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Running head: HUMAN SERVICE AGENCY ORGANIZATION PLAN 1 Human Service Agency Organization Plan Veronica Horton Concordia University 6/23/2015

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Human Service Agency Organization Plan

Veronica Horton

Concordia University




On January 18, 2010 my life would forever change. I found myself with my two kids

packing frantically while a police officer watched over us for our safety. We had been staying

with a friend who got violent. I had nowhere to go and was in a matter of seconds homeless. I

entered a local homeless shelter and for eight months that is where we lived. It was the lowest

point in my life however; I had hope for a better future. The shelter provided food, housing,

support, and a safe place although did lack some assistance and programs that would greatly

benefit their guests. I have used my experience to develop House of Hope and Empowerment

bringing the hope, love, and compassion to other individuals as they work to overcome and

improve their lives.

Knowing the Environment

There are many factors to consider with a program or services being provided. House of

Hope & Empowerment will be no different. One of the factors is accountability. Lewis et al.,

(2012) states that human services programs are now expected to measure and document

outcomes not only what is provided (pg. 26). This is needed for many purposes as keeping

accountability of everything helps to determine what is working and what is not working. It also

plays a significant role in determining grant funding from the state and federal aid. Having

accountability also will be vital to show businesses and groups who are helping to support

through donations and services that value is present and helping the public that it is serving. “It

is clearly in the best interest of human service organizations to promote policies that facilitate

new funding and service opportunities rather than constraining them” (Lewis et al., 2012, pg.

27). As human being and human service professionals we have a responsibility to help advocate


for others to ensure each person is receiving adequate services and use of resources. If we are

not willing to stand up for what is right and needed then who will?

Economical is a struggle for many and especially the individuals and families I am looking to

serve and help get them on both of their feet. Continued creativeness and how to be wise and

productive with funding will be a factor. Knowing how and when to use resources provided can

make a huge difference. Developing a good networking relationship with businesses and other

organizations will be vital to the economic factor as they are a huge component in the

community where donations, time, and volunteers will be actively involved.

Social factors of course will involve the diversity of the area. In this area it is comprised of

majority of Native European, Hispanic, African American, and Eastern decent, in that order.

Another growing population in the homeless sector is older women in their 50’s up. They are

now facing lack of employable skills and little to no financial resources after divorce or death of

their spouse. Another social factor is young mothers who also lack the skills required to have

employment which actually is enough to afford to take care of themselves much less children.

Having mothers with children also contributes to space restraints and logistics of how and what

programs and services will actually be best. Lastly, those with mental health issues and those

with substance abuse problems add to the population that will need to be guided or redirected to

services that will help them best.

Technology can be our friend. Now more than ever the use of computers has grown and

communication through email has made everything faster and more efficient. Technology and

the use of computers and software programs aids in helping to keep the accountability and

numbers all situated and ease of documenting. An important factor for me is the use of

computers and on-line classes for those who are looking to go back to school and or have studies


to do. Technology reduces paper work and makes quick work resulting in being able to have less

employees or volunteers. Therefore, it helps economically too.

In order to assess the needs of the community I have talked with the local shelters in the area

that are already serving the community. The idea is not to replace current services provided but I

want to help pick up and fill the gap of what is being missed or is still very much needed. For

example, based on my discussion with Liz Eakin; the executive director of Lazarus House, I

know that there is a growing issue of single mothers who are not making enough to support

themselves and their kids as well as the aging population of women. Those two groups are still a

need that is not being able to be met adequately enough with the services already in existence.

Through community and local agency survey’s more information and details of needs can be

made. I would also want to meet with community members and political players in the area to

hear their concerns and/or opinions. Addressing the needs and strengths will be an ongoing

assessment to make sure that the work we are doing and people we are serving are actually being

helped and goals being met.

I think that the cultural and diversity that will affect the program the most is the language

barrier. Communication is so vital and having staff and/or volunteers who are able to help with

effective communication with specifically Spanish will be critical. I think having mutual respect

of others will be important when dealing with others and helping others deal with each other.

