World Conservation Forum · 2008-04-22 · World Conservation Forum ... of indigenous and local...

Stream A new climate for change Code Title Organizer Type World Conservation Forum List of accepted events by Thematic Stream 86 A New Global Conservation Partnership: Networking of Stakeholders at the Local and Regional Levels Preston University Knowledge Cafe 106 Moving to Action on Biodiversity with Cities United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Aliances Workshop 132 Landscape Connectivity as Adaptation Measure to climate Change Syzygy Aliances Workshop 185 Agentes locales y espacios naturales: un nuevo marco para la conservación y la calidad de vida Área de Espacios Naturales,Diputación de Barcelona Aliances Workshop 194 Hemispheric Networks Facilitate Multi-Country Partnerships Organziation of American States (OAS) Aliances Workshop 219 Climate change and its impact on fisheries European Bureau for Conservation and Development (EBCD) Combined workshop 220 Media Ecology and Eco-literacy: Towards a New Visual Language for Sustainability University of Exeter Aliances Workshop 234 IUCN Global Marine Program on Assessment and Management of the World´s Large Marine Ecosystems US National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Combined workshop 260 Climate Friendly National Parks in the United States - Fostering Climate Change Interpretation and Citizen Engagement U.S. National Park Service Knowledge Cafe 263 GEF and Partnership on Climate Change Adaptation and LULUCF Global Environment Facility Knowledge Cafe 271 Local adaptation to climate change in coastal and small island states University of Peace Aliances Workshop 285 climate Change as an Opportunity for Conservationists to Build New Alliances California Institute of Public Affairs Aliances Workshop 328 Learning from applying good practice. Building competencies for making private-public partnerships powerful forces for sustainability Commission on Education and Communication - CEC/IUCN IUCN Commission session 330 Climate and security – changes toward sustainable development (Part 1) Commission on Education and Communication - CEC/IUCN IUCN Commission session 335 Livelihood Centred Adaptation to climate Change and Ecosystem Management: Sharing Early Experiences Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS) Aliances Workshop 345 Beyond the Science: Getting down to business in addressing climate change World Economic Forum Knowledge Cafe 350 Francophonie et développement durable: les multiples facettes de l´action et de la solidarité francophones Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF/IEPF) Aliances Workshop 382 Areas Protegidas e Hidrocarburos: son conciliables? Asociacion Peruana para la Conservacion de la Natu (APECO) Aliances Workshop 14 February 2008 Page 1 of 34 Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

Transcript of World Conservation Forum · 2008-04-22 · World Conservation Forum ... of indigenous and local...

Stream A new climate for change

Code Title Organizer Type

World Conservation ForumList of accepted events by Thematic Stream

86 A New Global Conservation Partnership: Networking of Stakeholders at the Local and Regional Levels

Preston University Knowledge Cafe

106 Moving to Action on Biodiversity with Cities United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Aliances Workshop

132 Landscape Connectivity as Adaptation Measure to climate Change

Syzygy Aliances Workshop

185 Agentes locales y espacios naturales: un nuevo marco para la conservación y la calidad de vida

Área de Espacios Naturales,Diputación de Barcelona

Aliances Workshop

194 Hemispheric Networks Facilitate Multi-Country Partnerships

Organziation of American States (OAS)

Aliances Workshop

219 Climate change and its impact on fisheries European Bureau for Conservation and Development (EBCD)

Combined workshop

220 Media Ecology and Eco-literacy: Towards a New Visual Language for Sustainability

University of Exeter Aliances Workshop

234 IUCN Global Marine Program on Assessment and Management of the World´s Large Marine Ecosystems

US National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration

Combined workshop

260 Climate Friendly National Parks in the United States - Fostering Climate Change Interpretation and Citizen Engagement

U.S. National Park Service Knowledge Cafe

263 GEF and Partnership on Climate Change Adaptation and LULUCF

Global Environment Facility Knowledge Cafe

271 Local adaptation to climate change in coastal and small island states

University of Peace Aliances Workshop

285 climate Change as an Opportunity for Conservationists to Build New Alliances

California Institute of Public Affairs

Aliances Workshop

328 Learning from applying good practice. Building competencies for making private-public partnerships powerful forces for sustainability

Commission on Education and Communication - CEC/IUCN

IUCN Commission session

330 Climate and security – changes toward sustainable development (Part 1)

Commission on Education and Communication - CEC/IUCN

IUCN Commission session

335 Livelihood Centred Adaptation to climate Change and Ecosystem Management: Sharing Early Experiences

Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS)

Aliances Workshop

345 Beyond the Science: Getting down to business in addressing climate change

World Economic Forum Knowledge Cafe

350 Francophonie et développement durable: les multiples facettes de l´action et de la solidarité francophones

Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF/IEPF)

Aliances Workshop

382 Areas Protegidas e Hidrocarburos: son conciliables? Asociacion Peruana para la Conservacion de la Natu (APECO)

Aliances Workshop

14 February 2008 Page 1 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

397 Lixomania: aiming to preserve Nature through the creative management of waste.

EarthCollective Poster

399 Mediators of change: the relevance of protected areas for adaptation to climate change

Humboldt University of Berlin Aliances Workshop

400 CeroCO2 Iniciativa para el cuidado del clima. Oportunidades del mercado voluntario de reducción y compensación de emisiones para la conservación y restauración de la biodiversidad.

Fundació Natura Aliances Workshop

402 Universitarios frente al cambio climático: propuestas de Fundación Natura para pasar a la acción

Fundació Natura Poster

409 Climat local, climat global : Lutte contre la dégradation de la biodiversité, le réchauffement, la pauvreté et l’érosion

Association Fanamby Poster

437 Integrated climate-Biodiversity-Livelihoods Strategies

The Gaia Foundation (Gaia) Aliances Workshop

451 Great Apes and Climate Change UN Great Apes Survival Project Knowledge Cafe

487 Ensuring Multiple Benefits from Forest Carbon Markets: Mitigation, Adaptation, Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Alleviation

Conservation International (CI) As part of a Global Thematic Workshop

488 Building Resilience into Tropical MPA Networks: New Tools and Lessons Learned

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Aliances Workshop

496 Engagement with odds: Analysing essentials of successful conservation communication strategies with a forum theatre

University of Western Australia Aliances Workshop

502 The Ecological Model Web: A Vision to Better Understand and Predict the Ecological Implications of Change

National Aeronautics and Space Administration


503 Leveraging the power of communications, advertising and marketing

World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

Aliances Workshop

520 Evaluating Climate Change and Development: Results, Methods and Capacities

The Global Environment Facility Knowledge Cafe

528 Resilience – dealing with change through diversity Coastal Oceans Research and Development, Indian Oc (CORDIO)

Aliances Workshop

548 Biofuels: a win- win- win solution for climate Change? .

International Institute for Environment and Devt. (IIED)

Aliances Workshop

563 United States Leadership in Addressing Global climate Change: Prospects and Reality

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

Aliances Workshop

571 Community Forest Tenure, Governance and Benefits: The missing links to climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI)

Aliances Workshop

576 What Will it Cost to Make the World Protected Areas Network Robust to Climate Change?

Conservation International (CI) Knowledge Cafe

583 Experiencias en la construcción participada de normas en grandes urbes: conservación y sustentabilidad para mitigar el cambio climático

Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN)

Aliances Workshop

588 Too much of a good thing? Biodiversity, Biofuels and Balancing Agendas

The World Bank Aliances Workshop

590 Protecting Wlidlife in a Changing Climate: The role of international wildlife treaties

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

Knowledge Cafe

598 Engaging Indigenous Leaders in Climate Change: Ensuring a voice in developing solutions

Conservation International (CI) Poble UNDP

14 February 2008 Page 2 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

611 Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD): Moving the Negotiations Forward

Environmental Defense Aliances Workshop

633 Preliminary results on Andorran temperature reconstruction

Societat Andorrana de Ciències (SAC)


636 Applications of climate-related traditional knowledge of indigenous and local communities for climate change mitigation and adaptation

Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy - CEESP/IUCN

Aliances Workshop

654 Gestión territorial del riesgo y adaptación al cambio climático


Aliances Workshop

659 Bringing Values and Principles of Sustainability into Education – an Earth Charter Learning Opportunity

Earth Charter International (ECI) Combined workshop

659 Bringing Values and Principles of Sustainability into Education

Earth Charter International (ECI) Aliances Workshop

680 The energy saving potential of new energy efficient lighting technology

Royal Philips (Philips) Poster

683 Experiences of Climate of Conjecture: A scenarios game to stimulate interest in future sustainability directions

Landcare Research Knowledge Cafe

715 Climate and Oceans, Science and Law Nicholas Policy Institute/ Duke University (NI)

Press event

741 Vulnerabilité et adaptation du littoral tunisien à l'élévation du niveau de la mer due aux changements climatiques

Association Les Amis des Oiseaux (A.A.O)

Knowledge Cafe

743 Investing in protected productive areas Earthmind Knowledge Cafe

748 Climate Change and the Voluntary Fire Management Actions Alliance

Fire Management Actions Alliance, Secretariat FAO (FMAA, FAO)

Aliances Workshop

758 Decentralization and water governance in Yemen Water and Environment Center- Sana´a University (WEC)

Knowledge Cafe

773 La cooperación española en Iberoamérica en materia de medio ambiente: el programa Araucaria XXI

Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (AECI)


789 Bridging Climate Change and Biodiversity Conservation - Using Global Level Ecosystem Services as Criteria for Conservation Priorities.

