Wormingford Recreation Trust from last year? Bacon, Cakes ...

Items for inclusion in The Worm must be with the editor by the third Thursday of the previous month. Post: The Worm, 7, London Land Coages, Church Road, Wormingford, Essex CO6 3AE. Email: [email protected] No: 601 March 2019 Kindly sponsored by CSH Environmental Thanks to Nick Miller for the Masthead 100 Club WINNER The Recreation Trust are pleased to announce that the February winner of their monthly 100 Club Draw is: Number 90: Andy Munson The 100 Club is an important part of our money raising activity and we would like to ask those that have supported us in the past, to continue to do so - instead of the shop please pop your monthly contributions through the letter box @ Ingate House on Church Road. 0DQ\ WKDQNV IRU \RXU FRQWLQXHG VXSSRUW - JRHV WR WKH ZLQQHU DQG WKH EDODQFH KHOSV XV WR NHHS XS RXU RQJRLQJ ZRUN LQ DQG DURXQG WKH YLOODJH KDOO DQG VXUURXQGLQJ SOD\ DUHD Do you remember this Mystery Tourfrom last year? If you do, then no doubt youll be pleased to know that John Jackson and his crew are, once more, inviting Wormingford residents to join them on the afternoon of Sunday 14th April for a trip on their wonderfully restored 1946 Crossley bus to ZKR NQRZV ZKHUH" If you werent able to make last years trip this is now your chance to go back in time and experience travel when life was, to say the least, a tad slower! John needs to know who would like to join them this year, so please call him on 01787 227231 to book your place. 7KHUH ZLOO EH D SP SLFN XS DW WKH EXV VWRS DW WKH WRS RI &KXUFK 5RDG - DQG WKH WULS ZLOO ODVW EHWZHHQ WZR DQG WKUHH KRXUV Wormingford Recreation Trust Bacon, Cakes & Coffee Morning Saturday 9 th March 10am to 1pm @ Wormingford Village Hall Tea, Coffee & Squash Bacon Rolls, Sausage Sandwichs Homemade Cakes Childrens Activity Table :H ORRN IRUZDUG WR VHHLQJ \RX WKHUH UPCOMING EVENTS: April 5th - Family Quiz April 7th - Car Treasure Hunt Full details in next months Worm & on the I love Wormingford because …’ Facebook site

Transcript of Wormingford Recreation Trust from last year? Bacon, Cakes ...

Page 1: Wormingford Recreation Trust from last year? Bacon, Cakes ...

Items for inclusion in The Worm must be with the editor by the third Thursday of the previous month. Post: The Worm, 7, London Land Cottages, Church Road, Wormingford, Essex CO6 3AE. Email: [email protected]

No: 601 March 2019 Kindly sponsored by CSH Environmental

Thanks to Nick Miller for the Masthead

100 Club WINNER

The Recreation Trust are pleased to announce that the February winner of their monthly 100 Club

Draw is: Number 90: Andy Munson The 100 Club is an important part of our

money raising activity and we would like to ask those that have supported us in the past,

to continue to do so - instead of the shop please pop your monthly contributions through the letter box @ Ingate House

on Church Road. -

Do you remember this ‘Mystery Tour’ from last year?

If you do, then no doubt you’ll be pleased to know

that John Jackson and his crew are, once more, inviting Wormingford residents to join them on the

afternoon of Sunday 14th April for a trip on their wonderfully restored 1946 Crossley bus to

If you weren’t able to make last year’s trip this is now your chance to go back in time and experience travel when life was, to say the least, a tad slower!John needs to know who would like to join them this year, so please call him on 01787 227231 to book your place.


Wormingford Recreation Trust

Bacon, Cakes & Coffee Morning

Saturday 9th March 10am to 1pm

@ Wormingford Village Hall

Tea, Coffee & Squash Bacon Rolls, Sausage Sandwich’s

Homemade Cakes

Children’s Activity Table


April 5th - Family Quiz April 7th - Car Treasure Hunt

Full details in next month’s Worm & on the ‘I love Wormingford because …’ Facebook site

Page 2: Wormingford Recreation Trust from last year? Bacon, Cakes ...

