World of warcraft warlock guide

World of Warcraft Warlock Guide By: NindlesWoWGuide.Com

Transcript of World of warcraft warlock guide

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World of Warcraft Warlock Guide

By: NindlesWoWGuide.Com

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Welcome to this simple World of Warcraft Warlock guide. First of all, I just want to say that this is a very basic and general guide for new Warlock players in WoW.

I don’t claim to be an expert with Warlock, in fact I’m not and I only play a twinked Warlock. All advices below are gathering from my personal knowledge as well as my high level Warlock friends. So take what you can out of it this WoW guide

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Warlock Role

Warlocks are dark mages that uses dark magic and spells. In my opinion Warlocks are actually a very cool class in World of Warcraft, and what makes them cool is their ability to summon demon minions (pets) and control them to combat their enemies.

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Apart from their ability to summon minions Warlocks are also very capable of using several of DoT (damage over time) spells, curses, life tap/drain, and many other powerful damage dealing spells.

And because of that Warlocks only fits in the role of long range damage dealer, but occasionally depending on the raid or dungeon Warlocks can be used for some crowd control.

Warlock Role

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There are a total of 9 playable races for the Warlock; 5 for the Horde and 4 for the Alliance. Each race is capable of being good Warlocks, but with careful comparison some r aces will stand out more as Warlock races than other.

In other words, out of the 9 playable races, 3 or 4 of them will be better suited to play as Warlock.

Warlock Race Selection

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Warlock Race Selection

Anyway, it comes to choosing a good race/combo there are 2 things I look for. The first one is very simple and that is faction.

Generally speaking you’ll want to play a race that is on the faction that you’re friends are playing on, because if you end up on the opposite faction you’ll have little to no chance of communication or playing with your friends.

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The second things I look at are the unique racial abilities of each race, and see how much benefits will be Warlock get out of them. For example: both Gnome and Dwarfs are able to play as Warlock, but Gnome has a racial trait that increases their mana pool, while Dwarf can remove all poison, disease, bleed effects, and reduce damage taken.

Warlock Race Selection

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At first look both traits are great and useful, but as a Warlock I rather have the mana increase. (I know some would argue with me on this but StoneForm as Warlock is really only good for PvP and maybe some occasion). Anyway, look at the different racial abilities of each race, and go from there.

Warlock Race Selection

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One of the coolest aspect that that sets Warlocks apart from other casters in WoW is their talent trees. Each one of their talent tree is very different than the other, and depending on which one you decide to specialize your overall in game will drastically change accordingly as well. Note: You cannot access your talent tree until you’re at least level 10.

Warlock Talents

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Warlock Talents

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Affliction – The Affliction tree is the best tree for Warlock leveling, as it will reduce your overall down time. It deals with all the DoT (damage of time), curses, life drain, and life tap side of Warlock’s spells.

Demonology – The Demonology tree focuses on pet improvement talent abilities. Overall Demonology helps with survivability, and allows better solo grinding with your pet. It is definitely a great talent tree to go for if you’re new to the game.

Destruction - As you can probably figure out from the name of the talent, Destruction builds focuses on improving Fire based magic damages. This build is great for end game PvP as well as dungeons and raiding as it allows Warlocks to output a massive amount of damages.

Warlock Talents

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That’s all for this quick and brief overview of Warlocks in World of Warcraft. If you want to learn more about Warlock, and how to level with them from 1 – 85, then I recommend you read this WoW Warlock Guide.

Warlock Talents

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