World ecosystems: Grasslands

World ecosystems: Grasslands Dr. Liang-Jun Hu [email protected] Faculty of Life Science s, NENU Apr. 9, 2013


World ecosystems: Grasslands. Dr. Liang-Jun Hu [email protected] Faculty of Life Sciences, NENU Apr. 9, 2013. Grasslands. D id you know that grasslands are found on every continent except Antarctica?. What Are Grasslands Like?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of World ecosystems: Grasslands

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World ecosystems: Grasslands

Dr. Liang-Jun Hu

[email protected] of Life Sciences, NENUApr. 9, 2013

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Did you know that grasslands are found on every continent except Antarctica?

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What Are Grasslands Like?

Grasslands are big open spaces. There are not many bushes in the grassland. Trees are found only by rivers and streams. The grassland seems like an endless ocean of grass.

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Grasslands receive about 10 to 30 inches of rain per year. If they received more rain, the grasslands wouldbecome a forest.If they receivedless, they would become a desert. Grasslands are often located between deserts and forests.

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Grassland Soil

Grassland soil tends to be deep and fertile. The roots of perennial grasses usually penetrate far into the soil. In North America, the prairies were once inhabited by huge herds of bison and pronghorns who fed on the prairie grasses. These herds are almost gone now, and most of the prairies have been converted into the richest agricultural region on earth. Crops grow well in the rich soil.

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Grasslands of the World

Grasslands are found on either side of two desert belts that circle the earth. About one quarter of the earth's land is in the grasslands.

•Tropical grasslands -- those closest to the equator -- are hot all year. •Temperate grasslands are farther from the equator -- such as the U.S. prairies -- and have both hot summers and harsh winters.

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World Distribution

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Temperate grasslands

Temperate grasslands once covered much of the interior of North America, and they were common in Eurasia and South America as well. They are highly productive when they are first converted to agricultural uses because the organic material in the soil comes from hundreds of thousands of years of decomposition.

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Different Names prairies; pampas; steppes; savannas

In North America, the prairies were once inhabited by huge herds of bison and pronghorns, which were hunted by wolves, bears, and other predators. Where U.S. prairies have been converted to farmland, the large herds and predators that followed them are gone now.In addition to the prairies of the U.S. Midwest, the world has other grasslands which go by different names. In South America, grasslands are called "pampas"; in Europe, "steppes"; in Africa, "savannas".

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Grassland Type and Distribution in North America

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The Three Types of North American Grasslands

In the United States and Canada there are three types of grasslands (or prairies):

Tall Grass Prairie

The Tall Grass Prairie lies mainly in the eastern portion of the Midwest. The grasses here often grow to be five feet tall. The annual rain totals here approach 30 inches.

Mixed Grass Prairie 

The Mixed Grass Prairie lies mainly in the middle portion of the Midwest. The grasses here often grow to be two and three feet tall. Typically, there are 15 to 25 inches of rain per year. This is the prairie where the buffalo once roamed.

Short Grass Prairie

The Short Grass Prairie lies mainly in the western portion of the Midwest, hugging the coast of the deserts and the Rocky Mountains into Canada. The grasses here grow to be no more than two feet tall. There is usually little more than ten inches of rain per year in these short grass prairies. Prairie Dogs are common in this area.

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Grassland Plants

The following pages answer common questions about the prairie and prairie plants.

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How do the bees and insects pollinate flowers?

This bumble bee is starting the pollination process without even realizing it! When bees land on a flower, like this milkweed flower, their feet often slip into a little groove that holds pollen sacs. When the bee flies away it carries off this sac like a saddlebag stuck on its feet. When this bee lands on another flower looking for nectar, the "saddlebag" falls off, the pollen falls out of the sac, and pollination is underway.

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What are some of the most beautiful prairie flowers?-1

Sweet coneflower can grow to height of 6 feet if planted in moist soil.

The prairie blazingstaris one of the most beautiful flowers on the tallgrass prairie. It has magenta colored flowers arranged along a spike at the top of a long stalk up to 5 feet high. Many kinds of butterflies are attracted to this flower.

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What are some of the most beautiful prairie flowers?-2

The purple coneflower is used by many people in their gardens at home. See how large the orange-colored cone is?

This is the part of the flower which produces seeds after the purple petals fall off. Birds like goldfinches  love to eat these seeds.

