WORSHIP IN JUNE · volume 29, no. 6 june, 2016 welcome grow serve in christ 314-962-6011 fax...

WORSHIP IN JUNE June 5 will find worship with the summer schedule beginning and outdoors! From this date until after Labor Day there will be one service only at 9:30 a.m. On June 5 the worship will be outdoors on the front lawn, weather permitting. The worship setting will be the Chicago Folk Service. This is the Sunday before the Adult Mission Trip, and those going on the trip will receive a blessing and sending. Following worship there will be a pause for set up for the annual church picnic. During that time, we will celebrate the anniversaries and birthdays occurring in June with games and fellowship. Cake will be served at the picnic. See the article elsewhere about the picnic. This is also the final day of Vacation Bible School, ending with a service pro- ject at Gateway 180. Those who join the service team will leave from the worship to go the service project. June 12 is “Sunday of Soli- darity.” This Sunday is designated as a Sunday in our ELCA Central States Synod to declare our solidari- ty and hold in prayer our compan- ion synod, the Kotte District of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Pa- pua New Guinea. This date is cho- sen because it was in the summer of 1876 that the first Lutheran mis- sionary arrived in PNG to begin mis- sion work. As it turns out, Noah Hornbeck of Christ Lutheran will be in PNG with the Companion Synod team on this Sunday. June 19 is Father’s Day. We remember the fathers this day in the prayers and the service. The gospel readings in June are from the seventh and eight chapters of Luke. We hear of Jesus in his ministry as he encounters people of different religious back- grounds and those who are ill or dead and works miracles. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL The joint Christ Lutheran and Emmanuel Episcopal Vacation Bible School will be held Wednesday through Friday, June 1-3 with a fam- ily service opportunity on Sunday, June 5. Children ages 3 (potty- trained) through those entering 4 th grade are invited to come. VBS will be located at Emmanuel Episcopal and will be held from 9 a.m.to noon Wednesday and Thursday and from 9 a.m. through lunch on Friday when a lunch of grilled hotdogs and root beer floats will be served. On Sunday, June 5, all families are invit- ed to meet at Emmanuel at 11 a.m. for a trip to Gateway 180 Homeless Shelter. Families from Christ and Em- manuel will be serving lunch to the homeless of Gateway 180 on June 5. If you would like to donate a des- sert (cookies, bars, brownies) to this service event, please drop it off at Christ by 11 a.m. on June 5th. Visit www.christwg.org to register. ANNUAL CHURCH PICNIC SUNDAY, JUNE 5 Please join us for the annual Church Picnic on June 5th, following the worship service which will begin at 9:30 a.m. In the church yard (weather permitting). Please bring a side dish (or salad or dessert) to share. If you can help with set-up or clean-up, please contact Roger Rose or Katrina Lynn. Volume 29, No. 6 June, 2016 WELCOME GROW SERVE IN CHRIST TELEPHONE 314-962-6011 FAX 314-962 -4810 E-MAIL [email protected] WEBSITE WWW.CHRISTWG.ORG WORSHIP SCHEDULE SUNDAY AT 8 & 10:30 A.M. CHILDCARE 7:45 TO 11:45 A.M. CHURCH OFFICE HOURS MONDAY 9 A.M. - NOON TUESDAY-FRIDAY 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. PASTORS PENNY AND KEITH HOLSTE COUNCIL PRESIDENT FLO SAEGER PASTORAL ASSISTANT MARK ROOCK SOUTHSIDE CLUSTER SHARED YOUTH COORDINATOR— AARON ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF SENIOR ADULT MINISTRIES AND FAITH COMMUNITY NURSE CAROLYN CROWE DIRECTOR OF CHOIRS DIANE DROLLINGER ORGANIST MARK RUFF OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR SUSAN HUNT FINANCIAL SECRETARY TAMMY PRYOR CUSTODIAN

Transcript of WORSHIP IN JUNE · volume 29, no. 6 june, 2016 welcome grow serve in christ 314-962-6011 fax...

Page 1: WORSHIP IN JUNE · volume 29, no. 6 june, 2016 welcome grow serve in christ 314-962-6011 fax 314-962 -4810 e-mail christwg@sbcglobal.net website worship schedule sunday at 8 & 10:30

Volume 27, No. 4


June 5 will find worship with

the summer schedule beginning

and outdoors! From this date until

after Labor Day there will be one

service only at 9:30 a.m. On June 5

the worship will be outdoors on the

front lawn, weather permitting. The

worship setting will be the Chicago

Folk Service.

This is the Sunday before the

Adult Mission Trip, and those going

on the trip will receive a blessing

and sending.

