World University Rankings 2015-2016: results announced | Times Higher Education

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  • 7/24/2019 World University Rankings 2015-2016: results announced | Times Higher Education


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    September 30 2015

    World University Rankings 2015-2016: resultsannouncedUS continues to lose its grip as institutions in Europe up their game

    Source: Peter Grundy

    The world dominance of universities in the US has further waned in the Times Higher Education

    ( World University

    Rankings 2015-2016 (

    ranking), despite the fact that the country boasts almost a fifth of institutions in the table.

    A total of 147 US universities feature in the top 800 the largest THE rankings to date


    included-years-rankings) including the California Institute of Technology


    ranking-dataset=133819), which claims pole position for the fifth consecutive year.

    However, there are signs of decline for the traditional Western powerhouse lower down in the table. The US now has

    63 universities in the top 200, down from 74 last year, and 77 the year before. Six of these make the top 10, compared

    with seven last year; after Caltech, these are: Stanford (

    university-rankings/stanford-university?ranking-dataset=133819)(third), Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology (

    of-technology?ranking-dataset=133819)(fifth), Harvard (

    university-rankings/harvard-university?ranking-dataset=133819)(sixth - its first time outside the top four in

    the rankings 12-year history), Princeton (

    rankings/princeton-university?ranking-dataset=133819)(seventh) and the University of Chicago


    dataset=133819)(10th). The UKs universities of Oxford (

    university-rankings/university-of-oxford?ranking-dataset=133819)(second), Cambridge


    dataset=133819)(fourth) and Imperial College London (

    university-rankings/imperial-college-london?ranking-dataset=133819) (eighth), and Switzerlands ETH

    Zurich Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (


    (ninth) fill the rest of the top 10.

    Hay Professor inPaediatric Health



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    Phil Baty, THE rankings editor, said that the US movement is to some degree owing to significant improvements to

    the rankings data sources this year, with improved coverage of research not published in English and a better

    geographical spread of responses to our academic reputation survey.

    However, he added that it also demonstrates that the US leading status as the worlds top magnet for academic and

    student talent cannot be taken for granted, citing figures that show that 47 states in the US


    scholar)have implemented higher education funding cuts since the global recession in 2008.

    World University Rankings 2015-2016: top 10

    Simon Marginson, professor of international higher education at the UCL Institute of Education, said that USresearch is not declining in the absolute sense, but rather other countries are improving and crowding into the top

    200 space.

    One of these competitor nations is the UK, which has improved its standing this year. A total of 78 UK institutions

    feature in the top 800, with 34 of these sitting in the first quarter, up from 29 last year.

    Other countries in Europe have also performed well. Germany has 20 universities in the top 200, a rise of eight since

    last year, while the Netherlands has 12 in the first quarter, up from 11. Meanwhile, Switzerlands ETH Zurich is the

    first non-Anglo-American institution to make the top 10 for a decade.

    Overall, Europe has 345 universities in the world top 800, meaning its institutions comprise more than two-fifths of

    the table.

    Professor Marginson said that the results reveal that 15 years of consolidation of higher education, in the Nordic

    countries, the Low Countries and German-speaking world, is now bearing fruit.

    In particular, he cited national programmes to foster research concentrations, the European Research Area grant

    programmes, the Bologna-instigated reforms, and carefully managed immigration policies that decouple high-talent

    recruitment from other forms of migration as strategies that have improved their university systems.

    Top universities by region



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    Europe appears to be becoming more competitive at postdoctoral stage the point where the US has long been

    overwhelmingly dominant in global flows of talent, he added.

    However, he warned that the UKs position in the rankings may decline over a decade or so if it continues to be

    semi-paralysed by immigration policies, while an exit from the European Union would have sharper, earlier


    Research depends on the free movement of both ideas and people, and countries that adopt a more closed stance

    pay the price in the end. This is a prime cause of the substantial long-term declines in the global position of research

    in both Japan and Russia, he said.

    Overall, institutions from 70 countries, 29 more than last year, feature in this years rankings, with several countries

    including Indonesia, Bangladesh and Kenya being represented for the first time.