Benefice of Wormingford & Mount Bures with Little Horkesley

Lent Course 2019 A DVD study series on five Wednesdays from March 13th to 10th April based on the classic film with themes of sacrifice, repentance,

suffering, loss and hope - with Bible readings, reflections, prayers and discussion.

There will be a showing of the film ‘Casablanca’ in a social evening to prepare us for the study on

Ash Wednesday, 6th March @ 7pm for 7.30pm @ John & Meriel’s home 13 Keepers Green, Braiswick CO4 5UT

Ring Revd John on 01206 366930 for future venues.

One night, a lady stumbled into the police sta-tion with a black eye. She claimed she heard a noise in her back yard and went to investigate. The next thing she knew, she was hit in the eye and knocked out cold. An officer was sent to her house to investigate, and he returned 2 hours later with a black eye. "Did you get hit by the same person?" his captain asked. "No," he replied. "I stepped on the same rake."

Bell Ringer’s News ...

Above are the members of the Sunday Service Band - with Barry Gibbons holding the Essex Association North East District trophy for being the leading quarter peal ringer for 2018, ringing 33 and conducting 13.

David Lee organised a dinner at the Wormingford Crown, where 17 ringers from the Wormingford, Bures and Little Horkesley towers attended a very enjoyable evening. We received the bad news that Vicky de-Vries’ dog, Bob, has died - he came to the tower every Sunday.

Page 3: Wormingford Recreation Trust from last year? Bacon, Cakes ...

Nancy: Our

Local Nutritionist

March 2019 9th Coffee Morning @ Village Hall 10am to 1.00pm 13th Bookworms @ WCEC 7.15pm 14th PC Mtg @ Village Hall 7.00pm Followed by Annual Parish Assembly 8.15pm 15th Bingo @ Sports Pavilion 7.15pm 21st Mobile Library @ Robletts Way 2.25pm 31st Mothering Sunday @ St Andrew’s 11.00am Post Office: Every Wed @ Village Hall 12.30 to3pm Every Friday @ “ 10am to 12.30pm

If you are looking to give your immune system a boost or providing nourishment for your skin then look at eating plenty of foods containing


. Can help to relax ligaments & muscles

• Vital protector of the immune system

• Essential mineral for the structure and function of all cell membranes

• Involved in hundreds of enzyme pathways in which it has structural, regulatory and cata-lytic roles


Sources of Zinc: Sesame seeds Fresh Oysters Canned Sardines Almonds Peas Whole wheat Lima Beans Chicken Pumpkin Seeds Crab Pecan Nuts Walnuts Cheddar Cheese Rye Eggs Cooked Soybeans Ginger roots Cooked Lobster Brazil Nuts Peanuts Lean Meat Oats Turnips

Many years ago a soldier going into battle against the French asked, “If God is look-ing out for us, who is looking out for them?”

A man went to his lawyer and told him, "My neighbour owes me £500 and he doesn't want to pay up. What should I do?" "Do you have any proof?" asked the lawyer. "Nope," replied the man. "Okay, then write him a letter asking him for the £1000 he owes you," said the lawyer. "But it's only £500," replied the man. "Precisely. That's what he will reply and we will have the proof we need to nail him."

To book a trial lesson visit our website: www.esgc.co.uk

Page 4: Wormingford Recreation Trust from last year? Bacon, Cakes ...

Based in Fordham, we undertake pro-jects throughout Essex and Suffolk.

Please see our website or Facebook for examples of our work.

T: 07742 696 766 E: [email protected]


We are holding another one of our popular Open Days in March. We are still looking to recruit more volunteer room guides, and, if you weren’t able to come to the last ones, why not come along and see how volunteering could add to your life in 2019. You will have the oppor-tunity of chatting with some of the volunteer room guides, as well as having a look around the Hall. You will be able to hear first hand as to what is entailed in the role as well as what can be gained out of it. If you have some spare time on your hands, are perhaps a little lone-ly, or want to meet people and chat, make new friends and have new experiences, then why not come along and find out more.

Melford Hall invites you ...

Our team are a very friendly group, of all ages and backgrounds. They spend what time they are able to commit in a beautiful environment, surrounded by fine furniture, art and objects. The Hall is open from Wednesday to Sunday, plus Bank Holidays, 1.00-5.00pm, March to October. The role will involve talk-ing to our visitors, answering any of their questions and sharing the stories of this wonderful family home. Don’t worry there will be as much help and guidance as you feel you need so you can go at your own pace. Although a National Trust property you do not need to be a mem-ber to volunteer. So why not make one of your New Year resolutions to volunteer at Melford Hall.