Following worship there will

be a pause for set up for the annual

church picnic. During that time, we

will celebrate the anniversaries and

birthdays occurring in June with

games and fellowship. Cake will be

served at the picnic. See the article

elsewhere about the picnic. This is

also the final day of Vacation Bible

School, ending with a service pro-

ject at Gateway 180. Those who join

the service team will leave from the

worship to go the service project.

June 12 is “Sunday of Soli-

darity.” This Sunday is designated

as a Sunday in our ELCA Central

States Synod to declare our solidari-

ty and hold in prayer our compan-

ion synod, the Kotte District of the

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Pa-

pua New Guinea. This date is cho-

sen because it was in the summer

of 1876 that the first Lutheran mis-

sionary arrived in PNG to begin mis-

sion work. As it turns out, Noah

Hornbeck of Christ Lutheran will be

in PNG with the Companion Synod

team on this Sunday.

June 19 is Father’s Day. We

remember the fathers this day in

the prayers and the service.

The gospel readings in June

are from the seventh and eight

chapters of Luke. We hear of Jesus

in his ministry as he encounters

people of different religious back-

grounds and those who are ill or

dead and works miracles.


The joint Christ Lutheran and

Emmanuel Episcopal Vacation Bible

School will be held Wednesday

through Friday, June 1-3 with a fam-

ily service opportunity on Sunday,

June 5. Children ages 3 (potty-

trained) through those entering 4th

grade are invited to come. VBS will

be located at Emmanuel Episcopal

and will be held from 9 a.m.to noon

Wednesday and Thursday and from

9 a.m. through lunch on Friday

when a lunch of grilled hotdogs and

root beer floats will be served. On

Sunday, June 5, all families are invit-

ed to meet at Emmanuel at 11 a.m.

for a trip to Gateway 180 Homeless


Families from Christ and Em-

manuel will be serving lunch to the

homeless of Gateway 180 on June

5. If you would like to donate a des-

sert (cookies, bars, brownies) to

this service event, please drop it off

at Christ by 11 a.m. on June 5th.

Visit www.christwg.org to register.


Please join us for the annual

Church Picnic on June 5th, following

the worship service which will begin

at 9:30 a.m. In the church yard

(weather permitting). Please bring

a side dish (or salad or dessert) to

share. If you can help with set-up or

clean-up, please contact Roger Rose

or Katrina Lynn.

Volume 29, No. 6 June, 2016







314-962 -4810


[email protected]





8 & 10:30 A.M.


7:45 TO 11:45 A.M.




9 A.M. - 4 P.M.























Page 2: WORSHIP IN JUNE · volume 29, no. 6 june, 2016 welcome grow serve in christ 314-962-6011 fax 314-962 -4810 e-mail christwg@sbcglobal.net website worship schedule sunday at 8 & 10:30


Happy Birthday to You …

And Happy Anniversary, Too

Wear your birthday hat and get ready to

celebrate June birthdays and anniversaries on

Sunday, June 5, after the service in the Church

Yard, before the Picnic. Come for food, games

& fellowship.

4th Annual Pirate Pool Party June 11th at the McCarty House

June is the month for our 4th Annual Pi-

rate Pool Party Adventure Captains Jodi and Ste-

ve McCaaaaaargh-ty and their little mates,

along with Backyard Lifeguards, invite all fami-

lies with young kiddos to a Pirate Pool Party on

Saturday, June 11 from 3:00-7:00 p.m., com-

plete with daring adventures and hidden treas-

ure for the wee crew and lots of merriment for

those who actually grew up! Please bring a dish

to share (side or dessert) with the pirate crew

and bring your beverage of choice. Hot dogs

and burgers provided by our very own Swash-

bucklers. Those not swabbing the deck may be

assigned grilling duty! The adventure takes

place at The McCarty’s Pool & Patio, 24 Daniel

Road, 63124. Please sign-up in the Fellowship

Hall or by RSVP to Jodi at 314-546-5895.

Christ Lutheran—Best Spot in Town for 4th of July Parade Watching

Looking for a great spot to watch the

Webster Groves Community Days Independence

Day parade??? Look no further than Christ Lu-

theran! Not only will you have a great viewing

spot, but there will be a barbeque and potluck

afterwards. Please contact Joan O’Brien if you

can help with set or clean up for that event.

We will also act as hosts to other parade

watchers and participants by opening our

downstairs restrooms for the public’s use dur-

ing the parade. We need members to act as

hosts during that time. We also hand out cool

water to those needing a drink.

Kitchen Crew Reminder The Kitchen Crew has been busy! Check

out the table in the Fellowship Hall for any

items that might belong to you!

