World Economic Heartbeat / TradeNET on the Bitcoin Blockchain

WORLD ECONOMIC HEARTBEAT / Bitcoin TradeNET HEART BEACON CYCLE "A day will come when there will be no battlefields, but markets opening to commerce and minds opening to ideas". Victor Hugo All things internet are programmed with time cycles and computer syntax -- the internet's two main building blocks. Cyclic updates of state meta data snapshots / heartbeat messages from micro-to macro cycles distributed among a system of systems is simply powerful.

Transcript of World Economic Heartbeat / TradeNET on the Bitcoin Blockchain

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"A day will come when there will be no battlefields, but markets opening to commerce and minds opening to ideas". Victor Hugo

All things internet are programmed with time cycles and computer syntax -- the internet's two main building blocks. Cyclic updates of state meta data snapshots / heartbeat messages from micro-to macro cycles distributed among a system of systems is simply powerful.

The Internet is based on time cycles and computer syntax parsed / processed, programmed or not during finite time cycles. It requires a syntax library lexicon - a Rosetta stone

Simple Wins Concepts LLC July 29th, 2015

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FIGURE 1: Heart Beacon Cycle: System of Systems signalling, telemetry procedural framework

The Heart Beacon Cycle time - space meter / appliqué overlay: a systemic adaptive, iterative, procedural template framework used as a guide, links pointing to detailed treatises in forming agile, ad hoc federated groups synchronized for common goals using equitable, consistent metrics, meters news-casted, viewed on geo-spatial appliqué overlays showing spatial - temporal intensity sync deltas i.e. decision support global map views of unused resources / unmet needs.

The Heart Beacon Cycle HBC is a procedural template that includes common technology building blocks derived from military systems of systems research. The HBC approach uses a system as a procedural template model to help individuals join groups participating in organized activities synchronized in time - space to achieve common goals / causes. The Heart Beacon Cycle as a checklist refers to detailed treatises or standards. It is technology neutral. The invention's main embodiment was written in a Little League Baseball Tournament meme for clarity and simplicity as well as being immune to recent Supreme Court / United States Patent Office limitations on software method, process, and procedure type patents.

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Purpose: Enhance, improve systemic solutions through signalling, telemetry, news-casting of sync delta updates across a systems of systems, network of networks supporting regional, global systemic sustainable solutions using equitable metrics and meters for trade arbitrage among federated, autonomous trade groups shown in situational awareness decision views.

Affiliate / Federate is a cloud computing term. Federated identities within groups retain their autonomy, ability to act on their own behalf. Organization Identifiers </ORG IDs> represents a business, non-profit corporation, or government entity in the American Registry of Internet Numbers ARIN database. Entities may have more than one <Org_ID> {“Org_ID”} for contingency plans where more than one ORG_ID enables business contingency plans for different scenarios, and leaders making different decisions based on their leadership styles.

Globalization involves multi-national corporate entities vying for control of regional resources. It follows that a proven strategy to identify, track, and monitor resources regionally within the global economic matrix is needed. Military methods involving individuals joining groups / organizations operating over wide areas using distributed system of systems command, control, logistics and geo-spatial, temporal and intelligence reporting techniques may be reused commercially. When military organizations move into a region, they set up host nation agreements and initiate trade for goods and services. Equitable metrics and meters of geo-spatial temporal intensity changes of goods and services described in a shared procedural template / smart contract using universally recognized simple memes will facilitate federated trade arbitrage. Federated Trade Arbitrage will be transacted using a variety of systems, networks, products, and disparate vendor solutions. A common signalling / telemetry procedural template framework using a common syntax lexicon library will facilitate global trade arbitrage across the global matrix. Globalists need to use this system of systems approach as much as we the 99%

Network Centric Warfare Award

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FIGURE 2: What is the Heart Beacon Cycle?


Military's do one thing very well -- take individuals and form them into groups {“Org_ID”} working towards collective purposes. Reuse of military funded System of Systems research, best practice used as a procedural template framework is key to forming and maintaining sustainable Trade Federations as Distributed Autonomous Organizations DAO's / DAC's (Corporations) re-using military Net Centric Operations as a swords to ploughshares project.

When Army's move into an area, they initiate host nation agreements and enter transactions for resources </URN></URN></URN> to sustain themselves. Search techniques for </rare>, </commodity> items in a geo-spatial area by internet GPS survey techniques i.e. triangulation for </perishable> items that are processed by precedence -5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5> for distribution over wide areas (time zones) before time out (duration, Time To Live TTL) identified by novel time-space geo-spatial temporal metrics / meters (intensity, frequency). 

Use of a Pentagon Category 1A Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence pacing system in conjunction with other world changing technologies and programs is a logical, path of

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least resistance to achieve consensus. Establishing an equitable economic, eco-system of harmonized systems among diverse, decentralized, trade federation groups / nations is key.

FIGURE 3: Procedural Template

The Heart Beacon Cycle is a procedural template framework that includes citations of required standards, processes, shared components / building blocks and conventions that are agreed upon as criteria required as a minimum to join a federation (cloud computing term). Individual entries to the procedural template checklist -- a clipboard of things needed, to do items. Items are entries that link to detailed treatises. The procedural template used as a model template framework was / is the United States Army / Marine Corps Joint Battle Command JBC also known as Joint Blue Force Situation Awareness and it's interaction with many other intelligence, logistics, manoeuvre etc. systems participating in a system of systems. The military has always done one thing very well -- form individuals into groups working towards accomplishing missions.

The method patent filed by SAW Concepts LLC was an improvement to the military template framework adding novel metrics and meters to determine price indexes among distributed organizations trading a myriad of commodities, goods and (time) services. More recently, Bitcoin's various coin types, schemes and valuation strategies have been added since the metrics and meters were designed to be universal and applicable to almost any commodity or situation. Fungibility or 1 to 1 conversation measurements and metrics are useful as is a common syntax

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lexicon library to describe commodities using <tags> or {"tags"} or Field Unit Identifiers in Forms or military FFIRNS / FUDNS Field Unit Designators. The logic and procedures behind their use for example, in forming vectors indicating geo-spatial temporal intensity or time, distance directions etc. The military has spent decades developing a brevity list comparable to stock Market Identifier Codes MICs. Why reinvent the wheel in forming a universal economic trade Rosetta stone?

FIGURE 4: DEVOPS: Process is Key

The Heart of the Heart Beacon Cycle is PROCESS -- cyclical operational process key to DevOps

DevOps (a portmanteau of "development" and "operations") is a software development method that stresses communication, collaboration, integration, automation, and measurement of cooperation between software developers and other information-technology (IT) professionals. The DevOps method acknowledges the interdependence of software development, quality assurance, and IT operations, and aims to help an organization rapidly produce software products and services and to improve operations performance. The specific goals of a DevOps approach span the entire delivery pipeline. They include improved deployment frequency, which can lead to faster time to market, lower failure rate of new releases, shortened lead time between fixes, and faster mean time to recovery in the event of a new release crashing or otherwise disabling

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the current system. Simple processes become increasingly programmable and dynamic, using a DevOps approach, which aims to maximize the predictability, efficiency, security, and maintainability of operational processes. Very often, automation supports this objective. The Heart Beacon Cycle is a collection of processes and procedures formed as a procedural template


Internet ground truth - #Bitcoin blockchain blocks, agents, motes, bots, web crawlers, heartbeat, and beacon are all metaphors for intervals, time cycles available to process / not process SYNTAX. In other words, the internet is time cycles available to process instructions, commands etc. It follows that the key to achieving consistency, interoperability across diverse technologies and establish common ground among groups using various internet technologies is to focus on the two main common building blocks -- time cycles and syntax i.e., term tag repository, library.

"Bitcoin represents the first major breakthrough in economics and finance since 'double entry bookkeeping' was invented in 1494 and activists need to embrace its power". Bitcoin (and its 'transparent public ledger' technology), represent the first time in the history of economics and finance that actual empirical scientific methods have been applied to money. The Bitcoin Blockchain: the blockchain is probably one of the most important factors behind Bitcoin’s success: a transparent ledger book, available to everyone, which allows “universal consensus.”

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Decentralized currencies are a way to dissolve national barriers: a currency has shifted from a state-owned property to a people owned one, which is sharing a common goal, Bitcoin’s main components: the security algorithm behind the currency (Proof of Work/Proof of Stake), the distribution channels of the currency (through specific communities with common interests, such as deep web users and their dark coins, or to a global audience like Bitcoin.

The Internet is based on time cycles and (computer) syntax parsed / processed or not during finite time cycles. It requires a syntax library lexicon -- a Rosetta Stone if you will.  

The rise of a new internet, new web will be based on Bitcoin, Next Generation Networking NDN DARPA sponsored Net Centric Warfare procedures and technologies leveraging semantic web's eXtensible Markup Language XML <tags> repository repurposed from the military's network centric warfare systems of systems research serving as the Next Generation internet's shared, common lexicon -- the new economic age's Rosetta Stone. Napoleon's archaeological research team found the Rosetta Stone after the Battle of Waterloo on Egypt's Giza plateau by Cairo.

Regarding Bitcoin, the First Nations as a Trade Federation could provide a consistent regulatory environment attractive to Bitcoin accepting corporations and potential trade partners. If a one world view for a one world government / trade federation is to be achieved any time soon, re-use of DoD best practice in forming / maintaining Distributed Autonomous Organizations as a framework / procedural template describing the who, what, where, when, how often, how much among participating trade federation / global governance members seems the shortest path. The Heart Beacon Cycle includes a mediation gateway between the owners of the globalist corporations and those who form grass root trade federations using crowd sourcing / funding techniques. It's time to cooperate and graduate and meet one another in the middle.


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Use of synchronous updates of state meta-data harvested during micro-cycles to refresh decision makers during macro-cycle reporting periods has many uses. Novel, unique methods to meter and measure change in context with geo-spatial temporal intensity in a globally understood meme have many use cases. Method using procedural templates as guides, links / pointers to detailed treatises comprised of policies and processes as preconditions / prerequisites in forming self-organizing, mutually reinforcing structures in a systems of systems framework supporting federated group activities synchronized in time - space to achieve common goals. It is a framework for designing systems to interoperate in a net-centric environment, includes core principles to be applied to all systems Net-Centric Patterns Prescriptive guidance including recommended standards, architectural approaches, and other guidance for building interoperable systems in specific problem and mission areas SCOPE Model (Systems, Capabilities, Operations, Programs, Enterprises) A structured model of the attributes of a net-centric system, capability, operation, program, and enterprise building block catalogue

The Heart Beacon Cycle is a procedural template framework that includes citations of required standards, processes, shared components / building blocks and conventions that are agreed upon as criteria required as a minimum to join a federation (cloud computing term). Individual entries to the procedural template checklist -- a clipboard of things needed, to do items if you will point to detailed treatises. A process defines “what” needs to be done and which roles are involved A procedure defines “how” to do the task. A process consists of the following:

• Roles and responsibilities of the people (roles) assigned to do the work • Appropriate tools and equipment to support individuals in doing their jobs • Procedures and methods defining “how” to do the tasks and relationships between the task.

Sub Claims:

1). Metric / Meter Signalling / Synchronization: a systemic, adaptive procedural template method used to improve synchronization in metrics, metering, using <ORG_ ID>, <URN> XML data tags in signalling during heartbeat micro-cycles prior to data fusion center entry consisting of iterative, heartbeat cycle metrics, meters reporting where state meta data heartbeat snapshot recalculations are performed at off-site connectors that are signalling relays, conversion, recalculation points processing during macro-cycle epochs dissimilar standards, formats reported, news-casted, beacon broadcasted to appliqué overlays. Signals, telemetry is derived from accessing a universal syntax / lexicon library representing disparate data and message formats drawn from the structured military messaging program's decades of best practice.

2) Common syntax library term, brevity code lexicon.. The Next Web TNW: a common syntax library and ability to convert <tags> to YAML indents to binary XML to various other Message Text Formats MTF to enable universal signalling / telemetry among a system of systems is key. Decades of research at the taxpayer's expense into structured messaging will help accelerate the process of organizing syntax into categories and forming syntax from disparate systems into template libraries. One of the DHS's top three goals is "A national common operating picture for

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critical infrastructure". A congressional directive states "nothing less than network centric homeland security akin to network centric warfare". Interoperability challenge develop a common syntax library / Rosetta Stone among disparate systems to form an integrated, synchronized, situational awareness system of systems. In developing common syntax libraries used among entities, nodes and organizations to convey network status and configuration data (e.g., router MIBs / multicast group subscriptions) using schemas, data islands parsed / processed among data encoding schemes such as:

- Federal / Military / NATO / International Structured Messaging i.e., 2525 A,B,C,D reused, repurposed for commercial use cases. Use the logic behind the field numbering and the thought put into data used in vectors, geo-spatial temporal intensity decision support exchanges

-- National Science Foundation NSF sponsored Named-Data Networking NDN <Content> Centric Networking (XML tags)

-- OASIS TOSCA YAML document indent data encoding scheme

- Stock Exchange Market Identifier Codes MICs analogous to military brevity codes When we agree on consistent timing of events and common symbol sets described by a common syntax lexicon – a Rosetta Stone, a global situation understanding system of systems is doable. See patent application "Method to commercialize structured military messages".

Common document templates that organize and store syntax processed during situation awareness micro cycles ranging from micro-seconds to traditional Net Centric Operations lower tactical internet operation cycles e.g., 5, 10, 15 minute mission reporting phases should be converted to commercial use to preserve the thought investment, naming, organizing of text tags describing telemetry such as altitude, speed, vectors, and attributes needed by operations, logistics, intelligence, public affairs, human resources etc. to reuse best practice developed and refined over decades by the military NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It has been said that future wars will be fought over resource allocation, market shares on a regional basis.


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In linguistics, syntax (from Ancient Greek σύνταξις "coordination" from σύν syn, "together,"

and τάξις táxis, "an ordering") is "the study of the principles and processes by which sentences are

constructed in particular languages."[1] The term syntax is used to refer directly to the rules and

principles that govern the sentence structure of individual languages. Modern research in syntax

attempts to describe languages in terms of such rules. Many professionals in this discipline attempt

to find general rules that apply to all natural languages. Use of a common template of terms aid's

cross group collaboration – the primary use case of the Heart Beacon Cycle – federate, federation..

The term syntax is also used to refer to the rules governing the behavior of mathematical systems,

such as formal languages used in logic. (See logical syntax.)

REFERENCE: Wikipedia: Syntax:

The TERRA Trade Reference Currency, Ethereum, and Net Centric Warfare as a commercialized

system of systems involve maintenance of globally distributed ledgers. The internet works using time

cycles to process instructions described by SYNTAX. Net Centric Warfare best practice provides

procedural templates and over 300 pre-designed semantic web content templates belonging to

structured military messaging sets describing as guides, the when, where, how and how often

systemically among a systems of systems promoting synergy, synchronicity when the message sets

are adapted for commercial uses e.g., economic trade federations formed between, among

autonomous, sovereign nations for example, participating in federated trade arbitrage.

3). Flash Trade Circuit Breaker: process start / stop / resume: a systemic adaptive procedural template method used to improve signalling, synchronization using TCP/IP heartbeat time stamping occurring during micro-cycles of state meta data prior to data fusion center entry among metrics, metering processes comprised of TCP/IP heartbeats, heartbeat messages signalled during micro-cycles scheduling instructions, commands, processes, procedures, algorithms, telemetry instructions for example, to master-controller processes i.e., block, start, stop, pause, resume, set Time To live TTL i.e., stock market high frequency flash trade, currency, interest rates, tax rates, time banking, cloud computing commodity exchanges, big data, electrical micro-grid, fungible goods, real time bidding

4). Stochastic Harmonization: a systemic adaptive procedural template method improving stochastic networks harmonization through use of timing, synchronization intrinsic to TCP/IP heartbeat / heartbeat message signalling using set, scheduled, epochs in micro-cycles in combination with firefly insect signalling stochastic harmonization algorithms where firefly protocol sample means are matched with closest heartbeat sync delta micro-cycle report values to recalculate statistical averages, means signalled through off site connector conversion, recalculation gateways that news-cast, beacon broadcast to subscribers monitoring macro-cycle reports that heretofore would not exist without following the Heart Beacon Cycle procedural template as guides for reporting thus improving temporal harmonization in metrics and metering of stochastic telecommunication mesh fabrics grid control planes over wide areas in cases involving issues in terms of consistency, reliability, traceability, positive organizational identification, temporal transaction fidelity, event, alert predictability, data analytics, network forensics real rime bidding, stock market exchange floor server co-location verses servers

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distantly located, fluctuations in interest rates, currency exchanges, double payment adjudication, fungible good trading stochastic harmonization, cloud computing, and "big data".

