WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Transcript of WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

Page 1: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Page 2: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


O Pumshottam Nagesh Oak


*300^Hindi SaMt>^a Sadan

. Ph -23553624. 23617134

2 B.D. Charabers , 10/54 D,B. Gupia RoadKarol Bagh , N.DcIhi-S

Fax ^91-11-25412417


"Third Edhion - 2003


J .^«^K. it ii cn^Dcraiirt effort- » 15 this woA which i*

All mundane acmily 16 a M^pera^^^^endsandlhe

and hittmji nawoflal and religious CMopamncnti

(including animal mid pbnl lifej as one f^l>.

lagc Academic imu^ouK ihz

''^'f^,^^l^^^,Z^^^'^^tiS godl of freeing h«mnitv from ^ torm,^

^"^iXiPos ii^

«^ld ah people tnw a common hartnonious. homos^nco f™^

cheerful, helpful fraternity

p N Oaik

Plot No 10. Goodwill s«ict>,


Page 3: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

ftfe art gratcftil [o the Author for grantirJi;;

lis permission to publish ihis edition.

Two articles have been added to this edilion

which have beets attached at the end as

Appendix I & H^




Volume 1

1. World Vedic Hcritaac University - Appeal

2. Introduction To Second Edition

J. Indignation And Indictffieni

4. Novel Facts And Format

5. The tjnified Field Theory Of History

6. A New Framework For World History

7. Dc-^briefing And Disinfection

8. How Much History Does The World Know ?

9. The Current Hodge ^ Podge Of Histoty

10. What Led Me To This Discovery

1 1


The Five - Thousand - Year - Barrla-

}2. Basic De^ition

13. Theories About The Creation

14. The Vedfl5

15. \feiidity Of Basic Concepts Cmceming The Vedas

16. The Universally Acc^ted Vedic Theology

17. Vedic Theology

18. Religious Scriptures

19. Reclining - Vishnu Statues

20. The Lingual Theorem



Sanskrit The Mother Of All Human Speech And Thought

22. Vedic Science

23. Ancient Kuclear Establishments

24. \fedic Scientific And Technological Texts

25. Dravids The Lradcrs Of V«lic Society

26. The Original Home Of Vbdic Cuhure

27. tndia A& ll Wa^ Known28. The Wtdic Socio Economic System

29. Swearing By The Fire

30. Vedic CultuTD And Militarism

3 1


The Vtdic Military Organization

32. Worldwide \^ic Culture































Page 4: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

33. MDiutfariti

34. TTie Anderl Sanskril All«

35. Tfte World K«pJ ^*aic nmB

36. >>*ur^ TTic Ancient Universal Medtcat Syrtero

37. Vftdic Archilecnu-e

38 7T»e Uni%mil Vedic Marriasc S>*^cm

39. -Rie ^Wic OHgin OfWorld Music

40 TTie \Wic OrlgiTi Of I^osody

41 StnskrU Nomenclature Of World Couiaga

42. Sinskrii Nomenclature Of Weights A;id Mwsures

43 TTic Sanskrii NomcncUtiire In Mctdcni Sciences

44! -nic Sanskrit NomenclBture OfModem Educatioflal Texts

45. The Uhimsal \Mic Educational System

46. Sanskrit Expressions In European Usage


48. The Ramayan In Ancien! Asis

49. The Ramayan In Ancient Eurofpe

50. KnshnaThe Lfnivcrsal Dc\ty

Si. Hindu Origin OfThc Jews

52. Vbdic Culture In The East

53. The \fcdic Past Of Japsn



The %Wlc Past OfAmedc»

55. The Vedic Past Of China

56. The Vedic Past Of Korea And Manchuria

5? The \Wie Past Of West Asia

5S The >felic Past Of Egypt

59. The Vedic Past Of Syria And Assyria

60. Tlie Vedic Rdois Of Arabia

6L The Vedic Kcots Of islam































iContents ofVolume n Section I continued.

62. The Vedic P&si Of Europe

43] Ttic Vedic Past Of Russia

64 . The Vedic Past Of Gennaiiy

65 The Vedic Past Ofthe Austrian Region

66. The Vedic Past Of The Scandinivian Region

67. The Vedic P^ Of Greece

6% The Vedic Past Of Italy

69. The \^ic Past Of France. Spain & Portugal

70 Tlie Vedic Past Of Tunisia

71' The Vedic Past OfThe British Isles

72. The Vedic Past Of Ireland

73. English Is A Diaieci Of Sanskrit

74. The Vedic Past Of Africa

75. Historical Misconceptions

76. The Vedic Far East

77. The ^Atic^n Papacy Is A Vedic Insttlution

li The Vedic Roots Of Christianity

79. Christ A Pseudonym For Chrisna

80. No Jesus Ever Lived

81. Vedic Traditions

82. The Wofldwide Vedic Nomenclature

83. The Astounding Predictive Compaidiums

84. India - Europe Common Hmtage

85. Vedic Deities And Festivals Around The World

86. The World Keeps Hindu Time

87. Summation


88. Study And Research Methodology

89. The Importance Of Histoiy

90. The Nalional Flig

91. Misleading Muslim & Christian Chronicles

92. Unpardonflble Upsea Of Indian Historians

93. The Anglo - Muslim Archaeological Cconspir^ey































Page 5: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

9^. Pjiutit> Of Hindy ftccords

9ft. Biundcrwiric Historical Cliche

97. Pn^ial Applicalion Of History

98. Alitn Tampwine With ^dian History

W. Alien Dcsifirs Againsi Hindudom

lOQ iRnoranctf Of History l^ds To National Suicide

101 Solar Phjsics In Suiya Siddhanta

102. \bdic Sociolc^y

loa. The Genesis Of HujRanity

104. \Wic Phyisical Fitness Excrci« Par E^iceMence

105. Conclusion

Piaufe Index


Indrt Of Personal NomaAppendix 1

Appendix U















Arouna the wortd mere art nor.ert>ui ot^xations ^ch

Bindu MahasaW^ of Jniia and So.t^ Afn« ^d the Ar^. Sem-I

for whom Vedic ctdlure i9 an article of faith-

They ^d othe.. Who admir. V^l. -^^-^.^^^^,^. ^!^t^tiTw -e^^'"^«

--'^"^t"- .r^^t^^^^^that froni Ih. bE^nning of time uptD the n e of ^^^^^'^

Z^ world apck. Sanskrit M.d follow^ ^h. V«iic ^..y of Kf.^

Con«QU«itly i World Vedk Herit^e Universily with tranche*

,.z:s: .'^. t.^ founds to ^^^^^^--'^^:^:^],^ the .ew world. T^e «ithor, therefore. ^nvtt« cormpo-^

tm Idiv^d^als ^a Sn.tIiuUon« ^Uin« to help

^^^--J^^^Lk kind ^d la^«r Ir that colo.^. .obi. «1.U«1. «!uc.Uo.b1

iindertsktnK, for world i-nity. tmd^t*ii4ing ar>d p*bc«.


Page 6: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



Almost tfvery resder who r^d the Ur^ edition of World Vtdtc

Httitagc evpfi^&sed his admimlion tn same fonri such aa by

ncommendilng it to others, or by i;iftiii]>; ii or by wnting on

apfiTKiAlory letter lo me. Because ihi^ book HlU an unsu^pecLed

ward In human knowledge. Ask any Christian Wwtemer sboul tbe

toHutp and hislory of tiis pre- Christian foiTfathers and he will

fook pdTplE^>red - He knows nothing About it. In fact he never imannedthai he or she shou] d havehad som e family history in Lhe pre- Christian

mUteniuma too. TTmt ts to say his concept of hisioiy is limited

to only about £ t ODD to 1600 years.

The same is the case with Muslims. For them prophet Mohnmedii the Ifisl post. Beyond him there fs no histoo*- Thai mcBng aMuslim'* ipBn of history terminaies at 622 A. D, »hlle a Christian "s

tprminus of history is Jesus.

And sinw duiing the I&st thousand jear^ or so EuropeanC3v**UmB and Muallms dominated the world through militaryrouquBfiU current histories all over the world have nothing coherenti^ »»y beyond a Mohamed or Jesus.

TWi U a vwy deplorable sUte of affairs since hu/ftanity hasbwn «i ihia eeith for millions of years.

That ij. why thia book nils that /old in makintt alj humanity.«»I*daUy thtfte who wsr^eifaie and ba -ricade themaelves aa Muslimsw Chriiiianj. ftvare of their link «th pre Mohamed and pre-Jesua

Ltmea (Actually no Jesus ever lived, but «e are n^r^H ihirt iwflw

^ a nguTijhead Bymbollaing Christianity,)

n^ldes siitjpresslng or d^Ltx^yinK all earlier history Chrii^ta,

^d Muslim 7ealot. muat be held «uilty of two m.r. ^^"^^-^'^ "^^•TZ 1 hat ihev havo totally suppress^ the aceouota of tb* atf«i«i

Tort^ suba^ueni histo^- For ia,tance. they capture^ Ve^

^^for m^u^c ss chun=hes .^d mosque though actually they

^m U, Le built them IWy impelled lar^ r.a..e, through

1 coer.1 to convert and yet they p^tend to have ^on

rj::^t~h«radmi.tionfortl^rteac.n«. what^ert^y


Modem-day MusUm and Christian leaders would dow^l to r«li«

to common VbUc origin is 'he mam dm ct lh,» voUms.

p. N- OsVi

I Plot No, 10. Goodwill Sodiiy,

AutiJh. PunelllOf"-'"^'''

Tel. mW ^^^ I


Page 7: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



Wrid., «.t .hi. volume ^^^r.1^ «'n«rf«.« of both

grtit happiness »nd intense iMJii,

Tta n^Oiation of Lhe doclrine *>^^a«i in this vob^e that

^« ^. h«r «. V^c ™ii.™ end ^nsloit ^«ua,. fmn.

the beginnins of ^^ **^ ^ "^^^^^"^ ^^ ^"^^ ^^^

IT* «n,llfl^ of it thBt h^mar hist<).7 H^^ b«^ » P^"""^

^B(«m>Uc. ^ilJghunrf, ynit^y b^tintrsf and ba^ not had a

iflu^hTMin. disunil^d, h^hiusrd, frtak biKh in dark, animal -

iriTeoled csves was iJso a bighly gretlfi^ng ihouglil,

Bui Lhe fixcruciatimily agoniilng counlerpsrl wa3 the discovery

thBt dodora of &qademira and proctors of journalism btive throuKb

Ihfir inranipeiCTCt, inBdvertence. intransiBence. fear psycbosiSn

vHtcd interesLs in religiouB or profcsabnal loyalties or at tim|^

even out of deliberate design and sheer cussedness consistently^

nfui*d, iBnored. suppressed, mtgconstnied or distorted the pi eLhor?

uT fvid&iw that has been ooimng their way about the worldwide

prri-ilerw Of Vedle culture and Sanskrit language in pi'e-CbristTan


lb* BMe itself dgscnbing the pre- Christian worid adtriit? (in

G«iM«i> 11:11 tint "ibe whole earth was of one language and one

That kcufuftge wu Sanskril and the common culture of all wasV«dit

BevWw EuropranChrisiJfln acholora of th* ilandltift of ^Wimem Joie*, Maxmuefler and H.H.Wllacn have hsd Imnrmi*

evidence of diverse kinds, such fls an;hfl«lo«ic»U phiblOBiisl mA

Msujricol. For InaUnce. they aU knew that icons of ibe elfp*iwl

Gfld Lord Ganesh used to adorn the top of eiMrances to homnes

-nd waned townships in andcnl Greece and li^ly ^ in Inelia V

then India follows Ve^iic culture, of which Ganesh is an important

symbol does it not follow that anctmt Greece »nd lUly i^ -ere

vUc ^mntries? And yet every time, they cam.^similar e^ndence of other land, they ke,. ^n r^j^tmg H ^^)i

as mer* accidenul, stray coincidence,

FauHy MtihodologJ

Thus if one is investig^tinB a murder, pnmlty between iHa

deceased ^and .h. susp^^t could be bn^.hed away with the

rZrk th.t seve^ P^pl. bate each oth.r and yei one does not

la fo«nd in the suspect's possession, one c^n s^e I a^y by

pointing out thai similar bla^-stained knives ^uld b. found ^^^k

^ery Etcher. Wb^ it is .ni-Hl Ibat the suspect was found emerging

™m the scene of murder at the time of the cr^e. one »u d

still argue that seveml other p^ple had^n to come out of

ZZ Pl«ce at ib.t time; could they all U ac.u=ed of ^urder^

U may be notice fmm the sbove instance th.t ev.ry .in«W

pdnt .«uld thus be aigued .way without any^^'\''''^'^^'l

Zr cornered or .^nvl.ted That i. what achola^^ tbe world o..

Ce been doing in the mat^r of worM hi^^- P-t by ^they have^ dismissing .ounU.inou. evident a. of nn con^uen^

and have been themaelve. guflty of ' murtlenn,^. This w,n

Indicate that their methodok^ of rt'^earch has b«n^'^^j^/^'f^^"

ll is b-ke a wanior st^ding at the *xit nf a narrow defile and

one by one. cutun^ down .ny number of hi, ^^al. That i, no^

the w'y lo do any investigation. Jt ia Kf^ totality of tvid^ce ih^

h™ got to be*d. Tn such a method rv«^ry .ingt* |«mt.

no matter bow ,mai! or ^bUe, camea one a st..p furtht^ .E. r«:Wn,(

a conclusion. This piindpW of historical researt^h has beef. complc«ly.

Page 8: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

^ hhhifia Canwqticfltly a specie! section of this

%r>,T.h*.r factor xftifitin^ mo^^™ WsloHcal .^™*ch i:. r.litrioi...

™«,<m.l nrtiioni]. poJitiM]. emDlianal or pers«rnt toyiJties. For

r™t*r«>' i«"i Chnsl i. n niBlp.x)nunnalion «f ibe wd.-d iestis Chrisn.

Thm ihc-ufd to* obvious lo any honest researcher on the v^ry face

flr 11 And yai in these dm of Western, Cbnslian dominance of

wcNid ^fairs, which Christian wiU have the gytg i^ admit that

0:risi is « nffn-person? Whfch Muallm wiU be pi^pared lo admiL

Mvnhing which darKts from Uie Importance of the Koran or

Moh^Rd? Such psychfilogical chains have prevented hfjnest

r^CTrth. Consequently ibe world is indulging in Tnakebtliwe

rsMTch, vhste all moUons &f research, are meticulously simulat^a

only ui arrive et some iiliuncy* chauvinistic conclusions.

Tlw Taj Mahal

A graphic instance h my dEscovery announced over 29 years

igo through my rraearch puWcation that the Taj Mahal in Agra

is m ancient Hindu templepa^are and not & 17th century Islsmic

tomb. ThJS conclusion, if admitted, would compel all historians.

arehaeologisla. art and architectural experts, museums,

guvfrnmenls. umvei^Ues, tourist offtciab and people of the news

media to chenge (heJr oytlool?. Consequently, so far they have ail

landed together in a conspiracy of silence to look the other way

and continue lo adamanily project the Tej Mahal a^ a tomb, pretending

not to have h^Tl or known anything to the contrary. But how

hng can the TRUTH be resisted 1 One day all those trying to stem

it wQl be swept off their feet.

Sv-cMllcd Musqurs uad Mvu^okumt

Ukivix the »0'«Ued Jama iWa^iids end hfetonc TT^ausolcumf

in JkM. Agrm and countless other cities liroughout the world are

a!l capiured manjion. and temples. I have challenged a numb^

of hiatflfiaflf. wiiversiUea. w csUed wqpertJ in Islamic a^ and

BPcWlccturt around the *6rtd. the muiiiwirii of tombs mi imwm

of mosquM. jourrfllists cf leading dalltM md ratJio-TV rtiff in

London. New York and New Delhi who fcc*t> on discriliinB the gUiHa

or BP'CaBed lalemic architecture, to public dobflt* hut rvoriB tf

Lheffl has oiiber the guta to dispmve th? nrdinB Of the ijrtce to

occept it . They ^Sre scwred to the very mflrrow of their bonw evm

to conceive of those mosqyoa and mimaoleums n captured majulon*

and temples even within the privacy of thdr own hwrl*. C«v OTi#

enpitt auch people lo educate othera when thty can't wSjth\wn

thems<^Nea ?

r have had correspondence with Oxford's ifid Webster's

dicUonaries inforniing them that English (and every other langaBjiSi)

is n dialect of Sanskrit and, therefore, the entire etymolofrcnl concept

of oil leidcogrBphers ought to be Sangkrit- oriented- Rut perhijB

il is too early to expect them to condescend to accept a change.

Thus in almost every field of human leaminB modem concepts,

moulded mslnly by Christian and Muslim tutorin«. for the la^t

MOO yars. repr^ent a conglomerate of the wishful thinking of

seK^eral pressui-e groups, and not the TRUTH as Jt was and as

it should be.

Page 9: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


-nie menUan of a new brnk on hisiory do&s not generally evoke

much ttentJon or <rJfl.-ile Buy special inUrtsl because il is presumed

ut be B mece rehash of pasl events wilhin the outline of a tmore

ortasf] fix^ chronofoO' ^^^ * ^i^'^'^ ^^^^ ^°^^ quibble, iutfgtei^

of Kiumenl or nesr inierpr^tauon fldded here and there.

But this voJume is a world apart. It has itov^I facts and a

nev fonnal lo present In an abaoluicly new fi^amework flf world


In one sense history can never be new because it has lo depend

on oM events aid those cannol be oonjured up. Bui many-s-Ume

IL *o hpppeni that remote developments are often rejected as

unbdievabl? and the vacuum is sough t to be filled up wi th apeculetive

arrcounta Lo ni in with spurious after- Ihouifbts and convenient


I^s 11 tb* nature of the current ailment of worW history^

H is in a itaif of delirium Lfemens because of slow poFSOning„

hfi^iRK Upw Injected with Chrislmn, Muslim and Communist

OQMOdioni. h was too much for these toddling faitbg to Lhfnk

Drf t human civilization streichlna back to billions of years. So tlwfy

flrtuiimrily iBiumed 4004 B.C as a f^rly remote' starting point.

EbA on« of thflin Lhwi hoiated a Jegua. Mohamad or Karl Mnrx

«B Ihrtr rft9p*rtiv« oulpotiL Then the^ decided that any hiatory

before Uwm wuVd be bundkd up ns heathen. K*fir or capitalist


od ifiWy rifnored, Any Wtrtory afiw lTi*m ww nrnnpUtWu on^y

80 far 63 it centred raund ihtrao three iNinocn or tirourwJ tha van

ol Lbt idoas associiited with ihinn.

TtiDt among thoao tbnw Jesui ti i fIctttlnuB p9non, lioim'X

bother ftnyon*f. Since Europeani hitve an U|1(»t hand in the modem

world they consider Jesus to be loo holy for iny hlirt«irical prab*

Ttius history baa been aubjKied to lot of manhandilna mil

ntanipulbUon to arrive at some wtsKTul thlnkinK.

Controrily genuine anrfent bl$tories such as ihtStnskriL INtioim

have been compleiely ignored because Lhey don't cnunl and tit inu>

ChrlstEuo or Muslim concepts.

Prmractcd Allen Rule hos t>cniDfairTcO Hindudom

Aa for Lhe Hindu intenigcnisis It hJiving been tutored tn Wealem

Ideaa and also because it has become <3emotaliied by authoHutIv*

Chrlstioji and Is^omic denuitcistion of evei^ thing Hindu Hlndudom

sufTera fVtim i self-deprecatoi^ Ltiferiority complex. As suejh VHndti

bureaucracy and IcBderthipnDow themselves to be misled and waylaid

by Western notions. Consequently Hindudom itself is. by and tarye.

neglecting its own Vedic, SanskHt heritage In not asserting ihe

importance of the Puranas and not taking any serious notiee of

their masterly ancient texts of, say. Ayurved and arcUtedure-

Whatever other effecU pnitr&cied slavery may have it mate a

subject -nation lose confidence in its own afaflity, mak« it bsl*

itg own heritage and run after the values set by alien rulers. This

Iv what rnla the Hindu a. This malady i$ also reneci^ in Hindu

joumals and books. The Hindu pitsas imitates the West in giving

pmminenw to even trivial happenings in the West and to utterances

Of Westemera. Even with regard to hMppcnings tn IndJa or the

rest of Asia Hindu journalists will bighltght topics which excite

Western lnL«T!St even of a mallciouB kind, or put tbcm across

in the Western style, tn books and newspoper articles anytWog

quoted from a Muslim or Christian source is considered imparttal

and authoritative wbfle n Hindu refei\>nce will be considered ta be


Page 10: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text




fc,.i^dyfnif or T*rvt«^ »

«,sr»doied tfilti it as D whole ItkQ

„.d> .11^"'^^^^^

^:r «.^, lE«,b by UTnb Thu, ft10

,V^ «1^iii^'Ji^ .^di^on Isi^s down tha^ ^b. V^es wer

l^c^fd on ^"^"7^*:^^„, ^^ say ,h(il " Well !

sitice Maxmuelfef

P„^.«r When Vedicr tradition m- ^^^ ^he Veda, and MT^nhar, w^en ^ ^ ^j^^jty at llie sun of t>«

So It ""OU.I. u, v^^B th. veu> in the a.t.«on..l.

a i. for^U^ thai Chri^«i and Muslim .^^.^n,

of Gi^^is W. is pointed o.t tn reliant ^^.^pUr. ah^aO^ AtUr

dl ite stor^ «r the cr^Uon h>. b«n r^rded .pd hatidd down

^(«.railon. of .elfl^ soula - -^^es ond spiritadisi* - and mi^

by menasiary chBUvinlsts and politicians


In Addition Ui ihe above weigbiy consideration il wfll b« F«tnt»L

oDt in the rolloxins patf« that Vedlc tradition ia eho able lo ^xpuun

and comlau aJl hlslflry. Oimlnele or i«nor« Vedic tradition nn

n Mitoiy becomes en inexpHtable maga of HoaUng. rootless af^o

Unjffed ld*a*. Fqr inaunce. Jewish, Chriatian end Muelim tradjt.ont

Wtd t«miinnloKy cen be ejiplained onlv In Ibo conWiA of ^^^^j

Vsdk history b«auie they «« aU chips of the Vedic bloclt. So»"^

oLher »iml]*r initenc» •« dt«d in a chupl^r titled ^How M"J


TV l-utsniu [arm Ihfl Witortei5 '^flK of thii V«Uc irtilibort.

amalilmnii^m - y«f ^"qulty. tbeTMranw com. fe™«4 to «jrtdft

the dtmtiopmmt. durifltf that long 3pan.

Wi. L>iu» have Qo unbro^on cont^ay of tht W-tary of hummlty

rrtjrr th. al-rt «r the elation to the Mohabhira^ v^.r ^ t twdt

I71l war tb* worid Vrfic a^ UP w« .hatt^^O ivnd it, f««m»t,

3tm t*xt^ pick ^IP the tbrc*d of bi^ory. B^d tbit po-nt

ZtZ btior^ d^. a b,anV ..d a..e.. .bat at som. ^U^^^

ZtZol^ fro. . mo...y and tbe. Uv.d aa . «v. n^»Tbo.. conclusions a« valid w. b-v. di.c.a.ed In - 5p«rUa cbnp.^-

Reader RecepdMly

j-1 .n unlteord ot rtesi! of I'M kind «(sffl>">il«l •" '""

my Hrtorical a^i-^tlions wo will te .cwpurf in «"™ of ^


A, Teh 11 .v«d«l ™lo,...l «.ou«:*. of ,.«>^™on^, ma^nd.

refermc* works ani «w"gti li"'- «•*" ''*=''"'

..J, ..«! by ..e. But mi. 1 Wl.™ I, only


J'* ^^n^

Tlie priory stiurM couid, If v^f»ff. 1w»J» >» "^Ir^wilh U» oil p.™dod. Mor«v^, ^«. I.

'^ZrZZj^^Z.horl^mintf 1, ov.r-«i,«piin8.t«l by other .ojipt^K «vid«ict«Kl

Page 11: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

•"^t^.«rt«^l unf->".H<.-o

Oftmowor^t of ..orld

h„t«r). "*«*'"» ""-, T^il .nO lhr,r.iJHH i.-«imili^i ion over ^



TWfl wslume BhouM rank es very unique In Itw enllre ranat

of woilcJ hhUirlcfil llMrnilure, becaus*. io r*r ta wt can ?W. in

modei-n Ume« no one has piTsentcd a congiatenl-, plausMe.

eontinUQUB, jflnitte-wurte accounl of wO]ld hlalory. Each Qn& hw

begun ni mma random pcirtt. discuasfid aome chosen i^iiwls and

topics of history and imlled it a dttf.

Sucb LrtEilTficnl Es :,yniplon>BUc of Ihe cosiTcsinn Ihnl tbounds

in thfl mindg of t^n? tntijlUgcnliEa re^ardinu histoiy, TImL confusion

ia muKElDieiiil. T^^s ''i>l^'">'? is intended lo lumovf Ihat confufllnit

hw^ from the readers mind ond opeti befort him a new ^%U

of lutfJcol. sj8temfllEC and ihoiTCHJjfh iWnWnii in hFslory.

Th«ilo«lwa oiiTM IhBt despite? diverse rofuiiffista^bna Ihf

Irhmatwnl iIMnily ia one. Ukewise ikhyaicista agiife that the awminaly

divirm elemenls of Ute pbi/Skal world wranale from a stnjfle sounw-

That Indlctney Lhal the» la a eei^iJn common 3lnii.inj{ pomi for

BvifrjthinB, Nfltu Hilly hEBiory is no frjrceptton. Histoid tw Had »

sioijlo-SQiirce. one poJnt bt^nnlnjj. Thai la lo any the b<p«EnaJng

of ibe cosmos and the lUjit of humanity w,is not a rartdEwn. frwklsb,

sponlniieous. wild p-owlh of just anything, ftmytlmt. anywher?,

(inyhow. It wasi a plannw] and syslemaiic beginning. Thii it vhA

wd call tbe Unin&a l^tuld Theory of Hisioiy. ConsequenlTy webellfwa

ihfll in modwn tlmna ihfs volume is the flrjit wurk to proijaond

auch a v\^,

Thti world b«itM^ mHUona of y«an iifio with the Kruia Yugi

Page 12: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

^^pH^.*, t^fldymade ^ling

V^dk c«5iwrt "^^ ^^'^''; ^«^^ of the ^^orld. <^ven as people

«ci« ftf humanity coiniinued thn>ugh three

^,UZi w^ br..e. into r^onal ^^"^^^^ ^2As^rSzythE.. Babylonia. Fct^, Indi. and Chine. Contr^nly

™™t hJBtonc^ t.:^^ assume tliE^t man evolved fi-cm a monk^

be then dp^loped a Ungu&ge and mt he onjaniied slates lilte

Bfil3fyTania and ^yria-

•nwolci^caUy the Vedic pantheon wag seated by breakway cults

aid crteda. yni)} each aweaiintf allegiance lo some paiticdar form

Lnaui^ioDy. Uiff teaching or Sacisk] it throughout the woild,

hiviTK broken down, local mannerisms and corruptions of the

anden;. pnmordlal Sanakiit ^ve rise to various regional limguai^

of EuroiM. Asia md Africa. That was hov ancient Vedic unity bfol«

Kp Into ihfl pnuni cleavage in eveiy sphere.

Lik«vi» the lochini oT all Vedjc sciences and arts such as

«n:bii#ciurv and Ayurveda (the Vetlic Science of nnedidne) suffciw

KV4i>rtr Bvihack bwaust while Ih^ir texts remaine<J SansUritt th«

indent »*eiy gf Sanskrit, as the universal lHn>!|i.!R'We having coniff

to on «nd, ihoM wha oould read or teach wwienl Sanskrit tejcu,

dwindted iiroeressivcly.

ft was that cBinstrOphe which ushered a dark >«« over the

human world, Humanity became divided Into se«:tOT» and pockrta

with snmc (finups remaining cut off in dislant re^flni. sinkinif

Id a stBte of primltivG Vivmg^ It is those which we regaRJ tod^

as the forest tribes or the backwai-d communities such as the Bed

Indians of Ameiica or the aboi^gine5,Maofiea of Australia and New

Zealand, tXher pockets nf huirianity wei-e in s sUghUy belter aUte

of civilization. Yet humanity as a whole totally lost ila «reat scienUfic

and technological advancement of the Wahabharat ei'a and waa pushed

baek almost to square one to moke a fresh start,

Eversince though the Western woi-lJ has caught up once a«^n

wiih some lemarkable technological advancement yet that is atwut

ell that can be said on the credit side. Even thene the WesteiTiers

have totally raBed to lesusciUte and recapLui'e the loay prtndplei

find standai^s or economical and painless prophylactic profidency

of Ayurved and the im maculate giiuideur of Vedic ai^Wtectufe.

Even in other fields such as theological units/ - 9«ia] cohesion.politick

and administrative unity, eradication of poverty and crime, ensunnij

unimpeded access to all parts of the world, elimineting sectional,

sectaiian and religious strife, modern society mtes vei^ low^ The

propagation of factional reli|^ons like Buddhism. Christianity and

Talam havt dnven wedgea tn htaman society and plunged It into

social and theological confusion. The Vedic moorings have been

lost. Humanity today is in the hapless position of bang thro^

oveiboai^ fr&m b wrecked Vedic ship ta fend for itself in a dark.

stormy, shark infested sea of divisive selfish Interests with each

individual or gi^up trying to outdo, undo or kill the others.

It fs this stoiy which this volume unfolds, of how a once united

world is bdng progressively Cor regi^sively 1 1 riven into ever smaltir

fiercer ftnd moi-e cnmical factions.

It la hoped . incidentally, that this Unified Field Tneory of World

History would help unite humanity once again Jn Vedic cuUura.

Page 13: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


u- -«^ ^ri«ikin(! erf Sonslti^. fibundomnent

ovenrhelmlng soda] utmty and purpose.

This vohim^ sbouia 83=0 se-^e as an .n.yclopoedia of lost histoo^,

S.v«^ tmth.:on« rosining bidden ^d unknown b.v. b^n ..Iv^ged

gnd p.*Mnt*3 herein for the enll«hteQinent of the world.

TO, volume also points oxit Itiat s me.'e slud^r of historical

r^ni. i3 of na use and doe^ .ot make one a histonan tf alon^

with tbBi study one does not have a mind keen to kr.osi' tbe truth

and or. is not co^ratfeous ^ou«b to speak H out from house-u^ps

En ihe teeib of fip^ce opposition fi-om vanous pressaiie groups.

-mough the subject mfltler of this volgjue is history, unlike

others the reader wont meet here a mere rehash of old events

but m absolutely n^yt narration of lost and unknown history, a

plmsible explanaUon of garbled and half-underatood concepts and

a Trcs^ new research melhodolo^,

The evidsice presented in this votumo should be i^egarded not

s ndiflustive but only aa indicative of a vast new, virgin field

of reseflrth.

Thousands of new research volumes containing suc!i inronnstion

eoucLiywise. leponwise ajid language-wise will have to hepubliahed.

For this ffreat task it would be proper to found a Woi'ld Vedic

Htrita^e University or Academy to conduct rescajch and tuition

la this pi-iniordial human heritajfe.



HIstoty is a subicci Ln which there !s no deaith of hooka beioij

constantly published lu^nd the world. Hal all such bo.k. snioun

to nothing more than a Uttle ttnkenng here and there wiihin th.

emlMt of ti-aditional concepts-

This volume has a rsd.cally different i-Ole to play inasmuch

S5 (t lays down an aJt^igether new framework for the st.dy.

compj^hension of and i-esearch in world m^ry.

UiK "^njE And Darwin

rfucetton h« h^ do^i-'^-B 'h. ecadsmi. world, t ^m te.

^; LrZevolv^ ^»««l by D»^in. Eve. Lh=.,^ --

Idem-day physidsl. and tiologi.ta ™ay be ^t^nlna .eri»^

pun«^ mo,l .ohdav. of all discipline,

""^"""/^^X^^;tJT «id write » mouKh th=se two concepts aboul ^^^•^''^

Tl^Lni lire have .. un<,««tionaW., im^utabl,.,v.

finality about them.

CesBws Created Ai One Go

This volum. is meant .0 de^ a death blow to tho.e ^^-<^^^^'^

end™.: that the world of mat.r -^^'^^^r^"^';^

one «o by dimity - ^-nbed In

-^^^^f^^'tTof the

Vedaa were also delivered lo humanity Bt the very ^

Page 14: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

univt-r^ n t boofc of tX\ VnowlpJ^ conwmlnff lh<> v^orlcfng of

iWi complex an cJ limifliM cosmos. Strmjltnnooualy LhtjadmlnJslrDUm

of lb* anivprw w&s enU'uslei by i11v{nty Ic a littSriieii bund of sajjes,

and admin ist r«tora known a$ Ksholnyas . They sit spoke ore uni vers^

God'tjivTn UinnuAjfc noin^ly Sftnikril. Eversmce the world of human

orfafns hn» conlinued l* funeUM in a procreating dnd mtitu^ly

ttlu eating <^'d^ Thii unlvei^nliLy of administration and lant^age

conifnuisJ nijht ihrout'li from the slort of creation^ tjpto the

Mflhjibhnral >^'Bir.

The UrvahAtma

TTie colossal nutT^r devastaLton wTtJuuhl by thot war shalt«r«i

Uip wDi'Idwide pn'moi-dial Vecllc. Sanskint culture, h was then that

lite frajpnents of that eai'Uer universal Vedic culture Hew a^tfttiJ csm* lo tie caLe^^iiTted ns Syiia. Assyria, Scythia, Babylonia.

Crt^te. RtEWe. F^jii, Oilna and India. The F!iitish Empire too

W5« simitaHy dismembered InLo several inciependent naLic^ns afler

World Wai' H

Ite sO'Call^ mo^Iem lanj^uag^s too are notb/ng more than

rfi^oml corruptiont of S£mskh*L» genei'ated afLei^ tbe MahabhsrsL

VAT c&ma^f 1^ iQ the coilapse Of SanskitL tuition Ihroughout the



As jSigoinst this veiy plausible and cohesive explanaltan of how

modmi laji^^es ai'e ail mere dialects of S9n$krit, modemphilolciKJsCa advance some confused, bapb^zatd and unconvincing

arguments for tbe mutual inter -relifilionsbip of various languages.

This volume thus bridgf^ all gaps, straightens out aU confused

thinking and ps-ovtdes a consistent and logical account. of a] I history

rfg'ht from the creation, as has not been concpLVodn attempted or

Bfoomplisb«d to our knowledge in modern times. Thei-efo^'e, this

i^tijm>e thould rank aa bcbnging to a class by itself, a history

of histohesn 8 pace-seller and not a^ a mere one-among- many,

humdrum hixLoiy booka.

In chnptor afier chapter hei'eafler we shall dJscuss diff<*rent

f l,untBn ll^p. *""« mftitaty oivamTfltBii lo m^idn.* ind

^*^'u, t^hnoKwy topqintout Lh.ttbeb»»ir:™wwu.<rf«-oiM

.^1 2oroa5.mnns, Buddhists. ChrisiUns. Muslim* tnJ p*^

r!^^in« every other faith, the t^lnology th«y u« md ibe

Tht lllUmuti! HlslO'y

Though ta a was U«™ L n=lWnsi «lUm«* in thh ^''"•^

';;^;r*« eter^ bond or tb. ^ml .br«a tb« r.n, .bro«,b

sll biimm Ufe. spe«b and KUvity.

TO» .boold .1.0 =<-! v^ l«i«l. b™™. "^7'^'",™, ™„>i nnxtti tm™ 0"* foes' ='^'^''« """

bang concept ot the jinyacisia, ,j^ f,,,„, ,nvisMe • rsnilorr

.„.«. of tbo .p«,. -^—^',t;r- "^- ^ ' «-

",„ „, t™mc ™.hap or air a™d«,t w. -n^« "^^J

->--. =:x'?rr,r:r:L:rr. rt;'t««

flf the fittest' It iben amount* lo "ying "^^ *">* *™,

mu5l be the Htl^sl while one who got Kim


« p„n.t, .d ..a« «* ..bene. oy^H."^':;.'rjf::::

land mass. !n courae of Urn. 5epaii«., i, ,Mrt of

L «.mo, for a ,on. .-"'^^—,7 ^^^b. «tbb*-V«Uc cullur*, everybody siKSiMna &u...brii. -W i«

Page 15: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


^,K.( .v,«T.«dr«frii,(nirivi-f«lHic-l-irr««trtrc-cukuraJ gnity^*,

.h-ti^ A« * ™mtli. P«l^ ' sot ' divid*^ mto tliff^rent r^onfil

Mirif ludi e 5eytl*. P*rtMji. %™, AMyrifl. Babylonia. Etf>Tpi

tod Ovna.

lit*r tlwy becfljTit furt>ier divided. separ&(«J iind esinuitr«l ss

ibty bcBmiii ^peaiting dlfTereni vanettes of broken Sinskrit, nd opting

OitttntildaiKS. professing slranKe Ideologies andswesrinif alletjianc^

to ^Brngnnt creeds and nliigions^

Sii£h schJsni Is getting worse day-tiy-day. SruJIer and smaller

^mw groups are being created , This is pefhaps humanity ' s d^sti ny

bKiuw cosmic propbecy m recorded Ln Sanskrit scripttirw does

indeed spealt af such proprssive deterioration In public aiandarda

«id b^vjour leading la diif dis^Lress m^ divisions in the present

Ka]j Yug. the 1$SA> and ih<t worst in the el^maJ cyde of Ibe Yugaa.


btcBi, the mirvfving cmtral cone of Vedtc culture is its^f under

Mmn ftrain. Parts of its i^eographicfl] corpus were lorn apart in

1917. In recent tynes Mme ambitious, power-hungry politiciana

hi Us* north are feverisbty busy wblpplng up a mass hysleria

miil'AulJng Slch masses to proclaim that they are non-Hindus. Whatireveaty of truth and hlstot^' it is to assert that the disciple- corps

(that ii what 'Skh' alias 'Sishya' mean$] raised to save Hindudomby valiantly fighting against the Mugha] army, is no more Hinduor WR nevtf Hindu f Th& fact that e^^ry Gyru worshipped Vedjc

Wali< pid died to ?ave Hindudom is easily forgotten. Though the

!Wy CtwiLh ii in fun of the adoration of Vedic dejtjps Sikh temples

fcriipMlouaty om)t to fnahrine any or them. The^r chief shrine,

the Gddffi Temple el Amritsar displays peintinga of the atTOCtttes

^ the Muvlimf to re»iirt which the then Hindus organised a bravedJKiple eorpt of vacant flahtera By conveniently by- passing and(KnonriK tif ihat lome self siyled tradijrs, havinK an eye on somepetty 1^, are dedarinR that SJkht have closer affinily with the

Mmlimi md ihut Uinduitm is ihrir common enemy. This amounU


to rafldinii history topsyturvy . When even Uw SWia. who ir* tht

very flo^h find blood of KinduJgm h«ve iprouted «ucb leadpn In

Qtu* times t It tft no wonder that in the dislunt pnat similar Hlfltb

eonaidtiraUons of a few individuals led tg hrtakaway t^nupa HparetlnK

thcmecWes fnom the world Vedic brotherhood, caDiitf tbamielva

Christianity and lalim.


Likewise in the south some non-Brd»min Isiders art working

up a mass hyaterfa sft^nst north Indians as a whole on the one

band, and ag&inst thear own Brahmin community on the other.

Their alogan is Dravidism which is absolutely indefensShle historically


Dravids CDra^Drashta i.e. aeer. V]&: Kntyiver sUas lesmed)

was the name of the first group of Vedie sages who proceeded

to South India and otbor parts of the world Csuch as Europe


to start Gunikulums i,e. educational and socio -econDmic training

esUbtlshments. People gradusting from these inatitu lions played

different roles In society as Brshmina. Kshatriyaa. Veishyag and

Shudras, The current untouchability and disdain attaching ia the

Shudras started only with talamso invasions when Hindu fluidity

and viiility was atifled and a petrified Hinduism fafled to oust the

Muslim Invaders, it is since then, as in o gsme of musical chaJre.

^at csattis became birth- oriented. Whosover was a Brahmin.

Kshiitriya. V^sbya or Sudra at the time of the Muslim onslauBht.

held on to that label for all generations tQ come nu matter what

he did for a living or the kind of life he led. Many such cob*eba

of mistaken concepts need to be cleared.

This volujne which plarys that cleaning role. Is in a way a higtory

of histories and the ultimate in history because It achieves wveral

Objectives a^ one stroUe. Fsrstly, it disoovera a unitary atari for

universal humanity. SKondly^ it clears the linguistic meas and

confusion and potnt^ to the unerring concluaion ib&t Sanskrit was

the first language given to humanity by divtnty. TWrdiy^ it points

out the invalidity of the vaifue talk and confused notions about

an Aryan race or Aryan people end clarifiea that the term Kry*

Page 16: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

'"^"'^'^ ^-Trrpot. anv .*^ or «Jloi.r- Fourthly, thj*

73?nd «1«^ «^ *^^«* ""^f"^ ^'^ hiiphDzard ^xplar^atifms.

]^lr,f thr niadine. wrfHns. >«utl^ t^^Hmtt and reseiMth in

tMory. •Mch bsd hiLhertfl remained unknown-

Our contaiUnd ihal human affalnf an our gtob« wirre given

jli«dfUPl [i> i|i^it>' wilh aji initia] stock of wel! trained human

t»«nB5 af iU«» and e]l caUbrtS. anJ with votumes of comyrehenaive

kntnrfpdge ti.t the VedBs) may be dismissed as mwely superstitious

£nd unscienLiflc.

An Tiumaniii' ai any given Tromen: wHl [irobably never tw tolally

ccir-inoed aboul the way humanity at first populated this globe

»nd prognssed. Were human beings parschuttd here fram other

hiKvenly bodies? Even if they were, how were they put to birth.

rwred or irijned ffven on those Other planets sue some Of t:*

questions raised. The enpIanettDn thai trained buman betngS were

Hflt dovm to populiite the earth from heaven or from other planets

is tbf best Uut could be offered, h is not less " scienUfic*' than

thcDirwiniui theory or Lhe Kg length»ry. it must be remembered

bcTf that a meOsphysilciat is as much a scientist, as a physicists

In firt meti physics is a much more superior science because it

Ultes ST) oversl] view of every brsjich of life and every aspect of

Ihf world infitead of conTming itself only to One topie.

$9 whether well -trained eddt humans were Incubated in hcflveti

or on cvth or were parachuted here from elsewhere must remain

o imich a co]tei;tive mystery for humaruity as a whole aa eveiy

child 'a oonc^on. births progress^ proweaa and death remaui ^unknown myitfi7 to it.

The MfcsumF^on (hat tbs world of human affairs beganan iMilinl well tinned gmerittion of adult hymana furnished with

piptrior. ilvine toiowled^ tihe Vedss] and equipped with adivin*


laiufnnge SanskHt, U & moat lot^cst and icJentiflc Baumpiinn bwantwthiii is how any factory ^ field -^aitie or « ^tme^play snorts, aj^^nOTpinlsed productivity sKarts only witb compksieMsei.9, prrjarmiion

and skill provided in odvance, it doean t start with t. protoplMmor a big bang. That la exuctly whet Sansknt scripture say. Th*rerorB.

Ihqge scrijAurcff are fundamental sciertific and hlMoHi:^ JQCurnenta

recordir^ the creation of the cosmoa and of humuntty.

Moreover, such a beginning la conflrmHl try historical roearchtoo. Pushing hiaioricel research further and further tack En i[me

from whatever point on earth auch ea Tjnor or Timbuktu we find

the Vedds and Sanaknt lang^jflge to be at the farthest end^ Bvtty

language. reUgion, cult, creed or country finds itself related to

the Vedas and to Sanskrit En the ultimate analyala. And since that

twin .heritage la India's preserve in our own times, every country

en earth feels the need of indologfcal regearch for an understanding

of its own cultural background. According to the weD- known adage,

the proof of the pudding lies in Its eating, aimilErly iha proof for

the conclusion that Ihe Vedas and Sanskrit l^guage form the

primordl^ heritage of mankind from its very incetaion la proviiW

by aH kinds of evidence, 'HKrefore. it haa got to be accepted.

If people ask ua how and where could God have trained the

fir^t generation of humana in their earthly duties, we may point

(0 the humble bee as en Instance. Who trained her ia

honey manufacture? Similarly humanity too waa bom with Is own

congenital skills. This is why we have to believe the Sansknt

scriptures, vi? the Vedag, the Puranas. tbe Ep^ca (Hsmayan sni

Mahabharat) and Manusmriti which constitute the earliest divine

record of the creation of the cosmos . in God'a own lanKuage* Sanskrit.

Narn>w Range uf Mundane Logic

To aatia^ the heckler and quibbler. In mundane terms about

the origlna of humanity beyond what the scripture say is not po»ible


It msiy be that man's mundane logic openiies only within very

narrow confines and it fa beyond the capacity of the liny human

brain to comprehend the myatery before birth and aft«r d<r«tih.

Page 17: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


^iirt, we know thol nil human sensea

™' "^,' Iw^rTh^ri., h.v. fo«l UPP«- ^d low*r limit,

i, ^ able t« s«l^^^^' """^ * ***^'*^ qu^tion as to how

!Z^dTn^^*^ (^ n*>^ * '^"^'^'^^ ^'^ ^'^^ """"" ^' ^"^"'^

berti^rtt, 4<^'i )m^' wbrtJier the seed cair^e f^rst Or the tree?

BtekwBU on I tetf whether the *WJ came ^rsl or ibe hen ? People

CBi'l etplun whrtber it It effort which brings results or desliny ?

Ph>tiiisL* UT punled whether light Is 8 wave or particles?

Oewil(^{su are surprised that oceans never overflow despite

inrtsssni in!W* of v^ai^f froni innumerable rivers. Surgeons have

f^lad to lotaie the eefl where the soul i-e$idE9 in the bodv. A male

IMibolijgisi frho lovH to nirt with women cann&t explain why )k

lika (o kin their spittle and caU it nectar on earth when he ranla

igsiidt human ^piiUe in his medical classroom lecture as the dirtiest

divt45teful, dfli^erttus &nd dlsfiase'ful thing on earth ?

Mm Hii to Take ihc Cr«4ik»n for Granied

All LM Kbow instances indicate tl^st whether in history or other

t^Hns Toaa hm to take the world, as it is, for granted. He has

to xhipE h]> life witMn the narrow oonflnea circumscribed for him

by divlnih Alias Nattire. Man has to admit that the higher mysteries

of cootiic lifemuM itmain unexplained to his tiny brain. Therefore,

In thfr fleW qT history too we have to admit, on the all-around

irndmtt w« nouce. Lhai the Vedss and Sanskrit did come to earth

wiib buMfiimj^ How? Like the inborn honey -making skill of the

bee we niMJ thai the Vedtfl and Sanskrit language along with thefiral nmenHim ^ ft,By tr^ned humans formed the basiclock in-tradt with ^-hieh divijiity (aUfls Nature) started the humanworid W«, ibtreTore. uke that b3 the starting point of humanhifttory.

Him \tKiaii i% HumaaiirT

nwugh dasan>om historians a» likely lo preaume and isspfI

thfit Ihey \a\ovf the outline of world history filrly Bccumlely, yfi

researchers coni^Eirned with truth and not with ocadBrnJc pmtiga

and btijrr and bluster confessi that tNy know very IKtIe about \Jrm

origin of hujtianjty,

l>r, T>onBid C.John son of the Museum of NBtional History,

C^lf!ve1and, Ohio. USA. observe '

' Fossil dfacoveries in Europe. Africa

ond Asia are pushing human origins further hack in Ume._. Hla becoming increasingly cl^r that the scenaiio of human evcHution

is much more complex. The prahlem-limp is three to tm milticin

years ago. Ther* appears to have he*Ti a (sreai diwcrgity of possible

human ancestors, and we don't know how they were related. "'

The Univ^siillt]^ u( Sanskrit

A similar wonder ta expressed by scholars at the world sweep

of Sanskrit literature and in fact of every aspect of Vedic culture*

For instance, A.A.Maodon£>U observe in his tnok titled Indiu't Pail

f pHge Ufi) ' The history of how Indian fairy tales and fable-i miicret«d

from ow country to another to n«r)y all the people af Europe

and Asia, and even to African tribes from their nrigin^ home In

India, borders on the marvellous. It is not a ease of single atones

finding their way by word of mouth - . . from India lo other cou ntrieg


but of whole Indian books becoming through the medium of

translations the common property of the woi!d...many fairy tales

current among the most vgrioua p«ipLle«an be traced to their tui^nsl

home in India."

The Universality of Vedic Music

En an alLagether different facet ofhuman activity, namely muaie.

once again we find Indian, Hindu, Vedic musii: to be the baaa

of worid music, German author, Weber writes in his book on IndLin

Literature (page 237) "The Hindu scale - So, Rch Ga, Ma, Pa.nhii

Nee has been borrowed also by the Persians, where w« fhid it

(n the form of do, re, mat fa, so* le* d, ft came to the West

1 1 ) ?.^%y Ho*' a5d is man 7 friwn the Encydopaedli ijf Tamoranre , PcrKtrnwi,


Page 18: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


, « lnlrtrf"«a by Gufdo d Ar«w in Europe m ihe for^ ^

^rit pifflm. and ^* rtus * dj'^ct t«tiniony of the Ind,an onpn

of our Eurtjpowi Kftle of M^m not«-"

Afto^ If m a PBfidom s«mpUns of bow. no matter vfhizh

nspw^ of htmun Itr* sdiolara pick up for mvMtlgation, th^y ai^

willy nflly led lo ihelrdJan. Hindu. Vedic, Sanslmt. Arya. Senatafi.

ongin of hwmtn culture.

Yrt at thew scholar? have b«T^ wording in individual isolation

and bffrildennent unnware of the ctjmmon refidrevous to which

they «*£] veering. U ia like several people diifginR lunneJa throuifb

I mountain fnmi different directions and heading unknowingly to

I conUEUMi central intersection.

M fucb 1 juniniiiw it is no mean providential oolnculence that

T cofweived of this volume which is able to correlate the effortaj

and contTusions of Scholars of a myriad feeets of boman activity,


and to poi/tt out to them «I1, that tn$tfi&d of continuing to wortcler

iti isol&thon ebout the Vedi'c termins] that they have r^eeched; they

should Ik aware of felbw scholars in other branches who are heading

Uttanit the a&me lerminal.

And since theji' are aJl converging on a common point, ijisterf

of wasiinjif ibeir ener^e? any nnore fn hypothetical speculation, how

ver> Hsy and graifying would it be if Lhey all heresfler concentrate

on the study of the cneation as expounded by Vedic tradition. Lei

40 idulv? of the world, of even 9a>nce and technolc^, for onoe

Rudy with deep iryst and faith what Vedic tradiUon and Sanskrit

taft^have to say iboui the origin of humanity and of their own•pKfi] branch oT study, e^en as a hypothesis. Sucb a study they*m find vci^. saiisfyina md iUiuninaUng and answering oU their


«»t ichoWs hp-e Hlherto placed Implicit faith In concept"™^ l^ i Sr Waiiam Jon«, Mamueller and the like fratn

«» *n »hldi ootioni of the Christian elit« about the physical


world around th^m were very primitive, Thsy m«y hffld tbt vvrdiuof Herssiin Lebedoff "From the above -stabed ipeciment. It mtirt.

be obvious to those who are icquajiited with the Indian orthognpby

and Idiom I that S^r William Jones changed the wcp'ds uid tlD^ir

pronunciation ti^ iMnaEtquCTtcr of his defective kncTwledge of (be

Sanskrit Innguaae. Many of tbe ini^uirers into AsIaUc litei^ture,

however, bave been induced lo place en impUdt confidence In hb

information, aa autbentic."^

bidden taBy the name Herasim (of the author quoted aluve)

is tbe Sanskrit name Eari-Smha j.e- the lion of i man named


Because the contemporary world has relied til] tod^ on histories

of bidifl's Vedic, Hindu cuUure written by ignoramic and hoatfle

alien Muallma end ChHstlens it has developed topsy turvy prejudicial

notions. For instance, in the fi^ld of music it ia loosdy asserted

that Lidia's alien Muslim invadei'S and monarcbs gave a great fllBp

to Indian music through court patrociage,

Thet chauvinistic claim propagated by Muslim court stooges

and implJcitiy believed in by their sycophant following is scotched

by Ethel Rosenthal's observation that "In The Jndtun Empire, Sr

William Wilson Hunter remarked, that a regular system of notstfon

had been worked out before the age of T^nini and tht seven noleft

were designated by their Initial letter?. This notahon pessnl from

the Brahmins through the Peraians to Arabia, and was then introduced

into Eunopeen muskr by Guido d' Arezzo at the beginning of the

ilth century. . .Hindu music. aRe^- a period of e^tcessive elsboration.

sank under the Muhammadana into * stale of arrested

development..,,"* Thus, far from enhancing music Islam degrwied

and stifled It.

C2) P. ?C(ACr»mnnaror:he Pure uHi Mixed lr(iknT)f[de<cts.---MitbodiaIiy

a rroneed It CatCkiiXJi., wxoniinf to the Br4ihmtnkn iQ/item Ejf the Soinakrli

*l.jinfui^ by KpraaJm LflbtdofT. London, printed by Q. S^nmn Ruclifl

HiBhway, IWl AT).

iZl F. 2The teory ttt bidUa Muile ant Ita InitruniDU by Etbii RoHnib&l.

Page 19: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


^^ Z^i «v^ r«* ti-Bb, and *h«i the mhflb.unt« «™«.r II thcY Ukp - r^Iiff^us Lum Brt>ui»d it ficcording Uj l>ie AncJent

Pr^d «.U>m ffk-rlB^. P-K* l«^)' ""^^^ ^-^^^"l^l;^

^'=*>' «''*

S^h^krii Sdiyjdpv). By the CornicO ofms «i Ifi^^aJI these place*

wi^ oni*red to be deetrtjyed, which pi-oves their former exisu^

Ad wwinlfl for iheir pi*senl scsreity in Prance.

Such lupppwsion wbb a feature common io every ctninit^,

DvcfUkm «nd ovemin by Islem and ChnsliBnity. For instance,

in Hnljin Britiih Sotrltlr of Afiliqiiurics existed m the Itme of

KHabPt*! and Kin« Jamw '"buL ii being sugK^i^i that the

u(d lorirty w<nild b* prejudicial to certain great and l^med bodies

for thai mton the members thoaght it fii U> break it off. Nor

were tlwrv winUng very powerful men that proved enemiea Lo tbem,

tnd ufiong oiher ihinga they were pleased U) alle^ie that some of

th* wciply were persona not only disaffected to but really of A

quiiv different p«rTLiiunon from the Chiirch of England^"*

This is yet another instance of lopsy-lur^ notions prevalent

•bout hJitory umong modem tnte!!igenlsia- It Is asserted almost

B^tomaticaJly that the adoption of Christiflnity made the Europeans

intgrewiveand helped them usher the modem industrial civDi^fitton.

It may be recalled that Christianity took about a thousand years

to tprwd over thp wbole of Europe (fpom the 4th to the I'ltb

crtilury). Thereafter, the M-callcd Industrial Revolution came »

fuU SXI ymn li^.

CofiinHly v^ry dowly gyarded secret i:^ t^iat the European

InduvlHil fUrvoluiion coincided with the plunder of ancient Sanskrit

t«xu from India and their iranslation Ln Europe,

14) P m, Th.CilUc Oruid*, hy Codfrtj HIjnffns.

Ifr) PntMim ui A CoJk-akn of OuHoui IMfccaurwi wrium by TJfilfl^^Aniti^iarta upon Mr«r«] i!iH4i in mr EnjiUdh Anacniltlw, i\ni publfahfld

by -njwMi HwM. OilQfd, pHntfld at thi Thonlrc, M^DCC.XX

If. therefore, Europe uih«r«d the prawnt mkl^iw t^ thA

if not bEH^use of ChHfititn^iy but in npite erf Chrisiiwity- Bccnw.

Jt Is Apparent from the evf4jcnc« died above that Chri*Ftiinl(ty ion^

bdd the Europearw in the vk» of primitive Bnt^-dlhivian notkins-

BeiidffiN CbriatiBnlty ffuppr««ed fiU pre-Chriistisi hlaujry of Europe

gnd forbade wiy resMTch into the psdit. Such »aa Xbe terror of

the Church of Eogl&nd thai a society of sntiqiiaiisins hvl to diswWe

nd disband itsslf for fear of the Qiurch


fa flgHinst such terror of Islam end Christianity wlikrh enslaves

human minda, Vedic Iradilior not only allowa fuD rein to cme's

kigic but also makes thp immtV of truth and freedom froro the

coTislrainta and mlMria Of «trthly erifltence the highest goal. It

should, therefore, be the duty of every right- ihinlung persoti m*

onJy to acquaint himself with Vedic cnlture but live KWrding to

ita tenets to reestaMsh the unity of mankind and of the entire

globe Sana political and radal divisions.

It is this rwlization of the need to acquaint humanity witi

the Intellectual rwtrtinla in vridcb \\ has been placed by s^ctman

interesta, with the fals* cbBUvinistic Mtkma on which it has been

fed and with the amount of bistary thst has been driibwaUly blBcked

out or distorted, whicli impelled me to present to the world ihla

volvune reveailing our oomnMn dhrtne Vedk inheritflnce.

The ChronologkaJ Skeleton

k h usually presumed that since b general chmoological online

of history comprising accounla of dynastic rule or of dcmocrttic

regimea and of hattl« etc. is generaDy wdl known what more

could any new book on history teQ 7

Such a view of history amounts to a diy, dull, dead concept

lilte a human akelelon bung In a doctor's clinic. Though similar

skeletons forni the freme of every human being, yete«h personality's

look. acUvity, thoughts. capabiBttesH voice. InteUigence and promsa

v^ far different and are not deduoble from the skde^fio. likewise.

th« pith md flesh of the pcraonallly of every country will not b*

appw^ni from a mort chrontdogicil liwtch of its i;«*t. The akekton

Page 20: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

«f M bml^^' QtH*" *"d of nn ugly wfi^S) ^H 5«m th^ ^m^

Z F«rt»"i* ih-t the two m5pir«l whDe fllive would te ^^

dJITriwt mr*fort. Ihoutrh the chronoliSgical sMetons of. say.

t Muslim Arnhifl or Christian England or a Hindu India betweeq

Oie ft,h Jind 201 h cejilu ries may look clO$ely Jffmflar b^ beJ^ff

pockmarked fay badfps flc. yet the refinemwitg and specfalitses of

Hindu culture wJB have hardly any KHn|>arflble countcj^ert^ (a tlj^

India itwlf as a geographic*! entity would be hardly dlstrngiiishable

from oLhfr land masses. But as 8 continuing home of Hinduism

tlm Ved{c mliMi^ India is Incompar-able. Vedic culture is nijt onjy

IndiBS spedBliiy it Is « wojld phenomenon. Ilei^fore, too the

prwent volume (m^bL U) be rejnrded not as a humdnim history

book but HS a bi story of hl^tftriea-

OisaU [oformdJ DUcQurse

Tidt voiiime ii « kind of an Inrormal discourse or a fire-sida

dill Cdevo[J of l«hnic9l iai-jjon) *3T] matttre pertaining to worjd

tiia^ry and culture addressed both to laymen and j>rofe33ional8^

U prreents on& principal disoivery ntunely that Vedic culture

and Sanskrit la;iguage pen-sded the whole world from the beK^nnin^

of lirti^, and an au^dliary discovery that the current historical research

^™t«n needs to be spruced up^ because though a number of facts

wei¥ widely known they w?re hilheilo treated S5 Stray bits not

ntli-^iE into any lystemotic pattern. The World Vedic Heiita^discovery expounded in thfg volume correlawg all those known deui Is

and «howi that iht^ point to a systemaUc single^ $ource beglnniniffor huminity,

Tnii may. at first siyht, app^r^ to be a random Twot^^Ts.BuiiniHiy.a-iimepvtir a nindgm hypstheafa proves to be theultimaLe

Jf^ TlUi happas pTKticBliy In eveo- branch of learning. In

TTT; ^'^ "**"'*^ ^^^ P^iMck Ca German) proposed En IftW

•^jr.iT"'^^^"^ '^ **«troma«nrtlc radiation diuht) to

"Plfn ih» apBctrum of r«li-Uon emli.^ by a body, Planck was


but II rfoi^e •eemed to adw^onisly explain ill Ihe known jrofmiim

of rsdiatlon as against other p™vftIlLn« thwriw. And ltt4r Plinck'a

was found to Have a iaund lagtefHiTTn.

Thus B very uwful rwwrch rule Ib to KCfpt n theoty *bkto

unifiea all kno«m facte Into e syaUirrvEtic doctrine to tho exduslwi

of othara which have faDed lo explain the Inter -relillon of all deUDi.

In viflw of the fibove discussion the aubkct maltw of thla vohiiiw

falla Into two main parta. one presen^ng the Unified Fi^ld Theotr

of History, and the other discuasiiig r«esreh n«thodotogy.

The preaenution is made In ar informsil maniKr, ayold3n|

irtrait-iacketed norma and forma. For instance, source rrferenw.

have been at timea quo4*d within bracketa during the wur« rf

the narrative itself instead of ctigtractintily rtfl^aUng them to th«

bottom as footnotes.

likewise in some stray itistances matt^ri perttdnlng oidy to

Indian history have a!.o been included. Thet ii to iUuitrate hm.

rnethods of historical analy^ can be applied to ^pedHc altuatlcna.

Ancaiaiy infonnation 3= also provided on several topfo wtww

possible to give readei^ a mom =ompreb«isive or «™t id« of

the V^c way of life-

M Umo son.- subjecUve did«llc rmiarks tave also \>m< thnnm

in With m «.nvkt™n th.t history «n..l b. ^<^ M'"r>

of il. moral. Hlst=,y ca, b. ™«ninBful orij, i( its st"<iy « ^'^lo th. pres«« besrings of the (.dividual, the moonng. ofj'^"™

and the sUrfng, of humanity a= , wbol.. TO. =ur«a^'"'l^ti^f,

or m.tb.n,aU« milium, ag«n.t tl« baaic obi^uv. beWnd Iha study

of history.

Ail Biich innovaUona found in thl> volume may ptfsuad* *«n*

pcad^rudan- inur«d to currmi ^^«bL.h«ked^'"IT^

tr^tmeot of hlaloi^. lo bei^t* lt» re«a^h v^Of ihla vcium*.

Page 21: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



Tb mch I would SVf to pt^irt out thm tl» obiUr <l(rta In^iyj^j

(n ihit volitum* aftouM be wntfdered 9^ *n GmlH]](shm«,ior

fgn^^mm^ aiHl not « * detmcUng factor. TUtWe who havt ^^^i

Utt, or jwmwA foribe didactic treatment of^iistoty in this voJunj,

niv itra l«wn( mm* the rtsi of ibe matter whfcb they conaldJ

5fistoi>' t*3's us that *vcry hesd of state is the DeFwidtfof,

(i cTrtaiD) faith. Ukewiw ordlnBry. Bcademic Kisloo' too is memij

lo mak* dll«n aware of his nation s faith and of the basic fWti

of humaniiy aa a wbol*.

bi ih«L same tradition thJs volume has a wid^f, higher snd

nohter faith to sustain namdy to make the world aware that humanity

a a whole mugt rise above the current crippling political barrienj

nd rfili^ous di^siotis to its original, tmiiaiy mniveraa! faJth.

Spedal Formal

SuEh B volume, written in d^ence of that universal, primordial

Vvdic Sanskrit faith , being unique In conc?plior, ita contents, called

for 1 format of its own. Theirfore, the author hops that reader?

would g:lean whatever Is useful and not treat ll es compromised

ixr cancelled out by what does not meet tbair taste- Tt would be

unjuat to expect this volume to conform to the narrow cotifpna

of B traditional roearch wor^^ because this volume '#hile certainly

being a raeurh publication has several other dimensions and

functJDhs too,

Srveml U^iiik Features

TVo^ 1 number ^ volumes on hJatory keep app^drin? la

print aU {Tver tba worid everyday, yet in aD modesty and eamestnewibe pmaii work ii daimad to occupy a very unii^ue place in world

U*oriciJ litwalun. It la believad that within living memory such

a oocnpr^ittidi** nd nngla-aource account curr^tlng all iaiowo

•"Wbw Into i Ti«*m«ic pattern of world history atartSng f«>'"

*bi cnnkn and loMng all historicfll riddles alonj the way haa

bun aUtoijMd ow convindng^ty eKeculud i^iilkr*

•[tiff, for Instaroft, tht verj tifma *GwiJi' mi 'Nw*4*'

ilgni/yii^ rwpectivcly thft vecy beglnnins bvI md of ih» comwi.

^t«ndiird En«SiaV» dicUonariw (md ail oUwr I^ropMn dlctl(rt*ri«

too) offer a hajihaMrd, roundabout *iptBin«on rwMfif wX to

»mo G™«k TOOt a> the dead-wid. But tht rtymo^og^ciil wptanau™

they pT^vidfi 6M not right, beceUM ii» hUtory currmtjy tniht

at school, b rauliy. For iaaunwi. the worf 'tg^mW I* bc* baaai

an any Latin. French or Creek rooi (as j^ to b«oma'> but

[t la the auiskrit wonl 'lanma' namely to b« bom. SimI4rty tl«

Urffl Nemesis <l» not from tha Greek n»t nemo, 'to ghre wh*

is due- M the OxTord tKctioneiy explalna) la tlw common Sanskrit

etpreaaion (wrfwi 'nam-sesb^ i.e. bwcaning ao deatreyed or ftKliKi

B3 to exist only In nMrie.

This ahould help not only In undersurdbg iht d»t t«n«

between etymology and history but should also serve to d»* acbobni

of every branch of leamLni that history beSitg at the verj' reot,

If history goes wrting, concluaitms in their own fleWs of latmtng

ixn likely to pj absolutriy wnry.

On* of the functions of tWa vohima la to remove that r«llr*

of smugness and complacent bi the minas of the ^^^^and urge it to take a second. fr«h. cl^ look at world hiatory.

The framework of world history erected in theSr minds her^ofore

may have to be dismantled and replaced Itf a beUe- on*.

Another ami la to hnpreas on the «adir l*» need toW «riaua

attention to sncfent r^ortis and tradlUons and not dbn^ss thern

„ mere chauvinistic myths or poetic fand«. T^ Bamay«> ^Mahabharat, for instance, carry coplou. and fairly detailedm^^(considering their remote antiquity) of »^^^^^^;"T_„worida \ interatellar travel snd devastatinB mijsiks, m ««"**•

unbelievable fantasia in the Victorian er» when Bmipean k*o^

w^te moat of our c^™t Wstories. But In our own *«* B™^

and the USA ara actuary bufldini up anwoals and b«™«« of fearful

„ii«|]«. ,flL.IHt^ «d beam, rf the v«r7 kind that an aaid W

hava been u«d la bygnna irti tv lb» D*™ *»d I>amooa In thiir


Page 22: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



dinWvt weU<rf« of humBfttty with tt» t™»t of the pMl b^(KgB^rtiy wtH out W tl» beDirrffiU to muUi*! utnult*.

fifft Mptn rtwn iw± human de«ln«:il<>n. or erMures of eWd»ei

tQT the na*uT*I «»«rainta such u dr. fb* «id wat^r tt la the afm

of ihb voluni* to tbow thai there Is alao more drastic mod»

h) which divinity or Nttuie wipes out traces oT past dvfliiHUoin.

Jtist «t *ehool'boy writ« an one aide of « skt^; then Hp«

ii off with wBtflT. but until that aide driw up for r^-uae he writ«a

VI ih» otier side of the slatej or iust as a farmier turns the nil

wfth Ilia plough to remove every trace of an hsrves^ed orop to

Kw wMher crop, could it not he visualised tbfft dJvinity too keeps

^ rvaU^wing older civiUiatJons hy aucklng them imide the «eith

or submerging ttiero under the ocam or making tbem vanish la

the (hhi air? This ts appBrmt from the numerous ston« statua

•urvlving at remote, isolated spOL$ such as tho^e on Easter Island

and the mlaa of the lacss sigihted in de^olat^ mounUiinous terrain 7

Thfs law or mode of Nature of writbg a finis to peat chaptaq

of histoid also needs to be taken Into account.

Y^t despite such breaks . dents, gapa ^d volda, ther« hvbeen i Vedic £teiskrit thread connecting them aD is what Is being

ppB«t«d Jn this vQluma as « new discovery » as a connecting link

end Bi a m^terkey to understand what had been hitherto regarJed

a b^ipLicabJe deuQa or Independent unifoim patt«nia.

Incidentally, ibe law of nature dted by us above, of starting

humKiity on a new siaU by csUclyamlc eattinction of old civflijations

may hsvB a lea^on for gtolggisla and bfologtati too. Geologists have

found that mmy a time older rocka cwna on top of younger rocki

wMle archHoAo^iste ortm end up with dlaoovertng only potahwdiaod Kgw iftiplemmts. Therefrom they conclude that we are the

(but to make icimtmc end technological progrraL Tti^ are unahfe

10 nmnca* the realistic deftcdptioni of t«hnologlcal echievemeotaof the part vMi ih* prtmliive reika found.

"Hiercfi^T. tha Iw ttated by ua aibove ii Uke^ to halp gedkigiata

ani archaeologtats al9o in ftoMng ccrtdo rfdiilfB« of tlwh- cmi bnnchvi

of learning. Thus B^ain w«r see how Hawa in Uvtoo' iffKi, other

Tields of study, tn ihts: eense melflphyvlca m^ h* deemed la bt

B science of eciencs becau^ It helps ua undenund dJvine l«wi

dff«clinEi all aajMCts of human life^

Some of the chapters tnctuded in ihTs vobnve. luch w thi

one desHng with th& Vedic socio - economic aystem or the derivition

of Indlsii naraes are to equip the reader with a tot of Beneral

informption lo lead to a better ovfirall understanding of Llit main

thesis of Ihis book, and dso to enable the reader M> tacWp hisiorical

riddies which he mny confront in future-

Sei'sral chaplera of thl» book present toformatitMi and

eKplanatlons totally unknown to the scholtitic world luch u tb#

pre-Christian ori^ of the Papacy in Home and of ibe Arehbiihopry

of Canterbury 'm Britain, the Ramayan and Mahabhirtl having been

tks much the epics of Europe as of India and of Ssnakrit Wng

the source language of all human speech.


Page 23: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Evnybody*' mind Is Vke a. jdibnpsest, A man is bom with

MJiM" fn-buflt UfidenGes and prefertaces. These gel quaL'fied later

try what be hears. s«5i Iwms or ejqwrtencea, TTiose impresaiofis

arfcd incUnaUans are TuKher modified by hi? job requirements and

Idl r«ligiQU9H political end nattona! affllifitioiia.

Thnji no we comes to think eSnah on a given topic with an

opei or doan mind. En the case of this volume particularly, such

n approech would prove frustrating and infructuous because the

very subject-mattw of tM$ v&lunte mns counter to ailmost all major

eonctpia fondly hu^ed by contemporary ititelligHitsia.

Hxse in autboHty everywh^^ tbeae days haw been tutored

to bcHeve that the materifl] world wa? created 'w^tb a big bang

in the high beavtos; thri life evoked from a protoplasm, that man(le^<d(^»d from a monkey, that the Aryans are a rtc* whichiiamignted into India from abroad, thit the Vedas are non-de«riptbillAdi compQwd by primiUve nomad*, that the Rigved was composedaround 1200 B.C and the other Vedaa ai 200 yeat^ ' ini^-^al tberwfter.tlMH the Ramayin. tiw MahabharBt and the Puwias are mytha.ihM while fvery other naUon kn?w f^rw 1 Lo 9 Fndia taughtihm thf u»e of a sei^ Only a couple of thouaantl years ago. thatMualim invader* made a grat cuhu^l contnbuUon hy thdf murder*d mMtacra »rti» into India, that Muslims slmogt aJwaya buUtonly tombk mdA tonb* and ™o«|uBe and mosques but hMrdiy anj

f« (be Jiving evw. that the Muslims have had an


archttecLure of their own though they have no ancient archllfdunl

texts anci no slamJarda or m^uyrcmeni, that Wwt hnt hai neculture end history worth the nanjs befort Mahontad ind Europe

had M past worth any mention Ijefore Jeaus. that Senikrit. UUn.Creels, AraWc and such other lanifuimee developed somewhere, and

that soon Biler the monkey-maii ste^je and oive-mgn vn^ maei

somehow organlKed stales like Syria, Assyria. Scythin. Panha>

Greece, Home. Egypl &nd China.

All Buch concepts whjiph are these daya con^iiiered the very

quintessence of knowledge and badges of the hJgheaL scholarship

are challenged En Ihisivchlume.

Readers ane, therefore, requeated to approach this vUume with

an op4^ mind, a mind like a clean slate shedding their pi^- conceived

and pre -tutored notions.

j^ch de-brieflnf of one's mind Ea something like washing a

Kibchen clean before stsiting cooking a meal for the day, and like

thoroughly disinfecting an operfiUon-thestr? before $t.&Eling a major

surgical operation.

When a whole set of old, deeply imbedded (deaa have to be

uprooted snd thrown out to learn new ones auch unlearning, calls

for tremendous courage snd effort.

An Illustrious illustration of such an effort actually carried out

loading to brilliant results ta found in the life of Swnml Dayunand

about 150 years ^o.

As a young nion who had been imparted the usual mundane

schooling he happened to request a Wind ascetic, \^rajanand to

inslruct him in the Vedas.

The blind sage agreed to accept the young aspErant as a pupU

the day he would bum all his mundane teKt-books- And sur^iriflnifly

the would-be pupil did as directed. liter this young man btossomed

into the (freai Deynnand, founder of the Arya Samaj and inlerpi-eter

of the Ve<los. Swami Dayanand'a interp«tut[on o' the Veda* insoires

great awe and reatwct all round though IL i* oom^lef^y ai variance

Page 24: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

^ wh^idim..«do»Hi!*dui^.sporting doclors! de^frees. l^^,

^;^n« in p*^!- «n,und the world.^

Thn* UT wo vit*] lessons Tor ibe vorld in this. One h that

Ik. «Juc*ticm bnpTttd b> Rin dr-th^-n^Dl mund^e mencenarf^

i, hinily w fra* erf fateehooda and di^rUon* because ther,

imwrtiri irue kmrwledg* is not the main eotisidepfltion.Professtonal

Hmvwiwc* and r^wir^s of ofTtce determine the conteni of what

H» fflswnao will divu^e. le*cfe or open]y prof«5. Contmrily an

uecek scholar would fairtKsly speak oui what he sees as the iVuih.

tt WD this rwliiation which made Vedic culture train its top scholsFt

10 renounoe lenporal smbitionsand Tead alifeof serviwand frugality


Thi fwond lesson is that real knowledge can be imbibed mwethoroDsl^y only if oae unJ^'^s, debriefs and di$Lnfe<cta the mind

of iJ] tcriier iutodng ta D^anand did,

Md that Should not be dirficult on a little reflection. After

U the bi^ bang Ihwry or Darwin's e^^lution dcKirine are single -

man ipeculative concepts. Nobody can be found to have seer) or

bm^ the big bang. "Hie Dfirwtfuan doctrine of man evolving out

of i monkey too l»cka total credibUtiy since men and monlteys

hiv* been m-eidsting for ages all around iis and yet not s sbglemonk^ ii «vqr Men to be trmaformed Into a human bdng. Suchumaubl* doctjties are believ«l m by contemporary inteUigentsia

mJy because tbey §« pod for It and ihey havt bwn tutored into

b*wtai in t^wK eonoepy from positiong of authority. Ihe newi"»»Utin b further pud to pa^-on ihtrae same faulty doctrines

1^ )ui)kn wd subordinatw from tbeir own positions of authority.Cta Kber rtflertjon audi aduabon wtl: be seen to be based onowrCKjn. CoDinrily ^ ^iquast the reader to purve his mind of^co^pulrfv. u,torin« and re*li« ibal he has a right O, think^w -!r

"^^ '^ "^'•'^P™^^ ^ thU volume tb«^h


H tnnia oat thai the vorid of tod^y lenovi wy BtlSe i^tit

bliiory, H ii our eodHvour in Uri* vcDuih lo tbcrw thai aS modern

Uaiodc^ tmtisee ot^npriaa on^ a fe« Tvxai gaiakigiei nd

i±rondlo^tt. Basic material faifcvsiaiioa about the world'i aodsA


rtewtf Ohlkenikfl

One very naiur^ itmaa for \Ha la thU withmy new fow^ifn

tlia triaitt^ 4^ a fov ressoto^ eenentiona ts aulosuticd^ wip«a

oat f»m puhMc tnffnary. Ai£ aqy iodrvidual about his anoMon.

Ba wffi be able to mmiibl« aczne tnformatiaa abcHt hii father Aid

frandfaUw aktoa. Bot abo^t hla giwt grmd fuber nd rwnotw

k«ton )m would Doi IcKw evn tbeir nama^ tDvwiaa tte modrnt

worid too knows orOy two (Hseratiooi of totoiy, » to My . naiM^y.

OCM of Uoham*! and tht otte- of io-caOed J«u. What Ow worW

h^ fofgoum la ttai befora tbe Chriatiim «m It wma lE uint«7

V«dk cuHun throu^KHt tlH worU. aod Suskrii uaed to bt th*

oommoci Umguage of all.

RiopitulaUlig M^ \ot^ htotorr la the nbJKt nmw of ttii

wihizD». That ia i v*y vHai pwt of htotocr oonrtmlnf iU hunaoa

id yot, furprUingty, U haa all bvi upprcased. ignwvd sid

fa-FOti«& during Chrbtian nd tluaUm domh^lnn t^ the world.

Bampvhf noomwt Bonv ChriaHn aod Anib UuaKm Mtraim

Page 25: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



.p h«nJntf the pHmilive primaiy pronouncements of t CaUl«.

^>;« or Newton « gr^t dis<»v.rie. ^^tbout knowin, t^

^ToKBe Rmount to nidiment«T J^^^ona of the hoair, divine,

voridwide Vedk dvOtatioct.

T>^ term "Dork Age" is well kn&wn in Itiropean history.

Bit Tts rtiuonale has remained unexplained so far. rh\^ wag but

naturt! b«8use i OihsUan Europe was unable U> perceive C^usl

n 1 min's bick is hidden fram his own eyes) Lhat neoCh^stiaa

end neoMualini. convert Mai had itself been the cause. In lis

e*frenw3S to make t complete breakawfly from the heathen, Vedic

]?«it Mo-ecnvCTt Chrlslians WoUed out every Vedic school and

wiminBry ind oth^ eatablishment of public enlightenment «nd

culture, hkni also pluyed b sirnOar sinister, destructive role In

West Asie, Vet both Christianity and Islam self- righteously, but

tt'ithoui any Jujlifjcatlon wbai^oever, claim having ushered in eras

of mlightenmcnt. This ia how partisan chauviniam blatanUy falsified


Any ^{^^fmmti is bound to leave incriminating evidence.

Muslim and QirisUan tampering with histoo' too reveala ma;iy

inexplicable lacunae. It i$ %am.t df these we intend lo brlntl to

readers n^^tice.

CoQtidBr the Bathdor degree, "Bachelor signifies an unmsrriad

penon. And yet an overwhelming majority of th&se calling themselves

bichriori M.T^^ marrted Hgw la it then thai no university has made

any prtivJtkin for exchsngina that Bachelor decree for 8 'Married

Man' (MM) dtgrtt after the male degree-holder acquires a martul


In ibe cue of women the Bituation h «ven more biwrre^ ^"


the F.ngUsh dictionary even an unmarried wdmar Im nsvpr caltod

ft bachelor. With what juBtincstion iben do unhrenlUa, whkh mnHQts of thd highest kumiiiR, oonfer the Hacbelor { of Am, Sdvic*.

Commeroe, Law, Medidnfl. Engineering etc) deifree on women?

Can any mtidiim acholBr explain sway Ihit Incongrviity 7 Thii ihowt

bow thr^^e who are tauKht falbricated , comcocted hLitory are uiuble

to satisfactorily explain away such diacrppandes,evei as an embestler

of bank money is hard put to sBtisfactorily reconcile tbe lacunae

left by his meddlesome, misappropriating hand.


"Hike another instance' Matriculation is the name of the nnal

examination of achool education. What doco the term

MATRICULATEON mean ? Do all those letlen spell out a Khool-end

examination ? Standard EngLish dtctionariea gtemmer cut the

eJfpIanation that Matiicula in Utin signifies a register. Tliat

incplanation does not enlii^hten ua . Tf it i$ contended that the names

of all those quailing at that examinatign are listed in a certain

register, hence the name, thai same explanation should apply tc

all other ejamtnations as wdl. In that eas* the tern matriculation

would be a synonym of the word 'examination' aid not oT the

school -end oxami nation alone, it should be apparent, therefore,

that even dictionary -makers trot out make-believe, half-hearted,

br^provisfld explanations which cannot aland close cross-exfiminalion.

Thia is but natural when ao- called phPologists and compiler* of

dictkanariea too have learned the same faulty world -histoid wWch

scholars of othtfr fields have studied. For this reason rewriting worid

histoid would necessitate iiewriting even the diction anes of European

and Islamic languages.

Mu&ltm Armiei But Not ChrUilan Annie*

let ua now consider a third instance. In Indian mediaival hlatary

armlea of Muslim invedere of diverae natlonalitiw are invHriiWy

referred to only as Muslim armies wlule ibe armiee of European

povcm such aa the French, British and tha Portuguaae ir* n*«r

dubbed a Chrlatian armlBa.,, Wl^y? PracUally no tcbokr wiB ba

Page 26: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Z^ii> Wrth «. D««t,be. 26 . publfc deception 7 Nobody

liiaTtfTL di*r etlher ^rhetlw even thai imBff naO' birth ought

to I- pl.«J -t th* «n. bcmr Of the night beti-^^n Dumber 24 ^25


Whm ft rs adnutwl ihat Jews was "o^ ^jom on the first Aey

ofl A D do© thai not AutomaWcsUy vitiate our reckoning of both

B C md A.D. ywTS 1 ScholBrt of Christian tradition wbbp«r that

JvDs jnay hKVf bten bam m 4 B.C. Even that is not known for

Qsruin . And even ihere the dats and tim* of his birth art unknown.

Cooruiton la B.C. add A-O- CompuiilloD

Evai Bsuming that Jesus was bom on December 25,the first

diy of i A.D, should have been reckoned to be December 25. That

ii 10 s^ Pwember 25 shcniJd have been the New Year Day which

it n not, w^di means 1 A.D. starts at least a weeK after J^us'9

binh or 51 weeks esriier. In other words, the B.C. era continued

iL Imsi for i weeli or even ol weeks after Christ was bom. So

mudi for the day of his bfrth, But when it is admitted that evai

the year of hli birth is apeculative it ought to be dear that our

reckoning of the B.C. and k.T>. eras is off the mark not by mere

weda but by years. Whether ihAt unknown quantity of years ia

plui or miniii in the pr^ent reckoning of the Chnstren ers 13

further unknuun. IHb detail itself should be enough to oonviitce

opmminded scholars that Jesus 1% & fictitious non-person. Bui

that ii noi ocr topdc in thia chapter. What we are concerned withb^ ii. pointing out ihai modem histories art confusedomglomeraift of numeitjca rteUUou* concepts. Jesus and bis

ao'dUed era ii one of ihem,


Wt now oa™ to the months of ihe yMr, The terms Septem


Cber). Octo (ber>, Novwn (ber) .nd Decern <blr) H^ify ib(7th, fltb» 0th and lOlh months respectively. Even that la knovnto veiy few. But what juBtifies that ranking wh«i in modwn uwp,those months are actually reckoned m the 9th, 10th. llth and12th respective^? Had modem historians known the' answW tothose questions ihey woytdn t hava remained ignorant of the world ^appe-Chmtian Vedic heriKge*


Let us mv> examine the term X mas If X doesnt signify Jesusand 'Mas^ doesnl connote a birthday how mme X'mea meansChrist's birthday'? Christians, and especially the clerics will tryto chum out wme Improvised explanation but in the heart of theif

hearts they would have to admit that they dont toiow the anawar.

The other connected que^on ooiild be, why is X'mas not

aJteinattvely known as. say V mas or Zmos?

The Papacy

Why is the head priest of ChriatEanity known as a ponUff or

as Pope in i:nglish and Papa in French? Whai is the origin of

the word ?

Why Is the Pope's edict known as

i tfger, for instance?


a bull snd not an ass or

What is the orfgih of the tarn Vatican ?

Ft is obviously presumed by all modem historians that the Papacy

zid the Vatican are Christian institutions. If that were so they

should have been founded around 1 A.D. or at leest during UbGfetime of Jesus. But both the Pajivcy and the Vatican bav* i

pre-ChristiBn hiatory. Movt scholars would be aurprlsed to



Why Is Rome known aa the eternal diy? and If Home

Page 27: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



A Bnmuly*! ss i» flJi-rently vaguely believed^

f«m<W by ««-"',"^'

LTwo".drvidu»ls l»d to the n^. R.„^,


Buddhism. Christi4nit> and Islun? I



Whet is Lhe ju^ification for B bteid of seveml Uquor. to l*j

known ft9 cocktail 1

Whit is the origin of the tailcoat ?

W<^ can red €Vi 4 number of such questions which preaou^

th«n« lire hai^ put to ejcplain. Thi^ i^ oniy 1^ indicate h^^

unMOsfactory cocilempon«7 knowledge about wo.-ld history .a, 77is

s'oiimie is in^^^ io provide the ^otld with a masUr-key to ^

)usm'^ ^^^^^ Aj^ma^/^j »^th its icst uflit^y Vedic heni^

fivPfiJiebegmningoftirne. so ih^t^iquesUansoftheKvpefnenUm^

abov^ may he property answered*



All currmt hEsLorfcai Loxts ore confused, distorted and tnircnted

accounts. We want scEtdeniii^flna thrciu^^HQut Lbe worlds to res^ixe

thia serious flaw and refomi tuition in lilstoi-y. Here we propow

to gye only a Tew elaring Instances of untenable or conTused concepts

that are bcin^ tauglit in the najne of lii^toi^. Wa do not claim

to catalogue all faultg and flaws in contemparai^ leaching, writing

Hnd research in histfity because those might be too many for a

single mind to comprehend or catalogue. But the instances we cite

here should certainly help readers In idenliryfniE and weeding out

other faulta^

When did the ^^Hd B^^al

The first glaring fault that haunts current hisloiy-texts Is that

no one Seems to be sure when the world be^n. Diinng the VTctorian

tra the world wfl3 believed to have been created one fine morning

in 4001 B.C. And evei-since world hlstoriana have never i»ublicty

repudiated that notion. For ill practical and ol'ficial purposea they

must be deemed to hold on to that view. ¥<i hlstoiians In their

wordly wjsdorn are shrewd enough never even to utter that date.

Becouae. to express faith in that year as Tuarking the b^^ninj

of thla world would expose them to puhUc ridicule, theyn thBrefo™,

pj^fer to remain discreetly mum on that vital pobt about the very

cciminencement of the world,

No Aryan Kucc

The aecond fauU fi the tall: ibout an Atyan rv*. On IW» pain*

Page 28: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


^ H^ori-n, pr^^ ta be ^^e- Wbodv^-"' to know ^]

hive inheriwd wm^ such bdsfc ideas fmm MamiHfl3er. But!

y«mudl«r hrm^Jf had ^"^"^ ^^"^ '^^ ^^' '^^^"^^ H«n,Jder<d ** be a race. Yet Mm^how the notion persists that Ary,.»3

coi»Ut«i* a race ind filmojt every schal^r t^l^s in terrm of _

AiTim rsc*. In fact conl«npor«i7 scholars are Incapable tf]

int*T3«unff histmy without asstrnilng the existence of some ^i

known w Aryans,

Haw Mid? Rbc« ?

A further confusion on that point is iMt historians do

tmn t* be sure how miny races tbere are in tha world. Ttierefi

tbv Ulk vagudy of Kegroids, Semites, Mongolian B. Europesni,;

BrevidiBis. Indians Hc. and Tind to their discomfiture that w*"

Eb^ lerm to be ibe Aryan race oils across two or more gi-ou

najned above- On iHs point too. therefore, hlstorisns prefer trf

mnain sweetly vague and ski> over the topic glibly, talcing cars

n^-er to discuss It in depth lest thp hoUowness of tbeir belief m^

beoome too uncomforuble to bear and sustain.

Abrupt Jtcgiiuiia^

A third fmill is that modem text* begin abruptly by mentiom

iKUitiber of ancient communities such as Scythians, Babylomani.

Chinese. ^ypUans. Greeks etc, without being very clear about their

(CO'fVhftioci or Mquonce and aa to how and when man, emen^nf

frem a monkey (?) a la Danrin* evolved those tiifferent states-

Ardiiicctunl MlKonccplioa

A fourth fault It about classifyinif Hruhitecture. Hindu buiI(Iif*P

buQi aoevdjns to ancvertt Sanskrit texta have been merrily attributed

to Muslim knvBi:lei?, Thenj again there is further confusion. S<Mii*»

like Pifcy Brown tenn It as Islamic afchitecture. Others IHte Ed-

Havdl laJl It Hindu erchiuwture. while moat other* describe It **

IndoWamlc. Hon* imm to be eure whether the hielorio buil^n?"

artjund tba world. <laem«l to be Islamk . were buj] t by lUndu defligfi^


aooorduif to Islamic texts or by Muallm deslgnvn cccordbij \aiBliunfc t«)cta tM- by HuBlIm datlKnera «OTrdlnj if, Hindu texts?Tberefflpe, hlstflrians and archJtfirta «nd up by daBilfyin^ \x „Indo ' Islamic to hide thajr unoertjitnty ind remain eqdvaaUva

. Creaknd Romfln aivbltwtiire la someUmea deemed to belons to a clAnby Jtsfl] f while at tbnei It Is regarded to be eWn to Hindu arcld tsrtur*


LDtewJse. CotWc architecture ]s iSKttiated with Chrirt«»3offi and

yet on dee^ier reOecftlan it haa not to be admitted as of pire-Q>r{itUn


Bud«4 AsjCrtlOdA

A fifths highly unpardonable fault 1b that all anound the worid

thousands of historic bundings have been conceded tfl be of Islamic

origin without cidling for my evidence, A plmted cenotaph Inside

or Koranic grafts outride and hearsay has been ^ougb for historians,

archaeolc^sts and architects to writ« tonnes after tomes wasdng

i^loquent QVar tha ch&rmctaristics of fanded Islamic arch^ lecturer

Double StMiidju-ds

Double standarda are also bebi^ followed In history teaching

and writing. While a histoT^ of HussTa writtai by Hitler will be

siimmarily repudiated by the former, and a history of Great Britain

written by Napoleon will be nevw tolerated by the Britisben, tn

the matter of Hindu history, art, architecture and evei Bcripium

Muslim and Qiriatlan scrlhbllngs are deemed to be the most

AuthoriLetive. Musllnts and Christiana should be deemed to be

disqualified from writing on Hindu hiator^ not on|y bacau^ they

hava had a record of studied hostOity to Vedlc culture but abo

becauat they are mere babes of yesteryart whose outlook on the

worid And the antiquity of time doesn't extend much beyond a

Mohamad or Jesua.

Christfae and Muslim Short Slight

A Muslim la unable to vlauolize any period of history or region

of the world in a non -{alamlc context. The same is true of Ouiallan

acholars. Th^ Mrt obs8ss>ed '»«'ith Christttidtm> siid £urop#~ To tbeni

Page 29: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

„^^ „p in ^^'XwBKrib^d by 0«ir »t«r-day retgiou,

"^^ "^'^l,'i!rrf n.ire ame my «(y *bm I wrote t,

«»-»-"' ;f,?!^f=rw=n.!nfann^ons'>outp«.Chrf^aofv«ityin« S-A-""^ ^^ was thi.1 tiey know nothin,

F^- ^ "^ r!l TO» o«m<,t« . v*ry »PPdUn« stet« cf

rf p^OnW"- r«n«. I ^j ^p,^ f„^ fl,„^

!**» Unt wBi^Euraoe. To them il is of iw

„ u ^ ^i oreChrisiim Wstoiy «nii rectifying subs«piatt

^™a«do.o«y u« b« U™ w«P^ out pt 3bsp., r>^j2

tajart l«p, of unsuittbte eviaaiM i^d be»d th«r [™d««ll

^ta. « lUm^y, iird<r™i, ir«>i««! «"<! ""'^^^i I*" "^

tfAi^-Uvnlc aUs$ Euro -til iimc aUaa ChiisiU) -Islamic conv«iienc«.

ki lingui*ik3. languages haw b«n arbitrarily

^DfuMdly dotified u Semiiic. Dravidian. Indo- Aryan

^^)-GtrTC«^ or \Ddo-Ettrtiii«a n lisoxigb Europe, Gemany W*

Ai^B a« tyDODymoui,

li Unu no «il 10 the chftotk hodgepodge of concept

ImtnutaUf Ih cumnl UstorlciJ texts.I


The prhiciples. ooacepta an^ narrative of Wstory expounded

in tMs volujne find tbra^fih rn^^^ p«ibliCflXiDrs and lecrui«s hrri

at dmes prgmpied liupiiaitiv* mbids to iiiquite abait the c»n»

and aourcft of my mdlsJly diffet^t thinking.

S«* Vyaa. the author o! tbe epic Miihfibhartt. i^t^d inV^tr<dition to have fo^si^ed Bid d«ndv^ am««djw P»«^<

alg„ provided ui eii5««r to the ^bUoo maiUcrv^l -bove.

The Law of Dlicoveij

An fltfinid ta» he bu *nundat*d. In thi, «^, liy ^*^*

' "Whai Bt the end of an erm

Vtdu and bifltory B* l^t

InHpbed by Brahma they w* rwaat^

In peian« by » mind i*itb (Wi lura",

TMt is to «y, Veda. .«d hiatory Whkh tand to di>^

,b. «id of -n er. ™.PP^ ^i™^»^ ^^ P™"^ ^ "^^ "^^

not by inerc*ari« during itmLlne ««ploym«.t bat by dcvo^^d «ui..

HcMvch N«di n«h of G«t*ii

tnctdenuJly, thi. ha. a k«on for poa^fliy. B™ti«. Wr^

Xr t« ^to*«l to go ™t in^ the wld. worid U> («"u. ib*.r

Page 30: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

Mveatiooi. ft^e *> *n«i*«I l^w* eidmilng spedal dedlcatron »k|

m in*witiw fjMHc on :bcir own initiative and Inspirtiion. unmindrul

of r^, rDnmn*«t^Ein and reputation who mskf s mark of their

own w dHOTfltista. produMTs. artists, poeta or sctmtiflc and

udmiAitfial gmfuwfl. shouJd be edopi*d by the univeralUe,^

^H^Bifw and the statp edmmistralion aa their nalfonal scholers

md pwided *n rscilities to work Ui peaceful, swluded concentFation.

GmcviMratrd CoiUfniplsilDii

Id my own case since chlMhood I bad an irresistible natural

urge to visit hislorfc forts, palaces, temples and lowers. [ usaj

io roam in those historic surraundtnss, enchanted and en^frossed

In «tudying the masaive masonry and musing over the stirring

happsijni^ In those \oc&l\anSr Even when at home, on bed or at

(ii« dining t«b]e. my thoughts hovered around those stately bujldings

iriiOM gTKious outline used to stretch themselves before my mbd's^».

Di&iurbljif; QuHiloDS

After abwit 35 years of gorging of those gorgeous sights, andincestsnt chewing of the cud of hislorical rumination some disturbing

questtam* cropped up in my mind. I wonder^ hovr most historictafl^gi In India w^r? ascribed only to Muslim rulers whose reignIn IndJi started in I aiKA D. What had happen Ed Uj historical m^stoiMtprior to Lhai date? Wh^ did ih& TOOH-year long 1/ne of Hindumonanchs ff^, lU Pandavas to Prithviraj live if th^y had no worthy

Z^J, '!"^"^ ^ "' "^"^^ ^^^^ ^^' ^^^ did ^^^"'"^^

»™l* they wage war only to captui, lai^e ti^ct^ of^^ Anfl if favading al.'„ Mu.lims could ™a^ stalely mansions

hthi^ri^'/^'^""^ ^^ tumultuous tenuis how i»

""« UiTlZ T '^ "^ ^^"' "^^ ^'^""« f'^'* themaelv^

*«»*«>« ^11, '''^' ™''^* «^^^ Even if alien Muslim

"^ '^ on'v~ "^^ ' ^"^' ^^*^* ^^^d'"«« tiow is it thai

"» oorromodifu. JT^^^"^^ "*^ moyques fliid mosques but

<** hav* 1 ^oof ovT^ ^ ^ '^ poasihle ihat persons who did"«*r own heed would be BoUcitoua OTOugh

to prcwfda mosqaee galore for the poor mA matmlaanii fibm

for^ and sundry 7 Andwhen b M^usUm TegjmeB sucKaon nnirdw«d

their prede<rteaore and br&ther IdUed brother, did h Auid lo kwkh

that they would niw alupendous patatial mauaoSefurii over thvbodSa

of alaifl rivals when nonB raieed any menaioni for them or for

himself and hla wives and ^bfldreri? tf ei all thoie mausoteunwi

and mosques were iCtuaUy rtfsed hy the Muslims wHh* am iha

design drawinga and expendilui* sheet* ? Whene again are the MuaUm

text'bool*s of architecture If they were such great masUsr-tmilden 1

And if Toy^ treftsuries got plundered and expeided on inlernedn*

fluceession stnjsgi^ . where was the monay left to raiae moiquB

and msusoieums ?

Coloauil FaJsi&caikta

Any number of aucli queaticms ninning riot in my mind xtitiOs

TTie ao uneasy aa to compel me Uj study Muslim chranioUa- And

1 W&9 ahocked to discover that there ia no contemporary RsonJ

of any Muslim ruler having raised any building. Tttm ar* only

g|y. sketdiy, shoddy claims b few generatiora later by Idle Mu^rt

chauvinisla. aacHbing some stray bidldings lo sonw Muslim anceiU>r.

rt«fl or nciiiious. \Vhat was more ahocMng wes that hlstoriana.

architwta and arehsflolosista all over the world had noi only slowed

a]] those shady claims to pass musier hut bad themseJves unw,um«ly

buttrrased that colossal fidsificalioia of history by puWbhing maasr/e

volume* describing the fancied nicelie* and characteristta rf

non-existent Islamic arthiteclure and had trained genentUms or

degree-hi^ldera all over the world Ic repeat thai trash parrot-Hlw

and to perpetuate thai faniaay.

' Brainwashed IntelligcaUlM

The result of centuries of that universal brtdn-wE-yng has been

so dUasiroua and tragk that today among miUiona of ]oamallita.

historians. a«hitecta. sitthwHita^fls and other ttholai, -muod lb.

world not ona la ready to admit the mistake about ti» Taj MaM

imd other bo-chIIkI Muslim buildings for fear of pnrfoalynal lort

of face. They hav* naiibar the honesty nor professional »en» of

Page 31: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Auiv to ««e in - juaeteui r^ew of the imt«cedenls of tJatorio

thM biuWiJWs 10 Mif MusTim or the olher in sn Attempt to desperat^y

c^taihtirom^ cultJviied belftfs «ven if they a™ WTx>n8,

HUM? iCawdHy

TV distorted Msioiy of wiclmt tnifldings b a gr^Mc hstsnce

of Iwjw Wstorj' becomes « casualty under alien niJe. That epi ^dlleft ni]t which hMl bepift ir Indie fn 712 AD. and ended in ]^'j

has fflsolted in Uw falsification of Lndia's history.

RccoosmicilOti pf History

And ffiBctJy 89 enuiidatfid by ssge Vyas the J^oonstrucUon of

thfli laji history began uj take shape In my mind soon afler 1947,

bectuK of my unwitting TAP.'kSYA C concentrated meditation)

thmugfa divin? pnjmptingg. So much so th^L b the December IS,

2Jard 26. 1961. issues of KESARI (a Marethi newspaper pubUabedfrom PtJtt) my tbusis appeared in the form of three len^hy articles

VDS&- taiHifif headlines and the same theses was read by me 13iiwamh paper at the silver Jubilee session of the AH India History

hdd in Pune in December 1963,

That WB tht beginning of my career aa a i^earcher Tn hi3t<!fy.l^t biE diKovery that I had made viz that the entire Islamic«hi[«mre theory beina pi^p^sted arouiid the world i$ withotitfo^A^u^, led me i^ eamlnt aU history fmm times immemorial.M

1 n«rf.«^eral more discoveries. ,um, of which I have e>cpoundedl^ibom U publK^^ns h^fore. But I f«l that the world haj

r^^H virT' ^""^ ™' ^"^ ^^ '^^hinS ^hart of foundii-g

^ZL ?^'^'^ ^"''*™''^^^ -'^h the pmblem. T^



All modem hisloncal reaearch in any direction seems U> stumhte

into some mysterious, incosntsable BOOO-ycar hirrl<r.

Talking about the Indus Valley ctviHTBtlon or of i^t or the

Hiltites or Chins our search proceeds only upto cOQO yrars at ibe

mo?t and no moi'e.

In aome Othar rcspwts we even Tn«t with 1 suti'TMrt^tf oT

25M to 3000 years, "Hiu* MajtmueUer placed the Vedaa at no morft

then 1200 B.C. The Jopantse LaUi of their royal line to be KOO

yeai-s ancient. The Chinese, the Koi^eans nnd several other* tract

hack their known history more or less to that aame length of time.

That historians tiflcing back the history of any emintTy or

civil iaation are unable to s«e beyond aoon to 5000 years s«m»

surpiising when humanity i^ believed to be miHiDns of years ancient.

What Is that 5000 year curtain beyond wtiich humanity draw3

a blank 7

That 500O-yMr barn'er Is the cataclysmic Mahahharat war. That

war resulted in nuclear dMCnJCtion on a vasl y:aJe, Restds- that

wnr WHS also followed by a number of other cal amities auch u

earthnuakes and storms. Those great upheavals almost wiped out

corller i^cords and hfsUai'y from public memoiy.

Some sketchy histoid of that millions- of*ywra stretch beyond

the MahahhED-at war. caching back to the time of tha ere tinn.

Page 32: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


J,, comed^ U» «« r^m^ i" '^ ^^^'* ^'""'^ ^' ' ^•=^«'t*

Lorf Krishna ha^ unden^on a sp«iU p^c* mission |n >

1^-Twmml ffTort to Bvoid that highly <3«lnictivs co;.nict. Ha

ttpflri«3 to ih* KBumva princ*. Tuirodbfln lo relent. H? fonaaw

ot*:{>'«nJc dJMsWf fcr bumanity as a whole. Bui his appeal

m on dctf rart. The war tUd foliow. Nucl^r and biological w-eopons

uid firr-mnni vw? used hy th« w/nbaiants on e colossal scale

Hid B^tic secUw or humanity wbs wiped ouU

A number Qf nataral disasters also falTowpd. The maKnificenl

T>*iiJ'l(fl. the city of yold wb$ swaJtowed by th© sea soon afler Lord

Kmhrs. in tiiviav niler (^ed.

The YadavM (i.e. the Judsislj aEas the Jews) 'had to evacuate

tb» IWilia re^'on and mip-flt^ lo ihe Sar and Asur (i,e. Syv^i

and Assiyria) regions to btgln life anew in whal we know tod^

as tbe Mosid tract on the border of Iran and Iraq, Later they had

fl;^n to move on to Palestine. Jcrusaleiri and ^f^ypt.

Unto Ihe Mahabharat war humajiity wr$ united under a universal

adminjstntiQn. All people rollowed Ibe V«djc wa.y of life and spoke

Sanskrit from the atait of creallon i.e. fnom the Krula Yug to

the end of the Dwapar Vug and the beginniTig of Kaliyug.

Tbe VedJc cfvlGzaUon and Sanskrit language have ttius pervaded

\be TH)Hd for milliwis of years prior Ui the Mahabharat strife.

Tt was th* desinictfoji caused by that war which led to thernigmftitatfon of the unitary, tiniversal Vedic system, TJkewise thatar i]» lal u> the broikdown of the universal Gurukul sygtemof Sanskrit *dycalion. Tl«.*fore. local variallons of Sanski-iL hardened^to^odm, language. This ia what explains their linkage with

Ut«- with the impQBitlon of Christlatuty over Europe by theR™ army and of hian, ov^ W^t Asia by Arab armios hunianity

m C CTd '": '"^ ^'^-^'^^-^ -1 P.e^a,ri.tian^- in*, iwo relJgJcn, deioimcttl and desinjyed all previoua


hiatoHctI mconl at haiftbn* po^m mi UiArvfort. dii«a>tLrt| n^unwuiW'

ItuB indent hbtor? w&i curtained off HrM ^ Ui* lCihaUhv«

wsr. Later tlefftrucUva Christian ind Muillm byitvlm furOw

narrowEd the icope of knowledgeablB WrtoiV- ThM ii w*[y wa tn

conetrained t& recanatmct thai hlstflry from icart ttbHc* of trBdiUontl

memortn handed doim fnim gfnerillon to eRionlJDn uid fitnn

stray arcbwologicat remaine. It la an exefci« Ukt ihH of Khooi

children who aire required to figure wt the mtsslng wordi In a

broken sentence m that it may make some saise, ReconsimcUim

maimed, missinE or distorted history cnlla for gimilar skill.In fact

the da39-room exerdse of aupplying the most pliusvblt mlasin^

worda in a broken sentenoe is a practice-lesson (or acqiuring iha

requisite sktO during adulthood to supply the missing Sinks in ffipt

of hi^toricaJ evidence to reeonstnict tbe story of the pasi.

According bo wm* calculationa pubSc historical memorif at any

given moment does not eittend to mor* then aifiOO yesra or w.

tt \9 also belleVHl that earthly dviliiatiflfl haa underifon* coloasal

destruction by fire or water, famine or wer frWMO lima. TV

RHTiayenic and Mshabharat ciwitiiaUoot art some of tbOM w* know

through tbe two epcs wriltai about them and of wriier ruJera

we know from the Purenas.

Each era haa ita own ujb and d^-ma of sdenUfir advancemeoi

tnd decline. Tbe lew of wajong and wanhig fortunes apjdie* »

much to dvaiatlons as to Indiviiiuals. Therefo™. pest accourrt*

which talk of aircraft, magic- missiles and contacts with beings ftTim

other planeta mujt not be disbeUeved, When ^ owr own time*

we have tele^aion and space crraft we must deduce from simitar

referenoea in ancient wriUngs that in |Bai aaei too humanity must

have made simDar progress.

Since tbe cosmos consists of Emiumerahle si**llil«. plan**,

etara and galwdea sefarated by great disUnca th«rt Is no rvftm

why humanity could not hava eaUbUahed both pby^Jca! md rtdto

contacia with oUiw |dflDeta In diffwmt a«> amikriy, ihtrr li

Page 33: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


or nijur-huiwti dvfllisHoni.

niHori«ni nwy nwkp u» of *tti:h deducUve tope to draw widtr

cimrFuMain iostwd «f mnnnifitt ih^wIvM mefely to some writUffj



nw two ^e^r wonJa used very oft^ in ibh voltune .if> Veiic

Jcu5ture> and tHviidty alias God\ At the outset it mty be iwUd

Lhrt the proper speying flhould be Vsidik' and not Vedic, Yet **

sbflll itlck to the laUer spellki^ b«6uw tbav baa gained rarr^cy.

in mainiaining that Vedic cuJtur* ejdsted ihrousbout Ihe wotM

from time immemonal unlil Ibe risfe ofChrisUanity end IsUkm whrt

is m»nl is the culmre rsprsentwl by the Vedaa. Updniabads. SmnU

lil^ratur*, the Purenas. Rttm^yin. Mahabhsnt, S^Knt tn^uge,

Yogs. Franayajn. etc. *nd the fatiwaJs *nd pracUw- «Koaai«l

with tbem.

Let U iiol . thepef';>r*, be said thtft only nre «ot^P Is f*^™d

by the Vedfls, and rol idol irorahip or thai Shiv i» nc* a Vedk:

deity or that JflJna. Buddliists. SBkhs aR<l Partis do not fom. P^

of iJie Vedic tradition, or th*^ Vedaa do r^ belong lo the Dfs^is

^r thai astnjiogy shotildrt be regarded as a part of Vtdic niltuit.

Vedic tradiUon BHientUy r^res^nts reveren« for Vedie tw^.

(or thar 8ubstJtiit«K «lor»lion of tbe ™w, r^i^ce for all life,

a lai^enes. of h«.rt whi.h alJow, a per^ t^. adopt any fcrrn of

^orBhip or remain an af^ieiat. f«th in rebirth, belief .n the Karms

theory «ap«l for womanhood, fdentily of ihouffht *ith w^ and

d«d peaffiful, aodabk and moral behaviour and an ln^^at* faith

in an allper™iir.B divinity. In shoix. the modem t*nn Hinduism

slanda for Vedic tradition. Consequently. Hinduism ihmildn t be

regarded aa a collit^nd of lilam. Buddhism or Chriatianiiy Tho-*

Page 34: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

li«(^ [ndMdujT-cmlfrtd nrligion" fKUOM while Hindii^ajn«[,

V*«e wliurt ri ihf pnmonlial inottwr- faith of oil humanity,^niut^

lh«n In a (ommon bond of cultural frat^mfty and in the coirinQn

Iv^tt^, Smafcrfl Ved/c tradiUon dtwg not demond rdip^y^

s))^jU»» tomy on* supinwiw individual.Il docs not promise fla^atfon

«n nwTT confMaiixi. lurrtndw or rdentiflcation with an individual

iflf* Jcyus or Mobanuined. V«dlc trtdliion lays down that ev«j

tndividufll *t]] auiomatically reap the reward or punfshm^i f^^

h(i own if&twJ or ei.'fl thought, word or d«ed.

n» V«J« form the seed. Vedic culture is the luifurient iro

thit has sproutt^J front it. Its stem and branchea are fonned by

tJw Uponiahads, the Raineyana. Mahabharal and the Pumnas. "Hib

wbo^ miifbty growth nf the Banyan tree is not decipherable fn

JtB tiny M«d. 'niereforf}. it is wrong on the psK of schokrs lo

my ihii because auch end such a deity or concept or w&rd fTnd^

no ntention in the Vedas it ia not a pan of iKe Vedic tradition.

Thai (B 8 mIsEake which WraL-orienied Vedic scholars have bea

i^DunitLIng all algfig.

Th* term *God* or 'Di\^nity' used in this volume is meart

to convey the super-human power which created this universe sjid

mftiins it. Read^r^ from devouL theists to avowed atheiata wffi

W free, in reading this thesis, to regard Cod as a beniifn supervisor

jndlflwl 10 confer boon* on humble supplicants, or as an inexorahle.

Imiitfiional, oomfmierized mechani$m not amenable to any prayer.





Any history must bcsin with the crwtioti of the wofW #e Mvt

In. But niMi present -day theorieg begin with a random mefitlco

of s number of civUiTatioiis IVom the Incaa to Indus VB)l<?y and

ScythtBUS to Sumerlans. Tbe inter- relation of thoM ct^ilifiitiflnt

is not knon. their se<|uence too is unknown, Bestdea, nothing \s

known About relics found in P^bc« like the Easter Island. T,vcn

th* Indus V&lley clv[liMtion came ta li»ht wMnpflratWely recently.

There could be many more such civiUzaiions hidden Trom our view.

Thus th^re Is complete confusion In history beyond 2000 years.

Let ua. therefore, begin with the current concept aboet the

creation. Snce aU contemporary education I. run tm Eurapeen lina.

because .^ the cuiTent political ascendancy of Eu^pan-. It la tt^

notions about the cri«tion which are considered a» the mr>«

acceptable, respectable and plausible.

Wegtemers have two jdntthMKies, one for the materiel, physical

world and the other for Ufa.

For the physical w^rld agdn ther* ire two theories. One 1$

the steady state th»ry and the other the hiil bang th«.n^ of creation

Both those theories fail to explain who c^ted and what sustains

the ateady at^te or what caused tbe big bang.

The Big Bang

in th« biK bang theory it 3a aa^ed that a big "«^" "^^the Armament brake Into btla to form th* unwunubk .»«. ifrt

Page 35: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

M vM »«d UK ^ ^"^ • ^*^ questioncciHj

- ^ ^Z^ of imat «t^ ^ ^'^ **^ "^"^ ™^ ^^ f^m** "* ^^ - -— ? Physics 13 uneWi? to saUsfBcttugy^aydttftotfTV*

iht ^^idrty of ibe Iw bmg- Jn the cauMnira of our gitn

^;uriB »• 1«^* *^^ ro'^^ '^'™« '^'^ °' ^'^ ^^°*^ ^ti«

Mt iff IM^ ^*^ ""^^ "'^ ""* ^''^ *** '^'^ ^^^P^'^' "itilitanan

g^ggwmv^ }t doHn'l, In erdffr to be tujned into nice. gw)d. tiwfui

ot^fcu t>wt fii*li»n t*s to be caivfuDy laided, consciously bicvn

bto therajujffld shapes and then cooled dowii and property stocked

fd" me. h ETituui t be forgfotten tbst a blast Is a miiibap whicfa

jiJi^et ilitfy toBseSgg, jbapc^PMrubbjg.rorinstarLe&.flngxpioat^

ta wtomcib^ factory will not produce more cars of drverx

ili^Hf nd apibilities. Contrarily bD production even in that singje

fKtof? ^*]Q csn^ ^ a d^ Ml. We Ibos Had the big bang tb^oi^

TimfiM iBStwy has to turn to Ve^c metapfaysics to know

k0v the worid »» cneted.

But befof* tmning to metEphyiiai, let us cwiaider what modenlii*igwtik tie^fva ihout Use crestioii of life.


9 modern hlKorisis place impKcit faith in Wesierapfr>TtdWi iflil thwiifaUttily adojx their explenalion about thecreetioti

^ ti* ^ffwst w«W. tiiodwti histones have equaUy irratitfuHy^P««J ti» n**iiri(D lieofy aboui the on&a sad evoluUod cf

, ^* ^"5^ " •* 'PI*™t from his r«ntri£ "My iheolo©'

^J*«^kjm.MI». I c«ii«t i«k M U* univ«« « ibe result 9f

Zlr^' 3* I « ao evW«ct of benefK^nt deign m the


In ib» Victorian en vfidcb ««i n^^orknt for flotUng unt«ntl)lt.

tiitf-bil^ dogma* In ver^our spheres wid tDm-tornnunt ilvn mthe ulUmale 9d«ctiflc initbSr Tar mampk. Eurc-pesni of Ibe IHtb

and I9tb <?entur1es vtnn't quite ?ure ahout the earth being spheno]

and revolving. Tbey aiaerted vpr>' conftdently thet iHt wortd was

created in 4004 B,C. , that the Ar^'sxia were an In^o-ZumpeHi pnp^(wbatpvw that may meen) , ihtt Uf? first appeAred witlj maitter

turning into prDto-plasni and tbence led to diverse specves with

the monkey ultimately leading to the bumai forrn. and ibet looje

nomads composed the Vedas arraind 1S£0 B.C AD thaw ISa^^.

Vidtorian concepts stiK fonn the itock-ln -trade Of woAem

Eurpp^ntxed histartef

'n»mH5 Hfljdey, a ntturBlist, friend and chunjaon oT Darwin 'i

tb«ry, had ooce i in June 1860) bew verj appropriately astod

by Samuel WJberforce. ibe Bishop of Oifoni, " !i U thrtagh your

father or your mother that ymi dsm descent from m ape?"

With b»3 irrevocahSe faith in DanrinH ihwry Hiiiley bad probebly

no alternative but to categoricaDy adnUi that both his maternal

and palemfll ancestors weft fuU-hlooded mmi>*>i, if aQ aiodera

KbolHrs went forced U> grve a written stai^rneiil of their bSief

ID their simian anoestTy. l wonder haw man> will be rady to M«a

it, Yei \a their public UJe tb^ cootimie to pay jKisreaawnal lip-servw

to that doctrine because it ts pn>frtible *nd resp^tab'* i^ do ».

It is a kind of a sodaJ scare whKb makes them ortemiblefflofoimiili^

Readers may judge ffwn thii the calibre of wceUed biuDMuaSt

around the world. Tlwy ean tie^er be ti-usted for tbar eooduakn*

because their academk prodamaUona tn trimmed to the

PKjuirementa of ibdr aodal. poliUctl. religious. KAuoal. n*i«na3

and profesawnel inhJbitiona. Thii should convince readers ihit there

afT very very few brave souIj who eodd (jualify ai rail tweapchert.

who are prepared to f(dlow the truth wbirtver it iMy Iwd-

Life and MaUcr an DisUoa

The Darwiiuan ibftJO' "s niM* unsoentifTc lln*ly. K mt;* be

r«iiunibvred tJ»i lifa i» llf& »nd mmier Is matter Urecmnr* niiaii**

from matier. Tber^ are vanoua gradn of life a* tbm are vari«a

Page 36: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

ifZiBMh »w Indepmdent mtltJa. Secondly,if ^^^^

::^ TIH^IIK th. ^meni th.: a l«t^ ape «.h^. .u.di,^ 1

Z^Sm l«to *« de«pt/ve. A rope m^ took like a ,n^

'TTL l«^ •« ^** ^^*^* ^"^"^^^^ *^*"' """^ ^^*uJZ iwirtfT Hi*- fWiltanL species H tmpct^t, auch as ihj

mu^, .nd U» ***et l^«i (an'^JfK ^t^'^^J ^'^^^' ^^*" *" th««

i^ of i«it-Lube bibies will the semen of a man injected [nb)

i sl»-monl(V or that of a ma]^ monkey injected inUi a womm

jTOduM i mfln? "HiDS when *v«n a 60 per cent human geniUJ

flock U unible ' pnxiuce i human being how can cent per cait

«imjan geruia) stock produce* cent per cenL bumm being ? Moreaver

had monk^s cvoTved tnto humans we should have had monkeys

quAluyina «t least through kindergarten and primary school levds

vfaEe humane obUm doctoral degrees.

Strffin w^ epparettly TTiisled by his Ixnaginatlon^ He notked

thrt there are various grades of life slightly different from each

'Otim. Frijm that he oiji^ckded that one maj/ have led to the othef.

But uw OkiKicality of that oonclusior m^y be CUustr^ted by taking

I ptoTllel iiuUitiM If a perwn arranges books in s library In tfte

ORler of their p^e*, frani a single page book to a 1 000- page volumei

«u3d h« daim that ainoe the pages increase gradually each biSH*(M eojived frxim ih* amaOier owf? Tlie flaw in thai urgumefit

wfl] bf ?vMhH wian it can be shwpn that one csn look at ii frran

the otter end too wid w^t ibat each smaller book evoN^ ""*

^!«td Mji af Lh» bigger volume. But in either cflse a further

«* b UiBlir onv apeoies led lo another"^"HHtfiut to «nal?

why docs the fonnei'

Tht Dinnniac theory la *!„ enable to explain whethar th(

- riT^"'*«- the lr«? ^d ..helher the egg comes flf^

Mar«over, ibere canH bm one lew for phyvlnl mitior md in

<ipp<^ite law for Ufa. tn pbyerlca, Hbe currenOy BoeipM coki^

talla of a big nt^-boU hrcehJng Into amallcr biu whD« In th* nutter

of Ufa the bigger apedea tra aaid to evoVe from tbo azniOar or

simpler apeclos. One cannot powEbly apply two distinct Idndi of

lo^^c ta the evolution Of life sid inalter,


This cun be illyatrated by anothar analogy. In phyaks It Is

argued that matter [a never deartwyed but on\y charges form- The

BhBsawadjjeetfl too very cogently poinls oui that tlie same law apples

to life as well, vii, that life ia never dealroyad but only changes

form. 1.0 tt change* only the corpus or physical, exterior body,

as one changM cpparel. Therefore, if ona finds thehuman populaticn

swotting, the obvious conclusion ia that soma other spcaes la

dwindling in numbers.

Hbtod^ and Mctii physio

In dealing with the origin of hlstoiy wg thus Rrd ouneWes

being drawn inevitably into metaphysics. There is yet another bond

between history and metaphysics. According to VedJc tradiUon all

life pesgea thnmgh a cycle of M.QO.OOO hWhs or spedes. Hlstoiy

daala only with an inrmltesimal link in that enormous chaui namely

with the sojourn of the human spectes on thii earth during the

abort span belwe^ its hirtb and death. wWle m^fhy^i^^^

mth the human soul's loumey and soiourn before and aOer d«ui-

When viewed in this context , HJatoty becomes a part of metaphysla.

It also automatically astplain* why moral . metaphysicalconaidenWWUi

apply to human affairs via. Itfcause one a pmrious^and .ub^uail

hirthe are also goven^ed by the same meliphyaical laws.

Both the Den-inian and ^ihyaldats' tbeoriw motioned above,

fan to explaip what created this vast cwmos and abQ whai ausiama

it? Bui aU wUtfions do tell us that a super-conKloua power call«l

GOD croates and jusiains the ooamos.

Amon« th« metaphysical «ncepta thoii of the Chria*i-«v

Page 37: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

MMg»lirTUi Mn6 number <rf otW todWdual-owUrpd faJiha ^,^fw i^JiJify fof canridefilion for vsnmis reasons. One r^M(^ .

tim itm «n"«wl «"> Iftte in time namely, only within Uw \^tm to thnt (hounnd ynn while global human life Js sdmfueqy

nuUkms^ of yp*f» old.

V^HK* of Tbnriei of CmtiM

Any theor^r about crwlion to be credfWe and suthontlc mu£fitlfD tpvfnl coftdJUons. One is thlt It mustn't come from el morUi

like I Buddhfi or Mohamad or St.I^uK John, hike or Matthew,

I vn not m«nUoninf Je?u$ because be is a flctitioua person. ABuddht Of* a Mohamad or any Tern, Didk and Harry is unable uj

PCCoDect or reominl the story of his o»-n birth. The ^tory of

evdrybodys birth has 10 Id^ told t^ one's dderti namely father,

mcuber. nur^. midwife, doctor «c. Likewise the story of thecrfflUoi

o!" iJ3# coaicijs. has to ccane from t ?uperiQr anterior source which

oonductid ibe "deJiv^'. A BibW or Koran writr^n jtisl over

i tbousand years ago cimnot pmfess tp give an authentic veraiou

of the CRstJKi of ssvera] million yeira ego.

The flecDod condition is that a single individual like a Jesmor Mohamad can nevfr be a sol* agent of divinity. Humanity fa

too VBt and too wide5Freftd to be ieft to the care of a stn^e mortal,

Tbe thjrd «in(EUon Js that the oritrinal version of the cresUonmun be caucbal noi in a modem tanifiiBge like Utin or Arabic

but in a knifu^ which came with the treBtion. namely Sanskrit.

CaiBdering aJj a^ch mndjtiona one has to conclude that the

»ory oT ih« crwtJoo as told in Vedic scnptures is the only genuine,autwniic. CT«lfhJe. urdiallm«wble and most adentiflc verskm. It

il«* ntlsfi« d! the conditions maiUoned above.

The IHtIw Cr«tw afld Stuuifier

Aocon&ii to an Vedk Ui*r^tui», Lord Vlahnu (reclining onu» ernmi, coil, of IJ« .i^^aJ Ume^.erpent) m»t*Kl thla universe

*Tt^.^T '^^^^^ ownpuuUon of which Is pvaift all V«lic ilmmwi). u * Hotng concern, aU at on* go. with

Lh« nrsi few groupa oT dlnct h«avH]'bom, l^nw-ir^nfd «dh»ven' educated human beings fr'oai sbmh uvl kh^i la 4nwwiof water and hewers of woad in a mmttm tt«^ad wkh «Jt Mnbof life and matter. Ther«fter. Lard Vnhnu ha bwi mUt^ vpart

watching and umpiring tb« ^sme of procr«atk»n and Qirwr mundsHdevelopments as per the Krlpi ht hu tnvim^ rur liw onmot.

This can no lonKcr be di3miu«d as a nriuphytjal imlMy.

It haa got to be accepted D the most scientific ind cogBiiexptBBtkin

of the beginning of the untvcrv b3 recorded in the Snakrit ^cnpHu res«

which constitute the Creator'! own version, gnrer to the

nrst generation of heaven -trained rages, t\ the lime of creation.

In the Crester'^9 own divine lan^age. Sanskrit. Flere. it must he

remembered that, every synonym of Sanaknt prodiinia ^t to he

the lansrua^f? of the Gods. That h not bec»u» of inybody'a

modem day* political chauvinism but becsiis* of ndem memory

handed down fnsm deration to generation frnm the thi» cf the

creation. Even the scripts of Sanskrit fire Ukewise known mDe^anagari wd Brahml signifytnv t diiVin& origin

One can find a peraild fa human affairs. Any gime, tport,

stage-iiay or a fectory can begin only when all equipment >ji4

trained wnrkcra go Into action aecortling to a prepared pSan in property

latd'Out surroundings. Human life has, therefore, been ™yappr&priHtdy described by Vcdic litenture as the sport CUilal

or drama conducted by divinity accocding to a prepared script-

Human Iwings are actors . tools or pawns in lh»i dMne drmnaiic

sport. That I? why generations i>r beings ere dally torn uid daily

carried away to the dust- bin of ohtjvion. ooming from twwImit

and disappearing into some unknown stale. iJi hwiorlana. iherefori.

take heed that Vedic Uterature coflstituiea the source of the Ha»ay

of the creation,

Vedlc VcnktB UnastiUlahlc

Tlffi Vedlc version of the craatkwi. alai* idespiaMy eicpiaina

all problems . For iraUnoe. the oHgin of lanvusw. Htoonom and

pbiloiQifisU struggling to ilnd out haw and whan language

Page 38: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

m.^-jt*-»— about mitfidewJoptng his own laog^^

"r^T^, M. InBtJciU**^^ But the™ i^jut, .t ev^

Ut *Jrt» l«i«uige. 1 human baby hs» to be carefijUy frt.

i,g,,W ffi4 Erumjcted for a; least fifteeii years to become whM

vteoDiklef- to ^ »dr-operalJV*, Even our educational prad ice showi

il^ vv«p w Mcb kiW'gTBde childrefi we employ highlv qualiried

a^Kdin. Tliertrort the iwtion tM it«n prt^ressed on bis own

fti^mriW iww, is untenable. WDd irfb^ remain wiM for mQleniumi

Intel tbey rece've help and trajnin^ from more wjpbjsticatwl

Mov-bdn^. Tterefore the Vedic version that tbe world began

wfth nm few ueiMraliQns of &df'OperaUve» heaven trained sages,

kif«i and capteinB of industry, moi.her^. midwtvet and

IjinifoolcBtsU. ii ibe only credible* auihemjcveraion of thebeginnir^

^ \mjTnMfi hiatory-

Siunkrk the Primordial Ltm^aKe

In th^ samt manner ihe finn God -given language, the lan^sgB

of tlw Vedu and of all Vedic acripiure^ (Including scientific and

Rlucfliimi] ledsl It exclusively Sanskni. All Vedic scripiurea alaa

reiBBUdly asKTl Ihai tb^y are of divine origin. For instan«+

Ayurvedic <ttiinely Vedic medJcina!]! treatises candidly, honestly

and f^peaiedy remnl ibei the matter conlalned iberein was flrat

biiHied down by divine pergonaliiles. All modern lanKuoges are local.

n^onn} dialeciiad corrupUons of Sanskrit, emerpng out of the

iTiiiuof iworidwide. unitary Sanaknt educaaonal and adminiatrative

»y»t«ni, whitb broke down and gradually became extinct after the

imi Mohabbarai wsr. over 7,000 years ago. it was also then th^ih9 q])ini«n of tbrt great worldwide Vedic culture, ^hicb had|»rv»d«l the worid from the beginning of time . came to be desiunaledm Bt^lonii, feythU. Sumerii, China. F^^ypt etc, Probtcmaowiwud wtUr ihHT hi*toi7. iiiwto,£y and lan^nBea which haveWibmo b«rn«S J»itori«n, would b« vwy ^ily resolved If world

schotare realize that 4(11 t1ho»ew -called 3<g<panft« cultures urn fpSni«t

ortheorlginat, uniUry. woridwid*. V«dicavElLzatioo.TbiAnviltTEi[n:t

is al90 Imown ea Aryan, Senatan or Hindm^

paofnl^l GroninMr

TWslesda ua to the eoneliisian that Panml'sjnmmBrof SBnakrtt

ia the Bremmar of the origin^ . divine tingua] hcdttga of all mmkind


Consequently. P*nini's ^femniar must be cenaidered to "» ibe

ultimate arbiter of all lingua) constniciion and Tvot or Sanskrit akme*

The great reatiiatlon thnt Sanskrit. Vedic ^eritsge bdomp lo

^i mankind needs to be Uught to aD. through the frninding of

a World Vedic Heritage University

Hinduism T^'ortd CuUw*

The term Hinduism Is only a modem uyncmym of ^ sncient

woridwide. primoniial Vedic culture TberefQrt Hin^lulam musi not

be considered to be a special brand of culture developed by Indians.

U is not neca^rily that Vedie culture w« eirtend^ by lndwis

to the whole world. Contrarily It could be that It ia the world

Vedic culture wbich survives primarily in hidla today.

^VTiftits the Soul?

^ce the human aoul alias consciousness U th. base or ^^ringboard of all ii would not be «.t of ^^ U. dlKUSS

a here-

severe .umlcal qperaiions fowh«t> could ht fad th* a»il

U i, tl»t mred spol »W.t. i. P«rk«l with . v«™n.«. »ff™

or sandd dot In Vedic iiracijoe,

That gaseous sutert*«ce, wWch may t« corrpsmi "*•"^

the liat bieoth whefl a !»««> <*^'

Page 39: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

. ^ «* .t*^ i^ SK^-. r. nrd to h^ his thN

L *lff» !• n»«*^ ^ ^*^^ i™ditido with a a^jc^,

^^h*rfi !« P«^" * kind Of * ^cred Inauktiofl

or I hor« dr««' <«c^ '^'^ the Q^es w^ KtuaUy tbj window^

yigy^ irlvh ila *»oJ' look* on the outside world.

Ad lixacidai of lb* "iwii' being Ihert is provided by U» fact

tM *t«i cfflncwuiiiitg on somethitur * pff^n kniLs his browj.

^ the liRw of dwth the opiica] Mia losii^ iU bikknct

I iiMrl «nd 8rt4 fixed «9k«w.

71* ptiJculirg»«Qus ffubstmre »rtsu the tictive «Mitnf Unkinf

tfac br^ md a» hMri. It Ij ibe igmtkin or 'starts" IQw tbe

OM Id n oiVBdUt.

Tt»t »pot iJ artlviied by ekctronic imfulsea received throqgb

Um dM^oi «us$ion of nar« fr^vn th« &n. lo make a per-»ori

CUi^ «td ttf . H tbe speceaBp landing on tb? moon is activated

W bnpolMi tena««i ^ K^iaitbu on €flrth. Thus Envi^ible irtreejns

cT riietronie bnptilief from tbe Sun provide tbe energy Una for

n km^ of life tOing and roctinir on lerrs fimiA. TliEJse bnputses

oMc lo BdJvaU tbe body wbea tbe seftled '»ou]' unit leaves the

body. That miU ii put ibere biy divinity ind, therefor* is distinct

fraa 'hfr BKTt nuLter, Each »qvJ besiff of a epedal quaUiy K*

pAniial aad life-qan ^tviei.



Tbe Vedas ar« b big wAgrair What bf# thc^? How nuny ire

they ? Who canipos«d or campQsd tbem ? Whwn wert they composed ?

What 19 Hheir tbeme? Such are th& questions which onop up and

have been avtdly dis^mssed for aifes witboyt anybody fitvdi^tg mswera

which would satisfy evei7body- We tbaU now uj to ansver them


What are tbe Vedas?

Ibe Vedu vri. ta th^r name gu^^i^n a eompendhim of

knoiriedgie. aJdndof encydopBcdic, multi-vohunebookofknowWge.

But there ere aevera] vhal differencea between an orfitary book

of knowledge or encydopaedia and the Vedas.

Tbe Vedsj are the ancient - most. Tb(3^ irew wident thft nobody

has been able to determine when . whcfc and how the Vedaa ofigiruied


'Htal is because they are divine. Orthodos tndiilon holds inat ihe

Vedfls were taught by drvini ty to tbe first gen tretion of aitfes inJtiiiinj

a tridJUon of rMilina them verbatim from genefalkin to generation.

People are prone to dlsmisi thLa aa seniimmtal nonamw- But

it musrt be considered firatly. that the immutable divint oripn of

the VedAS is e firm tradition. Secondly, all edorta hitherto to trace

the or%inil aource and the time of composition of Iba V(das htv»

totrily failed. 'Hiirdly , no two acholen ipre on the ihMnJng (/

tbe Vedee and tbar purpOH though moe^ igrw th»i iba V*d»

Page 40: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


1MUM thrnrfoT* bfck*- about lb* fact thflUb*V«<bscon9tiiut,

M II r*t™ «> »«* *^"^ hvitan Uf*.

U ff omaUy said thit ihert are only four Vedas namely. Ripp*d,

Yiiuiwd Wv«d *nd Alharvsved. The ibeo^ nc»ai*d by W^Um

Kholin thai the* Vedm were composed [n tbal order, one fi(W

tbi (Aher «t the Inierval of » few wnturiea each, abom ^.hOf] y^rt

I«D. ft compleUty H vBrianM with orthodox VedJc iradillon,

^^eamm^ lo iradiUon the four Vedaa consiilute one compoafu,

bitvwedwholtbajjdeddawiibry diviniiy fur verbfltim oral reciution.

Boi wiwp ihe Vedas mnstltute the toUl book of knowledg*

th^ teiduded several ftddJUonfiJ votumfts, appendices, enclosures

or msfliaiies such as Dhsnurved and Ayurved and many more.

But during th* coiirw of nesfly SHOO million years qI human history,

tevtr^ d" tho» ftnciUarv volumes were forgotten and Joat. The

Dbinvrved ta b!sd almost totally lost. But ihe Mahabharal ts usually

AdrigMd the ct£Uu of the 5th Veda, And we would like to &dd

Ayurvfldt to Lhit list as the sixth Veda, and ao on*

lAlio C«npi»cd or DmiplJcd ihc Vcdtu ?

We have no hesitJUon in saying that divinity itself compost

th# Vedaa because Ihey are so comprehensive ^ so universally

rHp«B«d. 10 holy, lo ondenL and so enigmatic that no human

i^cy wfttld compose them. Also rn) human agency could enforce

ibdr hereditary fediaUon from generation to generation. aU the

wortd over by abatemlous and pioua famiSiea leading a llf* of almost

indJitBH dwiiiuUon and toial wcrlfic* of wordly amlHtiona. Th*t

mirtd* eouldn't have been poesEble unless a oompelling obed^finc*

l« btdli-bi In th* Vedw themselvta because of theSr divine origin-

Hh my [ubUihef of my (mcyclopaedia been able to create a syat*ii*

for Mj wbil reciuUon for agm by Innumemble famiHes woi-iawi^?

wtUwuL my Mtnunerttlon, OMnHon or Iflmptadon whatsoever?


TMicrt Wrr* ih* V«dsi Cotnpowd T

Accordirg to LraditSnn Lbe V«du conftfiute an Aemd faoA

flf feaowlwlge 'ffhjch Is a penninent [ait irf divinfty. U doM not

have to be composed. It Is only to be hajidm ov«r lo ^vwdh^far hereditary redl^tjon after every flood.

Vk^»i h th? Tlwaic ot the Vcdss?

the Ihenw of the Vedu !• to e^qj^^aln lo mm the wcirkfaig of

the cosmos and how humanity abould onloir iti life to f^ Irrio

the divine cosmic ordei


The technolc^ which produces a mBnufactured produrt hw

lo exiflt before the factory it&na wor^Qng. SmiJflriy, ihe Vedu

vbjch explain the technology of ihe infmite cosmai ciniBtjtiiite a

pre-exisUng pert af eternal divinity. To tiy to diie them is bs

futile es the ettempt to fix the origin Dr date of the soJar jyrtim

or Ihe electrons which constitute thli unlveree.

Western Scholars

We may $uMmarize the ettempts made by several pcholm^ to

fix the age of th* Vgdaa Mawnueller the doyen of the W«wmichool, whose faulty 85$umplions are being blindly followed by thi

West -dominated academic world of today, baaed all hii catoilatlonj

on the ihei prevalent blundi*rKMne fissumfrtlaFi that the world wai

created in 4004 B.C. HIb neift faulty asaumption was that th? Vcdai

are a Brahmnical work and the BrBhmans were some arrogant,

domineering, exclusive. di^Cnminstory community. Maxmueller i

third migleken notion waa that Buddhism was a revalt agaiiHt

Brahmanism. Maxmuellers fourth misUilte was to tslipvt that the

Buddha lived In the (kh century BX- In our book tilled SOME


It special chapter lo point out ihet the Buddhi Llv«] in the lft.h

oentury B.C. Mexmuelltr's fifth blunder wm to a»um* that th*

whole ran^fs of Vedic litei^iure was composed by wme rustic

individuals in the follow^g order one eftcr the Olhuf like a buay

publiihing house, viz. the Hiijved, Yajurvhl. Samawad, Atharvaved.

Page 41: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


n, Armnkm mA Upanis^s^as in i contfnuotig long i^

STbX u. be bcrr flt th. LEm. of the coinpIeUon of that tit^^

I^ i, a pfty thit all the above bliuiderome sssumptions fornf

Uh Wreck erf luiUon conduct^ aU over the Weat- dominated

lAdRfiJc lysiem Uuwjghout the world.

Tt U B vrons to dPKnlie V^c cdture as Bruhmanism ti

ii ri Lo descnbe ifw modem educattona] system as professorisn)

tjeaiiwprtJftsMrt eyera$€ Authority. Ved/c culture was a four-foy

Qiptnn in whkh aU lla four components hsd thdr dutieg, fiinctjons

and furtckrds of behaviDiif proptrrSy demarcsLed.

t( tl til^ mrrong to look upon the Buddha as a rebel. Bud;

wai ft dcvoud follower of Vedii: ciilture. He Abandoned his priijc^

sta^a and took to monkhood onJy because his mind hed lost fntere$L

In laiia luniris and not because he det^tpd Vedic culture.

Con^dering tjie sbove aeries of Maxmu elia- ' s faulty assumptionshlf daunit of the Vedw at 1200 B,C, ai the eailiesf d^erve$ to


Two fflhcr Wtstem scholars Whitney and Wintemftz havewndemnirf Mamiueller'* loa^ logic and have C8sti«ated other^hoWs who lauded MwniueHer* gurmis^ as scientific d^uctions.Or. ^ffl^tmuti point*! out ihaL th^ style of lanp^e tak^ aa tnaitf

M.L . n^'"^ ^"^ '^^^^ ^'^ "^^ ^"i^^ 200 as assume byM.m.^ Cons^,^,^

Maxmueller's esiiir^al^ of the antiquityOf 14* \«tai. tnt«mi*d to m Undervaluation.

!!X crf r t^M^be ri,ht but allow, a «ap of ^ y^

™I» of V,die ihL?"*'^"*'J^J and concludes that the entii*

*«0 and axn fl^^,

'''* *" "^"i^^^ed by some individuala around

^"^ ™t 1* ichjlar* or the ibove U""

of thinVini: thai the whok beijic lAct In redUnif th^ Vedis verbiilm,

from (fenerfltlon to geniiratlon with metiE^Loua emphBsii m tfw

intonation of *very syllablft snil q carrful meitbsinHili:!«l count of

the letters involved, ia to ensure that the priatLne purity of Vedic

wordinij: msy remain undefded throughout the Bges. Added to tWi,

when one conaidara thfit the ?J|(ved, Yajurved, Sainved and

AtharvDved ransUtute but one composite worlri. it la wrong to judB^

them 0s having been i::OFnpo(sed st different periods of time h^ foma

indlvjdualiB. Vedic recitotion tradition proves that Vedic wording

has remained unchin^ed and thai it continues lo rei«in its purity

aa it was at tbe time Of the creation.

Trying to detGrmine the age of lh& Vedis frtm their TanguagP

ia highly unJuBtiHed when it is realized that even fn physical scJenc*

date- estimates of different scientists are Bt Kreat variance from

on? another. Thus, for instance, according to vanoua geolopista

30.000 to ftfl.OOfl years have elapged since the d&se of ihe imi

glacial epoch. Yet another Kientist, A^^naah Chan [J re Daa has

presented two different eslimates in two editions of the sameboolc-

b^e edition he asserta that the territory of Baiesthan wa* under

the s«a 60.000 years ego while in another he says it was only

27.000 yeai^ ago. Considering such uncertainties even In physiOa!

scienMS. a phHological dating of the Vedaa does not deserve my

aeriona consideration. Moreover, it must be reflii^d that Vedic

language b©ng neither mundane nor hiunan .meBSurrng its enUquiiy

by human philoloffical conjectures ia highly improper*

Estimate of Vedic AnHquily

Summariring some representative estimates of the dale of tl»

Vedas a Vedic scholar, the late Balfisaheb Hardaa of Nagpur pomUd

out in a public lerture series in the 1950's in Pune that Pundit

Patankar of Rajapur believ^ the Vedaa U> be 21.000 y«rs anciail

on the hasia of astronomy.

Another scholar. Mr. Ule put the figure at ^0.000 yeafs.

Pundit SudMkar I>wfvedl estimates the Vedas U> ba 64,000y«n



Page 42: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

Y« «,«!« s^^ol'r. S«««I I>»J™»"'J Saraswati, found,,^j

l*r.rr' he V«Uc ^.c. ..".."^ed tto the V^. .Jo^ulnal ov«r 1950 maUon yeara a«0. J

Ml thf jpirallirvg specdaUons mmttoned above seem to conni^

ihe tr*!iUor»i»l viw that the Vaifl3 were conferred on UmuaaH^

U> divinily 61 iht start of the univem. And that was mHlioii»]

imJ maliflns of jearsagO'

Readm who shudder to think in lerms Of mlUions of yesTij

of antiquity may. perhaps, at the very kssl^ conc^e thai the Ved^

Mft of tmnia»iurabl« sntlquity^

AJI the rtprtsmtauve views inenWoned ahfjve have gwier

bnlod UP philolop^cBl. geological or Bstronomicel dBta lo arriv^^

il ihe dale of Uie Vedas Bui we suggest iPi altogether diffe

ipproich- We venuire to sut!ge$t th$i the basic purpose of Uvl

Vedu provlda good due.

Purpaie *r ihr Ved«]

Wiyf ii iJI wcft the Ved^a furnished to humanity? What \t

their JLuUflniJon ? ^a

n« Justjflcatton i» that the maker of a corrpUcated mechanismurii n u iuiomobSJe. a r^tUo receiving set or a TV get invanflhly

|J^>*»P™bbfe U3 the uger ^Uaa cualomer a bookJet expldniniu» woridnd of itiflt mwhariam. That ia our common experience. |

riJ!I!L**"",^'^ ^f^P*^v^y Ingignif1<ant mechaniams have

^^ ii;

''^ '^"'^^ '^^ ^^= "'"^Ucaled. limtae... timeJ^™™-«^HI> .e,pon.ibD3ty of fumishi.g to His cu.tomi^'«^«m.« (nam^ hum*n Wng,), the book of knowledge


(iwmeltf Ihe VedM> eyplflinlnn this «uinoi u fofflslftf |^twr>t(fr'mrtd ofhumBH at-tlifity and aa lo hawhununUy ihcKild conduct

Eia llfu durmfej earthly oxis1onc&? Does noi coruumir vxptA lufih

prtlimlnory and fundBJuental service ind TOnsidBnUJon from t

respongihl* mH*il*'6r? How would divinity then fml in

this primary duty ? On the contrail . m overwhelming ftgctlm of

hun 'Id opinion conddc-n divinity lo be amnlsclenl, amnlpmcni

omnipotent, merdful nnd a very considerBt* faiher of flll Whmsuch a divinity launches humimity In cowmos of kEmUle«a infinity

and Immense qomptexjt^ it itands to reioon lo iwpect God u «

benign father and also aa the sole cosmic- entreprmwr lo fumiBh

humanity with an expert and exnaugtive guidebook. That (Ju/tfe

Book */' Lh^ iwfl* af kifoivledge &baut the mxhsnfsm'. /irziipase

vnd iiiode of use of ibis cosmos sfi^ about the rofe ifijt tiumiiis'ty

has to pley in it, xj known colfxiiveiy as the Vedas.

It is bul naturtd In the above drcumstancea thai the Vedas

have 10 be kept ready for wse by humsnlty from the very firtt

g«ieration. Therefortn we conclude ihei the Vedas wer* Uuiht

verbfilim ic the first generation of sages, Con^uently, the age

of the Vedas h the age of humanity. Ut gdenUsts and phJloaopliere

apply their own tests to determine when msii firtl set foot on

'.his Klobe and that wUl automaUcally give ua the dale of the cvailihaity

or the Vedas to tnankind.

And It {5 pTtcisely on tWa consideration that elalma K. dlvW

of srriplur^ like the Bible iiml the Rorjtfi t ep»rt fmi. other

oonalderationa) totally fall. A guiding spinLuaJ scripture must be

ready for the ve^ fif^t human being- Humanity csnno. wait for

a n^ak Jesus. MohPmed or TJahaulla lo appear at any random dale

bim.ns of yea-^ aa.r human being. .l«.^.ed hvin, on ll^sg^^-

But ^ple usually lack course t. d,^ek>p such a conv,^«r

Con.^ently. th.^y abandon logic and in =^^^^'^[^l^

compmrnt^e mouilon the Vedas. ihe Bible and th. Koran to tb*

tan» br*ath. which a highly Impropw,

Page 43: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


ScrtTvf rrfldert mighi fl^u<lder lo Ihink of the Vefas bi ^U«r bosiowed by divinity at the start of humanity and ^^A^

thii iuch n mirtcle Is Impossible and inconceivable.^

Tq ?ueh w« would Ulte to say thai when this entire IJu^jy^

htj;hl> iflmpWcaied cosmos and human exigtenoe bt it froni bjf^

TO dftiih ain«iiruip a setia of widleas miracles, what {a wi^with tbi? VdaM being one additional mirocle ?

IKtflnfty also has at [l9 command various modra of cmf^im

foravariiftyorih'W from invisible fcjea'ms lo (fiant anfmals. Bivfntiy

cm filso dMlroy Ufe In one sweep by an epidemic or (lash Hood.

Itgliming, (jarlhquekes etc. With such an immense power poteaUifl,

li Jt not possible for divinity lo produce the first stock of idult

human* rcadymade to populate this earth for repPoductEori


Consider Jiow the meeting and mating of men and women (rresW

an illusion oJ liiscioua r^imance though ita ingred tenia arv iD

faiil -smelling ractora lik£ phlegm, blood, spittle, per^piraU'on, unit*

and 6)Kre(a. Is that illusion not a miracle ?

Consider how a human lrf& sprouts and is landed, within tl«

*omb for over nine months. Is that not a miracle ?

Vjnjali^ how myHads of lives are constantly dropping on ^«^rth lihe rain, fr^im nowhere, and being dmined away into detrth

«"> «b.mon in an unending, relenlbs^ trail. When we have a ^viw

ZT^T '''"'''' '^ ^^ ''^^^ '^^'^'^- ^ ^t not as well fumiah

=t Ir^ ^\^Z ' ^'?'" ^""'^"^ "^^ "^"^ '^f ^^^ "^"'^'' 1

v«(c cuUm* unm ^hey were divided firbt by



CbriatiBnity and Uter by lalazn. Ti lit tberHfart* iwcoary far iH

to cultivate and iastmllat« mora ind m<tn knowl^idg? i^ut ^iha


ypi^ ) ^ : (Ananta Val VedsKa^ ia « tradl^i:^!! u^rtg tfhtch

alOTi^nea that, the Vedaa are uncountaWe i.e. llmatJHs. Thai is quit*

plausible bftcauae ibe Vedas represent the total l»dy of knowlwlgt

concerning the whole universe,

Sage Yajnavalkya is said to have obtained new Vedic hjnnna

through penance when his enragBd precepUjr itopped coaching

Vaniavalkya En the Vedas. ThoBa liymna are aai'l to comtnuie t^

ShukJfi Yejurveda

Several Vedas nre s(dd to have been l&at, Vedas wm foimeriy

1 gweric name aipwfvmB collectively tha enUre stock of gnd-gtvci

Imowledge at the time of creation. The four Vedas thiL we lalk

of in modem times seem to ba subsequent gmuptngB of only i

small part of that vast body of knowledge which haa ayrvlved md

come down U) us. Since those fourVedas wMch thetlindLis pi««ve

and recite with meticuloua. studied r^erence, could be a ml^

assortment of bila of divine- aurviving knowledge % is natursl thai

no scholar is able to make any head or l^l oui nf Ved^ hynms

-nieprfmordiddMf.esyllable cm (^.ttsetr represents ihe^Ur^

body of use Veda.. Tn the Knila Yuga (the tk^l-m-de-ersl t^

Vedaa were undivided. Thai single body of kne«l*d^e was tl«n

knewn as Vstrmu HanS-

The well known scripture. -Shreemad Bhagwauun informs a.

,^ 1^ 5C &!I; iBnnl. ?rf ir^: I

that Ut the besinningof creation 1 ih^r. was only a snglt (un^^)

Veda and that OM was theorigin of s)l kn.-lodge (Ut^mtu™,^^lin^istics etc.). All Vedic ^^^^' ^'^j:^'^^^^^^^^^^^^in VedJc rocilatlon is supposed to b* mvirt>d end ^^'^^

knowl^ge. ance several I^tln pr-^i^ ^^ *^^^ OM -O. caT

Page 44: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



, LhouaandJ of irtdividuaJs and instil utionsarouna

thewDfMwJi^and content, yet they have

> .-^ . riM inv rtJfVfliii theme from beginning to end of any

al nreworship. is aJso not C€rtain- Everybody

th^ bush trying to coax some consistent

fjrtf V«!* Of *i^ *"


H«ns to be beating arw

nflmng out of the Vedas.

Despit* such toua. universa] feflure to make head or LaO cui

(if the VedM. people in geneml coniinue lo look upon the Vedas'

wTlh m'FTHjtJfll iwe "Hus iUeJf Is cme proof of the divine oH;^

tnd power of the Vedss.

AoottiB- pnxjf is Uw adherence of millions of families tc Vedic

rtdtJiLian ai $ profesfton from time {mmemorial wjthoui prsctically

my mslensi ur mundafie illurem^t.

Nd Huunoit Bcin^ am rvcr CooiprehcDd ihe Vrdsu

Thtf* »^ msny rrason^ why no single person will ever W>iWe to gauge or tell about ihe total purpose, meaning and oontemof the Veto, "niia w« have di&cussed elsewhere. Here we ahall

mmuon <jiw aspect nimely that the Vediq texts that hsve ^me<lM^ t* U9 ai, Iftje the mumintned corp,» of e long dead world

™^. Jw as one j» unable to vl^aiije the details of the reign^i l«Jg Avd PharBoh by looking at his mummified body. simSaHy

.,.**ri^"'"**'^ "^ ""^ word-oorpiis of the Vedas (also of the

rfTllT. ^^ "" "^^ "' "*^ ^'^- ^ «f« ^-^ the meaning

i^^vi^^i^ ^ ^,^ c^nsp/^^ iiu, cosmictmUmr liMl


dim^sfons of V^k kuowjettgp. }n this raapert humwit inoomportible ta anu. and tha Vedu Lo aky Knper^ ot dMmVtrtOT^Icdge.

EviMi ao It would be wrong to discontinue Vedic redt*Uon.

I^e VedflS, are a piwoua divine heritane and s sheet-anchor of

human life* They are the fountainheeda of holy l^cswSgdfe with

wHch humanity must r^naia In oonsUnt touch by continuing to

recite the Vedaa and meditate on them. Great minda delathed from

mundane affaira can with meditative concentratkm cull from tha

VedJils immense scientific knowJedue aad spiritual guidancfl from

time to u'me,

'nie Vcdic Mystery

Vedic tradition is aa ancient as humanity itaelf. To be ««ct

It is 1.955.885.082 years old (as of 19M A. D.) as documantad

by the chain of annual Vedlc almsiacs meticuloualy maintained to

keep track of the astronomical importance of eveiy moment of

every day ^ ^'^^^' devout, individual Vedic rwittne of all peopla.

Compared with Vedic antiquity Christian and Muslim traditicmj

which are of only about 1372 to 1600 years' duraUon repecUvety

30 far are but mere bubble-like aberrations on the eternal rtrwn

of time. Henoe what they need to realiie is that their •nceaUy

too is Vedic*

The Vedas were handed down for day to d^ oral redtatioa

by divinity to humanity from the first gBneraUon wiwafda.

Oral i^iUUon waa enjoined to maintain the guiding rd* rf

the Vedas and the accui^cy of their wording a^d to ensure that

they m^y pot remain unread ea books in a book sbop-

Tha Vedas contain technotogical. matbemaUcal<^djJ^™J

guidance for humanity from divfaiity in their condensed, codmefi

worfing, in the veiy manner in which a thoughtful faU«r pro^«

multilateral guidance to his cWyren setting out on aUiog. inluoua,

risky journey by Ihemaelvas-

Page 45: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

^«.h«lv » m^Hil««'^

t:«"^ ^^^"^ *^™ *>"tfin«Hy

^s ihff MJflf(UfTerent branches of kr^owl^g*.

-^ ih. superfldBlIn^T^tion* deHv^ by mt^^

.J'^ ti;—. Fn...dt., oft^ le.d to al..,^

™"'"^ 7 W..1. 9 (W) in Nagpur Clndia) sUnifl» aj

::::^z f- opi.. b«...e ..^ ^y an.^

afcr ^«,. Tto 1^ two Bbsur^ti^f in that superfidil

iDWTTrtiition Fli-iJy, tbflt heterogeneous sexual actia a Wologle*]

iaMnjPuHy Hid impossibility. Secondly, had sucb b«n the real

import of the wording of the Vedss tbsy wculdiit have commanded

fwpKt «Dd dedjcfllid bei^tary sdbftffinM by thousands of famDiW

round tbt vorld for generatiani 1

The Vedic vonlaiff Is so compltx a conglomerate of different

^uniitft petaining tC' a wide variety of diverse branches of

knowledge thaC iH oomm^isbors 8& ftr bav^ differed from one

HiRC <>ijiJirk«tknn

TTirw quBliricfiioiiB are «ss«niiaJ in anyone bopbg or attemptiiiK

to cuD iom« T^flvant imsning fmrn the Vedas viz. (U He (or

At> miut bt m etpwi in SanslcriL because the languaee of Ibe

^ta *• dlviM Snikrtt. <ji) He must be a recluae free fnm ftl

BJjradw Urtciiotis ena distracUons. (U() He must havfl attaLnerf

LT?^*^of pror^^ (toy, of the M. A. ; M. Sc. level)

^Ir ^ ="11 » f" ^»rtpi of knowledge from the Vedic woMin*

«*««« i high levti of jiTonciency.

^ '^ *^ ^^«^ *^ rwak, a ctoaed book ^en for aut*


dedicated , devout souta unless they stcain mam b s;*i* of ynmivliltd

meditative cono^irBtion on the Vedic wonling pertabini vo ihitr

jpecTflc bmncb of knowledge.

Vcdic Malhcmalla

A practical inatance of the above law ts the ^mpendJum tltM

Vedic Matbernatlcs- The Shankaracbai^B of ^sgannftth Pmt ^rtui

compfled that book fullTlled all the three quall^caUons mentioned

abov^^'iz. hewasahigty qualified mathematician, hewa^ASanskriiist

and he was a reduse with nil mundane attachments nr aapiraUons.

Some doubtera have questioned the relevance oT the tiite of

the book V«lk MathtmBtici by poinUng out thai the fomiulae )M

down in the book do noi figure anywhere In the V«daa.

'Hiert predss^ Ues the point of our anBlysis presented nbsTV*

vfz. that the Vedaa being a condensed. codifTed, conglomerate of

the highest calibre of multaaterfl], technological and ^cimtiflc

knowledge a devout, olher^wordJy soul, musing mi meditating on

the Vedic wording, may ptck and choose a word here Qf a syllibl*

therB or a vowel or consonant elsewhere, place them in a certain

sequence and produce an unranny formula. Because the knovWge

condensed in the Vedaa ta as vast and as baffling as the co?™

and the Dlimitable apa<^ that envelops II. Th« worldly minds who

tend to mismatch a horse with a tpieeo ui reading Ihfl Vedas ma»

an ass of themsdvee, lacking evsi bofse sense-

A wide variety of institutions and tndis^duals ft^ Harvard

to Hiedelberg and Yaaka down to $w«mi Dayimand Sara^^^^

Yogi A^d have exercised their minda in'^^"^'^J^^

™and yet ..hat they have product are mere scotches, a^ch o t«

mystery of the Vedaa. Their congl.memte ^^'JL!^^treasure of knowledge to be alive through k>^'^"j^so that some gifted soula may thn>agh tbe ages cull "™ «^*^^

g^in. Of knowledge fr.m them f™m time t^ ^""^^^^^tb. mere r^iUtion of the Veda, irnparl. a bo^y aiini *^ ifa* Pn«-«*

and persons connected with the recitaUon.

Page 46: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

*^K' *'^'^

..„t^ , coni^^' ^^^'^ conglomeratT

g^ tbf V*ai* ^-^^"^^, 3^„,h^ ,f knowledge nec^aa^

of th* Nffhrt- J^'^^'^^towed on the nrst geti^mtion of hurmm,

for ^^"*"^*"'*

^.i«. bv DivtnUy. the queatfon ariaes ^.t th* s«rt or ^'^''^^ ^^^, ,v7th ihem ? m^t auihority

,^ ^Hy did Vyit ^ '*

Surpn'singly no schoJars haherto


Hum«i Bffdr. b^nins wEtb th. Knite ..^ was Ilk. a ehriol

^ in- fo^r horaes. Al the end of that €ra o^e hor^e (or

b^.2^1 dmp* off and in the Ttm ^r, only thre. sted,

ur trfl. likeuTse tbe Dwapar ^ b^jan with only two horses,

tod rwff in :ht M[yu«a the chariot of human life Is bang drwii

^ ffliV one *i1d. uiiruly,emfltiBi*d sleed. it is like any other vehids

^vu^ prograsHvdy detenoraltrtg serviM with advancing age.

GmseqaenUy the Vedos too needed to be trimmed with every

resang era 10 suii th& lowering phygioal, intellectual imd moral

calibre or lucweding generalions. The trimming is about a fourth

piEt with every passirg era. Moreover the colossal dKtrucUw

wrought ty tl» Mflhflb>iarat war had shattered the worldwide,

h«r«!iiuy Vtdlc p«d»aUon chain.

SpUfcmcc of Divint Http?

&8e VyiB \3. mHiUonftJ b Vedic tradition to have invoked tht

Wp nf tBrt Ganah alias CanapiiU himaelf as a steno in dJctJtini

^ ^»nU<^ Witary krw^n (a th. Mababharat.

^u!l"^r ^^ ^^^^'' »^P*«s «5^ nought for Vyas"*

b««,JTw^ JT^ ™^l«t ""d not for ih« Mahabharat ajoue

So Vyi, 1,1^ ,^* *^^= ^suory end time was running o^t-

"^ ^"^ olivine gee, eiaiiaUelp.


V^B a Unique PfitonuJH;

S^e Vyas'fl birt>, md life sIiht mnrV htr out n . «n(«i*peraonaUty. almost a divine hdns- H(. flgiires amor, tte »^wljfTcal personaUties reputed lo be phygictiBy iimrnirtiJ in Vplleiradjtion


U is said that wbm sage Poraahar was cj^miHiry mfer in a

tooat hi impregnfltai the boat womsEi SatyavaU alios MalsyaganJht

because he could for«re that a unique flfTsprinK wnuia be bomfrom the urJon at that auspicioua mwnmt. The child liom was

known as Paaraashar ti. e. son of Parashar).

As per Vedlc traditibn -evecy recurring Dwapir era gwef ri»

to one Paaraashar ^ias Vyas.

Vyas having been bom in Vamtuia dweep (island) i^a wan also

known aa Dwatpayan. Having been born smidH a 'bower af berria

be is also called Badarayan.

The epithet Vyas stack to hhn later When be di^^ded a campralie

Veda into four parts since *Vyas" connotes 'divider" fRef Pr^

^ 1^ by f^. ^. f^^, under the tiUe Vyes)

Vy83 Is credited with a gigantic » super -human litwaiy

achievement viz. compoaing the 18 Ptiranai; writing out the

Mohabhuniia gigantic epic which is almost a htatoiy of the entire

human race, composing a spiritual compendium known as artftmnd

Bhagavatam and dividing a composite Veda inUi four differmi p«ti>

Several pecuUarittes mark out saije Vyaj as i unique superhuman

personiUty vii. firstly, the way he was imprtgnaLcd In i fen^

dunng a riv^ crossing because of the proph^ic pfopiUoW

thought ^wave Of the greal soge ajid seer Par^har- Secondly^

gigantic Utjrary achJovemcnL of the highest !ite™^. Wat^-

soctologicat and spiritual stonJard.. Thirdly, his bei^ig°^^Sevan physEcally immortal per«.n». This may sound Inmdlhl* u

many. Bat since the whole cation con.i«ta of m>nacl m.™:^

whptfian prevent divinity frotn keepingaome chosenjoulsp-rpeiuany

Dltve and klckliig ?

Page 47: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text





Wrii*^T ^ tf^''. jj^y^t^ by an unseen pow^r and therafor,

to wriw <v P^""'^,3 ^otidei^ whether

h€ Cor she) acutdty

^i^ ^itr hliasri w^^ ,;idividual is onli? the OsUrna^'^^

= in tte Kra>i MBtaiharat war highly dtvsstatmg atorait

^,pU(rtd and uito^^

Al] SenskriV tuillDn and Vedic redtalion came to en abrupt

W Tb^t^or* sag. yy^M Lo r^ew contact with the worldwid,

ta,^ remnanu^ of the V^ic «!ut;ationa] system and seek tbt

hrfp of \he bfiods Of various educaLional and Vedic esUblishtnenli

td rertoTf some sort of an order . cohesion and continuity in the

baliertd Vedic woal. educstlanal and spiritual system. Vyas wai

iherefore a great OTKa^ier and co ordinator of a shattered system,

In that ifiganlk effort Iw needed the hdp of Ganapati (alias GaneshJ

i. e t jurvivittg) hcada of vanous establishment? who were literarj

lianta in their own riKhl but suddenly bereft of Steff support,

But for mth in eventuality Sage Vyas would have had no authority

U> dabble with the Vedas whit^h ara of divine authorship-

The immortal, superhuman literary*cum -spiritual aohievetnent

of Vyai leruis credence to bis physical Immortality too . as a stand 1^-

One oiber treason wby the Vedas had to be sub -divided ia tW*

ihr ooloarai diitnirtifjn cauaed by the Mahabbarai war bfoutfW^

(ibout wcrldwid. ^ncUon of the Gunj^tul Sanskrit ^ucatiO'*"

mm md or the nummm* modetj of hereditary' Vedic r^^^^^^^P«Ulinn«fania;^, Forina^^oe. if the common Vedic condensed

UrL'!!!ir!!r^^" ""^^'^ *' «y- "-^^^^ a,uronomical i^'^^

^ *° *l«rdi«in^^ w^^ U^ V^as probably r^caied princip'**

or nuclear phyalcs. apaco travel tec^otoffiF. mithim*i« comfcchemistry etc. Thua there used u> be Sn the renvoi* ptsi nU*™,modes of reciting the Vedas tn hewdiiary imditton by Aiffwrnfamilies. T^at ayeten havinK be^ ahati^red by tb» Mahabhint^St the various modei got dlBContinued leeving pwhapa orrty four

modea of Vedic reoitetton hi modem ttmea and oonsequenl Utlsl

loss of advanced technology that was Bviltable ujrtQ ihe Kaunv/ Fandava era.