Please recycle plastic cups in the tubs

next to trash cans in the Fellowship Hall.

Thanks for your cooperation!

Adult Mission Trip Adults from Christ Lutheran will be join-

ing several others from Emmanuel Episcopal for

the combined Adult Mission Trip to Mission,

South Dakota. The group returns each year to

do either building work or fix up and clean up

in the community. There is normally a partial

day for a group activity. Mission is located at

the heart of the Rosebud Reservation. The

group stays at the site of the former Bishop

Hare Mission School. The dates of the week are

June 11-18.

Again this year they are looking for do-

nations of cloth yardage to take to the quilters

on the reservation. The yardage should be at

least 3/4 of a yard in length and made of cot-

ton—other materials are not required. Dona-

tions can be put in the box in the narthex.

Central States ELCA Synod Assembly The Central States Synod Assembly is

June 2-4 in Wichita, Kansas. “Giving in Hope” is

the assembly theme. Grace Duddy Pomroy and

the Rev. Len Dale are the keynote speakers.

The assembly begins on Thursday evening with

dinner and worship. Friday's agenda includes

presentations and workshops on giving and

stewardship, as well as the opportunity to en-

joy the River Festival activities that night. It

concludes on Saturday with business and wor-

ship. Pastors Penny and Keith will be attending.

Pastoral Acts

Larry Strahan died in the Lord

in March 25. His memorial service

was at Christ Lutheran on May 7.

Leo Armstrong died in the

Lord on May 3. His funeral was at

Christ Lutheran on May 7 with inter-

ment at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery

on May 9.

We commend Larry and Leo to the hands

of our loving and life-giving God and pray for

comfort and peace for all who mourn them.

Page 3: WORSHIP IN JUNE · volume 29, no. 6 june, 2016 welcome grow serve in christ 314-962-6011 fax 314-962 -4810 e-mail christwg@sbcglobal.net website worship schedule sunday at 8 & 10:30


Tuesday Morning Bible Study During

the summer months, this class will meet about

once a month at a day, time and location to be

determined. Watch the weekly Sunday bulletins

for a meeting announcement. You are welcome

to join them on any occasion you might like.

Currently they are discussing a concise biog-

raphy of Martin Luther by Lutheran theologian,

Martin Marty, using a study guide, "Martin Lu-

ther's Ninety-Five Theses," edited by Stephen J.

Nichols. Questions? Contact Carolyn Crowe,



Sound system improvements are being

made both in the worship sanctuary and in Fel-

lowship Hall. The improvements will bring the

system into the digital age and provide better

control of sound volume. It will give more

space in the choir loft for the Bell Choir, and

more inputs on the main level for special music

instruments and vocalists. A “sequencer” will

allow the system to power up in a way which

will extend the life of the equipment.

In Fellowship Hall ceiling speakers are

being installed with a new amplifier and inputs

around the room to allow voice and instru-

ments. A feed from the sanctuary will also al-

low sound from the worship area to be heard


The Church Council has approved the

expenditures from the Memorial Fund.


Several organizations in Webster Groves

had come together hoping to enable Wafaa

Abuelula, a 21-year-old Palestinian Syrian wom-

an to study at Webster University. Wafaa is liv-

ing in Turkey as a refugee from Yarmouk, Syria.

An organization of Christian women, including

Rev. Martie Metzler, serving Emmanuel Episco-

pal in Webster Groves, is sponsoring Wafaa as a

way of doing a small part to help the Syrian ref-

ugee crisis. First Congregational, Emmanuel

Episcopal and Peace UCC congregations have

contributed cash. The Sisters of Loretto have

agreed to give her room and board but more

money is needed for her tuition and books.

Rev. Metlzer is hoping churches and individuals

will help make Wafaa’s dream of a better life

come true.

The women met Wafaa when they trav-

elled to Turkey to work in a refugee camp

where Wafaa lives and has been taking college-

preparatory classes in hopes of coming to the

U.S. In a letter to the sponsoring women Wafaa

writes, “One of the things I learned in the past

two years is that to be able to have a better life

I need to be able to study and earn a degree

from University. The opportunities in Turkey

are not very good especially for a Palestinian/

Syrian girl. . . I would be so grateful if you were

willing to help me achieve this.”

For more information or to make a con-

tribution contact the church office (314-962-

6011) or the pastors.


Saturday, August 6th will be a Day in the Country at the O’Briens’ home near St. Clair,

Missouri. A beautiful oasis in Ozark country with lake and river views is the backdrop for this

fun fellowship event. There is time for fishing, swimming, floating on the Meramec and so

much more. More information will be available in the July newsletter. Mark August 6 on your


You definitely don’t want to miss the next “Potluck and Praise” night on August 13th.