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How are prairies maintained?

Prairies are maintained by fire and grazing animals.

Another way to manage a prairie is to mow it in the middle of July and bale the hay. Haying removes much of the thick vegetation that accumulates, and it allows the prairie to grow in a healthy way.

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What is one of the best prairie adaptations?

Prairie plants and animals have some neat adaptations, what is one of the best? The monarch butterfly is here pictured with an aster plant. The monarch butterfly and the

milkweed plant are interdependent. The larvae of the monarch butterfly feed on milkweed leaves which are toxic to most insects. This toxin (poison) accumulates in the body of the larvae and adult monarch butterfly, making it poisonous to the birds, thus protecting it from being eaten!

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Are any prairie plants harmful to people?

Sure! This stinging nettle plant is very attractive when it's in flower like this - but be careful! This plant causes a painful sting when it touches your bare skin. It grows to 3 feet tall in moist shady woods. This adaptation helps the plant protect itself from grazers and people, too! 

Poison ivy is found at the edge of the prairie.

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Are there trees on the prairie?

I've always thought that there weren't any trees on the prairie - that they were just wide open spaces - is that right?

Well, you're partly right... the prairies are full of wide open spaces. However there are many kinds of trees that can be found in and around a prairie field. These leaves are from a box elder tree, which is a member of the maple family.

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Silver Maple TreeRed Bud Tree

Pictured to the left are leaves of a silver maple tree. Its seeds fall in late spring and are fun to watch as they float in the air in spiraling motion. 

Shown to the right are flowers from a red bud tree. This small tree is actually in the pea family! The fruit is shaped like a pea pod, but is flat. 

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What does a prairie look like when it's not in bloom?

Prairies are famous for their beautiful flowers and grasses that bloom in the springtime.

In Autumn the prairie takes on a different kind of beauty. Leaves of the tall grasses turn beautiful shades of yellow, orange, and tan.

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What is the tallest plant that lives on the prairie?

Big bluestem grass is the tallest grass found on tallgrass prairies and it can reach a height of 11 feet! Another name for Big Bluestem is Turkeyfeet because of the shape of the seedheads. This grass was also an important food for the American bison.

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What Happened to the American Prairies?

About one quarter of the earth's land is grasslands. The wild prairie has disappeared, for the most part, from the United States. Only a few spots of wild prairie remain.  Because the soil is so productive and rich in nutrients, nearly all of the wild grasslands have been converted into commercial farms.

Now the prairie feeds the nation and the world. Why do you think prairies are often called the "breadbaskets of the world?"

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Grassland Animals

Grasslands lack the trees and heavy bush to hide many creatures. Because of the open landscape and the widely spaced trees, grasslands are home to large herds of grazing mammals such as the zebra and bison. Annual rainfall in the grasslands is between 10 to 30 inches, there is a seasonal drought every year. Many animals are active only during the rainy season.

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African Elephant-1

Class: Mammalia: Mammals

Diet: Leaves

Order: Proboscidea: Elephants

Size: body:6 - 7.5 m (19 3/4 - 24 1/2 ft), tail: 1 - 1.3 m (3 1/4 - 4 1/4 in)

Family: Elephantidae: Elephants

Conservation Status: Vulnerable

Scientific Name: Loxodonta africana

Habitat: forest, savanna

Range: Africa, south of the Sahara

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African Elephant


The huge, majestic elephant is perhaps the most imposing of all the African mammals. It has larger ears and tusks than the Asian species and two finger-like extensions at the end of its trunk. Females are smaller than males and have shorter tusks. Elephants rest in the mid-day heat and have one or two periods of rest at night but are otherwise active at any time, roaming with their swinging, unhurried gait in search of food.

Depending on its size, an elephant may consume up to 200 kg (440 lb) of plant material a day, all of which is grasped with the trunk and placed in the mouth. The diet includes leaves, shoots, twigs, roots and fruit from many plants, as well as cultivated crops on occasion. 

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African Elephant-3

Elephants are social animals, particularly females, and are known to demonstrate concern for others in distress. A troop usually comprises several females and their young of various ages. As they mature, young males form separate troops. Old males may be shunned by the herd when they are displaced by younger males. Breeding occurs at any time of year, and a female in heat may mate with more than one male. The gestation period is about 22 months, and usually only 1 young is born. The female clears a secluded spot for the birth and is assisted by other females.