Conunon Dctkf

The common belief prevalent among modem Vedic icholari la

tbat the currently extant four modes of V*dic ndiaiion md the

numerous exttnct forms of Vedic recitation weremer^y LopreiKrve

(he accuracy of the Vedic wording.

That doesn't aound quite reasonable or believable. If thet bdlrf

were correct then the present four modes alone wouldn't eniure

the accuracy of the Vedic wording when numerous other mada

remain unlmown,.

"ni* Flaw la Modero Vedic Scholarsliip

In fact there appears to be a fundamental drswhacli In the

Vedic tulUon inipBrted from Harvard (in USA) to Heidelberg (Er

Germany) to the Bhandsrkar Orimtal Hesearch Institute in Puna

(India) to Tokyo (in Japan). Their scholars have, probably, never

r^sed and discussed the fgndamental question as to why did sag«

Vyas in the Dwapar era meddle with the Vedic te)* ^d*d down

by divinity at the surt of the Kruta era to the Ist %^^Um

of humanity ? And why does Vyas stai command profound respect


In modei-n times we have for the fir3t t£me posed thai probfem^

n,e elaborate answer we have giv^ above is

'^'^'l^'^J^^With the appalling p™.pect of the whole c««hed Ved,cWeducational aystem disappearing into lot*! exUnction did h» b«i

in contacting ^d o^w^i^ing he-d. «f


and aalva«ing as many branches ofVedicSan^kriUe^n.^.^

The r^dt is that only four m^ea of Vedi. r«ltation ^t or ump««i

Page 48: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

¥^^.r™**"^""^^"^ ^^^eura^vclopit^gthmn. Thermo*,

T^VP*whflv*"'^'^ '^,^^ ^^^,^ muncUne dislractiona and

^ ^f^d"*^ *^ ^ ^e«n s^me B^ifi^ce from Vedlc wf^rding,

ausip-*^^*"'^' ^ "t^ ^. juiied bool^ jpchoiars around the world

(j,^^„«.Uy -u*^^J^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^„d , tst.)e with on«

n^truJar.^ "^"^r^l, t^xt while the other kwps roving aver

^ fi)*d on th._^^uons. prerogatfveg, privileges.

'^*'^''''T«liZ«^ -^ly^^^ ^**=^"'^' '^"'^'^' '"'"^*^^'

'^'^'T". ^Kless sbracadabre- That i$ wiry even heredila.7

"Tjtl ..ver even atlanpt ^y eludd.Uon. of th.

TXm T^ite. Tl^^r i=b is )usi t. ke.P «Jiw and pr.^..,

J™uaor. tT^ion so th.t onc^ ta a -hfle gift^ souls may

rr«T, tim^ w time d*l*ct and isolate some divine pnndplea fr«n



Thai miDloni of fanulies throughout the world have down the

tga been devoting thsnselves hereditarily to nothing but VaUc

iwiiaUoji in flbstemJous, pious, modest isolation ssjis incentive or

diciauidal coinpulsiiMi is a very eloquent proof of th^ divine ori^n ^

Another mdicaikin is that the Vedes form the basis of that

prniwrdial. fnouB, worldwide i:ulliiw of which Sanskrit lafigusiJB*

the Dpamehads. Pumuas, the Bamayan. the Mahabharai end al

widwvi sdencet and arts ane noatalgit sprouts,

*Wi Art Vedic rimes?

Moilem sreholam ofl«i use ihe term Vedic times In * ^^nWMloas. ifidEAenniniie manner. Most feel very safe in cllngf'*

toth. imperial Mtmuellarisn view that the Rigved was compos*'i^ whom7) i^und 12)0 B C. and the other thr^ Vedss^oomp^^ (?) .t ^ ..^,m,^^s^ Ent..^al thereafter.

A few wholar^ who have relt fn* frv.™ .1

div^^t oonclu^ion, h.v.J L p^X.^rdl^;'"*^oftbeVed^stofiOOO. lO.OQO, or 20 D^vt^"'-;^^,'^'


of acholir^ don't make it cl«r whrther U«W vlrl ^^^^together at on. time fi. b singl. «mtv^ «H *''*^*^at different time..

^^ "" " '^'^^ cgmf^adJ.m-

But they ell se.m to be tot^l, wn^ng not In on* b«t H, tnumber of respects viz. (i, gt,^ ,^ v«la« .,« n^ luL

l«elf viz. about 2CK«mi,]tony«n^. m Sine. th. V«l» w.r. div^d^into four oompendiums in the Dwapar era by »ge Vjbs th«co(i9tituUd baaically a single undivided Iaki for the earlier twoeras, f 3) Thirdly, since it js the Vedes which have gpronl^d theVftiic civilizauon It 1$ wrmg to imagine, that the Vedas conatElutethe mindless mutteringa of some wandering cowhenia, <4) As theVedaa have sprouted a very holy, enjdit# gtnd iimMk dvfl[i»tlonfittributing some frivolous, sup?raclal meaning to VedJc texts ii

the height of scholastic tboiogbtleasness.

Hie HlstOTT of Z«ro

"Hie current belief among schoTora about the or^ of zero is

very hazy. The present notion Is thai the lero waa introduced to

Eui^peansijy j^j^i^ ^ii^ pidkfid It up from India. Nobody biowihow. when and why? Everybody lust lattea that bland ftatemait

far granted without any cross -queationing.

Why should Arabs be middlenien ? Could not IndiBjit dlrtictly

coach Europeans if at all? Or could not Euui^peena r««£h India?

Moreoverfwhenever one talka of Araba in modem aead^cs, «ie

alwf^ Imagines them to have been Muslims from the bc^jpaning

of time. But as Mualima Arahs had lost aD eruditJon. On being

forced to lum Mualim Arabs, Iraniana and 'Hirka one aft«- the

other pluiidged into illiteracy and took to murder, massacn Mod


It WBi In pre-Mualim and pr^-Chriatian times thiit V^die cuhsuv

nd Sanakrit langu^e pervaded the whole world ainc« th4 beginning

Page 49: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

Kfid Vedic knowlecJtr? Included evg,^m

^' r.. -> -~^^ n^t . was ro^ed to

Itat »iii«^'^^l^^fj^, Eunjpeat^s thirsting for know]^^

^ y^ *^"»^-,r3, jusi acrx^ss the Medil^rranem wh^r,

Vrik P:.^^'^ """'in o.t ther* too ^d West A.^a al^o

*^. JTT^I .f^Th. olr. ^^c«i all V«iic learning tin .h.

^d Jsum. on. ^^''^^^^^ ^ extent Ihal they evto

jands that thfy sw-epi J w ^^** "^

jafl sD juiowledge of zero il^eif-

Tl-1 «nj has bee*i part Qf Vedic calculations from ibe ^,

W.™,g of tSm. .n-y be judged from the f«cl that the m.tlculout

B^rKV of Vedie redtaUot. is sougbt U) be mainLained by s stnct

«,u„l of the ID Mandflls. 1017 Sookt^, 10590 mantras. 1.53,8^

wordj ind 4.32.000 letLer^ tin the Higved for insUnce)


The whole Vedic w^orld was used Ut thai meticulous VedIc counl

in pit-MuBlim end pre Christian timfuM ibst learning (along with

a» Uie of !6ero) Tras reduced to a wro by Christianity and Islam,

ance Vedic leeming including mathemntics survived in Indli

in tht form of Hinduism (despite Muslim and Christian inroads),

ihp bdirf spread that non-lndiBng leaiiied the use of zero from

bdii. IhA has to be understood in the limited sens* that Muslims|

nd Chrisiieins learned the use of zero from India oidy after thW

c^verwon iiad reduced them to illileracy. In pre-conversion timei

Ltttj' w«re all in integral part of the Vedic world and as up*tO'date

in Vedlc. Suiskrit learning as India. Today India appears to be

the ^ginal repository of Vedic knowledge only because other landi

l(Ut touch with Vedic learning progreggively from the time of tbe

Mihabharal war and totally after conversion to Islam or Christi&nJty.


Aimifig Dt mfluring a smtjolh, beaiBble eMsteoce for all belngS'

Vedk cukurr buikt up a psychologically planned social structure-

I?^» nonr» of conduct wcrt mjoined on every member of tWJ

Bociety. Theae w<fne * (1) Saiya (najj ^ ^ ^^jj^ „.(3to> - maanJtiK non-knUn,. n«,.h«nni.«. n<^:^^L^^^Asteya (^> i e. no.^.t«din,. non-««^non misappropriating. (4) Apartgrahii (^mfgnij - „« claiff^OwnPTShJp or possession of any worldly lldng (yr property (5)Brahmachsiya (SSR^j . This \m mmtremgnt is usually trwislaudB9 celibacy. ActueBy it ImpUcs cbser^ance of strict nilea oT amducttn consonance with laws of nature da per cne's age. sut^ii mdscicia] standing, Theae qualities eliminated any motivftUgn for kkimI

or Individual atnfe.

To inculcate the above qualities in eveiy member cf »d«t>

a joint famfly system wag put in vq^q where It wbs a corponte

lif? with the raw younstera learning and taking over smootlily frcm

ejtperienced elders. Such a family ensured division of labour, ejcpertlse

of the eldera . loving nu rture of the ver^ young and very eld, guaraniee

of economic austenance for every individual, good enijs^ng company

for all and an engrossing ma^s attention and attendance because

of B large numher of comings and goings of a plethora of fritfid^,

relations and ecquaintant'es on frequent funcUons, cMebration and


Segrcgitldn or Lhe Se««

Vedic culture envisages two dfsUnct aphcres for malpa ftnd femiles

not out of any considei-ationg of inferiority or supcriarity but with

a view to ensure the fruition of their lives and earterr in the eontext

Of their- physiology end psydrology.

A woman has her mens&a, conceptions and deliveries. Being

delicate and attractive ell and sundry cast covetuous glance at,

her . She also liKes to adorn her body, TakUig aB such peculiarities

of the female into consIderBtion Vedic culture has ensured for the

woman the ro!e of the empress of the home. When a hride ta

ushered into her marital home, the Vedic priest actually uttwa

the wQids ' Ssmrg/ffi mva im^ '^SJ Be ye the qu««j of tW»

(new) household/* She Is of course the ipprenti« que*fl under

the other elder ^queana ' who have preceded her in the houwhold.

Page 50: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

H. . family *^^fw *^ ^'"^ " "^^^ ^r '^' ^*^

b the (ftenrvflth rf the Mdhflbbarat war and later imposiiion

af G.«<J-nJty. Western^ grt^^i^ly ^--^ ^^^ f™"^ **^« V«dte

MTtn. of conduct and adopted th^ drink and dance and mixing

of tbf seia type of Iff* from the school stsg« onwards with thv

mult Oj* bi the U.S.A. Uen-age free 5eir and wife swapping d

fcuing common and is resulting In enomous crime, apread of

bcurtWe diswses such as AIDS and misery to vulnerable sedioni

judi IS old men, children and women, Oonsfdering all thia Vedk

airmged msmBge* have proved the best hulwark against breakup

ti taomH and famJUsH

A BriUslh group af educatkinista baa taken a laudable step in

re-ushffling Vedic values in Western society. It haa aet up four

Scbooli: 1) St. Jameg independeni School for junior boys. f23

ft- James Indtpendent School for senior boys and two simDar schoolifor pti»,niling out co-educaticin (because the needs, reflestw.

«Jji^«iU and emotive responsca <jr male and female minda en«™»t) and mtii Sanskrit a compulsory subject of study for

"^jrtandiri fmni primary lo the h level That pattern needs

VwliG Dijpi*j sigai

For bifumc*. .v*,. J1k,?.T'*^"1* a part of Vedic cultuf*.

•vwy momli,. ^ ^'*^"'*^ ^" t^ be mpt and cleaned eaiiy

J*™'^^'*^- "^^Uc pj? **^"^** t*> everybody concerned a

' "^-^c patten* i* dr»wn jual outside U«

entrance In wWifl atone powder (with it timai »RmeM!tHar M(led>It la kno'sn a» H.-n^'iiveli dis^ ct^ Abamo? of »«:b tdesign in front of artf bouae usually indicated Rtjme calamity juchB» mouminii. disease or destitution. Thp tle^tsfri si the enifmr*fffgnil^ed that ibe bousebold had b«n swept and cleaned for Ibe

dally routine of the inmatea and welcome visits by others.

Every individual too wore a mark on bis orb&r forehead betwc*n

the eyebrowa aft*r both to assure othsrs of his or her pbyafcal

cleanliness to begin the day's chores.

An adolescent girl looking forward to mafriage and married

women, both wear a red v«nntlion dot on their foreheads Todistinguigh betwe^ them a maiTied woman Pirtbqr vfcan a Mangala

tauspiciousJ sootra (necklace) of tiny black-beads and gold anjund

her neck and silver rings On her toes. Thai made the dlstincljon

clear between the married and yet to be marned^

A woman wearing a plethora of ^^een bangles and for a green

saree or blouse was a mark of pregnancy so that she should be

ac^]'ded the conveoJeDcea and considentJom tbat her physical ststua


A widou waa loiown by the absence of the vermilion dot on

her foreheaid so that her well-wfsberB may help her find a new


Vedic culture has far-sightedly provided such visual signs for

smooth funcUoning so that eveiyone may receive community help

and co-operation that his or her situation demands without anyone

having lo ask any t|uestion or solicit e^Iiclt help, ftjch pro^n^ions

irisured Vedic society functlomng like a welloUed machine aana

fuss and sans noise.

The Mangaln Sodtra OiteraUy The holy thread ' J also im|ilidlly

proclaimed that the wearer bsng * married woman the Mflctlty

<if her jnonal tie up with her husband was not to be vioJawd by

any amorous sdvancas or abt^raiiona.


Page 51: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


V«il. Ch*nim pnjrwsion involving mrtlcult„^

V*dk ftwuiungs i^

L*iji^ dedication. Women tronsplani^

j^Mh^r-mfli^J^J" i^nurture of babies and ^r^^

f^ ^ '-^^.^^ 1^,,,. conception., deliv^ne. and child-c^^

^r«."I^" ^T^^^^^^'^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^'"'^ ''™^"''*^"^ ^^

Mm«^r V*dic chapiing was noi child s play lEke picking up

, book IM..3 riding out i nar^ rhyme- Vedic chanlings u«k

xllfT*feni fomi. to yi^ld [^found sec.-eLs perUirung to different

5dPfK«- Such €jipeitise in recitation needed fuU time dedicatkm,

ay for 12 to 20 year? at a stretch, at the preceptor s hermila^

wbert oidy males were sent from the oge of 5 or fl. Since such

SB uphritiifing was impassible for e woman womanhood w^

constdered d disquaJiffcCalion, it is wrong to read into that taboo

tay discrimination against s. woman's person or her intelligence.

The Ved^ Computei' Techniiue-

A report appearing in the Times of India (a daily published

fniin Bombey) dated Mtn;h 22, IS93 read ;


' Computer scientists are now begpnning to redi?^e Ibat eA\ thd?

ffldeavour ova- the last thj^ decades lnt<j making natural longuflge

Kc#S5tble Ui computer prograjnmiFTg was already dnne about 2,6nfl

y«« igu. Thwgh much removed in time, space and cuJturep i

.th epniut>- B. C. SensknL p-ammarian seems to have provided

«11 the aniwera to today's computer pniblema.

'-TiK grsmmjimn -Panini - is now bdng called the firat softwarfl

m«i, wltoi thft hsrtwErt. And the focus is on the roughly 4.000mil* of Sinsknt grammar that he evolved; m)e$ that are-so scientific

"dJ^ci^ in mannir ^, Lhey riosely r^emble stru^ur^s ^^dt»y comtvuier saentinj ihrnunhout the world.

mMovweij in fur aw^y America, by a NASA scientist

dJted Mr. Rick Briuga. SclBntisia, ovat the yars. had b«en tK^Kl^own by ambiguities in natui^ lenguagfls and effotta Into ctimpul*?

pnfcwsing were proving too difncult^ untn Mr, Sriggfl dJ«over«d

^skrit. Since then, miliiona of cEoUara have been pumped Into

l^search witb many W^tern cvuntrtes doing axtenslve worti cm

the subject.

**How does Paninf'3 grammar wqrk? Grammar \a basically an

abstracijon or the language. As a nile, grammar li usually wriUen

Bfter a language baa developed.San akrlt ha& other forms of grHmrr bf


but Panini"? Is the only one which with only 4,000 rules succesafully

oover^ almost the entire range And each word under the ?enint

grammar can be tracked back to lis root, quite akin in form and

^sence to computer larigunges like say Ckibol or Fortran/'

Our Comment - By tradition Sanskrit is a Cod-made langusge.

The Vedas v^hich constitute a codified book of knovpiledge ire of

divine qrigin . Their language Sanskrit is therefore nol of human

Origin, That is why It ^s of mathemallcd predsion described above,

Panini \9 Ibe master tabulator of Sanskrit but not the originaior

of the language.

Even computer hardware must have existed In Vedic culture

as may be deduced from Bhrugu Samhita and Nadi Granthas which

record thft life predictions of bQUoni of bom and tinbom indlviduils.

deduced from their horoscopea worked out from the pemiutations

and combinations of the 30 degrees of each of the 12 houses, the

12 lodlQcal signs, the nine planets and SI hours cmi^iituUng the

diurnal cycle'

The other possibility could be that thtrae horosMp^* ^^'

life-forecaata were spelled out by gifted THkaldarshl ^f^P^r^i^^which ooiild aee the past, present and future.

AttroDomtcal Code ia RIgred

&r, Subhaah Kak a computer «knUst at the T^"^^*"'^Unlveraiiy CU. S. A.J has discovertd an ancient «ironomicBl «^embedd^ In the Rigved. Th« code itrve^ls the ^^""^earth-moon distances and iha aolar year lo b* of SM.JflW'o "V

Page 52: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

M i %


-w^micil cod. ^nfot^ c"r eondus-or. LhnL the Vi^^,,

i „ JvxJ* of the OHl^ in ISg^ -^^'^ ^^«^ ''^^ ^^ f' ^08

dicfflttn away from the tflrth,|

\m 6 for iTw 5^n ^^ 11^^ ^^'^^ ^^^ '"'*°" ^^^^ ""^^'" ^^^^^^^^'f^*

n» imperfect. I

rnn^entflMv the above cosmic, mailwmatica] df'tan expt%ina th?

pwEKfld^^rfim-r^Vrq^nsfi. IftS. limetc. ia Vedic social and spi'riU]d <

MuiHffi Call For Praycrt In Saam Vcdic Tune,

U is nrrt generally knoim Lbtit tlie Muslim Arabic call for pT^jrer

Ifiveti frtim mosque tops Hve tim«-« -day Es intonaled i n Saem -VedJc|

notflf end lunp. This is one more proof thai Arabs followed Vftlic

culture in prp- Islamic Umes. The call says '1 aver ihat Allah aJoiiie

Jin^ none ^s* [i worthy oT wflrsliip. f aver thai Mohamad is Allah's|

mBwnjfer- GaLher all for Nmnaa, for your good b&caus? Mlalh alone

j» wtunhy of worahlp. Allah is great/'

n» AWah rpf^rred lo above ia thi Sanskrit name of Ibe MotHer

Otid-lrei Sin« ahe va^ the ramily deily of the Kureshi family (lo

wlaeh ^tclha(Il<^J bdlonged) that name came Lo represent diviniiJ

in hlam.

Sucm Atidi A;«l

OaiKeri of the Konn ars known as 'Scm". In Sanskrit (f•ftii** ilfnlflH divinity. The Arabic word ' AyaL' signifies a paitlculaf

*l«iii> or ma^txim of the korwi, That loo is a Sanskri t term mean^HK

'«min*URg from/ r^tr«fon& the two tflma togelhef mean 'Quo««"


Rnuulin.^ from diviiulv.




In Vedie iheologi' God is referwd to by various nsmes aooofdlna

U) Hia diverse diatinguialdna traits. He ta termed Beahus which

gignifieg that he is the supreme lord, i kind Of owner, proprietor,

founder, progenitor and austainer*

He Es also toiown as Bbagawsn i.e, the bstroua one. We know

fj^m mundane experience that all animation needa bat- Our

hean-beats. our breathing, our di|[Htiv. system, our industnil

macMnery. all need heat aliaa energy of one bind pr the other.

Natur^ly therefore, one who ™ta, SuaUOns and nin. Lhis entire

limitl^a ooamo., mu.t h* a lu^r^u, body. He b. thev«nr

embodiment or source of cosmic light or eneiiff^ TTie term ^tim^

m^na ;u$L that-

nie Cosmic Trms Table

me «=smi..^h^>Je of Cod rff» BHRg^wm t, =« «''" t

IJpu™, . B^hma w™«ir .pp^r, (Ir,l .t th. »unt


c™^ or th. ™^0». Wh«, lb. «3,T.». i=



ta,l». -mat ™y be oo,np*r«l. to mundBie '«™'"J";^, ^

«.u™™mtc %i^in- Itob. «.d hums witb «uv,ty. Vft«. B™™*

Page 53: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


^i^m^i^ <^o* Is dissolved

t» i»fricrf5 of ««^^*: -^^^^^ ^^ dissolution have been kra*^

«id tcCTiral^ly>^ortt«l out In Vedic tradition becauKr lh«l Js (i^

prlmardUl pa«nt*l. ^"^^^ btfrita^ of aU mankinds In that respect

^ristiwiity and Islam st^nd nowhere. This i^ one of the tiunwroq

tedtortions of the fid thai Hinduism alias Vedism ]s a class apart.

ft thfluld never be compered or classed ^th ChHstianity. U\ki

md well otber n-e^ds based on mortal individuals. V^c Sanskrit

LTBdltion Is djvinft and peerless,

Kflipn Mild Vuifu

TSf 'day* bIEbs KALPA i.e. worlcIr>|j peiiod of every creation

I»»ts ^,320 mflUon human yean. That la followed by an equally

long period fnamely another 4.S20 million human y^r^) tjf re^»

obllvt«i or dissolution, which is called the 'nfghf of Urahma.

Every KALPA is mude up of 1 ,000 cycles Of four YUGAS Each

tyclt of the four VliGAS coitiprises 4,:l20,00n human yeai-s. 'Hw

VugM 3n their praper order are: Kruta, Trels. Bwapar and Kali

lasUng in that oider for l.72S,000 humaTi yearg, 1 .296,(100 yeara,

»M,nm end 432.000 yfiHF^ respectively. A KaLPA iherefore consists

of *O0Q 'Ifuflaa.

?fltlon I

1Every KALPA consists of U MANVANTARAS I.e. periods

compriBinKll tydes of four Mahfl Yugas. Each ManvanUra fs tiead?d

by B Mbdu, i Mrt of 1 chief executive fiUas administnitor. 1^ iMiru SmriU thai has come down lo ug [g reminiscent of a divine

code mesnl lo regulate human behavjour as laid out by the first|

Msnu. ThenefnreH the higheat sanctiLy, awe and reverence attach

^ it. Ai present the woria js paaain^ ihrouifh the 7th Manvantaf*w Ihe preaenv Kalpa.

Tbi SuniHB Era

T^ K.^t- Yu<, 1. an tgB „f perf«l virtue, bi it all humifl

'^ '"flwy. Entegrily. sdherence U. l.-uLh «^

dutifiilneas diminish by a x^artw «ch Ume. Ks£ ¥uga i% ih* worM.

It Is one sych Kali Vuga through which we ire pftastng at present.

In this period human beings become vain. gBTUlous^eppoTtuniiU^

aggrandizers. faithless, oppressive, cmal and laiy esTploitera. Ths

truth of this anci^t Vedic forecast ahouJd be epperffit to anybody

who la Able to cest a detached look al the presenb^day world.

The first Yuga \a known as Krutfl because it ui raadymfldt by

divinity ~ Th€ world Is created ell at one go stocked wjih til kind*

of life and matter In different stages of development. Thui aeeds

and trees. ^^3 and chicken, youngmen and women, children ind

the old. and everybody froiti heaven -trained learned pundits and

sages to the aborigine is create by divinity to «rv& m nillittB

Stock for the game of procreaUon to roll on thruugfa variovi YugUt

Manvantaras and KdU^^^

•me divine In carnations ere interspersed through these ag«,

to destroy the wicked and protect the virtuous from Ume to limE,

Avhen things seem to go out of band, lust as an umpire intervene*

ivhen necessary bi a boxing haul, a wrestling ftmteat or a soccer


The English term 'a«e' Is itself a corrupt rorni of the Vedic

term Yu^.

The cosmos m which our live? are moulded ti thiis * Mnd

of a computeriEBd mechanism which works to in iitomk time-clwA

acheduk! meLicidous(>' monilored by ^i^rinity-

Vrtlat'Thc word of God

By irfidlUon the Vedas are knomi as the ^ery breath^ vforfj

of God. And this the^y a*:limny are. Because just >» ^™™*and stage-producer lay down the rules for stage actors i" P"^

Just es organi7.ers of aport. ccmpeiltions^ fi^d gime« pr^the rules cf those cor.T«la, or )uat aa manufarturm of«[^?et3. radio r«eivers and eutomoMtes inue a booklot e^^j^ng

how thut j^rtjcular mechln# works snd how It .bould b. h«^similarly when putting humanity on this ifiol*, ^^^ "^W**"

Page 54: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

»fl tnan b«sif Imoirl^dge *bOul the oompositiflii of Lhls 005^0,

» ptay U« iputie of life. Thai basic knowled^ of th^ la^ which

^tjwrr^ tWa cfimiiicated. cwnpuleri^ed wsmos 19 condensed in V«Jii;

Ibc Master Code

Tie V«da4 Umib constitui* the master -key to all knowkdgf"

wnomiinf this aamos and ail Ihat is in it. Obviously Vedic won)}

ind stjr^.s are lilt* precfous seeds cr cod^. Seeds need special

nurUirr and expert knowledi^e to yield their full potential as trees

or plants^ If th^ ire thrown on rock^ or «own out of s^uon,

or art not watered, cr Lbe required fertili^ef is not supplied or

if 1^ ire planted in ^mett, shallow pots or in glass casea the

weds may not $prout or would grow on]y Into stunttd plants.

Thuj we taicFw how, huge banyan and mango trees have iheir pigmy

variMiea too grawn in small tr^s, as dniwing-room novelties,

[cDmpnrbenubnat of ihe Vedai

TtK Vedfls an, therefore, be understood only by certain ssgea

thimigh mediuUvt wtnctnlraUon. What is happening at presentis liHt around lbe world in sev«^ countries, colleges and academiesKhoJan are trjing to Bttslyae 4nd undersUnd the Vedas throughrn^nary siaff who have oblained a msat^rs decree or a doctofBl*te&inskrit. This Is 10»s3Wtig a person who hag obtained Hs Master'sd^in^ftkespeBrian liieralurelo inLe-p, r atext of nuclear physica»""« in English. Mm competence In Sanskrit Is noi enougti^«mp™h«,d the meaning of ihe Vedas because the language of^V^ con«UL.t^ a divine code, like symbols, sign and limgoagi^

u. C^lT^o^T^"^ "^^ '"^^-^'«^ them will be able

tbiKc*. ki™ jlr.r^"'-'^^'^^^*'- h« "^"9t *130 have

'^ I^QUniail Puvlkei






f'CRind in baUnj,. Que may have Bii aasortiment


of aceds to gTQW a Vflrtety of pUnla from actui to i JMut m\A

from a bou^anvQle to a banyan but that poi«niil could nmdn

yriuiilis^eil unless one has enowgh planting iptce, rerllle Md,

y^jjriun water, labour and finance.

E^evalcil Minds Needed

The same is the ease witia the Vedas. Mere possession of tba

Vedas in college libraries is of no uw. Where are the idf-l«i,

ssge- like, gifted minds who would be able to undet*3tan<l and InUnTtrH

the Vedas? CoUe^se profMSor? or aca'lemy - experts in S«nskril

lack the neceasary Kumm because ihey are people involved with

mundane matlers. To be able ta comprehend the Vedas one must

bave an elevated mind which la pcwaed fsr ihove mundane sffaim.

InlermLxed Strands of Knowledge

There Is also another catch. The Vedaa cnnuin the strands

of all the 16 branches .f wordly Ic^^owledge mi their (A i«hnolog^

..d art^. l^u. a nuclear physicist could

^^l^^^J^J^^^Lhe keys to his own branch of kno^l^ge while a

^«^^^^^|J^-Ln men or medical man C^ld each glean ^--^^^f^Un^ the higher truth, and prin^plea °^^ -^^^t^^^Consequently, the Vedas institute

\^^^^J^'Z^;^«11 knowledge concerning this universe f™ni p^s^

^ "fj^,^in a seed-like, condensed. minis..le,

-^^-^''^^J^, ^^,Of thi. peculiarity it isn't possible ^°^^^ ' ?^'X.i^to ..Kler^d or comprehend theV^^ "H^^^J^^"^^and unlv^ity chslr. Ln Vedic stu^e. a^^^supedi^ canning of the Vedas have P^^^^^^^ ^Interpretations withoul anyone being ^we w

^^ ^^himself or to othei. Only ^^^ '"^'"^^J^TC^^^^"Sam.j, could make some heed«a> ^ ""^

^^^"^ ^^ ^^„ t^an .noetic, scholariy. ^elfew. ni^uiUV^ «>

^ int^rpr.^^" '^

I. ceamic *weep. Therefore, "^•'^^/""g^^,^ i>,,y«^.«*

IhL* Vedw would need numerous '^J^an aifiwA at leeai in one branch of »chn<». ^^


Page 55: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Irtich* of l-nilnir an it en* ttmo. tM Ved« are bound to r^^,.^(rK<^pn**r«riblt to humanity.

Bui thrt is noniiMn for despair or df^aiusfonmenL. One down't

yjrtrw iw«y 1 rtdfld key to s irefisure becms* it fs incompreh^nalu,.

One prwBfVBj ind pretwta that pftrehjnent with a sense of a**_

vrtsjemnii md r^fRn« In the bop^ lliflt some day somebo%

wQi comt aiwnd who will be able to interpret the Vedas each

In lits dim field. And sduflUy there pre scholars around th^ worid

who err ihle to cuH froin the Ved&s the highest principles of thdr

flwr firid of stuilK. For instance. Lbere are scholars who de^uc*

Bstronomi^al liws rrtHin VediVi stanzas. There arr others who euj

interprei the Vedos Efitermsof physics and chemistry. It h. therefore,

no Kraj^wBflion to sey that all knowledge from a^culturs to

«9Lropbydc» end music to medidne hBs be«n made avallaible to

mar b) divinity, in th» form Of lbs Vedas. at the start of tbt'


In ordH- thai stjch i m&^cal master-code of all knowledge

rtiouldn t get pirblec. tangled or meased up with fore/^n matter

BnhiM himieir tnwned the first Cor first few) generation C^) <if

vrrm sasia lucbu Kashyap, A^stya, Galav and £tri in meUculouS<™J rvitBUon of the Vedas backwards and forwafiis. keeping ut«W ™ihemaUca] count of the letters involved and intoned,

VirVther, at thai tifne. himaanity Uved alt in on^ place or was

*^ out ov^ the variou. contiiienla as we know them tod^y,

2 'i^" ^ ^ow- But tht d^a ig not ^.'t*| for our atady. Whether

Z'lJl'^'^r**^'' 'P™* ^^ " communitie. of differing hti^

•«»«u«^ o.t /u^tLr ^^' '^"^ '^"'''°"^unuiumlnB. unprrtenUom, cont«it*d-


dutiful and aacetie living, IB vuch a trmditlon poosTblfl or thhikabl«

without B divine direction, in ihcve dqys of flene compctiUun for

^flf -a(jgraJidl2fijnen,t7

Ute Mtrsclt fBdur

The only ariguTnent agaln^ accepting fhe Vedaa end Ihsir

redtatlon tradition to be of divine origin, would be that nicb t

(niracle Is not poasibte, that divinity cannot produce (frown up pundits

an at once, that every human being individueTly end burmnnity u

such coUecUvely have to ewolve from the cave man wild stale.

To this our reply would be that divCnIty founding the wnrtd

as a gsiog concern a31 at one go with full-growi* human beings

well trained in Vedk recitation end all other tndes and LeaniEnE,

la tbe only logical way to start a world. The big banjf theory of

the physicists o^ the evolution theory of Darwin whjcb presumes

thBt life sprouted from matt4?r and thence e^/olved progrwuv^y

into 5 number of spedes are not flawleai canceptj. Moreover, evei

a big bang and solution are divine miracka.

If we look around we ahall find miracles happening eirwy^Tm*

all aTOLind us at every step. How do milllonB of individufia of diverts

means and potfflitialities coniiouc to be bom in an unending cyele

fmm nowhere? How do they continue to vanish hito death and

total oblivion? Why are some talented and cnhers dullanda? Why

iB one bom as a wfrnan and another aa man? Why is one afnueni

while the other condemned to penury? Why does a dociorpo^

who denounces the hair as the dirUat thing which needi lo bt

shaved off on an operation table, go into raptures In hii poana.

over trasises of hair lending to piqfsical beauty 7

Considering all such anomalies, oontradictiont and myMafe"

one haa to admit that human existence itself ia a total mystersr^

If ss part or such a magical world the Vedaa too are . mysi«ry'P«l

of divine knowledge, the redWtton Of which was taught by dlvm ty

ll*e]f to seven specially tnJned ages, what is wiong? Dhtnity

ia omnipotent. If it con ct«'* and sustain a myriad *""> VJamto or nerce conflagration cannot divinity produoi KX!ompJiit»o

Page 56: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

mfl-i tfmmikjn mffl ^^ wom«i ? Ai^d Et shotiM be remember^

thu wiert taimi f"wn ihf rirti gweratsoii werp Irsined not only

in tNe Vedn twt in til munde^^ s^' Kiences and prQ%sfQni|

iWDs AD iPiW 0^^^^ !fWrtturt sucti bs ihose of music. orchit«tUfe

«»d mrdtdn* sswrt iWr ^Jivin* origin. Why tLsbeli'eve Lh^m ? ^olbfT solutroii. that mm developed Mmself from a wjld ai^te doa

Ml i«m f«si^ ^™n """ eKperienM and &ba?rvatioii.

Tt¥ VffJu i™ inramprefieraible lo ordmsfy mortalg becauw

IhtS' OTmpriw knwledg? concwrung the enlire i]lijTijUtb1& cosmos

md iM* e^ ihe ™rth alcMW- Secofldly .they are unfathomable because

itw; art tmbodipd in a pbmseology w>uch is nearly 200(1 milUon

ynrt inofflL Our own mcrther-Ufngut is hard {q tind^rsUjid when

coQCtiKt nn A p^TBswIggy which ts even 500 tg 600 years old- The

common phr»K of our own dsy. such as Iron curtain' and 'cold

wir WDuld b# uAinLetE[f~b!e a ibousfind yftara h^nce when no trace

bJffft of th&curTwL America RLiggiflhoatnily.ThardJy, Vedfclanguage

iffccofflpnrtmpljtebeaijw Kulflctttrfs harbouring 8 gre^^lAkngvn pQtfiQiiaJ.




Tn the 20tli tcnlyry of the Qunsliim era tlinduism ad [as Vedte

culturt Ts misunderstood to be tjna among many aimflar ccmpeling

fflittis lil(e Buddhiam, ChriBLHUiity iird Ts^riti.

Hinduism aJias VedJc oiUurv ia a world span, Tt ia the piimsry

faith of all mankind which has ewsted and eo^'efflsd human kkW

r«laUons and spiritua] development from ihe be^ningof timeunlil

the rise of Christianity, tn other words, ihe anceatore of all tho«

who claim Lo t» BuddKtsts. Christians, Mugllms or Judaisis today

were odhererils of Vedic culture. When due lo the colossal destnjclkjn

of the Mahabbarat war a unitary wnrid admfniBlrsLJvs and educaiioiiBl

ayatem broke down, p-oups of people became sociilly find euUurtlly

Isolttfd Hnd divided. Later, coercive faiths like Chnstianity and Istam

InEensifJed that esirwigement by foreins people into warring faciiDfi*

paradJoB ^ religions. HinJotsm alia) Vettie cultyre ii no r^Ui^n.

It ia a code of conduct for eil hum&ns from mominu tijl tfveolai

from biri,h lo death. It is a regimen, a discipUne of life- U enfcrew

clean, moral conduct and not allegiance to a Jestts or Mahomid.

That the anc«itor» of aH Ihoae who today proriHi to be Juddiats.

Buddhiats, Chriatiara or MuiUmj *ere Vedista airtipr ton be prwed

with immense evidence of divtrte kinds. Here we shall efucid**

ho* their theoloKy rwnalnt entif^ly Vedic even though ihey h«v.

epiirit«d from and hav* for^rtten their Vedlc moorinip.

AcconUntf lo Vtdlc theok^ leans fUrd Vtahnu) reclining w

Page 57: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

tv-onnc^^n'^*'^^*'*^"'t[m.^-s«rpeni. b«vp birth to B^hm.'

*t^X^^bo in i^m a«t^ th. cosmos and u.„hl fi, ^^iZf^f^ ( ii# Vod>s> Ifl fl ncMly created geiw.ation of s^^^

fivfrriTic« [h* Vi^ic rediflUon trodition has been meltcultjuj^

pf,«n*i thmugti herediiy b> prifS^'J ^^""'^ ^' ^^v^'f i^^e wona.

SiniHriv IP3US Oord Vishnu) depute the fii-st fe«/ ucneraiiom

if Kihi^» "^le^ ^ edminJsier the world. EveT:y rulpr, ilimroj,,

am(jli»d for Loitl \^5hnu. Itsus alias Urd Vislinu also incarnate

from lime ifi litiw to regulate affaire of the human and animal

world vhea He sees Uw need-

We she]] no* see how tht Vedic tradition of reincamatimi ^d

tMniinolOfQ- of lesys and Brahma contimjes to be used in a]] so-callw]

Isuer-dny r^li^Qns- The Vedic tradilion of reLncai'nalion is availabf«

for ewy\x^y lo reid in the Bhagawadgeeia whei'^'n Loi-d Kmjima

hu auted that God incarnates Himself from time to time to sav9

th* rif[hleou9 and destor>' the wicked.

Vedic Pmphecy

JudiJsm is Yed ufsm and Yed u s bolon ged to lord KKshn a 9 trite?

ThweToni that fjune Vedic propheoy of the Geeta has been rdterated

in tbtOW T^timent of the Jews too.

Jttus Qiti& is onb' e corruption of the VedJc term Jesus Chrisn

ti.e.Lord KrishnitJ.

And since the Koran of the ^f^5Hmg adopts the entire biei-a^hy^Tpropnas roenlifjnod by the Bible from Abraham {i.e. Brahms]town to Je«ii Christ Ct,^ ies«g ckm^-^ h h ob^ua tbat M^^harred«» Mwplfll the Vedic tradition of divine incarnations beginiUna»ab l«u, ^i Br^Hma. In the same conleirt the dyim of th^ Kom

Z^nZ ! the Ian i^m. i. obviously untenable even from

bt^i A^,^"*^'' Becau^^thelife.cydom theunive^C

^^v^tlTJ^^^ ^"^ ^^'^ -" ^^' m\^ oon^ide^aon



The tprm "fiBtftn* <or 'Shaltan^ ns Muslimi call Wm) la ^ikril

[ws-^t "Sflt-no" i.e. 'not the real, tnilhfud or K^nuirw me'

*fhe word 'prophet' [tself is n San^lnit aynonym of the wwd

aVATAB^ The word Avatar aignifliM* 'desert' (from the high

,yjjvei5> • The correct Sanelwilsynonym 1b Pr-pflta [V-^) i.e. *f(iininj

fftom the heavetia) towards tor 'on to') the earth. It is that

Sanskrit word prpsta" which is heLnu pi'onounced as 'prophet'

(as "Pitor" becomes 'Father*) in English. Thua both the Vedic

idea of repeated Incarnation and Sanslcrit synonyms for incamatjon

can bs tracetl amongst all non Hindu people too.

AecordinK to the Vedic doctrine. Brshmn Ls the progenitor of

tiie human race and It was Brahma who furnEshiHl the V^as to


The same Brahma la accepted as the progenitor of all human

beings by the Jews, the Christians and also tht MusUms. Thit

is not generally r^i?.ed- But the Abraham of the Jews and of

the so-called Christiana ia no other than the Brahmt of the Vedsa.

That Abi^ham is only a mal-pratiunctation of the nsme Brshma

wUl be clear when it is t^alixtd that correapondingly Ifl Indaa m

Enalish words "schDor and sUtion' are pronounced -a 'eachool

and '^station" by liuUions of people.

Just as the ChHstians and the Jews hsve distorted th^ mmBrahma to Abraham the Mtialims hove changed It lo IbriHffl.

Brahma himself is created and sustained by Tesus (he. Lo^

Vishnu). This too ia obviously accepuble to all "^x"^^"'^""

Chrtstfans call God as Jesus, which Ja but a coiTTipt on of the Vefl^c

t^m lesus. The Jews too hav« thai same wonJ I*^""^ ?"L^^b0 realized by takinjj a close look at the Jewish name ^S^AU IT1«^

tr the last letter C l» made to retain its alp^b^tfcal P^^'"^^

'see- th^ the name !«ac could be seen to be '^'t-^[r'Zthe modem world wrwigly pronounces the woftl a» ^'^"^^MosMa give that sam. ^pellintf an Arabic tw^t indpn>rH»unca

It na Ishac alias Ishaq, though it la the original Vedic imi.

Page 58: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Look ^ Mtcrt^ief det"^ ^ P™P^^ '" "^^^ ^^^^M, who ^n^10 briofw to different faiihs today, such as ttie Jewg, ChHgu?

,nd M«»Kin». Wlm in the delude. Thet fs because ihear anc^in folto*«) Vodic ojliure. Thai culltjre I* the ancienLmost. TnWtndjtion ilonp we hflvt s mfllhemalica] siaLemcnt and ihe njj^

todmieSaborflte account ofwhet irsnspii-ed during i,he flood mEridns

the ffKl of pwiY KALPA. r^aLuraJly, therefore, when folJowe^

otbcT m«tern-di»y relipons too talk of the flood, it \s obviotia y^^

they twve inhml*d the flood story frtm their Vedic ancestors.

Those flood sioriea having been repeated in scriptures Ij^e

Bible *nd ihe Korflii they betray their Vedjq afniiation.

Bc»de9, even the name of the leading man who survives tjfteod is umtiisLskably [dentica] among all, Vedic tr^ition calls HmUaati while ihe Christians caH him KohH and Muslims spell the'

name as Nah, whjcb Is obviously the lasi. syllable n^ tte nana

Adam utt En

T^ Adam and Eve story of the Bible is clearly coined on thfV^c iradJtion sinre. In the Varaha Avatar (Boar incarnation ) legeiiJ ISweyunbhuwB Man. an^ his consort Shatar^pa, who come Int^t*rnjf ^ «3vigal by Brahma, the Crattor - Beget many chlJdrtn ^

Tt/rSl , r'^'^ *" ^^'^'*^'^' l^eKoranin turn pi^laimi'^ "***»*«» t^ the B,blica] tradition.

^i^Brahm.^V..hnu.Maheshof the earlier w.rldwirl.- V«dic

Hart irm^^7«!t^ ^^ ChrisrUana is a perpetuation of Coddesi«iC «,|Lu^ ^,^ .^^^.

^ ^^^ ,^^^j^^^.

*'• MEHi«r.Godd«, "*** &ti ii the Vedic term MiiirJ I^

Tbf t*„p|»"^f VWu 1« 11^.^ «^* w« ih^ t*mp]e of VishRU.


mThe name Hanumsn in common anmg Europeans

, Witib tpdled

pB Eahnemenn In Germany and es Heinemann clR^where.

Al times one comes across Individual} who, when lold of vjch

pommon traditions. Inadvertantly wonder whether it couldn't b«

flnfued that the Bible or the Koran may u w^\ be the origjral

source of the common human tradition? To resolve such doubta

they need only remind themgelveg that Chriatianity. Iglsm and eyery

other creed was non-exiRUiii 1*500 Uj a,EOQ yeari b^ wlult Vedic

Lrsdition spans millions of yearSp Under such circumstance Lhert

shouldn't be any doubt in anybody's mind thai it is Vedic tndl4imi

which la the parent source of all humsn cultura.

It will thus be seen thai ihe Vedic theology of the creation

of the universe continues to form the base of aU human ifadtUon

whether Hindu or non Hindu- TWa should alone suffice ia convince

anybody and everybody that there is nothing in this world which

h non 'Vedic snd non -Sanskrit. This proves that all people on this

earth who today profess allegiance to different faiths are descendanta

of Vediats alias Hindus. In other wordst the Vedaa and Sanskrit

form tiie very roots of all human civilization. Conse^ently all tJie

aeemingly different faiths »re bnmches of the Vedic. Hindu iree.

They ought not. ther^for^. to believe themselves to be differenl

find ahoaldn't function as separate rival entiU'es- Their faiths should

continue to seek nourishment from their parent stock namely th?

Vedas, Lord Brahma and leaua l.e U>rd Vishnu.

In Chaptar It of the Book of Genesis the me .ignifioini^


" And the whole earth was of one langu^t and o"^^P*«^

Ant it came to paw as they Joumeyd f™m the EAST, that i^

found a plain in the land of Shinar, end they ^weSt there. Md

the Urd said. Behold, the people ia one and they have >ll on.

languege-.TheUrd scattered them abrtiad frwn ihenee.

That one langua>ce and one speech of people comEn« from the

East WB, obviously S«nakr[t spoken by the nnt born t^pl*^^

Ihe plains surrounding the Sindhu nUos tnduj. /^*l ^ ^^primordial culture of the worid came to be called anm

Page 59: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


-w Old T^rt*mfnt ^ th. Wbl^ is dl^ded dJfT^t

. „ _..„ .. u^« Sn<x 'a' flfld 'h' are intcrqhsn(feflbTW Old tftrumpnt fft tne n.^:.: -*^— ™^ parla

«|uj B<«ks of Ma8«. Sr^« 'a' ^^^ 'h' are intcrqhsn(f^b]e („

^ te iPFwrwil fmm the word hemisphere' betn« spelled j^

MohttflliAS ^*'^'*^ *" amskrit. signiHes nhe Crwt Lord' (Vighim

l^L Mos«s is no oth^ llian ^fBhe^h I.e. T^rd Vtshnu tiiea

lard KrlshTM »rtll t» apparent from the fact that Ihc? siot^ about

liv pfriloua hliib and childhood of Mo^es is Id^ncicat with that

q{ Lord Kriihna.

And whaE V«d!c uHplures propcnirid fs the same as what Mens

(» ^CFlcd hj' ui abo^'fli says in Ihe Gd TestamenL

Ttiii ihcmld convince everybo>dy ihat the Old Testament is nothing

bol t liLpT Bbridgernent and a local vernecuJar version of anient

Suulffil, Vedic KRiitupes.

U msfj^benaied thai Mohamad find the Koran re^rd themselves

buL dwcerdanla of lb? LradiUflft of the Old Testament end ihe

l*fw TesUment of LhfrBibl*, Thai la Lo aay ^f[3llBmad regards JesuaCbriH H his wntor in Iht jjereaJo© of prophets. And Jesus In

Lum rcganli Mom ini Abniham as hia tnenlor^ aiiaa pro^eniwra.

No^sJnw ibf Vwtai are lb* pideat piece of meratuj* and ihey-r. h^am.v.rti. ,rtd th^y were beaujwad on humRnily, al the limi-

b^.!T"' " " ^f"*™"^ ^^t Vedic cuUun! and Sanakrit have

Z.w ""*™' '^^^^ ^''^ ^'* "'^"y Chrisitans and Muallms

-* U. Jr. CuTs^,:,',^"'^ ^ '^ ^-^ Vedle .ult.^




Both the Bible and the Koran, though profegainj to be the

scriptures of two different faiths ^ totally accept Vedic theoloRy and

IhwBony is ^^^ natural because lalam Is just 1372 yeara old and

CbriaUanity is less than 2000 years ancient. Compared to primordial

Vedic cultures Chrisuanity and Islam are but newborn hebes. H

then they draw heavily on Vedlc theology and theogony, ahould

that be any matter for wonder 1 Do not children imitate the thoughts

and sounds of the homes in which they are bom !Thia simple

natural nile musl be kept in mind by historians. Far from realiiing

that the Kble and the Koran hfld no other alternative hut to repwt

what Vedic tradilJon laid down Csin^e there was nothing else m

p by) modem scholara itnd to believe that the Bible flfld Koran

not only differ ijiterse but together differ from Vedlc Sanakril


Ancient E^skrit scriptunes like the Metsyfl Puran hnve recorded

the sequence of events which lad to the creation of Ihi cosmos.

That is the Vedic concept. But thai is not a concept like that of

I^srwin namely the sepculation of a str^ mortal. It i" »ht aciual

«ft3UTit of the htrth of tht cosmos recorded in the saflie mannflf

Ef* which elders wfltchinif the birth of a baby in the labour-rwrn

rwofti or narrate iho wenL Who a™ those eldera who rtwrded

or narruted the creation of the cosmos for posterity? "ftwy e«ld

b» iha Gods themaelve* or deirJCods or the first :sinentMm oT

**«« or super-sages, That nwet remain i myaterj f<w '^ "

Page 60: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


^ v*o- -fls^nff in whfch r^wy t«?tnK. ^vheiher man or ant^^ii

Tt^b' on-win^ *yf any *«P«1 °f ^'^ ^*" ^"^*^ ^^ "^^ l*" totally

Li^ «»d -«^ «^tev€r Wk elders hav*^ mformed him abo^L

hj, btnh Thf Bnnb^ B^^s even deeper. A iierson will believe th,

artiib 0^ hra birth whpn all dders unanimously corrobora(* ^pBljculars alwut the peraon s porenU^e. time of birth, place of

Mrth e« TJwrt is w reason why h« should disbelieve ii ^^tlwrr U Fio discordant version. likewise it will be seen that Llw

Vidic wnwpt of the option is liJianimously accepted by the Bfhie

nd the Konm though the modem inldligentsia is genei-olly lotiJ^y

ignor«nt about It, because Ihe general trend f9 Lo assume a certaila

incomptu'bnitj' or even bostility between the Vedas, the Bible and

the Koran- IM ua Ihererore^ discuss this issue.

We BhsJI St the atart refer to the Koran which accepts tb

itor^ of the action as narrated by the Bible. Let us now recall

th» Vedic story of croition and see how the Bible endorses it,

fifeiArit ttripturcs envisage the omnipotent deity* T/ji^ VishfW

it^nJrtf In repose on the coHs of a sevon -hooded cobra, floailTig

on thf primevjil gravers of the celcstLal ocean, amidst an absolui*


The caflj of th* cobr^ nistle as the I^ord I.e. Jesus reclinin(

trtw H baUo HimK-ir. That ia the BymboTic <lawn of creoUor.A brtw bewim blowing and like the crawitijj of s cock afUrrni^i or ibe mditarj' bugj^ trumpeUn^i the reveille s primeval

*™* "^ OM.„.OM.,.0M reveibereled through the firmamenU

And ihm aver loiu* ahijot from Vishnu'a novel arose Brahm*^« w» Br^hraB w^o „ ^he <rbjef executive created the enlir*

S^'tl"::^"'' Of endl.. «.,a«'„ and men. women.

^d pm^1^ *^* ''^^* ^^^ ^™"^« «f worldly affair*

»Jw^hyXiru.*lir " ^""""^««* ^"''"' "^^ ^'ly In thu ,ami. marner in whkh »"


flntTflprcnt^T-stana a fexitiny or a stage-manaKer produoe* a play

a aporta- master launches a field game. This in short, ka iba

VdJc acoounl of the creaUon.

UJblEcdt Accounl

j^ us now refer to the Bible. Open tbe firsi page and read

tbe first three or four aentenceg of the first chapter of the Boqls

f CenesiS' Jneidentfllliy the Book of Genesis is ^most wholly a

Sanskrit term. The word ' genesis' is the Sanskrit term Janmes

i fi birth. The word 'book' Is the Sanskrit word Pustak with the

letters 'St' ellminflted and the Inital *p^ pronounced as 'b^

Bibltcjil Bcftrcnce to Floailng Vishnu

The opening sentences of the BiWe Sfial& 'In the beglnnrng Co4

created heaven and eari;h. And the earth was witlwut form snd

void and darkness was upon the face of ihe deep. Asd She spIfH

of God moved upon the fsce of the wat^. (mt sprii ^ Cod

i^as Vishuuii

Thas the Bible repeats exactly what the ancient Sanakrii

scriptures have i^rded- And the Koran «ido.^es the «,Ure Biblical

trodltion about the creation and the lineage of the propheta.

Blhikral Reference to OM

Lei us now open the Book of John in the Ne^ -^f^'^ithe Bible and read ^e very fl:.t sentence, tt ™da ''^^^^^^v^as the word, ^d the >.ord was with God. and the wo«l waa


That is exactly what Vedic sordptares have ^^'^^said that at the start of the cation came -he word m, ll^

word waa with God and the word itself was God.

Tulii Hunt Worahlp

The IVIsi ii..Ba.n plant la« ^" ;;;tT^;ZX.VedIc tradition. There Is avidaniH to Indfcate thatJ^-^

^^ ,^Christiana and evej^body else of whatever region r^

plant in ancicnL limes.

Page 61: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Aho"i TMlf*. ^"^11^^ ^ tl.e Hindoos. Il ia r«erd^ of tb*

lil^lTllT^^ 'H.-s«, «nd Husai. .™ my two .we^^In ihr wonfl-

^ ^Idwtfe use of the wsury to count the chantingsof

U*». n»m. i. yrt ^.i^^r in^'ceUon that Christianity and ki^

« b.1 chips of ih. uri«*r«l Vedic block.

Finny Psrks observes, '^TTw rosery Is made use or fn Persia

jmd [ivdi* by' MuhMTimBdans es wdl flS Hindoos, and uppeara *it^

both w ii.*w?r the ame purpoae. . ..It i9 remarkable that Christians,

HtTMbos »nd Muhammadfiiis. pwpte so distant and distinct. shoiiM

LiH Towries for the sBJue purpose.

•n» KTTO rosary is a corrupt form of the Sanskrit word Rudrakaha

for tb* woodm beads aimng together.

1^ KuU ShivlLiiE

Finny Parks recorda "^Hw Kndoos insist that the Black Stone

hi Lhe \nj] of tti& KMha. ot the sAcveA Temple of Mecca, is no

<ither Lhm b fonn of Mahadeo. and that It was placed there hy

UahDBraud out of contempt; hut the newly -converted pilgi-Lms would

D*^ up the wijnhip of the B3ack Stone, and sinistrous portents

ffliwd th£ minuters of the new religion to connive at it.'*^

MuiUmi fnjm all over the world consider it their sscred duty

to vi»t It* Shiviing ir the Kaaba as many times In their Uves

poMibl* and in the Hindu iradiLkin they also perambulate aroumlth* SUNIiEif Mi once tHJi «vei times. This must rank as a miracleof thi a^ ,1a,, thii H compels ^en Iconoclast Muslims from»«• the worid to perwibubie around It though no Muslim «^

t») ? aTlW^' *^ Ufl*^iiiy Pftn. London


P"rim In Swift^ of the Ptctiir«*(*"




People often talk Inadvertantly of venous rell^ona and their

scriptures and proceed to compare them and end up with the pontifical

remark chat they are all good , they Are all equal and none at them

says anything wrong or objectionable. That generelsing STKument

i$ an excuse to hang all manner of scriptures from the Vedas to

the Buddhist TVipitakas or Shatsf^Ukas, the Christian Bible, the

Islamic Koran and many others on s common washing line. But

the Dlogicality Hirrationality and absurdity of thatgeneraUzation needs

to be thoroughly exposed. People must learn to be bold enough

to question the validity of such statements instead of blindly and

jneekly swaUowing them without ejominfliion and questioning.

Air Scriptures Not Equal

It ought 10 be realized that the persona making such

generaliiations ar« either pacifists, politicians or mercenary

bureaucrats. They are not logicians but opportunist, self-

eggrandizers or non-thinkers.

The illogicality of the above genHaliiation can be detected^

<3(aig an analogy. If a dietician ssya that lake any eatahls whether

mai. t>r wheat or rice or vegetable, they all have Ihe aame nutntacul

value, will that be right? Therefore all scriptures can newf be

of Ibe same cBlibre-

Secondly, the folb^en. of a acriptor* fanatically declaring It

to he divine doesnt make the scriptuj^ divine tWr* tn rtrmn

Page 62: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text





thK li«so-called nt^^ona which n,^

^f^*^ ^^' L^sati^otsuiiirf liny conipamon with Vedic

'^^^JTe V^'*' a« class epart, Oth-^ so^cidl«t

'^"^'^'-V be oompared inter se because they ,,,


*^'!^ond books;m Itie VdfiS st^nd on an a(U)«rtiiBp

*''*'°'^^°"''!!w«* It is improper even lo menUon ibe BtU,

MoncMt* the «««pt. scope and level of tbe Vedas is «tulLe

^rr«^ r.^ U,.i erf olh^ r.l.gious ^ap^ur^. 'Hie V^as ar,

BrtiiJkiaj*Knptiw« They ans a cofnpetitlium of cosmic kiiowledgft

niUiiV the oomposilim ajiti m^hanism of Ihe eniin. coemaa,

ml ij» reto thiii mjTiad livififf orKanJams. bom and i-ebom In


JlftUy. Ihe iRtnf. holy, ^'-kni'i'l language of Ihe Vedas is

ftr (fiffemrt fram % liintfua;^? n^ Ihe Koran, for instance ,which

tiMofhiuHit cur^e^ond Ihreats of dire revenge

III* 1

Vcdju Cimfi Mi ihc Siuri ar the CrcuLion

tiv> U« Vedii oiM 8l Ihe banning of erection while tbe

MWe uid Uh Koran camt billions of years later. Therefore, a loddJer

o TMfT^iy fmnot be campored to an ancestral patiiarcb artd

pi«rftniBitt gf hwnf iniiquity. ^et anoiher consideration is tbal

In iht Keren ind tht ftlde ihere is & laUl lack Of any logical sequenw^^¥wiwtt movta^t rrom oiiUJn prwiiseg to a ceit^n dennit*

im^d^ ™™ "Jw tiiffer. Thtv Vedas were conreri-d

na- hfa j\« f ij^'^*^"*' ^^ *^ complied several centuries

oimEnc IhntagTi^^^^""^ *^'"'^ ^^ poaaibilily of i"

M*«id«uLdivtii|Z^**^'* BccordiRK to eU ouLhoiitlei

•^E«* di»n ih# r^TwnL-*?"^ "^"^^ "''"^ ^'^^" '-'OuM Mohefnid

"'^^••WZZ^.!!?'''^ "" *^* ^'"'3 ^hile medlUitintf in


Mf T


belief oboul Lhe tronnmisilon of the Koran t>irou(fh Mohimiid 1*


Th« Scriptural Laniiuage

The lun^us^e Is another consideration- the Bible ani^ ih* Kot^

being in sectnrian lenguaaes such as Aramaic and Arabic, ihey wer*

only meant if at all for the Isjcal people who knew thai partitulir

langviBae. Ctontr^rily ihe Vedas are in Sansltril which was dMne

lanicu^^ ^tfhich all hmnanity spoke from the lime of the crcaUtni.

*nius the difference between the Vedes and other (rertpluta

h like the difference belween m elephant and sn ant.

The Vedas ai^ a i^gantic. divine ccmpendiurn of ttw cosmic

ffieehanism ond unending cycle of hirths of ^ beiiias ftssoeiawd

with that mechanism. Conlrarily the so tailed scriptures of other

religions are tike petty mamfeslos of smail individuals fitfiklnB a

claim tfl leadership in a pwkelbomuijh.

Tram all soch congideralions it is hl^y improper for anybody

to equate the Vedfls with other sciipiurea. Ta compere llifi lwo

may be good pacifism and good pontics but not good logic «id

good Academic*

H scriptures such ss Ihe BIbk ind Karai »« t^s^d ss «1i»qus

Krtplures then Ihe Veda> should te di»lit.B..l-..fd as ^^V^^r^ <^

KtoW« culture, to ^^ «». HrM"i.« « <"' ' '^^1, is 0^ .<*-™( z,™ ^ta-^ '^^ " "^r^,^Zr..d.r. bewB,* of m^M\ni «n.p.ri^=. «" .he greu.d d ^^m

nnother. Eve« hum™ b^ng, «hu n,»y »««-"'^''^;^X^,

phy,bl=p.^ ™.p..«it. and ™,tion^ ''';™!- 1" .^'rt—


in their lcx>l,s »nd m.nUJ «nd «!»hil.i.e..*«'-'«Jf^

politick U1. of the «,udlty of m«. -i "l^-'l^J "' ""^rrtb. rin„;, ^d ,t.«i, ™.«^ -^.

^--f;;',: nr. ;» ^^ •"

Page 63: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

116, .

, ^ ihenton sD Kriplures arP equal, he n.^^

,^^^^ ^ ,q«a],wi„hJs«^umentviJ. firstly, ihalscripturt,

•^-l^fr^^t^^ n^rbe^"^. Secondly. Hindui,^

in dJfWwt ™'™~^^ved(i3 &r* no f^^°^'^ rtJigious script«r%,

i, ^ .rtrt^-n^"^^^^ ^^^^ ^d Hinduism ir,U8t n^^r b«



Sine* according to Vedic tradition Lard ^shniJ rEclinJn^ tm

the coils of the elemal cotirB «:real«i llie cosmos, it li but nsturEl

thai slaiLj?^ deplcUng Lord Vis^hnu u the cr«aUir md luglAlner

of the univerat should have been erected at importart IcKaUonv

throughout the worid just as every household Itkes to ii05t4JBlcfliny

preserve and consecrate A pklure of its femoteat known encestor.

Conversely the existence of Lord Vishnu's ataluM at a number

of locations is strong evidence of the untversallty of Vedic culture

from the bei^nning of the worid.

For those who find it difficull to bdieve in auch a ready- made

CreaUon wc would like to quote the words or s renowned schotar

nnd an ex- Assistanl Director General of ArehHofcr^ under the Riligh

adminiatrBtion in India, Mr-B.C.QihBbra. He writes ^^l do not want

to go deep into the larger question of the theory of evolution which

l9 todgy at the hase of archaedogical interpretatiotns but I must

need say that the history of indien cjvflliatjon begins with knowledtp

ijid n<it with borharism. The kind of Imowledye which has been

preserved therein has stood the test of time and Is still unsurpassed

in certain respects, it hslieves in an evobtlon of limited ejflent

only and that for a definite jwriod of lime in the hatory of man's

life as also in that of a naUon. To base the entire histoin/ of manWiwI,

down to the present-day, on the ape-man and the arehtteoloiiJetl

Ba» of Paleolithic, NdolithJc, Bronie and tmn 1b a travesty of faria-

Even in the presm 1 1^ of itreit scetnlific achievemen is the ept rnan

Page 64: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


-- ^'^ P«*rt irthaeol'Vf^'' e^vat..ns by ^J^

-:!:::jt^^^^^"^^^ '''''"' ''"'

'" ''^'^^^"^-*«.C"***"*^

-limiK ,he> wem5t«3 in ihe same reifion which ainn«

Z^l B.C. T^et. whai -t«"t lb. m^ ov,l..^i..n. or Cm*.

B^^ Sumeria wh«^ ^ridings^ stfll a wonder of Ih^ w^H^ 7^ beii^, m ih^ OTle Ihwr^ (^feghdut 2fm birth,ife,,

dipiu, dedJnc tn4 datn^wtifch fs nattire'5 law.'


TUGse iiTT wi« wonlA, 'n>ey righlly question the very h^Bftunpikins flf modem irehawbifts^s and imply that the Vedle

eaasxpt of creaiion 83 B gtWDg conc«n is mor^ cogent, "Hie mtire

UMntworid betlevrf ji to be 55 and therefore statues of the recliriinj

Viihnu u»d to be erected all over.

!n Tndli itselF b gigBntic stain e of the reclinitig Vishnu lay under

U» »c8tr«l QuA ToiA?r in DdhJ. amidst a lake. T^e $Uiiutt wnH tmp Uui Uie Tower appeared U] be a slender lotus stem rislni

fitm Viilumi ntv^l The tower was seven-storied to symboliMlie cocMc^ or lie 7th hesven. Al its top was a dome. Seat*!

watelbe Janw «! a btua seal was the four- faced Brahma ^oldiniw* ei*i^ BrBhnui was shown bs presiding over and supervisitif

ZL™*™ ^™" ^ ''«^«^ly J«n;h. Around the k^wer on Lta

r^ ''*1^ "^"^ ^^lp«c d.lin^t^ by l*mplea ay^boli^iag

C«e».nSvM^",Coa^rt^ion Enclave) kno^n as (^m AN

f^^itr;.^ rs:"^'""^ ^^^^^ *- ^-^^ "^


J^^' ""** "" ^^ '»«' <rf lb. V^. Torid.


^^^L^'iP) ^-^3 'Mr^'^i^^fym^

Above ia em artisrs impression of Ihe Vtdlc nnce^ of Iht creauon.

Ijord ViahnUf rselinirg tm the coiti oT a mulii-hecdrf cob™, represent,)

^ still ro&itios^. a b[g, diirk vgid tfiLh no \A^, no ivLmd and no mcpronffli;.

Then it is lime for >^sJmW to wiikii up anJ beiUr Himsdf. The (obra

coilB rusUe, indLcating thai onjes and aeoni are now gdinj to imfoW 4

drajna of life, oi the colb ot 4 Tilm nrniire hi a projertor lo lotert il)t

Lorxl VEahnu is In labour, Like dwiflri. niifsei vrA relaiiow. tht Cfldi

s re gaiheral d raund the jJijprefflB Lord . ih« er«uir t iMtJwf » , il» iuaialrwr

(rather} oil in one. After the divlna 4tUv«ry' Loni VWuiu U wn under

the eonqpy of the s«ven hood.].

At the top of the umbiUod cwnl fmm LoH Vlihnu a nav*) emertw

IN nrst chili \ the divine tfwutr ofld .^.^uiur. Brahma ltoio*n lo

ChrtiUflni as Abrahflffl and 10 MiuUm* ai Bihlm ard [hrahimJ rtLftrfang

the beBinnlns of Ihe cycle of tjrccreaUon. Brahma In tum wrtita th<

TTiri of Ihe coamov Bui all iht tlmt arahmi fanaihi com3fft«( v^h^Ufflbiltml chonl to Xs^ti. VJihnu bwauw It i» the latter who it ej,* conjiinl.

unfaJllnff, JnexhDUfltJbJe wurw of %ht and h«t that mftKt »» ion* >n«l

»tiira ihJn*, that kc*p life ihrabbinfi throLijfh planli. "njmflU inJ nmi.

and l(Hp hujitcm IndurtHat «*iiiUiahnifnia and communlcfltiof* runctlaran«.

Page 65: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

^1^ Vi,W.u. *tU.^ ^^^^^ "" ^'^I'rvg up. ^ m4 Cotspfete mstoty of the Dntids k is eUW *'

II will be necrani?

id gtv«> ^ fixplonation or Ihe pQlan. Lh$ Circle in4 Scrpoit"

On psK^ 3 of the ssme book il la observed "ThfB Serpent

was tlie symbol of light snd wisdom. Its rmme Seraph, particxiJartj

Is so exprijssive.'

Tha term Sempti Es a mnlpronunclBllon of Ihe 5^3^Ki icrm

S^ (i.e.Serp«nL> which Intllcsles thai the ancient moat lanininfftf

of the Bi-ttlsb Isles as also of otber parts xA the woriii, was SarakriL.

On page tS of Lhe some book it is asaertftl "'It may raUarLaUy

be conduced fram (.he various opinions of the besL hisiorcans that

this tskndl received ils first inbibJtanU from the c^Um part* of

the world."

Sinoe people from the East (I.e .India) were the csrllest

inhabitants of Britain , they mtnrBlly erected e stetue of Lort Visbnu


the progenitor of the world.

Tho nam* Isle of Angels^^, In Britain derives fram the ^nskiit

name of Lord Vishnu as Angulesh Le. the Lord of the Anpil counlry.

The British Tslea were desigriBted Angulsihati Le. a Hn^-siae

fingPT-length coviitry. If ihe Eiirop«an continent i? likpotfd to

pilm then the British Islea sppear to be en extended flrger,Thertfore.

Sanskrit speaking explorers named It AnuiJ^slhan. It is thnl sariw

larm which later cemo to be pronounced aa Angul and Je-Erglarni.

"The book on Druids mentioned above states on psge 36 thnk

' Many temples of Ihe Dniida are said Lo be yet In port renmioiflg

in this Island Ci.e.the Isle of Man> aod Ihnl of Ang^sey^-many

of them were made of extraordinary large slonw as al Abiry and


Pfige 54 deacHbps "AWry is founded on ihe mor* fleviUfll

tn P I. Preface iQ A C&mp^te m^ary of Un- PruJd*. Th^r Orv/i^

ftq iiNjiiify into their Reik^m ind its co/nridence n'^A t/wPs'iriir^

by Ijchntild, printer T.G. Umax. mirk«ft«l tiy Ufi^man. HumU k«»

&. Urma, Lcindcin.



Page 66: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

' r*in^), « . v«. «.d 1-ny VaUuT., With » ve^ *^

™ **";._.. ... j:..i. ™. fnmi«J a cirel? of Im „„„_r^UVhhi th* diich was form«J ^"^^riO^OD,

ffl^ '.prt^i. ^hich -ere g^^raJty iS.lfi or IT ft. hfgh, ^^

„* much in b(«i3th..-0ul of tbes^ 100 stones. « w«t^ ^

. H»dLis uid 27 LhroHTi down or reclining. Ten of retnajhii^

v^n dcsBolisJwd by Tom Robinson jn :he year 1 700, ihe vesUji,

of U»resi "we itil dUcflniW. Wilh ihJs mighty colonnasfeoi

29}wdi HCTW in perfection , iherf miist have bwn a most a^fr^y,

wA ^wKfl I'nsn eM ilie ditch ^ U is scarcely possible for mto fbna t noUop Of the grand and beaiaiiful appearance it must

1^ {bv» malt," {Or pog^ dB to 59 Is added) "\fost of il^

kooe. T^ Bid outbousH of tN; town are buill with the msl^rab

tf ibavKooa Uhi iif^'e been fired and brokefi...]^ u$ wslkoDt

>0r t} Uv touthem enlmice of the town passing I be Vallum.

T^ b ^li Saaw... the summit gf the Overtone Hills is the ffsk'psi

U nnpouAd ^imttAl was-d signifying the Septmt s hesd) whdcb

a «» oilAi fnaai the Vallum of ,\\i\ry. The peopfe hnw n ii^

Mtaa ef/i to^siJataH U the Sutictutay. . ifhich when in petfeciionn wiiiuui tfjostM ihe mosi ghtiou^ i^pfe of ihe kind \v^^ "wif hm fvtr fitant of. Thai it was really a temple sacnd

-Wastd Hid undivvded Trinity. e\"Ci-y circumsunce. fvery


11 w(njr>lf.i( in ih« lanpisge ^f itj founders Tht; Ml^V


«*^^^ '^^ *** ^^•' ^^ I'** ^'"^^ ^'Q^-^ ^'^^'

taTlw Zr^ " '^"'^^ "" **i* wils of a cobi^ fiitiidsl


T*.^^^;^^^ ••' '-^^ ^h^pter of Genesis of ibe Ok.

*^»U»tWrf Jr,*^?^'^ "^^^ t* Ihe SMn-. when (t S91"**J« Iht iiririt of Cod «.a9 flOBlinK on wa«*

^'^^Pfr •«.^^,i,^d ifterkm, ^lActuan. ^f world fan»t.

flit T'




and the Vpdk trinity of th* tbre* Mt^hty Qnn vlj Bnhnm tht

Gitator, Vtshnu Ih* suslaincr nrd Shiva the dettrpyer wtre ill ther*

j^ the rom t< &fani.k sUtuM. The Druids supei-viwd th? tcmpla.

The above description iridkes it dear that the Tsle of j^ng^lsey wax

fainous In the nncieni. world for its mBJesttc and raa^iiive LempV

(tepiciing the V^ic Trinity in BiguiUc slflne- statuary ji^ the divinB

governors of the world.

RtdinlnK Vlshra In the Kuba

The Kaba in Mecca is ft hujje temple comiitei: baktt In the hoso'

ttflst. i-o a Vedic, Tantric design with ih& i»ilem of a stjuare set

ask^w over another square to form the ubtquitous Vedic ocia^qnal


An ancient Sansknt scripture known as {\i^m*ii WW^i

Haiihareshwar- Mahatmya has the foUowinK couplet

q^ 55 tRTplig EHEm^ ferft'I^ I

^^ r^^ia feai^ giRTq H^ifr II

which mentions t^i^l Vishnu's boty footprint consecrated lit Ihrt*

mm centres in the worid namely one in Gsya (in India), the

other In Mecca and the third near Shukla Teertha i.«. Abky.

Thj9 [n formation when coupled with the Enformation from Muslim

SQureej that there were ^m idols En the temple, indlcfltes thst Lond

Vishnit waj surrounded by sn entouratfe of other deitiES of wWch

l^rd Shiva was one. But the Muslims being iconoclasts they dest mywl

the Idola of other dHtits whQe Shiv^'i emblem, a roiind cylindncol

dark, black -rtjd stone they retained as i central featureless object

of rever'ence.

rite Musbm Palestinian name Vasaer Arafat h in fact Sii M^tipn^

i.e. the Kolv feet of T^rd tCodl Hari This nam* and oihen*

commemoipie the idol of Viahnu thai was enghrlned Jn tht i-eni*^'

of tlw oclai;Qnal Kaba abiine.

Kcclinlnit VKKau In Komc

The nams Vishnu Is F^noi^nced as VIsiu even In India and

Page 67: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



« rt awi "fi b# FW^nccI in Europe. Therefore "^^^^^^

The 5.1^ (iffTrlnoloriiy airaflciated with ancient hisiflHc Hw^] b.. found to be V*dJc. Sanskrit. TH* Avc^Un^ hill «^^mnnjBU.^ of Si, Ssba d^'rives EU name from Av«nii^ ^ ^^indml city In Indfa. The monaatery of Saba is an ancient a^tfinplf Thf PfllPtfn^ Hi" u^ Some is the counterpart of Pain^^

a cfty ifi the Saurashtra region of India noted for lis hai cgv^^

with numerous t*?mpie$.

A! Rome the vault of the Old WellHougi? of the cajsioi[,

called iht Tutlfonum, Such well -houses are a <;ommon featurejj

enrimi HinJu temples and palaces. They may still be seen in Luckntw,

in the Ttjo Mahalaya taJias Taj Mflbfll) temple palace in Agra and

in Asboks^s patace (wrongSy called Ferozsbah Kotla) In Delhj m\a jeveral other princely capitals. S^ucb well-housea are known mBuU-MahalB in Hindui purlimc^.

"^Vi» ggLc» of noma Quadrata on the Palatine- were not baw

openings in the line of wall but consisted of a square phamber

wjth two door^. one opening inwards and the olbtr outwards. Tit

temple of JanuH was a modification of such a gatf^ay chaniber,"

HtBt dewriptian is taken fmn pag? XXJV of the Introduction

to Iha volume Utied - WonicundiheCanipai{nubyJ?,Biim (DeiifhUffli

Bell & CO.. London, IfiTl)

.IWe tquare gaieways an a Hindu feature. They may be sefli

in ilimm ^ery historic mansion in India. In fact we would lilt?

to suBSeil 1 iiiaht ammdment. It may probably have reaped the

n*j« of iht ibuve-menlioned author Robert Btim (Fellow s^Tutor at Triply College. Cambridge U.KJ that the if.teways he«

"T* "^"^ ^^^^"^ "^Mul thim . ir, the interior, every oornef

rfT^ ,

«m. kind of fc iolnl which ^v« it the al




on the esoteric. T.nlric. «i^an»l. Vrfic pattern, in Me«^. Sa^i A.^W*

Ue .i^i ccrnare «^pl^ ih* inmB« <i it- ^^^^ ^^'^ '^^^^

Indni, Vtmi, Yama. Agni. Vayu. Kub«r, Wmn and NirUL.

TT« central .^ui.^. r.p««rti* the pr«eni m.n.iit«l K*U, t^^«nai^ houBi.^ Ui. imofi* of the Redinin, V.^u " <n bl«ur TW«*

Page 68: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

mi^ffi in MnvitfrTp islflmic iroditton





ThnL roprtttn^fpot wh^^n^^fwfy'i"^'"''^^ ^1lJ^J^"KitontH

tiflJUv *mM(rort on ihr f^trior of (he vmjihf?ii!j] comer of ih&

wril ThftftlOi* ptirwnUuUlion of i^ ShWlhjt iflvolvta rirutin^ iht


Kiba bMStfins ^v*^ "'*''" f"nv^*^^ Muslims fftl coiTipDEIed tg ti^tb» wvrn'Md mment Vwlic penambulaifon. Tht KdIw unc-^yn^ 'IttKi,

rvjyi itrpc wntt^vrly shui la hide ll« V«dic dnc^dor.

^kf I p. a hJrtrtt birfifia hldifl[j ilt VHic wTlron-coloor stync jurtiv*

km drtitfn* amd whal arf bfllff/fl( lo te SjinskriL Ini^cniKBOirf <m 1^

iRfiif m\^ «f ilif uncium wpflt^ Iiat^Tmationdl pi^-=5ure oti ihj SQii^

Cwfmmmi ahoild whtlmit ifl »» ^F-ned by alJ rountnea uritil the Ki^jbi}invn4jpn;itidt|%u)Jirin fn prt- Muslim limes,

WOiin«l^ rpwives bomftj^ at Iho qntnir<M Wore one ™i*rt tht^^Lo woitiliip the main deity.

The \vegt#m side of the Tilwr vallfly m i^ome is boiindel by

VdlJcian Hill amd the long ridgt of the Janiculum.

-niQ VaiJcanbtheSwiskritname Vflticet e. s fVedlc) bermltagt

The lerm Janiciilum ia the Sanskiit tenin Gan^salayam L^. t tempte

of Lortl Gajiesh.

The Capitoljrie hiD and the JarictiJujti hSi ar$ opposite Ui each

other. In iKt-ween them Hows the Tiber. On bolh those HfTls were

temples o>r V^ic i]eiUe$- On iheOaf^tolineiiVss ih? temple cf &ium

and on Lh« Janiculum was ilial cf Oanefph.

Thus, B9 in the Kaba (MeccaK in Rom? too Lord VHshnu waa

surrounded by a number of other deitta.

**^ historiffna and poeta of Imperial Rome give us i

descriptfon of the solemn ceremony obsei^ed on the occaaim of

markinjj oui the Hmits of a new c^tlement ,,-,„ a bull end 4

cow were yoked tog&tber, B^^ cow bfing placed on the inner side,

e furrow was made wjth e ^ ough round Ihe propos«i s^le^ This

waa done od a lucky d^y to saiisfy r«li|pou3 scruples..."*

Tliia procedure of choosing an auspJcfDfljs day wilh referenw

lo asLrol{^ and breaking the ground for a n&w city with a plouih

dr«wn by kine is Vedic pracliM. As Ifltj? as ihe early I'^lh cenluof

SiiVBj]. a Maratha ruler of India Bdopt«! ihe same piwedure when

he firat arrived in Pune city t<s look afH3- hfs fief. He had the

Ifcrf furrowed with a gold-tipped pEough^

The Arch nf ConsUnltrte tn Rome h a triple archway with 1

Ian arch in th^ centre flanked by two smaller arches- Thli 1*1*0

ifi a common aiyht^ in bidU-

'^TTie temple ofKer^ul« Victor was pulled ddWTi under Sviui

IV. the slfiLup of HL-rtules in hrtmie aow in the Capiiol wis found

^2) p. 31, rotw ami the CimpajrFm. ty B- B**™-

Page 69: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


jfjrtyfe, fs ihe Ssnskrft term Hed-cul-wsb meanlriK Ihti^

(rf ih, dtfiaf Hari *^«. VisKnu alias Krishna. Tlie te,^HettHjl^,

ridar i« il» Sanskrit t^ Hari -Vijay (BS-femj

Porum Roma/ium Is the andentmost part of Rome. Roinaim^

it ItaiMysnun obviously because that was the cwitra] point ensuni

tttidi U» dty of Hama was erected. *'The longer aide of thiji

p|««i mwsvired about 200 yar^s, ....Found this wnfined S|iui,

nr* pDup*d Ihe most importani: buildings of RepublicanRgrne.

(he imiplej of ihe nios< arcient and venerated gtids. th& senotf

bffljs*, th« ComiUum and the Postra. ..The Hou^e of the PoniLTei

MaiimuB was a Utile further along the sscred way (Summae Ssat

Vli) and was called the Regia, the Athum Return or the Atrium

Voter. This Re^a was the bouse of tbe Pontifex.., The sacred

spars of the God Mara were kept there I * * i i ft A

The above is a very important passage. It pinpoints i\\s aan^V*dic core of ihe andtnt city of Rome. The city itself was namfli

after HEms. an incamalion of Vishnu ailaa Vjshtu. TTierefore Lbs

hi^bwiy leading from it to the temple was known as the Regdi.e TOyal way (^mr^^ i,e. ^Raja Merg' in Sanskrit. It was bIso

Imown AS V©|« fnm Vishnu and Atrium from sage Alri- Ajicienl

lUdy WV9 known as Etniria and lis civilization was known as Etniscaa

dvHizjiJon. and the s^a U) its east is known as the Adriatic Set^from the Vedk a^ge Atri who had his VedFc establishment in Hcmfin rmoie antiquity, The office of the Pontifex Maximus. that is

^ chitf priEst of the Vishuu temple complex in Rome. origlAsi**m tsge Mn. The Sanskril \^rm ^^.hj^) Tani^b Maban' hwwm™mjpiediflP«,tifejMaxim.gin

Uiin. H la bouse was natui^fy

aTII M^ Vttemple, complex pr^Jded over by l^rd Vishiiu-

bv 11. wi, 7" '" ^***' ^ ^""^^ Vishnu was surroundaJ

»d tJ^ ZT *"* "^ ^^ Incarnations Rama and m^'»"">**«"> 'WUes such u Saturn «nd Mg™

«J P.4I ilrid.


The ttfiUan word *V1a' for J^eibway la b truncated fomi of U^Senskrit term V««thi.

The Chief Veiiic priest (tbe Pontjfejt JJiximuB) was from tl»

time of ConatanUne forced to call himself • Christian priest, Majdrnm

i^ tbe Sanskrit term tuflflw*!) Mahattsmaa i.e. "the Ujpmogi.'


Page 70: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



Ho* did hun*n lanRuage iriK? Th« nHHt popular guas J^

tiBt iMi, Lvyig ill £3veA like wfld inimsls. b^fan makinM loiw

^Hjbmfli wurvda in imiunion of ttw founds of birds and animali

b* ssw ind his incoherent mumMinifS sni mnil^nn^ somehow

^apei ibemseH-es intg th« different languages we know of today.

ThU ri wtiBt iiiftsi aeholars believe dnd iach tJiKt da>s,

Caufusol ScbulAri Keep Mucfl

Bui e5 r^Hrds the origin of different languages, ibere If rw

uiuniniEly ajnong the KhoSirs. Vei hardly ever are their difference

ajnd in public. The^ keep (juirt ^ each i*Tith hisown mental rcservalitifu

BP tJie L&pic. They also take care not lo Iread on fflch other's

toes pegarding ihe origin, anliquity and intffl"- relation of different

linpifl^Es- Sonvf lend to regard variouu l&nguases as belcHnKi^i^ ^I gmup JMi not relftLed, some detect a distant relationship whik

olhm diifli a cEoee reLationship between different langauges or

only beikwv different groups inter se. Thus there is nothing but

MEniiIrt* Ohio* hi evHTbody's mind. Yet there is a workir^uniemmditvt sn^g scholars who hold hiwh posiliona Jn this fieM.

TWidmUniUiiB i* M^er to press one another too hard or subject

* coltoKu* to l« dw* ind too embarraaaing a cross-exam tnation.

^^ •ar^uigfl Bicb on ibelr own ? For instflnrt

^ one of thwn be insirfred t/i ipeak Tamil, iMpOw. JipvMH.

, third. FfCic^ sn*! « <^


TW I6th centu ry Mogul emperof . Akbor had in fact tieen trouhtel

tlie same question . In order to Tmd an answer he indulged in

heartieas ej^Jeriment. He ordered Kverali suckling ehilirm w

t^ puUed nway from their mothers^ -braasta and lefis to be confined

a houHC, No aduU wES permitted M) speak anyihing to the childiw

^r«f^ w'hite the children were clothed and fed. The result *£4 ih«t

^e children all grev into dumb »ddta. Merely becsuKthw* chBdren

vere bom of the \vomha of mothers who apake Sanskrit or HtndJ

or Pereian^ those children, even when free to bahhl* imonii

ItJEns^vea, did not somehcf* develop a lBngua^Je. They conWnl

3«ak any language at all. Therefore, the notion that a mafl eduaU*

l^sdf even In such a preliminary thing a? learning a luiguai:!.

h mistaken. All knowiedije has to be imparted by kupttiv to

an inferior. That is why In educationalP'.ujJishmentaihe endeavour

is always to employ highly qualified staff even for very low siand»fda.

Tf man could educate himself why are children *mt t/J «hool or

taught fit home?

Divine Origin *r all Waslc Stock

Even the great discove-rfss we talk of are made wily w t**

hasEa of the trwning or education ^mpert^i to the geniu. by_^^Even there the discovery is m^e thro^jjh «me dnnne. mtu^M^

nashes even as th^ are gifted brains which work out longwinAri

and complicated mathematical calculaUons ini tricehke a convp-iter


Any wheel to start moving n«d^ aUeast one initial pusjvj^y

factory to start production needs some superior brsin to i^the first prototype and power.

From all thia the conrf^^ i^ in^^^le that ail hon^i- «^

^imal reproduction starts only after divinity f^"^ P^^'*^initial basic stock and the p^chic Npul«. SmOsriy the^^^^ iaught by divinity it^^f to the first H^^^f "^X initial

lungtjag^ was Sanskrit. All human acli^nty started f™""

divine Slock including the linguftl. Sanskrit- That may »^

Page 71: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


" ^^: ..,;. «,.jno5 hat d maKicfJ ^usltly about a ^^i

H, n^y--"^* r «;mpt*ttfn.ton. Th^ ^^ '^^^^'^ ^^'^'^^^ with an

;;;n»!^^ij™ ^>' *"^'^^'-' '^""'^^'' "'*^'''^ ''''"' '"'^'^'^^

-^ ^ *h?n Lhe world of hunan flffaira beyan with ihe

sJl ,t«:k ir,-..-d. provide by m M ^^^ re.^- i^ very

nilvlmawnssthe JTajU JV '-^ the resdy made er^. The physical

„j nwnial chr*fttrirtic* of the humans of thai era w^]^ first-ratfl.

Uifi wjiti the pis^m ^ ^^""^ '^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^- s"^^^"*^^ SLb31«|

d«*nDrimfx« iis is "Tie c&s* with ev^jytJiinK in Vhis world, OM age,

deay und disrefarr spt In.

TTawfih Ihi^ Yuiibs (vit Krvi*. TVeU and n^vnpar) the worVd

•dhnd m uniwrisl, unilajy Vedie civil izali on [n which Smskrit

WH fvp-ybodyf langt^e- Rven in t!i<jB€ ages inlemecine atrift

did tvai espechsily g«<we«^ nmiyas and I)&nava& atias Rakshas otn

ont ijite tnd ihe rest . We may find! a parallel in the present strife

Unvmt HuBSffl ami US^, and between Iraq and Ii-an though ihe

nviJs in ^ch CSK profess the same rekt^on. Under Ihe Vedic

bviliiptjwi the cluh s«ms to have been betweem personalities such

u VnlisLi ma ViBhwimitrt, Vigbwamilra and Harishchflndra, Kamsind WivTin and between Kaumvas gjid Pandavas. Since ihe culture

of iht common peopde coflUnued Ui be Vedic and the language la

be iajJtril. ihetwor erf public life conlinued undisturbed. Warfare*B limilcd iirictly toCbe rival arm] ea and civilians were neverbirmH]. Evw Oy iimitg fought oui ih«F disputes jn en opcfl«ra awiy from pubUc dwellings.


from Auairtii,r^L 'T";''-^" ^^ ^^^^" '" "^^ ^''^^

eoUur, Con«,„ray "S ll l"*"'";^"' '^'^"^



wntw or chnidhes laday an onclenl Urmple*


nf VedIc detHeii i^** rrtfinaatefles of Vwic BEinta.

Just Dve^' '^000 yeara Ago »l the end of the l>wapar Yitu wui

f unht the Mohflbharal war, The Jewish Passover era. now in its

A "^h yev>*i [dmcial commemorates thai war, b^csuse Ihe Yedua

1'na Jedua t,e, Judaisls had lo leAVe the Dwarka kin^tmi snnn

_ the war whcfi nuclear eKplostuna and a massive br^kdown

of the civil administration made life unsafe for them.

The Mababhsrat strife was a world war The ifreet biolngical

slaughter md nuclear havoc caused t^ il shattered the unitary^

inivcrsal Vedic admlnislratlon. The universal un and study of

Sansknl was iilso simulumeoualy breached.

The ahatterftd world was divided into broken units which came

to be knovm as Syria. Assyri*, Scythia. Babylonia. Eiiypt. China

Likewise, with the tlisconllnuoww of universal Suakrit luition

«tcb nevv fraginenieil admfnisirHttve unit mentioned Bbo\*, Mntinued

tfl make do with its own shatlfired, tatiered Sanskrit Unifual fabric


Thus what wo know ag modem languages ai-e picc« of Sanskrit

turned or iwisted out of shape by local mannerisma. It i$ Ibis

w^ch makes Ihem all related and yet distinct, TTUJ it ihf ultimate

solution lo the world lingual theorem.

As against that, current ideas about world lanBuajfra. vii Iheir

origin and inter ^relsUon, are d\ confused. That llnttual confusitai

has led to other sub confusions about races such as ih<f 'Ary=w

race , ihe Semitic race or races, the Mongolian race, iHe Ne«re*a

etc. Thessaub'Oonfuaions are bedevilled with further sub'«>nf>3^ooi.

For instunw. the so-called Drsvidlans of India, the Hrutds of Eumr*

B3i<i Ihe forest tribes of the woi-ld seem to be unconnected with

any of the above tjproupj.

I^ucc itnd LunKUdtte arc Sc|uin)te Issues

Let ya not mix up rac* with lajiguaae. They nre sepju^le ts»u«

Vet scholium heret^jfore have ml)c«l up the two and made"™J"^

worse confounded, Whuthfif divinUy at the start populated the

wntbienm with black, brwn, follow and whii* pt*ple ""• =*«*^

Page 72: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Iddo-Eump-nor Ifido Ai7sr» TV i!1f)«Jcii]ily tf hucti n nlnjiainrjiUfln

«fl ^ ipfinnwi frnm Ihr fiiti thJil wbiii wo ftmnv^ tb*' cnnimnn

fsM- Indfl' from lh*fn iiw n^nlrnipr wtHild «in<niriL to Nflylnji

Uat Ofrmwy'r.iirvjpf.Aryft '^uil wryiiM btr ^ mnthr^ifiitLk:al

fbnJnlJly lltiw cjin frfTrnnny U tiinall rrviGnli bv cej4')(U*rii»ivo wllh

Vjumpt ' Arnl tvpw L'ftr* rin-miny jflJ Kufojw, Whkh iiix* Innd mnHtwi,

iH «|itil 1.0 'Aiyai^ which ti Jil Ix^i imly a r>«f^'-^ (^F (HKipli^H If

* it9 Iiiji ^vMi LltefT, UwiT It M tnblfll*, "Ai^n" In no rftci^. IL

it a ^y y( l|f» It ta U» Vw](c wny of Hf«*. Tliirrnrorc, 'Af^"'

^ I eiiJujrj ml nai i f*^ Vrt iJmoiL ^ryMy In tiitr m«iJ«mwwil. »fmhm Utdior cr tmreiuerjil hin'bwtn tulorwl U) hnWwvnw m *f>wi ric« 'Hill t»A\(m hoi U-wi »u (Irmly lijiijlsnifxl In

thr bfiim (/ (Tw mnd*rT> <rm.lHjjitit«i(ji Ihel- bll Ihi-ir U'mMlnt,ihwnnr^ tad irKuintnl tymi* wiiirvly wti llw fulinjm uf on

(^>giM/jt Arnin rm, To uptwi Ihnl |[|(« fmrn tht^ inlnde of

IJ» CWMiiiMtjrao, ir-t^lllg^ctib. Ik *»«<* -if (h.. r^t4fll pmhhftit.

rZ ''^" ^^ '^'""'"" "^ ^ "^^"^ "1" '^-'ir lblnki;.K on JUV

"* ""^^^ ™*"» *^<"*^ »**t Ary» I. n. r«». Ary-

(, ihi* nnin'of Uia divlno. MnlvwuBl VwJIe cuUuf* W^whobvit .bfekt

L thiF rul«» ''f ^hitt culture trtm momin,* ti5l nlnht ill hE. itf*

1* an Ary" V/h^'*^'^^'" *'«''l"^ '""^^f" '•^t**'*" njlw of ^pn^ mniuA

j^Lnt-hnl oxUmUR un-Ar^n.

Baci^ S*iniikril wart th«' tnltlnl liinKimK*- r/ nil humiinfly ilT ovft-

ihe world, of whflf-flv<r mimtr, atfllure find fenttife*. It la wn>n(!

jfl tl, up Stimkvil with Cifrmuny, Kun*jJ« or lnd|>. Tboaeare n^tfscm

p^p^pliltral arvnit whilf; SftnnkrH. wns »poki:ii <?Vffrywh(rre.

Vel iinntyit'ir .irror in ui brmckct only Ijilln and fSn tk wllh SAnnkrfi.

Alt Dl-tuT laniCUiHK'ja "1" (-he world are an much bfiul vaKanit of

HiinHkrlt *H nr** (jrfi^k imd iJilln. Thcra jb aim juiothcr twin crmr

inviilvf^ h&ix nfirmily of (siiinUnm a muU I million ynrancr^i

univonifl] lanjrn*" fti'^n^^Ht w\iti a U-w LhoiifflanO yi^r old r««loniil

variaLloita of It nMnn?ly JflUn ondGroek, The nlKiv^duddBUnn nhmjld

iHilp rM^lu«"N to undoifltdnd and nndlyuc ihe llnniyBl and mcW

wnfuNitjn. Lanttiwi knol ov^;r kjicrt,. by mnumporary lnl*lll«enl«J8.

Thu cJitifijHltjn doorribi'd nbovflattBCtiwi aHo Ut the pwjpl* callHl

DnvUa In India. JubI m 1l Iu wrontj tfl dwm Aryana i raw and

talk of Homfl spwisl Inn^uriH*^ ^^ InnifiinHcs as b(lfin«lnn to ttwm,

fllmiluriy it la wronx lo fdnery th» iJravJda io bp a race of people

and wci-ibu aqmi' Bpoctai InriKUUMO or ifraup of IruiKunrtPJ io ihcm.

ThHt J!) why our hiiidJoK ifl this pJintKrapli im imAVIHS AND

l.flNGlJAGICS whli:h Ih Intiiniiwl Ifl "^i ri«ht thi' [Hnjular yundrmmo

Uilk or rJmvJrllfin ljin»ni,HHM^ or 'Siinvltk LnnguJiiiCT' oe MooBatlan


Riicytlcjpik'dEa nriiunnlca aumfl up Ibc iJoflltlun by olnervlnii

Ihfll -'thB oriKin of UiniiuaK*' h»» nt^vi-r ffUlwl lo provW"* " ""^)»^

for apw,-ulaUor»/" iind mUU that'' nothlnu dk'flnlio la knnwn about

Ih" oilkin of Ihir "DnivEdlaii fnmily " of Ipinpaut^i mimtrly Tamil.

TtilUKM, KiLtinmln, Mnlnyjilnm, Gondl. Kunikb and Tblu.

Thai inrrfr <.n,:yt;bi»h>-lb howwiir, prov[(Ui» cm unwiUlr« but

•"^'iiifiiiy Qluu t« (,Kn rfKhl nnawflr by noUn« thfll "i niirrtbor or

fumurt^cif tho Dravldiwn limyoinf^'Ji Jii>p^n"" ''i '^' HiKVed


Page 73: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


. - ^ hislfflY. including the besinnlng of Ijini^i.^

^^^"^M^^cionV solved if H i. .^J^"^^ "^ ^^-Li* the rundnmwuil body of basic, compr^hensi^^Vtd^c^

by divinity (.n mankind m ihe be^^nninK^

^"^ ^ut 2rtiO millioi. y™^ =«« in Sanskrit.

^Z^TZVni^^^ -a to Who believe that r.^^

fcTwn in t wiU. flnii^*] 1"''^ ^^^ cEvPaxwI himself m giB^e,

BW rnflTBiii d ytsfv*

Bai «w Bihwsw havt to flcct-pt that we all live in a vbh

,n „ linarffnf s«qiJW« sub^Kl to (he fnt*rp]ay of elemfflita) foroa.

ftluww power crwied such an infinite and mystifying untven*

mM risB tr«tt llip frrtt few gwierations of ready -mode. enlightened

tmi mt tap*. lHL]^^t and trained to recite the Vedas i.e. ih^

to^tf ocni]tf*h«i»ve fundamwiUil know led jje necessary for orderly

nfiduiltai oT faum^ Uf» oci cairth


Hk qU» i3li)»4on i.e. tho9e who believe that msn civjiiud

^w<«tf voided, jtrmdtuilly. over millima of yeara. uft*r betng bom'ft' lay <Ata- inimil, in a wild suite, may juat consider thai i

hitnm ctaM being tbwlulely hetptess ^L Wtlh. has t<t be nurtured

^ytai^ vid psycbuiDgicaJly with export care and attention. Tb^

* us n) M child can grow up to numhwd without a mother OfW B^TiloA b her own iiira ibe mother hfrself has to be n ui-turtd

y *f*^ "^ mcuHerhood before she tan look flftei- Iht^ chiW-

J?r^ WlB ufwiu^ and bf^ckwofd one ha5 to admit lliBt

ii^^*^'"" "^ ^"^ bdn^ must have bw^ trtiinpd by

t^ WW " wn md sa«« to set the ball of human civil t?^litjfi

Vid- CBUioL^t^'"^' «^' - '«««' ^d Lhe latter.^I'-We

«' *"»« tiilkW^^ '' "^ P'^t ™n»pi of the b^Eirrd'^

"'^ "av min hm not evolved fr^ '

nUkU? to on miilflWflned ono but has steoctily 4t>«Qrenit«d rrtrm

tf L^Yug (the goHL'nn«y of truth, knowledgp and dutiful bebpviouF)

"^^^., Yug ( (Iw era of atrlfe, dissension and kresponivkblv


^„uj.) Thprefoi-eH the concept of the Drnvid^* beinH the first

lion of divlmty-tniinwl seera and ss^^a of primAniiol


'^^^, . . vedtt CArya) culture mu^il be taken lo be an higtoncal

r^l and iruat not be diHmia&Sd u a melaphy^lcdl myth.

Tho lanK^JiS^ '^^ ^^'^ Vedta i» Sanekrit, 3*y-cHUed because of

ILJ diviM peifectioTi. Us oihcr Bynonyms viz. ajra-Bbanitl,

Pfya-Bhnsha anil t«rvan-Bho9ht aU point to it? divins ortifin,

Vedic Sanskrit is th.? basic nnccstraJ language of the world,

and fioi of India alone, because of its unUquity and also becauM

itie VedDS w€s* bequeathed la all mankintl. Ttiere h fliso other

MTTipt^b^nsive hisUHicsl evidimce to pnive this.

All other languages whether of the east or west, developed

B3 rtgiffunl Pral«its/ The ven- word 'Prakrit' siifnlfi« a Isngusge

•shnpcd out of'another (i.e. out af the divinp Sanskrit). T^bI u

why ali larguWT^ of the world csn be traced lo the laigvaii* of

the Veday

Kncyclopfledia Britannica. therefore ri^^tly noticet an affinity

between the Riifved and ]>flvidian lan^ruHges. The very nw* Vid

Is common to both Rlgved and Dravid.

Sage Agasti (or whosoever else) fiod hJs group f^^^1.1 ^aeration Pravids i.e. a^ni and sa^e^ thiou^h whom the Ved^

were bestowed on mankind by djvinity not only m '"dj^ butevefl

in Europe. As proof one ma^ di.* the ^^o^i '^u«usl m E.rcp*^

Icnguage.. August the Eu^pe^ month, th. title Augustus appl.«l

ifl Homan emperora and the 'TJ^ids (priests) v^ho *'^^^/'^^TV'

life in oncfent Eumpe. l>ruid is the Europ^^im variation erf the ^skn

term Dravld. As an (ncidenisl clue one Hnds the Shivi i«mni

listed in the literiiture of the European Drdds.

This disproves the fancied hostility between Ai^nns flnd Bravidj^

It n,.st now b. realise*! that Vedic cuJtune h Othcn^=^ ^^^3« ATVan culture, and Drpvids wer^ the Ht

«™^'-^^'f^^^ ^^UK« Who aprwwl At^an culture throughout tk- world- ino»

Page 74: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Tton Tetugu. JUnwds uid MfllB(yaJam form Lhe four i^jj^^

iTTlhO pertiun to the n™vid i^o". all differ r their scH(^,s

,jMKi(« 01^ Bummr. Similar is the case wtli otJwr regipnst

l^T^ wcfi 95 North \i\A\m, Euro|»an erd [so-fMlled) Semitic

ImpJiUW And y¥i Uwy are «" PmUnis {E e. shaped oul) of

^stait. K is currtnily mJstthenty assumed that Piakrits preceded

Tlmj^ kngu^ b»« 5ome regfonal afftmty lo neighbouring

Ib^WH on one hsrid am3 to itj remote orcpsUir Sanskrit

on itx dLber. 1^9 ipplles tc TamJI tM. The phonolofj^y of the

Tuni] AlF^bA [> thi sarrve as that of Sansknt while its lheolot^{3ij,

Kill fod motii (bought content is idenlicaJ with V^anta,

Wide nmincstiafii frton h camincn orfgin Is a eommon rukt^^lioUi to iH ftjpftrts of human life, including linguistic?. Like

teii^ic^ nQi, the mulLiples while bcahn]j; some similarity to lh«

ortfioal Rntinoe to dimtify from generation to generation.

Jr UwriJoiT. TtaiH appears diffeneni that Fs not from Tack ofirrmit) w SuHltrit but frcMn its antiquity. „ita generation gap. TTw

JJ^odW^bwfifore. be r^i^ bs j, basic fact of every 6sp«i

r™*" tnctyJmg lintfuistics. t^ the Vedas and their

•uMd. i^^*^^!^'he origin of nU humsn teiowleda*- including




Hawever queer, mysterious and unbellevabte ^skril may

appwfK ft has ta be admitted that Sanskril 1$ not a man- made

lfln}[UBge. Panini's grammar too corrobortftes the diiflne origin of

llvtlajiguage^ Man couldn't hope to develop such a paifect lan^age.

Man's touch contaminates and distorts as is implied in our certifying

prcKlucta "unboucbed by band' es ptire. The same ma:y b* mMQf Sanskrit.

A paper read al the RoyaJ Asiatic Sbcfeiy , observed about San akrft

"U was an astounding discovery, that Hindustan over which sa

mau^y conquerot? had passed in wrath, and left footprints as tbcy

wait, pas^egsed in spite of the changes of realm: and cb&ng^

of time, a language of unrivalled richness and variety, a language

t)w parent of an those dialects that Europe has fondly called

clfiistcfltjtbe source alike of Greek flexibLlity and Roman strength.

* ptiilosopby compared wilb which, in point of danng speculetion*

™io's boldest apeculuUons were lame and commonptace. a poeti?

JTi&re purely intellectual than any of those of which we bad before

«>y caneepUon: and systems of science whose anLiquity baffled

«Jl powers of Mtronomitel calculation. This literature with all it*

*™loMaI pitiportions which can scftreely be descHbed without the

«nblante of bombast and exaj^raU'on, clainied of count * pl*»

[?^'^^Jr-lt stood alone and it was able to stand *lDnc. Ta acqiiirt

^mflstflry of this langufiee is aJmoat the labour of llfetifn*.

"^oai Kii^tth of imagination can scarcely cooiprtheod iU


Page 75: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


^hiioe fw pTil3«ophy has louched upon

.^„ ArtrouM^ t^f^-"^ ^^^l^'""^' I^''^^''''^ ^"^^ ^'^ bf«

,J'Tl/d ]^ Tt^' ^^^""^ **^""''^ ^" *"'"' ^'^ ^^ ^«

fvTiJlWr. Hallb-d "seerr^. "> »"'"^ ^^"^ '^ ^^^- ^^^^"^HO w^tt

All Wattni acholB^ « 1^« ^'5' *'PP'^ '*^^^'"^ '"^ "^ ^^^ Pn)bleni

iriil find themselv'^ rancurnrg wilh Mr. Hallhead ihal Sanskrit

b tbi oWe^ lun^jje and thai H was spoken ali over ihy world.

1^ lib *c shfluJd inte to add that Sanskrit was a languagi^ whtdi

ns testowed, 9f fmbodyirg the Veda^. b>' divinity on humanity.

li rai oot dPi-fiioped by a human naency. Other wprld langiiggej

a* duli«f¥d, twisted bits of Sanskrit.

SdDikrit SpohHi 1i> All

SmeWtslan vchotarsmd theircsmp fotSowcr? have props^Mm siaiMUi fis^mpiion that Sanskrit was only Ihe language of;

the (Site. TWs is en assumption baaed on fadty knowled^je of higicry.

We knmr fnjm ejqpgriwuw that In any ^iven society, aay Eti(f]i>ll

«'fm»ch, the sajTif lajigu^e is spoken hy everybody fi-om piince

to twper thouBb thdr style and siandard of expression may differ.

On ihrHmeaabgy it should be realised that fmm Lime fmmeinorial^PW«he HtftihhiLrBt WHT and for some cent^iries ihereaRer IM•virybody fram prince to pauper, master to servant, holy rnan

Tr-SS' : ^ '»«' l« child™,, jad^e or crfminal. puticeman

11^ ^' '^*^^*' ^""^^ ^^^^'^'^^ ^^ ^^^^"^_;^^. ev«^body *p,l,e Sanakril because there was no oth«


flannHaU of thow "ncieiit Sanskrit-gpeaking communities mai^



traced in difffli^L porta af the world. For instance. Tt«

of India of July 9, 19»0 reparted the frndinH of D.D. Shanni^ *"

der In the San slcrit department of Punjetj University. thut Senakrit


jpoken even by Lh* low -caste. Ac(?ord[ni! to him the China!

munity 1'^^ •'^ '^^ FotLan valley of the HimaJoy^n re^on siK»ks

iHnKUEiKC"^817 close to Senslcrit" not only in vocabiilary tmt

1^ ingTBinf^iatic^l stiMcture- Similarly tbe oommuniLy of Ubart

(1e.BlRCksmitbs) in Shaman village also speak & language akin lq

Sftngkrit though less pure than that of the Chinala.

Mfl.^mucMcr'1 Cortlusioii

That Maxmuel!«r, the German scholar in British service, at

}e6Sl vagi^ely realized the primordiality of Sanskiit is apparent from

lus observation that ' 'Sanskrit no doubt baa an immense advantage

over all the other ancient lenguages of the East. It is so attractive

ind has been so widely admired, that it almost seems at Limes

to eiwite a certain amount of femijijj^e jealousy. We are oursfihrea

Indo- Europeans, in a certain sense we areglDl spea^tJng and thinking

S&askril, or more correctly Sanskrit is like a de-ai* aunt to ua and

lakes the place of a mother who la no more/'

The meanden'ng logic of Maxmueller in the above quotation

typlfiea the confusion thai exists in the minds of all Western scholars

end their undersLudies. Maxmueller's first mistake is that be reckona

Sanskrit only as one of the ancient languages and thai too only

of the Eest, whUe actually ^nskrit is the firat and only language

that global humanity used for millions of years. Later Maxmueller

*fly9 that Indo Europeans still *' speck and think SanskriL"- He

doean'l reiJlze the inconsistency in firat stating that Sanskrit It

l^guajje only of the East, and then adding that even European*

^ink in it and spe^k in it. Therefore, it would be right to conclude

that though MaJtmueller had vaguely realized ^ because of hi*

'chotarship, that Sanskrit formed the foundation of ail laftguinjea

^^ as a ChiiHtlnn. as a European end aa a hi«Hbio\v ofnciel of

"** ">iBhty British Empire* then at the very Kfllth of its glory.

<2)P^tflS. Vol, r. Cliip* rrom a. CtrmoB Woi-kjshap.

Page 76: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


u^uArr«* unwfttlngty trj^ng hard lo key down th& tmporta„,^

"rZ^loit w-inH ^is fl«i «ho]«Hy ««vfctions.

psekrt rwords Sftr>akiit is the mo^l b^utifyl perhapjs Qf^

te,„»^, the liiniPJftt?* iJr^^y P^^^^ *^ " ^^^'^ '^ff^ degree, -i

tvdini irtdTUon iin«|ulvMa3ly fisserU thai ancfeni Sar^feji

JftwuiUT* onnpriiing iHe ^edM, IJpanJshads, the Puranas and the

^ica IT of divinp orign and is aarsha' i.e. transcribed by Insph^

H««9. TheCfnnan philosopher Au^sius Schl^el uncannily realjiwi

ihti u is apjarenl frffm his remark "U cannot be detiiHl that

the «rty Indians possessed a knowledge of God. Al] ihetr wrilinp

iR T^Rtfd ffilh seniiments and expressions noble, clear, severely

fiukd, u de^ty cfincaved in any biunan Sanguoge in whicb itim

}Mn spokai trT (bar God/'*

At toolher plats Schlp(^ remarks ' "Evai the loftiegt philosopb)'

oT tiv Eifropeans, tbe idealism of reason as is set forth by Creek

pMoK^lMff? 4pp«rt (n comparison wilh the abundant tight Bad

'rtpwr oT Oriental idulisTn like a feeble Promethean spark In IhtM lood of hw^enly gkry of the noon -day aun, faltering uidf«^ a«] even resdy (o be exufigujshed."*

AiwOier Genman authof. Schopenhflui- opines '*ln the who!*iTOid \htn h no nudy so beneftna] and so Novating as thai of

t^^PimthiHli. it his been the solace of my life and wUI be U»

^^^^7^TT '. *" "^'-^ ^''^ "^^ ^^^^'""*

"^^^ in * mw, ™^f "^ Creek. LatJn ejthiblts maiyf

fnm Smkrii' "= ^^ Ctwk....,...,Utm was derived

-qIpOM ha* These wotxIs which were not understood by U«

!^ art ptif* SenaVril: and are uaed st thia day by iha Bmhmirn

^Tbe conclusion of relE^oua ritea. They are Lhui wrjtlm in thft

(BigUtf* of the Gods, fia the Hindu call the language of the bct^

'Cteuacha. OM. Pschsa", Cttuschs rfgnifles the object of our

apieni wtehcs. CM i$ the famous mnnosyllable ueed botb

^t the beginniriS °"^ ^^^ ^'' '^^ P™^^"^ ^"^ ^^ religioua rite, Uke

ii-Mi. Pachsa answers to the obsolete Utin word %ii: it signifies

change, coufse. stead, place hturn of work, duty, fortune. It fa

QHd particularly after making libations in honour of the Ggda and

l^tris I have no doubt that these mysteries came from the same

oiiBrter end by the same people who brought the Sanskrit lanBuage

jjj n^iy The Hindu polity was certainly established long before

the Greeks had any histoncal accounts of their E3us>3ii mysteries.

Wben the Greeks ^an to write histories they knew not wbence

ihey (ame.*''

Fnim what is noted above it is quite dear that the Vedl^ prsctiw

orbegtnning ajrd ending Vedic chants with OM. and Sanskrit, the

luiBusge of those chants constituted the common herit«se of all


indla the Origin

About all humstn civilization bavlng originated from India and

Hindtilsm Higj^ns observes '"Hve peninsuJs of India would be one

of Ihe first peopled countries, and iU Inhabitants would have all

tht habits of the prosenitors of man before the flood in ss mnch

P«ri«tkm or tiXQrv than any other nation tn abort, whiiever

l«^ng man possessed before his dispersion... may be expectftl

^ be found here, and of this Hindustan offoi^s innumeraWe

^« . . noLwithstandi ng all .... the fruitless efforts of our priSit"

^odlsguito it.""

Page 77: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


"*—,of ^srfd «'^''™- '^^ ^' ^™^ Cninstian


;;^ K, Wd, th* r«i thit *]] -0-caikd Chri^tion p,acti^ ,^^^

Tl* Ei«yclops**iia BnUnnic* (P,70.Vol.M 19fll editfoii)|^

InqdlaUan wnc«dw the primoFdiatity and divine orsEin of B^^]^

m fib«r?tn(t ihai "Some scholars (aniong Lhem quite recen%

w.SclimtdL) we the insufficiency of usual theories, &nd giving^^

^tiumptsu eij^mingh in nstui^ if^y MI heck on the ^^Zrgfoui

Wtf tAif tAp /!i3( kmguage was di^eciJly given to fursi man Ij

God throvfh ftiimck*'

lapcal, metaphysical tiunking musl not b* dismissed u*ftlipD«5' Ii needs to b& ifC0Kniz«/ that melaph^'sics \& not only

It aiiich a science $a physica but is in fact a wider acIeDw

WBinpfisiingptfty branch or human learning under the sun. UnliVe

oUw sciHicei, metaphyiics cannot afford to take a one-sided or

lop-add iww of the uiuverse or a ceit^n portfon, Metapbyaics

bi to ooTTelaie vhem all and preset & composiUj and consistent

POhireof coKiiicHfe. When endtavourins to think about linpiatla.tttmrfore. if lop-ctaas thinker^ are forced to admit that ai (be

*n of the world iher? muat have iwcn a untvtrsel God-given

r^J!!L."""^ ^ considemi « a sdentific condusfon ani

«^y rehpou,,pbiiosophicfll or spiritual, tf confining auc^

B^rtlr"' '^ at the mn waa a miracle what i. wTt>n|?

•^^wT "^ "^""^ '' ^''^ ^^--'^ ^^^" ^^^'


f^vT^^,^^ ^"^« -Afi^ „,,eh futfle dl^"«i^-

^ «™»ti*d 3^,u''"'^^*^" *^t the dau with wHch tb^

pps^ , .,0"t or no evid^ce about the origin of burnui


Ariother author admlta *'If Ibtr* Es otw Ihint on whkti id

llnguEsta ere fully agreed it Is. thai tbp proWem qf iht orlpn erf

tiuman speech is 3iUl unaolved. '" On page 516 of the aame volume

H la stated that "the problem of the origtii of language doet n>^

^jnjt of any Batisfactory solution/'

VVhen some of the beat acholart of linguisUcs thua opaUy confm

at ^wing baffled at the origin of languages . why Tif>t pay a tittle

jnoTt serious and sympathetic attentiori to ihe consistent and

categorical Vedic tradition that human civfliiation began with i

head-start given by diwiiiy itselTby creating ibe first Few geflftratiora

of human beings equipped with tbe Sanskrit language and

^jjmprehensive Vedic Imowledge about running humiui affairs with

all their arts and sciences.

All Alphabets DeriT'e from a Slnele Source

Kegarding the alphabet in particular L.W.King. S.H.Langdon,

F.L.Griffith. W,F-Petrie. L.A. WaddelU E.Buttows. CLWooUey.

G.A, Barton, Sr E.A. Wallia Budge. E- Burrows. HunLcr. A.J.

Evans have alt tri&d unsuccessfully to wrraik with the problem

of the original alphabet or alphabets. An Italian author David Dringar

haa tenutively concluded (on page 195 of the English translau'on

of his book titled: The Alphabet! as a sort of a nuiahell finding

that 'In dealing with th^ history of the alphabH I include all the

alphabets, because ^ of them probably derived from one original


In the fomvord fP XI) to that iBOk Sr EUi» Minns observa

"Our auLhor provea with a new completeness the ftstonfahmg rirt

thai almost certainly every Biphabevc wiid^g of ^ny ^f>^derives from one source, md the obsc^ir^ saipt^w^ Z? Ji

is a fascinaUng T^ult. U is so rare in life tM so sweeping «

ftiRvcdA IkUjJi^ 10 all Kum^nUr

to the c«„t«W of m »bove cond^aron. .W t^ on^n of

tlJJ P.ia. Tho Story or LflnguJip*. Undon.

Page 78: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Mom. PTimp

^^ ^^ ^ ^^ TesiainenL, %ve rftay safely no* ^^




Tk ffTrtwflf to " ^^'^ commufuly In Ihe above quwauon

af courw not nahl because the wrm Ai^ra signifies Vedic cuJUi,,

,(1 ao( I r«* or flMDinuniiy. But for that little Haw ihe n,ai>,.nd flcH I r«* or «MT)inunily. PUt lor ....,« ,taw irw niai>j

jHrnim in ihe abov* extraci ibflt the Rigveda Is the oldest boolt

or Uw whcte vorijf. is absolutely right. And Rlgv^da maiks tb?

beg1nnin|orG<»d K^vw knowledge. Sanskrit speech and the Sanskrit




Saoilu-ii the GommDn Language of

Another scbcJpr. K.H. Wilson haa observed "the affinliies of

Utc Swipikrit iBiiguBgp prove the oommor origin of the now widely

KStLered nsijcns amongsi whose dialects they are traceable, and

rrndcr tl unquesticRisble that they must dl have spi^ad abroad

from sQine cenird spfli in that part of the globe first inhaWtedby tnpnkiiid emirdij^g to the insured record/' ^'

•n«iB a number erf Western scholara of several nations tendtfi ™tude tbtil the Vedaa, Ssnskrit largue^ and th« Sanskritalpfaibft frnn the vei^ core and root of all human civilization.


'liJ P2UJ. nteTtfcW- .



Evereince India wss overrun first by Muslim invaden ard tatcf

by Cltrisiian powers ensULved Hindus have been so tborqughly

brffln>va5hed as to deni^te themselves end assen tha^ tbeir Vedic

anceslors knew nothing, faf Instance, about Qie blood -circulation

systwn in the human body or that the earth was round and revolving

etc. until European Christians told them about it.

These are only a few typcaJ Instances of the dangers itiherent

in bring tutored in hj stories written by one's own enemies.

Demoralizing a victim by continually dinning into his ears

venomous prop^anda that he and his ancestors have be«n

good'for-noihing fellowa is a Ume-wtjm method of psychoDogiaJ

assault used by aggressora in addition to alaughier ^ the sworf

and conversion by threats, torment or temptation. Such denigi^^w

often forces the victim to commit suicide. Hindudom hw bew i

victim of such motivated pstychological assault for the lut l^i

years (712 to 1917 A.D). 'Hie claim that Pythagoras. Camfo,

Coperrucus and Newlon for the first time di^overed certain «f^

scientific truths which were otherwise unknown Uj hiimanity u <

typical sample of that dangerous. demomlinniE p«pi«iuiJ«^ ^ "

not. however, realised by the originators of that propn««^« '^^

thdr assertions i^veal ibelr own ignorance about pre Oinsiitui


They must also realiie that since tht Vedafi coasUlut* a dMiH

Page 79: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

p^^ ^T|" m-lth J Ci«a some valuable tofoi-niauon

. j(j,^'c (urtpi (li3a/8) which states Ihat ihe «»lh Is

.Jll hJ^ a is niuffili«t«) txy ^»« 5un and Lhe other balf

He Sfliiir mwJwiisni mftkes thfi onrLh iwolve i/i the skies.

Pivwii toow Uul b the same syAi^m.

In 0» millkknjTir nndmt RnmnyBn (l^alkflnd, Sarge (50) il

tllUI4d :•

w^ ij^ ^ ^3 TOPPprrR^. Ij

' In ihf hrtivGin toxoid the Zodiuc are innuinerable spiirkliTKg

io undwiL Sanfekiit Lvj&t In iba uunojjt dtiuiS.

In fw cTTidmi ifimUtu would do wtll la look for soluUonff

for thilr |in>bWmi m iHe fendinl i*aNkrit t*]rtu.

^ J' *!!?.^"^"^ ^"^' ^*^ ^ ^^^^^ "mentions lhe incllnalft?"

11(5 Bndpnt Vedic tecTmoloffJcal camfwtiiiiujn knnwn ugilpBSomhEla desdiben lhe leiivsMpe thus ;

IT? 'PBff JTIWI ^ ^-f^sW? II

qj^ffl^ :7^ f^ -W^imwi I

gjmJjJiUfcll 41^^Jl(J*rJHHIL

"Ftrtt rnanu^ctut* g^ass IhrXKugh rooisted ^rth. fa ttiMB

fflssSM at either end and bi lhe middle of a hcJ)ow tube. Wsis ag useful os iho turi -yantra in observing diaunt celesUal bodies.

In VuUhcshilt t5'l-!6) Kanaad on andeni VediesdmUal wrilea

that a plK(r of iron Ifflps at a magnei because of an unseen farcie.

A Silpa SemhiU Sanirkril manuscript in the Join lihraiy et

Mlinpif in Gujfliflt de^crih&s how a Dhruv-Mftlij^fl -YwiU's may

be mode. It also describes how a LhermomHcr mjiy to nude with

Itie help of meroiry* thread, on and water.

Another inandsoiipt known W Siddhunta shiromaol nJso

il^cribfls fin Bnci^t theiitiometer*

Ancient a.i.ronpmica) ti^ifse* describe how * Lin.ect«:k sha^

\m a man, peacock or monkey filled with sa/id helped to m.Mur^


A b^ometer wm also In u.^ In anel^t tin.« wW^^» »^^P^

to pnrficL the approach of storms or monsoon.

Au Immobile

An ancient Sanskrit t.^ known a.^'•'"^^'""t.^i'^X

a wooden horae ow^ed by king Bhol which used U> travel

Page 80: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

^ i fMi "tvk'h used 1(1 roWr wilhaul maniidhH^

^-i thipp] If^f • P*^**-"^^ 3C-ipture Bha^Bi (\t^t^

Ap^nt V^ twhnolflttiMi unw^ sourws were of eighl Idndi

fM. (U MKtow run m riertiidtj wpfs knovai as Shaktyodgatni,

03 MvhtMt nninin« wilh Hicq^ pittduccd from nutural elcmenlj

Hcfa B vKfT OT fill 99tt known fl3 Bhoot'Vaba {3} Mschinn

rifciefe iiwa 10 run oi rtwjn were known as Dhoom-Yan (4) Some

inni w>Bch f«em lo dE<nV« Lh«iV iMwei* fiXim 'g^m?' wwe

n Swrjikant or Oifindrakimt (a) Thtre wer^ machmps which

opfniid with iir power. (6) PanchShikibi mHchinej ui«J

in fus an al (prtrel. jl!»«l etc.) f?) Mflchines run with nnHtf

(B) kbduis run wlih rriBpHEc power*


ftiibi KatU b Di imjxjftini ancieni Sansknl l^xt dealing wiih

w^Htficttii of a/munenis such u lines and field pins.

^**«"«fi" FUv^ having maJe a life like Sita wWch

^WiUBcrlpts. One of the volume, deelt with ihs mecJuariftm. af

HjepbortPB aad another frith Lhe proc«s of mummUVlna buJIti.

ShukraNe&lL chapter I, ttianTu 367 refora to th* techniquv

Ijy which ft kiny coutd acquaint hinaaeir of a happening 20,000 miles

j^gy uffthtn a day»

Waief from Moan

A (natural or synlhelsc] diamond known as Chandrakoni-MHiil

vva used to pi*oduce medicinfll wat*r wiib the hp^ of momti^hi,

to vlinlniater lo th? sick.

gusriit'i slonze A5tZJ r«fer^ ta this proce^ bs under -.-

*Ji*Kiki<4H. wiR Smw %TT i^ fi

TIlHr mediaeval Muslim chronick Ain-e-Akbari also refers (on

p^ 40) to a shining white Moonstone wtikh when exposed to

moonlight drips water*

Ancient Sanskrit Lexta mention ctouds flm! lightning tetng }2

yojenas from the earth in the skies-


Mention ia also found df Sun spota In the Ramflyuu when

Runa ed(b<^se? Lak^hmon thus ;-

(Yuddhakwd 33^9)

f^re Worship

ThB fire sacrifice illas fire-worship v^hJch accompanied *vwy

^odlc ritual and Mramony l» knovm to hav* had st l«sl thn»

PHysical Cenvtronmentol) eTfecta nameSy T'l-'l^ftf '^* "^' ^^^"*

voUiile uemi] anjj h«lpln»t cloud fonnntion and rain.

Page 81: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


iu»ue« ot ilmif dMtraya euerylhina. [f by ^fi^^

buj «k I* kpt 11 «n"^^ ^ Metiriried. V^t riWi media did T»pan tb.

Tlw miwrJ- t» 'JiBl-

buj «k I* kpt 11 «n"^^ ^ Metiriried. V^t riWi media did T»pan tb.

"•IfTrfa^ baiter* ^r* *hcw In ih» \uh M"'-^



One's oiresiK^it Has * CDmparntivcly very short T5.Tig€. Ai l>»

distance increoses, objwi* a«m la fade out. arnl be^wJ « nti^n

limil notNftK is visfble at all. And yci for tar nway Iwymd Ihe

rfljng& of oiw's siulriL thinKs fijdsi and ^wnLj do hufpen. y^ one

doesn't take any cogntemcf tff Uiem.

The same ru^o operates in hialory , Potttgs of ttfMterKcnmUmu

fade out. or public memoi^y and become unloiown ic wvy lUnwdinft


Bui in such case? the remedy Us nd in bulnn tifw's thlnldEV

on wftet one sees only with one" 3 pJiysK^I «ye but in flAiuntCfiUnf

one 3 capacity to look beyond wjLh ^ help of more powcrfu! a^

such 39 a mkroseope or letlesrope.

lilttiiwise b bistot^. Uf reoffl w reconstnict iht mnti of t3*

unknown (jcftoi-ationsonehfls to stretch one's im^^n*ioftmi d<M**P

one's ability Us lake an overall view of human edslfftw ind bt

able to draw tnrerenccs from flneJ<:^es.

Ui U3 a^M ourselves the quesUon (hat since humanity hw liwl

tui Ihia jrflobfl far Mllkma of years. la '^ |«»sihle that the l^^'^^™"

-'^-.dlluir nnd fcechnoloipcdl ftdvjin«mf>nt that w hive *'"**™

fluHns Lht tasl m y«tra never occurred mriicr? A i*:fwd trf

^^Itsirs in ih* illiniitflble slr^tch of time is "ko a mere fleeUng t^ai*

Page 82: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


IM^j^j of industrial, seienirflc ,^^

«**"** "*^(wondP trtvet -craft,

myslery missiles ana

^^^ rpfff*** '^

^.^^gj like thflRsmayan. the Mahabham

1 ^1-^* ihsl Bithaeotcjffcal finds tiflve nol j.>sUned any

« jr«d Firstly. couJd H be *aid that w. bav^ d.^: th. ^.|^

"Crf u» »nb ^y^^ ^'> 1^^ ^«1^'^ ^'^'^ '^ ^ ^^

L thirt iiT na more .rthB«logicil remsins ^ be dJsa vei-ed ?

S^auJQy, b it i»t possible that t^ist^id lump9 of mels: forming

jBrti arndeiL nwchanjcil devices were actually found in dl^^u?

but *ffT tfvwlwlwd as beiTis iaconseqjentiBl lumps ?

ITimny. Kane indent nwchanical devices bsv«. m facL, b«n

found Wt hm* nisi been ^vmi due importance fiiitl publititi^. For

irtstwiH 1 3M0 ywr ancipni bfiUery dug up frtinn the Baghdad r^on

End capiblt of furvcMoning even now has been on dssplay in severs!

EQiopHn cmnuiei-

Fou[iKl>' U» icantlfic advincemcnl ur th« Ramayan iiid

UHubtiBT^ periods ! ta andwii a [ihenomenon that lemnanls of

ihBf iMchKicil devices couldn't be eiKpected lo sui'vive for our


?H^h Ih* extreme heat under the esrlh's surfsee, ftfessure

of ti« PDCka fend ihe freeing t^rrperature itt icy r^'ons may have

mid* Uie lurvtvft] qf ancHfri mechanksJ devices unto our own timealatponltdt.


^UyjPoS^^KHtt h*ve come arnibt tbe cunoue pheriom^non

wh^r™ "^ ^»C ^ =tb one comtfl ecrass nrst, rr^cKa.

h1rr:zrc:^iT "^^ ^^ '-^ ^^^'^s«w«i Do thi twweH of the «rtb undergo iwH**'^

' 9 turmoilai add ui>snt9 which drsw Em the upper laywp(jf(Viil?io<^ ^^^^^ ^^ jj^^g^ jj^g^ ^ If g^,,^, ^^^ cflnvulgiofla


^^ conaUntSy taking place Inside the enrth all

*^^^*r" cal remmna of ancient ages would naturally be drawn

jrchae^loSJ^^^^^^ ^ ^^j ^omo IndistSnguiabable.lf potaberds

[pBjiB P"

which ?urflve for any iteKlh of time thai l«

b^6U» thoy a. e mot e recent.

1^^ factors which mflitate ag^nat a strict archaeological

Therefof* in such ca!?M anaVoBJcal hislorical logic and andeni

"l^ (however mystical of me^c^ they nusbi occur u> us)


In that short-sighted historiisJ (radiilon (mentioned hiy us in

ihe opsins P^^ ^^ ^^'^ ^'^"^^'^^ European wrilti*s have tended

ifl boost European scientists as pioneei-s in human history Snce

iwr enUre educational set-up in the modem vfofid is dominalfld

bv Western concepts that <jlainn about European scientists having

been the Tirst of their kind has generally rein&ined ujicMJeniH^

ArtCl«i Vtdk: Scicntiiits

Thai Claim must not however be accepted, Bhaskara. the ancient

avilhematician disco^^ered diffeiWlW calculus long before th*

E.rc^9. AryabhaU of the Isl century B.C. (if nci earUer)

ffltindat«l the rules for the extraction of square and cube rtots.

ariUimelica] progressing summation of series and the value Of Pye.

The famous indet^minale equation of ihe second d*?«r« ih^t the

undent Vedic Tnathematicien Brohmagupta was familiar wlh |S

^nsly claimed to be the discovery of Euler. In astronomy vedic

scientists talked of the dimensions of galectlc universe and the age

of the solar system. Thousands of years before Finslein sage y

^aJ spoken of 'digdeSBkfllabhedi' i e- Bnnihilation nf the difTerenc

between Urm* and space. European claims a«. then&rore,

»l«rl-alghted. In history too on* tends to regard events and rwrsow

'""w In point of time as bigger ihan those of * remoter flsi*.

^ rialiiy may, however, be the reverse-

l^refore, even as a hypothesis let us assume that when I ^

Page 83: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


^A h,iHoiis of J^ars ago, it equipped i^^ -^

frt-m IN- ^™_

^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^hp^n srtfindarda of phy,kji

K««1fiHf ?*>' E«a«d But I>c^ol>«S

^TTa, (ill human knowledge (ind txi^rtise has devolved ^rm

tht dlvfr* summit (and nol e^oUed from Ih^ cave-man sta^^)

i, borie «il by flii^eni Sanskrit lexU. Whichewr ih* branch rf

krn*|pdgp frflm music lo medicine, every masUr speaks oF lU

diwie oriBiti. Another du« is tlal no metter bow far back we

Twcli in tune every outhor sptflks sf a remoifif master. Nons cyoq

to be « poneer or gelf-UughL expert.

U ii bfibJtiiB) these days io look upon Ibe Greelcs as the pionKfi

of dvIKnllwi. Sdwitint: advancemenl BJdsUd much before we r«a

qf Creeks. Godfrey HiKsftns observEj "in science ibe Creeks ^hi

pismie? Whai would ihey have known of science . if thdr ITaiJrt

imd lyiiftpmiRes had not troueiaed Into Ihe East! In gcicnce ^pad leaminfT ibey w*re in^li^^^ lo tbt Orientals , and were the gre^^

linn vpon earth . They wilfuUy mfs -sUt^fd everythl n g or Ihey foolls'JJ

confounded everything. "^


iflipfinj adds ' themsnnar " s compasswas known lo the enderttt

And U was npfw Iwt enlir^Sy and always continued Vq be knfl'^

U) tht Chlnwe md ihe Eestem nations whence it was brougW l^

Euitqw fnim Cbinft by Mtroo Polt> and from th« Indian seaSn ob*i^

th* Hin* ti™ by Vttdo de Gom». Thm this knowledjjeah*»l^

^jjpjpBad by tbe undents, will not aurpHse anyont who^^Mt ^**"

learned work of Monsieur Dutwis, Sur lo [>cEDEncru

^^TX^^ A*^^'^ "**" Mod«rnes."'

"Manv persons hnve thought that the Druida and iht andJnli'

. Y^ the use of tclescopea. According to S^rabo, a laris*

jcjierai y^ g^g^ on the aummtl of the Temple of ibe Sun aL


li to refleci into the temple the full splendour kX its meridian

^^^^"^wWlst anulber of stll! leTTier dinnensicna was pliWKd on the^ '

gl Alexandria in suijb a manner a$ to refletl ships approaching

!l!!'nt a Breal disUnce, and imperceptible to th& eye- Diodorui

i^., .avs that in an ialand west uf the CalSac. the t>ruida brougM

TZZ^ M-n rear them... The sclent, knew th.t t^ Milky

L con^ist^ of .mall stars... the expression in .ne of the 1V^..

IftZ m^ appearing near the earth, is ^rious.-Sir W,ll^

Z"^ nu^ed by the iconoclast, of P.-sia, b^ c.u.e^ t^^

,l,e u^ Of solar ene^y in andent times wh^ in our own tJm^^

I, .r, m beginning to make some prelunlnni, expe^enU in

lis use.

Gun Pciwdter

•n™de,..«.™ 8«.u=int«l w^tl..... O-e art of «.*« P»

po,d«- or artificial lh..d«r «.<! Uifhlning. The ""^ »' '^"^

Hd ,ieMni.B which, io three et..mpt. -nod. t, ™\"^;kinJlod !« the r«« of the ln.»de™ ». they W^^^W "

^^^J°"tack with IO.S ,nd icmr both Xer«« and •'™"""'.-


Drvldical grove n«.r Ma«eillM ' that the grt>v» is "ft" '

«>d alran^^ly mov^, -d Iho. dr^adfrf

"-^JT^™ ^^Iti cuverti,, i«d that it is .omelimM in '"^^(91 P. Iia. ibid

ID l-.ll! Th. (Mic UnM., t, Brfirey Mlsilni.,

Page 84: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


"^^ »^ of the rW^i of Bel, phdnom^p of , ,^m^

"JT" i^.X*m«.tfor,ed. .Mr, Kf«.rice stat.. that th. TUn^^^vfnmr niruTir ^ powder e^on fmm tb*> most remcut,

r^r-- ;:^' -^^^^^ "^'"°^^""' '™' "'^-'^^^

1W V«tflS tWmselvi* wnlain Ih^ keys t^ iho most compUc„^

.rJ^Rttoi] 5^1*".^ «"^ .aley]«Llot.a. Those c^in b. deciph^

Z^n.,^^^ n,eth.m.tici^s with lb. .^u.Vc^ m^i^,,,

mncaitrtiion The lale Shankaracbflrya cf Pun hsJi demongirated

a En hi* ireolise colled Virdfc Muth.matici

Thai the Vedsa should conlain the kt^s lo fl« mgthcmntisii

oonTlcuoUons eppatrs plausible because the Vedas are lechnoloaN

compendium, of the cosmos tn which we Uve. Since th& V«]«,

wer* deliit-ET^ by divinity (Jong wtLh the inautjuration of human

life, high maihemnUi^ was known lo the ancients. This is apparal

fnm ihe figure called 'Lok' of lO'^ i.e. nmeieen zei-os' on W

wfaici has been a pan of humaji knowledge from the beginning

of the Lsrivare, and la not en invention of a few thousand yean

^0 u is genemlly assumed^ and secondly such an astronotmicjil

figore cqnnoia the hJKbc5t maihemalicol competence and Uie mosi

ODtni^kaied technobgica] requii'enients,

Vcdk SlMLULkl

In VedJc reciuLkmi the number of vfjrses is 10,580, ^Usbfe

l^Sa.K^ and lelten 4.32.000. Ski h a meticulQUS counl kept ffom

the leginnin^ of lime al^ Indicaies that the zero is not a laiter-da)/

mnn-insde Uivenlion.

K may Asn be noled Lhat as per Vedic tradition, ihe dufirtiPt

of FHsy Jlffcycl* it ^,320 milUon (human) years^ Th&i H^"k m rXBd multiple of the numlifr of letters which constitaie tl*

V»d». li ii*n ffvfti oanddefiM or Is Ihere some subtle relflti*

(41 hi. 1U n^ibid.


_.g \Fedic Shutba Sootras could contain the keya to ihehlRheit

-otnetricalcfllculations .

Unfortunately thej bj^ beinn currwUy

"^^Liied only a primitive significance namely Ihiil ihey r.qntjiin

V dimensions and methods Of sketching a pit and altar for a

Hficifll fire If some ijeometrical (geniua medi tales on tht Shulba

Crtotras he may be able lo deduce the hiKhesi geometrical tmths

fmm them. The ancierits are also knovn to have practised alchemy

and used mei'cury ^fiP^*^'' ^°^ p&wchng airci^.

It has been exptained elsewhere that terms ITke alofn en^ mclecule

re SonskJ'lt, They indicsle that nuclear physics was known in the

nncient eras- There are sevei-al other similar indications,Consider

the wards Manti^-Tonlra-yantra. Mantra is the ramida. Tonlra

Is lechnolt^ ania ¥antra h mechanism. Bui everslnce that highly

developed science and teclinoloey waa lost ItiMe three wordr

Mantra Tsnlra-yBnti-a have acquired only a mystEc, -«ot*ric

meaning. This is but naiui^l. for when the kernel is lost the empty

fihell appears U) be meaningless. Or at best il will be put to some

trivial use, as a me^-e receptacle for inslasce, ^3 Is what bus

happened u> ancient Hindu. Vedic tccbnolosy. The technique having

been lost the sumving tei-mtnologi- i» b«ri« allntuted only a

mythob^cal. ritualistic, esoleaic, mysHc. ii:H\aMS at spintual

siunincance. Thus for instajice, Vedic tradition retains a compendium

Of ancient lantric designs made up af squares, rectangles. ^™^ajii cii-cles all mlricately woven inio one another to fonn diffBtnl

complicate!, symmH.ical p»tl*i7is. Thcy could ve>y well be^noeni

eircuit channels for different technological devices, tr our own t^me

we hevc such eneivy cii-cuits and channels in oui" radio an

ae^s, atomic reiatoi's and other.mechanEsms-

All these cJ.'cuits will appear to be meaningless diiy£nims devoid

<^r oU practical use if thaV technoloKj' is lost for some rfSSOfr

FOf Instance, if our pelml aoui^es suddenly ilry tip our auLomoDi«

Page 85: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

.™J rirmfX t«hr,.l«y w,ll ^1 came lO » dend t,«lL -Ri. ^mj^

t« useless YA their shapes arwl enfr^ch^uTls and on^.U,^^ at^^

uKl wergy potenUal Ingeiing in pubUc memoiy will a,-(juae a sensa

««p^ bafiflcss boBSt la cUier matter- of- fact people.

A simBte ihmir may be sensed about the lerminologica]r^f^,

BTVediir i«hnc!oisy thai survive tot%.

Tlie Thrive Anirtenl Nuclear HciWtori

Tike (fie ingtanct of ihe Hindu's tradiliona] t-evercnce far iht

12 tegcndaty cenircs of SJiiv worship known as Jy&tii]fn^s. n«nimt d" tftfse 12 sre Somnalb^ Mallikarjuji. Mahanka]esv!'4r,

OmkEfsnt-ar. VafdyanaLh. NetgnaLh, Kedaj-eswar. Tayambakeswir

BimK^^r. Blnfemashankar, Vish\vaEi^h and Chrlshnc^war.

Evwy orthodox, devout Hindu harboura a feeling of ifreat,

mptctfyl aw» lowards LhoM Shiv sbn'nes. Evei-y pious Hindu

OMBiiJera himseir hjcky it be can pj^y at each one of those ancient

aN temples si least one* In a Iffcttme. A visit to all the 12 givfis

FPKj dfvout Hindu a aense of sphitual fulfilmenl.

White II his been universally assumed hithtilo that those IZatv enilil«fli 51V objects af mere esolerie. spiritual homage, Iheifl

"^^^inemdloilons Ihai the Shiv emblem atomic™™_^K» ,n,n,mo,iBJ pasL Thej-eare innumm^ble firesistiblfP""!* of id«V,iy bolwferi Ih* i^o.

wW^'J^t^ Tl^^U^^ 'Shiv^ means hIissM,

•iU, Lh* of B tncrfftT,t

' "^^ ^^ " Shivlfnu is idefltltfl

A* «ri-I*™«]{,^i* ^T"'

"^^^ *^ iHeL at Trombsy in rndra.

of tahrtb^ »^»au.mlc reactor unit ^ives It Lbe look

If >nod»ni ^yij^u, »j_^<« ^«% lb, «i«^ ^^^«"X Hfll^ble rrethods and Instilments

'^ tne,^pj-odudion omLres ofi^

a tntttlo" y^ors fl«o. they would do well lo have the 12 l^coiny.

jjfljpgflsites tftsted. H. N. Shukk of Puna haa done it,

0ri a closer anelyais of the Sanskrit term Jyotfrling, it would

Ijgfound to connote litwaHi^ nothing but an atomie reactor. In

SsnskT^t the word 'Jyoti' connotes the aWmmisrinE light of cosmic

,pj5sea au^b B» stars. ThU suffix iing" implies productivity a^aa

gpfBductive ener^-ifenerator- ThereforCi the term dyolirlinu

connotes a mechanism uenemting cosmic energy.

"Lord SbJva whom the JoyUi'ling symboltzea is also known ^TVyambakesb I.e. The J/ird with thr&e eyeg. T^e Gi-eek ttrm Bacchus

Is the truncated tast syllable of tbe name Tryambakesh of Lonl

The third ^ye, usugJly closed and invfsibte is auppcged to he

hidden instde the middle of Shiva's forehead. The Creek lesenda

which talk of giants called Cyclops ha^-inH a wheel -like ey? in the

middle of the forehead are based on the Hindu Shiv concept, ft

is also believed thai tbe interior of tbtr mid-foj'ebead sbdtei^ the

key molecule ( what we call the 'soul') which controls. goveiTEa

and determines a per$on's life and physique-

When Shiv j$ moved to ivrath His third eye opens to let out

a Jet of lustre which dazzles and destroys the univei^e. Thai

dratLuctive lustre is what we call nuclenr enej'^*

I»ord Shiv is the repository of that degiruclive ener^ b«ciuse

lr> the Hindu Hrahma-Visbnu-AIahesh tifnity, Nraheah is Uini

SHiva-the d&stnoyer.

At tbe same Lime the term Shiv (n Sanskrit imji^ies pearaful

Wi33 and well-b^ng obviously Indicating that tbe efm-Ri' that lies

Wdden inside Urd Shiv. can he used foi- |>eaceful purpose too.

^trarily. SMvas destructive role Is apparent in symwiyms such

^ 'Mahakar irtqaning *lhe gi^st destroyer' and Mobsprslayankarf

'* the one who causes calaclysinic destruction- Thu* the names

fiilfls atttlbules of Urd Shiv will be foimd on analysis to be indkativ*

^^ both the ptoceful usi^ as well as the dc3lt*ud,lve pcrteotUI of

Page 86: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


ft c*i wril b» ^Tsualiied that kwpers of nny atomicrtt»t^

CDoW turtof I l««k ^ iL to scoi-ch the wor Id ff Ihey fet] ^rj^p ^^ « «n r.giy Lord Si^^'i can open Hi^ invisible thj^ ^te d«lrty t^ cosmos.

T[»moSwn Ei^fliTh w^ord ' power * used for elect deal or nucWflur©' a, in fKt> 1 Ii[<ni3 iranslalion of the Sanskift word '


n* Sinthrit dHiviiion ' shaakla" applied U> devoiees of Lord Sh'bi

mi Ws fflnsort ihe urnible pwlJess Kali, also signine* rudtsr

]dtysa^ vho hsjidl^ Ihe production of atonnic ^ergy.

BeouK Lonl ShJv s^Tnbalizes deslruction Wis usma\ sbod? qIbt ertffntorium. "Hwr* H? squats wiLh His bare body smeflrtd

wiUi »h. immersed in de*p jneditation. His consort Is Kali aSaIknii. Choaiiika. Bhsgawati, Bhawani or Purvaii. She Es shownflaw wlilt lirge, buli^rnj q^ sUuinu In rage, Her red lonpwlusfi oil u though in insatiable hunger to devour all Tife» wlsBein W HjEiii hanil Is 4 blood -suibed sword. Under her feet ]]»>*«.«, bdptessljr trampled. Han^'ng f,^m Her neck Is a garl^of*^ in4 bona ^a^Haaj are ^sg known traditroflaJiy to ^-^*™> of birman bones ind skuUs,

W thi modem imt^ri [i-

^ ipeu nich«mmon Lo indicate hiyh e^m

*kiooK-bote T tf^ '"PP^rt'^B high tenaJon eJ^tnc wti«,

""«*» a»hu i^ . ^ ^ ^^'^""'^ « canyovci' of the andeni

^*"'* «- ^^'Jr^'"*^^ '^ '^ ^ ^^^^ I™'"^^'' "" *^

"*™ "l^*"! rbiaraL. w^^^^ ^^^^^> tradition was no*

n»«tbmprodtwJor. or nudeflr energy.

^'"^^-i-iW-niiniiffl. j^ r*" "^ devotnea because they we"*

""*^* d<«. fo*«n tT ;^i'* «Mn:h in complete iaolfl^=^

«T«uao Tt^ta,!^"!*^ amgna them we.* kno^""

•^^*«*^ fiwi UwaK^**^;^'^''' ^hnicians and tantrami

*** 'Ttntram ie. ttch clique-

-j^ current mwnlnB of mentm^ Bip,ifying , ^lTrt(Uitfition when applied to Kience and twhnol^^ ^eoil fwintili

IveO Hindu scientist had tg learn an the manlTM 1.^, formutit

of tils branch of speciEdization by bean, m that he hed then, ill

Bt the tip of his longy he a doctor

. m^ter or nuclew acimtiit.

During a. protracted 1236 -year period of alien invMtona arid

rule when the ancient Hindu ocademic Hnd scteniific seL-tip via

broken end burnt, whsl survives it now as Shiv worship could

be symbolic of ancient Hindu nuclear eiqiertise^

En*rnr Gviieration

Sanskrit chants of specEsiized Shiv worship known b? Laghu

Rudrfl Slid Maha Rudra rould as well be codified formulBe of the

ancient Hindu nuclear enera' production technique. That code needs

to be split and probed into by modem nuclear experts f who should

be Sanskrit scholars] throi^h meditative concentration'

Tilt Lttboraio<r7 Fire

The sacnfieiul fire which Hindus Invariably U^jht for all rituals

ooTjJd weU be the laboratory fire of ancient scientists.

EoerEir Circuit!

Urd Shiva *9 devotees known as Shkaktas and Tantrika preserve

a number of ancient intricate geometries] pfltt^^ms which tbay

reverently vorship. These th^ very significantly term as ' Yantras


le. machines alias 'energy cireuits". T^ose could w?ll be the

surviving design drawinijs of anient technical devices as we h»ve

printed circuit* of transistors and television seta.

A Shiving is traditionally rwiled in siandire valef below the

(Jwnd level. Over the emblem also hangs a pitcher whJciiconslanLty

drips wat^r over the Shivltng. The hol^ Canga is ulso d?pct*d as

flowing over the head of Tiird S&jv. Afl these indicate coriienssiicr

(Jp^cet. In our own tlma we know thai aD establishmentj which

eeneratc high i-nergy and heat need fljmsiwndins condiraiiiion

»™igerreiLs. The very fact th«t ShWIlng is sasodated with »

Page 87: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

"^S^ia^ <^ t^ ^""""^ aymtKjbE/ig a nuclear racior.

^^^ ^«.«»L^iv* cataclysmk aspect <if aUimJc enei^,

^ r, *1« m«y comm^^or^le ibe moon landing of ibe anc[^^

Wrtdr^ rvp«t. itjrif .il is q^i^ J««5i^'^ ^«^ "'"^ "^^^ ^°^* '^''«^


PotHinDia Eooir

Uma amr is Vniwn U Kwikanth te. (We wlsoge throat hsa

turned Uji* (with " Halahd ' poison) - Thai 19 indkm ive of the hiuh^y

jK^flinia ftudwr e?wgy bald captive in th* ihroat of nudw

Tte deadly cob™ ctMling iround SJuva's neck ard raising its

fafid hood owr Ij^rd Sjivi's heed, is also another indicaUon

Shhfi'f wpy form (t aiso laiown aa BhaJrsva which ts 1

compijund ffT two SBJiikrit words ;^-R) 'Bhaya-rava' f.fl. OWpniduang t terribl* sound, fitm modem expenmce we know thst

im oonic UhL reiulu in a desf^tiin^ scmnd.

In thjB em«t It™y bs pdjitcd out thai to oonttnue to belIe«H

M btremfort. Uut indenL Hindu Vedtc and (rthw chanla are msfeaptHMJAl Inanurtkntt b 1 miitaJc^,

^rr^i;;;!!^*'*'*^ ^ '"^^^-^^^ ^yB^bie. i^ na own ^

fiwrntjAw«?n*smwijr jnw( techtiolagfCBl atLtfntnmt^. On!y iheir

dieolofPC^'melapbysi^ ^'^ spiritual chcracier ts known h far.

It is. therefore, that one hears of Bteat and wise tiees in hoary

frrndii tradition devoting thenf) selves aU the Ume la Vedic chanLs

nd studies and in sylvan seclusion keeplnif aeonstant laboratory -type

fire burning' Each 3s«e and seer ran hia own academy. He had

wj own group afid following of davptcd atudmts and diadples.

The fad that the ancient Kindus bad attained mastery In

patronomical niBibemalics, physical culture (through yoga and brtath

a3(it™!)» medicine tAyur^'ed)^ architecture and UMn planning

shfiyld be indication enough ihet they had reached a high sundard

fff advencempnt in all branches of learning. 1»cauae aU learning

is int«rd&pHident. Mortover. in the seethtnu mass af biimBnJty

the brain ceUs of each indl^fldufd attain an insigbt in ihrir own

pet, cbosen Held of learning. Thtrefot* if tltnduj bad flttflined

remarkable mastery in the branches of teaming mentioned above,

they must have attained a mastery in fiddg like engineerinff.

teehnology^ aeronautics and sp^e travel. Sicb deductions pbcrtild

form part of rieaeareh methftdotogy.

Some of tbosfl lecbnologiral texts are atilt avsilflbV Tt may

ilso bo noted tbat on the pedegut of the Shivling are cnrvid ripple liiw

semi enrptical orbits which are indicative of the movemenl* or atomJc

partidea like protons and photons . The ^ ons 'en ding of those won! 1

ia the Sanakrit teiin 'anu" ali^ 'n^oos" gignifying an ^itumle

particle'. Those rippira arr? indicalivp of the prKSsft of nudffir

flifiiiofi inside the ShivUng.

From t,me Smmmorial the Hindus also haw an el-borate nuclear

i and other scientific) tertttinology in usj? in ivetyii^y li^e Just

« the miy^m-n educoUsd yoMth talks of particles like ih* n«)lecjd«*

tom, photnn. prouin and neulran, the Hindus hiive b**n itikm

of parelld Urmi llkv anu. ti;nu and pnrfljnanu. In fact dveo Uw

"^1^ molwult, atom mid mlHsDo ore Sonstait ^f^^

Page 88: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

ItoJjm wiiinm II* dumpinif nudeet wbhUm in thg »^ ^

gi^nflr i0«*opmarrt ii fworded in th* MahabhErnt. The Ygd,^

uititad^ KriihM f«rfdof the ronscqumoes of b nuclear niJ^j^

fya^ ^ iJfwf rtVion pawdcred' h snd dumped Jl [ni4) ih^ ^Jli Ih* fltflO »««. Iti^ p^w^w sproy^<>d spawoed. During a druni(^

bnwT Iht Vidf^ upiwiwd ihat w«d to slrike one nnnltier wi«,^

In ffi (ntemwnnf fwd which prDwvJ fnUl to iheentlrfl Yndava inV

Tn tW MJisp rtW<in ^s locai«d the famoua Somnath shrine, ong

Of Uw 12 Jyof iHiriHfla , Thai cwld have been one of (lie H^cirint

Xante fT*nor».

IVnitw* of aivt emWemi complete only a 3/-ith round of

ilw pemnbylatkin. TVidilion enjoin a Ltn?m to turn back from the

ShJvi wunhip water outlet- Tiey are not supposed to cross that

wMtC'Wiler I'hanne]. 1>ij» dearly implies Itaal ihe waste water

emt^riK from l^p ShivILrtK (r^AClArJ bang radioactive should rxit

tw mjuwd. OtniouHly Shivttny rmcton used to lei ouL rDdioactfi^^

A tdttiUric n?otni1l7ier also Qsed lo be provided- Namely whenI Chsnard (dpfnoninc Ksn^oyle) is pieced ol the oull&t and ii»

»w wHier 41 chiuindlcd throush St. devatws miiy freely crosi

Mw wiiw chifuivi to oompkie thi- ix^rBmbulalion circuit. Thb ti

ctair. QNTdboniUvQ rvl^ce thul iht andeot Hindus had devised

> pdmUTK- nbdH^ known b9 rrbrund by which th*fy could neulnJiMlornic wflti*. -Hw dfmonloc countenance of the Ghanjnd gargoyleii Dw ^mirioul Inumuch as ihe mechanism which could 'digest'na twuralte the iemotiiBc efft^ts of raJiation must itself be


J"^"^ H ki w^H Known ihBt lh.r Kaha in Mt^ca in Saudi

^JjT '^"'^ ^^ "^-^Plf Thm the current peramUulrtiion

«»«H. only^^r,^^ "il,.,lo.kwi.a f,^m the waste wator

wirtmt foiw. U k ^^*"***"«':ovi!r«l with e lush gFW"'***«W* thnt Ihu miNhnudlina of the ShivUnU


^_^^, fn tbe K-ba. as a r«mll of lomt invafibn lumsd Anhti

Iriu)an trid vmie^

Since AostfBlia too is n somewhat sSmnar desert li wo«id b«

i^orthwhllB for scientists lo search for ih^ site ofm ancfert Shlvliny

(Ujmic reactor in Australia. Nuclear ph^^slcists jnary atao t«l ih*

Aujtriliar ard Saudi Arabian tetralng to iscertain whether thery

j^vwl B^ience of oncFent nuclsr deslnicticn,

jUndu epics are repJete with descriptions of the fwiuent use

of farf^l miasnefl. The very fact that ttie^ were used in such

ibundance proves Ihst they were manufsclured and sloctti^led In

large qusnUties as Riisaia and Atnerica ere doing now The parsOel

rivarly in the ancient world was between the Devas and DaJtyas

M rtcorded in several ancient Sanskrit lexta.

Home too must have had an ancient Shivlin^ reactor because

Shfve worship used to be widely prfl^3e<3 in Ttsly.

to IndlB the Taj MahaJ a!ia$ T^Ja MahaJyt befng an ancient

Shiva Iwnpte could very well symboUie the site of an andmt atomic


Worth of Singapore In Mataysie Is b cJty called Petaling Jays.

That Is the Sanskrit term Sphatikling Jayan ' J.e the hig ( huge)

crystid ShivDng. True to Its name the ancient Shiv shrine hat b*«i

JOHted ill archaeologtcal excavstion in the Cfnlne of the Gnricnl

city. The temple was invaded and razed by Arabs who converted

the Ma:^»lo Islam.

Such famous Shiv shrines around the world as in Roine. MkcbBJiti PE(il[njf Jaya testify to the pwduction of divine nuclear wieivyAnd the spread of advanced l«rhn£5loKy und sdentlfic techniques

"^rlng tti$ mndii dispensation in tlie ancient worM.

"^p sacfed 12 .lyotfi'llnji ti'flditifln now survhrjnjf In India could

** ^ condensed national commemorative veriions of a worWwid*

^^« techrio)<i^ of ancient times, tbertfore researchers mayJTiIno ihp a4!veml aspects discussed here to determine wbHher^f ttehnolouy believed to be vei-y modern, is in fnt-t veij very

Page 89: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



M»tfm, EoTTTO C<«K™mf Siysicm Also Num^^ 'SIVA'

In liiis (7on[*xi it may be not«l Ihal it h perhaps notffterf

•* •"—' r-' nut IfWf^

coinddFn:* bul the thread of an incomprehensfble conlinuaywhidi

bes impc]tpd the 1>eparU73tHtL of En^rKV Laboratories, Uvenmjj^

]JSk ic nam** iheir USER beam generative system as SIVa b^^u^J

of its imm«iM destnicuVe fls well as beneHc potenl.jal.

It could even be that nuclear technobgy hss been secretly evolved

by Wwtem scholars by Isboriousl)^ decoding Hindu Shiv worshiB

,<±iirTlf tiuil diagmms curried sway durms Bi'itisli dominstioti


Hindij Vedic tradtUon lists five kinds of Shivlings ^rr^^pondjnii

to tb* five^ cowmic elements namely earth, space, water, wind end

1^. Whether they nepFesented five different technologies of

generatu^ nuclear energy ma^y be bvesltgated,

'n» trident is Lord Shiv's tTBditional weapon. Whether il

reiJreieflU a three -prt^nued lethal -force may also be looked into.

H oould be ihai all such traditional details hsve au educathe


it ii gfiffli eigued that ancient technological achievementa of

the kind discussed ahove are either scientific fiction or were attained

thiwj^ spirtLual magic but they couldn t have been the result

olmechonica! dei-icei sEnce archaeological excavations have not yielded

any n^^chuiical gadgets.

in tti, ctKinecUon we would like to make several observations^^^ft may b. ^i^ that the ' menUl eye " U, logic «- f-if

K^JL 1"^ "*™^*^^^ *^'* ' ^^^V. Phyaicd iUustr^tJa^^

«nri^ or oclv JwL ^' '^' '^^^ '^ "^^^ ^^"^ ''^^ *'

«» «n ftoi4^ *^ ''" ^«^«. during daylltfhthoun

do «d.i ta U^lr^Li'"^- '^" *^ V« those mighty wcHdi

^^^ wd not like ihD gigantic burning orl>»

tfn^arthan the aun thai they are. Conafderfng t,\\ ihli, tegtc i.

better way of booking at'thlngp than the physical eye.

It is alfro possible that bits of ancient mechanical devit^eg aciuHjly

^e to somebody's liand but being in a very brittle, confetu

j^uon or through lack of technological oomiwtenee thi^ escaped


Many such posalbllities have been diacuaaed in tWe volume from

(irne to time. Consequently lack of archaeologtcait evidence must

n&t be pressed as loo strong an objection. Logic and the haWt

of history to repeat \i3^\r are some important guides to figurt out


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Ttie curreni Bssurnjrtion thai the histoo' ot humon progrea

h^iM fftim t-he oave man stage h not irue.

The V*dic concept is quite the conLrery viz. that at the start

bunwilty yvs$ invesied wjih fodly rapabilitiea*

The other assuTnptifm ihat the history of humaji progress is

I fbadily tiding graph also dc>es not appear to be ri^ht. Because

MiM}Ty must Lake cognizance of the Law of Fluctuaiing Fortunes

wbch affects all human affair? whether of one individual »communit]!/,

ngii?n OT ntvion. tike the wajdng and waning phases of the moon

Usicry follows a nuctuating course.

Equipped with this rrallzation one has to take cogni^anc? of

t«sl records and claims, /jidont Sonakril liter^lure is replet* ^^refe-Tice to wonder missges, miracle rays, Jntersteller trav^ sad

uioundtng medical cures.

Snce cument hla^ry-books were written by person^ *^*wiBresea

Vkiorim conce^M they had hiiherto dismi ssed those claim s in and Bfit

),« k^Prakrit litersLure u mere imeginaUve fiction. But recenl aclenUfif

nd iKhjiplogiaJ strides wem to be iraniflg the very ^r&ct o'

\nvm\iom which h« been deHi,«i«3 in andent Sanskrit texts-Tbifl

rtXKiM liwii:« torn* rethinking. W* may now have t^ revia* <3"^ '

«ri^ chBuvinlirUc view afld be B little mo™ hmnble and say ^^^

modem tdcnc* hsi j«t ttr to ^o to equal undent aehjeveniefl'*'

In th. m«dia] «taya. fg^ i„rt«i». treeuncnt Is getting progrW^^



expensive, tardy, enobbleh and yet les, »nd h»»

'"ti^ All a pat^f"^ ^» promised ii some theorrticel consolation.

^^f tenipotscypalliative and at times amputatfen of the painful


gonie rethinldng on micient expertise in modmi times In tne

Mi of scJence and technology may be traced lo KrishKijI Vinayak on I6th December. 1869. He took his diploma bi civil

Eatftneering fi^"^ ^^^ Engineering College in Pune (India) in 1S9U

Tn an article contributed to the Vedic Majuainc published from

I^hore K.V. Vsze expressed surprise that in hia entire engineering

course there was absolutely no reference to any scientific or

technCikigicHl expertise of ancient India.

Ctanstder the stupendous building projecte of the andent world

from the Pyramids in Egypt < to the Ta] Mahal and Konark in bdia.

Borobqilur in Java and Angkoi-wst in Cambodia. Carving whole

mountdkis and creating nrtisttcally carved statues, halls, coi^idor?

and mansions out of them as seen at Abu Sibel on the Nile, at

Bsfniyan in Afghanistan and Ellora and AJanta in India catled for

multUaiersJ technok^cal eKpertise. Ancient conduit water supply

systems K strong stone embankments known as ' ghsts ' at riversides.

lowering lemptes, forts and palaces, bridges and tqweri iml all

flw^ India despite a thousand years of destruction catised by Muslim

invasions. Yei no attempt seems to have been made to retrace

Wiat ancient expertise.

I« a talk over the Madras station of All India Padio on Febniao'

!!' ^^' ^^- ^^^ obseTVed "It is unfortunate that most of

e research work done ao far regarding ancient Indian architecture

Tfiytt r**^^^^ thorough knowledge of the ancient Indian languages.

*3i^By and religion would be the first essentia] for any correct

^hTo!^*'"^jec*"' The said speech has been published in the

^ ^aue of the Indlad Concrete Joufnur.'^

liveBttftn ofT^"

^^^ ^"^"" ^^ geometry only to the primiti

^^ oHck- lining of an excavated pit for a sKrifidal Hr*. or

Page 91: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

rta*tiin(f i tqattrv nreptt «moun« lo reducUo id ebsurtluni.

TV tO'OBeiJ wrii^a] JJ(i was itself an industrial and r«»^^

],h<r«ory nrthwofdfWfespecificaUons nulling frqm an Qrdi'

fbr to «leetnciJ ngnitiwi, tomic reactor end laswb««J

attWislinwil. This is apparent from ihe achievCTnenla and ntto

of prodwt* wcJi «s ttdopcal wespona. missals and n(ys d«^^in ffOfcni ]itfntui«.

VwB msdp a ptoneering irludy of that andenl sdmuneKtwvmvenL ind Tound ihai l\» tradJUonal claim of 16 sam^aid *4 techrokigiw »» t reslity. The ancieni Sanskrit Un »hi(},

dvnified ihcm ill ms kn<Qrtrii A3 Bhrugu-Shilp-SamhiU U. i

(Kfantegicd compnetkiii t^ Bhmpj,

tbe tabted" vicient Htndu. VedJc en^neenng prepared by K.V.