Check out the picture of the first one to see all the happenings . We will be blessing the back-

packs as we prepare to send our little one’s back to school!

Page 4: WORSHIP IN JUNE · volume 29, no. 6 june, 2016 welcome grow serve in christ 314-962-6011 fax 314-962 -4810 e-mail christwg@sbcglobal.net website worship schedule sunday at 8 & 10:30


I look at the June church calendar

and I see many activities planned for the

month. We have Vacation Bible School with

the service trip to Gateway 180 Shelter.

Noah Hornbeck will be leaving for the Com-

panion Synod trip to Papua New Guinea.

There will be several leaving for the adult

mission trip to South Dakota. Senior high

youth will be making plans for their mis-

sion trip to the Group Work Camp in Ham-

mond, IN in July. Meanwhile we will have a

church picnic and a family pool party and

our Junior high youth will be going to Con-

firmation Camp. We pastors will be attend-

ing the synod assembly, also.

Many of these activities are ways to

reach out to be in mission and to connect

with other Christians. They help to bring

the fellowship of Christ to others, as well

as to help and bring healing to the world.

These kinds of things are important for liv-

ing out the Christian life.

It is hard to have the motivation and

determination to do the connecting and

serving without the strength we receive

from one another. We need the community

of worship, of picnics and pool parties to

have a base from which to reach out and

serve. We do better together when we

grow together and build up one another.

It’s good to have a balance in what

we do. We can stretch ourselves too thin

and become weary if we are in service con-

tinually and have no way to strengthen our

spirits. If we spend the greater share of

our time in fellowship and personal spiritu-

al growth, but do not exercise it in service,

we miss out on the opportunity to reach

out in love as Jesus has called us to.

June is a good month to do both. We

have good opportunities for fellowship, but

also to serve. As we keep them in balance,

we are healthy to live the faith.

Peace in Christ,

Pr. Keith

“In Community to Serve”


Noah Hornbeck, recent graduate from

Webster Groves High School, will be leaving

June 8 for his two-week trip to visit Papua New

Guinea, a nation occupying the eastern half of

the island of New Guinea, situated north of

Australia. Noah will be accompanied by four

other youth and three adults as they represent

the Central States Synod in the Kote District of

the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New

Guinea (ELCPNG), which is one of our compan-

ion synods.

Noah put his own money toward the

cost and the congregation made significant

donations to help him meet his goal of

$1,500. The group will spend a few days at

the beginning and end of the trip in Australia

but most of the time they will spend traveling

through the countryside, meeting PNG youth

and attending the ELCPNG youth convention.


Rob Schainker of Gethsemane Lutheran

is sponsoring a trip to Germany during the

500th anniversary year of the Lutheran Refor-

mation. The 12-day trip begins in Berlin and

ends in Munich with Lutheran cities including

Wittenberg in between. Schainker works with

Jan’s Travel. The trip is a Globus tour. Dates

are June 8-18, 2017. Price is $2,886 land only.

Contact Rob at 314-965-1005 or at rschain-

[email protected]. Pr. Keith has a copy of the

itinerary to share, also.

Word will be coming soon about addi-

tional Reformation anniversary trips being of-

fered through the Central States Synod.

Contact Joan O’Brien if you are interest-

ed in a trip based with Christ Lutheran.

Page 5: WORSHIP IN JUNE · volume 29, no. 6 june, 2016 welcome grow serve in christ 314-962-6011 fax 314-962 -4810 e-mail christwg@sbcglobal.net website worship schedule sunday at 8 & 10:30


from your Christian Service Ministry Team

Epworth – June Green Envelope Charity

June’s Green Envelope Charity is Epworth

Children & Family Services. Epworth was

founded in 1864 as a mission of the United

Methodist Church to care for Civil War orphans.

Epworth has evolved over the years in order to

meet the changing needs of the community

and now offers more than one dozen programs

serving more than 5,300 youth and families

each year.

In 2014, Epworth celebrated 150 years

providing the St. Louis community with essen-

tial services including therapeutic services such

as residential treatment for children overcom-

ing severe emotional and behavioral challeng-

es, special education, family reunification,

emergency shelter, transitional/independent

living, foster care, violence prevention, and

street outreach.

