World war z summary

I found "Patient Zero" behind the locked door of an abandoned house across town. He was twelve years old. His wrists and feet were bound with plastic packing twine. Although he'd rubbed off the skin around his bonds, there was no blood. There was no blood on his other wounds, not on the gouges on his legs or arms, or from the large dry gap where his right big toe had been. He was writhing like an animal; a gag muffled

Transcript of World war z summary

  • 1. I found "Patient Zero" behind the locked door of an abandoned house across town. He was twelve years old. His wrists and feet were bound with plastic packing twine. Although he'd rubbed off the skin around his bonds, there was no blood. There was no blood on his other wounds, not on the gouges on his legs or arms, or from the large dry gap where his right big toe had been. He was writhing like an animal; a gag muffled his growls.

2. This was the first recorded encounter with a zombified person, recorded from an interview with a Chinese Doctor from the region of Western China.
3. Not even one year later, the world had been infested with this outbreak known as Solanum, a virus that attack key parts of your body, such as your brain.
4. As the virus continued, the host would become more aggressive, then crave human flesh as food. This is when the term zombie came into the situation.
5. Like I mentioned, almost one year after the first infection, almost 95% of the world was infested with this virus, making this the Zombie Apocolypse.
6. Then, all together, the 5% of that percentage decided to fight back with brute force, starting the Human-Zombie War.
7. With the help of every military and man remaining of this planet, almost ten years after the Apocalypse, humans regained the Earth and slowly began to rebuild their civilization.
8. During the postwar Reconstruction period, reporters, journalists, and authors began to review anybody who had a story to tell, whether it be fighting with a military, or just escaping a zombie-infested city.
9. One interviewer got only the most specific and chilling stories of them all, and put them all together to form the book known as World War Z.
10. This book answered many questions about the before, during, and after parts of the war that were behind watchful eyes.
11. What was happening with the governments? Did they actually create this virus for good, and it turned for the bad? Was there actually a human vs. human war going on during this? Was there mutiny? Did small children actually kill people twice their size because of the virus? And what is the government keeping from the public and media?
12. Well,
13. I guess youre gonna have to read the book.