For some, it may be very different for them depending on how they were raised or cultural

expectations. Being aware other cultures will be a key factor and as staff and volunteers,

something which will which will be a continued process to ensure that we are being aware of.



The primary mission and goals for House of Hope & Empowerment is to provide

homeless individuals and families with the necessary tools to overcome their circumstances with

love, supportive services, encouragement, and grace with the goal of rebuilding healthy and

stable lives.

The goals of House of Hope & Empowerment are:

1) To provide is to a safe and supportive environment for individuals to grow and

become self-sufficient.

2) To help individuals face and take ownership of their problems.

3) To assist individuals with obtaining work and education either through work study

program, college, or trade schools.

4) To prepare guests to confidently reenter society in a home of their own.

The first goal would be measured by whether there are any issues or problems with life at

the house that would make the facility unsafe. If there were issues we could see what needed to

be reworked or tweaked to provide the safety and security for the guests. Measurement of the

environment overall would be by surveys and reviews from guests, staff, and volunteers. As well

as the success and growth of individuals. Additionally making the environment a nice

atmosphere and reasonably comfortable.

The second goal would be measured with the help of counselors and the guest. A guest

who constantly keeps blaming others for their circumstance and not taking any ownership or

responsibility for their situation is not there yet. I feel that is a big part of healing and

overcoming issues is taking ownership of one’s part in situations.


The third goal is to get individuals working and in school and utilizing school career

counselors. That seems pretty easy to measure because they either are or they are not working.

The program would help with identifying job training opportunities and job leads for guests. The

guests do have to do the work with creating their resume and attending interview workshops all

of which will be designed to help them gain employment.

Goal number four is measured by the guests being able to successfully enter society.

They have gone through the different classes offered such as budgeting for example. They have

been employed, saved some money even, and are not at a place that they can venture out beyond

transitional housing onto their own.

I think there are several services which will be beneficial to help achieve the goals listed.

Initially they will be involved counseling and small groups such as: therapeutic, educational,

domestic violence, career oriented, and parenting (if they have children). They would be based

on the needs for the guests but availability would range from domestic violence, substance abuse,

and mental health in general. These more than likely would be out of the facility but groups such

as Bible study, parenting, and coping/stress classes would be onsite. I also think that specialized

groups for kids would be beneficial as it can be tough on them. Counseling and groups also

assists in guests taking ownership of their role in their situation.

Having additional classes and group time available to help learn computers, budgeting,

healthy cooking, exercise, spiritual, arts and crafts, vegetable gardening, and even DIY projects

that can be done around a house I think are all beneficial to providing great tools for success.

These go along with being self-sufficient and will be beneficial when they are on their own.

I also want to help instill a heart for giving back. When staying at the facility everyone

would participate in volunteering and helping with the cleaning and mainitance of the building


and grounds. I would love to have special trips to places like Feed My Starving Children or

other places where guests can give back. I think that is so important and would be one of the

requirements to staying at House of Hope & Empowerment.

Organization Theory & Design

The theory I would utilize at House of Hope & Empowerment is the Open Systems

Theory. Lewis et al., (2012) describes the open systems theory as a set of systems that interact

with one another, resulting in the affect that if something changes with one part it may affect

another area (pg. 89). Open systems take into account the environmental factors coming in as

well as those going out. The characteristics of the system are: defined by the properties, system

is physical and/or conceptual entity composed of interacting parts within an environment which

interact as well, has a preferred state of being, and the different parts of the system may be

systems of themselves (pg. 89). According to Lewis et al., (2012) when there is change within

the system then adaptations are made to remain in the preferred state of being. A preferred state

is to maintain stability. Having an adaptive system provides the capability to respond and adjust

to changing conditions of the environment (pg. 89).