The Open Day is Saturday 9th March 2019 from 10.00am – 1.00pm. We look forward to welcoming you.

If you would like to find out more, please contact us at [email protected]

or call us on 01787 379228

Page 5: Wormingford Recreation Trust from last year? Bacon, Cakes ...

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P & N

Bookworms 2 At our February meeting we

discussed the 2017 novel, “The Other Hand” by Chris Cleave. Our new marking system, to determine

the ‘Wormingford Bookworms, Book of the Year’ scored an average of 7.6 for this novel, a

dual narrative story about a Nige-rian asylum-seeker and a British magazine editor who meet during the oil conflict in the Niger Delta

and are re-united in England some years later.

For the March meeting, to be held on the 13th @ 7.15pm, we are

reading "We are all completely beside ourselves” by Karen Joy Fowler - the cover promises ‘One

of the best twists in years!’

Contact Margaret on 07913 603830 if you would like to join the club or want more information.

Bookworms 2 still meets in the WCEC in Church Road, Worming-ford ( formerly St Andrews School) on the second Wednesday of

the month at 7.15pm, but we could do with a few more members. You don’t have to worry about finding and buying the books as

Colchester Library supply them for us, so the only charge is £2.00 to pay for the hire of the room.

Wormingford Weather

Rainfall for January 2018 1.11 inches Rainfall for January 2019 0.95 inches

Thanks to John Jackson for the weather

“Since starting in 2009, Steve has gained a great

reputation for the quality of work


No job too small or too big!

Internal; External Decorating; Beam Restoration; Pub Re-decoration; New Builds; Re-decoration & Repair Work all undertaken.

CIS Registered & Fully Insured. Tel: 07545 637476

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Waterstones, on Colchester High Street are having ‘an evening with

Robert Goddard’ (one of England’s best mystery/thriller writers) coming up on Monday 12th March

A man was walking down the street when he was accosted by a particularly dirty and shabby-looking homeless man who asked him for a couple of dol-lars for dinner. The man took out his wallet, ex-tracted ten dollars and asked, "If I give you this money, will you buy some beer with it instead of dinner?" "No, I had to stop drinking years ago," the homeless man replied. "Will you use it to gam-ble instead of buying food?" the man asked. "No, I don't gamble," the homeless man said. "I need eve-rything I can get just to stay alive." "Will you spend this on greens fees at a golf course instead of food?" the man asked. "Are you NUTS!" replied the homeless man. "I haven't played golf in 20years!""Will you spend the money on a woman in the red light district instead of food?" the man asked. "What disease would I get for ten lousy bucks?" exclaimed the homeless man. "Well," said the man, "I'm not going to give you the money. In-stead, I'm going to take you home for a terrific din-ner cooked by my wife. "The homeless man was astounded. "Won't your wife be furious with you for doing that? I know I'm dirty, and I probably

smell pretty disgust-ing." The man replied, "That's okay. It's im-portant for her to see what a man looks like after he has given up beer, gambling, golf, and sex."

“Laughing is the best medicine, but if you laugh without any reason, you need medicine!”

Page 6: Wormingford Recreation Trust from last year? Bacon, Cakes ...

INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS by advertising in The Worm - £8.00 per

centimetre per year! Customer supplied inserts (250 copies) £15 per month: OR why not promote your business or product range in both the Worm & Fordham Times at a

combined rate of £12 per centimetre per year? Call Brian Jones on 01787 227787

ESSEX POLICE Neighbourhood Policing Team

PC Dawn Wells Tel: 101 option:1 option: 3

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Worm around the World this month in the Maldives

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Having completed their tour of Europe, Mary and Rich-ard decided to celebrate a significant birthday by travel-ling further afield to the Maldive Islands in the Indian

Ocean. Here they are on Kanifushi with a Trans Maldivian Airways seaplane in the background

(part or the World’s biggest seaplane fleet).

