WR XQFRYHU Name - edHelper

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Transcript of WR XQFRYHU Name - edHelper


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Uncover the Story Number 1 (Pick just one story to uncover!)

What is going on? Write as many ideas as you can fit in the box.

My ideas...

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Uncover the Story Number 2 (Pick just one story to uncover!)

What is going on? Write as many ideas as you can fit in the box.

My ideas...

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Which story did you decide to uncover? Check one.

Uncover the Story Number 1 Uncover the Story Number 2

Best idea I had to describe this picture:

Add a detail to this idea:

SECOND best idea I had to describe this picture:

Add a detail to this idea:

Uncover the main character. Give the main character a name. Is the main character in the


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Goal: State a clear position about a topic

People over the age of 18 are allowed to smoke, if they so choose. It is a fact that people who smoke are likely to get lung cancer. Do you think tobacco should be legal? Write a persuasive essay. Support your opinion with reasons. Answer the following questions to help plan your essay.1. Does smoking have any benefits? Explain.2. Should the decision to smoke or not be left up to the individual? Explain.3. Should tobacco be illegal for everyone or just those under the age of 18?4. Would laws about tobacco discourage people from smoking? Explain.5. Are tobacco laws pointless and unnecessary? Explain.6. Write a topic sentence that expresses your opinion about tobacco laws.Now you are ready to write your essay. Convince the reader to agree with your opinion about tobacco laws.

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Read the entire paragraph. Then use the information in the paragraph to help you draw and color the image.

Susie's teacher handed out five new folders to each student. Each folder had a blank label in the upper right corner. The teacher asked each student to label the folders as she instructed. The labels were to be written in pencil in all capital letters. The yellow folder was to be labeled “reading.” The blue folder was to be labeled “math.” The green folder was to be labeled “science.” The orange folder was to be labeled “spelling.” The purple folder was to be labeled “social studies.”

Using details from the paragraph, draw a picture of all five of Susie's finished folders.

What happens next?

5 + = 8 18 + = 32 3 + = 16 5 + = 20

10 + = 13 6 + = 12 12 + = 14 14 + = 17

4 + = 6 6 + = 15 6 + = 9 3 + = 16

8 + = 10 27 + = 37 21 + = 30 13 + = 24

word root act can mean to drive or to do interact, interaction, react

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Goal: Use an outline to write a multi-paragraph essay

What would you like to be remembered for twenty years from now? Write an essay explaining what you would like to be remembered for. To help you get ready to write, use an outline as shown below.I. (First Item)a. (detail)b. (detail)c. (detail)II. (Second Item)a. (detail)b. (detail)c. (detail)III. (Third Item)a. (detail)b. (detail)c. (detail)Now you are ready to write your essay. Be sure to include an introductory paragraph and a concluding paragraph.

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Challenge # 1

Charlie the chef is cutting up cheese for Thanksgiving snacks. He has a perfect cube of cheddar cheese, but it is much too big for the table. He cuts the cube in half. What shape is he looking at? Circle the correct answer:Square Circle Rectangle Octagon Triangle

Challenge # 2

You have 20 scrumptious blueberry pies. You are going to make sets of blueberry pies following these rules:Each set has the same number of blueberry pies in it.There are no blueberry pies left over.Make different numbers of sets.There is one example done for you. Finish the chart.Number of sets = Number of blueberry pies in each set

2 = 10 4 = 5 = 10 =

Can you draw ONE line going through ALL the circles? Your line can go left, right, up, or down. It cannot go diagonally. Your line cannot cross over any part of the line you have already drawn.You MUST TURN in a BLACK circle. Do NOT TURN in a WHITE circle.

The first puzzle shows a correct line going through all the circles.

Example: Finish the line:

word root retro can mean backward retrofit, retroactive

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Martin Wants Leftovers!

Martin the mouse took a tour of a restaurant’s kitchen that was set up to make meals for Thanksgiving Day. He was so excited about the leftovers he would get from the feast that he made a list as he scurried by the delicious items on the prep table. Look at the hints and then put a number next to each Thanksgiving dinner item in the order that Martin saw them.The last item Martin saw was a plate with some white sliced fruit surrounded by crust and topped with cinnamon.The first item Martin saw was a mound of steaming, orange vegetables.The third item Martin saw was two containers of common spices.The second item Martin saw was not edible, but it was a slender cylinder with a flame on top.

an apple piea bowl of yamssalt and pepper shakersa tall, lit candle

What Words? Your Words!Fill in the boxes with letters to make words. Each box is worth points. Earn points by filling in as many boxes as you can. Sum up the points you earn for each word.