This theory is applicable to my program because unlike private businesses the transitional

housing center will be influenced greatly by outside factors such as; the guests and their issues,

funding, community relations, and all the variables of services provided. There has to be

movement and adjustments made to meet the goals of the house as well as the individual goals of

the guests. For staff it is important for them to feel part of the network working for the same

goals and mission. Providing an open systems theory allows for fluctuation to occur while still

keeping the pieces that must stay steady intact. I believe that having an open systems approach

will be one of the theories utilized at House of Hope & Empowerment.


Organization Departments

Lewis et al., (2012), states that even the smallest of organizations have a hierarchy of

power and authority, starting with the board of directors, executive director, and other

administration staff (pg. 111). Below I have listed and described positions and general job duties

for each position. Below the job descriptions is an outline of department heads underlined with

staff under them. Based on each job description and the placement of department head, the work

is divided out. Having an idea of what each position is responsible for makes it clear as to who

does what in the facility.

Board of Directors are comprised of selected members should have professional experience

and/or experience working with homeless individuals as well as possess an understanding of the

issues faced by the homeless population. Individuals whom have previous experience in

establishing and/or running a non-profit organization would also be ideal members to serve as

board members. Additionally, other professionals such as lawyers, accountant, teachers, nurses

who are familiar with the community and additional resources would be ideal.

Executive Director who is responsible for overseeing all staff, coordination of all program

elements, coordinating with the Board of Directors, engaging in all necessary public relations

which pertain to the transitional house programs, researching new and continuing funding

sources, grant writing, and administrative tasks as need and required.

Program Director is responsible to the supervision of the transitional house program elements,

specifically on resident’s supportive services, treatments plans, and any necessary case

management and counseling. They are also responsible to coordinating with the case manager

for intake and assessments of individual programs, and address the needs of the clinical program

elements. Additionally, duties include coordinating and maintaining social services network.


Day Care Director will adhere to state and federal regulations in regards to providing daycare

for guests. Will oversee the day care assistant and support staff in providing a clean, enriched,

safe, and fun learning environment for the children.

Business Manager is responsible for the finances for the housing facility including

bookkeeping, ordering supplies, accounting, and additional financial duties as well as working

with the Funding/Resource Department.

Funding/Resource will focus on researching and applying for grant funds through state and

federal resources. They will research and utilize resources within the community and coordinate

yearly fundraising events to help bring awareness and funds into the house.

Resident House Manager is responsible for supervising and advising the residents in the house.

Discipline those residents in violation of facility rules, regulations, and policies.

Shift Counselor is responsible for problems that occur during their shift and work along-side the

Resident House Manager. Duties may include individual counseling sessions, helping guests

with problems, and positively interacting with guests providing an additional support system.

Case Manager will conduct assessments of incoming guest’s mental, emotional, and social

needs as well as their needs and establish if they meet the general requirements for being a guest

at House of Hope & Empowerment. The case manager will work with guests in establishing

goals and a treatment plan to meet the goals. The case manager will use resources and services

to help guide the development of skills with guests. They will meet with each guest one on one

weekly for review and goal checks.

Security is responsible for monitoring the buildings to help ensure the safety of all guests and



Transportation/Support has the responsibility of providing safe transportation of program

participants to scheduled destinations such as doctor, counseling, work, and/or school in a safe

and realable vehicle.

Volunteer Coordinator this person is responsible to coordinating with volunteers in the

community. The coordinator will work with groups including: spiritual, educational, political,

and youth-based programs in the community. They will work with volunteers coming into the

house to volunteer as well as help coordinate guests to volunteer out in the community, as part of

the Giving Back program at House of Hope & Empowerment.

Board of Directors

Executive Director

Day Care Director Program Director Business Manager Resident House Manager

Daycare assistant Case Manager Funding/Resource Shift Counselor

Supportive Staff Volunteer Coordinator

Security Volunteers


With different roles and jobs there has to be an effectively coordinated system in place so

everyone knows expectations of their roles. Having weekly meetings with the head department

staff will be a key component to ensuring that the needs of staff and guests are being met. This

will also help to ensure that we are achieving credibility with progress reports on guests. I think

it is important to ensure that all the staff is heard as well and monthly all staff meeting will be

conducted as well. To help ensure that the work was being done effectively I would have drop-


in visits. I also would like to promote an environment of safety and security in that the guests

feel comfortable to talk if there were issues. With an open system there is allowance for changes

that can be made to accommodate environment changes and guest’s needs as well as staff needs.