VMtii Snt divided inUi Uiree beads namE^y , exploiUUcui . difitrfbuda)

«nd irwiuf<ciur«.

EijMutkiin has three dMsfona viz Biology fof plant i aidrnd

Md human lifeJ, Hydrtuilcs and Minirtg.

Biology w« divided into thr« brancbes namely, procrtetioo.

nd nnftvre.

The divisioia of l^rsulics wer? Mcavslion . natu rtl , built . supply

Sfd draiiutBe.

'Wie ihne dB«s of e^qavaied hydraulica are ordinary weflj.

*epH ve!ii md dslanB.

t^ two dB»«, flf buiJt |jjd„^^(g ar^caruls and tanks.

^ ?*!!**'"** '**™™"'^s"^tlj vided into sion^. tbo*****

M^taf oi™i« fe,^,^^ ^^^ aldmiyon. iitl'rt'"*no Kpu-aUon,

^"^ <>»««*» h«d ihr* ijrwp. . meu]., bowlder* *^


jyjpyj hwl four gnKps-bTBM, gun m«tai. German ^v^ ^nidtel-

ye(^5 had tbr« groupagold. sflver. copper.

^OfK* tmrni' h"** *hfW diviatorK-bricte, gtass. lime.

"Twicer bumf included ccmsit tnd met^.

The "twice btunt'metals were pijuped at ^ kv], y^^ ^te^

Inv nd manganese,

Tlrt ^distribution' category wo da^StTied itto-m«rine.

ofoniiimcatlond and aeronauiica.

The jzisrioe dtvisjop brancbed irtto-rafta, boats and 3bip«.

CbnununieationB were sub- divided a9-rrad$, paib-vaya ami

Botia were emb- divided a»>metalledp p«ved uid dust tj«da.

"nie ^mflnufactwe" bead vss divided into-sbeltep. protective

ind townships.

' Shelter ^ was sub-divid^d into taits, huts, ooUagn tod

T« ^buildinga' category wae Fab-divMsd into-afaedi.

quadrangleg^ liouaes, mansfona and palaces.


The 'protective' group was divided into iwo frtwps-forta and

^ ««ot W43 fub divided as - " KniUJt * and * Aakar,

^Jw "aakar' head ia divided into - hamlet. viUagt, bofwtfh,™»- ^y. harbour «d metropoUs.

^^^^^' ctlegory was spUt into dvfl and mflitasf.

- ttnictur^ were dssiJled as outpojt, iMirttH. amp

Page 92: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


,^, ^^^ br.f.chi*-eMofWtJon. UJStrfbution end m^^f,^


aeroneuUcs, shelter. protecWoni^j

TV Issi cai*«ory was of " erU ' olifl^ technologMs.

A Ufl or^ i"«Hent Sanskrit texts dealing witti the brancbe

flf itutfy mmtfnned above was compiled by K.V. Vaze. It epp^n

an pBg» 16 to 20 of a book known as tliodt Shilfkashasira, poibliahed

^ ihe Hhirat IUIms Samsbodhflk Manda!. Pun«-4110;W (Indii),

Some of ihe tejits llBted in that pub! fcation are-V|ghw$medkit

Koth', Shsn>ih'&TimiJ. ShJlp^-deepEksK Ve^turaja-vtflab^,

Bbrup] - SiimMiB . Mflyamat, M a&nsaar, Aparajita - pniwWi*,

SimininBnna - Sootrftdbfir . Ka^byAp Somhita , Brthatpa rashariyi-

Khibl. NissfirahB, Shign]. SsurasooldSH A^r^ain Rairhuu,

Minufthydeyi Chanttrika. Rajagriba nirman. Durgavidkn.

V^uvidyB, YuddbaiayamavB,

Of ti* 18 MictKit tecbnologtca] Sanskrit texts flvanable. Kashyiji

ahnpun1 1 beUeved to be tbe sJiclenlmost. Its edition edited iiy

R.V. Vtxe wu pubyshed by Maridashram In Pune. Ita 2^8 pago

eomprift? BS cb^pterg.

AnoiJi^t«tlitiU«l Aryasbi]pa-Hindi Yajilrashaatra {?^hU^^'BMlsbuiri iUvjl Kfibteniaaar. K^ikapraflfld Press- Puna'2). T^

J«*^or ^ [«8« deals H^tb mechenifrms known b$ Bhfloyinm

"*™' '^•5^ y*ni^v Tejo yantra. and Mkagb yentra.

l*|*^hanismj btar ibe narreg of the five natural m<^~^ «r, cosmic tight and space.



1 acwtait tflxton *arrara, tilted PniBi;b*en Yuddha Vtayi (t«itb

f^ jgga ieailng wjth isctlce. wsapona. miBa1]e9. nreHnM«c.

Th-pnsannakumer A^ nafya has publiabea in En^h trwialMed

^jujBiinoUted edjtion of the Maanaaar Vastusbaatr* in Bev«n pma,

t WS8 an OKf'J'^ Univeraits^ Preaa publication of Pn^yag, It mq^

j^ tjl^iftLned freni the Sup^riatandent, Government Pfesa, AUgbabid,

Another text titled Mentra-ChintAmBiii by Chakr^dbar (puhyebed

ffprnMethura and Venui&si) deaJs with mecbanisma used in


Xhe Vedic Mags^itie tlihore) lasuw of October, KovembeT ISSft

eanied artides titlied Study of Mechanics from bdifin EngSneering


A volume UUed Vanu-as or Mechanlca) Contrivances in Anckjit

India, by Or.V. Hsghtavan has been published by tbetndi&n Inatitutft

of Cuilttire, BitsavangudliBa[i£a]ore-

Encydopaedia Britennica, Vol 14 (5tb edition, 131 f>) atitet

"Needles were Hrst made in En^nd by a native of India in 1545

A.O. But tlie art was lost at l)is deatJi. It waa, however, recovewl

^ Cbriatopher Greening In 1560 A.D. who was settled........ in

Bucks, where his manufBctory has been carryinK on from that time

Uj the preaenL day," Bui within about three hundred yeara the

rilusUon was quite the reverse and India had to Import needJea

frorn Britain. Incidentally tbJs also iUusirates how fori-unes fluctuate

«nd communities once in the TorefTOnt of aclftiu'fic. mat^al or

culluraj achievement are pushed back and come to hi classed bs

f«ruirant, primitive «nd stai^ant*

Iftdia'j ski]! in all lands of manufa^jture, India 'i ejfpertlst In


*^enc08 end arts, the exceDent character or her people and

'"^^a immense wealth were once the talk of the world. But

fotnmercial aiqd mfliury invasions rtwtilted in such plunder.

ItnP«»^rishmenl and enslavement that India soon became country

V «« SblvllngB 1P5 ^^^^ ij,i(, the serrtB^ *^^ *JthdesUtution, disease and death.

Page 93: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


^^, Sanskrit t^^» «n '"'"^S ^^ '"^"^^la ar,tiu^

jl N Bhflgwfll of St Xflvier's colloge. Bombayh^

4 t««it(i volume on Indfa s oncfpnt skills In j^^^

TV Imi^atfondT Instilule of Sanskrii Research. Mysor, |^

Si,ijM.»i«Min on Uie sirae topic

Somftsonptf 5(ffl>2as quoted her*a(nder from the ancient Sanskrit

<ttt ij'ifd i^'^i Yininimava alUrally Tbe Ocean of Mechania)

vSl^ ihtradft'M idea of its cornwits. :*


Tbi ^Hw irt«!ia deling a macbtne as a conlrivanw *

pn^ca HWiKf or cre$tfia movemenl with the belp of a levw.

iMky. wixhwl wtved or a ramp.

^ '"ife ^T^rm. 50CTT?b VJjf^t^ II

•^ *^ ^ ^ % feiraRi: It

Semarongan SMtrtidl«^

Chapter 31

""****<".if^' 't'e tWidfons of differeni >necl»nl'^


^ ffr inceaeant repetition of a »P*^



m3j^t oth€r moehlncs opcroi* al speetno times or st fixed


ggjj^^mechanisms bt« ttieant to produti, a arpeciftc Mund

or rcla^ or modulate it.

gome inacWnes aie for spedfic Jobs srtfl magrdlV or sharpen



Thd oydities necessary In an efTicUni machine ate cnumerst^

?ii^ ?TO??rT?t #^5^ ^it+iri^iiftL II

tK<h lM<r^^rH . fT; Ri'l^ ^t H

namell^ : <l ) it should preauce the necessary mergy at the required

time for its operation. <2) lElnaiire proper cooMination. C3> Its

^forking should be smooth, (4) The contrivence sbouldn "l reqiiii^

congtanl supervision. (5) R should be able to etisure imintemipted

working. C6) its worWng should aa far as possible be without stress

or Btrsin. C7) It should give out as Uttle sound or niake as little

noise as possible. (8) At requiredintervals it may sound thenwessary

loud warning signals. (9) Tha machine shouldnH be shaicy. loose

or rattling. (10) It shouldn 't stop or get stuck up vrhfle m uae^

(in Us strttps ajid other parts should be an inte«ra] Pirt of the

machine. (12) Its working should be continuous (without sbreaK J.

03) It should ensure the desired result. (H> The neeemiy t^^n^

or change in the mangfactuKng proceas should be ^"toi"*^- ^

Jta procesaes should follow in priaperly phased sequeaces- w '

Ihe end of a process the mecbamsm should autonu-ticalty resume

ita starting at«nc*. (17) The process must not chang*- the snape

<>r ttie contri^ce or t*ar away any i>flrt of iho™^^'=^'J .

^^ Enechanism should b^ powerful. (19) H »h«"''* be *«> *^

(20} it should last long-

Page 94: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Q^jvfODt^ ajftwpOwilnB to dirf#rent Mnds of ^lectiical ewrgy.[^

Um temboiogy lb- north pol* Is known as Mitra " and ibo,04^11,

«1« B d«ifiTk»i*d •» Viruna. Botfe togeihw are refemed to «MiHri'Viruiu i^^wrfiTi Oi^ygen v*s known oa {wm^j Proan Vayu

vtd hydrtflw Bs (^^PTM^J Udsen V^yu. HpKum t^ Es Sanskrit.

1^ Ajfastyi ^nihits descriWs a copper* zinc batieo'. Th$ isti,

MiTcb, IS56 iswe of* montWy niBgnzine titled Shilp-Sajnur quoUn

in nrtraci from a mwreh artid* by K.V, Vaw reprdinu that

tatiwy. Tlitt eitract gnea one a pwp tnlo aneienl Sanskrit scientific

od UKiirwlopad t*rms. An eartlien beaker wag known aa ghriiechi

(1^1 WQter-tighL vessEH was called 'apsars' and & battery

ceP WW sHwwn ae Kumbh. Consequently anythJiop where hundreds

of edk or chunbcrs sv crowded toge^tber wss appropriately known

In mciait Vedtc Ssnskril terminologj' a$ ^aU-Kumbh [T^^^^ i,^,

t faundnd-feU}. It is that same word which i& speHed in modemptiimw s catacomb. Ther^ the leLt^r "C should retain iL$

Uphabitia] pronirndfllion u *««$'


Ancienl Vedie itchmlcnglsla knew <if ^x kinds of dectricily vji.*

tMiii - Lbe on« produced by friction from leather or sOk.

SaudBJniiu tJigi produced by fricUon from ^ema or tflsat.

Vidyut - produced from douds or steam.

alaAati aiiu SHrtakumby - that p™duc«J r«jn. a botieiTfli bundf^tb of cell*.

Hmdki (^, ^, ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^

' ' u* QHP cmnnallng from « magnetic rod.

f»«l Ifi li* RmavMi^ -.^^!!'^^""* ^^ num^rms wonder missUa

min exist ail over the onclenl world, s.^j it the StOTebm^

**^^ .-. rh flsia India . i n Chi na and a number of niher coxintris



J Uxts of sny biwich used lo be in Clswle^i v«rM

"easyT^ieinoi-liinK and rbythmtc recltaUon. That kept

^P^"^e rffldy for instant uae at the tip of the toispue.


^^ in ancient Vedie learning were known as 'Kavl' (i.e.

^ an equivalent of the modem doctorate, with lirealer relevance

P^^ "besides acquJrinK ejCpci-Use in ihelr own branches orienrning

^h^Tpe'^<>"S not only leflmt and laugbt all their lesaona in vme

[J they could also expound their knowledge In new ireailsts

camposed in iitimaculote ^ind mellifluoua verse. That again i^ B

unique &nd unparalleled feature of ancient Vedie. Sanskrit leamma.

Ancient Vedie upbrin^ng ^so demanded a strict moral, Truaal.

«nd atolo niiJtine from evei^body, Early rising, ablulkttii. yonic*

e^relse p^ycholoifical self by repeUtioti of vows reganiiiti

respecting elders, dedication to human sei-vioe. adhei-ence to tnith

Bjid abstention from -jealousy and svarice etc. etc. and earty to

bed, Vices such as wining and womanizing and consuming hannful

draip were i-yled out. Avaiice for wealth was kept out aj a motivaUm

fof eny ^tion. Because of such li^joious standards socio-KonomlE

Crimea were almost non-existanl. People lived k>n(r. healLhy iind

conLented lives and life punctuated with gay. spirliual rituals Bmiclst

community wmeraderie ond coflvivality wa3 vet^ enjoyablf without

It^^m to any social strain and stdfe. Luckily life in Bull i^ana

aftoEds a contemporary sumving illustration of e P'ou^. happy

VkUc aociety.

IbcUrahmin Qmiliflcattoi*

Adherence to that impeccable stnndand of behaviour, d^votlw

Wa dedication to studies, a commltmc«i Ui lead a li^* °^ ™WufewEontil service and m Jdeal daily routine vf*ie ^^^^i^atiric^tfon. to ^ classed as a Brahmin i.-reap«tK* "^ paitntai-e^

I'n^BrahmlntEini was not a con^ntinl biwltfe but a tUmdK^l

Page 95: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

^^iff^r.n*^^' ^^ jn ihf ehosen field. ThJs is ivh^

•*^*^ rrT^^'^«^ ^^^^ :-1^^ ^ .^

H Tr*nt hy ""^ ^^ ^^ i,frth everybody starts oi ^j^

^ ^JtS<^\^ nurtu.«. thit^ugh ^hich ht may rig, u>

^"^^ !r>.ri«vt(»Jr sludy- ^™'"'^^ ^^ ^"^'™ **^ ^^^^ f^

^"^^^ir^ult Shudi^ tod to l«d p lift odhe-ing to

B^. Ks^-t^,,». Sh.d™ ^. adh^^ 10 by atxhil^

Tor gr^ns J^nff. by Mterinfljrians to classify dogs, horses or

t^dwKi rtc. ind In Bveral oiher aspects of life^ No sUgma wsa

iilwM. Amonff Immaf^ bcirvgs one could opt for any of Ihose

fM- f™«pi pwrfded on? ™ T^ay to slrivt for thp ^i^ndai-da

of tdrimmint. discipline and wnduct exp«t«d of each. Jjfe was

R^y CKoUnK irnl exhasTsUng in (ill four cetegaries depending

00 fflfjf'i iiUmde and adaptfltalily- Thei"? was never a dull mom&nt

in irv^ sLcfOfy nor vai Ihor? any s pedal allurement or mundane

advB%e JA uy «r tboK fwr c&U^ii^.

not snricnv &nslQ^t ie>t5 on the msnufacLure end use of

ActflKfltaKit. Oneoftliemlslflncrwr as Urahari Viniiin ShiisEni

U. tim Cnst Compftidjurfi on Aergnauttcs. An annoLated Enslish

•«iB of K j, ivft-libte. 7i%^ resftanr^ scholars of Ibe Aoi-onau Ileal™w of 0» rnsuiwi* of S;;^en„_ Bangalore had «xajn'tned It,

r*T** d^«™t IdDdi of alrtr^ft menlioned in it Ibey found

^^ «t nimftl Hakmi could Hy by the proc^g described in

iWi«i^T^l^ '''^^ lr^t«"igiT>lc, Thai is In^iuble because*'»" "JJ i byp^riE age must b« obscure lodey.

'P*^ man*, rtfriT***^^*^^'°«''^- "Bnied S.B. THl|>ade h»l

"* •'"W /»2L? " *""*^ " per some ancient Ccxta

*--^ * ftw-Vbarrll T^^"^" of it Oft the Chawpotl sffl

**« ***^ *ip ife, in^"|?^'^*' "(imlnisti^uon is belEeved to

S* "^ diacoimg^^^^}^p jtloneer nier at^

mhja flyfng ensemble lo sonne foretgn ctnirtrv. ThU


^^ ysjneHcan Wright Btm, developed en aJrctiift

pf abfliikarfteharya of Jagannsthpuri had cwnpoaed a

*^"""^iti volvime work titled as V^dlc Miithtm-Ua. He had

'^'^''Tii to someone for publlca^on. As Ill-luck would b«tg^tnisi*^

^^^ ^^^^ j^ p^^ of it. Only the surviving single

^ll^'irnow Bvaileble as fl printed book. Even that soUlary part

. kw oriied and praised by scholars. Som^ Western countries


^l^ing luiUo" on the besi. of thai Sanskrit text In thrir

rnreT^d technics Institute. TTie book lists catchy ^d ^r^

tr^t formulae for worldi^g out complicated n^athem*!..^

^Z>s Thi. i. one indication of how a saintly scholar with his

Za unhooked fr^m mundane aff^i^ ^d cono^tmUng on the

vl m unravel the terse codes rels^na to h., own part.c^ljr

branch ofle..^ing. Another similar ^tnJaticsdnt-scholar may make

^ of the same Vedlc wording to unravel from It laws pertaming

10 his own special branch of learning. It is this magic of the wor^ng

of ihe VedH which la b^ng lost on all scholar^. Mere masUor

Qf *«Ld^ic Sanskrit is of no n^^ i" un^velltng the hidd^

multl-cbannel, higWy technical and tereely codified wording of ti»

VBflaa tmpregnated with master keya of ell sciences and arts.

Thftefore, a scholar of Sanakrit doeso 't ipso facto become 8 scholar

(rf the Vedas. Fathoming the depths of the Vedaa needs a speasi.

detached, ssintly. other-worldly mind.

Aftdai Technology

iJr.A.W, Joshi, a phyalcist of Meervt Univmity «1»«*^J"« "«cle 'Charles Beriiti. an American writer has ^^^^

'*=t ih-t there was technological development of the ^'B^^^^ ^T'" uitSHit India. His book ITie Bermudi TriwiRte tAvon Boow.

y Iftrrk imy hES b«n * best-seller In Americ.. PorUculirty

^^>«pter, " -n^ Surprises of Pre- history'" <I^n»ri» lo ^i^^ »^ indent Indian dvUi«8Licin may be ^^^ thous*."! y-^*"

Page 96: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



rrC^ .he mb «ntu^^ At ibat tj^. .h.. w. ^

SL^ d^opni«it ^h th* neme t m the We^.,^ ^orUj.

^ t,;^ fnh«tl*s, difft««t ^^PO"' ^^^^ '=™^^ P™3^^ ri^.

"r^^rt£ and different tvj>e5 of bombs we,? ibouiflii i^

Tm^ fl«h« or Jan1*»y- TT^^t innd^^ Mlm^i^r^ led U) aevenj

,^^^m. Wk. -nd e.=ly^ bv ^"^<^^ ^1 Amerit^

.idiQbw of th* 15^11 wn^'J'^' ^=^ *" Maxmuellor. WinUmdi Boa

Sr WDlbmi .:oE»3. The wml thus spread throughout the worti

tlttt anoKit Indian nteraiure oonUUTis mui-? poetic imsifi nation and

]m tnUh, 'n* SHiot Mne of Ihouuht was unfoilunpi% Uken up

ti4 dfvtiaped t^ pnfUiraUy all fa:maus Indian scholas's and historians.

•*WiiMn t lim <iec3ida, says Berlttz, the prpswit age ^w Iba

develtfjimenl of nJrcrnfl. missian and diiftrcnl bomb?. The pnwesa

ii curdnuing LQI todiy. If 3n the light or present dvelapmenl. orw

ToKb Uk EnEknl IntUon lilcr^tur^ {^n it becomes clear that IL

l« fn tRQ^Ieni; n;[nT«Uon of true history and not merely papier fantssy.

Oqc b Aupelli^ to leam that even detailE>d descriptions of thi

JMnuriciyiT of rocV*^ and bomb*, fuels to be uaed and the procesj

of Ininchin^ tr* givfli j^ the Mahabharat, various Puranas mi

"tn ordtt 10 dliiittgybji between Fantasy (like that of Ju5p»

lit ibmit 1 cttviui^. ttgoj j^fl gj, ftccount of true wenta. W*

in I ci^r'^ *" * ^^^^^ Position, ^or exprnple, if » P«*

^,4!"™ "liWi has never seen an ain;n)ft w?re to cmptst

*^^^ k«J^J* """^ *^ ^^ ""^^ «V that th*. anil

BicVti «fidudJ^J™ *'"'^^^ ^^tina ii(fht at the horiMfl-

CHinc* t» titt f^^jj^*/* *ti»»rvatloni made by Rama and Sl^

ibt nwulfa trf ttniQ^ J^^^ant«,j jud can only come fi^*

*^ ^^'^^ ««urily 8«« ih« horizon fr«^


h-uu- Iflsimilar manner their* la pijynd for itrcuff bftll^

h L nU ^^h*"" t**=^°^°»^*^' dcvelopmenla mentioned in mciert IndUn

itflrttuffl a« acfiount* of tm^ history. '


^ indent sage, BhoradwaJ has a compi^dJum on enetneering

tj^g^ugy^ metollursy. Kama End a number of other t«briquea

. rjrtoeeasea' An account of these mey be found Ln sevcnJ

bUcations titled Suni^rii Whdom, Saoskril CSviUzailoa, Sun%krii

J^ius and Dlgmonds*Mechanisms, Weapons nf War and VojfiaSuiras,

brougJ^t out by G.fl Joyaer founder, IntemBtionail Academy of

Sanskrit Research, Mysore.

As per inforTRation given in Joyser 's volumes abfrntBharadwaj *i

texi ancient Vedists could make an alloy of thnea metsds, kaavm

as Veerloha or for short jual Veer, it was made by melting and

fusing three metals known as Kshwinka. Arjunfka and Kama Ci. *

magnet) in the ratio of 3:3:5. When fully processed it was totally

resistant to fire, svaift", air, electricity, cannon, gun- powder iftd

the Uke. it us«d to be strong, light and of a golden hu*.

PaDchnmuVihd Yantnt

A vehicle with five openinga ( In the four cardiniJ dlrecUons

snd on top). It weighed UO Ratals. It iissd to run on d^ric

power ferrying a weight of 1000 Ealala at 10 miles an hour. Its

aigtne was known *s Gfl|a. henoe the vehicla vra known »

Galaakarshana Pantrhamukha Yantra.

Mri^korshJUi Vnnent

These were vehicles driven with yoked emlmalS'

OiBturmukh EUm Yantn

This WM a mechflnlca! v&hlcle with openings onfour^^^

tl> Artlcte tided T«hnologlad D^veto^iP^il In Aftrl^t lnli» ^^^'^^J(MW, Physic*. Deptt. Meemt Univflrtiiy. publiihed t" "^'.^''iwrth jo^mai, 1391 of iht IniUtutfl tut RewriUfif Me"! ^^°^-

Page 97: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

" ''^ ^rs-Tvunlrt ii still uwd in 9iim lo nEgnlfy a veldei.

Tm *«« tad crpertlnKS on t<>p, bottom snfl on oii* n»nl(.

rtift«l IIB KiUl* *w3 f*mt«l B w«ight of m Rstajs. jt ^^

L mnO «t™^ frem ihp knotted root of l^^WU Simhakntu

.,«l frw i!» iUfk* of I klnil flf graw. Alt^rtiatjvel^ it could tntrvfl

wUhftaeifir f»*^r.

DHiwyUu Yioln

ffit^ 00 RiUlt' It iMii opffllnijs to the e^t tnd wesL It

nvnd on wlurii nLl«ct with scr^wi. ]( inov^ qL 6 tn ilea an hour

end pEiJM iH^ or 300 Hauls.

TMft hid imly ^mt OfKninjf. Ii could move a wdght of 200

Kiiali It mov^ wiLh oi] exiracted from Kanchtoola seeds or

Bowluijiu oil or on ttectridly. Il moved al two mOefl an ho«r.

Jbmt tK^r lo be tame iail of oonve^Dr belts,

"Wi hod ih* fcppatTHrre of i Ibn, had two opfininBS- l*^ "loved

-Mjlhu upi« 76 Riuii. ti could irivel boLh on land and In gir

"* "" ••Pimd or Krtilract.


*^™ '^ l^lln^ «n ran,.

Bit aLhwr martuoiii tramii

nujwuisy*Chandrflinuklia, Artiichtkni, Ratliam. Pmcbwuri,

J'*";. Tftnmmukh. K"^'

jfnukli- Veglnw. 3haki.yud«Bmja. MandaJ AgvBfiht, Ohuhamt^*^

Itwdpoisonous saa ba it moved. lu lound could be he«i4

^iggflwny. Peoploconung within JUrangedked of gsfl.jKJisonina

^^J to so"^^^^^'^^' ^^'^ ^"^ "^''*" ^"^"^ 5>™>n«lj. Ubhayamutthi.

"/^ TriltotfLa* Tripwihs. Vtshwamykha. Chantflaksara.

JruTiiiays. KrDvyBd, Shankhamukha. Ckimukha, Ambtraasyi.

ukh TarBAJ7»^^^i Ma^Juar^^s- VahJnee. Chakraang. Chattnk,

nTrichupul^' Pin^aaksh. Pumhoot, Amtareesh, Bhedrashwa.

M- hi Kuladhsr, EaJab^adra. Shaaimali, Pushpak. Ashladab.


These may be treated ofdy as a few 5podmeti* of a v<rry wide

^ge of mechaniams invented and used by Vedic KienUsU aid

technologists simtlar to thoae which we use in our own tlm?5. Tlie

fuel uspi. the sViape, functions and components of the mechanisms

Br« described in most cases. In several cam tiie fuel i? \\^x^

jufcei tir oil- Con$equently the nation in some qunitefa thai the

wonder feois described in ancienl lilej-aturt could heve been achieved

by yojjic, paychEc. spirEiual power ia not warranted. Aii thosi

achievements were possible through sophisticated mechanisms and

contraptions developed through auper-sclenlifl^ skill-

The Anclcol Qvm Industry

Gema have been tntditionally put to a number of uses. Aiart

fmm adding a sparkle Lo a person's altire and appeanmce ^ms

were put to a number of industrial uses and wert oftfiit pulvenied

orchcmicaJly treated for medicinal usea.

One of the ancient Sanskrit texts available on the topic if

ftatneprfideepikfl (literally 'The Cem-Enh^btener')

Its I6th chapter desl9 with pearla and groups lU&m into

^««lltor(e8 such as, Hajamuktaphal ^ signifyinu the king amoi^K P*a"*

Qr D pearl of the royal standard and status.

l^amondj were di^^d«l into four groups named Khanii" t '

K«li]atS^). * ShflajH tf^i^J and Krilaka {^> ^^-^ ^^"^^ '^'^'^

Page 98: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


ti- -R, lifri oiwdwy r* of synthelk diamonds. ^_


„l,a«id* ih«r diimfflid. int^- 26 sab- C*l*gon^, TO,e t^.g^^^

,jp„ dkim^d* f^ feiw> ^ Wb ifif^'^PS AB tbes* l^etWEnH^.^

to IQI vffKtia of diimond*. Tlrt brosil, COinmon t^rmugftl f^.

iD dltiiMBdi in tli«« WcHnologi^ t*Kts Is Vaj™ (=m)

j^ tpecfanffi lUiuB Irom the technological text dealing ^ijfffiVi^s a asunder .-

P^ffrH ftiwir Ht^4f*ir w^ II

Diimcndi found in mica min« etc. w«re known aa Kfanljt

l^tol md tho$e found In mud sre known as Kulafa {^i

•Hbh found in crystaJ mtnes are known as Shiisja (Iwj, Tbe

ijmUwUc ont was known as Krilaka rpT^J

Itea ^ the ^naltrtl texts on and on naming vaiiE^ia,

^hineliriiiics , uses . processes and aulhoriltes <m diamond ^xlraciiBn

no pcocosing FjcbcI proc^ssea for mianufacturin^ synLhetfe

wmaidi BTt maitioried in deliil and yet neither any govemmwEfl]

^BQf nor any pri^'Bie induslrial houw or ficademy seems to b»

™kiii« wy utt or these expen HnciPnt Sanskrit t*iAs. TTifs i»

w imliaUdn tf how (ifnoranoe of hJstory lead$ to pauperism «»)



1>» Tmamem. which Russia „d America are toiown to t*

'™^™» U«l*y in trying to outdo e*ch crther were dso sH^^^intuitively „,an«f«,;t^ ^^ manthalled against ^di o^h^ ^

r^"™ Vy t»o ,oriri powers known a. l>ev.s ^^ ««=*;

^^l^"" !f :::

"^^^ -^^ ^^^^^ ^<«- ^^--^^^ ^^ *i"^"3^"- taM«l «™unS«tion ..payliU« and f.cillti.^ '^



J^I,^:3e^tnaval warfarfl h men! Toned among ih* milliim-yMr'

^(^ait Kamayonic h&ppeninRg For inaLmce, Ayodbyi Ksnd, &z^u v¥fse B reads ='

^ch means'

'l>et bundceds of Kaivsta youtha ttay on the tlert.

peady u> iniercept- the w^eniy s na*y."

The ancient Vedic science d^ing wTth warfare and armaments

was known as nhEmtirveda.


b Hamayanic terminology guns were known as Shaughnij

(UUr^y "IdlUnij hunreds'l 'Hieseare referred to Ln stazas 12. IS,

16. and 17 of Canto 3, sUnsa '^ of Canto 4, last iiasm Qt Canto

II, sunxe 36 of Canto 3&. sKsnia M of Canto 60. 3t«nu 3S of

Canto 6U stanza 68 o! Canto 76 «nd stanza ^ of Canto fi6.

"Hifl Ehfltaghni Ci.e^fleld gun) waa made of injn. The ajndara

Kirnda describes a gun us resembling the tnink (or br^ch) of

I huge tree. TTiese wero mounted on forts or were driven to

battle- Fselda. Thuy ga^^'r? out & loud tiiiincter-like sound. TOs

rfacription leuvcj one in no donbt that theShfltBjjbni was atield-fun.

The modem term fire- arm la coined fPOtn iht ancient Sanscrit

twm Agnoyaatra. A bomb or rocket when fired scattering a number

of sniiiitflj bombs or nickels Is menttoiied in ancient Sanskrit

llltrature. Europeans and Arabs and others to the west of India

^ been ao long plunge in an ugv f^ darkness of ignorance since

tosTna touch UFith Vpdii; c-xperti^e after thff Mflhabburat wsr. that

"KkiA was known to havo boen ys«l In modurtt Europ* only

*s Ijite aa I8tj; in thft siege of Copenhagen.

1>* indent Astra -vidy of the VedIc sclenljjt* may b» >««

^^ iUal emf^rglng in tJie latest ajTnnmtnU ihat ttusst* and Airteri»

"wm u> be tbr*at4!nmg Kich other with.

Page 99: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

mT»» ftnciefil ist™» nniTinatfll enemy forcn by


dlfTwffll iimosphHc Uyers witb lubsliirees which ^giiffoeMim Tbose *i>ri(nt astrM cmJd change the atmosphg,^

rifcuidty, wilw. fire, gas, smoke, dismse'carryinK ^ef7|„7]


Alr-MTTil^t and electronicalljr operated instant

communtesrian wss «!so known Ui incf^t Vedic »derc$. 5^^

inrcless communicatiwi cwiVacl Tind? Jficntlon In iht Samflyarffl»w

Bfvmn's broitiFr \'ibhiBHBn dTTles In his Sk armada over lianii't

fii^ h«dQUfin«rii seeking permission to land.


Thf andenl SfinsMt text Vnown as AgsMP^nn ctivi^^ wfij:^

toio fi^e clB^es vii (1 } YHDlramukla ] .c Lbose m^cl'ianicatly r«kaatl:

{2) PmimukU Ibos* manusUy aperaUd. (3) Mukta-SandhsiriLi

l.« Ihosr #hich w^re Lhmsi and wjihdrami. C4) j^ukta W&k

viitA are unretBa^ed.

Rill being a very vast subject we wiB Teave n at that- Bm

Ibe *ampliTn5 jpven abov? should be enough Eo indicaie thai duraij

an^mi umes all kinds of expertise from merchandise-^aimrKiuit

ana mimdE^rmaTienLa to luyst&y yogic powers had beera devdoped

aniJ cuhiviiLed. The greal strides Europe and the U.S.A, sMOi Ifi

te miJunjj today are a repptitinn of ancient history.

tm^aliuii \Dij S*vi[iiHun

IrrUpdkBY and ninngatitm conglJiuled a branch of VedJc-sdemwK V Vbm h« aiigiTKled that laws or this branch may pussfWy

t* JmbMlt!«3 in ibe i^aniag of Yajur^ed aasocial^d with Vaahlstlu J

ii««. Wbm V«te ^ oama set San for India he employed a H^""""^ in ipiid* him from the African contlnmt to the *fl^

^iL2! 12!^"™ ™ !»«• ^ '>' 1. -^11 known It,.. IM EKyP"^

* ^«W *M I part cf ihir ancient Vedic world ^^


,^e mnd" ledwiiqvie wai uaUaed In iirigHUofi worka an tmr

^\fii, Seiiw tU. Stadhul in France, Dmub* (U. Dinavl^^ *

p^ flftU Jonlfln Ci e^ JanardHnJ in thp Arab lands hajv^

2 ildirriBai'on5y?t«ni5 of ifreaL anttquity,

1^British engineer Willomt who served b India undar the BriUsh

[nistrttion,baa notM "Every canal wWch went »oulhwanl.

'lltitr it h»9 become a river like tbe BbsgiratW. or remwned*

^ lflt« "-^^ Matbebhangn w&b originally a canei. They were

iLpd owl and dug faJriy [wraUel to eacb other. They were spoctd

^rt tHfl*- ^^*^^^ ^'^''* ^ Pbiced. I rwnember quite wdl when

\^en 10 line out s system of canals for the irrigaijon of the

nntry I vas astonislied 10 fmd everywhere thgt h so-catlEd dead

rivHT on Ibe map wes Just where a can^ should be placed."

Tbv tbovi extmct vlndlcstea tha veracity of tbe Vedic le^^i

UbI in ancient prince, named BbagirBth brought down the Sflcred

Gingv from \ii sky-high Himalayan hdgbls down lo the pl^s

and charted it? course to the sea. That was a gignnljc and st«ctacolar

fli^neering feat enough to astound tbe engin«n and administrators

of uiy a(;e and I'^eg^on.

In 1800 A.D. Dr. Franda Buchanan made a survey of InttJwi

ajricultuffl and nnanciHl gyatem on behalf of ihe British East India

CtHnptmy. His report published in three voiutnea is titled BuvhaMn >

Joamey t)rom Madras etc. It was published from I^ndon in ISTS.

h that be observes ' At Condaturu T saw wie of those Hindu irrtpticin

tnAi lof which South India was n\waya famous. II was '"TJP

ratrvoEr formed by shutting up w(tb an miincral bank an opening

bttwwn two natural ridgea of ground. The sheet of water was

•»*i or eight mHes in ienjrth and three miles in width imd wjia

'* Out in numerous small canals to Irrigate Held* in lb* uir

'«*a9i...,tba rtsei-vdr could Irrigate the lands of 32 villages duriflK


H* adda. "On my way to Areot I sa™ 'i""^^^'*splendid oW

"'"'5*1 rmtrvoif, caJlerl thd Coverl P,K. the resei^air 'S oboui cigbt

^ >™| and thr.* bj^id and reililiws considerable e^trnt "f




Page 100: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



rtKU^lrv 1 nev^^r M^ed D !>uWi<: work «^lh mone afltiflf,,^^

UkJt mattA siiueifork wiJl pmna th«m to mjoy.

Ukrvis*. In north Tndia. Fai^hpur Sikri, a ma^niflj^j

l^etarwto*. "*='*^^ ^P'*^ ^^ Skadwar Rajputs (fnls^ a,^^

Li AWarJ. WW ift^lt on the banks of nn ai-Ufical lake by datnnilqi

ilw Ott» GmK* pEfSflpi . Thousands of ^uch fmKation projecrt sen^

M nhistrfovi rauatraiJQn& of lbs heights of ewceUence at which tbe

V«lie fdflice of irrigation wginMiing stood.

Tbf MflLsya Puran meniions 18 experts of different brajiclie

of enginwiing whnok^y Uj he Bhrugu. Airi. VastusLha, Nand.

Mayi. Vishwskarma. Nsgnfljit. VisbaJe^ksha,Purandarn Brahm&H

Kumar Nandeesh. Sneunak, Carg, Vasijt^ev, Anit^ddhs, aukri

and Brihaspsti. Of these the leKl which deals with the construction

of ftiru is known u NMrad ShJlpSomWli A coi^y of K may b$

iviiUiile BtibelnienuiUoiml Academy of Sanakri Beseai-ch at Mysora,

Sciencx of Wnrfsrc

Andaii Sanskrit t^yts on the science of warfare, wriiten ly

VBhiil^ Vtohwantii™, JamadaKna, Bhamdwa). and Dushanaa haw

^m puyished in ihe Punjab Oriental Sei-ies , Veishampayiin ' s ireatlH

ii m the Medres ManuKript Ubrary . Also svailaWe there is a lr«aU«

yxy Shuwi£B4ihaf' Oliier known Uxts on tbe topic ars> ViktramadH}/!

Vwrahvariyair. . KodundBmandan . Kodanda Shastra by King raieep-

VBHuriji Vnllflbh afsd Brihst Jyotishamava (of the Venkausbv^ir

Ptwi , Bartibs>' > , Th«* are only a very few of Ih e oumei-ous Sar sknt

ma^ltfplMies tbiL eidst and eu$ted on the bj:s;^cli of learning-

It U on the bull of thew i«la tbai ihi irainEnK and ^'^^^oT prbnn tnd ndbHIiy of ibe mdent Vedk world ( an mwitiorw

Hi (hi Rmnyan, Mahahbarat and the Pui-anos) was conducted.

&ud«nM irf Bncjeni Vedic LrfldJUon are Ukely Lo he baffled ^Idff^Sal nuiitt qe tmirwnt Mma. Iwdi:rt (md preceptors contEni'f^

In mvml mtm Kv«rfJ g^nwaUqiu apari. For inatanw. o"* ^'*

or aif V,.b™,Hrt in U* Umta of Harishthand™ and a^^" *=^




a later durij^ ^*ania e Hfettme. Th« explanation Ei Hn^,[enfl--^"

^ j^^l) a5 ShankaT^charya, VaahisL and VigbwimJifli)

ib«»* "*T^p be asauined by ev^ry Inqumbenl who succeeded to

**'*^""^hf* Vedic hermitB^e-eBUbliahmetit.

flircfaft were known in ancient ^mea. ballMn* and

h tea ^ere ebo known. These contrivances a™ ail

^.J^nected in every eg? and follow one mother closely. Some

^"^ references to these are quoted hereunder from an ancient

^2rit technol^cal test known as Agasiya Ssmhlm.

[jjrvfl^ ^ Tiffew aflfe* ^(^ I

^|in^53fft ^^ jftHM TWEfWI^ It

^^TR?^ ^ f?^TR ^iW^ 'pi*lHft I

Th» abovestanH describea an airersft as a vehfd e moving through

{h air in the w^ in which a water- craft seQa over water. The

vwae then mentions silk as an ideaJ material for baSkKma and

parac'butea because of ita elastidty.

About boUoons s sample stanza h as under :


meanhiff Uiat one can soar in the skies with an airtight*dotb fflld

"^"^ urn Cables

Cnria and cables Peq^lired In ancient indusftiry Are descnlwd thus "

•<4i!iiiH^^<.^ (fwfiTi=^: ^frr : II

"^ above stanza s^, liine slender threads combine to fona

Page 101: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


«,„, PM.^ ™r^ln. to n,ake « R^^hni. ^d 9. S 7 .. e H^^;

e*rTT. Iteiiu came la be mis^^Ued ss Rappu [n Europe,

td tW cunwt spfitWnjt 'rop« 'The above *rtract l^iiicaie

flf tbt sJw of ti!» ^'"^s ^"'^ ^*^^" needed ard used in

Atrtlf£>il Tallies

AJr^Ugtit lextllw were m8d& in sndfnl times with allk Ireatdj

wftfa extrert* of ligti. JKk- fnilt, msngo. Akshfl, Kadamb. tlui,

vflrirties of Mj-rabolsne trees end of t^rtsh. Silk Ihug prooegssi

ysed tC' be further dJpped ai 9 galuticm of 5es-$t]«3l powd«r ujj

sugar, Lftwr ihese fcextiles were hurg Tor diying, Som« slaim

Irom Uie Agasiya Samhrta describins; tbe above prowas ry-e>

gpi 5^^ ^Iffift' wtr^flII

How (V andent Vedic scfentists made batteries by u^ng wppfrin* line wires ia dacribed in the follov^g stanzas :-

5*3^^ Hfer 7t^. ^ in^H^l: II

^ TRRl |«n^ ri:^. ,pj,^=^, ,1

W 1*^ EIVI


^cifitioti of that anrfwl Vedic Sanskrit iflrm Hltr\m""?^ apecialliing "« vnHous branches h6v« to fimlllanai

*'^"ril^ ^ttj the ttfientinc tmport oT nich ImnB to bt able to

'***^!h Vodlc scienttfic code ta lead to freat tecbnoloylcit tecreta.

*P^'' *wlal IB happening is thsl Lbeo^qgirtB. metephysidst*,

^J^*''^*'^ Wa apl ritufllf3ts and morelisLs alone bib treEiting the VeJaaphflrflop

" ^^pj^g '^^ situation shodd cbflnge, Ev^ry peraon

**i^inany bivncii of learnmg b&hot the humanities, xiend^

^^^^^h/ioiogicaf divfuhn rnsy ctiS from the Vedw the h^hest

Z^ttCi'i^'ru/es snd secrets of his owit branch of kno^isdgi;.


-jhe 6nd»it Sajiakrii text kn&wn as AgBstyflmat dEfuies (md

jj^gjcrfl^ thfl technique of elecimplatinff m under ;-

3n?j5I5^ (TriTR WiS^H^II tl


A biWiojraphy of such ancwnt Sanscrit texts on Vedic technology

B i'ar as th^ are known to be available for lefertrns hEi been

pubUghed in three volumes, titled Caiatogus CalsEoiflnim by


AddiUunaay menlbn of n numher of Sanskrit tests on Ve^

«*:hnE>loer has b«?n made in articles by K.V. Vaw i^ Mfljcf ^ «-

Godre pubLTghed in ShUp Sansar monthly.

CO. Joshi or273 Kamnaudr, Nain>i>^ T^ made avery t*aLnstsldn|

I'll of ill auch hterature and uaeful extractj which be ewUIV "

Wiregervedly supplioa ifl ell ihose who seek his help-

The tube railwayi. that have h«o laid out through '^^^!^'^^li in W«5iem countries have n Vedic prewd^jnly7

*^'<*«« and paUna of woHd, V«dic udmliitBLrttort auch jub^ax* "

Page 102: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

r m10 be provfdwJ tor Ibe wcepe cff besieged fores or for su^j^

atiKki Dn t*« ewmy « for undetectable communicationand »^

U{^ tff the sndent mfinsions* forta^ p&lac«) and temple ii^

wwh uDdw^rouixi pessages and caverns. For inat^nce^ the Kils

(fi Mk«» { undw Muslim occupation since Mohamad) haslftbyrlmjijj

uwkTTTOuivi tunn^ md chambers built in hoary antiquity -nr^

H m Ki inlCTTnUonfli Vedk shrine of the recUning Vishnu, hNovimber 1?7? *hen a ^roup of brave M^adevi commandog n^^

« surpriw siiack lo rec&pttire the shrine they held out for $cv«n|

iU>i Kgainsi heavy odd^ in tbt^e VBu]t$ atid grottos.

b the Uttsr Pndesh legim of India in the dty of Sunliy

ti in Kndeni Vtshnu temple known ns HaiimDJidal which is un^MutHm occupation and a being misrepresented as a mo^ciiteH TbRt

Ihf pn-Embuiatcffy passage has been partitioned to make aamvliving rooms and ihfi MrtiJe entrance to the vaulted tunnel lefld!i«

oui Qi those pt^docU by a subterrBnean roiit« haa been ivliile^


nK paJace at Tanjnre tn south tndia Ma such secret undergn?iind

M Tanjare is the ffimaos Saraswati Malial library which hss

a ^flhiraitwjvB eoHecUon of andent lextg of Vedic aciencca vdt«iinobcr. The bibliography of h number of texts known as Up-

Vedu paUlihed by the Ubraiy la known m YamaJashtakam and

nuy be pttndiMed.

*mmiber of princely lioy«9 and tslibUahmenta in TndJa Bticb

"taZT^***"^ Jaisalmer. Jammu and Nepal still have lar^e

m^T^ *^ ^^ ''*''*'^'' """^^ TEwiuKripla despite h«apJ of

u J-f ^'^'^ ^**" **^^ *^ ^heir minions by ChristUn mJMuihin hividft, iJl oyer ibt world.

ta Eunmita «..«ZZ"^**^ ^"* ^ ^ avalbble In tranalaiior^

^'P'Wfcri. To tW. dny i^*nd w«atem MU^^^

hi Indi" *^K»* burinew it Is to arcttt for wash Twm

W^ "^°^ inanuacripts of V*dk knowledge utd kMfi wpp^ylnt

^'^''^ertem acftdemloe, laboratOTi^a and ladvftriaa.

uldUty ai^^i expcr^Js^ of the audtaA Storiphfln^


Britaiii has been similarly lauded h^ exp^rti.


^^^^^^^ ^^p^ [n masonry ere a peculiartti/ of andftii

(j^prVaUon^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ indent worW.

dfuda of anoint Sojiskrit t*xts desling with Vedic idai»

»! \Mic« thotigb avallflble in tbelr thousands a« lantfiiiahinff

'^^Z^^^ tmiecogni^ and un^tudi^.

expertise tyf tlie vanisbed dvHizatlona illustretes mce agan

v^^of nucttiatlng fortuitea namely that though Aie«. Mayi.

r mav be dead y^ it would be wr^ng to deem them to

Tba^aTfoi^^t tribes. J.,t s. ^ry g^^^on h^ Its <^ptsi^

.JL^ who become unkn^^ on tfmr di0th E^eiy^ Mf ftt

Z^cotnm^^es who in co^ofilm.hi^inu, tedn«n^m«

Gwiei or Vcdk Culture

Tbee^amer^tbinmushn of Dhaka, the gold^ddedso^

TkA, colourful, royal .are^ Of Varans^, the ^" "™tnanufa^ured in England by an Indian. Uie maaswe

^J^^'^b^adinga standing ail over the andent world, ^'^ ™™int^-a(*nar travels and inter^ continental mi^^iles. *o"f'^^^hovering on ^r^cushions of zooming throu^ th* skies,

^^f''"^^>iattn;i« *^ch as Triahanku . the wonder n^edicaJ ^"^f^y^^T;.the ma.tei> of the mysterious science of W- '^^ f^^'^'ZLMntH>] of a imited humanity throughout the *orid for muu^^

of years and the prepagation of a single universa! lflinrwB«P'

»™ somt of tlia unaurpawed glories of V^dw culturt.

Mile memory beinfl prttvenblally very short,all s^ch Stw^^

^'l«i«>i8s been ignored and forgotten .Moreover. 1^*^ """^j^

"^fJ 3* (^^ailwi ^ different pe^ta sruch as anla, ^^^J^^T^^ wid wckroeches Vcdic cuUut* i* on«n imsUBJ**^^™

Page 103: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

For Tnrtfinct- those flddkHed Ut Heavy drfnksr «j,d ^^^^

droii often dt^udp ihemselves mto beSJeving that the Soma

r»s-w«J aiid puiraviad by Vedic culture wa9 «Jso an inebrj

drtnk or that Indian deitiea like Shiva ar^ gniUried bj^ ^ ^of dm«i tml Uquor. S*jch wayward talk misleads the masses


most of tham being incfi|>flble of original thinking are In the U'n^

of blindly foliowins the multitude and adopting the unfilterai^

unpenned majority view.

Vedk Coim*)OB Mad wjta Highly Ki»wLea£eablc

h may be noted that conclusions presumed to be (ht moat

idvftftMd sd^tiflc discoveries of our own times were so conrnionly

Itnown to ihe andsita as to find expression in the talk of th(

mosi humbVe, poor, iUiterate people.

por Instance, only aboui a hundred yesrs ago "Buroptans

presumed our earth a» the only planet In space sporting a huin&ci

populfltion. But Vedic parlance invariably refers to diirfnity as Lord

of the ononintable miUians and billions of other worlds.

Vedic tradition talks of a cycle of e^es spanning 4320 milliwi

yan. CorrspMidkaly the dailies of 1 7th June. 1980 quoted Dr.

PonnKnpepiins, bead of the Tjboratory of Chemicd Evolution, tfSA

a» laying that from clues found in Greenland his co- workers hid

oondluded that "life is as old ae the oldest rocks on arth. llJ*

8« of tht eanh bu been egtim sted at 4 . 6 bQli on years . The coniitifflis

for Uf* Id emerge were almost there when the earth was formed.

Ho» very «lose i$ 4,6 bfllSon to 4.3 billion! Even th^

t™mj»™Uvdy> slijfhi difference betweas the two figures must b*

debited t<> the unreliBbOlly of modern sdentific conclusions which

ketj) bubbSng up «% iQ be pricked and diapraved by some "^^i feMJly a^tomttml flndlhg. The mistake, if any. is on ihelr

mO* Wcau» during Ibt l«t ioq ^eara Weatem acholflf^ hsvt b«n

•uooBWvely puihlag b<ck ihe inLiquity of ibe world trom *^B.C, U, tfttovl 4.6 bniion UX wMe Vedicamdition has stood nrrrvSy


veringly hy its nan end only *ciflntirk oonclunom tbout

rn phystc^^^ ^^"^ ^*™ ^*"^^ °"^^ ^^ tecwrtly of

minK from space to earth sTter. wbel would aeem to Wmfl^

very short duration nnding several new gflienfligiu u»

^'^'hlfl bom on earth during ihBL interval. Andmt Smikrfl

^^^rt record actual accounts of persons leaving on pacesortSat

^^^^to (jBTth to find all thsr contemporaries dead and gone

Ameriran spacemen who made iHeir Aral landing m the irsMn

^ J wn told thBl Ihcy would find a close similrily between Uk

!frr^ot the ^rth »nd the n»on. T^^ we^ proved ^,^rZsy VMic Bslrmi^y has iince the ho«v p«t in«nta,r.ed

ST ' M^cU which ha. broU™ away f™> ^^ Moo. .1*

rJ w^ ^'t of .he E«.lh. Mod.™ ^^e. h« enly «=«%

f1!^ l^8t Mar= bears a close similarity to Ibf EaMh. But

17;^ ySt"r^ of the ,tr„ct.«l Wnship t^ween tl.™««

1'Tm" tbo.«h that b. been lon« established f«. Cb. d^

past by Vedic sages.

The .anie, of oc^Btdiation. Uko the Greet Be- "-^ IJJ"^«^

.a Ca.. M.ior ^d Cani. Minor ar. mere t™ a ™^^-^Vedic i»mes. The iiame Canls is actu^y Uie S^'"" ^"^ .


T.e pl^et Jupiter is '^jT'^.TZZ^^^^^Sanskrit. Vedic parlance. Therefor* the fact mat ^ p ^^^than all oth**r planets combinei is a Fact known lo v«u

Iram immemorial siitlquity.

, Hhftnflischar which Htcrally

The Sanakrit name for Saturn Is Shanfliscn ^ ^^ 2"'

m^s -alow moving- And Satam is '"^^.^ /^^ ^^^ ^yttn lo trross each Zodiacal division. which " "'

^^^^he 30 to 45 days taken by a number of other cei»

The Vedic Sanskrit name of one consiellaHon ^^^^ ^ i^fnears oiaeriy. TU lustre ia ranked I'Jth •" *'

^^^^ yoore

« the q^e of Jyestha alias Anteres is <?oftC*m^^^ ,.j^ni.ffl*

^^SEi^e* In his book titled The Siorr of Mifwoo-y

Page 104: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

1, 1 tyiife^ flintfwhkbHirfrt^bdJUf youthful i»

tn Eump«n ]<tn lb* Mmn f .poiJi R" "Jd Ut look irke s



VwJJc irwlriion the moon » chariot is diflWR t>j hfiTH.

TV very nim* ' Moon ' is rroiu Tie Vedk .^nelcrit Mtrol(H[ii;^

lilinsrtanc*. In 3«JS>tril mifvd ' Ifl toiomi as " mun \ Aj,d in tslr^i^

moon" perwrines the mind flf a pe«on. That is why «ie whft

r» mKitnlly ill S« to^cwn " • luniUc rmMning ' alru<^kb> Ihemvm 'I

Fnam this ll may be lem that the a*em[Pifl:y European t*rni mrjon


ki tin ^rtrtrii «strolnKical end physiolouicit term ' mun "

. Ard th»

day nam*d ift^r the moon ii Moondjay alias Monday ie, Mundij,

AH tto indJcBiflS how tncienl Vedjc iraditM/n embodies InfaJliWe

truth! oT Ui* UHmitftWe civwnw o( outer space and the Ktinj

fimtimml fflveelinj dlvjiw ijraap of ooam*c astropl^cs.

The C«mk Er«

The mmpUi^ dteJ ibov« of how BstronomlcaJ CTMluiEoni rf

bQp> nUqdty hold gwad ^en today thquld Indue* reader* il»

io ndmitthv vilidJtytif the raamic era as kid down by V«]Jc tradJUpfl^

At every Vedk riUal day In end day out. fr&m tins bejlnnlni

of ttmt, tnvtj wonhipper has to summariu amon^i^ tilB clwitJi^B*

Hw t^a that haa iHi^piKt tUice the lut deduce uplo th? perfonninCt

of lh« TtUJiJ. ThuB an accural* limflially In bi-in^r maSnLflJned in

an unbmkm link ihroui^wit the paL,t ii|{tn ihrQU((h verbal rccitatiw

by mmfxLk 0? nvjuthi bU over ih& wortdn of thif number of ye*^^

ihmii ha^t ^imi ainw the begin nlng of lime. AccoriUnif ^ ^**

tUviiw, Kimt^uUriHii automatic coamic cdcuhLlona which |OWtffl

*J3 We. t«h «i laau 4,3in million hirnim yvsm b*ifore the del'tH*

wipM rnn Utf i,w„ of ^id cjvJlimtSrjn*. u a pupH wipes hta al»«

rt^ir ««llWfcd ,swd», ^ t,^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^rtb ti tJ"!"

1 PO^om^ rtitx la why it b(«otn<--* difficult Lq tf»« "*On^tf 'dtUB, 0^^ or iU(wlm]^t^ tUiitory tit the pciMl ii««'

hi U» eamm* tpp, ^rf ^^^ ^^j^ ^^^ j^^^ ^^g j^u(t(*

^^.j^rttEon [a * ^ttle short of the middit ^nt. £kc»iiw soMrdJr^

^'''dosmfc ^^'*^ taJendar compulaUon tb« cuirem ja tt«

W "^ (t^ih year of the coamic era th* we ire pMffing throuab.

. ^^j^ coamic era which u»ed to b« ohswvfld hy tU humm

thpsu^w"^ Iha worfd under Ihft imtverml VedJc

^Tiitration - But with the breakdown of Ibe univffMJ VedJcaynan

ijihofe(ta guch 83 the Kfili Sernvsl, tha Yudhlatlr a«k. Wtrarn

i viL the Christian era, the Shativahan Bak. the Hljri San etc.

«ntto be intTOdu*^ ^"^"^ ^^^ ^ ^^*

q^jlkmion Requlf**! To St-n A Ntw Em

y^oocmyng to Vedic prflclice only those nikro or admlrtTslrtton

vETt entitled to be«in an en in their own name, is part of the

ygjir ooamic era. who ensured thflt ther* was no citiien below

the poverty line and no person llvinu on horrowlnas. We may^

tbfl^ott. safely conclude ibat the ancient rulere Vtknmidilyi tnd

Shtlivahin who pronmlgated erss In tb^r own nanvea had draw

» on passing the lest mentEoned above. Thus under Vedic cujtiu^

Tvmy lUlua had it* own test of ej£cdlaice. But that standerd qf

Hcellpnce prscribed wa$ something over and above the purity of

behavlcur demanded by Vedic tradition of «vcry ifldivtdual. Tbua

nerybody from a Shudra to s Brahmin had to be astir from about

<30 i.m to follow a routine of ablutions, cleaning the prendaea.

bath, piiyalcal yogic exercise, redtBlion of vows about enaurinj

P««ity of conduct, takine cow 'a milk, abaUinJng frcm drugs and

h«mfd drinka and then putting in • full ^y '» ^^^^ **^™* "*

pffofWartfltlcm in life. Under Vedic prtctloe then is rK> hotlday

MWch because each day ia full of rich, coJourful ,

sOcWly puiT»»^

*<*l^ly ensurina variety, gaiuty. cotour and Interat, So theff vrm

f^llW boredom nor fatigue. Kverybody worked lnc«5art|y eviry

^ of the yw, Ther* was no flU-pp*«e. no indotenc* m^M•^•rdnwa. Each rlbini; day brouBht In ita train its omt $^^'^i« Mid obllgaUmia aa laid dowrt by the V«Jic citaidir witJwut

^^o^nlng a burden to oneself or to tha aoctety.

Page 105: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

The Ssnskril oriBin of the word ' Nsvy ^ alias Navi h a^indication of India beirvg tho originator of navi^Uoj,


jhlli-bunditW Consfquw^y "^""Id naval fleeis nnd menchnnt mimTje,

bankKi on Indii for ihe supply of IfflasFngw «hips. urods. ,xrtitn

md tBttt*S:liip*'

MurtnyH Handbook I* India »nl Ceylon URtI) contains the

fotlowmf Informfllion Tn 1735 a vessel was buflt at Sural fo^

the Esst India Company and an officer was desspalched from Bomh^

U> inspect it. Being much pleased with ibe skill iind inteHigwwe

fiftheParsi foreman, l/>wjiNaushinvan|L... this offtcer endeavoured

t^ penuBdehim to leave Sural and take ebai^ ofBombay Prum

liial d^^ to tbia the superintendence of tbe ( Bomljay) docks Tsa

bffn wholly in Ijs^'ii*^ family In ^71 two [frandsons of Low^i,

Framji Manikji and Jumsbedji Bab-maoii entered Lht

dockyBnl...,They built two fine ships of 900 too3..,'nn*ir sons

•acceed^ tlwm. Jamshedji in \P(r2 built tbe Cormvallia friBntfl for

the East India Company end Ilia success determined tbe Burnt

(kFVtrnment to order tbe wnstruction of sMps for th& Poyal Nw

at Bombay, , in 1S20 tbe MlndeuT^ and ComwalVis-74 of H-tS tona,

tb& MalilMj-74, the Seringapatum and many other ships of wir

were built, including tbe Can^aS^, tbe Cakuiia-e6 and Uae M]sm1

of 8S guns. Alt ibese vessels were made of leak..,. a t^ awp

wOl last from four la five limes as lonjf as one of En^ljsb OBh.

Tbt old Lowil Castle, a me«iianLman of about 1000 tons Is 1^"^

to have made voyags for nearliy 75 years.

Tht Briiiab ibip SeahDne with Nelson C tben only Ifi J^old) on boanl Bj-rivcd In Bombay In I775,...aiip3 built oL BorftW

rt not only » strong, but aa handsame and wcll-flnisbed as srep

buDt la any part ctf EuTOp*.,.The timber and plank of wJ^^"^ ^^are byHt, » far exceeds any fn Europi! for durability lh«^ '^


UBUil for ihipa to last Wl to 60 yeara (Rfff> Travela in ^"*

Afriet, to Abraham PtrMni laOfi, LonKmana. London)


^ds rfias Dr^"d5 were the leaders I.e. mmtora. supervfaora

j!!m.LriLtors of tbe ancient Arya, V^c.Sanataa, Hindu, fiulttire

Itiiout tbe world. And yet tbeir ,„.t role has eit^r ^dan ^oti^^ or completely misimdei^ood.

Sfcltu Sumtiiti tn Europe

In Europe tiny, isolated groups galling t>iemselvw DnJids

ni^^aln an ^igmatic secrecy about o^zat^n a^

TKiWIcations imd come out once in a while b the open to pay public

i^,& Lo the Sun on solstios and equino^s In a <iiiafnt cernnoni^

One veiy ImriguSng fact i:^ that among their publications Es bs^

1 Shivi Sambita. Obviously thai wM an anient anskrrt te«

^atamingcbants In praise of Shiva and posatbly somesecrei foimuJae

far generating power through nuclear fusion and nssion. But now

aJtttn for the title there ia nothing Sanskrit or Vedic about ii^

TliB booWrt perhaps contains some esoteric Urjs of the Druid niufii

^ EbijSlsb. This has been the fat* Of all ancient Sanakrit leJfta,

IntliHilivg the Vedaa, in Europe. For Inst^ce. in Scandinavia t^

^«r\i of the Vodas survives, though spited as '15dda rW^


ftfitftiia have all been changed, Edda $mi remains tbe arcientmffl

*«ndinavJan scripture but It Is all stufTed with fairy lalM m "»

^ nsadem languane instead of the ancient Sanskrit chihts.

Thewiwftinsuuices of the Shiva Sambita and ihaVcdasi^nij

'^' ^'^l" but losing th«r conl«ita may be likened to «» *^'^^

Page 106: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


f™il found ^c^ W=ft<>T^c rvins with 1-^ bard sheU and shnp, „^

Z itint of • *"»rliiiff, mi^e ^Ig*-- ^^^ '" ^*^^»^^ ^^v stuffed

*„ sRW-dugt and dlcpla)^ *" » show-qpse wlih ils bcn^ ^.^ ^^^

« «o««d out and destroyed. AH ancienl Sanskrii, V^ci^^tt,

H^^jrvHTsimiUr m^ in rtgion? i^vad^ and occupied hy Chnstln^ity

«nd [slam^f

^rgwahthoM scnptxires the Druids alias Dravids too g^

^puTided out. T«irferina L^™ almwl eJrtinel wilh Ibe near «iirpst

of t^ Vedic ca]ty« in Europe and West Asia. i

But since Vedie culluT* aJfes Hinduism survives to a great acttjit

»r Indii. its int^ectua] leadership. Lbe l>t'avids form an ImpfltUM

and pppminpnt component of Indian society.

But fvai in India, the Dravid community is envetoped In

BriKonceptions b^use of l<^g ^peH of B.itisb rule when BnUh

fliucitors either igrorantly or deli-beralfily sowed Jissensions among

variM! sertions of lh« Indian public*

TV AbsiM-d Aryi'Uravid Oonnici Thtory

Om wduloualy ingrained misconception which has poisoned ibe

ininei of 1 sectkm of the English -educated public is that m^ire i separate dar^t- skinned. vnM tfroup which occupied the vbfi^

of tndia Ttifv were invaded ty some alien faJr-skiniiw

Suukriv- speaking tabes known e? Aryans. Because Of their supefifff

irmi the Aryans drove the Drevids La the south of the Vina J

wbU* Ihey remdiwd content wUh occupying the nortti of li""*^

Sh th*y idopied and Bdmitied the Dravidian deity Shiva to

Aryan p&Atheon. Redpro^ly the rkravids were infected withiU"*

ft «Tt«L mcing fof Senskrit that they not only cuiUvated gr»

KhoWihip in Svitkrit but. they also adopted the entire Ary*^^

«f hfe |u!d«d by LtH Vedic ceremonies from the enienfltal W^poiimortml ii^^t. sq^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^ believe, tbai th^^

«riiA«d bAVMi tt» Aryins a„d Lhe Drsvidiana. since about ^

t duii lonti or lDv« »nd hal« nlationahip.

mgaf, be 90 absurd aa th« above thecry. Every oiw of

^QiU^i_^ baseless That such an IrraUonal dortrin* ihcruW

1^ po*^^^j^ Ijy 5 section of the Engiisb' educated Indian public


daniffit^ of "il^™ tutoring. It all»i eKsmpureB howUluairft^

a^allow thoughts, ideas and wncepla fed U> tbem

People g^ oridnal thinking. We shall, therefore, clsrify

^l*id of doing

^e issueb^eunder.

^^^. and Dr^vids.«n.H Racial Gr^up.

is not e race. Arya is a Sanskrit word signifying a way

hfch aims at elevating the IndividuBl soul through a disdplimd

rTaodhood I,e. ™i^a ^ ^^^ ^ ^^^ ™^^^^'"" ^^ ^^

L to the P«r^8tma level. This is the elm and goal of 1/edie

T re That is why it lays down strict rules of moral conUnence

1 diKlpUne guid^ ^tt, i^lat^ry sacraments beginning f>w

ln«i^naUd stage mi extending to the poat mortem. Anybody

I prepare to live according to those Vedic standards of behavvotir

watched an un^Arya. But that w^ not a pem^ent extlusicm^

With I 'prayaschitta' I.e. fl sort of penitential reverb nuj ^

«uld be re^sdmitted to be once again an industricua and ct*«hent

member of the Vedic system.

Vedk Cocfitpt of Codhood

To comprehend the absurdity of the Atya vs. IJravid contr^v^.

1^ us nx^ miderstand the teim Ai^^a. The V^ "^^^^^^!j^ SB-pervading. Therefore every visible object or in^^^"^!^ ^^^fj

is con^dered to be a manifestation of divinity and *^ td«i^^^

vlth the immanent godhead. Consequently Vedic culture »«s^^

supreme godhead sub-divided into numerous "^«"'^*'^^ «^.^*ach pnrt or each deity represents the supreme godhw-K

^^^I" m integral part of LhAt godhead. U "3 like one pe

^^^^^^'WW upon as the head of the famBy i" »^« ^^*'

"Lrivrtt^^ ^he ^.,^ as father by the children, as bos. by »>^^>^" * iuboPdlnal* % his suijerior, w an uncle by his nap ^^" «fi' Thus the same individual apj»ars different ^^^"^^iii. The aame ja th* Vedic concept of diwn,ty. i«^

Page 107: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



ill V«dJc dftiies represfflt the jupivme govflmin^ po^p^^^

uitrwT*. It is tJie *aiTW *n SUrl** sdminlstralfon, Prom the w!!peoci ind cltrk U) ihe highest sovwa'gn or presidenL every bureau^^

I? * link In the chain of supreme gov^mmenUI authority.|j .

ow sift^ stiprttu* intUvisiljIe authority percolating throughK,

dffTerm* componwila. appearing U) be sub -divided, yet remajninj

undMdHl. Saux divihtiy *5 iD prevsding, ii also eniaig in 91^^^^

TlKfrfor* worshtppinff divine idols for those with faith iii tb^^

Is a perf« rttional activity. Contrarily thosre who vehemently

oppos? idol worship are befeig undujy unreasonable in ejfdudijw

sUjnffi . pictures and caricstu res Trom the dJvinedom ain. Vedk culiui^

on U» other hand permits everyone full scope to pray and worshiji

icconling to his or her indi^ndual faith . All thai Vedic culture demand


18 he truthful H honest, clean and helpful in your dealings with othen,

WhjHi you do that your form of worship or ron -worship and brani

of ibarm or atheism ere of no relevance or conoem at all under

Vedtc culture.

Dnvids wen AdmluIstrvAoi^ af Arvan Culture

H* Aryan. Vedic culture described above pervaded the whgfe

wtjrid from the beginning of lime. Naturally it requiVed a class

of l«emed admidstratoi^ of sterling character to be at the he3m

of affsiT» to be priesu, preceptor?, tutors, astrologere, judga-

ewcutives, mstbematidflng etc. Tliat dass was knowTJ 89 Dra^tli-

Xbt *Brl ii composed of two Sanskrit, roots viz ' Pra Le. 'Seer"

$a&m- l^iUie lamed.

O^fcqu^tJy Draiiida wer? and are masters of Sanskrit tMof V<dK fitiui) t)ravida have aO along been an Int^ral and topmoal

P^tof »aym VaUc cult^ire They proudly and aptly name their

Ma m Arya Vaidya^hals. Therefoit SJl talk of Aryan and Vr^"^^

&«nt«^^«ic «tiu« u stoalutely irrational and unhJstoricJ

«*»^iy Shf^h« b«ni^ xryin deity and Sanskrit h^^^.tn.T^^'^ -^^^ are ao many fair and dark^.k^^"^^ "^'' '"•^^^ fodi«...«^ ,^ ^,„^ ,^ „,rth indi^'

^^ ***** a ttjtony of Vedit es^^ eliaa Dr^vids ff«^



^a that 8B«« Agagtya in the hoaify past crossed Ite Vlndby«


aniL-nbef of education-cum -training cent™ of V«Jk;

*"itui*throughout peninsular India. Everaince South-bdUna havt

flfl collectivelycalled r>ravfdB though even among them the

J^ayslee** the Kannadlgag. Andhras end Tamtlians have their awn

Merent lfinguag« end scripts. T^at they all and partly even

y^jj^aghtrtanB continue to be collectively grouped aa Drevids despite

tbdi*writing differ^it scripts and speaking different Uuguagea

Inditrtw that they all belong to a common andent fold of Vedic,

^itffkrit centres in peninsular tidifl. Another atrofig proof is thdr

jfcdoraiion of and Firm adherence to the Vedic wa(y of life.

The Other Misconceplkm

Besides the above misconception about Ajfya and Dravid b^g

t^val groups, ther¥ persists an intra -1>ravid misconcepUon . Among

tbe Dravida themselves the non -Brahnrdns have been made to believe

Cby unbiUouii peraona wanting to l» ha2ed as community -leadere

by whipping up group sentiments), that the Sanskrit—learning.

Veda-reciting Brahinins are an alien community lording it over on

Lbe non-Brahmina.

Under the Vedfc system. BrahminTsm is a mere professitJnal

group Uke any other. Lord Krishna hea said in the Bhagwad Gwta

tint the fourfold division of society is based on aptitude and work

tMi^o^i^ ipip^ jjti ]ff4l^PTFi;T: I Likewise Manu, the gr^t law-gNr

kiM aaid {^^pttW ^; <j^^n i4 ft^t 3^1^^ that by bfrth everybody

^ 1 Ehudra (because he [9 uncultured) and only gradual trtiaiTig

«nd leaching makes a person a Vaishya, Kshatriya, or Bt^hmir-

Her^. n may be r^memberwi that no group of Vedic sodrty

*J* bed of ros^. Each demanded hiah and stem standards d

™tour. Tbe Shudra as a manual worker waa enjoined 10 be

[^"Scmiy dean. He was allowed to Bccumulal* wealth. He had

^ ^»chan{e his social responsfljilitEes and abstain from view- A

™l^ "cademk standard was not expected of him. A Vaiihya w«a

y>^ W be gfflxl at farming, economics. mathamiLta^^^«^. l«d a very cl«n and healUff lif« with a daily ba^^

Page 108: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

«te di.rg* oclv th* sdmlssnile margin of profit and k«p donay,^

rronV f<^ P^*""^'^^^"^^ throughout hf» life.

Higha- si*ndiA5s of martlliy, clMinlin^. bravery, Pairioilsm,

s^n« and public servjw i*'«™ demanded of a KsbaWya.

On* w>w B5pire<S to "3* ^^" ^'*'^^'" ^^^ ^ Brehminhoodj

ht ,FE not ctfOy to b« edpet at tbe duties of nil tba other ihf*,

«|«B» bill h*d also to be veiy abstemious .He must have no sddjctt^jn


He mu9i charge no fee* for ^V aervi« find must not posaai

uy property. He must never lose bis lemper and never use ETmi

to ssault or loll finyb^V- Any lapse by a person of ibe Brahmin

stjiut BUr^ried severer puni$hment. Thus the Brahmin status wag

bicrd to attain in<i sustain. It demanded Ufe-long dedication ta

knowlttlfs end socta] - service ^^*tth total abstinence from vices,

lujcunw or rest Considering all this BrahminiSin was atfi an

imposit^n- Tl was an sttalnmenlt^

Tbe cwtent aste -status has developed two nfiajor faults. Vftiit

»Trt intendtd to be pmfessional gnati ps such $& carpenters.weavers,

powera^ blficksmlihs, goWsmiths, cobblers etc, have turned into

rigid castes leading to vanous tdnds of touchabEljty and unUjuchalality.

Secondly they have become birtb- bound i.e. the father's atalua

u t Shudn, Vushya, KshaldyaB or Brahmin attaches to his progeny,

no maUtr wbrt worlc he does or the norms of behaviour he folWws.

ThiB bting in tbemiion it h not going to last long- Cast* 9^^

tntr^iige T^strictJons are already crumbling becayge they ere ns

longer braed m ancient VedJc norms. In the modem world aifw^

I^Jjni ri<*i qiiickeat by any means s«m3 to be the genertl h3«I

F^efybody it Usuiii^ to be a Vdabya in outlook but Shudrti li*

beiaviouf. U Mtdi to be pointtti out here, however, that in '

w<Jl'rig«toi*d V*dVj fcjciay even theShudra, though mairsly a in-"'|*

worker. Ikt iUnd«d of behaviour and social reaponsibnity"«*

to be viiy high Waw he waj, ^ much a component of V*^

Qdfty » Um BmhnUn, Th« difference was merely in the r^Lwj*

. .

™'"^ "H^Uunaiu, work and duties. The sLsndSf*^"

tiehygiene everybody in the Vedic Society froni t &iudn

ind ^*"*^ observed meticulous standards. Dravids have bwn the


^^ ^^ monitor of that Arya, Vedk, Sanatan. Khidu^ipbftl^ers^

^jjjch liiey still are. They have been known as Druids


. prflvids In In dia . A lot of information of thta rsacSnating


scattered and unknown, w* propose to prwent

^ Thomas Maurice observes "Tbe Asiatic origin of the

rtl^Had long been an acknowledged point En t]ie world of

iUes Mr Reuben Burrow . tbe great practical astronomer of

u^ was the first person, who after a strict examinalian and

oariaon of their mythological superstitions and their periodscom

Erectly Bfflrmed them to be a race of emigrated Indian


"These ^esta i tbe Dnuds), Brahmins of India spread

themselves widely tbraugb the northern regions of Aaia even M>

SIbnii Itself, and gradually mi^igUng with the gre^t body of Cdtic

tritxs ( Kalatoye people to the South of Kashmir) pursued thar

^limey to the extremity of Europe and finally established liie Dniid

IM Eb the BfBhnun system of supersUtion in anciffit Britain. This

I contend wm tb« first Oriental colony settled in these (Britiab)


Hereunder we propose to reprodui^ for the reader"information

some relevant passages from a book titled A Complete Histoiy

"rihe Druldi llieir Origin, Manner* Cusioms^ Tempi"* RitR "^

^perstUiqos «iih „„ i^q^j^ i^o (heir Bellfcton. And Us CoincldeiKc

"i'h the PuirianrhHl, Lichfields. prinUd by and for T.C Lomas; ««l

"•^hyiagrntm. Hurat, Rees, and Orms. UnAoTi 1810

On the bfickgid« exterior Ofm cover Is the sketch of » b«T^^

^^ m&i with fwt hflre bolovt' the knees , wearing a loo^e. knw-l^P"

tvvK». in Miunflnot. Ln mirtud and monetary diacipllitawdf^^"^

Page 109: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


fO^n, h(*Un( *n open boo>i in the right band ond a jt^ff |^

Wl, I krvih or ckKth 9luii« ovct the sbouJdera ^^^ jJ**

Vodic «» that one vcKild ^viaBte. *

TIk l^jwturtJoit refers to gtone relfca of o!d such as thePlUAbq

fttOHCLF. and ibeSERPENT seen at several ancient sttea thnmrfy^"

U» worid md adds "^the Romani brought with them the ^if^covered temple, Hnd on th* perveraion of the inhabitants, twopen plass, iP all probability, were entirely neglectea if nol partw

demoliahed. Thej' were to he destroyed in tta$ Land of Cwisia.

becBBW they had been abused there, but how far, the lsra«jka

^ntt forbidden to set up any more will best sppear from the precefi

itsdf . Lewlt, XXV] - I. 'We shall make you no idols nor graven

imsffes, neither ihall you pui up any \m&^ of stone in your laid,

to bow down unto it, for I am the Lord your Cod***

The above details will scarcely be understo&d by any Western

sdiolET^ becau$« ^t details refeired Ui therein are unfamiliBr to


Krisluia S^aluei

CmRan la lord Krishna who \a known as Csnha (also spdM

at' Ksnha ' 1 in India, HI a temple* in Europe and West Asian r^f»i

t in pre-Chrislkn limea) had pEllara in fmnl. Behind them were

icon* of Ljrd Kn&hna alias Vishnu. Both those da ties are s^'"

*^t«rf by huge muki- hooded cobras, Urd Krishna vanquJs'*'

i «^. called Ksllya in the Yamuna river and danced Lriumptafl^^I

over fail h«d. Cod Viahnu is shown fecUning on the eoils of i

mulU-hwded cobrm. tn both cases either the enUre divine fif^f*

ridina U» coJbre ia framed in a dixJejor a drcular halo is depswj

ttumlftiung ihe divine faw. In the ancient Vedic world icon**

tbi* t-o dBiUa w*re commonly raised aU over. That expli""

^7**™ to ii« pillars. «^,^ ^^1, ^d ,1,, ,^d of Canstf..

^*^ l-m« u * *™,c««l form of the Sanskrit term h*«r"'^^iWto, Ihi iM. rf G«J. cana. alias Krishna wa. th. ^

^^ «td M^oriMp ihem but iat«r the prac^''^'



y^ued for severai reftsona via, U) Since ibe J^wm bid to

*^^*^from country to country, eartying slow tintgn becurw

"*^rtlofll' ^2' ^^ enemie? of the Jws used U) desecrate the

^"^^^spit^ the Jews. (3) As people of Vedic culture Jews tlso

!^!ld imagea E>f varioua other gode and goddeasifl. Thew. ih^

afraid, could lead to rival cults and diKimity. For all meh

'"^ns the Jews decided to give up idol-wonjhip. Otherwise tha

T^sh mind is not opposed to idol-worahip imllke that of tte


'"This serpent was the symbol of M^l and wisdom, of life

d health, amongst the Eastern nations, the IntUani, Persimi,

BebyloTiians , Phocrucians . Egyptians . Grecians and ....even amangsrt

Peruvians... its name was Seraph."*

The tem "Seraph ta oTsviously the 'Sanskrit" word 'Ssip*,

jpelled as serpent in Engh.h. Both the Sanskrit word Sarp and

Lbe Idol of tbt cobra were famlBar aB over the anciait world. TTse

quiiiriqation that only*" Eastern nations ^ looked upon the serpent

a» divine symbol is unjustified wh«n the named naUona indude

both Greece and Peru. And since the enUr« Euit-pean dviUatioa

itemm^ from Greece it should he apparent Uist if the cohra hiid

dhrine Blsnifican^ in Greece it had the same s^mncance aU ovw


The cobra has other significance too in Vediccultow^ In i^trtJw

and Krtronomy the nodes of the moon are symbcliMd as the&e»

and UD of the time- serpent. In the scisice of ^'^^ "^^"

Mnlres of energy from the base of thcspinui column to the cere

li likened to an energy serpent. SUlues of Egyptian P^^™™^

B coiled cobra figure stuck in the centre of their f<'^^^'';r„r^

oJ Vedic deiUes a^ often shown sl^eltered utider the^t^tra. Therefore, all allusions to cobres In sac^d contew

"^sa presumpUona of a Vedic connection.

The lamelites used to bum -'inctrtw to Cihe cobn)

"* '^iS, A ODii!i[iet« Hluory of the Urultft-

Page 110: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


In it^ d^i of H«y«ta'sh. This indicates ihat the robra, ^ |_

V«dlc sjTTibo] , hM bMii revened all over the fincient w^rld.^^"^

Ihf fnd. *lw (jilrtKlucilon U) the booh A Cttmprcie Hislorj

I>nfi(U ]« aswTis, referring to llie cobra in the Adam and E**Lenp^^on suiry. tlut "^ " "-—-*


ecbimj hid mi ^^omtd

LenpiBUan suiry. thit "be 11 remember^ over again that itdZ

TTw liook opens Its ftceounl of Lhe oHgiti of the Uruids ( «*»,

I&) rtiUog'

' It may TBtJonfllJy be concluded from the 'vsrionsGpi^e>thm histon&it, that this British island received its flr^ fnhfibltn

f^mi U» BSftem ptrtj of the world ^oon afl*r the nooq "^

Ewliifr in this chapwr wt hgrt^ aeen hovr Thomas Maurice andRRibm Burrow bed concluded that the DnjJds of Britain Wft»Bnhtdns from India

. Tbis fully ctmflrms my fin ding that the Uruidgor Europe wer* I>ni^ds. [.e. sa^ and aeefs of V^jc culture f™mIndia And the Cholepe&ple of South Indis do indeed have a gettlemmtIn Sttnlmd named after them as Chol-mondal' alaya {^-q^-jn5Rl)e»iTTwtiy apdicd as Dwlomnndeley byl prwiotine^j only as Qtumley.Thf modem ^ day BriiiBh. finding It difficLjlt ua ertioilate the enti™QiUinal Sanskrit term havtconvententty sbbrevi^ied Its pranunctBtionto "Chramlry Kuala T^mpur in Malayaia too Js the Sanakn't

an unciejit Chola worTd empire,

-n* bMk fgrtW stirt« that those people from ihe

t>."1^^^''"'^ ""fi^V nations and became possessor of elmoat

vm Of600^ "" ^^" ^^* ''^'^'' ^^ ^^* '«'«^^ (^^.BriiainJ

wd cWrm'L''^^"^ ^'^ "^ '^^" "P rm'i a vary emphaUc

»im« » J!T^l^^ ^^' ^^'^'^'^ civ-iU^Uof. in BriUtin It

t»i»-fkK>d world Thi'^"^ ^""^ ^^ ^^*^ pro«flnitor of the

IndkK* two udt»*^'*™^ ^'^"^ ^»» word ' man "


• peragn «n4c«wl wJI*^^ * **^'* dw^ided fr^m Mann. «ie1

Oi ra»m' (BSunslcnl word) i.e. -mind'.

(4) l*,l)l. A <J«nuitu HLu


^^ jiumanSty \b iAbg ib^ Sonskril term Sii-mdn^lui « beltw

^'!fTs^th B B<»d. complete (full fledged) mind. The ','|»

''p^ aubslituM by b' as the t«m semi-gphiire i, ,;^el]ffll a

phft above quoted extract fully vjndicatea the main tbeme of

-jj, voliMTie namely that soon aft^r the flood (whenever that event

hive occurred 'Whether thousands, millions or biUiona of years

^] the Vedic civilization was ushered once again all over the

^oM Includlnsr the British isles.

InddentaUy this also corroborates the rule enunciated by aoge

yyag in the Mflhebharat (which we have quoted elsewhere) that

Hi the end of an era C marked by a floodn fire^ war. or sLmttar

bolfflsuat) lost Vedas and history rtapprar throuah the minda uf

Tis book further says"

' About BOO years before Cbriat. eccording

to Siry. two large colonies were sent out of that country (i.e.Gaul

nimely France, the country across the channel frtsm Britaiii) tb^

ant to Italy, and the other to Germany by Ambjgalu9> who thai


THs information carries us n little ftirthef by informing tis

that the civilization wbicb existed in France* Uaty and Germany

''tts pre^Chrisiian,

f^ IS of the book A Complete History of ihe ^"^^^^ ^^to I>evanshire. That is the Sanskrit term (^?^J Devuieswar i e^

^ri of ihe Gods.

On page 20 of the book, referring lo an ancient Greek iBrtdlng

« Bdtiiln states "the places where the Creeks first landed irt

B^cvw^ thought to be the two ialonda Man and Angleswy"



*<> TiBmes are agalrx Sansteit. TJie island of man ts nimed afto"

y^- It may be noted in this context that En«Ush spelUnifs hive

r^ Often onUtted the la^t vowel of the Sanskrit pronuncfflUco.

J!,l;;^;^;;^*Oie^skrit word widhwa ' fiwfl J> SpcUew only u

Page 111: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


'vidow'. 'Hw Ik»i i" hw bow iRTiored. Ukirwise(„ ^.

u fi dropped and IhelslaiidigimniRd' ^The other iflrm Anirle»y is the Sanskrit Lflrm oiji^.

^^^h.t.t. thf lord of Anjju: country. TlTitl. Island waji no named btoon K wu OTKt^d a huije aculplure of Ijord Vishnu { ihe Uiunu,'"'

dMnltyy rwlining on ihe coils of a huge cobra.^'*

We 8r« further mformed that in pre- Christian time* '*

th^ ^tiiim*

nd G«il» Ci.P. Frarchm™) having jiropefjy, but one and the laj™religion

,resorted U> pu blic aemJn aries ^ wishin g Lo be bettor in siryouH

In th« learning ard rdigton of ih* Pmids, wbo went over sv^nyear lo usiBt at the rriigioua ceremonies of th# Gsula. "

Hm w h»v* another indication that the Dmlds wer^ prfejti

Hjfidtjclina Vedic wremonlm in France and Bril^iin ona fof ihli

they UHd to ctom the channel as people do even today, Cansequmll*th« traffc between England Aod the rest of the continent t^^Wmafrom th* remotest Umu. The rtference to uem/narles clearty lm|jlE«

the Msi«iw of Vedic schools. Thus the Eton and Harrow trediUMi

aJBntKn onginaies in the wfdent Vedic school syate^n wheredifldiwhrf to live In the Guru i hemiiU^ for over 12 yesn- TTila atifl

esplanit how in Bncfent Ujin«a Britain and France were united undirI commofi Vedic culture. The current Ji-year schooling continita


«r i,jj^'^^' '"'''^ ^"^ ***" ^«™ ^^^ e«i'ly fl^n™ P*"^

« tr^n-uUble launring have thought Ihem to be pF British ongta-

ilTJ'"^"h» b«n r^ul«]...Dr ftukeley say., they f^

w* h«t ibo^TZ!"* ^^ "« ^ « ^ery fiignincant qhsffvUiof'

n<l MPerrito,*^ ^'^^ "^* I*"^*!' •» VediC'*dinIniiil«w^

in ih. ™^ ^rf,!** ^'^^ ^ South [ndla to be deployed on duU

*««ta»o^ ».^-^ '^ * ^'^^'^ *=^ '^'- ^'^ ^"^!S

WB mlMAhcn ^J^!^ !?*" ^i cmips* of time the term Hf*™

— - ^^t^ of t raw. But that il is ^


H^ be apP**""""^ ''"^"^ ^^" ^""^ *'^^ irt mtr tfmn lirrm Anlh

LjLfi rii fl 1^"" i"hflWl*d hy phopUh *ho Pip.«k dlffpmit linKf^K^,

lid *rite dif^'^™"*' «cf*'P*^" ^*^ '^'^**'" commwt Rh«™rt«Tf»uo, which

„jgdi themDrtilds *" Lh^Jr exjartlse In V«dl(; culture and Ijanikrit


^iP^^eni Vfl^llc F^hiitriya admlnJvtlWon had jn tluHr empk^

trtdillonal Bin(!*fm flnd ikm^l-j wh<» wynj itnown ri Dhnt md IWd.

11 l« those same wordn which conllnuif lo be uited In Englhh uPoet (a tTwliM-onunciBtion of the Jfensltrlt word ' Bhftit") ind Hsj'd.

Tb thOti who mlghi f*el preptetod w* would Uk« to «t^^n

thil King Prithvirsj "s ociurt poet, Chwwi was known ib ' Jimrdal


Vhlch is spelled m Bard' in Enfjliiih. The i^iniinuonce of ihii

poet a]ta$ bard tradition Jn WiiUin is one vei^ aiHnifictnt prwjf

of Ssnakrit-apeflking Vedk Kshatriyaa having rukd over the Hriliih

libeln anc[eot ttmea.

We are told that '*thit custom (of emp1qyin(( bsrdf I c. poUt)

Origiriated In the east where it was prnctiBcd frcrm the etrUett period.

it wu cciminijnijcated to the Greeks, and aftervardA U> the t^tUit.

TTie indent Greeks had not only the wbole body of their dJvlrJty

In viTMj bul upon all occaatana, aa marrisga. funerals etc., their

nliifwui ritea and ceremoniesr were ptfribmad in it; Uke*rt« upoft

ooOfien of some great dcliveranoe or remarkaWe victory, they ung

**> praifios of their gods, compMing odw md hymnt, wWch liwy

rditoed Kj the people, in a solemn maimar with muitc-*'^

That trvlitlon eonUnuea in every region of India Fven now

h* onaUn nance among Greeka and Litiofc shfjwji that they too «rf

P*^ of the Vedic worid.

" The BB-da were also very much gWen to compowlfi* KenMlo***'

^ f^eariing them in public aasembUe*..,Homer nwnUofi*

^*^^t»cua «id VeiKMi , aa cclebnrt«l banli . The bfliiJs . vt» Wlhfrto

Uai p ^*UU.

Page 112: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

I m21^

wir* only r^igiwv tnd wrha« composiMona wwt? vs&ila th,

„toi.n ri^ d^««l*d by degree, into tb> nature or^ ^,_

bttTMmakws. «id from singing of Lhe csseflce of th^v fmrtiorW !* uroper. ti !» better to recognize that Ihe whole of pr*.Chriitbii

at ihe»u]. Lhe *'*^^'' ^ nature, tbe course of ccle^Ua]bodi

^' .

-j.,.j*uv^,v«»if,™ f^.s..^ ._.,,


^ jflpntion Kuropesn counlrf™ ptogty md *ine that DrMtdim

Vetlic ciilture) pervaded ihl» counlry emd Uiit mumrsr ^

iht ort*r find httrmony of ibe spberes. the pmiso of the"^

and reharanff the virtues and actions of ifrta( men which wj,

ewiHid*rtd pocwsfti^ >^ sdmukle and encourage the people ^, ^^cnt^rpiiw: Ixcanw tl» d^Tilgers of Idle and emptv gftiQalopE,^

m«t for gain ^^a" f**"* '•^^ advancement of virtue, &nd afi*rfffi,^

fsvff I^»fn5e1vffl up to composing mysUca] rhymes, aboundingwii),

pni;^ted«s of thingsr to come, to charms, spells, incantaUona,tl«

Ti of mii^c Bnd nwromancy, thei ihey had sundry verses lo ihg

puTpose whidi WH* of wonderful power and enengy ''^^

"Dw ibove description applies lo the insUtuUon of bards dl

i>vw the world ev^en in iheir urufOrTn and steady degeneration wtuch

agun prevs tbe ejast«ice of a. uniform Vedic culture all qv^ the

T>ke book on DniidB further informs us that the Prulds jealouj'tf

Eturded tbHr leanninff and tradition* which were onintelliBtUe ta

th*common people,"

' none could have recourse to them, but peraoiis

of rtpute «nd learning { and) nothing waa permiued to be Uk«

w^ in vntlng.*"

Tbe chflPBcteristlcs meniion«! above apply only to Vedic \eam]Jtg-

And sctually in Germany there }s s reginn known as Vaitland (it '

Vsda UndJ. fcid stsHifA of six sages and a [Vedic) temple w&t

"iiwov^raJ there. ThJ5 point h dealt with in some deiaO in '^

cbftpier OR Gennany.

"The rdlgion of the iJruidm Nourished 9 tong time, both In

IriUb mid Gau3 ( i.e. France). Ii spread as far flfi Itoly, m aPl*""

by Auputui^j Injynciion to the tlomanSp not to cel<tbi-aWft*

lunJP*^aa Imbued wilb Vedic culture

.For i nsttance, we e« Informed

^ Lhe seni^ ^*™^ "" Driiida tbat "a femalft J>ruld of Tiingrii

abe l&^ bigbopric of Uegt in the Netherlamli) had foretoW m

Bloderfa*'( H'tien e private soldia in Gallia) that he would be &nperof

of Borne-"''

TTitS iiiditales thai iti the Netherlands too in preChristian Umea

Vftdic culture and Sanskrit language held fun away. Snee astnjlcny

Corma pai^^ '^^ ^^^ studies, the Dmids. who wwe Vedic prieata.

]ui foretold the elevation in the atatus of DiQcleaisn.

"The government of the l>ruids was umversHi over ifee who^e

island., -. there was but one chief.. ^. to whom they bad recount

in public meelangs and assemblies...The primate of these Dndd

priests was a sort, of Pontiff...,The Druida were beld in sudi

veneifllion by the people, that their authority was nlmcat

ibsolute....'niej' claimed a power of exooinniunlcalion,..Tlwy were

mode judges of aD controversies both privato and public, .the Dmids

were exempted from the services of war. and paid no laxe» sa

the people did,,,Some of their maxims may serve as a apecunen..-.

"None must be instnicted but In th^ sacrfti groves."

''Mistletoes must be gathered with reverence and If powMs

in the sixth moon,.,.K must be cut with a golden bill.*'

"EveiTthing derived its origin from heaven."

"The Arcana of the sciences must not be committed to writing

^tto lheraemo0."

'*Greai care is to be tslcfti in the education of chfldr*- 1^

powder of mistletoes maJ^e women fmitftJ. The disobediffts v*

^ be shut out fnom sacrifices. Souls are immortai-

'*'n» Hul lifter d«th ko« inio o*ber bodie**"

'^*»PK. lyd^

Page 113: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



"CWami trt to be braigbi up ipart fnm ibrfr parfflt* mtt«y «r« fourtwn ywT* of *g^.

The moon Is n so^-creign nemedy for all things. Ut tj*


Wl the inform«tiOT quoted above points wSf^y to Vedjc cuJturi.

TV guldir^ tenets are predsdy Ibe ones which are peculiar to

Vedic uadjiioin.

•He eonecUon of herbal remediea during apecifjc phssea of tin

moon a « mmnioii Ayurvedic practice.

IT* tffm Mtftleiot 35 B garbled speUing of the Sanskrit won!

Sasuteta, i.e. the Soma creeper whose leave* apd juace wert\rid((y

lued tpy sages in Vedic rituals bftsuw of their remarkable medidwil

uj^fflicb IS r^iuvenaUofi , prolonging life and rendering sterilewomen

fertile. The tnunortality of ihe soul and ita migraLion from body

to body in si loending Hfe-^cle is Use vti^ comer-stone of Vedfe

•Hie Dniids taKt period^ CVediol sacrifices, they

atnmcnucBl observatories. StaTfordahTreused to be fomneriy covmd

»iLh » lar^ foren designated as Cannock or Cwk. 'Hut is tlw

Sandoil tenn Cannan (also speLed as Kanan) signifying a forest.

"Both the Greeks and the Romans, -,.*^re fond of the number

tbr^. ai bang the next odd number to unity.. .Tiis doctrine can*

«i|jnd(y frmn the children of Israel... if ihe word Elohim do«

n^ nrnpT^baHl lire idea of a trinity."**

TV imJvBTwl flpitvd of tlie Brahma Viahnu -Mahesh Vedic trinity

«™^ ia y«. one more proof thai Vedic culture was mankind"'

pnntonUfl] inbetlVMse," ^'^ W» of ihe Druids....hftd rende-ed tbem. .


vriaiMe thw i:<lw»...Thcy were lequegLered from the ^Fff «

fin) F)A Xai (^


,jj men °^ ^9^^"^ ^'^ ^'^^ conversati^m.^.They uu«n*"

^^Ti'fged notblng but virtue end piety. Their soJemn assemUiei""^

'^concerning Ibe prindplea of divinity, morality, ibi

t*"^yend philosophy, is well as that of natural religion, the

^^"^educfliJon ofyotingm«i ,

and those who had not been irtstnictH

hirti vere not esteemed sufficiently qualified ta manage the

iffiiia of stfi^'

^ Dnkids '*^ad a herb c^ed SOTiolofua*.. Cobvimaly

tom^nisi in gatbei-[ng *hich they used ceremonies: fli^t, they

^^ (isLing. aeoondJy they ought not to look back during the time

d ih* plucking it... and lastly they had to use tbeir left hand

t^ "n^g herb so gathered was esteemed of soveragn virtue

h Um cure of all diseases in swine or cattle. The high antiquity

iiul umvei^lity of sacrificea. be&peak U origmally a divine

(iBtiiutian....penitence and purification were neceassiy attendants;

lurwu an invocation in the name of Jehova. the great profritiator.

tt this time wanting. '


Ibe Vtdic Trinity

"The Csnaanites... had. before the arrival of the Tsrsdilei

tatbarcoontry after the Exodua from Egypt, introduced Lhe worship

rf in*ven images,'"*

The Canaaniteg derived their name from Cod Kanba alias Chrisna


^- therefore, carved idols for worship as per Vedic practice.

'*The first generations of man had neither temples nor statues

'w their gods, but worahipp^ towards the ^stem heavens in tiw

"f*^atr. and sacrificed upcn th& summita of the highest

^^n^^B-.Vdry high moiintaitis being commnnly held swred to

^^ «^ Jupiter, and sometimes to AppoUo.-.all s8^^ V^*^'

^_^J*»^bers ihoi-e wei-e no tl'e*^s \vvi-G called groves



Page 114: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



•*]j0«y person? are »r opJnlton. that iVie r^i^y, j^^ t>tf IJmids ww« simaar kj those of the Gymnosoiiiij,^, ^


BfflhiiUns of bdia. Um Magi of Peraia and the ChaJdeana al As^^«nd ihwefort to bsve tbe same onpn,

*' The Cymnowphists wen? phiJosopbers who *aii n^^Jived wdJtfiiy and austere liva in cava, woods and d^erts, re^on hert* and for » time abstaining from comal pleesures. Tt|Z

wer* also called B™hinans...i.e. of Br&chman or Brairba, \^

presCTiber of thfiir rit^ or levra. "Hwy were very learned men h^in great reverwee by the people fifld had a strong idea ef tbi

T>TJi3 ly , . . . /si avnia, frj* ^>^* treeterf iftc i/n/ww. 2nd Snscfm,

tt}' zhfs Wf pttsenvs it. Srtf MAhaddls, i^ this he wiB d^sit^


Th* Vedai

7^ pitioid to hav^ fflce/fft/ few books fi'om Bmnba. is

wtsdi boiiks all kDOw!0dge Is comptshended; they acknowledge tlu

FnetapEsychE>»a or the liansmigra^ion of sqmIs , thrmi gh several human

bodies md betuU. beforr they can sirive at pleasure and beini

purely spdtui]- aid for tUs reason they leach that it is noi l^vTul

to kil!l. or ^t snything that 13 killed $jid none of their tribea do

ml any but their soldiers.... Thsy instituted public feaats ta^

sacrifices upon aet times of the moon. ---though they had a frnd

number oT gods, yet in many particular pleoes the people hsd pnttt

find tuLetar godi, whose dmnrFu nations extended not beyond a l-JD,

river, fountain or spring. Jupiter was worehipped under itiiW

n«nes...we read of above 300 Jujnters and each nation stsjut^

have had one peeuUar lo itself... He was particularly csJIed Tarsm1».

vii Thunderer, and Thor in the nortii which name idso signi*"«»

Ihurultt^ find from which ij derived Thuraday . . .The Swedes ,Gern"^

Bid SMons worshipped him in the nme numner as do B^^^and Caul.. „.I>n,jdl^ t^pl„ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^ figures fi8«^rt

^^^'^*^'=^"<J *t^ intended tfl describe thenature of thedS^^^J'

""^ Circle. i, ihat qf Stonehenge. or the Circle and SerBph-

or wtigf^ ficrpmv^ ^ ^h^ of AbJry, . .such wm thia wonderful^of At-ry; vhM vhkh 1 gr«ider and mom extensive desiF**cii^


^^ Into the Imagination of man and urtilch, wh«i {„

^Jiiit vf»s without question the mtjit glnriouj i«npte trf th*


^\tHc^ Ltie world has ever heard of..Jt wm rwlly . u^^,

*^ Lo the evBT'hleaaed and undivided trtalty.,.th« Mighty onat:

""^m the wlio^s ^^ ^ emblemfltical rrpreaeniaiion. *'"

^ ibove extracts rJsflrly prove that in various nf^ant of ti^

jj \hai existed * uniform culture which was adminbtered by

^Hlly class known as Oravida sliaa Druidg, They believed In

Jnd divinitypervading aU objects. That divinity was reprwented

w the trinity of Hrahrna, Vishnu and Mabadev. Temples of these

^Ifes existed all over the world amidst ahfldy groves. Thst ths

ittul [risaed through several bodies in different births before It aititLrted

iijviUofl. T^t their culture waa rooted in four bwla of wisdom

utd sdmtnistered by Brahmins. All this description leaves na room

for doubt that that universai culture was the Vedfc wty of life

ind that it ejdsted from the beginning of time.

The C^tic alias Keltic people of ancient Europe'

' were aufajed

lo an authoritative body of Druids, or priests , ^bo fnmed and

Biforced lawg for the benefit of the community. *'**

'^TTie Kingdom of Kent ( in Britain) was founded by ths MiHTJtbert. Both the people of Kent and of the isle of Weight art

IbB {]ffspring of the Jats ," *^

The Jata ore s Kahatrfya clan from India. From tb« fefermce

tM>lHl above it Is clear that the Jats formed part of the TndJM

PPnonnel who had spread abroad to administer Vedic culture nE*r tht Vedic maidm '' Krunwanlo Vishwam Aryam " which wwi Jnoito for extending culture and dviliiatlon to aveiy region of

the world.

'Tbew c BriUsh) Islands appear to bave be«i colon fiftd tiy

J^'«.Mattw, Myth and Sj^rit or KelUc Hindu UnU. by Ptinuih"-

(Sj p J^'^'^^ *J«tt JUder A CO. Lendon, 1B3&,

Page 115: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


fptAM (n ih* BrlU«h \»]m and Jn UHlUiny. ihn chief of ^i !''^'

Anir^Awy. Tlirm. lonR* Ctllflmlnh In thw n*>lfrld<w' SUHuifn J*'"

Orknty iBlPnri. nnd nt flimftc In JHlUiny. "" ^^

Tlw Dpi^dili allw PruldB Ihus cw^g^HHl fompl«U conlrol aw,

Thi' T)n»vidii who itmoftd over Iho world Lo admlnbUrr Viflk

CBllurv wpiT nut nl] Bmhmlni. TTiry fnoludrsl |w«ij}T<? of n|| th^ f^j^^

Vilfla caU^M*^ Thvr^rofv ihu cumml imh^Fihy |k>]IUcg1 innt

tn SouUi IndiB to look upon thdr Ftrji>imin c?asa nv m illon mnli unWutrjricjsl, Lmjimppr enti unjuaUfinlilo.

PnoplD of tfvffTy provlncL' In irvMa hjid nl? Lho Tour claesn of

pwptp Thff four cloBMifl wore prrjfi^ssloriHl divinfonB nnd not aiain,

There whj b cortjUn fluidity oboul them. With pmvfln meril utd

dKlicalion one could bo n jwitl, (if unoLbtr uIask. Convprsi'ly, clBmciit

nd dlkcivdli tlBo onti^wi vjciiut^joo from n pDrUcutor ulass.

Thla li »p|jnrr[il from iVoralhiMi Chfl|din 'h oliflorvation ihfll "tl*

OfSVldi w(>r¥ Kiluiirlyoi* and nil Kwhotrij^un were Atyfls..;Manu frt

WHO 43*« of thy Lwith (;hii|>tir of tbc Smnhitn dt'sJ^netai WKihBlrfys tribrt n^ VrJNhalnn, amunji whuiii iire the Drflvid^s/"*

"Af e cIb(u the l)nijd» tnkc m m:t!v** imrt in war, anJ pfl>

nan* uf iJie ^jnJhmfy Ln^i^t far tbut inir(Mi9e: not only for ^li^'

mlUUfy vnrvltm, but Inm i>lhoiSMiU' burdi'iiy nho thi'y oru<«»'f^P'

Thfiftnh the oilrttctloni Tidd cut for such « tiipt'ci* no Icfw l^^'*

fiwn plttu choiM. jEa<^ n«mi<v» >i/rt the pihaihtkid, nft^ **

«ir to> ihnirptfvnLi ^ui tiJmfvtv to umifiyo tlu^nrnVi^'y "^*

tf^MinicU^, far „ ft,fl/i^ « ,,,,^,^^ >',«!»,.,. W£fc rtV«^/ ^ ^ k

*CUlMi ClHUwe ^ ,!*«//„. ^,, ,„^. , '^^.^,^ ^^ ,^,; ,^„^t^ &' ^ "





""!!^( ^ ^^ ^^^'" ^"^^'"""^ ^ "-^^ teaching of thla mdn

"^^t^oy hold variauB tectur^ and diacusslons on anroncpmy,

^^•Jrt«n' •"'^ georap'^'cal diatrihution of Ibt i^obt. on tba

ifffmJlbnnctieii of natural philoflopby and on nuny problema

ZqI^ with religion The 7>niida wer« a privileged cUw, ihera

^^ ihrtedepartmenla, the cW^ of which wsa that of the pnesis

- iitiporiantsettiemetit at Monn in Angelsey where » grmt number

of pi^rfmsused U> rtstorl U> rfict>iVfi in^tnjctm^'*

•Pife above deUiils about ihe belief and prsctlcea of tht Dnalds

,j;jijte rt c]«r thai th*?y were Pravid people from India who gujded

fni ftMrelsed supervisory control over the whole contemporary

Eurepean soda! structure.


Tbfh wfill 'known Roman g^cral Jull us Ca^seir has In hli memofra

hIio rtferred to the Druida, He writes '* Everywhere in Giid two

cluKfl only are of any fiocount., .. One of the two daaaea oonsijta

or Lhi DruidsIthe other of the knights. The former offldate it

tin wonhip of the gods* regulnte saortflees, pHvate as well ss

public and a^rpound questions of rehgfon. Young men resort to

thim in Ibt^o numbers for ^tudy and the people hold them in great

"•PKt. They ore jud^jos In nearly oil disputes-.. They e«tlle the

hVDiiflr and fix the awards or fines, if any liti^fant. whether an

lndivWiuil or a tribe does not abide by their decfs^oa. tht^

"wn-imunlcate the offCTider... Persons who are under such «

^^tf]ctf are looked upon as Impious moi>Blers. everybody »void8

^«Ih everybody ahuna their npproiich and converMtlon. for r«r

'^^nlng pohuUon, If they appear aa platntiffs, th^ ar* dmi«d

^«»- rK,p have they any shure in the Offices of State. The DruUt

'In^^^^ °^^ ^*^^' *^** commanda the highest respect among

tt|hr'''^° l>ruids hold an annual saalon on a settled m*^^^^^ spot in the country of the Camutea.^.^tbe rep<ii«l

^^^^^^^^^^^^ '•

Page 116: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


«otrp of Caul. All litignrLs assemWe he™ from aD paHj,

^ Cbeir dedsktns Md aw*rd». ''" ^^ktldi

Tl» BnJds sttd the Knights ref^&rred io above arelh« Brahmin and warrior dssses of Vedlc society. Both arewords, linn Druid means ' 8S(^? ond seer ' u-tiH^ the kni j,

EDHlpronundation of the Sanskrit word ' Nayak ' ( aUaa ^^) 1.^'

The descripUon of the Dniids Jeft by Julius C&ssir Is of y^d«c»aa just prior to th& begin niinj of the Christian era, y^ i^same descnfptian apphes four- square to tBe Dravida of South Lidta

and! in fact to ell Hindus throughout IndJa even of the I9th gnj

2ah centuries. Strict ex-communicatiCBi was Imposed on vitMunof social taboos.

Kmnvatl In FWnce

The area Camut^a In France fa obviously the Senskiil fibtm

Xntwslj. Ancisii India too had hallowed cities of that nams.

I^ head of the Dnijd^ mentfoned abov« was obviously U*

VedJe priest living in the Vsfliean in Rome. But since the who)*

of Europe stands oonv^Tted to Christianity, the entire sncient Dnddlc

Vedic priestly $et-up was turned Christian and tbetr fornier heJ

priest sUD remsina thrir head. His office the Papocy is ^ao a Ssnskft

term rtgnifyliig sbsoluUon from sin . as eJ^lainod more fully els«w6«*

in thLi volume-

A fownol* on pa^ ifil of Caesar "s Commentaries ^^ ^*'Ptmiu demstes the penaHies Inflicted for non pnyrnent " ^temi PoHiBS i< fifcnsicrit ' Pmbs sfynifying mwiey, usuiUly coin"'

[t it that wort wi^ la i,^ ^^^^ ^ p^^ „ a unit flfBriUJ^i

^ ^i^i,'^''H^«. u^y^ 4 C«. Ltd., St. M-r^

,.^r doctrine. Is bollevijd to bava bean foun*] Kjiilng in

.,ji,Ljiundtbtiice to have teen Imparted into Caul "rt^rdsjuiiu,^

^v,rt (uiuo 182 of bia memoir^),

P^ thip It li cletiT thsiL Vedic dviUatlon *ii^l*d In pr^^Chrirtian

.^ in bothBritain and France. TTie tendens^ of E^nip™ «v.oIst,

^ttindle up that cfvliiMtErjn with the contemptuous nofl-dftwript

']jaiLlifflior ' pagan ' label and conaequenlly shut out all syfltemiUc

„ ^siaiired study of it is one of the most slniiUr charws«riitica

^ jyrrent Wesl^m acholarshlp.

Cafissr's surmise that Vedirr culture was spr^iad In France by

^vids in Britain, may or may not be trua but it does Endlceie

thai Britain dtd In those ancient timee too &xefcl*e a »rtain

fupervlsory control over the Vedic set-up in Europe. It couJd be

thai the British isles^ due to their remote wdusion were cho«n

by the Vedic Druids as their beadquaners from where to depute

peraons on administrative duties to variious parts of Europe,

MLdnlfht bs tht Zcra Rour

A supporting proof for the conclusion is that the pnictio* of

dufupng the tlate at the midnight -hour to synchronise with gunrise

in Indji (Its- in with the &|* hour lime- difference between JritUi

md Enjjiand, Snce London was the head-quarters of Vedic Qilture

III Europe, its midnight hour was adopted as the lero hoir for

Julius Oaessr further informs us that "Drurda as a rule *JiJc«

^ttpvl in war, and do not pay Laxea.-.Tbey enjoy e»empUon from

'^'^^ service ard immunity from alt burdens. Altraci^d by the»

whru^ ^^' ^"™y persons voluntarily came lo Ifism from them.

many more are sent by their parents aJid rtlativr* Dutiag

^ ''aoviuaif it is said thei ihey feum by hmri m s^i rmmbet

ef tw*''^ if^rdlng^fy same feam^ twei)^ ymiv in » J***

Oteir^^:'^ '^ ^'"^'^ ^ ^myp/e Of the Druids W o^mmrt

tob^^^^ ^ ^^^tJfliT. . . . Th^ Mtf unwiUiiig to itlh* ti>cirdocoiM

r,%st/T''*"^^ property. 0r Omr discipi^ Ut trial tfocumtaa

Page 117: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


wmkMfd. Thf ihcvine »*^ tH^' «"? most mrtifisi In /j^.

ii th»t t^ fOtil ttotm not pej^h, irnt th^t aftpt d&Ot 4 "^

fixKi &nf bini} t^ j/HrtftflT, TWs belief th<^ ne«Qni as * p,jj^lonnthi* uj vaOojir as it inspires A coniempi for deaih, The^^^^

hciid }ai« diJcusstons sbout heavenly bodiM and theJr motions"u!!

^m rf Uit univtrw and of the eorth, tb^ orfuki of ^] ^^^the power of ih& ffwis 6"ii the limita of r,heir dominion^ and it^m^

ihHi- young Kh^DJars BccordJngly.""

T>w prertice of committijijr «D lessons to memory and ^manadted lesU being in wersified form, metitioned abov&,


unmisifikflble cbamcteristJcs of the Vedlc mode of educaEton.

Even the lopics mentiuned as the special concern of the nniMi

vlj. «stmnciffl>'. liw iMrth'Cyde, the fmp^rishabitity of the sou! anj

unilinchlrif vnlour Bine aU treils of V^dic oidlure. The docrrin^of

thf impwishflVJity of the wul and the soul passing from one body

to smyther In different births are tenets preached by tht BhosfiM

G«« Thnt Vpdie scriptures were widel>' ^ludi^d and highly tvvtai

in anrlenl ffindu Europe is appiirent from Juliyj C^erar 's woriing

quoted abm*.

luon Wurship

^Atoul the divine icons that the Dmlds worshipjwd Julius C^ssf

rwonli -'the god whom ihey moat reverence is Meiijuiy whowJnngH Qbounl He Is regarded as (he Enventor of all oita wid the

picneer l.n^i gyiOe of trav^Uert and he b believed lo be allpiJW»^'In pnamoting ootnmerw and the «ciuIgition of wealth. Next lo hin^

fclTT™" ^^^' '^'^"' ^'^t>1ter anJ Minerva. Apo«o they rfij^

andWi^ ^'^ ''^^" '^^^*^^« ^ '^ gnginstor of Jn'lLislriS

»^ oammofiij d«UcM* the spons, '*

_J^^ tn«U««d fltj,^ ^ ^^ j^3^5gril I*



g^,jfl, Man^, Indni end LeksKmi.

jm the foregoing inforroAtJon In Ihia chapter todd to th»

J^iion tH^t the pro-Chriatian cuHiire of tbe whole of Eunjpa

ItirfilyVedic, that it waa iupervtoed hy a dew of pnptt

*"'Ijj.yida and that tbew Dndds were trained in South India

^°duties fiU over tlie world.

On m fronti9?fece of the volume titled Tht Celtic DnUdi its

tbor Godfrey Bi^ns declares that his book Ji "an attempt to

*ii«(r that the Oniida were the priests of Oriental colonJea who^

Faraled from India and were the introducera of the Turst or Csdmean

svatem of letters and the builders of Stonehenge of CaniK. and

(rf oiherCyclopean worka in Asia and Europe,


In the preface to his book Higg'^s adds that it wm *'tbe

(xtreoidinaiy race, the Buddhists of upper India..,who buJlt the

PyTflmids, Stonehenge, Camac etc. (and who) will be ahowi. to

have founded all the ancient mythologiea of theworW .ivhlch h^ywever,

until recent times, were ori^nally ONE and that one founded on

principles sublime, beautiful and true.'


The only amendment *e would miggest to the above frxtnct

Is that it was the Vedic people, namely the Hindus C not Buddhisis J

frwr India who are the originators of aU the legoids of the world

ind buadera of eB prominent buildings thratighout the wortd.

Induding ihe Pyramids. Higgins too obviously implta thet ih^

*er? people of the Vedic tradiUon ainoe it is that tradiUen which

^ been univeresJIy acclaimed ss"* sublime. beeutifuJ and tnie.




Hif^ris adds ' The l>mld5 of the BriUsh islea wEfe the

P"^U or a vety ancient nation call«i Celtac-THose Celt* we«

* ^<^y rn)m the first race of people, the desifendanti of the peopte

*=^» Fr^UBpJwe, n* CUic Drtjfdi by Ctodlr^y Htoflns, »=*'" J;^:St- Pflur* Churebyird. Hurst & ChiuiOi. 3i. Ftvi*. Churdipi*

^'"'B:^ 4 Sons. PicadiUy, 1^9.

Page 118: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

«ho mtMptd li* ^P^ of the deluge to the borders of gftily, rr<n« ftn<3 Brilain,. tn s similsr manner colonieg s



ftBfli iht «8mf greti rt(tiofi . b^' a soiUhem line through Asia


Syrii sftd Afr<ca...iI1 the Imn^flges of Ibe Wesiem world Wereik.

«^, ami thai one system of letters, thai of the ancfent }^Drddi, penidaJ th* whole wofM. It was common Uj the BrftuUJ» md GiuIh to the inhnbiUnLj of iLeJy. Greece, g^na. Aribj!

I^nto «id HindunAn.""^

Hr« th«n we hHVt onphatic corroborBtJOTi of the central ih$Dii

of ihit ^tJlumen from an indent British author GodfreyHjiarin

thii flfl«r thf last Rood ft wes again the Vedic civilization ^nd

SinfilcHt language and script which were spread throughout th*

woHd bijrMinu and his descendant exactly as heJd by Vedic tradition

On ftii J of hit book Higglns observes that'


in examining

ibe very «rty histories of the modem parts ofEurope . we everywheremeet with ibe monumEflt^ remains of a naee of persons celted

Dniids. In miny places the niins of which I jrpeak sre v^ry greai

In lift ind perhaps in remote ages, have been highly ornamentednd or arwi magiuficertce.


(^atar. ..ssya

. speaig ng of the OnJds , thai they did not thinkft Itwful to conwnit Uk wcm» of Ihetp j^Ugion U> writing.


»i» Saiakril latning wa^ always committed to memory it

»*v^» iha the Dniida of Europe u^ed to chant the Vedas and

••^l"^! the reason why the Dniids did not conunit

it^^iaw'f^*^"**^""^"^-'^ " ^^^ •iPl>tar to n^e to have enwted

to fed mad* w!!!*^ '^^""*^^^'^'^^^'ief wished thfflrdoctrinei

"* '^ ^'»aj-- nor the'r pupfJs truBling to ^^ •« Biwntion to the culUvailon of tW

W of kiuan. to

(9SI P. U. ijUt,


iJoinanphilo^op**^" regarded the "I>nddfl..,,B-5 exsifipi«

'"*and models for imltaUon on account ^ pre-eminent

Indicates ttmt the Dnjjd a4ministratora ^ the world

\lnoniic jystetn of the Vedic -dviUzation were highly vawrst«i'*^*'

^^ ygfy learned and of esemplary oharecUr.

i^ij. .nd -m^ Vcd«

j^-gm and Nigam are words used In Sndlan Sanskrit tradition

/^ andent Vedic learning. We Fmd those very terms among

Ij Druids of Europe. Higains records In that context thet * After

ll,BEniroductton of ChriaiEanity the Qgsm writings, not bdng

imdertiood by the priests, were believed to be msgjcai and were

dMtroved wherever they were found. Patrick is said lo have bumed

301) books in those letters. The word Ogam or Ogum is preserved

tn the Welsh, where 0^m\ is fiugury and divination. J^miIbt also

Leil^ us that Qga, Ogum and Ogma are old Celtic words implying

letter? written in cipher, and indirectly an occull science* The

reference fn the above extract lo occult sciences as the Ogum cleariy

Implies the Vedas.

The reference to the buming of the sacred Vedic books niustT^tw

bo* all Cfver Europe the earlier Vedic civiajaUon w« destroyed

kv Christian invaders


&. PjTricitt ikstroytr of Vedic Culture

Patrick was mised to sainthood precisely because he ^^^ »

^B hand in destroying Vedic culture, Muslims too later copied this

*^Ufln practice of proclaiming every super-mflrflJiiderto baas^t*

Mr. Toland has observed, that "there are various menuscripi

ireaUgfej pxtant describmg and teaching the different methods of

7 »^^ writing, one Ln the college library at DuhUn and in Ihst

Wi vi'^cc ihe Duke of Chand^t,'**

Page 119: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


If lho9c mansucripts are atili Bvoilnble they couldon ihf Bitdmt Vedic ciWIi^tion flf Ireland, Obvious! iJI^'^ ^^^hnv hsd only one coBeg* wh^ HTggina wrote Ws book

^^^" '^^"

EtmpcBit CuKuTT Nourish^ b^ Tndlit

HJffEins al^o hints Lhnl. the Eunojwan ci^ili-^atio^ wusnourished by the Vedic culture in India, by observing

thbei*«T ihe Greek, the Roman and ibe Celtic lan^uaaot L*^""'^^liy M. HuddlesKrn is perfectty consislenu as Mi]] )^ ^^'^wpbiinffl .. ( fei) ihel 8 singular siream oremigratiwi flowed f^aomp ireav naiion fn the i:airL l^ the West, iniggtiiijj, if r


OM thp eKprassion, with amjUt streemleu the coumries at th-?©ritjooum.'"*


Thrt 'great nation in the east' was non- ot.hflr then TniiEn anclml tlme^,

Dhlnllv of Vcdic L«ttrnEng

_^ns adds "If it vpere to he Bdmitted that an tntereountancieitly eidsted betw^Pn Indis, Persia and Bi^Lmn, It ccutd hrtbew cQndudied b}f the chiefs of ihe Brahmins, the Magf {ind the

Druids..., the substiwtion of the reHnd Sanskrit w£ll account for

all traces of Uhe r^mnam letters of primeval learning] ....Tbe

writinga a PfT3epolis bear b strong resembiane^? to Lhq Irish Osham.The word Agam or Oeain, for they are the same in Sanskrii. i*

mynerioas aocording lo Sr wQiiam Jones. . . .ThraeOifham charwlffi

were the first invented letters, . writing on leaves was also proverbl*)

vqms the Homans... Tivt Druids of ireland did not pretend to

bt th# inventory of the secret system of lettera but said thit i^ioha^iM them from the most remote enUquity.


^^nlfti th» Sanskrit grammarian and b1] other ancient soure*.

rapeit«d]y point out ihat the jnitiaj ( Sanskrit) letters and othw

tao«l*dte WB gifted or taught by divfniiy and not inveal*^ ^l«inBnh.y.



mW P^^^ ^ ^ """^ '" ^^^ n*»^«luot«d pwiwge in that

^L iind IbG Pruld^ are but aynonymi of the word Brihmln,

.„g' book also mentions on pages 4a Ui 51 of his ^.alMnw

^Ult: l^f"'*** ^^^^ Natsarkot, Kashmir and Varaneti In India

TLflfit-Jwnd (In Russia 3were great ancient centres <rf leamiftj

hich immense Sanskrit literature ejdated. Apparently irnsi of'"*

irpas"*^ ^^ ancient Ipnming throughout the world, bs k

^^tandrla. Istanbul and Rome w^aa deatroyed by Muslim and Christian

(77) P fi. fbM(38) f>|i. 27 42, m.

On pages 60 and 61 Higgins haa get out a table of camparable

^pds which clearly proves that the remoter we proceed In time

™ find Sanskrit to be at the narrowing apex as the sole divine

source- language of the world.

World Tnivtl bj Vcdic PriesU

Our asaertlDn elsewhere in thia volume that under the worM

VedIc fldministration people had free access to any part of the globe,

is bome out by Hiiiglns' observation tbat "in general d priests

B dei-vish^ i Drutd. a Brahmin could pass from Tndta to Britwo

pnyt«cted by his sacred characier with perfect ease."

X'oiua A Druldic Vcdlc FestivalJ

'*The festival of the 2nth of December was celebrflled by the

Bmlda in Britain and [inland with great fires lighted on the top

of bills. This festival was repeated on the 12th day. or on wM*e call the Epiphany..,.The oi^er of Druids was as common in

Pmace OS in the British isles. Christmas tn France is caM Nod-

^5 wort h In fact, the Hebrew or Chaldee word Nute.-lo Triab.

Chrijiinaa Day is called Nolagh (In Cornish it is Ksdeii'K). in

ArtTujrlcan, Nedelek. in the €ael, NollIng....The evengreeos, and

Wrtlculapiy n^^ mistletoe, which are used all over the countr:/.

^ even in Uj^dgn i„ ^^^ festival, betray the DmiJliai oriTfl'

*"* tiad evidently nothing to do with Christianity.

P^»S1, Ibid.

Page 120: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text




'Ainoni the GviU, more than » Inuidred year^ b^^

Ctihttim em. in the district of Charti^, s festival *&, cetebJrt

to Uk tKKWur cf the vingi'n. ^tvm pariture^ CPeCout, I^td^Citta, Tbm V, pl6. Dupws Tom tn» p. 51, also Prichjui ft

n «p X. p 9S)^ In l'^*'* MiLhraic monument was foundatOtfort

on «ti3ch wBs fjiulMted b female, nuraing an infani-Hhe Goddaj

or Uw year nursiDg the God day... a memorial of the biith tf

MHh™ in the night of ligh t . . - Tb? ProUstantmod e keepin^f Chrkmi,

Daj... b A remnBnl of the old Etniacan woj-ship of the Vtnri„

mi chfld The Goddess Nurtie (whence oyr IVurge) Goriiu'i

Tu«»B AjiiiijuJiei [reproduces) in print an old Etruscan Coddai

m*l5 the child in her armj. No doubt the Romish church vmJd

hiw clsiiTwd her for « Msdorma but most unlucldly she hu hsr

Mjne Nurtia^ in Etrus^n tptlers, on her arm, after the Etrusau

pr9rtii»....11iis was a gi^al festive! with the Persians* wl» In very

fflriy Uma Mlehrated the birth Of their g;a<3, Mjthra. "*

II ii obvioua from the above deieils that l^ristmas, far from

beinj a Christian festtv^ is an aadent worldwide Vedlc faiive]

oiBTJong the tflt or the northeno hemisphere towards the Sun, Tht

ffid of the Mahabharai war about the same time imparted tlal

ancient Vedic fesUval ihth an added significance of relief. iOV ^^Krishna *OTship, Thai i? why from the end of the Mahabluf*tt-ar. mudj before the beginning of the Christian era .

statues of

^ htAy chad. Chrian in His mother "s arms used to be con^ecraieii

Bid WOThipped b every homestead around the world.

.^^^ "'^'^ hy *h[uh OiristUns took in whole communiUM

^ their cuatflma and rtamped them as Christian is explair*ed by

V^^" "^ Wl^ 161 or hig book. Th. Celiic Dniid*- »«

oT^T-^ r"^"^""^ ^™"*^ ^*i ^'**1^ churches wei* t&^^

dmdJ«.''L^ E«en»e «uivert«J to Christianity, and m'^

ZT^ ^ fmm their excdlent p^decesson.^W

«ii^wt4 U^ formed an odd mixtur*



(«J Pt IE im, oy^

.„5 r^gl^»^ *^ *^*^ ^^^^ *^^ monast*ri». many of th*m

^'ii bef^jreihe Christian era. a day had from «nw Immmwrirt

dedicated to ^he Cod Sol <ii.i. the Sun) ai hJi birthday, t^

bore the ep'thet Lord...Thus came the 25th OecemtHr. ^fffllivfll of the G<id Sol to be Belected as the birthday of


that he

5^^ and the-Onijdicsl festival of the Winter Solstice to bwomt

^^^rite... (the birlh'cif theSunon^hDffiember) was

.fj^jfn India to the Ultima Thule.

. .l^eae ceremonies partook

gf tbe sfitne character.,


From th& above extract it shoruld he apparent tlmt all indent

people ihTWighout the world , whal^er the name of theiV community

or region, were united by common Vedlc tuHure and abserved

contmon festivals. It could be that one and the same festival had

I dirferent emphasis in different regions. In our own limes for

iniieitcen Ganesh worship, Durga f^tival, Dussera, Beepawali uuJ

Makar Sankranti , are observed by Hindus everywhere with differfnf

ODpliaa's and, significance.

The people of ancient Europe were known as Celts alias Kelis.

According to Dorothea Chaplin'

' people under this draignatJon seem

ta have varied in racial characteristics and to have apokw different

tanguageSn while apparently possessing in common a religioya gystem

wWch included halts of Justice. These people were subject to an

authoritative body of DruJds or priests who framed and enforwd

Uwa for the benefit of the community The Aryan origin of the

I^eltic ( peopEe) i$ a controversial subject, butin which otherdireclton

^ one find a clear explanatfon af fire worship ^and of all the

'^e'nonies apertaining to it ? il^etv^e are ibese functionsd&cnM'^ tfptnif at such an e»riy date ^ that ttsctibed Uf the Rigved*

^ai in which saavd iiiei^tuiv other th»n that Qf the Hindvs an

^M thf Boar end Serpent be tivced ta J defimu^ JWJn* "^^^^ ^symbols ?"*^

^ above observation makes it clear that the preChristim

t«)^' leao. Maii*r, MyLh an^ ^Jirfrii of Keliic afl* Hindu LIr*i, ^

Page 121: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


^juif* of lh# iroHd irw V^ic etto AtTan end lU a(Imit,bi^^

wcfv known « r>ruid».

In !»r book Utled Sanxknt jw/ ^t» /fjidrnf i/*e*at«,vj^5i(^^

htQmmr^t^f^<y^^^syt<^' Kesan Paul A Co. Paternoster aq,,^^

1>Mfdon. iron Uurt Hiiflbet}! Poor observe ( Pe^a I and 2 ^,[

bur book) *'T prtsi»»p lo wriu. about thn literaiyre of differ^

nsiktfit and difTePcnt ce*ilurie*. T wish to show (hni ihiu |iteRitu„

t« not many tmi one: thot Ihp same Ipfltllng ideas have ariaenjit

ppctthi ftpporfnlly far aeparaTed fiom <?m]i oiher. ihni each ntAitsk

hnwevcr inolatwl it may aet-m, ie in rtfllity n Imk fn the gran

chiin of dcvnlnpme"^ •** ^"^ hwman mind, in oiher woidg (o shw

the unliy Bfid continuity of lilcralure, ...The histodes of Phoenfrlafii,

CflrthfifflnLeas, Romnn» or Greeks, wore so many deljiched piK«

of IrfomsUon , . , . ttii lAemommt the mind iiki/;><v?. . ..iftaime neUon

i$ tannvcUjd with iifl others, its hint&iy becomes ileUghtful uni

ta^mif^..Mnd it is tc the Ssrj^ioit Jafjyujifff thai ive o\ve thfs

enUivmngP (Tatmcp the origin ofiitArMutv} w(^<niKhttchave..,.t

gmtni fd(* of the Sanskrit ian^tige, its enarntous imporwuf

Kid its iviatlons to modem sctiV){^\ . .Sanskrit was a spoken itrngmf

at thf U'rur of Sohmon, 016 B.C. sisa of Aiexaoder. .'i34 B.C."

In Sanskrit "Dya' siunifies (he briuhl shining firmament. It*

lort. fwhff nlias proiMLor \s ttyaos PitBr. It is those iwo iprms

wWcb hBVtf eombdnt'd lifi the word Ju|>iUr l.e, Zeuspltflr olioa Djaui


TNwa* li the mon mcimt name for the supreme god. Tl bwom«

botnin in Zmd. Th«a in G«wk. Deus lt\ Latin. Dcivas In Itaiii!"'

iHw In Frmch. md Ilevi in Entjh&h, ChrisLiansi nnd MusHmn U*

iW»l can* WmtdiNl pn^-Chrigtian dtiUes aa devils to emp^n*'**

*^ilr own pixi«ri^Md rolf


U^™ oWv« { w pi4j^ ,2n of h«r book) ^' In ^^^'^^ *^(MTiy rtori«. which ^ chJ.ny inlervstins as bdnif ih^' f^'^'''"''^


*j fgtie^ *^ *" fashioned on the Hhopade,!, w4'***'^

toriea of anciwii SanaltriL literature-

*Tflba too had their iranslationa of thow two Sanskrit

^Thu3 c"»«

'"^'^^ '^^'^^ '" ^^ &"Ci«>t wQrid Saiiakrit w«3

iQiiL Persia- a3 '""K ^^ '^ *"^ TUndu, also used lo be i

the gi^l' ""•* "^^'^ ^^^ culture. Bui Uura notes that

^^^editnfsm h&s dmngpd Persia For the worse And ipamj (m^^^Tt^2 hey book)

*' Wp miJst utter^ dismiss from our minds

^Persiitn of tadny, efftmioate. wescherotis, a Mohsmedm m his

^gioP s sensuaiist in ins life. And go bsck to a period 2234 B.C

^n ihBi-e ^y^ ^ ^^y^ governmstii in Persia."

OriBJniility And Supcrtflrily of Sanskrit Lilcralure

Ijiura asserts fpage I'll of her book) that ^'in judging Sanskrit

Iftfratui^ we must not on.e moment forget that it was ehsolutety

Klf developed; that it grew up without any contact* with other

ffflUwi. The Greek literature is not so independent a

mmifraUtitm.,, Sanskrit iiterature aecma spiritual, pathetic and

noble; while the Greek seems unapiritual, mifical and immorsl."

Iht Cbui Admlnlsl ration

Utider the Vedic woild administration^ eveiy clan, town aid

'rtllw wag trained to look after its own Imal. civic affair*. Such

» Govrnimwit by clan was once supposed to be peculiu- l^ the

KiBliilaiKls of Scotland, but tiow it may be known that that was

" irttt of thti worldwide Vedie socio- economic system.

l>fl'ldk EducaiJon

1^ Dravidic ayatem of education was Vedic according to which

•fWr tht flee of S a boy was sent to the GuoiS hermitage for

istoaoVear? of education. About this Uura Poor observes -Tk

^^ Priftata were aUowed u> spend 20 vear^ i" Icfi^iing the sacrtd

?^ b.t a. they never committed anything to wpting the fe^** to lis. Wfl would not rEsret ihia sn« ** *«'''' "* ^*°^

Page 122: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

.^ .Le a« uncannfly fl^^-^te. She dghily corclud^ u^

^ tTvedic. W Crwnliichs. Dolmens nnd SU>nohonB,

*^*™jndait Druittic alias Vedie stone sli-uclures. NumuiXHn

ZCl b« saeo scotU^ all <^^ ^t'* P"^^^^ '^1^ '^ "1^

tatid 10 be s>«»^» «r "-^^^^ ^='^' *^^^-

The euprenl bdirf In awdemic circle* tbal the Aryans mJ^w

ftom on. TTgiw ta ^oiher «id that the Kell9 were Asiatte Irfba

whch mwnied lo Europ* n?^s to be substituted by another, -^m

^^ no mh inVs Bnd ih^rttore. no TTjfKrations. Masse* h^

fwicnilly lived whm ihey haw? been born But tb^r cullurti

amitationB have been chflP,(in|, For instance .people in the vsM

n«iDn from AfBhani8i*n lo Algeria and Morocco were n Tew thousand

yrtn ^p devout Hindus but today they are swqm MusliTaa. TM

hM brtwght abmil such i change in th^r lanifuege. script, dress.

dlfi. ihou^ihts. belleTs and bchavloiir that a thousand yeara latff.

tbey cMy be miitiken to have migrated from somewhere.



Arab flcquaintance Otscc wrote to me thai ancient

.Itlamic] Arahian culture bore a clwe resemblance with IndEan

£i]] culture. From this he concluded that India had derived

[U tHIndul culture from Ai-abla. Tliough that is not wholly true

iL dffs carry a frain of truth.

TtHs votiime la meant to atfaken the v/^Ad to the re&limtion

Uul what we know as HLnduibm in modem limes. \3 ths encient.

Mc cutturt, and that this Vedic, Hindu culture is the primardial

niiiwit of Ibe whole world and not of tndia. Arabia or some lucb

iwUled country exduaively, Uke Arabia ^ whichever country tries

to iTTHie \\i ancient roots the search will lead inevitably utlimat«|y

19 *e Vedic tree.

ThJi gives nse to the vital question as lo whH* did Vedic

ajltujf driainate? Bid it flow from India to other counlria or

Jftm iqme othsr country to India 7 Our solution decisive rwolvo

« thaie pushes.

"""icCttiiftl by Wronij TulorfnK id Hl«qf?

jjj^lf Hitler pers^ecuted ihe Jffwa and houndwl them out of

^^!i^ laboyring luider the mistaken beUef that Gemianj *«*

r™" ^»^>e Jewa were not. He ts said to have killed 3i% mil""

W* chambers. F>v«i if that flyura be an exaggeration It

iliujltitr.,the havoc that tutoring In wron^ history can cia«-

Page 123: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


«- H*ttdBi*ni. A^ '1*^ ^''"'" ^'^^ "^ !^"«tiymo^i5 and ^^

TTwrtfort?, ihe term -hrfm'' sijmiffod a (pwl-fH^

U*-ibiriIn«. ndturd p^reO" ^^Ite u non. Aryan mennt n bwriil,

wDd. unssphiHicaflei vjjRabond who rtfusw to observe the rui„

of^ tKhavio^r-

Prom tHs point ftf view- Jews an os much Aryan as ar* tb

Cfrtums. Moreover. Lhe worf Aryfl beinjt a synonym of Uw wtiM

"V*dic'\ Germans end the Jews are bolh of Vedic anei^ry. Tin

ij Wj say the ancestor* of t»th rnsclJsed V«dic culture. TTurreftFre.

HlUtrihoalJ hav* hug^ ih& Jews ns co- Aryans insleatl of shuntunj^

bfUng Mid bouiidiiig thpm out as non- Aryans.

Vrtic niJUira bBVfa|f b«r the primordial culture of all humsniij

ftom the start of the vorid, it beSonga to all nillons. &miiflquentl(f

ii csnnoi beisud to have been confined to only one place and timss

flowed to mioiher. But aU evidence pouils to the faiit tlmi Inil".

niMt Mid th* Bdjoining parts of Russia formed the nefvs ccfltir

fnmi where Vedic sages and adminlsLmtors spread over the ^wU'

ContTir^w may more epprnjiriately soi^ thnt worldwide Vedi:

cttHurr now wFvives mainly in three |KH:kel$ of the worfi "f^

Indit. Nepal and Bail Other counines misbelipv^e IhemsilVBi «

be Buddhiit. Chrisiiiin or Muslim iliough i bey were all VediPl Hin^"^i

before U«iy wwe aucJwd into ollwr indEvidual - centred cid^- I

We may ejtplain m» by dtin^ two Instancea- Java and ^^w todsy pnsiflniiianUy Muslim whOe Itte tiny Bali island !»

» |

Hindu, Vedic But It la alao kno^n ihat before Uift ^^'^^'^

of Areb maraudw^ in tht I4lh century Java and Sumfltr* t*«^^^^a.

Hind«lHm WIU it then be right for Ball to aay that as ^^QJuiiuy It had mled over Javs and Sumatra? On ih*


tb» ca{MU] of tndcpn^B bem^ located in Java and bwa^* ^and iuraairw ire liKHtr regiona it ii tbey who ruled f^^ ^Tf* tki* Uiminf Ud* of hiaujry hu Irfl HeU Hindu whll* -^^^

fes8 [slajn-


juiolherInstance. If a father has four sons nnd only one

^retains hfe ^«^*= ™'^'^''* *^'^'^ "^^^ "^^ ^ Communism.

of*^ajid Islam,

thoae three will be estranged from Hnduism



case rtie prot>^ ™"^ ^^^''^ ^ ^^^ *^' ^o reailT* that


'""^^Hffiordjjdculture was Hindu alias Vedic and that Lb& thra«

^^'t. must return to their original culture. There the three

^^^««^ not suffer from any guilt Or inferiority- complex.

iwm the flbov^^ ^'*''^ Instances Hindus of India. Nepal and Ball

, JterivesalisFsction from the fact that they conlinue lo retaiti

t f pHmordJalVedic culture while the rest of the world was weaned

rtiv from It through force, alluremsita or iKnorance. to

pgcsoniUiy -based cults.

Ukewlse the non-Hmdu people of the worid may realize by

ijtudy of this volume that Vedic culture is everybody 'a primordial

fivins culture to wHcb they must all return. For that is th& only

fljH wWch wiO ensure ulUmaie salvation. Other cults and religions

hBytrgaU been feiunded by individual mortals, can never be proper

nbq^tule? for the divine VedJc culture alia? Hindtiianu

Pocarke observes (on jsige 351 of his book TT^lA IN GKEECE)

"3r William Jones concluded that the Hindus had an Immemorta!

•^^fffiiiy with the old Persians, Ethiopians and EgyRtiana. the

P^icans. Greeks, and Tuscans, the Scythians or Goths end Celts.

t^i Cliin6se. Japanese and Peniviana. " What Sr WOliam Jones

*" '^'^erved la unqannfty ri^t. But perhaps scholars like him did

"* '^^ ^Lize that the evidence they have produced only pmve*

f* ^^ whole world was united in Vedic culture fmoni tha

t^nJ"8 ol limt,

^^Saco Aiyanigm Is tmly a synonym of the primordial, worid-wida

* bI^^^^"''^ *^*^^ ^ realiMd that Aiyanism did not apf*"*

**»W h"' '^^''^y. West Europe or Mesopotimia. Scholart

Wi^j hithertofiuicJed such apedfte resiotis aa the original

*^ the Aiyans hnvc all b«en proved vronn- Tl« ofltjf

Page 124: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text




ihB OT^,Vi

dtfwjapmiol ot tbe dtidrine, tpaditJoni and institution ^i^In the PuranM vUH txUnD w*™ nol ihe vor\^ i>f * ^^' ^tHrtimony Ihai e»t*bliJih*jd thei- ^xiatefic*- thrw ^^''^'^'^^j^^j

Chriirtlwiity. cvriet tin back ui d much nsore re*""^ "V^tlo«P oUauily UuA i, pnjbebly ncft aurpesaed by mV ^f *^ '^'^



proper «J autbenUc iaIuUmi to Lbe puioJe ia th^t Aiv^V#dic eulturr has be«r) f-vwywhei* from ihtvery tutt^!^*^ f^f^^

A) rurtber aiutttiflUon Iti ut suppose that U]^^ t-

Ml fr«m lb* rest of the worid end survives only In i^^

peril of »he Philippines. At s^ch a lime ff hiatorians r«*]b/^

writer Ukm Misled in tevBr*! other reifiona of th* world ioq


(L bt propw for them to aiiiTnlse thai Islam <irl(j:inaitd'|.

|»Mgppln99 and hod spread from ihere to the rwt ^r ib* i^Tb» lam* upplin to Aryanim alias Vedic cuUupt. bUu ^j^Dhanna alias fflnduism. Only because il survjve* („ |^predomin^Lntly it cannot necfq3artly have spread from ii^tf Vb

vp-u ii woiM b« tnorie accurate to assume and mxii ihu iiih

V(idie culuire has l)een fonjotien and forasken ebflwh^ fn il»

world ti itill continuea to be revered* followed, and p^^amt

prfdonuiumUy in) tnd^a. Nepal and Bali.

Such on Mtidaratanding cf history ^m nol oaiy pnnt Lo fat

1 rMiizaiion of the ultimate troth but viU also provide th» i^

answer to ihe vexed and intractable queation of the oriffP^ lnw

of Vedic culture aUaa Ktyans.^

Bwide*. the rraliislion thai Vedic culture is iiuui'i nd'

primopdlal. univeraa] heritage should be helpful in manJtiJH''" mi™

for poace and Bdministrative and social unity. If enrtfr l»*Efi

humanJty f«l the need to islatiliah a world govemniwil tfrf*

away with crippling and alienitinK regional barrier they *^"*'r

that Vfidte cuJlur* la the hJKheit common factai- W *^^^ ^^

CBD aJi return to find iilUmate peace, aolace. identity. lAcaU^

^Jt^mmir WQau o^wervw fas quoted by E. P«*^^"^„^349 of Wi book tiUed INDIA IN GREECE).

ttl^tjllona or beliefs of the ancient worid.


WBliam Jones. Wilford, Tod and Colebroolt aH hoW ih*

^tmjaa record the oldest tradiUons of mankind. Ibal iboae

- V^ ^ entirely Vedlc and Ihat Lhey mver the mtlr% gl<jte

'^i^ India alone, needs to be d«trly rtoogniied.

(^U ihc HL>b of V*dic Culture

«iit India W4S the nene-centre or the hub eni head-quartera

0^ priniDrdJal world Vedic culture. la 6K«reat from xver^

duel, being <:Si^ l^™*^"^^'

Ipdb the Universal t*aradbe

The Lam Tibet is a maJpronundation of the Ssnakrit terrn

jrfvtjhtapmeanlr^g paradise. The holy pak. Railaa, the acred Manes

Ssiuvarlflke and the venerated aourceg of the rivers Ganga. Yamuna.

Sjraswati and Sndhu are al^n the Himalayan region. TTie supporting

Artb \radjtion that Adam first stqiped on tlie earth from the heaven

IB tndia pofnts to the fad that Tibet. Kaahmir and the Himalayin

foothUlB may be that region which is named " heaven ' alias 'piradise


uij which has all holy agsociaiions. From this it appeari that the

nucteuB of humanity steeped in Vedic culture spread all over the

VCHd frmn the Himalayan region


[adla die Cunodkn of Vedic LUeraiun

Another due is that India alone largely retains a whole ringe

oT the ancient V«dic Sflnskrit literature, and evinces intense devotion

ma reverence for Vedic ctUture unlike people tft other couniria,

'^niEfll Hindii Defence of Vedic Cul*ui«

T^ third c!u« 18 the flmuieaa with which the cneam of Hindu

^^rtyas kept valiantly defying the ruthless might of fAiisWrn and

^"ti Invaders for 12:16 years (712 to 1947 A.D) TKia wwjidn 't

r"' >*»«> POMible If the roota of Vedic culture al/aj Hinduim

i hvi'*^^*™ '" India. T^ere Vedic culture may be compared to

B,™*?^^'^yan tree whose branches canopied all over tJ» worid

*"*** root! bound the whole world to«eihff. Ut*r. howevar.

Page 125: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

CMtQff^m »n(l Mimllm assaulta hoched t>w brwichM or tt^t

V«dic culture, and oownlrtes and rv0Qm wcw wraichfti **j.

by onf.sojnt'tEmt^ wtlhSn ns short a Ume lu Iwo motiihi. i"^Indie, VfldJc cullure succeeded in rests Un« mofUl h)awu\^

tU Kahftiriyn tradition, nurtured by Vedlq tuiliort '^malnej^

rocrtftj in EtJ ffltlb. TTiflt deTianc^ end resisUnw for 13:15^of tlie moat bruud a^aQUlls ia ft unique foat of unpuralieift) r^^in hisujo- Because? while others haw fou^jhl a ^ev^ year wu^,

hurwlredyear war Hindudom ia the only eommunlly whichfn,

ftiughl 11 m&'year war not only &mnyi aliens but agaiim itsQi,^

ffttwhOe brtLheren who. because of their convqr^jon tq Chrtsturuij

tftd Itlam b«*ine helpers of the enemy.

A number of lading thinkers around the world hsvs ^r^cofiniud both the fscUS namely ihnt ihe ajnL-Eent world hag acoimnri

faith and culture find thai India was the pivol of thai cullum.

Wntipm Burant. author Of the 11 volume Story ofavHIaihi

obRTMts '*bdia wa» t^e motlierland at our race, and ^iMIht molher of European jangunges, She was the mqlhef otocr

phDosophy.... of our mathematics ,, of the ide&la embodiri ft

ChristiEnlly...of selF-govemment and demKracy-...Mi>lh^Ifl'''^'^

in mflny waya the molher of us all, "


'ftflt it a venpi sppropriate appraisal because like e fond 0W^

h wai India which nurtured and nourished the whole of humflU^*

phyarcally and oiUurally. Tike young children learning on t^i*^^

of liwif mother li was tndis which provided for and PonJixW-

the fducation of all communiUea throughout the worid"J^'

"rty w* 1^ 1 DHifornuty and identity in lanfua^^ ^^Z^«rtWl«ttifp, Kholastlttrfidmon. ternunolQt[y and ever^ otiicf^

qC buniif. icUvity. Another nulhor rumarks *^'"''"*^ n*far tnore idvin&ed must have been the tfiscbers and ^'^^


1^ ahove ramjutj may be underttood to mean

"* ''^•'^«^»IP**ofthfi|U„|ui


* trt OrDcce BS to other part* of the world frwti india

joltur*f" 1

|,p,jj„ g common rwflT^oir or like blwd pumped

^ .ff4t*["^P

^^ pjgn^tKjnJ or the human body. But the abovf-quoi^

Ijyiitel*"houldn 't be tfikai to mem that India wm one natlnn

pbsprvatl*''^ «

^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ Lhnugb the Gree^u had soms other

^j ^^'^^^'^^^yj^tlipy were iwmebow jjrevafled upon to accept Hinda.

p^pjrate ^" _ ^^ ^^^ spread of lalam and ChrlatiBnity in modemVfldiC


^lualion in the world long before the Chrfstim era w«

^(Terwt Trom the be^nning of time humantly ^raa one

fiTwhood whether living in one place or scattered over differem

!r That brotherhood continue to be guided. cont™(led and

Xtflh^ fmi" what w*. currently kno« aa India.

-rtrt author of The Thtog^ny of th« Hioi*^ ^ <>^««^ ^"

168 of his book "No naUoti on earth can vie mih Lh«

^dus The high dvfliMtton of the Hindus gradually extended ItacW

r: ;^Vm^opia, to Egypt, to Fho^dc. in tt»^^^^

S^, to China ^d to Japan, in the aouth to C^>™^^^^d to Sumatra, In the north to ?e.^a. to ChaJd«. and


whence it came to Ci^ and lo Rome end et length to the remot*

abode of the Hyperboreans.''

Edwa^ Potocke ohaerves -Now the whole of the ^c^C««^ dvU and mfUtary- mu.t fftnke one ^ being enim«.tlyf^^much of it specially Indian. .1 ahafl demonstrate thit lh»e e« «i.a

... hut th. attendant U^^ of 1^"- »— ^^J^MfespondinK religion and tanguage. T shsJI exhiDH /^

dliijppHLring from India, western India, to appesr egajn m umw,

<3ins who fought upon the plains of Troy."

^BiKrii ibe Suit UoKuagc of the AnrJenl 1^'urld

Sln« Greece 1^ apposed to be the fu^nt flf ^"'^P™!^^>^ "ince Otwce itself had the same culture a» IflO"-

^^sbQVft, it iB ohvioua thnt the pre-OiristiBJi cuHurfOT^fc^^^y^

tSJ. tndla En Grwep. tsy Rdwari PkdcIw-

Page 126: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


n V«iic. Aad since Sanslml wes the sol? Inn^oKe of Ved'u»ed in evflrr sphwt of life, it jj apparent that Sanskrit w'^**'•Die lutguflgt of the ancient « unjted VedJc world,

** ^''*

AnrtW author Km stated ' * AdeTuir^, the father- of ^oirimpftt

philosoiphy , , . , .placed ihe crad fe ofman itind ifi the vail cy ofKa^i^wftlcli l» idflilin^ with psrsciis^^ To Adelun^ we g^e ihe ohr ^'

which hes prevailed » widdy* that since the human race ominaiJin xht East mt»i West^ifly n»tJons, the IWriana and CelLs

have been the first to leave the parent, ''^

We sbouJd Uke to suggest some slight emendmentjg ui the abovfranorks n&-n«ly ihflt In encieni times the word Tibet (Trivi^hiar

- \a San^k-i meaning Paradise] may have applied to the entiB

HinsaJBysn region upto Afghanistan. Katiiralty the Kashmir vMIej

was a part of tbe " Paradise' Secondly the view that ihe moat

Weatffly nations (such aa rberians and Celts) must hsve been the

firsL to leave India cmild be put in a differmt way. We may wsihfit pMple living in every pari of the world followed Vedii: culture.

But ai a nesiilt oF ihe colossal dstmcUon of the ^tah^bhBrat wjr,

the unh^ersaJ Vedic administration broke down. Thereafter, the

farther away b community was from tidia the mor« difdcuit una

it for that ocjmmunity to communfcate with India, Consequeitly

fwiour communities got progressively sgolaied quicker than tho»

ncarv India, ^filita^i]y and administratively Bi30 [ndJa got col off

fnEH WetflTi re^ons much earlier than Eastern regions hK^n*Of uprhwigg of Christiana and MuslLras In Ihe Weat.

A ?Vendi author. CrtjJMr ohawves "If Iherc is a country on

orth whifih on fimiy claim the honour of having been the cndJf

of Iht human raw or at (i» t the scene of primitive dviliwition.

tbe »uconsiv« dev^opmenii of which were earned into all !***

of tbe*nciml varicj, ihe hkaiinga of knowledge which is Ihe**^W* of man. that country Mjurtdly is India,


Thtwpnii pnmitive civila,iio„ ' ahould rtlher be

(M f - 1. -nw Ort,j. rf tfc. ^^^ by air l«« T.>lar.


^jrimord^ldvfllMtion. Because Vedle dvfljtttlan Wi« of

to J"**" rj„ ^BB the most advanced, tophiaticattd u\^ civfliawl

rjlvlne ^^^,^ of life. Though in th& curmit aOlh rantury we

'" '^ cientlfit^ and technological advancement, yet in a number

^^ ° >,««» such aa pollution* moral behaviour, thu nurti««

nd en aw»y '''^'^ ^*^^'' '^'*^^^"" ''^ ^e- teasing and pnaUtuUongf cbiWr ^^^ ^^_^ crime, the addicliOJi to drinka and drugn.


down aa aympioms Of a diaeaaed and degenemtt todety.

"^*ki at«ip decline '" P^^'^*^ bohavlQfur and Mcf&l happnew'^

^P^galed Ijy proliferation in mechanical gadgets?

Modem society Is falling apart in every way. VedJi society wai

mede up of undivided families while in modem timet even parents

Uvt jffparat^ fr^ni ^^^'^ grown-up children ind evtn mamtd csupka

n« getting separated*

Afldher author. L.A. Waddell has alao noted that m andent

b'me? humanity had t common culture. He states "We disMver

that ite hitherto inexplicable unity in the essenUeJs of all the ancient

dvOizatlons is owing to the original unity of the highfr dvfliiaLlon

iiidits diffusion throughout the world by ita DT^i^inaifli**, ih* rulanf

m of Aryans and spedally.... their aea goiJig (branch} tbt

Rneiidena". *

We have eitplained elsewhere how th« *An«' S^ipjifie* Vedie

CTjlture and not a race. Therefore WaddeU '> rwiurita If understood

lo siBHtfy that it waa Ar^amsm that is Vedic culture which had

*pr«d thraughout the wodd be is absolut^y right.

H.H. Wilson remarks* "The afflnitiea of the Sanikrii Iwguaue

PWf* a oommon origin of now widely acaltertd n&ijons "^^*hw, dialecta they are treccable and render it uniiueationaye ih-*

^^w? must all have spread abroad from some «Jitr«l ipoi ^ ™^ of the Blobe fir^ inhabil«d ^ '^"^'^


^**,£:* ^'f"« by LA W6d. .

. » thi! book Phomlaifi OM^ *

Hntmii, aeon md AnglO'^iiAW.' ^- Qi, ftTfuce, VWijiu PunsH. OxTonJ


Page 127: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Falhfr PhlUps hfis ndmiiwd on page 231 of his book tiilRj-,,

Tc«*.i«t rf th* V*dM -Ader Ihe lal^si reafiirnrlies in ii^ hj.J*

nd fhmnaTc«y of boflks of the Otf Tft't^^mtwi wv may safely^all thf Hi^w3a M ih* oUest book, not only or Ihp Ai-yan hum^.

but «r th» whole world, Wfi ere Justified thwerore. [n coridudjr,^

ihflt liic blfther nd purfif conceptions of the Vedjc Aryjuig ^^^

Uh rewrit «r t primiU'w <Uvine iwdation.

Tint agsan the lerm Aryan has b«n nrUstakmly ueod la %i^\j^

1 raw. As esplflin«l by us earlier Vedic CiJlure Itscir waa Ttraj;^

t£ Ar>'inism. ind thai culture was spread thnjiufhoui ihe Wftifi^

Ther*fore, FiihH- Philip is right in consfdering ihe Rigvedg(in

fict tD ibe Vrfss> to be a book of the entir* humonkifid Ihrcughovl

<(hflwa!d. He has slso very properly r*gaT"ded the Vodss as a reveJed

InrittentaTly it may be staled here thai Muslims and ChristiBia

usuil^ djstin^sh their sects as relt^'ons bss€d on b. boo^ nudi

u Uj# Bibl# or ih* Koran. Tbe IskmJc t?mri for Ihal fa 'Ritftbit'

Bui wtwfl we comB lo Ihirk of Jt tr* not the Vedas a book loo ?

In fart auwe th? Vedia rongUtute the printordla] revelation those

who ftoaLsd ChriBlianily and islam also felt the need for wmtiymiuitic KripLiuT of ihpir own.




dla has bwn the hub, the root, the mairtand. the heartland,

nJ beadquarttrg of wofldwide Vedlc culture. As such like tb* root

^ Ihe banyan tree it setms Ui have tht nfiBaicsl power to sprout

flew rooi3 &ven if hacked. This has been derrwnstrBted in hlst^fy

tlTfle in^ arain b^' Ititiia'g Vedic culture allfta Hinduism, willing.

^Indrm and yet wntinuing to live through 1235 years ('12 to 19*7

AD) of Miisiim and Christian assaults even though countrie* njird

nillures ebcwhera, vwhich were branches of the Vedic iree w?re

wiped out of adsUHice in as little as two to four months. Aa audi,

mattera pertaining to India need spedal review in certain as^<^

Hi hiilocy to hetp llie reader a general undeRUinding of world Vedie


nus Ph«ni!f like Jmmorta! resilience of ihe soul of Vedic o^tort

rmnd expression in i confession of heJplessnesa of a MusHm poH.

Miulanfl AliAf Huaain Hall *ho rued-

^ vrdft ^ a^ra ^ 1 fr^TT ^!fw J^^f"^ ^^^^™ A'^y

^^lalfld nito English it means :-

That incomparable &rma^ of Islemi

Whose pmud fiag every countiry did aliio

Which stuck not in any gulf or itralt

Overcoming Unpodirnenta jmall or groit

Page 128: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Whicb sailed proudly the seven seas

Wt&. plHSt swflJlowed uJtimalely b^i IheGon^j,

Such h TndJi. iHe m£n fCHint of Vedic wiKuw, kn^wn by seve«i

otber nvne? such as Bhamt and HIndusthnn This is nol , uncommonBoth individurtls and otmnlries b^r different nnmes pr^errcd


Itw natives or famOiarlo outsiders, Sam. Japan, E^ptn IbeRriUsh

tiles. SorwMy, ^^enetc. have all more than one nam?. Rharatvarsh

^Ibs Bharet h b name which applied to the whole woild in ondwii

timfs. when Bharil, a Vedic prince ruled the world. Uter, however

nice the Mahebhartt war the term Bhsrat oliss Btiaratvarab hsa

^wn applied to A progressiv^y shrinking retfion of the world practmng

V«dic ftjUuffi, Thus at oce time it applied to the region compn^j^ig

ihrlndinn petiinsuls, AfKhanistan. Persia. Rossis and IXirke)', Uter

Russia. Iran and Turko' u^ cnil off but Afghanistan remained i

pan of India SUtl later, from the time of Mobunad Gazhna'^' ev^

.Afifhanislan was wrested aw^. Now from 1947 West Punjab and

Efist Bcnn^ too hav^ Tjeem cut off and the tenn Bharal^rsb applln

«iJy to the region frem Sriijfigw to Cepe Comorin


Tben shrinking bcfundarics of Vedic culture ought to be a matter

of cmt concern for aJl humanity because the honour of women,

the fr»dorn of men and the security of children wfll vanish in

the propcrtion in which Hinduism dias Vedic culture shrintis.

Tw other nqme Hindus^than is believed by some to be sn

all*miijve pnmunciaUon of the term andhuslhan i.e. lilerfllly the

tr*cl on both sid^ of the Indus- However, at least, within living

memof:^ the Wjrm Hindiisthan has been applied to the terriwry

on Lhc eestem biuilt of tfae Indus river, extending down la Cape

Coawrin. Fnam 1S47 A.D* onward the term Hlnduathan signtfies

tt» ti«t from the Wsijah bonier (north of Amritsar) U) Cape


V* torn Hindus reused the name Hlnduathan fllias jTrndLiBUn

m UlnivS with K finkiAef connouiion. being Inweated with an abusiva

illujdKi. Ttttr oiatmA Lhni iKjme lalamic diriiunarfea explain the

»«d Hindu at iignl[yin« a thief, t^i^ or acoundr^l. Bftdtherefore

Wju Bhould be disowned. That la a miicQnaiption. All

,1^wfl" ^ ^^ do not feature the word Hindu as e teim of

^]c ^ll^^J*"^^^ ^^ aeveral Muslim dicUonories which explain the

^ftUuse/T^ujndogtan fis evoking a feeling of adoration and

^ Hlnd^ -^ ^


ming that a vast Tnajority of Muslims use the termgven »s

^j^^^siof, of gross oontetnpt. the remedy does

'^'^!tondoning it or running nway from it. The proper remedy

"*''*I In the adv&rsai^ a sense of awe and respect for that

" ^ ^ugh forceful oclion. T.very name can be impart^ a ring

"^'or disrespect depending on how the people bearing that


"^T^Bve The name ffindu will continue to be ridiculed if Hindus

r^'aueto bfl indiscipUne^i. cowards, selfish and submissive. The

jj^. every Hindu stands firm and returns tit for tat he will be

y^y feared end respected by his enemies. A community which

oflEiot field an &nn^ "^'^^ "^^^^ win a war.

A pcraon ragged and ridiculed for his name by Ms tormentor?

TrillBEver esm any TTJspect from them if he panders to their demanda

Hid fesps changing his name. For every change the enemy wfll

jwr more ridicule, and rag the Hindu even more. The pmper

TCMdy under such a situation is to instil the fear of God in the

Bvrany and make him respect the word Hindu. Let Hindus he F^ud

irt tbdr name and the world will be proud of them. Any name

soiuira the ring of the deeda, soerificej. valour, dedication and

Spline that are associated with it and the world wiO be proud

°^ ttion. Contmrily if cowardice corrapiion. selfishness end

•Jft^linfcj, g^ aasDciated with a name the same naitie will atink,

J^^w. tbe repuialion of a name is never the same throughuul

^ cbequered course of iu history. Jt keeps fluctuating depertiiins

^ turn I of fortune of any individual, community or nstion-

iZS^' '^ ^' **^^ to stick to one's traditional name and make

ir^'*'^8^ loauit one a own needs and scope ofone'sectiviUei

^'^ but never to please the world. Because changing one s

"^l^B lo escape teasing is Itself a defeat which Invites more

Page 129: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


(onnftil HK) ridkiuls Tbi Aesop i FaWc* Ijile of g rtonV

ihnr nwfi hu «i ipproprfit* moral. Nn mnlt^r whiit eomfc^*'^

IbV worlds dut to nde or not lo nde l.b« dtmkijy and fv^n^"*

hm on *h«(r ff»(i1(l«n the imlookem nrv^r iicppcd deriilinn i^j'Ukflwin therv \t ihP dory af « perfoii who bwng dionUitf]^ ^lb* imnw ThanthsnpflJ (IiTOnwpj chosen for him by Ms par**

M( OuL LA dnooH beltirr one Dyrin^ hJ* smnch he uw « j^^^^tamtJy (WKOginiE s group of as»allflntj all by Wmsrif . Hji^hly Jmprajjha akni for the hen '« rutmp Aa luck would havt it ^h^ ^,^^wu Cow^nl', ProcwdinK {Urthor he met ui mjly wonsan s^hoj*

oamo itimed aui lo be " Lovely, ' Lit^r he m«i a K"w™iiiphllfiniLhiiQpiNt wht^ ruune was Midas. T^us he found thai iktob

! Fu» JnUgral reLoUvi bAv«8i the nsme and Lhe repuljiUcm cif t

pHMfl. So be dedded to reapKi hia lywn con:gmniLu] nsms,

ThBrthmjal father thm hankw Kf chsnffp it. All such Btoriea hav»

tmoni In history, Never try to please ihe world . If one is oonviEicBd

Ihal on? t aJnu arc pun onc-'t own nArrietog will ulUnuLetv

Opmmimd Itw woHid 'i dJt«ntioji and respod.

Olhrr Facets

Moreover then ar« aLher ivpects t4 be conErfderftl. The ierm

' ftlndu ' may htv^ been debased a a ttrm or abuse in aome fnsUnen

but VTTy many crthpr Irtsteuices may be quoted Where the iwm

Hbdq exud«* KloraUon and respect


It m^ s3w be noted thai the wbsUtute pronunefation Hbsdw

CoT the word SLndhu} 1» oot a Muslim iralt ^cjoe. Even in tndjin

in the SaurBShtJB regioTi e.|£. all words bcKinninK wi>i> S' wt

ifivariably pronounced unth aaubsiitite ' h *. Thus the i^ord 'Smilht

Is proEUKuuxd w hflirjh*. Somiiaib is mentioned as ' HnflUwlh^

nd BO ati ill blorv Uie line.

