World Pranic Healing Foundation, India Research Centre · World Pranic Healing Foundation, India...

World Pranic Healin Researc Researc ng Foundation, India ch Centre ch Centre

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World Pranic Healing Foundation, India Research CentreResearch Centre

World Pranic Healing Foundation, India Research CentreResearch Centre

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Pranic Energy Perception Study

Srikanth N. Jois, Rajani Aithal,

Lancy D’Souza, Gayatri R.

Pranic Energy Perception Study

Srikanth N. Jois, Rajani Aithal,

Lancy D’Souza, Gayatri R.

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Review of Literature

Sui C.K. (1987) has stated that, Prana

which keeps the body alive and healthy

Lead beater (1913) A man looking

horizon, especially over the sea, will

tiniest possible points of light dashing

rapidity. These are the vitality globules,rapidity. These are the vitality globules,

which the Hindus call Prana.

Annie Besant (1901) Were it not for

not physical body as an integral whole,

prana the body would be nothing more


Review of Literature

Prana or ki is that vital energy or life force


looking out towards the distant

will notice against the sky a number of

dashing about in all directions with amazing

globules, specks charged with that forceglobules, specks charged with that force

the presence of Prana, there could be

whole, and working as one entity; without

more than a collection of independent

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Aura is made of PRANA and

Prana is less explored and studied in recent times.

Aura is made of PRANA and

Prana is less explored and studied in recent times.

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• To obtain familiarity with thePrana across all groups of respondents

• To develop a definitive conclusionexperience of prana in-betweenand absorbing air prana.

• Refining the concept of prana


the perception and experience ofrespondents

conclusion on the perception andbetween the hands, viewing of air prana

for more systematic investigation

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H1. Respondents vary in Pranic energy sensation

H2. Respondents vary in seeing air Prana

H3. Respondents vary in absorbing Prana

H4. Age groups have not got any significance on Sensation of Prana,

seeing of Air Prana and also absorbing Air Prana

H5. Gender do not have any significance on Sensation of Prana, Seeing

of Air Prana and also Absorbing Air Prana


. Respondents vary in Pranic energy sensation

Respondents vary in seeing air Prana

. Respondents vary in absorbing Prana

Age groups have not got any significance on Sensation of Prana,

seeing of Air Prana and also absorbing Air Prana

Gender do not have any significance on Sensation of Prana, Seeing

of Air Prana and also Absorbing Air Prana

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Study Design &

1)Feeling Prana In between the palms.

1. Connect your tongue to your Palate

2. Press the centre of your Palms with your thumbs

3. Put your hands about three inches apart parallel

Study Design: Exploratory Research Design


3. Put your hands about three inches apart parallel

to each other with the armpits slightly open

4. Be aware of the centers of your palms and the

tips of the fingers. Inhale and exhale slowly.

5. Move your hands slightly back and forth very


Statistical methods : Contingency Coefficient analysis & Chi Square tests using SPSS software for windows

& Procedure




Study Design: Exploratory Research Design

2) To see Air prana

1. Connect your tongue to your Palate

2. With the clear sky as background, focus about

1 meter away from your eyes

3) To absorb Air Pranaparallel



Contingency Coefficient analysis & Chi Square tests using SPSS software for windows

3) To absorb Air Prana

1. Connect your tongue to your Palate

2. Concentrate on the centre of your palm

3. Do deep slow rhythmic breathing and

concentrate on your palms

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1 Moraji


3 Mysore

4 Government


5 Teacher


Respondents from various organisation


6 Guru




9 State

10 Karnataka


Students, Youth and Adultstotalling to 809 respondentswith age from 10 to 66 years(average 24.19 years)

Organisation Participants

Moraji Desai Residential School 201

BCM Girls Hostel 32

Mysore Central Prison 28

Government Ayurveda Medical

college Charaka PG Centre,27

Teacher Training Centre for

Blind and Deaf Children’s


Respondents from various organisation

Blind and Deaf Children’s

Guru Yoga Program for School

Head Teachers.123

JSS women’s hostel 298

LIC of India 28

State home for Women 17

Karnataka Institute of

management course


Total Participants 809

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Data Collection


1. What are the feelings and changes

Pranic energy in between your

2. Did you observe any visual changes

3. How did you feel about yourself

Open ended questions

unstructured questions in which possible

answers are not suggested and the respondent

answers it in his or her own words

Data Collection


changes you observed after feeling the


changes after seeing the air Prana?

yourself after absorbing Air Prana?