I would utilize volunteers and guests to help with daily things such as cleaning. With everyone

working together for the same goals, communication will be vital to the effectiveness of

everyone working together.

Jobs and Supervision

There are several roles at House of Hope and Empowerment (HHE) and the Program

Director is a vital component for HHE. Below I have included a brief role, duties, and

responsibility descriptions. Lewis et al., (2012) states there are two considerations in regards to

job design 1) the job needs to enable the accomplishment of program objectives and meet

expectations of stakeholders and 2) the position should have elements built in that provide a

high-quality working life for an employee (pg. 118).

The Program Director is responsible to the supervision of the transitional house program

elements, specifically on resident’s supportive services, treatments plans, and any necessary case

management and counseling. They are also responsible to coordinating with the case manager

for intake and assessments of individual programs, and address the needs of the clinical program

elements. Additionally, duties include coordinating and maintaining social services network.

They oversee and coordinate all aspects of ongoing program including planning, staffing,

organizing, and controlling program activities.


Primary Duties and Responsibilities

Plan the program

Plan the delivery of the overall program and activities in compliance with the mission and the

goals of HHE.

Cultivate new initiatives to support and encourage the strategic direction of the organization.

Develop and employ long-term goals and objectives to achieve the successful outcome of the


Work with the Executive Director and Business Manager on an annual budget and operating

plan to support the program.

Develop a program evaluation framework of accountability the strengths of the program and to

identify areas for improvement and growth.

Develop funding proposals for the continuous delivery of services.

Organize the program

Ensure that program activities function within the policies and procedures of the organization.

Ensure that program activities comply with all relevant legislation and professional standards

set forth by state, community, and HHE.

Develop forms and records to document program activities and status.

Manage the collection and maintenance of records on the clients of the program for statistical

and accountability purposes according to the confidentiality/privacy policy of the organization.

Staff the program

In consultation with the Executive Director, recruit, interview, and select well-qualified

program staff.

Apply the human resources policies, procedures, and practices of the organization


Ensure that personnel files for the program are properly maintained and kept confidential

unless legally required to disclose.

Establish and execute a performance management method for all program staff and volunteers.

Connect volunteers for appropriate program activities with established volunteer management


Lead the progra m

Ensure all staff members receive orientation and appropriate training in accordance with HHE

standards and policies.

Direct program staff by providing direction, input, and appropriate feedback.

Communicate and establish relationships with clients and other stakeholders to gain

community support for the program and to solicit input to improve the program.

Coordinate with other managers to ensure the effective and efficient program delivery.

Coordinate delivery of services with different program activities to foster effectiveness and


Control the program

Write reports on the program for management, stake holders, and funders.

Communicate with funders in accordance with the funding agreements.

Ensure that the program operates within the permitted budget

Evaluate and approve all budgeted program expenditures.

Monitor cash intake/outtake projections and report actual cash flow and discrepancy to the

Executive Director on a regular basis (monthly/bimonthly).

Manage all project funds in accordance with established accounting policies and procedures.

Keep all financial records for the program are up to date.


Provide necessary information to have invoices generated and submitted to funders according

to the set timelines.

Identify and assess the risks associated with program activities and take appropriate action to

minimize the risks.

Monitor the program activities on a regular basis and conduct an annual/bi-annual assessment

according to the program evaluation framework.

Report evaluation findings to the Executive Director and advocate changes to enhance the


The primary qualifications for program director that I would be looking for are education,

knowledge, skills, and ability, Proficiency in computers, personal characteristics, experience,

and working conditions. Below I have further broken down specifically what I would be

looking at.