Jatun Sacha Foundation (JSF) Knowledge Cafe

822 Climate change and coral reef ecosystem Zoological Society of London (ZSL)

Combined workshop

864 Climate Change and Species Conservation Species Survival Commission - IUCN

IUCN Commission session

874 Urban Agriculture, how to Cope with City Climate Change

Thailand environment institute (tei)

Knowledge Cafe

886 Experiancias Locales Exitosas de Educación Ambiental para la Sustentabilidad en Latinoamerica

Comité Nacional pro Defensa de la Fauna y Flora. (CODEFF - Chile)

Knowledge Cafe

890 Gender and biodiversity conservation and management: communicating a lost world?

Both ENDS Aliances Workshop

893 A new climate for change-Uganda´s experience Ministry of Water and Environment (MW&E)

Knowledge Cafe

899 Turning the tide: A Pacific youth vision of leadership on climate change

Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Pr (SPREP)

Aliances Workshop

14 February 2008 Page 3 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

923 Vigilancia local para la incidencia regional Liga de Defensa del Medio Ambiente (LIDEMA)

Knowledge Cafe

980 Indigenous Peoples and Extractive Industries Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy - CEESP/IUCN

IUCN Commission session

986 Tourism in protected areas - Economic benefits to local communities?

German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)


1004 Energy, Climate Change and Biocultural Diversity Loss

Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy - CEESP/IUCN

IUCN Commission session

1006 Mobilising the Climate Revolution: what would Richard Sandbrook do?

Eden Project Pavilion

1014 La Planificación del Incremento de Conectividad en Paisajes Fragmentados como Mecanismo Preventivo para la Adaptación de las Especies a los Cambios Climáticos

Governo do Paraná Instituto Ambiental do Paraná (GOVPR - IAP )


1017 La contribución de los corredores ecológicos para la adaptación de especies para los cambios climáticos.

Governo do Paraná Instituto Ambiental do Paraná (GOVPR - IAP )

Knowledge Cafe

1021 Carbon Markets and Conservation The Nature Conservancy (TNC) As part of a Global Thematic Workshop

1033 Integrating Biodiversity and Indigenous Peoples issues in the Climate Change Agenda.

The World Bank Poble UNDP

1045 Confronting Climate Change Impacts on Marine Biodiversity: Identifying the next challenges in Marine Adaptation

Conservation International (CI) Combined workshop

1057 Action in Sustainability: thinking globally, acting locally

A natural resource / toch Knowledge Cafe

1078 La Mappa della Primavera (Map of Spring) LEGAMBIENTE O.N.L.U.S. (LEGAMBIENTE)


1087 Engaging Indigenous Peoples in Climate Change Conservation International (CI) Knowledge Cafe

1106 Desarrollando una agenda política sobre Cambio Climatico y Niñez en Sudamerica.

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Knowledge Cafe

1120 What Will it Cost to Make the World Protected Areas Network Resilient to Climate Change?

Conservation International (CI) Combined workshop

1126 Development of a Global Climate Agenda for Lake Regions

Global Nature Fund (GNF) Combined workshop

1127 Climate change and the role of protected areas The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Combined workshop

1130 Community-based approaches to climate change adaptation in wetland ecosystems

Wetlands International (WI) Poble UNDP

1132 Impacts of Trade and Climate Change Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)

Knowledge Cafe

1162 Globalization and Mega-projects: Cross-scale challenges to world conservation and global ecosystems.

Centro para la Sostenibilidad Ambiental - UPCH (CSA-UPCH)

Aliances Workshop

1163 Inventario de las lagunas glaciales de la Cordillera Real de Bolivia

Bolivian Mountain Institute (BMI) Poster

1164 Risk mitigation for biodiversity: sustainability standards for biofuel production

Öko-Institut Knowledge Cafe

1165 Sustainable dry lands management in Nigeria LIFE ENHANCEMENT ORGANISATION (LEO)

Knowledge Cafe

14 February 2008 Page 4 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

1178 An Energy hierarchy helping energy intensive industry to move towards more sustainable sources of energy

Holcim (Holcim) Aliances Workshop

1198 Mobile indigenous peoples governing the landscape: flexibility and resilience in the face of climate change.

Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy - CEESP/IUCN

Poble UNDP

1236 Biofuels – Potential, problems and solutions Commission on Environmental Law - CEL/IUCN

IUCN Commission session

1237 Climate and Security: Changes Towards Sustainable Development (Part 2)

Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy - CEESP/IUCN

IUCN Commission session

1250 Beyond protected areas, beyond conservation: the value of the ecosystem approach to broader debates

Commission on Ecosystem Management - CEM/IUCN

IUCN Commission session

1540 Youth and PAs World Commission on Protected Areas - IUCN

IUCN Commission session

14 February 2008 Page 5 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

Stream Healthy environments - healthy people

Code Title Organizer Type

World Conservation ForumList of accepted events by Thematic Stream

59 Sustainable development in “Brazilian Amazônia - a study of what happened in Lábrea - Amazon state (Brazil)

Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)


67 Conservation as an economic development factor: the example of the Brazilian ecological State value-added tax.

Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS)


71 Soil and water conservation for food security and rural livelihoods

S.K. University of Agricultural Sciences & Technol

Knowledge Cafe

87 The indigenous Methods of Conserving the Environment among the Luo fishermen of Lake Victoria, Kenya

Moi University, Kenya (MU) Poster

93 Declinación del desarrollo ambiental y económico de Atenquique

Instituto tecnológico de Cd. Guzmàn (ITCG)


94 Participatory Approach of Developing Alternative Livelihood Options for the Coastal Population for Sustainable Resource Management in the South-western Coastal Areas of Bangladesh

Urban and Rural Planning Discipline

Knowledge Cafe

99 Ecological Footprint: Linking Human Well-Being and Biological Capital

Global Footprint Network Aliances Workshop

108 Centro Tierra Sierra Gorda, Educación, Comunidad y Conservación

Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda I.A.P. (GESGIAP)


109 The Value of the ´One Health´ Entry Point for Facilitating Conservation and Development Success

Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)

Aliances Workshop

112 Ecoturismo en la Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra Gorda, México, Desarrollo y Conservación

Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda I.A.P. (GESGIAP)


113 Sustainable Papua Initiative Samdhana Institute Aliances Workshop

120 Interchange experiencies public-public and public-private for conservation

Empresa de Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Bogotá (EAAB)

Knowledge Cafe

121 Manejo Integrado de la cuenca Almendares-Vento en el marco del desarrollo local sostenible

Universidad Agraria de la Habana (UNAH)


131 Balancing local and global forest values in Congo Basin forest landscapes – a multi-stakeholder perspective

WWF Central Africa Regional Programme Office (WWF-CARPO)

As part of a Global Thematic Workshop

134 El Estado Ecológico de Derecho Sr Andres Mauricio Briceño Chaves

Knowledge Cafe

137 La escala de trabajo en manejo de fauna. Lo pequeño es hermoso.

Vicuñas, camelidos y ambiente, CONICET, UNLU (VICAM-CONICET-UNLU)

Knowledge Cafe

144 Réhabilitation des vertisols dégradés et abandonnés en région soudano – sahélienne

Centre d´Etude de l´Environnement et du Développem


145 Let´s work the Earth Charter Fundación Valores Knowledge Cafe

14 February 2008 Page 6 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

155 Desarrollo de Productos Ecosistémicos en la RBSG; Conservación y Opciones Económicas para Áreas de Extrema Pobreza.

Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda I.A.P. (GESGIAP)

Knowledge Cafe

157 The Global Avian Influenza Network for Surveillance (GAINS) Initiative: One Health in Action

IUCN/SSC/VSG Aliances Workshop

161 Wild and well: sustainable use in the herbal products industry

Medicinal Plant Specialist Group SSC-IUCN (MPSG)