Make a Word Sum1

B L2







A1 2 4 6 8 12 18

S P1 2 4 8 14

Make a Word Sum

H A1 2 4 6 12 18

F R1 2 4 6 10

G I1 2 4 8 14 20

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Wake up Your Writing

The large, BLACK dog loved to sniff the smells in autumn. Jake loved the crisp, BEAUTIFUL leaves. Sometimes, his master raked them into a pile. Jake wanted to HELP. He jumped in, and the leaves flew everywhere. His master was SAD!

1. The words in big capital letters are weary words. Rewrite the paragraph using different ones.2. Insert an adjective before the word “master” in the third sentence of the paragraph.3. Add a sentence at the end of the paragraph about how Jake felt when his master was sad.

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Did you know that you don't always have to use the word hit in your writing? Try to use different words for an

overused word like hit. It will make your work more fun for others to read.

Circle words to the RIGHT or DOWN. Every letter is used exactly ONCE.D E S T R O Y A P


B S E U I HA L A F C ST A T F T MT P W I N AE S T R I K E CR K N O C K KWrite the words found.


Now rewrite this without using the word hit. Add one or two of your own sentences using some of the words you

found in the word search.

Sam hit the baseball over the fence. After the game, he went home and hit the books. After he studied for two

hours, he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

My favorite two words to use instead of hit are:


How many words do you think it takes to improve your writing?

Fifty. That's 50! There are about 50 overused words we often use in writing and conversations.

When you find yourself repeating, try something different. It doesn't take much work to sound amazing!

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Read the topic. Fill in the boxes with your ideas.

Topic: ThankfulIt is Thanksgiving. Write a paragraph about what you are thankful for.

Happenings People

If = 10, then 19 - = Circle the odd numbers.85 72 71 8666 37 146 63139 45 25 42

1 6+ 8 6

770 761 787 743Write the numbers in order from least to greatest.




+ 6 6


+ 6 9

How many days are in September? 3 2

- 3 0

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Now write a paragraph using the ideas you have already written down.Topic: ThankfulIt is Thanksgiving. Write a paragraph about what you are thankful for.

Write four words to describe this rooster.





Is 21 smaller than 12? Add one hundred to 997.

7 56

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thinks boys to she brothers family the in heavy

Kamryn is the only girl in her _______________________ of five. There are some

advantages to having three _______________________. Kamryn never has

_______________________ clean up the dog's mess in the backyard. That's the boys' job.

She never has to help her dad clean out the garage or move _______________________

furniture. Those dirty jobs are for the _______________________, too. Sometimes her

brothers drive her crazy, but most of the time _______________________

_______________________ being _______________________ only girl

_______________________ the family is pretty fun.


Insert punctuation marks into this sentence.We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses, said President Lincoln.

Circle the word that best completes the sentence.The tortoise beat the (hair/hare) in the race.

Locate where to put the number 492,500and label the point D.

480,000 500,000





3 6- 2 4

Write an odd number with a six in the tens place. The factors of 12 are 2 6

Circle the best estimate for the answer to:1,466 - 981

1,700 500 800 1,400

What is half of 26?

7 35

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Name: edHelper

Oops. This story contains lots of errors.Find them and fix the errors in this story before answering the questions.


have you ever see a cockroach. These insects may live all

over the world. Most lively in damp place that is very warm. Others

live in the mountain or deserts. Some cockroaches even live in

grasslands and swamps. They have been around for a longs time.

Experts believe that they have lived on the Earth for more than 280 million years. Thankfully, most of the 5,000

kinds of cockroaches dont live around people. Many people do not like cockroaches. I am one of them! But

weather you like them or knot cockroaches are emazing insects. These insects have even been knowing to held

their's baeth for up to forty minutes. Some species can live without any food for thre weeks. And while hard to

believe, roaches can even live for daze or even weeks without a head! While these insects Can live all overs the

world, those nearer you would love to invade your home. If that happens youll' probable just call them pests!

Did you make at least 17 corrections? If not, take another look.

I took a few looks and was able to make corrections.Cockroaches


1. Where do cockroaches live?

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Name: edHelper

2. Which of the following is true about cockroaches?

A. There are not very many kinds of roaches.B. Cockroaches are insects.C. Cockroaches must eat every day.D. They can only live where it is cold.

3. The author probably wrote this passage to ______.

A. persuade you to become an exterminatorB. inform you about cockroachesC. describe the life cycle of a cockroachD. demonstrate how cockroaches eat

4. What can the reader conclude after reading this passage?

A. Many people enjoy cockroaches.B. The author would not like to have a pet cockroach.C. It would be impossible to find a cockroach in every country.D. Roaches are not pests.

Fill in the numbers.

58 59 60

68 69 70


88 89

26 27 28

36 38

45 46 47 48


41 43 44 45

52 53 55

62 63



45 47 48

54 58


74 76 78

14 15 16 18 19

24 29



56 57 58

36 37



3 + 8 = 5 + 4 = 16 - 7 = 5 - 2 =

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Write your spelling words in cursive.

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