University BA degree in a related subject

Life experiences


3 to 5 years experience in a related field

Knowledge, skills and abilities

Knowledge of program management and implanting.

Knowledge of client groups and/or issues related to the program area.

Knowledge of working with homeless and persons in distressed situations

Ability to multi task effectively.

Proficiency in the use of computers for:


Word processing

Simple accounting





Personal characteristics

HHE is focused with the care of persons and personal characteristics are vital to the program and

the mission. The Program Manager should demonstrate competence in majority or all of the


Behave Ethically: Understand ethical behavior and business practices, and ensure that own

behavior and the behavior of others is consistent with these standards and expectations with

the values of the organization.

Build Relationships: Establish and preserve positive working relationships with others, both

internally and externally, to achieve the goals of the organization.

Communicate Effectively: Speak, listen, and write in a clear, thorough, and timely manner

using appropriate and effective communication tools and techniques.

Creativity/Innovation: Develop new and unique ways to enhance operations of the

organization and to create new opportunities where fit.

Focus on Client Needs: Anticipate, understand, and respond to the needs of internal and

external clients to meet or surpass their expectations within the organizational parameters.

Foster Teamwork: Cooperatively and effectively work with others to set goals, resolve

problems, and make decisions that enhance organizational effectiveness.


Lead: Positively influence others to achieve results that are in the best interest of the


Make Decisions: Evaluate situations to conclude the importance, necessity, and risks, and

make clear decisions which are timely and in the best interests of the organization.

Organize: Establish priorities, develop a schedule, observe progress towards goals, and track

details, data, information, and activities.

Plan: Influence strategies to move the organization forward, set goals, create and implement

actions plans, and assess the process and results.

Solve Problems: Review problem situations to identify causes, gather and process relevant

information, generate possible solutions, and make recommendations to resolve the problem.

Working Conditions (that they expect and/or how it is)

Program Managers usually work in an office environment but the mission of the organization

may sometimes take them to non standard workplaces.

Program Managers work a standard work week but may be required to work some evenings

and weekends to monitor program activities.

I would assess whether potential job candidates possess these qualifications by an intensive

interview process. When I interviewed for the YMCA as a Site Director, the interview process

was in depth. It consisted of several pages of questions and scenarios of possible situations and

they wanted to know what I would do in those cases. Additionally, I would follow through with

contacting references. I have experienced and observed jobs where the references were ever

contacted. Lewis et al., (2012) addresses how a hiring committee should be utilized to help with

the interviewing and hiring process, to assist in screening and selecting candidates (pg. 121). I


would defiantly have a hiring team together and think it is important to have multiple opinions

working together to help grow the team.

Some of the key questions I would ask during the interview process would be about their

previous work experiences, problem solving, relationship, leadership, and strategic thinking

questions. Below I have included summary and sample questions I would potentially ask.

Problem-Solving Questions

Asking problem-solving skills questions I seek to find out how the applicant handles

workplace demands, how s/he approaches situations and solves problems, whether s/he plans in

advance for problems that may encounter and how well she uses available resources to solve

problems. An example of a problem-solving question is: Tell us about a time when you

encountered a problematic situation in your work. How did you manage this? What were the


Relationship Questions

A program director needs to be well-networked with government agencies and

community groups. Ideally s/he should have some experience in interacting with the media.

These relationships are important due to the nature of the work of a program director which

includes: raising funds for a project, creating a suitable public relations image for the

organization, and finding opportunities for the organization. An example of a relationship

questions is: What type of organizations have you partnered with in your current or former job to

advance the mission of the organization you work(ed) in? How did that go?


Leadership Questions

Leadership is important and questions can help determine the applicant's ability to mentor

employees and to identify skill gaps and the strengths and weaknesses of employees especially of

those in management roles. Examples of leadership questions include: What do you picture

leadership to be? What is your leadership background in terms of managing successful projects?

What is your leadership style?