Aliances Workshop

163 Uso de camelidos silvestres en paises andinos: hacia un paradigma de equidad, alianzas y participacion.

IUCN/SSC/SACSG Aliances Workshop

175 Community Management of Natural Resources around Mole National Park, Ghana

A. Rocha International Poster

186 Alianzas para la creacion de valor económico, social y ambiental

Fundacion Moises Bertoni Knowledge Cafe

201 Man and Nature: Improving Biodiversity and Landscape Quality on organic farms

Int Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) Mrs Louise W.M. Luttikholt

Aliances Workshop

202 Mainstreaming the Environment in Sport United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Aliances Workshop

203 Alternative Guarantee Systems to Promote Domestic Marketing of Organic Agriculture

Institute for Integrated Rural Development

Knowledge Cafe

206 Building Consensus for Multi-sectoral Approach to Preventing Human-Wildlife Conflict

Human-Wildlife Conflict Collaboration (HWCC)

As part of a Global Thematic Workshop

213 Guidelines for the sustainable development of aquaculture

European Bureau for Conservation and Development (EBCD)

Aliances Workshop

214 Certification of aquaculture products to ensure sustainable aquaculture

European Bureau for Conservation and Development (EBCD)

Combined workshop

235 Faith in the Future: Partnering with the largest Social Networks of the World - the Major Religions

Conservation International (CI) Aliances Workshop

236 A vote for future generations for safeguarding present resources

Mrs Marina Cracco Aliances Workshop

239 Integration of Ecosystem with Traditional Crop Conservation

IUCN/SSC Crop Wild Relative Specialist Group


242 Integration of Ecosystem with Crop Wild Relative Conservation

Miss Maria Fernanda Alegria Knowledge Cafe

250 Adapting to erratic rainfall in dryland ecosystems: Regaining the “lost” rains through supplemental irrigation

University of Peace Poster

255 Observatorio Ambiental sobre IIRSA, una propuesta regional sudamericana en construcción


Combined workshop

266 GEF and Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Production Landscape and Seascape

The Global Environment Facility Combined workshop

275 El impacto ecológico en los lugares receptores, a gran escala, de inmigración y turismo

Partit Verds d´Andorra Knowledge Cafe

281 Creating environmental clubs in ten selected secondary schools in Borno State, Nigeria

SUKUL Community Development Association

Knowledge Cafe

291 Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Aquatic Environment and Human Health

Scientific and Cultural Society of Pakistan

Knowledge Cafe

301 Conserving Island Biodiversity: Sharing Experiences, Informing Action

IUCN Knowledge Cafe

14 February 2008 Page 7 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

305 Healthy Parks Healthy People - a different approach to park management

Parks Victoria As part of a Global Thematic Workshop

307 Healthy Parks Healthy People - combining our experience

Parks Victoria Knowledge Cafe

314 Antelope conservation and sustainable development IUCN/SSC Antelope Specialist Group

Knowledge Cafe

315 Is there a future for development and environmental NGOs or will they have to merge?

IUCN, Regional Office for Europe Knowledge Cafe

316 The Poverty and Conservation Learning Group - What Have We Learned So Far?

International Institute for Environment and Devt. (IIED)

Knowledge Cafe

320 Valuing ecosystem services: from science to practice

Wageningen University (WUR) Aliances Workshop

321 Hunting aliens: Designing unsustainable use of invasive alien species

University of New South Wales (UNSW

Aliances Workshop

331 La radio rurale Feon’i Ankomba : symbole, exemple et outil de la gestion durable d’un Paysage Harmonieux Protégé

Association Fanamby Poster

332 Beyond nature deficit disorder – strategies for reversing the worldwide trend while reconnecting people with nature (CEC)

Commission on Education and Communication - CEC/IUCN

IUCN Commission session

333 Pioneering change – the value of new media (CEC) Commission on Education and Communication - CEC/IUCN

IUCN Commission session

334 Précieux sous-sol et « riches » territoires : Choix de sociétés?

Association Fanamby Poster

342 Citizen science contributions to conservation science and public policies

Muséum National d´Histoire Naturelle (MNHN)

Knowledge Cafe

343 Using Resilience Thinking to Solve Wicked Conservation Problems

Sand County Foundation (SCF) Aliances Workshop

353 Conservation in the Real World: Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Production Landscapes

The World Bank Aliances Workshop

359 Taller Cooperación Internacional Ambiental en el Espacio Iberoamericano

Comité Español UICN Knowledge Cafe

367 Health RIsks Connected with the Antropogenic Pollution

Association for Sustainable Human Development

Knowledge Cafe

390 Nature Conservation as an Instrument for Poverty Reduction

German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)

Knowledge Cafe

393 PRESENCE – Participatory Restoration of Ecosystem SErvices and Natural Capital (Eastern Cape)

EarthCollective Poster

394 Eyes4earth: visualising the importance of ecosystem services & biodiversity to human health & well-being

EarthCollective Poster

398 EarthCollective: Postive ideas. Happening. EarthCollective Poster

401 Healthy ecosystems for healthy agricultural production

The World Bank Aliances Workshop

405 Accountability in Governance for Biodiversity Conservation

Alaska Pacific University Aliances Workshop

406 Fishing for Sustainability: Challenges of Fisheries Subsidies Reform

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Aliances Workshop

423 Mineral Resources & Protected Areas : Integrating Land-Use Planning

International Council on Mining & Metals

Combined workshop

14 February 2008 Page 8 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

425 Bridging the gap between agriculture and nature conservation

Bioversity International (Bioversity)

Aliances Workshop

431 Pêche et biodiversité marine en Afrique de l´ouest Programme regionale de conservation AO (PRCM)

Aliances Workshop

433 présentation du Programme Régional de conservation de la zone côtière et marine- Afrique de l´ouest

Programme regionale de conservation AO (PRCM)


439 Exploring opportunities and weaknesses of a pension scheme that engages rural people in reforestation.

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Knowledge Cafe

441 L´initiative du Programme Régional de Conservation de la zoe côtière et marine en Afrique de l´ouest

Programme regionale de conservation AO (PRCM)

Aliances Workshop

446 Sustainable Hunting Tourism - A valuable tool for conservation and sustainable development!

IUCN Aliances Workshop

447 Certifying commodities, beauty or beast? IUCN National Committee of the Netherlands

Aliances Workshop

449 Conservation, human rights and human wellbeing Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy - CEESP/IUCN

Poble UNDP

450 Training the Trainers to value and finance Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital.

Triple E Aliances Workshop

459 Small and medium-sized enterprises and biodiversity conservation

Fauna & Flora International Knowledge Cafe

484 Common Agenda between Indigenous Peoples and Conservation:

Conservation International (CI) Poble UNDP

494 Working with loggers to ensure sustainable practices

Rainforest Alliance, Inc Aliances Workshop

495 Caring for the Blue Planet, you can make a difference - A Passport of a Citizen of the Ocean

World Ocean Network (WON) Poster

498 Poverty Reduction, Development and Sustainable Fisheries Management - Policy Challenges and Opportunities

World Wildlife Fund - US (WWF-US)

Aliances Workshop

506 How can we achieve ocean sustainability by promoting the citizenship of the ocean?

World Ocean Network (WON) Pavilion

507 Tools to Measure Your Impact World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

Aliances Workshop

514 Environmental health and wealth: Innovations from conservation through use

World Conservation Union (SSC-ESUSG) (IUCN/SSC-ESUSG)

Aliances Workshop

516 Voice of the Voiceless Southern African Sustainable Use Specialist Group (SASUSG)

Aliances Workshop

519 Protected areas, equity and livelihoods: assessing social impacts and operationalising the "do no harm" principle

CARE International Combined workshop

521 PES: How to turn value into real money Conservation International (CI) Knowledge Cafe

527 Livelihood Impacts of Protected Areas - Developing a Code of Conduct for Conservation Organisations

International Institute for Environment and Devt. (IIED)

Knowledge Cafe

531 Resilience – sustaining environments and people through change

Coastal Oceans Research and Development, Indian Oc (CORDIO)

Aliances Workshop

532 Visualising Ecosystem Services / Putting ES on the Map

Conservation International (CI) Aliances Workshop

14 February 2008 Page 9 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

546 Amalindas Story - People, Livestock and Conservation in the GLTFCA

Institute of Natural Resources Poster

547 The Social, Cultural and Economic Benefits and Costs of PAs at Local Level: How do PAs Reduce/Exacerbate Poverty?

CARE International Combined workshop

553 Modelo de política municipal hacia el desarrollo sostenible de un pueblo pequeño (hasta 10.000 habitantes) del Sureste de España.

Levante Sostenible Poster

560 drinking water Save-the-nature "NGO" Knowledge Cafe

561 Valuing natural capital – overcoming barriers to market valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services.