5). Network Management / Network Service Interface Configuration: a systemic adaptive procedural template method using time stamping and signalling intrinsic to TCP/IP heartbeat, heartbeat sync delta snapshot message signalling to improve dynamic, adaptive organization change management using XML <ORG_ID> network service interface NSI templates updating self-organizing process templates i.e., directory service, reporting, map, network, system of systems effecting changes in directory structures database MIB i.e., network subnet joins, moves, splits drops, adds as alternatives to mergers, acquisitions effecting changes responsive to leader’s actions, decisions i.e., mission-aware networking, network centric operations improving agile, ad hoc organizational business operations course of actions selection by organizations registered for more than one <ORG_ID) improving action / reaction to change i.e., leadership changes

6). Search, find, invite to federated arbitrage: A systemic adaptive procedural template method improving search engine methods using heartbeat, beacon signalling, <ORG_ID>, <URN>, {“class_types”}, Paul Revere, water drop in pond meme metric recalculations occurring at off-site connectors, conversion relay gateways where detection of trigger point function recalculations of state meta data set aggregations are used to detect threshold fluctuations by resource <class>, <type>, quantity, availability duration etc., further used to improve geo-spatial temporal descriptive mapping methods, changes in clusters of objects, entities, artefacts i.e., location, epoch time stamp geo-spatially, temporally, used to locate, search, then group into virtual collections using {“data_tags”} i.e., {“rare”} in spatial econometric, volumetric operations within network mesh fabrics triggering news-casting invitations to join equitably metered federated group arbitrage events, activities triggered by internet search operations improving collaboration, metrics and metering commodity, fungibles trading, resource pooling, crowd sourcing, contributory economics. Search enhanced using military FFIRN and FFUD categories as brevity codes similar to stock exchange MIC Market Identifier four digit codes.

Using search and geo-spatial survey methods to identify crowd funding opportunities within crowds based on subscriptions and data class types, event and alert tags or subscriptions -- Net Centric Warfare is a publish-subscribe paradigm -- in a geo-spatial area using net geo-spatial survey techniques will identify within a crowd in a specific geo-spatial area within a Telco, P2P mesh fabric. Monitoring individual contributions to groups in context with an </event>> by <Organization_Identifier> or </Org_ID>. Identifying assets, resources by Uniform Resource Name </URN> / stock exchange Market Indicator Codes analogous to structured military messaging brevity codes will improve B2B Business to Business data exchange.

7). Emergency Response / Handicapped Accessibility/ Adverse conditions / audio / visual support: a systemic adaptive procedural template method used to improve handicapped / information alerts, events, methods reliant on heartbeat timing, signalling synchronization of state meta-data improved using Paul Revere, water drop in pond memes to create, calculate radius, intensity metrics viewed as geo-spatial, temporal intensity effects i.e., visual light bar tabs i.e., stock exchange candlestick charts, audible tone, vibration-tactile situational awareness alerts by correlating tone based messaging precedence XML <tag> where lower / higher precedence settings equate to lower / higher audible tones, tactile vibrations for deaf where fewer / greater

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number of light tabs lit correlates, corresponds to priority, precedence <tags> further used in alert triggers of threshold fluctuations displayed on appliqué decision support visual overlays.

8) Micro / Macro Cycle mediation gateway: a systemic, adaptive procedural template method using heartbeat signalling, time stamp record keeping processes of state meta data <class> <typed> by organization, resources by Uniform Resource Name, <precedence> further improved using Paul Revere, Water Drop in Pond memes to quantify, describe unused resources with unmet needs in terms of proximity from source to point of use, consumption, storage etc., by performing recalculations of state meta-data snapshot artefacts occurring at mediation gateways where micro-cycle reports from local, micro-cycle activities are signalled, relayed to macro-cycles reports of Internet of Everything IeT fluctuations due to geo-spatial temporal intensity changes filtered by priority, precedence then newscast signalled to ad hoc federated group subscriptions where state meta data snapshot reports are shown in appliqué overlay data filtered views showing state changes of IeT Value Indexes, including for example, geography, <class> <URN> type correlated to value drivers i.e., commodity type matched with time - space vector data where proximity, perish ability, availability, scarcity, commodity shelf life.

9) Crowd Sourcing / Funding: Reuse of military funded System of Systems research, best practice used as a procedural template framework is key to forming and maintaining sustainable Trade Federations as Distributed Autonomous Organizations DAO's / DAC's (Corporations) re-using military Net Centric Operations as a swords to plowshares project. Military's do one thing very well -- take individuals and form them into groups </Org_ID> working towards collective purposes. When Army's move into an area, they initiate host nation agreements and enter transactions for resources </URN></URN></URN> to sustain themselves. Search techniques for </rare>, </basic_need>s items in a geo-spatial area by internet GPS survey techniques i.e. triangulation for </perishable> items that are processed by precedence -5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5> for distribution over wide areas (time zones) before they expire (intensity, duration) identified by novel time-space geo-spatial temporal metrics / meters.

10) "enable new use cases / provide leverage across other businesses in ecosystem i.e.., Trade Federation on Bitcoin Blockchain: Bitcoin investing conference video:


The Heart Beacon Cycle is an patent application in progress. The United States Patent and Trademark Office by contracting a third party web archive company to archive SAW Concepts LLC's in concert with a ruling citing Transco Vs Performance in effect established that SAW Concepts LLC formed a patentable idea. The only action that remains is award of the idea with the caveat that Transco Vs Performance is a vehicle to transfer the ownership of an idea from the party who formed the idea to another entity. Since the Heart Beacon Cycle is multi-faceted, there may be multiple awards. In any case, SAW Concepts LLC asserts ownership of the idea and until further notice states that all rights are reserved.


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Common / Standard Building Blocks: describes the four building blocks that are used to form the inventions embodiments that are used separately then in combination and synergistically to form methods and claims which are theme variations to the base systems used to form the Heart Beacon Cycle framework. A heartbeat is an opportunity in time to do / not do a (computational) task. A novelty of the Heart Beacon Cycle not yet in common use commercially is to time tag state meta data by Organizational Identifier ORG ID and Uniform Resource Type URN reliably and synchronously with the heartbeat prior to data center insertion. The military needed to sample state meta data from platforms and soldiers to determine mission readiness to execute plans and orders from mission cycle to mission cycle.


The graphic above identifies USPTO patent application numbers that date back to 10/605/144 Method to Commercialize Structured Military Messaging filed September 11, 2003. The framework on the right hand side of the lower most graphic is identified as being derived from and as an improvement to Groove Network's Groove's Peer to Peer P2P framework. Groove was acquired by Microsoft circa 2005. Groove Network's Groove uses a state management engine enabling sending only the changes of a document / ledger -- the "sync delta's" useful in addressing Bitcoin's scalability issue as cited by Bitcoin Project Lightning LINK. 

The Heart Beacon Cycle patent application is protocol neutral and is actionable if no automation, technology is present. P2P Peer to Peer is an Omni cast / mesh strategy where all nodes receive updates. The rest of the internet is usually multicast, unicast with options to receive only those

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"packets" of interest or a publish - subscribe model. See lower most graphic SOA -- Service Oriented Architecture. SOA refers to messaging middleware products and enterprise suites that use several different protocols i.e., RTI DDS or Object Management Group / OASIS MQTT etc.

The USPTO in citing Transco Vs Performance Contracting Inc. in concert with paying a third party web archive firm to screen scrape SAW Concepts LLC's web site dating the archive data to circa 2006 has deemed the idea patent worthy. Who receives the award remains to be seen. A court may not reverse itself. Patent 13/573,002 The Heart Beacon Cycle time-space meter / appliqué overlay application LINK   on SLIDESHARE 


State meta data snapshots were sampled during micro-cycles which were relayed to operation centers for aggregation, data fusion display during macro-cycles. Since network bandwidth over radio networks is limited, a mechanism that used the least network resources to get then put data into temporary holding structures e.g., file folders, queues, caches etc. accessible regardless of type of access mechanism -- bots, motes, agents, M2M machine to machine protocols or applications or products. The common mechanism was the universal internet TCP/IP heartbeat's reserved frames / time cycles / intervals. The heartbeat ping had heretofore reserved time cycles, intervals in which to move the unit designation <Org_ID> and sample data about resources <Uniform_Resource_Names> <URN> from Lower Tactical to Upper Tactical nets. Metrics and meters describing movement of platforms and resources need to be standard from unit to unit

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State meta data snapshot reports shown in appliqué overlay data filtered views show state changes within IeT Value Indexes, including for example, geography, <class> <URN> type correlated to value drivers i.e., commodity type matched with time - space vector data where proximity, perish ability, availability, scarcity, shelf life of commodity increases, decreases index values. using internet TCP/IP conventions e.g., hop by hop counts for linear, sequential metrics, reference from a survey point geo-spatial temporal intensity fluctuations, time / space vectors


The Pentagon's Blue Force Tracker used as a template emulating generals and tacticians such as Napoleon, Patton, and Alexander the Great knew how to keep their organizations / military units working as a combined, synchronized team across space and time. Their strategies depended on knowing if their small units were mission capable e.g., a group had the requisite number of warriors to constitute that type of unit and that unit had the requisite supplies to be considered mission capable. Operational Tempo or OPTEMPO required signalling between organizations over space (distances) and time. Tactics and Operational Tempo remain similar from the time before the internet until now. Battlefield Digitization translated leaders orders, plans and leader's intent into network corollaries -- router subnet joins, merges, adds, drops, moves, splits to emulate organizational maneuver displayed on map sheets. Networks needed to support leader's decisions and signal the how, how much, how often, who, when, where... across time and space which resulted in sampling equipment and troops during micro-cycles then displaying a snapshot in time of unit readiness, position, logistical status, threat displays on digital map sheets.

Military command, control, communications, intelligence systems typically use structured military messaging formats that have a message precedence field that corresponds to changes

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from a null state to indicated priority processing. The number of precedence levels is arbitrary i.e., null, elevated, imminent such as the current Department of Homeland Security Alert System that is 3 levels making it incompatible with military systems that are typically five levels. 3 / 5 = 1.666 – not a 1 :1 match / correspondence for message parsers (processors) requiring human intervention to sort the message to a queue as to which precedence is desired – a procedure that defeats the process of using numerical levels critical in M2M machine to machine processing

Appliqué overlays referred to filtering state meta data by <ORG_ID> Organizational Identifier and Resource Type <URN> displayed on digital displays in a cyclic pattern using macro-cycles at the small unit level and macro-cycles at the large, strategic Operation Centers. State meta data snapshots were sent, replicated from TOC to TOC, node to node so that higher, lower, left to right units were coordinated over a wide area distributed network system of systems

Federation describes the organization arrangements necessary for interconnection between teams, leagues, and commissions joined to achieve common goals. Federated systems need to interoperate across organizational boundaries and connect processes utilizing different technologies, identity storage, security approaches and programming models. Within a federated system, identities and their associated credentials are still stored, owned and managed separately. Each individual member of the federation continues to manage its own identities, but is focused on sharing and accepting identities and credentials of the group. Within a federated system, an organization needs a standardized and repeatable way of describing services it makes available to teams in leagues and policies by which it runs its operations. Operations are performed as part of group’s activities. Resources available to the group include the health or availability of individuals forming groups where monitoring is performed to ascertain if groups are mission capable or not in context with available resources and whether the group’s location is within a pre-defined geo-spatial range of a given activity or event. Arbitrage entering agreements as federated identities within groups retaining autonomy = ability to act on their own behalf.

Directory of Organizations: Directory's and directory technologies are a key feature of the concept where individuals and groups use directory look-ups to find (other) organizations that round out their portfolios providing goods, services and skills that they need to support a project.

Since the Heart Beacon Cycle is reuse of military best practice derived from Network Enabled Operations / Mission Aware Networking, it follows that the most useful aspect of this iterative, cyclic process is facilitating individuals joining groups -- keeping in mind that military's almost always do things in groups / organizations. Leader's decision within the federations may cause changes in network state sub-net configuration that must be advertised or broadcast among other participating organizations within the organizations.

Synchronization maintains situational understanding over distances (space) and over time from operation to operation, cycle to cycle by harvesting state meta data during micro-cycles to refresh situation awareness displays (appliqué overlays) updating macro decision cycles. Leader's decision within the federations may cause changes in network sub-net configuration that must be advertised or broadcast among other participating organizations within organizations.

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Top level or central leadership in governments mediate among groups within organizations. Synchronization maintains situational understanding over distances (space) and over time from operation to operation, cycle to cycle. In a (cloud) federation, individuals who join groups retain autonomy within federations and join, leave a federation as a business case, agreement is viable.


FEDERATION: A federation (from Latin: foedus, gen.: foederis, "covenant"), characterized by a union of partially self-governing states or regions under a central (federal) government. In a federation, the self-governing status of the component states, as well as the division of power between them and the central government, are typically constitutionally entrenched and may not be altered by a unilateral decision of either party, the states or the federal political body. In a CLOUD COMPUTING FEDERATION, individual users / organizations retain AUTONOMY

Myriad technologies supporting group collaboration exist as do many organization management techniques. If a group of sovereign nation states set a goal to cooperate collaboratively across distances (time - space) in a distributed, autonomous manner -- in a trade federation for example, use of military sponsored research into the methods and procedures developed by leaders (generals -- e.g., Napoleon, Patton) over time translated into internet terms is the path of least resistance to achieve sharing a common state picture. The Heart Beacon Cycle is a procedural

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template -- a list of the what, when, where, how, how often individuals formed as a group report their actions and status in a cyclic, iterative process facilitates achievement of common goals.

Common building blocks and procedures required is the basis of the invention combined with innovative, novel metrics and meters to monetize the concept e.g., offer Space - Time As A Service STAAS in service level agreements SLAs. Novel geo-spatial temporal survey methods help identify individuals and groups in a specific area (Telco mesh fabric) to capitalize on events by participating in Real Time Bidding for example. Many use cases may be supported by procedural template best practice of the mundane: who, where, how often, how much cyclic snapshots of unused resources matched with unmet needs situational awareness common picture.



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The synchronous, reliable, cyclical update of state meta data snapshots across a systems of systems, network of networks is extremely flexible, powerful, and adaptable across many use cases. The term Big Data refers to data sets so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate. Challenges include analysis, capture, curation, search, sharing, storage, transfer, visualization, and information privacy. Use of predictive analytics or other certain advanced methods to extract value from data, and seldom to a particular size of data set. Organization Identifiers (ORG IDs) An Organization ID (Org ID) represents a business, non-profit corporation, or government entity in the ARIN database. The Org ID is defined by a legal name, Both URNs (names) and URLs (locators) are URIs, and a particular URI may be a name and a locator at the same time. RFC 2141 International Engineering Task Force IETF: The Functional Requirements for Uniform Resource Names are described in RFC 1737. The URNs are part of a larger Internet information architecture which is composed of URNs, Uniform Resource Characteristics (URCs), Uniform Resource Locators (URLs). Each plays a role:

- URNs are used for identification, - URCs for including meta-information.- URLs for locating or finding resources. See Apple's URL proximity iBeacons


"Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war." MLK Jr.  

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An organization may establish more than one Org ID, An Organization ID (Org ID) represents a business, non-profit corporation, or government entity in the ARIN database. The Org ID is defined by a legal name, postal address, and points of contact. IP addresses and AS numbers directly assigned or allocated by ARIN must be associated with an Org ID. Internet Service Providers and other direct allocation holders may also reassign or reallocate IP addresses to an Org ID. Use of the American Registry for Internet Numbers ARIN Organizational Identifier will be recognized by national / international standards groups instead of for example, the Universal universally unique identifier (UUID) that is a ten digit alpha-numeric code that is not mnemonic like the Organizational Identifier <Org_ID> nor does the UUID have the convention of being issued more than once to a given organization. Use Uniform Resource Name <URN> to describe commodity types. Bitcoin account alpha-numeric strings are not human friendly and mnemonic. Two factor authentication and using multi-signature multi-sig accounts should be linked to an organizational identifier above and beyond a domain identifier as there may be more than one organization in a domain and subordinate organizations that need to be identified as separate yet affiliated to parent organizations that belong to multiple domains.

Federated Identity Management: federation describes the organization arrangements necessary for interconnection between teams, leagues, and commissions joined to achieve common goals. Federated systems need to interoperate across organizational boundaries and connect processes utilizing different technologies, identity storage, security approaches and programming models. Within a federated system, identities and their associated credentials are still stored, owned and managed separately. Each individual member of the federation continues to manage its own identities, but is focused on sharing and accepting identities and credentials of the group.

Within a federated system, an organization needs a standardized and repeatable way of describing services it makes available to teams in leagues and policies by which it runs its operations. Operations are performed as part of group’s activities. Resources available to the group include the health or availability of individuals forming groups where monitoring is performed to ascertain if groups are mission capable or not in context with available resources and whether the group’s location is within a pre-defined geo-spatial range of a given activity or event. The definition of equitable arbitrage is defined by the entities entering the agreement as clauses. Federated identities within a group retain autonomy, ability to act on their own behalf 

A federation describes the organization arrangements necessary for interconnection between teams, leagues, and commissions joined to achieve common goals. Federated systems need to interoperate across organizational boundaries and connect processes utilizing different technologies, identity storage, security approaches and programming models. Within a federated system, identities and their associated credentials are still stored, owned and managed separately. Each individual member of the federation continues to manage its own identities, but is focused on sharing and accepting identities and credentials of the group.