Strategic Thinking Questions

Strategic thinking questions I would use to assess the decision-making skills of the

applicant with regard to the specific job applying for. This means that s/he must be able to

demonstrate an understanding of the policies, trends and events in the field. Examples of

strategic thinking questions are: What successful strategies have you developed and implemented

in the past? What would you do differently for this organization? What important developments

are affecting this industry and how can we benefit from this?

Helping Philosophy

We really need to know the candidates philosophy on helping. After all HHE is about

helping and empowering people. Examples of helping philosophy questions are: What is their

philosophy for helping people? When is a time they were helped and how did it make them feel?

When was a time that they helped someone and how did they feel and what were the results of

them helping?

With all of these questions I would be seeking knowledge, confidence, and positive results

achieved. I would also be looking for someone who demonstrates good leadership qualities as

well as someone who demonstrates a servant leader’s heart (even though they may not even


realize it). I would be looking for someone who is a team player yet knows and is capable of

making decisions on their own.

Lewis et al., (2012) states that supervisor roles must fulfill multiple roles and jobs in

organizations to help ensure and have effective services to meet the client’s needs (pg. 141). At

HHE, that would be true as well. Each director and manager will have multiple roles and need to

work with each other as well as additional staff and volunteers. Communication and respect will

be critical. The supervisors will need to provide encouragement, support, and motivation to staff

(pg. 142).

I have identified the Executive Director as the Clinical Supervisor role overseeing the

Program Director, Day Care Director, Business Manager, and Residential Manager. Each other

those roles will then oversee staff below them such as: Program Director to Case Manager,

supportive staff, and volunteer coordinator, Day Care Director to day care staff, Business

Manager to funding/resources staff, and Residential House Manager to shift counselors

Bringing in a Program Director is a big deal as they do have a large job with many

responsibilities. I think it is important to do introductions with current staff and allow the new

Program Director a chance to share information about themselves and what they hope to achieve

in their new role with our organization. From my previous experience with non-profit

organizations they had allowed the person to give a brief history about their background as well.

It helped to tell the employees, that the person does have some experience. Additionally, I

would want to have one or two people help the new Program Director get used to the facility and

people we are serving. There needs to be a learning period for the new hire to get accustomed to

the different roles, policies, and procedures. I would encourage goals for themselves and meet

with them weekly or bi-weekly to see how those goals are coming along and if there are any


questions or concerns. I would want to assure them to ask if there are any questions or problems.

I would expect current staff to be helpful and forth coming of any information to help acclimate

the new Program Director to House of Hope & Empowerment.

Budgeting and Information

Lewis et al., (2012) states that a line budget is the simplest format in creating a budget

and may or may not include items such as: personnel, non-personnel items, consulting costs,

equipment, supplies, travel, capital outlay, and additional expenses (pg. 166). Using the

Homeless Shelter Industry Salary (2015) I was able to find the average salary for positions at

House of Hope & Empowerment (HHE). I do know that some of these positions could be

combined which will create decrease staff as well as decrease the budget.

Line Item Amount

PersonnelExecutive Director (1 FT) $53,347Program Director (1 FT) $51,265Day Care Director (1 FT) $50,943Business Manager (1 FT) $46,014Funding/Resource (1 FT) $46,014Resident House Manager (1 FT) $34,432Shift Counselor (3 FT @ 35,748/year) $107,244Case Manger (1 FT) $34,589Security (3 FT @ 25,940/year) $77,820Volunteer Coordinator (1FT) $34,515Day Care workers (3 FT) $24,441

Fringe Benefits (28% of income per employee) $148,276Personnel Total $677,836

Equipment and Supplies Living QuartersSingle beds (x11) $2,900Bunk beds (x10) $3,500Crib (x10) $2,100Dresser (x11) $1,800Armoire (x11) $1,750


Table (x11) $1,500 Bathroom (x11)Shower/Tub unit $5,500Sink $1,300Toilet $2,750Mirror $550Total $23,650