TN» iJfWid m*y b« noted even fn Europe where, for Ii)B»""*'

U»i*nn •pmi iphene' li pell*d as ' hpmlHphera ' Coni«l"***"^

U li unhiiruinail to believe thAt the term Hindu wat lajned <«

16 liidiini by boAik aiim, u 9 cont«iiptuou(i label.SuUtTtuUR*

'" *ith 'h- i»Bi AKWld univereal trmd.


tii]*'"**r^t or tbat lonB streteh the tmn Hindu Km b«en

rf^''"^ Ktiva by some MualEma for the last one tb&tuned

sH*** *"

ht U) b& dismissed es a mere pin-prick misfortune.

j*fl '^ '^1'

l^y^ It could be shown that even MusMma have

^ ''^'^

rrf tffe hJgbestreverence reserved for India. For instance.

flP^°?' ^^pjten Jannete Nisban " i.e. India ia the very heaven,


*Wch Muslims revere as of celestial ori^n am'H* ^^ , B^pt Farst >" 1^*5- '^**^" ^ TXirtEey and Sehu (i.e.

„l^. A Highly !l«iP«t**l^^'"*^

Tjw Affl*a ^^'^*^ *^'' ^^^^' '^^^ progefiitor of biimanily

^j^«j frt]m the hesven, in India.

jighil 4ti Arab wriler has in hi a writings expressed great admiration

far liwtli."^ P^n name Jahij stands for Umarbin'

BiJiirliin'Mohniood Abu Usman.

Anotber Arab writer Thn-eFikya-Himzani has recorded thaA

^ God's grtce [ndla is the country blessed with irrcinstic plants.

dtimonds and other gems , Mppos. elephants,peacocks SJid e nitmber

i/*doi:iIille animals. In thaL descriptioTi he has used the word Sindh

lodmcte the province at the mouth of the Indus, at well as the

I'm Hindu dj peferring to the rest of the country without wiy

*»nsp«t etutchlnf to either term.

_^ tefca of fbrahim Abu Anajil alias Sindbad the SaHor are

'*'« of a Valdja alfas Ruidya fi.e. fl Hindu Ayurvedic medicaJ

^tlofver) from the province oT Sindh in oncient India. The tslttmic

* Arbo^LrmEan twist given by Muslim wnters to ancient Hindu

^ ^ a Si^t snare which imparts a deceptive Mohsmedan ring

"nrtwlrtiT^'^^^^^bifitory. as e.B- Sndh Vaidya has beei

^"^ and compounded as Sndbad.


^"^ Mahout of


Maaaudi paying tribute 10 India hw taud&l even

training of Indian eTephanta. He narrates how

an Indian (tlpinhant died the latter inctmsolably

Page 130: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


In Biotlwr frirf<J«it a Kwd of ekphaiits led out q^ n,

^«^l bL iht >ifl8d of the herd led the way. As the leader ne^ouJ!

I torn t *«"" *^ happened to emef«e out of her hoiue. JjZ

ttkffl alHtk by tlw un*3^»ect«3 appearance of a hu^ fonn^bBT. fiinied md \»' spmwled in the lane. At ttnit the leading *ieph^

ibe tjiinffi. Re signalled to his folbwera lo stop and es Od^ImpdfwJ by almost a human sense of chtvalry he took hold m y^

loose md of tbe woman 3 sarw with hfs trunk and laid It jau^

on wisW cover her bare bosom. Afters time the woman renajnini

hff CTnw^cmsnes hurried away. Seeing the lane f^ee for innk

onn more the leading elephant Irumpeled to Ms foUowen thx

(he wiy WB$ clear. He led the w«^ in element elephantine hsjte

s ihousli 10 make up for the lost time. His followers Imttstel'

bis t&jt ind soon Eating out of the kne the herd huddled togabv

on tbe wide highway in elephantine camaraderie.'

MsUjir-bin'TahLr Mukadsi, a resident of Mecca has r«ori«l

conteminrao' Inrormation th&t if anyone was forced to turn aMua^

bfl vvs taken tuck InlQ Hinduism according to the religious rita

imcnbid in DctbI SmrutL^ l^i shquJd awaken Hindus to \^duty of iiriving to persuade ell Christians and Muslims to ratum

to VedJc Guhure.

Another resUent of Mecca. Vfshari Mukfldsi has recorded tJini

*"tht pttOUcal adminislnition end the judicial system of Sin^h "*

rauMtifale for their efficiency, thamughnesa and pmmptitui*'

Winlf^B snd wflmaniEng er« tolaHy absent/'Kfiri Swrt Adala fbomm Sp*in > Iflodins the expertise of Sr^t^

ll> 'Hit rmxdni

W^TT i"'^',n,^thl>, BtTHin, ariLde by Abul Namr^

-ii> adds thai the Arab? learnt arithniellc from Tndlani

Ml *j,b bisMrian Yflkubf has r^vnvA to punlUv* ejcpediUont

^jy fl rti*^" aoveretgn from India against Babjlonia end


fljaslan port on the Black Sea atfll bears th« Sanskrit niim«

' from tha Seaakrit term Sndhu i,e, the sea (and bIm

the Indus river).

n^ffse travelogues refer to India's Tn4uB rivur as Shilo or

_ or Shituho, incidentally the nelahbourfng Japanese spelled

^dpTonoLiJH^ the fcemi Sindhu (culture) as Shinto,

AfHbff termed every indJan Hindii. Even in French the word

Hbidu mpiifits ^ Indian,

'The Iranians use the term Hindu to signify coloured people

(if India and other lands (see Molsworth's Marathi-Eni^sh

dWwnfliyh Iranian dictionaries interpreted the term Huidu as

DowiQlIrg a coloured person or thief (and sesame) but that was

[tl the post'Mohamad era afier the [ranians forced to adopt Islam

u iwonl- point, wesr* trained to be fierce Hindu -balers. But in

Arabic dJctionanes the word Hindu h&s pleasant and rt3p«ctful

CgnnotatJonSr An Arab poet« Sevaye sbigs <

"First it WH8 Htnd and next KhaHd

Both those beauties have me immobiliied.


'Hindi " ia th*' Arabic adjaciive from l^nd.

*"Mbir DcftvalloD

While one view is that the term Wndu is an fllt^maUve spelling

^ "ie term Sndhu. another view Is that the ifinn Hindu b a

l^lprctnundalion of ibe Sanskrit term ' Indu ' meaning the moon,

^ «%8egOon sppears plausible in vfew of tbe Eumpean txfm


HuifitaHn*^ the CMiwe tTBveller recoH* thtl '^TlenCbi lit-

i> knuwm by aevoral names. India used to be known rtrUer

^ '^ Htnaoo, But If properb' pronounctfl IL ilw*ild be ' In^"'•

Page 131: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



mTtmirimili of Itia* wninlry rpfer lo Lbdr ll{llTlt^lalla tn sevpf

In OiinmM- \hf vfnrd moon hii» wpv^rtil nynonyms of which .r**^

tvun«d Indg" I.e, ihc moon Js thoi jtchulnrs from thai l^j^br^hUflod thp worid willi thoir delit(hlful and aUa\n^


In V^t psrlonf* ihe mooTi Ofleti (Tgures as a stflndard i>f p]e„„purilj, Far instance, a iilpRannl. itjuncl timjtUGniina' in llkenfTI!

thr moon. The nnmw of Rflmfl itnd Krishna am ofk-n aufrTstftl ^^hIhf trnn (^^ chiindni* i.*. llw moon tn» Rainiichandn


Krishnachandrw]. The wajdnif and wuning of Bujuhinif Is nfi^

cqmpHrtd with that of (.h* mMn . Sevei'dl wamc-n a!sd weat g vmnlJion

mark tif ttw iMttem of a crescmt on thefr fort?hefld t<j invoke jijCHi'j

ttletssuiKS I tiBl thoi r marital bltss loo may wav like themoon , AccordlPfl

Ui HufntJSianK; Indiy Xqq has had ^ reputation of sheddin]; coal, ilfvn^

loitjv over ihs woHd through its Vedk civilization, hemce its iuttk

Indu «!iB9 India . In fact (^ ) Endiya ( alias [ndja } is an f^xact dcdvulvi

of tlv Suiskril vord Tndu (meaning the moon) Indtcatinjif £ c<ninti>

pttrlnkinK of the qusli ly of the moon . The term Hindu may ,t hirefon,

be 1 vhriaiifirt cf the u-ord Indu.

Tilt urjfid e^knetlon that Hindu may be an allflffljElvi

pranundation of the word Sindhu may not be riuht bwause U*

provinw ofSndh has nc%'er been Kjsown as Hind. Had Sirdhu cbrpd

lo Hinilu the name Sindh too should hav« been changed to HiJid

tvffi in ihi ^c Mflhabharat the teniiory of Ski dh is rd"€fT«(( is

u ibe SEndhu Sowvkt region.

AJUntnr* chrmicle al»o makes it clear that the tenn Hln^u

ii nc4 variaUon of ihe t^rm " Sndhu \ He notes that to vr^)^

10 flndh frwTi hii country one hos lo travel across Hlmmt lU**

SjiittHn b^t If one warn* Iq r^eh tlndUJ Hkd direct wf mu*

pm vU K«bu]/

Chi Uic northern fronUiN- of the Indian aub-eonUnent tfWJ*


) Is the Hindukiish ronge of rnounttklns. Some HinJua

l^"**^^^ari inaua and invectiv* at every step imagine thet the

'^Hl^duhUNh has betfn coined by the enemies of Hindudom to

'*^1,^ thr memory of the slaughter of the Hindus ia the fuam

iTLss t*M*'''^'** ^^ ^" "™^" ^° tfuapecl any sinister mct^e

ihit t*n" becfluao '* '*" * ^^^y andent pre-Muslim term. ^Kugh'

L BtuwifllmesTiings ,

It fl]jo slgjilflea a kind of graaa . At for slau ght«-

Mrolfifl^''^^^ ^^ British trooi^s hav« also been many -a- time

ilw^eml on '^he slopes of the Hindukuah.

Coniideflnif all such evidence, t^rms like Hkndu. HinduithiWi

md Hindustan are of anciejit standing and have gencntHi^ evoked

iiwtiigliest admiration and adoration*


Page 132: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Under the Vedic syslem hunmnity is grouped inUi four ctsBW.

La ui ciU tliai a hoWmnLal division.

CorresponclinBly the individual 's Ufe ia vertically dMdtd JnKi

fouf ;«rU nameiy the tiwiiEnried stal^, mnmed life, deuuhwl ]lf«

In the fomt wid the lesi phase of Sann^aa i.e. a period o( UM

nnundiiUQn and social servjc*.

Tlw four K&ri»iiUl aflcial gniupa were known as Brattmru

Ksh*Tfyj». Vaiahyas and Shud™. The current popular noLion ihn

tharjHKffl] Importmw or human slalus dwindled progressively ffom

IhcBrHkmm lo Ihe ^uJra class , Is not weU - founded . Ths Lm tfnrt4Ji«

io mof^y of esch of Iho^t grciupa was equal


TtvckM ijoriBMilal and vertical divisions are intended nol only

for ipod mMnigrnicnl of social life but Biso la enaure b "•i'w

ciul purposeful ure for every individual.

n* notion thflt the BrBhmin cbss exploiial the otliws *iw

boBMd <p- tynnniiied over them is unwarrantod as we alwll P"**^

V/Mi^n KhoUm h^ye been tfindina th*- Vedit ----^Bnihminkal. Thai Li a mlsiaken nppraisflK Ij^t ub Uk* » J*^«xiui.plt In iinlv*rriUto. for ttiaUnc*. profettaflrt. iHe Vice chin ^od QwiMllar Tftreiw owxifili pupervlffory tfontrtil'

^Ibi'^i^btctiiw ihiry Ke^* deitwided en Ihu campus from th* W^ "

they b*ve riawi to those poilUons fr^ the rmkt.

tat ^^l„rfl th^ P*od^^ ^^'^'' *°y f™^ *^ Kinderiiartm lo

US» '^'ij autufl- But ae tht-y go *Iong tbey shuw their merit

lh» '^"^J (^ uii^rctlucotiontheysfa chown to fuim auperviBory

*^^ **

Even there Jl ^ould he wrong Ui bnaitine that they srafuiifUfl'i

^^ (jthem to show off their own importance or miihority.

^***t^rt when thw appear stiff, atrict and demendini that la to


0*^ conduct, gUndurds of academic tuition and

*7i*(mWM of discipline- Vet we don't brsnd such a sryatem n"^

flfp«f«9oHal bosains aimply because profeasora eiimdworvenll

a^sr l9 the case with the T^Jrahmin. Hfl also row from the

nnks Manu 's famous dictum )aya down that al hirth everyone

, gi^dn. It la only when he displays spectsi aptitudes and abfliUea

aiiring Wa training he becomes a part of the relevant sociil group.

K'o group was higher t^n the other, Eacb bad Itt specific dutJa

uid responstbflities. Those who hod better aptitude for manual work

lucb as labour and mechsjiks constituted the Shudr? class. ThiSM

who could deed with complicated accounting and export -import or

HflnagB and sale of commodities, formed the VaJahya class. Thflae

who could perform the duties of those two clostsea plus had an

iplilude for weapon training end the courage and patriotism to

ufidcfsa pl^yaical hardahipa and risks for the security and well bdng

«r Uw community were the Kshetriyas, Those who were adept at

the duties of all the other three classes and yet had the dedicaUon

*nd r«d[ne98 to devoLp ai\ theJr life to studies aji^ social wrviw""ij rrmuneratton wore cEassed aa Brahmins. A Brahmin had to

iWdt hy five prinripat vowa namely* Satya. Asteya, Ahima*.

f^iTflhi fljid Brahinacharya meaning truth, non-staaUng.

"^'Iiyning, non-posscs^Jon of wealth, and conltoence

^"1^* Brahmin -class person waa not at ail pfivDejed tocUny-

»*i\^y^* was supposed to mainialn the most fthslemiom

'^^ f" ffvery aspect of life. In fact he was ndsed W luch

tni^"^^^ "^ InteilectuBl development that he diBdained wnlth

^*^''«red it hli duty to apend hia entire life in community

Page 133: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

HTvkc withflut wiy jwrtons) reniiins»nilfon. The '


mtuFiri thflt h* wffl Art lo have *ny properly of Mb ^nn"?

rwrtvfll no r«iiiiJi«-fl[L[on. His dnyUi dny exptnsBs wen? rij«.f

Lhe Hdal sysiflm in whtch Brahmins afi\ciiled as tcachens, irii

sirxjJoc^ra . a3lranomeT3( docuirs , stn'^i [sts^ cdun mII


architectSp en(iriwrfl, scu]ptor* etc.: buL received wily fr^ n,^'

«tJ9»^ «nd I pituuict tg buy ^onit* knickknaca for daily u^.

This was a v«7 luhtle psycholoKicUl system. St ImOt-up^^of peraons resfWnff ihe highest IntflJcclua] and moral stiuuiani,

4nd Uw acme of \ rofcsslonol onsUence but at the same time cngti^

(fan Lhls dfls? wouJd wniptilously ke^p Itself totally aloof fnvn

mnnlc oompetitlonr tt was this penlculor ck» whkih. becsiw

of )Ls super-inldligence and TUpr&jne Icnowledge of all fields, couli

floor sv^ryhody saii conier the entire wealth of the comfnimiDiy

if it wished to. And yet it wag precisely this class which had bten

simulLvieoLtsly trained to retfard all lucre as filthy and a life gpat

in ^timing w«aUh as a sinful waste- Consequently, tbe Biabnin

wa» <iht man who filxilaJnod fmtn all Wxtiry* (mmor^ty v\i

dLshonesty. That is why Manu. the lBw-giver» has said thfit undw

the Vtdic who -economic system, Brahminigfn is the ideal which

tney person must strive to attain. Here there were no privikgii

but only hard work, steriinu character and a life of self-impwei

bttiiKn ce and wrvice desjw te a aupett mosleiy of worldly knqwtedg*

That iiiBsLH^ uf worldly ability was contnjlled ^ '

•upw -consciousness of godly kn&wledge and regpondJbility ^human life wm a predous divine beritaije which was tfi i>e spt"^

not in dissipation tjut in perpeiud service.

The Ui-Eihmjnical KouUnc

TJ»rrfonr, « Brahmin woke up si about ^1 AM. After his a^l"^*""^

b«ih and pby3»cal exercise he had a session of ' Swadnysy

live Kdp of lacred fire. T^t [i to aay he repealed to ^ '

Iwidly In JWwkrIl •*] aha!l cl3id^ by the truth, 1 Bhall nevpr^^^^

I shidl npv*r U» i U«. ( ^hnll nfver be foujid wflntin« in ^y^ ^^to my irwijhtr. faihsf. nation, humanity" «fU:. etc^ T*^* '^'j^

Vedic »ay e* bAmniwnntg into 4v«ry pefson 'b mind both «t W

unh seir*r«P^^^'^ ^'^"^ mundime Ttte vm Hwt

^d 3*^^ ^^pUtions of Mrthly life brought nn [[ood eith*r in

jUt^if**' ^.^g^tefn tbat it is one's duty Uj lead an *baVemimn

tb£i^* "^

y^ p^iyiq seiMce and towards t^l end ont must ahun^,iedic*wd^^

^^ ^^1 ^^p^^ ^^ untiring, truthful wrvic* to

**ct t^^ '^ ^ gtioit, one was not to iry out for one's own

^*^ t* U^ out oneself in public sendee.

e-founh part of society composed of Brahmins thus

^i°"rQntentettly and hnppilykepi ilaelf totally out ofecofwmiifi


-nw next Bro"P' '^^^ Kshatriyaa manned a!) admli^pRtiva

-^ces w run the State on the Uxeg preacnbed by Vedk

!^D.ecflEwmic statute such as ManoamriU. -Hus class too was

fflrtticted to its own separai* sphere of socio-economic duUes.

The third ptrnp. known aa Vaishyas managed fiH farming, trad*

Hid Mnunefce. They too adhered to the strict ™!« ibout the purity

(rf Eooda supplied to society and the mlntmum margin of proUt

pmnittal to them by the Smritles.

•nw fourth claaa. namely the Siudras ^d ell the monuBl diiUM*

This clHstflcaaon originated according to Vedic tradlUon. frt^

Uie lEme thet divinity crested the fir^t few Kenerations of trained

"im. TTie in it jal ijmu p of Brahmins emerged from the fa« ofBrahma.

tt» KahiLriyas from hjs arma, thfl Vaishyas from Brahma s torw

""d tS« Shudraa from Brahma 's feet. This is unjustly ^"^*^^™

'V ikotnie lo mean that the Hrshmins have spproprialed for tbemseh^

•upsrior Blatus while relegating the other gniups to o progressively

^ Km atrum. That is an imjH^per and lop iKdcd aiWssmcnt.

"™^y. 1* it be realiiol that if there ar* four claswa w\vth^f^

*'^<wie «.„m«xBt» tben^, a particular group wRI always b*««

« mF?nt[oned f\ni while the others wi" «*^ '»^ '^"^ """"^

^ « tooilderwl thdr ranking fif importanw. Secondly. IJ»

Page 134: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


<rf L>»fH poop* with Ihe <Urf*-wit Umbs of BnW 4.

dl ttnte »w* tc l» ^tirt Bid emdfflt. Thir^, the mo^Sj?«*nwf»f0tliythMilUf»lif oMWmiffliotiiinkof

(I, hfoj^«» wtw* fW CT l*nw or ut impuuisi '^^i 't be fe^ ^

t cripple Uun «* wbost re« his item disfigured, "Hioae ^,5^^

bivc ttHi Bfsodiited »Jth difffrait timbs af Braliina la Dluitnt,

Uj^ fiBKlkJOJ mfi to kwp tbem ctnilente^ in tbmr own rene^yj,-

tod to role out any dass con-Qict.

Botb livd Krifhu '& jminounoenient in the BfasgsiiPid G^mu>d pf MiTra In tw &nfilJ miJce it cl«r that the fcrur classes have

besi Qiade «ccwiiinf t^ the abilities and aptitudes of peo^«<. [n

Kiuit pncUce It w happens thai in a vast majtnty trf casi^. aith

Ktd fiuzture in particular family dd«9 condition ihe persoa to

iBfd * yfe <^ Ihil group- But if hy Any cban^ii^ 9 peraon d^ji'l

lit into Mi bH«tttary grooip becauge gf Bptitude- or behflvtour bi

vat fr«e la change" his grvup. But such a change wasr not a men

UegioDCf nd Dsodation. k was b tola] dediation to 1

kind a! lif?. Life bi each group begmi al about 4^ i-m-

tJptfl • Siradhy^B ' the roytine was the same for all. Only therrtftff

U breidied off. But *ven there life for none of the four gitwjw

V6S eosy. it waa oiu of incessant activities thnjughout tht its

ind iben m early retinmiaii: to bed, for aO the four. Therefoi**

noftt Bhi^utd belipve thai ErBhrnLnism was a bed of roses and ShudrdJm

*a8 t bed or Lhonu, life wai equally rigomija and moral sUndwd)

Wert cqurily hi^, (Wy duties And functions differed. TTieMo^i

tbB* wu m lanpteU on al eH to join a difrerent guild . The Brahmto

hsnUy «vir loucbed wteJih. He was to receive only a fe* "i™fgr day -to day upKeep. He looked upon money as a soui« ^««*M»iii»Uan ind lempuiUon fnjni hia high philosophic pedejtii-

Ai tbe otbB- aid ibe Shudra could be wtallhy by esming ^'SS*

tor Hm labmr md ekOl. in aadent histo^' Shudna are tev^ ^h-« b«i Sih^ikm' U. wealthy mnn^-lendBH.

RfdimiP s^ "^^ ^^^ three classes were ftirty wealthy,

tscef*^^ cpwa ^^ other 'i path, Thprefoff*. Vuon «y^tW ^ ^j. class "tmg^ or economic competition. 0»^ ^'^^ ^^„ from one pmP ^ •nolbcr for roonMu^r

«^ *Uitder the non-Ve^c system Uiday If a penon k

^^r±e pront'EHSi^n in nrnnufaciuring TV s«to or shaving

^^his prof^so'' fl iotJ a''^^ ^*?s '^ mamifacture. "HwrBhy

^Ijdat**!*""^^^^^^^ gjj^ ^aste while ht bemmes a rival to


'**^Wv in the mflnufflcturing Industry. Such change of ?raipg^t^alreBoy^^

mon^ to be able 10 pqU in wealth and Isiinesa


"tij w'tlt i^ unacc^Uble to Vedic ideaJism. Their earnini

t,prto3««J^p^,^e to lead a life of lura^, vice and Uanra* wis

^iZ ruled out. What Vedic sodety mslsts on is each om

I^Vpious, active life of huinlliLy and affvloe to wciety.

M(jn(y-«mtns was no eonsid^^on at all,

Ourhy aL Ev«j Stage EnjaiiKd

Even the thiw g«ups wbo were socially and psychulogtially

TH^pared and p«milLed to ded with waOth wer? so hi^u«ht up

u to Iteep their wealth nowing ceaselessly in a stream of chanty,

Fram birth to deeth various occasions and rituals had been prescnTw^

It which a person had to keep on giving away Kr*^> bullion, dolb

mi nvuney in charily . Those who had more could crefiie endowincnia

f* blHBr charities 5uch as academic tnsUtutiona, poor hous*.

wMowj" homes, orphanages end the like.

V<ilinjiary HrtWnwnl was the Rule

£vefy person 's life was divided into four stages ot about 9D

** ^ years each. The first was devoted to studies and the 3«cond

"^wJtuted the manned bouschqlder s life, Jt was only in that 5«™nd

"^ IhflL the person was concerned with economic w^vity. From

^ H^ of about 60 or 60 vears ha withdrew Wmsdf Tiom

]*2^^omic Hfp and dedicated himself to isolated m«li^l^o" "^

Il'Z*''^"^'^'^ 'Hiat waa the third quarter of a person 1


^I"»ted Interfwenc:^ with the yQun«er gmailion-s Ute. *^

Page 135: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

msurtd cjilm d*Uchmmt from worldly nffeirs. The \^i ^

of A peram "s life was lo Jw spent in selfltss social a^rvtce of ^chof«. cflpfiMtfUas ^d spUtude. Thus there waa no ^"* '

compftJtiwi or itrife whatsoever beiw(>en anybody at any j^'^

ConwquCTiay Vwiic socirty ran lilte a well oiled mechanism amoc^JBtd Tioi5c3«sl.V' S^remorwy'inakfng was socfally and psrychologjcjj^

niled out as an obj«iive, »cb group sntt individual ltd a ooni^j!

and bappy life within the boundaries of Ha groupn

Cdusc Qf REvdxnce for BnihminK

Evtraihw flKfn niJe began in Tndia. the Hindu educaUona] &mtodQ-economicaystecn wss broken into hits. As a insult Lbe four-fgu

divbioa of an indfvida] 's lif& and the four groups of VeJic sixEe^y

bK&me inaperaUve. The duties and functmns of the four vkMiToups became progressively blurred. "Hw ancient id«fl]s anj

demanated spheres became e>ltincl* 'Get rich quick snd lad

life of luxury' end indolence' becajnc a comLmon idea]. Aa a result

Uie wholp of humanity has become one seething mags engssed in

incessant cul-throat competition from the teenage stage to the visy

deyofones death, for amazing maximuin vealth with the minimum

of effort in the shortest passible lime, in such a society the Unbof 1 Fmid and Karl Msnt ii inevitable. But the doctrine* they

formuiatHJ were symptomatic Of the m that humanity hu ban

sufferioB from ^ersincft the Vedic ?rystem broke down.

tn ihsik^fn competition the Brahmm naturally fares besthecau»

be Ija beWnd hjm generations of highly cultivated skills and

knowledge. Nsiurdly he excite jealousy and resentment of the

noo'flrahmini. Bui that win precisely the reason why superb Vedie

U-Bining psychflloifkilly weaned the Brahmin away from mffli^

wnung activiUa and conRned him to a holy isolation of dedEcstftI

ooimnuniiy^ttrvtw all hJs life. Thus the Vedk injunction, in a tfJtf-

*<W to the BmhmJn that ' smce you have a eomprebensive knofflfdl*

( Uut iswhit ismflBitby theSEnskril term Brahmajnaairas BrahmtnJ

of U» divine. My purport of cwmic life and you have the b

>* outdo ffvwybody In a oomprtitive world you have b«n tr.

to te rwb«™ni mough Uj k«p ,>ut <rf it 111. ' mn ayprpm* *^^^


abstinence to which the Brehmtn group cannneJ fu^

ifidi'**' *yeaT^ has earned it the gratitude, awe and revcrmce


^ZjxersiiofiB Therefore Bmhrniniim waa not a privilege

oi^^^^'^^fjTtm though it was a privilege Ln the s^iirituBJ and


Consequently. BrabminiamH Kshatriyaiam, Vaishyism

^vine i*'^^"^^ f^^ for anybody to enter» provided one was

^ ghudnua^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ diaciplina of each pwp.

^^ ^ 'oerson t»rn in a particular group alone acquired the

Qpflerslty'^*^^jy^y ^ abide by its mlea^ The four groups appear

'rgnce to be ijoverned by birth because everaince Musbm


larted in Tl 2 A .B .the Vedic life - system and group system


J in [ndia. In the rest of the world the Vedic socio 'economic

^^broke down much earlier i.e. afUr the Mababharat war.

"^^let it be clearly understood that being a member of

^^^up was no cakewalk or privilege. In fact the social punishment

Clapses by a Brahmin or Kshatriya waa more severe. Being a

member of any Vedic group involved a gruelling routine, strict

piles of conduct end stem norma of Soda! behaviour. Moreover

tqufli importance attached to every grtmp because they were Uke

Uk four wheels of the social chariot. Under these cotiditions whert

w« U»e ns«d for anybody to change his group? ^^^ ^f b^ a fiieak-

m did exhrtjit abilities and aptitude of a different group and wu

m fulfil [Is requirements he was moat weteome to change his


^V'«t Shudnis and Women Disqualified rn>m Vedic LtSffltrt^?

Tt I9 commonly believed that Shudras and womm were not

WHWidired "pure' enoojgh to handle or study the Vedas. This is

* flilaiaterpretation and misunderatandit^.

^ tt first be known that there cannot be any question of

^rrtng anybody from 'knowledge* and the Vedas are the faunu

^aU knowledge. Contr^rily, Vedic ond UpanJshadic knowledge waa

^n eonstanUy dinned into the ears of the youn^ and old, rich


^'»«". men and women day- in and day out at every ritual and

^ *rouBh reUgious discourses and recitals. The audiena was

*"°™ raged to study and repeat the lesson a wherever posaibli.

Page 136: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



But \mrnins lh» Vedic t*xta by dedlcaUng oniself to m^fc,

v^ of Uf* WM i mermt miittw. k involved 20 ^flapi'^J*?^

(mm hums fnans ihe age of 5 or S years al theGym ' s fof^L-bft^

mi speftdlng Uw rail of one s Ufe in dedicfli«i.nbsiftnlouTl!!?!


^BjrPi» from 4 t.m. to i^y, 9 pjn..

A woman could not Bmorally do this, because she l^j l^

0WD pbysiological prtibk?m9 of menws, deliverlea nnd h&u«h(^

dutis. SmOarly * Shudra who was. say. a mechanic or csrjunt*

DOUldn H ktyt W« profession to lead Lbe Bbstnnious Hf& of Vi^Brahmin. That Ib w'hnt it mront by the genera] itijiinrtlflii


disquaJification of e woinar and a Shudra. Thereby \h^ gn i^

al aD down-graded,

But if for general kn&wkdge^ during sparetime they wjalKd

U} borrow a Vedjc t^xt and read It they wer« moai welcome bKvujt

Vedic knowtedg? was meant to be spread by every means, h ttd

LhiL wsfi why profesLonoJ preachers of every kind were libera^

provided. Whole profesaiona revolved aroLind such abstembui.

ftineranl }3reiching only bccau^ indi%^duala vouldn 't l^va span

Umc and expertiw far Vedk kmUng-

Therefore, tet no one Mieve that teaching or lesmlng the Veda

o 1 iperettme hobby or for «ljght«ntinent was t&boo. On iha ti^

hand all inocnUvea and encouragement were provided for It.

But Jet It be peallied thai pven studying the Vedas aa s sparetiiw

bcbby ii no joke. Even emdite scholars are not able to make htd

w lafl put of the Veda» because they constjtuie a bfllJon yw iiiwwl

rompticBied, ogndensed divine oostnic code of efl arts snfJ w^^*^

fotUrf into one. Yet spareUme study by anybody and every^lf

WM irtively encourBf^. Ever uking to a iot»l Vedie lif« ^ '

BraJimin waa certminty alVjwed if one was prepared to abide WilllU t^itea for Xht whole oT one's Ufe.

Tbr Vedk Quaa Sjiitnt

Thf <TOup^*y»Wm dticrtbs] above wu the untvo^wJ ^^

vf>ereB»tronorners. &9troloi[«rB.archile<:t9.engUj8tnt

S^"'^*'^r9. priests, teachers, comisdlor*, judga (Cc.


included sD admbilstratorB, poUomiai and army



,_« u„-a Included traders, farmers, bankers, aocounLanla,^ Vissoy*^ "'^

J Included oB *bo did manual work such aa

^hi.a mfnera carpHitera, waabermeti. labourers, maaoni

iwie of Ihew classes was considered higher or lower spirituany

^Mv The awe and reverence attached lo the Brahmtns wag

^Z of their eicpertisB and abstinence. The awe and respect

ETtotriysa arose from their security functions and petrieliam.

Tha Vaiahyas were r^pected becauee they provided ibe

vlwremthils for chril and mflitaiy Ufe.

The Shudraa were resp«ted for t^ essential manual sendees

lh«y provided in every spher*.

Tim there w&a none freat and none small. Therefore, one

did not covet or hanker to enter another group. This ia sunimed

up &i Lord Krishna s ffoideline in the Bhagswad CeeU thai it k

better la ttve In one a own group than hanker for some Other

T>iu* in a theoretical aense this guild-sysUm was not birth bound

but iiii pmcticftl senae it waa generallj hertjdilary. In any esse

it d wrong to dub It aa casleism and aaaodate any untoucbabiliiy

^ itocfal aUgibB or handicaps with ft«


"^Bdvantegfti of the Vedic guild- system wer* immww H

*''niiaaifti Put -throat competition and profiteering.

SuQb giioda conatituted a dose knit brotherhood of which tafK«

™^f«mU« wars unlis f«ilitallng happy marital ifltatkma.

Htredlltrytradee and profwsions led I* f^*

Page 137: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

I afl4

spprfnUwshjpirtintns ol home from ehfldhood. And ^irf fipirti» IffJ to product* and services alLHjnfng hTgh stajTj^

of «wnm<». The m*w enlranla In itic trade were noiw «t^^iht yamsfT umpffltiwl from ill* fiamo group. There woa n<3 \^from othn- giwjn or re^ons. This eliminat<<i uremptflyma^j^^

Iflbour imuW and foslwrd love and respect for on* anathfri^

tb» (Toup

Th* S4ali#4 «r Womrt

Womffl enjayed sover«ign lUlui in Ihe family and fommqrilly

EvCT^ brid^ mtffJng i moriU] home Is W»td by th^^ priesl in Sanskrt

B* ili*e the quwn of ihls home' Nfanu hes said th^ *'« wgma

must, alwiys be pratecled by all and w^lier* women rewivf^ bonoqf

end boinaKe divinjLy is pleas-ed,*' Thus women were accorded j

superior goddp$! stilus at home A woman was like the qum' bw busy In the home hive. Equality of stBtus or even superiarily

for women however, must not be Inlerpreled to mean an kJentliy

of func<irifia and professions with ihe male. A woman's persori

being sacred, her personality being delicale, venerable, vulnetil*

and vblfiUe as also because awoman ' 3 physsological and psycholo^

makt-tip mud her for the bomti in Vedic tradition ibe domaUc

EpherE is left excusiv^y to the wams^ while the rough and tumhl*

of Ihe outdoor sphere wag left to the male. The niBht-clubUff

and prostitution role of women which have become hall-nsam"

mwiErm Uft, are LoUllj unacceptable to end condemned as. crifninal

by Vedk teneU.

Sulkkum SarcRiuiridi for Wamm

Snoe Vedic society respects the person of a woman as a inotl^r.

•iigoddeK, Bi a queen oUhe family, as thechlef of thehoLijel™ .

«v i aisttr, daughter and dauKhter-in law it provides solinW»**

Mfeguards For her throughotil life.

BoicaHy name elderly mBle such as a father uncle, gr^'i^^ '

buabsid or »n i« Held reapanaitile to provide socia3 secun X

finmdffll support to the woman, If due to famfly tircjms^^

the ruAurti. iiuardliitn-cum'iiuppoirter is unavailable the nex^' "


^^ Ih*^**^

tjg beft to her own te*oyrcei and to fend fof

t^^ '^^^ aad «^s ^^ J^^^"^^ eiitx^^ to a ptr^i

'-**^'^'^th fl P™P^ '^^^ ""** retponTihility, «vsi

fc^ ^^ Til the guardian at Lhe niflriial home.

^yi home lo

^BO# is entrusted by her gaanUsn frnn fcer

"jan bL Lhe mflnial home.

J * rtn a woman *8 for^ieffil proclalma tliAt elCW

^"^ lookiiig forward to marriage or a married woman

^1, ,rgndHving. To further distinguish the virifin from

^ ^ hsiSbflJi

^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^ Manija] Sootr* ( sacred

tb,mrrisd w|i^


necklace of black beads with a gold pendant

^ ^vff tee rings slgrifyir^ h^ marri^ status.

xwocnsrt in the famfl>-va> wears freen apparel and green

tosh's ai'd friends in turn ?o that $he may aot suffer fr^m

1m^ of s^y"^ ^^ ""^^ experience a sense of fulness.

mjml and telonging. Such pames and Ket^io«ethen> also help

la J«fp itK Twman In a cheeKul mood And caW^- to her cr^nn^

ftr differed kinds of t*sty food bee^use of the growing foetus


Wff green aittre la also a signal to society to accord her ^tnnJQrt uid consideration due to her stst* of pregnancy.

AMdowed woman has the vermilion dot wiped off ber forehead

»« ftjrt of fl siending advertisement to her elders to provide her

**tli suiiablE groom or other guardian and protector so thai the

*™™ miy not iKiguish unprotected and uncared fo^-

'^^ Vedfc sodety waa intended to be a smooLh clockwork

*** "^ aiiuaiions provided for without anybody ha^'ing to ask or

r*^ <ny questions and everybody offering loving service to Ihase


tj i4j V^= system provides pious festivals ihroughffljt lhe year

^r and gaiety to Ufe and impart a spiniual convivalily

Page 138: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


to fodid life 9uch diiya oelebrai*d with RppropHtte rit^u, ^to finiind tiumflnlly of tHe divine siRnificenc.- of ^rthly ur, J!*

m V«!k wriPly ^ Bovtrned by the Vedic almanK The Vedjc al,^'

f^H^nm Lhe ™mfc, BStm1o«f«d stgnincance of everj dny, y^^

llf* thniugboul lhe worid wm aovemed according u. ih« (>„„.

finance of ihuL day. This invested every d^ with b jpe^^

^iitfinp uTiporUinoe and spiriUial 8ura. Ther^b:^ a feeUng of ij,^

iBffipidily n^ver intmdes on ttie humsn psyche in lhe V^dJc sysiftm

^veiy oncomin*r ''^y '« something to look forward U> as ofiB ^)(

BpecitJ enfiur> and messBge. Contrarily the modem noniheislerr

Bihelsi indulgence in an incessianl round of pbysicat pleamire judi

^ iwinis. movies* drinking parties tmd outdoor picnics benA *r

spirittiaJ stgnmcsnce palls on the mind, The human being uHlmjce^

de^ra *l all end sinks into the morass of melsncholia by fe^llni

lonely «nd bored- Such » feeling is effectively shielded agsinaiti^

Vedic festivals . Inri dentally, the word convivsUty used jbovt b

J Sinskiit word 'coft* la lhe Sanskrit woi'd san' meafitfiif

togrthw". Vive is the Sanskrit word 'jiva" mraning lire'.

Thef^or*. 'convlval" mefics living together happily i.e- spending

time tdee^JKf happily,


Vedic life enioins the utmost economy In everything no* ««'

of t consideration of miserUneaa bul out of a real3zatftffl of Uh

responriMHy for conservation and proper distribution of rtsojiTCW

and a]M to maure simplicily, save time and prevent ^f^"^^^

ftural homes made of thatch and mud plaster are easy and IneJif*^

to make wiih local labour and material and are easy Ui rnaui

Such an home is cool during summer and warm dunng

Its will! and floors, given a cowdung wash enaur"

l*riliiaUon , Vedk practice remmmenda cow's urine as a

dliinfedant and cow^a mnk. ghee, curd, urine an^^"""Mod*^

logHhw (caJled PanchagHVya) as a proi^yli«^3c '*'^,^,per

idinUtI* may vmify iheiie Vedic recipes and remedies *ith

^^^^mind. Floon washed with cowdung are known to resist In ^


bacum. 3MCh floor* are bIm Moihlnii to the fe*t am d hyge*^'^

Wf^"j^^i^i gcbeme every vfllaipe and every guFM wn

m ^^* ^The neoesaary raw material and manufaaurinir akill

•^'''^oXal needs ^^'^ ^^^^^ l^^^"


enjoins man to be conscious of his role am §

V#dtc F*"^trustee of divinity, In earthly manBgemenl.

f^djefitst"'gleughler of arumala or plant-life for sadiatic

^^^^for sheer enjoyment is frowned upon. Consequently

rtUjfse*^" °^ ^^g ^^ ^nly tolerated bot highly respected as


Beingconscious of th<f harmful effects of h^vy Industry In

^ air and water resources and of chemical fertaiiera and

llcida in poisoning foodgraina. Vedic practice apecialiied in

ietfdftjanf herbal pesticides and mainLaining an ecologies] balance.


Vedk practice ein^ fll developing supennen not an^^f

fliyiigkiglcHlly but even psychologically and spiritually The aim

ns, to develop every Alma {i.e, the soul of the common man)

(DMahatma (i.e. greet soul) and Paramatma (i.e. the divine Mul)

m rTLtraly Ln the metopl^ysical sense but In a practiced and malertal

«y. Thii was done by prescribing a strict routine and disciplined

Wavlour for every person. IMnks end dmga were totally ruled

'^- Vfldic routine was tu wake up two hours before sunrise, take

"^^ yopc physical eserdse end drink cow ' s milk to the exclusion

^aW drinks. uUUm the entire working d^y in one "s guild duties


inJh*^**™ "°* considered as sex- dolls hut as highly venenl^d

j^^f*'" slaters, queens of the household and as mothem «nd

^?*' ^^Ictng wemen work in the outdoor worid and flirting

'"^ at puby^3 t^jg ^^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^j^3„ of modellingnil

^ ^^^^^ '" "-t* iwne of equahly of the sexes la coniidertd

^^'^t.^ In Vedrc pnictloe. aa leading to mistrttfcjn.

Page 139: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

y„t^ Vfdic prtcUci mmrea a lovinif. homelys^nM>,(Z7'*

th» «m«) »^^^ ^'* ^"^ ^ property cuihlon^ andk^^

Srr mi vwerttfd m * divine mechanwm of procreation

Uarrfdrtnoi w be indo^ \n for pleasure Consequently^ ,^J^

ig n,^ V«K«J upon ir* Vedic Jtfe as a 9eK-kitt«n. ConinmV i^

li IdoM upon » » mollwr 4rtd godd^B who nurtures ihe *mj

^0 vntil irtrttins were looked upcpn a^ a nvejhaniim b ^|tel of procrtation, semJAl relations were confinfti 14 y,

lidded ieco^dinif lo V^dic riUa). Even a msmed a»||(

ai|an«d to look upon mi as a means for desired prc^,

CmMquccHty conttnenoe wea demaj^ded even from the nwrU

Unu t C4d« It vi)iry airici. li rules ihat ^Ung mart ite

ta« GK M<di for I healthy life amounLs to social IheTl. On Lhi

mn* vaki^ bidulg^g in t«K for marB pleas:om an d not for pro|tnj.

i» cnmmil miibetwtour.

«%« b UrjhiHKhu^T

OWaoly ^ luch rules M disdpllned conduct from ifustwt

! olfi* icoonliiij to one's &^ and pogiUon In life. Ei toWI llfi»imic>i*ryi. Thit t«rm *iirnifiw behaviour regulaLed acfin^f*

10 U» Oivifi* pijrprAis &f ihe fJoamos as int^ded l>y Brihm»t*»

^th brtitvkwr wa« inUflded lo tliminftl^ crime and "^^"«Wid.*ip , c«i*,,t^ ^^ industrious society wher^f" ^^IIJ^I^lHHn-, bHr^K. could be p™«r«s«tve)y mor* han^^'°™^- "wfLy. Ions- lived. duUfyl and inl«ll«rttially aharp

« "PftJSim*' ^'^ ^^"^ ^'^^ ^ « tr*e wtiich has IhePO^




-utine ^^ *^ devrioping the potwttial of ibn nodcu frtra

^^Tan enlisnced and Bharpeoed potoitii] ^th tttwy nnr Urfb.

^ Mia and Lhe tendaides that a *oiul aocumuJatts in ont^0(1 dcvdTptng or deteriorating thmugh bJrtb iflw tdfih

^*^rMg ^ ^^ ^ Karma, That Karma invol'/ea fulfrntng onfi

'^''^Inh t^« purest of moiivfca and bchavkmr noi qnjy t^jwu^a

*tart bMt «ven in respert of one's o^wti body. In thn ropeet

J^^Ljoe in unnec«MT7 fowl, drinks and drugs and umiMijral

^Tjr^ waking and working vJolat* Vedic principtei. AH »trift,

r^ unhBppines&, cruelty, crime end sodal Uimwa sfise from

un.VedJc behaviour. Ju«i aa a worldly man is very particular about

ttUgr^e cattle, dogs and bor««s, the Vedas insist «i humsn

p^gjw^phyalcaJ. intellectual, moral and si^pitual. If the qoility

(rfthehuman being is improved on the basis of Vedic tenets expounded

,bove mundane Ufe will be more happy and *>rderiy and moiI

miibehaviour. thearmament race and wars shall be totally eliniinated,

Whftfl human beings are bo particular about pedjg!w cattW md

i^DKBJi it not unreasonable for man to be unmirMiful of Imman


V«dte rouUne provides for a four-d^ r^ and segregation for

wjfien during menses . This practice was m voifue cvai in prv - Muslim

Anlda, Other regions of the world loo may look for thi» veo

iFLincant detail in their past and that by itsdf wiD dkidi tM

"••u* io prove lhe existence of a Vedlo world.

IWivenes too enjdned a lO-day ^fuarwtine likewi» » d«a

>; tbe famj]^ bIso required a 13 day jeparaUon for member^ »

"^twreaved huuseboU from the rtst of the communiiy^ «l *u^

'^tton waa bas«i on the most scientific consWerations of

*^'"« the possible wuree of Infection. The number af ^^T^ In i«ch caae wfl] be found lo KcnnJ >^th lb* Wf^-^^^

^ cffenOiug gvrma and mfcnabes.

^^ hygimie iiike ar« prtecribpl by Vedic pr«tfc« for tl»

Page 140: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

boly bol<u'on of (hose cooking the family meal or pvmcommunily dinner. Jik* s surgeon dressing up for ^ ou^*^and then hoTding himself in disinfectant iaolaltcsn those t^''*VcdK niMl have lo l-ako an early baib. wear the minimum orcWbdy silken flppflnel until the meal is cooked and duritig ih^ senT'

of tt* m«8il8 to the diners, '

In laying thsf God treated 'man in His own image the Bibfe

echoes the Vedaa,because it is ihe Vedas whjch pregcribe themitirw

for humanity to qualify for return to divlniLy, Atheists who canDoi

conceive of a human personaHty tor God may consider ihai ihi

human fonfl Is the life- form nearest lo divinity m is cprfdenoefl

by th* human brain which has the capacity to comprehend » conctive

«jid duplicate to s certain extent or imitate God 's creative ptnmi

[n numerous sphere.





vi« vW a verv important rote in Vedic trtidltion. ^ 1>

^JTn^Grihepfiti- i.e. the head of the household.

„ rivH ligbt and warmth to the household sud cooka food

^Z pr^vid^ strength and nourishment to the member* ^ the

r^ m.. fir* becomes the nucleus, the .^n, point «td also

rirt« of life and energy to the bousebold, b^ce the name


Rrt is the very embodiment of the Sun on «rth and suppUa

ilmiKHMiy cnttxy to human Industry and veWdes.

TlH urdvenwi! u^e of the Sanskrit, Vedic word ^ Agni' for fr™

U flddltiQnB] proof of the primordial worldwide spread of Vedicculture.

Ttw term '

ignition ' that motoriata use ia one instance of the umvsffsal

^Bof iVu? word'

Bgni ". Ther* could be many other similar instancea.

Tt* preponderanl importance that Vedic culture ^i^^"^'^^ifl^Bed In the maxim ' Agnim eeday Purohitam t^ffKB W^^^'* "J'li^ is assigned the first position in all worahip " ""^^ ^

» Jj . . . iLt. lEf^ atllf IH)




^ it r^presenis Jfe. warmih and energy. No life mA^""i^iftt is possihie without fire alias energy-

^^ function of flre ia parification by hunung all impiritJes.

J[^«^thi)r quality of Rre Is m wipe mit the existence of anything

^IhT''''*" *> '^ t^uTdmsotne Ufc or a life sullied *tth crimt

^ l^ffl also enables every entity to rtssolve lt«^f ^to t>»

Page 141: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

Wf?-^'^: Mii'*f?3


derds ^^ciJtfil'^'

^ve cosmic el^menLs.

Such q^idJities of fire made Vedic Irad/lifln insist

n™ to s«rv* as a witness, ctiastiser, gu^de and presUi

at every Import^Jit occasion front birth to death. Evwi^ir

wedding or consecration of a new house or sending a cliii

begin his education il is the Hre as the embodiment of dEvbill!

and im^rgy that is worshipped. liltewige when a life depart, ijf*

back its mortal coil Vedic pi-ocedure recommends that \i^^^txu the pyr€ for quick, bygienic and final disposal instead of iiJcMa^

tbe body to roi in the grave, contaminate tbe aumjunLUnj, n^

conlinue to occupy spot on the esrLh though tbe soul has ili^j

left for the heaven.,

Fire as Witness la Vows

Vedk tradition set^ high sUndarda of constancy purity, ^lay

and integrity. Such sUmdards are a]way$ vowed to in the pr«$(ra

of a sacred sacrifical Hre. Thus when the groo^n and bride Uk

the seven steps roumi the flreat their wedding, thattmpiieswnslpjfli

to the flameg all escira- marital sexual aberrations and also *n \n^

understanding that any deviation from marital constant cBn te

aumed for only by ijnmolation by the fire which is witneH to it*


That is why in the Tlamayan one finds Sita entering i^frt

when her fideUty to Rama was questioned. Vedic Hindu

replele with such Inatancea,

It would be wrong to conclude tbat only "^^^^.^^j^jijp(ti

to undergo a flery test. Mediaeval history is i**ple*« *'^ ^^when tU persons, whether mw or women were


iheir innocence or veracity through a fiery ordeal if

^^^^doanh of other convincing evidence. Of punJah theme

public trial or condamnaUon. The con$denw of wflrriors

Warriora faliing ahort. of the highest atanflar"' ^^^1*^.._ ..,.^...L ^:. .«.mHd to end .^

hanivm. patriotiirm or achievement ware trained ^^py voioniajily jumping into * fire lighted by themae



^glt fo^ '^ g^ of the Vedic tradition was keyed Ihrtwgh prewj*

^ aVBiyo^*^^ ^^^^ ^ ^g^ ^^^ gf recUtude that my sbortfiQ

ind P^*^y^ nj^arrior convict himself and also undergo Inunedlita

in IL ^^j^^oiation by fire. Consequantly Ln th* MahttjharatwvohJrit*'^ ^^eved that the sun bad set over his unfuJflUai simr


^ ^^^^ jayadrath he postbaate lighted an ejtpitiatory

, legends are full of such instances. Even as laU as the

nth century A.D. when J^pal th« last Hindu ruler erf

^^^' lost tliat provlnee of hia Indian. Hindu. Vedk miph^

^^tlTMuslim invader, Mohanrmd Ghamavi. Jdpa! lighted a pyre

MJi of his palace and jumped into It. So sharp was his saue

f ahanje fostered by his Vedic upbringing 1 His aubjecte tad

wuntTV-men had ^trusted to him at! power, authority and wealtki

L to his status. As their sovei^gn they had showered on lam

(11 tht«r love and alliance. And yet when the test came he had

im ui suocessfuUy carry out his role as protector of Ibe realm

^ defender of the (Vadic) faith. That was shftjneful in the e;ctrtme.

•n^ wss no question of any benefit of doubt cr of some cthia-

excuK. F^ure was a failure and blemish was a blemish, ^ch

t shsmeful life which bad failed in its sacred duty could no mare

U borne. He was a Kshatriya. That Sanskrit term implied that

he was responsible for the protection, honour and well-being of

bis tubjects. And yet in-front of Jaipal'a very ^^ ^he Muslim

«miy was torturing men. rapuvg women, forcing peopW to ^um

Muglim under thraais and torture, plundering lcmp3es. nr.mim

IbfHr homes, burning their farmsteads and poisoning their


^^flal ai Accuwd, Prasecmor And Judge

^8a this not a ghastly chargesheet written fn t*^« P*^ "1

""oiy in the blood of massacred men and the hot teart « **

'^"^f Was any mora proof needed that ho had fafled to^^^^

^ '^ sum standards of prflt^ctive effciency .vigflan^ and nef^n^

'"^^ or a Kshatriya and ruUng monarch «i that, thooght Js-pai

Page 142: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



to hlmMtr,

H* w»» his own pitJwcuUir, The judge in himcotidemrifti

«ccujH>d Jjiipfil of gross (l««5ictfon of duty find of bdnir th

of pabUc auffmnR. nAtJoiul humilial.ton and Vedic losg.**"**

"TV sentmce wia nothing short, of Immolation by the

firr hrjf which he was sworn through sevwal ceremonieg and ritu?

throuatiouL his life, to cultivsle and mRint&in ihe highest atandsrt

Of Vedic cmduct^

TVfe was no delfliymg or 4*J|yirigr The es«ution of the sentairt

iKm liwLapiJjneous and vokntai^. Jaipal himself l^hted the

exptti«tory fire and jumped into it as Trnal atonemenl for and ufinis to lufi life which Vedic tradition had laughi him to cgtnsider

no more worth -Jiving.

&jch strict adherence to norms leaves a $hinlng tradition for

oiha% to follow.

Are those ^.Bndards bang mainialned today? Are they ^''en

known today ? Eversinct India obUtned freedom from BriUsh nilp,

Indii was berefi of a large pert of Kashmir and a part of Ciitcli

by P^kisisn mA of the Aksaichtn ^cEave by China «I1 within i

period 6f 25 yeara and yet not a aingle member of the ruling Indlro

Congreis party wer jumped into the Ore in the rigoroiis trsdlUai

iMl continued upto the time of Jaipal,

SwcDrinB bv tttt Mike

M iftinsl thil Vedic practice of swearing by the raging Hr*

mtiBivlodjiy a Lhe&trical substitute of bearing by a cold microptioM

t^. Thf obUi is administerftl by the Chief Justice to the Presidail,

by Lht Pretident to th* Pn^e Minister and by the Prime Minister

to ibe Chief Jujiiw in an unending, tnake-belleve. mean3"«l^'

fsracal merry -to-TOjhd. NiHthef the person admlniaterinU theo**^

KjT Ibe two™ -in pftwti cwniinita himself to anyihing- the wt=^*^^

fWy uiKUon btNnd ih* osih (n aadiy miBsin^. Consequenily. tt»^

fl»i*inu»U>09mmit anynumberof blujidfrrinB faulis, Lndiacrel^o°''

•nbsdonMa 4nd oth*r cri«.a with impunity with «iobody ctU^'


.o-th^f*^fcjrti anyl^^^' condemning bbnaelf the baieflt of . doubt

11,4 Vedic^ystei* S*- i^as [il^»flya thepnrai who sdminifitend

^"1*"^^under Vedk prhctice prtestbood was conferred on

lb' **who 1^ a" pbatemious life dedicated to perpetual


maintaining the highest etandarda of courage.

^^^ p[^y an"* rectitude. An oath administered by such *

tllV Ln * ^*^' ^™"^'^^^ '"^ **^™ ^^^^ ""** s^iSardi

^T person swgm-in. But the modem practice of one aggiwidlser

^uring the oath to another fellow -exploiter and oppflrtunist.

L|u laults in perpetuating ooiruption and pollution.


Page 143: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


A> aifflir* 8 Strang. Just and pewsfiil soeEa] Biruaijn^

v^^tmn»d btkI decUcaied mHtLery forc*5 bt^ e n«esg|iy. Heaiiiijij

tUi, Vtdk culture prarvidea Tor a KshHCTJye clEtss which whCeadhfriiiu

10 the Wst«sl standwT3s of purily and ^iuipUdty in govemanct

nev^f h£9itaie« L« cnck-down heavOy on demoniac forca tlt^

nper-d^tiociiac foi^-

Thst ii ihe lesaon on* lesma fram all Sanskrit script^jres deadlnf

wUh the UTe 'Stories of Vedic hErt*a *Jid of divine avaiara. WbKher

one (wda of Dm Nvisimhfi AveUr in whicli Lord Vishnu dpparini

to « half- human, ha]f-lion form clawed -out the entrsllfl of Uit

tyrmnJcsl rul&. KiiBnyakftshyap or of Pa-flsurWn who 21tiraa

njuied in unndy admiiuetratora throughout the world, or ofHBiii

w*a i]e»f the fiD-powerftil Ravan who was a terror to Ow

TOnianporwj worW. or of Krishna who, as counsellor to tl"

Psnd^vB. iniisted on their lakirg full advantage of even^ wesktiwi

of lh» enemy tn the Mahabhsrat wir. the only Jessoa tonv^ywl

fel ihat tyrannjzers must be aiinihflaled


MKni, tbe gztiat Itw-giver of all htimanily has also ndfid «*

tht agfrwiof mun be ulaln outright without tbe leftst besl^ffi

And J«t ovsr the owituria. under the del^Wtfiting P**^of Jalniiin and Huddhlim owf-emphiBtiing aMttldsm ana i»^

(1. w. non-kfLUtHrj. Hindm in India, long forgetting th«r ^"*to( and Ijuckling undec the tboa»uid-y»'"


i*r«* ^^ggjtlingj and milkaopa; » much n thai evai ih^^««« of MusUi^ tyrants, have heen nAtitxd to a m


rfWinf*' ^"^j^

jj^j,dhi and JawahiirlRl Nebru. »Mii^ evw-dwpw

'**'^^*^oiti8S ofapp^sement and more apposcrnent, eppeand

rorfslng T03^^<Jf *^3 progresaiVB wesltenii^ » hlglfigH^j

'^Zl^Af. hfii>i>ening bi 190&-L906 wb« Iba iriUab



htrttion in India sought to divide Muslim -majority uma of

'^Zjatl froi^ the Hindu majority ar^ of Wert B«nga] a public


whipped up by strong -wflled Hindu tetden aueh as

**"va BG- ''^^^' compelled tbe British administration to

^^MTitmndon thsL plan . But later in 1947 when the earlter steuncb

jft leaders had all died and tbe poliUcal field was left open for

K Ktnndni&nd Nehm they presents to the Muslims on a plaii^

_ ont byt two slices of Indjfl, one in West Punjab fliid the oth<r

uiEisi Deniffll and yet Insisiel on retaining in India a vast Muslim

P^Hilition to act aa a permanent Trojan Horae.

m foDowen of Vedic culture everywhere must beware of sud)

Ittdns Tbe proper plate for preacber^ of ahimsa and aswUcism

b I lenjrfe or a Himatayen peak. One occupying or controlling

I mundane throne in T>elhi has no business to talk of ahimsa,

St miiflt be prepared to defend eveiy inch of the counti^ "a tsrit^

ud slay the enemy.

Bvffnince tbe end of tbe Mahabharsl em Hindus bsve

fffuST«9(vely weakened. "Hiey have developed suiddal tendencies

orratlBcUvely sponsoring the interest of minority communities against

^f o*n, of promoting the prosperity of diaholicaily bo5til«

*isl*CHjiing enemy- nations, and of turning the other cheek.

Alumed $1 this ret one very respected thinker, Mr. P.K- Swrna

*^^W conlribined an article titled Tne One.Ussoft from WsUiry

*^^ indii f^^ £e^( . ^ ^^g December 29, 1992 A.D. ijaue

,,7 P'trterly journal titled Itlhss f^tnka puUUahed from TllANE

^ ""^ observed '' With m vfew to comprchoid the enoraiiiy

Page 144: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


iif (hiB ftsp«t Of hijuiry, » aUKktaldng in ihe form of

of oo(y fmportarii fomgn (nvfistong thai Iniira suffer^i,


(l> Pint irvosion of Indifi by Dflrius, Kiny of;ig^

(2) Second Envision fff tridla. biy Atex^der. frorn Crtece Usa.c.

t3) TTiird tnvMton of India, by the Sakas. fhsn, CenlrsJ jvjk


«> Fgurth invasion of India, by Kuahuns, from Asw, 1^ B.C.

t&> Fifth invMion of India, fcry the Huns, from CentrjJ Asli, (a

C6) Sitth invasion of fndja. by Mohamad bin Kaalm. from S^,712 AD.



Spvfnth tn'^stoR flf India,

ATshaj^tTUn, 96^ A.D.

by SubuktoKin ChazMvE frais

%bt1i to tht 24th Lt. n inVBsicHis Of India by Mohunsd

Chflznmri, 1000- 1030 A,D,

<&) 25th te 3^d 1.6. «ight invasions of India by Mohomed Chtm.

117Stol20() AD.

(iO) 33rd invaaion of India, by IWerlw'n. from CenlnJ Ajiin

1398 A.D.

tin Mth mvasloTi. liy Babur, from Central Asia, 1526 A.D.

(121 35th invasioji of Indij, biy Humayun, from CentrflJ Asia, IKS


(10) aeth iBVBbt, {rf ind[,, by Nadir Shah, from Pe^-A.D-


{H> »7Ut [nvttion <rf India, by Admcd ^sh Abdall. frmf T**^*

176a A,D,

<lfl) 3aLta invsriq„ i^^ij^ ^f p,^^j ^^^ ^^^ ^y^,^ j7ji7 A.H-



^ mvMJon by PB*^<*n tc^t«rin« Ptrt of Kutartir). 1947


^ invasion by CWnn < capturing pwi (rf India). 19© A.13.

4lrt invM^ ^^ Pfit^atan. 1965 A.D.

4^d invasion of Indis. by PaJdstai. 1971 A.D.

,^ ,rts India the victim of ao many terror and ptundH- riida

I stretch of 2.500 years? Because aft#r having amasMd

fttm wealth tJmiugh ita own industiy and vaJour In byijone

^ snd Bft«r ^"^K administered a worldwide kingdom. India

I^juddenly lowered its guard and gon? acetic under the debtlltalin^

^jf^^isiss of Buddhism and Jainism like the ruling Indian National

Qdjareas under M. K- Gandhi. Hindus sUD afflicted by ihat fnidri

j,^ pre Eommitling the blunder of ftilmating all administrative

ad politlciJ powers to persons and parties wedded to nqn-violenc*.

Mr. Sharma points out that even a person Wfljiting to steal

K»ni cbaln from a n^hbour^s houae would think twici about

lh» nsiiUrce be would possibly meet,, wblle in. the esse ol India

boBt of Muslim marauders continued pouring- in traversing

'burnfi^i of mllea and carryLng back imm^cise loot with impiuiity^

HundffidB of Hindu princely houses rulini; in India pdded

llmitrfvo in raiding one another's Idngdom but never did tbey

unlttin a combing front against tbe dangerous Muslim foe.

Cwifrantfd with a simi^er situation, the Japanese showed grest

wndty and patriotism when in 1868 A.D. Japenese splinter- states

IJnwd&wl their petty dominions and forced a united front mrainat

^eUiin powera tbrealening to make inroads into Japan,

™^ Shsrma points out that even after the allaiomert of

IflS*™* ^ 13*7, a liny Muslim PakfflLan bad the audadty

^ "«lt India thHoe and China aleo invaded India once. Each lime

j^^*!'°^ ^^ awvy with large chunks of bidJan territary.

an f,^^

j^'i" 'tept on singing the praises of their leidfifi *M

^ t«Ti* OTjaniie a single retaliatory hit to reconguer

^^'9- Ii this tbe way to rule a country? I» P"'*'

Page 145: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Ifr Shfirm- i«onmngly powi t>i* question of hotr on ^^« ^f hr« pi^vM to l« ^ ^y P^ f^'- '"^^^ al^t"^ b> ^hfci^

""^j^ ht^v b«P beOy ^s^l^'^ '™'" *°^''" *^"5 ^P«i«i

!L -dt LmirolaUm fin masse, o^if yflunpren «,d wom«, w^,

tad off to be »ld IS slaveg for rape a^id sodom:^ in dka^

J^ mdmirfans. PbImW- t^™Pl«S- wwm maiigloiiK an^ brirfp,

Wffi iu*tay declared *s Moslim constmctions.

AH this misery, piogrtssiv^ impoverishmeni and tynumy (o

wbid. Ind^J. has b«T. 3ubi«l for lb* lasl 25W yfflrg must mm,

the Hindus 10 t« oft« BgBiTi militarily slrona and a^^gr^siv*, Ui«r Defww MMistws neresftCT l>e Urmed OfTenoe Ministers, Rami

md Kriii™ Med to be resurrected from tbeEr fetish litlui I4

be ffi»tjs£led «i higb pedauds fis mOiUfy leaders so that ffljiduaim

me% ofic* spin BOvbtti ^be world. Hinduisni alias Vedic cuItiErv

is ibe ootj aw<3 »htcb knows how to Uve Brt^i let live. All other

t^lPMis have strife Hid inifllerance built In withj n them wtJch destfr*

ihHfl u inmbilal* otheri ind thm Vmhh Ibemselves with intertirarw

wwfirt. Til* Unii*d NbUwis Or^wiiiallon and tla educaUonaJ WBtn,

ibe CNESJO wwld [Ind their lask of uniting the vortd under 1

world (otftmmfflt Hoer if ibey propEijete Vedit culture.

RcculMcd Wtrfart

Vo&v the Vedic tradition *ven wBiring parties have lo i««

by tcftafai itrict rula. These enjoin, for instance. Lhat ft* J^*|

F«Ade. di^Htet >l»idd be settled by individueJ comW- ^^^^WBi^jtua the touiurf miifht i:f the cwitending parties 9ho«W w

K vtidl footioc Bt tbt tun. Th* fij^t, wbethcr of ini*^^

or muH k to b* ooodurted in the op«i away from inhatiU^

to b nci Lo diAort dviUm life. A faUw or defeated foe if

to b* bvmcd or bfimdHMd. Terrw and tofiure art totally

QtA^ lou] »v ifld icorrf)^ -earth policy ia never to be tndiJW^

iB,K>dii*fs«bnoitobe compelled to mnke common *»^

" ti» rfviL T^ ii i(iw»n n Dharma Yuddha.

_ \f«lic train intf and discipUne the Hindu wsnior


j^j^ TspaciouaMusHm invaaiona cam* tprwdin*

^^oie *^P^^^^^ ^^^^ poiaofufus public waler reaei^oSn,

wtW'"^^'i crops raping women, slauehi^tnf childr^.

^rt^m '^ "Lung prisonerti es alav^, and compelling everybody

^'^^'^hiufllim end fighl t/J decimate ihwr own kith and Wn


^^^ coffera of West Asian Mualim cmintries

^ culti3«a"

^^^ dis«iJat and disb^ef. In tbe face of

^ ^us '^^^J^^^ ^j^ Hindu reeled back in horror. Uli hart

^;h *^^"*^i tit and rather than be pe^y to such msa*

ff*^**rjisery tli« ^'"**^ preferred to buy peace for the popuUt*

^^'"A. That a the Hindu meotalily built-up under padrtat

uiinloB over generations.

II hu Da^asted down to our own era. Despit* a thousand yeant

^nlTiUv^l^ fl«^5t an unscrupulous ialam. Hinduism ia lUU

Sl^^tTMera lil» Gandh. and N.hni who ^1 E^rsue . poltey

jf^pawmenl and buying peace at af^y mst-

Thinken like P. N- Sharma. whom I hav* quoted above, aj«

lutriiUy worried that the inherent sofineas. genUULy and refinement

of fe Hindu mind might ultimately enable a rampanl Islam and

I KiWe ChriffUanJty to sabotage and wipe out Vedic culture from

bi t»ce of the oarth.

IT tttch B devdopmenl ever takes place carnibalism wi3l retp

wpTBM, Vaffc culture iir tfv on!y hope of mmkind, Withi>tJi Vtdk

"'^ ihf virtue of every woman snd the liberty of every mn^^^ constant /eopsrxiy. History tell s u 5 that under ChriJtiafllty

^ lirtani men. womei and children were &oJd in the bsiart lil»

*****! *mi chicken.

J^'^ 'uch a tragedy will never r^cur. Lord Krishna has

r^^ Vtdic cullure is et*mal And thlft cosmos ta certainly

Z^^ "''B^ity *"vine miracleforws. Yet let us ticH l^ Lhin«?

wC^^'*ra3JawiihinourpowerletHindu98diu5lth«n»e3v«^** *«ilton of a total war. Hindus must iteri th*ir **»^

Page 146: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


(0 r«lrt t«lli ^of **^^ *^^ *^* ^°^ ^^^" ^ ^"« ** * *ar li Oft

lei not » Hindu udk of hi' Vedaa ^id Uponishads, IVjr Wa^,;

jan be ptwctei on\y after Ibe war so ihat Iber? miy noi bt wiMb^

WIT BMt «vw ixp«^^ tbfll 13 too much because wars i,,,^j^

be fl t«tcrrfEig phmomwon. Therefor, Vedlc cuHu™ do« In4e^

BTOV^e for * pennant* professionsl warrior cliaa. namely, tb,

Xstalriya class.

Tbe only chflnge necessary now is thQt if AtLhanni Yudd^

is th* mle of the day, Hindus most be p^pared to figbt tbe tnms

irt tbia nfw mannef unttl Hinduism is once egajn aWo lo incule^

thf sense and disciptint of Dherma Yuddba in the whole wortd.

HistOT^ is reptet* *'l^*i insLences that for Ibe unscnjpuJiHu,

monstiWB Muslim {nvaders frtjm West Asia no trick was too imn

ind no irtficbery too base, Hindu generals and nilera were orttt

puL GfT LbcET guard ty a sho^' of gubmiwion, ifiviled for hotKPiTt)k

rftrieys with solemn oaths awom on ihe Koran, only to bt hKN

to deetb irtflchefwjsty. unflWB«*. Tliere are Hiao Inst^wa rf

mBdiaevil Musltn^ B«^era!s an<J nilers begBing for UmpG,>aiy elwltif

far Muslim women and children m Hindu forta hul sendira taslad

Midlers in the guist of buna-clad women end then trefichmm^

muf^kring the Hindu king and defeaXiJiB his army-


Hifulua have Ihus provei too guHIble Mid too sofv. HomWed for

by liie es^emy's alrociUes Hindus invariably oft^^Lon>

diihonourable pe&M, ttiua progressively toaing men and »rn^^

Hindus must kam lo donvert and reconvert people to Uiti

^^mib 94 th* enemy dwa TIL Tor 1st should be the ^^^'^ ^ji* HKtly wbfll the Rflitifiyan. MaMbharet. Bhsgflvad ^Uinu anriU Usch. Yet Hindu preachers have failed ^*

^^^Hiey have UiUB^ distorted the hsroic unesaoge of our

*^J[^,aanifely 10 fltjht Uitht bitter end with all on&'a might iof "/*"^^

ctii«, unmindful of bU other constdcrfiUons and teach t


fWl'* J i^nrriors labour under the false naUm that

W^'' ^'^t^fl to be le*- a''^^ is to be relsssed. Th»i ^1 ncil

inmifflJf \^ of Vddic scriptures.

^^r^ ^*^ only If b

An enemy must be dM>mMj

yltfV&pf^ d^n't he dfiiwrvea no mercy, Werrfy beg^ntf fw


und for me<^ Even o common criminal will piewt

[jjjii no e«*cflrtiered and arrested . But is Ihat any gitwnd

^ bl?lif*'

*^^^ ^g^,^ ^t^ arresi of a peraon la pre- requisite far

^gu]t of the nusleading precept of thdf priests and

JLLt Hindu iBflders failed not only in not reconverttnB captured

J^SijU) Hindudoffl but they failetl evon \a reclaiming their own

1^ iTwl mansiorw converted into moaques and mausoleums

Til rtwmy. This ia the height of fpUy. Tt Is such suictdaj irtlla

SUKiaJua must quIcWv abandon and learn to be strict, item

mato with faithless enemiea.

\mwr} ttaloing Must be Compulwrj

Ai I beginning lo reform Hinduiam tb? first basic flilt which

(lnHmdua muBt enforce ia that every government or puhlic- sector

m\^-^ from peon to the president must undergo a rrunilmuni

ffTi^ejffirs' mllftflry tniining.

T^*pr»ent lack-lustre politician and irresponsiole bureaucrat

I' i pftritirt at loose upbringing. He lacks vigour, patriotism


Nation and tbf spirit of sacrifice. He looks upon the government

t<^«i means of making idle monuy. He brieves that h* hoM*

*wy6;<ifupf ^^ ^ g^,|p ^^ ^y^^ ^^1^^ ^^ ^^ p„yi(. requests.

^pulswy iwD-year mflilary trainJflg must also be an essential

^"aUon for atiy candidate standlnK for a publEc elertiofi oraeeWfiK


' ^*™*** ]ob, e«ch training alone wil t inatil some sense of viiTJU r,

H^i*^ ^"^'IflinB in the Hindu public employees and trtdwl.

^ilT^"'^'^in them the liabit of disfciplined and repprttftiJ

fcftfcj""'' * ^^'^^ dispasal of the job untrustHi to them f»e<lr?d

^f^9nn«|ahjuji^ ^ employed for imptu-tlnK such trsinin*^


Page 147: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Tte inulti fawt^d proof avflilable lo indicate that frwn [\j^

iirnnemoria] the whole world f spoke Sansknt tmd > was united mnI nmrnon VedJc administrfltion, includes ihe idenliL^ of tmorguuzfiUon And Lenruriio1ogy<

Consider the word 'Novy'- Thai is being anglicised as 'Nay^'

But jltcniein^ SanshriL proT3*incialion is 'Naa-vi-

The fart thit wicient Sanskrit words like* navy '. 'nBV$t *i1

nmtics] have universal appllcatioTj even todsy Is proof wim^

(rf Veflic navies cniiang the seven seas and of their" crew alt epeslfflu

Smakrit for ages tinUI the world was shattered into aeps**

AdnUniaiEaiive units,

' Nki '

, ^nauka'

' naukBta ' are tiie original Sajiskrit wc«t!BwllrE^^

"e«te«* U> be used tven today ivilh a alight, Ineviuble varti^

in prwiuntiition.

C™.id^ ^olW ward «,mn,Mor* , Inslesd of pii>"«'^

Lm^^ """^ "" '"" ™ ' ^-^-' *pp»^*;. *^^^"^ ' . «.lp™unc»Uo« »r the anci«i' S^'*^'*'tf

I nn Is' SfflTiuil''* Adhitarl

'meaning b 'Sea-odictr.


*°',jn, timss ,

evwsin™ fying machines were InVKited. even^

(otctofficer coniiniies

W sport i naval rank, teing dwignswd

""!" mmmodo"'' unmindful of the fart that ' commodare la

**kiit word SamudrA^ meaning the sea, Further raearch

^^^l^ge Unes ^^V ^^*^' "^"^^ "^'^'^ t^arall^* In ancient and

J^ erm^ for«5 l^rminolcgy.glsng

«[ Kffhatriya rulers and leaders had ibe tern)fnal!on 'Smha'

(16 'Lion") fltteched to their names. In course of time the word

^ha ^ was written as ' S3ngh '

. Later in old EufcrUsh it was wHtteri

E rim or cyng- Still laier because * c "was also at limes pronounced

n 'k" the pronunciation of cfng changed to "King". Thus ihe

Eridfst) woT^ ' King ' is Lbe corruption of the Sanskrit. Vedic wijrd

Sr^dos Smha' i.e. lion.

"nie Kir^ as the supreme commander of Kshatriya forc?5 had

jeneTils under him who were known as Nayak aiias Nafk- Duryodhan

refers to h{9 ^enerala (in the Bhagawad Geeta) as Nayaka. The

Erijlish word knight (pronounced 'night) is e conuplion of the

SiiMkrit, Vedic term Naik eilas Nsyak.

That this is not a far-fetched derivation may he proved by

Jperailel insUnce whepe Sanskrit 'K" is substituted by 'T' in

Enjijals. The t«rm Canterbury though currently pronounced u^i^rbury ghould be Santerbury (when 'c" is made to reuiln

I11^^^ ^Phabetical pronuncEation), Nnw recolleoMnK that the

^*^ ' T bas to be read 05 Sanskrit * K ' we Hnd ihni the original


^^' ^^c name Canterbury In Englnad was Sankerpury, L*-

m named after Lord Sanker alias Shiva.

d Wd^^"^ ^'"^ °^*' ^^ *^* ^"'^ modem mi!it*r>' orgHniiat^


^^^ ^'^'^'' ^*^^ mnitaiy system- That was inevitable

*^iniai I*

^'^^ ^y^Uim applied to the whole world since Vedic

^Ltan wfta a world govemmenl.

Page 148: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Ann; Ltiilti

ft* sinallegd unit of a modem army constating of Uti

li known B a wction. tn th^ ancient Vedit miliur^i svsi]!^''

Om »mant3t unit. Imown as Patti had i«n membepa njuiiT***

il^hMil. one ctiarfot, three horse riders «nd fiv^ f^jy^ Jf |^

(infantry-men). In Alt they made ten. ^^

'nseresftfir the higher units ar* made «p of Aquoj inti]i|^

of ll» Seciion alias Pslti in both the modem and ancbent s^j^Jt

Thret sections make a platoon fn the modem sysl^in becuB.

In the Vedic system three Patties constitute a Senamukh.

By Vedic military orgsnjsetion whet we imply is the ^^tgii

folicfwed by sncient administr^iors who governed the wnrlj acoordJM

ta VedJc l^eU. That Is the sense in -which the word ' Vedic' la

been used throughout tlus volume.

Readers not accustomed to that uae are likely to insist on penjilir^

thi teKt« of the four V^aj 83 they sre a^'ei){Ilble to us twt^ mid

Icxili for ell the military iemiijidc^ and organization thst we tn

difiCUB^ii^l in this chapter.

In fact &D those d^alLnff witli anctent histoiy must

tltans(Svc9 With this w^der connotation of the term 'Vedic'. Beau»

it has been repeatedly emphasised by the elder sages and >«"

tint by Vedic tradition we signify not only the Vedes but 't»

UpflmshAds. Yogs, Ramsy&n. Mahflbharat snd the IS Pur«i»

Conflequemly, the mflit&o- orgsiUzallon that we are diacusslnd 1»«^

ii followed in the Mahabharat, and the Mahflbharsi ia in feet.

as the firth Veda.


Continuing our compariaoo of the andent and modam

OfiaaU*Uon we mvy notice that three jjltitoonfl ^^'^^^°^^

company in modem per!am*. In the ancient Vedic aysteni

Sinsmulda wm% lumped together to fomi i Gylm-

Thrtc comiwiiea form modem r*:Muncnt. Correspo"

iIm ndmL lyitem three Gulmt made one Gana


guch laenUty ia shown,»ome modam ichol^i tfind

V/b*'*^*^"flt of ftbawit mtndednees that it could aa ip^ ba

w -'"(^(loHt'Vedlc system may Itaelf have been fastaton^i on

tt»t^All Gi«<»t ™™^^ '^*^^ angummt la untenable b» Uamounta

wP""*^jjp^to the beginning. Such acholare often for^ ihst


'"Ti "olderthan tbe Vedas. The Bemayan, the Mahibharst

E^. China. %ria, Assytia, Babylonia ei«. one and all

py^^,^ too constitute bum&nity s oldest Uterature. Greece.

t«,t babes of yester-years. Compared to them the Mahabharat

!^ irt of hoary antiquity. O^isequently whenever any aimDerity


i^ween the modem and ancient practices It should never

(t douWed that the So-called European systems hav* all a Vedic

ContLTiLLing our study of the Identity of modem military linlu

v{th th? Vedic we find that whOe three regiments make a brigede

En oiirdays. in ancient times three Ganas made a Vahinl. Pegiment

[ill)« Sanskrit word Rajmant.

Ibee brigades make one division . so did three Vahinis constitute

i^tiiM li> a&dent times.

Threemodem divisions constitute a i^orps, likewise three endent

Msaa fomied a Chamu.

^W modem corps meke an Army alias Command, In the

"^tnvaftnft- in aadcnt times three Chamua made up one Anikiiij-


f(jj~^i' ^BS Command is the highest unit of modem armed

Ijj^'"^ ^^^ ^"^^ ^^ ^*^ Kahatriyas had a unit ten timen

^ Akihlh^*'^^^^*' '"^*™ miUtajy ujift. Ten Anikaii conatituled

^*^ i\wl !^^ ^^ ^^^ administration and uiDHary for«ya of

'^tftd^'^''"^ aoitve other heavenly bodifts too. This is

^ references In the Purana* and the epics which refer

Page 149: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

Ui muiiifll vistu by the rulers an earth and Ihoge on other

Having noted thet the gigantic Akshaubinl >*m iho Hfih^ y^of the ancient Vedic am>y one may well iTiiagine the force comprijjn

tht Ift AkshaoWnl fielded by tbe Kauravaa end Pandsvaslogrthej

in their internecine M&habhfirst war. tl was the colossal dcsuMi^

wrought by thai war which shattered the unlver^ y^administmlion «nd tb* univered $w*y of Sanskrit, ledding i^

sdminislrative fragmen latioti and the sprouting of local veriBU(su

Bf S^natait as so many modem languages.

Ancienl Superiorliy

Though the units at a modem army tally with those of Uw

tiuient Vedie army. In actual numedcsl content the armies of Vedfc

Ksbatriyas *ere far superior than is sgggegi-ftl by an unit- win

comparison. Because while a modem sectiflci comprises of artlii teo

individuals in uniform, its ancient equivalent the Patd combitA

of one elephant with a drfver (Mahout) and three arcbws In Ibe

hovrdflh; the chariot which carried one driver and four srcbw?,

thrw horses mounts by riders, and besides, five foot men. Tbus.

in terms of men and animals, the smallest unit of Uie Vedlc army

consisted of one ekpbanl. two hor9e$ yoked to the chariot and

three other hoi-ses (total aix animals) end four men on tbeelepbani,

five men in the chariot, three on horse -back and five footmen

llolai 17). Consequently, while b section of modem armies coniisU

wdy of ten soldiefs its ancient Vedic counterpBrt consisted of


anmuJi and 17 men. That irdJcates bow in their nunvdcw

rtmjmaiUon the mdent Vedic amiies were much bigger than moJeni


Cofoual Army

isilA natural question that would arise in the mind of some

li whether such a large miltl*ry force did eciually ^^^^ °^

< mere poeUc fancy and fantoay? The answer is that the ""*"

involved la the Mflhabbarat war are not as unrealistic o^^^'^* ^I nm. The 18 AXshouHnl armed fgrce massed by the Kiiu^^

Kii Ptndavai tigeihtf rtureacnled the army of tba enlif*



m,pu-f^or& It would be wrona *0 fsimp»m that wmj

,^U(n*- ^^mrle naUon today. The proper awrw w«ld

iT^ •^^ *amied forces of all the 200 to 300 natign« of

^0 w^"^^ "^^mpare that combined world military might of

% gid *^ '^^^e^ world military migbt of the Pandjrma and

^ "^^V^tbfMehabharat tJm«^

'^^^ ^^^ jnay arise la about the need to mahvtiin

^ Is that ao matter whether a world is governed

^ "L or is subdivided into 300 nations the militant force

^TiT^pottionateifl the entire population. Because even ^md^

™uL mc administration the world was divided Into

Stive units called Ksheir.. The head of the Bdmini^™«ve

fi^jon us(d to be termed a RshetrE-P CspeUed m modem ErtgUah

jjrtJonijTes W 'Satrap')

mvr the Bncitnt Vedic world adminiatratton Indian and

E&mpefln soldiers as also soldiers from other regions were posted

sn duly U) distant lands S milady, Indian elephant trainee,

smgen ind riders were in grefit demand everywhere-

Indian solders fought in Xerxea *s army in the 6lh century B.C.

f^Sdyucus Htiployed a lar^e body of Indian soldiers. Hannibal 's

'^^i corps was from India, in the l3t century BX. the Caesars

''^ ta^ an elephant brigade msjiaged by Indian mahouta. One such

J**^%nttook part in Gasesr *s tending in Britain. In the arcenceater

7"^ '* * Ist century AD. statue of an Indian <^vairy-mMi

^ ihe inscription '

' Dannicus Eqes Ale Indiana TVB Albani"

.j^i "bdian TVooper, Danniia of the Ala Indiana, of the

"^m Albanus." who had nerved 16 years when he died in

lfhiy|^'*^^"K'y ancient TamQ records menlion '^powerfU

^^ fcmuT'^^^*^^

'^^^^ Mlenchchas w^rinij long coata.^^ of Pandyan kin^g, Ancient Tamil works also mention

Page 150: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



Bomm wlmtee In ih? Tfltatl nsim ssid of th« rtnport of yRoman Veseg, tampan l»d and wire. In the baiile ot Ifey, Jjj^

vklMy because of his India trained warelepbants* ^

The Procurmor of Britain under the Tlomana, Julius QissJcii-

had an Indian vrHe. Sh* was the dsughler of Julius Indu$ v^name was Julia Piacata indiana. U has been the |)rgctice of Gr*ct

Roman, Arab and Iranifln writes to givp a local twisi to the nam?i

of peopSe or locatlms belonging to other lands. In that iradigon

the names mentioned above are hardly reeogniiahle as IndJan i\^\^

Is one of the rt^sons why the notlnes left bj the Greeks. Romans.

Arabs and IrBiuans can never be regarded as good history. They

had trsny other faults too $uch as iriaking Falsa daims. Cons(?quently

Uietr reputation as good end proline histariaris nc«i'>^ to b«

oonlider^bly h^ed down. Their notings ere highly misWdlng Bni

must be pi£ri3sed iFiUi ejntrame cautioin and dlscnmination.

f^ Kshetraps had to have lar^e military contingents at ih^r

Mmmand i4 maintaiji law and ord^i* in their i*e^|>ective areas.

Assuming that the ancient Vedic Kahatriyas maintained uwregular soldier for every 100 pers&na in the population one may

aurmlw the total papulation of the world in the Mahabhsrat lim^

U» be 100 UrtiCT of the Ifl akshauhini army of the Kuru princes,

G{impul»i> MaUaj7 Tnlnlng

It OQtild even be that in the Mababharat er« every able-bodied

adult itxx^ iMae who were exempt on special grounds such as

VOHI. monks, priests) had to undergo compulsory military traininit

ai l» Use pTKtice imong ^'estem naUona today. Consequmtly. the

number UT Ibe lUndLng anny could be quickly swelled In ^^"^

of war by aiDin« upoii trained civilian edulta to enlist for




Man*ry anlonmmi, of th^ anoi«iL uniwrtd ^'^^'

be tteoa^fflphl rally identified. Headorsm^l

line with the letters ' anika ' (al^ ^1*"**^

idminiiir*Uon fn^ir .tlU be tt«i6rfaph3 rally identified

ih* vorl*' ^^^ *^ SaJonka, Venjtilca and

,^'J ^"^i8ylU.ble^BffiikflCaliaaMUca)*i»tbeS«akrtt

**^Thesaalanicii is a mal promuidayon of the ^ti^ait


sipiifVina a military wcampmait.

^Idt '^'^f^gn regarding the history of those places would

^**^^ ^^^riginated as military cantonments and training

^'^ ^^.. oi ths andent Vedic armies.

H,p^* Itself ts of Ssnakritic origin. Ilie t«nm 'war*

T^ ^"7other SaiX9krit.ic dialects such aa Marathi and Hindi.

l^X^ '-^' "^^ '^^^^^ '' *'^^"

V^ MllllJi^Formaaoas


Mahabharat one often hears of the bdligerent armiw

j^gi for battle in special formaiions known as 'Vyuha",

JJty outlines of one such formation survive for our view on

WiJwn Hilla in Britain. Dorothea Chaplin not« "on the hills of

Mtlwni are the remBina of British camps dating back to a pre -Roman

period. Writers on the military anUqulties of Britain hsve stated

thst It was fl principle with the early Britons to arrange thdi* foroes

\n conoffltrie circles I.e. raniparls asing one over the othflr, and

Its HffltTordshire Beacon sanong the MaJvem Hills is a ramarkabls

lypi er this raode of defsioe. '


Tb« concentricm Qitaiy formation meti^oned abovehaa the special

i»w»' Chakravyuha ' in Vedic terminology* In fact the English woTtJ

'^^^e' ii ihe Sanskrit word 'chakra^ allaa 'chcle* as may be

***" ^f '^f la replaced by ' h "

in the womJ ' cyde'. The discovery

Hih^^^*^^^ in Britain proves two ttOngs, ona that the

inm™^ ^^ ^ "^^ history, and two. that Britain was very nmch

^^t^ Vedic worid or those times.

•Imllaiity or Identity we are pojnUtig out In thia vdlum*

KOS. ' ""^ * Oo Pitemoflner ifauee. Piitemoit«r Kow, London*

Page 151: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


In mnt tphffw o( Mftdrnt and modem human Brtlvity ,>«cotisidBr«l 1* be merriy mustroUvc ami nm eshaueth^.

|^ ^ ^

ilm Lo convince the reader that th^re Ji nothJng (n Ihia woj-ia^°^

is non-Vedic or pp*-Vedic. Therefore* our endeavour her* ^ nZl?to poJnt out Lhe red direcUon of r^swrch. Those Inteiding^^up ui(*n8ive research in specific spheres should proceed 6.^p^^these litaes to discover that the Vedas canstiluie the ortgJna] tcmmcn'*

unfversRl reservoir of all human activity and that ev«i the Puranethe Ramayan end ihs MahflbJiarat form pen of that same aHhniQn

heritage Jfiinlly owned by Ml humanity much before ell got sepamety

(Tooped as followers of dlvisEve cults and reliBiong and as adhefmta

^f various Unguislic groups ^

In tha ^cient Vedlc militfliy ^rminology the spcaiJiKidn.,

frtwit «nlre of th^ army was known as Urss i,e. the Chest, ibe

flanks were known as Kukah, the wings were called tbt Pikah.

pescrves were ceillfjd as PraUgraha. The Vangurds were knawn »Koi3. Tt-oops fmmediately behind the Uras (Le.ibe Chest front)

constituted the ^fadhya (i.e. Middle). Those at the rearv.'eire known

asPristha Ci>, the Back)

Eattle-afT^s were known as Vyuhas i. e. formationa. These

were numerous and of baming vsnety such as Madhyabhedi (l^e.

lh# centrai' thrust) ^ AnUrbhedj (iiitemal thrust). Mfitaif

CdTDcodfle ) . Bhoja . MandsJa {enclave ) , fiarvBtobhaLra

(symniEtricM ) . Ckimutraka . Syena . Hands. Ardhschandre

thfllfmoon), Assmhau. S&ochlmultha. Vajra. AbhftJya^ Chakrafllc

Snce concenlrlc defences of weKs rising in tiei's (known «

Chakra-Vyuha) have been found in the Malvem Hills Jn MaiHn

other kindi of defence formetiong nsmed ebove may also be det«l*n

during archaeoTogiqaJ explorations around the world. ArchaeoMsts

mnjr note ihls as an addition^ pdnt for observaliQi^ in sites ai™**i'

explored or yei U) be estplored . Tier is SanskiEL sUr.


mmpwlwnsive bird's eye-viev7 of wcffWwide human activity.

*!,.* Vedic culture and Sanakrit language are the


Childreii's literaturesuch as Hitopadeslia and PanchaUntm were

dM only taught worldwide in andent limes but inspired aimllar

ejfoTti auch as A^apa Fables tn Europe and Aret^an T^ighla in

Weal Ada.

literature on erotics too is obviously based on scientific Indiwi

uns deeiing with ' Ratfk' alias Rati Shesira. * ElroUc" is a comiptlon

Af Lbe Sanskrit word * Ratik'

Tbe word ' Sport" is a corruption of the Sanskrit word ' Spardh*

iiipilf>ing (Tompeting, The sports oompetltioni of Kaurtva pnnces

iwonbed in the Mahabharat provided the model for the Greek


Chfisa which has been of Vedic origin haa had a woridwftie faUowing

^ because Vedic culture had permeated the world

Even Siiflkefl and Uddffl^ w>iich la fended ta be a modem game

^ ^ Jk>«7 Vedic origin, S.Y.Wakankar. a Sanskrit acbolar poinis


It (s known as ^ Mokshapaf of Jnenadev In Maharwhtra,

&utf^^°^ in Gujerat, and as Paremapada ^ Sonpat ^ ^

Tlte Sanskrit science of mualc known as ' ^g«t' was obvttioriy

Page 152: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


In vagu* In the Wwt ta Is appacwt from wm-da utte jj^ .

As for other branches of human endeavour bffng ^f v |^

wc have Ali-cudy <liscii sse4 tbem in the other chapters or thi


Mnni vi Cvrnitiunkalltin

Thf pTftsumption thai worldwide mmm of crammunicHtidn ^transport hsvinf b«n deveVapt^i by mm only in the modem ag^thfre rokddn^t have bwn a unitwi woHd in ancient times h tuj

true, In ihp Krula, TrvKa and Dwapar Yuaa* humanity had rvcou^«ven tc intflr-attTlflr travf! and communJcation.

Iti any case even in mediaeval ttmes. great conqueniirs oouM

transpcrt (beir snmies Lo dislant lands by sea-craft and on Iioti«


In th? pr«- Christian «ra humanity did hsve access to oil linds

tround the glati^. 1lu$ is proved by several finds such as a navjil

bell with a TWnil insti-iption found on the sea- bed off Ausin^.

A ihip of the B-C, era with the imagfi of Buddha on it was fmind

und^ the ice-bound sea near nenmarlc. Ancient stAtu&f end temples

uiii dtk» b^rin^ a stanip of India and Vedic {njltuev h^^'e bwn

located {n almo^ all corLincnlg and even fn remctf? islands. Ruferemss

are evajlable in history alwut Hindu naval experts assisting p«|3l»

in Africa and other continents to safely navvgal* the high ^as.

From this it ahould b« clear that current beliefs about Coliwribui

diSCOV*rin« America or some Chintae discgvering America somt

cmturka before Columbus arv mere chauvinistic gupsscs srism

frwn medEatrval itpidrtnct. Under the world Vedic lidminisU^ltfli

a&vil lanM frmi India led to all parts of the world. Thet ia *W

the vMl *trpich of the wm from South America to Anatralta bwrt

thfl name 'Indian Ocean\ Ukewisv

n> S Y Wflkimkar-i \futr pul)i;«he3 on pag* (M of ih* i\asrV*V ^"

niiiAl kATHJKA. Vttl 3, Nu drrtcd the 35' h JuJi-' 'S"^^ iJhjva w«^

cjQ l>r. BMlifeiur'» UtiiiiUiJ, Noupodii. Timi<! iitWH IliUl*



„^ Sflns^t words. The White Sea indthe Red B«

gf (inc;«nt Sanskrit namei. Global navl^ftUon hts

^ ^Ui SaHUigB as Is apparent from Its Swiskrit wrminology.

^ ,Ve^


.^^ ttmca. If^^'B ^"^^ overtaken by a period whai Hindus

^ .'-^ mrainst venturing abi^ad t^ one wami peopW to



Katriclien HToas) That was because tearful atoounta

f ",'"jualiJTi barbarities were pQuring in and countiy after

^ ^^. _ j^nbia to Afifhanistan had been terroriied into accepting

*"'^^^Th^ temporarycaution h&s been misintenireled by misguided

tn ftoread the belief that Hindus were not seafarers. An

'^'tV! i^butial of that mistaken belief is provided by the

^^dbfling evidence of Hindu rule in the entire Pacific region

alait s large part ofU such ag Burma, Si am. Msiaysia- Singapore*

B(fP»^ Kcwea and Indochina.

Ociraiid James Tod records ''That the Hindoos navigated the

Man fmm the earliest sges. the traces of their relltfon in the

iibof the Archipelago auffielently attest,"™

^Kodce states ' * That the peopte of the country of the Indus

mVed 63 navigators, in the most venemble antiquity, is perfectly

dar from the ancient Institutes of Manu. where " merchanta who

u*fflc iMjond the sea and bring presents ta the king' are expressly

rowAioned. In the Ram^an the practice of bottomry is distinctly

K4i(fBl. Heeren's lndlun» 5Ut« on page lU '*Jn fact mi law

'*t«H forbidden this species of commerce. On the contrary the

^>i3t« of Menu contain several rt^ulstions which tadtly allow

" ^ living the force of law to all commericaJ contracts reklive

•^^Mipr incurred by aea or land.'"'

^JJ^utim wu a great Ve<lic warrior who led 21 expeditions

^ ihe world to chastise Kshotriya administrators who had



^- V<j]. i_ ^n^y^ ^^ AnU<5uliEw of Kojji^ihan, by Ogl. Janiw

'• «'» In CrwM, by t. PwocIm. iWd

Page 153: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


bKome unruly in (hp dnyj bafore Rama. In a„^hf» *i»'bmrfn« troopera (mrran I ho country we know ^''^'^^fl

In Sanskrit the battle ax? is known as ' Psmau . Aca^^ ^ ^'^

Cpsge 45 of his book) the land sii^ued and lai^r'"*^ ^"^^^

the Parasu baring LrM|B. eame lo becaM PflarasikH^!!'*^ ^

The »*nn Chaldeans, ^tcording lo Pococke is the Sanakrii ton.KuI'lVva i.e. ' family gods' alias eldera auch as Devas qt Tiriih^H& add^ 'nie ancient inap of Persia. Colchis and Armenifi l

Absolutely full of the most distinct end sUrlling evidencea of Indii-

^bnizaUon, ajid what is more ostonishing, pruciic^iy evince i^

Uit rticrat powerful n^anner, the truth of sever^ main pointi h

the great Indian poems, the Ramayan and Mahabbarst. The whcfc

map is |i09]tively nothing less than a journal of immigreUQn ni

the inost gigantic scale."^

The river 'Oims' commonly believed ta besr e Greek name,

ia In fact tbe Sanskrit term OOXUS CabbreviaLed as ' OX' In EhgMl

meaning a bull.

On page S3 of his book Pococke observes "The Europcsi,

ficandinavran and the Indian Kshatriyas. or wanior castes irt


tn Vedic tradition Scanda. the warrior son of TjopJ SW^s &

the Commander 'in Chief of the divine army. The latter tylEilit*

•fwviyft^ is a perfect Sanskrit word signifying a naval ^^^fid aflttlement. Tht Scandinavian rejjrion is consequently aWaeill ement i nitialed hy or in the name of Scand ainee time imEnemori


RoBon la the heaven of the Greeks and Caelum ^^^_^^

Romans. Bath these derive from Ibe Vedic term Koilas. s&P

(Pagefflof Hi boolf).

TTic fTijloD kJHWD ai Thetwlia is tht Sanskrit wr^-[ViHSfciT"

Hi 1^*7. Ibid


jtpleinfl Pococke {Pigv 82 of hia bookl . Mount

^1^.^ -fr^jTO

Sanfllti^'^' Adri-ee-sh' I.e. ' Urd of the



C****°^Doei Is V^ Sanskrit term ' Kaahyspeeys' signifying

^^ T^e Kasliyop clan or 8 descendant of Kaabyap.

^I^Bi All OUT Ike World.

veries elucidated throuffh several volumes such sa -

^^rt t M Ifldifl" Hisiorical Uesearcb and Some MIssEak

^f Wfifld Hislury have nasintained that all historic churches

^•^"*j^lg(] tombs and moaquea throughout the world are

'Z^ and misused edifices of earlier Kshatriya rulers. A

Z^ble cw^nrmation of that finding b found in Pocwke't

jbHPVBiion that 'The children of the great Suiya (Solar] ra«i

tf Nortbem India ert throughout the w^orid. to be recognized by

thflf pgajilrc buildinga, end stDI more distinctly by those maasive

filb, Md great public works, which strike the beholder vrttb

isttfiiiliment aUke in RomeJtaly , Greece . Peru , Egypt and Ceylon.'


Wi^ (My Hid that hiatoric buildings in Cardova, Haghdad. Bokara*

knucand , IilsmbuJ , Kahui etc . are all pre- islamic and pre- ChrisUaJi

HIqiIu iHillditigs.

^iiid Culture of Europe

^mi dimwit (bom January 3> 1868). professor in the

^^ft^lj of Ghent ia the author of THlei el Munumenli flRure'i

ftUui, ^, Myn^ts. it Mlthn Utfo volumes). Thonoas J-

cCcHuuGiftranslated the work into English as The MjsJcrlw of

«- Cumont'a other work is La RcHgloui Orkntatcs diuis 1*

[^_^ RomtJn. ita English translation is Orienud Rek^iooi

^^' tbe Open Court Publishing (kjmpany. 19U. Utfidon

to, ^^'

!J^^^^ tVetich, Tmbner & Co.). Cumont describe*

* ai a ^^le wh»i Christianity was only one of

'"^'^l^Cr^^^byE. ^wocke.

Page 154: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


i muiiflrDUf irmy of foretgn niltgtons itmyKlInn far PeconUtLw

Onmt Shcwerman (of the Uniweraily of Wiseottslr,i 1k

introduction U) the book OrlHiial Rdlgldns observes ihm^

of tb« |j«-Chriatian pagan faith in Rome "'"'e*** abJs to i^iiJ!!J*

owr iind even to contest the ground wjth ChristtHnity (wT^

th^J gave grtwter sfltistacljon first, to thfi senses ant) pas^^^*

B««indJy to the InUlUgence, finally, and above all lo the (wis(aa,j,'

(TVy hfidl hoary trflditlans and bssia of science and culture,Uid,

fine ceremoniBl. the excil^ient attendant on their mysterits,llsi*

deities with hearts of compassion, iheJr cultivation of the tn^

bondn Ihetr appeal to conscience,and their promises of purincglita

vid TTwana in a future life. .. dbrigiiaiuty took from itaoppwuu,

their own weapons and used them; the better dements of paiinisin

were transferred to ih$ new region /



In fise preface Cumont observes 'Without a dtHibt wrl^n

ceremotiies and holidays of the church were based on pagan m:A^

In the 4th century Christmas was placed on the 25£h Dwemlxi,

because on that daw was ee^ebrat^d the Wrth of the sun {MBtiJii


On pase 2 Cumont rtsmarks "Jt is In the Orient. esp«^

in IhBM countries of ' old civilization' thai we must logH formd^

and riches, for technical ability and artistic pnrfuctioM. «

es for intelU g«iee and science.


The gmat astT^nomer*. mftlhematicians ""-^P^f'lf"!;^

tbe originators or defends.^ of the great^^"^^^^^J.^,,

were mostly Ori^tals. Ptolemy and PloUnus ^«^^^^«,Porphyry and lemhiichus. ^rians, Di^oHdM


AU branch^ of !c*niInH were affected by the spin^^ ^^

-....Lelten aa weU as science were '^«'^^^^'^'^,^^^^jh? puP*

Oiienuli. ...Thosi' men of letters that were "^^.^. .pj jilrti'*"

r,p«Knl*liv« of the Creek Ji^rit. dnd*-rtheemp'r*^^^^^^^

vitbwii exception to ^b Minor, Syria or ^-^^„ [„ m^•Not even th« ImpoTtanl ttS-Mroveritu of ^^aP

. K^^^iiiio"**


CD* Vogue end l>uthoil. L' ArdiUcciure O^il* *

t^jj 1966- iS^i '*"* fuffirienl to (ntms Ll^

^,ntn»l*^"^^^ ^^ supported hy our lofty wnvicUon

^ ^rf* ^^ "^^'*'h'D Tlomo. then, far from having ^tabliahed

^£of«P^ ^'trtXl^^ th^Orient in this respect.'


QiiWlB*^gone..'«fe ^linuid feel this loss lea? keenly

"'^^/ works of Gr«k and Latin mythographera on

Kwfi (>**»*^.7 ^^^ divinities «^^ "-^^ volumlnoua book published

***^\ century by Eusebius and Poflaa on the MysFteriea

i^Mew""^*^ tSmiwht devoid of Interat oria*! '*'

'fl"'!h^''7orta vre™ thoyght toold of Ini^l ir

il«*" 1 the de^-out Middle Ages, and lhi?y are nol IMy

i«> J'^'*"'';L, Ml o( paeffliisffl-.. raer* * ™ /»"^ <" "^^

rCto^He Hm,k m historic tradiUoc. U pamcutoriy f.Wl »

ChriiUiQ Kldtcult of Eiirlicr V«dfc TVaditton

T^ *n..,^ce of Christianity in Zumpe led to th* ^stem^

iainirtiwi of Bl! evidence concerning ancient Vedic ntes and rKom

udWl ibove. To add insult to injury nw-mnveri Christian autho^

««M poaring ridicule on pre -Christian traditions. Thus Jiivenai

Nlaatthe mortifications of the devolves of Isis; ^n Ws NecToni«»cy

^!n pirodies the interminable purifications of the Magi, and »n

*• Miii„,ft,pWli Apulalu* relates the various scenes of an

^Bd [tito the mysteries of Isi^, Even in itie Trtiulse on th«

^J^CoMcss Ucian descrilMs his visit to the temple of J^iertipoiis

!^«I»e*fl Ws convGfMtion with the priests only auperflc^i^-

y^ ^ ihe Sanipkrit term Maha-YBg« i.«. g™^ fire worslilpr««-

r^ SierapoUa li Sanslcrit Horipur aHaa. city of Hari l.«^

Page 155: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


EcTt>P««a.nsU«,-.^to^ have blundered Jn f,^^

tbe ««Mfit worW from limes immemorial.

Here «* flomt^ more insUnces of W«?tmi blimden,g^

Monier-V-'Jltiarns who has coFnpOed a Sanskrit- English lexicon,hi,

eijdttn^i tbe term (5^^) " 'K^chfd ek'

i.e.^ ^any one' to ir«i

'^the name of a vfflage in Mababharat Umea.

Hf arrived sL iWs atsurtl es^lflnalion because of his mcompiE^^

understanding of an offer by Lord Krishna ejfpressed in the Kaurm

ojurt ^ be^f of the Pandavas.

Tlserein lari Krishna's offer wss *'Cede to the Pmda^B

Indnprwthfl, Vrikflprastha, Jayant, Varenavrat and any other frfUi

dly Cor region)"

Ttartbste^ of rerfiKlng ihet that term *Kanchid-ek' t^fi^

itood for iny ^tber ' Mooier Williams presumed that " any otber'

it«ir WB5 the name ffT a dty Cor region) . This i& an error wlikJi

even t sdioQlbciy woddn 'I normailj' commit.

A British miwtonai^, U.A. Sherring has. Jn his book tliW

Benarti llic SKml Oty of (lie Hindu!* (introduction. PaseXXIl

pointfld out a similar error in the understanding of simplf Sansfcrfi

hy mtAher European 4cbQlar. Siemng points out that'


Wilson werywben? puts erroneously'^ the term Kasirs) as ^"*

KasJ. Artualiy Kasiraj ngnifies the niler of the Kflst Idnadtfft

but what mwn erroneously believed ia that the term *

K»B uUm Wna of (holy) atis.

CoosideTina inch bftances any [mplicll faj'th in the in

oT Wwiem Bchtdinhip >wma unwsmanted,

^^ "•!« numeroug inaLancea of Western missi'*'**^*

oti^»iidd*vou,i^IN'bU.hing >nd circulating in Eart>pe -F^'^

*^' ^^ ^ V^ „^ ^^ Mriptur^ ».d denigr-^"-"'^



^u-a to be oautioua even of Western motivei, ov«rt

put 'P ^^p ^jg^ oth?r Western acholars who have ri^t^yfrom gtich ddractors end djstortefa of Vedic fMlndu>

^.iliiai^M'* "--j^^ oniversaUty of Vedic cuJture. One such, Count

jiidH hservea-' * "^^ station on earth con vie with the Hindus


^^^ antiquity of their rdi^on. II ia there Ci,eJn

In ^*^^p n,u5t seek not only for thfl cradle of the Brahmin

Air*^for t^a cr*^^ **^ ^^*' avilitatiofi of the Hindus, which

^ir^isended ll^if i" ^^ ^^^ to Ethiopia, to Egypt, to

^j in the eest lo Sam. to China and to Japan, in the South

^^ n to Java and to Sumatra, in the north to P^r^. to

^d^and to Colchis whence it <ame to Greece and to Borne and

illEnith to the rtanote abode of the Hyperboreans.^"^

Vedfc Cosmogony Is Uiavmally ReloW

Wb bave pointed out elsewhere that since VedIc tulttire is the.

lacimtmost and it penaded the whole worid^ the Bible, the Koran

mdfiveiy olha- scripture and every sect and community baa repeated

the rtay of the creation a3 revealed in the Vedic scriptures.

The Greeks, for instance, " derived their cosmogony from the

fliridiij u Is apparent from the account wliich Damascius gives

<*f thtdKtrineof Orpheus as under ' In the beginning Kronos (Sun)

^ of chaos created OeLber (day) and Erbos (night). Therein he

^^ ^ m (Brahmand) from which came Fhanes furnished «Jth

'firwbeads Uhe Hindu Vedic Trinity, viz, Brahma-VishnuMabesh),

^^^'^ crated the man and the woman from whom the human

flee i^ derived. The cosmogony of Egyptians also adopted the Hindu

'W^tieh, divided into two, formed the heaven and the earth,'^

- ^^. Thff ThMgony of the Hindus, by Count Bianwtt«"«'

^^ timdiaj A a Seen and Known by Forelpif". ^ ***S*"^Wfl"lejf. Swwihyaya.MandoL KUJa Pflfdl (D»mct: SurnL) ISW.

Page 156: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



^„^ i,.pp«™t r™m the ob$«rvati<,n or couni Bi,i^,,J

ijj^ (f w* *lso rtwUert thEt ^e reUgion of the %ptiy,j^^'

j,rt«d frtin. IrdJi. w* find > clue from whence Mo^eg mu,^ p,^lart obuinwl his c^mogony ei^d also hi? relipoug gy^t^ ^^lD[f ibo Vedia. wis consLnicted upon monotheiaUc prindple, •

BB^t sod Kowa Hrpcfli Vedk Cosm&EOU*

Tta Kflmogony wlilch ihe Muslims imd ChdBliBna toTlQ*iitji,

Bud^isl whfls BuddWst cosmogony I3 ttindu which seys "Intbi

^^intilne liif »rtb was urihabited- at which ihae the Inhsbliaij

of Hwvai or Bhuvwifi used to visit the eaith. Thes^ glorious being)

HjnsiflUng oT mefl wid womai through the purity cf thtHr spirit.

W M^'cr j*t cherished any sensual deaireSn when Adi- Buddha (Us

Supronp God) infused Into them the desire u> take the fnut 4f

I tM retRnbUng the slmond which excited the sensual tspp^Ht

In tb«n and they afVerwarda disdained lo return to HhuvftM ind

tbiii Wauw Ibe pamilfl of the human race. Thai ihls Is iHe sourt*

ftan wWch the BEble and the Koran deriv^ tlieir common a^sUm

of cQiinoBWTj. there can scarody be any doubt. It tir thus dewil»t ffvffv syitem of cosmogony whether ancient or iriodem tifa


In U« [Ud of mmphjsics. Count Biomstiema observes w™^'ns the Hindus a!] the fundanientaJ ideas of these vsH

™«-.AhtiBTncripl^ofPftntbeiam. SpEnogism . and Hejieliwi^'

« vr^ J

j;^^»J^ the unjvePM; of the etenml spirit de5«fld«J

Uh teJl!,'*^ 'P^^'^'i IJfe of mankind, of the ^tum


^Wriii tfift. d„t^ ^, ^t,^^ ^^^ oiigtn. ^ tl*

™^^*™y^ ^^^„ Ur, ^j j^^b. All this ^ H"^

?iV "^ »Jr?Sf ? ** '''"''"•. ty Cnunl Blomrtlftma^

** *'iQ. i^ ^* ^ 'Jhh &nd Known by FortJ*"*'*'


pgct of phnosophy the fllndut were far 1^ adv»« of" *"

phy of Grtecaand Rome, who conaidered tha Immortality

IW f^^ problematical , ... the Egyptians derived their reJiflon


df ^^f^giid phUosophy from the Hlndvis and the Greek phflqeoph^


almost wholly to the Hindu phOoMphy,,.tbi

^Tine* between (them) to too cbse to b© aoddenUl. The^ wntf far moi* Advanced must have been the isncbers end

^j, Greeksthe discipiea

tfcrtdUtcraWreaiHl IbcoloBj also of Hindu Origto

Hfr, WhD- Biown observes *"^ careftd examlnaUcm the

Qjiprejudiced mind cannot but admit that Hindu la the pmmt of

tin literfllure and theology of the worid,..Ma>[muellar, JscoUkslt,

Sr WIlLUm Jonea and others have foiind in the andefit racorda

irfMs. the atrongat proofs that t^ienoe were drawn h many or

mtrly aD tbe favourite dogmss whJcb later theolf^'ans have

BdErpttfl the ancient Hindu 3 were, - ^a people enfoying a measure

irfinspiration that might be^vied by more pretentEaus nations . , .


" "^

About ths antiquity of Hinduism alias Vedic cultui^, Br Jamei

Conl noted ",„HBome Westerners have not yet been awire thai

»^al] the nations In the world, the Hindus were the most andent

^w i^i was self -governed....'*

TV Calcutta Rni^ of December Iflfil A.D. pemarked "WaJ^iot doubt thai there was a time when the Hindu race ww sptendld

^'^ and arms, happy in government, wise in legtslatlon and

(QimT^ *^'**'^'^' '^^t the Hindus were in former times a

iiftirr'*^P*oP^e we have every reason to believe. The Iiboun

' ndjan loom have been universally celebrated, M has been

^emoHally by tha Hindus. We are also told by ^

* oMilt (tndro) Aa SMn «nd Known by rDr#{i[n«-

Page 157: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text





rnmiuphysic*] wisdom ih*> w^re certoinlj^ emfnttit; in ^^1,1

ai»d Hi m^hprnoiics they were equally weU-vmod.'n.ij, ,^


irt^handii* to co«st* unknown. th09<» who dis^aled fim th^,^^

awlr. tMr mouons. end marlt^Hl und called lh«t. by Lbair turnn

HU^dusUn has fram th^ carllesi fti^es bwn c^lebniiedb^i ^^^

thf mo*l highly favoured countries on the jflgbe And aa ato^^

tn Uw choicest prodndlon both gf nature and an. ' *' ^India The Cridk of Humaniiy

The eminent French writer, Crulsw observed *'If i^wj is


oounti^ on earth which cm firstly claim the honour of havit^^ |

the crtdle of tbe buman race or at least the scene <if primliw*

avfliiaUcn, the successive developments of which were carried \«iaJ

11 larts of the wicfent world.... the blesgintp of knowledge v\^\

li the second life of man, tbat country is India.""


Ancrtlw thinker Victor Cou^m similarly observes, 'h ihi

pMlosopWcsl monuments of India we discover so many truUi* loi

troths w profound, making a contrast with the meanness of l^i

rtiulU at which European genius has sometimes slopped, ihatwi

tr« constrained lo bend the knee before that of the Eiist wid ^

we tn ihia cradle of the human race the native land of the H^^

phOcftopby- " "

Ktfldulim - A World Falih

ti if noi generally realized that from the beginning of huiuBnl^

upto ibe riw of ChrisUanlty every human being was o Ji"i^^

1 foIlEnw of Vedic culture. Thia gets obliquely *<^'^''^^h

numcRMt dUttone given above and i n Greek writer Ctcs^BS s

^ ^'ih«t ih» Hindus were aa numerous as all the other nm^


mi P^ 17. BtBrst (India) At S«n und Known by Foreignff*'

n«VcteH[i"J''« *''^^ ^^^^ 60 por cent wer* Hindua. md

pop^^" 50 ptrt- cent non -Hindus. TliaL is, howevw. noi lru«

^^T fljictenttimes there was no other faith ewept V«dlc.

Dec*"**tio l«lf^*

^^^^"^ onclent society was divided between severs!

ftW**^ * ^^^ Hinduism are rnistflken. ThMi cults were all part*

f,£lio Hind«i.m.

(i^ng 1 Frsich savpnt realizing the oranlpresaice of the

^ff ^j^^vilizflt ion remarked ' The influence of that civiliiatLon

^*'kid oat thousands of years ago in India, is raund and abo^it

dav of our Uvea. It pervades every comer of the dvillMd

"'rid Co tn America and you find It there ea in Europe, the

JifluKkCe of that civiliTEation, which came originaUy from the b«nks


The Edingbur^h Review of October 1872 observes :"TV Hindu

ti lbs most ancient nation of which we have valuable remains and

hst been surpassed by none in reTinement and dvilir^ation -Tho«gli

th4 utmost pitch of refinement to which it ever arrived prtceded

in time the dawn of civilization in any other nation of which we

bveeven the name i^ history . the fu rther other inqui ries are extended

^m, \ha more vaat and stupendous is the scene which opens to


NwJ hr Werid VedIc Admlni^lrailon

8*aml Vivekonanda, a well-known Vedic scholar once rightly

"^ked "My idea is the conquest of tii^ whole world by the

HLidu race.'


"^ is a veo- significant expreaslon of far-reaching. uncoMKy

iMUon. We have almidy explained elsei^'here that Hinduism

tlai I I^* ^"™t tb5d[fll Kt Seen And Known by FoWwn-"•' '' S- Hindu, Life-Une of India, t^ C M JiMiianl. Baffibw. ^fSi,

Page 158: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


boutd sdopt HidduBim is » spc*^ ^tlook on Ufa ^'^o Uvj'

jpt )iw- w i^al everybody's iKe should oome to rruitJon ^fuinijn«ii This cfldd only be possible Jf the woHd h admtntrt^

onder Hindu principles, ts it was from the beginning of Ut^^ ^^th* Mehabharal war. Swaml Vivekanand^s remark unwituj^j

noBUteiaUy f™'^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ *^^ ^"^^ ^'^^^Btit ^^

in fict. govem worid pomy-

Hiftduism is a spiritual democracy in which each indiv(durii,

ifTcnied ruM freedom to be anything from a devout tbeist m i

determined atiieist or being in between. Every indivtaua! ia fht

to choose his own pitaphet and mode of worship. The only n^gitivf

arpectation from every Hindu is thai he must not imnins^ <fi

mybody s spiritual freedom and must not impose any special moda

of woratBp or prayer on an unwilling person. That is why ortbodM

Hindiiism Jiaa never favoiired forcible conversions. But Iheseiktfs

when Chriatians and Muslims are overtly snd covertly undenniaijii

tiiflt rule and coercing or tempting people to join their rqjrewivt

and Bupprasive ranks Hinduism finda it politicaUy necewaTf ^

be nm and asaerijva in countering that thresi to usher the toIs

of spiritual freedom throughout the world and reconvert peofJfl

to Hinduism.

Despite beitig threatened and undermined on all slde^ Klndui^

wm ifiumph 11 what its incarnations and hoiy men have prophM'";

Lord Krishna ha» aid te?i »iHf 7^=tm-.i "This culture is ^^^:,

HaUjPflJly, because it is divine. The late yogi*^"™^"'^''\'Vfft

Choi^ observed Ihrt Hnduism "^is not soch a weak ^^ "^ihinj » to b« eaany stamped ouL"'* because it is so firmly

in minions af bosoms.

DetcnTiinK thaL aplritua] apectahty of India the late poet,^

ItvindfSftEth ThakuT (Hahindranath T^ore) observed ''^ ^yiiur poverty, miiery and wretqhHlness. J love you Clndl6>

U^ I* U, lUtf.

t)^ India bave taught the King to give up worldly rict^


^ jjf^ (That ia what the Bxiddha. and Bhartriharl

^"a^* "^ Harshawardhan did). You have Uught ihe bera


to the (vanquished) enemy on the field of battle

to lb** ^VtBndu warriors have time and agaiii don« to a fault

(tbM '" ^**^^^j^ MualiiTi invadera). You have preached the

i^5t ^i^^grcffLed work and aerv^ca (that la the central mess^e

"*"***h ted Bhaae^B*^ ^^^ '

^^ ^^^ ^^^i the householder

°^^d his borne and include in it neighbours, friends. ralaUveg.

^^''^rt^fleea the poor and the needy. Yoo bsve taught the

^^fClf^'ti^t in the enjoyment of life.-»

-n^ are Indeed the specialities of Vedic cuHiiie Under ft

has to regard himself aa an instrument of God, a servant

'f'^^rest of the world and not as an arrogant. self-tndulgKit

^;^tfltive tyrant.

SiRiiJfkacK:* of the VeiSic Flajt

Those ideals of Hinduism alias Vedic culture are My epltomlwd

in ihe Vedic flag, its colour is Mffron or onmge. Flags of the

imt colour nutter from every temple-pinnacle. Th^ aJso flutter

fran poyal camps and Hindu places. And Hindu monks too i^eaf

ippErel of the same colour. That shows how the virtues of sanctity.

Hid renunciation and service to the needy and protection of the

*efck sr^ impressed on the Hindu mind from prince to pauper,

ThE Hindu, Vedic orange flag does not stand for coercive vfctorfes

f»«jcploitat{on, enjoyment, dissipation and oggrandiiement but to

uiher the rule of purity, protection and service. No other m^ ^tie *(jrld represenU thai tradition end those sdeals.

Tl^refore it should be the eamesl duty of everybody to lealmijly

J?^find uphold the dignity, security and majesty of "J^"''"^"

^^^i Hinduism there wiU be no sr^rttuality and no freedom lift.

^ i^«* will be taken bv naked lust for self-W^'^^'*"'^;'^^1. tyi^y. enslavement and luxunes- For both Cbristumiiy

i»jp Ki^

Page 159: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



^d IsUtn Sluwr^' ^* "" lffl|Mrtant hrencli of oomjn^^

t(ieU in^J rt^Jiii'>T"" ire bound to vf* i^ finisti tlift othenf,


vYvn thn* ^ "o Kvs] lefl. the Muslims wni uoi g^j^ ^^^^ Nbcvn mnply dt-monntmUNj by Ibo struKHltf for the G^pha^'*

Iter WW^ MiJflt'ni throne in tho world. ^ *^

jttnut the antiquity of the Vedna and cwiflequonUyof y^.

oilUifT MJWfmuolliir .jbst^rvoa; "In the n^ved w* shall hu^ )^^ua more ™1 antkiuily ihim in aU ihp mscripttons of g^^KtowBh...,the Vedfl is ibe oldest book in c)dsten(».../'»J

About Lhfl anlfquily and. historical importance of arcitnt Sinskih

Bcripture*. Masmuellor remflrica that the "historical rwordi (of

thv Hindus) extend iti some reapecla so far beyond bII recjrdi

And hove b«?n jircserved to «b in such petf«t and such legist

documenta. that wc can leflm from them lessons which we tm

\nm nowhere elsp and supply misalni! linka."^

About the importflnce of the Vedas in porticulflr MnimuEllii


' the Veda has a two fold Interest : it bekinga to the WslDiy

or the world and to the hiaiory of India. In the histo^ of ll»

world th* Vifdns fill a pp which no literary work in my tfbr

timgujup? <i3uld nil. k csnriea lis buck to timw of which vft )m

no ncorda anywhere..."*"

*' About the divine origin of Vedic civil iTation, the wclikiw^

GerrnM philosoiitwr Augiiiitii* Schk-^el notflS :" II cannot be ilenfci

thnL thr«fldylndiani possessed iiknowledtje of God, AU their wrilirj^

ire f^rte with wntSments and exijressions. noble, dear^ sevffly

gnnd, aa dwpty conceived in any Immun language In wmco

hitve ipoken of thetr God.'


AiwtbBT Gifnun thinker. Schopenhnur bas also ^"^^,^^

rtmafkftj Lhdi "In thr whole world there ia no study so bene

<a> l» 21, Itrim What II am T*Mh Ui

42AJ Wit4nn of tfa. And«i Indlani



pa that of t^5 TJt»nTahfldi. tt fau been the Bolact

*'"*ton observes in hia History of British Ind]» 'Tbe

W' "^r^gpulflbly entitled to rank among the mo?t uidait

^^ "*j^P^, BS veil M among those moat early md mott

"''^**^5i[^ '«'"^ S'^ ^^^ PyramidB looked down upon the Valley

fff^ttLv"^ «b«i Greece end Italy, theae cradles of modem

^f ibt NB^'^'.

j^^p ten ants of tbe wildemegs, bidii waa

VVeber points out " We are fuBy justified in regirdlng

^re of India as the most andent literature, of which written

^^^™of an e^rtensive scale have b«si handed down tons. *' »

Dr tjrs Annie Bewnt, an English woman, who was » d^«^,te of Indian leaders during India 'a stniggle for freedom frmn

S r^e In the esrly year^ of the 20th mtury. aid ^Mt^

, ^udy of some forty years and more of the ^reat reUgion. of

Ha OTriii. I fifi'l "0"^* ''^ perfect, none so scienunc. Tion& so

p^ll^J»phfc. and none w spErituaJ as the great relli^on taiown by

Ifae nuns or Hinduism, The more you know it the more you will

]m n. the more you try to understand it. the more deeply yoy

will vtliie it. Make no mistake without Hinduism, India has no

futut* Hirduism la tbe sod into which India's rooLs sm stnick.

md torn of that she wili Inevitably wither, as a tree torn out

itm Ita plaM. Many art the religions and many are the rsccs

flcwriihlnu fn India, but none of them stretches back into the far

tl**!) of her past, nor are they necessary for her endurance bs

•luLbi. Everyone might psss away as they came and India would

^^ remain. But let Hindtiism vanish and what ia she ? A geographira'

y^\oa" of the past, a dim memory of a perished ^ory. ber

^'^y"*. ber 4Tt, her monuments, all have Hindudom written

^^'tbttn. And if Hindus do not maintain Hinduism, who shall

•^ ^^ If [ndia> own children do not ding to her faith, who

(3) P |l| .pL

'*! V I w ^P*^^h°"i'' Introducrlun.* HJitojy or indiBfi Uiersturfl, imZ.

Page 160: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


riigU (pjflrd n ? India alone cm save India, and India md Ui

Those arie memofoble words. The *^mmitment of ^4nd Iwdtrs. not only of IndSa but of ihe whale world, jbojjtto wvfi and prewrve Hinduism. Because Tndia and Hinduijn, ^IPw pwrentB of lb* world. Without India and Hindnbm tb^ ^of the world wiD be but a ctiaotir orphanage. The world cwi ^^^

*flord to live without the Bibl* and the Koran biit wtibtmt i^

Veda*. th« Upanisbads, the Pursns, the Ramayan. MahabJar^i^

and the Bhagawad Geela, Yoga ^^ Sanskrit langui^e bumjnltj

will be without its soul and spiritu^ life-line.


(37) laavf^irquDtaiJcn. Hlndua. Lirf-Une c^ ^"^l^^,yG.U.^^


arnriti is a code of conduct laid ocit for all human banp

jj^fol],«r"rrom the time of creation.

Thit code [5 based on the Vedas. I^e Vedas consiiuite a body

ri fundamenlel knowledge concerning the <^mos. cwfeired by

di^ifliiy QH mankind at the beginning of the creation.

TTw tendency ofWegtetn and WesiemiMd scholflrs. iherefort,

U)m the Mflnu Smriti somewhere between Stffl B,C. and 40Q

A.iy, li depilorable.

Modem Western scholars are also hard put U> eJtplain the

sJEiufLcance of the word Smriti-

All concerned should realiw that the term Smriti has numeroui


It lin[^e$ a ' remembrance' that this ereiUon is austiined and

P^Tisd by divinity. It also implies another adniftnitionary

'remembrance^ that there Is no escape from the rulea laid down

J"^^coii&. The word Smriti also implies the ivpiminif "Let every

^^^^ beiny i^member that any lapse from the norm» Uld -lown

^^ ^ code, will meet with due r^ribulion at th*j proper tlmf

I ^^ qrtrle of ];re '. Another implication of the term Menu StnnU

JJ*^£t J3 a co^j^ ^^^^ ^gj. g^^, tiood. 10 guide hurwm

^^ 3mriU ift a cade a» old as the croaiion ItJrlf. its.

Page 161: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



vajlBt)][>'^iilon¥ havf kept changing in ianguai^and lonpto Ihp speciol conditions of every a^. just as l*)(t, bf^jjo

B*Ogn)ph>' and mBthemal.lcs keep cliari^ng with every b«i^'^'

though their subject -matter rmiainj consUnt. ^

The Manu Smrftf BVaifebTc to us has 12 chapter? cmnuH -

2684 stanzas. In some edilEons howevcf , the stanzas number T^or 1695.

One of these editions is printed In IflTT. Another Is of igp*

A third bfls Ku3akbhatt*'s commpntBry. The addittonel |Q or i\

srttitizas found In some copies meke no difference to its import,

Its flrtt chapter describes the functioning of the coscmtra iviitjfj^

a specinKl tfrne-cycle as divided into pre -determined aeons md

sub' eras* and the four classes of human beings created acctMtlnj

to their inbom propensities. The second chapter lays dewn tk

rules for the nurture and! training of the adolescent child , The tWnl

chflpter ^e^a with weddings and obsequial rituals- The fourth chapiw

lays down the duti^ of the house- holder end his diei and describe

21 types of belK The fifth chapter continues the topttj of proper

diet and discusses feminine life. The sixth chapter deals with

VanapreslM and Sannyssa i.e. Ufe of deUchnrient and renuncfBlHin

pr^cribed for the superannuated. The seventh chapter dw^a with

monarchifll duties. The eighth chspler. which is the lonsesi, it^i

with lapses, crimes and chaatisement. The ninth chapler deals |ri^

fticcession to property -rights. The tenth chapter Is concenied ^

uncribadox marital relations. The eleventh chapter discusses

aid its atonement. The 12th chapter deals with thr« P^V^^

t*nii«ides of mm, pays tribute to the Vedas and describes re

rcsultJJiA fT^m sin.


f jg ^50 available to Indicate that bumanhy *9

^^^''Il!i^has been Vedic, and with the Ved&s wBfl inherited


^ Bjpejitmost atlas of the world wi*n be seen to be all Sanskrit.

J^^ geographers making a more exhaustive study may deal

^thb theme la more detaih Here we propose to give only brwd

tfUatloiis of the dirwtion of r^a^ch,

n may be that a region or a city has borne several sliemative

uiiiH lit difTerent times of Its chequered history. In luch a case

cffltQlUKnBmes may seem to b*non- Sanskrit modem adaptations

optfled try some twists of history. There the anclentmosft names

Tj ihcde [^Bces would be found to be classic Sanskrit.

lotiiiht Centre

'I mBy be noted here at the outset that terms like ' far east '


***'. 'tniddle east', 'weat\ 'far west', have all beai cEwned

J^ralitioft to tndla as the centre of a spherical world. The

^ll^il Date^Une follows that ancient demarcation. This b

in ort!!^^^^""'^"^ several that the world Vedic civiliiation had

,^J*"'ri India. Sages and aeers of this civfliaatlon fanned cut

sr^^"!?^ ^^^ '^e world. That could have been a mere «ddent

^ ^ ^fct. Even so it is a fact of history which is to be reckoned

Ut ^"*^begin Qu, aample- survey from the far east. Australia

Page 162: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



b«,u». U v^» the producing or p^^tMng ground for ifesj^^^

tfis,>s used In ibe Farnayona end Mahabharat wars. ^Since Re^s- ^^^ *^^ **^ ^^* Kamaytinic wsr and Kri,hai .

Buidina spirit erf the Mahabbaml war am d^rft«d « ^n^?;

visits imd spflcwrtifi are repeatedly mentioned in those i^q.^

il 19 aiH»^t thai Lhe elil* of the TVrt^ and Dwapar (fln^j ^^^^

of the mtUct Kruta Vug) ^^re more scienUfically advencg^,^

csMble thsn us of lhe 2nth cenL^O' AD. H is impmper ts i«^

iC cl^s as im^native b«au^ aur perspective of m^^

^y be U3la)ly inad«iyate and mislt^admg in Saseasmg lhe (unto

capabilities of bygone eras.

Austria alias Astrelaya has beer reduced id a desert pitdi*;,

l^HiuM deveslaling missies were tried out there.


ne Slrails or Surda m the Padflc to the north of mrik

„ w iTdenl name ^ce they find a menUon in the Ibn^^Tx

Sunda" in SamikriL. signifies tbe elephant s tmnk,


China oft^ nude ainentlon as CHEEN in ancient Sanakriul^

udi «f ibo Mahab>iarflla. Iii predictive astrological ccmP^

China it »omcliina mentioned aa the Mooahaik Kbaiia.

•n» lnd%eiouti. snrfent name of Japan ts Nippon

Bansknl name ' Nipun ' meanintf ' dexteiioua

ShihirecYt ,.-

The Sn»iiin region oTRu&sifl. is tbe&nalcril ^^^T^'j^iyisfiW*

IflUaa ShJliirKya) mcntilng « region Of encajnpn^enis - ^^f flit/

climatic «m4iUrai of ihE region compel people ibej* ^^^ (*

in tcmpQiif^ •ncimpnvaita, and return W oLher



hence the neme Shibireeya alias Sibet^

^'^^u.^.ifl is tlie Sanskrit word * Rushes

' aignlfyina

x:z:^ ....—^^viel' Is fhe Smakiit tertn "Svel* meaning 'whliq'

y^^^^^land of sno*'- Momow (city and mer) is a

^ '^ '' ^-of ibe SaflEl<nl woi-d Moksha \. e. salvaMon wbich

of VetHc sages-

HussTa IS ?i"ussia which Is Sanskril pra-^usheeya Le.

[an of the WiiShi region. Germany s name Deuischland

V^l'iw^ signifying Mlya tand. an ancient- Sanskni ^speaking

V^ccornmuniiy whkh colonl?^ Eu^'ope.

Ttif Hutch also derive Lheii' name fi^m the 'DaUya* clan. Th&

t^B i^rminQUon of Sanskrit chan^^a to 'Icb' as Bribad^Adit^a

isMsMp in Lbe Uttflt* Ptadesh region of Tndio is cuirsntly called


Thlj gives us a clue to ti-ace the Sansknt names of places

In Eiirape or elsewhei-e wbtch end m Icb such aa l|J5wich,


Romania Is the Sanskrit w&itl *Bantane«ya' meaning 'accnk"



%Hb aini Assyria aie Sanskrit Suiiya and Asuriya.

Wi iitT^''

^''"If*"'!^ because in some ivgions and dfitlecH 'h'

y^«ULLi(ft| Tor lhe Sonskill letter *s\ Sringui^ i'Knlfei H

^^ fQr,,i ,


^^'on, Hungary Is just that.

Page 163: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

?M- 41 I

^!!75h]vfl 13 the commander- m -chief of ihe Ga]^, i^^

Ausiii* is the S^skril i*nn Ausl.-eeya signifying ^ i^^d ^

Kirts i. « ni^^ilos^

of iJie Vdic I>anLi communilj^ foiming a pai^ Danea aiv Banus.

Sft'^er* itf>d Noi^^ay. known locally as Sveiige bM Not^'

are^t^tnt ^voi-ds. &vart;fl ^^^ ^^'"^^ signifying the legentbiy hf^hH

nortd end ihe neLhei world alias heaven and h&ll

Betgium IS lh& Ennstail compound Belam-ajeyam oonnoLings

jBopiftof unoonquerable sli-ength-

Tkjl^Hfl is the SanskEit compound signifying a country and

ptcple of hiKh-calibtt sti-enBlh CBaJ gai^yal


lia^j- alias Rti-uriB derives its name fram the Vedic sage AW

who had his VedJc beimitago school in what is now the VaLEcafl^

UsembuiTj Is the Sanskrit name ' Lux-mi { alias Lflkshjni) Dtr?.

meaninK the CiiBitel of Goddess Ijikshmi (the Vedic i^^^^^^*^


tiftuS. tlw anclen L name of Fi^ce derives fiom sage Gn^the VttUc umm. who had his Vedic hermitage school on

•^^ -JT Iht Seine.

Uflhm Sihiu


nliifi ti t ton-uptlDn of the SanakE-it tei-m .- ue"^^ iliti-. Engltnd i, 'Anguli.Sihan^ U- ^^"^^^

tl,us be seen that European regional names ^n aT) Sanskrit,

^""sitlypef^f*"*^ ^"^^ *^ ^^^ "^^ ''^ townshlpa must

^^ca ought to be pronounced as Amenaa alisa Amerwaha


|]]o#ed bo retaij* its alphabetical pronunciation . In mimermn

'^Ish wo"^^ '^originally pronounced aa *3' came to be

jnc^ as' k later. Amareeah signifies the " Immortal Lonl.




CanaiJa derives its name from the ancient

jrfrtlar-philosopher and nuclear scientist Kanaada,

iBdUn Ocean

Let U9 now consider the names of some ocesDS. The vast stretch

of the sea extending from South Amenca to Ayslralia \s knomi

sgtb& Indian Ocean though India ia comparatively av^ Imy counttT^

tucked-up insignificantly above that ocean among other land masses.

Yet ii5 name attaches to that vast sea only because the Indian

fteei cruised in unchallengeable supremacy in that ffgioTt. As against

Ills, on? may notice how. in our own days. Indonesia, Persia and

Anbia are striving hard to have the neighbouring small gulfs and

"&M to be named after their own countries.


MediUrranean is the Sanskrit term C^ ^^'Madhya^Dharane^a "

i.e. Ca sea) in the middle of the (spheiicalJ

***» Or ihe two land masses of Africa and Europe-

.''^'HedSea'isij tmnslation of the Sanskrit lerm (^f'ff"*


^^t ^ Sagar ' referred to in'lhe Ramayana. a tnilliwi-year andent


3«lfar' |.e. the milky'ocean because biding sno^botind tt'Krt)

y^ ' Whii* Se^ •,g tt,e tT^slatlon of the SansW lem i'^'^}

Page 164: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Tttt -AUMTlic' t» *^he rompthind Sfmsknl term A-i'-atiUc,

^ „CT* -bound Alpg ranifw gi>i their iijiin« (^p^ .^^^,

i^ 'BTull' frwn Ihe fact ihflt th^ HlmiOnyss conaUtuletheir


^«hir. TTw AJp» citn b* Btcommodoted in just one pockrt of tho

HHfridiyu lu iJif^ 58^. n is iHp mrnatsyus which dainn?d all ati«,UQn

f,^ VmiJc niltuw if Lhe vtJ^ embodJmeiU. flcme und apex ^j

piMefiil, 5pirt<^UBl heiifhv, might and it|>osc^. Cdns^tuently)i,

mlni«tuiT cwanurpfirt in EurOjw wag boked upon ly the oncf«m

Vrfit dvaitttim M A!p HimaJflyfl ie- ihe minjatuje HiniB]fli?a. i^

aur»i! of timp '^^ ^^^r™ Himalnya was dropped as reijetitlcms and

(it *J)*cUvp ^ Atpas aJJas * Alps ' cam^ tft be reUlned as a ncmn

nd * proper namp of the European snow-bound mouni^n-rnige

i^if^ing a ycHitiiter brother of tho BimaIa>'Bs,

liru^ay jitria in name from Lord Vis^hnu who is a!$o known

Hi Uruj^vtJj t"5Ki^ ji in SansKrit

BeuiKw Pint h Bhuvanes^wari^ tbe cosmic goddess.


Quflturtulfl E& {^auiamfllayi, ibe cbode of Gautom whlclt i* *

Sintkrii nam«.

«»Ii uid aunnll tre two Africsi munlrie^ named wfter itw

"iSttiuni of Ebvin. toho cscapod from Ijjnka ot the time of Ra™a '

™i *fMJ d«ih ii Rami 'b hnnda.


. turned out Uj (k cruel demonir. Th* Englhh *<ffl|

V^'^Mnff W* uncultured quamlsQme pi-fjon, I. denvrf


^enllon^ tradition of the descttidanta oT PidssUn

fr^*''*"flulflrproof that all mythobey of Vedic cykufe h«

t**" ' Ui Bi^"*^^''^^ '"'"^ ^^*^ beginning of lime.


iitjd mesn'^e ' ^^^ ^^'^^^^ mountain * Is a lo<a) iranslallon


TtecwJl^ or CiechoslovaVda is these d^s pranQUhced as

^ siwlUt^E'I^^^' i"^'^"^ ^^l- '** ancient nan

*^Ijyctiah-iw. s city halloaed in Hindu, Vedie legends.


name wfl$

•niai BO many dJ&tant r^onsn iown$ and people derive their

ntjnfl froffl ^f"^'* ^^^ "P^^ ^^"^^ °^" Klmes such as West Indies,

Esji ttidJea. Indochina, Indonesia, Indiana, Indianapolis and Red

Kians indicates that the name of India reverberated al! around

lie Klote thrtiugh the ages because India has been the hub ^d

h*dqi:arters of ihe worldwide Vedlc civilization,

Dunub* detivea Its name from the term Danav alias Daitya.

TtiDfinav^s lived and i^ovemed the r^ons surrounding that river,

Iwice the river acquired the name Danav. it is iha^ term which

I'lwfig currently mis -spelled as DonubfiH

"^Niljf partly retains Its ancient Sanskrit name ' ?^1 Sersswati


^ ' Ncel GangB' . Uter the name was Abbreviated to ' Ned '


*" lO be spelled bs ' Nile


^^ river Seine in Paris, was Sindhu, a famous Sanskrit name,

f^ich mannerism of dropping the Isat consonant made them

"^^^ It tn^ly,, Seine.

Page 165: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


The BospMru? tf^tm ^enves its name from Bhtismasu^

lynuipiml I>n^l>i' ™^^ unwif^oned in Hindu legends. "*

A dost Kialysis of the ancienl Sur-Asur rivalt^ and ^fitiriUan (woi^ed Ji^ ancient Sanskril sciipiures will be found m^u^

flj iHusirttifll fibovp in explaining numerous topotfraphtca] itmy

thfoughoui Lhe world. This Es jfd one more proof of the an^teni

«cjiW#klf frw^ of Vedic cullure.

German cuirerwy ^^01"^ ^^ ^^ "^^^^ ^^'^^ ^^ai'k Uie priaii

of UlB DoHisch L e. Oailyn clan.

R^esrch fllong these Tinea could lead Lo a reconatrucUon of

tb* nlire nnctent Sansknt aLlfiS.


The uniform worldwide tradition of Ume_ meuurmient and

the Sanskrit lemunology associated with it, is yet another EjnphaLic

nreofof theprevalence of a uniform

,unitary Vedic culture throu ghout

[j,6 world from time immemorial.

The Hindu alias Vedic alm^ac is the ancientmost because It

jiherts to the Srushti-Samval i.e, the time -computation from the

cr^tion of the cosmos . Nothing can be more and^tn


What la more^ anybody undertaking wiy Vedic ntuil it Bny

time in any part of the world has to recall and repeal the enUre

HJinputatiDn of the aeons* era5. years and days thst have passed

from ihe moment of the creation to the day of the ritual. Thiu

I continual, up-to-date, day -to -day compytstion uttered thrw^h

^mm of mouths down the ages, day -in and day -out. all over

lti( *'ortd. has ensured an anening tally of eternal time, A quick

'^ew of the cosmic tJme- tally is part of the Saoki^pa uttered

'^ Vedic titufll5.

Tlwre Isr also another genealogical counterpart induded in tha

y^ipn. The penjon undertaking the ritual baa 10 loudly p«>clajm

^ ni^ca of his father, grandfather and great gnMidfathtf, the

r* °f ^8 family, the name of the patren sage of Ma aiic«lo»^

"^^™^ or vaujj^ 1^ ^hlch he is peiforming the ritual and the

^^ *^d contmeriL in ^hich that place h k)cat*d in the conitJ*

Page 166: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


fl^umt, ^are unlv^r^ and more pabUdzod ih„n thl,7thl

^^-,.toi.nim-i«i5)JttiWion *fijolnrf (.n any™*,tindertakjn,

irL *«rv riiu-l almcflt ev^d^y throughout the y^ ,^.

,«^. indJvidait '» twi locus sUindi in the context of thelima-aiwcff

^anymiuni^ lb ipw™ 'f^=t' » masterly, open, public book-k«p,ng

inton wWch has come down U) us In an unbroken tTidl rr<ini

ih» lim* d th* Vedfls (i.e. from the time of creation J ihrou^h

lbs Knili- T>«a «itd rtwapar down to tbt present KaU Yug. ani

qMCtditv ihtt hurtianfty muat hflve evolved from monkeya or Ihu

U» worid WM crated in 4004 B.C. dr thai the Vedas are ru$tiG

t*iUHi wmposed bwweeft 13W and 700 B.C. ta unhiatorical, to


Peoit^ retrining Uw VedJc tradition are currenlly EdentTfied uHmdui. And si/ic* Vedfc-tTfldlLion has been a wcrld-heriUge bvhj

bunun bein^ is, in i wsy, « Hindu. In mc»dern psrlance.

It li th*t Vedic tradition which bss been keeping a conttnuoya

tjJlj^ of ilu ilme-dlmmsfon of the cosmos namely of the thne tJul

hi* Expand mi ibe period that lies ahead before the next caUclyamk

fnd of worldly

Of tb* cuTTHil RaU en 6097 years have lapsed. Even of that

itr*di of time preaeoiday scholars fcncFW a bare^ dented outline

of hSnttiy onlj' of the lest about 2000 years. Of the bdance SOS?

nttrior y«™ Qiey know neirt to nothing.

It WM during liiHt remote antiquEt^' that the world had a unii«iTf

adminiitnlkiD of Kshilriyte trained lo gDvem Ihe world yn^S^r

U» Vedk sodopoUiicJil system.

U« dunng that bng atretch of universal admin isiratton iMt

I tailftifin ttn«.calcuktiwi syrt«m and u-rminology was introducSO'

11»» World tiy tucki 10 it and yet ve.^ f^ seem to be i^*^Ql It.

^, ^^e itself ia*co"^ptlm Of the aKiskritwoM Sinuy

'^'Irtjnounced as ' Tamay/ and \atef „ ' Tim./

ibe^^ calendar' ilsdf. -Hial ia tha 3ar,sKrtt word

'^.^ tf;r3i^>vWch signifies a chart detelling the divWom

'^fBmely ttie day, w«k, month and yeejj


t d^*the woT^ ^^"^^ ^^ Sanskrit 'Krfa-Ka' {t^h-^i h,,


^lie^.c^-lndicator of Ume.

j,(jv start from the split- second to find oat how the

^me computation around the world is ail of the Vedlc tf^diuon


60 second. 60 minoifl calculation is Vedic math^maUa

according to the Vedic computation 60 vipiJas make one

^, ind 60 'Pfi'as' make one 'ghaU* (i.e. 24 mmutes), The

^ 'second' Itaelf la a malpronunciation of the Sanskrit word

The term' hour ' Is a malpronunciation of the Senakrii wcird

hors' (which is made up of 2 U2 ghalisj

1T« woni day ' is the corrupt form of the Sensteit word 'dlr


AH the daya of the week too follow the order laid down ^V«dlc tradition wherein each day is named after the mcmben of

<Hir aolsr system in a specified order. For Instance. Sunday (iha

^y named after the Sun) follows Sattirclay fthe day of Satum).

Monday twiijch Es Moonday) follows Sjndey and so on.

Tb whole world couldn 'I have folkiwed this system wltho^

«» slightest egoistic or chauvinistic mtirmur from anywhn-e. had

Jt cwA b«n subject to a common Vedic admlnlslrttiod.

*fter the week comes the month. The division of ^t y^'""^ 12 Pirt. (each or v^hlch Is known as ft month, corr^n^'nj

^ ^ twelve todiscal signs) Is devised by the Vedic system aiw

l«Mnquestio:iingly followed all Civer the world.

^ ,iJ

« Kmfiedmes believed ai^d argued that the y™^/;^'^"' ^^ fnontha In some parts of the world. Thai Wwf ^ *»«"

Page 167: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


,«^iindlit(l 'Hw ViKlic year hegm with th* v^^ma]

'"^ r« 1^ i«^ ^^ ^^ ^^"^ ^'™'' ^^ ""^'^^ ^^^^ bHj)J

l^-Ti"* t^ -ninths, 'm.w ^^0 K.V. b«n believingt^.^

*!1 ^bc^ ^<^^ * ^'*'"'**"'^ compu.mion }mv. hot*5c*rt^Ti«i

^^«cb CTvwilh tht^i <^n5'3ted of Sfij days, to ecaunt f,,

m^ftrt^* St^^bfT. October. No.-.mb.r end Decftnb^ ,„

^^t^^nd (i;5WTH>flshambar where <M3T) arr^bar' inheSanakriL

lenn tor tb« JEadi^f *^''f ^^^ numbers {^} ' sapte '

.[^) sghu',

jKi luvi' and t^? 'dashs. iiKH'f) the 7i.h, Slh, 9tb and

lab nuanihs E«specUve\y.

If the ftfmiUJiuie ^lehl Jnonlbs are r.QV easily ideFittfiatte 93

Suifkrii (M it because History always leaves i-uins in its wal«

for la-ious reasons. U is lEkt Bfl old m^n whose Leetb b&ve widt

wm rte i\*'o rows i>r well set teeth oi b is chiUbood do not remain

Jnuci M a«e aflrancfS. But the remeining let^Lb and the denied

funu do lead to the COTclusion ibat once the man did hsv? & MRttfMib.

Tte same msy be 53jd of the months. From the four motiibi

iUl cknriy identtfiBble $$ Sansikiit ii can be safely deduced ibai

liw rcmaimng eiglu montba too ibad Sanskrit names.

Amonj Lb* other* » few more can sLill be identified a^ SsJiel^l

en ft ckwpT loolf. The name Jonuaims is the onginfll na^^*- *''

wbich January is an abbreviaijon. Het^ it may be recalled itis^

in Ijlin the name n^ God Canesh came 1^3 he spelied a* J^"^''

Tlvit God u»d to be worshippftl In Fome on J^uary 9^ And BfrToe

Lopd Hsimk l» irsdiLlmdly offered worship at the openini: of evei?

»*Ml w the TOmmweement of any period or task "-heRotnfii^

flwWnfti that the month of the festival of Lord Canesh be ^^°\m ibt firil. CooKqumliy Uwy amended the treditio"'^


iht yw and nck^xMA Ji u lK«innint[ from January 1

Lti«January beKioninS of the year ta pcb^ In iht

9u^of Goneah worship. Even the namft Juiuirtoa

VidEj; ^j.^^ t)e

^'^'" ^^ ^^^ Sanskrit t*nn Cana-raya-eaih'

isWlt^^ .- .pg Lo^d Gan^ih.

e or the succeeding month Febniary wag spelled t^

^^"as FebniaHus. That is a malpronuircialion of the Sanskrit

(j^^Hof""^Prom ihe Sanskritword "Pilar ' chsri^ng to' father'

*^^^!n pronunciation we know thai European 'f raplaqa


^ Consequently Tebrtiarlus wag (ms\} Prtvaresh. tjraii

^Quiskrit signifies a sage. So the term Pravarwh alias

Cirt sienifled God bs the I^rd of th. !i.|5«,

rm March is from (n^J ' MartchI " -one of tho Senskrit


of the Sun. Sjcicr that month marks the begtnning of bnger

^"^^llisa a kind of wajdng of the sunlight hours it was named

^ ihe Sun. Another eifplanation Is that Mai-ch si^pufied a atan

f ^are^ing orders. Since in ancient practice the beginning of

ihsyegr Mindded vitb that pedod, the opening month was named


These clues shouid help scholars to trace the Vedk oriftn of

lh« tem^s April, May. Ji^ne and Jdy or «h^r earlier &n5lmt

wbstilutes. It could be that May is named after May- i.e. ^"i"

(in Sanskrit), the Holy Spirit which coosorted with the GraUir

loa<eata the cosmos.

It k commonly believed that the name July originates ffo^n

Julius Caesar and Augustus from Augustus Caesar. These wuM

^ explanations concocted by latter-day scholars^ Muslim an

Christian Histories bristle with such concoctions .By that token 01 er

HiJinin emperors loo should have had the remaining tert mwi

^Hl after themsdves. Were they less egfflstlc or ambitious? .

'Hie terra August dnd even the imperial name '

August*!' *^ Sage Agastys [WJ^} an ancient seer and Vedic achot«|_w

*°fta renown who was known for his impressive person^ _^ '^^mi personality ' aM " august pi^nct' -^^^^ ^^^™

'*' That Ag^stya had a world Impact is additional proof u»

Page 168: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

^^V^^^'^^ -"'' "^^ *" "^^^ *'^ *^^^ >" «n.i^t

_^ t, Eufflpe"^ &in>l»fln tcrma ChnalmM End Mlchaji^^

IZhv the n«nth» in whith ceWbnsUon^ eonc*ming Chrfsi (^^

^) „d MIoharf "* observed. Ntfchael la Sanskril Mukul

o« diy Le. Tteambff 25 snd MichwImBS olso only wlih one daj,

EtpigUng the wrm 'Christrnfls' with one day i.e. December

^, md slM *omrtim«i witb a whole week (T>«ember 25 lo aij

h i tcrminokgiCB] and mflth?malica( efeurdily because the SanskriL

«m l^rwf Dftwmber signifies the cnljre tenlh month, ThU b

due ui the present tgnomnce of the ancient i!^orldwide preualena

of Vedic. ;3iii$lmt trsdJttans.

TWi li a gfBphie pointer to the enormously long period ibat

ha ^p»d fitjm the lime the Europeans lost touch with Itnif

V«dk curigiRi. Their jfftjeelytiiation ss Christ ians polled ihem furtliff

i«^ from thdr Vedfc roots, WhaU^er we say in ihi* volume,

ibnt DirisUunB Applies equeiUy io Mahoniedans. They loo wciq

forcfbl^ Um «way from their Vedic moorings


"nil brings uj. toddmtaUy, to Ihe enjdJt* compilers of the

Oifopd jtml Wi^uir's dictionaries. Those dictionaries explain

CSjriilmn ss Oirisl i birthday. They seem to be blSgsfiiUy uMwac«

Om vrcD lA iheir own S»iguAge the suffix * maa ' does not signify

1 birthdiy How then could Christmas mean Christ's Wi-lhday?

H*l U» nmx mes- sl^fied a birthday we should have seen

tryljody «tabfit£ng birthday* Inviting hJs near and dear on«f to


^<iii«r mbtala ibe dictionaj?- makers make is in ejcp^f"'"!*

**^ ^'^^ ^^ Chrfgtan iredjiion hja dinned intfl^'^^

**™' Chriiunu and St'mfls m^ synonymous, Eurt.p^

dleii''^ . ^j^mucb as 'X is the symbol T*|»»giiing Christ'


^9 ewlAnatfon is untenable. We have alr^dy «hoim th*t the™^ Bfl^er gignifies a birthday in ^ropesn ;w^u>«, 3lmilar1y


ChristiaJi tradition does "X' symbQlira Christ. Cwld

'^^msginfi one Christian wriUng l/> another using tbe symbol*f>^

yg^ tie wishes to mention Jesua or swear in the ntrne

^Christ ? For instance could one write ' Josua X ' to rrrtm

'^^"oirist? Anybody reading such a letter would conclude tha

^^''Trtreswts some secret, misaijiK* unmanliQnEble word.

fact the tenn X'mas ooxild as well be writJt«i as Y" msa

: _ag for all the Christians cea^ or know. Because if Qirist

^d be repi^^t«i by the algebricsl $ymboi *X' he oouW as

^ be repf*3^"**^ by 'V or "Z/

t:H3 illustration is a measure of the world » Ignorance about

Hdait biBttiry, Most people are contwl to swallow unquesUoned

ril ib^ *re taught at school or college, tt ia only with the help

of ftmslcrit and Vedic tradition that we an unravel and rationally

Bi^ilmn ^ terms Christmas and * X ' nws-

T^ ItomBi numeral 10 is written as 'X^ white the Sanskrit

vord mas ' signifies a ' month ^. Therefore the term X mas aJgntfka

^ 10th m<with. Correspondingly the term December also signiH^

ihe lOti month. Thus X'mas is a brief expreraon in figurt dtb« term December meaning the lOlh month.

The term Christmas falias Cbrisnmas) also aignifles the mtirt

'^<yith as symboliang or oommemortiting Christ alias (Chrisn).

ThiJi X- maa, Christmas and December are '^""^'"^^ *n^ng, blundering Eurtipefin Christian tradliion deviates from

^^ ihovft mathematical, philological equation to aSMrt ^* ^ "^'; »th December. X' maa week alias Chriatmaa week i> from

J^ber. a to 31, and December ia from the l»l ^ 1^* ^"^

^ Th« Urm Chriaimas is in fa^ a £uix=p«ut oomipti«i of ibe

^^i temi Chrisnmaa If^iirmj. Even ia India ChrSsnH j?rono«n«i

Page 169: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

?1. t.^uc«i<^v «i-^^™«^,^f^:;^"'-"'

^" '^ ^^^, :^***" ""

Ip^^ ^ Christianity detl\r eljanged ifl Chrisujis,^

r^.^^ y^ ^^^^ "^ Chrisn-mas b«auge Chrisn hia

ll^in Uie Eh«g*v^d G^ that Qf aU monlhs Maf^ah«r,b

««t k why ti« oormfleinorjilfor in chur^hta ihnoughtHjtihe

^^iTo ihf cliime of bpHs, m l^p SlroWe df mi^nJKbt (on D«smW

^ pt^ctsf tin.* of KrishrB-5bHh, awld^s no pei-son caKed Jpsyj

Christ #vpr esistjed.

Chriflimas tfnflr^T) has be*n so named in Vedtc tradition abo

t,,cm« Ihni li ihP lasl month of long, dark mi?bLs and ihe won!

jtrtsjjra gignifia dBr]qies5 t^-

TNit mwith h»* bwrt named aft*r Lord Cbrjsn (Krishna) also

t«iuw the MjiJiibhsroL *ar mded Jn Dw^mber end oft^r its grtst

eftTiage Lord Chrijn emei^ from it a$ an incarnation and tbe

cynotuiT cf oil £^^'

In our ottTi dey September ranks as the ninth month thouffh

Jts Sanskrit nome proclaims it to be the seventh month. Wlul

fxpiiiiu thit inamsjy 1

Sepieniher iwJd 1» the seventh itionth ofAy if March is cuiint«d

B li* firtl month. And juituall^ all firound the ancient worlds In

aoiH. in Enijlsnd elc. llie year began o:i]y tn Maith. It was only

fnn IT^ AD. iKsl England formally switched on Us J3n\jm' ^

b tlw Nc« Yor Diyby iin act of Parliament. Earlier its Ne^ Year

D^' lued U) be marcTi 25.

^Wiiini 10 the Vftlic lunar cakulation the New Ve*'' ^^iwrtii fimn year to year sompwhei* around Maich 25. H tlw"

oa wnfoon la my gpeciHe aolar dal*. Appait'nUy, therefot*-tW

hM lim* *W EftijUnd brake away from the Vedic tradition>**

~/J^^ ^*''" ^^y ^*» <»" ^^y^^H as. ThBt Es why ETifflsi"'

™**™* to obKTv* that dM* « the New Year T)ay.

I ver7 K^**'^'^^'^^ '^ detect ^hm EnjfliirMl K^uiity

T*^'^ m Ved3c tradition and pemanflntiy adopt*! March


^^Y^T- Day *^ '**°''''* ^ ^^"""^ ^^"'^ '^'^^ fStrtapecthTB

^jjiM^^ .j^ations Bi lo if^ wWch year or years In Itw dim

^iconof^^'*' Vedic New Year Bay coincide with Manb 2ft? Ont

pjit,di* *^^ v^ determined from other evidence ig the jrear in

lTiM* "^j i„t nbgerved March 25 ai the alronomical Vedic

^ coincided wiLb the vernal equjnox i.e. the stan of ihe

. ^gpne observed March IS, bs the New Year Dbj^**.^

.i„*.>.i nn lo \vluch was the year Cor years) in which

IImay '

"il eni- jle us I* determine the year upto which Rome

^^^l\ii; Vedic lunar year proctice before switching on to

r^ importance of lde3 of March in Romrn iTaditkm was due

i„ ih- ^.orabip of the Vedtc Goddeaa Annapooma (i.e. ihfi Goddess

rflilltude of food) at the start of the year. It waa att*ndd

waU^ and rejoicing and public holiday and wor$lup of iSa

Goddwa En ustefuBy decorat*Kl pandals. That Goddess now itand$

Chrtstisnized 63 Anna Perina.

Even ibswor^ ' Ide ' is Sanskrit ' eed ^ (^3) meaning ' worship ^

AnW: trtdiUon slCl retains that original Sanskrit pronunciatm.

iin» evm in Islamic tradition the term "eed' alias 'W sig^jne*

a-U> erf worship, Ev^ the Roman word 'ide" rf P^"^"™^pmrwHcicftl ahouJd sound as

' eed ' . Its current pronunciaUon "


111 dlaiortiQn.

"Hte worldwide trsiiition of considering the year to begin tn

Vlanh EL9 per Vedic pracUoe is a clear indication of the prevalence

or unitary Vedic tdmtniatrtition throughout the world in anoenl

J^'"Hiu* throuBhout the world Ume is computed evai W>d<y

^"^ the apliuaeoond to the year eccor^ng to the Vedic sj|3t«ni

^ "TkUinHl abov*. Likewise Ibe terminolo^ associated with it »

"•^^'UB Sanskrit.

T^ Europam iradiUon of count&tg the hoUfi of tb9 day fr«"

Page 170: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

"* "^Lp of Krishna s birth bs .ta bes* since Kri^h^e *1

*'**^^L«tfboat iht-Ji^eni *oi-ld snd Krishna , Wnh jymb^

^"^""TThtiun b^ind the Indian Umo When ibft «un ri^

'^'^w I m ^Indie change? tbe date fl* per V«l3c praclfct. At ihjt

11 u is Uie midrt^m bou. in Und... TTierorore, ihe V«fc

^inLd<^ Lt«re cultivate the irad.uon of rKkcni.^ .ft, ^^

Y oTmidn^lfht hoar. Fonfettlna that, in our own times Icvdii,

lli^ucrtcy ree^M '^» *^^^^ *^'^ ^ commence from the mifinigk


Even the terms fi.rti. find pm bave a Sanskrit connotaUon,

^ Ml Erfiltsh Bs i? ea^ny assumed. In English parlance the i^

TI fiuffii 'antemeridien- and p.m- means 'post-meri^Uan'.

B^i'ihc question t^msdns who ts ante-merldia« and posi-m^ridi^?

Itiii b u» m tbe subjiCi himself ia mimm- The Sim w^o t,

vital MJ the CflJculaaoTi remains un mentioned. This Is unthmmWr

ffid naiiiniflfiblc. That lacuna arises because il is not rsJiied Ihii

lb* Irtter^ am and p.m. ^ the initios of the hoai^ SansM

eKpTWsi(.nMS#ipi^'^T'T^Mrobansii.Martandaj=ya (i.e. tbeclnnWng

ofibeSun) Bnd(^RW(qTfe^jPSLanamMart«id83ya (i.e.thefflJlIng

Af the Sun).

Lcndon has been i ven' andmt Vedic Mpilal- Its encirat Ssnaltrit

nsmewta NondonJum which is Sanskrit for a ' Pleasing Habttilwn^^

In Romm Umes. howevw. 3L vis^ raisspeUed as Londontum-

thl* y^as abbreviii*d U) ' london ', In Europe^ languages the

^^L' bu ver^ oflen rtplaeed the Sanskrit letter 'n'. That


the Sanskrit name SveUmwa (the fair- faced} i& pronoun


TliB cunwt troid of Ibe acadwnic world \s to «ea"i^ ^^m *» Uw most primitive. Conlrarily it was an era of ^"''**jjj^y

feBdknw in rvwy respect because bilUons of years ago

firstprt?to-typM of humaidiy. Thwe bummt

^ ^"^^^^^titan ^od a calculating range which exUfwlid from

**J,ififlt ^fVriUtonth of a ^^^^^ "" tnliiona of yean Sych


to colossi-compiitatiofi Bystem aim pre&uppoi«i

^^' ^^^^Za base of scientific and techndoglca] excrflwioe.



split -secondscale of nndent Vedic calculation


^t^a 32nd chapter of the Marathl tranalaUon of the

(^ttoned in t

p^^^^^^ prasaad Prakasban, Pune, Tn^a):-












1& Ughu






1 Ann

1 Tryasarenu

1 Truti

1 Vedh


1 Nimigli

1 Kahan

\ Kashta

I La^u

I Ghatika 24 imnut«a

1 Muhurtft

1 Prahar

1 D^ ^ 24 hours

1 ?akahs

1 Maaa Ci- e. montb^

1 Rutu

1 Ayan

1 Vareh» i-a- y«ar.


Page 171: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text




•V*da' in Sanskril signines knowledg?. Snce Senskiii wa,

humiinity "s languag? worldwide fof millions of yeai-s. the l«m Vcdi

„«BinoUng toowkd^e. ia common to many lanauayes.