Within a federated system, an organization needs a standardized and repeatable way of describing services it makes available to teams in leagues and policies by which it runs its operations. Operations are performed as part of group’s activities. Resources available to the

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group include the health or availability of individuals forming groups where monitoring is performed to ascertain if groups are mission capable or not in context with available resources and if the group’s location is within a pre-defined geo-spatial range of a given activity or event.


Mike Hearn, a U.K.-based Bitcoin developer who used to work at Google and now gives talks imagining a future economy driven by something called the TradeNet — a kind of giant automated marketplace, a crypto-secure mashup of Yelp, Craigslist, Uber, and eBay. The key to implementing a TradeNet System is the blockchain—a distributed method of tracking and transferring assets online without need of a trusted third party (such as a bank). LINK Bitcoin and the blockchain function as a medium of exchange, a store of value, a unit of account. Bitcoin adds digital, cryptographic, distributed server functions to currencies. Because it functions simultaneously as a currency, an asset and a platform, Bitcoin is better described as a global cryptoCAP (currency, asset, platform) -- a synergistic form of "crypto-capital" to unleash the full economic power of the networked age. Bitcoin makes money programmable. “MONEY IS SIMPLY DATA” - a simple way to measure and keep track of exchanges in value and wealth accumulation. Bitcoin aggregates data in a distributed global ledger accessible to anyone, and software. It is the first open platform for financial services. Color coins represent stocks, bonds, currencies, properties. Source: Wired Magazine Reid Hoffman Why the blockchain matters

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#Bitcoin code could power an alternate internet TradeNet built on the Bitcoin blockchain. Key is building a code syntax library – a common, shared internet Rosetta Stone

Arbitrage entering agreements as federated identities within groups retaining autonomy = ability to act on their own behalf. If trade is deemed non-equitable, groups, individuals may leave the trade federation as a network drop until conditions change or the individuals change their minds and decide to re-affiliate, re-tether to the collective trade federation. Groups may me matched to tasks and may be needed during certain situations and not others. Leader decisions may influence whether specific groups may be used for certain situation and operations but not others. The flexibility to manage groups in an agile, adhoc manner is the future of business.


Cooperate THEN compete - trade federations aided by agile, adhoc group formation & system of systems sync & telemetry INFOCON situation awareness techniques. Military forces have for centuries done one thing very well -- form individuals into groups and organizations organized and synchronized in time and space (geo-spatially) to achieve goals. Today, organizations tend to be geographically dispersed and tend to use many different technologies to achieve their goals. The Heart Beacon Cycle provides a minimum list of common building blocks, procedures and processes that individuals agree to use within organizations they join e.g.., autonomous trade federations. Individuals and organizations may affiliate and de-affiliate as they choose or as

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logistics or other external factors drive the situation. Cyclic reporting of events, alerts, and milestones during micro-cycles to macro-cycles is key.

Micro cycles / Macro cycles: Equitable metrics and meters of geo-spatial temporal intensity changes of goods and services in a globally recognized meme will facilitate federated trade arbitrage. Agile, ad-hoc group joins, merges, drops in lieu of formal mergers and acquisitions by use of <ORG_ID> where an organization may have more than one <ORG_ID> representing business continuity and contingency plans. Resources will be processed by precedence and filtered by <Uniform_Resource_Name> URN by <class> <status> i.e. scarce, rare etc. improving resource management via geo-spatial temporal intensity, velocity, tempo of creation / use shown by universally understood water drop in pond, Paul Revere's ride memes.

Figure 14 Micro - Macro Cycles

Net Centric Operations are driven by sampling state meta data changes during micro-cycles that are aggregated and filtered during macro-decision cycles across a wide area system of systems.

Micro-revenue, micro-currencies in micro-cycles will be orchestrated (aggregated, recalculated, converted, mediated) with macro-currencies in macro-economic cycles i.e., the Terra that is correlated with up to 12 commodities by mediation / conversion / recalculation gateways processing sync delta heartbeat updates. Micro / complimentary currencies are mediated,

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correlated, and converted according to relative value at a specific time stamp and geo-location stochastically harmonized across time zones where proximity = costs less.

Macro-Economics: Microeconomics (from Greek prefix mikro- meaning "small" and economics) studies the behaviour of individual households and firms in making decisions on the allocation of limited resources (see scarcity). Macro-economics relate to macro decision making cycles

Micro-Economics: Macroeconomics (from the Greek prefix makro- meaning "large" and economics deals with the performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making of an economy as a whole, rather than individual markets. This includes national, regional, and global economies. The Heartbeat sets micro-cycle start, stop, time to live. All sophisticated algorithms, bots, mots, scripts, agents.. make calls to the Heartbeat. High frequency flash trade algorithms are sophisticated and distributed -- however, all algorithms report to a single master controller.

Operational discipline of time cycles is an imperative and establishment of a common syntax lexicon repository is needed. Different leaders have different preferences as to reporting cycles -- some prefer more rapid updates than others. Providing leaders with a near real time operational common picture requires just in time reports aggregated from teams, organizations and groups identified by organization with data described as available resources - bullets, beans, fuel, group status, location, and time stamp. This data shared across many distributed leader's screens aggregated from geo distributed groups is more easily achieved if the data is time stamped and identified prior to data fusion center insertion.

Displaying "The Grail" -- Single Integrated Operational Picture SIOP after the fact is problematic -- especially if many different data management techniques are in use. Cycles in time -- the "heartbeat" as opposed to a data ping that has no conventions for data other than the ping itself is the net's ultimate common tool and applies to #IoT, #Big Data, Cloud Computing, NDN Named Data Networking, SDN Software Defined Networking, DevOPS, Bitcoin and the Bitcoin Blockchain.

Micro-revenue, micro-currencies in micro-cycles will be orchestrated (aggregated, recalculated, converted, mediated) with macro-currencies in macro-economic cycles i.e., the Terra that is correlated with up to 12 commodities by mediation / conversion / recalculation gateways processing sync delta heartbeat updates. Micro / complimentary currencies are mediated, correlated, and converted according to value relative to a specific point in time and specific location in space stochastically harmonized across time zones. Use of common building blocks, procedures formed into frameworks will facilitate cloud computing adoption -- attributed to Michael Dell of Dell Computing Incorporated.

Use of common building blocks, procedures will enable enhanced, equitably metered services enhancing entire investment portfolios across many diverse domains and geo-spatial regions. Equitable metrics and meters in a globally recognized meme of geo-spatial temporal intensity changes of goods and services will facilitate federated trade arbitrage. Agile, ad-hoc group joins, merges, drops in lieu of formal mergers and acquisitions facilitated by use of <ORG_ID> where an organization may have more than one <ORG_ID> representing business continuity and contingency plans. Resources will be processed by precedence and filtered by

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<Uniform_Resource_Name> (“Uniform Resource Name”) URN where proximity to source / point of consumption is factored in context with the Internet of Everything value index.

Microservices is a software architecture design pattern, in which complex applications are composed of small, independent processes communicating with each other using language-agnostic APIs. These services are small, highly decoupled and focus on doing a small task. Orchestration of micro-services among distributed clouds, IeT microgrids, Big Data lakes etc would be improved by providing a reliable, consistent, time sync service propagating for example, state meta data heartbeat message changes, beacon broadcasted, newscasted among participating (trade) federations. Wikipedia

The Heart Beacon Cycle -- by whatever description or naming convention is not a new idea. Re-use of Battlefield Digitization / Network Centric Operations research for First Response was conceived by the German Military early last decade. The referenced system in the graphic is Blue Force Tracker, now referred to as Joint Blue Forces Situation Awareness JBFSA. JBFSA originally was referred to as Battlefield Digitization to solve the challenge of translating Army Division Commander's Intent and the Operations Officer's/ Concept of Manoeuvre into networking terms e.g., internet TCP/IP net / sub-net joins, adds, splits, moves, deletes corresponding to use of units to support a mission's scheme of manoeuvre.

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Figure 15: Vernetzte Operationsfurung: SWORDS TO PLOWSHARES

The Network Centric Operations Interoperability Consortium NCOIC recently demonstrated a First Response / Disaster Recovery demonstration. Given the internet began as government Battlefield Digitization / Network Centric Operations research, it is reasonable to project that advances in internet research will migrate to commercial use. NCOIC is projected to continue developing solutions beyond First Response. To achieve consensus, selecting the most well known, most widely implemented Situation Awareness System -- Joint Blue Force Situation Awareness or JBFSA co-developed by the Army / Marine Corps is the path of least resistance to achieve consensus. Deriving common building blocks from JBFSA which also happen to be the common building blocks of Wall Street and First Response is the premise..

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FIGURE 16: Heartbeat / Heartbeat messages

As opportunities in time to do / not do computational tasks, the internet's heartbeat and heartbeat messages are what all bots, mots, scripts, algorithms, procedure calls -- everything -- makes (function) calls to and are found in e9-1-1, military, financial etc. systems and networks. For example, Heartbeat / Heartbeat messages: Financial Information Exchange protocol FIX: Heartbeat <0> message facilitate node traversal as transactional hops.

INTERNET HEARTBEAT / BEACON: the TCP/IP heartbeat, directory protocols, etc. As a procedural template, entries point to more detailed treatises. The Heart Beacon Cycle as a procedural template framework requires standards, processes and conventions are agreed upon as criteria to join a federation (cloud computing term). The internet is based on TCP/IP which has opportunities in time to do / no do computational tasks nicknamed the "heartbeat". Do this, search on the terms heartbeat / heartbeat messages and stock exchanges FIX, SWIFT protocols or the First Responder Communities NENA / APCO's telecommunication standards or military command and control protocol standards -- all of them cite the heartbeat / heartbeat messages. Complex problems are solved by focus on common building blocks. The internet's timing, synchronization and data sampling mechanisms all rely on TCP/IP's "heartbeat" The heartbeat is at times referred to as a beacon and at times both -- heartbeat beacon. At the end of the day / epoch, all we have is opportunities in time to do / not do (computational) tasks.

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When either end of a FIX transaction has not sent any data for [HeartBtInt] seconds, it will transmit a heartbeat message. Describes a heartbeat, heartbeat message to address transaction anomalies, transaction summaries and transaction changes from a set value or null aggregated into sync deltas. Deriving common building blocks from BLUE FORCE TRACKER / JBFSA which are common building blocks of Wall Street and First Response Systems (heartbeat / heartbeat messages) is the premise, intent behind the Heart Beacon Cycle.

The Heart Beacon Cycle as a procedural template and checklist for many building blocks is more than simply using universal heartbeat and heartbeat messages. The DoD in resolving battlefield digitization problems need to time tag state meta data snapshots by Organizational Identifier <Org_ID> and Uniform Resource Name <URN> prior to data fusion centers. Currently, the DoD only applies this procedure for a fraction of its entire portfolio. To solve complex challenges, this percentage must change. This logic and basic truth in engineer applies to challenges applicable to the entire planet's systems of systems, network of networks. High Frequency Flash Trade algorithms are sophisticated, distributed, agile etc., and also have a single MASTER CONTROLLER, that relies on the simple heartbeat as an opportunity in time to do, not do a (computational) task -- such as ON / OFF.

Stock exchanges share the same common building blocks with military and emergency response systems -- the heartbeat, heartbeat messages (see FIX, SWIFT), Use of common building blocks, procedures and templates as Michael Dell of Dell Computer stated -- along with the Heart Beacon Cycle's novel metrics and meters will help balance transactions among the have and have not's so that participation in the exchanges once again may make sense for the small and medium business that lack access to super computers and fiber optics cables. Providing a convention to adjust to servers on stock exchange floors and off premise servers will also help make the markets more accessible to a wider range of investors such as small or individual investors.

PROJECT THEME: energy power modules promise to change the world in a half dozen critical areas -- provided that the services generated by this technology are equitably shared and metered

Heartbeat Messages used in power, internet systems: shows energy grid protocols that use a heartbeat, heartbeat messages along with a preview of image 8 that shows a novel fusion of heartbeat samples with firefly inspired samples. IEC C37.118 Harmonization and Synchronization is used across smart grid applications and specifies a heartbeat update interval in milliseconds -- depending on the time sync source. Micro-grid use is set to increase dramatically in both military and commercial applications.

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FIGURE 17: Heartbeat / Heartbeat Messages used in power, internet systems

The ability to accurately, reliably and consistently meter changes in power consumption between a community specializing in micro-grid energy production and a community specializing in ecology modules purifying water or producing bio-mass can monitor usage in terms of surpluses or shortages based on the last sync delta update across a consortium as a basis for exchange based on group concurrence such as Service Level Agreements SLA performance measures.

In the Keshe Foundation example, The Keshe Foundation intends to ship 3 - 5 kilowatt units which would function locally and regionally. For example, a region that excels in food production could federate to trade its excess or surplus production with another region with excess production in another area. Metrics help to establish fungibility or 1:1 conversion.

As micro-cycle sync delta reports are aggregated by processing them at regional, off site collection gateways, unused resources in macro-economic strategic stores can be matched with unmet need at the regional, local, micro-economic level cross levelling resources improving regional sharing where closer is cheaper.

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Figure 18: Metrics and Meters based on universal memes for sync delta cyclic changes

Metrics and Meters based on universal memes for sync delta cyclic changes: describes linear sequential, geo-spatial temporal intensity radius hop count memes. A systemic adaptive procedural template method used to improve handicapped / information alerts, events, methods reliant on heartbeat timing, signalling synchronization of state meta-data improved using Paul Revere, water drop in pond memes to create, calculate radius, intensity metrics viewed as geo-spatial, temporal intensity effects i.e., visual light bar tabs i.e., stock exchange candlestick charts, audible tone, vibration-tactile situational awareness alerts by correlating tone based messaging precedence XML <tag> where lower / higher precedence settings equate to lower / higher audible tones, tactile vibrations for deaf where fewer / greater number of light tabs lit correlates, corresponds to priority, precedence <tags> further used in alert triggers of threshold fluctuations displayed in appliqué overlay graphics as metrics, meters.

Using heartbeat signalling, time stamp record keeping processes of state meta data described, typed by organizations, resources typed by Uniform Resource Name, further improved through use of Paul Revere, Water Drop in Pond memes to quantify, describe unused resources with unmet needs by performing recalculations of state meta-data snapshot artefacts occurring at off-site connector conversion gateways where micro-cycle reports from local, micro-cycle activities are signalled, relayed to higher echelon organizations monitoring macro-cycles who are interested in for example stock market "pools" where "output" is correlated and displayed onto

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appliqué views of aggregate sync delta changes in macro-micro economics recalculations i.e., stocks, commodities, currencies, interest rates, electric micro-grids, currency (Terra) exchanges, spatial econometrics, and contributory economics

FIGURE 19: Heartbeat Cycle Events / Alerts // Firefly inspired stochastic harmonization

Firefly inspired stochastic harmonization combined with cycle Heart Beacon Cycle: Fireflies adjust the phase of their next heartbeat based on incoming flash messages using an algorithm inspired by mathematical models of firefly synchronization. There is no requirement regarding the length of a cycle with respect to real time as long as a length is bounded and all nodes agree on it eventually. What we are interested in guaranteeing is that all nodes start and end their cycles at the same time, with an error that is at least one, but preferably more, orders of magnitude smaller than a chosen cycle length. Firefly heartbeat synchronization reduces uncertainty in stochastic networks" -- especially when firefly's near consensus (statistical mean) that is matched to nearest Heartbeat Beacon micro-cycle schedule news-casted over wide areas. Stochastic Harmonization of FOREX Networks. is a practical application of the concept described in image 8 where algorithms inspired by a species of fireflies who strive to achieve blinking pattern consensus during mating activities are used in concert with established heartbeat state meta data snapshot harvesting intervals. Firefly events matched with cyclical heartbeat cycles would require a read / write, store and forward service. Ceilometer as a Time-Series-as-a-Service Ceilometer API is a time series read/write service, useful in auditing leveraging a time-

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sample API as part of an event subsystem. = new project called Gnocchi, Gnocchi is split in two parts: a time series API and its driver, and a resource indexing API with its own driver. Having two distinct driver sets allows it to use different technologies to store each data type in the best storage engine possible. The canonical driver for time series handling is based on Pandas and Swift. The canonical resource indexer driver is based on SQLAlchemy. See


Firefly inspired Heartbeat Synchronization: in a paper entitled Firefly-inspired Heartbeat Synchronization in Overlay Networks by the University of Bolonga and Trento Italy along with the University of Szeged, Hungary: “Heartbeat synchronization strives to have nodes in a distributed system generate periodic, local “heartbeat” events approximately at the same time. Many useful distributed protocols rely on the existence of such heartbeats for driving their cycle- based execution.. The heartbeat synchronization protocol for overlay networks is inspired by mathematical models of flash synchronization in certain species of fire flies. Nodes send flash messages to their neighbors when a local heartbeat triggers. Fireflies adjust the phase of their next heartbeat based on incoming flash messages using an algorithm inspired by mathematical models of fire-fly synchronization. Heartbeat synchronization strives to have nodes in a distributed system generate periodic, local “heartbeat” events approximately at the same time. It differs from classical clock synchronization in that nodes are not interested in counting cycles and agreeing on a ID of a current cycle. There is no requirement regarding the length of a cycle with respect to real time as long as a length is bounded and all nodes agree on it eventually. The goal is to guarantee that all nodes start and end their cycles at the same time, with an error that is at least one, but preferably more, orders of magnitude smaller than a chosen cycle length.