Belated congratulations to Marlene and Dave

Once again their magnificent Christmas Lights display raised over £150 for the

Essex & Herts Air Ambulance ‘Lights for Flights’ campaign. Their display seems to

get bigger and better each year!

Problem Solved When I am told, "You'll regret that in the morning", I don't let it bother me. Being a problem solver, I just sleep in till noon.

Page 7: Wormingford Recreation Trust from last year? Bacon, Cakes ...

JG Garden Services Ltd is a professional family run

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We cover residential and commercial properties for garden

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Open hours: Monday: 5pm to 11pm; Tuesday to Friday: 12 to 3pm & 5 to 11pm; Weekends & Bank Holidays: 12 to 11pm

THE CROWN: Takeaway Delivery Service Free delivery to all Wormingford Postcodes - Available Tues-Sat 5 to 9pm - 01787 227464

Beer battered Cod; Lasagne; Chicken Wrap; Roast Chicken; Burgers … please contact re availability and prices

Wormingford Parish Council (WPC) Report A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Thursday 14th February 2019. Two new planning applications were reviewed and comments agreed to be forwarded to the Col-chester Borough Council (CBC) Planning Office. WPC was updated on the progress of two other applications still outstanding. Details of these applications can be found on the CBC Online Plan-ning Web Page. It was reported that installation of the new odour control system for Fairfields Farm Crisps had been completed and that this was due to be inspected by CBC Planning and Environmental Con-trol Officers. The Clerk reported that she had been notified by Essex County Council that a new bus shelter had been ordered to replace the one at the Church Road junction. This bus shelter is of a similar de-sign and size to the one at Chapel Corner. It is anticipated that installation is likely to take place in the next three to four months. Please note that the next Parish Council meeting will take place at the Village Hall on Thursday 14th March 2019 at 7.00pm followed by the Annual Parish Assembly Meeting at 8.15pm. Please email any comments or views to the Parish Clerk at [email protected]. Further information and the latest draft minutes and past copies of the Worm can be found at http://www.essexinfo.net/wormingfordpc/

Page 8: Wormingford Recreation Trust from last year? Bacon, Cakes ...

Flower Rota

If you would like to help with the Church flowers please contact Jan Crisp - Tel: 07833 424946

Contact John: Tel: 01206 366930 [email protected]

Church Matters St Andrew’s Wormingford

John’s Journal The view from the Vicar’s study Friends

Revd John Chandler is around for a chat at "Coffee & Cake" in

the Community Education Centre on most

Monday mornings from 10 - 11am

He will be there on the 4th & 18th March

No flowers in Lent (6th March to 18th April) April 20th Pat Sharman May 4th Pam Sparkes 18th Liz Clarke May 25th, 26th & 27th Flower Festival

‘You’ve got a friend in me’ sings Woody. ‘I’ll do anything’ sings Oliver. ‘Lean on me’ sings Bill Withers. And ‘You’re my best friend’ is the theme tune for the show ‘Friends’. We all need them; life is tough without them; and we try to be them. So I thought I’d investigate. I’m an expert on love (don’t misunderstand me – I’m just well versed in the Christian concept!) but it would be good to have an understanding of what a friend really is. One dictionary definition is ‘a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection’, and that seemed fine until I read another: ‘Someone you love and who loves you, someone you respect and who respects you, someone whom you trust and who trusts you. A friend is honest and makes you want to be honest, too. A friend is loyal.’ If that’s right, then being a friend is a higher form of relationship than even love. Can that be right? Do you know, I think it is! My reasoning? Because love, the best kind of love, is one-way love. It’s when our care for another is so complete that we don’t require anything in return. A sacrificial love, such as the love of Jesus who loved the world so much that he gave his life for us (John 3:16) – knowing that most of the world wouldn’t or couldn’t love him back. The old word for love was Charity – and our modern understand-ing of charity is indeed one-way love – though it generally isn’t very deep; not even as deep as our pock-ets! Then how wonderful when our love, the ‘I’ll do anything’ love, is shared, it becomes a bond, and we really can say that we’re friends – a word that society has devalued to the point where it can be declared and deleted with a click on Facebook. Friendship, then, can truly develop between any two people – brothers & sisters, workmates and –yes – spouses. Many marriages survive on love but thrive on friendship. But the hardest thing is for groups of people to develop through love into friendship, and the more people you involve, the more difficult it is. Yet as a community, that’s exactly what we’re called to do. Jesus said (John 15) ‘Greater love has no-one than this: than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends’. Now I don’t think God has called me to be a martyr, but, taking our lead from him, per-haps all we need to be are loving people, doing things selflessly in the community, then trusting and rely-ing on one another. ‘That’s what friends are for’ sings Dionne Warwick! Yours in the love of Jesus

Page 9: Wormingford Recreation Trust from last year? Bacon, Cakes ...