Cmssquwtly. the Vedas cocistituw the Ijask fund of knowtedi*

rumiglwd tisf di>init^ lo guidf bunriaD b^ngs in ever>^ aspect of

Iffe. Since physical fitness h a primary need, Ayui-ved is llifl

pritnoriial, dj^e science of medicine wWch forma an impartiirt

compwent of the Vedes as signified by the last syllable in the

\am A>Tjrv«d "Hie worldwide prevalence of Ayurved ia oTiemoE*

pnxrf of Vedic culture hauinu pervaded the whole of the ancieot


Lini AmptkTl, Governor of Madras Presidency under ttie Brilish

idminisirttion in Inclia, while inauguititing the Kin^ rnsUtul* c«

Preroljvi Medicine In Madras in February 1^^^ ^^^ '"^^ ^^ot todii,...c»fi lay claim to have been auqyatnted with the m""

principles of curative and prtrventive medicine at s time when t"

wfc stiU immersfti In ignorant savajjery. 1 am not sut^ ^"^

it \t ^er^y known that the science of medicine «'^«''^tJ|lodki, but this ii the caie ajid the science was fir^t expor***"

^^lodis I* hnin aid thence to Europe. 1>owti to the cM* ^^^^1 7th ^wttJiiiy Europe physictans learnt the science from the

ef fcafaie docMn. while the Arabic doctors many centurie* ^


.ujf knowledge from the work* of gnat Indian

, f^^ ^ OtiBAWfii^tsri . Char^ka «nd Smmt*. It ia i strangB

TjcI*"' •^'^

t^*o rid' s progress that the centra of mtighimjnftii

Ljrfl"'^^^*^ sboiild hJive IraveHsd from East tfi West, living

^ VrD*!***"^ ^ ^^^^ (jf ita formef e«iat«nc« in the East, ^qw

^i Hill* M*"^, ^^ fjj^ji out that the Hindu ShastTma iloo contain

ftfi*^^^'^^fv> leas coirect In principle, and that the greit


.J «AH one of the greatest sanitary reformen the

jjjiatTSliKi cardiac surgeon , Dr. Rowan Nicka sud in a lectur*

^J^ ^ew Delhi on September 29, 1981 that the andait

^^r^JKelled all other raws or their tim« in surgery. Thoujanda

Zi before Europe learned the technique ,the Siahrut SsmhlU

2ii!)cript contained detdled inatructiqns on lithotomy, (op^tion

to wi jtome in the bladder!. Modem European surgical instmnenta

irtmodslied oh thn^e used by the ancient Hindus. Hindu aurgsoni

iBiiSlsfl expert* m plastic surgery i.e. repairing limbs disfigured

tj (^WKflH misbajfl or assaults. Dr. Nicka added that aQ drugt

^ tn medicHl treatment In Babylon > Assyria. Egypt and Greece

wm mit in India. Mercury* sandalwood, beUadona and Indian

benp provided soms uf tJ^ extra;Ci[S-

jWI nich achievements of the ancient divine Hindu » VedJc culturt

W« bwn gtnerally blanked out from world histories written mostly

^ Mitallms from the Sth to 1 8th centuiy and by European ChristiEia

^rtftg iht next two centuries.

I Hindus

ft fllsEj ne«da to be raized that the Hindus were not

liu^mi Is liiBt . .i«„A„.r_ ^f Vai4i» <^titiiT«_ lei anclrent

• Tice.

"'"1 It Just i ayoonym of Vedic culture. Ift onctw^t limea.

^^' ^ th» propBgflii'oTi of Oiristianity and Islam, pwple aH over

^nM, &icludinii those In Babylon. Assyria and Egypt *«»

""'tm. rbty Bfl learned Ayurved i .e, the Vedic science of healinu

^- ^;3. BIIIAHaT Umm m S«n nnd Known Itf FanH*!**. *»

Page 172: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


. ^MiArii *«drmi» 5pr«d «™«hom ihe world. N«i,^

JTIj« and ih* dm«5 they used came from tndis b«,u^ 7^

in lodi*

,vr Sr tt'Oliam Hurler obserbed " TTw surgery of thfl Rnd^

1^«, pKvsfci^ni.™ bold «id skiiraL They conducted amp«,^tJon,,

1 Trtctised ^it^H>tomy. performed operations m Ibe abdomm ^utii^o^ tin^iS' "^'''^' ^^^- ^^™^^" ^""^ "'^ 'Ustw.tioni

Bid w«T d€3rt*rious in the exlrncUon of foreign subsUnces Um

tbt body. A speciBl brsncb of surgery wm devoied lo rhh^pi„ij,

or QpertUon for impmving deformed etrs and noses and ferminf

nvw CKi€S. B uieful opifalion wblcb Europeans have now bomwej.

Tbt incimt Indian surgeons also msntion a oira for neurfllaH,

antft^Wii to the mcsdem cutting of ihe 5tb nerv* above tbe eytinw.

Tbey w«^ «T«^ *" midwifery' not gbrinking from the mast criiiol


Tbf prosmu slsiid opeiflUon performed by modem Western

turv^ta fotlffwi st«p by step tbe exact procedure laid down try

Ux Eifidu suf^eon. Susbnit Lboussnds of yenri fl«0. £vm the im

pnstti^glAnd is tbeSenskrittemi 'PrMtliita grtnthl* ly^MTTS^

tijrl'ying k gland located in front tof ibe urinal blfldderJ.

AAl&mJQil Experlix ftt V«<llc Culture

Andant Vedic cuJLure possessed expert anatomit^ imowl?fiK«

In fact tbfl vity term anatomy (wrcpngly interpreted in mt^*™

medJcaJ tuition) h the Sanskrit term ' un-atmy '!«

'not conce"»i«

tbe loul rbut th& bo4y)


During tb* Festival Of India (March -August, 1982) ifi bo" *

the l«a] Sdenc* Muwum or^ftnize^ a ap^iftl section ^"^^•diotinc Kbirvemmtfl . of India, Et Included two firt"'^'^^


HoA0m» commkikiiwl by the Hindu Raja Sufo]! ^^'^'^^'^'^^^^^^

One wtt done In t»ory wbBe the other was in af"'

' m, jgjO) Isecau&e retaining human bone «kel«tfiiiE

^1806*^^ (Petailsmaybebadfromth&KriBbniHam

i**'*-3lder«d^P"'^indbrB Medical Coaege, VlBakhapaiaim

<* nf ftna^f^'

^'*'^. the laU^ ce

(2) f^. »-U. iUd

the \^^ century one comes across maUmm

^ *'''^^rtbe Vedic medical sdence. Ayurved.

^the editor carried by the Gentleman's MflK*iii«.

* ^^^ \s in the library of the Wellcom* Insiitute for Hlawr

j^doEi t*'*^'^*£^g^(^^rofld. London 3 gives the details. A Maratba

.fSledltlne. 1

^ ^^^^^^ served with the British Army in India

*"^**'*^^rtlken prisoner by Tlpu Sultan "s army the Hindu

,n1793^ Be*"K

^^ chopped off as per the barbarous Muslim

^'^"^'Liming tradition. After about a year on retuifl to

urturing ^ ^^^^ Ayurvedic aurgeon furnished Hatn

'';.tllrBntisb doctors. Tbomaa and toesTrindl^

:! .ofa^ated witnesses Th.y testify to ^.hmira.l.op^,on,

W^varycornmon In India ev^ in th^ days.

» e^rpenl^e b. every b^ch of Wing aun^v^u—b^M^ote ccmars of India even among ordinary buma^ f.11.. B"t

™i^t Government ad^runistratton still car^mg tbe^gov^

.1 w infmority^complex genarat^ by \2^ yean, of Ulen ^e^

^ mkina no effort to p^clsdm by the beat of the dnim to btv.

d] iu.h wond^r-oi.^ and experts to be nationally listed in a grand


EsAhd Transplant

Pfctura depicting an embryo -transplant from TJevanandfl s

^1* Cwho conceived MaViavir, an Incarnation of the Jain cu»

•*» U»wamb of queen TVisala twho ulUmal^ly B3V0 bi rtb to Maltavira

•^ Splayed In the Oriental Gallery of the British Museum .


t^ Movember-December 1980 issu* of the AmeiScan loarmd.

"•«• A. Cuttman describing that transplant u . graphic .lluatitUon

Page 173: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


rf ll» ii«dk»i «fj*ftJ« ^f ^^* ^'^"'"^ Ayurvedic sj-si^^^

<n-»tJcTP- taWn* • cue fron^ curffint hlstorica] concfpt,^^^

Uih-vlfl'* *i^h « 59& B C. But .h«t dBl* may be n,o^^^i.h«v£im Js kn-jwn 10 be an elder contemporary of ;be R.j.


Tn mv b«k tiUKi' Som* Ettui-dtn of tndlan Historical h»»^.

^ rUi.) ch«pt*r T bEve pointy out Ih.t Bt^ddha^, ^^^ /;

t«„ ^der «fftiinJted by 1300 years, ^nce Mahivin, „^j^


TBiTube Babia

Hw MahBbbarat epfc eonUlns an elaborate deecrlplJon of ha^^

ihe 100 Kaii«vas wert bom as test-ttibe habde?. Thai was prior

10 afi61 B.C. Suet irstances indicate that in tba remote pist toft

til* snh bad highly sdvanceb civflizations.

T^ En^ah word 'apothwaiy* ^igmfyin^ a ch^mlat is ibe

!tairicnt term I^vtt^Ti pgihyakarj' which implies a purveyor of

The Swiskrii term fouldn "L have been in vogue in Europe untew

Ayurveda the jn«lica] science and Sanskrit language were In vopii»

In ulciBU Eunipe.

b oanTErmdJcin of the conclti^ion we may quote Ilkjrolhead^^otairvini Uut ' In Scottish lowna of the present day the phanryclsl

oonltnua lo pjice aver his doorway the sign of the Golden Pesth

wnd MorLir. *

TbiiL Js ( vwy sl^jflcaiil observation in two respecls. ¥ii*^-

Ayimwd ^ V*dlc sdCTce of medicine does Indeed emphaai» the

imparlance of pounding medicines in goEd vessels Sectsndly. ^^ ind rnor\aj- h which Ayurvedic medicines &re powclertft afli-

WB^ have liuM come to be regarded b$ ubiquiujusAyurvedic

•l^lni, 1^ ,^^ j^j^, cocUnues to b* widely used tn f^^w

,. chemia'^3'phy^idana and pbarmnCTuUctl mm,. Th*

j^yurv^ appears on cbemiBl-ihops in Bntain loo i, , ^iwr

jKitfffl"^^^ prevalence of Ayurv^a in the w^e of jj^citnt


bflCfl^S*^/^rved. with its base in India, couMn't havt

Eu«^' V.urvived in far eway England unless it finrt luffuMd^i,ed ind a""


^ the antiquity and the worldvdde aprwid of Ayurvrf

^**^' Cblpltn observes'

' Long before the year 460 B,C. in which

IJ*^'^ihe father of European medicine was bom

,the Hindus

^ippDcrfl '

j^ngive pharmacopoeia and had elaborate traniises

"^^^.'^Cv of medical and surreal subjects.. „.The Hindu*


""^ '

7l kno«ie<ige of medicine baa for some oori5id«nible liina

'^r^ away from surgical methods as wca-teng destnicHon on

nwvous system, wbicb their scientific medical syswm is atde

l^obvUte produdng a cur* even without a preliminary crisia.-*

That 19 a ver^ important observation. Ayurwed i> a dh^e^^sian

^hose vreatment is based on Itiws of nature. It is also inexpensive,

1^ ostcrtfltious, very efficacious and the least painful. It aJso

Bjna at curing the disease instead of merely treating tl» s^rmptama

wB31fiviating pain. Ayurvedic tresLmmt also reaches the patient

li Wa bedside amongst his near and de^r ones. Contrerfly lUopaths

ilway* tend to express th«r helplessness and advise all paUenta

to be E^moved to a common bospitfl! where he and hia retniiMs

iinJ«np) considerable hardship and expense,

Hippocrates obvfous:ly waj an Ayurvedic practitioner of his own

timet. How far is it then justifiBbl© to r««Bni him as the f«ther

"if fwdem medicine'? [f however, the divergent chariKt*ristics

'^"B saiopalhy more of a pain ful , hi ghly expensive, less efflcacioua,

Mtftitauou), hoapjtaJ' centred and suivery-onenled system *n

^*^ to HippcKrraiffl then that is no compliment to Hippocrit«.

**?" in Ancient Brilain

^ Ayurved and Ayurved alone was praclUwi in ancient Britain

**^*t».Jfls.ibilia, iWd.

Page 174: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

-- ^ fl^*r tarn* ""<* *-^* ""^*"^ "^^^ Is ipp^

*^ J!^e*«T m«"^i^"^ '^ '^^^ ^"P*'" "^^^^ th,i - rT

^^. ,^„e 16. liW4> ^ «^^ ^*''"'^ physician namej


::::rs T^hl.v-iit*«ii> ^^ of ur.) with ^^b- zi

TW itot-e evtraci tndffifit« that ihe Brftish too have gui-^^

^^ jn ih» Sanskrit lerm, VaJdya idias Baidya, an mcietiL

rXsion^ Aiurvedjc t^rffl bs in [ndia. I>ue to Lbe veaari^g ^j

L( pranuiiciiUflr ffiid n^e^l ^^ Sanskril. even in [ndia the tem,

VBidyiind Veidyinath Hav.^ dejenerated inw b^'rtg spelled u Bayd.

MSy. Bftidnath etc. No wonder, therefore, that they are apclM

D BHJ] In ^uitipe^

In MuffUm Unds t lypical ancient Vaidya from Sindh i\'m Strwlhu

pravinw or India is still rsm«mbered as iSndbaid. The adventure

uT 'Snclbid thf Sailor* orininate in three unknown but rwiowned

piripBtetitr Hindu Ayurvedic praclitionere who. in the good old dfiyi

of a uniiery untverail Vedic culture lised to gfl on aupcrviMiy.

oOcuulUUvfi or LMcbinjf &Bsi|inments to dlffer^t parts of the wcffW.

mi ihould 1«d hiatcrians and etymologists to trace the term

Vildya 10 tiUiw linda snd lEnjju&gs also, Beseirchers may take

aeutrram liorDiheeGhiiplin and look for siBna. symbols hsurnames,

liTflcticeB md oUaef traces of Ayurvedic practice in all reijions oT

the worid.

Ai^rved snd nil other anrienl Vedic practices survived in lho«

ragoni mtint wbert the tnroid) of Islam and ChrisUanity were f^t

imvy. For bstanc*. SSberia being a aparaely populated jtnhospjtel^^

P(ftoB. thoT ons on ami find people preparing and admin istfl^g

W IV l« 170, JUJ.

jr^""^ and enahrbiing idola far being pnyt^l-io i„

inuresilkft Buffni^i^Or «rt*l th«**.i«,.s!.. m

-«^- . ihe aK8d. the eufferinB »nd the ttrioualy lU.

i^ earcher^ from tbe InternaliQnri Acadftrj of Indim

1 tMm 0''^

, _i. ^ QCKorrn brOUffbt back from th«r» mn lAtA


^taam o' •

^^ visited Siberia brought beck from ihers bi> Idol


,^^,e deity or long life) and a palm^lwf manuicripl

jj^yo DP"*^.


^ ^ on ancients comprehensive medical trwUse.

"^jtfW^ ^^^^^ diHploy ^^ *^* Academy i premises at S2'mui


s ^^ ^^j^ ^jgj3 ^goovered that standard Ayurvedic

^^flvff^'^fgjp ^d HingashlBk are sAao prepered and uwd

^^ler^ *^^^pie there still cherish and revere the sancUty

^d .. import-nt Evidence

. ««rv import^t proof of th& worldwide spread of Vidic

found in the ejtclualve use of Ayurvedic insAm^t

^^"1'I th*^ world in ancient times, it may be l*ken as a Ww

th^^about tn^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ,^^ ^

^ '^^!om t^ rd p-TmulgaU their own m^^ sy.tem and

1^ "^rrupp^s\L otJ.. Thi. may b. Illu.t™t^ ^ wb«

"hlTlndi. At the time .be. the B.ti.h began Ih^r

ZZt^ lat^ empit^-buDdingl activities in lndi«. an—St i-xpen.iv. and pdnle.. Ayurvedic t^mn^t .as av^W.

f^b^ut ^. But ^ ..ver^ P-Ponio. ^^^-T;^^^^U^BriUshdom^ in India


y,^ pmgressively e^lip^ed *nd brought U> the verge of exttncUon^

ta Iha encient spread of Ayurved constitutes an ^f*'^^^^'^

rf fvidence of the prtfval^oe of Vedic culture in all retfaia oi

tb world i

Uciinl U Ayurvtil

The 80 called Uneinl medical system which the Arabs "1^"^^^'Hm countdw practise is nothing but Ayurved. It «*1'^"^

««H! Yunan- from Greece, Under the anrient


idniJtil3i.raiion Greece was known as the Yavan negion Tha

'*tott»t*niiTonja. TheMusUms pronounced '^^^""^-^^^•hieh Wfli* iBtflr converted to

3 prviiu"!!^''-- ^-|[«1

Page 175: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


.^^^, ^d Inst^rtlt^ from Hlnd« V«3ic m«lica] cet^tr^

•f^T^ Hl^du Ay«rv*<IJf r^o^Bl modical h^idqu ^n-n, for A.^iy_

^7^. Co^8«lLi«.tTy- tht Artibs termed Uial ^jrai*,,, ^^u,ih«nf«™Vui.«r.i.e,Gf««.

lyur^^ 1*^ '^^ ^'^**' ^ ""^ tnedldDc among diffa^^

cortmunhJstff the mrtd retai'i someaapec^g of Ihe anciml Ai^ivtdic

^r-edlc dlignijsls 18 based on the jmbalanct of fas, pWegm

jfiij btle ekroents in the body. This Is a notch above the ellopathk

niisn beaij»«hfle allopathy looks upcm every patten t as a atandaird

^Acn, nu«d wjUi slemjiype pipelinp and sewer system < Ih*

Ayorvtidjc dlsgtiasis uhcf inlo consiilec^tJon Lh^ imbalance In ihf

Lhrw [ive elementJ peculiar lo every polittil. Amony ihim thrw

rianmts, ph]?gm, is known as 'Kaf' in the Ayurvedic sysUm.

Tl miy be noted iJu^ tbe word ' cough ' used in English is [n fact

t relic of the Aurvpdk: system that was In vojfue during the VedJe

put in the BriUsb isla. TTmigh the Enfc;lJBh' cough ' has a alI|jhUy

dlfftnnt ficnnotaUon Uwi the Ayurveditj ' Kat * Cie- phlegm) y«t

bKSUM »U|ih {ingintt^ in phlegm , il Is obvious that even In and«flt

Englind the word "Kaf* did origin&Ely imply phl^m but became

n*jic»td in n^«anlng Iswr •$ cough. We may, therefore* vwy

Mp^^^nxi^y matnujn that the ' mugh ' that sUil sorea the thrflftt

of th»EngM linguftgE is hosically th e Ayu rvedic ' Kaf ' alias pWepn.


t* HI fttiw iajnaidtf (h» word 'heart'. The original SnntWL™l l« hn \ Th*! En^sh vqrd has only two ejitra vowels. Wh*L

w(!T'^ ^^ <wtioanie3 in En^jJish la almost the Sanskrit

TwHT*" ^^"^ '"'^ ' -^fdiotfnuT, ' .lio concern the h«rt.

^•« I*. f« i*n»khi*onl* hv^B^ ^ .

l«fdlo«™ni '. b«*u-


-ort^spondhifSanskrit derivattv«, ^ffflni tht *onl

If^ "'r^^ng' heart' 3^ ^et since Sindhu'lsspellwJiiHmtlu

'tiardiflc " and ^hardiogram' cam* to t* speUaij „'i^m'*'


^l^i^d^^^p--i. e, sardJBC and sfirdlogram.


terminology s physldan is imcfwn as BMshig"*

j> Tt Is that word ' Bhishag ' which came to be pronouncttitSUastiri^ ^^^ as phyahag' and speUed as physician



T^e term" doctor ' is the Sanskrit woi^i (|^=m) thikhtaar i.e,

vrho BJievlfltes or remedies the (pbyaical) peln of the patient,

uh" is physical discomfort or pain wbi]^ 'laar' signifies

'piljwcting\'saving' or ' pulling' away from.


The term' cerebrum " i9 th^ Sanskrit term Stura- Brahms Le,

' ibe wwld of the brain.


The term * matrix" is the Sanskrit term " matarittsha '(Ilka

'ifttanlisha ' meaning ' space ' ) i.e. void all^ womb in the mother 'a

ITit Cord

"Umta ' In Sanskrit signifiea the mother, whilft ' aSica"means

Uiewomb {which provides the mother's nQuriahmait; to

•^foetus), Consequently, the allopathic term 'umbilical' b an

sbWlated form of *umba- alical '.

'^ti the Sanskrit compoiind (ip^-^-?ft*nD manan-Ja^shothaa

*™** »lgniflo ft swelling affecting the brain. There manin" 1»



signifies bom or'


wid shotb is sw^Ung.

Page 176: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



>, Lh* Eiifflisb worf r^ver'

II B mere na]profiut,ciaiiQn y


Anvttunff Wf»£«rnlnfi the now Is known in En^lja^ b3 -qu^.

the SBi)*^krii wDi^ foJ- ^°^^ '"^ '"^® ' '^^ ^*™' ^'mrfi

H^nfVrii.^-nifl iSfPT-^lLe- cold nose. EnLrailsis thiSans^i

H«F» is the Ssnskrti word Serpw since 'h* and -f

m irterehingwWe Serpes ni^s serpenl. U is so named b«siiii«

it inwlva I «fpenUn* enipUon on the skin and a feeling of tnUrB&

baming « r™n a polwrous bite.

G3aj(l nr ihe Sanskrit tfimt Granthi "- In such words V and

•r nMj' be seen to be interchangeable

Tte tenfl prostate gUmd ^ js the Sanskrit term tH^ 5^;1

puthiti grtnthi.' The Sanstait term ^prBslhita' implies b giafli

pWjrfi in front (of Uw urinaiy bladder)

The Etkgjiih won^ " drip ',

* drop ' ,' drops ' and ' dropsy


Aat^ fruffl the &nskrit word {Z^} drups' meflning 'lirip^

Diff lerm Mroc^ihalua implying the formnlfon of "^^^^j\

mi inwnd the bfialn i> ihe Sanslo-il term ardrshflpofllos' (^

*iwU wher« ardn" means 'damp', "wet' or 'M of UtyJ*-

tnd ' lup««j aignmea the sltuU,

Tht leriD hiccups' ls ibe &nakrit word 'hioca" alias (ffe^'^J

Itodt Is tht £totikric woni {(rem) ms^isal " iiKtinlns ^^^'

The l«m wtMmiljinji ' [a the SansHril compound{^'f^^'

'•*hi'Diiliuhiy *npiLfying c conUmtpiation of the bone*^ l"^^"^

W AQi4d m tins OQnl*tt thtf. words Uke ' mnllfn ' end ' malitf""^^

gHiskrit lei^ 'niflteen* meaning spofled' ev

j[l'^ *^^ bh^

'"^^^ ""^^ 'aiding in/

^l,theSan.Mi-rd^nsnt™l'."*** ''

«noeb!oais' is inade tip of the Aym^edJc tenns

t*^, tijg terra Dush pacbsnashay (^-<r5:rsn]> trnplyin^


f writteri as PaohancreK tlfin be delected \a} be Sangkrii,.

]g the Sanskrit term (annTTOi^i Anastha-sh^wl.e,

^ 'ftiriiliLV' Is the Sanskrit word TalaU-iU ("J^llfir)v^ lenti

tenini-j, ^. ^

^j-one^liichyiddaacroporfml .

term sunjeon is the Sanskrit wort! ^grfyfl-jan" Le. one

fflMirtiimss sharp Lnstroment.

TV term HomMopathy Is the Sanskrit term &ma eo-patby

i^^^^f Implying a path CLe. system) of tmtmeni nmning

pirtttel or stmilBT u> the symptoms.

&rr«pondingly th* term allopathy ia the Sanskrit term t^rwqfuj

ajflgpathy signifying a path <of treatment) different (from

bonoeopathy). In the term allopathy an extra T has been added

*bli tha IftttH- ' g" has dropped off.

J^laOmenls ending in the syllable ' itis ' in allopathic terminology.

Mb S) appendicitjs imply 'swelling'. That \s because that tern

"Mi" la a corniption of the Sanskrit, Ayurvedic term 'shothas

'^J alpi^ng ' sweDing.


'nwi a close study of allopathic terrainology whether of ailments.

^bl organa. symptoms, remedies, or instruments will be faund

« ^bMed on Ayurved because during the universal unitaiy Vedlc

^i^liaUan It was only Ayurved wMch was the sole Vedic medical

^ *hlch wag used throughout the world. With the sh-ittnng

"**oria medical system after the Mahabhanit war, fT4»merits

Page 177: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

^ ^d rodd^ =^^»^ »= ^^'^^'^J^"'

Jmn.^ Judaism B.,,^^

^^t litfT mr h«Ul. RTid miiiuint Nihs such a* ChHsM„„i^

^; r^lan mi^ ^' 8PP«.ran«.

p™b ih# mulLr-volirme Stary df CiviU^Eion wrfti„ ^ ^^

\sn Will Durant one gathers (VoU ". Big*^ ^^m) thii

I^^^(torn> »!«! physiology like some as|>«i^ gf chemistry wp„

fe.producu flf ^inlu medicine lymphatics, nerve plej^,,

r»d4 sdjpcs* sn^ vBacJla!- tisanes, mucoua and synoi^i

mrtTibrmes- fiJid meny mor* musclw than Any m*dem cadavtr

iiifele to show '^^ doctor? of pre Chrislfan India undei^togd

rflTiutabV *^^ *^^ processes of disM^^OT^" 'h* different functions

of thf gaslrif juices. Ihp conversion of chym* InUi chyle, and oT

ttuiinlfiblood.AniicipatLniiWeismann by 2.4nn years, Alreyatdrci

60Q B-O bdd that the |«mital seed is independent of the paretit'f

bo4y. «nd conL«ns in itself in miniaLure the whole parent or^anjam

...„. IxaminMJMi for virilily was recommended as a pra-raqiusil*

fo-mirrf^gein men: and the code ofManu warned against marking

tnM« ilfected with tuberculosis* epiJepsy, leprosy, chronk

dy3(M|HiB. pilH or loqadty. KrUi -control in ihe latest theological

f&hiort WW luggesled by the Hindu medical school of oOO B.Ch

tn the theory ihii dunrg ! 2 days of the menstrual cycle impregnslion

is imposdWe. U was nowd that the sex of the foetuj reEHBlJ"

fof a tffTie undaermlnwj, and it was claimed that in some t»«*

the sex oT the embryQ TOuld be Influenced by food or drug5.

" Suinu, pn^eBsor of medidne in the University of Banares yvv^

iown in SwiBkril t syBt^rn of the diagnogis and thcrspy "^^"^

^malt had dtewnded to him from his l*acher DhanWunUin.Hts

book dtdi it length *ith surgery, obstetrica, diet. bathtfl«. ^^^'

loTwit-firtliig, byjjittie gn^ m«yciil education.

''Q«rik «Bnpo.^ . .^nihiti (or encyclopaedia) of /redldht,


^ in India, and gave to U| followers tlmaii «


option of t^'' ^^"8 '"°* ^^"^ «ir f^ fw ihft

I^'^^Tiny earthly draire of gem, but atjlely for the ip^l

ftilfU^*^^ I. miiiuty should you twat your pstienti and -o cxod

^ '

filusLrioiis than theae are Wagbhat who prepared

endium in v«^e and prose end BhavanuahrB whtwOnly


t^-j^^^ anatomy .

physlolt^ and medicine mentioned . .


**^'*°'^*]of the Wood and prescribed mercuiv for the novel

L^«^*^ljg which had... been brought in by the Portuguese

i.gujfUL Sescrithed many surgical operational cataract, hemia,

^^aesarian etc ... and 121 surgical inslrumenta Including


sounds, forceps ycatheters and rectal and vaginal specdums.

J"^^J,ggted the dissection of dead bodies as indispensable in the

Zr^at of sui^eons. He was the first i^ gnift upon a torn ear.

«rttoris of skin Isken from another part of the tody and from

Z snil his Hindu successors " - rhinoplBSty - the surgical

tKMutniction of tha nose -descended into modem medicine. "The

moent Hindus', says Gariison. "performed almost every major

Dferition eireept ligation of the aiteries, TJmbs were amputated.

ibdomined sections were performed, fractures were set, bemorrhoidB

sjd fiatulfls were removed.


"&i3rut yd down elaboraU rules for preparing an operation

*n^ Ilia auggeailon that the wound be sterilized by fumigaiion is

^B cf the earliest known efforts at antlsfiUic surgery.

"Sjmit and Charak mentbn the use of me^Sicinal liquors to

produce IngensibllJLy to pain. In 927 A.B. two surgeons trepanned

^^im of a HintSu iting. and made him insensitive to iheopfireUon

^"litiifdBleiing a drug called Sammohlni.

""V the detection of U20 diseases that he enumerates gusnit

^«iM diagnosb by inspection, palpation and au^cul^tioi.


^^*^ ^^^ *°^ described In d treatise dating I9t» A.D

*as a favouiiie method of diagnosis.

Page 178: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



*k. i\mf cf Vti^^ f^^ane. HIrtdu medial IrBsttntm b«^

***'MoUnued, drugs we™ often Gmj>loyP(l, Evtr^ .vT

.-Hindu phyjidans we« ?s]>edfl11y skUlea in mncoctinif anildoi«,

Th*»v atfll eKwJ Eurapean physicians in euhntt mab.

-VBcdiutiort, unknown loZkimpe before tlie IfiLh corlucvwy

w™« in India as arty as 550 A.P.. if «'? may judp from ,

imb*ti«l to Dhsnwantari. one of the eariiesl Hindu phyaidfl^,.

!!1 iht mH ^ ^e P«^ *^" ^^' ""^^^ °^ ^*'*'^ "P*^ ^^

^ J j£j,t;et, and isnce with it the ai-ms between the shMWen

[^eTbows onti tht Wood appears, then mixing the fluid ^ib

thd b4»J. Uie fever of the smflUpoir will be produced.

-Modem Europesns believe that the cast* sepflral*ries5 waa

prwrib«d b«au5e of iHe Brahman belief in invisible eec^Es

inMmltiing disease. Mary of the laws of ^Italian enjotcwd by

Susmt ind Minu seem to Ukfl for granted what we modems «U

^HypiwUon u therapy seems to lieve originated among tV*

ffindui who oft«i took their aick to the Umples to b* eund ti)

hyimouc wgsBtion or ' tempi* sleep ' as in Egypt or Greece. Itt

En^itavm who tnifoduced hypnotherspy inu> I^ngland-Brad.

iidutft md Eliiotsoo - undmihtedily g'^t ihdr ideas of »«"* "*

liiEr Hpenmcc fnsn contscl with IndiS-

"in ibe lioif of WeKMder. says Garriaon. " Hindu ^^^"^mA Rjfgecrtu enjoyed i wdl -deserved reputation for suP*

ImwWie Hid skill «id even Aristoae is believed by aome studen

IC hiv* Wn indebiHl to Ihem'

"Cslij^ Kinin.a|.H„hld aowpted the pre emtne^ce "^^.^

n«dWiw bid Kboaanil^p «nd Imported Hindu pl^sici^' ^ ^^


^j^ achools In Baghdad. ...Lord AmpthQl ponduda

^^^'^and modem Europe &wee its eyatflm of medicine

,«t ^*^\, and thi^gt* ^bem to India.

"^lif to '^*

idest system of Hindu medicine nine$e a ittrfbuud

"^ ^]"one of the foy Tiumors-^r* water, pblpgm tM

^ (tiiffrd«f 'jy^^^ jg recommended with herba and cbsrms, ... .with

l*^*"''^^l i»soEt»elimes the envy of Western physicians. The


"^^ thousand such herbs and Bdvo<stes w*i*f

for m^^^ diseases. Even In Vedic times phyaicians

ijtbetjeatt^^ ^.^^ ^ifferenitated from magic doctors, and

^i"'^"^j^^ugcg surrounded by gardena in which iht^ cultivated

ivifonna^on qiioted above from WiUiam Ihiranl "a book may

der a general Idea of perfection that Aywvedic medidne

'^^rLCi in evei7 field such as diagnosis, preparation ind

infjtrttion of medJcinw^ surgery . vaccuiaUon. iniection ete.

Bi dfites for various Hindu medical experts of ancient Umea

j^ na be token aa final. Europeans have arrived at those dales

B, ibe baas of a very primitive idea of the antiquity of the universe.

B tiar surmises about ancient date have been cut to accotd

liththa iwlion that the world began in 4004 B.C. and the REgved

m composed in 12D0 B.C. Since according to the VedJc almanw:

*iwit 2000 mBlion years have elapsed from the ataii of tbe present

jferaoflmmanlLy, the actual dates of the medidal experts menUoned

lU'Durmt must be mtich more andent.

the Chanwantari that he mentions may very wcil be

i^ttwday namesake yet the first pr<^enit<>r of the Vedte medical

Kiaac* *Bs the original sage Dhanwaniari who taught Ayut^.

LtedMne Mien<* of heeUng to the firat few genenttlow of bLimMi

^ rarerence to Gre««, Egj^pt, Baghdad and China above sbotiM

^''^s In no doubt that it waa Ayurved imd Ayurvad alE»re whjch

^ofli^^''"^throughout the woHd in ancient lima. Its u»a

^* Pfove* Lba existence of a univerwi Vedic adminislnition

Page 179: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



_^^.ndoX.Uti.Wrroni India.

^^ 7 Z «11 lM8 Vnawledg* was noi developed by ^^.^^" !^ri. ln^"'»'^^

^"^^"^^ ^ ' '^^"''' "^ *" ''^^^^^^

^T^ mrnn^tkeflsix-ekno^ledgp of ev«y ,pher^ «„ ^^

'^'^W dJ^Sly an humanly ai the Ume <jf Ibe creallon,'mj,

*^ Ii by t.™ otb^r factors namely tbat no Vedtc 8.i«k*''

jupefli^ to ^ in ^^ formfliive or pi-imitivt ^iai*, Fnj^

"^ ""limine evefv trarch of Hindu knowledge always B^^rt

^^ X. 4 awt* 0' pidicliwi, find secondly every master r^f^,

^ ,n rvt^^riijpfr-ine^ier at ^ho3* fe^ b^ l^med hi5 l^^^ns.

mn«ai.i«s bd^ev^ Ui b.^ tbe TDther of modern m.dEcm. wa

„.^J^Ay..^i^ P^'c^^^"^^wbospecralized in m.^..nt^^.

tZ i . San^J^^t ^""' Supd^KmU m^ins a maker of Soup,.»rti. IflLer gaj-l]led as HSiJpociaLes.



J- 2 to the Vedic theory of creation, all Imottrledg* in

*t° chof sci^ceandart including arcMt«:tiire. was imparted


^y divinity at the start of the creation. Con9«q(iently


^^'vedic system of arcHtectu^ which ia the bssia of the

Irtidims-Brtall over the '^orld.

TH( is not as bizarre as it nnay seem at first sight because

iH faiMCts and animals from ants, bees and snails to crows and

djeons 8re taught by nature ( le. by divinity) to build their

m peniliar habitations. Ther^for^ Vedic archiUsLuie loo is of

divine &Hb^>

%rt from th^ TBtiotifility of that argument Vcdic literature

cr every branch docs in fact assert and record the divine oripn

oJuflha&wledge.Letus, therefore. eJonnine theoiigiTiofsrchil^cturt

tt worded by Vedic tradition


AocordiftB lo Vedic tradition all knmvledee is dassified as Pare

»<* Apsra Vidya, Pars Vldya was considered the uHlmate, Lnie,

'^' metaphysical, spiritual knowledge which tellsmm that mundane

*^^^ bdn^ all transitory. Dluaory and deatnjclible ones uliuna«*

^^^ni should be to coneentrftt* on tbe divine origin-

^nn Vldya comprises of all brancbea of mutdane knowledtf*.

^*mtie» to ihehuadingtfIt are found in the RJtfveda.Yajufv-ed*

^^^v*d as also in thi^ ^^atayB Pur^ snd Api tMr*"- *"

Page 180: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


^^t^^ « Shilp-Up^v^d..Sanskrit ^xU of Lh« .^"^^^

"^^^1 Niti^ShB^tr^. -l^=b Kv down nj3«. to b* cb.^^

^^c^^^^*^^ "^'^ ^"^ "^^^ '^* construrtion of bull^U^

^dium of Vedic mgbieerfng h known ^ Kinigu amp

V Khas three bro&d divisions known as Khand. snd [«„

^ 32 br^cbe, known »s Vidy^ L.. brw-ch^ of rtudy

toordtog to VedEc tnidition " Brehma '- the creator furmahcd

homiinJty willi aU ihe basic kno^ledKe necessary U. conduct lis

tif« tn ibi* worli T^t coUecttve knowledge oonstStuted the Vedu.

Whit ,re nirrmtly known aa tba fogr Veda3 could be *ilhef iht

lorriving nucleus or a codified condensation of ih? entire orlglnat,

primortul divin*, slodi of knowledge.

Si^ Mmssflr tautbor of the Sanskrit le!ft known ea Min»s*r

SlpHbaslrfiy referring to the origin of the scienc* of archpt«l^

wd tawn-pUnning 8i*t« that Bi^hma trained four arthiiecifl mm


Virinriku™. Mays. tVanar and Manu- Each had one son namri

™p«tivi^ u Stbepali, SutrajfraM, Vardhaki and Tokshflk

Tht nunver&us treeUsea on arcWtecturo in Sanskrit desUTij *>

tbt soaitrycUon of fort), palaces , iavren, mansions, bridge*-

tmpJH, satcwsya. Khools . hermtUgei etc. aw Utled as J^^^^a^^"!**

K»b"ip Saniwaiyam. YukUkalpaUni. SamfirangflnB Sum

AkuhtbhUm* Kaljw. Narada Silpa SamWt^.VishwflJun™^

Vldjfipnktob, Brihrt Samblta, Manusbyalaya Cbandriki,SHpart


l**»bMin S*nikrii ThiU.

^I'^^g^tb^.^rt, and^t buUdingiuiddv|V^;;g^


for want of patrtmag* nol only bi tbe restrfulsbinft

"Or w~.- — I

"-o" — vM.j ui iHB rest

*rf '*^yt even in India which U ihedp bome-luid, tbey^'^^

of unps"'^!®^^engineering skiOa. For instanqfl. tb»

M>tlng ornamental stone pandals and pavTlloaa In

IPP""*" h carved Stone pillars touching tha ceHina but not iht

tgflof e

bvUouid dcm^

ijipairs which gentJ:^ fock if even one of than

red: aton* ^^^^ *^*^^ produce rtgulat«d mxiaiM

and galleri^ which produce a aeries of ech&a.


(j^^^rlcal MUrrni

trical patterns sucrh as squares or rectarglea w>jlcb

of the groundplans of all ancient hulldlnga throughout

fW^^^'T'.^l^ding even those which are sLnw being used as

^^wi of the ground

plans of all ancient hulldlnga throughout

'^Id (^including even those which sre sLnw >-i- —^"

'^ ^,. ujmbs snd cbun;h«3 are of Vedic orie^n-

Tbe typical Vedlc edifice is a rectangular ( or octagonal) structure

^. ha four sides facing the four quarters divided ITke i graph

^ inlo four equBl perls by ft horizontal centiil line cut across

]ff I vertical perpendicular line.

All M/eb -known, hist<>ric buildings throughout the world aucli

It a- Paulas and Westminster Abbey m London, the Pyramidj

In Egypt, the Kotr^ Dame in Paris, buildings in Italy and Greece.

ibeMcaDed mosques and tombs Including the Ksba In what are

Mw Myslijn countries end the Ta) Mahal and the Bed Fart and

stiwblttcric buildings in tndia er^ bdlt on the same graph-paper


Can^spondingly Vedic architecture also dealt with s circular

^utu- punish mandal i.e^ building pian.

^ Building Texts

^Jcactenceofitrchitwturtrimd town -planning is expounded^ ^ Sanakrit texts known as Agama^

^ ^"xLs are of hoary origin, much andenl than lalam and

Jao because aU maasive and historic churches.n5o*qi«

'^'^*o'«ims throughout the world art captured temples, scbolarf

Page 181: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

*' ^Cb^B flf^ -^"^ S*n*'^'' *>f«™ ^^. ^^

b^^^<^ contemplating oit dlvinlly."^^'^

J, * «^-nr«Lr,ding posH^^ -bove th* nose, betw.^n the cj,t^

(« tbf fff*ii*^' ^^ Sarrtum U»a is conceived as the head of i^

T>* lemple in its turn forms tbt soul end ih& cenlre of tin

lovn or lodlity.

TV Kings palice forms tbe other focal point since the nter

ii Lbt tempore head rtpremUng d^^nity on earth, Thcrefw^

mB^.fl.tinw the mad ioininj the royil paJace and the lenripla fomrt

Um «nt™l tfls of ihe lownship e.g^ the ChandHnl ChowV hfib

gtnuA In Udhi ODcwiKting tbe Red Fori with tbe so-^ed Fatehpitri

UvUfifi Ewhicb Si i csptujied t«mpie),

Tt ii from thi s point of view th*t the plan a of al5 ancient lownaliiip

mtA ffiUMiwis throughout the world need to be studied*

For kistirtet, jewera] idlficts in West AsrI&n couti tries now under

lilttnie occtiptfJon ar* known to have dmrn-bausfiB ilUi

rmntE-hcHws Thi* \% grsphic evident^ of their VediC'Origio- Y*t

MiulimgoHiip Bscribei ibo^e townships and edifices to sotneailtifl-

WorM hjitonani. architects and urchaeologiats have hitherto pl«rf

imiCJdt faiUi Ln that gossip. The very fact that those music Jiouia

tW BO mwdc from the Ume of Miial Im capture, bears mute t«limDny

10 tb* Vedic oriKin d those edifices, Because it is cnly 3n ^*^

ctIhj™ that III rauiine day and tiighl, begins with Sftcretii dMn*


TV B«SdIii|i Plinntd u Mimi«n n»ure

When <»inhfed 49 human Hgur* the plinth ixiife^*^"

i«W*ai of the iqujiung man. Uw first storey is the s""^

* KKAd itk,r*y ii Lh* chnt: thai there la the n«K-ll1*e


.j^domelUcK la the ' l«td. On top of th* dom,

of^^^ lot^ ^^'^ "^^^ reprewit* Via dnrular p^tai rf

jj*t^ '"'^on an other^ae «baved off h«d by men iiv VhUc

[# '^ ijuiftclereprraents the tuft of hair (liaa SQiha maiMil

- Site an* SloM<

yjjfla tl^ T^th Bvety detafl of Ura^-plBnohig iiuj

^"^h«rimmiK with the selection of the site.

Ibe fertiUity of l'^* soD is aacertmed by Bowing jeeda.

^"I fed w cows and the place is worshipped Ijs invoke

artbitect &nd the pfiest together then break the groxind.

eto553 U) ^ used tn the structure are tested with an Iron

Those ibal yi^l^ » S^^ musicfll sound «nd those wbicb emit

Z^ when hit with a chisel are classified as of the mal*"vaHety.

Z^^ ^Hich den -t produce a .park but emit a fiood sound

trt dwsed as remain. Other ston^ which fafl in both Ibose t«t*

fl^ dflSBtfied es ' impotent


Tb^ standard of measurement wm then determined. TOs could

be the h^gbt of the patron himself or of hia jii-eceploi- or my

judi highly respected person or any other criterion.That was know

ttT^. That was sub-divided into proportional sub -divisions known

« Aitgula and Yava. though Angola and Yava wem othen^ise speofic

Blimlarda of measurement in Iheii' own right.

neBriUsh Isles were known as Angola (snintry obviously because

llhmi the above analogy) their length from the southemmosi poin

^ kb* northernmost was taken to be a measure to chart regions

>^lli on the European continent and oceans such as the AUBn

•"^ Mediterranean.

A divin* idol, say thr«e feet high was divided into 10 ^^2^ « dasa-tda. T«7ns like deca^yiWi ^1* dece-metr* nw*

^*^^f^, be seen to be of Vedic origin.

Page 182: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



^ «nr^ PTCvfd^^ ihe tmb -rwind ithfcb the »er»l. ^^^

"^^^ ,^v^)^«d -31^'^^ ^^ ^'^^"^ "'^'^^ ^ P^m i*,;;^

..*«.• tfi« sigitifiH proportTon in Vedic parimc*, Ii |, ^^^

^« irhiai S««i«' '^^^^ ^^^ i^hjt^ts LhTioughout Ih* world

Z\^ ii^nc«.t stnidturts. chfsem^s mounuin^cve, i^

to V«& tradition diviiiily is rfpresenl^ En either of ftmr wi^

jajMty It Kumbti- (tJ» pit^lwf conuining sacred waL«r], th,

Mdodila L* l*» *fOteric diagram represent ng tbg djvint

ortPKjcimiit, ibe Kund* idias pit or receptacle for the »sct«t

G«, dd liK BimtH i*- iJw divine idol. It miiy be noUced Uut

SKJEDt sifuctujres fllQ over ttie wodd (most of them since converted

» jndwoo. ramioleums aiid churches) contained &1i those four

meuffiilitimi. Tht ftre-piw m&y be noticed CRidely na«d up.

EK)«ric. di^e Vedie mcriD-ctrctilts m&y be 9e«i inlaid in edificci

iDch it ;hose misrepresented a mauaoleums in De\hi and Agirt

Bd timq^bODt the re^ons currently domitiated by Islam.

Tta ta^c bundin«.-H[>clt was of nine horizontal and nine vertical

Mv^aa Bu i fraph-faper. The SI squares or recUngls t or

«^iiicAii b drcukf plan) raulLtns therefrom were given flpecific

. Tim knkc fonnfctffiuld be expanded orconiracied aa requirsd.

Tw dofiv wu known a» Amalaka and oonsLlluted 9 na^"^

fa«ontti403nd v kiuare ainjciures. The dom» also >ynibflltM<5

ibtaiflopy thaiUTimj both divinity And it^yalty.

Tht dame b not te ell a MusUm pattern. The Kaba t«nipfe


»^^^ iiHo Mmiltm hffidfl iui ortianwnUl dom& and dKor»Uvi

«*to»f«™ ««t h«k«| to be repUM^ by ita pres«nt ^tf ceOmi-

t^^,«c*rin*» J*""**

j^t MM**""'*^ .^paltovrarfltotherigMardlenofthem^wtinmei

^tyr^ ^^^ art aldo t Hindu detail. Tbee used to leniv



"during ^**^ "'^^'' ""* " watch -towe™ during U:«


Since ^ ancient buildings lo^ symmEtriol

^l, ijSi^^,J^ o^giji even in West AaSan regions cumntiy

yguftlly enclosing narrow, dark. KvsnH hundred

^^^'^ "^

are insdvertfintl^ explained away as the Mueznft '»


'!^t is obviously an sfter- thought and an untenable

«, Mu^zin will acc^t a iob which iiv^tv^ ^iT^^P =nd do^

.^ .^3 winding staircase .f severe hundr^ .l«pa all tds

• iirt- "'^' ^ five iim« a day. He will »«*

: ;7J^.r?>^ou^^ .--^on and exh.u.lon. .n.^.

^^'muU i. bound to trip ^d ™il d^ »-e day under

Mo.^, when ther. .r. two or four mina^ ^^u^^ he in two or four minds in determining fron. which u^to si™.t hi* call for prayer evei^d^y- A^ ^'"^ ^^ r^^^^;te incient buildings are very extaisive the tow(^ ai*

^T^^!;cut. to prayer giv^ from different towers so widely^^rmn one another wiU reach different audiences. rp>m

*^^^^J^ihouM be realized that whenever and wherever

^**^^J^^"^ lowCTi and whether they at^ symmetrically ple-^^T^'Muilim, Thia detaU would also indicate that >W 90-calIed mo^

*ftwrnl the wory are captured tempiea fa»a*ly "^^"^ ^

''-cslled M*i(iue4 Sans MInareti

M>nra-Ume Bstoric structures advenLs*d a. M^^^^"^^^ n<i Unrer ali« minaret. For inst^ce. the w called mo^

Page 183: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

^ritelW-MAsI^n Agrs and itie so-called JflTHH Masjid |„p^.^

JZ -nw t«vP no Muaiir « minarets Ibaugh ihay ^^5 J*^''**^

^«n,.«ii™Jnglv -ccepi^ a» mosque' built by Mu^lb^^

k * mm^^ °f ufivfrififd myths parading es histon, andl^clc

r,ert?5*rycrtHsqi^istiortinsr whieb is so ess^Ual in ^^^^

WhDe on the one hand so caJled inosques have tintn^r\tn!^

(tnicWTW which pre no< rrosque* but are mausoleums bav* ^gj^

4jto mifuntfi- F™^ if>5i^«. ihe Tej MaH in Agro and ih& Cd

Cumlwi iliu ihe WhJspeHtTE Gallery in Rjjapur have towera it th^r

four wmfn. TTiHS W^?^ P'^''* ^^^ the so-called meusot^^

ift eflpLurwl templw*

jUutinwiiiqil Orientation

TT» daptw on churches, in the Encyclopaedia Britaraiica ntA^

Qm. mofft flf thf aad«5t churches in Europe are astronomfcaUy

1W« ti a very \-iia] detail which seems to hevc escaped tht

titentioji ot Kho\&n. Christian and Islamic theolou^ has no pWfor astronomy white an the VedJc tradition, every day h invested

wSh Bitrayimlcai aignifjcance. In fact every moment of a Hindu 'a

Ofehu n« Btranomlcal aspect . That is why the a!manac is a necessilj

1b ««y orthdoi TCndu household. All VedJc rituals and cereinonia

tn prtwnffd by astronomical conaidera Lions. This should convince

Uitf«iiffr { among other points of evidence auch as their rwtEungulsr

V*dk BTo^nd^pkaa) tint all ancient churehea throughout theworid

»Ti»rtiBf Vftdlrttmpl^.

It *fl! iJso turn out on investigeUon that the so-calld mosqua

JHdmwiwletim 1 in Mu slim cmjnlrtw are al go aatTOnomfcaUy orlentd


?~^ MueEtm pricOw waa to muke do with coptur^ biJIdirvBS-

^J« oidHdualt living „ ibeft_ commumUea giv«i to plunder are

i<» the otet *,ho botld.

""'^ <rf Saracwk erchitectufe or tndoSflrflC«Ji^'^

mfandcfd by scholars is based on a wrong prwumpWon

,(^^ ed thai bistoric buiJdinga in ajuntries ^di « Smij

fl^*^ irs^'^""^^^ ^"^ '"""* ""^ ^^^ ^ "'^"^^'^ "n

Afib*' ^^g buildings are captured pre-lalianic Prices. Talam


rtut en* BKrbilciLure of its own, nor did ii vnp »dopt

"^in thtf SOth

certLuty when Enediaev^ orthodoxy U betwved

^'^"joat its edge, a Muslim retains Ha uncompromiaiOB.


odaMve stance. He will capture and misuse Hindu or

nuBCcan"^^^^^^^^ ^ mosques and mausoleums but if asked La

^^^^'^vth^K himself, a Mualinn wOl see to it that hi a new structure

^^°^""tinted ' or ' tinted "

with any non- Muslim trait. TtvA Fanoik


f eschewing other forms make$ Islamic structures adopt


un-sj™Tnetrical. askew shapes. Mua^ms had no

"^1^ mse sn^ buildiniis until the mh century when they cwild

llassHrep»ple and misappropriate their buildings.

Historic buildings which betray Vedic trtits are raptured Mrdu

prtperty ignorantly c^dited to Islam, To somehow explun Bway

il,e Hindu traits of buildings supposed to have been raised byMuaUms

jcttfflare assumed that Hindu workmen employed by Muslim patrons.

tdfti' bflve bewi allowed a free hand or that Muslims must hs^

Talsed their buildings with the debris of felled temples. Those ars

blunderaom^ assertions. When Muslim chroniclers say that ihey

demolished temples to raise mosques what they mean b that Ihey

reiTflged end desecrated temples to misuse them as mosques. Muslim

dunivinists themselves never credit their n] buildings to any

Hon Muslim architect or workmen. Tti^ inveriably quote somi:

nclilious Muslim as the architect of the bufldings they clsffi^

^ivi thwnselves raised. Even if Hindu wori^era were fmpl^*-

*n] not th* construction be closely monitored by M^sU™

iupftvtsot^? And if the material supplied (s for « Musiiffl mosque

Of msuscijfium how con a Hindu temple be built from it ? Thtartfumen

^^ mngquea ^nay have been raiaed with temple-debris si alw

^^ on at leaat three counts. One is that Muslim invsd^ii

**^^l<»h«i temples because Ih^ hat*d its Ktndu de«ir*. How theft

Page 184: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Incl-iPhinfi H ? ^^^'^^ ^'^'^^^ dr^mstancw Ihe p. eaiunpUcn Jrml -^t^ -n W^^^^ '"'"'"'^ ^'^ ^^'^ ^"^^ -"rb


^fJoed 1^ ^'^ ""^^^"^ '* unwarranted.

jUrwiy Wwtfira RiE^ora of note E.B. HaveU (author of

l^ ^Qed ' Iniiin Arehit^ure. It* Psychology, Structurea,j

Hiptorjv frorfl Lbe first MuhsmmadeJi invasfon to the Present i>iyj

ii Ihf mtj/ <«e **" "K^^'*" <^'=''''^^ ^^*^ ^' historic arehitsciur^

to stooTut^lv Hindu in style, concept and execution,

CriiiBstng other Western authors Havel] observes. "AH ihesa

n^oHjCfpticna bav^ their root in one fixed idea. The beHef that

tnie ifisthrtJc feeUnjf has alwa^ been wanting in the Hindu mindj

thit ftTTithing feally ff^i in Indian art has been suBife$tKl or

bxroducsd by forff^ers Tht» pei^fsent habit of looking outside

of EndJi for the origins of Tndian srt must necessarily lead to fillse


Contftr^ to the b*tief of Wesiem scholai-s^ Muslims were so

drvvkt Qrf tHjildtng aoim^ thai inv^er? Uke Mubamnied Ohaznavl

tsd Tkmpdajn are on record to say Lbat even to repair the Hljidu

bufldui^ ^h*^ had csptuped in West Asfa they used to spare Htndu

tMHni ifid uxhitKta from tbe |;eneiral maagacre and march them

1 »wi>r^*f«mt to U»ir own landa,

TVifiMljtai chronicles use the word 'huild' but in WsVun

«*™Wti KiA woni 'buiM' almost always means repair off^KT

nd mliuK,

^tr, ^"u"^

"""^ ^"^^"^ ^""^^ ^"t any fusion.they 'lOdtln'J^

TiZ!Tu ^""^*^»^^"re with the greatest hati^d ^d enmH^^ ""^ ^™«U >*ni*rk, '

-li, fact iskmic sr- i^ antithetic*!

«) '^^-^^H^.b^^^,^^


flOl onty '" ^""* '^ ^^'^ *"** "J^* but tLio fn

y,..- ,^ conceptions of the religiQua buHdingi nni th* vUu*

*j f^ "^ ^nnjhic ngurea go. for the Mmlimi WUm lh»i tla

S "^'^^rmusA n^er be represented.-

t^^l", VcdiCAT^hUcctwr.


bum&n archiiecture onginfttw in Vedk culture, and,

S"^ ,in t>iJs volume. VedJc cultur* has b«cn the primonilji

^ di»t*"7Vpj^ ^j over the world, it should be dear that Grwk.^^^

°i all other architecture is of Vedic origtn. And a number

^"^"di ceniina authors have indeed suapected tbst link. Tha

*' ^'^ ^i*ins the rationale of it all mi. provides the nttsessary

^uni* expis""


Ttabert Bum observes "The Romans were the p-esiest buadera

}, ^vorid has ever seen, but they never succeeded in developing

^l^m of decorative architecture. They were an arch -building

rl^t BIS artshitectural nation. They failed to pniduce luiything

mort th«n gigantic or grotesque imitation of Gre^ art/**

We have noted in our study of the Romans thst thfl? were

UflEi to Vedicr culture. Their temples were dedicated to Vedic deitiei.

EvBi today sUtues of Lord Shiv stand at sev^^Bl public fquira

[n iLaly. it is, therefore, obvious that the temples dedicated to

V(dc ttaties should be of the Vedic style . Their deities and architecture

vm Identical with those of the Greeks, aa obserwl above. Greek

ddlhi snd architecture were the same as those of Ibe Hindus in

irdli IS noted by us elsewhere in this volume* If Horoan architecture

waa t«ss ornate than Vedic architecture in India, that only means

(hit the Ramans were less industrioua and les& aesthetic Tb^

«<J!>pt»i Vedic architecture only to the extent of taD pillars and

•f^ and big halls,

"AL Itome (is) the vault of the old well -house of the csfAol

^1*1 lheTutUanuin...,au atones) clamped tofeth^ with h-on^'%


J J*^> Five Thousand Years of Art of India, by Mario a^*^-

"'Ji^utlJon Ffl^ JCXIX. Rome and the Cwtpogna. by Retort Sum,

*«ifhtMB«H A (^..London. 1871.

'^ «rihp buTOduciion to Rome and the Campflgna. bjr R B*»™*

Page 185: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


r^ lv^l-h«a'« En bd.8 1^ currently ref^rr^ t^ ,, "^

The iiii«9 of Romen Quadrata on thi? Palnline wero noi I3,

.«,«« in tt« line of w,ll. but wnaiat^d or « squa^ ,^^^two (Soora. (we opening inward g uid Ihe olher oytMrar^,/

Such gfllrt BW i ««™«3 "^P '^"^'^ '" «" ^"^^"'^ art^Uclufs

-WheUier the tarW InhaWtanl* of cenlira] Tlaly obtained iheir

kncfflwSife of Lhis mosl impartanl principle (viz. of the arch) tn

building by IrtdiiiMi ^''^m Eas^ni ancwtors, or whether they

diffco^'ered It indepeftdenlly for Ibemaelves cannot be determined '^

%acb dffubts whjcli have kept schoVsra undecided so far thauld

Hi dnarflJ by th« evidence fumished In thia volume that the arch

b in impwtirL ffflturn of Vedic arehitecLure. Consequently ihe

ot» of the arch aH over l8 an importanl indJcalor of ihe universal

previiHioe of V?dic |{0(wleds^ and Vedic adtninisLratimi all over

Uw Hwait worid^

Vedic Trvdilioitt of ihr ^^Itltc Hdus«

A mystic airwli Of ttniformity that ran* through human affaira

TiAdt oproion in the aphDrisiD history repeats ftself.

A praphtc jUiinrBUon of ii la the DHAVAl.A GRUHA (1 [tartly

WHITE HOUSE) enjoined for tb« ha^-of stat* by ancient Hindu

v^dictradiUon, nndingiiaoount^rpari several mOleniaandtbousaniifi

ef kflomeiwi vny from Ind3a in the United States.

Whin Iv mar* ev&i the American Embassy building and the

wWourinj Htmevdt House in New Delhi unwittingly folio* ^

W P. XXtv, m."» ^ XXV tirt.


trsditloii the King's aUu the Chief E«mtive-,


'^'Jnflt^d es the DHAVALA GHUHA whkh is the Sanskrit

^tf desig"^^VHTTE HOUSE. Inddenlfilly even the Whiteh^


^lfy^»^^^ jj^ 4jja aam^ Vedic heritage The tem Whh«

^ tfli^**" ^^ a paper issued by the White House, II3 aana^frit

p,p*r i^ f p^val Fstrfka. A description of what that Whit* Hoys?


^,^ available in two famous Sanakrit dassfcs - Kinha

"''^^''lutBdambari written by the Sanskril pundit. Banahhaita,

^^flflo during

the reign of Harahevardh^.a king of haUmv^i

'^^*^^e account has also been left for posterity by the

J^;^eller. H.entaang.

tfflditionalVedic features enjoined for the ffindu Chief

I *'b Dbava] Gruha bave be^ reflected In every deUE in

^'te House in Washington O.C, ai^ the U.S. Embaany bu!ldiii«


First come wldeopenlawns and garden with pavilions, dcaipatad

uGnahaUdyan i.e. mansion garden.

The enttBnce Uj ibe Ohaval Gruha known as Gruhavagrabad

ns (be pilsoe where guarda used to be posted*

Tba mansion bad two or more stories with two aymmetrical

ilurcu^ near the entrance*

TbeDhsval Gruha was a square or rectangular structure known

It Smjsvana around a central water pool and flanking covered

wrrtdors. ibe pool had fount^s, and water -channels couraed their

*iy Ibnwgh the main haUs,

eid sleeping accommodation was provided for on the

''tWf flooo which also had a pavilion open on all four aides but

^ « roof eupponed by pillars , Thai pavilion was known e

^^"Wbala I.e. the M«on Lounge - mmH for cool refteelion on

V*^ of 8Ut« under the benign innuence of a pleasant moon on

^'"^i>il9. The Chandragbala u»d to be usually at tberewtwuce.

TtB The"Oyal living qua-tenr were known $s

^ *1Sm Mukhyaabalfl m«nt for famSy gatherings, u"*! ^

Page 186: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


. tnJd«riea( scbfllsr end archflM]o«Jal.lbe late Vasudevai^

j:^'^^. boo. ..W : Horsh Ch^r^u ^ E. s^^;^^

^^^^ observed ihal ihe R«l Fort^ m Mb and Agra «!» h^

The «t«- ^ ctia^^^ ""^^''^ through the variousBpertmffit,

the Dthffl-jqarimenLs in the Dhavg] Cn^ha used to i^

Vvii>->miihhoon.i i.e. gymnftsuUn end Snengruha ^ias DhMi^^j

^ liie royal bsih «^llh running hot and cold wato-. UmjascBds and (mmlaina inside the bath were kncwn as YantTidKari

i f contrived foiints and streams. Some more apflitmmlj tndttdpj

Tjf^gniha mwiing the royal cbflpel and alUr for njyal praj^

^d ndigioii3C^nionie5, Toj^afcamianU - awal^ paviUon ^ Mahan^s.

- the myal tetchefl; Sangeeia Bbawan for ballet dances mi mnk

pTOgrtmrnes; Ayudb-shala CarTnt>ury)^ Adhjkaranmandapa (tbi

CMrf tacuave'3 Secretariat) and the Ahai-Mendap It. d»

The White House alias Dhava] Gmha thus symbotizes a ?tranB

Bcinl cidtua] bond of haflowed Vedic tradition between India i^

ihe U™t«i SiBt« of Amenca and other countries throughout

worid. Even the Yugoslav State guest house in Belgrflde is tatfwn

a ihe While Palace. Russia too has a White House.

Ibt Bhaval Gruha was inlended to impress upon the tu

iSminiitraior the need to prtjvide a neat ,pure .

simple, ptau^

^d*Hn and unostcilalPoua administraiion fr« from any ^^filsehtifld, cujinJng and dKeiiticm ,

The Tejo Mabai*^* ^" ^Miha] ift Agra and the socaHed BliM-Ka-MakatjarB In A"'*^^

though mittaken for Mushm mauaolewnfl are ancient

tmplfl' palaces.



fHindu) lemP^* " <J«^™t*d fnsm top to botUjm wfth.,.. ^ " tj^t unwittingly wnUnuMaV^';;;;! human lire The same


in ao- calledChriatiam catbedrels because Lh*y wm

" ''^^^^-flian Ci-e *^f Krishna J and other Vedic tcrai^,



T**-vmbol oTtcn proUferaitea, It appears aa the hdy

as a tua^jotu "'

\ ^ ^j. j^^g apgjj of Hrchea and as t cap on the

to serve as a perpetual reminder to hummfty

Ljpof *'"^j^ g life like the lotus which though growing through


sh lifta it$ body well above it, ia ckan, its Iwvea

*'"'. ^«i aWnw the (mundane) water to sliqk. and sh*di

I 5ff«t ffagrwice.

Iltfiii andAnimals

Homan and animal figures are featured wi temples to remind

^jnflHTiity that earthly ew$ience includes all Idnds of Ufe. g^iila

BWi(y 43 demoniac ^presented by saints, devfls, ligere, Ufflrds,

isstia. nuns, musidans. snakes etc. and that man baa to coeast

Till ibem afl 89 part of the divine creatiwi-


Kmnefcrtig temples in India are richly decorated with what

teUMlpvout people and atheists describe as erotic scenes such as

cap*»lating human couples and wom«i caressing male lestic!^. These

*^ (a impress on every visitor that sexrelaliona ai* a mechanism

«rtbe djvine scheme of procreation which need to be sublimaial

^ n« trifled with as profane, promiscuous, profligacy. TlJ^t la

% weddings everywhere were meant to be Ved^^ngs i,e. m'^^s KncUfied by Vedic chanta only for the limited pufpow

*^Pf«re6Uon and not for filthy, carnal r«vdry.

^ ^^ tcnpleg of the Orisss n^oa and at Devagf-i fort. "»

^"*<t ihe entrence the Gaja-Kesari (i^-*flft) s^iabdiwii. Cija

Page 187: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


^J^d«i crouching .lepHfliii ^rm^^m^^ by a sn^ribg ij^ 1^

L.CU.T.. though miB»ty imd of el^h^ti.. p^^,^^^ ^^. .ugM to be ^bdu«l ^d conquered w,th |«„i^ ^^

This .ame G«5ft'Kesflri^ epitbel is reserved in Vedic b^IixJ^

for ttw MooTi-Jupitei- conjuction in a btrth-chaK. Such a ^^do« indwd bespeak of a sublime sou] in Min^l^^'cal mUivmn^^



the Briti^b consolidated tb^ rule ovct India arty

^'^^^tujy, European concepts began innuencing tbelndJMIpljj»l9tn ^ ^^^ European wedding wh«* i ccupla can

tBl^^lJ^J^ . H jnan and wife'

" in a trice by « priestw araagistrat*.

TT«£l,bor»tt Vedk W-rri-»e Ritual

A, -aainst tbat the Indian wadding bad be«i >n derate ritual

Jd cut over four or five day^ . attended by hundrftda <sf rdaliwia

rUds wbo had tn be hoiiaed and f«85ted. Ttw marriage iudf

v« Klanaiied in front of a sacred flro ^th the bride and gn>™

bdnf put thmuRli a ntimber of oeremoniM to the thsnling of V«dic

mot™ by a group of prxjfossioma priesta for at leart half week.

h comparison the Western mode of marriage in a triw, uppeartd

la be ibort, quick and sweet. To the couple it waa doubly i»«t

bMMj* they oould immediately embrfti^ and Wsa eech other in

front of the whole gstbering.

ObUUu Wedding Not Rooted in the Blbl«

ft is usually believed thai the European Christie wading b

^ E3fi the mjle while the Kndu wedding is nsoted in the Vedw^

T^ ii i miaconcepUon. Mamagea all over the world ar* based

«^urfv!jyoft Vedictredition.

* ^i Vedic pmcUce which enjoin* that maniigw ^^J*-^^'^ by praf€>eBions3 pd«U who w« tdmlnieirtton and

Page 188: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

msocIbSt mafnLmonifl] mm

In Vedic tenainology m$rriag& are known es ^Paanlgraij^


,rt^ pssni signifies ^e hand. whOe grahflna' gignifie, gr^i^

or ctHspina-

Ij not EuTBpeanexprtasEOO the $iim*

.namely '

' giving the bride 'i

lamdtamBrriBge" and "taking ibe bride "s hand in mfljrt»^-i

TTierBfor* the so called GiristiBn <or Muslim or Jew or any oihjri

narri^ea a« in fart Vedic 'i^am-grahans'.

Bot Uiat is not »U, Tbere la plenty of more evidence, tlu

onLin tmninology is Vedic Sanskrii. To get * clearer ida kt neooBder i GCHinect«J sde*i?3il©.


When people meet and greet one another atl over the mtria

th^ usually daap each other's hand in a wsrm band- shake.

lJi*rally- speaking that is also paani-grflhan' However the

diBtinction between a casual formal greeting hand -shake irn) i

dfijping or the bride *s hand by the groom is ingrained in the word

'wedding' itsdf. The former ia never dubbed a wedding' while

the l*it«r ii invariably referred to M a wedding, precisely be^i^Mr

whOe an everyday handshake is never accompanied by Vedlc chsnu,

i groom's clasping of the brtde'a hand must necesssri'i' ^

Koompinied bry sicrtrf Vedic recitals because that entafla Hf*"^^

adheiwa to certain strict norms of conduct. This should 0**^^

wytim to the fad thsl the word spelled us ' Wwlding' ^^ '^

' V«ldiijg'. ThU ehould leave no one in any dowbl that wb»l1^

Twxttkm to be Chrifitan ( or MuaUm or any other) wedding?^

tn iM Vedlc riUuila. This also incidentjlly proves what ta ^*tow* namely ihat Vedic culture has been « common heritsg*'

BwlcElly stxual relaUons are conoidered indecent»"'' f^f^i

and an, ihei^ore, conduced in lofliminr and privacy


tije*lde<rt, publicity through inviUrtima mi puhifc

^'f^J jj

iH)n»idered the most sancUmonioua b«Eaii„ n

^(bfitio^'tfl the foundslton of a bappy home whm the pnjgmy

i io"*"'^ ^aSUp- \^ keeping with the divine design of pUnnad,


tf ^


1>*^MHtt and riUiBi muke nH t/w diff&^na in trattsforminf

f«^''Sk ^^^^ iiideceitt $nd limg&ous into wiut j'sputtfe.


proves thai the Vedas are God "s own worda

^*rv marriage anywhere, desired to last and leod to a

^ ^^^ ^j hannv domesUc Ufe^ must be solemnaed with V«dk^u! md bam

gEiskrit derivaUon of the word wedding and the Vedic

>«hnd it are also corroborated by other terms assix:iated


insider the kin word ' wedlock ' . It signifies a man and woman

'betel^ togetha- aa husband and wife for the rest of their Ihrea

h Vedlc chanling with divine Vedic authority, because Vedas are

LjtfwcTd of Cod. entrusted iQ hnmai^ily at the start of the cosmos.

All Christlsn weddings too observe tbe Vedic trtdiliom of t^!b* ends of the bride's and groom a apparel into a knot. TMl

midtai knot symbolizes thar physical and psychologica) union. Pnnce

CMm ind Lady Diana of Britain too had their appai^ tied mte

i mmusl knot to symbolise ibetr wedding in London some y»«

^ l^ng a marital Imot is a hoary Hindu custom too only becauat

»ii< V«dlc. iTwse woi^ "knot ' and ' wedlock ' are exact transtatima

^•^ Vedic, Sansbit tenii Vivaha Bandhan


^ ^Wilder the wonl ' husband '.Tlirt i« t>» ®^^^^"w*t

^ 'huH-bandb' where ^hust^ is the 'hwid" and ^^^ ^^ ^' becu« the Vedic ritual literally Ues the hinda of U»

Page 189: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

Ii«ni w i^ bride.


ffo* looh « ih* word 'brid^\ ThP Saitakritequj^ii^^


*Vidbu% Aftfl- th« discontinuftnce of SdnskHt educaUtm In ^j,/^

England, thf word Vadhu came lo be miaukenli^ Pnanouno^^

^jirtju' ind liler B* 'bride.

Vftdic trsdition r«wgnize$ a woman > pflraonatity Ui be v©^

frBjfc ind yei v«7 precSoug, I5ie gold. Therefore, k Ja^, (l^^^^

tbfl 1 woman musi never be left adrifi lo fend for heraelf. Tiir

thij « fither must protect her during childhood,the husband duHnj

bff ttltJLbwd and the aon during her old age. Consequently, it*

f*tber (or an equivalent ftlderiy guardian) must foimaUy «ntTMJi

ber custody and honour to s auitsWe groom (a *ell-ttjshtn|

responsible . atrmgman ) whei marrying her off That formal handing

uvtt k known M ' Einyi-dan ' in Vedic Sanskrit parknce, Eurepe«i

ChriiUini too, to this very i&y, sacrosonctly follow that Vedie

dictum by observij^g the fonnality of ' giving &vny the bride ' thtWBti

ifl KtuiS modem Western practlco women generaUy marry on thei:

a«n. ipumLng the idei of being given away as mer* chittd t^

anybody to anybody. This Vedic practice is based on the divlw

dlctam that a fociety which doean "l protect and enshrine its wtwnffi

In Hcun family -life gcU disturbed and destroyed, tn ^^Will-QrdH^ Vedic family the man ia the central pols. the tn^?

i» tls» ndius and tlw duldren the circumference of the famlli^ cff^^*^

Thtti VwJic Injunctions totiUy nil? out a prostituHonal or nJght ^slu"

rott for wcBtioi.

Bride "tM«ld

Ewy W^ftern w^dln^ providoa for one or mor» J^^*^'^

** bHie. Tbi. i, » vaiy thoughtful, far-sighted V^o c^^_A brid*-to.u H Hka . plant trtnaplajried from the n«^*?^,to a ft.- f«d, An *J<dBcent glri up™t*d frtim her parental l<^

^j be rehftbil3tat*d in the groom '§ fimfly, y,},^ ^^

ui^ »*''^K m w«t>i ^ ^''"'^ atrangor. called her hyiband, bjdt^


nioTn' experienced ^ women connoent with whom ibe

^>*^*J* tbouabts. n«^a snd difTiculliea, if eny. ThwefoTi.

ffl^'^dinn F**^"^™pnivide for inymate adult *mn«n

^^ **^^*^^ ,vTth the bride for a few day? to keep Mim^jjfidenl^ ^ ^p^Lprnal home until she feela confident to




^thJi"^ ''^.

^^^ nevi family. This bridGamaid-cuatom fithfulily

pj,ber c^ ^^^^ Western Cbristmn weddings also prov^ that

jljjer^ed^f^g to be Christians (Muslims or JewiJ loilay

^1 Iho*^ ^deseendBiita of people who were members of a onltary

^.^vedic community.


Lerm" matrimonial " wemingly Western and Christim, h


-nsWt Vedic parlance the t«rm ' metri-mane la'l>Ti^-^-^)

.J^Tb «litlonship forged with . mind (rnsna) to ic^

in(*hediood (matri).

W^,e the terra -KKViugal ' am be r«ogm«d to te S«islmt


The &nskrit word "yugal' {pronounced jusal' *« m^y)

tlinlfies a ' couple '



The nr^t syUable 'con ' ought to pronounced as t^>^8*n' i^

fiot u -kon ' because the aJphabeUcal pronundation oft-J=

» In ^d^\ T^e worf ^Son' mean» "wholesome. i^P^;


In Sanakrit. Consequently, the Senskrit term i^y^.

%ines a couple joined by wedding for the feUcitoua '^^^^^^9 objective of procrtation. because sheer s**"*^^!yT^

^8 but prostitution. Consequently, the Western .


^^t conjugal is also Sanskrit Vedk.

Shirtrtrlnji RIm

* V«Uc marriage {a aolamnizfid hy ahowefing i^ «"Pl*

Page 190: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


^j,^,„.(tan, Uwt *W1* on wrth lh«y may nervflrm short of ^y^j^

Sb^c^ff) ChrisUan marrissw In the West meiictilou^j^^^

10 tl^ Vedk custom Uns ai will be 8pfiar<?nl from the foltoJ!!

repcrt which WW earned by all Iwding English daJlEcs ihrwgCElw wodd on April 19, I37S. "Al the weddiry dI Fori Ijud^^^

Ftoridi, USA. ^ lifiEua stira Chna Evert und John Lh>yd, ai whirh

eon ipKifllora showered ibem wjLh rice supf>lJ«a by ihe pol[ce^._

Al 7 P.M pollt* ofR«5- iold '^P t^«**d Ihol ihe couple was w^then Bslied who's got the rice? When it was discovered that rici

huJ bwn overiooked in the cflrerd w«fdinff plans, a squad <;jr

was deapatctied. A few minutes laitr a pairolinan retDmed aid

distnTwted five baifs of rice to the crowd.


lUtt SiKWD Eves At Miullm W«ddii3«i

Tlte VedJc custom oT the bride walking iniQ ber mariUJ hDmc

ovfT a kicked mraBure of Hce is observed even amori^ MusILrji,

IS wfU be epp&renL from a newsfiaper report of the meniH^ of

Ags Khui N, spfritudJ heed c^f 20 milUon IsmaiUcs In ^ CDuntriHi,

few yurs bick,

Ite report uid thil the Chief of Hunia, « mounLaHUJua

principtlity nar AfghanisLan, whkrh slill calls its niler. Huni.

conirihund 50 parts Ui be strewn alonj with ric* far the bridi]

eoupit to step over et Aga Khans man-JB^e. The Aaa Khan ii

i dUttfi of Itoi. Hiv followers, the Ismailifla ere Shiaa.

AH luch ileuilj nvraied above prove ihat ao- called Christlw

iad lidBinie w«][]%s emuiaie from Vedic IradiUon. From this or*

iMj *lfc ipM ferto reach a wider ooncluslan namely that ss pff

itttUtton divinity did Indeed beulow numkind irtlh tbe Sanskrit boola

or knowledge tihe V«3m> which codify Ihe niles governing tbs

«*!« "nd i^ n,l« whkh mu« g^wem human nffairfl. al tl»

iwy KUrt of ih( world tbmit 20») mUlion y«,r^ ego.

NiM nd iHri.

l^'n^J Ucb«^^ ^L whll*i nun-i numi*J lUtm i^"*^*^

mth^ rrtefrtJon

linM wiih her

the honorinc preHx u«h wjih hin name,

tf***' '( neme has always best LrBdiUoniilly lir

^C^ -- Mia- and Mr.

'^^/^nwomen-gllb. prot

tasUnrt <>f ^*« deroKdi^ry ditcrtminatlon to which womm"***

%L-L In B world order'

'dictaled by tbe chfluvhtatlc mrie


women "5 IftJ' proUeonlsla l(?norantly dte that as

IW pullt.

i^j, accusation or r^uae atao arifioi frwn an Isnoranc* of

't Vedic heritage.

MunWil*""^ ^ Isw-ifiver, the Creal Manu had thoughtfully

B^--ai that while the mere male can wJthaUnd a blew or iwo

rTjnjugh and lumble of a crvel world without any serioua dimajje

hia pera™* °^ Injury to his psyche, the gmoe and BofUiesa

-r 1 woman 'i personality needed al) the protection that a society


tbefeforfln Msnu has pinned the primary reaponaJbllily tor tbi

weD'bcinj of » young, unmarried daughter on her father, that

of a married woman on her huahand and of the elderly mother

Oft her son, and warned society tliat it must never ahirit Eta

fHjnndbnity to protect women and t>i*t It must not leave women

ia r«id for themselves amidst exploitative aadal sharJo and hounda.

As a pirt of that thoughtful arrengemenL a woman i maritiJ

lUlUB es Miss or Mrg. was invariably made a pert of her name

« ttut the society at lar^e ahould be dear aa to who is rcsporisibJf

fiir her well-being and protjection.

h the case of unmarried women the ' Miss ' prefix always wt^'e^

Efi fmind her friends, relaUons, and well-wishers and the community

* lirge thai they mutrt all find a proper groom for her So- ^^

"» of th« term ^Miss' waa a kind of a coiwiant matrimonial

"^^"rily the Mr^, prefix served as a wanting Bid hoUm to

<JJ cftfusmed that the woman concerned was no mar* open to ofTe«

^ "dvan«B for marriage.

Page 191: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

«Bdi«i» tnd proWcUvfl provision. Is being cyrrently ^^^ ^

^i^ (^ bisU-rr perverts people s outl«k.

V«dic iodil oflJer envisages only arranged mBrriages (and ti^

tbi *bo>«ts-83>^ type of free maUng) because the V«iic aysiftn

enidna mBfJi*] ses is b acramental. sociologies] duty in the dHne

K^^f of procreation. Conaeqy^Hy $*x for sheer pleasure and

aioymefit is swmb' rvkA out-

AcUjiBy this V«dlc dlctujn meafii by divinity foF humsn bdngj

Is Wnc uiicffisoously enforced by humans ibemselves on aniinal

and plsni life For instance, entrepreneurs who aim at breeduij

quility animilB rule out free maOi^ aiid enforce controlled nnUng

<ir aiiL'icfll insanination on chicken, dofs. borses and mllcb-catll*.

If maa as endowed vith superior intelligence and power enforoa

socfa resuictions on anlmfil& do^ it not sund to reason thai dlvtnJiy

{ endowed with more power and more iniellieence than humans J

ihould tosM on siiiillar arrant mating < i.e. arranged mamsBSs)

undfrtiwTi upon fret sex, to enaure pedigree human bedngs?

]\ is that p*djfTw ideal which Is dearly outlined In thf gr^

Lav- Giver Manu 's r&moua dktum

ff w *ftsn Sm;^ 5^<3an irf nw^i; ii

msaninj "May human beings F-ferywhere emulate the llfe-st:^*

of &M foranort species of bumans nurtured in tbis land (tndia)-

niui undw tb« Vedic ayatem eldera in tbe famfly adviaffl by

liwir iKTQ-cooiuharl* and Vaidvfts tfamfly pbjsicians) "*"*"

duMt tha match few their marriageabk progeny


The t*iii -astrcdo«er^ l» tbcN d^ mlsundeffltwd lo >"*"

Dovtot foriAiM^tdl* bent on oiaUng easy money.

ItadtrtbiVadicBdologJctilsyaUim tbefamDy ^ii^-<^'^^^^'


EaWv ^^^^^blo-malhematiclan entnated wit>i i^ i^^^

f* • ^^ng EStral cbarts for all memorable evenla uid Tor ^tfT "*^T\-i 83 a valuable bistflrical record and ^l» (^ jj^ ^

|i**^ ^^^tions iJi bealth and fortune of evet^ per^oti 'a Ufe.

"tbe Vedic system astrologBrg are intended lo be eipen

^«^i9ls *^° "'^^^'^ boi-oscopes of the bride and groqm «^"^

i^fic cb^ ^" considerations of mariUI compatibility, goad

^^^ and Iwigevity^

horoscope is a divine ch art of the mechsnism thai constitutes

human personality and is. thtrefoi-e, as sdentific a document

^ BTound-pl^ of 8 building, the design -drawings of an airship

-i^liic the higb scientific impoftance of the horoscope let

„ consider s few eitamptea. Jn the cUnic of a physidan we notice

L picture of a bumsn skeleton 'Riat indicates that Western medical

icitiHs regards the human system as a drainage chart. But thift

dim wai be identical for a fat or lean person, a handsome or

it^y individual, an affluent person or pauper and a brave pw^on

or I coward . Those considerations don t ordinarily enter a doctor 's


Ayurv&d (the Vedie medical science) goes a step further and

rapria the three humours (i.e. gas. phlegm and bile) consUtuUng

iinan'» live pefsonality as the basic constiluwts of a person's

flucUiating state of health and moods.

Astrotogy goes the farthest inasmuch as it deals with eve^f

"pert of a person's life namely his colour. compEe»on. slaiure,

raental-make up. virtues, vices, life span, fortune, profession eW*

^»t Ib nothing wbich astrology leaves. ConsequenUy astrolc^Qf

* • through science with a profound role «icompfl»s^S ^^^^

"^ or human life.

,"^ »" «uch a comprebenstve science which the Vedic ^t«"

^ placed ^i ihe service of brt^^ng pedisree human b«ng3.

,, ^Ji^man bemgs tg^ore it that shall be at their own peril

"•^^(Including West Asia} Sari^ly converted to Cbrii^tiiuiity

Page 192: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


. 1 1-« h» wt only tiMvnfA^ <t*«lf from Vpdic martui iw

-ii^ ^rtiminfi, !rtrtpl«». nudf pprforniiuicw, ntKbt club f^Jr

Il tov, «* AIJ thi- is one day Boiittf lo bUnK iho world of v^«J

^^Mvct CTi^f* ''P*^ ^" ^"^ **°^' °^ humanity. ^

t foittMl' of »"^h f*^"^*^'deformity, di^ens* and death h^

ginpd} in*i« l>* spp™"^" ^ affltjffll Dnii*d Suteg of Amerlc,.

Ai iht «]this»' m^^^ "Iff freeest nalion of the conttniporiry

voiil. fi^ch doran'l broolt iiny iromnids on ihe "J do what l

U^ wdl pleese Wflden*^ of mnn, tho USA ^wrmlLi homoaexuij

nlflii dub*, lesbiwi uruups *nd even uni mx mairiogea. As a result

irf lucb peiy ItGfflUousneM (as opposed to Ih* atnct Vedic code

if BTviVvd mirri^gcs and restraint even bctwwn bride and groom

tiiiHcd with Vedk chintsj a dreadedn hydra-headed omni-diaeas*

hii mide K* ippearanc? in tlw United SLjt« of America. Th»l

conditim Jcnown b Acquired Jmmune Deficiency S^drome I AIDS),

wMeh tjjjnifies louj break -down of the bumnn physical, immurjty

tyvion ibmten^ to reduce humanity to re$lering. moronic lumjB

of flofa mictvd v^th any uid ev^^ disease on earth.

Apirl fram Ucentious Hnol behnvjour the extreme ArUficieJity

tJ« gon witb pvTTy sspect of American life such as p^ticldea.

UK of drags, admin ksUrirFg peJn-ktUers to pre^^ani women «(<;

nuy iln hiv* a role in the appearuice of AIDS.

IV An)S coAdlUon ia so deeply dreaded in the U.S-A Ihft

rrm Tmft^\Mna, frimds, hoapital sUjtf find even undertakers

m refuBiftg to handle ihc paUmL or bis body lest ihey themee^vM

Th* rtsMdy for «!! this is to live atriclly by Vedic rUlfiS Bnd

<*«»i» and Ttmain dose lo Naturt ei far as possible.


Qiriouriy »,ouKh (iw W«i^ CbHaLtan bride wesri the vrf

t^ ai 40 Hindu bride- in V«Uc w«Jdin«»



of the greatest proors of humanity having had 4 >ie«d-aUrt

divine Vedic civilsTfltion is found in the univear^islity of Vedic

•n»e current noUon that man developed langusge. music,

medicine, sdaice- technology eic, beginning from a wild. cHve-man

it«^ does noi seem U) be plausible.

Ul(^se, the notion that T^astmi and Western musk dCTdoped

biependKitly of esch other is not fight.

Alt music originated from the Samaved {W^A The Kblical

(tMMs are known as pssima precisely because the sLaniasof Sunsved

(and cHhef Vedas) used to be sung in Europe prior to Chriaiisnlty.

TlieTOFd 'pgalm ' Is elso a typical instance of how Sanskrit words

hivegot camouflaged in (so called) European languages, by the

addiUiin or deletion of a letter or two. The word paalm' msy

1* Mtfrad to be the Sanskrit won! ' Sama ' though ihe Eunapean

"PdUnff hss huTdenai that word with some additional letters auch

^maved lays down the ground- rules for musfc Along with

""^c. dmce. painting and drama bt« conaldcfed sacred arta m

^^ V^c tfKUtior. Brahma. Vishnu and Shiva, the EL^tia) Tnn.ty

y^^^^ the nrat orchestra. Shfva ^ Natraj, the cosmic dai«5«r

7^ o«t the vnrioua modea of rhythm whUe Brahma and Vishnu

^^^^1* the tJme-bent^ Brahma clangs the cymbala- Vishnu b«ia

Page 193: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text> n«« *™ fl^ ""^^^^ =^" ""^ *'^ ^^^^^ i-SHW bc^t^

^^ [^tfl 126 deriviKve Wnia {ttiv,5) and putnis (sonsj, p^^

™,i5 bi»d on * mininium of five noles Thf leadhg riot* fVidj]

itihe long "Ji^3 Ihe setondsry nole (SamvadfJ ts ihe Drime infnjst^!r

iriih Bitffidsnt {ariii^'Bdi) nai£S end « disgonant fvivadi] J^^

unnmouirt m Uif rirtl opponent.

lich of the six basic rages is aUtined to s certain hour of

ll#di.v or night pud season Of the yesr and a presiding deily besujwj

I psriiadar benedJrtion and potawy on the noie. The HindoU U

ppropriBte for the dawn in spring, evoking a mood of univei^

lew- Ii brings to mind the gentle rocking of an open-eir gwljig,

C^J Ueepak Raga is pliyed during summer- evenings to arouse

^l^Biion. f3) Mqjhfl Rflgs N for the monsoon -season noon hour

t^imrtJI eouTBft. (4) Bhairava is es&igned to the momini^ from

Aopit to October Lo ^tnke a note of Iranqunity, <&) Sri Jttgi

itiprifents pur? Ivvp, srtd Fs considered f]l for bulumtial iwflJgtitj,

(6J hlallaunsB Raga is regarded aa appropriate for the mtdnight

Ve& musir dMdes the Octave into 22 autiea l.fc

tenitemiUwies. Tlie corrropcnding Western chromatic acs]e is

limited Hi only 12 semitons.

T5» HVBi twde v*dfi: notea are associated with the natural

"la^ ifld tJ» ay of 8 bird OP anima].

Vidic miaic outlLnea ?2 scales. Sanskift literature describe*

imuin fUme^n«asur«]. Bhargta itie ancient master -muscisJi

^f^ - muftciu, J, Bh«giv,uir i.e. one extolling divinity thrfl^^

™-^. Miaung thai VMic ir^dJticm rules out profanity In ill humi"

-nZin r*^wa«ri.«. .™ unown *s SankriUn i.e. ooUe^^

^^ <=b,^From the «,„«, the fhytlm. and tb»


M Tbraci"^ mvsk m auppMed to be AalAlsr, ^nKw

li^*l!|*iiie *^* ''^ ^''° "* ^"' ^^^ ''QiMcnilfld to Bmbu,,

^ "*author speoka of ' siriking forably the Asiatic Oibt,/'


r. ^ctent Grtek author. Strabo i» emaiii thit murtc

[p Vedic India.

Icrlt woi^' 1'*^ aignlflH a meWDlc wire, snlniri nut


a of * musical instrument. Thus one way of naming

^ f'l'^riimefiia U by specifying accurately or approidnatdy

ber of *''^ strung in it. An instnimenL with one wire

^JT^ India) is 1^"*^ ^ ^^^"^ ^"^^^^ ^ ^^^' ^^**^ "^^^

* .:_ i, vnown BH (WH?m) Saptft'tar (alias Siter or Giarl.

i«**(th 1E», tor thereabout) wires is caJled a {WS^} "Centair'H

IZ the siylUble cent ' is in fact the Sanskrit worf m) ' aat

(It (M hiifldred). Here it may be noticed how 'n^ hu ban

lilted to make the Sanskrit term ' Shat' sound as Cart/

Bie SBnskrit word ' Sengeet " connotes instrummtal musk

bKsuse San' sEgnifies 'accompflnying' end 'geel' signiftes the

That thJB same Sanskrit word (^f^hr) "Sangeet' wsa aibo

wnwnoflily used in Europe of the pre Christian era, is ^jparwit

fnim cognate En^ah fceania such as sing » aong, stngB", and ainginj.

T^ lemi ' music ^ these days, used both for vocal ^'

J^c^lal music, originates in the Senskiit word Maukhflt

•*- of the moojith" i.e. connoting vocal mualc-

^ ^*nn "vocal is the SwiskriL term («"«) '^c^' ^•'

^^ U> v«:hB ' i.e. the human voice alias speech.

^"5l. D or Strtbo 'I Ceofrtphy.

Page 194: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Prtim iHt H shoi3ld be B|)j>arent that L>ie term v

TTw term ifargle' » also Sansknt since the S^gkHt[iRTj gal*' mwM iht 'thraat' and the earlier s^Uabjf .

is U» sound produced whfle garuUntf,^'

•niP term 'pjzile* m«iii% ^ swallow* fs w fnsUnc^ of i^Suwkrit lyflfibles gut transposed m Weslem lan^uajes, l^e q^^^.SuniVril won3 'galsg' (stgniryang somethtrnf scni down the thnntj

hu ftime to bt spelled bs guizle. This will be appareri from tjj^

litamir tffm "gsniJ" that Ujo Js 'ga]ag" i.e, euianaling froiQ j]^

ttcTOfli. Th<?re too the Sansltrit $yllRb]es change places.

MujUm Dcrnlcmcnl ot Music

Dumg Islanuc rule in India (1206 to jftJS A,P> all oommtHalmuric WH chair«l tfl prasLilijtionfll revelry m Muslim cauits. In

tbt jr9»s? t Ui^* number of musicians fvocal Ests as well ujMtnimerHjJIsis} got wJUy nill^^ converted to Islam. This gBve risf

ta iht mjith that music was of Muslim origin, that Muslim courtj

PBtrentrad or encouraged music, that Muslims have made a amicofrtribirtion to musjc. and that ihtjy designed several musda!ininrumenis.

Muik It lutHrzli

All those an? molivEted canards. Islamic fundamentalfsm ff*m«

* '"'^^ *^^^ "^ ^^"^ tradition vocat and inslrammial p»JS«

-J,,"!™*^ ^^ ""^ "" ^'^^ rituals; so much so that Vedfc

™tta. p^viie, for music to be played a3! along the rtUte '^^^

rtori d!!rt".'^'^'*' '^" ^^* ^^ ^°^ cremation. The idei H l«^^^u but ll*end or the earthly part of the soul 's itinfmry-

of 1 fri ,

"^^ '''•^^^ " Moving, muajcal farewell si t^^ «^

^^ *^1?^ .r""®"« ^•^^'^' '" ^^^<^ tradition. «3Fi«j;

i« (Nitrty-; pL^,'''''"'^'^ «Jid B change of s«ne »fl^ *^

^*^ dF*ma ihe dE^parted aoul i» given fi £;ertitn«^^


BOuifulm^sie '" V«^ prartiw.

^ V^kSclew*

VjJic science of m^sic is a deUiled technics] eltidy fnvohing

"^fj^eticuloia tratninij under an elderly and ejtperienced guldt

tj[^musical lerminokigy is eKclusive^ of Ve.j|e origin.^

« of It* various tunes are all Sanskrit. The songs, mostty

^Jd« &f vflTioiia deities, especially Krishna, are all Smakrit.

^^BSttes >^bich cultivate the art of music from generaUm

^JierstJon. are known as gharanas. That again la a Sanskrit

l^f^ 'ghar' i.e. 'griha' Le. houaehoU.

TilBin hia no science of muaic. It has no use for music, Muate

ofitftfistes In Tiner sentiments, in a soliciienjg revenenc* for aU life

ud a desire in sing the praise of dimity as the creator and sustains

^ttia mysterious cosmos,

Muslim Of pro -Muslim writera have jumped to onwarmntedi

smlusitpis from the profligate musical reveries at Muslim court*.

Thi^ have not only propatfated the myth of a Muslim encourB^emeni

te music but have also ignorantly ssH^ribed the origin of severil

tniulcij Instruments sucb a$ the Tabla and Sitar to Muslims.

Uiiillin r>^radation of Musk

Tlw Tebta and the Sitar and all other musica] inslrumenta ht?

flfvfliy flneeini Vedic origin. Far from Muslim courts encoujsiitns

in^devating music » that art which was maintained at a high divine

"^(In'DUl level under the Vedic dlgp^sfltion, was dr^gcd down

^Uwcourtesan level by Islam.

'^ HhazBls and KawaJias which the Muslims sing at tombf

^Jl^tHre not because of Islam but in spite of Islam. All Mujtlm*

inui M"'^ "^"v^fts from Hindudom they have carried *itb them

nr rfj^^^^^ ti^ition of singing devotional sonijs in the nam*

.^"ity. Hut according to Arab and Jranian tradition that ib

Page 195: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Cai^^cfltly, ihf w>grt«wn» of Delhi lost ih^k clientele, Uti ^, mmitwr of mufrriiins out of einpltiyincnt in Delhi. To brtng t(^^

pl^ Up th* notfc* of ihB emperor the music fmtemityt^T^^^J.

» ftmwil procession In which they carried on a bier v\ ^^jtpnmAlns i^ mu» of music As Lhey proceeded ^^g t|»

Uwreitfhfi" ihej' «t up b loud wail bei thoush peeving far ^^(parted »uJ When the emperor inquired about the cause


Imsd piiibiic mouminjj b# was informal that the mu$iciana pm (,y^

of b(uinesi wwe c*ttj^« the muse of mugic for burial. Aunngiefc

w» mlglny pleased. Conseqvenlly his messajfe conveyed to ib?

mounrers vts thai music shtjuld be buried go deep as never (<,

bt aU^ t« ftJ» its h«d ever Bgaia any more. Autwigzeh regirdd

MiHielf deputy of Alt&h QTt «arth^ and in banning music h? wbcndy anting outAM '« wi^h^ Islam thus stands for s lotal negation

of iH in «nd finer KniimBnt* of human nature. The onJy iit Jl

iitift* li aliigTBphy oid that loo is confined to the Koran. Tl»

HuiUm omriubtion t« ihe development of mustc is thus not oflly

»fl. ft il minus bwsuse of its massacre orgies.

^mnUvitedMiaslim concoctions sboul the rslEmic contributlw>a musie mutt n^er be believed. Tf during the last one cenludf

w» Tt h!«r of a tai^ nymber of M u alim names amon gat rwownwf

IJ^^*^* Irttle probe trill reveal thai due lo eeneralioFU of

]™«^ '^^^ My film court, life those hapless Hindu tfiaVi (ft*^my c*v,~^.so^,^ ijj<ft the well knoum Tansen remiJrW

uTh^"' "^ "* *"• fi"^ '^'e Muslim «ppel1alion of Mly-^

"""•ZI'^''^' "* ^^^ *" delibe^iely P«n«ed toJ^

m Uho^ . , r^***» T^de to sound Muslim. Though he ^^

^"^ •""ifc-fegUval is held anjund that hkt ff^'


.0^ C§P*^^

1**"'Khur^o, » f«"«*^ **™'^'" ***^^™^ ^ ^^**" Allauddln

^Jl ffitotiT«g« i« lfl*J^«*' aa a p^t Mint-pMt. In MusUmjQsl'"'^

jjj^ Bnd everybody plundedng. torturing, t^rrariiing


iwn^Muslims Is lauded aa a Sufi aaini. Amir Khuam"" ^'^'^t He sln^ ^^ cooling the temper of his lalamic swonl

""^hlfwd of Kafirs- Such an Amir Khusro la sajd to have atnick

>P^*ye, of splitting the Mrudungam (the aingle egg-shaped

^wtth two fBcm) into two pieces, as Tabte and Ra^jga. This

*^iM Both Ihe Mrudungam and the Tabia-Dagga pair are

llni Hindu Vedic percuaaion instruments. The Mrudungam was

^^, used by peripatetic minstrels who had to aing standing


i dindng. 1^* Tabla and Dagga were used for aquaiting

wrfurmanccs. The Tabla is a Sanskrit word where the first ayUabfe

ft'itaniftes Taal" le- the rhythnnic beat, while the other syllable

'jjili' aijnifies its strength or potency. Moreover, the T^bla ia

ivooden cylinder while the Degga has a metallic body. Therefoi-e,

IbinoUon that the Tabla end Dagga constitut* but two piece* of

IibtMnidungam, h Jnoorrect.

^iuikrlt TcnnLDology

Bven the fancied European tenninology of Music Is all of Vedic.

Tbe term Tambour is the Hindu word Tembtwa which is veiy

"J^non in Indian music A man handling the Tamborc is known

'"inalQli as 'Tambora-dhar'. In Europe that same term w^\>

°^m to tTOubadour,

^^temi "Harmonium '

is generally regarded as European but

P^y Vedlo. To underatand this let us tnaJyse the term

l^^"^ ^ ^^"^ ^^^ '^»'- svll^ble um can be easily detected

"^ Wrf^^^Buse that is a very common neuter gender ending

Onv^^ ^^ siRnlfies 'pertaintng to \ The seven basic not^ of

iHn-q\''^"l^of music are -'saa, ray. gs, ma. p», dha. n«*


^ ^ *^*^«' (f-^-^J 'tfa- P"*'^***' *^ elirninated

*^« "' abridged to contain only, th* Lat. 2nd. 4tb «!

Page 196: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

HIn*jJ, 'HwrefonP thr four bwic iwtw could ^ tafr****!

.rt^.nnj-n« (Sr->^ir-#J To this we affix the Sonsfe^.^ ^

P and we gel the worJd ' Uartnomum. Thua tho r».i!^

Tr->^ir-#J To this we affls the Son^Z ^ ^

'un,- ind we fi^ the worJd Haitnoiiium. Thua tho rJj ^

ihf [ tJw 1-opl ' Harmonium'

is composed or the ba?lcT7^'*"

tbt VwISc tdence of mus'C. though it appeara to be Eure**^

» pjBdf enough thai Bl! music, whether W«tem or East*^'fif Vedic er«in. Incidentally it mey also be noted here (f^^


itoweflliislrfliion 1 thsUhe EtijHsh ifford harmony ' too is of San*^origin.

T!» English word ' dmm " is b comiption of the SanskrTt w^^[brnru '. Lord Shiva \s depfcted as holding « 'damni " in hisWA tmvinwsjtion or the two syllables of the Sanskrit ' damru '

fmrflHjtLsii in thp English word ' dntm '.


The English word ' band ' indieateg b group of mtisicians b2b

sn orehcstra. *the Sans;krit word 15 VrJid. Since 'V ii ofUfi

PwiMTOHl t9 -b' Vrind came to be pronounced first as "briiil-

ind bier lis ' bani'. Anclher derivation Ea the Sanskrit wonj i«]'tJWKQj' IndicilJEig a 'Ut' and, ther^ore. a group tted tc«£Ui«r

ft«iimitia]Hi5Enye. [flabond.

» '^^^ ^^ ^*^'"*' "^"^ ^^ " Western orchestra ts kno""

•»*«no*«^^ ^* ^>«auae the bird cuckoo renomied to? ^

& .l_^* ^*" ** <f*^:

I Pica tpranounced as Pika) in SansHril

«»»««mHfclS r!^" ^" ^^l^n^ sfpin« ^'^^^ ^^"^

* "*t « ih«l'^ sEanifitss a pip^ prodgcing * row oT noi3

**** thiT&f^ * ^^'^^'^^ ''^""^ ^^' *^^ ^ '^

*^'^^iv!"**** <adu-r^^*" ^uslc is Qf Vedic, Sanskrit origin-


* *• >*>Z'^ '';^''^> i» that the Vedai and Sarskril «^*ll human dviliisUon.



rd t'F^) Kawali has a sfmiltr Smskrit

I^ilon. K^^*" ^' "'^PP^'*^ "^ ^ * f*!^!-^ Wu,Um tLi.,

"^^San^l^rit signifi^ P^an^J ' awali la a ' mw iVr^^Sr.3i«^ Kavyawdi t^.n^'^) amounta to a row of ^^^

ijt* Violin is popularly believed lo be a Western jnusical

injjrtjtientwi^ a European name. But that is a mieconceptiwi

Vl^n Js B ^"^^^^ t^i™' '''^^ Sanskrit word 'jeev connoUng a

jfjorstPil la pronounced as bio' in Creek, vive' in frm^,,

pj .gv*' in Bnsrfl3h. The Itrat syllable 'vio' in the term violin.

[J that term 'viva' meaning 'life' or 'soul'. The letter syMte

'Hn' JB almost the English word lean' i.e. 'Incline towanls".

TT* Sanskrit word i^i ' Seen ' too imphes losing oneself or merging

owK^r ffitb something. TTierefore. the term "vfoUn' r*' *f)

li^fies a musical instrument producing such enehanUng music

Uist th? listener (or player) forgeta himself and leans Lowania

ibt mdody or mtpcg^ his life and sou] in ita mellifluous nielcKl^-


TTw lerai guitar too is of Sanskrit origin. "Hie Sanskrit wa*d

pel" Rifles a song, Taar' stands for the musdal string or

'i™. Consequertly geei-tar' CftfT W) 'alias* 'gidtar' r^resent*

**rini twanged to the sccompanimetit. of a song.

Hup ij pIj^j g Sansicrit word. In the Vedic musical tradition

s^fwig^instruments were known as Veena. There were in all

(t t1^""*^' ^^^ c^'atingujshed by some figure associated with

^imn^^^^^ "'" strings » their resonance e^d the shape of MCh

ar J

^^^- Thus, for instance, the Maym- Veena had the figure

Hi,,^'" fPeacock) adorning il> In like maimer there waa •

^T'^'J V^eua, a Naarsd Veena (which the cefwtial saint

*^«tf3 carried), Vichitra Veena (I.e. a apedal kind of Vwn*

Page 197: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


^nh pWyrw?'^'^ rewnanw), Saraswfitr Veens(or

^„,^j ind M on. Amonff ihwn wea Snir Vea,,

po fcTHiwTT bsaiiw it had > serpenOne frame.

IttflTtbe common noun V«na got dropi>e(3 nrnj tbe 0,^4^

tnu^iMii^W <M tht word semrsphere is spelM a^ henU»bW*^

Siip (V«sia) c«ne l^ ^ ""«<* "hflrp*, Therefore, tbe h*™ I!!

Isl4^g;i to ibe Vedic musical traditionn'"[Oa

I>1 UB tiow consider the Fiano. Veena waa the orij^nH] ^-ij^

d Sire* 'V Is oJWi prwionoed as 'b' Vetna cam. 1., v.word. iJHivT ' — — -— p -- - -«,.,io vHine iQ Vpnanounoed w ' b«n* ' - Beens turned into beano and beano cfatiMj

10 irfano. B" and ' P' are Inlercbangeable m mai^ be geen ld u«termjnsiion 'pwry' (sigmfyinff a tomiship) changinf to 'if^^^

( u in Wsiettury}. So the term ptano too is of Sdnskrit g^eliii


came k, i^

Very crichantini music is often termed in Engtis^b as 'lililn|'.

Ttit 15 because tlw Sanskrit word for anything with $ tender,

noUonflJ appeal, in 'talit', AU literati! i^ and art having suctin

appeal, la gnMped under the Sanskrit edjectiv* 'lalil*.

Tboujh in thi? volume we generally pojnt out the V*iJc or^only of English i*nns yet tbe reader may be sure that the Ssnskril

tte^vfitJon musl hold true for all languages because man 's j|*Hi

t>e«wi ^th S&nskril - the fi rat and only bngu^e beatcwri by

djvb.ilyon mankind.

It mBjf iJbo be nou'ced that starting from India the W^files lit tlthevery other end of tbe European contintfit. If. tber<ro«i

thoe two countriH. India and England, ere 9«n to be }oln»*' ^^

common Sanskrit Unk. Kbolar, must learn to conclude thut Stlt*r

E^mp^n count™ in between and in fact other =ontInefll» u»miUFLbivi b*ea itning to that aam^ cdtural and lingMis^c


^«^. Khokn of otbc™- language and rtifions m^ her^f^

rir«dy po^^ «^ **>o^« ^^ *I*P' ii tht 'aipp'

1^«'^VedK: tr*ditton. Angus og the K»!tic (hA<^Uj*ni

Cf'^^j^ possesMB a harp of pure tftHd. -nm «rli«rt Vwwn*"" "^

iSw for * Jti^^^ instrument has been tinc«d ui IndU.

Been in the bands of the Hindu fodden, SirMWili,iifii


ntnw Angus og of tbe XeWc God of Uwa ^ ohvl«uly

^^*!JL«tidiiw Sanskrit. Vedic name ^iWl) IJn Ang D» (il«


flrf is a coii'uption of Ibe name of ihu Vedic God of

rara (^I^' ^^ ^"^ Ds^tla ta the Sanskrit word Dsghdi


'bucnt The Vedic God of Love having Iwen

^^down by an ung>7 Lew'<1 Shiva (who^e penance had be«!

rjlbed) waa known 03 Dagbda (^). Therefoi-e D^hda (ih^ burnt

e) li 85 though Lbe father while his new Incaination Anang Criias

.W5 OkJ namely one who 15 now a m^ie bo4ly-less 'spirit' ia

Page 198: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

SnT: m


Tit tBTn prosody siBTufi^ the scfence of verslfioalion. That

vori 'prosody' \s Sinskrit. In Sanskrit (nm^^ ^pr&gaad' is ttm

wMcb tt benignly bestowed and is, therefore, pleasing both to th?

doaoF md the beiendsiy. Consequently, ti Vedic irsdition vene

^ dbUnguished from prose because of its pleasing ettnbutes ^diu itj Bllileration, its riiyme nnd rhythm. Even the word 'rhyme'

and rhythm" origtnste in the Sanskrit word {^^ Rhidyam (I.e,

Iwrty] Hhyjne and rhythm are so named because tbey grdp tl»

(WO IDiidvBro i,e, heart.

A vwu in order to be pleasing U> the heart and the

miLMbf (Kirofe) "prasMidi' le. it should have attributes which

ttnd. th« boBrt, 'Prafliteadi " is therefore, the distinguishing trait

f "!* T^' ^ ^™P«n Wuages Sanskrit ' 6' is often replaced

^^<>' Con^equaiUy the Sanskrit word "prssadi" is Sjjelled In

^Jh B prasody. U wiU thus be seen that En^Osh end eveQf

™J*r»Fuairt 1, totdly Sanskrit, Tlie scjoner aU Eurap**"«^Phers ™^^ thli tnjth, the better it will be for future

UftpJiltt^ " ^^^ '^ ^'^^ knowledge including

up iu'^*^a^^*'''^'^*^'d^«l, measured tinitamikiW

«™t«.ur;,rl ' *^^ ^' *^> "^^^^ "^^Sanskrit.


-*^CUrr r '^"^ f^"«'-^> P^^ '^''"^^

" '**«iUy Imowr, ai ' charan ^ajiaa l«ad ' in Sinsl^*'


tl^eSanskrit synonym (of c^mm}, *pnd' *h!cb li

b(fn« ^. .

i5replaced by ' o

'in European Itr^Bga, TW^fotf


cDflHri^ * ^hnflpM to "pood'. Smnarlv ^nakrit "n* i-

',, >-" 19 ret"**"- " ..„„„. .-^.^y^,,

. ipaad" changM to 'pood'. Smnarly Sanskrit "p' ^is^* ^ f in Europe . For insianra. the word '^itm-'

^nfliinceii^^^^^^j.^ Therefore, 'pood' became 'food

uto ]**''"'' ' — ™ "ao

"d" changes to 't* in English. Tor inslanc*, the wnrd^'^"^"^

TTis ^^ ^^^*' '^ ^^'^^^ Similarty the lenm 'food*

' '^''^^

J I foot Thus we see how the Sanskrit word ' poad ' ^,uma

Sgjistoit prtjaody ' claaran " alias ' poad ' constitytra the tmft

of verse. The same unit. viz. 'foot' is adhered to in

? tsfc^rcaody too. Those who believe that English gr^mar and

ftldigb prosody are different from that of Sanskrit may note from

ifabove explanation that grammar and pK^sody and every other

l^cb of learning has no existence independent of Sanskrit, becauae

SuiskriL was the fir^t and only common language of mankmd for

igei before mankind divided into different linguistic and

utministraiive communities. Differences of grammar arose lit*r a-Oer

cormptiona of Sanskrit drifted farther and farther away f^m th^ir

puHit source namely Sanskrit. Thus, for insr^nM. the Sar^sknt

rule of' SandH ' that is Lntermingling of letters 3tiU hold* gpod

In Engliah. As an illustr^ion. take the term Jagannatb (i.e. tel

of the World) . That is made up of two i*orda ' J^at * >nd 'nj^

Coming in quick aucceaslon they merge and form a single word

'Jaganneth- En which the last letter of the first word change* to

the kAtcr n ' which is the fir^t letter of the second word na* .

Con^quently. Jsgfltnath tunisinto Jagannath. Thatsame nileapplt^

^Kngiish too. The words ^in-Umitable' or Mn-leipl merge w

^Oftn new single words auch as * illimitable ' and 'iUc«»J'' ^^^ the last letter of the first word Ukea on the sound of U«

^ lettflT of the next word.

^}^ ^^ of the forcing discussion Panini^s *™^Ti^l'**' ^ the par^t p^mmar of all human speech and iwt of Sin»Kr»

Page 199: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


ihr irtm*

Itoln/ mi hit timei *»» n«d nme clarmcationr? fv.

„,„^ „f tf bifthuUoa? Iliit is 10 say. Uh, Sh^nktr^eWp^nj ttit pion«r of ibe Sinskril ,f,-omrnor

tr«drt[of, T?"

Um« !« nflt tnown- Soffl* schoUr^ believ* that PauN ij^J^


(hf 4ib cffitury B-C. whilt others imagine Panfni to hav« |}Jl

Siic*' fpunrtiir' forms part of the 10- Volume


tlObrwcha} Vedfc leiming it could be ihsi grammar toe ^^bHioHwi b^ dMnily ilorj with ihe VedasJn that case I>afiiiu


bf tiw name of tbf initiiJ sage w!io sp«!H?ized in VedicfiHfialoft

piifUTitr. ThM could have been the origin of the S^skri^nmniir-trtdiijan md every masier-grammarian continuicj the

oTTginja Pinini Itne of grammar- studies may have sported the nameFanini- 'RKrefore, the ftamii aJhided Lo by modem scholai^ and

idsiUfisl with partfculir era. from clues found m his writings,

mty t* lillerd^ successor of the originaJ master or ft mqy1* ihii thf clu€5 sre being wrongly inteipr'eted and wrongly idenUfied.Th« ftnded chta may not be appb'csble to the person or timeoivuafed SchaJan may consider this as an aJtKnaLive hypothesis10 Uv ifverat ihn tb^ have before ihem in identifying PminJM(t hii Urns. Biit b tny cage Panint must rank t^ the fttberof lU jramnur u>d not that of Sanskrit alone

}mM^. "^^^^ ''^ composing poema Is t«rmed « poet ayn

" •ST iit«h«i"^ *'^^«'' hindered u singing minstT^

tumrf ifli, ^ " '^^^^ttluted by ' the Sanskrit word ' bbtf l


^"^^ the brave KthHriy* ruler of the d«iitf

ihe 12th CTfltury in India had a ' bhaat^ aUn e&un om?^ »ChBn6

He *as known also a^ ^Bardjd' aUi, -^^p^j,

nii^u!d 9^"^ '^ convincing proof that the Agj^^'poet^ ud^

. BTflsynonyms of Sanskritic origin, they i»nUmie to b«

'^1 English fn tbe a*nie sense even lodsy. This tbouSd lave

"'^tift in a^y '^^'^^ ^^** ^^^ tradition of the BdUah lil« end"'^

, ftiTOpean coyntry. is entirely Vediq.


rp^ Bsllsd i9 a heroic poem usually recounting the mighty deeds

rpfljl heroes to inspire contemporaries. That term 'EaBad' ig

liveSWialtJit t€rm ^-^ (Bala da) Le. ' that which impairs strength,

giergy ar^^ Inspiration. * This little detaO sgain proves bow Sanakrlt

l^pjflge and Vedic culture are at the root of all humfia tradition.


Page 200: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



-Hiil ilmost ttt world currcncJefl bcarnuwGn whif?h can be iT-apj^

lAdlt lo amskril (fl onff of the proofs indicutriiK Lhat Sanakhi wu,

t in>i14 tangitflKP foi' millions of yi-ora under Ihtj univorsiil m^^^jy


TV l**m foJn « tlsdf dflrivi?d from Iht^ Sanskril word '



mtwiinit lEold. Under ihe iuidfnt Wf^rldwidc Vedic oconom^, culm

of |Okl ind Bilvpr, Ihc iwo prpcious mt^UiIs. wfiv unt'd for curn?fii;w

lMaiu»flf thefr ininnslc v^ut £tnd numerous uses in Vedic life.

TW term *cash' oriKinotes in Lho Sinskdl word "Kasi* for

hcn» »!|inifyiinj Ihnt Ibla mulJil w&h ijswI tfomi*timo in jandojit

VHuin lor colnat-e.

Tht ward tmnvy' dativt^ from the Sanskrit Ivrra 'mana'wMch uHd lo be sn anciwit gold coin, U rs the frequent us« of

nwu' in ancienl doi^rmJjuftCion of valuta und p^ymffltn fls

nmunmiion wd wa^w that M i^ the word 'moni-y'. Mnna In

S»^i»^i ii ilbo B Htwidord (or value)


7>» urm ' nip«?' la derived frum itimj ' Rimpyam '

for' jfEtver"

*n Stfukril

iiii^r^ * ^'""'°" '^**'^ '" *"'^«- JL has two m«inlnK9- 0"^

««« Mmpli*..1] th. taah or ^] w.^](.h lh«t a p.r.on F«-^'

'^"^^^ *"^ f^"^™ i. a eor^ptioa of the wo,^ ^ Pai«*'

'"^*^ "^ t^ah t«^UiH«, we «« Lhi> ..rn. word pronounc.'d

J^ *- Kay*' 'n^e currency J«.u«l un^^ hi, -utW,^,^*Ir "^"V,^ -rayal ' The i«rm Rial la an Arablr t,^

^Buaalan Houbte K«>.9 its name from tha Banskrlt compound

.^Ij^.bir flUBB 'ntf»-t»»l'meaoinif 'Blrength of the railm\

ntcir ^fls 1 w^^^'V ^^ ondent coin. It has a double Senokril

d^vitton. One IB ihfll It is the i*=rpmi w^iriJ 'imdhar' i.». »q^

pippoii' of lho 'deon ' U. the poor. Us other mcanlnjc ia baaed

0, th« Sanakrit word ' din ' siKnifyina tl Lo be i meoni of day-Ui


^ft highly SanskrlLlzed nomenclature of British currency Is yet

BiothBfproof of thedeep rooL€<| Vedic Iradiilon of the BHiisb IsN,

TTui) despite such multllalBral proof, no pcbo)iir hsii\ nny inkling

of the basic Vedic trjidition of Gr«fll, Britain, Is a meamire of the

wortdwjde Ignonwjco of world hiatoiy.

The word ' Sovfi/iel^ ' IndicflLlnif a gold ctrfn h ihe Senskril-lerm

(ff'Wy Swa^rojan I.e. ^one*s own kiUK', since the coin used

^ bear the sovereign s portrait*

The 'Guinea " «ot its name rrom 'gana' I.e. *coiintlni{\

Thu Pound aerling is a corrtipt form of the Sanskrit term

^^) 'Poundra Sterling' Tn onclent Ssmgkrit tnidillon the

^ ^'Poundra

' signified u high calibre, or a high rating snd slinding


appp^rw in the Bhsgawad Geeta- The term star' ftlgniflw


'^"'^ '^""^ ^^^ ^ lei-mination imj>lyjntt the Imprtnl of i


^^ ^^^^'^ ' »ign ". 'Hicrefore. the Sanskrit meaning of the

,. *^ '^^*^ntl (aiiiia Poundra) Skirling' was that Jt wai *




''^'^o'^inatlon coin bearing the stamp af a Shivlfnji

'^'^•tibortt*^^*"*'"*f"'^^"*f "^'tf" OS « ^^^^ "f ^^ wnctity. parity

Page 201: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



'L^i Shiv^iT.*^ T^ "«^^ '"**^^^^ ^^^^ P>^ Chri^i^^ZWMiJi* *«h th* Shi^litig sumiwd on .t, TOj is not bconc^vaM,

Xr^ wOT^Mp did per^de the wbole of E«n,pe ^^^prt'Qiriirtiwi tunes.

1^ otho- rain ^pence'is tbe Sanakril word {m^ -j^,

PoTflihM Chaplin records thaO ^*In ancient India aihfft- and

»M cdnj weft called' Nnna '

becBuw they bore the emblenao*

th* Goddess done or with Mahadev/ Currenily the wor^ 'Nan*'

ngniFtes "cdw."

Hofk ihe cujTeficy of T)eulschland (Germany) is tiained arup

Maj^. s VeJk iiriest of Lhe Dailya clan os pointed out eniHoi-.





f ^^p worldwideprevalence of Vedic culture and Ssnskrii

^'^^^mosl <5f the weights, messures and instmmenta wfll be

^i^W^ Sanskrit names.

•n,e -pound' fe the Sanskrit t*mi "Potjndra' wWch sptaied

yiJiirg of s High order, as explmned e little more elaborately

m [J» ehapt*r dealing with currenQr.

The term 'Chinee' la the Sanskrit word (sT) *(hmsh' i.e.

1 specific part.

Thtos like decagram, centigram etc. use the Sanskrit numertb

RJlj ^deca' I.e. 10 and {W) "SaU^ I.e. 100,

nws* ime terms jo[ned to the Sanskrit word ' Kon'meamng

'ui^e' lead to words like pentagon, heXBgon. octagon.

Physicians use the Stethoscope. it5 first part Stetb is Iw

SftnjKrit world (1^^) ' Sthiti ' meaning ' condition - The Utter pwi

^K^pe' is a reversed form of the Sanskiit word 4^) V^y^^ «*;

'^^' or reckon. Thus the Sanskrit compound ^SUthi-pegy*'

^< ^be Instnunent for seang or wsessiiig the condition of tl»

P^l ii called the ' Stethoscope "


Words like 'bioscope', telescope* may be seeci to be strnJlB^

«^l compounds, likewise terms like apecticulir and spectrum

'^OffTuied aa cognate terms.

^^"Irosp^l^^is B Sanskrit compound of iHf ««*** l**^**"

'"^^^l-e. looking insfde.

Page 202: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


V]^, B ^jmdarf, In Sftn^krii V^c Lradition the Urm 'jj^'*'

1^^^, ^dATd measure in music, poelr^. medfci,,^^t,



M^ IS « iTi«5tire tised rn textiles. Likew^e the me^suHh

^-^fGiiudtfng water or electricity consumed a,^ ^l^o kn.!!

If mflW" ^'^ ^^^ Sanskrit v^ord ^Matra ^ to measure.

In matliemHiics too atxe finds that term used in thetjtti,

TTb. word "penraeter' is Ssnskril pari'Tnatra meaning

The ««nM tbermometer and barometer a3go use the Sanskrtl

luffiit 'tnaira" with its pronunciation slightly changed,

'Ghinn*' t^ifj in Sanskrit signifies 'heaf. 'n»erefore. ibe

compound 'Gharma-tnatra" signifies' a measure of heat,' Tm

insJcrit tem ^wfrrRT^ 'Gharma-matra' is beirg curraii5v

pranimnced *5 ' thennomeUr, ' The Sanskrit l«rm (^ ' (jharma^

for hwL hB3 led to the modem term ' thermos '


Ukfwbe tarameler \s the compound of two Stonskril wjrdj

Pnt-^mi btoBrmBtm' i.e. 'measure of pressure', The Sanskrit

word nm?D bharai " ia spelled in LaUn as ' Barus ' ,indicatlnif Jm"

iMiD i$ « niodin«3 form of Sanskrit.

TV ibfive brier review shou Id convince everybody th&l aU wsnglrt*

"wi maaures ihrouflhout the ancient world bore Sanskrit nimfl

*w*ii» Vaik culture pervaded the workl.



Ti is usually believed that the 20Lh century of the Chriatian

I ^ age of unique scientific and technolf^icai achievementa

unknown eaiHer.

Bgt what seems to be completely unknown is that the entire

lffmln&loi:y we use even for our latest inrventions and discoveriesr

ufrtmsge-old Sanskiit,

The paradox of seemi ngly modem inventions taking on an andenl

Iffirinulogy could be explained in several ways. One very sound

«pl{ngliun is that since Sanskrit is the first and (mly language

vhicti divinky bestowed on human beings along with the Vedas,

v\y temns coined for any discovei7 or invention are bound to be

fnjrn within the ambit of Sanskrit,

Another explanation could be that the inventions wb bdieve

lo have been made for the fii^t time were known before and therefore,

^"ifjr terminology too existed in a latent form-

^tflvei- It be. it is a fact that the lermnology of modem

*='*™^and lechnolc^ is rooted In Sanskrit,

Take the case of antibiotics. Bio is s Greek corniptfon of the

!?;^t W0..1 ^]tv- meaning life, TTie Smsta-it term enf sfgniR^

^^^ '*- 'end' of lif«. The^foi^. -jivantak^ ia the Sanskift

*'Kf"fylntf a drug which kills Jerms. That is used with th*"tnn

Page 203: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

\tiff,syJlflbl* iTrml i.e. efti-JivUc alias anifblQUcs.

nt iffs'Pral kinds of sprays to kill fwsts are kn^wj, ^^ .

,udi w irermlcide' snd ^pesfUddc'. Thai UiTufnau^^ -J^^^thp Swisld^t leim (fe^J 'cbhtd" meonJntf 'sleughter

CoirteqLten'ly- aU modem tei-ms such as treimiefae ant]

pfltricicto. mnlncide and sufcide^i* derived Tiom Sanj^krfl, Whs,

such i>rff terms have to he coined they have u> Lake i-^^'^&nskrit jrevir*b!y because Sanskiil is the divine casl of ^^


9pttch since the beginning of iLme. "*•

Ridlo is the Sfln$ktit term (i^) Kava (meaning '

sonn^ j -^

dyu (5) sfgnifyiny the "slg^". Consequenlly, radio comnnuitcmj^^

fmpTles fitim ii5 Sanskiil deiivHtion a suLind which travels ihmiA

Qtt skin (and not tlor^n vnre?).

TTie leiTn television is the Sansknl term tele- veekshan l-^-tfbrj

i.e. serinif the very bottom, whei-e the term 'bott<jrn *nlias 'ky

signiffes the Tarthesi dfatsnee.

THe modern term 'sona' for 'sound' aa fn ' sujatTSonfc" wIn ' uUi«-!tonic

'derives Tmm Sanskn'L. fn Sanski'tt ' Si'avan ' {w\\

if hearing '


Tlie Atom OS the taslo paiticle of matter Is the Sanskiit weird

\itmii aLmfl' tue, soul) wi-ongly sjielled. Atom Is so caUri

becBute it ji the veiy soul of all matter.

Tht molecule" is b SansknL compijund [i^^ 'mod ' Ci.e, basfcJ

»nd(f^j I, e. family. Thei^foie molecule alias ij<^ iPJTHf f^ s'l^'^i^**

a family of fimdameotal particles.

A* «xp]>tned cisewhei'e also in this volume the tet-m *fnlflil"*

li the Siniltnt word (ipBj ' mooaal '


Suiskrii (t nrii only a lans^age with a systempticstni^tiJ<*

tHiv even ihe concept, e«„rejs«l through It by oncient Vedic "««*

ikd WB» ,„ very wientifie. Take the te.-m ' jagat '("i^*"^''


cotmo»'). u implies a (.y^i^^ ^hkh ii io n st^te of ^^^^v, ^ho^ evwyihinK I? chiin«tng ev*n/ momcnl find




, [, tbs etymologf^:»I meininf of the tenn "iigit" vkd


gdentlfl^J truth.Even a person 's ihouthts, hli digerthre

^^^' 1« coJnP^'^'**""^ ^^ body fftc. are qhinpn« eve^ ^.^^^


^f^^^"" ^'^ ' document end tike t »«o,>d ^^^^

1^- ""^ jotne H^^ ^^ ^"* *^ ^'"^ "^ chtoBins it, This mutt 1^ "^ inrmituin- SlmiUirly In nitui* the Sun. the moon, ii»

'^"^"'^"imflW.*^^ cloud -pitteni, the wtither, the *fed md

*l»^'J is In • '*^'* **^ constant chinge uid movement, ThEi

«^*^\w^th of colosaai dimenaions Is singiOarly md ccyntety

P^||°^In the term ' ja^at

'Thus every Stnakrit »ofd 1i «

'^^'^ scientific dennition of every thought and ides that H^^ J It is not A random word symbol arbitrarily usocisted

"l^me random meaning as in other languages. TWa «3u]dn t''^

"' if Sanskrit were not a divine Itngutfe. Tbe

Sanskrit cfflnslata of root -letters with an inberwrt ine«dnfpiihof

Hucbed 10 each one.


Page 204: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



Hit prtvaJenct? of Vedic cdtur* throughout tht worljj fm-tb» bestruiSnjf of time Is ftl^o proved by itw Sanskrit name* or

ilUffwchesoneamEng, T^nnj Uke physica, chemistry, mattianjsiia

iriihiTwUc end psychology can be explained only with r^ferenc? id

TWt* the word * psychobg> ". This is usually explained on th*

^Mii of 'p^e' meaiUrvg ibe 'mind'. But wby does psycht'

riinliy the mind ? The basEC Senakril word \% (^ )' Soclia

' , mefinlnf

'thinkini' Hence £ science dealing virtth the process of thlnkiof

i« iw^holOKy- In pn>pe- fonn would be (tN-^j aocba-laga. TkwffiK Miga" CiliBs logy) signlnra 'connected with *-

bVrae^ the surfsx ' nomy ' as in ' estronomy ' signifies B^rience

RfiiliiiB in Uie ' naam " Ci^e. name) of ' sUifa ". The Sanskrit word

•imlti- aliM 'tar- is wrongly spelled in EngUsh ea a(^' *ni

^ "* Muitifiu IS aitflfB. The origin of the term tnatbemiUa"

|"^^^^'*«* "ninvesLigated. The Sanskrit t^rm mBtb-mBatiskimttuft.-,*,

"BnifSes b brsnch of study which ^cbums the mirul"

Arthmeuc in Saiiskrii is artha-meatica l5T*nlH«^J i^^


''•*«^ »* JyiMitifl t^iqj irnir) i.e. medsu^fnent oi th« »^'


fa Ahirw * "^"^ canorminj plant--^ is from the

^^ft«uiid TH^r:^'^-'^^'" 3iirniryinff 'roots *ni Pl*""

i^**» the t^.Tn buti- means i 'plant'.


tritfononvBiryhas a d<jub1e Sanskrit slKnlflemc. Ai

,»f "^V «rbile a» tSr^-^> trikflfl-matfi it wmuj ,T»m

' pbysi<^ ' '^ ^"^'^ *^* SanskHi twm (qw) • p„^y,-

IV J*^ g^ oiJy *ith one ' g eyes but with sB the five Knsq.

I*' ^^^\\

b is co«^^^^^ ^^ ™^ '^'^ ^^'^^ ^*^* '™^*^ "^"^ *^^*i^

MTV Is e?fpl>^^ " orieinatina in alchemy, the andenl

^^\ningbai3^ metals into gold.The term alchemy isTwrdened

'^*^*^rf^«nsfible Arabic prefix 'd ', Leaving that out one flDda^mis fi iTuncBted fonifl of th* Sanskrit ifttn

, tei^' ch?my

'^^1a ita-epnl i.e.

' chemically chfinging (a metal) Into ^1d.


^ wrminstion 'stT^^ ^^ ^^^^^ as In ^chemisti^' and

p^stiy' Is tlie «^^^ ^^^^'^ "^^ ** Sanskrit term 'sbastri'

l^tneanlng science. The Sanskrit t*mi Kimoya alias Chlmoya*

ShflstraliJisldb the word chfmisLry.

The English term * Bd4 ' is an sbbi^vUUon of the &nskrit tenu

[liic] 'adbik'.

Thetenn 'divide* !s from the Sanskrit e3q™sfon 'dwivSdhe'

iftftiil, he. to spUi.

TTh numerals one to 10 will also be found U be origjnaUnK

[r Sanskrit. That is because SaiiskHt t^m the sol* medium of

Mwctlon worldwide for mDlli^s of years-

Wa have already pointed out elsewhere how feojmphy, ^^""Id callLiCrapbj' are Sanskrit terms.

SUUstics Is a SanakHt compound made up of ihe two w*^

"ftttl^'TWteha. t^»^-HW)i,e. slaaupisltuation Cwith%^>^


Page 205: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



Oat VBO' impartJuit proof of V<dlc culture end Swi^krii lir^p^

bivms prevailed «ll over the world in pre-ChristiHii ttmea a fo^j^^

in tbr currtPt educationil terminology.

It aftan hippou ihir th* hard shell geta preserved whOe i\g

htfndlj!oat.TT3eiiHMia ihe CISC with the Ve4iC5yat«n ofeducsUoiL

Itt tvusinolofica] shetl b stil ii$«d by the wohd though its kmd,oimdly the study of Vedic Sanskrit scrfptqr^ hss h€«ii long E?vm

up over « major put of the world because or histondal upheivali.

Ut UB atan our rpvfew from the primary stage. The Soufcrft

*(n<dfcirLbe firgt prinur^ gUndard Is {^t^) Praibiuna. In El]rDpeu]

«( M» the same t*rm mntinuw lo he U8«d with the middle

"iBi th' dropped mjL leading to difrivativcs such ss prime, primuy

nd primtvij.


^^i<nn' miiriculation ' b , in the present state of poor hlalort»t

^^ * h*3gb«f even for dictioneiy makers. We h^ve fltri»i£y

•tcf the haphazard, bodge podge etymological exp]mXi^

TW MBBlmjIy European expr^ion " mfitriculfltioti 'I*

^^^im«n.Vul«i,u.„ meaning that the pupil >«^"^/^*heft he wUJ have to sauflUf out fof* *'«*^



J. «m no 1«PK^ ^ ^""^'^ mit ta the inoUnr'i b«nt

"^"^lattou S" followed by the ' Tnterm«diBi*

' st^ge, Thtt ^*'**'*\

term[3n?f*^^l ' Antam*dhyastht

' meenini t fi«ge


o other prominent adademlc point* vk. MatriailiUc«

fnllo*s the *Bac^dor "degree in arta. bcJ«i«, mmmenw.

'^^law eflgineering. architecture etc. (as B.A. . B.Sc.,



irjMcnt Eui*opean system of eduation doean't debcr muTied

frwn mroUing for studies. What Is the iufltifkailon th«

'^^^erring the Bachelor degree on a married perwn? Isn^

TilB . mock«7 *nd a tmveaty to c«tify a per^ u, be a b«Mor

«^ thou^ be may be manied ?

Itnw he that an overwhelminfnumTser ofperwngm jnrntni^

«b«i they study for the ' bachelor ' eour«. but lat*f in life when

bfl flr Hhe gets mamed why should^ 't the univer^ty have provisoo

Lonplace the atrii^r 'Bachelor" d^ree with a ' Married Peraon


d«pwin arts, science etc. «s M.P.A.. MP-Sc. M.P.Com. M-P.E


EapedaDy In the case of a woman ihe curr^t ' Bachelor ' ^ef«e

b veiy bitKrre and hidicrous because even the European dictimBnei

dmj't call a woman a bachelor, married or immamed. In fact a

mon wanting to know the marital status of woman wmdd be

Nhed It if he asked her whether she is a hacbdor? With wtui

Ifttincallcn then is the Bachelor degree conferred od ««ntn by

'iat^ergjties which are the highest centres of tesr^lng?

"^ 3«ret liea m the fact iha» from the beginning of U^^ Vedic ayaten. of education prevailed all <iv«f the world. Under

^ ^«lic ayslem all boys were s«it to the forest ^bermii-ipeo'

^*^ sigea for a 12 to 20 ^y«f coura* of comjirehenaiv-e teowWOg*

Page 206: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


t^i^i^lflbrsoctiefJ'"'faoetj or discipline



^^^^ pupa* w. B^ froTT. tboir pfir^ts an^ w^

^J^ IB ihf Cun^'" for««g^. Ther* ihe student, w^

U-v «ert BflChelors '- ™» ^as the second phage of ihdr

IT* me first WHJ upto the agt of 5 or fl yeors spent os « toddler

1 isMHf} H w« only Rfwr compHeUng thp Bachelor* phase cf

IjHtJon was thf male considered eligible for momag*. Ard sine*

^y^i^toJy twheiJier Brahmin. KshalriyB. Vaishya or ShuaraJ

rtftomd iti* fivnf imiiine it J3 deer that eech one of them recwved

tbt l*d of •ducs'^on necessfiO' for the prnfcgaJon in ^hicb b

nvpsKA to spend hli Uf* Tbua the ' Bachelor 'degree wa$ inijvltabii

undP" Uw Vedic sj'Jieni. Tf that same degree coniinuea even todsy

(dBffpti* the irreJevsnce of the maritaJ status in conl^mpoT^

Eufopw *duc»iion) in Europe that Is emphatic proof that tin

Vaflc ?yBl«in of ^nskril education prevailed throughout the ancient

worid Thr EmsknL word Brehmachart signiHea a ^ Bachelor,' On

dw BnmmiiJQfi the common consonanta 'bch-r' in both th?

wudi tndjcftie that the Sanakril word Brahmachart \i banj

lAiipmnouivced [n English ts Bachelor.

Fcn«U Educalhin

WaiKfi wtre Jto U> receive all education that they desired

l»t tifij TWftvpi luiiion a: home from learned famil:^ ddert. Tbe

imm ws» ifl no way «snsi<iered inferior. In fact she was consider^

wy iittidj kupcf^or than the mere male. She was oocorded the

**tiu ni tht cmprtn allie goddeaa of the homa. Care ^^ ^^'^

not to thFWf b» into the hurl> hurly of outdoorltfe ^^^

™cf«ptdtt,* m»]M cffldd eipbit her chami , deUcacy . shame, bocw^

!I^*''™' *" "Bi'dal preciooa as gold and gems in Vedic cti5tuJ*j

T^ k« *hy h*r raihif.W hufiband and her sons have b«n sa<WJifl

-Uh U* r*i«ua^ty or looking >fter the woman in th>^^'


flff**'*^ i^. The BCtual Sanskrit t«m is tT^TPHiMiha- Btur

LTtdtr^'^'*'!^ rfrtta. on^ '^'''*** education hi» rnched t >l*t* of

mHmerily sfg^^^^ ^ msdical man. Smultanmus^

* "^"^^^osophy. Of literature) I.e. y Pb.D. or D. Uu

^"^piifi^ ^ '^^ "' '''' "^'^^^ ^'*^"'

fold significia^^^^ of the doctoral degree slso emanatei

^J*'* raciice. In SenalcHt Vedic learning the twm. "Kavi'

^^^K i^r*i

^ had not c^ly ^ ^t^^^e tmt « tripl* dgnifkance.

^t « medical person, Kavi also signified a p^rwn of tht

^""Taming At the same time ' Kavi

"also impli«l that the

*^-, beliaviour. nature and dsily routine waa of the highwl

^^ fliwlesaand Ideal. TheEuropeanterm^doctor-tooretama

tt^i lane ancient Sanskrit. Vedic ait?nificance.

The tem. 'disciple" and 'student" too ai^ Sanskrit. \M i»

irJ^ the t^rm -disdple". There the leOer ^." ^ ^^^^^'^

Hftce ever on eliminating ii we still can prcnaunce the ^c^ »

M«lp!e . But the"

c Ms the« m purpose touse it ,s a Swstojt

t™. Tbe only thing to be noted is that c ha. been m^spla^-

B^r..wfiting the spelling as " dic-si-ple^ ve may^^^^f^«^

Sinalttit tem i^WNi^) * deekgha-pal ' l,e. o-^e who aWdes &y i«

leaMma tnu^ht or lemming tmpartedH

likf^iae the term *rtud«rt ' b a jumble of the Sansknt^m-^-3>anrai) 'Sa-tu-adhyawanUb" l-*^ he who Is enKa««<i

The tern teacher is the SanaWt wot^ <^^»"^''"^^ti^ wbo tndEiB pupns in tbe prop^ mode of living.

\^^^^f- °^J.<^

'n»hiUBlSwi8lait|ett*r(=ft)"nl' In the Sanskritward ^^«^^

^^r^m^ off, mi Si-hat remains la the tnincnted won! u*=t«r

*'^^*"' fancied to be EnaUsh.

Page 207: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



«| luiUon W boyi und«r the encieni VedJc systtni u^

„ poiniffl «3t etswbere in this volume in lems such u R^jj^

ind PriJSsi*(i,e-Pi»'l^ushin) signify tiie land of Hugbees.

The hoiJSEhoId alii? tbe teaching bermiUj# ftsUtlighmentof

liieHushw, is knwft in Swiskrit M GunikuJum (55 jattj j,e^ 0u^ .^

fHmfly home, h is ibat same ^nskrit term which surviveg \u n^^^

«hinHUOT*l tmninology as "Curriculum*. To understand vl^

{rtmakulam of Sanskrit vijMagu should be pran ounced aa ' CuninJum *

in Eurape. we m^y rtcafl that the Sanskrit temi (*:) *gtw' b

pmnmmced as (*? "cow". There one aees how Sanslqril "g- h

i«(i»nd by European 'c'- (^sequentiyn "gurukulum" oonlinuss

to be spefled ts ' cumculum ' ^


amflerw the case with the term ' Syllabus *. The original Sansfedt

*unl ii (SiHimiiT:) 'Shs^hhyas " where " Shala ' singifles i "school*

and ' tahya" Is "qourae of study \ That is what " syllahus' Js*

Ib tWi context h mey be noted that the English word ' school


li in fict the Smskrii term f^Tlsr 1' shale " . We Bhal) now wpl«I"

lb» (Lvergaioe in the EngUsb ap^lin^. tn the English aJphsbet'

'* hu the same sound ai 'c. Therefore, let U3 rewrite the word

'"*™J » 'Hhodl ". It may algo be noted ihat ^e Sanskrit 'a"

"™^*^ i^ I'-^Sluh iraiundetion as "

. Forexam ple : the StfisHrit

**^'™yil': IS tp*^M royal "nasa" is pronounced as "nose'

"if" " 'P>' Conaamently, the Sanakrl word 'Shaela' iJi"

>«mi» to btapelled In English 69 -Scboor.

l»o^!^^w*^ ''^*^'^''' ^ '^ ^«t '»»^='"'' ^^*'"^"^

*«»» tbatli- t.e. (ducaUonal insUtutlon.


jtv inSweden Imown sa Upsala fe a fully Stflikrit imn

subordinste or supplemenlary ' ahiila* i.^. icbaji.

^^Ssnakrit, Vedicedu(iaUonalfrtiniewQArtiTiejigth»y

^ *Lerpworld is emphaUc prtxif of the Sansteii. Vedlc system

Ei^^ , .^ pj^Biled there from time immemorial.


Page 208: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



One virj l^IIfng prwf of V^dfc culture and amskrit langye^

bDvlRg pervaded Europe in ancieot Umea is Lhe presence of Vriic

eKprassions iJi Europem tasagc.

Tte cammfflily us«l term ' w^coime' is fi tirans^allcin of Uk

Smddl tern 'Su-^fatsm' alias SivagaUm ^gprai^ where 'Su'

iraejH weU ' and " igaUm " means ' come ' , In fact even the term

'come' ii it* Sanskrit word ' agam ', with the first Sanskrit ^tcf

"' dropped. TTse reamining S^skrit term 'gam' is spen<!d a'^com' iliu 'come' because Sanskrit '^'

is pronounced &9 'k'

in Er^sh sff may be seen from Iht Sanskrit word ' ^avf' beini

jraMRDwed ta 'cow' in Engttsh^

'&Kp' the first eouree of the European meal is a Sanskrit

mxt lipo^-itu an " cnract " . Cooks who prepare fochd in the Idtchen

•^ ibe holy temple in JaEannathpuri fn India are known at

-wi' I.e. Tnakers of soup.

r* term oat •(alias Kot) in S^gkrit signifies tirt tal' ^^

" ***!»* wan ortjund a city, Snce all dties in ^dent t[i»a

"«Jfi *» pn»i«t*<l by suet] ft defCTsive wall, cities were uswJ'y

»«d IS addh^. AkkaUioL, Bagnlttot, Uhakot. Bajkot

'^™*'*** Tl» Kme prwrtice beinsf in vojjue in Europe tnere \^

wJT*^ ^* "'*'* '^^ 8^ Charicote. Heiithcote. A^^*'

^™"« *d K.nit»coU. The variation, in spelling aa col*,"*'

«• orl^ot U nU,|^, 1^ ,,^,,,^^ J,^ delibor.l*iy


that ae^^"^ meaniuBa «Uld W <rrBmm«] m cn^

^fOuK^'' '°^^naninadeqbBtfl26-letter Roman script. Yei re^en

(^""^ae that all t^^e seeming variatims adhere lo ibe (a^


^rntfU$h tenn * coat aa the tbicit apparel whi^;h ^pa nMud

"^^yi* also the Sanskrit word ' kof baaed on the andqgy

ni^defensive city wail.


term' w^*" "

°^ P^'""^ ^' ^'^ *^^ ^""* Sanskrit term " Rot


jafan^ive wall because the ' coat of paint' has a protecUve

jjjjjcUon tao>

inrtttief i«nn * court* as in "royal court \ 'tennFa court,

^^urt' and courtyard' baa its spelling burdened with an**'

.^. Bj, elminatlng the letter 'f\ the remoininu word

!rbe"'coot' alias *Kof again stgnifying a place enclosed with

-hUs Even in France the place Imown as Apncourt h the Sanskrit

lerm Agnicot i.e. a place of fire worabJp. The French word chateau

^ 1, i-variation of the Sanskrit tem kot {^)

The English expression "This is none of your budneaa" ia a

literal translation of the Sanskrit usage (aP^^aiFrt) "Avjaparcahu

A^parsh- signifying meddling with somebody else's huainess'-

The Sanskrit term 'Vyapar' is business.

The common English expression ' Thank you 'la b mangled

abbreviation of the Sanskrit term ' Dhanyah Yuyam't«=^ W

TlKre the Sanskrit word 'dhflnya' is malpronounoed as "tbank

iM the pronoun you' is an abbreviation of the Sanskrit tertn


Tl« Sftftskrit fljcpresaion Shree ' allss' Sri ' Hss tot distorted

« Sr In EngUsh and ' Ser ' in Italian, likewise the t*rm ' Miat^-

*^fl Ib the Sanskrit i^m^) 'Mahastara' an honorific aignlfinnf

' P«fson of a higher Cthun ordinary) level.

^'«' U* IH^« Atlrlbut*

"^ English adiectlve ' blue ' used Lo denote a htghcr. tidJ*"^

Page 209: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


1 ;^ boW -nd «ic^ «^^ in=Pln"« ^w.. >«ve and r^^^,^

:Z-jvf fr^h^ soothing, sacmdandof ad^equahty. n.^^I from tbe blur bue pft^ading th* limitless skies ard th« bo^^d^

Even Engtish tenriF of rtuw derive from Sanskrit. During \i^y

irtfTic of speeding motor vehicle if a woman pedesldar suddmly

crojBff ihe !tB4. an enreged motorisl in Undcm desperately prMsinj

on his tirtJf^r bringing his vehicle to & screechins halt mutl^

1 curae under Ws breath You sHly tow'. Kven ttus curse Ij of

SmskriL vinEa^e. In the {^^^ Vanaparvs chapter of the MahabliBfH,

Dnupadi wtule rtcouniing ibe insults heaped nn bee" in the Keurjvi

court to Cone of her five husbends) Arjun, coniplains to him

ihii tJ» KauraviLs had ahused ber as 'a billy) cow ". That s&m*

npressim ' siOy kinfl"LS used also by Buryo<I^Bfi ^^ t)uah8bflsin

pi the time erf railing the Pandavas. This should appar ver^ slranp

liiice in Vedic iridilion the cow is an highly honoured aniniBl. Yrt

tlwrt iL is for everybody to se*. That indicateu that despite thp

eow bticf an honoured animal branding a woman a "helpless- aHij

ew ' WIS bIso in exprc^ion of hunuljatton.

T^s though I very tiny clue it baa $ si^niffcant clinching val"«

it provw ilai the Mahabharat has been as reveled an epic li^ ^''

Britiih UlBt ittd oittfr partii of the world iii it has been In Ihdii

Jurt B 1 ^iuj, tifiy clue helps unravel a crime, siinitflpl:^ ^^^ "^

J«E™*«i oily cow- indicates that the epi« Bamnyan *^UthtbhtTui w«nf u avidly studied, revered and recounted "

n* of lU worid ai in India. Those (wo epics hud ^^ s^'^ ™**^ *M over the world in pie Chriatian times.

*"**** «»iw damn •til) often used in Eflglish is iH*


^ (Bff^^dgnifyin« -supreas tU> " aUq 'cnnh" n,

^ .j^elTTigllsbejtipression condemn la the ^akrit term^. jd 5n^> wblch UteraUy meona 'ccmpl«i«, thorouan

"v fllisb

expression* be pissed * or ' pleased ba * u ui - m^^

^our honoufH to.^--

' is elso uaed In Frmc^ wiib a ,HgM

I'^ ^Thflt eJfF^s'**" P^^'*^ ^ '^ ^^^^ Sanskrit exprHsion

rtH^i^, j^gido bhavs' whwe the letter 'f has been

eauently the English terms 'plea' and 'plead' ihodd be

\La to be brokea bits of tbe term "pleased" alias prasid"

Miilltk" the moat cominon European i*vclamat!on whfch penons

iiuifle on meeting each other or wh«n accosting on the telepho™

liofhMry Sanskrit sntiquity since in the fsjnous Sanskrii, play

Sbifauitalam-written by KaJidas over 2500 ywirg ago. charact^nt

l^t^lly accost each other with "HsIb" ali8S "HuUo'.

Tbt Sanskrit expressions tf^ and i^:^) 'chirtyu and

'ElQrsni«v ' have their exact counterparts iii Enflisb t' Ijjng live* )


Jrmh ind other European languages.

mSi^ish exclamation ' Ahoy " is a local ^wiatkjn of tbeSwiskrit

ti^^m 'Abo' i^Yi

liKearch along these lines would reveal many other Identities.

•hii^i should not be dismissed as chance similsriliea.


Page 210: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



Stpskni. acriptUTW such bs the Hamayan and ihe Bhagft*ii

C«eU art l»aa gHierally misunderstood ,misKwi gtnied and in tsused

Spjtml shrewd ai«i J«fl^ed jwnrons. taking undue advgnt^gp^f

lb* public reverenc*^ fof those sen ptur« u se ihose venerable vcju^ei

U) nuke money and secure 8 doting following

The misagiie of the Bhagwad Ge«ta is simple, short ani

ftriightforwird. The Gwia demands from every person ihai be

loak upcm his life as & noble, flJtniisUc misstou and devota Kms^

10 fuMil It unmindful of the consequences. Such single minitri

drvoUm lo i. dutiful ,altruistic life should be a person 's goal anij

ia Jtriving for it one should not bother about pleasure or psln,

uiDCss or Tiiliu-e, InauJt or praise etc.

n* »me ii the case with the Ramayan. Tt is obviously m

KTOunl of B p-eat war of the million -year ancrle-nt Treta Yu^i-

Thii too is heinK misunderaUvid and mJaintefpreted,

Valmikj the Racunleur

Siffe VaSmikJ $ account of the Ramayantc war \s the&ndentrfi«^

thil has come down to ua. Yet Iho-e are some wronU i^ot"^' '"

the public mind about that araouiit iwi.

K Ii beleved by numerous people that lllto an nm^ ^^^^^Vfclntik! foreaawr ^^^ ^ism^^^c developments and mxjte them a.^

tuii^ in advBnde,

*** lh« ev«nu .hapi^ LhemMlves exactly aa he hid 1°

j((,d thBt been so Yslmiki would have t^en f^^,(#fl

'''^iggef but he Ea not knowii as an aatr^lo^w,

^*^ -ftpr ficonsiderable lapw of time,

introdut^'^ ^^ *^ ''*^^ Kemayan.Valmfki awks iflarad ^,

^llut some eminent peraonality of the past whose account^ ^!dte 1^ ^"^ ^^^" ''^^'' ^*^'* s^ffSesled that Valmiki write

W ii^'

^ ^f Lofd Kama, known in the^

' three worlds " aa the

*""^^e dedicated, noble and accomplished ruler. Therefore

^^ ^^S,iB the ftamayan after considerate research of a mat



uameyanic times one often hears of three worlds. Hama

tiltdoim 05 the ruler of the three worlds, and also as the mo^i

titfids^me in ell the thi'ee worlds. One also corner flcross mentt^jn

5f iriLiufll visits by the eminent leaders of those worlds, by spacecrafl.

In {HiT own ajie though theoretically anyone may own an aircraft

flftrtviil by scheduled air services, yet only the high and mighty

anflffuTd ii. All others have to limit themselves to earth-bound

tiJiyes or evs] walk all the time. "Hie same appears lo be itte

lillMiEon during Rarnayanic times. It may thus be noted that the

ltinia>Bii is a strsiBht- forward ac(K>unt of Usual happem'tufs and

Iwno refereooe to miracles. Consequently, the reference to the

llrw worlds need not cause any surprise. It could be that in the

^ Vug (to which b^ongs the Ramayan) and in the Dwapar

''"K i\a which belonge the Mahabhar^t) people on our earth were

w >iBitinB iflrms with peopJe on two other celestial bodies. But

^* the very mighty could command the resources required for

'"^^visiia, llamayanic refe^ncea to the three worlds must not,

^m. be deemed to be mere poetic fantasy. The cosinos fe

l^^t^plex thai ii could very well contain many mysteries which

'"^fOcult for man '$ Uny brain and limited ejcperience lo visuslii*

"^^ inaiRnincanl minority regards the Ranteyan as * ipiritutl

Page 211: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


jP-cnr ind flat th* h^sl^rfcal -crauni tif a war ^i .

(cripiuf^. For innvsrce, ih«e people say that the na^^ j^'^V

emboli"* tlw Human body wi<h Ih^ t^ g^^^^ sjnc^ hj|'"»Ui

ni«uvi10- and ^ ntU '

is a chariot. Rams si^W,^ the d]vi

iD tb* body W/hw Rama departs Desbat^ib djps i.e. 1,1,"**^

iiul f**v«. the ba4y Is *le«d' ™d so an. ' ^''*"^

However frtgentous that explanation. Valmrid has ho^^hem

hini^d thai the HamfiLVanrc narrative i$ meani to b« a subg^*^

Btet ru ge spin tua! aQ egory


* *^

He oOief vei7 commonly and widely held view, espwially s^,^

the Hindus, i> thai Ihe Ramayan is the mystery and mimcle s^^.

of fl djvtne tncamaUon , t rtadinj or recital of whith engu res absoluUm

from sin and leeda lo salvation. Because of this popular vit*

botisebfilil^:^ often errsnge non-stop reciLals of the RamavKn In

on* day or spread over aeveral daya before or after wedduiRs jn

the iam^ or w t periodic spiritual chore.

Rjmiyiii ju AcaHim of a Mili[ar^ Campal^

But we shall now present the tbrd view. In my opiniofl \it

lEvn^wi makes sense only as ihe story of a military campaip],

IL is the history oT a war. Only when it is read as Mstory ill

It* ma^teriea or bicongniiUea get cleared.

Accon^ing to the Vedic caJeadsr, over a million yesra have etapSft!

fmm the time of Hama. There h no reason to disbelieve it. \Mth« ebb ant] tide of l}» sa, human civilizaiEons too have risff

nd raUe,, of them the Bamayanic civflmttion was one. It Is i«*

rnytlic mythQUjgy,

*«smUtcncio Expiainca

« **y knJt onit laideriy loving one another.

^ ^"^ ^ deda^J the cmwn prince in-t^^ "^'^



^^t, "n"*:^^ '^ ^^y J"*i««y in w, ,v,j^

j^j. a common houaehoM. KaikeyJ a demand wm wb^Jjy


AlUii*** ^* Kaikeyl*5 Name

[or " V—— - —. -pfl .

Ij becfluae the rule of pnmogeiuture was invfoiaij^

(^w bef Bppfl^ntly obatinaite insigtence on bitniFPbing m^i

yt prinoe as Rama. Kalkeyi s name does not peraonify « mjaj'"^

jrt Vedic tradilion. No stiyma attaches to her name.


Pfwept-^" '^"'* lnt*"eite

TTje rttiyaJpreceptors. Vashiat and Viahwamitra too never even

(tide the memhcra of the Daaharaih bouaehold i<j sto|i their

jnKmecine fe^id and lei Rama be the crown prince. They kMp

«t^jTiklo^sly flJoof. All that family 'draraa wa$, therefore, a mere

jBite^belleve perfomiance.

Both the titles of Ibe Bamayan too suggest that killing Ravana

VIA the main theme of P^ma '3 endesvoiirs. The term Rama-Ayans

jtpiirie* Rams '3 tmllitary) manoeuvres.

The other title of the epic is t5TnlT5Fi wj " Dosha -greevasya

WidiibLe. slaying of the Ten -beaded (Havana)/",

T!* litk- 'Ten-beiadwl " for Ravan is not to be taken literally.

Il unly sf^fiea the great power he wielded and bla ability to face

ibifflemy coming from any of the 10 directions, VedIc expressiona

•"^ speak of a taltnled person as eight -faceifld <ff


''^feal RsmByajiic domesUc or* rather, court tussle was between

"JJJBteharatb on one side and his two soge counsellor Vashist

^''^*«™Jtra on the ot-her.

^^two royal preceptor* wflrt oU along determined to trtin

^^i^^^"^^an Bs warriors so as to ultimately mount an

**"^C"'^*"^ exterminate Havan. Dasbarath, conlimrily.

"* PJinces to stay Ui safety in the palace and not be exposed

Page 212: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


uuhe >fcfci tn^ hardships flf * gnjetting campeign. Thuj,

^, ^rtsn \%tii«wnitr» came to sak for rmUry mnt^ **&

t>. Rimi *nd l^l«h™-n. to saf^^rd hia sacrificial tH^"^ '«

hv Eh. RiUhasia!>>'5h»nith offer«l U) himselflead


But V«b*aniJti» insfstd Lhal »» preferred Ibe princes to ])„iy^"j

Tht rvsidt of thai tussle wag that when Rama was ttnuunut

oflt of Uie PBhee fan th* pretext of the fflmjly feud) Eiahj^

iied of pief ind shoe)! at being ignored, ovtmilwl and d^,^^

of hlE noblf eldest son 's company.

The drama Of fl femily fend was enacted to make Jl BRHir

td the all'p3«r«ful Eakshftsas that Bama wa$ an helpless exile^

K»flrtTt the B™«, Poirioiic Qumh

Koik^ VTMS f.^ amaionian and palriotic que^ F^ven etrlitr

in her arecr sh? used to accompany her husband ^ naihamili an

mEITUiy eitpedilions. In One Su<rh she hsd saved DasbaraLh's IJf*

in tiw thick nf the bflt(J& A gratefuJ DashAratli promised her twa

boons vhich s^li^ tud politely itfuse<i U> encaah.

Whoi Dasbatiih c^me lo know of Vishwamitra end VashisU*!

plsni U^ tqsmtc a mflitar^' expedition under Rama's leaderehJp

^pinft Ravsn h& prepBred lo fgreclqse thar option by orBwiiiJig

I eoronatiofl ctreraQny to itEngft^r all administt-gtive powtf toBw"*

nd decUmg hia mm redreinoii.

V/hm Manihara (the maid) Informed her mistress. Kaifaji

tout the husM and hasty preparaUons being made for Rom*"*

wiTMijUon by mwhamh. hia puirioiic queen, Kaikeyi WH«*iht idvkx of v„hiBi «,d Vtalmamitra) decided to act it^m-

St* immfldlaif^y fri^^d great anpflr and disappointnlfflituid

;^"f*l>a*h*mh of the two bi>on5. d^mardcd that m^ ^

^^^ ^* '«>« y^a^ and thai Bhamt be cro^nfld king.

b^^r "*" ^"**^^^a^ Lhe behest of Voshlst and Vish^^f^*«—^^ tb. f«^ Out though they Wielded «^^ ^"^""^

^Ijpuwhw^^ household they raised no objecttan to


*lil=^ seemed to ftout all vet^c tniibtoM.^. departui* f^m the palace et Ayodhya wea thus msd*


mifortonat** unforeseen and unavoidable exQe caus^

ifiip^lj^ fgyi BO that llavan'3 Hakshaa comnjandoa may r»t

^d rrUJtfflte Rama "a movements.


.and military r^^veg are always made under a mnUe^ and under mtsleadUig prcl*vu.

-niosewho re^sr& Rhhib with the higheat reverence as i (Uv£t»

flhotdd not regard the above subterfuge derogatwy to

^rhoncur ^ * divine per«naUty.


cases the nJe Is tbnl craft whei employed to overcome

nativ ensny, se^ ennohled. ir the ertd h noble ihe means beconw

'^Tliis may ^ Sluatrated fr^m the freai Ehivaji s carwr. Ta

LIlia awnies Shivail made uae of great gtret^em, ajid subtwfuge.

atch ingenuity used to overcome a wily en^y by the rigbteoua

i,rtgirded as divine. Similarly since Rama reprpsenled a nobte

cauKill that he did to aclueve his lofly objective must be regaided


There are some other dues loo to indicate that Kama** eiffle

¥a a niflc. When Rama, Sta and Lakahman are transported in

Ibdr royal chariot to the outskrits of the dty. hundreds of residaita

Bf Ayodhyt bewildered by these ^dden, outward developments In

Uw palace, trflfled the chariot. Snee Rama wanted to keep lua dsrwiioo

nd tnovements a secret he order«i his chiirioteer. Sumantra to

If-fl the traaing public a slip by feigning lo drive back to the city

^ "iinher route and later turn the chariot once again in the required

^"ctitHi away from tbp capilid,

Wr when Sumautra returns to the capital driving an empty

y^ he covera hla face with a shroud so that no one nay ^deniify

^ Lhe man who had transported the royal trio out of tht

Page 213: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Ui«r still, whm l*im/i

h* nft under l>)« bushw „,.' ,

"^OEI tfvB

«h«rbanlt $0 thm iht" *«*my n»y have no clu* Ui their movem«itj

On ihf other sidf Rwni ia w«tcom«l by an aUy. c^i^

hikd ffUblishod nn ndi-anM guemlla sUKinft post f™^ i*he^t,^ thr I4-v«r !oti« rtunpaiim spAinst Havan a i^tiijnipng fo^^

Btfwi before ptmninti Rftmji's simulrtind banishinervi fr^ |l

palM9, Vashfsl ai\i VJ^hwamit™ hod mode other very Tnr-jbi^j

movT* af^d prefaraUons earlier, such as selling up n rvBt-worinjr

Vishwamiir* also used to escort Rama and Lakshman en^f^

OR ri«uUf bfltllp-ftwrciBw agsinst Ravan $ ravaj^nB deiachmEfit*

u Elder Kakshfis gecwmls «ych as Mire«ch aiid Subflhii.

Tt»v'Rn*a mHprs wvn such • menai^e tbai even the vtdnilli

or Ayodt^A had become unsafe. To combat an enejmy or Ravtn'i

odlbrf . who was a Itrrar lo kU the ihrK worlds of those diy^,

rtquiml c»it^ful tong'term preparations and slrari

prtcUce eK$nii$«i.

Thfc fr^iufni raids b> B*van 's detachments provided tha rtqiilrri

combil experience. IKirin^ such «ngagemenld Vasliist ud

VishwamiLn used to train lUniH and Lakahman in cojnba^ t«:tiOi


Afcrt^ Dttour Id Jamk'! Ohirt

Wwr one juch combit ttiKa^ement Vaahiai and ^^shwiimllrt

look thf two firinc«t fUma and ljikshm*n straight to Jflfial^ 'sd^^^

liilhik The oaunsitle reason wu agettoipether and SU 'ifwffS-tinjf

The iwfcfnii condition svaa that, wbosoevpr could strifiji &n Bnti*^'^

w» In Jenik > pwBwaion would be mlill«l to murry S^- *^•^ eldeHy m«, and * ,„uch married man ^B^ '^^^ ^^ ^J*

tie hand of Uw^fw Sita. Thia was raiiier absurd-«*

•jWto hm iritd la op^nt* thu bow but aia««ei-eU under Us *«*^'

"^ '«^ ^^ bow but a, ht tned to *trin« *l '^"^




^^e i^jw TJespIt* «uch Tftilure Ham* wm marrkd 14

of '^^^^iT^nn to Urmfla and the other brothers to other pdooeisa

}itBt andVisbwamitra M'ho used to Uke Rama »nd Uk*hinm

Li flxefdaes vere not ordinarily especi^ to make t detour

'^ ^\ •

s MFtel 1^'^^^ *"^ negotiate the mardagea of the priaoBs


*jl thia indicates that Vsahlit and Viahv:am!trs were in full

! of the whole situation. The condition of atringing the bow

*^^^^v a ni8*- '^^ ^^^ object wes to strike an alliince for

Xre **r ag^nst Bavan. On the other aide Havan loo, bmiTsprflh^slve of the growing power of Kama, was Rngtifiu to forge

„ alliance with Jajiak. W ohviously Ravan failed. His f^n lo

,im the much sought-after fiiliance tnade tm a lavishing stock.