Firefly heartbeat synchronization reduces uncertainty in stochastic networks". In context with the Internet of Everything Value index, cross network and system stochastic harmonization will help improve the process of searching for unused resources and unmet needs of goods at rest and in transit in context with geo-spatial temporal snapshots in time enabling the redirection, re-vectoring of assets in near real time to point of consumption, point of need resulting in a more efficient (re) distribution scheme, savings in fuel and support for real time news-casting / beacon broadcasting, news-casting, replicating advertisements to subscribers.

Search heartbeat, heartbeat messages + FIX, SWIFT. The World Economic Forum cited need for "flash trade circuit breaker". The internet "heartbeat" is simply an opportunity in time to do / not do a computational task. The Heartbeat sets START / STOP and TIME TO LIVE. i.e., stock market flash trade session. Note the Bitcoin based Stock Exchange code named MEDICI.

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FIGURE 20: High Frequency Flash Trade circuit breaker

All sophisticated algorithms, bots, mots, scripts, agents.. make use of the heartbeat -- opportunities, intervals, windows in time.  High frequency flash trade algorithms are sophisticated and distributed -- however, all algorithms report to a single master controller. The heartbeat = start bit / stop bit, Time To Live = algorithm on / algorithm off / algorithm duration. Heartbeat </108> messages and the heartbeat time cycle can be used to limit trade sessions by trading session or trade time cycle e.g., one trade per cycle and / or n trades per session. Geo-spatial temporal techiques like IDMaps and SonarHops and the firefly heartbeat stochastic harmonization method can be used to account for trades distributed across time zones and trading on the stock exchange floor and off where the length of the fiber optic cable makes a difference in High Frequency Trade volume. Time cycles match Bitcoin blockchain transaction rates currently estimated to be 3 – 7 per second with High Frequency Flash trade rates.

Technologies such as STORM / TRIDENT with real time distributed computation of events at speeds of a million tuples per node per second using worker / task heartbeats to get put instructions for example, to Wall Street high frequency flash trade describing trade window Time To Live TTL and start, stop commands e.g., stop commands to runaway trading sessions.

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Time Series Data: consistent state meta data snapshots time stamped by <Org_ID><URN> prior to fusion center. Snapshots replicated across clouds = SIOP -- Single Integrated Operational Picture a.k.a "The Grail". Time is the fundamental building block of the Heart Beacon Cycle. The Internet / Web is Time available to process instructions described as <syntax>.

A time series database (TSDB) is a software system that is optimized for handling time series data, arrays of numbers indexed by time (a date-time or a date-time range). In some fields these time series are called profiles, curves, or traces. A time series of stock prices might be called a price curve. A time series of energy consumption might be called a load profile. A log of temperature values over time might be called a temperature trace.

The Time Series Data Base TSDB allows users to create, enumerate, update and destroy various time series and organize them. These series may be organized hierarchically and optionally have companion metadata available with them. The server often supports a number of basic calculations that work on a series as a whole, such as multiplying, adding, or otherwise combining various time series into a new time series. They can also filter on arbitrary patterns defined by the day of the week, low value filters, high value filters, or even have the values of

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one series filter another. Some TSDBs also build in additional statistical functions that are targeted to time series data. Net Centric Operations cyclic meta data snaps facilitate TSDB (s)Source: Wikipedia:

What is not usually discussed is the problematic nature of filtering a near real time common situation understanding common picture from a wide area distributed data operation. Simply put, if data is not time stamped and identified by an organizational identifier or resources not typed by resource names prior to entry into fusion centers, assembling what the military refers to as a "Blue Live Feed" or current situation snapshot of resources or real time auctions etc. is not doable. Operation research has revealed that both messaging and database techniques are needed

The military, in solving it's need for a near real time situation awareness common picture, used this knowledge of reserved time slots to form a common picture of its status in terms of people, resources, geo-location of its organizations using state meta data gathered by the "heartbeat" -- an metaphor for available time cycles where status gathered during micro-cycles was aggregated with only the changes or sync delta snapshots displayed during planning macro-cycles. This paradigm can be applied within many use cases e.g., Bitcoin, IeT, Big Data, SDN, NDN etc.

In the Heart Beacon Cycle, micro-cycles correlate to micro-economic cycles and macro-cycles to macro-economic cycles borrowing from the military's need to adjust to available bandwidth available to mobile radio nets as compared to satellite links on the "lower and upper" tactical internets. The number of transactions per time period still matters over cellular and radio networks. In addition, the process to keep low bandwidth operations occurring during micro-cycles synchronized and feeding into macro cycle higher bandwidth reporting centers is of value to organizing operations vertically followed by horizontal replication or newscasting arbitrage opportunities across a mesh fabric of networks and systems globally.Micro-Economic cycles equate, relate and are supported by HBC micro-cycles. 

The INTERNET fundamentally relies on TCP/IP Unicast and Multicast. Blue Force Tracker, the United States Army's "Greatest Invention" (co-developed by the US Marine Corps later in time) relies on a form of multicast IP, Global Positioning System GPS and gathering of unit status prior to data fusion center insertion. Unit status is derived from sampling state meta data. This state meta data is collected during internet "heartbeat intervals" by heretofore unused intervals in time set aside by the original developers of the Internet (Stanford University etc.) for an unknown future use. The reserved intervals in time were used by US Army network engineers to gather state changes describing the status of individuals formed as units / groups -- location, unit designation or <Org_ID>, resource status by <URN> Uniform Resource Name that are used to determine mission readiness. Intervals or units in time are referred to metaphorically as "heartbeat, heartbeats" or "heartbeat-beacons".

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Workflow is instructions to cause action / non-action -- instructions carried to platforms, nodes, and devices by multi-cast, uni-cast broadcasts -- basically speaking. In other words, achieving situational awareness, situation understanding among many distributed organizations and locations is not as complicated as it sounds. Keep in mind that the Army and Marine Corps have relied on situational awareness across a wide area, distributed network for decades -- since the late 1990's. If a common procedure and common building blocks used in an iterative, cyclic process has worked for several decades in harsh conditions with sleep deprived, youthful soldiers, one would think that this technique would be replicable in commercial domains.

Battlefield Digitization / Network Centric Operations first major challenge was synchronizing operations between the Upper Tactical Internet UPPER TI to the Lower Tactical Internet LOWER TI that Involved syncing OPERATION ORDERS / PLANS between units with high band width to units w/ bandwidth limited to about 225 Kilobit / second. Only the SYNC Deltas (changes) to plans could be sent from lower to upper. This was solved by scheduling sync delta exchanges. This cyclic, repetitive, predicable, reliable pattern has value when applied to commercial domains in synchronizing business operations and contingency plans improving collaboration and introducing a cooperate then compete paradigm useful in commercial domains involving forming coalitions or federations to achieve economies of scale helping small and medium entities compete with giant conglomerates.

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Figure 23: The Heart Beacon Cycle's core concept -- document sync

Shown on the right hand side of the slide is a document / file syncing product from Anchorworks that provides the document / file sync functions supporting teams and groups using Microsoft's Active Directory for referral. Below AnchorWorks is another option comprised of Microsoft Infopath / Concept Searching Inc. & Portal Solutions Inc. Workflow is key

Radio, cellular, sensor networks with relatively little, narrow bandwidth needed to be synchronized with networks with relatively high bandwidth e.g., fiber optic, microwave networks (lower / upper Tactical Internets) so a scheme of updating state meta data during micro-cycles to macro-cycles was devised.. Fast forward to now, Stock Market, First Response and many major systems share the same building blocks. When Battlefield Digitization is used in lieu of for example, merger and acquisition, consensus among many systems / developers will be required. To achieve consensus, selecting the most well-known, most widely implemented Situation Awareness System -- Joint Blue Force Situation Awareness or JBFSA co-developed by the Army / Marine Corps is the path of least resistance to achieve consensus.

The US Army Signal Corps Network Operations Command NETCOM relies on Microsoft's Active Directory to store information about the organizations it supports and the services that supports these organizations to translate operational directives into network management supporting functions. The military / Army always operates as a group with few exceptions.

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Active Directory's intrinsic hierarchical organization forest supporting directory lookups for organizations / available services referred from Microsoft's Federation Gateway that supports organizations working together is ideal to support operations management by organization using adhoc, agile network split, joins, adds, merges for example, in lieu of formal merger and acquisition -- a tool to preserve the channel as an alternative to forming gigantic monoliths.


Wide Area Network Management: See: OGF Network Measurement (NM-WG): the Open GridForum OGF is the umbrella group for: Network Markup Language (NML-WG), Taxonomy of network concepts for topology, measurement, etc., Network Service interface (NSI-WG) is the framework for connection service, topology exchange, monitoring negotiation, Network Measurement Control (NMC-WG) protocols for services to exchange measurements, commands. SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol used of course. The military has developed a procedure to translate "Napoleon's playbook" into networking corollaries in terms of subnet joins, moves, adds, drops to enable for example, attachment of an artillery unit in direct support of another unit temporarily in network management terms. This business plan asserts that temporary adhoc affiliation may be preferred over formal merger and acquisition in situations where long term affiliation may prove unneeded or as business or disaster contingency plans where Organizational Identifier issued by the American Registry of Internet Numbers ARIN may assign more than one <ORG_ID> to support business plan A, B, C, D / response plans

The US Army needed to figure out how to use TCP/IP network router / router subnets to emulate leader's orders and schemes of maneuver to change the paradigm of broadcasting orders over the radio and drawing plans on "John Madden" boards / acetate sheets. Not successful at first, generals at the National Training Center NTC said to the would be battlefield digitizer's "this digitization isn't working so give me back my pork chop (radio handset) and my (John Madden) acetate boards". To determine if a squad or platoon was mission capable or where it was supposed to be and equipped with the requisite resources: food, water, fuel, ammo etc data had to be sampled and forwarded using a minimum of network resources -- in other words TIME -- time frames or intervals in time set aside for specific purposes.

The Internet Protocol was examined closely and it was re-discovered that time interval frame assignments were left unassigned / available by internet creators (Stanford U etc.) to transport additional state meta data at some future date when a need arose. These heretofore unassigned time intervals set aside for future use would be used to carry data about the organization -- it's unit designation or Organizational Identifier <Org_ID>, it's geo-location at specified times (time - stamp) and its resources <URN> Uniform Resource Name.

A network ping only provides time increments to carry data describing the ping itself whereas the heartbeat or heartbeat ping "ack-nack" included time intervals that were up until this time reserved for future use -- namely the <Org_ID>, <URN> and geo-location time stamp which provides an opportunity to identify this data -- PRIOR TO inclusion / processing by Data Fusion Centers -- important to BIG DATA / Data Analytics / Network Forensics etc.   The TCP/IP heartbeat's simplicity, lowest possible network overhead, timely local data heartbeat get - puts was the solution that the Army was seeking. Retrieving time stamped data from data fusion

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centers to form a Common Operating Picture COP after the fact and after data has been sent to caches, queues, temporary storage or databases over a wide area is problematic. Funding for the project saved, the rest is history -- necessity being the mother of (US Army Communication Electronic Command's "greatest") invention   

Figure 24: Battlefield Digitization / Net Enabled Operations NEO -- reserved time slots

Battlefield digitization begat Network Centric Warfare (awards lavished) which begat Network Enabled Operations NEO -- more awards lavished.. followed by Mission Aware Networking awards TBL. To receive an award from one of the "three Amigo's" was the pinnacle -- "the grail".  The grail of achieving a Single (Common) Operational Picture SIOP derived, filtered from a FIOP (Family of Common Operating Pictures) still remains elusive. To obtain the much vaunted grail -- in my opinion -- can only be achieved by taking the original system FBCB2 / Blue Force Tracker now called Joint Battle Command JBC as a procedural template to emulate, replicate among participating systems.

The grail to achieve a common situation awareness picture Single Integrated Operational Picture SIOP. derived from a wide area network among diverse Dbase, middleware, caching etc., technologies is problematic. Use of a procedural template derived from the military's most successful situational awareness system, system of systems in history -- the much heralded Blue Force Tracker is the most likely method to achieve the "grail".

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Data is aware whether it's military, stock exchange, currency, commodity, Bitcoin etc. The internet is what it is. We may not like to admit that TCP/IP unicast -multicast, workflow logic and filters is much of what everything relies upon. Packets or frames do not exist. There are only intervals, cycles in time to do / not do tasks. The Network Centric Operations Interoperability Consortium NCOIC consists of over 55 members.

NCOIC recently demonstrated a First Response / Disaster Recovery demonstration. Given the internet began as government Battlefield Digitization / Network Centric Operations research, it is reasonable to project that advances in internet research will migrate to commercial use. NCOIC is projected to continue developing solutions beyond First Response. See

To achieve consensus, selecting the most well-known, most widely implemented Situation Awareness System -- Joint Blue Force Situation Awareness or JBFSA co-developed by the Army / Marine Corps is the path of least resistance to achieve consensus. Deriving common building blocks from JBFSA which also happen to be the common building blocks of Wall Street and First Response Systems (heartbeat / heartbeat messages) is the premise behind this plan. The US Army was experimenting with using networks and router / router subnets to emulate orders and schemes of maneuver. To determine if a squad or platoon is mission capable or where it is supposed to be and equipped with the requisite resources: food, water, fuel, ammo etc. data had to be sampled and forwarded using a minimum of network resources -- in other words TIME.

The Internet Protocol was examined closely and it was re-discovered that time interval frame assignments were unassigned / available to transport additional state meta data. These heretofore unassigned time intervals set aside for future use would be used to carry data about the organization -- it's unit designation or Organizational Identifier <Org_ID>, it's geo-location and it's resources <URN> Uniform Resource Name. TCP/IP heartbeat's simplicity, lowest possible network overhead, local data heartbeat get - puts was the solution that the Army was seeking -- retrieving data from data fusion center's after the fact is problematic. Project funding saved, the rest is history -- necessity being the mother of US Army CECOM's "greatest") invention.

The internet based on time cycles used or not used to process instructions as syntax. Instructions are often workflow rules / procedural logic used to route data to nodes on the net as a broadcast or in a particular order as workflows. Software Defined Networking is characterized by RULES / ACTIONS and statistics sampled during time cycles to plan action and reaction to network conditions and node conditions that are shaped by leader’s decisions. Software Defined Networking SDN is usually broadcast or multicast traffic based. Policy controls are used to shape network conditions. Time cycles are used to examine data context by monitoring and examining flow tables for data </tags> and data flows during assigned TIME SLOTS in TIME SLOT SWITCHES. Virtual LAN ID’s identify groups and organizations.

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FIGURE 25: Software Defined Networking SDN / Net Centric Operations Compared

Net Centric Warfare / Net Enabled Operations NEO are similar. The syntax and lexicon used isn’t exact but it could be or terms could be accepted to be equivalent in terms of policy processing rules. Net Centric Warfare’s value is in established procedures / rule sets and an established lexicon in the form of over 300 message sets that describe syntax as data tags to describe data exchanges useful over a wide range of operational, logistics, and intel use cases. These message sets as part of the military’s structured data exchange regimen could be repurposed for commercial use across many domains.

The Next Web TNW: a common syntax library and ability to convert <tags> to YAML indents to binary XAML, XML, JSON to various other Message Text Formats MTF to enable universal signalling / telemetry among a system of systems is ESSENTIAL. Decades of research at the taxpayer's expense into structured messaging will help accelerate the process of organizing syntax into categories and forming syntax from disparate systems into template libraries. MESSAGE CATALOG: The USMTF message library has over 300 messages to choose from to facilitate information exchange requirements. MTFs presenting data in a logical, well specified and unambiguous layout. MTFs are transmission medium neutral. The content of the Message Catalogue has been developed by military operators over the last 20 years. Messages are regularly maintained to keep pace with the latest tactics and doctrine.

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Up to 2008, the standard was called MIL-STD-6040 and dictated the use of slash delimited textual messages. Since 2008 the standard is called MIL-STD-6040B and USMTFs can either be represented as slash delimited textual messages or as XML messages, with a clear mapping between the two. The updated rules are delivered with the XML-MTF schemas. Mapping to commercial uses is an opportunity. Note that the Field Format Index Reference Number and Field Use Designator Number example uses columnar indents that could be adapted to YAML

Military brevity codes and stock exchange codes are similar. security Identifier used in financial markets are: SYMBOL, CUSIP, ISIN, SEDOL, RIC Code, Security IdentifiersSYMBOL / TICKER / TICKER SYBMOL / STOCK SYMBOL

The SYMBOL is another unique identifies used to represent a particular security listed on an exchange or traded publicly. Very commonly used for trading, market data and other places. All listed securities have unique ticker symbol. Some examples are: IBM, MSFT, GE etc.