FFI Aliances Workshop

566 Following the Nature, Wealth and Power trinity to healthy environments and healthy people

Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)

Aliances Workshop

569 Ejemplo de co-manejo en un área protegida y sitio RAMSAR en Buenos Aires, Argentina

Centro Desarrollo y Pesca Sustentable

Knowledge Cafe

572 Taller sobre el Sistema de Humedales Paraguay-Paraná: construyendo un programa regional de sustentabilidad y equidad.

Mr Peter Kostishack Aliances Workshop

575 La Conservación privada como herramienta para el logro de la sustentabilidad ambiental, social y económica

Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN)

Aliances Workshop

577 SERVIR: An Earth Observation, Monitoring, and Visualization System: Ecoregional Assessments for the Greater Caribbean Basin

US National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration


581 Population, Health and Environment – Value Added from an Integrated Development Strategy

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (WWICS)

Aliances Workshop

593 Las Áreas de Protección de la Categoría VI , hacia una acción global estratégica de la UICN

Centro dos Trabalhadores da Amazônia (CTA)

Aliances Workshop

600 Assessing the business risk and opportunities associated with ecosystem change

World Resources Institute (WRI) Aliances Workshop

601 Linking Ecosystem Services and Development: Tools for public sector decision makers

World Resources Institute (WRI) Aliances Workshop

602 Sustaining our future: young people in action AEGEE European Students´ Forum

Knowledge Cafe

604 Biofuels, Deforestation and Global Tree Cover Change

World Resources Institute (WRI) Aliances Workshop

609 Prospects for South America: Scenario Building to Analyze Impacts from Infrastructure and Global Warming

National Wildlife Federation Aliances Workshop

610 Environment, Development, and Sustainable Peace: Finding Paths to Environmental Peacemaking

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (WWICS)

Combined workshop

613 Safeguarding the Environment and Life from Chemical Risks: Models of Partnerships and Mainstreaming for Global and Local Benefits

The World Bank Aliances Workshop

614 Life as Commerce? Market-based conservation mechanisms, community governance and Indigenous Peoples´rights

Global Forest Coalition Poble UNDP

625 Desarrojo Local y Inclusión Social de Jovenes: El Ecomercado de Trabajo en áreas periurbanas

Instituto Florestal (IF) Poster

626 Synergy between Economic and Ecological Justice McGill School of Environment (MSE)

Aliances Workshop

14 February 2008 Page 10 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

635 Alianza para lograr el manejo sustentable de la Cuenca del Rio Grande, Jujuy, Argentina

Asociación Civil los Algarrobos Knowledge Cafe

637 Liability and Redress in the Context of the Biosafety Protocol: Addressing the Challenges

Foundation for International Environmental Law & D (FIELD)

Knowledge Cafe

648 Using tourism concessions to improve protected area management and funding, build conservation constituencies and improve livelihoods

Conservation International (CI) Combined workshop

649 Participatory management councils for protected areas

Conservation International (CI) Aliances Workshop

656 Towards the reduction of impacts along the life cycle of goods and services

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Knowledge Cafe

661 Lighthouses of Hope and Beacons of Inspiration – A Recognition Program for Values and Principles of Sustainability (“Earth Charter in Action”)

Earth Charter International (ECI) Combined workshop

666 Strategic Partnerships for A Diverse and Sustainable World: Developing a Knowledge Network of Protected Areas, Food Producers, and Craftspeople

University of Vermont (UVM) Combined workshop

669 Green aquaculture - an alternative to commercial aquaculture

Prakriti Trust (P.T.) Combined workshop

676 Participation in Practice: Participatory Environmental Planning in the Seymarehe River Basin

Environmental Science Research Institute of Shahi (ESRI-SBU)

Knowledge Cafe

682 Educación para la sustentabilidad, un espacio en la nueva escuela

Universidad Simón Rodríguez (UNESR)


687 La préservation de l´environnement par la gestion des ordures ménagère.

Association Malienne de Savoir Construire (AMSC - ONG)


696 Cogeneration In A Sugar Mill Through Bagasse Drying – A Case Study

College of Engineering, Kopargaon (SRESCOE)


702 Wild Plants for Food and Medicine Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI)

As part of a Global Thematic Workshop

723 Emerging threats to biodiversity - Pharmaceuticals in the Environment

Zoological Society of London (ZSL)

Aliances Workshop

729 An approach to conservation from the legal aspect: urban nature in Turkey

Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University (COMU)


738 Sistemas silvopastoriles en trópico seco: construcción participativa del conocimiento para evaluar sostenibilidad y gobernanza locales

Centre de Recerca Ecologica i Aplicacions Forestal (CREAF)


764 Experiencias de desarrollo sostenible en áreas protegidas: la biodiversidad como base del desarrollo humano.

Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (AECI)

Knowledge Cafe

765 El turismo como herramienta de desarrollo sostenible: experiencias de la cooperación española.

Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (AECI)

Aliances Workshop

766 Oportunidades de financiación de proyectos ambientales en la Cooperación Española.

Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (AECI)

Aliances Workshop

768 La Cooperación Española y el Medio Ambiente Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (AECI)


769 Programa Azahar: la cooperación española en materia de medio ambiente en la cuenca mediterránea.

Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (AECI)


770 Multidisciplinary research by University of Aarhus, Denmark<br>

University of Aarhus, Denmark (AU, Denmark)


771 Capacity development and teaching by University of Aarhus Denmark<br>

University of Aarhus, Denmark (AU, Denmark)


14 February 2008 Page 11 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

772 Innovation, business collaboration and technology transfer by University of Aarhus Denmark

University of Aarhus, Denmark (AU, Denmark)


777 Con, por y para la gente: Conservación Moderna en México

Comision Nacional de Areas Naturales Protegidas (CONANP)


782 Profitable Environmental Management in Morocco: State of the art and perspectives to clean the northern regions

Association de Gestion Environnemetale Profitable (GEP-MAROC)

Knowledge Cafe

784 Utilizing and scaling up place-based, collaborative strategies to impact the regional and landscape level

USDA Forest Scervice (USFS) Aliances Workshop

792 Business as Unusual: Multi-stakeholder Partnerships in Action - identifying success factors, measuring of impact, strategies for scaling up and replication

The SEED Initiative (SEED) Aliances Workshop

810 Ecosystem Services in International Trade - Towards an Integrated Trading System

Specialist Group on Environment and Trade - CEL (CEL-SGET)

Knowledge Cafe

812 The Normative Environment of Trade for Local Sustainable Development: Exploring legal/institutional conditions that affect local sustainable development with strong international trade components.

Specialist Group on Environment and Trade - CEL (CEL-SGET)

Knowledge Cafe


Corporación de Gestión y Derecho Ambiental ECOLEX (ECOLEX)

Knowledge Cafe

823 Un fondo de agua, como un mecanismo financiero para la conservación.



827 Improving human well-being and ecological integrity through effective, efficient, engaging ecological restoration.

Parks Canada Agency (PCA) Aliances Workshop

828 Big enterprises: diminishing negative impacts through integrated network actions.

M. Edilson Esteves Edilson Poster

834 Promoting best practice for biodiversity conservation across the wider oil and gas industry

International Petroleum Industry Environmental Con (IPIECA)

Aliances Workshop

837 How to build support for grassroots environmental stewardship.

Global Greengrants Fund Poble UNDP

845 Eat like an animal to save the seas Centro para la Sostenibilidad Ambiental - UPCH (CSA-UPCH)

Combined workshop

845 Eat like an animal to save the seas Centro para la Sostenibilidad Ambiental - UPCH (CSA-UPCH)

Combined workshop

847 Uso sostenible de los recursos de la biodiversidad para la comunidad del entorno del Parque de Estado del Guartelá - Paraná, Brasil

Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda I.A.P. (GESGIAP)


848 The US EPA’s Multidisciplinary Approach to Examining the Links Between Biodiversity and Human Health

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)


849 Examining the Links Between Biodiversity and Human Health: a Multidisciplinary Approach

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Knowledge Cafe

857 Measuring the impact of community engagement for conservation: Part 1: the need for community integration

Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust (Durrell)

Combined workshop

858 Quand les communautés s´expriment... pauvreté et développement durable vu et raconté par ceux qui le(s) vivent…

EDUCOM environnement Aliances Workshop

867 What Species bring to Human Livelihoods Species Survival Commission - IUCN

IUCN Commission session

14 February 2008 Page 12 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

869 Working in a World of Conservation and Development Trade-offs

Global Institute of Sustainability (GIOS)

Aliances Workshop


Qarshi Research International (QRI)

Knowledge Cafe

876 Los grandes ríos y sus llanuras de inundación: ecosistemas únicos, oportunidades únicas


Aliances Workshop

879 Áreas de Conservación Comunitaria, gobernabilidad y mercado, el caso de Lachiguiri y Guienagati en Oaxaca, México

Comision Nacional de Areas Naturales Protegidas (CONANP)

