World War II in Europe. Europe in 1942 I.Turning Back the German Army A. Allies agree to beat...

World War II in Europe

Transcript of World War II in Europe. Europe in 1942 I.Turning Back the German Army A. Allies agree to beat...

World War II in Europe

Europe in 1942

I. Turning Back the German Army• A. Allies agree to beat Hitler, then go after Japan• B. Start in North Africa (Nov. ‘42): Why?• 1. Get experience, use few troops• 2. help British in Egypt• a. Suez Canal Med Sea to Indian

Ocean• 3. Rommel (Germ) vs. Patton/Montgomery • (Allies.)

• C. Battle of the Atlantic• 1. German submarines sinking US ships• 2. Convoy system to protect• 3. New techs to locate/sink U-boats• a. radar, sonar, depth charges, Enigma

• D. Battle of Stalingrad (Russia): Turning Point• 1. Hitler’s strategy: destroy USSR economy• 2. City was key to cutting off resources• 3. Soviets: retreat banned (shot if tried)• 4. Germans fight house to house• a. Mass casualties• b. Soviets hold city• 5. Germans play defense from then on

Penetrating Fortress Europe

I. Road Map to Berlin

• A. Casablanca Conference• 1. FDR & Churchill (Jan. 43)• 2. Next step: Get into Europe thru Italy

• B. Striking at “soft underbelly” (Italy, June ‘43)

1. Start in Sicily• 2. Mussolini arrested• 3. September 1943, • Italy surrenders• 4. Germany invades, • Mussolini in charge• 5. May ’44, Allies • finally take Rome

• C. Tehran Conference (Nov. ‘43): Plan the Push• 1. Squeeze Germany from 3 sides• a. US/GB in Italy (South)• b. USSR full scale attack Eastern front• c. US/GB in France (Western Front)?•

• C. Tehran Conference (Nov. ‘43): Plan the Push 2. Break-up Germany so never threat again

• 3. USSR help US beat Japan


II. Operation Overlord• A. Considerations when Planning Overlord• 1. Germans knew it was coming• 2. Calais decoy?• 3. Weather Conditions• a. Low tide at dawn, good weather• moonlit night

Operation Fortitude (decoy)

III. D-DayJUNE 6, 1944

A. 4,000 Allied ships carried the invasion force of 156,0001) landed on beaches in the Normandy region2) The 5 beaches that were landing zones were codenamed

Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword.3) Over 2,500 Allied troops died on D-Day and another 7,500 were wounded.

B. Paris was freed on August 25, 1944 and all of France within a month.C. Opened up western front, took pressure off USSR

Victory in Europe

I. Third Reich Collapses• A. The Battle of the Bulge (Dec. 44 – Jan. 45)• 1. Last German offensive

a. Try to cut off Allied supplies from Belgium b. Blitkrieg bulged front 50 miles deep/80 long

• 2. Bastogne: pivotal city• a. US stronghold. Surrounded• b. Patton breaks through• 3. Germany 120k dead/Allies 80k• 4. 600 German tanks/1,600 planes destroyed• 5. Road to Berlin open

• II. V-E Day: The War ends in Europe

• 1 . April 25, 1945: US & Russian troops • met 60 miles south of Berlin• 2. Russia gets the honor• 3. April 30: Hitler suicide• 4. May 7: Germany surrendered

Fighting in the Pacific

Pearl Harbor Recap• 21 of 96 ships were sunk. Most others were

damaged. Eight battleships sunk or out of commission.

• 347 of 394 planes destroyed or damaged• 2,403 dead; 1,178 wounded

BUT• Carriers were out to sea (Lex, Enterp, Sarat)• Sub pens untouched• Fuel oil depots unharmed• Signals intelligence unharmed

• A. The Doolittle Raid (4/18/42)• 1. 16 Long range B-25’s off carriers• 2. Bomb Tokyo & boost American morale

James Doolittle

I. Holding the Line Against Japan (1941-42)

I. Holding the Line Against Japan (1941-42)

• A. Adm. Chester Nimitz to use aircraft carriers• B. Fall of the Philippines (Jap win)• 1. US airbases• 2. badly outnumbered• 3. Bataan Death March• a. 78k POW• b. 65 miles• c. 18k-20k died

Gen. Douglas MacArthur

Japanese Strategy in Pacific

• D. A Change in Japanese strategy• 1. Doolittle shocked them• 2. Initial plan: cut off Australia• 3. Now, Midway Island & destroy• U.S. Naval Fleet• E. Battle of the Coral Sea (May ‘42) • 1. Japanese code broken• 2. 1st US win in Pacific

James Doolittle

• F. The Battle of Midway (6/4/1942)• 1. U.S. Defense ready• 2. Japanese lost 4 largest carriers• a. Heart of their fleet• 3. Japanese advance stopped• 4. Turning pt Jap play defense for • next 3 years

Japanese Strategy in Pacific


Chapter 27, Section 5

I. Driving the Japanese Back (’44)• A. Island hopping in Pacific• 1. Strategic islands, not all islands• 2. Home-base for B-29 Superfortress

• B. MacArthur returns to Philippines• 1. Take Guadalcanal (’42)• 2. Hopped to Hollandia (’44)• 3. Phillippines in March ’45

Chapter 27, Section 5

Island Hopping in the Pacific

II. Japan is Defeated• A. Battle for Iwo Jima (Feb. ’45)• 1. close to Japan for bombers• 2. 6,800 Marines died in victory• B. April 12, ’45: FDR dies of stroke• 1. VP Harry S. Truman takes over

• C. Invasion of Okinawa• 1. Base for invasion• D. Terms for Surrender• 1. Unconditional • E. Manhattan Project• 1. Germans split atom• 2. Einstein, Oppenheimer• 3. Oak Ridge, Tn• Los Alamos, NM


• F. How to defeat Japan• 1. Invasion will = massive casualties• 2. March ’45: Napalm Tokyo• 3. Potsdam Declaration (7/26/45): • a. “prompt and utter destruction”• 4. Aug. 6, 1945: Enola Gay drops bomb• a. Hiroshima (Little Boy)• b. 80k killed, many more die later• 5. Aug. 9: Bombing of Nagasaki (Fat Man)• a. 40k killed• 6. Aug. 14: V-J Day

Japan Surrenders