A main goal of Epworth Children & Fami-

ly Services is to meet the unique needs of older

youth by helping them become productive

members of society as they prepare for the

transition into adulthood. Epworth assists

youth who have been removed from their

homes due to abuse or neglect as well as youth

who are homeless and without any family sup-

port. Additionally, Epworth Children & Family

Services is committed to keeping families to-

gether, preventing abuse and neglect, prevent-

ing violence among children and youth, and

encouraging self-sufficiency in at-risk youth.

God’s Helping Hands Fundraiser Saturday, June 11th

A Photo Scavenger Hunt and Silent Auc-

tion will benefit God’s Helping Hands (formerly

Immanuel/St. Philip’s Outreach) on Saturday,

June 11 at Trinity Lutheran Church, 820 Lockett

Road, Kirkwood. You are asked to form teams

of four (4) to find and photograph clues to fill a

Bingo card and win prizes. At least one (1)

adult per team (great fun for youth groups).

Cost is $20 per person if pre-paid by June 4th

or $25 per person at the door. There is a Silent

Auction, Grab Bag, 50/50 draw, free soda & Na-

cho Bar. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the fun

starts at 6:30. Prizes and drawings will start at

9 p.m. Will also collect socks and small toilet-

ries for recipients of Sunday breakfasts at Im-

manuel/St. Philip’s Lutheran church. Questions?

Contact Chris Schmidt at 314-452-1931 or

[email protected]


JUNE, 2016 JULY, 2016

Peanut Butter and real fruit jelly (plastic jars) Canned Tuna in water or olive oil

Boxed Macaroni & Cheese Jar of gherkins or sweet pickles (plastic)

Canned tomato soup Jar of Mayonnaise/salad dressing (plastic)

Dried fruit Canned fruit in own juices/no sugar added

Powdered milk/shelf-stable boxed milk/soy milk Powdered milk/shelf stable boxed milk/soy milk

Return to Church by Sun., Return to Church by Sun.,

JUNE 20, 2016 JULY17, 2016

A meal a month for you, a meal a month for your neighbor. Please fill a yellow shopping bag or two

(available in the Fellowship Hall) with food items and return them to CLC. Any donation is appreciated.


Carolyn Crowe, Faith Community Nurse and Director of Senior Adult Ministries, will do blood pres-

sure and blood sugar screenings on Sunday, June 12th. You can find her in the Fellowship Hall af-

ter each worship service. You can also make an appointment with Carolyn for a blood pressure or

blood sugar check up, by calling her at either the church, 314-962-6011, or her by cell phone 314-


Page 6: WORSHIP IN JUNE · volume 29, no. 6 june, 2016 welcome grow serve in christ 314-962-6011 fax 314-962 -4810 e-mail christwg@sbcglobal.net website worship schedule sunday at 8 & 10:30





Congratulations and Best Wishes! Your Christ Lu-

theran family wants to celebrate you! Every

month we will honor anniversaries and birth-

days with a special cake, party fun and decora-

tions after the service.


06/05 Penny & Keith Holste

06/07 Carole & Mark Lewis

06/10 Larry & Kathy Hill

06/19 Gege & Harry Brightman

06/20 Ronni & Gary Knubley

Megan & Colin Meadows

06/23 Kathy & Jerry Kuziel

06/25 Susanne & Dave Fey

06/28 Janet & Mark Roock

06/30 Flo & Vic Saeger

BIRTHDAYS 06/04 Sarah Bender, Joan Rivas

06/06 Megan Lewis

06/08 Ward Holmes, Carolyn Lange

06/10 Erin Eftink

06/12 Anna Bussler

06/15 David Ciorba, Ian McIntyre

06/17 Sam Allen

06/18 Evelyn Bolhafner, Evan Deck

06/19 David Cramer, Jordon Joern,

Katrina Lynn

06/22 Carole Lewis

06/23 David Austin, Wyatt Bussler

06/24 Kristin Hill

06/27 Lauren Dopuch

06/29 Kersten Horn

06/30 Hamise Askew-Sunkara,

Sandra Hoyer

“And the Lord went before them by

day in a pillar of cloud to

lead them along the way,

and by night in a pillar of

fire to give them light

that they might travel by

day and by night.” Exo-

dus 13:21 God led the

people of Israel out of

Egypt and He continues

to lead us by day and by


The Women’s

Group enjoyed a picnic at Memorial Park in

Brentwood in May. Our women deserve

“exceptional merit as originators.” The par-

ticipants who attended will probably be able

to decipher the meaning

of the phrase for you.

God truly led us that

day. Showers were pre-

dicted, but it did not

rain until we were safely

back in our automo-

biles, prepared to go

our separate ways. Re-

member God does lead

us—all we need to do is

follow! (The Women’s

Group is on summer hi-

atus until September.

See You in Church!