Knowledge Cafe

891 Green Curtain Project –An Initiative by the Business which are Harmonious to the Ecosystem –

Hitachi Chemical Co., Ltd. (HCC) Knowledge Cafe

911 Ecosystem-based management for the seas: a planning application on marine biodiversity and fishery production

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Poster

930 Traditional Commercial Practices in wetlands for poverty elimination- a case study from West Bengal, India

Prakriti Trust (P.T.) Poster

931 Education for Sustainability and the Next Generation: Promoting a Culture of Sustainable Consumption

Mr Philip Osano Aliances Workshop

935 Planning Sustainable Cities in Africa: Strategies Towards Social Harmony

University of Aarhus, Denmark (AU, Denmark)

Knowledge Cafe

954 What is a rights-based approach to conservation and how can it be applied in practice?

Commission on Environmental Law - CEL/IUCN

Aliances Workshop

960 Responsabilidade pós-consumo: mecanismo jurídoco para promover o desenvolvimento sustentàvel

Governo do Paraná Instituto Ambiental do Paraná (GOVPR - IAP )


972 Ecotherapy workshop-healing ourselves-healing the Nature.

Ecoforestry Union of Finland (EFUF)


974 Fortalecimiento de Actores locales para la sostenibilidad del agua y la biodiversidad en América del Sur

IUCN As part of a Global Thematic Workshop

981 Mancomunidad Cabeceras del Amazonas-Subregión Cochabamba/Bolivia: promoviendo la conservación de la Biodiversidad localmente

Comisión de Políticas Ambientales, Económicas y So (CPAES-UICN)

Knowledge Cafe

987 World heritage sites in Egypt: Climatic changes, fossil records and human settlement between the borders of eastern Sahara

Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA)


991 World Ocean Day World Ocean Network (WON) Pavilion

993 Social Tourism in the National Park of the Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Dept de Turismo da Universidade Federal Fluminense (STT/UFF)


1018 Entornos sanos para cuerpos y mentes sanas Institut Nacional d´Educació Física de Catalunya (INEFC )

Aliances Workshop

1022 Creating a Global Approach to Mitigation of Wetland Loss

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Aliances Workshop

1026 Aportes político culturales a la gestión ambiental sustentable: territorios Mapuce en Argentina

Dirección de Pueblos Originarios y Recursos Natura (DIPOREN)

Poble UNDP

1027 La conservación al servicio de las comunidades. Fundación Antonio Núñez Jiménez (FANJ)

Knowledge Cafe

1029 Stakeholder Engagement and Environmental Challenges in Corporate Projects in Latin America

Living Earth Foundation (LEF) Aliances Workshop

14 February 2008 Page 13 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

1030 Exploring Partnerships to Sustain Rural Community Development

Japan Committee for IUCN Knowledge Cafe

1031 Alianzas entre organizaciones de surf para la protección de las zonas costeras y ambientes marinos en América Latina

Srta Miriam Marjorie Cargnin Prefeitura Municipal de Curitiba - SMMA (SMMA)

Knowledge Cafe

1032 Protected Areas for Life: Safeguarding the Long-term Financial Sustainability of Protected Areas

Instituto Nacional de Recursos Naturales (INRENA)

Combined workshop

1042 Ecosistema manglar en Nicaragua: lucha entre la sostenibilidad y la explotacion.

University of Aarhus, Denmark (AU, Denmark)


1051 The Macroeconomic Connection: Monetary and Fiscal Policies for Sustainability in Latin America (CEESP)

Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy - CEESP/IUCN

IUCN Commission session

1053 Transboundary Watershed Connections: Our Unified Focus on Quality

A natural resource / toch Poster

1056 Too much or too little: A Catalyst for Change A natural resource / toch Poster

1062 Advancing Conservation in a Social Context (ACSC) in Vietnam

Centre for Nat. Resources & Environ. Studies, VNU (CRES)


1064 Sustainable Participatory Management of Water and Natural Resources in the Marwar Region of the Thar Desert, Western Rajasthan, India<br>

Jal Bhagirathi Foundation (JBF) Poster

1065 Contribution of protected areas to national economies and to human wellbeing

Fundación para el Desarrollo del SNAP (FUNDESNAP)

Combined workshop

1068 Simulation modeling of conservation and development landscapes

Samdhana Institute Knowledge Cafe

1071 Replicable models of participatory natural resource management in the Thar Desert in Western Rajasthan, India

Jal Bhagirathi Foundation (JBF) Knowledge Cafe

1092 Measuring the impact of community engagement for biodiversity conservation: Part 2: meeting conservation objectives

Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust (Durrell)

Combined workshop

1102 Protecting Freshwater Ecosystems and Meeting the Needs of the World’s Growing Urban Population

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Aliances Workshop

1104 Lessons learned from bold efforts to promote comprehensive marine management around the world

Conservation International (CI) Combined workshop

1111 Natural resources for peacebuilding United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Combined workshop

1112 Engaging Multi-stakeholder Dialogue Processes For Productive Business and Ecosystems

The Keystone Center (TKC) As part of a Global Thematic Workshop

1125 Shedding Light onto Investment Arbitration Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)

Knowledge Cafe

1129 Environmental (In)Justice: it is a reality in Latin America?

Programa de Pósgraduação EICOS da UFRJ (EICOS/UFRJ)


1156 Working on Conservation with the oil industry: the case of Colombia and the National Hydrocarbons Agency

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Knowledge Cafe

1157 Points of entry: Reforming environmental governance and improving livelihoods through increased public access to decision-making

World Resources Institute (WRI) Aliances Workshop

1166 Environmental quality as a tool to support sustainable and adaptive management in small islands: a guideline proposal

Agenzia per la Protezione dell´Ambiente (APAT)


14 February 2008 Page 14 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

1169 Protected Areas and International Conflict: Exploring Transboundary Conservation

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Knowledge Cafe

1176 Strategies and tools for community knowledge sharing for agriculture, rural development and biodiversity conservation

Ecoagriculture Partners (EP) Knowledge Cafe

1180 Benefiting local communities through micro-enterprise development

Holcim (Holcim) Aliances Workshop

1182 Conservation Organizations and Agriculture: Who’s doing what and how?

Ecoagriculture Partners (EP) Aliances Workshop

1191 Land Tenure, Resource Rights and Conservation: Links, Experience and New Directions

World Wildlife Fund - US (WWF-US)

Aliances Workshop

1200 Rethinking Conservation through the lens of ‘Food Sovereignty’: implications for policy and practice (CEESP)

Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy - CEESP/IUCN

IUCN Commission session

1206 Maori Community Goals for Enhancing Ecosystem Health

He Oranga mo nga Uri Tuku Iho Trust (He Oranga Trust)

Poble UNDP

1210 Conservación transfronteriza y protección de pueblos indígenas en la Amazonía

The ZERI Foundation Knowledge Cafe

1216 Traditional Knowledge and Collaboration for Enhancing Ecosystem Health

He Oranga mo nga Uri Tuku Iho Trust (He Oranga Trust)


1223 Community and Science Collaboration for Enhancing Ecosystem Health

He Oranga mo nga Uri Tuku Iho Trust (He Oranga Trust)

Knowledge Cafe

1231 Communicating concepts of climate change to local communities: promoting awareness and participation for sustainable livelihoods

CEC (Eastern Africa) Poster

1234 Approaches to Environmental Law to Manage the Soil Ecosystem and Biodiversity Security (CEL)

Commission on Environmental Law - CEL/IUCN

IUCN Commission session

1235 Armed Conflict and Environment: Protecting the Environment During War and Improving Post-Conflict Natural Resource Management (CEL)

Commission on Environmental Law - CEL/IUCN

IUCN Commission session

1238 International Ocean Governance : Towards Sustainable Seas and Healthy Communities (CEL)

Commission on Environmental Law - CEL/IUCN

IUCN Commission session

1239 How can ethics help the IUCN better achieve practical and enduring conservation outcomes?

Commission on Environmental Law - CEL/IUCN

IUCN Commission session

1245 New vision in global environmental policy: Healthy environment for biodiversity conservation and human development

Mr Vladimir Moshkalo - on Behalf of AlexeiYablokov

Aliances Workshop

1246 The Ecosystem Approach: Framework, Application and Emerging issues

Commission on Ecosystem Management - CEM/IUCN

IUCN Commission session

1251 Concluding session CEM – pulling out key themes from 5 other workshops and linking to 2009-2012 programme

Commission on Ecosystem Management - CEM/IUCN

IUCN Commission session

1539 Conservation Planning (WCPA) World Commission on Protected Areas - IUCN

IUCN Commission session

1541 Splash (WCPA) ?? World Commission on Protected Areas - IUCN

IUCN Commission session

14 February 2008 Page 15 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

Stream Safeguarding the diversity of life

Code Title Organizer Type

World Conservation ForumList of accepted events by Thematic Stream

48 Religion and Biodiversity in a Sustainable World Mr Tom Baugh Knowledge Cafe

49 Biodiversity conservation in India through indigenous knowledge and community participation

Carman Residential & Day School

Knowledge Cafe

54 Building stakeholder networks for the conservation of endangered species and habitats

Seoul National University Knowledge Cafe

56 Conservation of Pollinator Diversity--Why and How? CCS Haryana Agricultural University,Hisar(India)

Knowledge Cafe

63 La protección en las áreas montañosas del Noroeste Argentino y las nuevas amenazas

Fundación Miguel Lillo (FML) Poster

69 Threat criteria and protected area status rules for ecological communities: a case study from New South Wales, Australia

Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust Sydney (BGT)


70 Conservation du lamantin d’Afrique (Trichechus senegalensis) le long du littoral guinéen

Centre National Sciences Halieutiques Boussoura (CNSHB)


74 Developing a campaign for the protection of Europe´s wilderness

PAN Parks Foundation (PPF) Aliances Workshop

75 Managing the world´s most complex marine ecosystem - lessons leant for the world´s oceans

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

Combined workshop

75 Managing the world´s most complex marine ecosystem - lessons leant for the world´s oceans

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

Combined workshop

76 Contribución de las áreas protegidas españolas a alcanzar la meta del 2010


Aliances Workshop

78 Networking land stewardship initiatives at the international level

Fundació Territori i Paisatge (FTiP)

Aliances Workshop

83 Biodiversity in India Bankura Christian College Knowledge Cafe

84 Parc National Pendjari, Bénin: Protéger conjointement au bénéfice de l´Homme et la Nature

Centre National de Gestion des Réserves de Faune (CENAGREF)


88 Local authorities, biodiversity of and IUCN governance

Comité National de l'UICN (COMITE UICN)

Aliances Workshop

95 Redes de Alianzas Estrategicas para la Cooperación Internacional

Federación Internacional de Sociedades Científicas

Knowledge Cafe

103 How to make Business Leaders Leaders for Nature IUCN National Committee of the Netherlands

Aliances Workshop

104 Managing functional units to conserve species: new and old challenges in a changing worl

IUCN/SSC Cetacean Specialist Group; Conservation International (CI)

As part of a Global Thematic Workshop

114 Conserving desert wildlife in the Sahara, the hottest hotspot of them all.

Sahara Conservation Fund (SCF) Poster

115 Shark Conservation in Europe - Opportunity or Missed Chance?

Pew Environment Group Combined workshop

14 February 2008 Page 16 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

116 Ecotourism development for sustainable protected areas ecosystem management through community participation

Kenya Wildlife Service Knowledge Cafe

118 Environmental efficient project: A new perspective for handicapped people in protected areas

Fundação Florestal Poster

119 Educacion Ambiental Comunitaria para Conservacion Fauna Silvestre

AC Los Frontinos de Cubiro (ACGEELFC)

Knowledge Cafe

124 Compartiendo modelos innovadores de emprendedurismo para la conservación marina

Cooperativa Autogestionaria de Servicios Prof. (CoopeSoliDar R.L)

Knowledge Cafe

126 La Educación Ambiental como herramienta para la Conservación de la Natureleza en el ámbito de los países lusófonos

Centro de Extensión Universitaria e Divulgación Am

Knowledge Cafe

136 La educación ambiental como un componente esencial para el manejo de vicuñas silvestres en los Andes

Vicuñas, camelidos y ambiente, CONICET, UNLU (VICAM-CONICET-UNLU)

Knowledge Cafe

140 Cultural Action for Conservation in Indigenous Domains

CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems;

Combined workshop

143 Carteles persuasivos de humor gráfico en un plan de intervención psicosocial y medioambiental

Fundación Andaluza Fondo de Formación y Empleo (Faffe)


146 The Status of the World Mammals: a comprehensive assessment of species ecology, threats and conservation measures.

Conservation International (CI) As part of a Global Thematic Workshop

147 Examining the Links between Biodiversity, Conservation, and Sustainability through Biomimicry while using Natures 100 Best

The ZERI Foundation Aliances Workshop

148 Strengthening the Links between Biodiversity, Conservation, and Sustainability through Biomimicry while using Natures 100 Best

The ZERI Foundation Knowledge Cafe

149 Innovations Inspired by Nature The ZERI Foundation Knowledge Cafe

165 Conservation and Livelihoods in Production Landscapes: Coffee and cocoa consumers push sustainability in tropical agriculture

Rainforest Alliance, Inc Aliances Workshop

167 Baseline Criteria for Sustainable Tourism Certification

Rainforest Alliance, Inc Combined workshop

168 Grasscutter farming: Opportunities for food income and endangered specie conservation in forest communities

Center for Secure Health and Environment Dev

Knowledge Cafe

173 Espacios naturales y rurales periurbanos, un elemento clave para la sostenibidad

Federación Europea de Espacios Naturales y Rurales (FEDENATUR)

Aliances Workshop

174 Halting Biodiversity Loss in the Mediterranean Basin A. Rocha International Poster

176 Développement des nouveaux outils de financement de la conservation de la biodiversité en Afrique.

Agence Française de Développement

Aliances Workshop

177 Regards sur 10 ans d’expériences de projets d’Aires Marines Protégées du FFEM

Agence Française de Développement

Combined workshop

178 La gouvernance des aires protegees de categorie 2 : solidarite ecologique, integration regionale et cooperation transfrontaliere

Ministere de l´ecologie, du développement et de l´ (MEDAD)

Aliances Workshop

180 Nature conservation governance in European Union and Africa: A case study regarding Portugal and Mozambique

Ana Virus Poster

181 A Golden Green Chance: Landscape auctions as a tool to sustainably finance nature conservation.

Triple E Poster

14 February 2008 Page 17 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

182 Measuring and Monitoring Status and Trends in Biocultural Safeguarding the diversity of Life: Global and Local Indicators

Terralingua (TL) Aliances Workshop

183 Creating, Managing and Evaluating Effective Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and Networks for Cetaceans

IUCN/SSC Cetacean Specialist Group; Conservation International (CI)

Combined workshop

184 Le programme petites initiatives (PPI) : un outil de financement original et souple, destiné aux petites ONG pour la préservation de la biodiversité

Comité National de l'UICN (COMITE UICN)

Aliances Workshop

188 Ecosystem-Based Management of Fisheries in the Mediterranean: closing the gap between theory and practice – a workshop for potential practitioners.

WWF Mediterranean Programme (WWF MEDPO)

Aliances Workshop

191 Towards a Global Partnership for Sacred Natural Sites - Supporting the conservation of bioSafeguarding the diversity of Life and culture(Part 1)

Cultural and Spiritual Values Task Force (CSVPA-WCPA)

Aliances Workshop

192 Riesgo de extinción de ecosistemas terrestres: métodos cuantitativos para apoyar definición de prioridades de conservación

PROVITA Aliances Workshop

193 Contribution a la mise en place d´un plan de gestion prealable a la creation d´un espace transfrontalier entre le Benin et le Togo sur le fleuve mono: Protection des populations d´hippopotames

Association Vive le Paysan Nouveau

Knowledge Cafe

195 Les pêcheries artisanales maritimes en Afrique de l´Ouest: quelle gestion proposer? Etude de cas du Sénégal

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement


198 Création d´un réseau pyrénéen transfrontalier d´espaces naturels protégés

Office national des forêts (ONF) Knowledge Cafe

198 Création d´un réseau pyrénéen transfrontalier d´espaces naturels protégés

Office national des forêts (ONF) Aliances Workshop

200 Evaluating Marine Protected Area Management Effectiveness. From the single MPA to a national network of MPAs.

WWF - Miramare Marine Protected Are

Knowledge Cafe

209 Valuing Nature, Valuing Networks, Valuing People - a collaboration between Eurosite and The EUROPARC Federation

Eurosite Aliances Workshop

210 L´Observatoire des zones humides méditerranéennes : une initiative collaborative pour alimenter et influencer les politiques publiques

Fondation Sansouire - Tour du Valat

Knowledge Cafe

212 Résultats du processus consultatif vers un IMoSEB Institut français de la Biodiversité (IFB - IMoSEB consultative process)