The calf is suckled for at least 2 years and remains with its mother even longer. She may have several calves of different ages under her protection and gives birth only every 2 to 4 years. 

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Class: Mammalia: Mammals Diet: Grass

Order: Artiodactyla: Even-toed Ungulates

Size: body:2.1 - 3.5 m (6 3/4 - 11 1/2 ft), tail: 50 - 60 cm (19 3/4 - 23 1/2 in)

Family: Bovidae: Bovids Conservation Status: Non-threatened

Scientific Name: Bison bison Habitat: prairie, open woodland

Range: N. America 

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Although there were once millions of bison roaming the North American grasslands, wholesale slaughter by the early European settlers brought them almost to extinction by the beginning of the twentieth century.

Since then, due largely to the efforts of the American Bison Society, herds have steadily been built up in reserves, where they live in a semiwild state, and it is estimated that there are now some 20,000 animals.

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The male may be as much as 2.9 m (9 1/2 ft) at the shoulders, which are humped and covered with the shaggy, brownish-black fur that also grows thickly on the head, neck and forelegs.  The female looks similar to the male but is smaller; young are more reddish-brown. Both sexes have short, sharp horns. Primarily grazers, bison live in herds that vary from a family group to several thousand; huge numbers formerly made seasonal migrations in search of better pasture. They feed morning and evening. During the day, they rest, chewing the cud or wallowing in mud or dust to rid themselves of parasites.

During the mating season, bulls (males) fight for cows (females), which give birth to a single calf, away from the herd, after a gestation of 9 months. Within an hour or two, mother and calf rejoin the herd. The calf is suckled for about a year and remains with its mother until it reaches sexual maturity at about 3 years old. 

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Why don't we see the big herds of prairie animals as much anymore - like bison and antelope?

What happened to the big herds of prairie animals like bison and antelope?

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Bison, Antelope, Deer

Well, for one thing, much of the North American prairie land was turned into farms in the early 1900's so that people could make a good living growing and selling crops. Bison, which are often mistakenly called buffalo, were hunted to near extinction because their meat and hides were so valuable.

Deer and antelope are still found in places like Wyoming, but the herds are dwindling.

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Black Rhinoceros-1

Class: Mammalia: Mammals Diet: Leaves, buds, shoots

Order: Perissodactyla: Odd-toed Ungulates

Size: body:3 - 3.6 m (9 3/4 - 11 3/4 ft),tail: 60 - 70 cm (23 1/2 - 27 1/2 in)

Family: Rhinocerotidae: Rhinoceroses

Conservation Status: Vulnerable

Scientific Name: Diceros bicornisHabitat: bush country, grassland, woodland

Range: Africa: Southern Chad and Sudan to South Africa

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Black Rhinoceros-2

The black rhinoceros is, in fact, gray in color but varies according to the mud in which it wallows. It has no hump on its neck but has a large head, held horizontally, which bears two horns and sometimes a third small horn.

Its upper lip is pointed and mobile, which helps the animal to browse on the leaves, buds, and shoots of small trees and bushes. Less sociable than the square-lipped rhinoceros, black rhinoceroses live alone, except for mothers and young.

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Black Rhinoceros-3

Adults live in overlapping home ranges, with boundaries marked by dung heaps. Male and female remain together for only a few days when mating. The female gives birth to a single young after a gestation of about 15 months.

The young rhinoceros suckles for about a year and stays with its mother for 2 or 3 years, until her next calf is born.

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Black-footed Ferret-1

Class: Mammalia: Mammals  Diet: Small mammals

Order: Carnivora: Carnivores 

Size: body: 38 - 45 cm (15 - 17 3/4 in), tail: 12.5 - 15 cm (5 - 6 in) 

Family: Mustelidae: Mustelids  Conservation Status: Endangered 

Scientific Name: Mustela nigripes  Habitat: prairie 

Range: North America: Alberta to Northern Texas

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Black-footed Ferret-2

The black-footed ferret feeds mainly on prairie dogs, but these animals are considered farm pests and large numbers are poisoned. This destruction of their natural prey has caused a drastic decline in the numbers of ferrets -- and their indirect poisoning.