ISIN stands for “International Securities Identification Number”. It is used to uniquely identify a security. It is originated from ISO 6166. ISIN is used to identify bonds, commercial paper, equities, warrants and most of the listed derivatives. The ISIN code is a 12 character alphanumerical code. One distinction is that ISIN code doesn’t change by exchange or currency it trades. It is unique unlike symbol that may change based on exchange and currency. To distinguish the exchange it has the same ISIN on each, though not the same ticker symbol. ISIN cannot specify a particular trading location in this case, and another identifier, typically MIC or the three-letter exchange code, will have to be specified in addition to the ISIN. The SEDOL board of the London Stock Exchange has revised their own standards to address this issue.Example: LT0000610040

CUSIP: The CUSIP number or simply a CUSIP is another key identifier used financial markets to uniquely identify the company or issuer and the type of security. CUSIP stands for “Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures”. The CUSIP number is mainly used for US and Canadian stocks, and US government and municipal bonds. The CUSIP number is nine characters wide and it’s a combination of letters and numbers. The first six characters identify the issuer and are assigned in an alphabetical fashion; the seventh and eighth characters identify the type of issue; and the last digit is used as a check digit. The CUSIP Service Bureau is operated by Standard & Poor’s on behalf of the American Bankers Association (ABA). You can learn more at Example: 008000AA7

SEDOL: The SEDOL is used for all securities trading on the London Stock Exchange and other exchanges in the U.K. The SEDOL stands for “Stock Exchange Daily Official List” and it is seven characters wide. It is combination of letters and numbers. Generally used to identify the UK securities that are not traded in US. Unique code is issued for each market the security is listed on. MIC is used to identify Markets (exchanges) Example: B0WNLY7

RIC Code: The RIC stands for “Reuters Instrument Code”, used by Reuters to identify financial instruments and indices. The codes are used for looking up information on various Reuters financial information networks. RIC code is mainly two parts. First part is a symbol and second

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part is exchange code which is optional. Second part is separated by period. Example: MSFT.OQ represents Microsoft on NASDAQ. Additional Notes:

Sample CUSIPS:254709AC2 – Corporate Bond -Discover Finl Services437076AQ5 – Corporate Bond -Home Depot Inc441060AG5 – Corporate Bond -Hospira Inc50075NAN4 – Corporate Bond -Kraft Foods Inc.574599BE5 – Corporate Bond -Masco Corp617446B99 – Corporate Bond -Morgan Stanley852061AE0 – Corporate Bond -Sprint Nextel Corp

Structured military messaging and stock exchanges both use brevity codes. Structured Military Messaging standards have evolved over decades and include syntax for system of systems logic for a diverse range of situations ranging from logistics, intelligence, and public safety. Use of altitude, speed, velocity, vectors field unit reference designators, field unit identifiers is designed to track individual entities comprising groups / organizations participating in common activities and goals involving groups participating in a system of systems dispersed across wide areas. The diversity of structured military messaging and its focus on geo-spatial, temporal intensity metrics and meters makes it a logical foundation to form a trade federation.

The Bitcoin community uses the term Distributed Autonomous Organization DAO which was coined by a military think tank RAND Corporation in 2001. Simple Wins Concepts does not understand how a trade federation would be formed and managed without the use of organizational identifiers or the {“OrgID”} to uniquely identify groups and their sub-groups in a human readable, mnemonic manner. One of the main criticisms of Bitcoin is it’s anonymity of its users that critics maintain fosters financial crimes and irregularities.

The organization should vet and monitor it’s individuals should irregularities or suspicious arise. Trade Federations would monitor and vet participating organizations. Bitcoin’s lengthy address is less human readable than the UUID – Universal Identifier that is a ten digit alpha-numeric code. Individual devices that store Bitcoin addresses or identify Internet of Things sensors, devices are well served by Bitcoin addresses / UUID ten digit codes. Humans managing organizations with roles, i.e.., Operations, Finance, Logistics, (Business) Intelligence need human recognizable mnemonic names.

Structured Military Messaging – designed for precise system of systems signalling / telemetry


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FIGURE 27: STAAS: Space – Time As A Service

"The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." Albert Einstein

The NDN Named Data Network / Content Centric Networking is the National Science Foundation sponsored next generation internet project. Named Data Networking's (Interest / Data) packets are time cycles allocated to search / stateful inspection of time cycles by routers to determine interest. Bitcoin blocks are time cycles dedicated to cryptographic processing.

At the end of the day / epoch, all we have is TIME. STAAS Space Time as A Service SLIDES  We propose cooperation between projects -- Network Centric Warfare Bitcoin / TERRA TRC to leverage points of synergy resulting in TNW The Next Web based on STAAS -- Space Time as a Service SLIDES The Next Generation Internet efforts -- both claimed by the NSF NDN and Bitcoin developers combined with signalling, telemetry and syntax filtering and logic derived from several decades of Network Centric Warfare research can constitute a next generation economic and governmental equitable eco-system of systems built on the Rosetta Stone common syntax <tag> libraries as it's cornerstone / common shared signalling / telemetry lexicon. 

Named-Data Networking NDN formerly known as Content Centric Networking proposes routing based on interest in content and “fresh” data or data currency based on time stamp refresh rates. Data’s currency is determined by the amount of time it takes for a sample or snapshot to be taken

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at a distance and returned to the requested source. This involves reach ability that in internet terms would be determined by hop counts from cloud center to cloud center, node to node, peer to peer from micro-cycle to macro-cycle. Location and currency of data depends on space-time relationships that are systemically described more efficiently by establishing a cyclic, consistent, reliable sampling schedule during micro-cycles using aggregated sync delta reports displayed onto appliqué overlay decision support displays during macro-cycles.

Data is more interesting when placed into context by the frequency of occurrence of the data set or its proximity to the requesting source or the intensity, duration, density of the data sets as described within a given geo-spatial temporal zone such as a surveys area of Telco mesh fabrics

TNW: The Next Web -- STAAS Space-Time As a Service STAAS. Named-Data Networking NDN formerly known as Content Centric Networking proposes routing based on interest in content and “fresh” data or data currency based on time stamp refresh rates. Data’s currency is determined by the amount of time it takes for a sample or snapshot to be taken at a distance and returned to the requested source. This involves reach ability that in internet terms would be determined by hop counts from cloud center to cloud center, node to node, peer to peer from micro-cycle to macro-cycle.

Location and currency of data depends on space-time relationships that are systemically described more efficiently by establishing a cyclic, consistent, reliable sampling schedule during micro-cycles using aggregated sync delta reports displayed onto appliqué overlay decision support displays during macro-cycles. Data is more interesting when placed into context by the frequency of occurrence of the data set or its proximity to the requesting source or the intensity, duration, density of the data sets as described within a given geo-spatial temporal zone such as a surveys area of Telco mesh fabrics. Objects within mesh fabrics described by a common lexicon.


Time Banking: pattern of reciprocal service exchange that uses units of time as currency. It is an example of a complementary monetary system. A time bank, also known as a service exchange, is a community that practices time banking. The unit of currency, always valued at an hour's worth of any person's labor. Labor as units of time as a increment of value in a time banking system is used to determine the value of services rendered in terms of banked hours.

TNW The Next Web: National Science Foundation Sponsored Named-Data Networking NDN is self-described as the next generation internet. Bitcoin technology ibid. The NSF Named-Data Networking is a functional twin to DARPA's Network Centric Warfare / Net Enabled Operations. Diversity and decentralization equates to survivability.

The TERRA TRC Trade Reference Currency is a currency based on a diverse basket of commodities where shipment from point A to B is supported by demurrage parking charges. Since The TERRA TRC is a document / rule set, it needs a value transport, verification engine that the Bitcoin Blockchain technology provides.  

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Both the Heart Beacon Cycle as a technology neutral document / procedural template that requires protocols / technology support that Named Data Networking relies e.g.., TCP/IP Multi-cast, Unicast that the Pentagon ACAT1a template system Blue Force Tracker relies. The KEY to The Next Web TNW is a common lexicon -- a shared vocabulary ROSETTA Stone. DARPA NCW / NEO research built a semantic web eXtensible Markup Language <tag> / template repository e.g., XML-MTF format comprised of over 300 message templates with signalling, telemetry logic, filtering that can be re-used, in commercial domains.

Appliqué map geo-spatial temporal overlays in filtered situational understanding and awareness common operational picture display dashboard views based on data time stamped and identified with organizations correlated with Uniform Resource Names prior to data fusion center insertion. Appliqué views display events and alerts derived from Heart Beacon Cycle (s) sync delta updates. Appliqué displays help display mission aware data such as a network rendition of leader decisions, leader’s intent impacting operational mission requirements and mission operational tempo known as OPTEMPO --see Army’s FM 101-5 Field Manual.

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A water drop in pond metaphor / meme is used in conjunction with user selected beacon protocols (406) or router multicast, unicast, any cast, newscast protocols distribute sync delta updates over a wide area to systems of systems to update dashboard views displaying standard symbol sets as dynamically increasing and decreasing intensity and event threshold conditions filtered by event classes mapped to network precedence levels emulating geo-spatial radius expansion and contraction of disaster / event / alerts by multicast zones as concentric rings corresponding area zones in an equal level numeric temporal precedence framework shown as geo-spatial temporal intensity, frequency, duration threshold changes in leader’s appliqué overlay dashboard, decision screen views of micro-cycle events alerts shown in macro-cycles.

Metric space: types of metric spaces: Complete spaces: a space is complete if there are no "points missing" from it (inside or at the boundary). In the context of intervals in a space of real numbers and occasionally regions in a Euclidean space Rn a bounded set is referred to as "a finite interval" or "finite region" such as: compact spaces, Connectedness: a metric space is connected if the only subsets that are both open and closed are an empty set and itself. A metric space is path connected if for any two points there exists a continuous map where every path connected space is connected. Locally connected spaces and locally path connected spaces. Simply connected spaces are those that, in a certain sense, do not have "holes". Complete distance = maximum distance / total hops. Average linkage is a mean of means.

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Figure 30: IDMaps / SonarHops internet distance estimation service

IDMaps / SonarHops internet distance estimation service: IDMaps is a global internet host distance estimation service that provides distance information used by SONAR / HOPS query / reply service. IDMaps measures, disseminates internet wide distance information to for example, Distributed Autonomous Virtual Organizations DAVOS. Higher level services for example at the macro-cycle level collect distance information to build a virtual distance map of internet by estimating distance between any IP address pair. 

Location is achieved by use of triangulation Distance information adjusts to “permanent” topology changes e.g., splits, joins, adds, moves, drops, merges in lieu of formal merger / acquisition. IDMaps assists Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers establish long term peering relationships. Distance Metrics focus is on latency (e.g., round-trip delay) and where possible, bandwidth. We improve stochastic harmonization by use of firefly inspired algorithms that strive to achieve synchronization by matching firefly synchronization behavior with the closest matching heartbeat snapshot cycle interval. Read about IDMaps / SonarHops here

An application of IDMaps / SonarHops is locating data of Named Data-Networking <interest> by survey methods / internet triangulation denoting events and alerts in a common geo-spatial temporal intensity metric / meter meme e.g. "Paul Revere" hop by hops for linear, sequential data

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and "Water Drop" for radius, area spatial intensity and frequency. The Random Number Cyber Beacon from NIST adds an audit feature useful for forensic analysis.

Vectors are used to define boundaries and to determine thresholds in spaces over time involving magnitude (e.g., earthquake) and direction e.g., Tsunami. Vectors are used to show direction or course followed by an airplane, missile, convoy or land slide. Vectors from a known, surveyed point are used to establish boundaries where discrete distances are established and predicted by hops at set intervals. Objects within defined boundary areas (e.g., boundary boxes, circles) are classified into interest types that are grouped in this case by belonging to organizations by Organizational Identifiers ORG ID by resource types as Uniform Resource Names URN.

Change detection within borders are displayed by threshold changes e.g., band 1, 2, 3 in the case of concentric circles or squares and over time by histograms. Objects or entities identified by interest types are typed belonging to specific groups where entities and object data describing them (meta-data) are aggregated into folders awaiting processing by algorithms usually in batch mode by keyword / tag.

Search Technology as catalyst: enhance search geo-spatially in terms of temporal intensity metrics e.g.,. changes in clusters of objects, entities, artefacts i.e., location, epoch time stamp geo-spatially, temporally, used to locate, search, then group into virtual collections using {“data_tags”} i.e., <rare> in spatial econometric, volumetric operations within network mesh fabrics triggering news-casting invitations to join equitably metered federated group arbitrage events, activities that are triggered by internet search operations followed by invitations to participate in crowd sourcing equitably metered arbitrage within federated groups

The Heart Beacon Cycle involves use of a commonly agreed upon set of <XML> tags that describe data in a consistently recognizable, understandable meme across cultures, languages, nations and domains -- the province of an information exchange model for example, the (inter) National Information Exchange Model or NIEM. Common <tags> must be cross-domain effective and able to connect domains, states, nations -- universally. A shared, common semantic web <tag> repository / template library would greatly enhance information / data exchange among federated groups – a Rosetta Stone for Cyber Security, Health Care etc., Named-Data Networking NDN is a next generation net sponsored by the National Science Foundation NSF.

Named Data Networking NDN features routing based on content location which would be facilitated by using network survey and triangulation techniques such as SonarHops and IDMaps. Network Centric Warfare research over several decades has generated message templates and tag libraries containing over 300 XML-MTF message templates that could be repurposed for OOTW – Operations Other Than War in military speak or commercial domain applications. Tag / Template libraries are a key to achieving consensus.

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Figure 31: Situation Awareness Reference Architecture / NDN Cyber Security Rosetta Stone

The Situational Awareness Reference Architecture (SARA) Guide is intended for industrial facility owners and operators as an open source guide to establishing and maintaining situational awareness. SARA is broken down into four key areas: Identity; Inventory; Activity; and Sharing. For each of these areas no-cost open source solutions are provided to allow facility owners and operators of any size or resource level to achieve a complete set of necessary capabilities. Commercial Solution Provider offer for-cost solutions which enhance each area to allow facility owners and operators to choose where appropriate options which provide greater functionality, professional support and services, and other incremental benefits. 

Modern society is underpinned by an interdependent infrastructure supporting the services necessary functions. Systems which provide energy, food, water, goods, services, transportation, communication and other services rely on the availability of the others. Each of these infrastructure segments are increasingly controlled by cyber systems which improve their economic and functional effectiveness. These cyber systems bring with them changes to the risks faced by infrastructure operators and those who depend on them. Addressing these risks requires individual facilities and the aggregate infrastructure they are part of to improve the ability to maintain situational awareness. 

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Standardized set of templates / <tag> repositories made available along with a “Rosetta Stone” of instructions of converting values between communities – a task that the National Information Exchange Model is promulgating internationally.. OASIS is a logical international organization already involved in developing a "Rosetta Stone" internationally and NIEM nationally although NIEM is used internationally. NIEM is co-chaired by the US Department of Justice / DHS. .  

Named Data Networking (NDN) (also Content-Centric Networking (CCN), data-oriented networking or information-centric networking) is a Future Internet Architecture inspired by years of empirical research into network usage and a growing awareness of unsolved problems in internet architectures like (IP). NDN has its roots in an earlier project, Content-Centric Networking (CCN), The NDN project is investigating Jacobson’s proposed evolution from today’s host-centric network architecture IP to a data-centric network architecture (NDN). Content Centric Networking and Net Centric Operations share content centricity.

Figure 32: NDN / CCN / Net Centric Warfare - Operations Synergy

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The proposed, in prototype testing Named-Data Network sponsored by the National Science Foundation is shifting IP routing to content / Interest based routing. The Heart Beacon Cycle methodology borrows and extends state meta data sampling, routing, filtering, aggregation into sync delta messages that contain <text><XML> tags derived from StratML, and Blue Force Tracker's use of the Organizational Identifier <Org_ID> American Registry for Internet Number's ARIN's <Org_ID> and the <URN> Uniform Resource Name. Interest will change from organization and from role to role within organizations hence filtering by </role>.

Interest fades with increasing distance which can be determined by TCP/IP hop counts as metrics for reachability. Geo-spatial temporal intensity memes will help determine interest in for example, the number of bidders / crowd sourced funders within a given geo-spatial temporal zone defined by survey, internet triangulation techniques -- see the IDMaps / Sonar Hops slide. Named-Data Networking is a term describing the next generation internet that routes information by interest in <content> type. Net Centric Warfare uses content <filters> to create data appliqué overlays on geo-spatial map sheets. Bitcoin Coinprism involves different coin types where the colors indicate types of coins representing for example {“real-estate”} {“currencies”} {“smart contracts”} {“commodities”} time banking {“auction items”} etc.

