World history game joohee


Transcript of World history game joohee

Build your DREAM HOUSE!

Imagine your future house.Can you draw a image of it in your mind?

Here, we provide you all the materials you need!

Go ahead and get your dream!

While solving the questions get the mate-rial you want

and do your dream work!

What is the main purpose that Mateo Ricci made the World Map?

B. For missionary work

A. To show his knowledge to Chinese

C. To help Chinese get out of China-central perspective

How many map(s) did the Mateo Ricci made?

A. More than 2

B. Only 1

C. None

Choose the material for exterior wall.

What is the name of 2nd map?

A. Kunyu wanguo Quantu

B. Yinyongjun zoubu

With whom did the Mateo Ricci work with when making 2nd world Map?

C. Chi Zo Lee

D. Aleni Jues

B. Adam Shall von Bell

A. Hui Ze Kang

Choose the main door

What is the country of North East Asia that is not suffi-ciently portrayed in the 2nd map?

B. China

C. Japan

A. Korea

Why is the Korea Illustrated in a simplified

form while the other countries are explained

in de-tail?

C. Because the missionary work was fo-cused on China and Japan at that time

B. Because the power of Korea was the weak-est and it was okay to neglect the country.

A. Because they thought there is no town in Korea

Choose the size of the windows for your house

What is not true about the 2nd map?

A. China is in the center of the world.

C. The meridian is on Beijing

D. It was made to prove that earth is round

B. The height of map is shorter than that of human.

Choose the number of windows for your house

Shortage of the construc-tion material..?

What a beautiful house you built!


End of Game