The black-footed ferret is now protected by law, but it is still in great danger of extinction and its survival depends either on the conservation of prairie dogs or on its ability to adapt to other areas and prey. It is generally a nocturnal animal. In June it produces a yearly litter of 3 to 5 young.

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Brown Hyena-1

Class: Mammalia: Mammals Diet: Carrion

Order: Carnivora: Carnivores

Size: body:11.1 - 1.2 m (3 1/2 - 4 ft), tail: 25 - 30 cm (9 3/4 - 11 3/4 in)

Family: Hyaenidae: Hyenas Conservation Status: Vulnerable

Scientific Name: Hyaena brunnea Habitat: dry savanna, plains, semidesert

Range: Africa: Angola to Mozambique, south to Northern South Africa

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Brown Hyena-2

Typical of its family, with a bulky head and back sloping toward the rear, the brown hyena has long, rough hair over much of its body, with a mane of even longer hair on the neck and shoulders. This hyena is usually dark brown to brownish-black in color, with a lighter-brown mane and legs.Unless in a family group, the brown hyena is solitary, but it sometimes gathers with others in a hunting pack or at a big carcass. It lives in a large territory, which it marks with secretions from anal scent glands and with feces. During the day, the brown hyena sleeps among rocks or tall grass. Otherwise, it may find a burrow, often one left by another animal, such as an aardvark.

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Brown Hyena-3

It emerges at night to find carrion or to hunt prey such as rodents, birds, including poultry, reptiles or wounded large animals. Near the coast, brown hyenas also feed on dead fish, mussels and the stranded corpses of seals and whales. A litter of 2 to 4 young is born in a burrow after a gestation of 92 to 98 days. The young are suckled for about 3 months but remain with their parents for up to 18 months, during which the male brings them food.

Although protected in game reserves, brown hyenas are considered pests because of their habit of attacking livestock, and large numbers have been killed by farmers. 

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Class: Mammalia: Mammals

Diet: Leaves, buds, fruits

Order: Artiodactyla: Even-toed Ungulates

Size: body:3 - 4 m (9 3/4 - 13 ft), tail: 90 cm - 1.1 m (35 1/2 in - 3 1/2 ft)

Family: Giraffidae: Giraffes

Conservation Status: Non-threatened

Scientific Name: Giraffa camelopardalis 

Habitat: savanna

Range: Africa, south of the Sahara

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The giraffe, with its long legs and its amazingly long neck, when erect stands up to 3.3 m (11 ft) at the shoulder and nearly 6 m (19 1/2 ft) at the crown. Its characteristic coloration of a light body and irregular dark spots is very variable, both geographically and between individuals; some animals may be almost white or black, or even unspotted. Both male and female have skin-covered horns, one pair on the forehead and sometimes a smaller pair farther back, on the crown. Some animals have yet another small horn, or bump, between these pairs. The tail ends in a tuft of long hairs.

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Gregarious animals, giraffes usually live in troops of up to 6, sometimes 12, and may occasionally gather in larger herds. A troop consists of females and their offspring, led by a male. Males fight for possession of females, wrestling with their heads and necks. The troop ambles around its territory, feeding mostly in the early morning and afternoon on the foliage, buds, and fruits on the top of acacia and thorn trees.

The giraffes may also eat grass, other plants, and grain crops. At midday, giraffes rest in shade and at night lie down for a couple of hours or rest standing. Females give birth to a single offspring, rarely twins, after a gestation of over a year -- usually 400 to 468 days. Births invariably occur at first light. The young is suckled for 6 to 12 months and continues to grow for 10 years. 

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Greater Prairie Chicken-1

Class: Aves: Birds Diet: Plants

Order: Galliformes: Gamebirds

Size: body:42 - 46 cm (16 1/2 - 18 in)

Family: Tetraonianae: Grouse

Conservation Status: Non-threatened

Scientific Name: Tympamuchus cupido

Habitat: prairie

Range: Central North America 

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Greater Prairie Chicken-2

This increasingly rare bird was once common over a large area of North America. Male and female birds look similar, but females have barred tail feathers and smaller neck sacs. Prairie chickens feed on plant matter, such as leaves, fruit and grain, and in the summer they catch insects, particularly grasshoppers.

Male birds perform spectacular courtship displays, inflating their orange neck feathers. They give booming calls and stamp their feet as they posture, to make the display even more impressive. Female birds lay 10 to 12 eggs and incubate them for 21 to 28 days.