Communal KitchenFridge (x2) $3,100Range stove (x2) $1,800Sink (x2) $700Dishwasher (x2) $3,500Microwave $300Toaster (x2) $50Mixer $40Blender $200Pots/Pans/dishes/utensils.etc $1,000Total $10,690

Laundry RoomWasher (x3) $2,700Drier (x3) $2,700Utility sink $140Total $5,540

Common RoomCouch (x2) $800Arm Chair (x4) $400Coffee Table $150End Table (x8) $700Total $2,050

Dining RoomDining set for 8 (x3) $3,500Booster seats (x8) $450High Chairs (x10) $550Total $4,500

Transportation Van $35,000Licenses/Insurance $5,000Total $40,000

Indirect costsBuilding Costs $1,500,000


Utilities $18,000Garbage Services $5,000Administration Costs (computers, printer, copier, office supplies, filing cabinets, desk, etc) $10,000Upkeep Costs $10,000Total $1,543,000

Total Start up cost: $2,153,990 Yearly Run Cost: $710,836

The budget numbers are based from figures from online for: Home Depot, Target, GMC,

Serve all garbage service, and Wayfair.com. While these numbers to reflect having to purchase

them new, many items would be sought after for donation of material and/or time and skills.

Additional items to be donated would consist of Electronics for common room, books, toys,

food, bedding, and clothing.

When a new person comes to HHE they will be required to fill out an application and

survey as well as go through an interview in order to be enrolled into the transitional housing

program. This will allow us to better assess their needs and our ability to serve them adequately.

Someone will be available to go through this with each person to answer any questions they


House of Hope & Empowerment ProgramNeeds Assessment SurveyPlease check all that apply

Education/Training:_____Complete my GED/high school diploma _____Explore high education_____Learn a trade_____Other_____________________

Job Preparation Skills:_____Identify my job skills and interests_____Organize a job search_____Learn how to fill out a job application_____Job interview skills_____Resume writing


_____Basic office skills_____Other_____________________

Job Relationship Skills:_____Be able to work well with others_____Take constructive criticism_____Know how to analyze constructively_____Learn ways to deal with conflicts_____Learn what employers expect of me_____Other________________________

Financial Management:_____Learn how income assistance programs_____Learn how to budget_____Learn how to get the most value from money when shopping_____Open a saving and checking account_____Learn ways to save money_____Arrange to pay my debts_____Other:________________________

Housing:_____Apply for housing assistance programs_____Locate adequate and affordable housing_____Learn what good housing is_____Learn how to handle landlords_____Learn the rights and responsibilities of a tenant_____Other:____________________

Parenting:_____How to care for my child_____Coping skills as a parent_____Discipline skills_____Being the best mom I can be_____Other:______________________

Relationships:_____What is a healthy relationship_____What do I do if I need help_____Know my value and worth _____Other:____________________

Upon leaving House of Hope and Empowerment there will be an exit interview and a re-

evaluation of their assessment survey to confirm that the items indicated in the beginning were


met. Items may have been added during their stay at HHE and those would be accounted for as

well. Their quality of life will be determined by meeting their needs and following them through

the first six months to a year once out of the transitional house into their own. This will allow

for any guidance or questions they have once on their own. Post a year out of the transitional

house they should be capable of managing their household and making good life choices.


For House of Hope & Empowerment (HHE) I would use a combination of both quality and

quantitative methods also known as mixed methods (Lewis et al., 2012, pg. 223) to evaluate my

organization. Lewis et al., (2012), states that qualitative methods such as interviews, a formative

evaluation is able to assess how the program proceeds and suggests possible changes (pg. 216).

Having this form of evaluation provides stakeholders, funders, and boards with accurate

information on the status of programs. Additionally, it helps to know what is working and what

is not working and what needs to be addressed to better serve the guests or clients. For the

purpose of HHE, I want to know that the quality of services is the best they can be and if

adjustments need to be made. Quality assurance is vital for many organizations and answering

whether or not minimum and accepted standards of care are being met for guests (Lewis et al.,

2012, pg. 217). Additionally, keeping records and evaluations serves added resources for

accountability and any court records if needed.