In m traditional stage- performances of the ^msi/m. Ravan ts

depleted as gtumbling under the steering weight of the mighty

tow, That must be taken tx> be a irsere symbolic fail«re. Kis t«1

r« lay in not souring Janak s mUii^ry allE&nce. Nalurany ^1

EnidfiJ nud colos9»J failure aft«r an air-dash from Unka ^^^^^

(vcked the derision and contempt of the conteEnporaiy world.-.

Contrarily Rama won the appreciation t^^ admirttton of t^

contemporary intelligentsia because under the expert gui «n^

VaibiH and Vishwamitra. his alliance with Jaoaka was auccealtmy


Jt w« at this stflge that King Dasharath and ^^^^^*^ summoned ftw Ayodhya to Mithlla. ^PP^'^" ^7^"^ choice ind no volee, Vashist and Vishwamitn.

'''^.^^Zbf"overs or operators who had ne«oUated the msmaifia o[ v

*'^HcMH wajiijig to obtain tlie pa i en Is citnicrti.

^ make the alliance st™ng and imewaWe "^Jf^ .^^"^^""tb household were married to prinee«« f^ ''*'

Page 214: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


on the*er*


m^ffit^b^ "Hus indicates ihft" age or compaltbitltj,

thf m«hi wnsJd^fflUona. The focus wbs «itirely on t,,^ in,p^,^^

of UN mOiWi^ flDiWKe. Ap6.t from the defeat* that Rama ',^7*"*

u««^ to inflict on Ravan $ commandos Ravan suffered b m^diplomitic rr-^erse, tn losing Jenaka 'a alliance to bis adver^-^*^

Having secured tNs alliance Vsshist and Vishwamitradecldftt

thsi Jt was tlm& for Rama to iMve the palace and set up headquapi^

In tbc fotwl to und^iike a Uyear long campaign against Ravm.

ji^;,Ihc^'» CoDtrfvtd Dsnaitd

In order that Ravan should not gjet an inkling of Rams s slra^e^t

moves Kukey\ was ask^ to play the part of a shrew and demand

Rama a ouater as | jealoua foster moUiei'.

It WM «cretly decided ihet during Rama "s shs«nce Bharat vm1A

deputuc for him as an acting monarch alias regent alias csretakef


Kaikeyi played her assigned role well and Rama 'a ouster from

ih*fam3y. apparently due to an inteniecine feud was du!y Brnaunced.

Ham* did not want Su to accompany him "but she having insis(#l

had to be 'acoommodaied '. Latehman was of course indJspefUflljl*

m a w*rrior-cOEnpBnion and as an additional general who had reca^'w

tranrng in warTart alorqj wjiH Hama.

Wf hBv« b!rt»ay »en how their departure routp was a ^^!f

I^widwi secret,

Tbi oiher m^jor helper was Guha, Besides. Vashial snd

Vl^aniilTi hed made j^^crei arrangements for a vest r«t^i*^

niHiUT/ Ini^tg^oe. logistjcaj support and reinforcementslo »

Pravtdtoj from ttme to time by asges mich as Bbarfldwaj.KafH"-

Atri uDd Ayanya.

Bom ^ft^ R^ j^ ^ guerrilla beadqi^aiW ^^^«11 «

"^ ^ "^«< Rama The proclaimed oU^^^ ^«" «tr*t lUrna V, ™tum t. Ayodhya. But the main obj^^^


,. H lines ofcommunicaUon and routes for fegbUc^ tupport.

^ la^e ewlici*- hy R*mayanlc descilpUons of layinf ™ai.thl*

'' "C harracka and digging canali aU tlwig Bhenrt j n»n"

t had to tocHte Bama*9 forest headq^iarteri hy nwiu^"^

secret cuea> That indicates ibe wartime Mcrecy hfiti^

Bharat '9 meettr^ ^th Rama et the lauw'i

K rtauartars. Rama decided to change the rite of lu* camp

^^^the place was littered with tell-tale signs such a ibi

^^^X 03 of horses and elephants, lying around. Aerfa!

^""^Usance and ground -scouts would have been able to spot- out

"^"^^headquarter from those slpa. Therefore, Rama ordetal

ICnediata shifting of the camp afi^ Bharat s depan^rt,


T^ above analysts wfll Indicate that the dsual popular view

rfRsmay^na beius the story of Sta a constancy to R^-ns t^ rf

. ^dl. unanticipated. som.wful famHy-bsn^ 1«^^

^ddentally to ha^asm^^t by Rakshas raiders is^ ^^^by fart.. Ramayana ia first and foremost the^^^^m^ Of a time when the earth (.md two '>*^^ ™^^j^tmcrized by the demoniac ™«ime of Ravan. M thBt^^^^grsdu^y hunt up his at^gth to dtimatcly r;2\^;^^,rid thsr three wodds of tyranny and terror, ssko

^^air^jgle was ahead Rama did not *ant SiU to ^^^"T ' ^But Su'a fldamanoe pt^^ved higUy dangemus and cosuy

^uU tee leter.

tsma-SilJi'Liik^hiniiii Sin^J* File

*ka f™nl foBowed yjy aftl

fiamavanic pirtures depict Rsjr^a m the from

-•ith Ukahmmi marching behind hfflr in sUi«1e filt.

^^tf they were three solitary persons ^" ^ "

. .^ middis.

*^ ihouJd have walked abr^t with SU walWng •"

^"^ veiy fact th^i they «* iiho*n marching on»

Page 215: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


o(j«T f«llv ftrmwi. indfcal** ihfli th^' led mi\H^ry comjf,^.

frant ewiingwii was N tr>^ Rsma. Thi- mfddle wntin^^Lp^,J^

au md th* trfssuiT and other vulnerable vaJmn,]^itiai HaT .

fotrm crri^. TTw ™u- wbs brought up by Lroopscoit,n,i^J^

Ibc PtnchnwjiU Camp

Bj- Uw lime Rama, rfiitofng victory bAct vicioi^ figaiuBt Hava^ ^^

coiiUi«enl faf«b1i»>i«l His camp fll PanchswaH Havan wai ,5^^snd ht ihouifbt It wis* to send out fwlcj-s for a imce. WiLli t^^

»iir In v>rw hi? »eni his coun^tlors^ iccomiamed by his a'ai^r

ShaonitDJikhi *rd a large coniinifenL gf the Raksbas firmy. iwnttde foimal offe- for a maiital alliance. When Ttfima refujed

ihQ ippf^cbed t^kshmw Tbe Id^ wasi ict somehow Torge a mantai

«]liir« with thf Daahflrith funily 50 ihut Rama arid Ukshman

eeuld b# prevaHsd upon to call off Ihe campaign, l^ut Rama ind

UlobmMi w«fY determined to exterminate llavan. Th^rerore. ihey

vvre tn fto tnood to consida- th? mfinlsl prxtposaj. Enraged si Ibe

retmff Ravm's pany h^d no opiion but to continue the wir,

ConiefpiBitJy. Shoorpanakha "9 oonLirtgent Punched a s*vage attack.

In tht bail]* that ensued Shwrpanakhii was badty wounded. Hsr

fitmt viA ears got chopped off.

Tbui readiru the RsmB^-una as a 3tory of the politics of ittf

Tm* Yug iU iLft deujl9 become plausible, ConirarHy, Lbe tradiUotvsl

vlw of Hoarding the Bamayajia as a Rama-Sitii love tale or is

• rtory of Rama '» miifortunea arising from his banishment because

of Kajlwyi's }ea3ou» prQxy ombiijon and chance encouniejr^ ^^^

U» RLkih«4s invoH-ej numeon^s inconeruities.

Tb* SboorpmiBkhi episode I1 one of them. fTw tradUlartf!

WkKi Uitd S^oorpenflkha fell In love with Rami ./"d orfer*!

JTT "^^'H<> i> incofiaigifflt with the sUuetioa F[^>'™^ Hid na pr^^^s association with H^e ^^ '^^''^^^^ ^" *^"' ^^™^*^. fe-d that U-«i t^e ihe wouW.I

^«lc lysuKh

m»rriaij*B^le ,firl never propooM (n»^'^

W^^' ^\y we conclude thai the off^r of Shcoqjankhai hand


'"' m why w ''"",

--'""'- •

Tlrt* ^*^^jj^ on his refusal

,the »Bme trffw lo l^kahman

^ ^'"'*'tt«vBn s side as « truce offer.

^^ fromKavan

irfiditionalesplanetion that Hama and Ukahmsn erragwl^

arrfaje-proposal cut off Shoorpanakhi 5 ears md ncs?


veryunreflliat^ic. Any man would be ^^Hy delighted uid

is *^*'°.^hiifbly elated, flattered and honoured if a prtnwsa s*

*°erfy] royai househol d proposea marriage . Such an endespiT^

in all-F^shouldn 'i in any case pnjvoke a mui-denius

ShooriaJtakha a mere woman, ^hoorpanakha s wQunda

*"**«*.ilw)d from the reaumpUon of hoatiljUes after the mariial

in fsc^ resu"'^^

iruce-offcr wasrejected.

UiicnUtd foi- Empb-sH on Kama's MeF»g-my

fa this Context the traditional Emphaaia that h>g constancy ta

Sta made Rama reject Shoorpaoakha 's proposal is ajjaifi inc«iJ^at«t

vrilh the royal Iredltions of tho$e times. Rama*a own father had

^ wive*. Therefoi^. it waa perfectly raiAiral tor Rama to tate

«ve™] consorta. If Rama took no other wife than Sla that o«itd

.1 teat be regarded as his pei-sonal pTirf^« "d"J ^

...n^hetminsE outstanding and unique virtue. When m^lliofl, af tn^

in the ..orld make do with a .ingle wife all Iheir live., ^tie^ph-^^

m Rama limiting himself to ooe wife is tincalled for. TJui mw

1^ best be regarded as a personal and private vtrtua. But^ibe pcint of view of stalec^fi Rama'^ having «^ly one *ite

wen have proved a senau. handicap. Andent Vedic "^""^'^'^^ "^^^«Jk more than one wife U) ensure a inale

^"*^^^^/*L-Llg and

*]» to hav^ several sona who could serve as reliable ^™™ ^(f^'^or,. and also to fo.^je marital afli^c^ *^^ "^ ^^P^^iaUs ao that blood - relationship may dissuaiie

'*^^H a ^e^ghbour 's realm forseir-aggrandiiemenl.

^a rejwu^ Sboorpanakha a proposal not ***^"'*^^ ^^ 10

*^M to bav? another wife but beau*? »» **» ",j^

^^P.t.mi« with Hnvan. R«na'a vinue lay ^^ " ""'"

Page 216: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


mv^ Win iHit in his uncompromising detenninatbn to ejcWrt^-

B^^ Ifl be rnnenibered as « reat. Idailist warrior. The rtu^nj

or wives one. Lwo or more wss an insignincant matkr. Thig j^,.!

b, fllu&irtied r™m Shiva^s carter. Shivajt had ^gbt wivesbut

tbvt b no way lessens the reverence that people have for Shivajl.

iVwUtionsl Hindu discourses on the Rama.vsn usually ah^,

soiM 5uch IriviaJ traits such as Rama always telling the tnirh fcnd

Ws mHn^ng only one wife. A monarch 's reputation is never msde

of auch trifles TTie first and foremost quality which insptres awe

und twerence for a monarch is bis immense slrikinfj-power nanie1.w

his miliiary strwiglh. If the monarch uses that power in ih^ csust

of tniih and justice and the welfare of the weak and defencelws,

thai people further rej^d the mpnarch as a divine incarnation


As Kgaris Rama 's monogamy we have already discussed how

in U» rantext of regal requirements and standards of his lime

Emu"! nimogamy was not much of a virtue and waa^ infact.

arw intend^ to be a virtue.

Ramu'i PlcdRtd Viut^

Ai itgBfds aHjna's reputation for adherence to truth ii would

^ »Twg Uj conceive of It merely as a school -boy virtue sicli

m Wishsfigian hoMly owning responsibility for hacking a tree Jn

liii fnhtf 1 pMen with the axe given to him as a birthday -present.

Ttei ii I trivial virtue, m Hama^s mililary career his reputatton

"• tarry wi hit p^ged word had a more weighty signiftcanrt

'^'^^ iKtt m .^nducLmg his relentless H -year long titanic srtruga«

jP^niii H«,m Whenever Rama made a resolve to deliver an aiu=*

0* wvBT ,hirk«d or ftd]«i despite the risks and danger invol^^

» " V»t uj^ of bdn.. tr.,. 1. *^. .1^.,^ ^«nrl which invs"


^^^. . -. being true to the pledged word wWcb» carefr with immense divine ^gnirjcajice,

^^ ^^'« Plin, f^ , ^^ ty offering W» jisW

^'g )iB»d in m&rriage to Rama. f^ed. R«vsn haut*4

. iil<n ^ *!^^, stop hl9 relentleaa campa^n in rcitini for Us

itlonalnarrations of t^ie Ramayen M to Tatkunally crp^n

T^veloiMnenta. They s«m to looV upon the« development

*'^*^^^ri iters of Rai^B^s forest -life aHaing fmm a domestic

"^ ^'^^ffver these moves are looked upon as ingenioua military

(flud.If'**° ^ iMiat^ral war of attrition they become very

^atioeuw^^^^.^^j^jonal presumption thatRama intended to spend

mPflningfui'l^^year exile in peaceful aflonymitj and medilaUon

^'T^T^iis Itself wn>ng. Had medlUtion in e^e be^ Rama »

""leTshoold have p«>ce^^ "o^h lo the Him^as and n.t

Irched in the direction of l^ka,

t 1 .nTr.,. Sta -5 abduction Ravan had calculated that lu« i;tai

:;^«.X 'n.-fcr. TUva. bi. upo. a clever p,..

„. ,.. e co...«ent under H, ^^"'„«^^*

Ite ^nlingait we. u, parade >tsdf 'J'"* T^'^^^p^^,, prf^

ta . „^.er in which the tr^r. "P'^^^^^nfu:'^.tor «.pt>.™. TOa is the aip.if1can» of ^^^^ ^^Ihe te™ ' mriga ' means not only a dw tat also d.=eu

' delusive deception



Sta being a novice in diplomacy and "^'^'^^.^ ^.tinj^nt

^t^\n by that deceptive plan. She insiste<l on ^ ^^ ^^ 10 in pursuit and capture Bavaii's ^'***^"^'

.^^^urt' mo^"^^ved proper training he could judga that t e^^

^^^i^aiion lo

*w a snar*. In Rama's judgment, there was ^^on [a

*k^ch Ravan '3 treasure could be transported in_ ^^ ^^

*^b it was heading at that Juncture. He tned^^^ ^^^

*^t it hut she insisted and Rama had to le*«


Page 217: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Kashas aiW B"** tlw vsngiiifdniafi^


*H%jfiiVr side were slain. Dining the iiniform of n ^]g^^

txrm Rtfni * *rmy. a Rflkshns soldier hurriftl lo Pgjicha^,.^ .

convey the dKepti^ message that bemg in ^pat danger )^u

v«nt(<d Ukshjnan t^ rush his Iroops to Rama a aid.' ^'

Since Ukshman wsa an experienced gftieml and diplonm Im

4lBbeUev«d the m«wge of Rama 3 distress.

But here ^airi Sta shoved her adaman« and immBturfty[n

IiuMraK that Lakshman leave post haau with his conUngciiP lo

Rinu '» succour. To overamw Ukshman 's reluctance St* rtyurni|y

cb'ded Ukshman. The latlcr. therefore . left again jl his own wis^j,,

Vet while depftiting m en experienced general I^kshnian had wamsj

3IU nol Lo step out of the camp^

Two-thirda of Itam^B's army having thus left the PanehawiflJ

ramp Stfi was left with only 1 Hrd, Kavan had calculated that lili

commndos could kidnap Siia provided she could be enticed out

of ber ?Lrongliy- defended camp- Therefore, I^van (or Wi

reprWHitath'e) auirH as a monk approache^J Sita and perausded

ber to emerEe out of the strongly -guarded camp. This ff&a S"l'»

third faeipenenced indiscretion in a row on thai fsteful d^.

As aoon an sfe stepped out Sfls was pounced upon, Uned bodily

mS Jbov^l into Savan '3 aircraft.

It w» then that Sta realized her great folly. Her custody pi^f

H«^ strong barBjuning-pdnl, Messages werr obvjousty oonvej;*^

to Rama thai if he wantccj hJs wife back safe and sound, he stioul^

call off thec^npalgn against Ravan on the latter "s lems. of aufrfi"

the indignliy jjid lormeni of his queen being held prisonerUiA

J™^*«i«by the enemy with all the aitendsnt risks to her


life tai honour.

^phztout A^ifiu s^

lhl» triple adamBnct end foHy on the part of ®^ ^bfcti

^ per pliin Ravan s forces kepi on moving ahe«d wftb ft.

ft«^ fn hot punruir. In the ^kirmishea between ih, ^"^^ ^,«.^..L.. -T^« nnd the vanirus™ of Rema a for™* ^_. "' lh| auI"",


^, jaup. All hiflp*"owesB. wpulatJon.ivlcarirfuHychilM


csmnBign againjrt Hivui s«med all of , ^^^^,^l 1*-^^ ^„ flOihiiiK- H w«3 this anger, this fnialntim vbleb


^^^ incensed him againat Sta that throuiJvim, x}^

^^tirt ^"^^^ p^jjj^a Bad ata WW* never praperij recondlHi

"^.. ^jp„aJ narrfltion of the Ramayan explaim away 5tem« ^


towards Si t^ and pubUc aapenions on Sila's

labsW*"^ -^ ffojn Sti 9 detention by Ravan. B*it ihst is

^''"^^-jroVanft^OT^- Sil*3 indiscretion on [nsiaUng m Hana**

^ '

^h en* '» departure with their oontingents and walking inlq


^^^ jjjvtf ri3& uj suspicions about Sta 's lojalLy to Fama

''^"b! L her being privy to Kavan. So the charge or guspdon"^

' "was not 30 much about marital mndeUty ss of either

Z'! an enemy sgent or of being d^^orausly obUnai* and

Zlviy Whether she acted deUberately or from ignonmc* «nd

i^Henee the i^ult waa equally dis^tmus. Rama 3 «p«tatiori

rr™r-lesd«: had slumps! beouse the ^emy h^ succeeded

toataurting his queen from l^s wr-beadquarien under Bama s

^ noH mt -bo raised U« possibility of R^van eJrtr^ng from

an an the secrets and details of Rama "s waretTort.

Slta'i WiH Move

Onbr when SU was shuffled into Kavan 's aincimft to t« flown

tol-irOu did she realize the enormity of her folly.

Hepeaner she acted wisely thoogh ji iras l«> '^^^ *_^ _^

i^Kinwf her smameits one- by -one so that the trail may i"

K kast the direction in which she was being flcwt*'

A^ially. later some foi^-dweUer^ did pick up tho^ tr^^

'^ '^m thsi trail informed llama of the direclioft ^ ^^"

^ earned away Sira.

^^''^^fSodutlroti ^ Uiidef

lUma',ally ^^^^^ ^^^ mainlsined acri-d ^'^''^^^1^

> ^^ tnt^ptc^ Rnvan "s air-nn«^ but w« -^f^""•^ He dieo he gav*j Kama an iccoutit of tbu ^«*?^ **^"

Page 218: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


^ of his cfow look at the «ntmy leaeer. Thlg ur^g ^^

thit Rams's forces tiad llie^r close brush with RavanEii'''*^^^'^

hid flnly mccunlei-ed Ws generals. Jotsyu s dttejupito l"*^***^

Pbvwi 3 airarmadB was t^teinount to a gmaU mod^m « T*^Bumui or Sam iT^ing lo inlercepl the nlr force of a pwerf,:?


fljunliy such b^ Pusg^a or USA ^'-I mod

AIlUuM •fUh SuRTrtv

[a prcparaUoi* to bunch an assault on Ravan 's badmurt

Ram) negotiaUd an altianw with Sugieev by helping hfmto^fe!'

his rival Vaii BJid assume sov^reipity of the KishkindhaMinnti

SugrMv and Vali are tradJtionfllly misjudj^^d U) be monkn'niat *fl3 onli' combat leaninoloKy. It is usual to designate


contingents end aircrafls etc. as cubs, panthers, acout^, ranted

mosquitoes^ rats, bears, wolves or monkeys. Likewise iheso-cgiled

inonlayln^per^ of Su^jreev wefe trained ^ptrillas and Btr-m«].

Th^ wort tail-coats made of h]d*-]lke texifles as camounggeinj

protecLion in jungb- warfare. That Is why they were desiKmlid

as monkeys, tn aen^ -reconnaissance Lheir UiJ-i:x9als indeed meds

tbem look like monkeya-

SMni Vali

Valmiki has recorded that Vali was shot dead by RBma fran

behmd a Ire-. Tlusi IB reKarded by traditionalists as a Slur on Him i

rtpuiatim as a fgjr and brave warrior. TTiis exposes the inc|AllwlE

of the ifwiitionaJ version. Anyone with combat -e>tperiefice shouU

^(w that in the batile-zone sharp -shootei^ have invariably M "1^

wwr Iti fict this Uttle deuil rather prove* that Valmiki is reporiiiTi

•^ combat and that the Ramayan is not an imaginary ^^'

T^«rrforf.this tva,i does not in the least smudge Rama 'a ^P"^""

u a *BrTiof


The P>a «Uh SujETw

alllJJr'v',^ **'^ ^^S.^ «'^ a very mstter-offsct poSJi^

^^- ** ^ *s*fH.vea p^y sugt^ badly n«J^ «^


,^use Bama ^^^ a ready, battle^train^ imy^ . ^,


Kiahkindha kingdom at tb. ,tn, Um* *het.R^t^^-V^^

ne* pow*"^"^ aUy was a rare OpporturUty. Valj *^ y^""^rt sirtjng

ally of Bfl^a"- '"^^ Kiahkindha Jdngdom rf v^u i^*

larg*?flr"^>' ^'^ ' "'^^ ^'^^^'^ arforce Killing VjJi wa

V^K, give Rams a double advantage. Flmly. Valj » jjeaih wo^ld

^^'^'^Icss of fipowrful ally td Ravan And Sugreev'a init^natlKi

^^^ ^ler of the Kishkindhfl Ktngdom wag inimded to secure

*!luablemilitary and air-support for Rems s campaign Sf^iiiut

I un U WAS therefore, that Vali was killed by Rama, and Sugreev

J metalled as the ruler of Kishkindha.

Here again there Is a clearly disUnguiahable reallatk touch oT

^r-interest- politicswhich ts yet one more indication that the

RBiTiBpn cOfistitutes a hisLoncal account of b bj^one-age.

Soon after Vali was slain and Sugrwv was instslled is (he nikr

of itishkindha, the latter became indolent and unmindful *jf the

(HTMiiJse he had made to promote Rama's campaign agatnsl Ravan.

When Rama realized that Sugreev did not intend to fuirB hii

promise he deputed Lakshman to approach &jgreev and threaien

die iMier that tf he didn't carry out his promise to help he too

03u![l be slain like Vali. It was then that Sugreev felt compelled

to actively help Rama's campaign. This episode figures among the

^ayanic paintings of ancient [taly,

After being installed king. Sugreev appanently wanted la remai"

RBitrij because under VaH the Kiahkindha kingdom wM in ally

Qf Hsrvan. Now suddenly al ign ing the kingdom o n the side of Havan'

*^niy was an embarrassing proposition. Therefore, he k«|A

%d8Uying, But on receiving Rama "s ultimatum Sugrefv had wrSly

^ ^ Iteep his promise of military help irtextennlnating R«v^


The alliance with Stigreev hdped Uam« In two wey?. niufldy.

^ 8°^ 5n hJ* a^de a lar^e. trained guerrilla inny which ha«n«

Page 219: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Tiuyus smell air sqiisdron (whfch hnd already be«, ^^J"'

'^jt hfld no alrforcp^ Hei-etofore Ramn's army had oniyb!^

nghrm^ B«van> eonlintjent^ as the> advanced a^j^.^ ^J**^

positions. Bulnow tht^initUiwe was ckflrly wiib R^ma. Hetht^^^


^^Phed tv* l^^e Ravan's own hldwul and the place whpt*5^^

hftd been dfltained.

Sugre^'*5 forces havintj been Ravan'g alli^ under Vili (W

knew' where Raveji 'a l^ka was !dcal«i.

But sftfr Vali's death and Rama's danjjeraus advanceRsvafl

hfld been frequently chnnging his hideouts frnm island la aitj^

in his T^nkft teiriiory. Therefore tbert wag need to ke^p ^sad

of Rflvflji 's chBrtging bunkers. This task was entrusted to Sujfiwv'i

ajr- squadrons.

At tWs stage Val truld ' s narrative m en Lion s how gi-ou ps of aJrcrari

iMl(-Off in different directions, on global and spatial nxonnsissance

The figures giver ere In bill i&ns and I ji] I [on 5 , Obviously th K-e couldn l

b? arcrgll in such stagi^erin^ aslronomic numbers. Tliene could

bt two ^vplanatians for Ihfs. One would be that those fantflatic

figares were 01 ear t to confuse and terrorize^ the Cfiemy En CKS

Ramans TTLlitary messages got interceptod by the enemy. With (V

numbtn of aircraft so grossly inflated the ^emy would b«hBrd-[Kit

to loiGw the real strength of Rana s airforce. The other expliwatio"

*™jld be thai in EainayanJc UmiS If earthly humanity MmimnunicBUon with and political control of two other celeftisl crfbi.

any number of aircraft would be required to Hy out in thelif '


Tlfflt iu(* fUght, uged to be Kujde<l by gigantic sijps e^d^

™ «^ it appar™^ fron, an aJluaion .^ them in the B^^^

uZ"'? ""^ '" ^^ ^' ' ^^^- ^rved thdent. Over som*^" -^ li" *«ib ,re hl,f, iQna ninwtiv-type markingstoO-




^"man '8 9^^**^* *" locating Bavan 'a hesdquirtw, vu .i,^

^Jf bV toti ^ ^'^^^^f ^^^ *^^' ™* ^'^^ ^^^^ p™«''"^ ^ayanic war ia » tnie happening of a bygone ige. ^w*ili'^

"^^gf.ajghtedcombatant Hanuman made his maiclffl riight m

liHf *occasion also to inflict i.he greatest dama^j^wi U« tamy t


ild 's account of the oonstructJoti of a bridge from islend

ijd across the sireJifl to Lanka by Sugrwv's w^necfi is

^realiatic. U brings lo rr.ind the modem impleinentaUoa

T ^lar gigantic project. Workers are shown to be busy with


Ly instrumcntfl and plumb lin«s. and stones and timber bang

J^fid W the site, sucked high in speeding vehicles.

One other very pecUsliC detail mentioned in It^ connection ti

m th* name 'Rams* was stamped on every hrick. iwne and

log used in the constmction of thebridge. Th^ae devotionalty indinri,

*bo usuMly read or understand the Bamayanh as » mifwle^tite

of a divij.e incarnation, cite the stamping of Rama's name as »

mark of eictmme devotion to Rama of all the worker* in the projert

ind a ntsgical device to make bricks float on wai£r.

In our view th* stamping of Rama's name was an ordmary

idmlnisirative detan. All property td^en to the balUa-front or in

^se anywhere else has to beai" the stamp of ih*- novemment

^'^hkb It belongs. Therefore, since the campaign a^dnsi Rav,n

Iwlng conducted by Rama-s government It was but "6^^'*'

ill matedal used En the campeJgn be stamped with If"*J "^ ^^^ is a routine administrative detail which doesn t ha ^

^01^^ in a misleading, mystic aura of divine devouon. iwt^

^"t magic or Rama's name maJe the bricks flM^ ^|t «^* •eitimefttal absurdity, Toe foundation of a t"'"**

^""" Frtjund support to facilENte militaa ^^^ """^

It may be seen that the Ramayen E> an 8*swmt of 1

Page 220: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



jlrugBl* beiweoci ivo poi,»ers Ihel were at \n^^^^

otiwr ovfT A miDion years ago *ben Lh« p^pj^ ^ -"i^^^

Ci«v«I w ivo oihw wforlds too. WhijLher ihoge two oih^"^"^


human fppulaUon have since drifted away Uj aomeo^^*"^er ihal they *re where iTiey were but wt are out or [

^^Ihem du*W * technological oommunitration ggp, should J^''


for investi^OT

THp La»( AlfliuKt


Rama 's Ijwt a% wbs Vibhishtifi, the brother of Ra^ai, l

Vibhishan had watched with constemalion the tpaji of

thai Rwmfl had WB**d in the 13 -year long ca/npajgn. And nowHmWD poisd to cro5$ the struts to I.anka. All feeler^ ^^ ^^


for e compromise and truce had been successively gpumed by Rkwho -vfls t>«it on killing Ravan. Vibhishan sew in this en ijpporliin[iy

la opei seem negotialions with !bma Ihat after Ravans ^ xht

sovereignty of Lanks should be transferred to Vibhishan. To escape

iwviijbk^ death in the eventud sieise and sack or Ijnka. Vibhfshw

kft Lar.ka accompanied by several generals and cenimpnu ^\

lUxshss troops m an eifarmada.

Whm ihey nwred Rama '9 camp Vibhlshan opened rndls

wmmunlcattDns. Permission was sought to land In the viciniijiii

Rami's camp. S nee it was dangerous to allow an enemy- Inndina.

pennission was refused. The nest message was thai the party frotu

iJ^iia visbed \q negotiate. Thereupon it was conveyed tfl iJifiK

^ Ram* was not inienested in any tieKOtiatJqns- On thM the

"iwj message frum the Lankan party said that th^ were f^m»rnenaa in response to that it was conveyed Lo them iU no

frt«d»Wp »„ considered nec^^ar^ or desirable at that penuJlI"*"^*

ZT ^" ^*^ ^*»^ ^^^J^an party sute^J that they tfished to ^^^

"Tl '*''' *'^ '^^ ^^ peiticipale in the landing nn^ -^


ta ft^^*^ •^'^^ *" 'hen cordoned off «id closeSy tf^^"^ ^ ^P»- Himuman was aenl to gaug^ whether ^^* ^


'^T.^ f«^^*^ inte«rated with Rami > ^my for u» fla^

1*^ „ ..-^^1* qt.rnn ahold.



^^ull <^ I^^^' ''™"'^^^'

Vilmild "s accountof these negoUattons cWVy brinamit Runf,

itdei of 3t*r^ rnilitery l*aderehip and ecumen. The awiimi ibo'^

es that a(r transporUtionof troops and wir«i«a» commiinEcttlm

I^^^^^j^onplace during Rflinayanlc times,

E uaiiia Loohcd upon Ai a IMvl« InGamiition?V^-hy i*


AoooT^? to Vedir tradition whw the cuirent bumm epoch

almost 2000 million years ogn aU humani were of & near iMne

uy They were well'- behaved, cajable. heriy. strerg, men of

^Llfjcter4 idealists and were handsome and long-lived. N^uralily.

dvBrefoie the calibre of people in bygone era$ wag better Ev^

_tbot g^enslly high -standard indii^duaJs aiich u Bami and

Krfslina were outstanding. The quality of human capabiliUea uvd

behiwiour has steadily fallen with every passing eri even bs wi

in^vidual who paaaes the prime of his youth becomes weaker md

S»uTt(nltr and Forgiveness

The protection that Rama granted to VlbMshan because the

ltU«r lurrendefed, is oOen wrongly cited in Hindu winlorti*diUw

13 Bfl idea! Lo be emulated ^

A long line of Hindu rijlers. generals and even or^nary p»pl*

hflvt beon mistakenly tutored by their mothera. rtiJgioua preflche"

*nd [>ther preceptors to be kind to the surr^dered enemy er any^ie

NtP"« ror clemency. Therefore, we find • long line of Hindu

IwUUcian. and potentate fmm Prithviraj to a GBndh. and r^rtni

^peatedly bestowing misplaced clemency on defeated enemi«^

^*»™tha generals too kept repeating that mist^he umpt«n


WiBir dealing with HaideraU, Tipu Sulian. Mohamad Bang" *

*^8dshiih Abdali, the NtJ^arn. the Mo«u! rtilors e«-

^^ -^y bo noted ih«t Tx^rd Rama, Lord RHshna-^^^^ f«»t¥.ve the ^nemy . They made use of the enemy a di"^=*^

Page 221: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

mto v*ni)u ish Wm- Bw thB^ Msnusmria fljcprMsiy


^- " -^^.^jL^rrjri" ^^?^ ^-^c

ft. »n m^^V' i" ^«'^^"B '^^^^ d«iionmc encmie,. i^ii^;*

^^-^ »im«.^ Ohori> repeated r^ids hied andweri«nri

Prtevvirnj -t mlHW Tni«hl. inUiiu.U!y wh«i Prithvirej tiSm^^if ^^

tjkff, prisoner tie rpn^inded Gban of ihe clemency shown to %Irtifl- Bui Mohftmmad Ghori replEe^ ihnt he was not , f(«,] j^

IB Hindu eTBTO' alJ^«^ 'X^^ ™^^ ^^^^*'" ^^^'*n«Mlndu rJw,,

fcdminiiAratflr^ ind bumticnsts riKhi upU. our own ikge are oi^rdjt^

[ntap!j*»' c>en3«ncy in i^ortipltHp disrepird of Ihe divine ^tv^^

wd pfflcedcnts of HsmB. Krisbna and the Msnuamriti.

It te. Uierrfore necetfssry to c]a.n(y here for the guidance of

fuM^re mndu. Vedic tdmlrtwiralors and genei-als as to vU

rocmiiuta* sufnnder ' and what enUUes wi enemy to ckmoKj?

WhA If Ral SurrovderT

Evm llrt maneal and fleroest criminala, vagrants or miacrant*

votdd always pl»d Tof clemency and ask to be let oTT when nabbed

Tb n^^ iuch appetlj* Tor mwcy as tbe repenLance of a fa^ai

enanj aivd lettinf him off in Hindu megnanimity is not only i

tiAy but wiQwiU uj criminal negl«t of one's duty. An eniimy

when cornered wiB invariably pl«d for mercy. Bui when ^ei d

b rauitra wiih * tueltef force and bitterer determiflBtlon.

TVreTai*, wliui Hiridua and Vedic adminiatrttors evtryv^

nnm TvnanW is that Lbe enemy must be deemed "^^^^.^^

«*««My tti^y tr bt ftp™ 10 become a Hindu and P""^°^,. „euhuf* PrUh^j would hav* b«n Juatifled in being ""^


**«n«nad GLwi onl^ if tl, Ulter had agre*<l W> ^'^'"^'.^rUB.

««l»RiLhbmnj LofHjht ror Hindu causes end values;"°'''^!l.

. )^.^ » tl« lw«n ;lut ™tT[«f^ Kiim. > . r^^^n*^^ '^^^^^^*iy Mten ViiAmim a»(r«d to fight on R*m« '» si^^ 1" ^^'

7^11* ^^'^ ]>tm, ri.,« ^i^ ^ ^^ Conlmrily Vail ''"^

I,Combat 1^ *»"-<^

**^ "ting tbo RomByan in painting* or tnaeUng it on thi

In ^^^.^^, rtirectors often commit a Wundtr. 1niUa4 of

^^^^l4m engJiHed >« "'^^ combat I e. VaU and Sugrw

th^ ^^^P'"^^ '

j^r. mec« m hand orBAma ennasjed En dngle^oomb*

luhUtia ^*^" _"^ ^ ^^^g ^j^jj primitive depletion, b

*"h one mentions Hana Pratap opposing Akbar, or Shlviid

ygiory w^^^^^ against AutTmgwb or a Rommel fisthting atifflnst

'^^^ "' "Lhoae name* are mei-ely symbolic of theopjHwlng f^rco.

M«"^«^^^?' \^^i^Vt fight against flech other end not the n^1«Hif

It to their o^^^ ^^^ mfltance. ShJvaii and Aurwigieb n^vr

^"^"^.Iwfi m'the battle-field nor did Kommel and Mon^omery.

^^f^lo ac^o^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ,^ ^^^^,^ ^^^

^,CC i« ^ very lmm.tu™ wayofunderaun^^


-ru .f.^ tWs chapter should help reeden. Md underatand bow

TJm -d On the other^^^-^;^~^„ « .enUmenUl. devotional tale ori^ «

^^J^fjt^ domestic

«,.,. love for each other, ^r aa tbe^^^^^^i^^, . tb.

disp^t. leading u. chance encounter. '^^^^ ^^ ^ mogldlarld has been doing tli3 now. redic€* the tUmayan

fantasy only fit for gullible childi^n.

HeBd intelligently with matiire ^^«"^*^^*|J^'t^^'C'"^

out to be a narration of the jwlitical 9^^^^!? ^ H«np-iUnrBn»

R<miyEntt era came to n dose with the 'l^"';;*^^!^^!^^^^

*w. iJkewige, the Dwapar Vup ended with ^"^j ^^^i to "«^ w«r^ TT.e current Kail Y-'f ^^ ^"^^^^^^^ ^« t series of warn end mounting mis^^ry

ti^ma vluUUn*

*>unanlty through crime, misbehaviour,widlivinas

Aljfiirit:^ Tj

The t^^ronufl 10 Jat*y.r=. ^inga b*""K ^"^J*^

Page 222: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

ihot do*n by H-vflu during the lstl«r ^s wriaT j^bductionof a^

L, jdeflUci] *ith litf terminology we use in our own day, ^'*

p,^ii,f ™i or rnodmi lirrf^rce fic^demiea are given a ,y^r^***

,i^ to be spwed to their tunic An alrtrafl shot dowr, ^^^Ju th( cHppfn^ ^^ ^'^^ Aircraft are inferred to as '^[^^,

^*(iTtime Claris even today as in Rjimayanic time^. ThertrJ

RBTUj-wic Prferenoes W Jateyu as a bird must not be- cons,„^

\'edk Tojwgfsph*

During ttwtf exwnsive reconnaissance g]] over the glob? ^^

spict to locale Fevan '5 hideout the airorafl report flying ov^r iia\^^

^^tr) the H«3 Sea in Ib^ west and the Straits of Sunda In \i»

es^ . The» two art sUll a part of modem geosfraphy . That JndicBt^

hw most of the geographica] and totn^graphicaJ terms that we ujt

tDdwjf are of hoai*>' Vedic antiquity.

RiAii-Slia Eitniiqienent

The day Sts committed the foUy of insisting first that Ham*

go tn punuiL to capture Kavan "s tempting treasure, and later thfil

Likshmm s!$o go to his help with more troops, and lai-vt stUI

launiering out of tht :^ecmity of her camp and getting kidnapped

^ Ra^'Bii, caused such a shock and gash in Rama 'a mJnd that

from that moment onwardi he ourltJfed a deep dislike for her.

Kii wimle Tvpuution^ b relentless. uneompromEsinK master- genei^

fd tuper hm wu almost on the point of being totaUy eclipsed.

But for thr very Hm^y fllliance with Sugr^ev and godly help of

fi^itraev, syperior gueniUa troopj and airforce Rama wouJd hsv^

^ to paicv, up a diBhctnourable peace by begging Ravan to ^^^^aia » LhBi t»ih n^id return to Ayodhya agreeing never >l^"

^ wagt iiKiaiET war.

VfldmEki h» cleaily „corfed that Rama waa more co^ic*"*^

•bout h« r*puu,t^«i o a ^,^, auccHsful w^r-h^^ and a atay^

or Rmv^ r^,i,^^ ^* ^-r St.. WM in hi. Mew ahindrance


h^mrt *"' ^^^- ^ ^^'^ --^t Sta to accomp*^

I,„. suffered her to com* bocauw of Sita , «Jin,an(*, ft.^

'^^ 1 chaurin ibat 9t* bad been guflty of a iripte-i^i^^^

t<^ Lchavoti camp, whiob threatened to end tbe entire onipaigi^

'"^1 disaster of great ignominy and sbama,

gequently. even aft*r alejiiigKavan, Ramawaa nwtbwe^jrtr

*^ttu3ia3t''=to meet Sia. When mediators suggested i mmim

^^cwicOiatlon Rama dryly replied that if Sta wisbed she «ould

"^ '^^V^ On Sita s part she stood in trepidation of csUing on"*" ""

She was f(illy conscious of the great folly ahe had committed

nf hef ignorant. Immature and inexperience<l adamance m maitera

iLerning war -tactics and high diplomacy. Therefore, she sent

"""facers to find otit- whether she would be forgiven by Rama.

flLe detaila faithfully recorded by Valmiki clearly indjcai* that

jtaniiyan ts real history.

Treditionsl narmtions of the Ramayan however. complsH^ly vImj

^nr ihesa events end continue to sing of mutuaj Rama-Sia love

ind rtunioit in raptures. Tn fact, for the rest of her life, the odium

of Isaving elmoat negatived Rame'a great campaign, cOnUnued to

u ihorougMy haunt Sta that Sita ' 3 later lifewas a perpetual torment


P»E4e of Ayodhya kept referring to it in whispers, [i via that

idverae taU< of the town which made Rama direct Ukshman to

•cart her to the forest where shemay lead a lifeofselitery repentance

fcr having meddled in ponderous effaira of stale with which she

bd no concem,

Sana'iFirgb* Eatk Home

like H tnie victor Rama flew back to Ayodhya In i>ip sMn

TJenyRavan's own posh, royal aircraft, thePushpsk. That belonged

^^fm^^ captured war property. Sigreev could hav« offerefl

* fin tn his aii^raft hut that wouldn't have b«n bs bonourao^

"^'JmSng in the slain adversary's caplored aircraft in w c

^*^ ^ad earUer abducted Sit«.

T^^s. every deui! of the Ramaj^ should mak* » '^^^^^ "^d ,^e ta e p^per lesson in bravery, cc^^*- ^'^^^

"il waging an uncompmmising fight agaJnat the «"«*"

Page 223: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


of KinJudoni *nd Vodic culture.

Rgmi -I •f^'^ ^^(f^^ ^^^ Ayodhya is noi an fmaeinan,^^TV ieri*! v1e« of t'nins^ <>" '™^'' ^ described In thq ftT^'

p,y(.l5 fir^t.hind e3spori?ti« of flying, '>^«n

fl^nMi e^iTfelnt to 6 formal reunion with Siu and a p^^

M» captMl *^l^ her was just to k«p up eppeBircnc*^ ^j.^ }^

pBbltc Af*^ fill *s his wife and qi;«ii whos^ freedomhej) ^J

Tff^ by thf sln>ing of Rfi^^^^ s^« *ss eniitied to reiumto her

ftmily. I^i onrt tack Rfimfl could not fegflrd her role in the campaign

iljiinst ^av^n with equenimity, The public In the kingdom^tv

mts fufihly critical of Sita^a rol«. Thus both in the royal tv^Wy

and Ui »he public Su s mte continued to cause adverse criUcism

CoBsequenUy Bam* had to suggest that she retire to the forest,

cw«y rrtim Lbe royal household and from affoirs of stale, Hutu

If dflii^ «i reford staling emphatically that he considered his rayal

role 8* of supreme importance and domestic life as of neglfjpliiie


We thus come Ui the end of the Ramayam'c ftory. ^Tany CiLhH

dotv'ls <|[f the Bamayan may perhaps need rationsJijation in the

mirner in which maiiera have heen e?qplain^ above. But the refiders

would pertiapi ih^rriselues be able to understand them in a ]a«ial

po^pittivff heroilter in the context of the eifpositian delinestri



B^Jt the current lr*nd of (Jtowing Rama 'a st^ry to be monof

b>- «l4(iou5 prsechen for spiHtoal discourses needs U> be M^enl!^

Gurkd. The Hamayan needs to be prea(;hed as the down ly^^^rtoi> or a i,ero whose coura^je and relentless pdrsuii of tl^e en'f"^

ibKW W timj in billflds to inspire our armed-forces pcso""^

*Wle the prmciplfei of RamrBivA should he impresswl on ^

^w^uetata, md miiury cajupe^gners to be followed as m!?d«]»'


M the ae^a '^f * divine figure tbe Hamayan epic mrmw in

India in b f^rly complete and perhaps unadultefaied fomi because

^[hduiam survives in India.

But elsewhere \n the world wherever Hinduism hha winced,

vfiltedflnd withered under BuddhJst. Chrlatian or Muslsm assadta.

LliB Bameyan got battered and tattered.

Yflt such lias been ih^ durabfOty of that gmi dMne Usiwy

thiL It stni can be traced tenaciously survwiog in tit-Wts all the

»or1d over. Tn a separate chapter we have pointed out how the

Hdnaysn may b& traced even In the folk 'lore and Uterature of

Impmi countries. Yet the details B^ven tn this volume may be

LTMled as mere clues. Pei^ons with grea!*r time, resources and

telltlfes at their disposal should undertake a more thorough search

Jor remnants of these ifreat Vedic epics in countries lilte Spain.

?i^ce, Italy and Greece where a thick crust of Christianity hides

"^sive evidence of earlier Vedic culture.

^^m\kn Ramayj*n

Towards the end of the chapter on surviving Europemveraioni

*f Iha Ram.y,«i we have meiitiontd a Russian volume which hw

^"'PDed ,ev.T^i Mongolian versions of the Bamayan alonj with

*'*'= ^ ihe versions survlvintr in the Russian Kalmyk Republic.

*^S(.ng-hul of China rendered the Jataka form oflbeRamayw

Page 224: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

mfn ffil A.n. A CHn^^ translftHon of a Sanskrit Ujci bv v


^j^c^-bJnglh-'deoihofDashBrath (glricken with grief ai, lied^*


Tljc Cejloirtse Ramadan

Dr. Lokesh Chandrs, director of :h^ InemaLionalAcademy


Indlin Culture tJ*22 HauJt Khas. New Delhi) has published

Uikd Ramajjn. the Epic of Asia. What we would like Ui

SB an aiTiendmeni to that title is that the R^mayan anJ MahabliiBL

hsvi been world epics and not of Asia alone isecause Vedic cuHuj^

pmneaied the whole world. Even so the infoimatjon ihet he hsa

campiled of the various versions of the Ramayan in Asian oountriei

ao far as known Is as under: "A long tradition in narrative arnt

dramatic form created the great episodic cycle of the I6th c^iyr^

classic Chinese novd known as 'Monkey' or th^a Hsi-Yiichi ffhich

imileamatid emon^ other elements the extensive travels of Hanyman

in quest of Site. This motif enriched popular culture and folklore

and also contributed to the oevelopmeni of Chinese secular literatifffc

"In the sixth centuo' the Sinhalese poet King KumardaH

idenlifted with Kumardhatusen (who reigned around 517 AH)

imposed the Janaki harana, the earliest known Sanskrit wot1( of

Ceylon. Its verhatiin Sinhalese paraphrase was done in itie I2tt!

eaiiury b(y an anonymous writer. It has been eulogised in s*^™

Sinhalese works. In our times the Sinhalese trangl&iion cf ^^

T^WTjayan b^^ C.Don Bastean has been a decisive influence on i^

Stihaitee novel. Modem dramatists like John D 'Silva...havead«pw<l

tht Rimfiyan. -Hie popular appeal in Ceylon has be^i the ide^


Uve Ramayan in geteral and parliculaiiy even the virtues ^ »

have b«n 4i^|^^ ^ ^ Indonesia.

nit C*mb«dkn RimiByaij

,S,y'^^^ «™«^^ <^tUTy Cambodian, Khiner ctUtions ^'f|^th. ftamay^ h*d b^^, a meior and favourite epic. Its¥«^

uL ia!!.*^W«^nc ev^t, in sculptured


If^mZJL^ ^ impr^,,^ with the R*"^*^^^,* ,,u.l^


"-^ ^»* 'act thai . rmm^ or a ^^ne were sgrfictent to cli"'"'



u«wHc ^P'««"^^^ ^ ondow a^odal-^hical problern ^h ^^

•.!dtv and special amotion. The depiction of the Nftoric *5rpltHU

' vamwn Vn against the Chama, on

of J*^* ,.^ fnllnws th

the exurtor ^g^^ery of

n«von. often follows the plot of the Tlamayan, and iha Khn«r

- iiiift^ ^ _ , .„,

^ theBamays^ became an integi-al part of Kbner life. play*d

klntf^65 a new Rama to crush the king of Cham-j, Since jByavami«n

feLes. fig^^^ ^^ frescoes, and told by story-tellers. U is in


H the lovelier L pontic expression of the s^ul of the Khmer^^^

,^.The teKt followed at Angkor is cinser ta that of Jtvi

itsn U> Valmiki.


lUt Indonesian Ramayan

"The Indonesians are as devoutly attached to the Ramayan

13 (j]e Hindus in India. This was indicated by their hosting the

first modem international Hamayanic festival a few y^arg back.

According to an inscription as [nterpreted by t3e Cssparis the

Ramayan was carved in the ninth centui> on Prambanan 'i Chondi

Loro "jongrong. the Teniple of the Slender Maiden. Thai differ*

fran the classical Indonesian epic Ramiiyan Kjkiiwm. indicating

ihat Indonesia had several versions of the Ramayan. Tbe Riwnayui

reliefs at Panataran are in local style. Only those scenes an? depicted

in wl^ch Hanuman and his simian army have a role.

Ranm^an in Laos

Mn Uos. PhT^ Chao Anurut (King Ani^ddha) con^tractri

Val Mai 'New Pagoda' over the Vat Si Phum. On its pyl^" »^

^^ episodea from the Ramayan. Ue Vat Pa keo sbnne mj^i5 also decorated with Ramayanic painiinns. The ^^^^ ^" prominent and popular theme of ballet in Uos. Tbe ^a

>_ _^

f'*Ballet School of Vientianne trains i^f P^P"^ T.Mm.

^"ya^c ballet. When princes. Dala (i.e-Tara).'^^"f

^^^^^^^'^. Vfltlhans was manied. a few years back, the KMn^

^'« ^^ au^ed in m t^alia at Luang P^^*^^j.^'^'r aJ

^^^^^npt Of the U-otian Ramayan comprising ^n bundl«

^ " '" the V.t ssket shrine. Lafont ha. P^hh.h^^^^"^

Page 225: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



ofii.t. Peer [flkshinah amj j^^^ ^

ipd mother vvrsion OUed P

-The RwiMw ao. flBma-atikbymi) alias RflmsWrti(i,(. ^

^lory E>r ftBTitl ts known to th* Tfeol oliu SamttjFp^jpi^ '^^


mfeilwi pb}' i.e. Khai. or bs a shndow play (LeNang) ^^ ^M ll<i«7 eompMSlfoB. l^r monervhs. Ramo i Md Raf^*


tlwBi^nf ^^v» vriittir ^•eI*sia^^5 or ihe Ramayan. The m^'non

{\. «. SKJpftthficarmJ alias th* HoyaJ rin<? Arts Faculty of Bang]{o!(

often u»s thos* versions for siatj^'Shows on spwrial occa$ionj

Ein( Kmna VI WIW* his own version of the Ramajan based «tt]« oxTsintI "^^Inoild 's Kflmayan. A Thai ^hular. BhanUiiyhL tra

tMSfd liif RiE^ayinlc vork on th» Indonesian ' Kainakira ' of Uu

tfiM of th« SWvi>ayfl Hindu fiT.pire in Java. Tne Nanu or ^ihadowpi^y

wkb figures mad* from hides Is mentionwi in the Palatine Uwof King B^rcnsfilrAilokanaL^ (i. €. *?< l^rJi^s^j enacted in 145S A.D.

"Tbe MHlaysiar HikaYst Sen Rama (ADl-tOO'lSOOi hssbm

b forth* repertoire of Ma)i>' sbadow- plays, the WflLVanB Sim

Wiytng Jtws. Tbe popularity of the Ham^an &nong the Mit^f

pwpl» B represtnied by i variety of kjcpl Uterary va-SJons. T^

M*li>Tim DaUng e^-en perfonn 200 to nOQ shows s yeW". *n*

FVfofm&nces ire underukm with due devotion . TTiey are ^i^^

*!« 1 riiuflJ affenng and Jnvo^^uons ss has be«n the Vedic uadiUw

*«rywhtrt in andem Um« In Mala>'3ia the rank of sdmiral ^

knowft B Lakshmift afltr Rama's war-Ume deputy and yo^P*^

"* H40i»>»n in Etynsa

22^^'™** nil^-Xyantittha CA.D. 1064-111 2) stylw"^"^

^tmm^X of Rftmi in the univmal Vedic tnditioti- TW J«<^

?-l T" "** ^""^ ^^P*"^ Sam The perfont.*^ ^^^1^

f• ktoil <rf Btfli* UtUJ V.U tprad over w ^''^^^


jypn ts known to eMst in other Aarian «witrt»,' "^

-roltocg of Tun Huang ore two Ramaymk mftnuicnpla

^ '^f!^fth centuries. Ther* is aim a poetkal vi^™ of

"f ^iBth cefltUTy. the Zhanjr-^ungpa Oowarg-dniipBpi],

** ^"^jl^aon of Tarsnstha and a number of wh^ v*nJ™

, losttT*«

^^^^j^jgg nn works in poetics and ttidadia lyds

ic*t«^^ara* and SuhbashiU Ka^a-NidM,

t4 KMd! has t^^ oldest manuscript of ValmiJd '$ Raraysn daOng


_ Lo](eghchflndrB observes in his paper on the Ramayan "U

b^kyards of the collective unconscious of the PhOippines are

^Wd resonances of the ep« of Rama. iJi 1968 proTesaor Juan

J^cisco discovered emonK the Muslim Maranw a miniaiim

tjrtto of Ramft^afi as an avaUr of the renwle litmiuit of

«^.bUmK Philippines. Among other Muslbfl tnbcsof thePbalippinel

fBrii u tb« KCagindanao and the Sulu folk, reciutlora of this f«E

ipic survive in dilutedl versions."

to fad the tenn Magindsnao is Sanskrit Msbsdimav mwair<

lt*Grat Danav community of which Eavan was a pnjminmt rukr.

Kcnayan is a very important and L'tegral pot of^^^ ''^^^

S3 the latter Is known today -

Bui Hinduism Is only a modem synonym of Vedk culturt*!**

[*^ed &Q T^ons of ihe world in pre-islamic and P"'*^^*T^^ thei^ore ihe story of Ramayan wm known, studied, reffl*

^ nsated With graai devotion and atlecitioo gll ow the i««rt

'' «»!:f scholars who study and 9cnjtani» th* his"^ «

"^ l»y Islam and Christianity tak^ P«ii>^ ^o ^^^''^'f^^-"•limlfi and pra-ChrisUfci history of those laftds »*«*

**-AJ* ^»«ovw evidenw of the «Hier Vedic cuJiur* »h^ i»*™"

Page 226: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


A tpedfle instwioe is that of a Muslim cormumu,,

Chrisiisniwd country vii the Philippines c^ref^iiy pr^.^' '

rouUt«lv «^-rtiTW Lh* Bamayan as b venemt«i cUtu^iiherib!!

of thar iinkno*n and for^Llm Vedic p&st. "^i^

ta a» Sout^ Central Philippines is an ^hnfc gmup i^^,^

MsriiJittws who f^ncy Ihemselve* to be Muslims ev€,^it,c^ ^^^ ^^foroed to tuTtt Muslim by Arab invaders about BOn year a^^

Th^ fnhalitt the western parts of the volcanic highlniji)&[

MindanHO wd form ffbouL two Lo three percent of the PhilippRe

population Prior to conversion the Maranaws were onliodw

^TtEtania. That Is why on convarsion Maianaws transferred th«fj-

Vedic orth&doxy to Islant and became orthodox Muslims. y«i ibg

csominue to hold to tMr precious devotion to the Bamayan.

It was prgfess^jr Francisco who discovered the Ramayan smonj

ih* Msrinewi almost by chance when he loured the lake area firound

which the Maranawa Uve. as a part of his research.



There one day at a community gathering in a vflbge he

i group narraUng a sUwy titled 'Maharida Uwana" i.e. Mahiraji


The script of the story is written in Jawi (modified Arsliie)

bMamnaw language. "Hat is emphaltc evidence of the RamsQ'"!

havitvg been studied, revered and reefted even in the Philfppin*^

»Mch ii currenay a predominantly Chrigtiaji country.

Snce convwilon to Islam ihe Maransws look upon Ihe RajnW/in

tt an herediUry folk tale thai has come down in thar tr^'O;"'

i^ <™i namtLon acxrompanlned by music, aa is the cusLoJn '

"T '"'^"' ^^^ ^' lakes th.^ to four ho^irs. In IndE-^'^

fwfonnanoo U kivown ta Ramlwla

^y ^h\W \s a Sansl^rit name of the Mother Godd^Ipcjtaent*^ ^^^^^ retains numerous Sait^kril wonla, pr^r

^**hTllst^ over ITK. This is further evtd«ice of Smskm

frifc'^'^^ ther of all languagea. Some of those eaaily recoptinble


Dharma. Swarga. Naraka enc. But Ihcy are u»ed

"^^^^teJtt of Islam. Tor example, fasting, whkh |g 'upsva^'

'^^^t Iflsubstitued by the word Ramadan Callaa Ramazanl.

IPSaasl^ ^^^ \sih& Sanskrit word Ramadhyan i.e. MediUUTtg


the Mai-aitaws ^ost Southeast Asian countrlea too refer

^^Lniay&n as Maharida l^wan i.e. (the story ofi Maharaja

^ ^^^

¥el Bama represents rightiousneas while Ravan siandt fw

In iiearhy Malaysia the title is Hi^tayat Maharaia Rav^a.

The narraUon begins with Seeta Swayamvara, But h^ name

i,n,enilcred as Mailaila Ganding while Rama is named Mangaiidiii.

^e flt^ ihree pam of the story pertain to the abduction of Se«ia.

i\t geaith for her and the tnimphant return to Ayodhya mfntioned

u Puhi Agama Niyog. Ravanas capital l^ka is referred lo as

TuluBandiarmasir. The royal characters are referred to as SuUana.

[ntaad of the contest for stringing the bow a game called Sippa

i* m^ by the suitors and the one who kicks the rattJin mto the apartment above the princess's abode wins her.

Ujhmana assumes a very different role In the vmp^^n'on. He is depicted as the monkey son of Ram& and^*s per Ihe Malaysian version Rama and Seeta took a bath in

^^^duringth«r exile, which turned them into monkeys.Uksh™™

"« bom to them ther^fter. Ukshmana is also then Hanum^^

^^ ^id Sutrreav in turns. He becomes a human b^ng after rrtii

^*^^n tn China

^ dialorted version of the Ramayan is enacted as - '^*"" ''^

^^Ll'"^^""^ ^^^^ '" ^'"^ ^^'^''''

''r«"« Vi ahot'**0en,Qfl5) scorching the earth. The archer-hero Hwi

Page 227: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


^^^ njne. This feal wo^ ^"^ K^^t public i-civjwn

spanUtrwous Iflvc of a d^mset Oifin^ Yi li e. Seem J. B,t ^' ^

fj g Rflvan) Pang Mmjf transforniinu hfmself inu, ^ ^^J^"ymth pfpiended to sleep with Llie henMni^ whom he hirf dJ!^'Thrrwpon the divine hero Hflu Vi feelrnjf brtrayed bantshi^^

»ifeChiinK >i Tht wronged and sorrowing her.jineChanKyiswaflo^


I migicsl iw^^or^ •"'J ^^^ *<* ^^* f^*^" ^^ itfllfiing ih^t hjhiJ

bwi trick*d th< hero Hon Yl prwwds Ui search for Hig f^^

wtfp. Bui on the way h*^ is ambushtwi by ihe vilSnin Pang Mhi-

In the msujng nght Hou Yi Ihe ht-no kills the vitluin Pang Menj'

'[his 19 petaps one of the many dislortions of the Ramayiin survivlnj

in Chinn. It h titled as the fairy tale of Hou Y( shwting sJo»ti

nine suns und Chang Vi flying lo Ihe Moon. In ihe Indian V&j^icm

See*a ii cnguJfed hy Molber Earth.

and Oiuoa = '*^

E (Slia) dSsai^jeoririB tn the Mmn whP* Hou Yl (Raiia) looki on

dlitraughi. In th« Indian v*r£jon Sita <ijssppearB In Iht Karih

TIm Rgmayiui in Iron

An Mst -Iranian version of ihe Hanfiayan is flJso available though

11m nafn li-aniar version has been buried in obii\ior sversitiM Iran

*W converted U3 lalam. That east Iranian version is In Khotaneae

^*^m. ThsL wes an Iranian dialect jM-ffvalent in Kltotan in Cenlrtl

^ dates of the various vei^ions of ihe Hamayan mwtiord

*^i^ Well as the 7th or 9tb or llth century should only be laKen

[^nipan that those nre the versions which we have be^ a^*^ ^™"« AciuaJty the Rameyan being a milUon-yesr ancient Nsloi^

^^h. Tr^ y^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^,^ ^p,^ ^ ^^,^ ti,^ world for i"

^^^' "ilOidn y^^ but sinc^ r^ortis gei desim'^. ^^^ ^'^^^"^i^acdpig available to U9 are of comparttively recenl dnl^-

to J" '"^'"it time ififcts wer*? copiod in hand from genrntftion

^^'f'^far).thfl ^pieg LhBt coma u> our hand aiusi be d«miNJ

'^lon I

™P'e3 tnet come u> our n

8 ulUjjsiiciy to tlie very remote p*3t.


Page 228: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



TOl now ii has beert presujned by modem scholars ihrt iiu

Rmaym fs only an Indian. Hindu epic. That [s jusi not irue

The H4;na>^en was sung, studied end revered in ancient Europi

\M in much the seme way 05 it is reverently quoted and Twfifti

in [fidJa.

Tbe pppultrity af the Ranoayan in the entire micieni wortd

whether of lite Eest or West is yet one more proof thai ihe V^civiJiDKion has been a world heritage.

Richard ts H^jntliJindri

n» rome Rsma alias Ramchandra came to be cemjpted In

Eapjpeftn ChristiBn tradition, as Richard" while Hama's epfc

itTvgale Bgflinsi ihe bU powerful Ravan. earned hfm tiie titts

'Lion -hearted'.

Surnl Vedit Culture

ztflafA-'^r th* p^pBgaiion of Christianity the proselytisngChnaiian missjonBriea rnan^Ked to scuttle and dcsiroy iHe survtviri

FmKh venion and other reafonal vei^ions of the Ramayan «fie

««l were in vt^e b pr^-ChrigtSan Europe.

J^h^^ »,tH.l* wa, 1,1 wluch the Eam^ano was stiHeJ ^t-ri^

c*iu^ '"" ""^ ^ ""'^'J it "P ^'^ ^^'^'^^ '^'' '^^ 11rtTc^^"^"^'^- RI^ thalJon^hi.ted wbau>olcP*^

^ ^"-^^ t^ RfchBnj «. therefor, in fe^. -="^^'^'^



y^t Vedic name Ramchindrti bIjbs Ra™. C«iasqQa,ih

^iW*"* t^ Bnl!9h moiiflTch Richard ihp bon-h«rt*ita. In

ysB[*''^|^^t of the earlier Sanskrit name Samchuictfi \h.



«widne advanUge of the identity and the legendary charKtc-

v^ffO ruuriea Christian miasionBriea Eradually aubstitut^d mm''^

reCruswiic stories for the Ramayanic episodes. That ia how

""J^lyiized Europe was made to forget and bse track of their

^kHt Bainflyan'

But fflcriminotogista say '* there is no perfect crime \

CMUequently the Christian strangulation of the Ramayan and other

«rt9 of Vedic tradition in Euj*opean life has left distinct trecea.

0fiittao [ntraasigence

Thfl blsme for stamping -out that ancient Vedic tradlilon mast

ntBch only to early Christian pnoselytizers who turned Europe

[[hHstian ovei* a period of a thousand years beginning with U*

ilicffltuiy A.D.

But modem Christian scholarship must a5so cwUinly take the

tlBiit for closing its eyes in somnolent nnaensitWity to the baps

^ Bvidenoe iyia^ under its very nose and feet, about the Vedic

dwsctw of pre-Christian Europe.

CfcHsttanlij DCKoura^es Researtih In Aackat Hblery

The Ramayan presents a graphic example of ho* Western

**QlistJc acumen is befuddled by its allegiar^ ^ Christianity.

^»e of that it refuses to look into anytyng of preChristiai

'*' Europeana brand and bundle-up the «nUr« history

^"ra-CStrfsUfln timKi with one contemptible term 'hefthen' iwJ

yy it to the waste-paper basket of perpetual oblivion. For

"**' virtually no notice need be Utken of the world befot* Chnst-

'"^ ^« frowiH on Rocarch In Ancient HUloij

"^**>tie holds true for the attitude of ihe Bverag* «"*^

Page 229: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

44» 449

j^«n\c^ UW H^ ^"l* *>''f ^1 pr«-Mahomadhistory ^

of K-flrJ imd. Uwrcf^-^. ""worthy of any n,enUon <jr su% ^TH, ind««l«s ^'^ 8)]?«!"« 10 ChrisOanrty or Cijrrj^

or islim. bbts out eil wseftrch acumen. '^

A frtpWc insunce of iHs fa^ is thai in reijions of the worW

wWch tn i«yw ovenvheliPing^y Muslim or Christian the r^,;^ ^ihr UTTtJT, ionuf* ^^ tyranny with which v-holc regfana w^,

Uuwd MusHm or ChHmian have been completely wiped out. Not*

er«r Ulki or wfiifts about ibcm


II is this failing or flaw in the make-up of theMuslim , Communist

or ChrisU» mind which makes thens completely overtook Uk

iHiidrtds qT painiin^ of Ramayanic episodes on display in Jiijan

ntmRum md the several versions of the Ramayan sli!l available

(in a Eutiu form though ) in European Ifhraries. M an illtisintti4)n

1 wn mntionljig hciicundei' one version of the Hajnayan wMdi

cxme Ui my hands after a tortuous a;)d franLIc search in distant

^iinpe, liiroujfh sevenil contacts* from my scholastic perch in fndli.

the thl» page of that edition Is being reproduced below:-













j^contenta are as under;*



Richard and ContemporBry Troubadour Poeti?

jiietricalChronicleg arid Metrical Romances

1, Ambrosius" Tll^torie de la guerre Sainto

2, Konrad of Worzhurg "s TUmei Von Hanthai

3 Robert of Gloucester ' s Chronicle

A. Chronicles of Vt*^r of longtoft and Robert


B. Thfi Metrical Romance and its different versions

si Ms of Caius CoU^e, Cambn^^e

b) Ms in Bodleian Ubrary . Douce 228

c) Ms in BriUsh Museum >Additional 31,042

d) Ms in British Museum. Harley 4690

e) Auchinleek Ms .*^

f) Wynkyn de Worde 's Printed Copy

later Works in chronological ord^

l^ Tlnoublesome Reinne of John






... «



^«^ot, . '^ „„„, (^1^3 cgy,g^ (B., obov« It *^^'S^B^'or Lord ShiV, BoLilol Cdh**. "^^^

j i^irpin* '*»*^"""'

irr dedlca^fid u Vedtc d«ltiM.

Page 230: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


2. Vtie Th(jf^y of RichATii I ..,

3 Rich»H Cb«r de Uon. Gamedy by Sedaine

a] Bur^oynt's TYanaUition of tbe fcir«8Qing woii(

bl lfic8fdo CiiOt di Leone ...

c) Richard Coeur de Lion, arranged by measr^

Mflffey ,.,

4. U tour Tai€brcuse, by MUe, L ' Heritief d«

6. WeittCT &nd WQIiam

*. ffichard the first. By Sr J.B, Bur^«

7. «) Icmentatioii of Queen Elinor

b) Princely Sonp of King Bichard

c) Song fa(y Eichard the Tirst

fl. Hicbard Lowttiben Ein Gedfcht

9. Ivmhoe and the Talisman ...

10. Richard Coeur d» Lion, an hist<irica3 romance

11. RlchHrrf Coeur de lion, an historical tragedy

CtticSusion ...




d'vB yv

T^ Biwv, -mentioned volmne fa s doctoral thesis tn ^"S''*

"lotted to the Fikcuity of HigW BiOosophy of Leipzig Umve^HJf

PuUkhrf In l^ St i. ^^^^ly ^ compHfllion and 3*^^^^

^Z^ ^^™P*" vf^on. of the ato^ of"'^"^ "*

«^,^^b . friend's friend I could obtain (ifi„ f^^^^^persons over a nton^ of y«r,> . ^^^^*^

7 to &!^ »id 90 to 96 besides l& other shwu which wi,^rjZ^mdmto^ besides l& other shwi, w^

o'***!?t naites of the several chapt^i^ in tbat compOniai


Piffe9«0 to ». rt^erred to ebove, are csp«dftlly important

they rev^a" ^ ^"'"^ ^^^ ^'^ ^^* ^^rai^ debris of ih«

rinicH^Tiwrought by a nunpanl Cbrialianity in Europe for o^

^^sand year^ retain traces of the Haraayan that waa pr^valait

J^^pe inpr^'Chnstiaii times.

But apart from those pages Bamayanic episodes ar« scautfed

t'I'bitfl in aeveral other versions included In thai compQaticKi,

Ijftoraflcc or Chrisllan Scholars

Howevar it needs to be noted tbat neither the doctoral candidei«,

Cewge Henry Needier nor hts menton of tbe Leipstig Univerrity

l)etray the alightesl awareness thnt they had in their hands the

mins of the endent Ramayan legend b It was in vogue in mediacvil

Eyrope. That is a graphic instance of how Christianity has suweeded

^ doping the academic world into forgetting and wnting ofT the

entire multi-miUion-yeaP-atretch of the preChriatian Vedjc pot

of Europe.

OriRiitfll French Vorslon Destroyed

A footnote on page 24 of th« doctor^ thesis, observes "Hut

thegfmindwork of the njmanceofREchanI Coetir de [Jon wasonginUlJ/

French is evident from the words of the English irtinslaUif hima^ir

in rvumerous pla(s». For instance, in the introdnctien to the P«m

•! read (Weber n. 21-24),

"tn Prenssbe bookya this 17m la wpousb*'*

1^ footnote adds "That the English veriion B^'^*^'JJ

^ 1« much larger than the original French is slso t«sfly^^^ the lack of harmony in the dlfferait p«rt* of^^*^r^^"^2* rr^m the absence of any refemice whatever io * Fr«H^ «

^ 'in^e aectiona of the rH«m...and laUnun the .iyi« ^^

Page 231: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


actions of tfw pom. whfeh have an unmiatakafeiy

na«OTr,..,'nK»JEh B French poem on Richatti Cowr ,1^ y^^ J***"*!!

Lhf ground work 4}f i corresponding EngliKh poem . this laitJ*^^

if M flr^l Wiiiful m>TOduction of the French po«m has Rft«l*^,,^;*jvff! in English large additions which have i^o ttninifljrJ^'

the original French form...*." "^

'Rw Eftgiish venfon is mor^ liberally aduliei^ted than ath*.

Eiirop^n versions of the Ramayan, because the crusader Richa-i

WK I ftitiih monarch Other Europeans didn't have a j^j^^

najnesak^ himdJe lo sdulierate the Ramayan with.

FrcHti PerHCUttoa

Here a pertinenl <iu«tion erises. Why ij the Frmch vei^ion

lotfilly untraceable when a number of English versions ^ though highly

tdu]t«mied, BreevBiiabl?. An adulterated, truncated German versfon

tl9o eidsla. Why is then the French version totaJly niisaing ? Needfer

docs noL Mefn lo hove discussed this question. That ?uch minv^gstJoii should not sugsest ft^lf to European scholars indicsta

B major feuJt in current research methodology, which slurs ovtr

mmy suc'h vital questkms because of Christian, Muslim sni

Conununist r^uci^ct to come to grips with inconvenient facta.

An ifivestigatJon of that issue lesds to e very Importent ancfllsi?

oonclusion namely bow pre-Christian history h&s be^ gucceasfullj

throttled in France and other parts of Europe.

TTie destraction of the French version and of the other Eurttpsn

venions oT the Himayan wm broughl about by Christian proselytia"

when they forced Christian Ety down Eup^pean throats p


tlirart** laxsLkin. tyramiy, torture, dec«t end ttEii|]ijt'Oi.



t Lrtin vwMon of Oa Rflfnayin must also have eaated in Eiaflf*

--*^^]y btcaute hundrwls of painti^ifs of Ramayanic ef^»^*'ijvcludinB -TKink.^-ch.i^Ufrs *re on display in mus«n8 i»i ^^^TW UUn v,^\^ rnay either be .ec«<ed in the «.uJW ^^JZV-U^ in Rom. or may have b«n desLrayed Wh^ ^^

^^lineclamp^Christianity on hJ» domalnt. SncH^ ber,™^

ring boa^ «f Christianity ^| tra.a of the earlier VajJe

^Tfls'^tianshould «^ destroyed there systematically „ia ^ r,„,^^


pj^t Chrtfltlan ferocity and Teal was b no w^y ja. ^tenw

Arab terror and tortur* (urj^aahed for impwtn^ Islam) may

iudgpd from the fact that even ProieaUnt tHi^enot) Chrigtiaia

^France had to flee to Germany to seek safety and shnhs

t^ fanatic Cflthcjlic repression in France. A second wsve af ms^i

"7uy and temjr swept France during the French ReVQluUonn

l^Liris Ihe close of the 13th centuiy. The current image of soave,

ft Ftfnchculturt thus -proves deceptive when esaesaing the hjatcry

^aneO'Christian. CathoUc France.

Slmjjjhia-tng Hiswiy

let readers, therefore, remember bow s coercive ChriatEsn leal

ntsde Europeans sweep clean all memories of their preChri^^an

Vedic civili7jiLion inU> the dustbin of oblivion and fondly believe

that they have been nothing but Christians from the dawn of time.

Similflrly islam loo makes Muslims pretend that there h« b«n

no preMDhamed elvili/sibn to talk of. Communista iflke the same

itance vtsa-vis Kai^l Marx. These are instances or how history

Is slauifhtercd from time to time. To resurrect ilseU from such

fatal ss5auUs history need5 to have a Fhoenixlike quality.

AdmUenilion gf the Rum^yaii

Descibina how swrie* not connected ^th the I2ih century

J^cW the Uon^H^rl«l,kiTia of England of the Cr^^|]^W become garbled. Needier observes (on page !« of hb docuj™

"»^> ^'From the many adventui^s of Hlchand^s Me. «^^ ^'

"^f"lt, on the fTeld of battle and elsewhere, marvellous '^^i^^

^ ihemaelves, arose m course of lime stories mvich mc^rtmilrv ou

""^'^ [n which fact had lost itself in fiction. Fr^n the r«irr "

"«"Bl W,^«ry. by a gradua] transition through <:*^"'"''^^^,^7^'^ '^ n«t.r* gr both extremes, we pass now to the ™aJm cf t*«

^I^«*ly legendary. '

Page 232: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

Th« ibov* nbtfrvBtlon nwdit » Mule corrwgon. l>u* lo „.

Ip^flmnc* TietiM inv^rtwl th<»chiy]nolo«icnl sequence. Th^Fjin^*


Ic^d ulnwiy *»i«t4?d In Europe from limo immemorial,The!!^^

ftirhiirti of Kn«lflnds flscploits have fejol. dpvoUi3«I fnto th^ Rai,,^.*'

l^^jedd Mild no^ "*^ '^*"'',


|>et tis now exmnijie some of the con linen Ul vers|(jnt of b«

ftumnywi before luminB to the English vmbn yjider study, ^i^^

It nwr* rpp'el* w^Lh Kama^'flnio happenings.

A German po« of ihe 13lh centUT^. Konrad of Wurabur^ Ha,

|,vrt m D poem titled the Turnei of Nanlheiz.

NwcIIpp observi^ (on pn^e 2n of his tliesig) '"This tournament

of Niini«, wriUen in fi-syltabled couplets... ia a pur* nctku

of ihe poel Bftil has no hiatorical event for its baflJ9....HlJie hmouUhin«9 stl compeiilors by ihe brilliance of his fcals \n lh€ [jstj.

H« wju Lni^ and stnidfast, pcw^ifuj. noble and mighty . tli«re livej

w* hi* pquiiU,,.mDny wlcbrated kings and princea come lo ^UHirnameni but Richard 3ui*passes thcjn all in strenijitb and M.Wbm be enLeml the ranks of ih& C{unbfilanLs he dove the ihon^,

Jtii(. B I k«el Otis through the sea foam' ',

TV H'fliyBablH) couplet is an imporUmt detail becauM in Vedic

>rtflliicin, the flguri' fl has long stvciei;! iradition*

Thii Ci^rman poem is obviously an alliision lo the gatheririK

of kiDp and princes at Junaka s* court to try io atting l^rd S^viJ

bow. rtunt WM ihe only <^e who not only lifted the heavy bor*

Iwit alio elow iu ibonij. He ia oliio endowed with divine fl«l

»up«r human qujiliLte* as indeetl Rama was,

AiKuher proof of undent Cermany having had the RomfiJjiJ'

»« ih,f«rt ihai l>r Hahnemann. theCctman founder of bomoeopjA^

'y^^ «rt^ Hanuman, » well known cha.-aci*r of the RamJtf'^.

^ In crth«- Europ«„ countrioa the same nama o<^^




fj Vtr*'*'^

->^ - oorl*nta "Oted at the top ofP^ 1. ChapMT 1 of Rk^As lion, fn MetHoil Komancei edited % Henrv W. Wtbw

^bor^h. IB'"

.. ^pg Richard's father ... .consent* at the request or Mi liTT)n»,

^ Lhe fairest woman alive. Messengeni we aent to dUcoMw^ "^e meniage i^ celebrated. .

..the queen b^ng forced u> mnab

'^'acranient* flies through the rwrf of a diurch, and tak^ her


" .rtuMt children with her. King HerM^ dies end leaves hb

^^ 10 hia son Hichard .

m^ or t^ee slender Ramayanic atranda Tnay be detected Ui

Iflvebeerv all mi>:ed-up in the above st^jry.

Dasharath king of Ayodhya mamea off llama to the 'Mnirert

^«3fnHA" SJta. Towards the end of the Hamayan, Siia haa lo leBve

for the forest where she begets two sons. Uva and Kuaha. Id

ttw early cbapter^ of the Kamayan, Pasharath dies thwarted in

hii desire U3 crown Rama. All theae events have been badly miwd

up cut of sequence, with the story of tt^e l£th century cnigader

Rkhafd. King of England in the version quoted above.

Mediaeval Eurepean vei^imis of the Ramayan art beaWSy

sdulimled with references to Richard, the English king and his

GourtSera and to Jesus and churches, a sample of wluch we have

seen above,

We now refer to another version which *^"^^|^limnialakable elemef^ts of the Ramayanic plot though ^^ .

^ made to appear to be part of the career of Ba chard, mg

who ruled from 1169 to 1199 A.I>

Ibat version consiiUte* ChapUrr VI of Needier^^^J^

^"1^^ .mmnurized in the opening lines of the ^^^"^

»tcha^ ,^ f,, ^,^ . th.^ of his shipa are driv^^ «^P^

^Qlfpnja, where they are plundered, and the ^^^^""^^^^^

^'^^. Richard arrivea and aenda me^senge- . ^^.f^^ting^^ *mperor, who cut» off his ^lewardi nose for r««ocu.

Page 233: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



„gajnst Lbs burbiiHiy- King Bchard t^ke^ the lowr, ^r j,

TV si^-MTiJ dfiiivm thp Emptrror'a dflughler, with ihe sr^t^^-^ (Mw hundred knitfhts Lo Wm. The King atujcks the ^'*Ihp Emperor. ir>d nwta Ws army, forcing hM Ui come 6^,^ J^.lAnBdf He endeift'iJui^ to slir his barons aKainst f^j^^ Birfl!*

but t>wy refuse snd he is imprisoned". ^*^-

TV flbcve summnn^ clearly contains an outline of theHan(4y-,t

pv^t»- IKchard is Kama alias Bamochandra. He saiJa acron tu

Piik S-rtJts lo make s naval landing on Unka. Cyprus lilce Lb^|« ilso an island . C3eaHyenough .

Ibe Emperor of Cypm s is a subsUuiit

for Havan. the much -dreaded nJer of Lanks. Rama's ndv^tt^

jSHult'troqs are ecuuilly kiHed or taken prisoner by the Empew

gf Lsnkt. Hanumsn goes a? a messentfer but is bound with rjpes

tad chain? and produced before the Emperor. There be Is il]-ir^e3

and iffflt»lLed. Tat Emperor^s bnother Vibhishan remonstrates. The

fusion to ihF Emperor cutting off his steward $ nosD Is i nLi

up of the Rtmayanic episode of Ramans brother, Lakshman cuiiiiji^

off the ears and nose of Shoorpanakha , the sister of liavain. TV

incidcpl of the steward delivering the Emperor* s daughter is actusiV

I vubsUtut^ for ibe Ramayanic event of VlbhJshan pleadirq for

the rtlfiBse of IRama's vtife) Sita incarcerated by Ravan. The UWff

did aciuaUy stir his barons (Meghnad, Kumbbakama and othen)

againsi King Rama i e. Richard. The reference to the imprisonmtf"

of tiie Emperor of Cypru* is 4 watwed-down substitute for t**

ilaying of Ravan by Kama. I.imawur is Linktii^Di"-

We shall now quiote hereunder parts of the long English po^

n reeortifti by Needier in bli printe^l thesis from pag« ^^indkating hew it b an adaptsUon and sdulL^ration of the Hb^"3'^

lory Th* ipelljngs are of old English which have ^int*^*°**'^

oUoiele. The poem runt ss under : -

^*King Richard, in peace and rest

ForCryslmM. the high feste.

Uwdled there till after the Lent

And then on h|a «vay be went".

man ailwsion to Rama' a pious ascetic life and hEa iourrtw

1™'^ place in the forest (in the (Erection of l^ks) Tba^ ^^^IhraBeologJ used above follows faithfully the wjl* of

M^\ SenakritRamayana, The poem further nH-rai«s.

Towards Cyprus all sayland.

Chai-ged with treaour evei^ deal.

And aoon a sorrowful caa* there fell

A great tempest arose aodaynly

That lasted five days aykerly

It broke their mast and their oar,

And there Tackle lesse and morer

Ank^* both shrette and rother.

Ropes, corda. one and other,

And were In point to sink adawn>

As they came ag«ist the l^fmosoure.

The three Shippes right anon.

Bralte against the hard stone,

AE to pieces they to-tore^

Unrethe the folk saved were^

The marinera tumelh it withheWe

That shyppe left in the Shelde

For the Griffons with sharp swordea*

Crete slaughter of our English meked,

And spoiled the quick all natoed

Sxteen hundred they brought cjo-Bva,

And to prison hundreds five.

And also naked sixty score*

As they were of their mother? !»«'

'^ above Ibes describe how the advance ^^^^.r^™*^ Pief because of the tempest, shipwreck, and *"f^™^^ the Griffons i.e. the Rakshas armies of LaJ^^ ^'"^ ^^ ^ ,^^'^ of the attackers and look others prisoner. ^"^ ^ ^^*^i«*undaUon of the Sanskrit word l^l^^' ^1, .f tb.^^^ lamely Ravan, Further ah«d lin« 2073 to affl»

=^ot*fI(4jed European Ramayan run as u^^er :-

Page 234: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

m*' TTie thridde day aTti^nnird

TV wind c«mp drivinK Kyng Hfchard

Wiiti alS hSs grale navyeF

And his BsyliiiK ifslyes

Ta fl ship thai ^lode in depe

The gerti^emet) therein diUe weap^_

,i^nd when they saw Richard the Kirnfn

n^eir weejainB tufncd ol Lo loughing

Tlicy welccmed hfni with worshippea.

And told him Ihe braking of their shipper

And the robbery of his tresour.

And all that other cLishanour

Then waxed Kin^ Richard ful worth


And h^ swore a fuJ grete othe,

Efy Jesus Christ our Saviour*

[t should abye the empei-or*'

Ttic Bbo^ lines obviously rcc^ the Ran^ayanJc er^sode of tlic

advmcc msatill- troops or Hama's army, belnij at flrsL bothered

by the rough ss and then scattered end slaughtered by Ravsfi'i

d«ffluting Demon anny - Tha i serious setback mad e Kama 's monlwy

(ihJK h a i^hdcal appellation of wartime guerrillfla) troopj lose

hurt, Ouat at thai momeni Richard (alias Rama) appeared tm ihf

pceme' Hu jirgsence, nmwess. valour and divine aura boosted Iw

monie of bli loldiera. T^y legained their composure. Their

ttHinWHianoea were wreathe with smiles. They all v^orahlpped ^^*

nnex he 'ra an incarnation. The aubsequeni reference to Jew*

Chrirt is obviously an ajiachronistic adulteration exemplifying ^Q*

tt» iKiflr day exploiu of the English King Richard were ehIjm^

^9 with tb» artiftr Ramayanic legend.

^^^ ^ ikffli ume poem from 2089 onw^aids a« ''

"fli cl*pyd Sr Stephen and WiUiam

J^5a H>3t>erL of Toumham."^™» S«iUl barwins of Entfiimd^ Of «p«ech douKhty of hand*Now io and lay K, ih^ emperor,

Qj.^ 1 5>veer V * Denys.

1 Mrill Have thr« aytbe double of hii,

And y*l<i T"V '"^^ ™^ **^ prison.

And for the deed pay rauneoun.

Or hastily. T him warna

I wiU worke bim a harm

3(jth with spere and with hmce

Anou I fibflil telte vengeaunoe**

g of Knglish barona above are substitutes for ^he

r borons, such as NaU Neel. Angad and HanumBn, TT»

^^wige of speech, doughiy of hand" is cl^ly a Rsmayanic

J* '„ Rama bade his messengers U) slenily warn Revan to reieas?

^'^Dtnh«bad detained (including SiU).

That those megsengers were the monkey -troopers of Rama'it

^y (end not barons of Richard ^s Chriatian army) fa clearly ijme

nal ii ibe following tines from 2103 onward* :

"nae measengers anou forth went

lb do their lord a commandment,

And bendely sayd the message

Tlie emperr.r- began to rage.

He gninte his teeth and fast blewe

A knife after Sir Robert he threw

He blent away with a leap.

And it flew in a door a span deep.

And syth he cried, as unoooirteys:

Out layierds» of my pakyil

Naw go and say your lAyled klag

That [ owe him na lhIng-«»*--^

"T* above lines refer to tha 'monkey' barwimeBeogert

l^^^ng Rfl;^.^ gt,^ ^^^i^g ^ jl„ revenge to ^"^^^X^'"^ ny iato a ™ge. 'Hie refe^nc* to (Ravan) ^^"^^^> ^^ i*eth in wrath is typically Bamayanic, Bavai, thi^

^^* »="t the leadintf messenger Robert l^ped ^th 3^^ ^

Page 235: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


jhff^for*. t»w nume Robert* ta Lhe above lines Is dearly ^"^^

forHanuman, "^W^

In rttum Bflven thunders a counter -warning w^Ji^l .

Of montteymesamgers to carry back to Ramg. 77^^ ^,*>nn

tetbt * monkey- ' Iroopcrs as ' Laylarda '

!.«, ihoj^ ^j^^"^ ^*r

ire oitlerftJ to go W) Ihwr "t^led king'* i.e. Sa^p^,^ ^j^him ihst Hflvan fempetior of Cyprus alias Lanka 3 owed hi^^


i.e. w*$ und^ ao oWiBStioa Ui fiUfil ihe demand to rt]p

nd >umender himwir*

Ravan adds

igation Ui Mm ihe demand to rti&iSi %

^' J sm fee! glad of his lore*

I wCl bim yield none other answore

And he shall find me to morrow

At tbe haven to do him 5ont>w.

And work him as much wraket

As his men that I have take*'.

In the above Hues tlsvan threatens to storm Sugreev's giro

cnnp the nejci day and wreck it in the ver^y manner in which tbi

monkey anny played havoc wjlii Ravan "s forces.

The departure of th* "monkey " messengers and sub»flq«eni

develflprm^ti are described thus:-

Tlie messengers went out f«l swythe

of tbeir escaping tbey were blithe

TTie etnp«x>r'i steward with honour,

Said thua unto the emperor:

*SrH be said thou bast un-righi,

thou baddesl almost alain a blight,

**«t was mesaenga' unto a king*

^ b«i under Sin shininsT^ou han ihyself Tresour grete plenw'*U thou it withrid it were pit«:For h* ii c™,ed a pilgrim,


^d al! hie men that b# with bim»

j^ him do bis pilgrimage

^d kepe tbyaelf from damage '



ijjiljey.messengers were so shabbily treated by Ravsn

^«v ^f* fli^rehenslve of bdng jlain. So when ibey ^^re^^ tBfiyf«3t ^^^^ nM^^ and departed from Lanka (tiiu

4 b^lBP <*f Bav*"' humbly suggested after due obeisBnee to

in tJiitmessengers must be treated with due respect TVereTore.

^view of court -proprietyand etiquette Ravan "9 rough treatment

V monkey' - messengers, almo$t to tbe point oF sl^ng them

J^^ f^ht, They were representing a monarch "best undn* the

gMii' l.e, tbs divine^ illustrioua Ramachsndra, Ravan had gaied

iflt al ttfiflffure during his rsida, and also Sta, which he ought

Kfhard over to Rama. U would be a pity if be refused to release

a ll,e. the treflsure and Sita). Rame was moreover leadkig She

ffaof m ascetic sojourning in forests. Therefore, there wa? no

pdJnt ia ohstructing Rams and his companions. If. bowevern Ravan

pn$iai<n3 in bdng adamant and obstructive be could, do so at his

*n risk, for thereby he would do himself great damage.

BfiVBi's reaction to that piec^ of advice is narrated as under:*

"Tlieeyen tv^nkJed of the emperour,

And smiled as an evil traytour

Hb knife he drew out of his sbethe,

'nierewltb to do the steward scathe

^d called him without fail,

And said he woM htm accounsayl*

The steward on knees him set down

With the emperouf for to rown

And the emperour of evil tnisle

Carved off his nose by the gnisle

And laJd. '*traytour. thief. Steward

C», pl^yne to Englyabe taylarde

Page 236: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

And if be cdme <jn my londe,

1 flbaJl him do srwiche a shonde^

Him and dl Ms mtn quick slain

But be 10 hast* torn Ajjajn**.

The atove is a reference to VlbhrsbAti advising his brc

the emptiflr of l^ka. U) wteaso Sta. Ravan Is enr^ft) ^^'^^;

Vibhishm B L™tor and thief. In the version of Lh& lUm^y^,J'

India it 33 Lakshmai who cuta off the nose of Sboorpmiaijta JjfcftB- of Havan. We dub the European version a garbl*. teary*

thttugh ii reUiins the nose chopping incident iL transfers H loihi

RavanVihhlshan dispul^n

Tbereafler. VibHshan's e?cpu]sion from Lanka or, m9ybe,kli

&wn dKisicMi 10 leave I^nka for* Rama's camp h retained InlJk

European version loo &rni Kavan vows Lo slaughter any enemy injop

wlich might again attempt a landing on his island -headctusrtfft.

The potm then mov^ on to say i-

*' The steward his nose hente,

(I vy& hia visage was-y-shente,)

Quickly oul of the casUe ran;

Leve he took of no man.

The messengei^ mercy he cri«d,

For Mary 's love in thai tide*

They sholde tell lo thetr lord*

of dishonour end and word* •

**And haiiie you again to tord

And 1 shall sese inio your hand

The kf^s of every tour,

And I shall bring him thia night,

Tht emperour's dnughter bright,

tfld a^Ho an hundred knJghta,

Sioul in baitle good in fighli,

Agenst thai false emperour

ihai hath done ui ihis dishonour

«» rtwvft ii„, oaiform to ihc usual Hamayanlc ve"^^

m„^ hy Bs^an. VihWahona left th* pi]«a bi . huK; „

*^ ^that ^* ^^ "°^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^* "^ fcnytndy. H» «int4ct«d

nio**'*°, nipssengers of Rain a and requeated them to anv(^IW "^^jter CBa^nsJ tba insult meted out to him ty Ravm,W

^'^'^ult of which he y'aa eager i^at Rama '« army nhould knd*"*'*'

with Vibhiahjm promising them aU he\p auch a letting

liinding over the keys to every tmef, deWverinu thebr^or^l^^


th^ *"^ is misr*pr^«"'*^ as Kavan ^i daughter in the Buropan

^^1 and secure for them local troop-reinforcementa under lOO

^^dtfit kniBf^"^ ^" '^^^ ^'*^^ egainat the cruel, a&lfiah *mperaf

^had insulted both Vibhishan and the monkey-mesaengsn.

tVm* rest cf what VTbhishan saya or threatens is aimost Idetdcil

^(h the Indian version.

The poem then go^ ^^ *» describe the departure ol Uk

ijjiiVey mesaeigers thus :-

"The messengers them hyed hard.

TDl they came to King Richard

They found Kyng Hichatii at play*

At the cliesa in his galeyei

The Earl of Bichmomd with him played

And lUchflrd won all that he layd.

The monltey-messengera flew back to Hama's <amp^ B™a

pl«>ing chess at the time ta not mentioned in Valmfki's Sanakiit

Jtamuynn. But what is sUted in the European version is a vny

P^ausrijle detail because chesa is based on war striilegy and it w^

HM^ for war -heroes bke Rama to play chesa in war- camps whfl*

oa an expedition. Secondly the meitTqn that Rama won ^^'^f^^

^^^h*ataked. accords with hia nsleaa an UicamatlonandaWBT'lwJer

*hiJ tuffared no defeat

l^^monkey^teader-measenger Hanuman a talks wilhRama ar*

In tht following line* r-

'^TTie messenger told a) the dlahOKHif

that them did the emperoar

Page 237: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

And ih^ d«pi(* he dM hie isi^FWBrd

And the stcwnrd '5 presenting

His bc^h^Kl, snd his bf^lping

Then answered King Kichand

*' Of your sawM I am b|yihe

Auon let us to land swjihel**

The monkeys nari'flied the harsh ttvatment thw ),gj

imd the physfca] injury inflicted on VihhJshaji by Ravan, fi,


that Vibhishana had offered lo actively help Rama 'a tni^Lftnl?a On that Rama assured the messenger that in vie^ J^,^^iU-lrtfiiment ai Ravan a court they ought fotihwith



to launch en assault on Lankanpr^part

The war- preparations that ensued are described as undft* *.

"A great cry arose fote-hot;

Out was shot many 5 bote

The bowmen and eke the arhlasters

Armed Ihem aU at aventers.

And shot quaralles and eke flone

As thick m the hall -stone

The folk of the count re ^an rmn^tAnd were fain to void and flenne.

T^e barons, and good knightes.

After came fljion rights.

With thdr Lord Kin^ Richani,

That never was found coward."

HiJTias amy was put on the ilert- Brisk preparaUona beifan.

Numerous boats laden with troops put otat to sea and hurried to*ardi

l«^. A IwuTsgP of missSes 95 thick as haSstones was let \t»«

Tb* pwple Qf Lanka took to their heels at Ih,^ HerminpJ "^^

yrilofTimiaed atsauli. Thj, description accords -ith the SwisM'

r^- '^^ "'^'^w aasauH-partie^ were soon followed by tl«^^

^r^J^m mch»rd i.p. by l^rd R^maohand™ accompanid by -

mamW or hb g^eral, J^^ Han., w.s known to be ^^vay» ^^^^^'^ ^ • ly^icel Ramsyar^ic cott«,pt which figures meticulc^i'ly





lUi^ ;ater Rama's fliiaa Richard a larding li des^rti^

"And when he came into Oypr^a Land,

l^e ax he lok In hlj hond

All that he hit he all to ' Trapped

-Hie Grifforts away fast rapped,

Natheles many he cleaved.

And their un thanks their bylived.

And the prisonn when he came to.

With his px he smot right tho.

^r^4 bari'es and iron chains.

And delivered his men out of pains.

He let them al deliver cloth.

For their deapyte he was wroth.

And swore hy Jesus our Savyour,

He should ahye^ thai fals emperaur,

Al the burgesses of the town,

Hichard Wi alee without ranstmn;

Their treaour and their meles

Ke took to hia own delea*

Rama landed armed with an axe and sEart^d a fierce attack

fill RsvBj) 3 armed forces. The term Griffons above refen to the

Rskshasas. They were assaulted and. slain. Pushing ahead Hama

made his way to the prison where Hams 'a iroopera taken aptivB

In Brtler assaults had been lodged^ The doors, barg and chmns

*ere imashed and the prisoners of war were set free. TbereaOer

ttffltinuing his advance Hama sle^v Ravan '3 officials and gpi^rals

*^ opposed him and captured their treasure and other belo^B^ngs-

^^ of the landing and advance of Hama 's troops as conveyed

^*n are described in the foltowing lines ;-

TtdJnys came to the emperour.

Kyng Richard was in l-ytnaaour.

And had hia burgesses to dcth do.

Page 238: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

mNo wonder though Um w^ ^^He lent anon wiLhout foQ


After a]l hi? counsayl.

TTbL they come lo him on big

To wreck ham o*" hi-i enetny.

Wh«i Rflvfln was informed Lhm R.ana{l.^.Hicharrii

nd tli»i the Lankan eUte were being slain, that w^ ^ ^*^

vwful mwa for Ra^^. ''^^bl«%

TUe nam* of Ih* locaUon. I^asour wher^ILfRamachandra) ajTfvjd a particularly a/i Importani

^I^misgcr i9 obvfmisb^ a laie European distortion or .k.^"**'Lankesuar.

'^^ ^^ siimi

mi term Lankeswar would approprfatdy apply only to h«,p,«id nono his township. But there h anoth^ aspect by^H wttdd apply to tba dty or hesdquartora wher^ R^van raidedGoMidB- the pai^jd instance of the term Ramwwar. T^ai itmconnotes SJi^v-a the deity whom Rama wm^hipped. But cumnlhBamKwar ., th* name of the township where that deity is consecnted.Consfr3UHii]y. the term Ramtewar is indicative of both th*My«ii cHy. Likewise the lam I^vmasour would spply both to Ltikianil in Jord, Eavan.

^T*ttt th« poem goe$ on and on. The lines quoted above ahouW»TO no one m any doubt about the prevalence of the KafflH>?D

«Hl «nttqu«ii|y ^^r vedic culture In ancient Eun>pe.

TTk verwoo we have quoted above belongs to th^ I3tb ceniiwyTtai wa« quiut Un^^ jhe Chn'stianu start^ invading Europe in i

"I •»>-, in the Aih century. Like temites end ^rasshoppert aiimi

bTuTT^ '^ '"''* ^'^ Christianity {and blam) bUg^ts!

«««] out aU ve,Ug«, of jj„ ve<iic cjVjli'zaLion from the v^^^

d»t!^ ^^u'*!*'^ ^'^^'^^ mfannation given hert and In


^ «*in-y«Lc tTBdJtJon and hteramr* of andcni*^^

^,t^ paK. cf 11.. world.

I^[pdia academes condwiAing rertarch b i^^^,, ^^^^^

gn«d in looking for editlona of the Hamayan imd Mihabhar*

^3n Efl^lemoountriea. The dqtsils given above ihculd owivlTioe

^ inst the Ramayan has been a world epic ind not oT tbt Ifcduj

gid India olone.


(n andent Sanskrit ^cripttjre* there In a very revertd otlesiia!

^bo shuttles hetween all the three worlds oonv^iyitig important

^, and ttdinga Aod $t ^es creating iTil3c>iievou3, puckiuh

Mjnp''c*tiona but all with boly inient and a tauchofbumour Thit

„ -^i^lc s^fgs is Narad. He carries a tiirbore in aae hind and

pair of cymbals tn another and keepo abging praiaes of theaupreme

lojd. whDe on his self divined errands.

TWs rare character too was familijar to ancient Eurapeang as

Is apparent ffom the following passage on pege IS of Needier*!

doctcrd thesia. It notea 'In the year Il8fl^l200 flflurisbed iha

Tfoubadour known by the nome of the Monk of Montanston. TWi

peculiarly-favoyred individual tells ua how that. Enoch-Uke. be

fieijiiently visited Paradise during his life- time, end in his poems

hs, ^ves flccountg of the conversations that be there held with the


TTie term Troubadour i$ the SanskHt ward Tambout^sr |»

^Surrender' is the Sanskrit term 'Sharan-dhar") Le. "^«^^|""

iT^haur. It amJlied to wandering minstrels who sarg holy bslladi

*t they went from place to place. The Monk of Menlandon ta

mythological subsUtute of Narad) was one such. The son^ ^^i*ere obviously latter-day Christian adaptations of the ailnnr

Biflriea of the Narad tradition. Such gubstitulicn ^iu^^/J™""

St nee^od ,0 new effort or inspiration. The dd son^s and artc^n

^^ -:miy to be recast in a new Clhristlan form. '^^"^"^^'^ ^ doing was. however, to «ivgr up end o^ht^rit* o»

^™cJ(s and traiia. In such obfuscnUon tbtf Bponish, irtm

Portuguese Catholice In titeir *ieo-Ch.istljin fsnaL.c «*\^«^'^^^ Pbyed a very sinister, devflisb, destnicliv* ffil* ^^

Page 239: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



Vedic scnptupps from their coiuiisy. eim W deiertnined ""^^l^*"^

fill the ondeni ywPrt. supprPssed records of the Vmican ^j *^li^liui «rchjv^ HPC thoroiufKly probed.

The y^rip CrTTnaii Ramavan


Thp 8[^ ceniury Nor^e tegend. Hildebrand Li»J is ^i niutOflt^ptrt of an ancjent German epic. It is ihe slory of g i^r^^e ur

Fildobrand returning home afl«r *10 years lo cori front a brave'^^*

Germtn warrior who turns out to be his son. Uter ihg wJ!^his *wi >nd wfe rect^ize one another ajid are reconciled^\i obviously a fragment of the Ramayanic: episode in which Hflnuunknowingly fights e^ainst his twin sons I^vfi and Kusha. UlLimstdthpy recognise one another and the family (including Sita.thecQiiMiit

of Kama), is i^niled.

Tht Rtissian R^mjiji'aia

Tht Times of Dcccan^ Can English Daily published frmBangaJore. India) earned in il^ js^e of December 15. igi82. g ne^lt«jn on its front page, saying "Ramavan in Kiilmyk* Moscow:

The Ramajan has beer published in Kelmyk language in Eltsli,

the capital of the Soviet Kalmyk Republic . reports Tass. The book

was translaied by phibbgistB from fts Sanskrit originah The report

BBJd Kalmyk folkJare retai nt-d a mu Iti t ude ofoi^ version s of RamajaiiH

Th* libmnes of the Republic aJso keep seven manuscript texts of

Ihe pOCTi ifi the old Kalmyk alphabet '*

That item indicates that Russia has some ancient SiuisJtKl

Hnmayani^ texts and that every European country must have

at \tast xrnie remnant* of the Ramayanic legend which haveChriatian dectrucUou,

Ai 1 remit of Invfldflra tearing the R^m^an. Mahahharsi- and

oDiw Sfiimkrit icripture* Uj pjecea. only stray fragments of those

mnent *pi« ki-p^ noatinK in the Europe and Muslim mind. '^^^ento .pp«n«| lsi*r as deUched stories adull^rsted with «="*

to^ d*uili ,n ChrtBUan jmd Muslim lltt-rDture- Conse<]uently W'in«lv«un. ^..sem ^ ^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^ ^^ Hind-^


oritf"-'^'' '^^'' to b« a s^Q^, d,^t«d. of rf«d^

^ urni Kalmyk rhymes with Valmfki,the ntna of ^m oHg(f«i

,var of iHe Remaysn It could be that the name Kataiyk (R?publk)

""^emaf^tea Valmiki-the author of tbo Raninyan. ,^ ^^^;;'Jil,eUindofV^

1^ book on different Mongolian (induding Kalmyk) vsnSonB

f^ pnd it has been published from Leningnd, Bsmodin is the

fenskrit name Damodar, Suren is a European sbbreviatBti of

g}iO(jrsen oi' suicndm,

A folk-vertion in Kalmyk language from the hmks of th* Vo^p

li found in the manuscript of professor C.F. Golaiuralqf. U Is

preserved at the Sberian branch of the Academy of Sd^nns of

the K.S.SrR. Some more msmuscripts of the Rsmayan In Rusaian

sn<] McriOltan languagea are also present in Uningrad.

The general preswnptlon that Rama as a deity was loiown aftd

reveled only in India or Asia is Ihua nol Lrae*

Elsewhere in this volume also Hes scattered in diffWHit Bhspten

sddiUmBl immense evidence of tbe Hamayin having been revered.

recited and enacted as devoutly in Europe . Mnca and other CTfiUreits

of the worU too. This topic howeiver ne«ls fuller research.

Ram* Uela Ln ihe AncLeol WMiern World

AD resdera are bound to be pleasantly surprised ifl know thai

*I> West Asian Muslim and all Europam. Mrion and

Anierican countries currently Christian or Muslim.^^'^^J*"

mowers of the anrient Vedic. Aryan worid brothfirt«»d. u»J

^lebrste the Rama Leela with as much gusto and devout rtSUi*"^^'

" do tiifl Hindus even today.

An[ith6r aurpriaing fact ia that the tor hat id* **^"P!^"^^^ eonatltut* the formal dress of We.t*m QiHrtUn^^^'^ ihdr origin In the attire of Hanuman i^ "«=*** ^"*^

Page 240: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


^^ u^^ *^- a-^ »«";^»"' "^^^y ^f ^^„-d to vfi+l B-v'^'" "^"^ ^" * *^' ™^' ^^^ ™«t aim


^ ,f ^ Tnrri)^ dEplomfila* forma! eUire. ^ja leads to , ^hj„^ bnport4i>l ™rdus!on. namely, ihal nm^ lin,^Jmmenioriti

Lori Itaria, tb< Vedic iTicamsHon. hfis b«n the ideel of kinghoai

ihrou^oiil ttw Westflm world loo as H* has bwn In the Kast.

Thm findinBi not only indical* the <xlent to whlnli history

las bi«i ifupprrased «ther through deliberate design or crm

ignnyrtncp b*Jl Usfly also open up a vast new virgin Held of hisioricai

Lei uB see whether the nflvie Hanuman iLs^f survive Knotty

Europeans- Recnn ihe name IbhnemannH He was the Germsn

flmtdsn whc diwovered the homoeapnthic siislem of medjctoe,

Hb name is clearly the Hindu RamByanlc term Hanumsn. WiUi

this due it should not be difncull to trace the other name!) oT

Hantiman wnong EuTOpeans. such as Mamti. Rapirnia. Vayu|wlri.

Valctnpibtfi. Anjaueuta ard Ajijaneya. These namts are bound to

edit Jn cUaloned form even among non Europeans in other jam

d the world. Let u? now look for lh& name Hama itself fliQong

Kuropans Here i$ an extract from page 298 of the SheB Company J

Guide ifl Ireland compiled by Lord KfllBnin and Michael. V. Duigan

tEubufy P««. londMi 19S7)

While deKriWng Gorey County and the market town of WeKforl

iht Boldebook notes "M N, it. e. one mile north} is lUmsfQi^

Borne bulk, u> 1751 . Here b preserved A stone from the bishop a

P*l»« bufli iL Fem by the aage Bishop Thomas Bam in 1630. Tht

"Tbb haiitv Bam byfk for his suoeeedlng brothers

^^ "lieep bar wool, not for themsd^es but othen/'

^ Wl^ b. mi u ^^^ .f^ ^^ ^3. ,nd the Bi»W


^^^' "^' ^ <=»pM of tuiy. i, telf founded aft^r ^

^1 i»f^° ^ traced In a3l Westerfi countries even tmlsy if ^mt

mcim^j^ancw- ^^^^^^n Even the Sanskrit word KEi for fort N


tierefo'^calletl the Eternal Sly. Ss both ftom« wd


"^jB^h ts*^"!'""r_piQnd as in Olanin and Kilpatrick.

i^g actual vfsuflJ proof whether the Europ^ns know

^\ warrior hero and Hflnuman as upomn^ a toil. av«i

rtbundance. Scholari who have authored booki on


^^j^ j^ i^jj]^ ^£,^g publiabEd pictures sketched in

,p;tiiJ«(tWu^rnea* of Ksmoyanic scenes depictinij Rama, Seeta.

^citnihnRavana. Hanumiin^ Sugreeva, Dasharaiha. Smtiantr*

^^^"^t of other Ramayanic characU^-a. Rut the iLftlian

"^ "LTistsanJ hisloriiiAs In their Chn'stian ipwrancehave^jhosen

^rvfllinaas and Ramayanic f^-esco^- U ta now upto schdnn

Li4. 10 pull that certain of .« or i^o.^ce a.^.

Md ^\acB there is so much hidden or wppi essed evidence sini

^ the ancient Vedic civDIiatton in Italy itself, there should not

t, any dDUht t>,at there must stil! be a lot of simlkr evident*

l„ ihe museums and a.'chaeolt^c^ sites all over IJtntspe which \m

ncBp»d systematic Christian destruction because it was too Cd3«w]

lA be destroyed.

There is also another type of evidence, n&mely lit^nJiy. ^ P«*^

iUma l^la balleia and stage shows used to be pei-Tormed

l^rtwBhout the (now) Western. Muslim and Chngtian regions of

W«3 world; and in those shows Henuman the envoy ofRflma. used

^ *Hir a tail coat and a top hat. which have ever since b«om*

^^ Ml-marka of Western diplomats.

^^ inch htei^y evidence one may rtfer to the footnote oj

"*«^m of volume n of Ma.^o Polo's TV^vel Amount, ti^oslat^

^J «llUd by Sir Hem7 Yule CLondon, John Muri-ay. Alb«mart«

^' 1^ A, OJ ne footnote states : -'H was •^^^^7"^-l Mohammedans that the members of the imp^i^»] h^^.^

^^*rf^nd we.^ endowed with .hort tails whfle m^v^^"^^^^i h^d irk« ,„,!,, obout Englishmen, .is Nfatthew V^^

Page 241: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


TTiii ri proof thol i!l peopJ* who arr ciimrlly14^^,,

wrltw bem aviJ rflod^Ta of lilt \im\ayuna mti so wej>p ^|.

"'^ ^IfthiWlJini* of it*e Bullish rules. * ^t^

The tfim TrcWiond ra olHmisly a mrrypUon of the u*

htwwof KlsJiWntlhfl which spoitetj sojint son of e tajl fn it, tAlin-S^

nrfwenCT Jibove ihat it wa5 shon tail 13 doofiiTn*?*] ty ti^' |^ccwli of Wrttciti di|]Jomals. ncLually bovinu iKoiL uilj,

Tlal ppilrflJtj of Hnnuman were hunjf in eveiy homt jn ^^Aili before the pwplp itiere wei c forc«] lo become MuiUfn,


ipp«rtnl from # picture of an ha\ty monkQ' wielding; ji m^k v[\h

both Ws hands rfifF«l over his hcpd , from Ptrgia frhitili hnjiKj [„

t>i^ Snlarjunif Musinjm jn Hyderabpd Clndfa). MusUin Wevt Aiivii

nJ3w dub ihostr of^twhjlo pot-lrnil^ to be those of ({hoala end j^iriti

Thnl dii'Vi'iplinn is ciiidely ;V£i)fstic innsmuch m whst rem^rns iltfr

kiltlnir Vrttlc eultui* would be FioLhJnK bgl siHwks and sjiectn??,

TT» lime rootnolf ivcorda that even jn fndia "Ihe Piinrei

of POrbuidor in CularsL, clflEm descent from the mojikcv tui,

Hunumiin, dfiil Jiltp^ i^n Justineration 9 spina] elongpLion wliieb puIhcm the name of Puchchariah. i. e. Taylaidg. The Chlueae siw

have thdr uuled mEii In the mouintatna above Canlfm. In Africi

there have been many guch alofin, of flome of whfeti an kcoui

**(n be rrtund En the Biillctine <le lasoe. do Goe«. Si^ IV, Tom,

tn. pt^ aU" A. Ramoda Inlemalfonal Hoi*], Am Sc-v^Uim ^^'*

nuMddorf, eopnimmomtes Ham^.

Timi inditato Ihat ihe Ramayona was pail of b woHd f''^'*^

frem Chlni to Afcirn wifl Kunipe.

KJWtiiiyBnk Murkiftjts in PcruT

Ci-nom siT^Ii^tlfrM of razor ah.rpneas, mort Ihan a Wlo-nfJ^

"ts >«"ij» nachkt, out {nto the far hortKon.

TW.,hooi hundrH. of .,.„.-. ki]omeler3 -r. .1^"^


"* *"'«"' '^<>^t of Uem cone<*itriklod Letw^-^« ^^


^ojB melange of atralght linn, trtanyles, iiUBtriBn^t,,

**"I som? spirals are also cl-ibbod Uj({eihar uinJcr Lt»K

drawn with pebbles and slonea^iJptf-

'tftBWiUc dc3lht"3 sl^ctched across an uneven terrain irKliid*

^X 1EM <>^ ^^'' '^^'^^^ "'P^lea* monkeys jpideia «nd other

111 ihtst Cfl" ^ propeily vie***' ^"^^ ^"^"^ » ^iu^^ of 3(JD


Ajuld these belontr to thti Ramayanie and Mabab'Kargt lima

Wft often Tffer to inteicommunlcaUon between three ptuieu

i^udinu our Eai^h^ to g^iiie spccc veliJdesi I

rrJDce*! Hurtia TnidUion

In ancient Fi-once all Its sov^reigrts used id be cramirf al Hefm*

[pimijUFiced In French m ReimJ. Obviously it was a township

(umel aOer BomD. Aaer his coi'Ortatlor evei-y Fi-ench so^'ei-eiun

nod to pay humag^ to the icon of Rama cOfrsecj-Bted In the centm]

ihrlTie fff thai Ujwnsbip The oJdest fiftl ccnti-eTnogt athedi-d af

Ihl k^vnship is the ?it3 of the oriijinal Rama lemiile. EKCffflili^ns

in Hit churches in Reims fli-e bound to i^veal ti-Qces of its Vedie

Wl. That French raya] tradJlion reveala how tn the pi^-ChHsllim

(ind pre- i^i „^ f^ ) ^^^^^^ H»ma was reKSt^ed as ^ln ideal U) be emulated

*/ »il monai^chs, 'Rie Bishop there was b1$o Reniia i* e. Rnmi.

ft'nuj^nlcTrjdmon in Italy

An lit^i-nalionol Ramsyan conference was held at Vill* CuUane,

^^t\n, \xa\y n-om April l-T to 17, 1992 where the exceptional

r*^ or Rama, such at an obedient aor, dedicated husband.

^JPflUi warrior. Ideal .-uler, epllomeof tnjlh. justice and humitliy

^- Osait Itolio. a gc^(j3a,, ^f Sanskrit, Hwl cf lhtDep«'<"'«*i^


Page 242: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

mof OHenuO Sl^jdles, Unfvursity of Turin, Pr^fdem or Ui^ ^Onu* of Middle and Far Kagt audtes CCESMT^Qj ^ ^^'^vn

pflsO lom flf tfedicatffS wor^im such a? Dr. Trma Piovano"V^'^ '

of [.he CESWEO, snd Dr, Victor Ajfostini, Executive m (S"*^ho^ed the i?oflf<^*pn«.

More ibm nO Softskiit snd Indological scholoi-s from a wpuita of Ihe world, such Ss tnifland, Hotlontln Gei-mafly^ bIJT^Jip*n, ThBJlend. SiilonksK India and 8lmo$L the same numb* f'll^ jMfUdpflled in the confei-ence. "^

IL is a pJty thai none of the learned parltcfiianla nam«l aWWis Hwarf (>iHt the Ramai'ana fs a woild epic and nol or tbe Hfnd

or Ihdia. aJone- Upto the tinnf of the Mahobhat-atr war Md ewnIbw tinlil the imposition of Christian fty and IsSam all pwAljithe world Followed Vedic culture fln<| 3pokfl Sanakrit.

A rap>ije JJi'mF of thai is found in Lhe rich Ramsyanjc ti^dilion

of Tlaly ilieir about which loo the cotifei^nce paiticipanta sJiowsl

toUl ii^tirwcc.

The words Bomp and Koman at* themselves malpronunclaUouof the Sanskrii woi-ds Rama and Haman.

Jim diameli'Jcall:^ opposile to Pome (the city or Bama} Ii5

lUlj/iiHivHinB. (thedlyortheAdpiaticcoaat) named after HsvaA,

,^^^^ *** P^'^ t isiian f.truscan - ei-a painting? of ancien I Hit?

"* "tweeted at jea^t 1ft which <3epici Ramayanic episodes.

"^ r^arrns Remus and Romulus of the foijndera of Tiom tn

«»^»tlVB dmv^U.^ of ihc name RamB.

aj^*^^^'\^^^««t^1 I«.bli5hmtf firm in Italy t«ai^ ll^'^'™*'»n ehirf queen.

*^Wwro^ ^'^ nurturing her twin sons Kush "^J *^''


^^ to ric"* ^^^^ """^ '^'^^^ -Vrickodani- I. e. bom ^ ,

„ tehope^ ^^^ Ramayanic seboim of afl flJuotlond

yrjtunentaIhrougbout the wjrid would low no Ume bi imbiTrin«

,^j„Dd Academic Sc.*5lbiliUcs

Islimic and Chrfsttan fundamentalism ninninfcr amokthroughoul

^ ^forid deliberately destroyed ail the pre-Mohammed and

^.{^ristfan histories of all conveits*

Tui vendelfsm has so deedened the ac^emic sensilHitf^ of

MtultoJ and Christfana that Muslim wuntries teach no

fit-Sfohftrnmed histoid- while seemin^ty progressive European and

AnvtHcan countries keep totally mum about Ihe^r pre-oDnvetsion


IWs wa3 graphJcally lUustratedliy flje 9th RamayanDC wmference

InltBty wliere all the partlcipatinij scholars were totally Ifnorant

Df tbfi airong Ramayanic herita^ of the Romam themsdves.

'nia month lon^ Islamic fast called RamBttn h >

™WnunciBtion of the Sanskrit word Ramadhyan L e. meditating

Di^wna, That reveals the ancient Arabic practice of chsnlinif Rama

^ during, Rama/; n also pmngiinced as Ramadan 1. e.


Page 243: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



fo VedJc tradition Rama flnd Krishna ar^ revered as rncamjtJgni

Snot in ancimi Limes Vedie culture was a universal failh. Krislm,

WB n reverenily worshipped in the rest of the worfd ^ y, i.

tn Indian

In pre-ChnsEifin limea the temples of Vedic dcJtiea jucli nVisbiu, aiivft. the Mother Goddess. Rnma, Hanunflan, ajidRrijhta

u»d 10 Bbound In all regions of the world. Evidence of tliij q

found in the wodts of arci^nl authors such m Megasthenra, Slnl»

Wid HtTDdotus, AH those namos ere of Vedic origin too. The \tm

Mt^fltbena is (trv f^m U) Me«h-Slhan-eesh L^. the Lord ffftte

Hepon of the Gauds i.e. of the sides. The name Hfrodtiuit h

'^^t Hiridooluj i.*. Messenger of God, Tn fbct the MusJiifl

**™ PalgiinW ii the iskmic cquivaJent of the GiwJt tmu


HwodoUu hai recorded '^1 made a voyege to Tyra in Fhoaild*

«»rtnv there was e temple of Hercules at that place ver^ ^i''^

*"**»«3' I vislied ths itmpl^ and found ft.""

r.«»!r^'^'^'*^' ^^ ' ^^^^"t Hindu aiJair Vedf^. '^^^^

^*^»"fpri»irvE,bout ihl> because En hfa time people weregenfird^

^^'r^ '^ *" "^^'"8 except Vedjc cuJtui* lhroutf»«^

^ ^Pl» of Hereulee he N^aited was obvfoufllyl«^



'*" in^^^tion of th« line of Heri i.,, Vbhnu",

\i^^'^ ^

, [^^ieed regarded as Lhe Bth incerneUon.

Vedictrsditlon Krishna ts known by vetIous nmiM.


eatly^^ *" Europe TWshna waa krcwn hy differert nune*,&'***^

ChxHsn ^as spelled aa Christ snd his famoua duKOurK

'^u "m^^s^ ^^**^^ "** described as Chrisnnity I.e. the «miDrttbi

uaj or advocated hv Chrisn, It Eb that term ChrijnnJty which

^"^ pusunderstood and mistnlerpreted as Christ nlty illa>


itisnity.More ItiformaUon on this point appeara In several other

^^ III this volume.

Snjiiii In Holland

In Amsterdam, (in Holland) 'he biagest hotel Is named aFitr

IflrdKrishnB. as Krtsnapolaky.

Bvai the term Amsterdam is the Sanskrit word Anlardhun

|,f, I rtgiw helow (sea-IevelJ . The term Netherlands has thesftm*

maninif as Antardham. Cfflisequently. Anterdham alias Amsterdam

tni Ketberlands alias Anctberland are synonyms. Both are Sanskrit.

ItriilriDB tii SpBln

In Sfiidn the promontarj' near Cadiz has been known sine* ancient

tlma Hs sKred land because according to Strabo it had mmy temples

B^fthadamfinthus. Tliat term is the Sanskrit compound t^n-JPFJ-^^

'nanlns the God residing in lhe heart of Hadha. In the Kruhna

^ Had ha an elderly lady had frest fdial affection for the oiphmedK

^^. narughty child KrishnB. Their affection is legendiry.

5*s«iuently Krishne ia alao Vmown as the Lord who resided in

^^'i h«trt. That was, therefore, one of Krishna's popul*r

™^ in Europe too. Consequently a number of templei of

?«imanthua find a mention in Greek tradition. They were temple*

. '^shna. UkewEM temples of Hercules also sitfnined Umple* of

2^- •" India too temples of Krishna are known tt^ various

!^^°ri^r^ Krishna.

^^ I. Stfibo iGwuTopfcy.

Page 244: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


j^jttert .I.Edrrunda Obwnw, 'arabo conaldei^ ^f^d BidJi 10 1# oonsKraled to Bftchhuu whero Hereuj^,

mri^ *

in ft^ed Rings of the East. The last rpijgjona of Bah i^l^pt wrere bom there. Even the Grwks and the Romf^


debtoR tbertt* for the cult of Bacchus md Mithras. *"a ' ***

Tim Mtrtrt fndjcites that according U5 Slraboalt Asfa ^(^^BKchusU.T^Tmbflkesh I.e. Lorti Shiv. HeaJsfo tells us IhatwZ'*^a#.Krirfiiu) tnd Bacchus CJ.cLofd Shiva) we*^ (crtown J^I.# supreme da'U'es of th& East. Since Ihe religions of Babyloti


Egypt were also born Tn Asia, thijse two countries iljo onirti

V«dic culturt. And sliree Greeks ond Roman a Im observed thiJii!

flftht worahip of Bwchus ti.e.ShTv) and Mithras (i.fl.lhp SuhI

ft Iv otKviotis thai the whole world followed Vedic culture becuiA

dl the diviniUes mentrond sbove are Vedic deltt^.

jto anciml Greelt author's name ts Onesicrilus, Ohvfously ihjt

SbiA Hun aJi&a God Krishna waf the guardian deity or the G^re^

lil3^ EE«ct one another with the words ' Hari Tti lay ' I.e.

Riri look after yoa " or " bless you"


What are currently believed to be Christtan tradition? are udsrtl

Ei«ne6« prsdLices. H.Spencer Lewis observes "Tn recent jeiH

the De»d Sea mtoUs have confirmed the author 'a reference to ths

EraencBe wd ihrir secret teachings which prweJri

'^^^'^'^^^SlJ Th E? sect posaessed years before Christy a termlndt*

•nd pracUce that have always been considered uniquely Christlifl.

Th* EiMiese praciiged bepUsm and shored a lituj-gical bfnWw^or bradm wine presids^ over by a priest.


£sbHi beine Uk Smnskrit name of Lord Shiva thJ Ew<n<«


hl!l'.^«''"' °^^^«'-n G«peti. by AD«rt J.E^mun<J». U«V^«n

0™^l^*!r ^^™" of J**ui. by H.flp*nMf Jxi^f*'*'^'*'




war«htpp«d Lard SMva. ait» ChrtBianHy hi.**^ J lU Eflflen**^

prKtiws. fla mentioned above. ChriiU«itw

*^^ i decept^v« aepai^ti.! label."^^

hai Hidden Vcdk: Rcconli

IfiflrttfiTUJ iufitiry its Chrfsttwi character in ardmtVtdtc rwmds

ij^VBiioin *«* hurriedly hidden away or deatr^«| an th«

JL thatemperar CongtanUne a troops awoopcd on the VaUcen

^und 312 A. D.

^e get an inkling of it in H.Spencer Lewis's book, thoogb

,be(uthw-WfflSelf*^^»^ that information

, unwittingly and wilhoui

pjdgr^undlng \^ implication himself since he writes a a devout

l^ff. HeaUiteS'

*'ll^<^eationably the Holy Roman Church has pitwrv^d In ila

KiTtt archives in Rome or dsswhere many sacred

BunuscriptS. . ..There ia considerabk evidence to indicate that within

j^teaiei) vaults fnaficessible to all but a vtry Tew are cfrtaJa nrijiinyl

itomxau... Some other rare documents preserved \n the Vaticnn

DTwithJn the woUs of Vatican city are copies of originul documsits

tnd records which fire preserved in archive outsride of the contrti

oi^ll» Holy Roman church. In other places, fortified archives of

(pMl Ajitiquity, are preserved other documents and records, and

Dl'Uwiecret archives of several monaetic orders of a noo'icciariao

m\ i« are prtstrved other documents and records, open to occasional

*"i Jiheton by competen t authorities To bel ien that the crtiiwnifc« Holy Romjin Church mude m eahausirve iludy vf the

"^''^ViriiHa and lecords in tbesr possesakin. or which they b«3

^ Marching for In every l&nd, is to Igmpe tiie fact that th«-

t^?^^ ^^ ^^r coundl dJscussiora and debates rtved bo*

^^^^ ^"^^Jfh^^d ever? Inference. Yar sfi^ year, centuiy

ri^^J^' "w?e debutes contimied. and the records of tb«m


^^"^ ^^* councfDofs had %aforfl tfjem many nr* rword*

t«^^ ^ffltiayyjjpodnimetl to «th«r ' Inoanprtrni % daoj^rcwi*

S wJ*™''***^^*^ K" ll» tirinciplo of Christian th^o^ *Wch

IPidualiy MtjbUahU^ ....Thd inaUer of Ow setaction

Page 245: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

u ^


or ihf msniiscfipifl MnstUuUng the Books of the Hibj^ j.

j^^jj^rtflijytiient}c ind "licb'e sourws qf (nron^ation

y/t hflvt hieWigtit^ *>f"^ words in the abovt exlrw to 4

rtftfcre etleniJon to th& manipulaUon and Ktrecy thel Is ^^^wih tbp ancSfflt «co^s ''^ t*^ so-called Chr:sUfln headquiiv^

namflW the VnUcatt. if the Vatican is hidinir some rcccrta a»;j

U stiu'lw considered Holy 1 If even & go -called. rcllgJou, 0[^irti,,jj,

has something to hide like ihe beadquHrtm of a politicalparty

(rr li* of Ei re r 8 crim Lnel Bang wby should the fi rst on? be cQnslitcr*]

iMlfer then Ibe olher two? And the very faqL that th* Viilc^i

^ hiddHi cfitflin (lociiments fand also obv^ouslv idoli. inanus<ripu,

Vedic UtUTiic m»leriai end inscnptiotis) and iej«ted scum

dugBiHS, secret and incanipeteiit one moy safely U3Lim& tbl

«me oilief docum^ls may have b«n concocted and forged toft.

From the atuve it Is clear thai Christianity has e lot of 11%

(0 hide abouL lU arigin. This' is s clear case of suppr^lo vtn h0

sagge^Lla fal^. This is 11-11? tif Islam too l>^3U3e both JsIbjt wj

Chiistianity orijjjnate in violenctr. Their aim was politick domiiand

and mniiary suppression gf all opposition. Consequffiiity ^^

Christianity and Islam were spread with military miBhl: ChriitJitiJly

hy th* Roman leyion** and Islam by Arab- Iranian and T^rki*!!


Iftmother book of his , H.ipenc^r Lewis has unwitlin«ly JupJ^*

tvidenw wWdi goea to prove ihat the Essen est ven Hif"'*^

l.t.VediHa. He otewvea ' Ev^ry m^riber of the EsaeneaelnWPT PiJesUne had to be e pure- blooded descendant of ih* ^^Ttae.

^'"^ "Tlaioed elwwhere in this volume Chat Arya

(&) Fp.^'327, Ibid

W f^.JttHyMiim LlJfi erf J^,, ,^ HSpcnrtf, U*li. SuP^f^*




_- An Ar^sn is a follower of Vedfe ™]tu», ^n* whi^

I ^^ ^Tftoco"^* "* ^^"^ ™^^ ""^ "^*^* Con?«^«enlly lb*

^***re AryKtis i.e-Vediata. That is why ihey derived th«tr

samt e^tti**^ ^'^^^^ ^'ImmediateV "Pon lidtlstlcm. eacld^-doDtfld e robe of white composed of one piece of matenel.

^11,8 wore sandals.

srecise^l' ^^^ ^'^^ practice. Therefore, peapk known

Essenese. SBmariEans, Sloics, Ssdu^^ani, Romans.

**Assyriana. Babylonians. Greeks. Jews, Arabs, Chinse

^•^ ' _ ^j i^indus i.e. followers of a common unlverssd Vedic

^t**^ befort they were forcibly draivn int<i other coercive sects

Sjpencer Lews adds "tl became well known about Ihem ihjt

ilseir wcid was equal to any a^eemetit or oonlfaci in wriltng,"'

-mis princEple o' stJcJdnR w one's words and telling the trBllr

Btd nothing b«t the truth is a weU known Vedic tenet and ided,

ItBUB IB known for fulflllitis every word of His. tn Sansknt the

«wd ' Vschan' means a statement and also promise because Stmsknt.

Vfdic irftdition aas<im#s Vbat ^erv word uttered by a ps^ot has

ilwiame force und validity fis a promtse*

Krishnj VVor5;.hJp

Spencer Lewises bcok mentioned sbove cerria on PM* i^S

thf Bkclcb of en holy ch0d w^aimg a crt^-^ ^i^^ JuZVfffli^A ia, j-Pfr'^Mferf i^flf a sifnflar staw^ ^f ' holy dufn

^ftKhm^ Ofl Christni^ nay m rnsi^^^^^^^^^ Owkti^ «*^

^ obove sentence has a streak of uninl«nd«l 5^^^^'^^tt^J there be a Christmas Day before CTiriat? Yd the fi"thOf^

•^^ftnfinl ia valuabl* evidence which swms to havt b«»^

^P^er Uwis himself. Since he talks of b Chriaunai U^J^^ofe Christ, obviously that was Chrisnmas Pay i^e- V^ _^

Page 246: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

igy rtwrrt«J for Krtihnj «N» ChHsn'i worship||, ^^

L * (wuw.monLh. fl.

TT* on]>' Holy frhUd i*fl«n>ia a crown, whos* jtalustu^j

ComquHiU^ ewn the atMue .^ Jetus is only an unhiiipnwtytiCK] ttjbfUtBi* Tor c*uU h^rishns » rtalue. 'Hiai j,


on -nd ittijn^of Clviil s tolb 1 1 Identic^ with thst of Kr[|W^

Tfep cmwn (« 1» m Important d«tiil. Jeaus fs nev*r ),nn^to bn wT*nfi wy crown (ev«n io his' ncUtioua career) vtiaai

of ibirnk. Sjt Rrithna ii [ovarltbiy sh awn w^hn|f ^ ijoldon crmmTWi t» pwvw ihH th* Biaius of 1 lloty chltd w^arin^ i awmexhtbdiid OB CbrHrtnjM D*y before J^y s, w^i Ihal of Chrlm (|]|J


On PV RZ Of Wb bwk S[i*n«r Lew la has pitblfgjied i pkttiEv

of • eobn. td^ng 'The S^rpml wn nMd as » mythical 5701


la lit ftrty, ncnd wriUngs of v&rioun KrhooJa of raUiion, lUSerptni wta 4l>o Uw *my«n of the Holy Ghosu "

M thf Umt of the cretUan lord Vighny fs shown rwffninjf

on UrwGoUi or • Tn«iU- hooded coJjri-

Tbt epl*Q<fe of flrlshni diving Into Ihe Yamuna rhw to guWustbtNiw, boiUSecobn fnimHi Kaliya) foms an ImporUmt tvMii

In trtthnfi Slffrjiory. Uktw^st Lh« multh hooded coUra i«va« l>w cuopi«d pedesuj uf moai Vedk deltfw. Also ihe VedJc Vo«*^ ch*i»a*nt« 1^ ,p^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ ^j,j ^^jri

"rft»™m u the «fp«,tbe merjy BnimatLae th* indMdiial-

ftith HMUUftrf^,ilfT^ifJcinM of Lb* cobra b Vfldk indnta"

urt!? .*" ^^"'•" fere^ Yrt If the cotra Iflfiend siii^«'

i™!!^^*' ^^ * b«i.«Chri.ii.^iLv i> o.]y i mlsi*-**"'

3ih^Zr*^--.11 Vedfc.Holh QjdiUinlty ami N*m arthlJ«k*l^

fhrisrt i«olivlouB from Spencer Ltrwln > obMwv*t»on DhI

^ n*"**J* ^,ttp Chrlatoa hid b«n ub«1 In th« myrt*r> tchoqk

IW^/J Orient for the niJine and tUlfl of mmy of Lhi foniMr

(HA ^Q^fii^ua

originnlly cwne from Ww nam* of on* of ihi

^^^. *^^^^ ^^^ ^ua old H^rmea. wha« nrniB hi. b«i

'*^^ or trwiBlfii^ tnlo " Hlr»m of T>e. The EiypUm leiiw

<^^ - 'KH I? » 'i^K^'i' mtp\t9U!A K' and by th* Grw^


^jUy tmnscribed as Ch". "me KHem of the Egypiiini

Jt "iherefo'*'

^*™ ' or 'CH-R '. Uftsa Inter leii*™ form

*^ .VD' nf i.hfl earlv ChrisiUana, which I wnoniUy nw

or ^P^^^Bcribed as X, and vict v«r». Tha vHut of the Gredi

^[f M ""_",.g|. j^^jg ggf^y ChrinUana, which I penoniUy

lliefirn^y^-al stonea of the tomba in the Cvucomtn fff

author cMrly admtta that Chriatos (Iv, Chrim) was tin

of many of the fonner avaiar* I.e.iiwamstlons, Thim

^e^on- ^^t^™ «" part of the a^Uer worldwide Vedic ctilturt.

amairly w* art informed thit the Chiistos Alia? QTrimi

lr«,niail«n was also an Egyptian d^ty. He w-a kriom. la Hirma

iml Hlmfl^'Hie Sanskrit i^rmHariwsh i.e. HflritheGod <urviv»

IftWaltm tradilkin alightly distorted aa Hernia and HJnm.

We nre also told thnt the Eifyp"^ syllatle ' ^^«™"

«»£» ^Chr"

li trititn as 'X" In Gr«k. This ia 6 very Innportant paint It

tlMrly prttvM thflt^ X ' la the G«ek l^ter which repr*wnta th.

Swiiltrii syllable Chr' In the name Chrisr. This '" furtwr

fiomiWated hy the fact that ' Christmas" is wntlen m * i"/^

*fl|«rpilly b«.uae ' X ' in Gr«k st^r^da for tht SanskM yll^We

O^' In the name Chnan (^tas Khr^ and 'KHranJ. It foUff"

«*»Jc« that Chriatmas idios ' X ' maS is < rBtival t^''^™"'^^n, altemaiivciy pronoynced ea Christ, ConsfiqueoHy ^^^"V<^ Cliri,omas ahould be appropriately celebrated w'ith dijcouffls

^ W* fltiaaawfid GeotH and Krishna and not on a tn>^t.lcfl J«^



Page 247: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

tM m


Ttai ilw F4OT''*" Krishtoj (*]Ib* Krishne or Chdm) ^ihf Tndiin Kr^shn* is npperent from s foolnoio 0**' ^

^of the b«k yMed, th* COiic DniWi b)^ Go6tr^ Hl^, ^J»'In the Fmich ffir. the British sepoys on ll«?ir artval rt^ t!:"

^ fnderi T^ebrt to Egypi. f^^^ their God Krishna, and ti«^*

fell to wor^hJppinF--'


Ci«« iflo ifforshipped the same drfty Kriahna. Tteip j^^^'>; sunda for Iha fim sy] Lsbk 'IW of the Sanskrit nsma KiHtijn


Tlie olber iHCer 'P In the XP monogram of the early ChHatJu,j

etindi fcxr "Piinjabotlsm' Le. the beat amoitg men » k^,J|^^

Hv loTotfn. Thai ibe fancied Ghrislian symbol XP stands for it^

Vedic dety Chrisn* Purusbotlam.

The mytbici] Christ is known as the Son of God precisely beatui

tJw t*nn Cbrisl Is a misnomer for Chrisn who wag God Im^cofflt dovn in human form &9 son of Vasudev and Dtvakj. Evm

the term ChrttUnn-Jty !s the Sanskilt teim Chtisnan-ity fneanlhii

foltonirei? of Chrism.

Krbhn la Ertq

Krishna ptayhi^ the fhiU sppears on posid stsmps of Iraq,

cx)mmemQra[inB the 1!^9 Mooual SprinEf Festive], SimElar h^g«

porcrviu of Lord Krishna ^so appear on rear windows of somE

public btaei in Baghdad, the capita of ]r«q. In the sflfltie poatil

•lamp series is bcJmled the picture of en ocUgon&l hulldjjiff whi:t

ohviouriy is in andent Kriahna temple currently known m the

Dom* oi ibe Hock in Jenjaalem. Baghdad itself i» named JJter

BiiapFBn LKhihai) w BhagavsdfNagarV i. e K-^iihna City.

Kriihoa bi Mecca

The prwinai of iheRaabo fa Mecca are known as ^aiwn beans*

Prtor to b«n» ap^na in the name of rslam the K*ba was Harly*"

*•*• ^^^^ trf R»ri alia Vi.hnu fllins Kriahna.

^ l*mi Jtfvutem lUftlr gpeu^id earlier as YeruahiOet'"1^

^ tM explained elsewhere In thia iHjIumtl ttvidn^

^idu'^^^f l^rd Krishna, Lik^wiae the lenm isre^ ]n ]w»v^Kgi

, Kf^ll^je of God CKrishnB). the t«tm d^^tStmn md Nrar«h

l^^'jJJ^tothiR^a^a legend.


^^ jj^l^yaffi (i.e, the House of God) js 1 Sunskrit wonl'^

Krishna ^ And the fansed Muslim epdtbet "Karim Is

^^!nLte of Krishna as advocftUn^ Incessant altnikltc 'Kflrma'

^h« Trtditl»" of Syria

The term Sj™ '« the Sanskrit word 'SiiHyfi" i.e, a region

>j B God- That God v?aa Lord Krishna. AH the Gods


TivteA to as 'Surfl' iti Vedic traditkm. Therefore Krishna

1^1 Sum. 'Hiflt is ^^y ^* =^^^ *^ Yadavas Ci.eJudBists) when

fnted Ic leave theirdisturbed Dwarka homeland after the Mshabhjffrt^

nr migrated to Syria.


it bu Blready been ejqilained hi several contexur in this volume

thit the entire Christian tradition is Krialm* tradition.

CliriiD In Russia

Tbe Russian Sberia haa s city nanie KrsiOl/arak which tFtlll

conunemaratea Lord Krishna,

^^ffihn in ^jun

Jspan > pasta! department has aiso issued a stamp depicting

^ Krishna ploying the flute obviously because Chrian uaed to

^*Qrahipped in ancient Hindu Jap^ too.

•^Kiu Iq Europe

temple of Krishna abourvded in Europe from Hus^Ea ^<>^*^ twsaic Df Lord Krishna playing the flul<, ii*^^"^ tindP"

' ^. In his characteristic crtHS-legged pose, while griiinir v^

Page 248: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


mIw^ In li» mufTum In CoHnlh. U jt fgnoranlly ^p^m 'A pwtoml KWTi?". Thflt hfl$ noL l»cn JdPntlr>H


Kriihn (hwidi H should N*ve be«i so Idpnllned. TIiim^^ ^'^

ll,ff ihort™niniri ^f Euro|»ftn Brchflwl(»cy KHshns idol, i!^*^

umplw of Fjjropf wi>re known n? RhtnlHrntinihus,tttfttulp, ilT"^

Hinm. Hermw <*« Those are malpmnunrjoMons of S„,ijl,^**'

u pipUiin^l «rllBr."^"^

All *urh pvidmw proves that Knshnn hny bem ttnivi»

wortWppwJ tni cOfflMijucntly His Bhjufawad G«tifl tiJT^Linivfrtilly studied ind rfdl«] befoio the Uible and ih^ Koim .T"

to lupptmi a.**

Lafd Krilha4 - llir God of Jrwj

THoui^ ihc Jt'ws have lost contact wfih their guardian M\Ia^ Kriuhns iinJdst their wanderings over several Cfluntriei fwovrr Snno >iHira ]L wia Khshna who was Iheir God. John M.AU^tfbHrvn "Th9 corpus of Hebrew moral and religious \^2\tim,•i in B fremeii'Qj-k of anri^l mytholoKy. was endued wilh a mynkmn of lancUi^ U was the ver> woi-d of God. almost Cod himjetf

top^hfT with the temple aa the eeot of the God fount of dl

i««T3r#tBtfve miiuraLion U form^ the focMS Of worahip and Hit

direttive power of post-erile Judaism,'^''

"* Idol In ihf Dontt on the Rock l*^mpte of J*™sBJem wu^trf Unj Krinhna besittes ihe rock itijelf rapresentlng 1/3 rd Shivi.

BkidT Vftiic i*inpl» have bem trsdftionaHy very rich bewuM th*y

J™** ""^"^ rwwvLT of national wealth constantly addri W^ I ^oui tticl pHtuTlhropIc public so that it may not be sqiiervdend

«* vieti, -n^jj ^^^^^ UBK) 10 be the chief support of aU esaeitH'l^ f^n^Bd frw by the SU,i* to IU» .ubjecl^. ft ww * Wrtil

"f*- "S^iilantlyconlributEnif hi* extra earnings U> t^9^'

'*** ^lO.iWtk^~



^cli were nnUonaJ rwtm'olri of w«li>,. Conwqu^^y*^ Wfltoricfll

uphoft^eJs luch temptH b«im* Ur^U,>f

^""^«tion and th* Idol too got defaced or dettroyed, Dwr^n,


of Egypt-AJillochwn replenished hia fafling cotTere en rout*

H^^,.the Jflnisal«n temple ifl the eiAait even of ntip^i^

'^ ^g^ 29 of t^e same book th« author rtwrdt '

' the namw

?JbpatriiirtihBl horoes, ti9 that of God hlmietf arc

*^(trrtrtic 8"^ ^ ^'^'^ "* ^^^ earllesl known ciWliuUQft \n

T>iiL Ib a vei7 important observation because It cIsfiHy stales

ihit tt« nenies of the Jewish deity were noB-Serreiic and that

^ cmjin0t*d from the oldeai civflizalion in the near E*at. Obvigusly

ti-jL *is ihe VedJc culture of [ndia.^

TTiuB Krishna as the aih Vedic Ineamfition has been « universal

my^ The unlvaraality of Krishna proves the universality of Vedk

dvfliistion. This realization shouM Induce archaeoloifista la revw^

(Ittif rinds during the last few -centuTiea and reammijt them

n^mwlM in a graded lime -schedule to redrew the Mntwirs of

Ik world Vedic civilization.

BiHRwqd GeeH In Ancknl Lurvpe

Since ancient Europe pradtiaed Vedic culture all &iwkrft

*^r«t8uch«stheVedas. Lpar^hada, theRamByfin.Mahibhtfflt.

"^ iJiH) the Ayyrved and architectufial trealts^ used to be Jiv-»ily

«iiiled and UuBtil thr^ghout Europe. W^ha^e adduced evld*«*

•*»iJtthaBUHiy oflhe Vedas, Tbmayan etcflspwhes-e in ihJa volum*.

^**irider we would like ta refer to itie noting of an ancient GraA

*^r Hippoiytua proving thai the Bh^wad GeeU did form ^"^ cultural and spiritual life of aniceflt Europeans.

^^^n^ to Hippolytua. BasiUdes taught this CKmc VII. W

^m ^- 2J* Jbld.

Page 249: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

EdfnbofSh wnslaliofiJ tl™t "TTic Gospel cflme {s^^,.£1.

nm fnvn the Sntiship through the son that was g^^^berij

i-dson. 10 (^ Arthon. and ih* Archon teamed thai h« ^^^'^

joa of iJw univ^rw but wb? begotten. But he waa tbovu

ihB d«pCBlt**d tffiMumeof itiat irwffflble and yrLnamabl& n&n-


onf . and or tbart aoflship he was both convert md fi\^ ^tfntjT. ffhm hi? was broujibt U) understand in whai iffior^^ ^^wa involved. This he tayn. Is what has heen declared, the r

of the Lord is ihp beginninB of wfgdom. For beioc oreJly InsintcS

by Christ fi.e.Chrisr) who was sealed near, he bejfan la acmiita

wisdom finismucb aa he thereby) learns who is the Non exjaiafl

Ont, vhfll (h? sgnshlp (is], and what the Holy Spirit (fs)^ ^j^^

the apparatus of the universe (is), end whal is l^ke^y to 1m ih|

consununalion of ihifigs. This is the lA^sdcun spoken in a niyst«iy

conMTTimE which tsays Basllides) scripture uses the foltijwiiig

expression^ 'Not [n words Uuglit of human wisdom, but in (those)

t«UBbt flf the Spirit. Tbe An^hCin then being orally instructed, sni

lBUKh\, anci bang (thereby) filled with fear, proceeded ig make

confession concerning the Sbi which he had committed In magnlfyirg

himsdf. this, he saygn Is what he declared : *'T bave rect^iisd

my sin,and [ know my transgression , and about thjs 1 shell comfeM

forever/ (TV a^ve extract i» i^tten from pnges 'W to 4? of

BuddWst and Christian Ckjspels. by Albert J.Edmunds, the Yuk™Publithlng House. Tokyo. 1905 A.DJ

Archon is Arjun He was seated in a chariot beside Lord (Jtirisri

who w-as driving it Jt was th^rn that Jjord Chrisn delivered his

famouB teTTOdo. Arjun confessed be^ng misuken. All ihis IntUcaifl

IhflL Gwu wu not cnly studied in Europe hut that all the so-^^CbriiUir jargon jtiout Christ (i.e.Chrisn) being the son ^^^ ^Mi Mboui the «j-callBd Semion on the Mount - is nothini! 1*^

nwTT and ih«r prwelylizatidn of the Hindu Chrisn l^S^nci.




Atow art Mosul SpHni Festival 197S. stamps Issued by the Iro((t pMUJ

fcjHfUMTit ThcruATriiq Is currently t Muslim couniij it haa unwitiingtj

Iwtd it4nips of *T¥? denominflUoEia beating Lord Krishna i portn^t and

(Qir SH ai Up) depirtlnit on octagonal Krishna leinpte w^eh Is cumnily

Ebundtniood to be a mosque viz TJu- TJome on the HodtJ

TOi ta 1 KTflpblc Iflsuince ol how, de*p rootal Vedlc traditloni conUnui

tn wm BUcb pQWrful influence ns to Impel even d Muslim country lo

Ml»mrf rtproduM desiirns which w(juld be oihePBise considered IdolfltraLu


V\t PMCock-reaihers on the hiad and the horiiunwd flut* are lyplcnl

bS Urt) KrUbim. His ussoriQtion wjtb the Spring resuval is al» ijfpfcal

^"M P^Bi in India Krishna is associated wJth such frolic.

^gJi^Mi. tha cnpEuU of Iraq, olw derivea its fiame from Lord KHJsm

^*^t«waa Nagar abbreviQicd to Bn«hdfld tThe Qty of liw God)-

^^^ larger portroEt* of Urd Krishjul are liw ftlsploH m the rw'^** Of some iwljUtf bysca In Bogfcdsd.

^Hufldi.^ on on^ 5t^p la EdsoobtfJoualy an nflciont ven*"it«tKriata"

^^Wi"^^*'Ti Ea what is currentiy known ae tbt Donw on ibe Bo<*

Pm*^** ^"^Ui Indkiite that if nncj when the A«bs driv« iaw tt-£r

*^" ficroia nothInK but Vodic cultuff.

Page 250: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


iM ««.! iunvp. to r^^ into ft* imdlitons wfisch \«i \t!m Ut ih^^^

KrMir' f» »urf"«W "'^^"«*' ^^"^ fMrtlcrusi or Islam in ihe jk^j.

j,,^,Uasd. ) IndiOU'v* cf po*-erful iSivinfl mysi^rt^ and mwK\^^^^J^

TMi U a mi^nifn^ jrfiviN of A Jopanew postjl suunp. 4tiv>i^in* LoM

^InAm pUyinR Uw flute

*<* refWMentaiiQng Qf Lord Krishna popping up Ln modtm tim&s

»mnt(i« M rar opan afl Japan. Iraq and Greece, despite aU of lirem

SffrfnlifjurqressiTiF non V«jic relipons. are indicative of their deep rwted

™f tfidllims rsachinft back into ihef pre -conversion days-

^nJ» or thai divine nautist ai-e :itso stiU part of the lore of many

*^^»J™in<H^e world.

A inl'^'"*^*"^^"^ Krlshna-woraliip tesHvaJ Icnown a* Chrisnj»-mM

*^lHkd!^*'^^^^ chitd-t;ffil Krishna received public homiKe. has be*

™«d bj ChrisUanity lo masQurade as Chnstmaa iLid» X'maJ.

^ttuH f"^""^ ^^^ ^^"^ ^"^ wrongly made lo betleve that iht

' *^^y ail*ndlinE fJtt the Buddha That l9 obviouaJy wffonif.

*flf,p^^^I^<"dhi*,movcr.hnduWfdeftrlif.* VedJc deities the lai«r *w*

Page 251: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Tliit mtnatz is on iispTo;^ ai ihe museum In Corinth taboin GQ fcma,

riwn AtlMnsJ in GittC*. h is ignoramicalli' Eab^lted oa ' pnstonil sane',

wbwi the opticm abciuJd have e«]3laijiH that it is Utrd KrishnQ ai d bd

fnuLnf rows and pAo^nE ^'^ ^^^ >" ^ tTDSa-IC'^ged stnw uivdET « tm.

Thii prov*! thai before being fiirccd lo adopt Chrisiforu'ty Gr««o? foItowKi

V«die niltur» and vorahipped Vthdic deities sucb ss lUimb and Kniltni,

Cft«t aiKLipQl(«S(iitakrit UHug ihs Vedic tenfl ' Imus' (^TH.) for 'god-

Stk* laEer I findJwere often mistakefl for each other the term

iHUi cfime U> be malprotioujieed es Jeaua. Therefore Ihe lerm J^auJ

ChrM In tict liptHes iesus Chrisn. The Gnek name Hei^uleS tt

the gutled Siflskril Urm Htri-cul-ish oSso siunifying Lord Krishna

The twisted wakes forminK the frame of tbe picture above is titw

a i»mm<» Indian pattern b«ause subduing a mighLy trulti-tiodw

colwi ronni an important facet of Lord Krishna* a life.


^ Jews alias Judeistj alias Zionists are the Yedu people of

V* ^t ^f^ Krishna who hed to migrate from the Dwarka

SLom aTter the Mahabharat war because life there became

in,j»s3fble M a T*suH of nuclear explosions and anarchy.

{jrtheS tribes that left the region ham «me to time In qiitclt

Mf«!3ion ten whicb proceeded north met with dlsflster and perished

Out of the remaining 12 a few families dropped off and settled

flown In regions currently known as Iraq, ^yna, PalesUne. Egypt,

Cw» fliid Bussia. That great exodus took place 6754 yeara ago-

Th« ?BSMver year which the Jews commemorata provides a tally

DfibEf period elapsed from the time they left India. By a curious

^^ of ffiie the Hindus worshippers of Lord Krishna, face as much

liwillliy from the Muslims on the Indian sub continent aa iher

N-separited bretheren, the Jews face from the Arab Nfuslirna

»umnijidinJ Israel . One of their monsrcha in West Asia was Solomon.

^^KdcMn observes "That In<^8 was the point whence came the

^ »*H the lujturioua appUancea of Solomon a court is dear. Both

**^Jtb of the voy^e^ and the nature of the commerical imports.

^^ QigiriBa land of the Phoenicians, establish thia fact. It vru

*«^g voyage of th™ yean.-'

''**^^l«ll*lnGr«», byepococke."

Page 252: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

mf^^a^ iddj "Wb«i Judflh did *vi} jt} Lhe


Si. ind under e^^ery Lr«, the objKl wa.. fii; ^^^ ^^J^(B^ljnm ihcm hfijti places, and imfljes. and piove,, ^

Mnymbol- Jt w'" wi Uiia idar they burnetl incons^, a^,!^^''*

tl» aUf on 1*" nn*enth d^ of the month, the^acrtii a

(^ the Rirdui The ajr of Ifrael is tiie buJl of Bekaar or !•**

T^ Bi] bUu Bh]***^ ja B«]krIshM alias Baleshwsri.(

child. Krishn*.

' ^^S divj,^^

uITie nam& Solomon ]U a Stanskrft term. The greai poK

dncHbe King Dushysfli as 'Shalmanav' it. a uu^ [^^^^ ^^^-

with in impressive peraonaiity. The term Solomon Es ihat SuiiU

won3 with its vowe] ' a ' rounded in pronunciation 03 'o\

Hid Goldn Calf

'nm imag* «f l*' golden caJf Ihat one often heatt of In tla

hiiWfy of th« J«ws wfis Ehe cstf . leaning aijflinst which I^rd Kjishjii

toed to 0ay the flute whDe grazing co>vs,

Tbe reference to the golden cs^f that survives in Jew[sh libLoy

fOggesta that tbe Idol ia their temples w^ in faot thai oricri

KrisliiLB pli^ifif the flute leaning tgain^t iht calf-

Ai that B^ Lord Kiishna was ull en<}ijgh to l^oi only i^nri

i aJf and not a cow. Moreofver, cowa used to move around gmini

whiTfi calves, yet aucJdng at the udders of th&ir moih«^. we*

DM mterwted ta grazing.

^"hj No KrtshM IdoJi In Jewish Shrines?

Though aj] evidwice auggesta that the Judaisia at* all (tf^flwa

er Lord Krishna vrby Is (I thai Loi-d Krishna 's fdol is noi ae'^^

^ *w^htpp«] In Jewish tcmplca? The reaaon is itiat whefl ^w

T;^ ^"^* *. '&* yesri agd. as Hindus they won^hfpped a t^^^^

^V«Uc d^a. v^^hH, ihey left the Dwarke kingdona.


*:h irfc* *or*hJpp«J dlfferwt deities of Lheir own"tbtHinduiofundo.

m P ffli. nu.


were ro* uprated fp&m ihctr Dwariti hometana

^c* ^"5 j^jt^ered ovtr a vast 5-ci^on they apprtti*ndwj thii

^j tftr* ^^*^ ^^ worsHp different idols their unity mJEhi trwfc

j0ey^^"-j ijp divided into boslile clans. 'Riat is why.J, i^tPi

W0IWI " '


ti*^^^'°"' ^«veuo idol woiahip all^ethef. U is, ihwefore, that


nialntain their unity during lheir wanderings th«y

r- ,j Jl |A U]Vtf W|r "- - - —ji


^^ ^^^ ^^ jj^jjg. Yet sentimentally Jews ire nnt hosiil*

j,^|sli shi'i"

^^,^^ ^^^ Muslima. And it Is therefore that lheir

^ '^°^

^"rf vided into parts refeiTtng to lempls such as the History

'''*dsl TeiTipls flni the Hisioiy of the 2nd Temple-

The languBit* of the Jews fs known as Hebrew. Encyclopaedia

dilcB offersoniy a piu-tial explanation . It aays that ih& fii-st syneble

L' la an abbreviation <if the divine name. The Encyclopaedia

iMflcaonily r^ihi but it fails to elaboi-ate what that whole divinp

unHjlJ- Obviously that diviri& name is Heii. a synonym of Krishna.

Tl« Encyclopaedia alaO fails to expl^n the other syllable'bitw '


nuiUaSanskal term signifying 'speech'. Consequently, the term

H^irtv signifies the language which Urd Heri i.e. Krishna spoke-

It tj wll known that Kii shna s poke Sanskii t because Loi-d Krishna t

iwds are recorded in numerous ancient Sanskiit scriptures in lndi».

Byt sincE! the Jews I.e. the Vedu trthea of Lord Krishna left

!f» thtarka retflon, the onifinal Sanskrit that tb^ spoke during

I*rd Kiishna s time has undeiijone considet^ble change of

Pninundaiion and admixture of words so that what was Sanskrit

*.'&i j/eara ago is now Hebrew.

^^E Jewish Emblflm

"I^ so-called David 's Star wfuch is the emblen

^ ih Jews is a Tantric Vedic symbol. U consists

J*^ iJiterlocked tiiangles. with the apex of one «^tufr*

^'^^ and the other the south, nns symbol ^**n in fnaut of every OTlhodox Hindu home In

wont.PQwieir-design every morning after the houM

Page 253: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


I, wBsTicd. Thr Hff^rf l> oflm a pml of ihc hoi^,^

iicctdiod fli t^* cntrnnw lo HjnOu homes, Ev^^ r^T^' "^^sfg^,

^ Ih* Sanskrit word (^-'l; Devi^d i.e, bteto^^a 1™"!!^'HOodJ»» Theso cflHrtl Humayun Tomb building

if, f;^^ J^ ^'t^V

w«i « VHIc goddess l-akshmf temple fs inlaEj with ih *"i(li

on the e>.tei Jar upper portion of a La waJls* *^ ^lilerm

Ibe Qh(fsen People

Thir Jews wH Ihemst-lves thechasen people of God Thf.

a from the facl Lhni they belong to the Yedu dnn oT^*"JCrisSma. As such th^y wa-* known as Yodavas. Sitxa 'Y'\to ' J' tn populai'pj-onunciation the i^tTn Vadavas changed t^j d

anil ihmct to Judaista, Indfa hQ$ vaiiotions crT thai name J"^gmongn iLj people in the forms of surnames tike Y&dav A^^vi4 Jadeja

1>ic Promised Lund

TTie pr&misttJ land of the Jews was Canaan because loi^d Krfjhniwas known as K^mha, His land was consequently known flsCafiain


?jnnism is the Sanstiil woi-d Devanism meanmg ihe cull of

C«J or the divtne gi-oup. Sanskrit ^D' oRen gets Iransformid


7 leading Uj Dcvgnism being pj^onounced as Zii^hm.

I^c Bifihuorj of Mo5cs

The With' story of Mosps is ideniicaJ with ihat of T-oitt Ktia^ia™ the term Moses is the Sanskrit woi-d Mahesti meanH ^^^tUnli.*.Kmhn8.

''*"°'^l"t«mcni Prophecy

Um^T '^^^'^^ P^^P^^y r>f Cod remcamatlng Hfntself ^^

frt«t, uT^ '*'* ^^'^ ^'^^«"' «"^ P'^"^^^ the wickd h «bM(l

^^^^prarouncemen of T^ni Kd.hna in his Bhegaw^d G*«^^•^ «>t Ht his ut


reincarnate Hfmself in eveiy era

Tb*<ii4 •^1^t of the J^ kw^ and l^ends bears ihfSartJli^

-^^d. *Tar *ignm«i the palm and 'M^^d" (»![« Mudr,)

"^irt^t «*' '^ ^"^^*^^^ ™ *^ Therefore. T^.i rtgnif*,

^' Lt manuscript- The name signifiw anefent V«dte itripturft

P^"^' - palifl l^ves. The Jews obviously carried svch Smj^^'^^'^^ptT whichever were at hand, when they left iheir b^""^^

h missSfi havoc in the I>warka region,

^ vision of the Lord amidst & column of smoke mi n™

jjch Moses saw in the de«rt. is obviously tbe special visiott i/

^.inity Lrt a gi^tic form which t^rd Krishna aminged for A^to witrress ai Kurukaheire. as described in the Bhagawed Cwta,

-Hiff lerni Galil ee is the San skril t«rm Gawataya I . e . the sanctuary

of co*s belonging to Nand in whose rarmstead Krishna was nurtured

iQ wluUhood, Similarly Nazareth is Nandmth Vue, Nand 's chariot)

tnd Bethlehsn is Vatsaldham. meaning the home of the Darling


Eastern trm

The Jerusalem octagonal Krishna and Shiva temple {currently

known OS the Dome on the Pock and being used as a iriffliciue)

Is built on the eastern hill because the east is invariibly preferred

&» Vedic tradition. The ocUgon is dso a shape of Vedie preference

BJid 3«nctIoFt*

Arranged MgrriaEes

'nie Jews trsdltionaliy prefer and respect arranged marrisgeo

bwfluae under age-old Vedic traditron, it Is the respon?Ebility of

IHe Birperi^nced elders to (Tjf up a suitable match for their irard.

'^f Jews also erect spec-^ pandals for a wedding. ^^ P*f»^"^

"naidered aacred and blissful. Thj's is a Vedic cualom.

Page 254: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

Bl do th# Hindus, ^^«

TV Je#» hive • traditiofl of r^SBrdinj plants as ^hrj

^yrthJWJini ttsem. Thus the Jews too adore m sscred, plJ^Tj,

lh« TUsi (Bfisill end irws like P*epaJ and Banyan as do tKe Hind

T>iut Smskrit'Vpiic tradition is cspeble of explaining ^ery 43

^"^le Hlndyj


Jrwiih Rcrertace 4fi Vvdus

A footnote lit the book of Marco Polo ' s Inv^^^^ i^^^^j^

'MWuch Has b«r written ibout the andent seLtiement of j^w

Kiifuniffu (in Chira]. One of the most mtere^Ung pupers m ^tw

ub>Ki la tn Chinese Repository. Vol, XX. Tt gives the trflnsleum

cf « Chinese Jewish ifiscrfpiion...,Here is a passage 'with respw

to ih* IiTwlfte MigJon we Hnd on Iniuii^ that its first anwsiijr,

Adam came origLTiBliy fram India anti that during the (period of

ih«i Chau state the sacred wiitintj^i weiie already in exisLence. 7^ucred wriUnp embodying eternal reason consist of n3 aecilwii.

Tt( priniHpls therein contained are very absti-use and the El«nu]

Bwjon ihefdn reveaJed 19 very niysteiious, being treated wlih *<

ttrt VHieration as Heavert, The founder of the 1 ¥l igion is AbinhMi


"^ « eonsidefed the Hrst teacher of it. Then came ^f&5fi5. vf)a

«"i*ihHl the law, and handed down the Socred Wi^tinga. A(^w time ihlii^igioti entered Chins. "

TV ^era>ee to Oie Sacred Writfnsfs handed down ffoni Ahr«b*fl>

"^^ *ith the «me veneratfon a. Heaven dearly imj^f"

avifl.^ *" »«onling to tradition the Vedas war* tntii

™w tOf Brahnift, ^]]^ ^^ Abraham in the West.

_J^^_^;;5|;^|^«||^^ that the Jews orijfinal* f^m


1^ therefore, the Jews re«Brted the Ved« with thehlKtew

pt^'^' ^e oajne Aiiejn is the Ssnakrit word • aatSm ti.a.p^

vtfti^^^^^ianirT^ogt (man). The Islamic word sadmJ- (L,.maij

^ **!same Sitns^f^^

vintage, signifying a descendant of AidSm

ti ^ "*'3 ]t, the Vedic tradition appftsrwi Moseg ilJai Mshesh

1* ^eat iTicsmatton), Lord Kriatma who again expounded

"*v!djc doctrine ttbroufh Hia Bhagawad Geet^ dlscoyrae) is wtil

^Both Islamic tradition (as pointeed out elsewhere In this

^^^^'jand the Jewish belief qaotcd above aeknowledge that fndii

^^h!^ the source and the hcadquartera of woridwide VedJc culture.

IT footnotequoted above also tncidenlally assarts that (^na too

riaw«d the same Vedic culture.