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Photographs Photographs

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Flow Chart

Experiments Feeling of Prana.

Seeing air Prana and Absorbing Prana

Open ended Questionnaire

Categorising to

Physical,Psychological and

Bioplasmic domains

Flow Chart


Categorising to

Physical,Psychological and

Bioplasmic domains

Grouping similar expressions

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Analysis and Interpretation of data

Sensation of Prana in between hands

Sensation of Pranic Energy

Age Group

<20 21-30 31-40 41

0 F 2 1 1

% 0.4% 1.4% 3.2% 0.0%

1-3 F 145 31 10

% 26.4% 41.9% 32.3% 24.3%

4-6 F 285 32 184-6 F 285 32 18

% 51.9% 43.2% 58.1% 61.4%

6+ F 117 10 2

% 21.3% 13.5% 6.5% 14.3%

Total 549 74 31

CC= .181, p= .007

51.3% of the respondents have expressed the feeling of pranic energy in 4 to 6

expression it is seen that only 0.5 % have not felt the pranic energy and 99.5% of

the respondents were able to feel Pranic energy pitched at different levels

Analysis and Interpretation of data

Sensation of Prana in between hands

Gender Total

41-50 50+ Male Female

0 0 2 2 4

0.0% 0.0% 1.1% 0.3% 0.5%

17 35 84 154 238

24.3% 41.2% 45.2% 24.7% 29.4%

43 37 80 335 41543 37 80 335 415

61.4% 43.5% 43.0% 53.8% 51.3%

10 13 20 132 152

14.3% 15.3% 10.8% 21.2% 18.8%

70 85 186 623 809

CC=0.199, p=.000 X2 =430.05p= .000

51.3% of the respondents have expressed the feeling of pranic energy in 4 to 6

expression it is seen that only 0.5 % have not felt the pranic energy and 99.5% of

the respondents were able to feel Pranic energy pitched at different levels

Page 13: World Pranic Healing Foundation, India Research Centre · World Pranic Healing Foundation, India Research Centre. ... AYUSH, Govt of Karnataka for thanks ... It is mandatory for all

99.5% of the respondents were able to feel Pranic energy

99.5% of the respondents were able to feel Pranic energy

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Sensation of Pranic energy in between hands

Sensation of Pranic energy



Feeling energy in Palms


Nice FeelingPsychological


Nice Feeling

Knowing more of oneself

Bio Plasmic


Magnetic force

A kind

of force

81.5% of respondents have expressed the feeling energy in palms, 42.3% of the

respondents have felt that Prana is Warm,

Sensation of Pranic energy in between hands


Feeling energy in PalmsF 659

% 81.5%

F 342

% 42.3%

F 494F 494

% 61.1%

Knowing more of oneselfF 231

% 28.6%

Magnetic forceF 567

% 70.1%

F 421

% 52.0%

81.5% of respondents have expressed the feeling energy in palms, 42.3% of the

respondents have felt that Prana is Warm,

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Seeing Air Prana across different Age and Gender

Seeing the Air


Age Group

<20 21-30 31-40 41

0F 9 0 2

% 1.6% 0.0% 6.5% 4.3%

1-3F 422 38 12

1-3% 76.9% 51.4% 38.7% 57.1%

4-6F 118 33 17

% 21.5% 44.6% 54.8% 38.6%

6+F 0 3 0

% 0.0% 4.1% 0.0% 0.0%


549 74 31

CC=0.323 P=0.000

98% of the respondents were able to see Air Prana

Seeing Air Prana across different Age and Gender



41-50 50+ Male Female

3 2 4 12 16

4.3% 2.4% 2.2% 1.9% 2.0%

40 41 125 428 553

57.1% 48.2% 67.2% 68.7% 68.4%

27 42 54 183 237

38.6% 49.4% 29.0% 29.4% 29.3%

0 0 3 0 3

0.0% 0.0% 1.6% 0.0% 0.4%

70 85 186 623 809

CC=0.323 P=0.000 CC=0.111, P=.017X2=982.066,


of the respondents were able to see Air Prana

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Common expressions after seeing the Air Prana