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Class: Mammalia: Mammals

Diet: Large mammals, also smaller mammals, birds

Order: Carnivora: Carnivores

Size: body:1.4 - 2 m (4 1/2 - 6 1/2 ft), tail: 67 cm - 1 m (26 1/4 in - 3 1/4 ft)

Family: Felidae: Cats

Conservation Status: Non-threatened

Scientific Name: Panthera leo

Habitat: open savanna

Range: Africa, south of the Sahara; Northwest India; formerly more widespread in Asia

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A splendid, powerfully built cat, the lion has a broad head, thick, strong legs and a long tail tipped with a tuft of hair that conceals a clawlike spine. The male is larger than the female and has a heavy mane on the neck and shoulders.  Body coloration varies from tawny-yellow to reddish-brown, and the mane may be light yellow to black.

They live in groups, known as prides, consisting of up to 3 adult males and up to 15 females and their young in a territory that is defended against intruders, particularly other mature male lions. A small group of young males without prides may live together. 

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This impressive creature actually spends 20 or more hours a day resting. Lions normally hunt during the day, but in areas where they themselves are hunted, they are active only at night. Lions prey on mammals, such as gazelles, antelope and zebras, and may cooperate to kill larger animals, such as buffaloes and giraffes. Smaller animals and birds and even crocodiles may also be eaten. Lionesses do most of the hunting, often in groups, some acting as beaters to drive prey toward other lionesses lying in wait. Lions attack by stalking their prey and approaching it as closely as possible before making a short, rapid chase and pounce.  They kill by a bite to the neck or throat.

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Breeding occurs at any time of year. A litter of 1 to 6 young, usually 2 or 3, is born after a gestation of 102 to 113 days. They are suckled for about 6 months, but after the first 3 months, an increasing proportion of their food comes from the kills of adults. The cubs are left behind with one or two adults while the rest of the pride goes off to hunt, but if a kill is made, a lioness will return and lead them to it.

Once they are over 4 months old, the cubs accompany their mothers everywhere, even following behind on hunting trips. They are not sexually mature until about 18 months old; young males are driven from the pride at about this age, but females remain with their family. 

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Class: Aves: Birds  Diet: Plants

Order: Struthioniformes: Ostriches

Size: body:1.75 - 2.75 m (6 - 9 ft) tall

Family: Struthionidae: Ostrich

Conservation Status: Non-threatened

Scientific Name: Struthio camelus

Habitat: grassland, arid land

Range: Africa: Parts of Central and Southern Africa

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The ostrich is too big to fly but has become so perfectly adapted to high-speed running that it is the fastest creature on two legs. At speeds of up to 70 km/h (44 mph), it can easily outstrip most enemies.Powerful legs, flexible knees and supple, two-toed feet are its adaptations for speed. The ostrich has lost its strong wing feathers, but the male has soft, curling plumes, once much in demand for fashionable hats and boas. Female birds are slightly smaller than males and have brownish plumage and off-white wings and tails. Juveniles are grayish-brown. Ostriches eat mostly plant matter but occasionally feed on small reptiles.

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They are nomadic, wandering in small groups in search of food. At breeding time, the male collects a harem of 2 to 5 females. One female scrapes a shallow pit in the ground in which to lay her eggs, and the rest of the harem probably uses the same nest.

The eggs are the biggest laid by any bird -- the equivalent in volume of about 40 hen's eggs. The male bird takes over the incubation of the eggs at night and shares in the care of the young.

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Black-tailed Prairie Dog-1

Class: Mammalia: Mammals  Diet: Grass 

Order: Rodentia: Rodents 

Size: body: 28 - 32 cm (11 - 12 1/2 in), tail: 8.5 - 9.5 cm (3 1/4 - 3 3/4 in) 

Family: Sciuridae: Squirrels  Conservation Status: Non-threatened 

Scientific Name: Cynomys ludovicianus  Habitat: grassland (prairie) 

Range: Central USA 

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Black-tailed Prairie Dog-2

The prairie dog derives its common name from its stocky, terrierlike appearance and from its sharp, doglike bark, which it utters to herald danger. One of the most social rodent species, prairie dogs live in underground burrows, called towns, containing several thousand individuals.