Brackets are content <tags> comprising the content web in web pages that exist along with the web’s HTML. See eXtensible Markup Language XML i.e.., <XML>. Bitcoin color coin conventions describe economic units of value {“stocks”} {“bonds”} {“commodities”} {“property”} supporting a sustainable economic eco-system. Bitcoin uses JSON brackets and quotation marks. Merging semantic web, next generation internet, systems of systems best practice with emerging economic, distributed autonomous organization tech i.e. Bitcoin and it’s Java Script Object Notation JSON will form a synergistic system of systems supporting trade federations comprised of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations for example, First Nations

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FIGURE 33: Heartbeat / Heartbeat messages Big Data / RFID vectors

If data is the next oil, meet the new Rockefeller. Rockefeller knew the value of oil was in the preparation / processing. The same holds true for Big Data where establishing a consistent <tag> context library / lexicon and time stamping data by organization <Org_ID> and by data class type and by resource type -- prior to fusion is key to improved network forensics and data analytics -- especially when achieving the "Grail" -- a single, shared view achieve by filtering <tagged> content to display on applique dashboard overlays

Big Data analytics, network forensics will never reach their full potential until data is synchronously, reliably time stamped prior to data fusion center insertion -- using Organizational Identifiers as a primary key or secondary key used to track organization, URN Uniform Resource Name typed resource movement from one micro-cycle to the next forming reports that are aggregated, filtered by precedence, then fused to inform decision makers of changes in micro-cycles viewed in longer, slower operational macro-cycles.

Novel time-space meters / metrics i.e., the Paul Revere for linear, sequential hop counts from cloud center to cloud center or computer server node to node or the water drop radius, circular meme to measure changes in movement, geo-spatial temporal intensity in universally recognized memes will help identify unused resources with unmet needs establishing a universal time -space

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meter framework for the Internet of Everything IET helping realize the goal of "gaining the ability to hear the world's heartbeat"

FIGURE 34: The Internet of Things / Message Queue Telemetry Transport / NCW / NDN

PROJECT THEME: Internet of Everything IeT Value Index "we will gain the ability to literally hear our world's “heartbeat" excerpt from a white paper posted by Cisco Systems. Improve the Value Index for the Internet of Everything: Terra world currency value is linked to 12 commodities when cyclically metered / measured in context with space time relationships between supplier consumer i.e., closer to point of use = < / > value etc. The concept of the Internet of Things first became popular through the Auto-ID Center at MIT and related market analysts publications. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is often seen as a prerequisite for the Internet of Things. If all objects and people in daily life were equipped with identifiers, they could be managed and inventoried by computers. Tagging of things may be achieved through such technologies as near field communication, barcodes, QR codes and digital watermarking i.e., using <Org_ID> <URN> data tags see IMAGE 7: Organization ID ORG ID / Uniform Resource Names URN form trade federations see Wikipedia Internet of Everything IeT

If everyone using the Internet of Things set sensor reporting cycles to the maximum rate, the network may saturate. Too frequent reports are distracting. Too slow reports are not relevant.

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The Internet of Things, Named Data Networking, Net Centric Warfare in context with protocols such as MQTT and DDS -- Message Queue Telemetry Transport share a publish-subscribe messaging protocol, interest based on content represented by class type conventions such as eXtensible Markup Language XML content <//tags> and a cyclic, reliable update of state. Named Data Networking Interest is based on state meta data class type subscription changes.

Publish–subscribe is a messaging pattern where senders of messages, called publishers, do not program the messages to be sent directly to specific receivers, called subscribers. Instead, published messages are characterized into classes, without knowledge of what, if any, subscribers there may be. Similarly, subscribers express interest in one or more classes, and only receive messages that are of interest, without knowledge of what, if any, publishers there are. Pub/sub is a sibling of the message queue paradigm, and is typically one part of a larger message-oriented middleware system. Most messaging systems support both the pub/sub and message queue models in their API, e.g. Java Message Service (JMS). This pattern provides greater network scalability and a more dynamic network topology, with a resulting decreased flexibility to modify the Publisher and its structure of the data published.

Figure 35: ADEPT Autonomous Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Telemetry left / compared with Net Centric Warfare / Operations conventions on right hand side of graphic

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Use of the blockchain supporting the Internet of Things is the result of a decentralization study. ADEPT uses the block chain, TeleHash, and BitTorrent. Telehash is peer to peer messaging. BitTorrent supports distributed file sharing and analytics reports. The Bitcoin Blockchain is used for device communication and transactional coordination. Ethereum in particular performs the contract telemetry between devices. Ethereum "ether" controls the use of roles and rules, responsibilities, permissions, bartering and negotiations among nodes and devices on the blockchain which makes the devices almost completely autonomous. Autonomous devices / nodes can become revenue generating opportunities in their own right e.g., participate in crowd funding, near real time opportunistic auctions or not.

Figure 36: NIST Random # BEACON / Crypto Time Stamp Engine

NIST is implementing a prototype source of public randomness. The prototype (at uses two independent commercially available sources of randomness, each with an independent hardware entropy source and SP 800-90-approved components. The Beacon is designed to provide unpredictability, autonomy, and consistency. Unpredictability means that users cannot algorithmically predict bits before they are made available by the source. Autonomy means that the source is resistant to attempts by outside parties to alter the distribution of the random bits. Consistency means that a set of users can access the source all receiving the same random string.

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The Beacon will broadcast full-entropy bit-strings in blocks of 512 bits every 60 seconds. Each such value is time-stamped and signed, and includes the hash of the previous value to chain the sequence of values together. This prevents all, even the source, from retroactively changing an output packet without being detected. The beacon keeps all output packets and makes them available online. Uses: Tables of random numbers have probably been used for multiple purposes at least since the Industrial Revolution. The first published table appears to be by the English statistician L.H.C. Tippett. In the digital age, algorithmic random number generators have largely replaced these tables.

The NIST Randomness Beacon expands the use of randomness to multiple scenarios in which the latter methods cannot be used. The extra functionalities stem mainly from three features.

First, the Beacon-generated numbers cannot be predicted before they are published.

Second, the public, time-bound, and authenticated nature of the Beacon allows a user application to prove to anybody that it used truly random numbers not known before a certain point in time.

Third, this proof can be presented offline and at any point in the future. For example, the proof could be mailed to a trusted third party, encrypted and signed by an application, only to be opened if needed and authorized. NIST encourages the community at large to research and publish novel ways in which this tool can be used.

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Figure 37: Gamification / Heart Beacon Cycle Synergy

GAMIFICATION: Gamification is the use of game thinking and game mechanics in non-game contexts to engage users in solving problems. Gamification techniques strive to leverage people's natural desires for competition, achievement, status, self-expression, altruism, closure. Gamification has been widely applied in marketing. Over 70% of Forbes Global 2000 companies surveyed in 2013 said they planned to use gamification for the purposes of marketing and customer retention. Gamification is applicable to increasing engagement on sites built on social network services. In context with the Heart Beacon Cycle HBC, the HBC is predicated on tracking individual users, sensors, platforms when joined into a group or federation that is analogous to a multiplayer game environment designed to feature team cooperation. Gamification involves data aggregation -- aggregation being one of the functions of the Heart Beacon Cycle's federation gateway where the cyclic, reliable and predictable nature of gathering data tagged by <user> <platform> <Org_ID> (team) and resources <URN> available to teams in a massive multiplayer game is synergistic. The Heart Beacon Cycle procedural template provides the who, what, when, where, how often that are translated / converted into empirical values used as bonuses, rewards, points for players. Geo-spatial intensity, duration, distance metrics and meters will help define risk, reward and rules -- closer = less, farther = more, more often, threshold's met or exceeded = level up.

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A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (often abbreviated "DAO"; sometimes referred to as a Fully Automated Business Entity or Distributed Autonomous Corporation/Distributed Autonomous Company, often abbreviated "FAB" or "DAC") is a decentralized network of narrow-AI autonomous agents which perform an output-maximizing production function and which divides its labor into computationally intractable tasks (which it incentivizes humans to do) and tasks which it performs itself. It can be thought of as a corporation run without human involvement under the control of an incorruptible set of business rules.

These rules are typically implemented as publicly auditable open-source software distributed across stakeholder computers. A human becomes a stakeholder by buying stock in the company or being paid in that stock to provide services for the company. This stock may entitle its owner to a share of the profits of the DAO, participate in its growth, and/or a say in how it is run.

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Ethereum supports writing "smart contracts" - systems which automatically move digital assets according to arbitrary pre-specified rules. One might have a treasury contract of the form "A can withdraw up to X currency units per day, B can withdraw up to Y per day, A and B together can withdraw anything, and A can shut off B's ability to withdraw". The logical extension of this is decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) - long-term smart contracts that contain the assets and encode the bylaws of an entire organization. Ethereum provide a block chain with a built-in fully fledged Turing-complete programming language used to create "contracts" with encoded arbitrary state transition functions. The Bitcoin ledger state transition system is a "state" consisting of the ownership status of all existing bitcoins and a "state transition function" that takes a state and a transaction and outputs a new state as the result. In a standard banking system, the state is a balance sheet, a transaction is a request to move $X from A to B, where the state transition function reduces the value in A's account by $X and increases the value in B's account by $X. The "state" in Bitcoin is the collection of all coins ("unspent transaction outputs" or UTXO) that have been minted and not yet spent, with each UTXO having a denomination and an owner (20-byte address cryptographic public key) A transaction contains one or more inputs, with each input containing a reference to an existing UTXO and a cryptographic signature produced by the private key associated with the owner's address and one or more outputs with each output containing a new UTXO added to the state.

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"Ether" is used to pay transaction fees. Two types of accounts: externally owned accounts, controlled by private keys, and contract accounts, controlled by contract code. An externally owned account has no code, and one can send messages from an externally owned account by creating and signing a transaction; in a contract account, every time the contract account receives a message its code activates, allowing it to read / write to internal storage and send other messages or create contracts in turn.

Ethereum Accounts: State objects = "accounts" Account has a 20-byte address State transitions are direct transfers of value, information between accounts. Ethereum account contains 4 fields:(1) Nonce: counter used to make sure each transaction processed only once(2) Account's current ether balance(3) Account's contract code(4) Account's storage

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Token Systems: On-blockchain token systems e.g., sub-currencies representing assets: USD, gold, company stocks.. Individual tokens may represent smart property, secure unforgeable coupons, and token systems with no ties to conventional value at all, used as point systems for incentivization. An agoric system needs a currency, for efficiency’s sake we will use a cryptocurrency. There are several ways of implementing a currency for an agoric system using cryptocurrency systems. We can use colored coins, NXT or Counterparty assets, or Ethereum contracts similar to the Token System example in the Ethereum White Paper to create coins, tokens, or other quantifiable valences. For simplicity’s sake I we call all of these “tokens”. Different implementations allow different capabilities: fungibility, revocation, transferability.

For example, art critics can use tokens to embody critique. A single-value token can be used to embody critical approval, a pair of oppositely valance tokens to represent approval/opprobrium (and to revise critical opinion should it later change), a family of tokens with different star rankings can be used to implement a star system at the cost of fungibility. The critic sends tokens either to the artist’s address in the crypto-currency system or to an address representing the hash or proxy hash of the artwork. The artist or artwork’s standing can be found by counting the number and kind of critical tokens associated with it..

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FIGURE 42: Distributed Autonomous Organizations

COIN TELEGRAPH ARTICLE Organizational ID ORG ID are used to form federations. The Heart Beacon Cycle idea / invention facilitates the forming of agile, adhoc federations in lieu of formal mergers and acquisitions, then, it provides a simple framework for exchanging state meta data snapshot changes in for example, distributed ledger values across the diverse systems of systems of Bitcoin and current currency, stock, commodity.. systems and provides metrics / meters useful in establishing smart contract Service Level Agreements. The term DAO was used in a RAND Corporation report in a military context in 2000 - however, Ethereum first used it in the crypto sphere. A host of different organizations offer services to “incorporate” on the blockchain, through creating a coin, everything from Colored Coins, to Counterparty, BitShares, NXT, Noir Group, Swarm, Mastercoin and Agora. When Ethereum - an alternative to the Bitcoin blockchain – is released (probably in Q4 2014), the number of applications facilitating DAO creation and management is likely to multiply very rapidly. The expression Decentralised Autonomous Corporations (DACs) was first coined by Invictus Innovation in 2013. Decentralized means that’s it’s spread out over its users on the Block chain and Autonomous is the ambition that the user base eventually will take over and run it (like Bitcoin, for instance).

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Figure 43: Systemic use of TERRA TRC / ETHERUEM / Battlefield Digitization

Systemic refers to something that is spread throughout, system-wide, affecting a group or system, such as a body, economy, market or society as a whole. The TERRA Trade Reference Currency : complementary, publically issued, demurrage-charged, backed by inflation-resistant, standardized basket of dozen most important commodities, Operates synergetic ally with national currencies. NameCoin is linked to Domain values / commodities by <URN> / <Org_ID>.. ETHEREUM: Bitcoin-like block chains mechanism allows world to agree on state of public owned dbase for more than money. Ethereum is an emerging next-generation, in venture capital start up stage distributed cryptographic ledger, advanced transaction types, smart contracts, and decentralized apps for Decentralized Autonomous Organizations / Corporations.




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A book review on the book "Blockchain, Blueprint for a New Economy by S.U.M Startup Management dot Org cites: “Bitcoin is the instantiation of decentralization as a digital currency, but decentralization could be instantiated in many ways, such as smart property, delegate democracy governance services, and community-based credit bureaus. Decentralization concepts are already underway in government (Rescaling the State) with a focus on the important role of mayors as non-partisan administrators (If Mayors Ruled the World), and the rise of metropolitanism (21st Century is the Metropolitan Century and Metropolitan Revolution). These ideas could be deployed in more detail per several key properties of blockchain technology in government services, for example it’s being secure, decentralized, scalable, universal, granular, auditable, track able, and transparent.



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Figure 45: Money Velocity Price Quantity MV = PQ Equation

The most important equation in monetary economics, the equation of exchange: MV=PQ.  The quantity of money (M) times the rate spent (V for velocity) equals the price of everything bought (P) times the amount bought (Q for quantity). This simple equation is true by definition of any monetary system at all times, so it’s a good tool to figure out what happens when variables change. In bitcoin, M is on a predetermined path, converging to 21m bitcoins. So in terms of the other variables, it’s basically fixed. That leaves V, P, and Q to fluctuate.  Use of state meta data snapshots in a cyclical, reliable method identifying data by organization and by Uniform Resource Name and geo-spatial temporal location prior to data fusion will improve Bitcoin and other economic systems helping to form an eco-economic system of systems re-using Network Centric Warfare / Operation's best practice refined over decades.  The Heart Beacon Cycle supports MV = PQ for Bitcoin.

Decentralized data feed in financial contracts for difference via a protocol called "SchellingCoin". Schelling Coin works as follows: N parties all put into the system the value of a given datum (e.g. the ETH/USD price), the values are sorted, and everyone between the 25th and 75th percentile gets one token as a reward. Everyone has the incentive to provide the answer that everyone else will provide, and the only value that a large number of players can realistically agree on is the obvious default: the truth. This creates a decentralized protocol that can theoretically provide any number of values, including the ETH/USD price, the temperature in

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Berlin or even the result of a particular hard computation.   Now, take the Shelling point process and merge it with the University of Bologna Italy / Hungary's firefly inspired algorithm   where seemingly random firefly's strive towards synchronization where the firefly pulse is matched to the closest heartbeat interval cycle:

Neuroware Launches 'Future-Proof' API for Cryptocurrency Apps: Building an infrastructure that is easy-to-use is critical if the digital currency ecosystem wants to encourage the creation of consumer-facing products. To simplify this process, startup Neuroware has built Blockstrap – an application programming interface (API) for web designers and front-end developers that supports bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, allowing developers who want to create well-designed crypto-based apps to plug into its HTML5 framework. Adam Giles, CEO of Neuroware, explained that the goal is to create a blockchain-agnostic resource for those who are looking to build new products and services, and that the project

itself came out of his own difficulties building a product with existing resources.

Wall Street Stock Exchanges must solve the problem where High Frequency Trade transactions far exceed the ability of a regulatory, monitoring 3rd party's (DCCC) ability to record, verify and validate transactions -- a computational job that the Bitcoin Blockchain is being used to solve.  

Project Medici intends to create a blockchain based securities exchange.  The first hint at this project was in May when, during the Q & A of his keynote address at the Bitcoin2014 conference in Amsterdam, Patrick Byrne, CEO of Overstock (OSTK), let slip that he was interested in listing Overstock securities on a blockchain based exchange.  It recently congealed with Overstock's hiring two of the three founders of CounterParty, a decentralized exchange built on top of Bitcoin.  The project, named Medici, was announced on October 6th at the Inside Bitcoins Las Vegas conference. Overstock initially reached out to the Bitcoin community for information on asset trading platforms.  Ethereum, NXT, and CounterParty were all considered.  Overstock landed on the partnership with CounterParty, touting its use of Bitcoin--which has the most secure blockchain--and the CounterParty founders' grounding in math and computer science as well as their philosophical outlook. “Medici,” the project aims to democratize Wall Street in much the same way bitcoin seeks to democratize currency and payments. By operating separate from traditional stock exchanges and the big corporate banks, it could eliminate certain loopholes in the system and reduce the costs associated with issuing and juggling stock. Stock Exchange over Bitcoin code name MEDICI color coins are <typed>.

Patrick Byrne of Overstock dot com

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The IRS treats Bitcoin that is ‘mined’ differently than Bitcoin that is ‘bought’ For the IRS, buying Bitcoin has a completely different classification than Bitcoin after it is mined. For those who buy it, virtual currency is not treated as cash; it is treated as property.  Because it’s treated as property, and not as currency, it means owners have to track the price of it from when they buy it until when it is sold or used. Because there is no set price for the digital currency, as it trades on numerous exchanges, investors may want to break down purchases location acquired.