Page 7: WORSHIP IN JUNE · volume 29, no. 6 june, 2016 welcome grow serve in christ 314-962-6011 fax 314-962 -4810 e-mail christwg@sbcglobal.net website worship schedule sunday at 8 & 10:30


May 2016 Council Meeting Highlights

At its May 17 meeting the Christ Lutheran Church Council:

-Approved minutes from the April meeting.

--Heard a progress report from the Mutual Ministry Committee. It is emphasizing good communica-

tion. It is updating job descriptions of staff members, looking at work and pay scales in light of job

descriptions, and studying part time policies for vacations and other benefits. The committee’s

work is on-going.

--Heard the treasurer’s report. Noted income to date of $151, 369 versus expenses of $132, 712.

Voted to transfer money currently held in a bank savings account to an ELCA Mission Investment

Fund for the sake of higher interest. Committee chairpersons are now receiving quarterly commit-

tee financial statements. The procedure for thanking special contributors is being reviewed. The

audit committee has a meeting scheduled.

--Christian Education reported that work is moving forward for organizing Sunday School for next

fall. A special recognition is being planned for Sunday School teachers. Vacation Bible School plans

are progressing.

--Youth reported 23 attending the cluster jr. high retreat held at Christ in May. Fundraising contin-

ues for the summer mission trip with upcoming “Parents’ Night” out events and a car wash. A clus-

ter planning meeting will be on May 26.

--Stewardship reported that the pledge drive resulted in 60 received totaling $335,814. The pledged

amount is 7.5% higher than last year, though the number of pledges is the same. The online pledge

option was used by 14.

--Inreach reported that the Baby Picture Guessing Contest is underway. Flowers were distributed on

Mother’s Day. The monthly birthday and anniversary event was held, as well as the Potluck and

Praise event. Graduates received cards and gifts. It was suggested that Sunday School children as-

sist with decorating greeting cards.

--Outreach is making plans for July 4 to open the facilities, advertise, and set up for the dinner.

--There was discussion about adjusting the time that childcare is offered to better accommodate Fel-

lowship Hour. This will be explored.

--Letters of greeting and congratulations will be sent to the Webster Groves churches celebrating


anniversaries this year.

Humanitri Receives New Parachute For use in Childcare on Saturdays Pictured at right:

Christ Lutheran volunteers Alena Horn,

Kate Dopuch and Steve Mitchler, who are

doing childcare for Humanitri parents,

try out the new parachute purchased by

St. John’s Lutheran Church, Des Peres,

before the children arrive. The parachute

is used in children’s games at the

classroom/childcare site at Trinity

Lutheran in Soulard.

Page 8: WORSHIP IN JUNE · volume 29, no. 6 june, 2016 welcome grow serve in christ 314-962-6011 fax 314-962 -4810 e-mail christwg@sbcglobal.net website worship schedule sunday at 8 & 10:30



Three Christ Lutheran youth will be attending “Confircamp” June 12-24 at Camp

Wartburg near Waterloo, Illinois: Alex Cramer, Alex Hill and Jessie Hopper. St. Louis area

ELCA congregations cooperate for this camp for 7th

and 8th

graders. Area pastors provide

the daily topics on the theme “Living in the SON Light” while camp counselors lead the af-

ternoon and evening recreational activities which include swimming, canoeing, creek-

walking, the climbing tower, zip line and all-campus games. Each morning begins with

worship and Holy Communion and each evening ends with a campfire worship. Pastors

Penny and Keith will each attend camp for a few days and will teach one of the sessions.


Junior and senior high youth will provide childcare and snacks for children on Friday,

June 10 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Christ Lutheran. They will accept donations which will be

used for their upcoming mission trip to Hammond, Ind. July 10-16 and other youth conven-

tions and activities. Below are pictures from the first Parents’ Night Out held on Friday,

May 20 at the church.


Junior and senior high youth will wash cars Sunday morning, June 12, and will accept

donations toward youth activities. Members can simply indicate they want their cars

washed as they park their cars for worship and the youth will wash them during the next

hour. Donations will be used to support their mission trip/work camp in Hammond, Ind.

and other youth conventions and activities.

Page 9: WORSHIP IN JUNE · volume 29, no. 6 june, 2016 welcome grow serve in christ 314-962-6011 fax 314-962 -4810 e-mail christwg@sbcglobal.net website worship schedule sunday at 8 & 10:30


Bike Day photos from St. Philip’s/Immanuel Luther-an, northside outreach. Your donated bikes found new homes! Thanks to those who helped repair and adjust the bikes.

Right: Children, parents other adults were entranced by the puppet play written and presented on April 24th, as part of Children’s Message.