Aliances Workshop

215 Addressing the problem of by-catch and discards European Bureau for Conservation and Development (EBCD)

Combined workshop

216 IUU and flag state responsibility European Bureau for Conservation and Development (EBCD)

Combined workshop

217 Shark fining European Bureau for Conservation and Development (EBCD)

Combined workshop

218 Achieving sustainable fisheries in the high seas European Bureau for Conservation and Development (EBCD)

Combined workshop

223 Building Public Support for Protected Areas World Commission on Protected Areas Australia NZ (WCPA Aust and NZ)

Aliances Workshop

14 February 2008 Page 18 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

224 Carbon Revenue Opportunities for Protected Areas World Commission on Protected Areas Australia NZ (WCPA Aust and NZ)

Combined workshop

228 Private Sector Decision Tools to Safeguard the Diversity of Life: Conservation International’s experience

Conservation International (CI) Poster

233 Global Earth Observations: Safeguarding Diversity in Protected Areas

US National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration

Knowledge Cafe

240 A Sustainable Future for the Mediterranean - Empowering Civil Society to play its role

WWF Mediterranean Programme (WWF MEDPO)

Knowledge Cafe

241 Saving birds, conserving sites and empowering people in a changing world

BirdLife International Knowledge Cafe

249 Iguanas of the World IUCN/SSC Iguana Specialist Group


253 Custodia marina, la conservación privada del mar Xarxa de Custòdia del Territori Aliances Workshop

256 Professional Issues for Ecologists and Environmental Managers

Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management

Combined workshop

257 Ecological Aspects of Environmental Impact Analysis Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management

Combined workshop

258 Ecological and Environmental Management Skills to fulfill the Barcelona Legacy - are they available?

Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management

Knowledge Cafe

259 Climate Friendly National Parks in the United States - Fostering Climate Change Interpretation and Citizen Engagement

U.S. National Park Service Combined workshop

261 Good governance and management of the wildlife trade

Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)

Combined workshop

262 Measuring the impact of protected areas in poverty alleviation

Mrs Marina Cracco Knowledge Cafe

264 Communities Exporting NTFP from the Mayan Biosphere

University of Peace Poster

265 The BioSafeguarding the diversity of Life Information for Development (BID) tool

Conservation International (CI) Aliances Workshop

269 GEF’s New Strategy and Focus on Integrated Approach for Natural Resources Management

The Global Environment Facility Combined workshop

270 The blossoming world University of Peace Poster

272 Global Progress with the implementation of the CBD Program of Work on Protected Areas

Conservation International Andes Combined workshop

274 Saving of declining plant diversity found in wetland eco-system

Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya


276 WWF Mediterranean Initiative: a new approach to the conservation of the Mediterranean region

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

Aliances Workshop

279 Exposición de Andorra Institut d´Estudis Andorrans Poster

280 Island biodiversity - issues and opportunities Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles (NPTS)

Aliances Workshop

282 Planning to save a species: a growing consensus to serve a diverse and sustainable world

Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)

Aliances Workshop

284 Sustainably funding the Banc d´Arguin National Park, Mauritania : the fishing industry among the donors

Parc National du Banc d´Arguin Knowledge Cafe

286 Las Mujeres Indígenas en los Escenarios de la Biodiversidad

Fundación Natura Colombia (FNC)

Aliances Workshop

14 February 2008 Page 19 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

290 Lessons learned from the Pacific Invasives Initiative (PII): A planning and implementation kit for site-based invasive species

IUCN SSC/ISSG Aliances Workshop

299 Locally Managed Marine Areas: Sharing Experiences, Informing Action

IUCN Knowledge Cafe

300 Managing Invasive Species: Sharing Experiences, Informing Action

IUCN Knowledge Cafe

302 Marine Conservation: Facilitated Planning Exercise IUCN Knowledge Cafe

303 Pacific Islands Action Strategy for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas

IUCN Aliances Workshop

309 Dugong Conservation Network Workshop in Barcelona

Japan Committee for IUCN Knowledge Cafe

310 Networking meeting for civil participation to CBD Japan Committee for IUCN Knowledge Cafe

311 Travelife and The Sustainability Store - A one-stop-shop for tourism businesses who want to improve their sustainability.

Federation of Tour Operators (FTO)

Aliances Workshop

317 Animal welfare and conservation: conflict or convergence?

FFI Aliances Workshop

319 World Heritage as a contribution to the 2010 target German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)

Aliances Workshop

322 Paysages Harmonieux Protégés: Des femmes et hommes maîtres du développement local durable et gardiens du patrimoine naturel-culturel

Association Fanamby Poster

323 Traslocación y Repoblamiento de Vizcachas (Lagostomus maximus) en Parque Nacional El Palmar

Parque Nacional El Palmar Poster

325 Conservation Education and Communication: exploring tools to engage communities in conservation through African in-situ projects.

Mrs Barbara Cartwright Aliances Workshop

326 The Ecological Network of the Alps: An Example for Regional Networking

German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)

Aliances Workshop

327 Beyond Jargon – the next generation of communication strategies for a sustainable world

Commission on Education and Communication - CEC/IUCN

IUCN Commission session

329 Suivi écologique participatif par géophotographie: Un outil communautaire pour appuyer la gestion territorial en milieu rural illetré

Association Fanamby Poster

337 The grubby, dog-eared books that feed conservation movements

The World Bank Knowledge Cafe

338 Presentación de las áreas importantes, en el mar, para las aves marinas de España y Portugal

Sociedad Española de Ornitología

Knowledge Cafe

339 Addressing Intentional Endangerment Mr John Wall Aliances Workshop

340 DOI-ITAP: Long Term Success in Conservation of Natural and Cultural Resources Worldwide

US - Dept of Interior Poster

349 Spiritual Capital – The Role of Sacred Landscapes in Sustaining Biocultural Safeguarding the diversity of Life

The Christensen Fund (TCF) Aliances Workshop

352 Progress Towards the 2010 Target: Establishing networks for reporting and informing bioSafeguarding the diversity of Life conservation decision making

Conservation International (CI) Aliances Workshop

355 Cómo incorporar lineamientos de equidad de género a una normativa elaborada mediante un proceso participativo de comunidades locales e indígenas

Sra Eugenia Wo Ching Poster

14 February 2008 Page 20 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

360 Taller Periodismo y Biodiversidad: Narrando un mundo diverso y sostenible

Comité Español UICN Press event

361 Roundtable Discussion on Biodiversity Offsets at Development Projects and the Business and BioSafeguarding the diversity of Life Offset Program

Forest Trends Aliances Workshop

363 Tools for Capacity Building in Conservation American Museum of Natural History (AMNH)

Combined workshop

365 Conservación y recuperación de la biodiversidad en las dehesas y montados del centro-oeste ibérico: Valores del área y experiencias de preservación + Cena Posterior

Fundación Naturaleza y Hombre Knowledge Cafe

368 Protected areas and sustainable development - Best Practice and Innovation: the View from Canada.

Canadian Committee of the World Conservation Union (CCIUCN)

Aliances Workshop

371 The biodiversity and protected areas in Korea Korea National Park Service (KNPS)


372 Human Dimensions of Species Reintroduction: roles of education and communication in Great Ape reintroduction projects

Barbara Cartwright Poster

376 The plight of the Eastern Pacific leatherback sea turtles, and strategies to avoid thier extinction

Programa Restauración de Tortugas Marinas

Knowledge Cafe

377 Global Shark Finning Ban Programa Restauración de Tortugas Marinas (PRETOMA)

Combined workshop

378 Partnership for a Comprehensive Invasive Species Information System

IUCN/SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group

Knowledge Cafe

379 State of the Parks – Assessing Performance in Protected Area Management

NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change

Aliances Workshop

380 Designing Management Effectiveness Assessment and Reporting Systems for Protected Areas

NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change

Knowledge Cafe

381 The Last Frontier: Ten Years of the Madrid Protocol on Protection of the Antarctic Environment

IUCN Regional Office for Oceania

Combined workshop

383 Legal Issues in Antarctic Conservation IUCN Regional Office for Oceania

Combined workshop

385 Sustaining Cultural and Biological Safeguarding the diversity of Life: The Difficult Questions

University of Toronto Aliances Workshop

387 "Reducing Biodiversity Loss in the Fisheries Production Landscape through More Rigorous Governance"

The World Bank Combined workshop

389 Rio Tinto´s Biodiversity Strategy: Implementing a programme to achieve Net Positive Impact on BioSafeguarding the diversity of Life.

Rio Tinto Limited (Rio Tinto) Aliances Workshop

391 Rio Tinto´s Biodiversity Strategy: The Role of offsets in delivering Net positive Impact on biodiversity.

Rio Tinto Limited (Rio Tinto) Knowledge Cafe

392 Cultural Values of Nature Initiative (CVNI): integrating cultural and spiritual values in conservation management

EarthCollective Poster

395 Diversifying rural livelihoods in shrimp farming: A case ctudy of tropical wetlands

The energy and resources institute

Knowledge Cafe

396 Restoring Eco-Cultural Health: An Imperative for a Diverse and Sustainable World

Terralingua (TL) Knowledge Cafe

403 Healthy food from healthy ecosystems Bayer CropScience AG Poster

14 February 2008 Page 21 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

404 The role of corporations in biodiversity conservation. Fundació Natura: 10 years involving corporations in biodiversity conservation and restoration.