    The THEWorld University Rankings use 13 performance indicators to examine universities strengths. View the full

    methodology (

    ranking/methodology), along with theWorld University Rankings 2015-2016 top 800


    [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

    Listen to the World University Rankings 2015-2016 podcast


    Asia gains new number one

    The National University of Singapore (

    rankings/national-university-of-singapore?ranking-dataset=133819) is the number one institution in Asia the

    first time the city-state has claimed the continents top spot in the rankings 12-year history.

    NUS is in 26th position overall in the rankings, with the next highest Asian institutions Chinas Peking University


    dataset=133819)and Japans University of Tokyo ( taking 42nd and 43rd place respectively.

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    US continues to lose its grip as institutions in Eur

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    Overall, this years rankings results provide a mixed picture for Asia; while Chinas performance remains steady, with

    the country claiming 37 institutions in the top 800, including two in the elite top 50, Japan and South Korea have

    both fallen down the list. Japan has just two institutions in the world top 200, compared with five last year, while

    South Korea has just one in the top 100, down from three.

    But despite its diminishing performance, Japan still has strength in depth: it is third place in the world in terms of

    the number of institutions represented, with 41 appearing in the top 800.

    Tough times for Japan and disappointment for South Korea mean that leading Asian nations grip on the higher

    ranks of the THEWorld University Rankings is loose, said Phil Baty, THErankings editor.

    Many institutions, particularly in East Asia, have been focusing heavily on attaining world-class status, backed with

    funding and powerful political will. But this ranking demonstrates how difficult a task this is, as universities right

    across the world continue to improve.


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    Print headline: US grows weaker as Europe gains in strength


    I have a doubt: are the (/comment/4159#comment-4159)

    I have a doubt: are the rankings 2015-2016 based on the 2014 data? or 2015 ones?

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    destination=node/133561%23comment-form)to post comments

    Of all the egregious twaddle (/comment/4171#comment-4171)

    Of all the egregious twaddle you publish, this has to be the most ridiculous: "US continues to lose its grip as

    institutions in Europe up their game". All the signi!cant changes from last year's table are not do to

    institutions changing, but because of your arbitrary - and, frankly, extremely stupid - changes in

    methodology. I challenge you to disprove the above assertion by publishing in full a version of this year'sleague table using the same input data but last year's methodology. Unless and until you do this you have

    no right to be taken seriously by anyone.
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    There is still a weakness in (/comment/4195#comment-4195)

    There is still a weakness in the criteria used for the rankings. #1 Caltech OK ( I know it gets the students with

    the highest High school SAT scores in the US), but L'Ecole Polytechnique near Paris, dropping 40 positions at

    #101 !?, when each year the new class of 400 french students are among the very top 500 sciences

    students of a nation of 65 M people. Every single one of these 400 students was selected at about 20 years

    old after several weeks of grueling national competitive exam and 2 years of preparation after high school,

    and could easily follow the sciences cursus in any US or British university. There is no mistake when

    admitted at l'Ecole Polytechnique, you know that each one of these brilliant students, without any doubt

    would easily be in the top 1% of the student body of universities like Ohio State or Michigan State, which are

    ranked in the top 100 in the Times Rankings, and ranked higher than l'Ecole Polytechnique... The academic

    level of the average student at l'ecole polytechnique and at those 2 US state universities is just not

    comparable ( when it comes to academics the academic level of a student at Polytechnique can only

    compared to the one of students at Harvard, Caltech, MIT and the likes ) Somehow your ranking should

    make a larger place to the student academic level among the criteria used to rank the universities,

    otherwise what is the value of the rankings ?. I am asking the question: How many students from Ecole

    Polytechnique even apply to Ohio State or Michigan State for grad school or a PhD? Probably none as they

    apply and get admitted to much better known universities... And reciprocally how many students from these

    2 State universities would be able to follow classes at Polytechnique ? I know from reading Caltech and MIT

    blogs that their students are warned that an exchange at l'Ecole Polytechnique is not going to be a walk in

    the park...

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