They emerge by day to graze on grass and other vegetation and can often cause serious damage to cattle ranges. Feeding is regularly interrupted for bouts of socializing, accompanied by much chattering. Females give birth to litters of up to 10 young during March, April or May, after a 4-week gestation. After being weaned at 7 weeks, the young disperse to the edge of the town. Prairie dogs are commonly preyed on by eagles, foxes and coyotes.

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Class: Mammalia: Mammals 

Diet: Grass 

Order: Artiodactyla: Even-toed Ungulates 

Size: body: 1 - 1.5 m (3 1/4 - 5 ft), tail: 7.5 - 10 cm (3 - 4 in) 

Family: Antilocapridae: Pronghorn 

Conservation Status: Endangered 

Scientific Name: Antilo capra 

Habitat: open prairie, desert 

Range: Central Canada, Western USA, Mexico 

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Both male and female pronghorns have true, bony horns, although those of females are small and inconspicuous. The horns are covered with sheaths of specialized, fused hairs, and pronghorns are unique in that these sheaths are shed annually. The small, forward-pointing branch on each horn, the prong, is in fact part of this sheath. 

One of the fastest running mammals in North America, the pronghorn can achieve speeds of up to 65 km/h (40 mph). It is also a good swimmer. In summer, it moves in small, scattered groups but congregates in larger herds of up to 100 animals in winter.

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Pronghorns are active during the day but feed mostly in the morning and evening, taking grasses, weeds and shrubs such as sagebrush. White hairs on the pronghorn's rump become erect if the animal is alarmed and act as a warning signal to other pronghorns. Some males collect harems, fighting rival males for the privilege. The female gives birth to her young after a gestation of 230 to 240 days; there is usually only 1 in a female's first litter, but in subsequent years, she produces 2, or even 3, young. Only 4 days after birth, pronghorns can outrun humans.

Pronghorns are now rare due to over-hunting, competition for food from domestic livestock and the destruction of their natural habitat.

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Class: Mammalia: Mammals Diet: Grass

Order: Artiodactyla: Even-toed Ungulates

Size: body:1.1 - 1.4 m (3 1/2 - 4 1/2 ft), tail: 35 - 50 cm (13 3/4 - 19 3/4 in)

Family: Suidae: PigsConservation Status: Non-threatened

Scientific Name: Phacochoerus aethiopicus

Habitat: savanna, treeless open plains

Range: Africa: Ghana to Somalia, south to South Africa: Natal 

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The warthog has long legs, a large head and a broad muzzle that bears tusks derived from the canine teeth. On each side of the big head are two wartlike protuberances -- the origin of the animal's common name. Its bristly coat is sparse, but there is a mane of long bristles running to the middle of the back, and there are whiskers on the lower jaw. The female is smaller than the male and has shorter tusks. Generally gregarious, warthogs live in family groups in a territory that may be shared by more than one family.

They prefer to have water for drinking and wallowing within their range and also some form of shelter, such as aardvark burrows or holes among rocks, where they rest in the heat of the day and at night. 

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The young suckle for up to 4 months but, after a week, start to leave the burrow in which they are born to feed on grass. 

As well as grazing on short grass, warthogs feed on fruit and, in dry spells, will probe the ground with their tusks to obtain bulbs, tubers and roots. They occasionally prey on small mammals and will take carrion. Timing of the breeding season tends to be associated with the local rainy seasons. The female gives birth to 2 to 4 young after a gestation of 170 to 175 days.

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Prairies, North America

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Prairies, North America

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Prairies, North America

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Grasslands Gallery-4

Prairies, North America

Big Bluestem GrassCommon Names: Turkey Feet, Beard GrassGenus: AndropogonSpecies: gerardii

Blue Grama GrassGenus: BoutelouaSpecies: gracilisParts Used: used for erosion control, browsing and as decorative plant.