Left: High school youth Daniel Hopper gave the message on April 24th..

The first “Potluck and Praise” Satur-day night (see right and below, left & right) was a wonderful even-ing. There was lots of potluck (right) and the Praise was mostly conducted in the columbarum, led by Katie Ciorba (bottom right) and Pr. Penny (bottom left). The next Potluck and Praise is sched-uled for August 13th.

Page 10: WORSHIP IN JUNE · volume 29, no. 6 june, 2016 welcome grow serve in christ 314-962-6011 fax 314-962 -4810 e-mail christwg@sbcglobal.net website worship schedule sunday at 8 & 10:30



DATE: June 5 9:30 a.m. 3rd Sunday after Pentecost/Chicago Folk Service Outdoors Followed by Church Picnic. Celebrate June anniversaries & birthdays. Key Person Vic Saeger Assisting Minister Sandra Hoyer Music Leader Luke Bruns Acolyte Paige Lauer Ushers Eric Deck / Jadee Lauer Lector Sandra Hoyer Presenters Dianne Deck / Tom Palazzolo Altar Guild Janet Roock / Carolyn Lange Flowers Dianne Deck Nursery Lynnae Tanner Ruff Counters Dan & Jessica Gunther / Tore Stole Refreshments Mary Richter / Janet Roock

DATE: June 12 9:30 a.m. 4th Sunday after Pentecost / Youth Car Wash (9 a.m.—Mead) Key Person Alan Richter Assisting Minister John Hoffmann Acolyte David Ciorba Ushers Jim Bennett / Roger Rose Lector Matt Bender Presenters Becca & Peter Jordan Altar Guild Sarah & Matt Bender Flowers Ellen Mead / Joan Rivas Nursery Lynnae Tanner Ruff Counters Tore Stole / Beverly Thompson Refreshments Alena Horn / Jadee Lauer / Sarah Ringkor / Lynnae Tanner Ruff

DATE: June 19 9:30 a.m. 5th Sunday after Pentecost Key Person Keith Lissant Assisting Minister Carolyn Crowe Acolyte Sam Allen Ushers Brett Bussler / Larry Neeb Lector Mike Hill Presenters Mike & Kristin Hill family Altar Guild Nancy Lissant / Harriet Scholle Flowers Nancy Lissant / Harriet Scholle Nursery Lynnae Tanner Ruff Counters Dave Austin / Joan O’Brien Refreshments Angela Bratcher / Harriet Scholle / Sally Wachtman

DATE: June 26th 9:30 a.m. 6th Sunday after Pentecost / Thomas Ely baptism Key Person Joan O’Brien Assisting Minister Flo Saeger Acolyte Laura Swanson Ushers Joan & Bob O’Brien Lector Doug Austin Presenters Donna Munger / Gale Nunn Altar Guild Kathy Kuziel / Angela Bratcher Flowers Faith Moore Nursery Lynnae Tanner Ruff Counters Dan & Jessica Gunter / Joan O’Brien Refreshments Melissa Allen / Katie Ciorba / Kate Dopuch / Jodi McCarty

Page 11: WORSHIP IN JUNE · volume 29, no. 6 june, 2016 welcome grow serve in christ 314-962-6011 fax 314-962 -4810 e-mail christwg@sbcglobal.net website worship schedule sunday at 8 & 10:30


June 2016 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


CSS Synod Assembly Wichita 9a-12p VBS @Emmanuel Episcopal

2 CSS Synod Assembly @Wichita, KS 9a-12p VBS @Emmanuel Episcopal


CSS Synod Assembly @Wichita, KS 9a-1p VBS @Emmanuel Episcopal w/closing Picnic (families invited)

4 CSS Synod Assembly @Wichita, KS

5 Chicago Folk

9a Childcare in Nursery ‘til 11:30a 9:30a Worship in Churchyard 10:45a June Anniv. & Birthdays—Church Picnic 5p Holy Throwers game @Blackburn


9a-3:30p YMCA “Off Broadway” Drama Camp 1—Mead Upper Room 11a Conscious Body Alignment 12p Senior Fellowship


9a-3:30p YMCA “Off Broadway” Drama Camp 1—Mead Upper Room 10a Pastors Text Study

8 9a-3:30p YMCA “Off Broadway” Drama Camp 1—Mead Upper Room

9 9a-3:30p YMCA “Off Broadway” Drama Camp 1—Mead Upper Room

10 9a-3:30p YMCA “Off Broadway” Drama Camp 1—Mead Upper Room Cancelled Parents Night Out