That Syria is named Sura (i.e, divine] country of Ij>rd Rrighna

^iii Hsfi and that the Jews also belong to Lord Krishna's clan

15 spparent fromEn cyclopaedia Jud aica wKi ch notes that" .Ertfi

jsrft&SiLnd (central souiheni) ^yda were referred to aaHumieWeny

u en Hhnic term efter the Hon tea who inhabited the country."


The Jews am known as Hofites becstige the Iwdpr of Ihrif

nitnmunity was Haii a^aii I^rd Krishna. He way a Sur'

i.e. Cod.

-nierefore the lerm ' Sui ia' aUas Sj'ria was the lard of Cod Krishna.

9rct Syria was the land of Lord Krishna thai was the ivsion ifl

which the Jews hesded after they left the iJwarka kiinjdom when

th& Mahabharat war ended and the Dwarka retfion was ravaged

bj Eiuclrtr explosions and anti-sodail elements.

Jcnisalcm - the Cily of Krishna

Jenjsalom the cht?f dty of the J s rael i com mii ni ly is apprDHrbt*ly

named afur Lord KHshna. The original name of thai city a

VenjjDteb. In popular parlance J' often replaces "V Therefore

^^niiialeim cama lo be pmnouneed as Jerusalem. The term

"feniM^eim Is theSanDkrit tem Yedu-Jshatayam x^^p^^^^ meaning

"»^^ple (ard township) ofUrd Krishna .The termVeda-lshabyw;

*^" t» b, spelled as • Yeru lahaJayam' becsuse the Sanskrit d

"**J^lBlOe, Val. e, Enr^l^pnedlQ Judalcsp KattrPuWI-JiiM

Co. 'hrWiJan^

Page 255: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

wo EOl

Is TVpbnd K ' r In iTie W«t for in^rtwce; ibe Indian *oM '

i, ««Uri « 5«ri-. Tl* wwnship fot the nani*. Vftlur^iJ*^'

i«»j» H jprMng up ^^^'l ^he Dome on ttie Hock, th« ocZ*^Kjmirft of Lord Kn^rmi Ccurt*nt1y being occupied and ^^^pwquttfyWasllniS.)


Anotber supportirtr piwf is tbat the cTty of Jtn]M]em ha

I Uon's gat* lia^J? ^''^^ statues. The Kri$bna tonpie iJ^nriiiLh' puri iti 1 ndia .

filso has a Uon' 3 gatt Raising such autiiB

iiBjsJnst Islamic tenets because ibe Koran eiipressly prohibitsmaldtii

thf likeness of anv living being, "Hierefore, the tradiiionHl v^^n

Uurt Sultaft Sulaimfln commasioned them'

' to propitiabe his inan

tbfli be wMild be devoured by liona wik$g be built a wall arourd

JeruulBn " is too chaldisb 10 be beHe\^. As a Muslim, Silajnun

wouJii never dare or care to set up lion -statues. Ftoating «ych

frivoloua onards to explain eway inconvenient details is yet BnQlh{r

iniiT <]f lilunic writings, which researebers must guard aguutat.

IJoni srt aiwiys as^odat^d with the sovereign in Vedic trsdJltHt,

A^' onbossed on that same gateway along with Ibe lions arvk'ttis

discs which are a typica] Vedic emblem. A photo of that gsteirf

JenisBJem with lions and btua emblems appeara on psge 143?.

Vdl. 9 of ^Kyclop^dia Ju^aica,

Dr. Lanc&st^r Hakttings, an EnEHabman who bos b«fi

of the Ajthseology De]JDi Lmenl ot Joi'dnn foi" over 20 ycfli's ^^in hi* r«aafcb popgn dcKj Jb^d bow the Ind [d n H i nd u kiny Vasumitrt

Shunp ruled ov^ ihe whole of the Ai:ab legion includifsg ^^^^

^^lifw tnd Jeruwilem. His 6mph-e extended upUj the Caspisa

Set Tbe lemiAea in iJiat i^gioci hod Biabmin pi'Seats The ShtinK*

^jwaty Milt in that i-^^jign ,j^t^ f,^^ ^^ 2nd centui? B-C^ ^' X A.D.




j^ the terms Oriental and Oecidenta! are used almoei

g like the words Arya and I>ravid. Any rivali^ or mutual

lusion faurf^ within each of those pairs, constitutes one of

r«rious flaws of modem historical thinking, which needs to

te rectified.

At present Occidental culture is equated with ChmtlanltyvmOriental culture is believed to be a conglomerate of several faitha,

«n,*flw conrmed securely to the east of Sum as though prevented

bysflms Christian miracle from ' coniAminating 'Europe.

A major thrust of this volume is aimed at comcting thatbiswirica!

fctuliil, Vedic culture pervaded the Weat as much sa it did (or

evm n&w d^e^} pervade the East.

t*t It rii^t be clearly undersixjod thai Oriental culture me^i

Vedicniltuie as represented by thcVedas, Upanisbada. theRaira^^.

'Wi^har^t and Sanskrit language.

'i ™y be noted that the very terms Ea^t and Wesi in a spherical

**h can apply only wht-n & point of reference is firat fiJffd. What

^^» point? And which ws^ the people who fisted it? Obviously

^^ ihe people of India who first demarcnl^ the east and ^^•^f^THice to themselves.

'^» considers themselves lo b* In the forefront of the

1*=^ tbey alweya looked for%vard to the rising &n « tbi

Page 256: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


jj^nglT of * bright, hopeful 6&^. Consequmly, China

],L> w iJw fir eisl of In'i^ SSnw Persia and Turkey for wV"'*'

, (»i of Vftlfc TndEs, ibey «*re a purl of ih,f Eflet. 1VpJ"^jjj Wwl. Tt is ihtrt indent Vedic demurcaLion which iht worM


tolto« b idwUfying the Eesi from th? W^gi, This is (vne it,dic-tw

of Irtdjin Vfdle ctvDiMiion being the encienimoat ti our owntj

U»rS^ is » mniiarily and (tchnolosically su-ons, advancednou**

and Ouna and Japan an nearer bi Jh wtri.^ yet (lip i^djanifl^dr

VKtfc iradiUon compels ihcm to look upon China snd Jflp^n


tr9M9i*m countriw &jrhc3ue$ tiiouK^ veiy vuluable hflv^jppr,^^.

bmr kfll K%hl of. As for as Ibe prevalence of V&dic cukurt in

Chmtf and Japar w have deaU with ihal Jn sepflfBte cljapier^

TTwTffnre, in this chapter w(* shflU concentrate fnaJnty on the Qib«

^e^J^^>rt^ of the Essi


In indochint ill l>>e (hiw kingdoms Vjemam. Uos «jid CflmbcdEi

used 10 be Hindu. In Cflmbotlia Is An^^kor Wal an exLenslve and

SjiKtecuIar Hmdu capiLaJ- its massive and rriajesLic ruina OT

''n)uiMH-l> caj^'«t temp?c%. |i>akc£^ and ^LQiueiry. spresd over IfO

M| knu. cnnslfLuLe an ench^tin^ Sight Along ils wnU mny b« seen

lownrinif ^nd maif&ivr ^ijjiL^i of ihs VchHc tiiniiy, Tht tndbn

in^|]initijn tni rraftmanphip of the ui^f&nLfc sculptures thcr*)ielp

ui t^ inquire us In where in India could there be sculptures iJf

thffi siie An4 fmbrllihlinitni ? Obviously, there ai*e preciically nonr.

Why? RfofcuAp Mu».llrr invaders destroyed them, Which flTethm

U» ix3tluni whefe vuch lowering sculptures existed? One ii tit

Xonaris «rni|!li- m Onvui. Another is Mahabalipiifam . TTitis Indf"''

dotft^^ hisiw-i can be reeonsti-ucted with clues that have sunri«<*

iMitiide lEidCi. Thia ii also i new way of handKn^ research ^^^htt nmflraliy bten Ignored Thus Ihrmighoul this volume muneraiU

•uch ™jv<rt observiuons about research methodoloiiy ^' >««**

Ih* impro^^ent, celled for In current methods-

in Indjj, the so-cHled Kutub Tower In Delhi is one such led*!*'"

l^»«im.eaLh ii l»y , ^.^^ ,j^^. ^^ ^o^ ^^^j^^ reclininB - *

fiyiP «)bn. \\ i^ ,^ ^, .^_ .. ,^_ ,,1, ^irtrev vi\^'ddm*

lop of ihe lower on the 7th storey

*i"»ti*d Brahmi on « Iolwj ae«t, "me MoaWn** *»«irc*y*^



p and bottom dMne staiuea.


Ssnsknt Inacripttans of the Hindu kSngg who nj^d

^^^hini T^**^ *™ ^^ display in local mueeume. Tl» lerm

If"^"J^at siifefgests

fl bower of banyan treea.


^ ^ef^hbourlng kingdom is Laos. That la a Frervch si^UlnB

Vorl«inal "^""^ ^'^^' ^°^ *^ the name of one af the twin


^^r Kam*'"^^^ '^ °"^ ^'"* ^ ''^^ *""^ ^"^'^'^^ "^^^^ ^^* ^Rsmayan

*'^*\sfde i:idsfl indicating that the Kameyanic developir^entj were

^°"c hflp|*f^"»^

having repercussions all over ihe world,

rp^ capita of Lao alias Uva is Visnlianne. That again is

Prfftcb gpelliTig coined during French nite there in the iStfe

caiury The tarEiiinsl Sanskrit neme of the city wag Vana Chandan

Juiiryiftg that the sui rounding region was planted with SanM injea,

T>ia chief river ef the region Is Mel<ona which la a local

j,ranunciaLton of the Sanskrit term Ma-Ganisa I.e. Mather Genga.

k India loo Ganga is endeannjfly called Gan^s ^fa^y8 i.e .Mother

Ganufl. Such Sanskrit namea scattei-ed throughout the gtobe are

I pointer to the univeraal geo^jrapbical survey and administration

(rfVedIc Kshatriyas. The Hindu kings who ruled thaa region bore

nnriM 5uch as J^a Varma and Su J*ya Varma . Numerous in scripU ons

teides the magnificent edifices they biult testi^ to <arlier Hindu

life. Snce the French ruled that region in I9th and 20ih centuries,

^raKh scholars have w^-itten books on the Hindu histoiy of and

"f^eoli^Bical relieg In Indochina.

One of the regions adjoining the ancient Hindu capital, Angkor

^ bore Its Bncient Sanskrit name Aranya Pi^sdeshi.e. forest-tract,


under French rule. Such a forest wag maintained closa w"^H^ndu city under the ancient Vedic system to ensure rainfall,

btitia^"^'^" P™^^e fu*l. timber, herbat remedies. grew

P^T^fy the air. to shelter wild animals for eroH'^al balance

«'° for hun ting practice.

Page 257: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

Tta the *«t «f CmbodtB 19 Siom Ali>ia TTiaH^nd, Tis i,^

I,^.sMM^ly S^^^^ ^^**^«*^ ^^ prt^nundation has lu:^,^

^^j^ins T^fiiTi^ as tne ideal monnrch b:/ naming ijvcn^ *ov(r,(;^

Mh^nT^ R^« ^^*'^ '' '' '»^^ '^^ ^^= '^""«' ^^ ^H

airfiiO vras mv£M;<?a during a BurmeM invasion the Sifimte,j^

•na myaJ pri«ft cf Sam l> * Vedist Bm^mhi. The sov^gn s

cttniniiiwi wd otitfr rituals sr* performed accoitlinK to Vedic

nwugb It* Vedic ddiy in the cenlnd royal temple in BangltQlt

d now an Emerald Buddha yet on the inner iurffice of ihe wall

BKikHinB the spacious temple-yard are painled REtmayanic e[Hsod«,

indkaiini: that before Buddh* the deiiy in the temple was Rflms.

AU temples in Stflin bear Sanskrit names such as Wat Anni

«nd Wtft Dev Sri Irdra aUsB Sirindra- The name of hotels end photo

fludios and other esteblishments are all SanskritSied .For inslanrt,

Suuhft Bhojan Hotel Es s Sanskrit lerm which connotes a 1»E*1

»in*ig purt furadulieraied) food- Photographera call themwlvft

ChhayaChiitAkanswhen ihe actual Sanskrti term is Chhaya ChiirtJwr.

The Chuialankom Unlvandty is Chudalankaran in Sanskrit. Moiw

fflfi End bicycles are kjiown m Rotchakjon and Rotjon respecuviv

»hich are Simkril terma-Baih Chakra Vantra and Rath Vsntm^

tbe comriiwi Samese areetitig Iv ^Sabaddi* which ts Sfffl^

in SftiuJcrit implying ''^| jg well^ or 'all be well"- The lagl"^

• asntse rtsyal emblem . The Sanskrit woni for the eaifl^ ^9 "

^*^^^TV aimn« pronounce \K ai ' Krut ' , A vehJtal is known a» ^Tttt Mandud (TWting Is Namaakaf


The Santnt myiJ e^pital bears a lontf >vinded litla IH^^^^

**w*i«ft himitff Ln ih& good m VedJc trfldiUon such * '^^«* «»•** iiv« ciiv or immortfld. magnirKenl jewollwl city

Uang 0^ Ayodhya, city of Rleamlng temples,

*^' °

t excellent palac* and dominicms. home o(


u these titles *« ^o remind everybody of ihevunfl"


If ^


Tbf^"^ "^

leanEnesa, and maiesly of the sovereign power.

t^e south Is the ancient Malay r^ion currently

^^.^ajaya loo was famous for IL9 ffagrani

^ " ^^"^'T Malays ='^'«« '^^" ^'^ ^^'" ""^^^ ^'^"^

^,dBlrf'>^'''''^^^3 bistanc^^ The l^rm Cholanampuram I.e. a

^^^'^'^^^r. Shrin^apauan U. a HUnown, Seramb^ -a.

^^ uri term S^hatikalingn Jayan i^^^^ ^mj sig^f>i"8

^'^^1 kX M^-van soverdgn. (and . majority of the

''^'^tM convened U, bto beer their ancient Hindu

pflSmlBce^^''^^''V '%_„ Hussein of Lnkshman Hussem. Tlie

^Itwt R»y«! -omen though bearing Muslto -,am« atuch

UwjreBt queen aliea goddess).

lV.e 10 it. nnme . la^e Shiva temple was actually discovpred

[n ihB centre of the old town of PeiaJing Jaya.

Royal palflcw in Malaya still bear their S^sW name Aaathana

tW^l The cmwn prince is known as Tunku MukMt ^^^

MhtSanskiit term ' Tok Mukut ' {^^) signifjrin^ a'^^


i erawn, A royal princess of Malaya of the 20th ceituiy bore toe

Sanskrit name Vldyndhari i.e.' the learned one '


^ Hidsysta people use the Sanskrit term ' bhoomiputre'



**i"iiy 8ona of the soil, l^e rulers though converted to Islam ai*

'^TitiTed to in the Sanskrit style aj*

" Param Shree'



A MBsui dly Malakka geta its name from the Vedic dwty

*''^"«riun whoso temple used to be th\ main sltraction of thrt

Page 258: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text




'ft lb* souih of Malaysfn flcrog? a narrow slrip of 5^5

fim»t ancfmt Vedj'c city of SinKspore nltas Simhapyp, ^.

' '**

of Lioiw. Ii WBJ an Important pon tdniroltjng the irade aj^d j^^,^'^

stt^TOuies of ihe Vedic administj^Uon from the fi,^^^[J

VifUm Sr Slflmrord Rafn^s. a British explQi-^rlaf^tlal


uwflitJ* the dose of Ihe l^th wniuiy. he noLiced on Hhdu to^

on lU hilloclt close to the 5ea. bearing a Sangjfrit ingciipyon^

AbooV iJtled ClEmpses of Malayan History vmUen byili^W

BrahmKhari Kailasam fllJas SwbjtiI Satyanand contains intfrtsiini

deuilf of the traces of the ancient Vedic culture or the MaJajm


Acrois ihe strslis as the island of Sumatra. To its east fs mother

Uf iiUnd. Java and clo&e to it furth^ east Is the tiny iskftd ot

Bali. "Hie RalJ^ese population still conducts its life tn the B%v^i

Vedic tradition. The people maintain the four -guild system, %prieifts are known as P^dada i.e. pundits. 'Diey observe all ^andHil V«Jic rituals wearing their scanty. rusUe colourful ippirtl

ind adorning thense^ves with flowera.

tn JavE an the outsknls of the capiUI Jogjakans is a f^"^

itupenaous anci«nt Hindu Iflmple-complex known a5 BorobldUfH

rising in malMiic ims lined with hundredsof sialuesof theBLnldha^

Imtwning to tun of ae^e spirituality to the surTOundlmrs "^^^^

t>» p«ppie Qf Indonesia hnve long been converted ui Islam- t*?/

litl net*in ihefr Vedltj culture.

T^ TbJ Mahal .U» T*io Mahalaye in !ndfa, the i^^^'^'X«^ monammia] city |n Cambodia and the Borobidur

t*rr«pT'^ *™ -^ ™^ « e distinguished Tiinity of worid^f-""^'

1""an Iti Ja^a »inder the atarnf sldea large ballel - jroypa

^p^haJi^^^^ colourful costumes.

^ of tndones'iBna is known us Bhasha which is a

^ '^^^^gquently their language Is a dialect of Sanakrlt.


Island of Borneo is mostly covered with forests and

^DUlated. But its dense forests hide njins of wcieni

** SP*'^^ 'TJ^ f^ pait of Borneoknown es Sarawak had a Britisher

^"^I^*" tj^ore World Warn. ButhistUlewBs Eaia indIcsLl[S«

ati^'^^ were Sanskrit- speaking Hindu rulers.

is an abbi^viation of the ancient Senal^Ht name

Brtlimadesh U. the region of Brahma, the cr*aLor, The nBjn«

.rjit river Irrawati, Brahmaputra and Chindwin [from Chlntanvan

It I regtfln of bowera or forests for meditative seclusioo) are

dS&rukrii name^. Its cities such as Rangoon. Prome. Nfandaley.

Umk tie. Mithilal and the andent Pi-angan, the city of exquisite

'jmples flD remind one of the Vedic past of Burma, U» head of

iiii*is known as Adipadi which is the Sanskrit word Adhipati (W^^l

kfW^ the chief exeeuUve. TheBurmese celebrate the water- festival

'11I& great jfListo as In India, towards the end of winter*

Bcfor* turning Buddhist like most other far-eastern countries

^rmiwaj b fullnedjjed Hindu country


^fans named Indonesia. Indochina. Zaat Indies and Wegt Indies

^«te that they professed the same culture as India. Had that

^^^ M the name ' Indo " would not have remained attached

^ litem.

^n^^"^^ ^f SUndH to the north of Australia are mentioned


^^^'^ ^ the context of the aerial reconnaissance undertaken^ Havan'a hideout. At that remote period, over a miU'O-i

^ ^here wea nothing but Vedic colturt in the entire worki.

Page 259: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


The fhntpv^tm

TV Philippines is & r^on which needs to be pt^p^,

10 rwoni trace? of its long extinct Vedic culture Having b^J^^^^^

wflh islam and Christianity, like Europe the molfvattonfa"'^^^'^

into Ih* Ved3'c pssi of the Philippmes seems Lo have beH,

in thfii couniry. Bui dnce Vedic cyiture leigned supreme i^^countries to the north, south, esst and west of indlfl.



land mass m the Philippines with its salubrious ^Hjnate coyll?'

have been left out by Vedic apostles from India. Elsewhere i^T^

volume we have described traces of the Ramayanin i^jj

FhlUppines. In the Phiiippines the Vice Chancelbr is cdlled "Gom-

i,*. Cunj. Outside its Parltoment hou$e is also a sUtue of

who was hkimanity's ^rat Vedic kw-givern


Ancient Tndiart ships cruised aU the seven seas bs is evHenl

from temns IJke 'navy' (which is a Sanskrit lemi) snd Inillvi

Ocean (from South America to Australia) and th* vsnvs)

land -messes incorporating the isms India. Tlie name India has twii

SB fajnous through ibe ages as to get its ccknlejrt atretchRi iicroa

time and distance to Red Indians end Indianapolis . for insUiWf.

Archseologtcal evidence of ancient India's distant saiSnt

schedules is available in the form of a naval bell with i TiobI

inscription fished out from the sea off the Australian coast.

Australia itself is the Sanskrit term "Astralays' iJ^^i^*'"*'

a land of missiles. That name suggests that in ancient times o^^J*"

misHilea we™ tried out in Australia. It could be that ^^^^^^^

e des^ because of thoae ancient nuclear ejcplosions- If "^^^

Bdmtiats have a way to ascert^n whether ancient A^sir

iub>ecl to nuclear explosions, and if so. how long ago. tw

be 1 significant contributJon to raearcb in oncisit hisifli^^

The origin of place-names such as Brisbane sni sy»^^^^^

needs to be probed Into. It 1$ possible that like the ^^

ODntinent it»eW they too are of Sanskrit or^tn-



population Is of south-lndJim origin aM |q^u^i*l» ^py ^^ known to wear the sacred Hindu. Vedic

l,lWjl^^?^j ^ Ibelr forehead. Ther« e)dsts a dos» sinulamy

^rV ^"^ ^^; ifljiguaj?*^ s^^ ^^^ language of Australian nativa,


f looking up<K* ^^^ aboriginal reaidenta of Austnflla

^*^jjyyjumty ChristEan settlers from Europe have tended

'* * *^d flbhor them and have generally reused to Inquire Into


^^^L9. Deprecating this tendency a Idndly European tsdy

(air^^,. .

q»jj i-onk the Australian native as a moron and gorilila

^ "^^^ him a ^^ry P*^^* injustice. Deceived by a physiognomy

"'"* '

r repoae. ^^ protruding chin and the receding forehead

^"^and those long twiuous fingers that are pecuBariy helpless

^^'^^liTtocls of Crtir motlem civUizaiion, the eai'llef ethnclagista

*hfl$tv m their judgments. To look closer and with MndUer

"^is 10 discover that the aboriginal is i^eemed by the delicate.

^sitive ear of the true muaician. quiet, quick laughter of a vCTy

rtil sense of humour, left far behind in the race oF ages, marooned

CD, u island-continent of sunny climate he never bothered to huild

htmaalf a house because he did not need it.'


Hie Lau cf Fluctuallng Fortunes

TflldTTa an overall view of the history of continents and

wmmijjiities from tha most ancient times, it sewns possible to

fomswlute a general law with respect to their fluctuating fortunes-

W» my conclude thai their life too is subject to the same up*

"d ilowna aa that of an individual. Just as a new born child gmv's

^? from its state of ignorance and helplessness in lo an up and

loin^jiel iJt but again sinks into old age an d decay , to vani ah altogether

^nnti ibe eanh av abi et date, regions and Gommumiies teo *™«i*ff^

isofaiion and twtchvardness into the Umeiight of p^t

'oWme/Jis jmd then egaih lapse htQ oWvioa and Ufwi ex^ncdot^.

"""^»» an Individual's life is made up of periods of dejeciicn.

"^ ''^I^R the m% AuBuat (3sue oF Modern R.^tcw rfl^»^^2^^^ tJDSMue fn,m the bmk titled Crnil Am*I/>«i"* Uii^3n«*

Page 260: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

mmisrwtiine, ^orj\ (chTevement or boredom^, ^v^r^ ^n,^ Lott hes its jOOd and bad d^yg. Reiffons ^hJch ft!l!^'*^''V h«



ihf H» DT in covered. over with forests and rtiQunt6iftjr*^^.r

tJw suigi'ng ffnjundff ^3f great human activity.Conurunii- ^

tpptm- to be swt)i in aboriginal backwardness and Eg^or^^

mty hHve b«fi sometime In the remotQ post at tliQ v^^ ^^mPiUrj' inighL lud acientifjc advancement .

^ '^t"


If, iherefore. &i our own time we see particular onmto be ve]y backward or very much advanced it wq^H h^^'^^'^

to pegend it as but a temporary phase and not an ?tfn,J'^^The divine, m^iaphysica] law of flucLuating foimnej apoliesi

nii has been enunciated by Lord Krishiia in the Bhajfa^Q^ q^'

Bv^ Christianfly and islam are but passing reTtponjjubltci

to s€^ -backs and decay. Islamic iraOition has rightly pr(?dicM ii^h

an eventualfly and foretold Ita own doom after e span of \<it\

yeera from hfahamad which end b 2022 A. D.

Tbaat looking aL history from the mundane plane can nEMtr

iw iitrji- fET, Their sight being unabte to see beyond their ann

times, ihey conclude that the socio economic, and potttit^ raHJti

of ihar line are everlasting. A schoolboy has the same view, Hf

talws his parents and his sugar candies and chocolates for graH«l.

Only when he advances in age and reviews his lire from his dwtlAri

dQ«s he refillw how his life has been e chequered, slippery tuA

ephemeral panorama. Historians developing a mature outlook airf

casLn^ a KJance at life on earth from a detached eminence of tEiw

*nd [lirttooe. to have an overall vi^ of life through iJie ai^.

*o»Jd not fail to visueJixe that the aborigines of our owis limei

may be the super -ai^nuated heroes of s past age aa vigoffus t^^^^

have ihetr ^ decrepit, tottenng and paralysed elders, ff^*""

^^^^Oi:,, mira^Jous and m^^phy^ic^i this l0W m^ ^PP^'''

Z,™*^ ^'^ ^'^^ f^'^dv^ mm psrticul^ person^i^^


!™ ^' ^' ' *^^^- ^/^>^ !^^ ofghb^ or cosmk dir^^^^^wh^may be ,«n to oper.1* u, the wider perspective of i«»^

An Australian Dborigiiie. (This photo appeared earlier on papa 66

Hi ^ Minuil or GMiyaphj ord po^ 185 of Long Mss^n^ Lin((>| Noilct

tt*iKiwl Vftlle Bfindal-posi* mark on the forehcDd. AuatrfJia, [sthe ScnakriJ

*ffl 'Attrileya ' meaning ' a land of missiles \ It was reduwd lu i dwe^

s"* flJMilwii nijctear miesilei were tried-out there In distant affitsOft

^«tiw wn^nenta, Physicists may verify this 1/ they have Irtu to

*^\n remote, ancient nuclear ccntaroboiion. A navcJ beU barini 4

^fKTfptitm wai alio found In the sea off the Auatroilan asMt Indicntiivf

^^bwtth India, the homeland and headqyorters of wgrldwEd* Vedlc

1^T^fl iflnguflBc of the ancient people of AuitrsOla rewmtJw Tamil

^'*^"' J^ i Wfl or Vedic Sanskrit.

Page 261: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

Auftmlifin Bbofvi"^ WJevf that the aou] of g ^^^

,HhB. body fls 'Tiiin, bf'ast or plajiL. This h a phlbsQjflUt J*^l,^^.f(Mvoimi Vedicpast. '^<'

Apdcfll Libraries

One Of ihe cau^ of l>ie Iflss of previous gbbial Wgtgnttiit,k,

«B Lhc desinictjon of hug© libitiries and famous edtjcaUona]wn,,^

^ ripBdous fnvflders. "Hie great Ifbrary of R^iptraiua in j^j^j

vB bumi down m ibe^ih century B.C. Only Homor 'stpicjfscspj^

destraction. Th? Ubmo" attacbed to the Temple of Pi^jh, t}^ Di^in*

Uri in Memphis, which had fi tare collection of ^h\Ati^

maniiscnpia. has long been lost to ihe world. The precbua Ijiw^irtjj

find educatlMiBl oentr^ that Hindu Vedic Sanskrit scholiirs hA ^up not only in India but aI important centres throughout the irwld

were all raveled find plundered fsom lime to itme afi^r the b-Mkdown

of the world Vedic administmtion. It\ Asia Minor the librae' &

TengmMs hsd t collection of two hundred thousand lejtt? wUrti

h«we been tost without a trace, Boman invaders put to the torch

a lihrarv' of 500.000 msnuscripts in Carthage m 14fi BX. It kfjl

burning for 17 days. Uuring Julius Caesar's invasion of Egypt tta

cQUectitm of TOO.noO manuscripts in Alexandria lyas destroyed. Tha

llhrary contained 13> wjlumes of the names ^d brief bio^^

of hundreds of authors. Alexandria was one of the bEjjjjKi «fltrM

of Vedic, San5kril learning of the ancient world, provfdirtg tor^

education of 1^100 students at a

Aulun In France was the seal of the Bibractis Drvid CflU^

It had a library of thousands of manuscripts which w« dwtrey^

by Roman troops.

In Chin 8 81 the orders of em peror T«in - SheHwangeii -


of thouBamls of ancient manuscripts was consigned to •

Lew laarui humed down a library of 300,000 volumes \nl^

Thew ire <inly a ftrw stray sample locations hut ^j^,hijiMlrwIs of Uiwasfinds of other volujnes may have been P



g^j down throughoyt the world durirnj ova-

^^^tflfi* *"

, jrtusliJTi and Christian Invasions miy wdl bi


hareJn was onoe on tire. A awtetary oT

, ifii]4d»tis*^

^gg caoght in the melee. Paiple were

.hF^ ^^ U^es helt*r skelter KrabUlng anything that cune

^pJtvgfor theif^

^^^ ^^^d tight and smoke of th* Cfwkling fire.

Ttbflfharids (^t B glance at the title of a big volume

'^ ^ those escaping^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ ^.^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^


come O^_^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^ ^^ ^^,^^

"^'^''^''"'? heard about it bui had never been able to read

^H Ib^sy s^T^i^ry persuaded the Muslim looter to

'' ^TThCjry voltmie. The MusUm haggled for > tdgh prioe.

^' w'^ F^Xna. agreed to bui ^ace he didn't have that

^ that the Fren^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^^

^"^'^""lena^ Ty But before he could ask for the looter's

S;rC-V-^ -<! --- -^ ^"- ^' ^^^*™w«9 foffiver Soat.

iwwms livlua '. history ofRoma contained valuable detidls

, S^ve^c p.^. ^e na^e of the .uthor mus -s

LLs€lf Sanskrit it?^ ^^) Daityas I^va-ish.

Abo.tl50 years ago a Freenchman. Oum.i«Bo.-sually in^t^

,^x the relevance of « heap of torn papers kept In a^x m

tl. ^re-room of the museum at TMrin. The keeper ^^P^^^^^^

ihrs *ere unimportant^ wast*. Out of curiosity Chompollion tn^

ifi match those bit- and to bis surpn'se he found thai tbe^ wera

Prwtaiai genealogies of ancient Egyptian sovereigns,

CimtTariiy. in the year m9 when Diega de toda. a OiristiBn

ni^lowy ^scover^d an ancient palm -leaf manuscnpt it^ We»co

^ '^^ fire to il arguing thai nothing h^O^n deserved to b* r^aine*-

'" ^ Ifttcr years when ha happ^ed to be appointed a bistvop.

^ sober reflection it occurred to him that in burning the manuscnt*

^^ deprived posterity of precioua knowledge But his «p«itan»

*»«*lthirt^dinB thai manuscript has beeci a dead loss. This l> only

Page 262: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

mI %ypk^ bistanc* of hew Chrtstrana and Musa^na h»

Tfti «9U»1 beM tJwt ancient Ul^rature wag only devotional j*i^jpi^iiu*] and metaphysIcaJ i* imwarmnttd. [t covered eviry^^'

of human ectfviiy. Such polossal destrudion by huntan****

m^>' i]»o be one of divinity 's modes of setting back ihT*?of humw pmr^ lo tnaJce it pl^y the gsrne of life onoe

fram lie beginning%a[n

Ji is tbrough sucb upp an d downs and gaps i n tUstoricBl amUnnri

crMt«d by destructive spasms that a hist^nfan bsa to afflreh r^conceptual links in his hisiorica] narrative. Tn doing that his histopiai

acumai. invesUgatxve skill and analogical logic play a vital part

Fur ^sample. 2S00 years ago the Greek ivsironomer Democrituj

concluded Epre^umflbly without a telescope) thai the MiJlty Waywtt t dote fommtloR of countless heavenly bodies. FeE^sson amto the aeitie ctwiclusian after scanning ibe skieg with a telesow

In the I8th oenlury A.K TTus illustrates how the reach and sweep

of iht di™t intelligence of gifted individual* is superior to the

shvpest Infinimmis made from inert ni^taf,


^^r!r''''"' ''^* '^^"^ "« den.^,,n ef anrfe^i ITbrdriai*".


ther couJ^tries the Japanese trace ther historv for

ystemany ^_^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^^^

i^rttchof^'^^^^ phenomenon leads to s very important

^*'^'Itt^on nainely that before that period aH regions being

^'^1 bel Vedic civilization had not developed any separate

^ll^ fi^^r-tation began much after the Mahabharal war

^U) Therefore, the history of any p«>p!c and my t^on

Xeui beyond & beck stretch of 2,500 to 3.000 years.

lite Japanese caH thdr own country Nippon which Is the Sanskrit

rofl! Hipm meaning * dexterioug '



Tk Japanese sovemgn is known as Hirohito which ha3 two

Sifukrit derivations, both equally applicable and closely allied in

In Sanskrit tfl-fT) ^Sura Suta' signifies "the Son of God*.

y^ rule of' S" being pranounced »9 " H ' the term

'' Sura-Suta


pnMionnced an Hiro Hito'. In Vedic tradition the king


^^*^ authority on earth as the representative of Lord

^<imi^ ^* ^^«n- I'het i? why we find royalty aU over the

tm^^^^^' whether in China, Home, Eg^t or England being


^^"^ ^^ ®"^ resepct by the subjects. This is one

*^l*ori/^^^^ ^^^ existence of Vedic culture all over the

Page 263: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

mTbe <ither SansJrWi term of which '


fi (^ f^J ' &iryfl-ajta'

i.e. a descendant of th«? Su"' °^^^

TbJs finds dMifirmalion In ihe fea that

regard their emperor ki be a descendant of the SmiT

OjrrespondijigJy even in Vedic tradition Manu, i\u, ^of global humanity wsa known as Vaivaavat I.e. »on i-"^^


'DiBt abows how the Japanese royal tradition is Vedic^

Betnif ccnsidcned g deacendanl of the lustrous Syn notomum 13 permitted by orthodos Japanese itsdilian U) ^^Emperor m the face, Even the Prime Minister calling on t^^epm

for mnstillation, advic* or directions ba.^ to conduct the convfl^with his gaze fixed on the ground. Such immense revenence emmn,dutiful and meticiJous compliance of the emperor's flirMtivca


Though the Japanese genernlly use the Chinese ideograph aystan

of *Titing they have also supplemented it with a limited pfecofik

Kalflkena script based on the Sanskrit alphabet. That again JinUciLfl

the Vedic tmdiiion of the Japanese.

Like the Chinese the Japanese lanifusge may sound diffcrwi

t«au« of Ila peculiar pronunciation but thai must noV mijlfsl

scholars in tndng the Sanskrit oriifin of its words.

The Jnpwiege suffix ^ San Ms the equavalent of" Mr. ' in Rng'J'*

HuL wHle thp t^rm "Mr ' pr^ede^ ii name ibe Jap^nes* ho"^^

^Sm' ii BfRjted after the name. That Is exactly the

indii *hrfe hijnorifics lik^ ' Sahib or Rai^o. Mahaahay,«id Mahabh^^ are aU uaed Kfter the name.

T^J*'^^ ' San it the Sanskrit term ' &Jit '

ImpTyTflg •

"<*pful, decent, well behavod* cultured person.

H U th,^ «u^ praziice which peraiat,. in nani» ^^ ^"^^

^^""^ «r « Jacobson and Thomson.

exactly the systf™

mthe word * Ka ' to denote a quatffln w

IW J"!^*^ „ Tg that BO?) Thai la Mcording lo the Sans^


^ _ SennkA

Sf'^'*^^^^ S^skrit" (ntcrrogative Kim '? has been abbrcvimed

**^.K,' inJflpsnese,


i™,* term ' Ojt ' for ' grandfather"d^v« from Uri

Tff ''^ '

Ajfl'. E^en in MaratW (a reRimil Ifinguage


, .^^^ ^ . godfather ^ Japanese call their languiige

'"'"^'"^lero the lenniitation ^go' ia the Sanskrit root ftr

'^^^. . . 1.0 is

pionounced Nihatitfo.

^, the Japnne^^ ^-^^'^" ^"' "" P^J^' inv««ig8t.on, b.

r,,rd tu t>eSanskritlc and VedlC

IbtWslnBSun Flag

jsp^ s flag 1. . r^ circle In the c^t™ of a whi. r«^^

T^at lsT..use Japan is loca^ on tn J. -^:;:;^;j;^^,,. V^c wo.d id..tin«i the hori^ of

^^ „^;tI fV^Mst as ih. sLarLinK point Japan a nsing =ur nB«

origin It repTKents the red riaing Sun.


It is usually believed that Buddhism Is ^^m '' "^^^^^^^'^J

^ <


i<i In fact Siint*"*^haaiy, pnmary culture 18 In W^

gaddhlim iJ i n««malpr^Knunciation of Sindhuiam alias Hinduism o

latfT jAiflsfr of Hinduism

1:- .f Vedi. ddU«but th** -^

J«p.n h.a thouannds of temphrs o v^^^^^^^ ^,^^

not easily known to th*r outside «or]*J ^^^ „, ^rd

nnme.. For In.^^nce, th. Ch^ne^e -nd ''^•^^^^^^..d «.t*^. *-

Gan^gh hut call him Kungiie^- T™*

obHvlou, of it. n^.«-^H.ritrin»-*

Page 264: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

m^*rin«W h«- of pomtgr^nflte

jut™ Instead of th* ir«litEontf^_ „_J « . Kuritanio ^ Tliflt should serve fl$ a key lo unde™^.jqitfw*? ,j Kwitanio

^ J4psr«e languflg* is affloilUged Sanskrit.

Tilt XftthruPoll"* Siii 111*

TH JRpjmeae pos^l departmenl has isimed a stamp depicUna

Lm^ Kristffift playing ihe Hute. Tliis indicotea that fronn ibe

Sti^barai times OTward the Japanese too revered Knghm Hh^

iia rest of the vot\A. The mistaten over-important given to ib«

Boddha h*s overshfidow«d the ancient Shint<)ism alias Hinduism

of JejpGn<

A Japanese wnlef , Tsk^ Kasu tin an article titled ' Whai ^pun

owH to Indii*' in i^e lounnal of the Indo- Japanese AssodstioD.

of JsriuuT^ 1910) and another writer, the Rev. Daito Shimaji Cn

«ni34Jipr anicle titled- indiu and Sap-M ia AncifiU Times, in the

same taue5 infoi™ u$ that ' there were, for insUnce, several IndiHiB.

whom the Kurosbivo current. washing almost the whole Soulbem

cowL, birv^jht to the Japanese shore,...,. -Several Indians csme

to Jfipen, npedally in view of so many Indiana finding thetr way

to Qdni by 4Ea. A Brahmin bishop cajne with another prifist from

Irrfis vii Qiampa (Kochin China) to Osaka, then UJ Nara when

ihnr meiwottiH- Indian ascetic who taught Sanskrit to the Japartew-

ttti nifflVuicTy and tombstone with a written eul^jgy sUH e»* it

Kim Tiif Dinciil records of Japan describe how cotton was Introduced

In Japan Iqf two Indiana who inched Japan in July 799 and Apil

m A-D.

The namfii and vigji, pcr^rred to above may be the lUnpteaiU*.

vl^"* tb* tHTdEncy of historians to talk only of Himl"'

JZ* '"^ '""ueice on other «uiitriea and trace it ^ <


j;^«^ Qirirt cr «me year, after Chri^. What w. y^^^

l™» »«f, b Uiat in keeping with the didne djrectioi iF'

r^ »« tpr«a V«!ic culture th^ughoui the worid i^j^

"™^^^ *D ^iiul. ^1 ov*r the «lobe. Consequently ev^'**^'"

, ,,, worldiiJdiiding China and Japan hav, be«, apaldng Sb„w.

*^7Uif e^^« "^ ^^"^ ^'^ ^"^ '^^"* *» if*"! It kL^latfily

that ih^ have taken to differ^t lang^aga and i,,^^""^'^

V..,lt which they call Buddhism.-^uigiy




Japanese uses the telephone he caQa out ' Muab Myahy'V^Ei a JHpanKH;"=^^ -^'v ^.^k« ^'"'^ "t udua guv Jfluah Muihy'

^^i of' Hullo .

That exclamation ' Mush Mushy is based on

^Tsanalcrit t^f^n Mahashaya' (the equivalent of Mtflter). U

^y lie recalled that in the Bengal region of k^ia the Smskril

honorific'Mahaah^i^' is F^nounced as Moshay*. Japan being

further away to the east it pronounces the teim

t jj^jjl5(iy8Moshaya ' as ' Mush Mushy '


The Japanese cremate the dead aa per V&dfc practice. Th^

jSsD perform elaborate rituals in honour and memory of the d^iarted

in front af the ashes of the d^d. Elaborate chanla beginning with

OM eonsecrale the memory of the dead. Candles are lEgbfced to

rBpre5er;t the flame of life of the departed soul. Offerings of food

lit also kepi in front at the ritual to signtiy that the deceflsed

IssUn remembered as a family-member,

^tvanlri CdcbratloQ Id Jupan

Vedk tradition has set apart the dark lunar fortnight In

September/October (before the thissers festival) to psy SP"^^

^age to dead ancestor?!. No new. good, auspicfous venturts aw

f^^tfld during that fortnight.

The nm nine nights of the succeeding bright lunar fortnight

7^ to the worship of the Moth«- Goddess. «n»UUjti U»

^^tri fesuval,

. ,^^ *^ "^va observances were worldwide. ^ ^ ®^^ ^w^Chri^uanity stQl observes is a tmneated nerr^Inder of ^^^^ fortnight of Vedic tradition.


^^ Mother Goddess Images ha.^ be«t fo^id '^^ *^"* ""

Page 265: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

rf the *oHi il is <'t^^' ^^^^ ^^^ Mavar&tilMl^bmu^r.

^^JL *^ridwid.. T^tffl* lil*« ™«tber.Alma Mat^ ^nd (C

l^in *(vr!d bnuur*^^^ f™-" ^t^Sanakril word Matar' ^.^^

Tj^ Hina Mst5uri festival of tiw Ja|>aness la a rtVc of it^

of thi. Sanalcrit rev^crenOal term 'Maiusri ^ for ' Mother '.

Oiirrtntly th? Hina Walsuri is the Japanese restivjjl gr dolia.

U fans on t^e thinJ day of the tl^«l month, li was oripnally 8

ferflval of young pfls as in India but 1v now a famlty feslivil,

A modi^ Innovaiioft is computer doUs wtnch welcome ^^iUffs m^

DoUs* kinfs. tocrlierg* Ifly-mm and animals stored away it

otbrr Umw in iJOi^es ere lalten out for the festival^ dusted and

rrangpd in an atirsctive. terrsced display as in India. 'Rw dollslaM

ia taiown as Hina Dam. T^t word 'Dham^ is Sanskiit abode'.

Several top, tiei^ occupied by the king and empress, the council

of ir.imfttfre and other dignitaries arc covered wflh 3 resplendent

red 5hwt. The dnDs are dressed in Kicient court -costumes madi

of anbraidH-easilk*. sewed with sequins and braided in gold, aliver.

neb purple ^d roy^ blue.

TV ladJes of the house, dressed in their best, gather armind

the display and enteriain guests- in many parts of India loo Jif*

\snta-A dj5pUiy> fanti part Of goddess worship obsenfal'on3 In

Oniuidox hCFTAH.

Hinuman Jgyenti l.«. ilie birthday of the Kamayanic leajs^^

Hwmmin it oelebrat«l in iadia every year In April. Correspon n?

to thii ihe ManmnaUri fwtival of Japan in im fell o" ^P""

•htvfty dayit*s,«lebnii*d inlndJB. infcrms a friend. H*""'"''"'

^ J«*Bnm Ufrm ii the same aa $ri Hanuman. aliaa W^""^/Th» baiorinc mfnn Sri is often eppUed at the end of ^^^ ""^ '

"1 Jeptow tfwlJUon.

^t if hf^^"^^ ^^ H0170II t«nple n^ Kara, he win dt^^v^

l»^^«rethe Japan^enames far popular Vedic deitia - Uahmi

,is in India La^bml (Ktchojo ^ Ten), ihe symbol of waU|^

J!rmateriel benefits, is extremely popular b Japan. " ,^

*^t"ler>drfiNsth Bakshi. Director of the Centre oi Japm^j


_, ^ahj iEi hJB Uiesia "Rrahmlitical DivinitJes in the Japajiese

feddhis^PsatHeon' egtabliahea that Hindu gods and goddtsses went

loJBpDn'under Buddhist garb when Buddhism made inroadi \b.

M wunuy around &38 A.D, In Japan SaraswaU (Baiiai-Ten or

5aitefl) Bpa^ f™"* ^""^ ^^ goddess of knowledge, ahe h al»

^^J^>i^ted with all kinds of flow^ incluifeig flow of money and


The earliest extant images of Hindu deiliea in Japsn include

ipaintinf oflndra CTaishaku-Ten) standing on 3 loiuainTemamiuhi

rtirine in Hoi^o-Ji- temple. The peonUng belongs to late siitb or

*i^ seventh century A.D. it is presumed.

any Images of Brahma and Indra, dating back to a pmod ranging

te»«n 70& and 71 5 A .D . are also to "be found Ln the Htwyo -Jl temple.

^ imaga of eight -armed Saraswali made in the second half of

Wweletitb centut7 is found in Todai-ji temple (Hokkaido)

* nth century branze idol of two female G&nesha fonni clasped

'^SKb other"! arms are at the Hozan-ji tempJe ti Ikom*. Ganesha

«J'Wi is caUed Sho-Ten or RBJiJi'T^.

^denl Vedic aUbs Hindu culture of Japan soquired the itibw

t^^^* when Prince Umayado, the second son of emperof

"^ became the ruler in 685 A.P afur the death of empe^ir

^y the battle with Mononobe, who belonged i^ fi^hmi^ ^^ *>» oppoaed lo Buddhism, Prince Um^ynto W^ ^^^ tr he woti he would bufld tfimplw lo honour ef lb.

Page 266: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


^T^«i. of the world, Um^.do b.Ut th. Shlt«^,,|,^fLlu in Mf? A.D. All th* above four be^ng prfl-Buddhtn herT

to ftct U fa Wn^^ ^ ^^^^ Byddhlam sa somethingteptr^u

frtm Vedic Oiltyre. al^" ^^ ^uddhA was hknaelf a V^ j^^

Dr. BaksbS^ Mrdustofi thet Vedic deiUes migrttod to ^^und^ n Buddhist garb is inoorrecl.

Vedic cultuift rfSas Hinduism pervaded the worid (indufim

japfinl friim th^very "ral geierBtloti of humanity. Threr^oreirf^

when ihe Buddha was d«if!ed Ibs idol uw figured in thfl Vedic OEndu}





Ue north end aouLh Am*frican continents Hgum i number of

C]tmme9 such as Canada miWa m the North American contineni,

Mexiw. Guatemala and NicaraguH b\ the U3 of thet continent and

VertKuela. Columbio. Brazil. Peni. Bolivia. Parapiay, Antmiintt,

Unttniay, PatagonU etc. in the South American continent.

Just 6$ Britisbcra were prone to refer to thdrAuslraliarLddinihlon

a 'Down and Under " becouse It "was in the southem hemisphere.

ilmMriy under Vedic culture the American conttnenti used w be

referred to &s the PaUal lok i. e. U» Sown and Uncfer^

The term Canada deriva from an andeftt Vedlc nucleHr sclentiit

toiciffn ea Kanaad. (isan^)

SmEtHTly th& iemi America when writUH! aa Amerisa (since

C Md S b the English alphabet have common prExniindeiion)

(tvill be seen lo bo a Sanskrit term aignlliing l^ ^> ""nynortal



Tbe names of vaHoua Amsican countries could il» bt »!

^ t* of Sanskrit origin contlnulnu from primordj'al Vedle ttm<«.

Mini befng a wdl known Sanstoi^ term the Mayan riviliiitloa of

'^siea Was obviously Vedic.

**^ is tbe term AaUk 1. e. theisis alias believer Ifl *U^'*ait3f'

^^^^^ Is from (a^ffnrr) Unigavah meflninji God Vishnu,

la lithe term ctTrWTFPTjCaiJtam&layBmeantnff ^^'^^

Page 267: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


fff fS(iBe> CiuUP" ""^^ "^"^ ^'*^'^ '^^ "^ ^"^9 hmj111,

j^,junt«n« tn Sanskrit fliKnIftos iDver or nrytKing Bflv^y

Cjnp«p3«»tly the fact Lhiil Ar^flHint is well itnown r<>r Its ,q^

j^,^ \t «i iftdkaiion <>f tb* Sanskrit origin of iia namif.

X^ *ta" *U8S '««y"' (tiding of wunlrfes sucb b? Cqkmljiii

Bolivta ind PaUflonte CUke Huasifi and STberis 1 la distinctly SaiuVrtt


Vaiewel* is ^^a^a ujwaJ (vsra^^J i. e. ibe glorious fO(r»t.

Mexico is the Sanskrit term Moxacn ("itew) connoUng a plaw

ef SflivaUon sbounding in temples. seminBriw, monaslerlBa, Mraig

jxi Vedlc benrJtfigt schools duri ngpru -Christian times . Also Makghlk

(u^t is Jin honey !«(* mineral used in AjAjrvedic remedies.

It cculd be that McJiico elifls Makshik region was a rith soujx*

of that mineral'

Tike e dose bok £t the photo reproduced below.

Hmuman . A VedJc detiy rrom a Temp>& in andent Merioo




Ifl thP SftDBkcrli uirm ' AatJk' Implying a dpvwi, Cod-fmrlFif,

Ji w tot tl« Wir^.,


^""^Jrtff and Codworahipptna people.

jtiimp iTv thfl right hfliwJ held cm the ahouldor iyml»Ui« tht inmki

tJjjilwr^'^ *'^^'* ^"^ *^^" * monkey -brigadeft uaal u batiwim

^^, to bTWkt <yp^<^ ^^* gateways of LanJui.

VfldJc lore Ranumim, the Monhey God !t ssSa lo 1» iJi« «n oT

*\Hfld, who tried to (Ty to ihe sufi at n younf ngt. QtmcrtUfy th*

eralan which Is a dt^t vjiriouon of thp Vedjc lore indicaiw Uie

**llen« of VedJo cuiiiir* in Me»w 4n Jprt-Chirffftloin tbaes*

Wot wwte Americas jjet cut *fT7

The American continents remained cut off frotn human history

Of otber cont^ents because Ibey are isolated from the rest of the

mM by vast stretches of the Pflcifio ocean on one aide and the

Mkntic on the other-

After the devastation of the grieat Mahahhanit (worWJ war

tdrca 5561 B. C.) when world communications brok* down tlw

American cwiilnenia r^mahied isolated for several centuries.

In those days India continued to be the grefiteat merititne JxFtr^

*Mlfl moat other couiitrtM M'ere reduced to non ^ enlitiea aa J3«PI«if*"^

'nsn the Sanslcril term ^ 'navy' Califls naviJ siffnifling t S™P*f UiSpj and ' jea' fram SimskriL SSgor t^nrnj aUoa Samudr* W^J

^V cut off from the rest of the prosperous world, theAmencm

"^^^^ were ovei-^wn with thick fon^st^ and its ws-dfriM

**'''»Ml' lapsed into tribal i^moranc* and hoekwflrdntfs^

'" ihe upj, antl dowiu of life. comruufliLiis too, Ul«* ^'^'^ "

Page 268: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


h^ pfHodt Of pnrtPfHty «i<I terfn™r,ino«

Jbtprwai Wlffft^ '^Ara«*« w*jnj dfKOvpred by Colmniju^

Duy feTi t™# foT Europ«ii» and th» iwl of the modem woHd

bai not for Iirfw- IndJi coniinuod lo t» In conitani u>ucti wi^ii

tjv Ain*ric«« <iunng the miUmhimi of a wxirld V«dJc empire.

Tt*re BT 30 [h«ri« about tb« oflfigiiu of ihe iribef whieh

jnha^ ib« Anwnan oontbmtA. disoisatA in Miss Cora W^jkor j

book tiUed Cvaicnioc (ti» Un Me:xfc:sn emp^njr}

UcKKM tnditjon says tint tbeir ancestors came from stwaijtlM

fir oft IbuI,

MDntcouma. a l^esan niJcr toM Invoding Spflpiards thai hfs

waiBmm Mfn\ti. from Ibe fa- East, nccma vtsi oceans und bad

Ai per the Vishnu ?iunn ibe nether regions number seven vii.

Mill, viuia. i^udi, GfthbasUnui. MahatAlA. autala and HtM."lUyawanbdliahK; T^thmftgnificfint palace In which dwell DflnsvaB,

iWtjH, Vikabu and the great Ksga Goda.

?Pof. Rania Umt, curator of the Meidcsn National Museum__Brii ^ hli boolt rMeJocan Arehawlogy) about Mejdcdns "The

tmnift iypti vt B» Ume of bidJa, Thdr perfeclian in design.

U» in^proaduhlt i«hniqu« of their raUaf*. Lb* pumptuou*. hadirm and otteimi oca buijdinp on hlj^ , the syaUm of panfltnictloo *

*» il** Cf Indit md Oriait,


i^ **^^ ^'«* "Hi PmfMsor Htunbra-b Comyn, mambert

^^Gw(r<pMai Socitty of Mea» have ojnduded that »a far

* uiAl Zepgtec* and M^ Unguag^ are or Hindu Eurtjp»n

J^|^'^»W«k» lMidmi*Dy pntvtt thit Wk* Ihafou/ MeJdc*"»• tttn^^i tan^i^p, loo m of SonskriUc origin.


y^^i Peon «mld ho analcrit Ma^ . Paj^j,



**'**T'^jlljj9t And pre-Buddhist parioda Indiaw tb^ t^^cb*

^^A. tljemiatnss of tbe ^ees and tbfe tap^^

^.j ^

''''^^^ jnflntfoned in Mextam tradition b the t«nn T^xak*

^.the In^i^ Piiranas, T«xekft waa $ king of tho Nap


rather world.

ft«r«sM' Maaanfi P«h> oondudeo tbat the M^sdcan ovOkation

uyttaithoosandyeaneneient <PBge6, boUomofChanaciBl'j

ll] Ortly I"*"*" ^**^*^ tradition speaks of ^^h mUqidty « w^fl


j^io sutue la Modco

AlCOO-pound statue of Lord Hanuinan sculpted in pink Jalpuri

urtjpbBj been ff«^ in Taos dty in K^w Mexico on Amerka's

I niwst. T^e local people* mostly Hispanies and Amgiicfiji Endtans

I liAAml devotees pay tbeir homsgc to the deity and bfjd ^)edil

tNOtknai oongi^gations ffV«ry Tuesday. 'Hm dty name Tan ii

rrutiHi of Kh9 Sfnsloitt term Bevas L e. God.

^KolunlMu America

OrtmUy Columbus is supposed to be the discoverer of the^ continents, Thsi is because currmt historic an writtai^rap«n Christians, ?re-Christien histories having been™ai]y destroyed by Chrtetija zealots. Christian wrflew t«»d

fe^^r^ ^ discoveiiea to the ChrlsUfin-era. Such

*l4i ISiTf^™^^^"'™ ^^ myopic view of a ahort*ti»ditloci

^^t^ ' ^^^ ****«^ '^ew of the crtatJon extend* onjy

^^ by*l?**"^^^ A^!ERrGA written by ChamanJai and

*''='^*lnitt?^^^^**™tlya Vidya Bhawan, Bombay in IMO has

^1 three^tktee on the flrai p^ of Ita 1st chapter.

Page 269: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


«1'{lioft vho firsi arrived on the Ct>iiUn«nt


uB» .*m«toi www roup*' <if mm driven by thai


that »* OTi fr^ I"^f3 UjTiBrds the£ast"(Higt<»rr^'' '^'


•"TV fMeya) human typea are like those of btrr^roBchable i^hntquc of tb«ir reliefs, the suiriptyoyg


tnd oslffitatious bulidinars on high, the sirstem ^f ^gnu^^

«lj apfflk of India and the orient'

" -ProfcssoJ* Rama MdJ 'T^'of the Neiional Museum of Mexico


(Even the curator *? nome Rajtta Mena is slgnincantly injj^

"Hinda merchants brought to Mexico the eighteen numtii'

yetr of ibe Pandavas and the custom cT trade gujH and baimboxtr" Hewitt -FHiniUve Traditional History, Pp. S34.r3g,

"Tlirt the North-American Indian belonged to aKorttiEns ist»,

wbo nvBde theii' way to the Southern Hemisphere, both in Artmia

and Asii, is proved hy the absolutij identity between the natigru]

^'»t«n of rdalionships of the traquois (American IndJan inbsj

id Indian Dravidlans ahown in the tables of consanguinity in

Margau '« Ancient Sodely. to ^-ewst with the form of uiinii^

which be csib R.-Lilusn (Punya Sanskrit)- This \ hxn

*own it to be « ui"..l.j between alfen racesiin which the bridepwm

™3cwBd thfi bride into his clan by making blood -brotbertiood vrj*

htt. iDd marking the parting of her hair with vermilion, R rfl*

UD pns^ved by t\] 'Hindu caates ' (Ruling Races of Pre-^liM^

An»iici,p. -234.)

**tifctii Mamfam

Vmcrui the busiest port of Meia'co. in our own m^.'^Pwnuc. tKUnsivenilnaof amagnTui^ntancientcivillzatforil^^

•Ported pa].ce9. spaeious i^ourta, huge defensive wells, if^

•***»"^^-'Hielmmen.estocka of «oId and other

w«dth*d^^;lh# '^**' «r Um Biidfint dviliiation wcf* plundered by Sf**'

^^^,9 who swooped on thla unautpeeting ^t^^ ^ ^^^

-VJt^. ^^ predecessor* of Ait«a also built ?ynm^^^ ,^

i/ has been discovered at a place called Tula displaying suw'^ ^lieved to be of ttieir warriors.

y^ctscan fritn' Bemardbo do ^hagun wss an excejAJon Ui

onaries ^^o «* *^^*^ Cbnatian aeal wished to staiup out dl

tZxo^ remaina of the pre-Columbua dap. On irrivfcig tn Mexico

niast«i«*NahuQtl «id started teacbJjig the sou of AiLm nobla

^ FrBneiscan school. He also organized a maior research projed

^mpne a pictorial (jicydopaedig of Aztec culture. But S^m %

^ Yf^lv D barred the printing of tiie book out of fanatic Chri&itai

hJiorrsnce tor evai an academic study of anything idolalrona. Two

dred forty year^ ^^^ Sahagun "s death at the age of 91, ^ere

his 12volutn^ published- As in India even in Meaco modem scholan

uv prone to ridicule any pride in the glory aiid grsatnesa of their

jiyaeot civiliiation.

Mfickenrie In Wa "Myths of pre-Columbian Amerid^' ffves

t detaaed account of the worship of Ganesh in ancient fjasia.

Hewitt's Primitive Traditional History says. Cansh wu

worshipped ell over the Pacific and also in Amerira.

VedkStatuarr Ip Anciem America

An article in the Sunday- St^dard Ctndia) of My 27 1^6

carried the picture of a ler^e, heavy stone disc bearitig an mtricit*s>

carved Aztec calendar of Mexico, divided into the four Hindu sges

wmprising tl» exact number of years stated by Vedic tradiUin.

men the Spanish invaded the Inca territory in L532 the* tidic^

number of Ufe-si» gold statues in a htdJ ir» Peni. On* ^Inoi niJers told them that the statues were uf Ws flnc«

^^^"^ over a vast empire. The tnvflders. ««£«' to i^^ an

^^^m statue, decide U> get the images ^^^^^'^^^l«»eikekhea may be se«i in the Madrid


^^^« that a hundml Aiyar Vedic. Hindu rule^ P>™^

Page 270: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


VedFc empire in Rem.MW rnOe •"« ""^^

*««» rt«*v^ The pr«t with a drink of bo^ey, fc,,^

jpcrtSciil rites and cflimiballBm thai Christian Ey rop,^

w Amcricm «p>w*ra »"™^f«* ^™" ^"'^ ^ ^^^ ruins miot

t^ d^pmd^ upon, sine* we know from our e^qperfe^,^

Indi. bo^ * Sfmc line of blundering European scholHrg from WUlia^j

Ijnff wwardt hw pnJPBPiK*! luew views aboul ih^ Veda^, and

yitotfe btiildrn^^ ftc- ouL flf Innitte hoti^.

A»ft^ pn Dr. S. Vaiupotaljichao'a 's book U I led WORLmvm£

HD^ aJLTimE- SAN^BIT AND UNHY IW DrVERSHT (I^48) '"n* ;»*-S^P*im1i rulera of Am^cB *ere Hindus who tptf)^

l^mmd-l^^ lanyuaps and wrote in Kfinnsd-T^luiju acriptj.

IT» F^nioi oT their E«nplG5 published in the book titled HTKDU

AMEHICA by Chimsnlal d d haw tht raaasrve, lofty l^inptes of

Mbjbs Incw. Ait«s of Baiith America bore ctose resemtlanc* to

The Tmcbrivu S^finf^M Attach

Df. VoiifopilsdiBr^B writes (on page 49) that In 1532 (A,

D.) iht SpsnUh pinie Pfanro and his foUowcra who reecbed Peru

^ttt Vj^araed md given Ifberd haspHallty by the emperor of PstIih

italulbjs (which appear? wa be the Sanskrit term AtyalpJ T^I»AM rwl< mviiai emt»eror Atahuilapa for a party. When the

i"™*Kiin| niter^ unmred in b palanquin by the roy»l

™«ri« Uh cbeerinf of Giroo p^ple. (from KuBha son of Rami.


WW I tmtH buid liuncbed i aavgge attack moynt^d on neighing.

Ml-Jta|%lan^, bscked by iporadJc aalvocs ofmusket and cannon

**«n» the tmpnqr prisoner *flef alauifhtjeiTng about 6000 citiMns.

*• » tm^ of lb,! unacnijjuiouif attack the Spanish got fabu]ou»

''^•w^tudiit «e chimber full of gold and two full of «^^'

taZ!*^ ""*^««' Kvereign w« put u. death sine* be rrfu««^

'^ ^'^- TViWter for 160 yeoTs Spamar^s c«"^"*^



.^ rtd^dna tlr* nfitWoa to P*upefy md fordn«

^ ^^^^^^dVtienity - AH naUv^booka wet^bumi =n<i t^plM


Sparriah Invader . Cortet bad simaUriy invided,

f^ ,. 4^ the descendiiita of tbo« Vedlc Anoeri™.

JV91W "^ y 10 divine icons, lium candla «ml ti(t«

f"*"'"«h« TtKy elM *ow «> to rising ^- Th* Miy

„ !H«»M"* ri TliW bum in«.^» w-l """i-^ "" "^

Uri "f "" ''"'^,^'ariinal directiros. Their priest, tawt. «

"••^'i™!!^.."- '-^""^ "- "*«"


,r Jigging tooonsirMcl bouaes. ™

:ri, s«,ew m™-u t«W <^ ch«.)

^ ^^ ^_As do son,e Indian ^>^'


tf.d.^ m«^^

^^^ ^^^^^

n,.^ «Uin long hnif .Tte ni"""^ ""^

u trans BTWitnl Ihe wsiat^^ ^^^ ^ ,^,0,

m.r childbirth Ih. mother 1^^ ^ „^^ of pm-

Wi, tor M dWS- """^ """'^

Their iw» ywr 'w^^.l^u^.

i^™.„U,a i» <-^"»='-'"^'"''

Page 271: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


AD foch cI*t*tlB *»^ «"* '" "" ^^^'i^ that ihe n,y

rtic^ tfih»btt the Amerieam conlmaim are baaicdtypcoDl


Tht p«k of the 1200 ft, high sheer sencbtone cliff wJii-l

fttttn ihe t»up of tbe <5rand Canyon in Ahiona. U. s. ^ i2*TO)d*<l jflitfflu on top which is named Mt. Shjva raminui^'iIb pft-OuistiAD Vedlc culture of the Amencaa, ^

UkPtfirt primoMiail rock which sustained the basic tife-f

on eirti is named Vishnu Schist tn Ihe Arizona Grand Canvnn

Nitiflnal Pnrit near pointy IS and 16,

VtfUc Nomeddaiurc in Wcfitem Tcrni£i)(iJoipr

ArduKilDelsta who prtsame man to have developed rtixn

monkeyv hirve enviously named monkey types eiW Vedic deiUe}

u Rami PiLhacus and Sva Pithacus.

. TSmi the persisi^nce of the names of Vedic deities ShJv4 wili^ihnu In touUy ChrisUjin Weslem society is a Curioug, esotflie

JnsiEncf of the canUnuonce of a spiriti^al Hinder-current in mufidane

art d»]ate outward clian^es in Ilf&- styles and thinMng.

StJEiT^tioi Wflmto In M«nia

Qtw v«iy nricna pnxjf of Vedic culture having pervaded ^^

»oritl tn Diaail times is the gegregBtron of vomen during mawa

*«i B • m«fiur* qf AodeJ hygiene and to give ^eh women necfissery

"** T^ iTdiUwi prevaOa even amoftg trfhal people in duWii


*W ""trtlL"**"^**^*^'^ *^^ ^'^ '^ reconsrtruct^ a ' «'«»**'^

• "ioUct displayed baninti men itom going nflW ^^


.1 Vedic prat^tico I* medica^t^ vs^ wund itiioe h.

T^* ^^ 1^ ^j^ women during her parioda mA tteo

^(urtf ^"^ ,^j^ feflT during ber unhygienic slate. Uia fgund

^ u^miboTation in Europaa factories handling jnfllc. TTiert

T**** irfd that inilk curdled if handled by wnmai en^ployew

1^*" "menses- Tbereforfl the milk-prooeaaingwtaibSahmHiU

Mrifi' ^^[ ^^sea of womex employees as leave periods.

Vrik Boats ..f Morflion* to U-SA.

.^ .lite <jf UTAH in the Unlt^ States of Amenta « a

^ml^y blli^ed to be founded in 1830 by J^epl. &nith

^""vTTI b^^^^ a 3up^^ divine i^elaUo. ^« ^^

r^rc";s^~^—^ ^ ^^«^ '':^

., the W tail*" 'f""™J*fjrrtli.word -miSrfflA-

(jftT) meaning 's<«"'''P ,TTiaH! fli> uia™

beiiM a aplmier of SansWt.

belief, »,d p«=ti=«. »« f- ^«7 f^t" . J^^Ph ^l"- "

btUeved to hiive tad a ™'=" "> " „„ ibvm in 42 »• '^

lb. extent, of i scriplur. «it«" "" «"'=""

=«r«halUno*N**Vork. ^^i «ri M—Tte term Mormon '1«1«",'""

„ ,«*, H on. rt. F»»l»

mmi^t the «nt™l prindple. M«™«"

Ow very easence. ^^ ^ ipcamlion

The t»ok of l^onnon -"^"j^-^^Xd .f • J-*^.ho had lived in Am^^ ^ ^^^^ ^. ws*^ ^^ «^ *"'*^"^

tl. .. leaus Chrisi-a) i^t>» ^"^.^njmmlly^ OnW^

The Mormons sr* * ^^^.^ »,-r. en •n *'*'^^The Momnons »r« *


eaeh Mormon spend* »t

Page 272: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


ChuiTb ^BiJwTFfg* Only thM* of pmper lH»h*vfouFand f^"^ i

fl,((r th* Cbuivh .Weddfng? are auppo^Kl ki bind tbe periuT^ ^

^ fuluf* Hvw toaaiHl not for the cumnt life aion^a,


jd n*g»^ mnctionB are perfonrifla by th? oomtnor

pjijftioo to tbcir own professional and fam fly life.Tberefor*


Lbe wp dmrch runcvUinary is a working marj


* '^

Oialdrtn Br* ^ooke^ upon as divine now^rs of the ^^^^mi^ Ufe. TbeKfort ^ach Mormon couple on an &v^^^ ^ "^

mioiy n 16 chDdfen. Conaeqtiwitly eacb ftjmUy owns big cars Zwia. Mwmon* love to liave Dumercnis relatJons.

T^ Monmona consider Itw Irnmaji botiy as of diving roaita -fj

Uierri'ore Lflike care not to defile it by smoJcuig, ditnldng, yy^dnig! ind even tea and coffee. Tberefof© in univ^rsiiJej jn tytiji

op]> furdgnert ait ssen indulging in those things. Each building

b ISali haa ihose tabixB pnjminently written at its entnnE*,

Thgrrfore the sxerage life-e>:p«ctancy of Monnons Is double thai

of Ajnc-ricfiiis elaewhene. Mormons avoid movies depicting vittleM

or indewpcy. Tht whiM «ininiunity leads such an bonesl life thu

«* ioan^t hsv« to lock homes when stepping out. That ij bavt

It »*B in snciat India. The Mormons aH greal store by fiducatisi

Nra«y perwnt complex higher secondary level educBtion wWIf in

r*™^ of USA ihat peTTOitsp 1*9 only 65. Every fidull is weH-vErasI

^* prifldiJes of the Mormon seeL They bts very keen Uj convtrt

«» to iheir wci. Each earning member contributes at l»st H)

J™J*tf hia income to hJa church. They aave money to be aW*

On raiH^'^'^"It^iris abroad et their own expense for two jan-

U« hZ!.""^ *^« ^'^^if B<^ in ft-r higher educaiio"^ ^

-iZ^ i™^ *^ ^''^8 «f the Monnoiis described ^^"•«» or V«Bc origin


^^J^^ tin th« we5t*m iMit of tha Satitb m^^>f-"6 wBijunn part 01 tnff sw"*"Miwonhippn^ whose main festival waa theff""


*-^^^ curr^tly known aa Incaa which ia . malpn^rj^'^

-iident Sanskrit name Anga CAsialic R»eaith« Vri i ^

to the USA the Caltfomis region la the Kjpaar»,y, ^^y^^*itly in ancient Senskril literature.

j^nothertownship Matawan Cin USA) g^ iU nema from lbe

.-jrfit temple and bower of the Mother Goddteg.

Tlrt n^i^y TToT^e Island end Ash Island get thdr oamea

r^peetjvdy ffor" t^e Vedic legend of King Sogar a aacrifkial hor»e

^j^rt*d by an army oF 60»000 soldiers. The horw waa found gtaHed

^d tethered obviously on Horse Island. Ring Sagar'a 60,000 sons'

jUa soldier? were reduced to ashes by their opponenta. TTiat explaint

tba name Ash Island.

Vedlc seismic, astronomlca] and meteorological observatoriea

equipped with the moat sensitive end injjenloua [natrumenla were

eatablished all around the gkibe in ancient times in all famous c^itres

meh Bs Var^nast, Jaipur, Delhi. Ujjain, Unka, Samarkand,

Alejindria» Rome» Mecca and Upsala in Sweden. These were manned

Ity Vedic sdentists. It was those observatories which helped lo

perpare the world Vedic almanac for deciding the days on which

variorua fstivala were to be observed. Those obaen^iones also

iJnovided weather -guidance to navigators and to fannei^ for sowings

»nd reapuigs. Almanacs alst> helped astrologers to forewarn

individuals, communities and admiiiistrators on the Impending

alanjiUea such as eerthqtiakes » storms » wars and famines.

T^ 9o-ca]led Red Indians In the American caitincnts alao retain

pilous Unks with the ancient Vedic almanac system - Thoae so-called

J«d Encyana belong to the ancient Naag C U. Cobra) clan r^errtd

« in Indien legends. They are desctibed as i^din« In the neibi!f

^^**al} region because the American continent are m ih* olb»

'"^ °f ^^ on the apherical globe. If a bole were «* ^ ^'^ ^^


Page 273: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



wM *P **-*«* in the V«di<: legends about the NflffoJok £.e. peopj^

SvtflK in iSf S^ mpan TodK^f though Its Red IndiaiiB may app^ir

Id bt sn-dti, BjnJlflerat*. foKSt-dweMera, y«t a number of th^ir

iwnilnt Fuch (ss mflssntve mansion $, majeslfc temple, <3bserv«ortgj

tf^. iwlil> to Uwir having cuce bepi a ^iry advanced comnimijty.

Huinj of on* of tha'r ancisni observatories were r«pgited

dijwnWBd fai an October 1969 issue of the Indian Expresj ( ^nj

pmfitpt Bl&o In Qth^ ^ding newspapers). Tha report siALed *' Aitoiw oSendBrconitmcUd by American In dJons in the south western

VtMije of T^ew Mt»ra a thousand years figo j> qi unique astronomical

otoervnton' marking the sessong end cycle of the Sun.

** Sunlight shines tbraugb three precisely p^^sltjoned jand$tone

sEebs lo C83t Etlvci'$ of light on two spiral patterns carveij in a

cliff faoe. Those vertical daggers of light mark the s^ison^ and,

major posiUons of tbe Sun which can be read on the patterns.

'* ITje onJendor was tMnstructed Hgh on the Buite by the Anasad

IndiBTLj, forerunners of today's Pueblo Indians,

*' Thost Indians had an advanced civQization from about 400

AJD. tg 1300 A.Vf. and then mysteriously declined. The AnassB

Irvfld Ln multi -storey buildings built in the sides of hills,

" The Indiani also hyOt irrigation systems with canals and small

dimi, constructs hundreds of TnOes of roadw^s and devebped

«n extensive system of trade.

The astrqiiomjcal observatory also shows they were advanced

>dQ;Uncta!ly u were some central American cultures such as tbe

Aztecs wifi Mayans,

Dagiwra of light shining through the stones precisely marli Uie

•okr wlatic j. Lb* days wbai the sun is farthest north or south

af the Equttor, snd givet ffven length of night end day all o"^

the earth. There alao ti evidence that the catemJer marks wmelunar (uaiticra and prubibly vome wlipses,

" **


>=''^ pr

follow sre reprodu«d froni OuimiiUaJ » book KitHlu

g V«iufOi«ladnfy*'» icrap-bwjk.



A Mm^ woman prweedhg to the community baVery to

P'tpoTie fehapaUs) Hindu bread

Page 274: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Ben**'Hbriub«t4 ^^ Indian from CeiitraJ America

^ ^^l«^ that Sa.«^m.^«.kl^ B^ ^^ ^'"^^

Page 275: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Mexiran Womtn in Hrmachal

Pradesta-type Indtm AUir«



A M.xi.^ woman c-r^^^**"'^i in th* Hinrfi. iU'»«


Page 276: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



*«^" *^ '^ ber t^iu^^ n,

t),?JfiJ^**-I JJMtiiT. d^ Jfiff^-* .

j; %;;






South bidiB etiU has tnany tbouBan


HiTitfu sarw.

Page 277: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


bjp^j^^^^"Owi. Avenue of the I>«ad and Pyramid of the AJri O-^^






Page 278: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

WM- m

An andtrit Hindy Raja^ a iQp g^ elephanl dn'JuchlnaJ


Page 279: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text




Aym^, thr Cut V«fit niter or Peru of 0,^ s^^r dy^o.fv ^^



""^•^Jfan-h-iiham niyUls.

iy^m n.]er At^uoilP" ^'^ «»''^'^'"'

Page 280: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text




I ^

I ^




Page 281: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text





Page 282: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



«^liimttiqw*]fupiT'nkttlmOuflt«naU(l, p. CayUunabja),ft li MiiniLri u>ixt}t Dbou: 527 a.D Such masqye! wfr« wom [aiJUfaih. liRbit tj rtij^oui i^iivBi dancers. Note the Vedic fors^Md«»b 4im itH n«, ihe ofijuranaJ disc onl ibe croi* on uip oT thetaai (-wifi, u« tl« ott, hia ton fl pre^Chiiadai. MiDT ajmW.


ijoi ls«tDic4l from Ttie rwt of iht Vedic wQrW !n anctfnt

^juniey fif

y^gjppiblttivca belwesn East Asion and Amerisn erteWKU

Aoclcnl Anorlci

mm pmNTTIES w*™ worshiped ty Chii^fl'i ahanff ''l^;? ^'^^j^

ir^ toih th. Olmec5 or ^re^5» urd ttw ChaxHn ci^ili^tiMi of P*™ Mt^^l

i^^na (^. C^m^r pri«SLj otso huiU iSmiJar *artK^ ca™«o™^ ^^^om^^

tiON^iiyj^iso fflBOP^ *JJ7riBhti -Ft^ Mpy^i '^"«*' °'^ "r'

Page 283: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



Ujn,y FWECS Ktam botti Mj\yi and ImJinn temples, ftrjtiariqa^

lota jwrtsiis^htbcyiff^sp in tttth hamts. Waiff mttBtift

*«<mm VflkAli «rti j« Imto may hii^ fr^ifinid irfrnDif litf^



-^h* fonnidBble are* oF China, its twming populiiim sid tbt

nbkuUcMS twRnj of the Chinese language mialesd ichD'wi [nto

tiTtfving thol China al^'4>'3 bud ita owTi spedd culture. TTiii is

j^ another indication of tb*^ vw^ fauky metbods md <mo*jii

of modem r^swirch methadobey. Even moivn tndlfin tsqsrU In

CWnesf IflngiiBSSS are known lo have madt no serioni *ff«t La

peneime the pmnundfltioo twang and discover the SuttkriUc ori^

of Danese langUBges.

UT» en^ Other r?g™ Of ibe ™id, QUni u» p«ti«dV*&

cuSlUT* and spoke ^skiil m,m timet '™^''**''°^^J7

Hihabbaratii war (ind for se^-eral C«.tw4« tlmA*.«»™.^led menl\m in anient San3toit acripturw » « taP"^

member of tb& Vedk worid.

Ho, Hinduism Ac^uLrcd the <* Bi^***

Cbinese Buddhism it*df providw ^^^^^ co«n"»B t branch of HinduiJiii b«csnw P***^^

^^j^ a«ncn* ^(and also in VVestefn cotintriw) wly ^*~^

,f i^# ft«» "*•

tofti folfewln* the Ary»- '^^i*^' aci*"

t.» cb-pi^ n of SOME BLL-:^^^ ^teop. «.^—

RESEARCH by P- N. OmJf J- ^^^T^. B»


Page 284: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



his itfmf. « Ws U-ichlnffs, in aH Vedio a^^entg 2,^^ ^

weril -nirt *«s p^ciseiy tte porfod. when as » t^^^ of th^^ ,^

,jjT«r of thf Miihfibharat war the oniversal us« ^f Sangk^T'^

^u,Jy (if V«lk scriptures had been sb«ttcp?d and started dwi^dji"^

jun Ml LhflUur>ciaTi&pnnwSiddhartha Gautama ibe Buddha hasJ!^^

to irresi wrWwde attwit^n because of his ipreat renuneiau

Thrt mfldt preachffl^ md Ufichers working in Vedjc i*ji,p)^ °^

mwiciWMsaJ] ovef the world toatlract theatlention of theshalK^^gjn; V«tic world to Vedic teBchings by quoting the famous Buddhits 1 gttai contemporary VedJc authodty. This made the shflUerrd

rtsjonal Wts of the erstwhfle Vedic admira station continue to follow

timt age-iM Vedlc customs and tradition under tha new label

^(LdhEsni. Scholar airjund the world who are supposed to be experts

in BuJdblsm do greet violence to history when they treat Buddhismn wme separate philosophy, l^iy ought to reaHza that Buddhism*B but t ne* maik which^ stuck to the age old Vedic teachings


VtdjeHbdu Miles have continued to be revered and worshippedto CWni but ibar names and figures have got distorted becauMofk» ofcontact with [ndia and distances of time and space separaUng

^^^^^J^«wairi«. Tkae distariiotia have rendered tb«n

™W^Jilded to that J» the ineptitude of modem schoJanr.

» Bm«,ii^^^ ^ erMisiderinf China as a cultural cotony

^*"^^™* Q^J^^^^ ^ a aeparate culture froni Ibe vwy

•**%•! Code ^ """* ^^ ^^^ ^^^'^ ^^^ ^^***^

®*^ •"<¥ no."^'*"^"^^ *^ Kangijen in China and Japan

fit QabiK wordj ^ .

^^ "^^"^ ^P'^'« and the Sanskrit orig^

'*'C»i,l'^''" ""K^- At one Ome, i« «»•^ (""taaoTr*^* »< Hindu

In^l^'jTT "^^ "»»^ than 3000 Indian motil«

^*'*'" to impress ihcjr national relfpo^





[4ikiofChS«<U 0*


G Phillips remarks "The maritime tnlercoMr» of

^^T China dates from s much earlier period, from about


^^^^ ^^g sea -traders of the Indian ocean whose chief*

^ ^f dl founded a colony caUed Un«-ga. after the Indian name

^f nevlon about the present gulf of Kiaa-Tehoa. wbw* tbey

^^n vessels having the pr^yws shaped like the heads of birds

)Js after the patterns speciHed in the YukU Ralpatan, (an

''. r&nskrit technological t^xt) and ftjcemplified in the .hips

^dboala of old Indian Brta.

C,nt Bio,..tiema observes in bis book '-What may be^«M

wHb certainty is that the religion of China came from bidia.

J^utDce of Indiiui Art

U^ ..fc, .he early -'-" ""^^^J(^ P«nt..,

«.re. «in« the inspiration of the e^l^^\^ -^ ^, ^hol.

wrtd ThrouBh Chin* ma Kore. indim BT

^ iT* land ef Kosa-Mr™

CMnt is mentioned in tl« H^inay^. « t^ 1^

a.e.=flkwonna),-* .nd also imhe Ma^^bhara^-

^.^ ^A century fw"** *" Mysort "^^

A Chinese coin of the **^ ^t V*dic worW .


Indicates that ChinawasaptrtoftM

^^^^^^^j^ higbwiff which

was the Sanskrit name of *i^" ^^ corr^pondjng^ the

corrected indie *itb Chin*. R"^'» "* ^tl) P.IW, Ideals al t«« ^J^Utif a«ii.iy. i^*

taj P.&2&. Jouoiil ot ^ . j^ Hindu*- ^ u^j^i-n.

Page 285: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

f,g„td BMP fotin^ fvJdenffl of IiwUan rulf in Tiirkittto uyi

jCbtfjn (IV !> ft*™ *^ ^^ ^^ toKKlptionB and iht ti»t of m^tm ta«H<* ^ '^ idminljiffltlon upio the Srd ceniu^ a.d

Of!td^ ban Indiin nim« ruch ts Nandaenfl uid Hhwrn. The office

tb^ hM |]m twrr Suiflkrit tiamw. Th* person ^thwing and

^hw^ twi VH kroum u l^khahfirah. k ja this word urhjcti

WiatiwBigJrtTiwonJ Orrk A messengBrwss known «-(iogl^,

viiihtwfv w»a kfwwn m ' Charfl'

\n the upper Pamirs ind {q

Tttd tw. Uw Vedic dviliaiion wu to be swn everywtwf^.

Tb* RtidHoii ( on the bt^er of the Gobi d&sfrt) v\i the

MbiMai». ihMgb « t)iouMnd miles Ui the north aJ Punjab hvlOh!» cvhwe u Funjib-

U n^y thw bt lent ihit the enLir^ regfon jurrouradinj Chfni

«B lUrfwd In V*dk? cufUJn. CQfiSfr|iJEnily Chlnn too was perv6d«t

1^ tb»wu ftJmrt. Chin«e hi atoi^ loo )ike that of other coun trie*

hlfai froft tlK 5*yHidtfy ^wd.

na??^ '^^"^^'"'^^ ^ Me Chief, (who IfM ™nd-^ J, T.?

*" ' '™^'^'^ ^' ^^* '^'^^P' **r Oentnd OilM

tT-^rr'ftyi t^g^d.,^ h.f0.el]«l - ¥u the Cr*at " . Obvk«g!y

TlJ "^^ ^"'^ MiLTiu of th^ Vpdfe fn-ditJon. Th.i

*• Wail ^'^^ ^'^"' ^^'^ ^^'^ "'^ f™'" ^*""

'^"•••itii f

^'^ ^"^ treiJiLion I3 aJso VedJc THe riJicr

^ <» UmrL'^kJr^'"'^''^''' ^^ ^^^' Ssnskrfi namei.

iiotd^iiift. ."^ '^ UMCiaUon with the fltwd

»*ury tt* nim* „ Manu.

** ^s^^tthirklntf Chlniw n,!ture .lart» *Jth tb*



U^^ ^^ ^'^' ' ^* *^ '"^^ 'nduttiy of Dim

^ ^Lced thAi Wstortans aumiiM t bng strnd) of hitiof>

^jf'"*^^.jt AH 3^^^ theories and Knmter-th«ri« uid tij^

(ffB* "'^ niethod in the remnstrricHon of the ancfent hbtory


to )^^m\H^ their bfiflic mlsUke. China WV# ^eiy

""^^ ^B^- T»i* '^"^ ^^ ^'^^ earliest dynasty VSmng- b non«

"**"!!^>it' Sanskrit

woi^SjTil^ (J*?^J which cametobepnjnount^

"*'^U En l^tfTt^ India, as Cing alias King in Ingland and ^** ^^ Chin* Th* Chjnese switch to tdtofiraphs waa cauMd by

^^hiswrical apbes^^ which cut off the Chineae region fop i

'"'"'BtrcisJi of time from its educaUona] linte with India.

^ Chines« also r^^r iG an earlier Hsia dynasty of 17 or 13^

upp supposed to have nJ^d China front 2205 B.C. lo 1765 B.C.

^j^n It was overthrtiwn by'

" T ' ang the Successful"

' fminder


Heifl ^n *« bump against the same SOQO-year btfjiier. T}*

nOEM years of ibe Christian flra ad ded to tbp 220i>B .C. years menitoiMd

itov« inskes U9 almost to the early period after the Mahabharst

re. Thus, as observed by us elgewh©'e» ao matter which thread

«^ h^i^ w« pick-up viz. ^vh^ber Indian. Chinese. Jap&nese,

Ranin, EgypLi^ or my other we reach s de@d pnd at circs 313S

BCm IhK^ore. it wouid be right to asatirae thai until the Mahabbarat

WIT. like the rest of the world . China too spoke Sanskrit and practised

V((tlc Culture. After the war It gradually lapsed inlo a stafle of

•fflffUon and isolation developing a distinct identity in script*

Ion. tanguage and art*

rbw"^^^^ ^' ^^ ^flitst known ruling dynasty Hsfa could be

l«u. Hebaya or some audi well-known Vedic Kabatriya djnany

'^«o!flT'^'^^°'^^^ reinforced by the observation flf CWnwe

b(t^U-Qii who discovered an astodshin^f i^emblance

Ita^ * *^^* i^lfly potiei^ and the pottery djtcovered a*

^^ <*n the Indian continent and at Jamadot NaMf in

Page 286: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


MeK!>po(uit& TTila poM*T3^ link up comjboraces ournc^i worfdwd* Vedic culture,

ihftsi5 Of"n

Bwh Sr L.Wooley aud AmoJd Toynb« sp^alt nfjiBcfymtdf euJtupe coming to Chjna. Thej- ai^ riifbt yy^^


Vedic. Hindu cuJturt from India with itg Sanskrit ]m*** ^

SiCTpd scripu. "Hw contemporary astronomical txpenis^ ***^

Ctunes*. 6S evidenced hy their record of ecUpstS; the on™ hj^of acrinces to proptUate the detll^ of the agirnj ph


Uie pMbK^ptu^ of the Chinese and Ihetr stalKTHTt aIi ™- .


_*" pflmt to

Vedic on^n. *

Thit is why fram the ftflrllesl of lime* we find Chfnese travdfef,

vfsiting indJa ve^ often to rsiew their educational and spdriiuil


iKUrn If Dtvs'ljin

TTk Chinese phaosopher Lao Tse propagated the Advalii

(honduBHty) phflomphy of tb^ Vedic tradition. The name of hit

' Tbd philosophy has been cojtipletely misunderstood hy aU xhtAsn,who hivi written on China 30 far, Th& Chinese won! 'Tta' la

iM*JiBig but ibt Sanskrit word Deva'. Consequently T^hh Is

Ctitmt Vedic "niewm,

While on the one hand Chinese LrsveUers and disciples cflnlirmtHl

to vini [ndia in an unending trail to drink at the foujitalh-heidj

of knowledge, moraliiy uid spirituality here» oorresponding gfm^ofindlin tewhera. atrotiomera and physicians kept visiting Chini

on dtity,


Oftfudna, who Bved around 6O0 B.C. mentfons bo* Iw ^' « ttp Yoffic iTiftilUtti™ to aet about to reform sadeiy. T^

lypj^ proof of ihft deep roots that Yogs had stnic^ "»™ nig btfoc* Cunfucim. and conwqumlly of China b V*^

""* "*^^ Tndlin monarch, Kanlsbka continued to fn*^^


iina the strong cultunJ llnka that India htd wmi

^m ^ '""'.

pg Rome in the west and China in ttie Mat . HittorlmtjjdBtsn^^^^^^^j ^**^ " "^^ ^™^^ ^'^ ^ '*'™*'

b*^* ^''^^'^hflse lin*^ should hereafter be retognl&ed to be aiKJenl

ifl^^irtit links arisitiK f^m the univeraa], (inctarj Ve^z


g^i^ ^^gi ^^^iiy ^ shattered by the Mahabharat war.

^[nlstro"^^^ different regiDi^ of the woHrii from gnt

B*^"*"^ ^"n w« ^«^ ^^^^ dipiomaUG and trade Um. This

^ „ahevnhb.sho, compost et the dIr«Uve of lb* Ka^?^^y of Buddhists in the 1st century A.B. u,^

E^cC v^" ^^ ^^ Sanskrit oH^. ^indi- ^d^.d

d^bfibflD^s of Muslim tnvadera,

r»,hiae ehroniclea record the vistt » \.nui«


whkh Kucha was the taj^tal cty. stay^^^^^^ ^^ _^

..wards along with a larg* band ^f ^". ^j^,, j,,,ih^Ttb

anil* of Sanskrit ieaniing even in^"f^^i N«fihlK«.riwra^^

«aE alw steeped In Senskrit le^"*? "P^^^^^ ^h., C«.l"d

Ktimerous Sanskrit manuscnpts ^* ,^^^ds flf ««1^ ^f^A314I1 region .

including a laf^^ "^^,„V ^^^i"' *" ^ "1^I i^bten^^n cave by Sir AundS^'^^ U,«


cbBTKtera both on the scrolls and on^ ^ ^,


.e,.. .a^e. ending;.^^:„C •^^^^;r;^^^^^^

and Austrslia should be iminediat*i>^^^^^^

p,^*, b*

Drigin. m fact their speUl^a s^^;^;^rf.

tp coiiTotm to tha orfBir^ S^*^' ^i.rr^»'^^The underground cav»^«^^_^

"^i^^*"^6. rootnolt on ptH* l«* *'^***

Page 287: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

hnuiu of VedJc sivditt. found t^\ mer the wo^d, "nyi >^10 bt ipecincaJly no»^ by hisloriftns.


AnothffT importsnt historical deductfon that need^ ^. ,

tj. iB rtudent^ of hEstory and culture. fs that a// /s&(>u^


j^bro^yAcwj tfr(» iflcfim^ ^y&rfd such as thkhara, Ah^^^ *^^

^^hM, Btti^'km, Ssmarkand. Af^caw, Paiis ^d C^a^J"^'

Mirto Polo, en ftaltan, iraveUcd from V«nfce to Chfmhis irritlen his memoirs, which hflv^ bwn translated into EjvurrK

And edited by Sr Henry Yu?e A footnote ((lage 7fl, Vol. ij 1thil book ment/DM s temple at Canton, popularly knowij ^ ^tonpk of 600 Cods A photo of th^ (empk is reproduced on 0^

psflc fficingp^^ £n» Vedrc duties run inlo million), the teoijile

in Csnioo was obviously of Vedic deities. In keepLnn wlUi Vrilc

trfidjtion. the pedestaJ Of the deities is oci«gonal.

h porcdain incenge-bumer from China '$ Fo-Kim provlnotind

of the litne of the Sharg dynasty, now on display at the l/mmIfosfium In France. Is also of th« V^'c ocrt$fonBl shape.

Another footnote on page U of Volume K states, "Uwss

the curtoiTL of the (Chinese J ancients to worahSp those who wpe

hefofe them, Thus students worshipped their InstnictorSn firnwn

vttnhlpped ihe first husbandsman, worker In silk the ori^sfl"

wort». when cfilfimities come upon theland, the virtuous vsa^H

U» pfOpJe mfike offerings to the spirits of earth end hen^en. •**

mouniBins > rivera . stream s etc- ...we Tttid 58 temples of every viri?!>

in till littk city (in ^uhu) of about 3000 inhabiunls. 'Hi""*'

t«B|de to the spin 13 of wind, douds. thunder end ^^^ "

^ IQd <if »ilU workers, to the horse-god. to the god of 1«^"»i WJ ikft ei^t destrtiutive msecis. to the five dj^ffo"*^ ^

^"^ »t)o cruieu the wavea Le. v*nin. Besides these^^^*^^J^^ «^hodfl« temples to the andenl worthies and somr n»<i^

T** tudlUoB of honouring and edodng Ihff el^*^t^^


teverythtng whetheralive or Inert matt*rlipflfmi(i*j

^ tiw ^"^..'vedic culture of China.

guiu tdis* ^ *^^^ ^^^ ^^ WuigHan prevtno? Marm

Al*^tPege I8''*i

^°'- ^ °*^ ^* memoir?) "Suju ia t vw^

p^ reoorda ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^ jdolators, A ilreidi of ib*

^' TV'Lm T^'"«d to UIO th scalfi from . njbb.^ oJ .

^^^gfllbed on marble A.O. MCa iVH K f^arn^^d (ntJi^grl

^A» "Tn the southern pBrt of 3u OHM istbefMk,

''zi Ith «^ wHeh ™r, ... «™. ^.-^

,^ n-Bung directly^'^^•J'^'T^ ^, ^, ^i,k.^

.„rth.r ^ntaioing . w>.P of '^ « "^ . f^^b <««W»<

Tt» ns«in ifffipit

.he. ^ placed the ^^^ ^ ^^^^,^m- ^--^IS m by ^0 ft. and .onta^ '^^^.^-^^^^^^^

Ea erected for the grt^t 9»cno^ ,ji fii"**^^

.x^lse their sacerdotalfurcUoni-_ ,^ ^i -.df^


L":^ •;; ;;- ot '^'"1.";: * ««""^Th,.i«v.d^»a"f.'^tS!^'^'^' «w vbofli


Ii Qbviouily*'"^

Page 288: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


TtiKii -nannine Dird Archireciurc


Ancrwit Chinese fitiea w^fi^ tuUi &i pg,. ,.

Jn thp Vpdic sctfflces af town ^ pJannintr ard BrchitJ.'^^ ' "^p^

from dracripHons of sever*] Chinese cities Irf. h, ir^^'^^PPtrN,"^'- *>y Marco p^ ^He not*s ihBt lb? cHy of Kinsay stands as h

and siuToimded by wnlflr. The dKumerit (of this ^it

^^^ ^^ *^thPT* tvw* in [Wir fifty twe3v*gui]dj of dfffereni r™ft^'

^^^"^ ^'5jfuiliJ hBd la.OOOhoLtsw m occufwtfofi of a^ u-orlu^iJ 7^ **^'^^

houKS canlflinj al Fasfl I2 mm, whitsl aame conUun ST^'^''^40.. ..A n^sMffOf^iiwKelstdifoiyTi b}f OteM^g Oi^g^

*"** *«">?

ICO.Offi bfflan^ Inside Ih^ city there i^ a kke wlach hJ"^'"^

«f i^e 30 mJIes, md aU round it nre erected beautifuJ .!i'°^'*'(nansions, of the rich^L and mo.t ex^...,te st^ctui-e 11^7^


iFMpFie or the nch]« of the city. There aro al.o on Jt. ^hoitr1^, and ch^rcb. or tb. Idot^to.. ,. .be.mZtXCTr T'^,1'''

.f .Mch .t..d. a rich, beauur.] andU^edifice. fun.j.h^ m such style as to ^«^ Ht f.r i^ ^^.^^*mperQr....rr In daytime fthe wsich patmis) fmd my poor erippfcu^Weto work for his Itvdihood ih.y lake hmi to one of the hospiiTor Which there iLre many founded by ancient ten^a. and findawstwith pieat seventies.


On pa^ 2«i of Voi.H, Marco Polo mentions "ab.r alreeu

^ occijpied by physicians end astrologers, who are atso te«heraraiding and wrilinff. In each sqyare are two psIbcct facinB m

•k y^^jLT^^^''^^ KE^hlished the ofioers to decide tdisputa

ow^^^*^^*^ '^ *™^"« ' ^«i^™l «ater reservoir InsfAf *!>»

miiZ T" """^ "'^^ ^^^ ^"'"'^ «l^« ^d ma.Bi(«»-

J»mf«iL L" '^'^«^tEa] aectora for different guildi. th*

*n til .3 u'^ ^^^^nf. *nd temples dedicated to differeniMrfi-

J^aallUM of Vedic'CiiJtyre

"»^-l*lW.V.I.n.M««Polo' I Memofre.

'"^ JLs^ aatrel&K^cfll consideratJora too b«i tbdr bporiaiKt


Marco Pdlo mWs (p. I9l. Vol. H of bli mimoirv}

^^«,vft (LI & child is bom (the people of iWs co^mtry) wrte

the dfly and hour and the pier el and the li^ mdw whirii

^"^rth hsa taken place... when anyone tnlwds a Journey he eon''*

stTOVjgefS' 'These aslrologera BreveryskiJfLilat tbar tmirDim,

*°i gjtfli their words come to psaa."

Th^ Chinese slso practised cremation aa orfained by Vedic

^rtttioe Msrco Polo records "They bum the bodJaof ib* dad,-.

JZ, tmyone dies, friendfl and rtlath^ meke s grcai mouminf

to ih^ d^sed s^d clotha themselvH In hfflipen prni^m in4

faUo* the corpse playing on a variety Of In^t^^^U *nd .w«^n

^[B to their idols**

-... Natives of the city a™ p«««folW tro.^^^^

„«, and wom«. that you would take t^^ ^^^ ^wne stTftt to be aU one famfly ,

''^wrw.-n-i. TN«

from a]3 jealousy or auspidoii of ^'"'^"?""wi»sh«]dpf««™'

they treat with the ffreatest reaped- ^^Loma *»« " '^''^

(a make loose prepdsab to i '"'^fjT.^iietiwni^^

la in infemou. ™cal. Tt^^V ^^ '^'^!!!C^- -Tf*^ "^

ind enifitain ibem in ttm roost ^'T^*vr«y help and advfce on tlwir htui'»»'^


IV above i3 a typical de#crip*»o

of indent China.

On psge 212 of Vol. n of ^•"^..^ ^* ^^_ ^..^^

of a stone pniar cer^^ ^^^ '*^|,, ^i lfifi*'*^^2^____^



m P. 191, Vor. tl.^'«'*'

($1 Pp. 2CM aofi ibu


Page 289: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

ih» SBBltril mjpd Chhntra' Es being t)rojioutK?H|^s r-v

tft Cbirww ™s jhwild sm* to fliu strata ro ever^boavh



(aifMH Un^agB iw nU ^skrit dfetortwl with a Chinese i*^^

Trmpfc i>f Bnhmi

FMuv jwge 212 of Mbpto Polo's mmdrs Is ^ ^^iJty tf Half Chau. JusI Ensid* the wslls of (he city was i


(h* iflnplF of anihmfl a} shown ^n th^ mop. That tp^ t


dwirSFimJ th- invacfcn fs now mBrited by two coliunns b^nrii^'B«tfd)i.Ft mscriptian? The Mlymns retafn Ihp nanie nnd ma^r^t!(ftf of ih« i*mple Thf^e roluniM dat« from ihe rlih centyry

rfm Kmt of ih* raHJpyi raiics rjrtant in Chfna,

TV ttmplir or Brahma Is omphalic pfoof of ih^ exist-^n^ ,

^r-^t^™r ^-" ^

^^ <* PiKWn,^, „;^^';; '*"'Pte), !ih«,.,c has 108


^t ajr«!tlon9. the! rfirlght celestial ^ards.Hjrht»tt«!nrt«ni»

P0fi^ ^* ^.jiigUA -flUoy used to make on idol or i Urmp!e pinnictt,

^'^''^IviflEonsof the science of rrvedidn*. the etghi ncred (^wmt

^^^^Idding. ^B^^rediatlons of a hqly mrnim, tJ]« g liniM.

jt * '*'^^j^ lOOft Umes tlessed gurus, the S^limh pmtriUni

1*f^.^ Nait^BS^ar). a personality d 8 rac«t«, the eJ^t ulwti

View of thai importatioe of the figure eight* it la cleap thii


fj.Qj^Athens to CWna which fallflwd thai octonumtn]

ll^^lbn ^^ei^ sdher^is of Vedic culture.


rtiere appear to have bwn Sanskrit InacripUflns Uw in mcfent

rwni but these were destroyed from time to time ai>J hive nsMlned

r^^ily unknown to the O.tside world. A nientlc^ of C^e »«chC in^cnptlon ia found on ,^ ^ of Volume I of U.^

Poto'i memoirs,

Th. footnote ^orfs -M th. villap of K«.« k™,^

^0. north of Peking, in the ^^'^-^^^"^ "[^"l^ t^

^. Chin-U province, o. the road F^^;;^*^^^,^,^^.^..^

pass of Nankau. under an arahway. a "^ imb a D . t« 1«*

aL the end of this volume, were ^"«^^^" ,,1^^ M^fA.

itiscriptions In sis different 'angu^S«-^^^^ ^^^ ^^u^,

Bftshpah, Uighur. Chinese and a

'"^X tf** ^^'^''^

A much better facj^mile of these ^^.^^^ hi- «h«^ »^been published by PHnce Rol""<i ^fTdfts l>ocuments de L'E|>«1"* ^"^ ^ ^ .^. ^hnrb -^^^-^

th. Mongol* in Ouno. me^^ DJ^^** ,0 t»*«"if**^

orthe5ihYeflryonS'l0t>*\^ "^"firw^* ^"^^ ***"'**

office for dplonr c P**fP°!r-r*-«- BoW*^*

Niuche. Mongol* TTbf**"-

(m p. 2&. Vol''' '"^

Page 290: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


w. go beck in tm,. ..e wfder ^, .o^Zf"^^

«nLv J^^oj^ or human .pe«h. Tl^.^ft^, with o^tlr***

Uj»r^ down


^sanaHnL gr^t,^^

The to thai China hM throuKhoyi ancient histxjry looked . ,

India for guida^c* in all matters .uoh as Nigious. .piriLu^ '^edLCfitional ought to enable historians i^ reaiiw thtiCh^na too edtie«dto Vedic culLune and spoke SonskriU r/fwt ji/(^/, ;VsjMr£flfli ^j^and ifiikis have i*een alhwe-d lo remsin unuuHz&j, points tcihrne^ for a stvond look gt and reform of hisUM-ical r&(arthmethodolo^,

likewise the Buddhi5m of China should be re^ii^ to be b ne*

edition of its caHier Hinduism, Even this clu* went unnoticed, Ai

least now it should be realized thai every Buddliisi qquntry wgq

a Vedist, Hindu, counti^ir earlier. Incidentally this should also set^e

to clarify thai Buddhism was never meant to be a new religicin.

It was just a newrf edition of HinduJs/n- "njat is why il was in*

mimmderstood as a substitute for Hinduism irt India iiself,

Like Japan China has been misunderstood to be b Buddhial

country for a few thousand, yesrs. But for miUioflS of years Quni

and Japan have both l^een Vedic alias Hindu countries-

Arcbaeologisia excavating benealli the ruins of brahiUfinicBO

lemplM at the eastern coast city of Quangihou have ccme m^stone «1g^fi^ang3 of -Sri Krishna/ ^Hanumm". ^Co^-^f ^^"'^^^

*Ukshmi' and ihe divine bird Ga™d»\ according to I>r. i «

Quinihang of the local MuaetuiiH

Many of ihe enravings which have *^me^^tJ""^

excavations, contlnmng since 1934 when a ^"^^^"^^ ^^^h»n*

sutue or a multi-lbnbed Vishnu was^"f^^"^

*'. ^«^n^,n Quangzhou . bear a close resemblance to the^^^^^^ ^ch

of and^t India, mentions Dr. Yang In his coir^pon


y Bedeker,mr*ctar of tbe losutul* of Ori*niBj ^^y ^

^ IS 73 stone-engravings of Vishnu In hfs w^.fenn^^ L' f«"" ^^ half-man and half-lion haveb^ f^^^ ^

'^ti^ of

excavations. Remsins of temple stntqtu™ ^^^**

'"I'scanes fromVaishnava breUke Vighnu rescuing «, ^^phtnt


crocodileand leering open the gUimach of a Vernon kin|

^jjggrtsat devotee 'Prahlad^ says Dr. Yang.

yltewlsenumerxjus enijraved portraits of Shiva (n lhe^ini«ny

y ^gort 'Parvati' in the Himalayas, [n ascetic ganrmiia holding

'j| ^ad chest, besides scenes of the hull, elephant ^d

,w sniJTials bowing before him, have "been beauUfylly aculptft!

In stoneat tb^ temples believed to hsve flourished during the Ytiin

dinfisty end devastated in the civil war at the end of ihe dytiHty.

jtnhhrtlLiral similttritlM

Dr, Yeng observes that one of Ihe temples beara a slrikirtg

roHnblanee in architecture to the Meenakshi temple at Madurai


Engraved pictures of Sri Krishna at Quanihou show thecow-boy

Bving two sons of Kubera. romancing with seven ^rli baihlitg

En U« Yamuna and routing the Nagarflja" {&iflke king) in •

mir, h fight between Krishna and Garuda is also depleted.

While no image of ^Lord Rama" bes yet been found In U»

ttie rigurfl of "Hanuman'. the devotee of KemSn ii foi™l

«tgravinga on a stone door frsme. Dr. Yang atai«s-

Among the several pictures of the gold'Wfnge<» 1^"" '^^'

^ '^<Bt outstanding is one showing ^^shnu riding tlw W™ «»

"ny to save an elephant, AJrsvatn the mount of Lo"i I™'™-

Ooeaiichrelic is a Tamil tablet datd 1281. A. D. «hlch indint«

'^^^^ of a south Indian community of m^hints vrho^V^^•^ "^^ Covemme^t of the period to raise a Hindu tV»l«)


Page 291: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



ttVrcM «]! traces of other HEndu le;nples of that m

v(p«d oat in ih& subsequent civil wAr^, relics of the'

Utnpkr rpmnin Archaeologista,

who have b«n excavating ihel

1934 hiw uiHjarthfd 1.15 metre atone statue of a f^ur-

\'i*hn\i. hoWing a musical instrument and s Vejra,^"^^

Othersiatu&s discovei-ed are thos<;of Shiva, a f'^ur-armedgodritt,

^ I lln^fMn. 'Hiere ere abo octagonal Hindu columns and pma™

teniif the figures of Hanuman and Krishna.

Tl» ChinesG. in fact, believe Hanumen. "The Monkey god"

lo bf lb* Rrchelype of Sun Wukon^ in the Chinwe novrf '


papimBg* of India' ' written by Wu Chengeti durinu the Mina Dynasty

psiod (I3sa^l644)

The r^cs wt'i't put on display at the QuonzhQu museum Eor

» ifHdal UNESCO team that wag visiting major centres alcnii she

mcint silk irsde route, Quanzhou has long been consicf^ Uw

(irting pdnt oT the maritime siik route.

MtBwm affldab told the team thatmore than 30n Hin^u artrfaaa

bie ben unTOvwed since the excavatfons began tti the l93iJ3. 'Jj

^ iht dedication of the Quanihou temple in 12S1 was **pr«e()eil"

»r«* John Guy. a specialist in South Ind>an art at London s Vic(o«

4 «bsi muieum, by the despatch from Quanahou of b ^^^'

"*^. Ytof Ting -pi to Tndja, limderscoiing the recl^roca^ na^^

flf 'to tttaignahfp.

interattig aite with an Indian connection is t*«

««_(^^nint^dty hnij ^^^^ trawUtrs went lo beff tlie ^"^^

J^*^ «» bumey, There stai^ds the "r^k of BuddhlsL^

^J*™'TV it^jt^ gijgg Li,ei u was on this and othfr

^^^ «^y luxiglea ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ »nd irftoa

a.l^fr! ***™ Jwhllihed in the Indian Exp^^* *^?!liwl#

1» i.^^r^'"^^*^^ EKnor*r,« of contemporary i"^^^^^^** **^ h« wily a fe.* atrfly n=l'cs °^


v,^ and there is a great blunder.

Q,T^stl6n world foWowed Vedlc (ITindu) culture. Qdni

%* of it' Therefore China has been ^d ?UU Ig 1 hdly

lutatfflbbflrflt epic records tbst tbe Chinese were dnwn Into

K^u wn ihe Kauravas tb& Pandavas (IwciiiM Lhiy wwb

y^du, aJies foUowera of Vedic culture).

When the Buddha attaint fa.Tie w ft tVedIc) mmltHtedu iJlsi

Vedicprinciples of behaviour began betng qy(ft*d and itrwed iQ

Buddha's name.

At tb.t juncture India lost its worid h^^o^- ^^'^^ i. pubbc memory ..a. ^"^^^''"""^"^^^1^rrpi.tu.mat..m.w^^^^^being misunderstood

and misreprescnw

they are Vedic (Hinilu) regions-

Hindu China^^ ^jjj^

5, i> not g« ™;v'^ ''i;!!,'^^!!!^^*'-''?^^

order ^ -,„., ^dtnt B!fl«w«

la Hinduism. A<l-i,«isl<'g««';f^t«- of '^"^^ <*

iH. ™i„= „r -c..t ;^;:X^ -r «-^ :.-.«. --;2

further evidaiM of "'P^so*

°'J^^urf " f»'^'- "ZB„.dhi™ wM =* :: 0"-^^r^M>^°tn"'^propagation of B" ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ 'loj«'™"^

both the reHtfio"*' ^

Page 292: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

T.COM, 574

Bfrfl-7rh ^« ,'T'MOujsjin and ri^,,.


Hinduistn reached i.s p^^ f^ f, . ^™ "'"'*

Hfndufsm sLill exfsls in China j^ the-

mon^jeries have lb. Hin,u .^.J, anrX":'?™' "''^m.suk«, for Hindu .™pte, a, th,, ,r. r7J""™ '*''


Sam Hiras TMancJ i. one of Ih. coun.n". d«i^t^ ^ i^R^a. The present monmch is Bh^mipa] AUiJya l^ia, lUmiU,3th- a u i-e^nimse«nL «r ih^ and b.itevolo.a i^^fmo^n^MpdM UEidei- Ihe incoinotion, LotcJ Rarno.

The very fiisl king of the pregent Chakri dynasty. Hum Ih*

i al wrou the on \y complete version of the Ramayan a in Thai iBJigu^T

His juccessor Rama adapted il for banB presented on theHV

KJnjT Rama the 6th used the clsssica) Ramayans of VaJmiW uwi

wJday it is the besl known version in Thailand.

Tht Ramayana isplsyed on the Thai stage throughoul UiiCWr'O''

There are statuefi of kinif Rama haMing the hovf and""^'J

(he capital Bangkok. The Stot^ of Rajna is painted in a

""J^Of nelijfiou* monuments auch aa Prasad Phnom Bunfct arwl f^Hin Hmai. Tn the :*mpte of the Emerald Buddha In B^M ^'^

muni Hwneyanic paintinKS can l>e seen alonjf the Ba]]ei*f**'

There are low reliefs at Wal Phrae Clwtubhon t*^^



^re <3'

Shadivf play (nd Mask dan» ef th* Rftmik!«t wlucl)

^"Ci ri^'^^'^'"^"^^ ^^^ Sanflkrii wait Rama Kiiil.

".^^lona of th& t^th cmLuiy menUon ihv num of variaui

"^llcd Rama Cuv*. Sita Cava and qthcr naavn 1>ii5«l on 1^|1»^ T i-v The cflpiifll of Thailand was Ayuthy* )[» jVyalhyi

Ugnfjf Mr. SukJch Nlffimaheninila saFd In rSBS Uut

^' fj t^e TYinl way of pronfluncinK Vara- ne^n end ihil thai

H,ina Kouahiciilnj [3 ihp name of the prtswl niQnf dynrKy,

B^I^ is thus Ayadhya. Thailand hM \>mM ty Ib|mito^

^lltl* in Ayodhya. Rami end Ay^dhya ar^ «1« «nh .^ Ay

H,^S. to folbw th. A.ta.b.u (^^ ^ ^^-Kaltawin b Old Javanese..

_ ^^ ^

The courae of hlstoty ha=i «^Hch«I^'^^^Jj^i.^y.^

IWnH tradition of the Ramsyana i "^l^" ^^^'™ ^'

^7«rj,(fv«iisitj ,in

Hta. They ?i-ovide ideas ond ldi»H. ^"^^ j^ ^^ ,„j j^^

fict, th. qu^iy °r me of thf*e "^;;^;;,,,.^.rii«^

llwl l^eae naliona come tos^i^ " ' ^ ^iiy *>^ "^^^^

^.ntrie. l« enda^v the corun« ^^^'^^^Jil^.M^P'''^'*^

tli( dynamism of action, ^*'^^^, pf cuKf!»''

«ience and technology with the H'P ^ ^^^^^ -p*™The municipal ^i^bfll -jT^j^ •* ^^^p^^ Tl»r

fln-ljit Ta of Tnd[&n on«in- '' ?? jw im"*""^ L,, fJ**»^

?\etywhe«inThflilana. f'^"

«™i - discourse

*KWi - a dead p***^.

^ ^^ . iT^-""^""^

Page 293: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



Kfinchan Ifcirl afia* Kancr>^n PurS \n TKoJJLir.-i ha^ Lhla id

awiMh in iJif itmpj^ k?M3wn at VVai Kb-io Kfw r]vkinmi;wqnarjV^


fe ItM--., m;::^











• '

Page 294: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

A Vf^lc cLTtffloo.. «: ihe Fu XJ ;^!nr.!= ii. i,i,dent Chips


. -w


Pirmide dif ia Lunrt i. c. Mtwn Pyramid at ^" '"^j^jp^wj*^

Mtnicp. Tlv* Mwn TwrpI* Dl ihe lop of the hilJoch '^''^^^ ^^ H*^^

btf InvRdtng ChriBt^oa tMltWa, TwUhuawm is the 1^

KiMfi I. c. the Mvlne Fortai R>wer


Lsk Lbi^F H_^ -^l^^^V/;^l^TT^maM^E



K- ,

arid .p[«. Cf K'*'!*'^"^

,JotM.-F«"'«^aflifcmtfijtr* li

Page 295: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



•tthehfcMrf^' ^^^^ ^^ *"^*"^ *^^''^- f^'tt the iotuft.petd deslpi

»*™tfttj»a^"^"^ *^ '*^^''^' i^°CH pre^isTamic shrines wftft Vcdfc




Page 296: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



^tVtfitU^,=™B««I Mrr OJ ^ ftn<iwi Vedic i«rtp|e in Cbltu.TpP odBilon

Page 297: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


^*yw*^»*f WT*

Ih^h Imm tif Ifivtl m^ii of nn^ieEiL fJhina were pmclflfmd

^&¥i';i^/ii^-'^'ujV^"*«rj,b.ln.. thu Violin ddlo- wall a ihou^'^ ^* li titiM

Page 298: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


A Vetlc 4e3iy mounU^ on a swan-shflpe pe6es\d and a loi-us

Us€ oTardefvl China.

. m'i. ^^ 'i

'j -Ti I I lii J -^- -**** **"

in China

^r,pf*s«iUtlon^ ^^.

Lina fi'om tUn*^^*"

Page 299: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


A number of V^dic deiU^

*" ancient Chinese ump)*'


Page 300: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

Oi]n«# devolves dimbing holy inoynuins Iq ^ ,


s '






' \-- I J



ry^•^ - \


- r:ri t'> t




f^" '^ ;-^j''\

Wij i^^ji^Hji^^i:;^ i-dtiA-*ftjtt^

^For prospcr^*^^'





Page 301: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


'^"« 1**™*^^^ ^"^'' Carthage) found in arch^e^lopf^

l!i^ ^ li M* 01^?™^ ^ "^ fi^^fi enpj™ wore M«« '*

**<**« lV*n;„„^.^^nBtiiLn and ore- Islamft woHd. CariNisP ^

i^ ^ li M* 01^?™^ ^ "^ fi^^fi enpj™ wore Mrt« '*

j!?^rr.^fcg,3nf;?.H*"'=^h coast or Africa, neur, (F^<^

* "*^-^^ ^Zx 1^,'^ "^'^^^ ""^ -I" S««b ofL^ World*,



""J •• —

An QctflgonflJ ^'^fli^-an ancicni Vedic ten^"^


Page 302: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Lamps Mg'hi^ li their hundreds for a D^pav aij ^t^pe f^sim\in Chma,

^'Itm^^l^^;^^^'™^. n Son .luanTiTH^hJaL^." Mexico. OW

w Ff tf

• /


Page 303: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text




Ift* (ijoiH other countries Korea does noi know th? ori|fin of

11, riww. That is bft^ure it has long since been tul off fronj iia

Jt m«) be noticed that r^ons and countries such as HussJb,

SniBii. Mindiuna, Korea , e/ni Sv'ria have a common ending sourn^ng

ti ' «;m, " Ibsx h & Sanskrit terminal ion sigrtify jng * a r^on gf . . .




fadhw factor to b& remembered in ihe case of Korea is ihat

iKi&hia! titifl- *R- jj a subslimt^^ for the Sanskrit letter 'G".ta kiSLann oJ this is ihst the Sanskrit woi^ 'Cow' Js speUedm lEn«)iih « Cow. litiewise the Sanskrit name Gauriya oemslo» praoouncwi in coiirw of time as Goriya ana bti^r as Korea.

Ai^ ll*^^'^ ^^^ ^^ '^ ^^^ '^"^'^ ^'^ ^^"^ ^''"'

"»*lmeiJ! V*""^^"^^^^ *s the Mother Goddess throu^boiJl

nomnnLj!^*"^^*' ^^^ ^^ *^ *^^ principal deity of the

ffan hC"*°""^^ "^ *^^^^ '^ "^*^ Gauriya sJlas Korc«

****^irt^ "^^^^ iL* name from another VedJc

"*"'"»t^i*»u..^i^*^"**^ ^'"'^ 'i^' *fl3 pronounced ea

'•* U* nv..rr, ^ Manjufihriya game to be spelled a5 ManchtiHa


(^rt^tl^ acupuncture \$ mmbelievrt >* Hmorigtn«^,„ ry^

^^tly^ it Is oft«n mistakenly r^er™dT"^^'

nuncture. But m Korean acad^ie. ,tudenn i» ri^:.

Scholars everywhere Ulk vaguely Qfan Indian 'Inntienwr-.Tla

jn dealJiK ^^'^^ "^^^ language, customg and iraditfon) of tny t^ton

jn the world from Tibet to Timbuktu scholarsf are nn ki detitt

jome 'Influence' or rather a 'strong inHuenc*' of indii twhi'ch

really means the Vedic civnizstinn).

Such vague talk of MnfluKioe" must hmetfoirwiid te

abandoned. How and why should Jndia l» iW« to frrffufii!* [!»

whole world? Obviously scholars Wsv^'i F»sp*d ttit impbaim

of it,

T^ simple solution to that pu^« ^- ''"/^^"^^a^d Sanskrit language had pervscted Ui*

J^beaintiing of time upto the rise of QaitOim-

with the rise of Christianity '^^^^ ^,a«^ dufi^

w^BS gradually wrenched Bway fii^ *"

the last aOtX) vears. ^^ ^it ""

But India, despte it. ^^^^f^^^'"^aggressive bta. ha. "i^^H^^^^^. _^.c^extent. HinduiSin signifies trw ^ **'"*UJ» tn**

When scholars n" ^''^ ^^C^' ^1^"^-"L^

m dcH:ipherable in ^^^^J^^M'* 7tB^*in»e,' influence ' . But det«^"f-J

^rfJ-^*^ "^ •^'

^laJning them Js'^"^i*^'^'




Page 304: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

^ t^kifiif <^ tnSnn lnfluen«. 7^ res! an^^ ^

p^OT*. nonf stauld l*IJt of a mere Indian inHuence(n anei,nt

Koff« WhBi n«"s " ^ undwB!ood is thai Korea too ustni t^

b» t Vjdic. Rindu ^ou/"^^' ^'^ '^ '^'^^ ^°"^^ ^'^^ ^"^la dii«Ut

^,^^fl^ upT«<^'fflfs. I^fli Vedic pa^L of Kure^i and Nfancbarisis

qjp^ffli rmm (h^irnams dfd^ing respectively froni GoddessGaurf


Thf nsme of « ist CHituo' Korean King was Kim guro. That

yxjr terffli &ro is the Sa^iskrii word Syrya i.e. 'the Suii* or

Sirt I. e. ^. AKcrding to Vedic tradition on^. m-j^trious lint

df Vwfie nJm ctumed descent from the Sun . Th^ were thmce

loinvn B 5ur>'B'-iinghi L«. of soTsr lineai^f, Kim Suro was orw

Ajch. All lann? w*re jjdmioistered by V«dic KshRinya* of the sokr

djna^yx il^st saii^re^jnj too belong (o the soW dynasty.

l^lw » mm-j^. Um KDrean monarch had a maritaJ connectiontt il» nm iUui^rious solar dj-nasty which bad its capita! at

Ajo%i in India, in which Loi-d Rama, the incarnation was bort*


ol Area'"*^'^"^™^^^^0' refers to thai charmtng princess

^^^^^S* M» inived in Korea by seg u> 49 A.D, 'obeyitij s

ailJir™"^" "^' ^^'^^* »^« VedJc Kshairiya niler of^ "*">« ™i^^bav, been nu..fe« tab.

'^ ^pK^ of tn4t ftjditMd ^ftTT*^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ K^ya- According U> tW

*^ Jim »Vk1T ""*^^ Sanskrit name of iha city *»•***** ''^ » tbt Cfc^""*^^ Sanskrit name of iha c


a,ce cays- *" I"^^' 13 8 visry sacr^ pW of piMm,^,^_r pay

bomfl«e at the shrine of Vishnu , hdy fc«tpnnt t

^bvio^s that Gaya (alias Kaya) in Kor« u« h«l a ;„,^'


'^ Vishnu as its ohief shrine. Under ibe V^ic sH^^ifl,^^^

r^\et on earth wields authority over his rwJni w, brt^ ^i


fhe Kim clan we^ fi very powerful wlar dynastv *Mdi tM

^ (jver the Korean region, Kim is a comaptton cflh* Smsifcrfl

Simha i *' Uo"^ Sevei-al noblemen from theni^yil V»fitKaf«

u-i at t^ii»*^ dominated the 7th centui^ raiyal coun in h^.

iREid^tally t^5 indicate? that JapancM iraJitJOT im aw

homogHieously Vedic

It is wet] known that Vedfc Kshairiyas atway* inEfrrarrid

whether within India or abroad. Accordin^b' we dei«i icv ihr (twdT.

^iven above that there uaed to be miritil U« ww«b ibe

administrators of India. Korea and Japan

Buddhism, a Hindu CuU

Buddhism is ofncially d^med to hav.^'I^'J^TI^

of Ko.ta in 372 A,D. T!ul tha. w^ ^fJ^UVedic culture which already cjosted ^ ^=^

^^ M*.

Thi. i. one of those pitfalls which^^l^'^Ih^ come across the dat^ ^f^"!^^ ^^'^^"ZBuddhism, they 9^^^^ *^ ^Z ^^"^J^- '^ '"^

started tn aT2 A.D. And ^^^ •^^^^^JT***-*"the mariiage of sn Ayodhy»n ^^i;(yjr»«''rj^ jw U«» *

nan,e of thdr capital ^^^^'l^ JJ^^^P^


Zno anom^y involved "

-:r;^:i>-''"*^'volume nameli' that 'T^ffi*'-*S* ,-^Sanskrit lenguKB^^^Z^ ^'\. prf*** "Irfinfc

Christianity iM-d 1^ ^..'*:i* '^

Secondly ri I'

'i^p-**'''r^Ugtor* and rt***


Page 305: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

J 1 d_.IIIA_ IJblI <_..

ftmilil*f1*i» ""f'h i^lil'Tioif K Ifl nwH'sntti'y Ui look ii(Hin \\n

U\«Latimdftoc\ni\hit\\a flirl Khmw nri liolr>|( pnH ofn Kbhiil Himukill,

TW imii fHinyiiWhlJ whN fa OdUIlN^ ^^r Llrflfi prrmrMinCf^t III VS\Wi^fiM

MoUwr IftHltlnii Tl'itiiiii twu lonnn pji^odu' und '|jiiK(ifJI ' Jiio yiil

"J*^*^t' r»|i1lli;<KJ hHi fillnn wli^n ihv ImMikuji ipf wuililwido


j^ To Wrii (VnlBrtw«n>>, KUirilm of ih« North. Ofw oT rtmf

l\ ItciiK <'>iH'*it (Vlnidhnkn), MUBnllni ^ lU M)i OmsT

thir fo'*'" l^^l*'*S^'^"'* KriP8»ft-pmbfltily IK«1 A.fJ.

may no^^E^' f^f"" ^'^^ *''*"'' ^'"^ ""'^'"^ ^•^''^ SanihrW nitmm iM

#or^|}i liiivi> iHsfn iniiHo ijotri|>lirlfllv unrwojintubf* try Impirtinf U

b«n put i'Mm^Mi^y off ih. Imek »M off tN ««^ J^««^

,n(l n.m.«. C^l"" «"** f^^hPf «>*t.^ "^ r^^McJt^K(V*» Uw>no^ wnr«h f. I^^'^lf"''^'^'*

3, 1^ AnUr «^

UN rHHifTdbi.rri4^r.indiU.rtUrW-"^*

V«]|'' r t iip»l wTjrdi Wirt'^| f

Page 306: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


l£C toi« r fcii AiB »^'' "^

e of fast. ^^T^fia

mi Mq iiiKt s bivdv-f

fnm Om ikxttd mm m


Itf fmt^ nd we of


ik ae W^. : ^^g^ nil r^liiiT «f

U>ten«raed tm VagaL




,^«lr ttp^atiqe 1st Tire »w^

ij6p;'K?^-5 -

Page 307: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text





^^'.,.ph.«d« Komx.. All booK« purporting ^,'^>-

(rnp^fi^. «J ^defice of origi^^ authorship and oonstr^^loft.

p^d,d is BJwppad NiU^

TTi* t™ Bighdfld HseTf fe significant. The oifginaJg^^j^^

Mstf flf lh»l dty WHS Hhagwfld Nagar trnpl^fng that it was &

ftiunita! in Ihp nam^or Lord Krishna. Readers ma^ recall the n^^

Bh^iwtd G«**. the famous disojtirse delivered by Lord Krlshm

TV t*nn Npgar' signifying 'a township" <Jropped out and !„

(](surwof lime Biuigwad came to be pronounced as Baghdad.

Tlrtftniflyawiwof Iraq's ruling dynasty wasBannak. Ed^j^l

SKina who has Lran^laied AlBiruni '$ memoirs, has said in t}»

^r^ttt id that volume that Paramak, the head- priest of th&

NfV'Vihw monistwy when converted to Islam became the niler,

FuKTiik i e PTBinukh ard Nav^Vihar are Sanskrit ^ords which

WOT tncr niBtpronounced as Barmak and Navbahar respecifvc^y.

Thw is additional evid^ce 5! the esastence of VedJc- Sanskrit cuitui^

bi prt-Muslim Iraq.

NaiKi or Fenian Monarcln

Termi Ukf pj^j ^j jj^j-j^g ^^^ Iranian monarcha, ai^ Greek

J«T«pt^> of Sanakrit words Sur^h Le. Lord of the Cods aivd

^^^Jlwintrfmi ruling. dyrasiy of Iran. P^hJvi is an ancient Kshatriyi

tofOfdhTH'" ^ ^^'^ '^^^ '" **^'*=^ s^*?^ Visrhwamitra triM

^ atovj!!''^^**^^ thecelEstiaJ cow. Kan^adhenu, belongi-ig

»^ •hi^h7^^ ^'^'^^ *^ mentioned ajnong the K^hsiriyi


^ItKiritf (fu fin._

*** •" ' Arv* nT"^ ^^ ^^'^^ monarch \s Ofie which prWlfi'"'*

^^'^^a^ri^ '* ^''^ (f^plendent) Sun of ihe Afl'

™***«- Mtt'arcbIn Indi* u^ h«d ««]lel title-


..rm««^y=-P™'^P'«^'^* '"'* Vikramaatya. TW loo ih, i-

" Ifl^ The term 'aynanym ' itwlf a ih* ,E^itri( m

lyi*''^^ (jiH-im) i.e. * similaT name.


^ Perslfin royal instgnia too b an em^km of meiRit Vidle

j^ aditiinisirstors- It depicts a globe under i)^ m for^^

J' J Hon, holding an ertcl s*onl iTi the rigtt forepow Andoi

i^-triysadministrators of the world Vedic adjtiiniitratioa lad ilw

. ^jnitia (i-^J *^on ' ^ ^^^ ^f>^ syllable of Ihdr ouiu nxH

jBgatsimha. Udalsimha end Mansirnhfl (ilao spefiied m Sa^}

hftauae they were trained to be brave as lion* in prMtning ttar

j^lnisand subjectg.

The glol?* uivder the paw signified a worid idmfc>mn*^o^

ihe er^ ^o"^ connoted stem, Btrirt *»^ io*«*»^


Innlim Muslim Doott* flf Vishnu

Even after Arab invaders fotdtif? e««w«^ ^^^^ ^^Vedic culture limped and lingered

^f*" j^ |£p tf«fi»»*t^

HusUm writers all the world ovtr. w*^'

Wot-out al! such evidence* .^^.jtwUkm.

such evidence i. f^i '" tr^^*'"'^««™;!vdy through ^^ «'"^"^^ **

J?" fTMear Shir^ city in 1^%, I* J^^ v»^

jj^fflts iU name fn^m P^ !li.*>f ^'^J^ff*'*^'^i Muslim by birth w^ •

Jj'^'2li* **^^cmiiil thai po..ib)e um^ -^^^ ,*^ti*-^


Ih^r VedIc t™ditf«'>jTp.^f' ^to be closety inv**^^"=li f^Z^ "-^^of Islam thflt

covitf* ^ jr^^

About ft^'^'^'^"

Page 308: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


"^ *^^„j jmd rncrwse his Imowledgo of all thills, ^J^

5>4rt Worship Irt "*"

l^kPB Vhm^ *:^^'"'"« ^ **" U^^^M^H. midnUUi4 ^,,

^^;^ .A^b M..Hn.^ wbQ .r. S^oi.. What i, ^ ^^

t-pians as Mu^Hms have been made to forxet that theirShisihtj

fad wictati Ve^k Sharvjsm. The u^ua] ^^jfpleflation thm thsii

^^nd Id^iilily OS ShJas arises from llieir diiTerntcea ovk h^

Yambejy, the ITatigarian has sumnariied the traciitionsJ vareibi]

ftS \tiA 6P of his Imvel-flccmint. H? records " Afur U*

deaO, of NfflbomdJ. be having designaled no i^ne as his «itccrtMr.

ihf fwihfii! d]^iJ^ itito two camps. The lawyer portion l),^^

Abubukif th^ o^cst companion and folbwer or tlie pi^pht?-.. mat

»ortli(y oT Ihe ™ct«isIon. whilst the minonty endoavouvod isjJbc

An (Mfibomnd^s son-in-Law) upon the throne, but All i f»rtj

wss vfti^mshed. After Abubakr Cfl=ne Oilman and the lalter *»

luctswJed by Omar. A!i 3 partisans, howi^ei ,did not despair


tharmiK, thoy made several etlempis to scat bini on the

imd cn^ the deaih of Omar. Ati aciuatly b«flme Cai.pb. J^s r^jp^

WAS flf ft^ori duration, his enemies at whoue head the p P^

widow b^neir «tood. had him assBSsinjiied. ,-He ^^^^^,^^

but of ihBSP mention is made only of Futimu, the P^^'^^^,i|V

briovcid doui^hi^r. who bore Ali two sons HasaPn ^"^^pj^^m

riiM of succession was claimed by Musein. The'"^^f" j„vfltf»*

ttocBKtii was iKiinif from Mecca to the town of Kuffo- "^[,, of it*

- nn Lhe bftrH"^ jof the InhalMLants who w^ce iiis partisans-.. -u" ^j^T^jni. in the middle of the de^ei-t. ihey vf^'"^ ^yddenly

<1J P iaB> Armsracut Vambery - H!fl life ond A'^^^'^^.r;, 1**

Woi«tf. Umdon, T.t-iiihffr Unwin. », l^it«rf»otH^'-**^


Ij^ds senl ogBinst them by Yeild. and cveryoflf of (hm

^ hostile^^^ .j-^^jg calfiSlraphe ie coTnmemorBled bi Pteili by

f^^ mcnirntul bjkI plaintive songs sjid thwtnua] HluliftiCKii


-^1^ is i^e tradiilonBl gtory given out by the Mwlimi. MLrue? No one seems to have closely crwi-efflmlMd ibit

" ^r iJVse 30 n^any other hiatorical concepui, thiiloo li b«ri


. 1 hp^™v In anfl]y2in« this particular version wb Mt»

v.,^. Ali tho S^n-in-ta*. ">"f°™ ,,^, *„i tf Uw

l„t,™«<i in taking sides "H^ y^ ,,„i„„tau!dhw*«"

0„,, ,r AH .. hi. «» «"'^ ;:^,t* r.. ™..r^ -"

^ds with thm "5 l«'=i'" ='"

Abutokf.. , „„ dirfcrw*- '*"


not 81 all 8 tem'^-^' Z\r,«^»"'^?,7luM<M''»

.n=lav«l bv a™* "^^'"^.''Z Art>». ^'"'Tin^,!, ^PP"^"^

by lb. a™i«.*"

''^'^M "^ A''-''''- ,^^ i-- "

^ ,™,i8.. w^oiH w« ^„ i^^-rfjZ^ I

Page 309: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

U^'"'"^^ * r^^ -''^'^ ^'^'^^- '^-^W I^^H

^ijMfll i^-* '" ,^ ifluJJng the perfections jjnd brav*^e«di

0^ ^ ' ^l (Ad Ihen *!niinci*aoK En oxaKver^ted bn^^^

*^^*'!ri^»Hck«lnesa of tti^ ainnh«, nnd in m.ntbnifH(

a* *• *'*'dljrtfnguislied

SuTinii* mefl, he eyclBirnw] wfty,

^^ *^'' ". «n infldreH.'Brtl^i-r^-i. ousht we no^ to cur«

, fuiy tonipnng

^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ damnaUnn upon Lheir h^dnl

**"' "^^"lluDon Uie Lhi^e dogs, ihe Lhfw usurpers Abubakr.

I^ycu, *tur^_H^^^ ^^^^ ^^j^f^^ ^^^ tj^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^

'"^niWed miilUtu'^fi' The whole muJtitude eHpressed

!l*.lrfhLs cura^snd ansLheniBS by bud cries of"Bishb«3.


.^, on ^r^n« A>^Ha. ^h. pr^P^-ofs wtfe, Mo^e, Yazed aaJ

U tlwdi*tlryg^J.s1«d fo« 10 a>i-itism pausing at the nanie of ^ch.

md the tudtHKe rtared oui every lime,'

'Bishhad .

Trideni Pinntdt

Tbil ih* so-called Shies ot Iran wci-e not Shields Ijut SMvhes

li pruvfti by U* fact Lhflt even tod^fy some so-caHed moaques in

Inn ((^bich ii¥ apiurtd Vedic temples] retain the ancient Lridenl

pinude, A KriH of inicles coniributed fSepU /O^t .19801 by VijW

PintWar w Lhe Maralhi Weekly. MANOOS of Punc. on"^

in^JW^Bii of Im. drried th& photo of a so-called mosque witli

1 LridenL ab^p.

Ita »rtWr daimtd thai be hIbo saw llie sacred ShivlLrg w*^Mahrttud GbiLtnflvi had uprooted from the famous Somrtal-b


i^ M.. In AkTiKlabflii vill^ u^ Lhe city of lafshan. The sa"^

^ «n*of««d by u» (olimviiia quotallotJ "^it is ^^^ «^^ ^

^^ SeljunK P^ac«^ »^« ^»*^*««t* by lUhnwrrf Q^i^M^^^'^jfldu temple tn Sumam H.? Somnift) tHn&, b^ri«* *

^position under tbft ihreaboM of K*t Neumu] -MnlkScbd

^"TiodBy ther* ii itSU "n unuimU arv** it«n.. li^ „»„^the threshold of Emamiuleb Ahmtnvd one tff UAn'»

^^^p^buiMings. On ti are «cbtd the foUowirtg T0f4« in Anlic

^^'^ n Criid of the two worlds' and dit# wU[>

^»*»**^,rfV*rnWry>tnv*lcfiU«. lUd.

the sione dates from llffJ-H A.I>. Tbe rtftw stiS] biei tta

^^^r a chain whert it was KpMielly toimd by tJw InnlAi

^'^'J Iheir contempt !cr the Hind, idol ii u«d U, b."*

»ft„ do Irsnifliis «« their pfoiest f^nmi^y U.^mm^

IjBvemqus"^'^ tta tadlw or

cappea with domes. Mow>vfn

lowering, rich a'^,«i^;^U-' :::^ r ^^^ ««

W demolish by n^-«-"7j^ « -^ ^u». «--

Village. N«ur*.^ '.r^'^/O"::. ;:^

proust- d«noii»« ^^, ,»,^^^ .W»;__

the f«*s end v«"^_„--^ j^rf"

^^ junl*"'


Page 310: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Tht t«rm -aili- hA> notMn* to do wtth iht a>. ^

The Artb* m»)e tlw Irtniaiis danoKsh aO their t«n. I?^**Vi

Hb* the rtnirtwrej whfcb Iranians airry |n the pm««j_not bi«n but repiicM of lowering and regpSendent ajT^Z "^

ts cppu«it frem thefr *Ik*, shape fuid ainjclure TvT'*^midU- storied ediHces with arched windows. a«Jrwfty& andTj!!!i«orfil«d wftb variegated sOver and gold Un»]. ti ihert BnT^of the corpses of Huaein and his companionB in them ?

Thiy ar« known as 'ftaiaa b«ceu» Lord Shiva Is kn(j*n uTejajj i.e. the luitrous one. just as the Taj Mt^hal in In^lia, whichhas now b«t proved to be an andwt Shiva temple. ^ b wmirtJaBof ihe term Tejo MalialRya.

They are also kmown as Tabuts because In iBlamfc perlsncr

*buit' srgnlfies « div|nt WoIh Consequtntly Tabut h a stmctyrt

abE^Uring the divine idol of a Vedic deily.

Now )e( lis consider Ibe term Muharram. Thai too hu i»

connectioEi whatsoever w^tb the Abubakr Vs. Ali or KusetR iajmle,

Hie Zo^diopaedia bJam^ (F^« ^B. Vol lU) explains Muhvnjn

t the " Urst month of the Mahomed&n year. The name ii on^i^^y

noC a profsr name but an adjective^*^

Ii may be noted that it being the Tirst month of the Islamic

jttT. It has nothing lo do vdih !ran or Husein as such Muba-ran«

li AnskrH word (55 mj signifying a Uitle Urryina in ^^^

oonumpJatkin for benedictions at the commwcanenl of the ye*r

Why abouJd the name of the month apply to a festival espedri^y

when In bl^m festivala fill in different montba every ye«r ''^of tbeir CTTJde mtfJiod of diing eacb fealival H Aaya "^"^ *"

ovary ruoceeding year T

We now quote another authority. The tslanilc di'cHon^O' «f*^

Mui-utwn A> "Uteraily that wbkb ta forbtdden. AnylWng MB--^


iW^^Wved in commemonitiaii of the mmyrtto„ tf

p^i* ''

ibesfl daya of lamenUUon an only (*»^ i^ ^^^


tul the lOtb day of Muhamm Li cbetlHisl by Uii

yt >*"''^_.-*™nnie9 of tbe Mubarram differ murfi in **iff. .**• ^^"'^oBrtnionies of tbe Mubarrain differ mu^ in ^^,^,1

dictionary-meaning slBnifying thai Muhafrms frma,^

sacred v^-hicb ia forUddai. proves ih* Mtkhtmm

^'^or^tfls the aorrcwful forbidding of Vedk Shlv wmhip, Tbi

**""Toelebnition tli'fer^ f"™ counti^ la muntiy. a maiUon«|


^r Ijmic dicUqraiiy. because the truuma of Arab lyi-Dnny in

'^'^1, ntf Iranions dcmoliah iheir Shiv templa and dgmp Lht


Thds findyHls should convince r^den tliai an so-caBed MutUmi

ancient Vedic pracUcet and tradiUons bui that Ihiy trs beiaf

SL mi^>^ IW separstlst ekmmta wbo iwiat MS«y wA

yprs^t facts t^ mislead Ibrir toUowwi.

™^ should indue* researcheffl m Iran to ferWti^ fi* ori|fa

a lU andent. massive, hisloric atmiurea in their coimtry. Tju^

canently those ^^ifices ar^ beirvg palmed off as moaqu« and mmta.

pmpef scrutiny would reveal that thery art capiured l«npa«. frm

vUd] Vedic idols have been unceremoniwjaly ufwh« ™Muhirnn is. therefore, aldndof apc^psntfuaeril^comman^

qiTiba maasaere of Vedic culture in wuntriea dominated l^f usn-

Gu^ Worsbiip

According lo Indian traditbil the highest public"^^^m^un tttacbes to the Gangi river because sbe'^^T^,^^'natn ihe high heavens by pHnce BhagifBtb alter gn»_^

^^^ order that the mighty streem of the river. ro»JT^

^^ ^^"*• nmiament, may not pien^ the earth r^^

^^^T^^j-i mW»'**^^g atop Mount Kaflaa s^rre^J to '* _^_^—**> ^^»r. a Dlrtionary of Isliio. by Tb«n- f^^ridi H"!**^

Page 311: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

r** ^ ^f matlod hBlr serMng as q kind

.^-r.Aj»n drt^ *", ^ ihat (.he river could course in

'^***^__. ^ih chinyed names, muy be fimnd lo be

^ "^ mLc TTtn A rtfewfice to It may be found In

J"*^ '^' ^^ river tor conc^ivflWjr of ih* Milky w^j.

P"******^he b *nUil«l Afdvi. Shura, MH.^ fi.e. NkJi.

t» U» *«^ •^j jj jj^ hwVCTly spring... -her ftourxe being

l"''*^^" ""J". fflVtWcslm^unuin in ih* re«ion of the bUts.

^ ih, W <if *^^ thecommantl of Ahum Maada."'

9tf ram* iJ^***" ** "^

U-. Tiw .11 tf ^Pf ««intrie9 of tlw world pracUscd Vedic nsugic

"^ ^tll^d^'niis r«ay be concluded fn^m ibe follo^ng

?r^SL,TmuFtfim'' from India, TTierefoif ll is nol surprising

fjS:::^Si. b.w.n indi^ ^d Pe^i^n Mu.ic "-

TV ntffT li ll^y l« MT/ t^^ ^^"S impressioci ihol Iran

far th* TinHiJT* t»i * lo>le «^ ^^^ "™"^'^ ''' ^^^ ^^^ ""^"'^"

ffhd u implif^3 ll l^ f^ ^^^ iiuniemorial Iran wgs be«r li>

ViSc. SmskTii mo-iie. Due ta hfrtorical upheaves, wbenever linta

iWi ftrfli becamt lenuc^. muticiang were Bumnnonwt frocn Tn<U8

lOTwiMihftU^iiion uT Vcdic music. In ibe cours<^ of that routine,

th* IraHiBi njlff Bahrain V had to caU for Mme (ndian moaJcians

tor Oi* umpittnlii Uifl» in tbe nib ceniui^ A.D. Evt^n iJie name

Wsrvn it 1 irun«rt«d fijmi of Ibe Sanskni naipe Psiubhlrflm.

A fourfoW HKsAi clasuifli^ori whicb one com^ across Sn ai

C6>P.m. iEHmJOTUS, RowUnson:* tninalBLfon '^'^'^*^,,^

iftfKH»t«d b> A Wla^rrence. the Non«uth Press. Great Jit^

„, ?"* ™?ntbur> viifiWW)m redor-iCrtildsto (ran. *<liied by Richard Moor, P^^jsUB

oi^HiKlAwinilaouihton. London, Ifl^S.


^sn* of the and^t world I. y^ one mmi l^Tliruf p^r ^^ ^^oridwide prevaleiice of Vodlc Culture in counlriefl (ktw ynfe- ]^i^

'That sucti ft four- fold gyatem hw survivBd in Iraq tnd Irm

d^plie 1300 yesra of islajnic lerror, torturt md oppra?lfln ti

.imlpIa Rven the exisUnce of \hAl inciRnt nr«iAm dni h4.j.R.A^.nefir nitracle .

Even the exiateince of th^t uicient lyrtm got hlgli^^^d

^,j^uae of the esdeendea of lb* present In^-Tnn *« The reJevmi

irhlch appeared \n !be Ahmedsbad ediUpn cf the dmly TTntM

af ladiB of December 9.1«?2 Ja quoted hemmder^

Vnldii In Iran Face Enitrminairon

' An ancient people who beve escaped «nirtUen stt*nipu tt

their extemitnntion for 14 cenluriea are now Ibraiened tqr i\»

tran-lratl connict. The YsBdis, i confaJmUon of Iribe. Ih^M

rtlidon based on ZortaalriBnJsm b the heart of the Mutlijn MhWH

East. They consider the war lo be ^u«4 hy T-limE. fai^ciufv'.

from which tbe^ tb^selves have suffered Ln tht pBt,

'The Ya^idia are ref^^ to W ' SaUrtworU^P;*""J^

«tan', bee^lained. '"^^

^^'"'"ZJ^Z^^^ ^^ '^

.ppo.e arbitral ."tborily in ^^^"^^^^tribesarefolloivertofthesaine,!!'^!.^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^^r, ^U, Muslims, tbey drink wine


^^ ^h ft«r l-i* i-^

priace. priest. ^^^^^ '^r^-11..P--.'tr^

,ra^,n.i,^ of«^ -^-;^^ "^,„u*. "^ *«-^" ^^"^

four-fcldVMlc social^M"«"'^l^

poclseU of the world.

Falsified Hisic-Of .taiil*^.i^^m'^'f»*






Page 312: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


n<"TTw Lomb of

!1\L Jf«> lnvMio«»ly Mmc^ed from thdr vi^ .



\u^^f^yi jneaabv ""» ^«t Abode of '^rd Shfvi/

ar of to took Dmrnmood mnarici ' Tbe Iranian

ptocoi their mon*rctg< b the mo«l sncient and U^

^„p„^ to (be wp^ ft J< «nffligh lo say at tb« pnsmt

tf 1^ iMn to «M^ ihit tJKy rival Ow» of the Hmdm^^^^ri^K»uarimmaa^U3 their first kings li^mrvKraffAy

rfttevS;^ of Ma. cxttM^eloiu tfl the eeogrspfaicat di^scriptioni,

ft ite PHH« iteiurivet bffv« gfvai (xT iher oounUy« Uvy

j^rfTj- mad] taggrBtod rLa extent.**'

^ u-

out the foTly of Europmi writers blindly

v: rcpMJoc U>e «MantnU of Arab wril^r^. nrum/nond

'Tl» Aniivi vrjLer? who bsve been gen^r^y followaj

bntMBi «id r»m by modem Persians, pretend tiai

ind maoy other towns were founded Ifty

tta&f«« md that the name* <if th»e towni ar^ comjpUcra

1^ « 0^ a«djt to (he Easien) hfstJimvti,

"• fiRiMM more dliea than whole dynastiea hed

Wiat hoB....Ainmdff iney have pven h« n»ne lo vsriout

Iwt K ia probaWe th* the Cfwks bsve

* I*«e. AJ«ciiHlrw which m^fW never have bea»

"**""^^ *^ '^^ "^ ibf^e ihe entire Alexander eptwd*

uir UL

to be i Wg fnmd. Htalorkn,would ^ w, ^^ U«re dJd rt dl *.!« , Mao«k«i^ Ifl^ 7^^

^t„tber til the e"^«» «»^cta«ri with I&b 4«L^JT*^^ rti)

heppeningi or m»^ fktjcn. '"•"W^i,

to Irtiply f'^^ suihorahip but Impo^tkm, ^lumjWfert]!*^^^rte Atexandria need not be a»c3il»d lo Ujtlj«rto«(^ja^i

lat ta 1^ SeJiBfcrit term AkxymAn [im^ f.,. u, ^J^Mvioity).


Herodotus »id Xenophon haw nunCbimd fmtou ppfcnnli^

1^ horse ssefi5c8 known in Vedic tennitiolaey » Afvowik.

Sanuu-jcaiid was M^u-cvndejV


Olt royal palace of Ssgdiana ThlB Min»jto mi f^*"*'? (^ *»*

etCy which tbe Peratans now call Smwi^"

Tto ifi en important d«* ^^ **» »''^^ "^^?fl^h-ve b«« mutitat^. SI wb.t wf to^«^|*^"*r^^^

tppean Lo be originaUy ^^*"*'*^^ Vafc A*" SofHiM

the name since Ruasia iff* to ^**"^ ..^ i.iiiiw™ Hu

MuW be the convpiioD ^^ "* ^*Z1^ . .. iiiiTi"^

I^Ja curtly ,«i^ *-

^^^^^^^About hoi* MusKin P«* .^'^^^^ £>«mr«nd rrm^b

«««nLa wriu«, by U»irn^H^^,^ ™r*-^^

-^ of the Artbfc *«P>»^ ;;^t« i-^*^'*"^

*nd has even coot^'l'^'**

W«rid Vt4k &PP*^ ^*-*»''*^^^!n-—






Page 313: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

rlT M««^^ ^«^«*^ '^ '™^*™ ™/'''^^^ * <li»i^

*^^!fte<W -n*^ ^^"^ "^ ^^ "^^^^^ "^^ '""*« TW*^alli«yy *wt*d in the TnsUtut*^ of Manu. that many of ^^

!Ljh!T(iKmilrt4[>' '^"S*' abandoned the ordinances of tfeVw.,

^T_^ ,h_ BT mHiU«i«i the Pahlavaa and Chinas, "i"

a^h^w&r^ subiTdtU^ lo fi foreign yoke,* '"

^f Mi Biolhcr du* to itw ancient Vedic world wnpir^ („

BnipaiDnd s fmKtrk 'Tt appears from various testimonies, Um

l^tfK^nt fadimi* PersifinSt Ta rtars an d Chinas*, had at one period

1 oHBnon *y«**«i ^ *^- r«U|pon and sdenw The inhabytajji*

of TW* fl.*' Tsrtfliy end CWna) lilie those of Iran, fld^red the

100, h4 Hte them sacrinoed hones, end offered chariots Ui ihe

Cod of 1(1*. 1>» Diinese were ifkewise worshippers of the don

«v3 of the viBty bodies/"^

Suin-Slunl4ii Emblein of India

Brummond mf^rmi ut *M li'on svrmcunted by the Soiarocb,

war Iftf dptTce o/ lAf* andent monmvhs of fndi's,

b Sculmt lernoinology the term "Shardur denotes the wiW

E* medo !,«.. ibe Hon. the U^er and the panther. U was Uk

outam imongn mdeni Kahatriyas to depict the Sun as tlw

pra^ujT of the aoW dynwrtii of ruleni and the lion (or tigefJ

" symbol <!rf !irKompromie[ng valour. Therefore* whether it *'*5

« »ttn md Ug?r or the am and Lion, it ivas » V^<= ^^^:ft«* " «nbkin iidaJd on the ao-caUed Tamerlain mausok^f" ^"

^»'^*f^««» P«v« Uai *dlfice to be ibe palace of ancientSanaknt-


^. rulers or R«s»ift, The ™«*ph fr^^^^ ^^"PtToiiT^ 'If Tamerlain Is a fy«. Fw^ng ^^ f.k,llr"

;;^ely captureedifice. U««.^Mu.yn,^^^^;^


g^ is an important Vedk deity. It a wnjnt to bAm^-jyiam *ss a aeparate cult

.Vedic tradition ha iimuiner^tediiiq,

^ 0^ of those represent th? wh{i]e oT iJvinily Pwrrfow, imta-

Vedictraiiiticm one may worship on? or mnn AflUa Kcoriuii

gne'B choice or eveti not worship my. ConsHjucvth', hawo-

. ^yienever one comes across k refermce to the iroriNp of ny

jjLv such fl5 Raima, Krishna. Shiva or any goddess ihil mim

imn^ediately be taWen to be evidHice oJ Ibe pre^slsiffl o? Vrik


.tones nidely CUV in the (orm.»(!<*»"

^^ p^ rf ««"

wer^ objects of =iof^ •^' ^antiquity, . .

/ '"» iWii»«n^ « 3il«'

smooth, shining'surf^^^ ^^ ^hff *«^

^Baan " represent iord SW

sipify Lord Vishnu.

"Ithosbeen pi*

nS) Pp4flflw*^

Page 314: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



g p0.<rM jnonaft^'»w wtibSsh^ in Iran.long before th* a

„miBi-lt- -thw ft imteiXfti maiy wniunies mid that jta h.-

hp ^««r> inr^***^ Oft ihai of U» Hindoos, who foM.^^cn.w?*ws df VvTdh^i iml tedraprssths ^* ^ ^


f^csstkf stwTMff '*tlat a 5>"Pt^Tn of Hinduismpen-adej

Id^^™n «mpinjj. Smpiui^ furnishes abiiijl!, in thr mwtion oftb* ^Tirious upc^s of ihe SUti-^ &[*

r.t 1

adonwf f%m- mound and es'^n grove, ai^ (^^ifpraMnWiv'e, U» IrwMR Ci^f. the I5th of eadj mmth*

•T!»if™ §^-. aj-s PbcockP. "deri.^ ft^ the kdka' tfait under tiv spp^Uikm of 'Sin's-, or tbe Sun, p^ti"^ mm? to the 1.:^ pro^nce of Siiria now $yiu, jt jy

!thii Ite rattiMl race wiD be found seiUed m Uw pwu«

te nvier, Rishon deri\ijig ri^ riani& from Lori

» •den biiian piismndation too the tam^ Kmhw


^ ^ &dm Siiin^nj ^ Vedic lore.

^, ^j^**^ ^Ws of Irmn is an imposition bv .Jkrabim>Se«

* <^ attioia's Uxtal serfdom.

^ _T~ "•''inKarf wlttcfa was Vedic. Ssnste* t**

""^^^^>!/ bkta pumped in li&' Artb invrf*»



I ^ndm Lheir Vedic f^ih or to rtro«d rr ui^^t^'"^IfBH Is ilie curr^t t™^^^^


Irtniirisignifying & salty of banwj rvgion,


Its other name Pereia derives froni the ^itkrit vonf ftr^^jjgnifying a baiU^ axe *hich pEPsshuram ustd t^mrf. T^w^^Persian. Ptiarsi and Parsi alhs Fbssilaa de aS dtorvnhH tf i^i^rmparashu.

Ks]ida$a s megnum opus ibe Raefauvmtvb i«A l!» icmcnr

campaign that Kaghu {an aDc«$torof Rvrji) taifi<amedai^iM

ibe erring naiiv« of that region.

Jm Ancient Corpse ftrviiah Cvjdaer

Indian dailire of JanuHi^- 3), 13W r?port«( titSaevar^

"TV upper part of the body rf i ni« who JW 30J 3««»

hss bw« vuiearthed mixt maOti^mjm^0' northwest Irsi,.. InCJK^hrtlud'iav. * *^ '^j'j

d^\ preserved by iliick Ms«3 of^ ^ P*^

the left ear.,,'

J jd.{r« « th* jail *y "^ ^^^ "Rercing the ^srs rf e»^" ^j^ drot^*«irf K

Ih^ tho' may *«J' rif*' *^ ^^j^^ pill-i** a • • rf

1 Vedic tradition. Se^^^ytbe \-*terf»i^«<

the Iranian corpse ij «*!'''


The City wm**"^ _^from the name amj"^-'

of India.


"Rie snflff* ir



dhiDf effttif*^w>^ *«^

Page 315: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



A number of v&y renowned European authors fitirfljutfl

[."pliiin dviUlKation lo Indkn, VedJe orij^in.^TMianthe


One 5uch auibor is TlHimas Maurice. His book containinj

ctHisldefi'bile information on ancient J^gypi be&r$ the leriEthy tjtk

Th* Wistw? of Hinaostan. Its Arts and in Science as connected

vHhu» Histoo of the otherG rest Empires ( Republ ished hy Havmtg,

NfwDdW ^ 110012. India, in 19^74).

Mpirice writ« 'Niinn>d, who according ic Mr. Wilfwd, is,

to fKt. relebraied in Sanskrit history und^ the corresponding name

flf Nirmtr>*3a an andeat sovereign Of Misra Sthan,' or Egypt.

^Kfflljle fw evpr> species of tyranny gnd crimes; lb$t despot who

^"W down men and beastg, and who erected a fabric intended

^*W« t)tt ikis and render him superior even to the elements,

Jr^**™^ bregihin* names nature ly brings lo nur recollM*'™

to w**^*™*"itaof the caJamity at EebeL.The deity Es affirmed

^desranded ai Babd. "And the Lod aaid. Go Ui. kt ">

^'^ ^» If TwT^*"^ ^^ implying e loni of mlied Ta£»*• '**"Sri.-r^'' ^*^ *"* alltiiiwi a to tt- t«>efv* *

****l^'ta!*T^*' ^ •»'^ Lo«i Vishru appear^ ** ^

"^^i of th* htWUon half -man. M«rti MS"''*

, , ,pjef^ can toe Wllle douht but thu on thedMil«i buI dljpw^ai

jynd which hnmedinLely book pbM. the colony »hidi mlgnud

'^'J'JLt, tflth the history of t)w iwfid ^vanK. ban il» thi teOn

•^^gica! desipitttion, and that tb* wondfrful Sphini of thu


compoyn'ied partly of p Hon and partly of a hunw bwi.

^ [^ originEd rormatkm to tWs Avatar I say itiffth ttwmoi^


because on their hieroilypbic sphere and in ibw «Hy^"^

we have already traced the lhr» prior aviiara. the IWijod

'^I^gentid Hke the Matsya ithe Cani? Anubia

.or th* boir 't b«idE

"Yihe tetsudo of H«rmB...CoL Fearse «iu»l]y dB«iv««d.

ZtL^ on the Ja^enw^t paflod.. the ^Wnn d *«y^ iirrfn,

!1 ZvBle br«5ts. wixh the he*1 and tidonf of . lion.. .Ito^

f^^e^O^de confesses, .hat t. the Eg^-i- th^« ^

^fof Abraham. (Pp. :» « ^rs ^ Mau«« . »^).

Bahuball Altai ArmslrtiDgD»,ubaH Altai Artnsin-us^^^^^ ^^

The above Infotraation^f" ';>!.*^ t,"^"" " =*

„. .„,,dm u> suggest -Bf-^x";:^^';*.. >«^ *^

it BshutslanWB ie- "" ""^

king in Vedic legwtl"'ju- «i iW "" "'^

A very 't""* •".^( u, „«m ""^ I«k. m>»I»^

is ihe (Ml that l**^^. aii"W ^ „*

in Pun l-> « ^'^U^- -^"irr"^ "^^L

Page 316: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


th* Wi^ ftUudM to it is vflr>' revftaling anj important T>

underUM tb» n*«S ^^r » meticutouB study of the Btble k**°'"''

tQ B>Wjc«J Stan® *^ dislBrLfons of earU&r Vedic legends. ^"

Thfti Abraham of the Bible may be Prflhlnd of the Hindu V)MKid$ is also A very valuable observBtion. ^*^

TV only vsrifltlon needed m Maurice s conclusionis that .^

Sfphbv flatue i» tlist o' the ljonVwart«l Hamfi and not of thi

j^rtstmha incamatfon because in the Tormer {as depicted in ^^p^Jil

it i% a human face over a lion "s body whereas in theNar^siuttit

legend il is c lions face over a hmrrian body, fn support of Q^y.

conausiofi that ihe Sjihins in ^«ypi, is the lion- hearted JUma

itf« have pointed out elsewhere that Hama was renowned in tb

W«i <Bnd of course in the East as well) aa Lion-hearijed sn^

tiso thai ibe temn ^Egypt itself is the Sanaknt term, Ajapati,

signifying s descendant of Aja (who was Rein a s (jrandfaihef).

Iht icjin point however is that both those figures of part man

uid piTt lion iLt¥ of Vedic origin, llie iSphinx is Ihe Uonheartd

Bemfi portrayed in a towering figure as ihe guardian de^'ly of ^gy^yt,

Ibe coiojitiy named after Him, Since the heai't is in the chest rt^oi

ih* figure is that of a Uon upto Ihe neck. From the neck upward

il la i divine face. Since ^gypt bears the name of Rama, all [t*

mianffchs loo were Ramesis I , Ramesis TT etc. similar to the Lradiiiort

ebewhere in the world sucb as Hunza in Pakistan and Sam*

TheHed Sss abounds with shells of exlraordinary size and beauty.

Tbt Afrian continent looking like one of those shells was lwi«'^

ii aanidi fi,e.oontrh) dweep. An ancient cfty in ^gypt "*^In ^ukril SB HupawaU used to be malpronounoed by the Oreftto


A tonmlerabla poTtim of Africa was called Sharmasthan ^'i"

nn « Shan, Tbe tower of Babel wea the Padma Msndir^^^ T^pl. an lb, ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ Kumudwali ^hl^^i c*d

"• oo <*her ihm lb, Euphrates CPp.44 46 of Maurice s boolt).

**th*Ih!T^ '^ ^"»«^t Maurice eUtea that Kristbna's


^'^^^"i *trpftit Kaliya Nsga la mentioned on V^

the Apoc'TPt^' ^^1^ ^^ ^^^ ^^°" rnmUoTwd in lii book n?! mast rcmarkoWe adventura of the infint »vfeyr wtiti i »*rptn(

Ko had pofBoned one of his compaiilms. for ha not only nam^*

aarpfii^^ ^ ^^^^ *"*^ ^^* venom out of tha wound, but <vam^ '

Bjiijnal. after rapeating upon him the origljiiil miledictkin. \a

tvnrst asunder , . . .T^a tndian legwid, the Korm,which may be ctltsd

jkrflb leg^d , and the Apocrypha!! Go^pelt hfv« ilhiui in indmitt




It la appai'^t from the extract quoted above th«l Vedic iflgmdi

ttdiu the ancientmoat, the Christian bible md the M»l«n Kofw

hjva tohfintfid them tn the distorted form in which thiy round

i),aTt at their distance of Uitie frorn the reievint htppmlDfi.

Couiit Komstiema c^serves - Sevefaini^HOrH]renn.ytl«l^

maya-GopatiansJ corresponds to Aun, [^1 cf ^^ »^^ "j

rsrahmlcal ^.a la found in the^ Jo .h.«ite Great made his pi^grin^ ^^ *E^ "'' "^'^ ^his name."*


»n«pontoa to tHa JWyptt"" '^' .TTsJiMV-J MH^w)

form j« Hi

C«nt ««"'^'^. ^v^. ""'^'^Uii- >>-

„ by Hf-^^^^Vrp^** fr=-I»^J^^

Page 317: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


[ thp Yug) which go aUll further back In lime tturv n^

Wffl^inin^ i*«' Lht wmple* of ^pptfr «ijypi are wf unml^'^ *^

BTwr^iftf to r^ iCTi^mowy of those mofujmftiU.,.,^,^ ^li^

"Tl* chrnnlcl« found 'f> ^^ temples of Abydo? and S^||

tfhich h«vf^ bMT ifsnjmitUd to us by Jost^phua, Juliut Air\c^

md E«»ebiLHi li^ lestify Lhul tht ralifloua iysl^m of ihe"

MQiMdHl Tfom fndiia.


lUlii of I3ie ^fc^ypUnn kings floeordln^r lo ManeLho.