The Heart Beacon Cycle patent in publication stage, has both land / property survey techniques in Telco mesh fabrics AND currency valuations across time / space embodiment's -- essential to sorting out Bitcoin New Economic Eco-system of systems with the old paradigm.

The U.S. government will treat Bitcoin as property for tax purposes, applying rules it uses to govern stocks and barter transactions, the Internal Revenue Service said in its first substantive ruling on the issue. The IRS, faced with a choice of treating Bitcoins like currency or property, chose property. The IRS ruling means Bitcoin investors will be treated like stock investors. Bitcoins held for more than a year and then sold would face the lower tax rates applicable to capital gains -- a maximum of 23.8 percent compared with the 43.4 percent top rate on property sold within a year of purchase. Source: Bloomberg article:

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CNN Money has put Bitcoin under the category of stocks. It simply means that the digital currency is not associated with any government, but is simply an investment vehicle. According to the International Standards Organization (ISO), if an asset holding value is not backed by a nation, then it starts with an “X”. For instance: Gold is internationally denoted as XAU. The term “XBT” for Bitcoin comes from the same ISO. Time to change the X to B using Thomas Edison et all's commodity indexing concept. See all TERRA Trade Reference Currency proposed by a Belgian economist 70 years after Thomas Edison http://terratrc.orgSource: Article CNN Money Introduces Bitcoin Ticker XBT Bitcoin News Service NEWSBTC

TERRA Trade Reference Currency, Ethereum, and Battlefield Digitization repurposed - commercialized (Heart Beacon Cycle) involves maintaining globally distributed ledgers. Battlefield Digitization best practice = procedural templates guides, references to detailed treatises, The when, where, how, how often systemically among a systems of systems.


The Terra is a global complementary currency designed to provide an inflation-resistant international standard of value; to stabilize the business cycle on a global level; and to realign stockholder’s interests with long-term sustainability. From a legal viewpoint, the Terra is standardized “countertrade” (international barter), which is routinely used for over one trillion dollars worth of transactions per year. Legislation on countertrade exists in about two hundred

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countries, including all the major trading nations. Introducing the Terra would therefore not require new international governmental agreements.

The TERRA Trade Reference Currency is a paper / document proposal that lacks a transaction protocol like Bitcoin. Regardless of what solution emerges, legacy and local solutions / currencies (SWIFT / FIX, local currencies) will persist for decades. Battlefield Digitization / Network Centric Operations is designed to foster collaboration across organizations, systems, network and space / time zones. The world should examine potential synergy among Bitcoin technology, the TERRA TRC and Battlefield Digitization. A systems of systems approach is needed to address backwards compatibility, interoperability and synchronization of systems across space and time zones. The TERRA Trade Reference Currency, Ethereum, and Battlefield Digitization commercialized (Heart Beacon Cycle) all involve maintaining globally distributed ledgers. Battlefield Digitization best practice provides procedural templates describing as guides, the when, where, how and how often systemically among a systems of systems.

The TERRA Trade Reference Currency: complementary, privately issued, demurrage-charged, backed by inflation-resistant, standardized basket of the dozen most important commodities, services and operates in parallel with national currencies. Terra The Trade Reference Currency, TRC "world currency". Proposed by Belgian economist and expert on monetary systems Bernard A. Lietaer in 2001, based on a similar proposal from the 1930s. The currency is meant to be based on a basket of the 9-12 most important commodities (according to their importance in world-wide trade). Terra = reference unit defined as standardized basket of key internationally traded commodities & services. Macro to micro reporting is key to establishing a value index for the Internet of Everything IeT through use of reliable time stamping by <Org_ID>, <URN>

TERRA Trade Reference Currency / RIPPLE monetary protocol. The Trade Reference Currency (TRC) TM is a new currency privately issued by the TRC Alliance, with a built-in circulation incentive that could play a significant role in getting the world out of recession. Its unit of account is the Terra. It would systematically stabilize the effects on the business cycle and re-align financial interests with long-term sustainability. Terra: demurrage-charged currency acts like parking fee, incurring cost over time to holder estimated at 3.5%-4% per annum corresponding to costs incurred for storing physical commodities in the Terra basket. Monetary Instability: Over $1.3 trillion is traded per day in foreign exchange markets, a figure that is 100-fold the trading volume of all of the world’s stock exchanges combined.

Nearly 96% of these transactions are purely speculative; they do not relate to the “real” economy; they do not reflect global movements or exchanges of actual goods and services. Terra commodities should be described by {“Uniform_Resource_Name”} {“URN”} that should be tracked during micro-cycles and threshold differences updated in decision support applications during macro-cycles corresponding to micro-economic / macro-economic reporting cycles. Differences in value should be processed by mediation, federation gateways then shared across zones / domains. .

ARTICLE: Is Bitcoin Going to Change the World? December 18, 2013 by Richard BrownHave we been looking at Bitcoin through the wrong lens? Forget “currency”; think “internet-scale asset register”. Make it your new year resolution to understand this insight and you’ll see

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why Bitcoin could change the world. As Michael Nielsen explains, the designers of Bitcoin set themselves an exceedingly difficult problem. They set out to build a system of electronic cash that required no participant to trust any other. The designers of Bitcoin turned this upside down. They built a system that allows people to send electronic tokens to anybody else in the world without having to trust anybody else at all and without allowing the tokens to be lost or duplicated and they did this through an innovative combination of cryptography and economic insight. What they created is an internet-scale peer-to-peer network where participants have an overwhelming economic incentive to validate each other’s transactions and to maintain a truthful ledger of every transaction there has ever been. There is no central “bank”: everything is peer-to-peer and it runs across the public internet. It sounds insane (“store a copy of every transaction on every computer?!”) but it works surprisingly well. Chris Dixon of Andreessen Horowitz has called it a profound technological innovation.

What looks like a novel system of digital cash on the surface is actually an internet-scale asset register. Sure – the assets today are these things we call “Bitcoins” but that doesn’t matter. Think of the Bitcoin currency as the first application of something deeper: the Bitcoin platform

ARTICLE: Welcome to Bitcoin Island: Bitcoin is not a protocol of transfer, but a protocol of ownership. Coins never travel, but simply switch owners. You could argue this is a trivial observation – "how else could it work?!" – but thinking in terms of ownership and protocols for transfer of ownership is a surprisingly helpful way to think about how the system works. That’s because the 'protocol of ownership' insight means there is a whole other world of history, tradition and precedent to learn from: land. Observations: · In the end-state the quantity of bitcoin will be fixed, just like land· Bitcoin is not perfectly fungible and neither is land

· Bitcoin is not 'consumed' through use – just transformed and transferred. This is similar to land and dissimilar to many commodities, which are consumed (or at least degraded) through use

See: IDMaps /Sonar Hops slide. Combine the use of these tools with the Heart Beacon Cycle's time / space metric, meter meme to provide a consistent method and means to describe changes in area over time to describe Bitcoin allocation. Welcome to Bitcoin Island!

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Figure 48: Bitcoin represented / valued using land use meme

Bitcoin Valuated using land meme. IDMaps and SonarHops triangulation will be useful in surveying the Bitcoin landscape in land as a metaphor for value paradigm. In the end-state the quantity of bitcoin will be fixed, just like land. Bitcoin is not perfectly fungible, neither is land. Bitcoins are not ‘consumed’ through use – just transformed. transferred. This is similar to land and dissimilar to many commodities, that are consumed, degraded) through use.

"Bitcoin is not a protocol of transfer, but a protocol of ownership. Coins never travel, but simply switch owners”. IDMaps / SonarHops help construct the (Dymaxian maps) of land that visually show how much of the Bitcoin has been mined / issued. Battlefield digitization data is often shown on maps as appliqué overlays in military speak and involves cyclic state meta data refresh from micro to macro (economic, ecological harvesting etc.) cycles.

Battlefield digitization best practice aids this procedure:

Step 1: prove coin ownership <Org_ID> Coin IssuerStep 2: # coins sent where, when Lat / Long, Time StampStep 3: specify ownership <Org_ID> receiving entity ; organization Bitcoin type <URN>

Battlefield digitization's cyclic update of state changes across a system, system of system aids tracking and updating the status of UXTO: Unspent Transaction Output‘.  The UXTO represents Bitcoins that have been sent somewhere but not yet themselves been spent.  The set of all unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs) can be thought of as the latest STATE of every bitcoin that

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has ever been mined. Sampling and comparing un-mined with mined blocks from cycle to cycle and broadcasting these sync delta threshold changes through aggregation gateways is key.

Lighthouse: Crowdfunding / Kickstarter Platform Built On Top Of Bitcoin:

BITCOIN NOT A CURRENCY, SAYS AUSTRALIAN TAX OFFICE Australia’s Tax Office has spoken, and it has declared that it will not treat Bitcoin as money or as foreign currency. It has instead opted to treat Bitcoin transactions as barter transactions, in a move that would have far reaching implications on Bitcoin use down under. Link:


The Bitcoin community has six issues: Volatility, Inconsistent Memes for taxation, fungibility, Identity, lack of intrinsic value and block chain scalability. The Heart Beacon Cycle addresses all six issues systemically. Trade Federations involve widely dispersed members using divergent technologies. What must not be divergent is a valuation of goods, (time) based services, commodities and currencies that require consistent metrics, meters and methods to determine geo-spatial temporal time increments such as duration intensity, frequency and methods to establish stochastic harmonization of value samples taken during micro economic cycles for

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aggregation into macro - economic reports across time zones -- STAAS - space / time as a service with a mediation gateway to determine change or sync deltas that are beacon broadcasted among a system of system's and sub-systems.

Article: Could the Bitcoin Lightning Network Solve Block chain Scalability? LINK: "hashed time-lock contracts between users, in the block chain, if only two participants care about a transaction, it’s not necessary for all other nodes in the bitcoin network to know about that transaction. It is instead preferable to only have the bare minimum of information on the block chain. It is desirable for two individuals to net out their relationship at a later date, rather than detailing every transaction on the block chain. This can be achieved by using time locks as a component to global consensus. As a result, Bitcoin can scale to billions of transactions per day with the computational power available today on a modern desktop computer. Transaction between users occurs during a micro-cycle, then reconciled at a pre-arranged macro-cycle, with a NIST Cyber Beacon random # time stamp for non-repudiation given reconciliation will occur at a later data in time. Link:

IDENTITY: Organizational unit from Wikipedia, In computing, an organizational unit (OU) provides a way of classifying objects located in directories, or names in a digital certificate hierarchy, typically used either to differentiate between objects with the same name (John Doe in OU "marketing" versus John Doe in OU "customer service"), or to parcel out authority to create and manage objects (for example: to give rights for user-creation to local technicians instead of having to manage all accounts from a single central group). Organizational units most commonly appear in X.500 directories, X.509 certificates, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directories, active directory (AD), and Lotus Notes directories and certificate trees, but they may feature in almost any modern directory or digital certificate container grouping system. In most systems, organizational units appear within a top-level organization grouping or organization certificate, called a domain. In many systems one OU can also exist within another OU. When OUs are nested, as one OU contains another OU, this creates a relationship where the contained OU is called the child and the container is called the parent. Thus, OUs are used to create a hierarchy of containers within a domain. Only OUs within the same domain can have relationships. OUs of the same name in different domains are independent.

Thomas Edison’s Quixotic Plan for a New Monetary Policy article: During the sharp recession of 1921- 1922, Thomas Edison turned from making innovative consumer products to reinventing the U.S. monetary system. Edison searched for new ways to stabilize the dollar, the value of which had fluctuated widely during World War I and its aftermath. His goal was to “cast the variable out of money.” Distrusting bankers -- the “money brokers,” he called them -- and a monetary policy based solely on gold, Edison called for a system that used a variety of other commodities as backing for the nation’s paper money supply.

Inconsistent memes raises 2 issues: regulatory i.e., taxation given the USA's Internal Revenue Service's stance of Bitcoin as property -- see land use meme, and fungibility among coin types - need consistent metrics and meters to establish a statistical mean value for a FEDCOIN for example. Fungibility is the property of a good or a commodity whose individual units are capable of mutual substitution. That is, it is the property of essences or goods which are "capable

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of being substituted in place of one another."[1] For example, since one ounce of gold is equivalent to any other ounce of gold, gold is fungible. Other fungible commodities include sweet crude oil, company shares, bonds, precious metals, and currencies. Fungibility refers only to the equivalence of each unit of a commodity with other units of the same commodity. Fungibility does not relate to the exchange of one commodity for another different commodity.

Inconsistent memes: Bitcoin Valuated using land meme. IDMaps and SonarHops triangulation will be useful in surveying the Bitcoin landscape in land as a metaphor for value paradigm. In the end-state the quantity of bitcoin will be fixed, just like land. Bitcoin is not perfectly fungible, neither is land. Bitcoins are not ‘consumed’ through use – just transferred. This is similar to land and dissimilar to many commodities, that are consumed, degraded) through use.

"Bitcoin is not a protocol of transfer, but a protocol of ownership. Coins never travel, but simply switch owners”. IDMaps / SonarHops help construct the maps of land that visually show how much of the Bitcoin has been mined / issued. Battlefield digitization data is often shown on maps as appliqué overlays in military speak and involves cyclic state meta-data refresh from micro to macro (economic, ecological harvesting etc.) cycles.

Stellar is public infrastructure for money. Supported by a non-profit, Stellar brings the world together by increasing interoperability between diverse financial systems and currencies. The new platform is a decentralized gateway for digital currency to fiat currency transfers,. Like Ripple and bitcoin, Stellar will act as a public transaction authenticator and feature its own in-house digital currency called ‘stellar’. Stellar will act as a bridge between fiat and digital currencies – a key requirement if the latter are to be adopted by mainstream users. Stellar details. Stellar acts as a transaction gateway between fiat and digital currencies. The new platform is a decentralized gateway for digital currency to fiat currency transfers,

Stellar will act as a public transaction authenticator and feature its own in-house digital currency called ‘stellar’. Stellar Consensus Protocol: Stellar servers communicate and sync with each other to ensure that transactions are valid and get applied successfully to the global ledger every two to five seconds. Stellar Gateways are simply entities that people trust to hold their deposits and issue credits into the Stellar network for those deposits. They act as a bridge between different currencies and the Stellar network. All transactions in the Stellar network, except the native digital currency of Stellar) occur in the form of credit issued by gateways. Stellar Gateways do three simple things:

- Take deposit and issue the corresponding credit to your wallet address on the Stellar ledger.

- Make a withdrawal by bringing them credit they issued.

- Act as a Trust gateway to honor deposits and withdrawals of credit it has issued.

The Stellar ledger is able to store offers that people have made to buy or sell currencies. Offers are public commitments to exchange one type of credit for another at a pre-determined rate. The ledger becomes a global marketplace for offers. All these offers form what is called an order book. There is an order book for each currency/issuer pair. People can receive any currency

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through a gateway they added. The network finds the best exchange rate for the transaction. Here’s a few possible ways the transaction can happen: Conversion through an offer: Stellar finds an offer on the internal USD/EUR exchange for someone wanting to buy EUR for USD and automatically makes the exchange between the two parties.

Using Stellars as an intermediary currency: Stellar looks for offers on the network asking for USD in exchange for Stellars (the native — purely digital — currency). It simultaneously looks for an offer asking for Stellars in exchange for euros. The network makes those exchanges and sends Bob the resulting euro credit. Chain of conversions: If there are no explicit relationship between offers to buy and sell, Stellar tries to find offers from the network that lead a chain of conversions from EUR to USD. EUR to AUD, AUD to BTC, BTC to STR, STR to USD.

The TERRA Trade Reference Currency, Ethereum, and Battlefield Digitization reuse (Heart Beacon Cycle) all involve maintaining globally distributed ledgers. Battlefield Digitization best practice provides procedural templates describing as guides, the when, where, how and how often systemically among a systems of systems promoting synergy, synchronicity. ETHEREUM is a system build around BITCOIN technology with built in state transfer..

Collectively, ETHEREUM, The TERRA TRC, and the Heart Beacon Cycle form a system of systems. The TERRA Trade Reference Currency is a document describing rules describing trade using a basket of twelve or more commodities such as gold, silver, copper, wheat, stocks, derivatives.. The TERRA TRC as a guide, template needs a value, transaction protocol / transport mechanism. The Heart Beacon Cycle is a procedural template guide to help individuals form groups, organizations or ideally, cloud computing federations sharing resources to meet common goals. The Heart Beacon Cycle as a procedural template also needs protocols to act as the signalling, telemetry transport for cyclic heartbeat state meta data state changes.