Buffalo GrassGenus: BuchloeSpecies: dactyloidesParts Used: for turf and feed purposes

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Prairies, North America

FleabaneCommon Names: Philadelphia Daisy, Philadelphia FleabaneGenus: ErigeronSpecies: philadelphicusParts Used: the extract and the whole plant

MilkweedCommon Names: Blood-flower, Tropical MilkweedGenus: AsclepiasSpecies: curassavicaParts Used: roots and flowers

Indian GrassGenus: SorghastrumSpecies: nutansParts Used: the blades for forage

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Prairies, North America

Purple ConeflowerGenus: EchinaceaSpecies: purpureaParts Used: the flowers, stems and roots

Stinging NettleCommon Names: Great stinging Nettle, Common NettleGenus: UrticaSpecies: dioicaParts Used: roots and leaves

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Prairies, North America

Bald EagleCommon Names: Fish Eagle, Sea EagleGenus: HaliaeetusSpecies: leucocephalus

BadgerGenus: TaxideaSpecies: taxus

BobcatGenus: FelisSpecies: rufus

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Prairies, North America

Bumble BeeGenus: BombusSpecies: bimaculatus

CoyoteGenus: CanisSpecies: latrans

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Grasslands Gallery-9

Prairies, North America

Prairie DogGenus: CynomysSpecies: ludovicianus

Swift FoxCommon Names: Senopah (Blackfeet Native American), Mee Yah Chah, ("the lousy one", Oglala Sioux), Prairie FoxGenus: VulpesSpecies: velox

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The light green areas on the map are tropical grasslands.

Savannas, Africa

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Savannas, Africa

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Savannas, Africa

Senegal Gum AcaciaCommon Name(s): Gum Arabic, Senegal Gum, Kher, KumtaGenus: AcaciaSpecies: senegal

BaobabCommon Name: BaobabGenus: AdansoniaSpecies: digitataParts Used: all parts of the tree are used

Bermuda GrassCommon Names: Bahama Grass, Devil's Grass, Couch Grass, Wire Grass, Indian DoabGenus: CynodonSpecies: dactylonParts Used: the stems and the leaves

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Savannas, Africa

Candelabra TreeGenus: EuphorbiaSpecies: ingens

Elephant GrassCommon Name: Napier grass, Uganda grassGenus: PennistumSpecies: purpureumParts Used: leaves for animal fodder

Gum Tree EucalyptusCommon Name: Gum Tree, Silver Dollar Gum; Argyle Apple; Corkscrew EucalyptusGenus: EucalyptusSpecies: cinereaParts Used: leaves and essence

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Savannas, Africa

Jackal Berry TreeCommon Names: Jackalberry Tree, Jakkalbessie, African EbonyGenus: DiospyrosSpecies: mespiliformisParts used: bard, leaves, twigs, and roots

JarrahCommon Name: jarrah, swan river mahoganyGenus: EucalyptusSpecies: marginata

Kangaroo PawsCommon Name: Red and Green Kangaroo Paw, Mangles' Kangaroo Paw, No-la-maraGenus: AnigozanthosSpecies: manglessi

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Savannas, Africa

River BushwillowCommon Names: Vaderlandswilg (Afrikaans), Hiccup NutGenus: CombretumSpecies: erythrophyllum

Umbrella Thorn AcaciaGenus: AcaciaSpecies: tortillis

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Savannas, Africa

Whistling ThornCommon Name: Whistling Thorn, Swollen Thorn AcaciaGenus: AcaciaSpecies: dreparalobium

Manketti TreeCommon Names: mongongo nut, feather weight treeGenus: SchinziophytonSpecies: rautanenii

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Savannas, Africa

African ElephantCommon Name: Savanna ElephantGenus: LoxodontaSpecies: africana

African Wild DogCommon Names: African Hunting DogGenus: LycaonSpecies: pictus

Black MambaGenus: DendroaspisSpecies: polylepis

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Savannas, Africa

CaracalCommon Names: Caracal, desert lynx, itfah, anaq al ardh, washagGenus: FelisSpecies: caracal

Chacma BaboonCommon Names: Dog-faced Monkey, Savanna BaboonGenus: PapioSpecies: ursinus

Egyptian Mongoose Genus: HerpestesSpecies: ichneumon

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Savannas, Africa

EmuGenus: DromainsSpecies: novaehollandiae

Grant's ZebraCommon Names: Plains ZebraGenus: EquusSpecies: burchelli bohmi

Koala BearGenus: PhascolarctosSpecies: cinereus

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Savannas, Africa

LionGenus: PantheraSpecies: leo

Nigriceps AntGenus: CrematogasterSpecies: nigriceps Nile Crocodile

CommonNames: Kenya crocodile, Madagascar crocodileGenus: CrocodylusSpecies: niloticus

