World cup briefing cojo

World Cup Briefing College of Journalism with Emilio San Pedro, BBC Monitoring Sivia Salek, BBC Brasil and Alex Capstick, BBC Sport Chaired by Ritula Shah

Transcript of World cup briefing cojo

World Cup Briefing

College of Journalism

with Emilio San Pedro, BBC Monitoring

Sivia Salek, BBC Brasil

and Alex Capstick, BBC Sport

Chaired by Ritula Shah

College of Journalism

Where the games will be played

College of Journalism

Why the bid?

College of Journalism

College of Journalism

College of Journalism

College of Journalism

College of Journalism

College of Journalism

The Economist: ‘Brazilian workers are gloriously unproductive. For the economy to

grow, they must snap out of their stupor.’

College of Journalism


College of Journalism

College of Journalism

(holding fridge pic)

College of Journalism

College of Journalism

College of Journalism

College of Journalism


College of Journalism

Uruguay 2 – Brazil 1

College of Journalism

College of Journalism