieval

• Visualization

• Analysis

• Exploration

• Search

• Source Apportionment

• Modeling

• Assessment

• Interpretation

• Planning

• Controls

• Regulation

• Tracking

TSS Databases

TSS Website

ApplicationsData Decisions

Integrated System Solution Chart

• Provide comprehensive comparison and analysis of monitored, modeled, and emissions data with an integrated suite of tools

• Enhance and expand decision support applications

• Enable providers to upload manage their own data & metadata

• Promote an open, extensible, service-oriented architecture

• Provide services, components, and tools to air quality developers

• Incorporate satellite and meteorological data

• Investigate climate change and epidemiological applications and perspectives

• Facilitate collaboration and development between organizations

Goals and Development Plans

VIEWS / TSS Future Vision


Data Acquisition



Metadata Import System

Data Import System



· Emailed updates from data providers· Automatic HTTP extraction of source

data files· Database replication· Imports data “as-is” into the source

database· Technologies: ASCII text files, Excel

spreadsheets, Access databases, etc.

· Facilitates the entry of new metadata

· Validates new metadata entries· Detects overlap with existing

metadata· Technologies: VB .Net, ASP .Net,

and SQL Server stored procedures

· Extracts data from the source database· Scrubs data and performs conversions· Maps source metadata to integrated metadata· Transforms the data into an integrated schema· Verifies and validates imported data· Loads data into the back-end OLTP system· Technologies: Microsoft SQL Server DTS,

stored procedures, SQL scripts, and Visual Basic routines

Metadata Import System Data Import SystemData Acquisition System

VIEWS / TSS Data Import

VIEWS / TSS Database Architecture


• Functions as the “back-end” database• Fully relational and in 3rd normal form• Used for data import, validation, and

management• Technologies: Microsoft SQL Server

Data Warehouse Generation System:Data Warehouse Generation System:

• Extracts data from the OLTP• De-normalizes and transforms data• Loads data into the Data Warehouse• Builds table indexes• Archives “snapshots” of the database• Technologies: VB, stored procedures

Data Warehouse:Data Warehouse:

• Functions as the “front-end” database• Uses a de-normalized “star schema”• Used for querying and archiving data• Automatically generated from the OLTP• Technologies: Microsoft SQL Server


Display Raw Data

Create Chart

Create Map


Mapping Service Call Map Image

TSS Database Server

Database Query Formatted Data

TSS GIS Server

TSS Web Server

Chart Request

Chart ImagePage


User visits a page on the TSS web site and

specifies map arguments using controls on

the web page (layers, centroid, zoom, etc.)

TSS web server executes (submits)

the appropriate ASP .NET page.

ASP .NET page requests a map from the

mapping service on the GIS server, via

HTTP GET, SOAP, or similar protocol.

The mapping service assembles the requested layers into a map image

using the specified centroid and zoom, then returns the image to the page.

The page displays the image.



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TSS Architectural Overview:Displaying a MapThis example gives a very high-level description of the procedural steps involved in requesting, creating, and displaying a map using the proposed TSS mapping component and/or web service. Created: 10/4/2005Modified: 11/10/2007

VIEWS / TSS Page Architecture