The Church website has been completely redesigned – for up-to-date news and

information, log on to www.wormingford.com

Services in St. Andrew's March 2019

3rd 11am Family Service Theme: Are you ready for Lent?

6th Ash Wednesday 10:30am Holy Communion

10th 8am Holy Communion

11am Traditional Morning Service Theme: Temptation

17th 11am Family Holy Communion Theme: Jesus for the tough times 24th 8am Holy Communion

11am Informal Morning Service Theme: Jesus teaches patience

31st 11am Mothering Sunday Family Service with gifts of posies

Other services in the Benefice:

Mount Bures St. John the Baptist Sunday Services are at 9:15am,

3rd: Family Service 10th Traditional Communion 17th Family Communion 24th: Family Communion 31st: Mothering Sunday Family Service

Little Horkesley St. Peter & St. Paul

3rd: 8am Holy Communion 11am Morning Service 6:30pm Evensong 10th: 11am Family Service 6:30pm Evensong 17th: 11am Morning Service 6:30pm Evensong 7:30pm Shortened Holy Communion 24th: 11am Holy Communion 6:30pm Evensong 31st: 11am Mothering Sunday Family Service 6:30pm Evensong

Page 10: Wormingford Recreation Trust from last year? Bacon, Cakes ...

In accordance with the recommendations of the Rural Communities Council of Essex no responsibility for the information given or the views expressed in The Worm by contributors can be accepted by the editorial team, Parish Council, Parochial Church Council or Recreation Trust nei-ther can any culpability be accepted in work undertaken by advertisers.

Bingo is back!

On Friday 15th March - 7.15pm @ Sports Pavilion

All ticket money in prizes!

Wormingford Village Hall

Our village hall can accommodate over 100 people for functions and meetings. It is popular for Wedding

receptions, Children’s parties, Dances (great acoustics), Bowls and Badminton. Facilities include Main Hall with stage, seating for 120 people, kitchen, toilets

(with disabled access) and good car parking.

NEW HIRE CHARGES EFFECTIVE JULY 1st 2018 Badminton £24 per 2 hour session at any time. Mornings & Afternoons, Mon to Friday & Sunday (One off) Minimum 3 hours £15 per hour Evenings, Monday to Friday & Sunday (One off) Minimum 3 hours £18 per hour Saturday 8am to 12 midnight … £200 Saturday 6pm to 12 midnight … £140 Wormingford residents receive 10% discount on all charges

Regular bookings: To be negotiated To enquire about or book the hall please contact:

Debbie Moore on 01787 228615 or email: [email protected]

Crisp maker tastes success

A crisp maker has tasted success after being named the best food producer in the East of England.

Fairfields Farm Crisps came top in the ‘Made in Central & East of England Food and Drinks Awards’.

Robert Strathern, co-founder of Fairfields Farm, of Wormingford, said: “ We are both over the moon and

really surprised to have picked up this award. Our brand has always been about quality, consistency and innovation, whilst staying true to our farming roots. Awards like this are a great reminder of all the hard work the team puts in. Over the last two years we’ve opened our own anaerobic digester and converted to

100 % renewable energy, we’ve rebranded our Fairfields Farm crisps and acquired an additional brand. It’s been

a lot of hard work but this recognition makes it all worthwhile”.

This article has been reprinted from the Colchester Gazette

Delighted - Angela Scrase and Tracey Bull accept the award

Sign on company bulletin board: “This firm requires no physical-fitness program.

Everyone gets enough exercise jumping to conclusions, flying off the handle, running down the boss, flogging dead horses, knifing friends in the back, dodging respon-sibility, and pushing their luck.”

Page 11: Wormingford Recreation Trust from last year? Bacon, Cakes ...