The types of evaluations I would use to measure the overall quality of HHE are a

combination of several. Although some information may overlap I would want to have an

accurate picture for stakeholders, funders, and the board of directors. The first one would be an

outcome evaluation. According to Lewis et al., (2012) in outcome evaluation, the objectives are

stated and as well as expected results (pg. 215). I believe this process would occur weekly for


guests as short and long term goals are made. For the organization itself, this would be measured

by the guests are achieving the desired outcome. Process evaluation is an ongoing procedure.

This will look at how the program is looking and working to achieve optimum goals (pg. 216).

Thirdly I want to look at the efficiency and effectiveness of HHE. Lewis et al., (2012)

describes this as the data gathered through outcome and process evaluations (pg. 217). The

efficiency measures the cost per output (pg. 217). In regards to HHE, I will want to look at the

cost of programs and the desired results. If a program in HHE is not working and is not cost

effective then reevaluation of the program is needed.

It seems fitting that the Empowerment Evaluation described in Lewis et al., (2012) is ideal in

evaluating HHE. It includes ten principles: improvement, community ownership, inclusion,

democratic participation, social justice, community knowledge, evidence-based strategies,

capacity building, organizational learning, and accountability (pg.221). According to Lewis et

al., (2012) the empowerment evaluation is most appropriate where the goals of a program are

about helping participants become more self-sufficient and are personally effective (pg. 221).

Referring back to the Needs Assessment Survey (see below) filled out during the intake

process, which will serve as starting point for needs and goals to be accomplished for each

person. I would also use questionnaires early on the arrival of someone entering into the

program to find out what they want and/or for see getting discharged from the program and what

they hope to gain beyond the needs assessment questions.

In the end I would not only want to see the needs simply met and they are self-sufficient but

for personal growth and development as a human being and all other roles they play in life. Their

success is fully documented along the way and easy for stakeholders, funders, and board

members to see. Their successes are celebrated.


House of Hope & Empowerment ProgramNeeds Assessment SurveyPlease check all that apply

Education/Training:_____Complete my GED/high school diploma _____Explore high education_____Learn a trade_____Other_____________________

Job Preparation Skills:_____Identify my job skills and interests_____Organize a job search_____Learn how to fill out a job application_____Job interview skills_____Resume writing_____Basic office skills_____Other_____________________

Job Relationship Skills:_____Be able to work well with others_____Take constructive criticism_____Know how to analyze constructively_____Learn ways to deal with conflicts_____Learn what employers expect of me_____Other________________________

Financial Management:_____Learn how income assistance programs_____Learn how to budget_____Learn how to get the most value from money when shopping_____Open a saving and checking account_____Learn ways to save money_____Arrange to pay my debts_____Other:________________________

Housing:_____Apply for housing assistance programs_____Locate adequate and affordable housing_____Learn what good housing is_____Learn how to handle landlords_____Learn the rights and responsibilities of a tenant_____Other:____________________

Parenting:_____How to care for my child_____Coping skills as a parent_____Discipline skills_____Being the best mom I can be_____Other:______________________

Relationships:_____What is a healthy relationship_____What do I do if I need help_____Know my value and worth _____Other:____________________


In a human service organization, “goals are always focused on improving the lives of the

people and communities being served (Lewis et al., 2012, pg. 2). House of Hope &

Empowerment focus is on that, improving the lives of others and communities. When people are

given the tools and support to change their lives they also change the lives of their children. It is

crucial that when people are having a tough time in life and are trying to improve their situation

that others reach their hand out to help lift them up to succeed and be self-sufficient.



Homeless Shelter Industry Salary, Average Salaries | PayScale. (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2015,

from http://www.payscale.com/research/US/Industry=Homeless_Shelter/Salary

Lewis, J.A., Packard, T.R., & Lewis, M.D. (2012). Management of Human Service Program: 5th

Ed. Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning. Belmont, CA