Seeing the Air prana

Psychological very nice


DomainMake me wonder

Bio Plasmic


Shining particles


moving particles

Common expressions after seeing the Air Prana


very nicef 450

% 55.6%

Make me wonderf 231

% 28.6%

Shining particlesf 681

% 84.2%


moving particles

F 587

% 72.6%

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Changes observed after absorbing of air Prana

Change after absorbing Air prana

Age Group

<20 21-30 31-40

0F 6 1 2

% 1.1% 1.4% 6.5%

1-3F 95 23 6

% 17.3% 31.1% 19.4%

4-6F 307 43 16

% 55.9% 58.1% 51.6%

6+F 141 7 7

% 25.7% 9.5% 22.6%

Total 549 74 31

CC=0.191, P=0.002

98.4% of the respondents were able to absorb air prana

Changes observed after absorbing of air Prana


Total41-50 50+ Male Female

2 2 5 8 13

2.9% 2.4% 2.7% 1.3% 1.6%

10 10 52 92 144

14.3% 11.8% 28.0% 14.8% 17.8%

36 41 100 343 443

51.4% 48.2% 53.8% 55.1% 54.8%

22 32 29 180 209

31.4% 37.6% 15.6% 28.9% 25.8%

70 85 186 623 809

CC=0.191, P=0.002CC=0.175, P=0.000

X2=480.666, P=0.000

of the respondents were able to absorb air prana

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Common expressions after absorbing Air Prana

Changes after absorbing Air prana









Bio Plasmic


Flow of Energy

Pull of energy

Common expressions after absorbing Air Prana


F 482

% 59.6%

F 280

% 34.6%

F 499F 499

% 61.7%

F 504

% 62.3%

Flow of EnergyF 648

% 80.1%

F 365

% 45.1%

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Main findings of the Study

� An overwhelming number of respondents

pranic energy in between their hands

� 98% of the respondents were able to see

different degree of clarity

� Age wise comparison indicated that respondents

found more expressions than respondentsfound more expressions than respondents

air prana.

� It is observed that overwhelming

experienced change after the absorption

could not experience any change

� More than 60% of the respondents felt

absorbed the air prana

Main findings of the Study

respondents i.e., 99.5% of them have felt the

see the air Prana and express its sight at

respondents in the age group of 31-40

respondents in other age groups in viewing therespondents in other age groups in viewing the

number of respondents 98.4% has

absorption of Air Prana. Only 1.6% of them

felt relaxed, had a happy feeling when they

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H1 Respondents vary in expression of sensation


H2 Respondents vary in seeing air

H3 Respondents vary in absorbing Prana

Verification of the Hypotheses

H3 Respondents vary in absorbing Prana

H4 Age groups have not got any significance on

Sensation of Prana, seeing of Air Prana and also

absorbing Air Prana

H5 Gender do not have any significance on Sensation of

Prana, Seeing of Air Prana and also Absorbing Air


Respondents vary in expression of sensation in Pranic Accepted

Respondents vary in seeing air prana Accepted

Respondents vary in absorbing Prana Accepted

Verification of the Hypotheses

Respondents vary in absorbing Prana Accepted

Age groups have not got any significance on

Sensation of Prana, seeing of Air Prana and also Accepted

Gender do not have any significance on Sensation of

Prana, Seeing of Air Prana and also Absorbing Air Accepted

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50th National & International Conference

of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology

Tirupati, India, January 2015

Best Paper Award

in the Scientific/ Technical sessions

50th National & International Conference

of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology

Tirupati, India, January 2015

Best Paper Award

in the Scientific/ Technical sessions

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• The Department Yoga Dasara Sub

Karnataka for the opportunity and

• Dr. Nagesh, DAO, Department of

his generous support

Our sincere

his generous support

• To all the respondents without whom


• WPHF, India team for support and

Sub Committee 2014, Government of

and support to carry out this study

of AYUSH, Govt of Karnataka for

sincere thanks to

whom the study would not have been

and encouragement

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Pranic Healing is part of Curriculum

Syllabus was published with permission of Institute for Inner Studies Publishing Foundation,

India Pvt. Ltd

Pranic Healing is part of Curriculum

Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga Education conducted by Karnataka State Open


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