COIN PRISM: Colored coins can represent company stocks. Launch an IPO on the Bitcoin blockchain for just a few cents of a dollar. Coins can be designated as stocks, bonds, commodities, or anything representing valued resources i.e., currencies, and smart properties. Encode ownership of a house or a car on a colored coin. Store your house on the Bitcoin blockchain. tore and exchange dollars, Euros or pounds anonymously, across the world, and for the price of a standard Bitcoin transaction. See

ARTICLE: The Bitcoin Community Reacts to the NY Bit License “With multiple states

looking to regulate digital currencies, the industry is facing an increasingly complex and

burdensome regulatory environment. It is imperative that the industry’s voice is heard in

discussions among policymakers to ensure what ultimately becomes law does not

impede innovation. “Without proper engagement, we risk a patchwork of

inconsistencies and friction between local, state, federal and international laws.” LINK

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Article: Internet architecture layers principle: a conceptual framework for regulating Bitcoin

Bitcoin is the first decentralised, peer-to-peer network that allows for the proof and transfer of ownership of virtual currencies without the need for a trusted third party. It has created a platform for tremendous financial innovation, but at the same time the role of traditional regulatable financial intermediaries is bypassed. The purpose of this article is to address the important policy question of how we can capture Bitcoin’s potential benefits for the economy while addressing new regulatory challenges. To do so, we first conceptualize the Bitcoin ecosystem through a layered internet architecture model. Second, we apply the layers principle of internet governance to identify control points and guidelines for regulation that respect the integrity of the layers. Third, we conclude with the need for governments to adopt an adaptive and novel regulatory approach to ensure that society can benefit from Bitcoin’s revolutionary potential. This work forms a baseline for further understanding of the governance of Bitcoin and the various actors within the ecosystem based on the layers principle of internet architecture.

Bitcoin shares the same qualities of the internet which make the latter the most important platform for innovation and creativity in modern times. To appreciate the significance of Bitcoin, it helps to understand the layers architecture of the internet as proposed by Solum and Chung (2004). The internet is a neutral platform. Anyone can develop network applications with or on

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top of TCP/IP, the protocol that makes the internet possible as a network of networks. The abstraction of an upper 'application layer' is important because no permission is necessary for anyone to develop applications, and innovation is decentralised and placed in the hands of individual innovators. Therefore, the real value of Bitcoin lies not so much in its potential to become a substitute for money, but rather in its ability to act as the internet of every Bitcoin transaction is defined by code, money can be programmed to come with money. Since conditions. For instance, money will be released only if a third person agrees, or people will fund a project only when a threshold is passed. The technology behind Bitcoin allows continuous micropayments that are impossible with traditional payment systems due to the prohibitive transaction costs. This makes fine-grained usage-based pricing possible for the first time. Bitcoin can represent ownership of physical assets. For instance, a car can only be turned on with the Bitcoin token. It is impossible to predict what kind of applications will emerge, but one thing we can be certain about is that waves of financial innovation will happen on the Bitcoin platform.

In Solum and Chung (2004), cyberspace is thought of as a modularised, interconnected layered system consisting of six layers: the physical, link, internet protocol (IP), transport, application, and content layers. Choucri and Clark (2012) introduce a simplified “four-layered model that captures the essential features of interest”: the physical layer forms the internet’s physical foundations; the link, IP and transport layers encapsulate the logical functions of an application; information is stored and transmitted through programs in the application layer; users make decisions and carry out actions with information in the content layer.

CONTENT LAYER: The National Science Foundation NSF sponsored Next Generation Internet proposal now in prototype describes routing by content and was formerly known as Content Centric Networking CCN. Content <tags> should be routable by <type> and precedence following Network Centric Warfare's DEFCON / INFOCON five layer model to facilitate machine to machine Internet of Everything / Everywhere model where closer is of greater interest and closer is cheaper and faster combined with urgency of need criteria <flash>

LOGICAL LAYER: Early pioneers called miners use software programs that follow a mathematical formula to produce bitcoins. These technophiles, intrigued by the potential of cryptographic payments, laid the foundation for innovation where anyone can build on top of the Bitcoin protocol. Notably, the Bitcoin protocol contains the block chain, a transaction database shared by all nodes in the system. Based on the block chain, applications can be built on top and information flows can be reconstructed, as explained in the next section of the article.

IINFORMATION LAYER: Bitcoin exchanges offer services to non-miners to exchange between bitcoins and conventional currencies. Wallet and escrow services allow individuals to store bitcoins securely and conveniently. Payment processors provide integration services for merchants to accept bitcoins from consumers. Traditional financial institutions and incumbent payment systems may adopt Bitcoin technology to increase efficiency and remain competitive.

USER LAYER: Bitcoin has attracted a wide range of users, from traders and speculators taking advantage of Bitcoin’s price volatility, individuals sending remittances, to consumers making real payments. On the other hand, criminals are attracted by Bitcoin’s pseudonymity to engage in

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illegal activities such as money laundering, terrorism financing, drug dealing, and online gambling.

FIGURE 51: Crowd Funding & Bitcoin + NCW Decentralized Operations + The Mesh mashup

Adding methods to identify a potential crowd based on subscriptions (like the Internet of Things, Net Centric Warfare is a publish-subscribe paradigm) in a geo-spatial area over time using net geo-spatial temporal intensity techniques will help decision makers decide if an a given crowd in a specific geo-spatial area in a telco mesh fabric is worth pursuing prior to other crowds in other areas. Monitoring individual contributions to groups in context with an event by <Organization_Identifier> or {“Org_ID”} JSON notation helps form cloud federations. Identifying assets donated to a cause by Uniform Resource Name </URN> will help data analytics and aggregation activities leveraging a cyclic, iterative micro - macro cycle method.

Given the Internal Revenue Service I..R.S has deemed that owning Bitcoin is akin to owning property, a land use metaphor describing Bitcoin holdings as land holdings may be applied.  Recording and reporting the acquisition of Bitcoin as land necessitates consistent, stochastically harmonized time stamps and tracking of who, where, when the transactions occurred across time zones. The reality of stock exchanges given High Frequency Flash Trading is that a small number of traders possess huge amounts of cash, high percentages of share ownership and high bandwidth to volume trade at extreme rates that drive the markets and in many cases acts as a

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barrier to entities as large as sovereign countries whose resources are miniscule in comparison to “whales”

A cyclic, iterative process that samples and identifies state meta data by organization and type of resource / type of commodity will enhance filtering, aggregation, summation and many types of processing improvements. Doing so before data entry into data fusion centers is essential for a live situation awareness / understanding common picture shared across Distributed Autonomous Organizations or Corporations DAO / DACS.

The Mesh Why The Future of Business is Sharing by Lisa Gansky LINK

The mesh is a major trend which will shape business in the next decade. The Mesh is reshaping how we go to market, who we partner with and how we invite participation and engage new customers....If you embrace the mesh you'll discover how your business can inspire customers in a world where access trumps ownership. Traditional businesses follow a simple formula:

create a product or service, sell it, collect money. But in the last few years a fundamentally

different model has taken root - one in which consumers have more choices, more tools,

more information, and more peer-to-peer power.

Pioneering entrepreneur Lisa Gansky calls it the Mesh and reveals why it will soon

dominate the future of business. Mesh companies create, share and use social media,

wireless networks, and data crunched from every available source to provide people with

goods and services at the exact moment they need them, without the burden and expense

of owning them outright. Gansky reveals how there is real money to be made and trusted

brands and strong communities to be built in helping your customers buy less but use more.

Gansky shows how the same pattern is playing out with less famous Mesh companies that

are reinventing an enormous range of industries

Institute for Blockchain Studies: the blockchain is essentially a public ledger with potential as a worldwide, decentralized record for the registration, inventory, and transfer of all assets—not just finances, but property and intangible assets such as votes, software, health data, and ideas. The Institute for Blockchain Studies is an independent non-profit research institute examining the theoretical, philosophical, and societal implications of blockchain technology (the technology underlying Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies).

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FIGURE 52: BITCOIN BLOCKCHAIN -- Blueprint for a New Economy

‘Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy’, is a book that considers theoretical, philosophical, and societal impact of digital currencies and blockchain technologies. It takes one beyond the currency and smart contracts to show how the blockchain is in position to become the fifth ground breaking computing paradigm after mainframes, PCs, the Internet, and mobile/social networking. Melanie Swan discusses concepts, features, and functionality of Bitcoin and the blockchain, using the blockchain for automated tracking of all digital areas, creating a decentralized digital repository to verify identity. The blockchain has the potential of being a worldwide, decentralized record for the registration, inventory, and transfer of all assets: finances, property, intangible assets such as votes, software, health data, and ideas. The book comprises such topics as creating cheaper, more efficient services traditionally provided by nations, making better use of the data-mining network. The book includes how blockchain technologies could be used to monitor public health, crowdfund projects, provide community supercomputing, upload personal mind-files, and even birth artificial intelligences. LINK

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FIGURE 53: CAPSTONE BLOCK: VERITASEUM Decentralized Trading Platform

The Financial Nostradamus's patent pending Veritaseum / Veritas involves "tagged Bitcoins" and "coincidentally", dovetails with Emmet's patent pending time cycle /. syntax </tags> Veritasium Veritas Invention by Reggie Middleton LINK

The Financial Nostradamus's patent pending Veritaseum / Veritas involves "tagged Bitcoins" and dovetails with Emmet's patent pending syntax </tags> library, code, programming lexicon repository. Veritaseum Web Page: Blockstream runs on Project Lighting's sidechain uses tagged asset types, classes and features relative check time locks similar to the Natinoal Institute of Standard and Technologies random number and time stamp hash Cyber Beacon Project Lighting sync delta snaps to scale Bitcoin's transactions beyond 3 - 7 transactions per second. Asset types and classes are similar to Uniform Resource Names URNs. The Heart Beacon Cycle involves mediation gateways from the old to the new.

Everyone and their third cousin has a Bitcoin now. Only one involves "tagged Bitcoins" and is a patent application. Veritaseum's Veritas helps prepare Smart Contracts. The Heart Beacon Cycle provides a cyclic, iterative procedure that improves consistency and reliable of novel geo-spatial temporal metrics and meters among a systems of systems that the Veritas thick client draws state meta data displayed to chart views -- appliqué overlays in Heart Beacon Cycle speak. A smart

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contract may involve purchase of a widget from a retail store where the widget must be delivered to person or organization B on TIME X and in Y condition (state). The Heart Beacon Cycle involves monitoring and cyclic, iterative update of state among a systems of systems sending only the sync deltas or changes since last data snapshot to preserve bandwidth.

The HBC involves OPTEMPO or operational tempo as a schedule where too slow updates may mean "stale" or not "fresh" data (Named Data Networking NDN concept). Too fast or too frequent updates may be distracting and may involve saturating the supporting network or in Bitcoin's case, sending everything to everyone may impact the scalability of Bitcoin's blockchain -- see Project Lightning that involves the process of sending only the sync deltas like the HBC. Simple, universally understood memes for metrics and meters are essential to providing consistent Smart Contract Service Level Agreements among a diverse system of systems.

FIGURE 54: FEDCOIN / WORLDCOIN World Economic Heartbeat

World Coin is a statistical mean commodity / currency price index derived from firefly algorithm / closest heartbeat. BITCOIN's variations on the theme, fork splits, different coin counts, proof of work Vs proof of stake, coins pegged to precious metals, other coins pegged to an currency index of 22 +/1 other currencies (VEN) and a future coin pegged to a commodity basket index poses a challenge to Bitcoin's fungibility or 1 to 1 conversion among coins. Keep in mind that all things internet are formed by time cycles used / not used to process syntax as instructions.

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See SAW Concept's slide using a novel firefly inspired algorithm combined with the closest heartbeat cycle. See also SAW Concept's LLC's internet survey techniques -- triangulation etc. in context with the Internal Revenue Service IRS interpretation of Bitcoin as property. See Welcome to Bitcoin Island article and use meme / metaphor figure 18. See also BOOK: Price Indexes in Time and Space LINK See also: Firefly Algorithm University of Bologna and Hungary Firefly inspired


Quote from @DCCCertified @InsideBitcoins "Build mental models that help people wrap their heads around Bitcoin w/o having to understand it". A baseball diamond is a square, is a block. A block is formed using age (time) or vectors (time / direction / velocity) or voting (tournament league board) Proof of stake Wikipedia article:

The Heart Beacon Cycle patent application 13,573,002 is described using a baseball league tournament. As such, it's immune to recent USPTO, Supreme Court ruling limiting software process patents. A land use meme and internet survey techniques to define geo-spatial temporal areas in time – space will be helpful in determining the percentage of a coin bought or sold and

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who, where, when, how much, of a Bitcoin was transacted in context with I.R.S memo 1421. The Internal Revenue Service memo on Bitcoin deems it property when purchased by a client. NIST’s prototype cyber beacon random number generator time stamp hash protects against non-repudiation when the transaction is settled at some point in the future similar to a relative check-lock time stamp hash proposed by Greg Maxwell and Blockstream using Ethereum, and Project Lightning. Project Lighting addresses blockchain lack of scalability with a sync delta strategy. See SAW Concept's slide using a novel firefly inspired algorithm combined with the closest heartbeat cycle. See also SAW Concept's LLC's internet survey techniques -- triangulation etc. in context with the IRS interpretation of Bitcoin as property. Reference: Patent application # 13,573,002 The Heart Beacon Cycle Time - Space Meter: LINK

FIGURE 56: Named-Data Networking / HBC / Econ-Ecosystem

Economists have stated that the current economic system is mathematically certain to fail. It is certain that a method and system of mediation between the current economic system and emerging alternatives will be required. Economic sovereignty / autonomy can be achieved through use of a NEW MODEL that makes the old unsustainable model obsolete.

Offshore, systemically too big to fail outer BANKS are treacherous!  Jaegers are powerful war machines. Even so, the Jaegers must FEDERATE and deal with the KAIJU systemically!   

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Figure 57: Our Spaceship Earth

Buckminster Fuller: “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” Richard Buckminster Fuller see

Our Spaceship Earth Spaceship earth needs a system of systems mediation gateway (s) to equitably mediate among its stakeholders   The Heart Beacon Cycle is re-use of battlefield digitization / network centric operations research / best practice commercially or for the greater good. The 55 + corporations belonging the Network Centric Operations Industry Consortium or NCOIC see will eventually achieve consensus which will involve many game changers in Cloud Computing, Big Data, Network Forensics, Data Analytics and perhaps most importantly, provide the signalling and telemetry and mediation between current unsustainable economic models / currencies issued as debt and emerging alternatives such as Bitcoin / NameCoin and Ethereum linked to the Trade Reference Currency TERRA.

Buckminster Fuller's Synergetics is the empirical study of systems in transformation, with an emphasis on total system behavior unpredicted by the behavior of any isolated components, including humanity's role as both participant and observer. Synergetics can be made actionable applying DoD's systems of systems research and best practices i.e., system state signalling /

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telemetry state meta data sync delta changes from micro to macro cycles systems monitoring of events, alerts, and (leader) behavior of (networked) components including humanity's role in terms of leaders decisions where behavior translates to changes to supporting networks. Updates to system status / state are propagated, news-casted, beacon broadcasted across a system of systems refreshing participant, observer views / appliqué overlays. Synergetics dovetails with systems of systems best practice procedure, common building blocks and templates used in support of synergetic project’s signalling / telemetry sync delta updates in a reliable schedule.

Company Description: Simple Wins Concepts was formed in 2004 as a consultancy and to file patents and trademarks. 9/11 event was primary motivator. 1st and 2nd Patent filings on 9/11 anniversary

• Owner: Tammy Lee McGee / Chief Financial Officero Father was Black Foot Indian o Second Named Inventor

• Chief Executive Officer/ Scribe / First Named Inventor: Steven J. McGeeo Major US Army Signal Corps Inactive Reserveso Defence Contractor for firms MITRE, SAIC, BAEo Knowledge of military Situational Awareness System of Systems


O Reverend Kathy Graves: Shaman, Circle of the Sacred Earth Reiki Master Practitioner

O Linda Shields: Gifted Intuitive and Psychic Advisor LINK

Long Term Aim of the Business: Establish a unifying signalling, telemetry support framework among widely distributed sustainable projects. Transition the development and implementation of the Heart Beacon Concept to the leadership / stewardship of indigenous people of the Americas, African continents with Native American Indians as prime and African as deputy program managers who will lead a global, systemic range of sustainable projects. Great Deer / Buffalo correspond to the Program / Deputy Program Management roles given images and “delivering the mail” drawn from Reiki energy, counselling sessions.

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” Dan Millman Way of the Peaceful Warrior A Book That Changes Lives

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Steven J. McGee CEO / Consultant| Resume Web: LINKE-mail: [email protected], Cell e-mail: [email protected] 



SLIDESHARE Documents / Papers: LINK

Buckminster Fuller Challenge 2015  

Business Development Plan: Biz-Dev-Plan-Heart-Beacon-Cycle Slideshare

Heart Beacon Cycle   Slides // Slides: on Slideshare

Pin Interest Link

Google Plus

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The Lego Movie is a 2014 computer animated adventure comedy film 


In the Lego universe, the wizard Vitruvius attempts to protect a superweapon called the "Kragle"

from the evil Lord Business. He fails to do so, but prophesies that a person called "the Special" will

find the Piece of Resistance capable of stopping the Kragle. Emmet scene with Lord Business LINK

Based on the Lego line of construction toys, the film tells the story of Emmet (Pratt), an

ordinary Lego figure prophesied to save the universe from the tyrannical Lord Business (Ferrell) as

he gains different allies along the way. Emmet’s speech to allies: LINK