A»p tilio Abu } sJirniflca ' wat«r " in Sanskrii, md Snd l« arrfb

riv«r. Coniw<iupni.!y Abuaind dIjbs Abyssinia signifies a colonj of

pKfJe who had come from the benks of the lndus^

From th« tbffv^ d ciaila Cou nt Biorn^tJems concl u des*

' It ippetn

frvn (he ibov^- men Honed ifrounda Lhbt the Hindus have t ^reeirf

cUjn Ui tht primogi^nllure of rclj^ion and consequ^lly lo Iht

ilmofHiiture of civilizaiion than the poop]« of ancient fse^''^

Vedk Srynbuli in M^i^pl

"On mrapannif ihe ccliffiEma ayaten>5 of the ^gyptisma and

ibf Hindus w* nrtr atrutk b^ their resemblance Uj each othef.


procwd frrwn mftorjiheiitk principles and degenerate lntopolytNiU«

hnilbtfiiam Th& princSpte or trinity with that of the i^l^y- ^^

P«Hii«*ntt of ihe Mul, jt^ transmigration, ihti division of oat**

«^ priwti. wimort, traders and agriculturiati are the cardlnil

P^^ both iho tjau^s, Ev<m the aymboh are l\^^ s^" ^

riI!T "^ ^ '^"«*^ «"^ ^^« f^"^> r^^'^^ *« '^"'^ ^^' ^"*^

TW-.^i lymwi fttiw met hFiUi on the htfrnidrcas of ^*tyP* ,.

j;^^^ th, bi,, n.w.r as the symbol of the S«n bo^

•"' ^^^^ *«<i wft find aymbola of the inifii'>^'^^


P^„^|inbolh™ntrt«i. Th*inwifrf™,fcrtr»^,^^^^^

irultful6scrrt»d to the t*mj»l* of Shh-i in Ihdi. w« n„ „;,^^

yj ibe t«>Tiple of Amnwm In *«ypl....B*](W[n wmm mn «S^^ peeo wandering around th« tcinpk of Ammoo fa- ih, p«p^cfobUininKt^he blessing.-*

The term Phalltll haa b«n |fil«rpi«l«l by Earupsn wAtign

10 mesJi the penis i.e. the male eenllil mpr. Whw luraprwwit

Christiai it ufl parted t further otef^ft alani


ih« iwni li> iJncnA

the pre Christian Vedic i^lture of the worid ind sprtid Utc myth

that pre- Christian Kuropeant were bsriarimB who -unhJM*! tbi

penis. Both Christiana wid MusUmt art riiSiy o^ ""^ **riSw*«

conspiratorial defamation.

T^ word Ph*l b Sanskrit signifia fi^h. PhtW.h lipjto

t^. 'ish- l.e. the Lo^ i. t.e «iw of th, ^«K .-.^


Shiva 1. credited with Temittlntf €V*ry p^^J^'XSl,. t«d. ConsequenUy the ^^^^^^^i:^^U>H Shiva, and not th. md. ^''tT.^^^^'^


emlgmlingfromi^riv^^^""^**^ ^^W**-**-*M^^ellerh^so^;^^

^„ Ibat of ihe Gr«ki «>^ ^"=^'

that -Itidi. *^^ ' ^r^n.-'^-'^'-i'^^rCt^high --^^-^^^V^^^'^M''^^:^^

India long brf^/iTi* '^'^ ^^^banks ef ^'J^ ^

W7^,jUllf J


Page 318: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

1^ „ .ofl th* gbora of thg InJt

(iiKif^Ml bom* of thi^ g«lJi-..Ustt P(uii cm


*'i^Afti<*' Kicot wrt -books issenjn^ thai African, u^

^ labffcu ^^ K°»*^' ^*** "" " ^^^^^ meniion Him

rf 10^) » tJ>* f«*^ °^ Cuahfl. TTw najn« Rami b

ftj Sooth iivii* B Birrnn, Europans sp^U K sa Rorr^^

1^ knoira in &nsk3Ti « Lmyi ,(^in^Uy it IB bang pronwiJic^


Wtfic«d to U» TWti Yuf, I^* the next l,e. th* Dw^pa-

tfev cAdttml V«d]c dministratian wa? kuk^ after by the

Ther m^tiary >9 h&Doved In the city of Cairo wt^at MrufcBi graooung u Rihiji.

TSt « Alt Unr-tniity ^ Cairo Is basiraUy Al Eabwar Univeraity.

t«in b^iwMr LI bang pronounced in Wstcm eounUlB



^^ fn*n hieroBjypha «gypi vm described a^ Kmitr^ ^QikHi Ki' ilias 'Ku ' ttaj)d» for black or darft

itt rf^!!f**"^' '^ w*!"^ Kflmit ts obviouaty »

^ J7^'^ tmn KjunriL A4£ypUan5 caJled I"^i*B« lit, pj^^jj^ ^j regarded It as their diviite•W9 Pom, idi« ft^diu U. Mges. aeers end gods-

l^^[[^*'^«hSi/iltifnh (I.e. ShanWallMShhr*)

Cli'"^ l^ftBi *, Hmhfpuo . recorded in iwn«.

_3nj^ "nt 10 lb* Luid of P"nt. Tl«Punt.

^ 2 ^ ye«^to nu™ but iv tiw .«, tt.p^.^^

jj^j the fkrtilk cocM^ing of »rt ^p, My^k 4.711^£^ for s few day? to c«Q on kii^ PttroiD « , ^^vA) ^j^ttirn*^ «nth a "^^ esr^ oooslftn^ of b«{Sai. pmxi±t dsH

^a leopard slona.

Vedic TheogOfRf

The ^^ypUan ffoadessiiii isV^BAb. SMstrt^j^riiB

God fish 19 the Sanskrit word Pha eamv^ Gcd n th* r^iv

^ Lbe universe. Tbe Agyption Seb ii Savt. lix Agjptiai Cod

pUr' is one ^ tbe Sanikrit ncmes cf l«d 9ijvi. % cthh

HtLbor' alias Setot' li aakii"- lbe .tc-F^Jin Ood » It

Kshnu altsa Vishnu of Uw Vedic tr»ditiMi. Tbe ^^-^^ God AUa

li tbe Sanskrit wonl Atman. Aawding ta liie ^T^iop*- ^*'-

Budge, the ancient ^gj-ptians believed jaii*^««flafl'^«r|«

Bod. self -produced, srff-eiristefrt. Aln^tb^. ^ff-*- ""^the cosmos. He was aCed N^ l-»- G«f ***^' ^^tbe term ' NettH-' in Sanaimt signifyiflf «*.«*_ ^^^

god 83 the

bJso be a uialprotiuneMiw of i»^

^tfctI....NeUM.e "not(»'«»<«»-


Tlif Earth Supporud frj »™(k* -rtft M* • * "* *^ "

The«««^jf^ ^ .,(«**»««. ^^

1 huge sphere bili^^^^' aesh as ia tbe bd^^^ 1^ hitf -oft ttr '^ **

This concept vu^^^ i^Sp

fs 1 ccamic fHntasy^ ^M-^^'^-^i**-^In SanskHt ^^'^:::^^^-'**

from anolhff-*^' *— M


Page 319: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

4j(^ in ortili by otNr*' BtlrwHlofl. TherrforT. txvmoa min

E^^ ti i^jtiiJ ^ S*wth i.«, itw remaindur. Th«i 1,^0'*''**

^rtb I* fiitJMnw! in ofblt l?y th* Sh«h (I.*, th* r«aiijii r?'^

(o^tific inilh by ihowinir Ihu «rtb u bpin^r mpporittj [>. iJ!

liao^ of ft^ifit cob™ (i.e. Sb«ih). ^ ^

Th* ^i[ypi.ia™i Uipd in ihdr worship the Chaltri snd ChtaBf

M i» uwd in IftdlB 10 do honour la divmily and royalty, fiie Chh*ri

il Ihi e»w|Jv ThB Chamar f« a Iooh handr^ of pnedouj me^] |-

vMcb to n»d * <;lump of !<*"« w^l '"*bre9 to «mtly fan the honoufaj

iwiftftiliiy. hwenie wm sIk) bumeU in a Uli ^tand. God Bonn

Uw Suryai Lh« Sua was carried in procession.

Kw-wjitiT was TOnsid^red sacred in **cypl u [n India,

lilt ffgypthn monarchi too n.^t^ardi'd Iheinsetvct as

ftpraMnlaUva of divinity on earth in the Vedk iradilion. Accordif^

\xi HtTodotui Lb« ^Kyptiun king u&ed to be frurn the pHesLly dmor ihe warrior ci&ss only. India too liad Brahmin and K$hfliriyi

nrtkru dyniaiiw Auyptiana also adhered 10 the f>h5/™fl Vuddhi

tridlUon <rf abldiHK by alrict rultii oven in warfar* auci) as ikh

Iwmind, tonyHnK or killing those who surrendefod Of those who

'W* defencvlflu.

Th« itaili m«uur«mctnlv of ^tfypliun muntmies have been fauM

to l»t ^a to tiiost of the people from India, by Heenen, an eaf'^

TW Aiiyptioni pdd homag^f to eldera by bowing and Uftichlnjf

«^ *m or th» eldttii y h enne in India.

the bufllfl ("f ^**


^^'•^ day Bfft In Wgy^i wha regulal*fl on the bdflla <>'

^wTu*'**^'^^*'"*"of i^h day aa prt-iecud ihrough

^ *CypUBnt tivi Btiidied astrology,^ •cKpUan pHm, i..Ou,d ihrc^ iim*^ - day with ««

^ "*« it^**h* of pr«Jtni8 muial for holy wawr •^

fggfpaBii wonwn WW* hi^y Tvpitud h pv Vi«e o^^,pj^ woril

KshalHyi of Soiiikrit wn pnjwDftoid tij Uj, )ippUg,

Trt.<.tti or Kheta. In Hebrew tiut mnfr *wd cot to fai ^^4x^td or Kheta. In Hebrew tiut nmi *wd

p Hitiit*'

IrfltLenifl had a Wng named Tumih* wHt^ b ihtSmkrlft^m

harath - Hla sis**'' NeferiiU wm the wife of iheA^ piiu mamea.

Aithenaton- Sheand Cleopatra are repui*diobethei*omoiib«iiirta

^joown of ancient S^fpUan royiily.

A trwty between HitUlea and the Mittaiia iavoto Vs

Thsi is wie more prtflf of Vedic culture teving pffwdaJ t»* 1


writer -3 name derives fmn hu fmuy ™.

Vcdic Ksukili ritual-j,



Page 320: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text





fte Sanda]" ^" ^^"^^ JXrehittt;l designed the Af«^tian PyrarrviiJi-

*^ WHt Si^l""'*^ ^ ^* ^^ ^'^ ^^ ^^''^ tradition. Unrolled In

**3* "*i Hm^ r**^'* P'^^"""*^ appearing on page 36& of Styptfwi

****HJ^ ' "^ f^roduced [n Aiyangara volume Utied L(wV


Thit pictu™ appear* ^^ pa?^ »^^^j ^mti^^^

^ ^ m. ^ited ^ the^-^-^l^fC^ ^' ^^'

Adyar, Maarmsp I^^^"^v. K«fv if* -iv •»*«"* '^•^ '^"*

The holy ^^"^T^^ Hindu, ir li'd'i'J



Page 321: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

i?n m

T^nuflfJsjn^ihe/atit isphinxijirfflm have long been greaLenlgmja

TV WTTO ff£ypi ia tf>e Sanskrit term Ajnpati, an epElhei of the V«£[c

This vjiot due solves all riddles of iff^yplology. Since ^fjvpi is mrtiHl

latT^bmii.hisrQiherDaBhEirsth (spelled asDasaraiUi) figures in >^B;yptiafi

Itgenm Rfljns being the guardian ddiy of the region, Hi$ giganiic

revctsenmiJQn ti raised in /rem of ihe Pyramids.

The Sjrfwni Ig Um Sinskrit tenn Simhas i\.t. a Ucm). The «rtra 'p'

ii CT Int&ratoiion as ]• apparent from Mverjl words such ns 'psycholoii^^,

P»ini4i5lc, puftimonsa' and "Pfieer' where the letter *p' renuOns

«ai™uncsJ LikewiBe if Uie letter p' in * Sphinx" is siEeneed titetemi^ra- nji be eastly d«K(*d to be the Sanskrii Urm Simhj5* (£-&^ »fcn). Ihf At^ssinian njer was known as the "Lion of Judah' becmiM

" ^""f ""Wfl ft'*™ called Uons '.

Ptat^ nilftij WBr« aU known ^ Ramesis (LU. 01 and so on) bwaus*

i«amni««rp,andft3ma.ies«s.[ffniries Rama^ the God '.

i«ra "bIZ.^^*™^'" ^"^""^"wd wiLhouL the ^ extra Py ' is the SanaJtrlL

«™« "e. botowHl by Rama.

«» <Mdt r'l!!'''^'''°'' ^^^ ^'^•^*^ in ^^ Pyrm^ds it is a Wufi^e^

*"^ **n wh^TT"'' " '^^''"^ strictures. Pyramids p^ =^^^

*'***«' «rvl ZJ;"T."*"^'^'^ P^^"- ^^^ ^i"K "^"^ ''"^*''


tlr* "'"^^^rT' ^" ^^^"^' "^^^.^T^^***"***fcumi »J ^ ^ ^^'ein «f such edifices.


*«*— Sjhlt^^^ "^ *«r5d are paraU^ lUustraltons. V^ for s^bsequenL bunnia.

This l3 a statu e from ancient /^iiyiAdfiptrtlnB Bull wortWp. TTiffKam^

and Anrthra repons of India itiU have huge iima vi »qtiiitii* i^'n

numerous temples. Similar imsfies abotindini In liie narih Kfe 4«t^id

by Muslin) [nvodera.

farms and nouiHshing milk for h«i«aris ,» i«rt of ^«flc ^an,uo«

gralitud« Lowiirds divln(l>*

[s atiU known ofl a B^, ^.i^cDtiani ^'

Th. .bove Future m^ ^^^

Such 91^1"** ""^*""

0ther countrie*'


Page 322: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Syrit and Assyria are ancient ^nskril names. Sur and f^siir.

Tin ftrpew*! Slrtte

ytt Vedie Purans record the perpetual strife l^etween two gr««t

pMple nwieiy the Sur and the Asur,

Sym end Assyria should be understood to be mere surviviiig

nimes TTieir ancieni boundoKes were much mor€ esrUnsive thin

whil Uw modeni atla^ shows.


The book tilled Rcirialns of Lost Empfres by P.V.N. Myen(FUrpef wid fliTO.. irjblishers, New York, 1fl75) r^ords on pfli[B

21 to St about PWmyrs. on ancient city of Sfyria that "the imtof Palmyra ihe 'Qu«n of Ibe Esgt ' wss Spread throughout the

Koman world We hav^ only a few obscure notices of this ojih

^\im ^p^uJ the Queen of the East ': and aft^r TImour enS"i* mQni?nii hordes— "-"fcyr ..urges swepi over ihose regiona. evert the site of

^ri!"^ ^ ^^' "'"^""^ ''°''^' '^ Bedauins wereflcqualnlea.

t,^„"^^ ^^' "J"^- >"d fl"^ 5aid to have told lo the F»Jrope8<i

"^^r^'t! "''' ^'^^ *^™"*f^ ^^"^^ ^^ ^ ^'""^ '^^

in Uh tewt n""^^ ^""^^ ^^'^^ "^""^^ ^'^^ columns. farswoJ

*%4irfui ay7?''™*'^ *"^^tf^> those tfbwing accoutila ^J^ ^'^

*•* "^B^ii r ^ ^^ <^fi:ani3aUon of expeditions for eupJorim'

•3^ l^il3,i^ -^J*""'' *^ ^^ close of the I7th c^i^ry tt^^

'''**^«nturj^'" '^^W the spot. About the mid^'

^ ^^ »nd DanWn vf.ite.1 Lhe ruins. «nd r^^I^

m3ome mwnmcent iketchea. Tie« *vfd«,c« of .k.^^deur of the remains of the Iw^.i^^ ^^^ «iJrtJr


A«em on page M the s&rrve book adds -a b trt^i-^^ ssunier down through the co1onnj,d«| ,venu« of>^T

On page afl It h stated that -the InUrforof tb. i^^ \_,^ly the h.nd of violent. ^ f^Uc^l l^oZ^^t. '^to Imagine that he Je nev«r doing heavm better smic, Uun wh«^g,ged in breaking to pl^ or defad^g ih. b«uUf«f d^^i^nof antiquity. The temple ha* been further marvid 1^ hiving \mnused as a mosque, ...mud and plwter hfde much of the fonjiw

beauty of Lhe shHne. The large cwtral apBnmwt h now p«jfsj

with a rude covering of bi^dwa overlijii wfih eittti sad li ui«d

fffl- ft h-laWe " , All lands overrun by Ijiim hivf thui bnn reduced

to deseE'ls dotted with unncognlable mini of the Bnrient Ved^

dvilization. Templev and pil^des b«rlng SanNkrii iA?criptJani md

icons of Krishna, Shiva and other GcJb end CoddeaMs have ipfihtr

been totally destroyed or are bang misused as mraquei and tsinbt.

Assyrjun Dre»

The Indian Antlqutry volume of J878 A-D- mcrtJans on pace

181 that -In reading lately Hawltnsan » /IV? fflwi .v™^^

.r^ An.^i li'aryrf.loa;ne*^^.Wtd^rfblngthed«*a

Of the Assyn^n foct-a«h^ tVpl l.p.m: p-rt c wW^ U »

follow., -th^r on^jr«^^;;- , ,, ,^^^ by a *™d b^beBU]ning at the '*'"^'

j^ ^^r^^y do*n lhe thigh. In iU

or girdle descending"'^^^j^i,,^ tr>? ^urKc ^ the n™t period,

make it someilin**^^°^J^ ^^^ pecuiUj- pendant omameot whfch

but more often H ^^^f^j^ j^fyij5g.,..jinyrajdeniofrndiBj«iWng

has been comv^f^^ ^ ii^^ page from wWeh ih* quouiioo ii

at the illustrstron ^''^^ the limilarily of the arther i adlit*ry

taken 'would at cncer;;^

garment to the Ind.^ ' /» » 4t

Page 323: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

t^l^^Efenn-uirj deily on ^ hexsgona] seat (vrith dghl !»>«

tmu» f^^''*^^ ^'«*>f mirfa«dirertJons) illufltraifid \n an astronomfci

f^niiw-jEfTt..^^"^ ^'"°"^' ^^''n^' Cairo) by the l6Ui century

^ l^y ri^14J faiatfy «^j,, vedk history.


Uke other r^ons of ttif andent world AraWa alias Arbteihm

is B corrupLjon of the original Sanskrit t^rm Arvssthajj ie.i Imd

pf horses.

Sinc« time immemorial propofients or V«dk culture UMd to

br«d good horses in the region which has come lobe known ihefc^ram

as Arvasthan . Arva is a Sanskrit tem siKnif>Tinj a K&rse^

Smritic People

Arabia has btei, . prominent ^on of th.

^f^f'^e^p^my b«au.. il. hug. lemple-con^ple, cf ^"'^^ '^.. ,be ...we or an i—tn«"-^^Ihere regarded the ancient Vedic Smnus «"

^^ „^their guide-books desemnB of

'"'J!' f 1 Wto^^^'^""-Septic . a ™tion «rthe^

^J^ ;„„„,™^

Hgb.a. to thel^-':^tr^'^'''''-:^^^^^


northern hemisphe)^dc^

using tbMi rot^d-HnJi i^

sustenance fi-om 'nj-^' 7^,, jodii. _^^also maintained a 5C« ^ ^ u^ ^ <^ "^^i^^^

irisita hv traders. stf^_^yortf. ^_„,„,,i^ -^ tw^w*" ,-" '^^^ ^ fal-fry «riier Vedk history. Viaita by traders, scn-^^i^^r.-n-i*' -'*^ i** «"

iHtta the numw3U6 om. h tni ., .. . ih* Ve#i as evidence of ^=^^ ^^oi^ rcr n ch** '^'L^,^^*^« rteht arm .

"°"^-'« '™^^ *™unfrT.» ««^.B3 evidence oi ^' i>^cpIP"^» ror n cw^


Bboul. people 0/;;;, o'J^^'^-*• •"^

each other o"^k (»^'^^


Page 324: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


f^un^ rfir«ifcl« i**w oo«niianc<' of Ihow event,, ^*^W,

B, y«^ «td«ii Urn*. BMfB omie to be known ^ ..

jg,^ u fftd/ji bfonjs* It wai throuifh thnt p^^^^ ^^^^^^^ Arit,

fi,^,^^ jfiduD *fft3<J» <nd pereonne! The cojn:7]f>d|y« "^^^txa» to Anbui indud«] sEft. perfume, oimphor sta!!**'^

tenkw- *"•'»• «>t^™. wfvet. muak. fpnm^r, Ujfj^jy"^*^

Intfii il^ mwM t«kwood and ej^jettlte for shh h n.Jd Ar*^m Fram Jil] this JndJa. Arahja and ^^ry ^^^^

^^^BiuM t» fK^nW u mwnbfrs nf a sfnj^Je world - wjd* yJi

^^^^OnNquimfy, A^bfc Kk. Hebrew i, , i,eeJ ^ariatio^ of'^'S.'moling »ner tPie universe] u^o of S«/i.kri't 3t^rt«. d«Z.


J, .^^^ ™ ^«^ Sagwan ^ In [ndia the

™^ ^ ««rmiJn a^"'^ *^ ^^^ Sansflf rii Lmn Mull i^i »/"• " Pummngll for instance.

***^msuilniridi,^ ?*^ '• * cOfTpuiion of the Sanskrit wrtf

^^' In Ch^;*!""'"" '^'' "^'"^ ' ^'^^>« ^ ''«^^^^*^

lI?!'** *0"« ShJth'^ '^"^^^^^e In farway Arabia fftd 1"^

ZJI** ^ tht Ct, "v i"^"^ ^ P^oimc^ ai. Shefth,W

JWHuiiij^™^^ ^f* currenily consWer^id MuffiiJm-

''^^^^''Ch!!^''"h. AJla la the SMVskrit *xclBm«Uwi

^out 33 l^^^ SimskHt t^rm -Mrityu' I*. ^^^^

p^lgajmbsj* la "^^8 SimstfcrJl oompcHind - PrtCi-cnWi

^ hA9 procficdwl from (he hwvien.*' ^**

'Mnlfiun- in Arabic Is the Sanjkril wonJ 'maJ^- tm^hlaB;,yihinK'<l['-ty^ or- spoiled-,


j^ffli is the Islamic cotTuplion of the Satuktii word *«pMti'.

Indifin products being very popu}^ in Amb morkeii. tiMtlin

merchants acquired a dominant position as sole auppjiktr. IfLdlin

pnsducts cons^uently mouliled Arabic Jdiom and ^Rptmioin. Par

Icglance. various kinds of Indian sword & were refenwl « a

Jfanduwoni, Hindi, Saif-al-Hind. MuhaniiJd and Hindus™.

W.H.Siddiql notea* "The Amb civfliallon grew up tni*fmv«ly

as wen 35 extensively on the dches of IndFiFi tmJe and miflMra.

The nomadic Arabic Uibea became paitlfllly i^<\^ fcmm^

and some of them Ifved ^'itbin -.ailed l«mi*. p.^1^^•«n^>^^

and comm..™. w.oLo on wo^ and .tone, f^^^ i^e «^ ^

Hindu J u J


as a term of conUmpluo^^s abuse i

^^^^^ ,|»ijWi«<*«

f^. .he instances q^^;^^^^^^ "'^--^.^^t':!^

aa Hinda and S.n Hindj. ^"^XT-""- -*"^"" "


ha tf^l* 1^^^

^ 1


tjy th*

Page 325: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


,,^^, wJw hi''J irtiiw^^ posfifon^ In Si^tb bncls f,^^^^^

iim« T>»f ff^^"^ *''^'''''' '^^ "^^"""^t^^" "^*^ Muslim LrM^^,^""^'^

;^j«>« WAS T.Tfll(J by a ^)nt iimcUltofior tif Ihc Ayurv.HlJc j,^^"*'

Shwlt!t« And Vufslmsiviifs

fs [MTraf thnt the Sliia swL of Ihi' Muslfms ileiivi.'a iis name fi-om

ihp Vtfdk Jtfiiy Shivu. Cori-esiaoinlinjily. iSunnis dj\! earffcf^

VaiihFiflvJtw, ITie Shiya-Sunni cleovoye jidOs Islnmiu nrgumenl^ nnd

avn1anp>tAJin e^i'lb'. iKNSHful VcdiC iliMincUon.

i^ntfnrai ta m Arjb chfoitsakif ifttch us the TankM-Tabiui a^

Ahmrf ur fhnlni. Huiini; iTi© peiiotf of Lhe fii-sl Cnll|}h, Abtl

Baki' when Vwlic cultuie haJ nol y*?l bmn comijlttdy uijiwld

n^m AnbJn Hinilu wnnjiiiilMs ijswl to tlellver discoui^es on VodJt

cuUuiftai Arab conKn^^alions.

IimJm frcim Sindh weiv i^i^fpiTed by Ai'cbs lo fellow ^fusfl(nJ

fmui Ttitlsf^y nnj Khorason foi' LhHi' e^xiit^tlispnnd honesly in bankinifh

•c«yntinif nn4 h-ynsuiy jabs.

RefwTinu uj (he inU'llijctual Isjodci-shjis of Vedic stlioJaJS li ^'^"^» of WrriiiK Vnnubi wi Amb hEstmlan of fl,0: A,n, ."ecoj-ds ^"H*li«Jj«n DTv profile of sdence amil mv dcwjj-tHnkin'S. They sniF**

"^TTbody e1« ft, ^^^y ^(^^^ ^^^.^, judnmenl (nflSU«no»fiIwl

^T" '" ^'^^ ^^' Th.-y a,^ hJKhty advance*] in Lfie SclfiHO?^^

irZ^"""*^ ^"^^^ «" "^sccoMnUibly Inryc nonber of vo1nm<-



g^ildsneein uvery branch ofaludy auch m ittrtjnomy uid m»th«MEla' -> trtrtjnomy uid m»themiE|<a

JntireW f™"* T"^^"' ^^'' InBtinco, the Smablt istnjnomio] tn«tiM

Bi^hma SpbuLB-addhantfl in AriWc Lrarilttkin [n \mtjm tt

gifid Hinii . while another IniUan lraU», Rhuida -Khidviki I3 known

In Arabic *a Aikeml.

Siddlql's Qrtlde addi '"nteM books nuhtA Bt|Mh! b 771

A.D. tbixfiiifh Indian scholars who hvlped A] Ftaui and

Yoqubhln-Teriq in rendering them Into Arabic. It Lb iRld thil En

JSa A.D* en indifiji astr^crtiomer tnaplred Caliph Kiniurfor thesvufiy

of Indian agiranomica] works. And the C«iUp4i ya earemily

impressed by Indian ostranomy. A laiflr Influx of Hind^t Iflimini

in the saitie direction was due to th* lniel!«tual Mu«im •xmiwd

bv the ministerial Barmak family under Harun^iI-FBhid Nwititi

Indian inflaeno. la evld«,«d fr^^'^rfl; ^fll^^'S

taatronomical tables) comj^led In the ^r^ hdf a^ thj^

translating Vedi. .cionUHc t^U.^. 'TjZ^^.i^ il

peferrftl Ifi « rbn-l-Debwi. ^hereM^^ ^^name.. But th, I»)«m(c

^^^^^^^yT^^^^the Avabo-lslimk i^t. bi« drownedmm*^^Into IsLsmJc oblivion.

««* ho«*v*r. w* w(ah to i»ui.d 1 no« ^^ ^' ^^ ^

Ihe f-i^"^"VUpt«l »t II* fMce v«fu.. In f«* ^b*-^^^-^ ^'^;,vr.xi-.«u^.h.. or ^1 ^^-fj;:^jzof i'"^ 7d«nirfnif the m,rkl Into ih- ^»miJ "^^TV.j^ rf

fiult*"* *"^^Tljiir hold. . rtwrd of mi- vHJ -l»«*hw


Page 326: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


(subhshmwiu^ ind the pinatfing and hurnbi« or


-.^ Uirtni^ho.^ th* v^rU on Ibe pieo that nothing ^^ ^r^^ w bt tllcired I* !n,r^^ve, TTie Arab s^oni havfnjt^vtood tJ ta*n« bu^y in Joot, the Arabs had no tim<j,


« «Uiude to teiMTi -nvthii^a fmm the pwple they rftp«]. ^^^^ IdLW! D«s 1 robbfr, rapisi

.ma$snc:rer and murdej^^ ^T

^ ti4iii«i tmai his victim ? And i? the victim in any mood and

poptim «B imP^ prnfound knowledge to his tormeni^r? n^^

Mt « fo6bpf li^^i '" derision ai the erudition of his victims sin^e

bli fllpimii* J*of^ ii ibJ* t^ turn IheiY scholarly heads into minced

Birt? Ait rt{K Muslims anrortg the mosL backward, and iUiierate

imrUsat peopie of ihe world even though they have been forced

Uf uJa to pBffTiJ profession* for the last two centuries 7 TTieref^i^

JUbDCCTncCTned with history must realiie that all Arab translatiara

uwj ]«nijn^ of Sfij]skni texts belong t<j the pre ^fuslim er&. Muslim

»Ti(*rs ha^^ defUy ascribed Lhmi to the Muslim era. This is only

9CW kin^ of ^Qf^jy and frauduience bm Muslim history Is replet*

whhlnnnwierfiElesTJchfalsincstlons. Harun-gJ-Rashid 'senliffhltnd

HtlEnk may be a total Muslim fjctson which needs tg be thoroughly

invaiipied. Be may pi-en be a ficiitious eharacier.

^ tenar jBhli of Bssra (who died around 868A .D) has rKonJedtoUa (JuTinicte Utied RisaJt ^Fakhanjssaudan ' a\ alBaidan ^*t

hm found ths Indian people extremely advanced in astrology end

matMmtik* they occupry a prominent position in the fidd of

^^*^i^ Kience and can cure serious ailments, 'nico' are ejqwrlj

« twving stone figures and make colour de^mhns on buHdliUrtitet. They are inventory &f chess which is one of the besLinl^lleciuB]

^^ T^ior s*ord^ are very aharp and they are experts in

^^^^P' 7^«r mentm can n^utt^^ poisons.^

rf^*^IT^ "^^^ ^^ ^''^ *™^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^*yf bnnch of moihematics such as arithmetic, algebr*.


*"*^ ^lu-Um ,rrit,r SuUin,^ N^d^i p^E„^^ ^,^t th.t at l**^

four l^d^ or SftifisfeHt words hive b*!it fnqiMAty uwd fn i^Qytan. Theso ar^ ambar. muak t i.a.iOuuiril. 7j!r|,ln1 yxA.tmt\juid KeftiT ^ 1 * Ksrpur ) aliaa CBntphor The Ruddhft la s)kmnLbnal

in the duron as Fll-Klfe (i.*. belonging w KepnvtHttij.

The other Jndian words met with frequmUy !n AraWc Wunutit

ape iandal Ccbandan), lanhul Itamtaul), lurrwful, nittffir. b«l.

]syiiful< tnfalB, balilah, halils. Kaifas {\.t. Karpu itiss cotton 1,

clihit <chhintS, narjit (narikela). ambuj. fulful (pipptlll <Ac.

Oor remarks lit i^his chapter are not confined ui Sau^ji Arstiii

alone (bei:ause that is a current political uivision) but to ibi culture

of ^1 Arab* of whaUwr region,

Uharma Pramukh

A Vedic Dharma Pramttkb stationed at Baghdad In prt-Ulmde

times WB3 the s^rit^ head of thft region. Hig tiefldqtLirten »»

known as Nava V.Har and wns i^tm^\^ by a Hindu. V<dJc n,«.-«h

a. .tat«l In M..«likul^Absarn-M^a«k^ A^MT Ch^^

by AMJmari. The Dhanna th^.kh w» b ^^^^^^f^^^^^^

p,^n.ndatioo .banged that"^^^^^^'™^^;^^r^|„, (n

Incumbent Bann.^ of B^Hdad^^ ^^2\^^, ^^^

Ka^hn^r^ He w. .n..^^tw"- ^^^^

by neo-lsL^^ Ar.b '"--^-j^^^^^^ ^ t,lam.

fah^ily which mJed over Ira^ eW ME«r

n"* ^'^^ ^,n dU-. Wta« " »«" •* ""



Page 327: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

mtiw HM Wl rc«swn*d VMrc cit^ capture

^^ la A«(, it *W . .ftnd

(^ il»i it rts gS^ ^»^^^ '^^ commemoraWiff the V«3ic

S,g0^: ^iiwtsM. cfty buDt wflh the Mp of Hindu «]grTi«^

TbuJiy. wt ar^ tdd ihai the dti^ was founded in 7^2-^ a.D.

Cm whole cfty be planned, trtiflt. inhabiled and named all in

o» jwr? Hov niuiy i^sr^ does it take lo plan & city, survey

«u]B(pi« land, that to develop it. order buSdlng^n^at^i^a], rUsi

bdldkip vd populate the city ?

tad if Bsebdad was newly cretfed as e Muslim dty. how wasd ID ncffinl cailre af Hindu learning 1

AD lud] croes ipjHUonJng reveals the utter falsity of Muslimdams lad llw utta- ^-hilHy ormodem hfs lorians in just swallowingmUuEiim cUim without ^m the least examination. Another veiy^pwtBt^lu^an which eme^ from th^ above Muslin, vennoa

l^lZ^'^ ^"^ ^"« *^'^ ^ ^^-^3 A.D. was ^ubjed^*^^ied«,d pnerBl mas^creln that y^ar. Almost ovemigbt

H*" ^ BirtZi**^"^ ^^ accepting Islam and from

fe^VidttT^*" P^lflimed B Muslim city. Consequently all

^ * i^wl*^*^^*^ * ^ ^^^^"^ mraqu*^ and lomhs.

*" "*»»» i Mu,(ini ikT^""«>«ed. As evwybody Wfis forced

"* ^«*iT» *tt^ *hfch tL'^'^*a» tea to write about the tm^

^- T^ i* l^ noj7*^*^ *" t^MSfomed Into a Musi:m

^ ***- C^tt^cm, hlTbl^^^^ ^' "f '^l ^"""^^ ^^'^

'^•^ttte^flrytir^'^""^^ """^^^ *n<l none is ever

"lUi* reiptonB were qvemight turned

tmlIuBlIm BS ihoiigh by a miigc M^ai TR/, i, ,_,^ supprt^ion of history has jp^g ft^ i^*^^ ^fi^'fkathi

fgufit. Individuals and perfms ^^ ^^ ™^' ' *^ Viwia,

^to bow or when tbey becare Muslim but «,Z?**"^ *^ P^

the fancied glorti* of Ulatn,' ^' "^^ ^ "^ ^Wli,

BUtary oC lh£ Konu

Irmscript of t TiWri pmtmi' - «* Mohamad by tii*Ani{(tCi(bftt.

Except in the opening versM and asms few

prophet or the Ange! 9j>e?ka in ihe finl pemm. Uv i|mker

liinsughoul 19 God At the Kabt, th» Maoaiu wvnMppi^ not

Dcily Allah, the Suprsne Semitic God. but >)h i numbtr of fntit

duties whom they rtganded as the dmifibl^rr (vT Miih....Aa»rtli(i(

lo Muslim tradition one night In Hamedtian, ibcut tho ymr Gin.

td he was asleep or in i^ U^nce Ibft Andfd GJibrii-l cbjm to him

^d said Recite'. He r.|ilied Whst jhiJl I rwtie? Th* oripr

was repealed three Umes< uniH the ii\i^\ hinuelf wt ^K<«* iJ*

name of ymt Lorf who crtflf*^i tnan fromdoU of ttood iKtnn

means r^ilalh God speata fn ih. flntV^^-^l^changes to the fl^ per^ »^^ Ct. yJ^)^^*^in the oou.^ of th* SM^« «n[«nrt ^^' ^ ^ ^mo^ beautiful #*. ^^ ^ "ITJ^J^ ^' '^ «

be inscribed u^ ^'^^a^ iter A- «' "^ iw«f;

fouled -ch ^^^^^^'^^.i^^^'^


m the Int™3uction to W*^ ^ y^ Kcrm, xM«r WJ "


j, the .nfalUble word of God. a i™^pL ^ i T.m p,Zi I

In hc«ven. rtvaled to the p^phei Mohamad bjf th* MbH Citott. !

Except in the opening verses and sQme few ^mt^n Jn vhkh ibi

prophet or the Ange! 9j>eaka In ihe flnl penm. th> i|mker |li


Page 328: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



** .^ tff^^llv in ^^"^ oflenKth. the lonifeat

Han «w? irtefpnNalioft About ihe crypUc

thuni** " "^^ hiiri «rt*^/i chapters ^r tht> Koran.... vahous

*Ji>**^*^*^,f^nraT^ t»y MusUm and Wesifm scbobiTt

'*"^ ^r mffinin^ Iwt Mr* of Lhm is saLEsfoctory.^.no

" '^**".^fi thev iVtn^ ^0^ Traditional comjnenUtgjT^ <JJ5tnfaj

•" T"™ Allah do«rlt^wy^hal l» ;n6Bns by ihesc leuers


nst in shirt ^ ' gfflfia] history of the Koran. T^ us now

0) 15* itJtrmeni ihirt the Koran Is the Eni'aUiblc word of

CfrfiimtmnW?- wnceiTw Koran RHitgins numerous letters, wofda

oiMffnaiLi *^|^th fiobcuij^ understands.

d) Siot ihf Kvijn M'"as oF'^nsibly ^"vcn out in Arabic, It

*m ob^wity irttfnd^ only fcr flip AjTibs and nol for onybody

jti^iai wju not a univei'saH lan^ua^.

n> k p knovji ihsL Mohamed c^Lild neither read nor wriLe^

IT Un he usd la jiL ihMie in « dai-k cave mediutinir who usedto iitodmtL ihe iofig ptsaifes iiupired in his mind ?

H) Ti h *W Uart i«ch Initpired passages were wHUen downrbvwftttn?)^br*A,!4onc. wall, or on any surface with onythnif.

LZ iLi*''^^^ '^^•'n^ scrcujbed on such rough and

""s^HrikttwUi crude devices would nev4T bedaiphemble.



liel^rogenwujs mstenal, scalLered over

»»**» r,ccrt w!rS«^a^af^tw waa there that, ell such

"***«»» ^d«^^^^''^ ^oj^llipr ajid nothing was left out and

-_ ^™^*'^«ef»oua record nafnety. llle. brick


4^1^^-^ 11IK KOkAN by N.J Oawood.

.^ end plfl^^er of vastly vai^ng „,^ tj^^, «nd iurf«« b. «^^,^her for

^J-^^ w,, „ ,,, „, J^,^

^^^ ^^ TPiitetl up with other junk and debris.

*"(71 W>iy ^^ Allah- make Mohamed a vehicle or fiHdlan, f^

^ trtmamission of such a voluminous UtT^ when Allah kntw in^

,^ed could neither read or svrlte? Or at k^st whj did aot MohBmed into q iin^aLsc;ho1ar-«crih»nijAmi,^k4 m^a jj_^flb turn Mohamed into q Kreaischolar^scribeovemfghtin^pravklB

tjrfi with ^CKod slationery lo record the Koran ?

(8) Since the present Koran look shape d. ths tfme ^ tht

third Caliph i.e 20 years after Mohamed's desth. it ji apparera

jjiit Ih* Koran did not emst cturing Mohamed 's own iime and thK

theiefore, the Koran as it ia now compiled Ian t Ibe or* Mohinisl

^ earth heard from heeven.

(9) In any case since the Koran a not mrBnged in U» flrdw

Jn which it was delivered hut has been manhcndled wid it*cJ]flittrt

bBve been serialised lengthmw from the longest to the abortest.

Obviously the present Kor^n upsets Allah '. c>wn 0>N3er«.d lbo«^rr

doea not have Allah a authority, sanction or '^"5^''


^"* ri"

Tl^g, cenified pure a™ invariably ce^ifl^l - ^^'^^^^^^InI casa of the Koran U i. ^ ^^^ ^P '^ -^^ ^;;,^viol»an« AUah 'a own order .d ^^- -^^ ^ ^^messed up by ordinary Muslim mortis- F™.ij«*

Elso be presumed. ^ ^^^ ^^

ClOl How co-d ch^

^T:';!^.. 0^ ^-^auine bearing thp Kc'^'c "^^^ .«^ th. fi^ ^ ""^^^ **

for two or thre.^^^^«'

„ ^:^.. K .^-. ^.v.^ ^-^-'

aa a place of ^'--^ "'^ _^^ ^,«^ ^d .^t»^"^ ^^«,ld t^«J' "Tcm H*^ «^""

Jr<^df.T -ni* ^HtiJij? -f"^ TV


wri^nd '^

or get towil); r^iwuin

whkb c^ ^


Page 329: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

I12J On* v«>' iniportKit and peiw^TTUng Dljj^ion is t^^ ^

U, Df> aw! "* Mw^ w * paTliculflr «^j«iw whnL ri^hi ^^

pat «? c*aptfl- iiij^lwr*? Thni ^-w a f%ninc violattoo<jf Uji

nieani for the Konwi by both Allah and hia messeng«,

(I)) Itoy |«$$^ee» of tb« K^ran dict,flt*d by Allah earlier w«^nniM J«*r Ha* Lbffl car be Koran deiin U> he a transcript


the KofftiT hs ba^ $0 mixed &n(! massed up in vjolaUoQ

tf fc» wqafflct in the beav«3]y tablet whai validity, relevance and

^bAi en thr prtient Kor» h<v«? Obviously non^. Does not

tfct ndtMJoa D^ £ jumbled up and manhandle Koran constitute

innlt (o AlUb ind Mohamed ?

1* ttvUia- troi of ihe same issue is that the wording andto Aqtan rf the Ropwi arc such as to make no difference to

Omr f*w tr i»d Of redi*d in any seqy^ce. That implira that

1^ fcl?«i-iT«ifr of the Korm does not dea3 with my step by

^ l*cal ifpmwn »here p^.g^y succe^^ng statement proceeds


** ^^ in^iicaiea that the successors to

"*tr«i*d the Koran as a nibble -bubble congJomcraie

* J^W«d up in a bundle. One wonders ho* tpufgfa

do Dot "P«fitl* »udi a Koran and brand its cdmpners

"«u^ ?* "»T»^nR thing of it bU ta that Mohamfid


may poAder over Ih* *o^

„^^]ined by me In H.J.15™«^ -,^^^^ ^^Tl^ words ffT* ''Mohamed irho dliclalmea »»-.


^frad« firmly believed that h. waa the m«J^^^J^^™^ifl ^ ron/7™ pr^ou. scnptu^^ r^

Komn«^^ ^^

:;^Tof ^.^'*'^™ "" '^'^' ^ "-^P^^t:

Which ate the pre^^tous ScHptu,^' ^.^ ^^^ ^^tjjgy

couldn t be the Talmutl of the Jew* and Uh BlUt of tli

^sti en s becauseMohamed eccuges both the Jewi oid IbeChrirtkni

^ violating the Scriptures, Naturally those '

pcrvloui Scnpturai'

which Mohamed claims to have been corruptMl by the Jewi uid

violated by the Christians art none other then the Vedw. it m^also be noted that th« ' Scriptures ' ere mentioned in r'lunl hfxmm

there an? four Vedas. 'Rk plural doesn't app^ w ttie Tiimiid ind

the ?ible £$ingly or even cdmbLned dbvjouftly becauK Mcrtumnd

denounced both the Jews and the Christian*, Msreover ibe&niErturM

more ancient than Jewish indition. cfltild onJy be Khe Vedg*.

Mohamed was right in firmly bdkwng thii Iw h*d b«n sent fwA

to confirm the previous Scriptures beause lometlnw sO* the

Mahabbaratwarth^ Arabs, having been cutoff fnDmVedlcdvflioiiDO.

,^ed somebody to remind ih«n of the V«to^,T^-J^

apparent fi^m thefaet th.t are I^.wt.

"^f"^'^^^''?;^(Ca wa. the ^n of R^-. ^^ ^ TT"J1^

of the d»«.-^"j'^ -Hta. ;«*^dC|f^

established ^

A.G. V.W->**




Page 330: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

ij^Itolabhirtt ijmei Lord Krishna beajntf ij^

5 mrid *W1> We *« hnown as B^JkriirhnB. Shym^ ^K-i. toii**««rtiy. ttw Jtn'CTflgnty of th* tine of Cushi of

-^H.iaUw«t tAiW Bol «nn«**^ lator with Ihe nams Cham ai^^

TV xenn Semiifc oriKm*t« ici Lsrd Krishna > epji^kj^


Ci I^ 3S4 fVoTr m 4 JV) of his book &r WDnjmowndI mvr mmcd Rami in ArabiA.

(kfmtaa b* nD»« UhL Amnj.., chM of one of the moalrfta... QOoq»£Wd to cede Mecca to the Ishmaelitcs, threw

OtlMcKwn) tvo|DMB)Bnl«]ope3 biuo the nearby well Zamzam.TT» ki fv^iena of Mcred Vedic idols lirnt had been conaecraled

V«dic CiikMrt

Mff sAbi ihM Tsabgigm was ih* religion of the &nclmt-^tott Dnrnmond tddi on page 4U of his book {Vol. Dl AiVm "Tuhiam wa ih» univwwJ reUgign of majik^nd when

^*^r«,v«i hi, oil, . Thftr doctrine, were probably extendflJ

^uu«ovikajn^aMoftheanh. " Thai waafljcflctiy worldwide

* I^^B l^^k £ltO

^^^^VKma^r^ ^"^mond mmLiona some of Lbfl 3^

^W IteZTTT ^^^ ^""^'^ '" ^«cfl before Mohamed

*^> Pittuft, ^jj'^,'^ "^. TW waa oMously of Canid ttht

'«n iTKifflt AuBbian reUce are avaflable.


^^h^ deCty Al Debaran w«, ^q^,. ^'**! *A Obi

jj psfliian was Shiuii bUu Seturn-

^i 13 menUoned In the Korw as the Idol f^f i '-h^w >^ the current Ulamic t^rm Allah [» thai a^it ij^li, one

ot the Sanskrit nai^es of the Mrthw Codden

^ Oa ^ia8 Oiia is Oorja^ihe Sorukril »oM for dh1»

AJ Shsrak wm Shukra i.e. Venus.

^d& or Aud wa$ the deily Uddhav.

AwbI is mentioned as oik of the deiUa. Awil meani FTrtt.

Ila najnfe auggeala that it was Ganesh hwoiw m Vidie irtifiiian

In all ceremonies Ganesh is to be worshipped a ihi vary nui

of the ritual.

Baa This is obviously Bhadwin Le. Lord Viihnu. It b my (bdfcn

that Lbe ceniraJ deity in the vast apr^ling Kiito tmple - wotfff

in Mecca city was of Lord Vishnu TvMiat « ih* eii^iil «**

«9 the progenitor and atwtaner of ihe comio.. Viihit^^

in e special chapter in this vblum«,

the thunderboll miwfli? "^^f" ^'«^- ^"^ "^

Vedic pantheon* •Wd*..,„»;« ^

Kiihar^ is the d«ty K^"*^-


Duar ^ alias Itef ** ^^ ,^ coddtfi ^^

Habal -

l^^?^ pomWn«M«**^


Mudiut TV God



I" i

Page 331: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


*" « BW>J^' '•• ''" "^^ '^""'"^ " '*'''^-

***''"'J in,™ ) cia NwslsJ' t daughter of Sahal) w^re

^tier daty T^ ^5 *^^ Sanskrit name Hiddhi. Al]

^'^ ***-« hfidlv m\iti]fll«3 beyond recognition as Tslani

zL^p^hing it pounced upon^ch as men, women, cbldmi,

XTiffivplw, ih^irnimes- r<iJts and palaces. The fir^t to be maimed

diisr«ur«l beycmd recognilion WBS the pre-Mohamed history

of Jtoitii itwlf Bud of all oiher oountriea overpowered hy islam.

Sad WB tb? (leity of good fortune. Obviously It is the Sanskrit

nuv SddW The name Sddjq is Sanskrit Sadhak.

via ^jiee si'm Lakshmi^the goddess of wealth,

it Uie dfliy aiskra of Vedlc mythology*

Sfirt va> Shtva E4b*ir.

*»itHe&jni,(, Stityas.

' 11 ftidh i.e. Memiiy, es b ^Wednesday',

**"**^'» deity partly H<in like the Sphinx or the Narasimha.

V»»ti.iheVBk,ht of Vrfic legend.

"WU^*^' f^ Hajje and ita neighbourhood h

"»d fiani^I"^'''^^ ^^ membera of Lwo tribes calt^


poih the above nam^ Indfcate ih^ i- inr4*

,Hbes we.- name^ after Vedic deiU^. jUm. ofti ^J1:J!!j^^d Soma, the Moon. "« »«* dyui^

-Elephanla.^.form^ a promlnait fttture ^ ih* «.,^t„ leave an Lndellible impression on thelong m«,ory ofIhetZ^

m our own time Arabia ts a gtark dea^ Evai «r«U ib»have to go ^thoul water for daya u^^her An d^hani n*rt.

PCA only laiough water to drink, bathe antj frtjIicEnbutaJfloSn^MMi

forests to feed on. How many thousands of yean t«o muit Arabia

)^Bve hod dense forests and wide, de^ rivm! At thai tntJqaity

Arabia *'os a counti^ steeped in Vedic cuHane. The elephint li

an Integral part of Vedic culture. Ancient copies of the Karm In

Arabia have a decorative border of elephenl figure*. Soito of iluw

are illustrated in EmQ E^n'? book thied Meat ihe Smtd utd

Medina the Ra-^iant* Decorating tine Koran wilh riephajita iniiam

the ancient Arabic reverence of the elephBrt- headed GuiBh. In

Vedic iradltiort Ganesh is the God who is worehfpptd /Ini ii m?y

ritual and He is also the God of Leamirg and knofliedgB. B^inU

also formed an important part of the ««9lfT of Vedc «^^-Consequently, the e«stence of elephant* in imd^it AttW- «.d lA-r

a^J^tion with the Kortm i^^^u. ^^^ An.b. ,« a p«t of d.

ancient worldwide Vedic cultiu*.

An *Eephflnt Rwd '» *™^^n„ sf«mn( V IV -V »

may be judg«l f^ ^/,,, ^d^: 'TT^^C*^ fhave nothing U> t^^ '^°'^^^ «,^,.^«- 'f,^^'^^. I>hu * *


purpose, apari fr^J^.^ r. -^^^t^.^to them Arabi-«^7iftbd.iJ^^;;^^ „, ^ . /^

orthepr^'^^rfd^-^jCd^-^*^of Methuscta^ ^ {i}^'^^^^^ ——preceding Lbe "^^^^-^^fL*. ^^

(BJ P. II''""

/ 1


Page 332: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

mS„ m Ws iKMrft on Islam recorded that fn

-»"« '^ i7ti^ B«5 us«l lo b* hung on tre^ '^^

««*^ "IJ- .„ abvfw'ty Hm''^^^**"' ti^dJLions since aj^niUr

rtcordB "It is credibly reported that when Moha^^

_^iL in Lriumph h t(»e y«s^ «30. paintings or Je^uj and

TTL Mipy «monfi ffitwrs wer? ^nU Visible on the inner wflJia

_jCW]dWl»f*TwJia?<3: ihis painiing was seen by an eye-wiUiess

^^ H 683 whai sa niuch of the Ka1>e had b«n desinoyed by

Ite giDVt Htrtct ffveaone » glimpse of the extent of suppr^sej

frdWirttoa CfflHJHTiljig iht Kaba of pre Islamic times. Th« entir*

Ihi^ *oriil ii ffWOTTi to sirirt secrtcy on the origin of tbe Kaba

KJ tu winuil ptlgrimE^. UnJDte other communities which eagerly

ind openly discusj their pilgrimages the average Muslim 19 very

trcTwtm ibouL hii vtsat to the Kaba, MuaUms have been traditionally

ttdati £9 ^ ». TTity dare not know or djsdose signs of the

»bi OtTTfilm writera mistook to be the paintings of Jesus^tay wiftKimJly ofjnua Chrisn and hia foster mother Yashoda*™t ^Ribi bu bwi haaicfllly a Vedic temple. The Arabicri^t fii^ vnieifum is also the garbled Sanskrit expression

ii»^S g!^ '^''^^ obeisance or holy r«membrance of^ (l.e, Krithna) consecniled in the Temple."

«.lib.^'2ti!!l'*''™^ "^* ^ ^ ^^^^ «"d M^ry because

•***•* not Qiiiirti**"^ ^^* J»asH9[oii of Mohamed s family

** f*^ nd th!r^^* ^^^'^ *^ * ^™^*^ °^ ^^^ ^^^

^' '"* her^Ury priegtg of the temple. The

^.MMiijin tj ^^"^** PttiJfyliie Booka Ltd, Kimmo^"

pie had 3fi0 -dols. (^nstianity d^ ^t ^^, ^ ^^"Tra^P^

Tberefo™ .n the tisvial V^c c.rt.m th« Ka^I^^^% had idols but ^0 pairtUng, of Vedic d^u„ ^, Jl^Lfl Hi"^^ ^"^*^ ^"^^^^ ''''^ *• ^« ^«P^'« Lord KHibni ,L^ HaH » ^^^^' '^*'' ^ ^*^ ^^ P^^s« «ns ^^ as Hmyim

,„ co^r^of ^""^ '^^^^^ 8« destraye^ becaoM of bsmluJu by vind^j,

^t paintings, idols and inscripUona ^wa in^de todaj^ MMdy

Ij^ffsbecause the temple la never opened to ouUftdera.

VedteWcddiiiB anioog Arabs

j^b traditioii requirea that "The wedding muirt not lake pJscf

ytier the nioon is under eclipse nor whwi she ia in tin jjp of

^^ '* These aatrolopcal consid^raUoEiS show thai evai Mu^im

weddings are a carryover of Arabia a Vedk past.

Arabs sd the Pattern for blflflik FaliinciUoo of HiUory

Wh$t Philby lias smd about Arab historiani *fpEng out iM

p^.Muslim histoty. .pplEe. equally to ell "^^^''^l^"

Lughout tbe world. Afgheniatan to Iran, TWkey. Algma «^


™„„tne, f^n Muslim .ut»- <«" --^^:^: .^. «».

over aU pre-Mohsincd deUil. snd m.l» r.i.e

regimeSp ,^^^ ^^^^ (^ ofumt

chronicles. U «°"^'' _^(,< fuiun liWa*™-

jlao create * d^ '^"^----^^^Uio^

C9)P.4fl.With^ ^

Page 333: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

I^ ^ dfi-' ^-er^^"-^^ Jnr^ncw even as fo^,|,

^J^aL IniPO^'

<«idu5»Qns from forced eotd^ ^^ = baiHt fj^

fttPprtK*^ ^ drsujrwd evidence in a murder cose,^

Stttn Bftw \he impo5ilIon of Istam Tiy force In Ambia tu

^.MwBm ATDbs Hffli sei Ibe pattern for erasure of aL pre^Mohan,^

Niw wd mitang 8lO'-^5gb d«ima for ewr>thirt|f Islamic, Havirw

jutifHSfuIli' l-ned *™' 1^1 iiHticm In Arahin LhsL sam« tn^ihod oj

Kjipifvto veri ajid su^gestso falsi In history-writing was rigon^^uiy

mfonxi Jn «n rawilriw ovemin by tshm. The reauJl I5 thai Ujrf^

tbt Twrid ha^ fl pHhora of Muslim writings which include oflly

muniba jumbo ebtnii pre-Mualim times and a lot of humbutf of

lltf p«i-Sfoham«i «re- More them th* Greeks are foujid to have

da» the Hme«ftcr tb^ w«re turned Christians.

V«dlc Hindu tradjilon thsi every Shiva temple has a SBCred

»*» tpring repiKientinif the Canga. the celestial river is SNnto th» am Z«n spring near ihe Kabs. Th^f two "G '$ in tt» woriC«p btwff tmn rejjla«d by ^ Z * to make the name sound as Zamza

TtedrcumambulaUon of the Kaba gevm times is also s Vedic

Wray^Q^Ung mintras while going round the Shjv emblefn,

^ "'''''™''^- i» aJao an ancient Vedic practice,


^^K»Tnis dTCumambulal* the temple ii^^-

<**• ti^^"^ *''^"* * '^'"^ *^ the pre JslartiJc on^ «f ^«'«^*ir«| d^ **^'^ ^"i^it tb^ temple have r&r^^''^


•^ »h» UfTT^,-*'''*^ «^- ^"S'ims dr^d to i^«l to the

^™ ^"^ by lanj ,^ ^^ ^uijlde « 3* "^

P^iua from the Kaba. Muslim pOrlm. mt«H,»« t^ k-k.wto ehave th.tT,Belv«. hav* » b«h, en -MT c]«h« ,M™themselv^ With tw. .^^ ,,^^ ^, ,^ ^^ ^^^^^

^^PBtiU oba^n-ed in a«v,™i sauih Indian i*mp|«. N^ „j^ (, ,t|^^U, be slaughtered mA no meal Is allowd in tW fOibi prvc,«t,during the pilgnmage, Thtoe trt hoarv imd lioly VedJc prKiiceifljien bo hlam. All thJa pnjvw that the Kuba Is b Vishnu ihnMof ureal antiquity where Hindus of ihg woHd cenKre«fli«J tor Ouir

annuo! pilgrimage. That was a time when every himiiiD bein« In

the world was a Hindu i.e. a Ved^jt.

Aniblan Flre-Worshlp

/ Mecca and M^infi ore the Sqnskni worti ibwiiMIj'

Mak^'Medlni fe. the land of fire worship. Otb?r enclem nsmn

of those dtieg are Mscoraba wid Yathn'b mpectivnty. Mnrartba

f9 a comiptEnft of th« Sua\iTil mune Mahadeva (!,». Ijartt 3Wv),

while Yathrib sigrifles « piece 0' ptl>rriiTiin^ (i-pYaim ah^n "m

Kuba Secrecy

ij* Rfl^rwv thai i» hetng malntjilr«4 by the Muiltei

about tbe -"^^^^^ f^ p«^,e ^er t^r tb. Kaba. but ;ba«


, „f Alli* b "f*^^*** obviously 10 pnr^enl. '^n™'

few who enW*_ ^ jnquiaitii* ftrd Kuwing ih« HiKnptloni «i

9^'^^n *.rritt« or n.««.n»nL. (n north Tndl. ^ ^

buJltll"*'' ^ ^

AiaUi, 1^ La*^ ThKft**-


Page 334: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

^ Ml* Currfnih', JTWSt of lUow edlTfws on being

j,^^ aO^'Mtouf sione iTundfnfs and d«tn«a

*f!jnj r«^nd^ of th* F* Islamic Vedic dvflhaUor

^*'^^iTtaitirtd. untotjwn «id iw«lect*d in ihe des«ix ,«i,i^a

"'^Sb litantf rinwosf" has become such a deterrent that


^1^ n-tffi »riii off wd fonrrt slupMdoua arehiiecturai

^^^,. Qf Iter prtlslnnic finiiqmtj end sscdbe all s«iz«d

tfvd TTtwnw r*w « rtpturwja account, of such a deaert«d

glrropHMlKirtd dt> fram psgw 1S4 to 174 of his book titled :

HM u»rt«r *rf Artfcta. Hf n««'

' the biunemorifi] and perfeci

f^B y I kjn dvdhiCktD . knovm «5 a mse-red city, half at

^mta» ofvti ami tsf itit mdvniii mountAini of £dom....lie9

^^tadtewt^enus of UHdfisert not fsrfittm Mount Hot.. ..Th«tv

to fiQH of III, tnmi mne* frtKn siv 51^$ of dvilised habliaLioiiK

4hf it! liv bun of thr Anbtui d»e<t. was one of the most

hffltelqf flta fffcw nevBilsl (a thf eyt of mw* « temple a deUcal«

mi knpld ns, cnrvd bit* a omn from a solid mountain wt^.!(*•« skm bautifiJ Uwi the lempW of Theseus at Athens9ttkt Fdian loiu. A/Kr t^kking nearly a hundred miles acrcBfttf 4«ri 10 d™ BAhjiiy f„ ^^ ^^ ^t^ j^j^j^ ^ manwIlouB

*«^^^ K«k our bnalb a*jy ii *„ ihe fir^t indication

MJrJr •* *^ "^ >«» "Ctwl U» mysterious city of Peini.

J2«*^^k« to batory for fo«ri*«i hundred year*.. . .th*

<*»a^t!r*^ ''**" ^''^ ^™* ™*''^ iMrv*d....mmy

JWiajn ..thtdty lay fanher down severtl

^P^inwioftte hi>-e ih-ed the™ Ojily the more

'^ **••)»»! rtoi iv^?*"°^**^'**5tresgrt3,...Bll carved out

^•«*>opl,iiiiui^ *^ ** "PPfiTHiay a wflier ciraii

'»*^™I^T^*'^ *"^«« Pitra haveniarveHtflal the wonderful

^,^1, of its «nndalone. H 1, c^v^ ^^^l,^r d^rif-ion at cm*ii, ^o«r. r,f the Cr^ ''^

^nllahi tbQy are l[ke gr^at ,^„t^^, ^ ^^'"^^ n«»T^«f

^tion, «Hff..t,, or^g.. ^v «nd eKm»^ i;:!::;:::^'vrith alran^e r^dionMr. Sflirs carved from l*» rod, .^^han a mfle In length, nm to Iht top rf n«.r1y ^ {^ :^^,gf^ybind P^m

^ * We climbed one aidraw ascending to 1 hriyhi of «„ Uaurtftj

feet above the city to the temple which the An»ba all El Ddr....lfiO

feol bi|{h, surmounted by a giganttc urn, and dwsmsd with hndi

of Medusa...


' An even greater staircase winds up lo Iht Mount of

SBcririce--''On the summit are two obdiiki and twa ^tiri...Niir

the altera ore the two p^i cnanoUi-hs »eh ifycMi 2A r«ft

high,,..carv«l out of »Ud n>cli ind i««d in iher PhdUc


The r>hoto facing page ITO of these rwh ^cut lumplei iic^«d^* we wandered for days hut wver csaw to ib« fftd of i»» »«**

and buildings carved from the wltd nxl(.

»re several. Mount Hor i. n«T.«l '^^^r^.^.uB,^.

The name Pe*'^ ^ '''^%T^ rttt't^pft- -"-^ o*^^™aaid to be at 1*^ ^J^^im r-* i^^ *'

Islam is enly l^^**' _^ « A™b nf^n—.-*«'


the S«.skritwi^^!1^-^ --lir

en aii^ f^^f^^^^^



Page 335: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


BrfofflbfAintewet^ifrroHMd fnlo calling thems?]veg Musu

b th, ?th «rtui5 thf^- wflif .U Vedists ^a. Hind, who wor^hi.^'

Vit UisVmt »* i^ot supposffJ to pry fnio their pr^-My^jj

Utnr* C<lo»qu«ia>'. tho^^ there are in the norld today J^

lf^|i*vi. Imams. &(is and fakirs, none of them knows everi

^ ABC of rstm bpcsus* thflj are a)) tolalli ignorant of iStaic fn thai IilsjTi is 6 splinter of VedJc cuJture.

Aili my iJusliai. wWher a lay-man or one daiming ia |»VfXpBt ibMlocin. h) 6xp\aiii what

'Islam ' meaijs etymqlogically

And beii bojDd to mswerthat Islam means ' peace ' or '


-n* viri mde di^wumw in the connotation of the two wordsP«* Bid jurmrrfer

' should itself convince anybody of the Wcflrt m Ulsmjc tschm^ End Lhinking.

1*» *i trtwlavim ijr.T«nple of God

*^*"dSh5Jo.^, 2ji^^^^ ^'''" '"^ LJie C3t,:h. How could

>«• ttd alM ''^. '^'''^^- ^^« the common connotation

?**»»«nd liliim Jt^'^^ """^ ^^ ^^ ne«Ho be told m

***«Unram " nj^j,^ J^ ^PronunclBtbn^ of the Sansrkn'i woH"^ Utd'i Abode.

» irhen'^'^^^******°^^ ^>«o^e cire^imstanilaJ-'—aw irW "J Become cjreijm5i*ii"«

2!!L^ •*'n*id*n hunl'"**"'**^'agonized soul goes to the

'**ctin« *,,

*^^ 10 the deity and aeeka peace frojn*^ "«"^ torment.

god Kid not for peace or nmn^ ^Ih a» caae of the Jews tb* tw.^ thetr iBhalaynnj. whll. b th^L" ^^^ ^" J^l^j^

Ksaba which waa th^r r^haleyaint Tl^J^ ^"^ '^ *•* «»

Krishnfl where they sought peace.'

"^^ ^'^^ iHiw

In thai temple in the Kaabt In iho «„»_,used to be a lai^ fcn^ or Lort \Z. .

**^"™ ^1**


Mohamad Is temrf ' Nab, ' dk, NshhJ ' bec««« N^- ^.in Sanskrit meana ' the high heavau' s^ HabM (3p«Qedu 'NiU'Vsignifies a messenger who has drapped fi^m imvai.

T^e term prophet' too Is Sanskrit ifRri) Pa-pHt md Iw Uksame connotation, as expfsMed ^srwhtrtin this volLift*,

Festival B

Every Muslim festival is known bs 'W.' Jlfngltni don 'l iattjw

why ? ' id . ia a &nskril wwtl. TT» Vedjc Sanskrit thwfogicir dictum

(3t^ U g?f1^ 'ABnim i(I«y purohftun' . «Kna thiL fir* pci

precedHice in all riiMii ^n^P- Sd« Islam js « spfinur of tht

m^ni V^c cJviliBtloff .1/ il* »crtd da>i w** aLi^ded by ih.

anciHit Vedltr fire wonbip.

^ ^""^ 1^ Mf^e for cc-^wm,Np. a« W«- '• "

Bakri-Id *»i W ^^^ ^i,„y^ *ll 111 d^ af «^Psplinter or *^ f"^^^ «>-c.fl«I Musl^ ^^ "* "^

are k/iown*J

_^ (^jtfslirji.

of ancientV*iic «^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^

tic iBTn"balayam »ianda for the Abode of


cow's jnHJE^"liC*^'



Page 336: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

Mn«t Hw r«« '^^ "^^ ''^'^^'^ ^"^^^^ ''"''"'*^*^"VH

bm« liful fue' «"<3 mnnure For ail this ihe VedicC^'i^irtirt iTHi d«r<r h*>^ numerflus curative und njedicji^^ ^^^

''T^ Tb iffF»«s inis tessoii the day of FJakri Id waa SH

!!prt fijr 00* ««tMp And yd ihe modem fndisn Hindu convat

am RoTiuns too followed Vedic mlturi- Ihey too had thelp

•Ife' L#. d©i of Irt^ Torehip That is why in Roman tradition

Ite rf M*«h sipiiied ihe flaw of wgrghip of the Goddess{ of

|Ib^) AiBii(fKH93u il the QsmmeticeitienL of the year.

H WW-nl-NiU mi the day of worship of the residents of

t.t. d dMnily. \niitsA ii is thes^ days dedicated to thfi

H-dRwr il mal pnjnunciption of the won] ^^tar" i,e.

"iwin. Around ihgt day Ar^b used to spend thrw ^eys in the*™r IT* h tom it wBMdftyof Shraddh, $ day of i^iTi^mbrance

^ ' FhT*^ ^ ^^"^ "^'^'^ °^ ^^^^ ^^""^ ^'^ ^^^ dynasty.

»ill»oU!* "^P™"'"™^!™ ^ th* Sanskrit word "i^lai''

*• UbSoi/^''^"^^'^"

*" ^^'''^- '^^ ^^^ Id.ul^Fiter

«i«m bv vL """^'^""^ "^^ ^^*^ A-^^ worshipping Iheh--9 v*fe nia ,„ ,j,„, pre^Muslim days.

*• *^ AT wdj^^ °^ ^""^"^ **^ ^oon before decEdinu on

!*"* ^ U* nsM b /*^* ^*^* *^ decitJed according to the

^^ ^^*°** •i cCluT^?!'**'''" ^ ^^^ ^*^ ''^ ^""^ ^'^"'

^^ oohodot VhUsij filiis Hlndua ^'^

tjseir nigti*' m^l only after moonrfse Um^.

QrtbodoM Hindus are enjoined to observe i. fi», l

^y of every Iun«. fortninht. 1^, d.y . ^H''„":'!J1^

I, apparent from th«lr Um "GyariJivi Shnrf^-, , thesis" ^


Mohoined himself like* tnie follower of im^}Smiirt4 forthoda^JVedic cou tine abstained from ^tlng ^U gr onltyn n i» mttitTwid

in the HadJths.

India ihc Sacred t'j]ilh<;riand oftht Arab>

Ac<N33'ding to rslamicr tradition, Adsin^ the fu^t nulled pn^iiei,

descended an ieidlan soil from hetven end ree^oi hm tia tint

divine message (obviou^^ly Vedic becouM Ad-urn U i synonym of

Brahma, the Creator] from God. Tbe Mualijna i]» brifeve thit

Adam 3 eldest son SWih ta lying buried it AyodTiyji "nwUlimta

Sijda { prostration 1 . ahram (garb of w&rebip durinn llw HiJL toinT

( drctinj-ambulatiorJ oftheKabaareallp™ I^-mlcVwiittrKUtkmi.

Mohamed is also quoted iia mnarldng ''^^ ^"'^^ ""-" ^'•*^^™

Mu.,™ divine, .=h « N^. *'7,^-:^ti:^".t

diviniiy songM In s W= "*«•j„4„,y„, .s».to.«"r

H«, (I ™ Lh, TV«ch) "'^^"'^tr.^T:"'"" a'


divine aJso P^„, ^ Mok-H# ^'-'^^^ '''

by B Hindu r*clK»^ ^_ :„,. U^ ^^r^

in Arao(C



Page 337: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

^ "^"^ n^b HSidu S9dhu5 who pr^Ttised all these Veac

,p or ihe Ancknl World

, it , Sw!*Tft w'orti signjf>ing ' happiness ' or '


^y^rthii' Tlwrtis a viltg^ by ihal name near Bokhara city.

!!^^ www Of I** cft.^ Js iJso ktio*-n *s Kalyan and ii sUnda

^ «t tatiTuri of ihe *nn«i^ ^aPi^J ^^^ ^'"^^'

The Tiirto of IndJi (Kf* tJelht) of June 20, IP78 carried on

vtk^ b> K.K.KhtJlir sxatrnj ihai fin astrologer whose forefathers

fvf in^ In the Nsv Vlbar Hindj Letnple jn Iraq had migrated

la Cure nrf X4 itp hii traditionaJ business. Tn fftrnt of him he

MidtoiiiiMiK«tim^flfgod[ies9lhjrge holding 9 drav-Ti sword.

$fiPKK (aprssing an ardert wi$ti wiih palms joined in obeisance

Hb Hindu pxJdtK IKtr^ alias BhavanJ fs depici^ as an*™ ?omi of divinity, a liii hefly form, the long hair let

Tf^J^^'' ^ ^^^ " ^'°^ ™^ '^^su^ protruding

_««^«^ *&«. thefeK trarnpling a demon, the Uon- mount

ip-^i^Z^ ""^ '^ ^^"^^"^ ""^'^^ P^^^^'"S ^^^ '°"«

""i^ite-JuTi!' * ^^"^ ^air-buffalo demon. From the

^ '^^^^"^•irariBrd of skull* ^dto^^.

°** *• ftft^^r^"^ ^^^ *^ ^'''^^ ^^ ^"^ *''*^

^^^falismtbft^fowJ" ^'"^'Pi*^ by aU Vedic KshatriyBsi

** '^- *n4 ehJZ*!'*"''^««^nat]on necessary to p[^*ct

™*^ *»^- f*r«IrljdonmiBc and beastly forc^ *ith

..._._ «BflUjdd

A British author. R.G. Wallflce gayj, ^titled

Memotrt ftf Indie {published iga* A DlT ^.^ *"' ^^^ghw»i5i^ Hindus are numerous. They np^ f T^ "^^^g*K»ut

„art.b*rs as tar as Arabia and Lbe northen jST^ '^•W-«bie

^ ,et mrg^U f^m India Wt a. ^^^r.t.'!::;^pulation. who ware converted t^ hian, ov^ight ZV^,J^"^A loriui^, Another writer adds 'A p™u!I,^7^'^^^ be^n .t all times ^ept up bet.e. j,,,1 W^llT^;:;::^d ether northern where th.^ ere oolc^Je, „r wZ^Wished from time immemorial and «i. cf 1 gr«t pflpi,^fT^m Hindoslan is the place caUed the 'flerT mouth EJ^isiimukhf)

od the borders of the Caspian sea '. ( p^e im, Uiim oo Isdit

ty Maria Graham. Longmans, London, X&\4 AJ.)

Recmt clandestine digging yielded a nujnber of valmble Hindu

relics at Ghazni which are since on display in the muwum then,

{hazni Cui Afghanistan] derives its name fnm thf SHnsknl vord

^Gaja ' Le> en et^hsnt. Some mflrbk akb^. arved on both tlda

to serve as screens depicted figuratjv^ tfaemes s^ch a gutrds umH

vith dubs, standing within pointed Horseshoe-jhuped wt»dc9 with

double-headed eagles, rows of dancing girif. 9 hone ri<fw. 1 Iw".

a mahout with an Indian elephant pnd thi ^U twrtte ruiui

of a Vedic deity with a number of Httg>dlry dg« .IbP fw of

the ddty is obviously mutilEted iy^^ fc™*«"'

Tlie Cflddess TriititJ .

a«*Hl*d fIra*] li « "=*'* **^In the museum *^

^"^j^odfc^ vft. L^hmJ. Dwi* 1^

lion carrying three go'fJ''*"


u the conlrw* "

Page 338: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

_^ ifl Imiii &«« f^ » ^'^*^'^ ^' ^ ^^<^ ^"no^

^™t bpaii« ii i» Ihe bunal place of Shit h the son of Adg^

^y^ .rt misl^dinfily tau(rhl tut because it ts the ciiy ^f

^ mrmwy w^"* "*""" ^'^^ incarnation was bom.


Tt* niflTmy of Ham* is so $acnw3 that ell Muslims observe

jDomJi-k"? fp* ^ P*>horMge to Rams, ^s soch that monih

ii )mrtn as Ramadin ilJas RiimaaanK "HtBL is the Sanskrii term

Rinfldlvif'an'i.e-mediistin^mRaiTis. Sanskrii "dh 'fs pronoiiinced

A'Z broid. For insUJiee, 'TAiyan Buddhism' is pronounced

H la BuMitom ED Chlra and Japan, Consequently, Ramadhyan

fa ipriliii In iiUmu mdilkn as Ramozan or Rajnadan.

b tl» Vttlic trwiiUoji in IrdtB the 9th day of the bright half

ti thf naah cf Chiiln i$ Rama's birthday. CorrespondingSy

F»-l«Isffifc Afib tradition hai retained the 9th nionth of the yearffr j^drtKinf on fhins. Fasts are always associated with Vedic^"i^P liinn rtiaijis that Ir^dllioft U».

** ntodB ^^ib^^el Md 7^p)(Its


^Jnomt^u l^p1« ^ pg]^^ ^^.^ ^,^^ t|,™u^ht,„L the^^^wittiy here aU been captured and are srEnce^™*^ " '^^^ "^^e and ch.Khes.

rf W»| in l^^^^"" ^'^ '* *^"t Ifl Km. from the heart

ti*,^r^' ^^'^^^^t wa3 captured by Mohamad

ii_i.i. . .

™*wiJ- Hindu palaces and temples «e(^

Ajiibl* By Johii Lewis Burtkhardi

;,^d.«t A,«b=- performed th^. pi,^„^ ^ ^^ ^J ^

1^ ,^»g.w» r,^ to a obtain p^riM 0, >h, ,«,^^^

,^ ooe montb ever^ thr« yearg. and thus th. ofZ^mfliw did not. vary m ita B^m aa at preasit. T^, hi«,alai[on

^ tj,emonth waa prohibited by the Koran ibis ji^ pen^d becwna

if^lar and [n the space of 30 yean waa ir™iui!ly ct,anj^ f^jjje

deptb ol" winter u> Lh© height of smnniBf." Tbt initFcalatiw

was per Vedic astronomy.

Siich Humpty ^ Di^mply ahort circuiting of all njWfmatbemaLicBl , flstronomital caJculalkins eftbepneMflhamcd Vslfc,

Hindu era of the Arabs is graphLC proof thi^ from tbe mcsnttiL

Arabs were focrced into islajn they turned off th« ITgbta of iJI

knowledge, and plunged the woHd into the ebysa of lanormno*^

slavety and tyranny. Such cortoboratian has bwn iKnmflf by

Ustonans hitherto in sinking the pralss df fancied Islamic


The black ^ne (Sangay Aswad) r^^r^nUng ^ ^^f^Hahadev was r^ained by Mohamed t^hfte


and buying them in t^ cellar. ^^^^^J^'J^'^]^Zfscelesa symbol of divinity- B^i lis ^"^^^.^i^)..^mains now is

s^ne^^^^^ ^^ ,u^ ^t

Even that stone Is hal^ ^"''l™JZ^afl|y M»f "^ *" ***^

a oomer waB of th. ^\^^, o.L M^f ^ -^;^curvature is visible oai^ TJtt^^^-^'^^''*'^"*^In the wall . Even th. -^-f^^^ ^ - '^Z^^P^truding al>.ve the -^::/p^ ^; ^itJZT^^


^^ j„,

visible to the piliF^'

lilvfif fail.


been left uncflvertdby^^^^f^rf^

^^^ ^^ ^

limea theKa«"'^(^i,n;rt"^^ '

humanity* ^^


Page 339: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

*rZ^ b«"« ih^ »ET ^^^"^ inscnpuon^ on thebr>r,;

rtTaT ibt^ofiheKwbo sanctum and perhaps some Lrac^

& p(^ 172 of ius tooh H^o' Colbum observes "

' In pa^{^mrift'tbeffwjbtCTKThlnfnmtof IheKflflba. called Bab-as-S^la,^^

ort^ pmvi irt swd. Other pnayera are recited in s Jow vojc^'

d itavfirtor tbm ptarts him^aelf opposite lo the black stone and

jrm tm RHiH. (Rikt* Li obviuusJy Hicha.the Vedic stanza) at

(hiaaduikin orwhjch (he $tone is t4>uched w^fth the nght handDf Iwd. Tlj* df^tPtw thai bfgins the Towaf re. walk araurKftbtRaila (wU dochnse}. This ceremony Is to be repeated sevenliii«*..iiwy dnniitmust iMBwompanjed with prescribed prsyera»«di m nrH*i h ]o» von„ and appropriated lo ihe diffe^^iP-|*aUhe building thit s^ passed; the Black Stone is Josspdsrtottairtiithecmchjgiofl of each circuit.

•y^^lSlr ""^ "^^^ "^ •^'' *^^ Pemmbuiation h

«* S^ivicm Bj li^„ °' ^P^ra^bdalory IrsdJtJon and touching

- Vidic .hrtw.»'*HUo/.al proof of its having b«n


[I*^*^^=» or i, an^«^^ and the visit of the Kaaba

**» »*< («^y . °r^'^**'"'' ^ '^'^e manner Szafa and

"-j^'«iujUe» ^ ^ .

- —»^ «*" tne visit of the KflaM

^»*< («^y ^ ^^^*«"^' In like manner Szafa and

Tl^ '"^ ««^°^-"^f^%l<,andtwrelheidoUto«^^* ** W* A^. *^* "^^i- =^r their r^imt from


^ above description cfeaHy imlicsi^, ik.. n

^UnoJTB the rites of the and^t V^\, ukJlT''^ --

^ ^ly difference la that they h.v, ZiZ^^ "^ '^ ^^rV^c d^iLi^- ^--^fa^ ^« ^^^ Sanskrit tcim Harfll i

^"^ '^ *^

f^ of Ihe (divine) Lord Hari.**^ "' * "• ^^}

Ociagvn and the S«o-et rnscriptkiij

The UU box-tike Kaba sanctum la a corniiitiM, ^ »», ^

^ord Garbba G™ba aUa. Gabha. Sin^ B^^kT^^^J^^yf- in the West, the word Cabha Ei.e.

^^pronounced as Kaba.

^>J^uia) bi brii^

Before Mohamed 's Invasion of the Kaba that iniemilloMt V«iic

ghrine was a very huge structure with Jta high willi. {foma, ffrim

£nd couits decorated with omajneptal ngures.

Jcm&altm th« dty or Lord Krlshni

Jerusalem is a city founded and named sflir Lird Kiislm

thousands of years ago when Arabs and Je#j wen Hfoditi TTsI*

ia apparent from the very name Jerusalem whkfe ii i corrnjaJon

of Yenisaleim. That m lum ia t ramiptJ'on of W» «|Cnif ^sfcrtt

name Yedue^ih-akyani. ' Sfedu-eesh



U. Lord Krishna. M^ytm mdica^ ^ M^,^'^Consequently Jenisalem aH^ l'**"'^**

'-T!!^ Jli^l^around a Krishna temjrf^ ^^^^^^ ,j^^ a,,rex«.

it ttaram since Loi^ KH^''^ '^ ™j * ,hrt»f c/ Hwi "*

is a Sanskrit >^0i^ ^^*^'*1^ Pmnr - i** *^ ^temple is known ilie *^

-piftiirfi pivot of »* »**

fact that it isoctagoniJ "'^^f^ftrof^i^'*^:*

because only Hindus l»^'% Hmdai *»«**^imiusions and fof« 'J^ fiir* •*^* ****"

and special ->-^S^^'?:V'"n^---

B, C. when J^^J^p^ddh- ^^ ^^ ^

to beliefs L^-^j;^ uti^


read our injbl^^


Page 340: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


'*'^l,«.tWcJd Jm.«]«n i» th^sloptng valley of o^hcnn..

^'1 <^ ii »ang Sriomim h*d bum an aJUr to Urd Krfahfta.

J^rtsnd 996 B.C. Kin« Tis^iA CThis name is an abbrev^tion

p[ dtf ihiPkrft tfrni Devi dfl i. e- 'Given by Goddess' ) captured

;eftj!ilfflT] from tlw Jfbosilffl ^ matie it his capital.

[n ?ei B. C King Solomaii hit^t the first temple of the Judaifla

)n JMiBahsr. TTw dftly was of oout« Lord Krishna ^ias Hari.

Thn lanpfe is i tiyword for opuJence smj graiideur because Loi^

Knstfii b knovn lo be a we^Lhy god. His capital, Dwarka was

il!l rmi^of eqM, so goes ihs legend.

^sdks uid cTtviiss along the Stones are ^03 with rolled pieoQtff papa- prtiUffu to lie Almighty to itcUfy the wrongs done to

Th» Jewi Bta wntinue lo observe the Hindu equivalent of thetoTj thrtid CTrtmorv (known es Vratfl-Dandb aliasl^>tr,j,-R«,dh«i,.m in Sanshnt] b^ which a child from 5 ui 8 yem1"^ '^ inducted With , c^rempnid into a studmt life

«^r«nll!^^'^' "* ^ricBitrated meditative learning in

'«^««>«|^/^r^^ «^ ^ ^"^^ Wiling Wall but In a

«« --a i>^boli«, their^"^"1"^ '"^'^'"^ '''^"'^^ "f^''''' ^^"'^

*i offerini tfi Um l^ah^'^^'^^n of breaking cocounta

*** Weainc WbH ih»1^*'*"'*' ^"^^ ^^ feslfve the Jews make

'^"^^ "^ ^^f »»tt^ K T"*^''***"** *^ constitutes ths only

f^mufliiy (JtTT^oju^"^^ **^P'« ^>iep& all their reUgfous

"~[^« Itakali^ mouuhtr ^ ^^* J*^- l^e temple ™^ *^ ^^ ^Wn,i ,r""^

^^^tfroupbg regef-eraiion thid

^^ f^uaJim. Cammum'st, Nazi and


Christian opponenla.

The old walled rity of .Temsalt^ ^, ^.^.^ ^hofirv Hindu landmarks which have since bwn .« "

tbe Jews continue to stick Muslim Hflrim Ej.e. Hiri^M, . ^gangkrit term signifying a Kiighn. Umpi^ |, „„„ ^^ ^^^^^Of Omar <Omar la Uie Sanskrit word Amar jH^ni^rtg immoruidivinity.)

The church of the Holy Sepulchre hag been wtdned ponerdon

of by the Christians. Since no persort caUwd imm ns evEr bom

(gs proved In our book: ChrluiuK* li Chriirt-niiy) hit id-o^

grave in Jerusalem is a fake. Another fake greve of Jes^i ii dim«l

Loi be ifi far-away Kashmir m India, Yet it luiig the Qiriftiwi

community and nations lo kiodd on sleadrutly la thAt m^lh wtthout

batting even an eyelid becauK the shrine hu become thdi- ffif^ng

redigioiis, financial and polltlcil siflke.

The Hariyam tDome on theFoek] Krijhns i*mpleev« fn Mu^lfei

hands retains ll5 Hind. t^dJtioria as - be^r^^ ^^^^ ^^ "«

and gold, set in the >nid,t of . wide p-v.^

^^I^^'J^,*::^tw.n,ly caned ^-^ ^ -^tr^X"^^^for 8 temple is mogque Silas Maajiai w • i«

with golden dome*

The bk. «ii gold «""=>"»''""^'^^t' lLr«U^. -

Sanslcril, Hindu W'^''^°" j"!;";^.;, J>™y.r«t'l«.. 0W«

i, also an .« H^d.«c«^ "^>* ,.,<,u^ Kn.h..

.«itj«. io;iitl> ^^ *^'jp«. MLiil&n' if« t-^f^"

^ _,


communities Joif-J^ - ,^. HLi>»m> -- ^^^«)being claims ^^'^^^.ut^^'**


the ISKCON ahe^J^f^^M ^ -""^^ '^

which deserve*v^oep^

which d^^-^f*^ j,^«n^ ^mt.«M^In the andent dty 'J*'^ ^^ p«lfb-r^

Page 341: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

"*'*!^«^wBrt]v *s >re fouflrf on "^ft^* Hindi, ciiy *^,,

u^^m^a •^''•^ W '^* '^"'^ ""^ ^^ propagated to mijrl^

tj» «Jlfbif Atomic '' '^* ^'^^^^^ ^^"'"- ^^^ *^^^^ -^ite

iP# (1,-11 fd^inpl ''"^^ ^^"^ "^^^ '"'^'^' "^ " ^"^"^^^ U) tbft

„,mt a vt BbwtiHan of Jew and Amb spwch. Similuj- Sajiskrit

««nti i&titfWl viih the addition of an oddltiond ' A are apfenty,

nffan Aqtji. ApothecBi^. Able, Apple, and Abbot, Tn e«ch case

kuKi oui tht irtftid'* to discover the original Sanskrit wonl


Tte biltt ihui Caliph Abd £l Mnlilc buHt ihe Dome on the Jttick

Am»in S?[i A. I*, b one of the thou^anda of Muslim canards,

itz ofuvoful sJup* uid rich decor have no Islamic jusuncflticin Bi

n^L daw and ihe dome em the so-called Church of the HolyB^^iMrt have u» wmt mamewr. which proves Lbsl that churchten a Bi mofflt Krishna temple,

T^oripfiMDomfron the H«k was covert with 10.000 sheetshTB- flHhalhed JTi p^re goM Sicrb ostfnution h consistent

•*• bwiTnld 1

'^^"'^" '^ ^'^ **'**' ^™^ ^^"^^ ^'^

™w^ri* onSed•'1

f«t the costly gilded Hindu sheets were

*^"oi syeh J^i' ""/ ^^'^^^ ^"^^ ^*« ^^*1 3*»«^^ ^"™

'^^ (*«n«J B tbt aiT ''"^ *^ '^^^^ ^ earthquake ha

"^ «f Wt» Dttnj f dLl"*^*^^* ^^* *^'^'' admission that the interior

raldeFa) waa re-don^ "by

flf India, OttcembaraO, ig^S; ertfeleui^e^u .

geometrical desip in pointed tni ^^ pkrt^*-'*^^™nbum ^

mt to a vm7 important ^d giKnincant d^^i^ wk.tmndu) artiste at all n^^ ^ , ,


cf 7t ^^^'^'^«way fn>m India? I^ Mc. p,^ »b«J:^^«'rto regtor? to the buQding it, orfgbil Vedlc d*cori7

Madem JudalUi Are Lord Krlshnt's Vrdu Trifc,

A psahm from the Jewish Kiriptuj^ nms Lhm "h™ ,fe.fl „,aCng the Lord 'a sonff in a «i™,ip land ? F i fo^ tthte, Jsniutem,1st my right hand forget her cunning, Ifl do not rtmimbw Lhif,

let my tongue cleave to the root of aiy jnoutli; yfl,^ L' [ prefar

not Jerusalem in my mirth (CXXXvili 1).

The term IjOrd 't Song is on exact translsUcH] of tha SsnakHt

term Bhagewad Geets, TTieir word prwiouiii^J ' Saitm ' 6en\t% from

the Seam Veda* The name of their state lr»1 b ibt ibbrtvliUan

of the Sanskrit term lawaralaya I. ». Tht Abafe of Cod Thi term

Jerusalem pnjnounoed by the Jewi « Yimsalflm fa the SMskrit

word Yeduisalayam i. e. the icwriBhip tfW Krto- Th.. th,

JudaJats belong to Lord K™hni'.y«lu »-^7^^^^ ^^^^

ive. them .tX^gth and got, to ccrn^-^'J^^^'^


Lbs in spite of t^g^y ^^--^^

Dr^hm.'* Footprint^"''«^'*'

. ,.cfiqiofairaNci<=f^f«'^*''«™=

..The nnst templt^T*, Me«-h W»«^ "^^ * ^^'^^ '^

fn Becca f pla« ^ ^human heings^ ^ rtii"tin« Pl*** "^^ Abrahua

Ci.a. the P^*'*' ^«f ^^ ^,^.-


Page 342: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

^^ w (pp&^ted Ibe Holy Houst (IUab»)

'*-» *^^-f, rtirt<t. BnA sSJd."- T^k* ye ihe aUition

^^', ri«ii J^^^^^^^... ^d wp comm ended Abr*hani

flf^**^ "^rifTl- boose for th<m who sbaB ko in procfcr^ion

^ b**^'_;"d iho« ^^ ^^^' ^^'^^ ^**^™ ^*"^ devotion and

"^ **

''^'hJ!!'dt^ *nd ppjstrate themsetv«.^

'(w^ ^^n^j

*****"b^^ malpranuncUtion of the Sanskrit. Vedic term

"*^!l^'^Kfflt« is -'so wmmanly caCed -'BajtuUflh"

***** T^ T>f R"^ f« *^ ^^'^^ '"^''*''* struclur^ 55 fl.

'*^46 ft ^ brtftiih. snd the h^ght aomewhai greater than

1^ Ai the s^th ffiji comer is the famoua Hajar El ,

^j (^ Bbck'Stfloe. awarding to U. Burton, an undoubted^ {U mfltwHc Stone, pert of a brol^en star). The Kaaba

tm^ in m open pciDelogmJi of tbouL 500 R, by 550 ft. and

U if^kmd,>n' otfouiBtes, iHe pfllan of which^ made of various

wi^, f*fp/t quidrupbe rowa la UkB vti^if^m Side, and three deep

on Utt otfaff Elds, and amoujit to 564, It hu^ be^ rebuilt ^vera]

lim, bot hu not b^ matenalty altered since ^.U, 1Q40 (l^AJ^)" Fitun Uw ib[:rve dimensions the edifice appears to be a

MEitar^ jiTurtuTf bT« standard Vedic temples.


in th« Bibte IX^oury Um"*^^ ^'^'.^ ^^ ^^, v.^ b,

The ntwriB* «*« =>' ^Tum »« "^ •a"''"™"-

ih, body r«in t»tn' *«"' "»™

Page 343: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


-^fi liiiHpUm.tiUn or pw.Wa,„ic Arabia (uprooted and diunftB^l

2«w«'T^'*^ ^^ '^'^ -iiiy? oJ I4lam) ejihlbited In the Briiiah

fewrtj *^wlrf'^ *" ™ top accord Ui ihe V«Jic dJttu5n f^OT^^

*«*mu un.r h^ ^ inscriplSon shoiJd continue to


IncldentaUy , this aiao p^jv^, ij^^^ ^^^ ,^^adorning islamic flags is a Vedic symboL

^"^"^"^ "*'"MpK may be se«n on the aarfr(jn,Mi™,T»rt n„ ^

off the Jagannath temple in Purl tS J^. 'T^ * ^^

Theae emblems depict that ,t ia Um VJshnu «^ p^vftf^ thedivtne Ugbl for th. Sun. moon and «^ u, .Wna farth ThU^proves thai thfl Kaabs was a Vedic, Vishnu trap]?.

Page 344: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

IfcpmMbrBhiin in the Kaaba (In M«ca) is the pedestal of

^'^. TiK octj^il, jrai (wych ia s Vedic design) protects

^ muKifl yan ago &„<* csptured and corner^ by the MuslimsWB ongiMjly an inianstJonal shrine of the Vedic trbiiy




(ISKCON) W""*Jjgi. 1*2' i^Th-H"'"'""''''^''"

Weekly 0>^"=' ';, te h««« ="

.TSu**''"' ""^"«'^'""



Page 345: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Huitmi. ptmcutariy IJ>dUn Muslims, have bwn misTed bv their

oswt \mdm into believing thai Islam is the very antithesis of

Vtik Mliurt aliM Hiiiduism and hence they must all the lime

!at( N. nptiilil* ii snd Qppo« It loolli and nail. It is a great

tn^tdi' Uiit nil i^o» who take such a sland are blissfully ignorant

ef tlv hct ihfli their Bncestord vien Hiniiu^ who iver^ dragge<l

(ran tbar bootn bcr^Uni aFid acreamjni; and forced to profess

litaii. OaniiqtHnt]} rmy Muslim mu$l first find out which of

bli MOdton v«t ftrst convened to Islam and under what*»inKiBi», If he bcks the heart and the oourage to detve intoNi m Witon-, bo* an be profess Us be honest, irulhfiit and\mnii m fUJyi^g wortd hirtory? gucb a pur^ng of the mindOf Muikj bi« Js the first esjential purification for becoming a

!l ^""^r"^" *' «>l«^ent5 of Islam. We hav? already

IW pL rft!lL^"^^'^'^ ^°' ^°"s of^, i.e.' from

^"^ *w., JTj^r^^ "^^ "^"^"'^'" ^"^ S^^'^rit held

^^^ prrf^iKO Vtdic cuttT '* " ^"^ ''^ ^"^^ ***''^''' Therefore.

**"<*«i*««] hlinteH.ri!ilf^^'^ "^^ Consequently, It roHows

^ En^Sdcpttdi.

^""""^ '^^"^^ ^f ^edk culture.


aoliaine<i'a grond father and mt:\^ w^ hem^taor prf»U erfiht

fhe name of Mohamed 'a family avbi Rupt^hJ which Ei i Saniknt

^jfd aigf^fyi"* " branch of the mlinK Kuru family.


ft i9 well known that over 75(0 y^ani ago, et the time of ihi

Mohabhar&t. war Kuru 9 ruled the world The sdunj of that family

^jjj|gier«d the different regions. Cairo oommemflrata thai nimt.

Muhammad ^s SanskrU Name

According to Arabic tradition MLLham/nDd ii i titls. Whui wa

the name chosen for him by his n^other or

^^^f^'"';^^Zl in the g.^i upset that Mnhamm-d ^,U -bc.t



flily^ tradition of idol- worship a«d M ^im^m ^^^ "f'*-

-*.u ^i,.« Wfl torn- thai "i* «"^ "^'^

But there are certain c ues, mm^ ^^ ^ ^ ^.^^.^

of worship wluch survves at ih ^"^ ,^^^^M^mt was allowed to remam ^^^^


r^y deity of Muba.-^ - ^-^^^ ^^^U i. . t..dition ^U ShN--W^ ^^, ,, u>r, S.V .

i. the fa^^^ ^^ ^IrZ^^^ -^ ^"^ """

Mah^ev ti.e. the Gr^^^^^,

Muhait^mfid could have been i«

^h, via« lU" h.^;*


^^ ^^^.^^^ ^^ ^^to a chapter i.» ^ ,^ ith^ ,^ ,^. amU.r^


the name



Page 346: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

p^ikirt a»l be l»d BWsei! In coni^mpoTBiy Iff^ j^

ZL wh-k JiK *iffli«rt should i*''^^ ^^^ "f^^"*^ "^* ^SahBdev

)^^<ajjy IS MuhEnmad "-tylp Ws detmctors IM should use ihji

HBf U tfWff- « il» «*»* •* * pfJ^rv of great conceit wftii

^jliun^f C»iMqti«Uy Mutominedanisni ahotdtj jn fad ^

Tta fivf-time t- day Mualim pravfr -rilual , Ka/naz, is a Sanskrii

LiTTR ii « * («mb** of two Sansknt words Nama and Yaja rnearung;

'taJPi«»d irorahljf^ijif "Ei«i the figure five^ has a Vedic

fnc^ciiw a m^ bf iitdfffd from the words Pfinch-Maha-Vajn^

ftV -..t pviL fiTT Troiihrpf); Psni;hi^i, Tive Rr^: PflnchamriLa.

Um sKtU'l&eluV QTup m&je from five ingredients; P^cb. Hv^

vtv pbm of Hit vntegr who Tomi i coundl to arbitrate on vffi^ff«n; ^K33a|tv>i jp'piifies [befivspnoducLiof thecow; Panchang.

lie VkBc alfliBiK wfaicJi gives proniinaice to five details in assesai r^ia« ^TVtimt tioK for leyocMng toportant undertakings: andr^aimLj . Ovt holy leroi. Suet Eiuunee^ of the Imporunce of

*»*w» 'Off m VrfJc tredrtitffl, oould Iw many more.

E«i ihf vnriouj jxmms of the laiamjc Namw e« thow^** ^^^^^^^^i^^V^. ppbtsout Ashraf F.Nizami.«*»=flbeflh*i™W b«,k UUed: Nanu,^ .h. Vo^ of Islam.'

^'^> *r* unmnsdoUHly dotng Yoga*'

fij ^^ Tegi « JiUm ^t-pi|i Jilujtrawd boohlcL wriLi«n b*

The lu ihor. ^^Iam! «)fpU!ns Ihit t)» Ar&bic *ori r» NmaI, Salaam J* Ss derived frem S^ja i^ch i, it,, n«,ft y tt»

^p-ti WesaJs denolmH mMUng. Tb* meanjog qf Top u» h

joinii^S oneself with divinity.

RqikI, Banod*.

The author observes in ^ pre^n b>hli bo&k th«. "the

ps^iio9 cf Hfith Vofia end postuns in Hamu m cbtwed

to havt coifiimon FeaHJrfrs. " Snw Nsmu i9 presymtd to b»

lnJUaied by Mobamed, and sccCirding to Nlaml, k entuDj Yopc

posturca il ia obvious Lbfli Mobftmed pmrtised prid tsiiBlH* y<4$

10 his fobowera. m the Kibi-


The Kflbatemplt In M«H:ni. which the Minima hivf^JluiLml

and misappropriated, was u inLmiJii^ V^« ihnnt

An, Vedic scripts« tflMmrfum-^M-^

.Jr.«tbe-t.Ponan-rW-|----Vishnu and I..^ ^^

ic ^U««Jj^

v.^^_ ^^ ^are consecrated in M«ct^ ^^ ^ t, t* U*

,t,e «=s of th, ««"- ^^"X™ \^. -*> «- -

One sucb was tW t^^^^^^^^ cntr tf «*>

Page 347: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


w rfflff sort M-^- ^°^ foflt Impressions is i. holj Vedfc

^''"'hTwirtrt M«^m5 flre inadvertantly pen»li.otiiiK, Bm"^

*.i, thft' dftlude llwnseNa Wd misled otherg thai thcK«

*Tf—Mifljis wWeli (rt «> re^^EWtia! display In sevdral mosque,

^"^r^d If* »^^ '" '" ^^^ Mohamed s cwn. n,e«

«wnl ru«s i^ ^^ ^^^' P"=^*"^ ^'"^^^^^ worshippingi

foritfMMtJilim. Secondly. Mohamed disclaimed hovirg perfonred

^ ml«ete. TbertioTe. ihere can be no foot 'impression of his

oe ftont- "nitftJlj, fool-Cmpf^ssLOns must aJwaya be in paira ijk*

jhoer, Vrt In m&n ihrinffl «'he« Mohamed's fancied foot -print

n <jn dis;^. Il ( uauily > stngl? fool- print which would surest

Umi Mchtm«d witk«d ont;^ on one foot. In thet ease the questton

*w^ bf whicli fooin left or righl? Another que^lion would b$

whether ihe foat-unpnsskm it tmiformly of ihe fame fool (]«ft

ar r^O m iD shnnra ? A l^ird question vouM be whether ev^ry

fut-imptipuion is unironn and ia on aji identica] stone and whether

tlm viTwiy or those viri«ies of slones were actually ever availeble

\L Mohin^ ( Arabia ? Yfi ftnother question would be whether the

fiBSBKHU of the carved foot accord with Mohamed "s slfiture as

fttamfti? Tbt Jart sppean lo bf ihfit when the Vedic Kaabs shHnein Vacs wai bvidBd by Mchamed the pairs of foot -impressions<rf Vedie detJa Uierr wer* plundered and were later trtided to theP^ «d dfvoui ss Mohamed "s own foot-pnnls. for soiree favour.

rTr,J^ « monetae, reward by unscmpuJoiis persons, Tlistb *tv Ui^ t« lin^t ind not tn paki.

>>» Biack Slew

tfci 2lu^ .f°^*^^ t" the Shiv emblem stni survives In

V«iic Mall aj!^^"^ ^^^*^ ^^ ^^'*™^^ veneration. AD other

M«Wf« In libyrinttT'*^^"^"^ "^ ^^^ P^"<^s <"" ^^P'^

•"^•tftru v» underuhln'*"™ corrldofB if apchseolt^icel

^^ 1^ been baij^ mutHattd havinif tak«n

, lot of ^iPy Mmlc b«Un« tnd hmunerlna. IH qnwl Ug.

^^ disappared. Even Iha vtriktU <^lndrlcil tton^ u i^^,,^^3^En pieces, and Its pflrta ure now bnld tflpAhw by i bicVinmij

or cfiment aurrouiMled by t stWwrband atuddM wfUi |[]v«r run,

f^ Blsc»f St<3"^ therefore, barj tha bolt of i btmt^ irmli^

^turned from a cmaflde,

Evfln that atone has been half burN In Uib wutb^ mumportion of the Kaabo wallin iha direction of Initti. Th&t^il imtujnim

of the Kaaba temple 1b pfrpetuilt)! di»ed and btm^ to ^1 visual

jud temaln& shrouded In. a burqb - UV* hBtvyn bluk palil.

^lV'elL«^l Scholun MlsEahba Teoiptct For Moiquef

At a conference on lyoptta! Etlin«rtiwiDiny md

ArthDeoastronomy held at the New York Academy ot Srfwiw, frmi

Mai^h 30 to April 1. mi Da^d A. Kinj of tbi Jiafcp^mmCsnter for Nsar Eastern Studiw. Ntw YarV city T«d i rtwn*

'pTpTtitM: A..«-'-'^'^-^«^"^^'^^«^'rj:^t;

S^^orie h^din^ >" W«t A,i.-^ " ^t.^^n.b, h«au.e they a. ^^^^J i;;^^;

^^ ,^Ite^ mistaken. AU ^P^"^'^^^ ^^.^ r,*.-.ber tUi

are captu.^ P^'^^l^'^^''TrK^a'- ol^rrvBil.n. .b^^ -^

taaic proposition then al-^o. ell o. rJ h^^^ ^ ^^^^


pertinents *H*ir?rt fJ^ ^ "'^

being Mstiin*' ""

Page 348: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

m^V «fc»

""""^ ^^ "^"^ *^ Hlndulwn of primo.^

rim vKOid pfrfnt wtuch tmwriim jKduUI Idm 4o deduceii

^^^fgU^ HB ™d( csjitered VffJJc ahrine JL? mojr) c*nu%

Cmt^jsKT^. ihftf inrWiirtujPt. layout and diJcopatJve dttfmi

nr. vi iH pit-TiJimlc ftdiw.

AnoUwr p»rt of f*gitffkifl» in li* atova quotftJ psafBg^ 1b

(Ik pwi! '«>ii". Kiba ii QwUiicmiJlj regflnStd as Lhe nav^

<r Ite iiwW btmm i pwl »tjine of Uie redaiung \'ishnii Hthftrtm: bonii ow tte (op of vr uinliiUci! chard r-m^nrUijc from

tA4 Vtilni I ivid uruAwtcd Lhenal thevfry wolre. Surrou!>dinB

Idn: Vijiinu &) ttiaidiKfy thnna wprf huniredj of oiher VedkdriliB. TIh Ids k Uttl Lbc coniuv r^«iv« an incwsant swpjdjrf inrtHiiafliit fa^iy fof *U in Kihrlty and animetion from LordVtttau i^imiifa hb nii'd. TW* b th? basic V«iic concept «bwjt<h(«j« and KttoiHicc of tlw univerw. AoeordJnjjIy, in t3m•"nt*^" M *« a mmmon prwUc* to insiaJJ i^uantic lUtues

iTlUS?^"'*"" '" ^ff^'WinpleMs araund the worW. 'Hiree~^"*JJ*^

^ "* S«uiEiit Kfipture known as 1 ?MsrHtri-Hiiwwir Miiaunyi bdud« Mecca u menUoOfid

** *« Md^^^ '** ""^ pinnacle dlapkiyCnK iho cj-tweflt

'^«»^KiUfUrti™J7™*''^ '^^ Pr^ ialimlc Umei whpn tbt

*"'»'*'»WK*ItP5fa»fW.L'^*^^*'™ **''*" ''^"' Krishna >

** «* n^ «^ yaJr""*"*^ ** '*''*** ^"'^" t/rblema which

^ ftjunidtt. IL may alto b* noted ibH


j(gham*d a flag «» WUally of tha Vrifc i,rrf^ ^^ur R «,(^nued 10 B«en later u, d1*jTi|pji(h it from U* of h,i o«JZ^^ ilM Bportfld A Biffrofi-colour flif.


^^ KedlJilniL Vlthiiu

SlaLu^ d thft rtcUnwg Vli'hnu ^tyuMk oT Ibc (t^at ndpjsUlnef of th*unlv«»e) wm w«*«d itlmportirn locaiicma nvittty

Cayn Un l^dia>, Kaba In Mecoi and In Hotnt (lulyh Knynort

venerea '^^" e^ of the nolinitig Viihnu ^ wiUi other ittwdili^ driUv

ver« a^w erected In [ndrspruthi i e. DalM fit arut u cunmUy

jTii3iak«nly known as the Kutub Mlna-), Bid En tht lilt oJ fatfimf

In Greai- Brilein.

Bott Christians sn^ Mtidima In ib* kanodailia mI bi»,

throuKb tb& 6^ a destroyed Idoli of Vidtc debt* wrf kM Ob

premiaa for uae ai cbur^bw. maquw ind tomta. a^ ifti-r-dv

niisase tv "a^t^r-'iay m^vwI, miut n«. j««^. »nM-l "«*-«


IB islamic .wdi« otewvsl ,.5^^^„^ ,„„o*, «-

The et»« ""tTrf ,.u«W !»**•

^"* '^'t » .^/ rt^uTi^^

Page 349: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

*"' W (tm -rtUr Arabic pxivrtlif lu *<« POst Mohsmed pri,

rjT^ Tiii^Div tl* rlK of Islwl nol. only meimi s dparf ji^j^

to tO UrnlAI &> Ara''^ *'**'^^ ^* ''"^ '" "''^'^ ***^^'" ^""^ ^''^^'i

Itonti tlcUiii ortiM Jslarnit sw^p. The Incentive to leom Lhi-ough

Mnffiyous •fftHt *u M lonpf'' ^'''^^ ^^"^ ^^^ <^^"'^ "ia^<? easy

;a«iiQ to mu rJirmd miMSCrt. Tlwy bed no mor? the 11:ne

, |iaUwic«

o- lh# Mwl to )f^ inythlnj fitrtpi rrrftraueoiinB, Th^tv were rn

idK»1« v^ no UKhm. E^tryMy twcarm a raider. All ih{> If^jhU

d tamdiv WW txtin^IstK^] In th» l^d? whjch cama uiid?r tWtin^ of hbun. T^w oniy tWin^ leamoj and Uiu|;llit was tho Kaima,

Kflira nd KdUnv non-Muslimi.

Con»»qbwUy, Lb* f«ktnelric Jind trigwiometric Mlutionj offflMiyfcfiiJf wp}-Jslicalic(n and labln displaying the qibS^ for each

te»«r^tudt irni lorvaitud* to Arabia are of prelslamic timesti* tocMkin or thf reellnine Vishnu In Mecca wsg of"itehsB tnTpofiMc* w ihe enUre Vedic world.

Hp.Mni.tiy thffl do Mii5iim histonana ascrfbe ths reviva]tf l-rmni ^c th* ri*e of liUm ? TTie ™son I9 ve^ simple.

oMipiTL,!:''^'"^ '^^ ^" "<• non-Mu^Um left to

^«!»«X!^eT"^"^ '' ''^ ''^ "^^ nipine aiid munier.

*** »ft«r K *(r*rirLi^^ Iho* lands waa w swift and comptete

toaatBon,^^^^^^** *^*^ ^''*** ^^d «trtjcities Ipadiog

^ *« in i dBTui ii^» r ,

''^^^ ^^^ neo-converU were all made

'**-l»l*»Jcifli,Tai»to i^

** *•*'"» *^^ *Jeftly post-d8l«l


Dflvld K(n« posoa thr* cnidnj qupttaom . "Hw. amW tU»,1lc8t Mtialims, InnMc-nt of any Uno^irtitfrof ttfOBr.phj. (^^J^t],e eitflci sclencflB, hive dfltflrmlned Um nnrWi? And, it tSw mpossi'a" Lhel oxpeitlae why ar« na mrmy jnodUftrfil moUiM. .,!»»

jjrtjpffrly oHKH^d towards Mkcb? And ho* on onv amtrt for

A Bub^lJLntifll corpus flf medteev^ rtlimFe lltflnlurt on 'ftik

aatroncnTiy ' on whJch inelrticiions urn ^motn^ fw ftntUng it*

{^bla by mtans of sun, etars and ovnn tin windi'/ " fhui «qwrU

tlk«1>ftvid Klnf^H awLreof IbeanomiltesLnLhQlrvllUondJdmuvialidc,

heandy Muslim cldine, BiiU ndmii iha» ctnlmij ti thdf rscewduA.

This is 1^^ blov^nH hoi srid cold at ihe iiim« Umv,

Jlie Vcdlc t>cslRn

Aboul the Katja stniclure iWctf David Klni «yJi !hftt it kcohJi

lo -The notion of a worltf divided inl« fligtit w i^Hvc wl^

ai«.t the Kab* tht ^ndarics of th.^«f

1^''J;;^ ;;;^''

r;^wuids) blow. In p.^^r.kmi= ^bl. ^tt^;^T«C

by aocrred Mils. Ih. Kst>». ""^ „„, ,„p^., rf ««ng

-'^'"•r'.t M-^-""" "J- "™-- '^""


Page 350: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


• "tJ^^^^ Ti^.^^rof^ «.^ E.^

e(,wta*^d»wn»Hy«iuJet*bcnilthffKftba, They seldom speak

l])K- pfl^rijuji^ SJch rtcrecj bwaniff a linrt of th« Islamta

bK9ii» tlw Kibi i! 1 C3i|*ufed Vedic shrine.

Thr vfnSkMol drtsfls ijuMfd ftbovie stfli* that tW pre- Islamic

JinW ri«id t^ xv' *^^ pni>'inif: thai the K^ba is buJlt on a

tntiic prtttm. ^jmboliiiiijf ihe ftghi direction and itp' i^enli

nfa^om of d» uiuvem. M ih«» af« Vedic attnbut»

(lefieMd Hmk vmdalism ipreftd over sevtua] wnlur-n has

M ndly bcn-Ukc cenual smirtum. Similarly, the h\g

WOfk-iUM^Mi vmni uw ssTKitim housing hundr^s cf deities

hnfrif bftit liummEf^ down and reduued to nibble waa gniduatly

ODiai jway avir ihe cen Luncs Whai nov remain? is a vast gspintf


4^Mt epn ywd imjnd Vm TtoxEJke sanctum and subt^rrsn^fln

Thr iacimt wpum nmwictaftj the Kmjba Is an oWohb squireM pc« lane tod 2n0 broad, nor>e of the sides of which mn2«»»i rtrBishi Ln,. ^Tlji, opm kjuqi^ isendosed on the eastern«• hj cotanRadt: Ihf pQl»n rtend In a quadruple row. Thty

«^ «J«i, oo th, other r des. ard united by pointed archai

«2» «llrX!!l''^' *">^ ^a-^e; plastered and whJt«icd

m i^ffiW 1>«^ '^'^**' *«°''*^* to Kotobodeyn urs IBft

nintar^ if tmtmjT^^"* w mRrhle Kranll*. but the greater

•**> U5r» ft. fp^r J

"^^^ ^ ^^ ^«^^ mountaJns. B«w«n'"» *n Ui«t«fc Tkl!"*"'

*'"^" ^ ot Ji^s'oiM/ one about four*« "» ttout 460 pdlUri here. This U^mptfi

^iAl">tr Ji^t* JV/«m)i -fcwi /r On Lbs iMH, Jn"™'''

^Hch ecd««, the «,l^n.dc«. a ,|^^^„ ,„^^, \n^J^^ ^^oontfllning th« num^ of Mohflm«J ,uid hl» lmm,>dmr..o«^-Hie name of Allah In liir^ cJwtetflra ofljun. ilh b, wvtr^^tTlwse details ara from p«gM M3 bj -^fl of t^^^ ,^ ^JlTby John Lewis Burckhardt).

Thft oct^ona! ahapo referwd lo abovu in an tmmliMVaWe ifUt

of Vedic tradition. >Me have inenUsn«t. th* Importance sT ih4 rqun

S in holy Vedic tradition. *lHrwhtfre In ihli volume.

the Kidba Sunciuni


' The Ksaba ia an ablang mnaaive strncian?, IB pncei in ImgiJi,

14 In breadth, and from 3q Id 4(9 fL h hei]tKt, K ti cwrtmcwd

of the grey Mecca stone, in large btocka of diffemii liiw iolnBiJ

logether. In a very ratiffh msnner. El was witirriy rtfedh a ft

now stande. in A.D. 18^»*

Al the north-fflst of tbf Kaaba, near the door, ]• ih* ftm«i

Black Sion.. It form, m ^ ^^^ ^^ '^^* ^ ^ ^"';^4 or & fl. the fin^nd. It 1* i" irr^^^ -^^^inches m diameter.™J ^^ ^^ ,hip« ^i^H l«n«l

together wiU. . -^^ :ti^^t:"n.VF^- t. .

It looks IS If the wh^W l-^^"^^^tour U n^ » *M

violent bio* ^^^*'^,.""fK^K k'-'^^™^*'':^

by a bonier (tfhtch) =«m^^^^^ ^d, bmadr bH*

and the .tone i^^^ ^^'^M c--^--^^^ '-^tlTT;::! .bove and t^ ^-;;t;hid^ -^ ^^ "- '^ "

of the bo^ -^'^"^"^ ^ ^^ juii ^> '^' ^«^' r ^

- ., . .)[«hl boJk*- *"/,^Jtr,^, ..tir;.r. 1*^ ^

and 9ti

Page 351: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

*tuH ti p» *«^^ ^'^'^ inscripUon, but tHi j

,. Ui«>J aafU f^ftnW> "'^ " P"^ ^^^™ '^'1^ ""^ienL

Igt* f*^ a» MCkhJmwl. uwd to rreite t>kiir «orka

''tt^^ftW th«v .t • Br»l f«Jr- TT^ prize pot^ms «.™

1!!ZI -dwfliW 'I KnU OkBth J 5 now J nJired plfl« [^ the

ftm ii»*b(« JacrfpUffli tl fs cTflar ihfit the ShtvJing in the

l^j^ tt not «31 »n on^ P*** I*-' ca'^«- P«3eslal is no longer there.

Eiw d»OT*'*3'i'™*'^ '^™*^ ****" ^"it^"^ ^ pieces. Whether

ft wm teote fe} Ikilttmcii himiflf during his fitt^ctc or by the

Sfttm «tw ibtjr orTiftJ evi^ ibe My stone m e wur iroph(y

i« i|Hff tte £k«ltf vb( rrtumAli it zlitr S yeara, is not cleflr.

Tlv Hr't'brottfi ODlKr of the Aon? is the exsct roloqr of

tk» IbI^ SMinf . Tbi tcm hlidjin Is MBhadevHii j.«. Lord SbivA.

1 Iviwl >'«ilc CuiEoat Topij-Tujw

Wr dKBKf I HfiirtL« iij&fiUly tor itseif by tbe simple devtc«

tfch n 1 ranmiaii it™tep' ado|M4d Ikrou^hout luftmy by rebelr«^ Onuviity t« r«ini tli Vrfic (™iitlons and t^nninDSosy

7W1^ Sbcwi, c»,attiaiion too while imJt^imj; poljcs and

f itiZftT"^"^ *^ ""> t>"^ rmire™ »,^«ht in»lead

tioNi t^ r^ ,. Jr* ***"* *•* Vcdic casiom fs to pray

«i *op or hi9 bsoii, ih?

A Vedist praying wtth i lumi down th, V-^ «.n Myelin. r..^nir.K tbe V^lc „«>,, ,.„^ «,, b^Tt^

The Vedic perambuJilion eraund iht deity is cloeScwtrt but lh»Musiim ctrcumKmbulatlon ftrmnil ibg SblvUng ]n ibt Kwbi Iientl-clixi'lrwiBe*


Hindus in India bak« cbopitis on a pin plMed c<fflavt w ^bi

hearth whUe a Muslim plfiCigs his pan ixmvex.

A TEndu washes hia arms from the elbows dii^Tiwirfs byi i

Musbm starts washing from the Up of his ficvuen bflckwird to

the elbow.

"Hie crease of the pajamu end trousen of nfCifi-MHfl![jna Is In

front but orthodox Mualim& will it^ays bva it sidftwiyi.

WNlo VedisLa fflckw the day firnn sunrise to ituiri«L ti»

Muslims recl»n it fron auns«t lo aunsst.

Whne Vedic fasts are ke^ by lotJ or parti*] abitinenfle r™n

food the Ulaitiic Ranizaix^ ^ fas^'f^r fr."^ «^""* "'^

^^^'l^logo ^nc ^^^g ,^ chftTHreJ

involve sumptuous ani betvy luncn um «wuj

fluesUons. One i«a^*;, -^ alitor itpli«* "^^ ™3 .,„

fr^gmit smoke ^ ^ i^.* "tJ^>a " ^^ ^v*«» Hindus cojnmo^ _ j the h^^"^ *"** «hi#

to tslen.have bso tti

Vuth Jind ^^'

Page 352: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


H c' hi" W<* ' _ , „;^.h xr*. alien liniv«ratlv.<kfr

<y^v rf S^****7^^^ ^a^h. Kanishka. n la^^ I«rt

,,1^ ^ B^hrrvin ^r KE]lur...Tl« i»4igr« of lh«

^^ * rift *« p«^-^ »" ;^^f^^™^ "' '^''^^"'^

1W mtrtMA pjtou to U noied In lUe above passBg^ iii»

9c-ib*u fim Ci » £«>» ptJWsssiTig ib^ qualEties of fi good devoiM>

ttpti gun II. *, 1 pemn wtB hai cultivjit^d mundaiw

J CmBqfHnOy Imsxi MusUjti names endm« in " pD


te imga^ to hi\» i pre-UlunJc Vedic CQnnotstion. TV^

'iiiililai iQ to Mualiin immes only because the latler



flf ite tf>ti«> bid b&ai forced U3 acMpi Islam. The

Hi 1»teii]r of TuriQsti conduct evertince l^jrks beca/re

*otM nrve lo ^jgUiibt ',h* immmie importance of Vedic



-^n^tTT^"^^ beauw of lus w^eatth. stales.

th»EiiHlijiiiirqMi'SS0M"6nd 'Shine'





*f, viriotlon. of the <im« Sa„»kHt L*nn. TU Hir,du ™i„ .r N««lI, crilwl


.aimnnrjy ' Shih ' I. iIbo , »rmn«. Hindu ^, aT

Therd-onjhifliflrians mual rwltM UioKlrwIii criKln of dyniiiih ftv1ln«

tttennelves « Shalaa.

The Scyt>itJm* fcnd Turlra wfre lill Hindus, That Li »hy ihey

bad BraSimin ministera Moreover, the inlk^uSLy of Twtoah rullnj

^ynnatiea rcochiM bwik to times when liluti ami Chdjllwiliy HAn i


The scroll of60^in^ mentiofned above iJhi dlipmvn thenmmon

TLOtlon that Hindus never mfi^nt^n^ hlstorinl rnnrdi,

Shuhman Kln^

In a footnote on pBgft 13 orhia bogk Cmmttoned above) Prafnsaf

Habib ^ves the d&tes for Semnnid kings ; AbdiJ Matilt Bin Nuh

^^13450), Mansur-bln-Nuh (350 365) Suh-tln-Minwr

ta65'387>, Tbe Samanjda had i bl^ empire In Weit Asia, Th< nmM

Samanl i3 Shahmani i.e. pef^ons (^ ^^ niurtritwt mlr«t. Birly A«h

chronictes t^Qrtilne Mohd-tin Kuim 's lnv«fon of ImU. rtf*.-jo

Indiana ^ T.rk, ^d San^^- H^" ^^^ ^l^^


Samauls we« Hindus- The Samar^d rniplri- ««Jbarer<«T.

XJ^, chunk of the a.... .orid V«iic ^^-

the Samenid sovertigru rUlwy cjw

th« first human iflw^*"'

the nam^ or two/^^^J^l;:, .f «. -d««t Hind. *^^^

an fistronomt«lwork. Sn^^

name Soinn'^'''

Page 353: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

^ .i, M^jrftni t«ffl for Cod I. a.n,krit, Albh. AmU «;,«

"^. , ^ -^nvmi which Blipiify i iH^Mtiwtv itr moliwr.

1^ ait-*P*ltrtt iyiw>ny»"'

l„ b^ Hindu nim*» lueh m AlakJri Swixn> and Wkdl

X^^ iht Wurilmi tnti Allih « a mslft deity yet lU oriKlnal

^riM. f«WAy ! ippicwt from Oi* Muslim expfftasJon YA

aLUH' tn Sffiife^l MV 'i^*' ' "*^ ^''^ Invfjkiniif fiirmalw

"fA K«4«^ l^hir hur dhrvBlR ya shubhra va^frsvdU". It

ta ipfiy, Uwr^foTf. ihal Islam *U3I berfli« and Ill'treflia wflmen

IB Bid » U) eonnw thfm in ih^ solitary c«ll of a burqa.


n*mn ptrvnbuUiiom midt irQtind tha ddty In thtt Kaabs

m^^fknl. At VtdJc murj^cta the brld* aid ifrtjom take aeven

i<V mond Um udvI firt Tba levai pcmmbulnUdrW at th& Kabs

* *rty pfw* lii* it wji, 4 Vedic ihriht but alno LhaL Inie i^

to «» U«e» J.t Mikhi'; II wft* an imptirtant international

totat^if*^"" "nown*.d Hindu tmpfinjn of Arabia .


g^ Uouii indn. Ke wm « t/jfjicmpomry of Julius

"^ ^'^^wfiUJiyi', njw ftvfcf Arabia is foufld in an

^Id. *rtu« Jointly t^ , Hiniu ^, . M..!,^ t„ ^^.„».__*/;nlv™ry of Ih. Vtkxtm En^ri^W^^ ""*""^all« um- ***™^***««*,u**nutt^

Arabic Pwm UudlflK Vfkranudtlya

V[k™nadlly« wu ^ famoui. b«Ji for hb m^. ^^conduct nnfl ben«v4leni ml* Uat hit pr^bct *« mur m 4D luKitOnn AraWc pr^m in pnaite of VFkfim*dHyi hw cwrw town to ».That fK'«n '^n* under Jn la Ar»bfc wonjinf ;^

'*Urasah8fthii Smluf BJlirsmBtijI (rfwhalsmftn JUnmynYsrUphf^hB Wgryownvaru BihilUhnys Stmhmir»(li

Mi^tflkabbuiarsn fi^iillihi VubM cilid mfn how»

Yflphftkhnnj ph»jitej m^H whans Oilrim BiyJ^yboletd

Yaba ubdunya Kojuiepb nttephl U^fhalfn

Ai^lfld BJlflla masturntwft pfcsiw^ TaaiWiu

KaunnI e|4 mBialtartlhidi wilhadt

Achmlman. burukan. Kad. Tbiuho *it«tafn

BFhlllaha yakajnainjini brieyky]]* aJTUfwii.

H»hey» laumWI amamy M™™^^r. (SaJful-Okul p. 31SK

Rcndefing It into EnitUib tb« -bovs ptwn ffl«iP ^•

_. .>.™< whA WW* bom i and Uvwl) during Wru.P,nuna^ .« tb^ wh.^-

^^^^ ^^^^^Vikrtm 'i «iin- H*^ ' "'^^

; that uma w* Arab., oWivt«.

«f divinity ^^^'°fJ,7'"i7dUw- .f (inor«.» had ^«bp^

Of a ^ol^ we Arib>**^„^*Vlnt«i« .* on i Nf* Moon lUghl.

w„ ffVitoP^ '" ' '^rji^ant 1^^^"* -^ *"«""• "* **

0„t the P«^ '^'^.i„j ^W* Wn« V[kr.m whw btfw^««

^t c^ *. ft«^: *^^^ « « w-^ Ha .J>™d ht. ..c«^


Page 354: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

^^^ofM*pr«ff>»l^po^ to WIT country tatall/Bte

^^'^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^"

-^u^TLTK^e VEto^m^dity. nJed aboui 600 y«r^ earlier

In EniAbul th^ apJiaJ of TVi^^i'- i' a ramoug library known

wMikhube'^h-nii which is repuled to have ihe letYesl collection

0' jBidHit Weil Asiaji liu^ilure In th^ Arabic swtion of that libraiy

t»0 snthaLo©' of tncent Ambkr polity. T^ist anthology was compiled

ftm m «rfter worfc In A.D^ 1742 ynder the onier of tbe Turkish

Hit jfl^ oT Ihi^ votume are nude Qf Hareer - « kind of silk

uHd fisr wriiing on. Each iwge has a dmorelive gilded border,

uudin; pign ol" sdcmJ bwks is an ancient Vedic custom associated

wUi dd Stttflcni scnpLurea found in Java and other plaoea. Theifilhtjkig> Jiirir Eg known us SairulOkul, It is diiflded into three

puu 7^ Cm pan wntaina biographic details and the poetic

compoaitionsofpitlBJimk Arabian poets. The second part embodiesecaioJj nd vetms or poeu of the period begin ninjf just aft^rVdfaimKJ Aid ending with the Banee-Umcnayya dynasty. TT^e IhirtPin dMlt ^li, later poets upto the end of Khalif Hanin -eJ-Bashid '9im. Incdffllally Binw' meaning Vanee' and Ummayya asin KiBhii^* are ^naknt namei.

*^ tL'^^'fr^- ' ''^^^^^ Arabian bar^ who w^

2l:t^J H'-"»-H^^d'> c^^ b. compiled and

P'***«» *" B*in.i i^ A D iL^' subsequent edition was

m«ttmpan*ni»d.„thr.ri,'. ^**''* '^ ^^arded bs the

ftthrows consldproble ligbi on th* soda] i^f^

^d etitertJiinnient forma In andent Arabia Tt» wT,'^'^'*^

^ elabon,t* description of iU mdmi M^ phZ r'."*'*^'"

the *iinLal fair known ss OKAJ which u*«J lo be bdd U,^"^


|;^i:fl€d Dlsciis^ionis and DIkoui-ks

But tbe OKAJ fair was far from a carnival. It provided . f^mfor the elite and learned to dlseuaa tbe eoctal. T^igiom, pa\i^^Itterary and other aspects of VedJc culture then pervading Anbii!

Sair ul -Okul aaaerts that the conclusions reached at tliMediKysiiors

were widely respected throughout Arahb. Mecca, thefefflr*, folJwHd

Ihe Varanasi tradition of providir^ a centre for importuit fttsniHitm

among tbe learned while the masae$ congregated there for ipfrituil

bliss. A3 against that andent intematJond ifforld uiemblflge i/

Sanskrit poets and pundits the current ccngregatfons in Mecca irr

mostly of illiterate or semi -literate Muglimg. The princliu] siirin^

fit both Varanasi in India and fit Mecca in Arveaihwi were of Viatimu

and Shiva. Sair-ul-Okul teUa us that a pan-Arabic p^rtie fiympwrnTn

used to be held in Mecca at the annual OdtaJ fair in prtlslimw:

times witb all leading poets partidpaling in it. Poemi consldertd

best were awarded prizes. The best poems engoved on ipjW plat*

w^ hung inside the temple. Others etched on c^md or gt-t Urn

the treasure hous* of *he ^^ A^^^^ ^ ,^ ^p

tradition waa of ^^^^^ '^""Z^,^^ trf tlw K-b-

got lost and destroi'ed dunng *nd ./Wr tn*

by Mobamed "a fcr^'^^ ^^^ ,,^ ^,^.

captured ^-^^^''''TJ^r^^-^'^'^^Xl^.'f^

poems to ^P" hol.rAbuA^'''^^"'j7^^ .hrt*- with th.

bap0. b**"^"^


Page 355: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


^C| -^ Iter iir« ymr^ •« s«o.-«»oo at ihr M««fc,

Ai th»» t?«* F»i« ^^ B*"*^' iMcribed as gcJd pi«*

,^^11 "s nJ* o%yr ArabtS- As r«GnJe^ )^

I e* VedK *^v of Ifr. mancd sdn^.tnbK Um Wxa: pnfdc in trrigaticn tod

*-*—* »!> ^ Vmc Hfe.

liK*t Md FW3>' ov^ Irso end frgq.

i) It it. tbartfa:*. t£tf w 5ad the Ktuiji md ImrisB^i^Tifarf liikiiTi ^ tenpfes €:d9tsiff b p|n

c£ ^fadsi tfw^nrt of mZ<E f«iy ^'oni ladiL ndIf^ sf ad» V«5c ocJKiii oBtna Eke :^^-!a!^ (i*. ?%vi

i> *** bm dif cp ia S?viH RussU. Aoeiail

*t ibe fsnd -TBB tcM so tcM in Cmtnl An.

cN»r> flf «arid biMr? hp^ Sieefl i^iKsA

**? ^ K-Jlirr. ek Ch--ijtao

- In ^a itepnaoDt vdmM

Vfdtc Suntu in Lhv Knu

Ai3»rt qnt Komlc v,n* ti in rod trwaiu™. ^i* the Y«i^i^ H poinl«d o^ 1^ th, ,«,,.;^^


Part i. Oaipte- 2. ^taiDo 113 ^ 115 md 139 l©, qJTTsuna 37 md a^aw 10. Kicai 4 t^ - -r^ j,^^,^^^^V«l8s used u> be ndUd in Ifaco ma to ihi Km h«h wteiuring Moluin«d '» tnytuod di^.

An*b> ro)lai*td Lbc Vc4k fal»dv

1^ t&kdil* tetr« « pHilHgD of 3a gods, ftofdi JB A3il Ubvtoo w^r^[]p^ 33 gods Mtorfi tfav S||?n^ of Uan.

if HI adsptaiJoQ of tlie V«ik vSak' (U^ eiiat> sntt of th§

HitKlu okndar.

Tbe Mtt^m moak Eiii f«s i« aa=E* 'n=B li* V.^ 'Bin



Tbe W*i d*y rf tiw Itnir (!»* fo*^^ "^* Odobir. «! isa* to fa* ftr uj ™^"^^

ts A«v



Page 356: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

j^ t-YtA i»W» P«P^ tianihtm miinaM vacha'^l.

«flrt • **^/.^j,^, Shwrshmu ffod '» hlessiftsa w invoked

ftr itm<t»'(niproved behaviour- TTtEM we^ proviaftj

^ "^tn«iit prycfwfoSKfl] refnindt^ra and con-«iiv«s, The

^T^,*L rt.™ - Syim dJ*flSi^W" PaP^ nasbflyatl. PraUr

iJLileUidaiiofi. Ort>iodfixVedJC chants In Sanakril [^TNTsiTqrnm^)

'Iteo jUam . Pip* Sa^t*"^ '

''*' ' "" ^^"^ ^^ ' ^™ "^^f

J^\ wd 10 bp r*p«tffl iU over the Mdent Vedic world.

MuUmf Sf* *rti«neJ clean] Iness of fi^'e pa its of the body before

cginiKndntf pn^ws, TTiis derives from the Vedic injunclion of

•SbrKf flhuiitiyflrUiJim puiehfln:ga nyasah ",

Four nKniiB of th* yasr ere irgsrded bs ver^ seered m TsIbju^c

dv^tkn. Hw dfVffut ire enjgirjied Ui dtx^tALD rrom plunder and

{pOv fvj] dftds during th»t pfiiod. This corresponds i0 the V«dj?

pnakt of olnrrving Chilurmis. ihe Tour mon^o^n months $s

nquintl ipedit tuiteiUei ind vcws^

Ttw MuilLii fmn-El Shiw Barsi i? e relic of the Vedic Shiv- Vrata

lUis ffliiTKn obwrvartre, Snc* the Kaba had q Shiva shrine theSjiwrmn fauvil used to be txl^ni^ there with fit^t fervour.

^dTInnit^cd Tenure

Wu4lim 9if» partJdpanti in Muharram processjons cair^'na*™in| tfji(*naff aii-* ttrrvpte re^riicas for dftstniciion a« often

«Jl .L*^""^ ^""^ '^'^^ e«shing thernBelves with dfig^ra


T^^^hinorfct] eiplansUon ja ihat when invading Arab hordes

«i*«>-*wildD^ t

^' n«- convert Mmlln, leal, they compelled

^ *** ttuuil i,t^^^^'^^^*'*'^^*T>aa^dd Lies for dumping.'™™n t*oces»lana Shias nUaa aialvaa aU over

1Wthfl world unwiutnjsly m^ mj i^.-iirt ik* ..u-tho« f.t*f.l day, wb™ .nder A^b l«Jl7tl'Z!:ll"'Ininiana were wr,^ch«) ^y f^ .^eir V«ii.^^ W«U. Muher™ pr.««^on ml^de^t^ „ , ^^JXZrfUiaJ. 1, in fact an e^r^^on of a UmcW.K, pitiful TrirH«, n«««^longing for EarUer Vedic cultu™ especuilly Ixcaun (« ™,i.ij»rtearlier) Muharrani jignlfie? that wbkh i« rorbiddsn.

The annual pilgrimase " Hsj' ia s toe*! dlstortiw of lb« Smittrii

word ' VraJ ' signifying proMedln^ on io^irm^.

Ml this indicfites that Mahuncd ws bam tn i famn^ vtCh

Vedic traditions. But when he chose lo brwliiw^y fnm ih#fvidly'i

Hindu tradition and heriliiKP and decUre bitnself pmpbiit to rt«rt

$. new antagonistic cult MohBired "i juint HkiJu fimny brolte up

in an iatefnecin^ feud.

Farflung Hinduism Isal, thorefore, !t» own Armngv^dDn In

Arabia, tn that family-strife Mobamed's cnm undt

Umar-bin-eHaahann. a atauntb Hindu and fefvait d«wst» of Iflri

Shiva, got slain,

TTb Makha-M?din£ (i,e. MKCt-Medlni) re^n nwHindrf la

the chants of Vedicmantr^sinc^timefmmf^o^^^ddto-^^u^

got addd to the e^^ng Vedic ,*.theon the«.^ IM^^^

Of the Vedic p^lhecn. Tt ha. - larje h«« -^ '™^^

-^- ^-- ;-tr: «.rr.i c.™ ™^p^

4W^uW-^C-^^ ^'^^^









Page 357: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


T^ ™n *t« mfly si^d Ms life in sin find rr«irtfion or we^l^

ff i, hpH hf iBfcni *nd rtftum to rightwusnesa can he be

[f to one* l» wwjWp W«h»dert with • purfl heart, he will

Qtt lari iStan) eKhengt nyy wtimlife for but > day ^a sojoum

But DM pilrfmig? l>wre secures for one dU merit aivd company

(Sur-uI-Oku] ' P.23S)

A ii«Bbir df Wffy imponLuL condUiioAj C8n be drawn fromt^ liimi* k indkaia »i»i the tlt^ baitlea brt*«n Hinduism aiuJ

Ui» «» foBcbi m Uw vwy land which has been flaunted as^ttdan, m] «igBii| cradle of Istam. Umlim pDtfrima stfll

jTT^ " • "lutl of ihe Hai pi^rfmaiie in the precinct*"^ *** ^** •*«" *ff<*«««l h*l met rtifT reslsunce.

*«^^part4m «ndu,ion ,» that until Iglam «^ref5«l the

i^ a^^ '^ ''^^ ^""^ ^ '^^ ^"^"" *^^f^'« ^^

ttt raM tf ihk"^ Runeiiwir and other centra. Uke

*«•«« V,^^'•**! the> r*,iM«j ]^„ j^^ ^^^^

tma^Om A»-h* " ^****^ inmtori and gtjidea. it Ji at their

''**^ »a«n-olioqP"**** to ittun divwe bliss and

H ccn

,tJ^,^sit,^«^T!as.ham waa h&ld In wch high «l«n> ihit hi,

conwripomrie!. called him Abul Heki™ mttning the fnim of

Idfirning- To^cnll a man OflBamin^ Ejid spiritusllLy ft doctor ihildml

|gSanskrit .

VedJc irsdltlqn. Aotording uj that ihe wort Kivi gi^ fiw

^th fl persm of great aiialnments and a meditnl mm, Ever^nct

H^ohamed raised his sword agsinsi hjs own ofids. th« ]»tiw hnt^efi atigmBLized in lalamic Irsditton as Abu JsJial i.e. ibe fither

of ignorance


On page 25T of Sair-ul-Olcul 19 another wwy important vtrat

imposed by Labi bin eAkhtab bin ti Turfa. He lived 2,^ ynii

prior to Mohamad- Even at thit eeriy ^at« Le. sround leOG B.C,

Labi pays devout poetic tribute U> tht Vedss imil m«ntJ^a «Kh

one of ih^m by name.

That the Vedaa wer* the only relrgfous scriptures lo whkTi th«

Arebs owed allegiflnre *» early sa 190U B.C. prov© nA only tbf

BnUquliy of the Ved&9 buL dso ihe frxialflice of Kahitiiyi rule

over the entire region from the Indus to ihe M«ii»«m«n beciu»

it should be regarded .9 an a)riom cf history that r^gto foJI°>«

administrative control.

p.W,.h^ by UNESCO, tf.1 '^^'''r^^"^ /^"*

Thus UM >™l

Hi. A^-y^ ^pt .^

under in B^"''"'^'^







Page 358: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


««*d »r.| ™sMy« nohi miMf HIND -o

;™L^..™.. --1 HINIMWN -3

p!^ , j,lnr«i«l VIBA bukkun mafam >on/ij;fi>lfltun ^3

iw«^ iJi:n^F S^MA w*] YA.TUR nunaltah^v Tana)*elan

n-* no™ > w^^K'> mudAbflvm Vob85S>ieriyonii jntim .<

Wi.i« Min htim^ Rl^ ^"^^ '**"^*''" KBB-Khuwfltm,

^ jyfwi *ii-udJM wabPffB fnasha -e-rstiin-5.

Thf ibffw (WO jtOHUfl to<" *"T "'^^^ ^ff^ "^^^ awarded r priie

«R jrt-htimle Atihii. Thpy w*™ ^""8 inscribed on boIJ plains

umiie th* K*ba »t-in# which had around the present L^^ll^ca^^3d

inatkmwni 1 tennSf \v3aim^ Vfdic deities.

A frtt EnKtish mwifTinj of Libi 's c*3ebrtted poem singitig the

pahtt of tlv V«tif will tie es fallows :<

Ob Uv 4ivine knd sfBhartt (how> very blessed art thou 1

B«i9U9e tlvu lit the choMfi of God bl?s^ wftb divjn« knowledge

SlOrl: -1

"nw eekrtii] lawwledge which like four lighthouses shone

TIraiib U» (uuffiftcea of J Indian ssgea in four^foM abundaiice

Cofi erjoiaj «i cO huiiami, fottow with hands down

11« juth the Vedu wlih Hii divine precept lay down ^3

B<^"ff *ith (Di^r^e) teiQwledse ar, SAM and YAJUR bestowed

np* b™thef, «j^ and fdkw th^ V«lffl. guide, to saivalion


Mh«r t«acb u, fraiwtiity

7WSheltering ..der tbdr lu^r, dispel, d-rkr«„ yn ^^, .^

Tb* supreme revermoe which tha An(}w >,»J r t .,

in p™^i«l«nic Um« ia an,ply ben.e out by Lh. .J^tT^^Ancient Indian Vedic tinWer^ltle, Ifke thc^ « m^^, „.

Wsh^hiJa in India tujurtioned in HI h^^t^ni «ntr« reno^tn the ancient world iwh an Bokharm, S&m&rkuid. AlenndriB CilroBagTidad, Istanbul. Alliens, Corinth. Htone. Paris, Lmdm mdSUiclthalm.

Labi clearly menliora that Arabs Wfre Initiatwi in the Vedic

doctrine of monolithic hralberbood Ihmough the Jtudy of i^j^ed

and ALharviflved. T^a statement of a feapected Mdent Arab p^i

prov«3 the Islamic pioneering cUini qf preaching brothertHod to

be incorrect.

Ancient Arabia's idenUty with Hindu culture m deirty bomt

mil by Labi and Umar automslically explilna the ex&iww of Buddha

iin^ea and IndiM fire-worship thnniyhaut Wai Am.

^ce Mohfljned'8 uncEe was a Hindu It cleariy fcCowi thil

in those tim« of joint fsmilisi. ^1 m^bcn f.cludtaB Moh^rf

were rendtJS and were nursftl in Indisii fore, immm »nd ^lur..

0,, conclusion that Moha^n^ '. ^u«^- --^ I^l"the Kaba with ^1 i^ "^ealth -lad «ot to no«t .ny nr. r^^^^ve^.oundand,ondg™und,«.

«eaUh rpom *l" o«r

«f ^'^T I.^^ ^^*^ ""'"'"' T?^













Page 359: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


^ n^^ poHtJca] *or» for Arsb miliUry

«d hicU^ft' «=«'l'<^ "'°=^''' ""^ mausoWm,. for

T,-^ Lmpr^on ^r«iJ thrtnigbout Ih. w^rld wilh the

y^., orn «nb is not bswd on fflcta^ BUnd rev^rcnw or

imm^t&utied llLsUms fro™ e'-fr probing th^ orftHti of the

Kirti mi thf KpdWi. «i»Te Wind l»tk>f in overubelmmg MusUm

uj^ttlM \mk prmnJaJ jrofestona] histsrian? tnto unquestioned

Bd. diKffTOctf wd unawed scbolsrs such as Colin Maine hove

p^id owl il«i The RijraF! wts wriUfn diawn 20 yearg sOer

MiiMiriT*! flrr^' end tbt fir^ H^diih (i.e. Sfi>1ns^ of Mahamed)

£S0 ;«.-> iftff ^ di#ti. Ihtmy Haditbs ww^ invenL^ in th«

im^nmiaf ymn ta n|ii|tt(t « ptrtfcukr eoursc of sctioii".

ilTixAti fnsn put^oUon of itv RirUcnidisL Aj^socbii on <if N .S ,W.

Sbiffi. Oi^ppendi3tN.S,W. yCB, Australia)

TlM tbfflmirt ^Dtin if i fa^nnlion of Islainic pressure -grcups

S<iW powtt- ifter Mnhiroed s dMih fs npparem from the

itevt (^ie-ntian- !f tjie Konfl diiin 'i edsi for 20 yeen after

Ifatend Ha- w» »t cgmpQpi iJl of « ndden ? UniiHe ihe Vcdicttidilm tim Aribi didn t hive fainiJtt* of professioflal beredJiary

•f ibt J^am b Mi>ha-n«J i ume Kiturally Lherefort thei h««* biBi prMervfrl ihroqfjj onl redtaUon. The

^^ k ai im|>5siHji!ii>- U» ii] Uk ^s«nee of any uniform

TT^**^"^ *^- '«ar«y.vr the MiuUmi Ihans^lves admii

^T* Z^**""^'^ Tbrwftlfl^tBl order ef ih* Koran

j;«^»« mi Kttinnl> fttdiurim^ ji i^ntfth-wise from


ATThe sajT^e Is the case ^th the s^ng, af Mflhimrt Th«

^own aJ HBdiths. The Sanikrit Sity,- chmpri v. HiL^^^^tiion mannerism) and Ihmcc lo Hadlth. Who ooutd rKOwtjsyinffs of Mohamed ^0 yeen after him 7 Obviously, tJwnforv.

the Hadiths are compilattona of some shr?i»d pnpie ^j^ cchiIaJ

power, wealtb and importance md ti»erefore puL ihe Mohimed

stamp oi tlwir own imegjnativ«ly oonceived "ayingj'.

Sucli new Improvised aubstituka wers found lo rf];dl«e

pre-Mohamed Vedlc hlstoiry of the Arabs wbicl] wij d^1>nitc||r

end s^stematieally wiped out. Bui b crime no sniUer !»« defUy

committed can nJways be detected . Tiertfort It ahouidn 'I he beyond

bumen ingenuity to repiece the pre Mohamed Hsiory of the Anbv

aad the pre -Jesus histoiy cf the Europeara,

Even now seemingly Muslim reaiaiidns ii the ubiuiI

Haj 'jrilgrimsge retain the resonance wd cainic* of eratwM* Vedk

recitations rtvealing how a srynihettc Islsm was httmedly taipres-iKd

and super -imposed on Vedic traditjon.

to n.,k* the A^b. ^.r...^ '^ c^-^^ ^ ^magnanimously, to =™"^";'^^ „„ » .11 »d. P—vers* and tNrtf<«


in «lurn to pl'" "«"_.^A„h.. T*.)'-'*-*

colleeted aU Vwlie. »> ^^ ^ ub* " " "" a^ ,m

Page 360: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

_Hi«i ilwot wint ind *^*"- ^^''"'^ ^''^^^ f^""

^^ 7w ^ ««l]«t example ^f ir^ippt^s-o v^t. i^

^^ „^ ffln ^W Mfiie very import^t informaiion from

UrsMrthPrt may eTso ncrt* ihEt there still are aome olhw wai^s

«^ rtGmR It tb* pr*-Is1iniic htstOOf of MusUm countries.

UtnriB. ifl I^l-mic capitals ^uch aa Cairo, islanbul. Telieran

mil B^Mad fOB o»t4ln volumes, pictures and sketches which

(ffliia ihrtjw Mme llflbi ofl the prt-TslemJc history of lands which

bM KKt iHcn jobjfded lo s Miislira stranglehold.

Theft vt ilso ilrty MUTtw Such as the ViHramoditi^s

coimnsnoration i^lumE iri^nUaned above.

Am^ulcr^ra of pre-hkmic Arabic podry prescrtbed Tor students

tv ^A. u4 MA- degrees in the Piinjah in an undivided lndi&n

Iw nniained poenu of the kind quoted above


Somt entwhille Muslims who left Islmn dis^sled wTth Its

f^lnbwKl mi iLippreE$joa have !efl; som* inaporUnl wrilinKS- OnetDdi w*i Cywwdni Sufi who waa the har to a EO-mtled MustimnuHtoum in Conkhpur.

^"ic'i^en™!. > CermHJi has rompiled a tibhogrephy Of

prelrimk Anb Ul«raiure. I im informeed that it does not list

ih* aurul Okul Thit ii bKBuse ih& contents of the library ot

"-"bul wlsM^ by . ft^>d rsnatfc Mu.lim mob earUdf


p™ «**cliteu^ofW«tAiliin™untrie8<™cei-UUnly Iwtfsced



irtconatnicl^. In doing this however, on? muai «* b* mfiM

p^ cffwed down or won over b^^ Muatlms w pru-Muilim v«w

guKpean ViaifJrs lu the Kitba

EvertFlnce Mohamed captured the nnowtni] Kst« Vfdie temptt

jji<j banned non-Muslim enti^ U) It Bome adventoroua nHimtjitJnu

l^fl from time to tim^ V]9[l«d the Kaba and reccnfEfd whiL met

their eye i" ^'^^^ closely and nereely guarded pramiaa,

Ludovico Bartbema was one amang the few EuropsMi who

were \vdky enough to visit the Kabaand i^um alive. ThBJjnpr««)lQAs

of bds visit 1063 AD- were published 1b 1&51 AJ).

The fiT^t known Briton lo vis^t the Ka^ vnu Jowj* Ritj.

He was captured by the Araha ii^ a battle in Al^rs iod n™ kW

away as & slave in 1678 A.D. la a naidenl of M«m- latsr M

scaped to the prol«tion oi the BrillBh Mission kt Jeddi. H. fllrknel]

in ]m and TJ. K«nein OT A.D. weretwooih^r&igiiab vfeitort

10 th« Kaba.

„^ p.blish«. to 1818 A.O. uirier Ih, tiUs -W. rf *U B^.

On p,,. 86 cf iL h, «™^ ;-^-^-;:L.1t'"r>

eaet, c< .bout ... r«."trJ-ir P^' ^*' "' '%'.^

in the ancieni fn

Page 361: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

M"*' j^ thus jhroodi not only Muslim^^^^^


^ l> *»ns »P^^^^^^jj jp^tion of the SmiihsQrijtn rnsUlull«,i

hie eflpfw ol^ ^^ '^^'^" ^'"'^ ^^ mysUrious figure 781

A ftoff 1™» only mathsmfiiical relevance. Any figiJie abniptly

*- __,.+^ (xzvt rtiti rtf comexi. must naturtJly 1»

intnidiiRt? Lnlo


utions on ihe "'^"^ *^" ^'''^'' tnroimed Lhai Muslim

[J^Ued *^^^' s«c(U3iQn flrd secrecy aboTJt the Kg^n

10 Ml outsiders.

writttfl teict, oui of contexi

tj5 mi fram riirht to left in Arabic pi-aclicc.

mij the Ogiir^ :e« appeanns on Koranic pages Is th* Anrt*

UBiKriiit sT ihe VediC holy letter tOM) l^i loo^c-d lik^^ 7B6.

7b ttL I vfsuBl idei. reader? are advised to wrile ihc holy

VBec Snakrit Irtter m on a price ot paper and bold It SQ u

« raike ihe 1(*JUt fice tbe llghL. 'Riefi Lake fl loolt at it^mn

y» Uck. It wi]! appear ss 7SS. Snce knowledge of Sanslnii h^

wmi ofT by Um. Ume ir\ Arabia thai revei^ed symbol ^*^/Jf

iMiSflkoi ut to Borae esoteric figure 7S6 and was mecliBJJ

wwfflMd in Aribic characters aa above lit fidorn the pfl««

*• Korwi h (ftjghi ihereforf to be pranunced as ^^"^^ "*

^Ihf rqdins of Uw Koran instead of mistaking ii as ^^^ '^^'^ '


PtSf per MuMffar Hu Baain' s BrticlH in the Or^Hniter w«Uy d£i«]

May ^. 13^ "There Is hettlly any MusUm country which hu not

cbo*Bfi sofno HSntlu cultural artefact* for lt5 phllaullc iUiiatrtEi^n*.

Saudi Arabia ha^ pubtished i b - Riyal stamp depleting tha etemti

dance of Redba and Krlghna. It has alaa usfd the ancient mjUiologlcal

.pcM3od« of Sita In Ravan "s captivity pining fflr Rama in the Ashok

irrove.. SVna a^SQ cerncs on Its pc^Legc 'stamp an illuDtnilon of

Kiisbna giving Arjun a piece ot ^v\cs. A(^^ hra wo far IgsuHl

eigbt stfljT^pg de|)icting scenes from the famotis epics of Bamaysn

jind M&habhsrat. SmUerly Kuwait and otW GulF wuntrifl tin

have issued poaiage stamps propsgailng Hindu culture Yonw hu

puhlisbed a st*mp showinR Hanunian flylr^ with Mount Dnini|iri,

It 13 commonplace to find atamps wttb plclurti of AiwiUn Elkiri

and Taj - But it is amaziTig ic Tuid sUmpa that hav* dear laodaUon

wilh Idfl] .vonhip tc be issued in Islamic camttiiM."

Th« port town of TobnJK on Libya s Mstem »i c«rt is

connected with Ubya a capital TVipaU b^y a ISOD bn. hlRhwiy.w^

irdi^ contineenti foughl as part .F the British ,rm, ^^Rommel s German tr«,pa In World Wa. Tl- . -n'-v« «"*^

"the., has the San.k.t wo,.. ^^ i^^^> «-^ ^

per ibe ^sb expr«»sed by tbe dying Indlin foMe™.

evidence of the pre isi""'waiflric *JI»uti

„a^ look out for th^^sta^P*^-*"^"^^

And.niA^*-"*Hind>« ^^^^^P^

^A t«J«yTaquii* f*mJ«*r-*^ 'JJC^^^*'"^^

^dians in luife rtpftWi

a largoQiir'

J prc*n2^ ecif^«^*'

Page 362: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



-tiirtrt* ftt« * cfimmunlaUon bbtS U. Ihlt newspaper by

-At ty. tanctt-rt. wb« UM «r thr»t«.i to ai^rad to ibs

s-rliit ft wfU bf inl*r«lin* to leini that a community of peop],

.ho« Kmdtj* wd who m tdol wBrthippers, have b«n exiaUng

ta AnU« for wv«l «nUriH. T^ tivu surrounded by Muslim


tl« itftum o< I Jufc iriW it*e, wi* origmsyy under th* fmW

o( Turia5 Byi, t^sr liw Gr«l Wir of 1914. it came to W h^ondff U]c imn^lt of Pruce-.

*' Tiv ptoi^t of Ok above Hindu cmununriy bS spok AtbUc.

irilkvdU ihcTTueNn Uw "Dur^" l^eii* full name in Araljic

k''*'SM Dil Duruj " i^iich metns ''people of the Durjs.*

"Tbt Durju tre lUvided inu iwo notable clashes, one group

Tte *nr tiw orthodox tuft md those who do not do so. Tbo$«

vie dc fl&t wr the bill «rf ^ freiler number, TVie Durjas are

wiiiip(»rfe of aiivi «nd Ctfiapitj and they have idola inat«11«l

kl ttavla for lh«r wcnhip. Sam« shrines are actually buDt very

and] on tL« tiofl of Hindu temples In [ndia. Many other have

VlopKid tb ptfters of moKjueo, ft^sU^'er the conatruction of the

^tinm tbay all hivi prmti who perform wquences or rituals


n^i^oit boolu oT the Durjas «t¥ found to be In theAnifc Kript. Tb«jr E^ writim in the fonn of poetical lines andtb. prlM4 kavi coiraiuued mm of the books u> memor?- Botht** n««i voiw iav» modetkid thmw^ve* on the Arab iriba

«J^o™ diapi^ ut«m*|y wir^liJ* quaUtks and mannflfi.

^^^T^ "^ '"'^''" ^ """^ ^'"" *^

«>wnHap4bfc- h*vt alfc bft« fni»ti»i*d> A aignincBit

X* mflrWflfi the DuTJas wt t) tb* r^TasaJ of their

'^''^^minlah (veQ J - The survival of that frwdom of their BKieii

SlnToriBi'^ J^ °^^^ surprising fact.


To that n^r«^PBper report *e would like to add that thrt Her^ly

Vedic Artb «>mmujiity mbabiUi the southern region of Saudi Ar^bi*

tmown B3 Dar-til-Khali^ where obviously the writ of fierceiy Muslim

Saudi Arabian Govemmwit doesn 't run. Tbe survival of that Vedic

Arthic community practically unknown to t^ outside worid is a


AJl world ambaasadora to Saudi Arabia* especially the Indian

ambassador ought lo eaublish cOTttact with that surviving Vedic

community. The title too is totally Sanskrit. Deval Dal Duriay meaning

tbt* Tough Twnple Guards " which suggests that wh«i the Raba

WB3 stormed repeatedly by Mohflmed 's waxing army a section of

(he Vedic Raba t«mple guard got uprooted and isolated. Its

descendants have evei^incv tenaciously maintained their VedIc

tradltiona continued from Malliabhar^t times. Efforts by the fanatic

Arab Muslims to extenrunate them altogether have be^^ fnJ^rated.

A atgnifiont difference marking the Durja? out is the ref^ssJ of

their women to wear purdah. The survival of this freedom from

their ancieDt Hindu origins is another surprising fad,

Ihe KoruD Mcntioni the Vcdas

The Koran repestedly aDudes to the Vedas as andentmostBcriptura. Hereunder are a few instances.

1, SuiB No. 5 Veree - 52 -

And to thee, we hath s^t down the book of the Kowi withtnith confirroitory of previous scriptunea. and their safeguard.

2. Sura No, 10 Verse 94 -*' And if thou art in doubt ss towliat we have wnt down to thee Inquire of those who have mdUie Bcriptures before thee. Now ihst the Inith has oome imto Om«from thy Lord, be not tberefo™ of those who doubt.*'

.a. Su« N^^ 12 V«« ui - *•

Certainty ir, thrir historie. i.

Page 363: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


^ri, for m«i of undertH^dlfiff. TfuB is m> Ul* of fi^Uo^

H.,7o^nn-^ °f P^'""'soipttiT^. ^d an exptanayoi, ^

4 suri Nj. .16 Vot* : 29 And that which we hav? r^^^

ifi Uw If th* Book is th& truth ^confimiaUny of F*vioiis scriptures


f. Cod taw^^m wd h? loldrth his ser^flnl^.'^

T^mmj Sura and ^ai connoting chapter and vei-se respective

In iht Kcrtn ar* of V?dic Sanslmt origin since " Sum ' ^ignlnej

DivBiiiy whae Ayfi- mesns " received flram,

t^ b«»cmrni is coDsfdcred wiy hol^ because In mosi Shiv

tcnpld ihcrt are iwo ShivlJnps one ubove IM oihtr f one in the

bluaiiEDiudtlicfithn'oniheEraundi noorji. Thconein ih« tutstmcni

i« uunJlj ia vjiinr apd it t'OAiidered very holy.

Tl* i»«t* dcKTfhcd 13 ro» coloured h in fad of ihe VedkorfiTT rakwf. Tht nowCT'dccaration loo i& of prc-MusIim «^rigin„

SHMrivt JE mEDilnncd in fhe Bible ^is ti pan of the Rilesiifllan

w«icra, Ssmsriji u Sanikrit [«rm indicatJn^ ;i wur zone.

SuRiriiJin in Sanikrii fndlfntes a warrior, resident of Lhe


mi lufir"*'*^ "^"J' i" 'Jw Saam Vdic tone

Courusy ^tlsh MuHum, London

A typical ancient Vedie brass lamp from Saudi Arabia, on displsiyIn the British Museum, London,

In pre Mualim times wh«i the Arabs pragtisfid Vedic culture

Page 364: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

^*f^l flf vedic det^*s in the

g^^p«*^)-nj^^;;^^^^;„Hindu. CVedicl temple.

,t^ „d <^ '*^^^^U cosmic light tnd imimntSon.






This ts thft ShfvUn^ ut the Kaba vrUch Musliinj of Um wotii

perarnbulBt« at tbe annua] Hej pilgrjmdge kt M$oc«.

It ia a c^Undric^I dar}^- brown sacred stone about thm Uei.

tjJl. E^Fing: cov«r«d with aQv«r fodi only th« bsre cvtl ia tba ocxngives Qn« « eUmpse of tbie atont 'a surface. !n» ShivUng wv bnifi

of its oarved stona-p^intb.

Tbfl Shivltng ainc* turned out of the Rabi »»ctuni, bu bem

fixed in the south -ea$t comer {feeing Indti ) of the wterior aurfia

of the walh exposed to ffon and mitt.

Nona ia ever allowBd entry Ihildf tJi# Kiha tmiple wneton

which housed the ndMng Vlihnu ind wm » plifi* of in«™tioMl

VedIc pOgti;nage>

The MosKtn- ref«- ^ the Shlvl^S "f*^,'*!?!!'^

Stone. Tlta Artbl. wani A«tw,d (, Stit-krit i^i Atb^K n«^non-whJle (I, a, blaeliE)



Page 365: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text


Cni?^^ Bmob MuT^^ni. London

A <*»-h«d ^STP: pfT-likmie .Vtbia on display jn llit Briiish

IngL^fiing njcto cov^beadf .els wBier-spauu or f^ worship, is

1 IUB17 V*dic practke which ^ras ral!o*ed in pne-Moalim Aj^biBi.

Id -Vtbjc t}K «w 15 icnoum as Bakar. In Sanskrit Md * sif^H^'^r?Sp' Cons^ijffltly Btlm-id ngnif^es a d^ of cow -worship

A cs^jw m ifae Koren nsdf ^ namad after the sacred cowm 9vGF Ccrv'slsugtil^ ij t cnmc in Arabia, it la said.

TV fmcied Muj$tm nww Abu Sekar it 'Abhsj-^ Tfekar L e,

whoj»^«iA thectmorii protected by tte tboly) cow_

Cotmsy Briihih Museini. Lcndoii

A Hana-Vahini (swan -mounted) goddess SaraswaU' from

prc«tslamjc Saudi Arabia on dii5pla(y En the Bnlish ^(u^lun, London.

After th^ shattering effert of the Mahatharat war (C- 5561

B« C-} regions of ibe world gradually drifted aw^- from Vedic

C^lure until ChristisJiity ^d Iglam wrenched them away com^^t^ly.

"During that period of drift and ^trangement the r^resentation

of ancient Vedic deities became pregrMsively prosaic ^ Hierefort

Page 366: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text

a>t MtJ» r<yimi -niidjl hirtffl*c nilw (n Chri»trBn and Muslfm

couftirtB do IK* bw ihf WT» lyniboUsni tnd omamenUilfon mihty 60 in rndi ""«« diffk?tmcy should noi. however, be



Some Blunders Of Indian Historical


The author , in this book incites

some blunders of Indian Historical

Research . This is Oaks mosi popular


Who Says Akbar Was Gre/^t 7

The author quotes innumberable

incidents & proves that Akbar was the

greatest rogue . A well decumented work

Agra Red Fort Is A Hindu BuiLDrwG

This book proves that assertion

to be a blunder rooted in chauvinistic andmotivated concoction febricated bymediavaeval mus(im croniclers


Page 367: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text
Page 368: WorldVedicHeritage Book1 Text



(he cditorsa

. ^f world War II. Ctek

After th. =1^ ^* ,^ Calcutl3


all in New Delhi.

Around l*)5^- Oak developed^

.yrtoiie^ .nsifiht imp history which led

hmi 10 some stunning discovencs as a

result t>f his absorbing hobby of visiting

hisioric sites. He then founded (June 14,

\964) ttic institute for Rewriting Indian

History and wrote several books (listed

clscwhercin ihis volume Jh

Oak's hi^iiorical acumen led him lo

discover further thai even world history

has gone wrong. His discoveries have

thirrcfore. outgrown the name and scope of

the Insiitute for Rewriting Indian Hisioiy,

Having discovered thai from timeimmemorial up lo the Mahabharat War,Vedjc euUuTc and Sanskni pervaded thewhole world.

Oak U keen to found a world Vedic^'^rimgeUnivmiiy

10 educate the world'1 the pnmordial V.die unity of all—nuy To ^hat end he invite"^--pondencc f™. ,U those wil


help. ing lo