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Savannas, Africa

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Steppes, Eurasia

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Steppes, Eurasia

Sweet VernalCommon Names: Pheasant's Eye, False HelleboreGenus: AdonisSpecies: vernalisParts Used: extract from the flowers

Fringed SagebrushCommon Names: Sagebrush, prairie sagewort, fringed wormwood, arctic sagebrushGenus: ArtemisiaSpecies: frigida

Milk VetchCommon Name:Great Wall Astragalus, or Sha Da Wang (flower that grows in desert)Genus: AstragalusSpecies: adsurgensParts Used: the whole plant

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Steppes, Eurasia

RhubarbGenus: RheumSpecies: rhabarbarumParts Used: the roots and the stems

TumbleweedCommon Name: Russian ThistleGenus: SalsolaSpecies: collina

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Steppes, Eurasia

Corsac FoxCommon Names: Cosac Fox, Steppe FoxGenus:VulpesSpecies: corsac

Mongolian GerbilGenus: MerionesSpecies: unguiculatus Northern Lynx

Genus: FelisSpecies: lynx

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Steppes, Eurasia

Saiga AntelopeCommon Name: Mongolian SaigaGenus: Saiga Species: tatarica

Saker FalconCommon Names: Saker Falcon, Altai Saker, Steppe SakerGenus: FalcoSpecies: cherrug

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Pampas, South America

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Pampas, South America

Pampas GrassCommon Name: Silver Pampas Grass, Uruguayan Pampas Grass Genus: CortaderiaSpecies: selloana

Geoffroy's CatGenus: OncifelisSpecies: geoffroyi

Greater RheaCommon Names: Ñandú, Greater Rhea, Gray Rhea, Common RheaGenus: RheaSpecies: americana

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Grasslands Links-1

Blue Planet Biomes--Grasslands - Three major temperate grassland regions (the Steppes of Eurasia, the North American Prairie, and the South American Pampas) are explored on this site.

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Grasslands Links-2

Grassland Ecoregions - This site focuses on both temperate and tropical grasslands, including the African savannah, and grasslands in central South America, and parts of Australia.

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Grasslands Links-3

National Grasslands - This site features information about the U.S.'s four million acres of grasslands, particularly the 20 publicly-owned National Grasslands administered by the USDA Forest Service.

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Grasslands Links-4

On the Prairie - Re-build a prairie, watch prairie chickens "booming", discover how Native Americans used prairie plants, and much more at this interactive site.

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Other Prairie/Grassland

Resources grasslands Prairie Wildlife Research Center, U.S. Government Club web site on prairies links to search

The following links are sites we used to find information on both the North American prairie and the African grassland. You might find these useful as well to find out about the world's grasslands. They are short annotations to help you find what you need.

Page 94: World ecosystems: Grasslands


Living In The Environment: An Introduction To Environmental Science G. Tyler Miller--20th edition; Wadsworth Publishing, Belmont, California.

Encyclopedia Britannica, 20th Edition

"Temperate Grasslands", (Oct. 2000).

"Grasslands",, (Oct. 2000).

"Artemisia frigida",

"Eastern Mongolia Strictly Protected Area",, (2001).

Page 95: World ecosystems: Grasslands


"Gerbil, Fox and Falcon", New Standard Encyclopedia. Version 6.

"Corsac Fox",, (June, 2000).

"Cosac Fox (Vulpus Corsac)",

"Astragalus adsurgens (Lavender Milk-vetch)", htm

"Saiga Antelope",


Miner-Gulland, Dr. E.J. "Interactions between the reproductive ecologies of the Saiga antelope and rural livelyhoods in Kazahkstan",, (Nov. 2001)

Page 96: World ecosystems: Grasslands


"Cooperation with Russia/CIS",

"Saiga", Wildlife Explorer, International Masters Publishers, USA 1998

"Lynx." Compton's Encyclopedia. 1992ed.

"Lynx.",, (1 June 2000).

"Lynx.",, (1 June 2000).

"Northern Lynx.",, (6 June 2000).

Page 97: World ecosystems: Grasslands


"Research",, (Aug '02)

Eastham, Chris, "saker falcon paper", %20its%20use%20in%20arabic%20falconry%20and%20conservation.htm, (Aug '02).