6a Adult Mission Trip departs for S.D. 4p Non-Member wed-ding—Church 6p O’Neal Grad. Party @Mead

12 9a Childcare in Nursery ‘til 11:30a 9a-Youth Carwash @Mead Parking lot 9:30a Worship 10:35a Fellowship Time 5p Holy Throwers game @Blackburn

13 9a-3:30p YMCA “Off Broadway” Drama Camp 1—Mead Upper Room 11a Conscious Body Alignment 12p Senior Fellowship

14 9a-3:30p YMCA “Off Broadway” Drama Camp 1—Mead Upper Room 10a Pastors Text Study

15 9a-3:30p YMCA “Off Broadway” Drama Camp 1—Mead Upper Room

16 9a-3:30p YMCA “Off Broadway” Drama Camp 1—Mead Upper Room 6-8p YMCA Play presentation—Mead

17 9a-3:30p YMCA “Off Broadway” Drama Camp 1—Mead Upper Room 6p Rucker Wedding rehearsal & dinner—Mead


4p Rucker Wedding—Sanctuary 6p Adult Mission Trip returns

19 9a Childcare in Nursery ‘til 11:30a 9:30a Worship 10:35a Fellowship Time 2p Latvian Lutheran 6p Holy Throwers game @Blackburn


Confirmation Camp @Camp Wartburg, IL 11a Conscious Body Alignment 12p Senior Fellowship

21 Confirmation Camp @Camp Wartburg, IL 10 Pastors Text Study 7p Church Council meeting

22 Confirmation Camp @Camp Wartburg, IL

23 Confirmation Camp @Camp Wartburg, IL

24 Confirmation Camp @Camp Wartburg, IL


26 9a Childcare in Nursery ‘til 11:30a 9:30a Worship w/T. Ely baptism 10:35a Fellowship Time 3p Holy Throwers game @Blackburn

27 11a Conscious Body Alignment 12p Senior Fellowship

28 10a Pastors Text Study

29 30

Page 12: WORSHIP IN JUNE · volume 29, no. 6 june, 2016 welcome grow serve in christ 314-962-6011 fax 314-962 -4810 e-mail christwg@sbcglobal.net website worship schedule sunday at 8 & 10:30



The Monthly Newsletter of

Christ Lutheran Church, ELCA

1 Selma Avenue at Lockwood

Webster Groves, MO 63119-3199


June, 2016 Sundays

Worship at 9:30 a.m.

Childcare 9:00 —11:30 a.m.

Coffee Fellowship 10:35 a.m.






JUNE2016 Highlights

06/01-06/03 Vacation Bible School at Emmanuel Episcopal, 9 a.m. to 12 noon, with a picnic for all on Fri., 6/3

until 1 p.m.

06/06-06/04 Central States Synod Assembly—Wichita, KS. Pastors Attending

06/05 9—11:30 a.m.: Childcare available; 9:30 a.m.: Worship with Holy Communion - Outdoors;

10:35 a.m.: Fellowship & celebration of June anniversaries & birthdays; Church Picnic follows in church

yard (weather permitting); 5:00 p.m.—Holy Throwers coed softball game.

06/12 9—11:30 a.m.: Childcare available; 9:30 a.m.: Worship with Holy Communion ; 10:35 a.m.:

Fellowship time; 5:00 p.m.—Holy Throwers coed softball game.

06/06-06/17 9a-3:30p YMCA “Off Broadway” Camp I, Mead Upper Room 6//16—6-8p Play production

06/10 5—9 p.m.: Parents’ Night Out—Youth baby sitting fundraiser

06/11-06/18 Adult Mission Trip departs for Rosebud Reservation, South Dakota

06/12 9—11:30 a.m.: Childcare available; 9:30 a.m.: Worship with Holy Communion ; 10:35 a.m.: Fellowship

time; Blood pressure screenings with Carolyn Crowe; 5:00 p.m.—Holy Throwers coed softball game.

06/19 9—11:30 a.m.: Childcare available; 9 a.m.: Youth Carwash @Mead parking lot; 9:30 a.m.: Worship with

Holy Communion ; 10:35 a.m.: Fellowship time; 2:00 Latvian Lutheran worship & fellowship;

6:00 p.m.—Holy Throwers coed softball game.

06/20-06/24 ConfirCamp @Camp Wartburg w/Pastors Penny & Keith

06/21 7:00 p.m.: Church Council Meeting—Conference Room.

06/26 9—11:30 a.m.: Childcare available; 9:30 a.m.: Worship with Holy Communion ; baptism of Thomas Ely;

10:35 a.m.: Fellowship time; 3:00 p.m.—Holy Throwers coed softball game.