Article: New Woodland Courses in Halstead help Land owner and unemployed

Getting an illness such as Multiple Sclerosis can be devastating for anyone, and can mean that you entirely revaluate your life. This was certainly the case for John, who decided that a move to the countryside was necessary to ensure that he was able to cope and hopefully diminish the rate of deterioration caused by his illness. Taking on a large plot of land and woodlands however would not be everyone’s choice for this!

However John quickly realised that it would be difficult for him to cope to make his plans to create a new thriving woodland a reality. He began searching for solutions and came across Abberton Rural Training (ART) and the Es-sex Rural Skills Project (ERSP). This began a chain of events, which has led to one of the Essex Rural Skills Wood-land courses now taking place in Halstead and already going great guns!

The task of removing over 300 trees and replanting over 3000 trees is quite daunting, however, the students have got stuck in and are able to learn under the direction of a dedicated woodlands and conservation tutor all aspects of woodlands management, and love being at’ the location.

John is able to also join the students when he is able, and is thoroughly enjoying the company and the results. “When I saw the place I fell in love with it, and didn't realise just how much work it would take to transform the land into something amazing both for me and the local wildlife. There is no way I could ever have done this by myself. The team are fantastic - hard working and a joy to be around. I will never move from this place and as I look at it every day in the years to come, I will be eternally grateful to all the people who have helped me turn my dream of a life in the beautiful countryside into a reality. It really is a win win situation for us all. It is great to know that they are gaining so much from being here, and I am too. I am happy to have more groups here!” he said.

Jacqui Stone, the Chief Executive of ART said,

“It is wonderful that we have been able to work with John to help him work towards creating the woodland that he dreamed about, and make so much improvement to the natural habitat at the same time. The students come back beaming from being here, and they are all gaining so much from this joint working and getting a real opportunity to make a difference, from all sides, makes it so positive for all”.

“We are always struggling to find suitable woodlands to train people in, particularly in real life situations, and are cur-rently seeking more sites, particularly in the Witham/Chelmsford areas, Uttlesford and Tendring, to be able to help more groups to learn key skills, whilst also improving their mental health and other issues. During the last academic year 72% of ART participants had a registered disability. ART supports people who are lonely, and in many cases severely isolated and vulnerable, yet over 85% of participants moved into further education, training, employment, volunteering and/or self-employment after attending our courses.”

ERSP supports people who are over 45 years old and most have been long-term unemployed and is funded by the European Social Fund and The National Lottery Community Fund. The project has supported many vulnerable peo-ple, including those with drug and alcohol issues and the homeless. ERSP & ART projects help people to make bet-ter choices and turn their lives around

Website: www.abbertonruraltraining.org Contact: [email protected]

Quality Firewood Logs

Bulk loads delivered FOC Call Daniel or Adam on 07920 705216

or 07538 669465


Page 12: Wormingford Recreation Trust from last year? Bacon, Cakes ...


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Wormingford Sport

Premier Division: Division 2 March 2nd Hatfield Pev Home 2nd Boxted Away 9th Gt Bentley Home 9th Mersea Away 16th Lt Oakley Away 16th Ramsey Away 23rd Brantham Home L/Cup 23rd Lawford Away 30th Earls Colne Away 30th Hatfield Pev Res Home

Two great things have happened to

the Worms in February!

Firstly - Josh Hodgson has re-signed - yes, those of you who read this monthly preamble, will know that he is the player who scored 100 goals for our Sunday team in the 2016-17 season—averaging over 3 goals in every game! Wel-come back Josh - you know it makes sense! Secondly, we finally have building regs approval for our hoped for exten-sion to our ancient clubhouse! We have submitted our grant application to the Football Foundation and are hopeful that we will get a positive response from the Irish contact who called me some 6 months ago to say, ‘we want to give you the money!’ The fact that since that original contact, Eight Ash Green Youth FC now use our facilities, should go some way to ensuring that the grant, whilst not guaranteed, is more likely! FINGERS AND EVERY-THING ELSE CROSSED! On the playing front, not a lot has changed - with the stiffs struggling to score and the first team struggling to raise a consistent side - we’re all aware that our best team is a match for anyone in the Border League. Both teams have a full fixture list in March, with the highlight being the first teams quest to overcome Brantham in the qtr final of the Cup.