Fundació Natura Knowledge Cafe

407 Results of UNEP’s initiative on Integrated Assessment of Trade-related Policies and BioSafeguarding the diversity of Life in the Agricultural Sector

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Aliances Workshop

416 Mining and Conservation - Conflict or Consensus International Council on Mining & Metals

Combined workshop

418 Antarctic Environmental Management: is the Antarctic Madrid Environmental Protocol working at its 10th anniversary, 2008?

IUCN Regional Office for Oceania

Combined workshop

420 Good Practice for Mining and Biodiversity - from Guidance to Action!

International Council on Mining & Metals

Combined workshop

430 Governance of the High Seas for better environmental and more just outcomes

Environment and Conservation Organisations of NZ

Combined workshop

430 Governance of the High Seas for better environmental and more just outcomes

Environment and Conservation Organisations of NZ

Combined workshop

432 Antarctic Conservation & manangement - how can IUCN best contribute?

Environment and Conservation Organisations of NZ

Knowledge Cafe

436 Rio Tinto´s Biodiversity Strategy: The role of partnerships in delivering policy and performance outcomes.

Rio Tinto Limited (Rio Tinto) Poster

442 The results of a 4-years project “Habitat Fallow Land” Mr Kristof Hecker Knowledge Cafe

448 Freshwater Biodiversity Conservation and Freshwater Services: Making the Link

Conservation International (CI) Aliances Workshop

452 La professionnalisation au service de la préservation de la biodiversité.

Atelier Technique des Espaces Naturels (ATEN)

Aliances Workshop

453 Building and supporting the Regional Red List network

Zoological Society of London (ZSL)

As part of a Global Thematic Workshop

477 Renforcer les capacités du "Point Focal National" pour la mise en oeuvre des Conventions

Atelier Technique des Espaces Naturels (ATEN)

Knowledge Cafe

478 Assessing the vulnerability of endangered wild ungulates and domestic herbivores in arid ecosystems

IUCN/SSC Equid Specialist Group

Knowledge Cafe

482 Ship Strikes with Cetaceans: a Global Issue Federal Public Service Public Health, Food Chain S

Knowledge Cafe

485 Launching a “Framework for Forming Intergenerational Partnerships for Sustainable Development” – An Invitation from Youth

Earth Charter International (ECI) Aliances Workshop

486 Small grants – Big changes; Financial support to projects in developing countries

Both ENDS Combined workshop

491 Sustainable Use of Northern and other Wildlife Species – Coming to Grips with Traditional/Community Harvest and Species Protection

Canadian Committee of the World Conservation Union (CCIUCN)

Knowledge Cafe

493 Finding the balance – biodiversity conservation and productive agriculture

Earthwatch Institute (Europe) Knowledge Cafe

497 Taking the pulse of the planet: What can population trend analysis tell us by 2010?

Institute of Zoology - Indicators and Assessment

As part of a Global Thematic Workshop

499 The RAT Risk Assessment Tool for bioSafeguarding the diversity of Life loss due to multiple pressures. A key result of the ALARM project

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research

Aliances Workshop

14 February 2008 Page 22 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

500 Designation of the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument as a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area

US National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration


501 Meet at the Eco Marketplace World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

Aliances Workshop

504 Challenges beyond borders: safeguarding marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

Combined workshop

504 Challenges beyond borders: safeguarding marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

Combined workshop

504 Challenges beyond borders: safeguarding marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

Combined workshop

513 Indigenous Biocultural Heritage Areas International Institute for Environment and Devt. (IIED)

Combined workshop

515 Methods for Assessing Biodiversity Risks - Tools and Results from the ALARM project.

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research


517 Beyond Jargon: The Next Generation of Communication Strategies for a Sustainable World

National Geographic Society (NGS)

Aliances Workshop

522 Towards a Global action plan for the Central Mediterranean Ecoregion

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

Knowledge Cafe

525 Pour une mobilisation de tous les acteurs et des citoyens en faveur de la consommation responsable des produits de la mer

NAUSICAA, Centre National de la Mer

Knowledge Cafe

530 Defining the status of the World’s Vertebrates Zoological Society of London (ZSL)

Aliances Workshop

536 Assessing Progress towards the 2010 and 2012 CBD Targets for Protected Areas

UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC)

Combined workshop

537 HERMES - Hotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European Seas: Deep-sea research in support of conservation and sustainable uses


538 Conserving the Forgotten Species Institute of Zoology - Indicators and Assessment

Knowledge Cafe

540 The World Database of Protected Areas –measuring conservation delivery across the globe

UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC)

As part of a Global Thematic Workshop

542 Deep-sea research in support of a diverse and sustainable world

HERMES Combined workshop

544 Financing the Future: Innovative Funding Mechanisms at Work

National Postcode Lottery Aliances Workshop

549 Launching the initiative concerning Responsible Land Use within Ecological Networks

Biodiversity Conservation Center Knowledge Cafe

550 Responsible Land Use within Ecological Networks: Voluntary Code and Certification

Biodiversity Conservation Center Poster

551 Steppe Strategy implementation in Eurasia Biodiversity Conservation Center Knowledge Cafe

552 Democratizing Conservation: Lessons from Eastern Andes Protected Areas

Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)

Combined workshop

554 Meeting the Commitments of MPA Network Development: Where are we now? Where must we go to ensure long-term sustainability?

US National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration

Combined workshop

557 Supporting the next generation of sustainable development leadership

International Institute for Environment and Devt. (IIED)

Aliances Workshop

14 February 2008 Page 23 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

558 Protected Areas Management and Social Inclusion: Network Establishment and Development in South America in Support to Public Policies

Programa de Pósgraduação EICOS da UFRJ (EICOS/UFRJ)

Combined workshop

559 Tourism as an instrument for social inclusion and conservation of bioSafeguarding the diversity of Life in protected areas in South America.

Programa de Pósgraduação EICOS da UFRJ (EICOS/UFRJ)

Aliances Workshop

562 Greenvest, an online fundraising program in support of threatened protected areas

ParksWatch Poster

567 Protected Areas: Developing Effective Legal and Institutional Frameworks

The World Bank Aliances Workshop

568 Forest Carbon´s Triple Benefit Bottom Line: climate change, Community and Conservation

Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)

Aliances Workshop

570 Music, Dance, Drama and Narrative of Sacred Natural Sites and protected areas (part 1)

Cultural and Spiritual Values Task Force (CSVPA-WCPA)

Aliances Workshop

578 Gestión Ecosistémica de la biodiversidad del Océano: El ecosistema Atlántico Sudoccidental y los desafíos para su sustentabilidad

Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN)

Knowledge Cafe

579 El principio precautorio en las decisiones administrativas y judiciales

Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN)

Knowledge Cafe

582 Participatory methodologies for Protected Areas Management: Exchange of Experiences and Action Plan

Programa de Pósgraduação EICOS da UFRJ (EICOS/UFRJ)

Knowledge Cafe

585 The role and effectiveness of Small Grant Programs in promoting Biodiversity Conservation

The World Bank Combined workshop

586 Progress on the Implementation of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation

Fairchil Botanical Gardens Aliances Workshop

589 Ending the International Trade in Illegal Timber Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

Aliances Workshop

591 Migratory Boreal Birds - Preserving Nesting Sites in the Face of Industrial Development

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

Knowledge Cafe

592 The conservation landscape: building upon diverse management categories, governance types, conservation cultures

Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy - CEESP/IUCN

IUCN Commission session

594 Ocean Noise and Marine Mammals Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

Knowledge Cafe

596 How can a MPA managers’ network contribute to the 2012 objective of creating a representative, complete, effectively managed network of MPAs in the Mediterranean?

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

Combined workshop

603 A Global Alliance for Community Conserved Areas Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy - CEESP/IUCN

Poble UNDP

605 Intercambio de experiencias sobre conflictos entre humanos y vida silvestre en Latinoamérica

FAUNAM A.C. Aliances Workshop

612 Local Action for Biodiversity (LAB): Enhancing urban biodiversity through a global network of local governments

Local Action for BioSafeguarding the diversity of Life (LAB)

Aliances Workshop

616 Reoptimization of major water management systems to restore aquatic ecosystems and human livelihoods

The Natural Heritage Institute Knowledge Cafe

617 Effective Forest Policies: Implementing the CBD Global Forest Coalition Knowledge Cafe

619 Integrating Protected Areas into Socioeconomic, Political, Cultural and Biological Landscapes: Setting Targets and Priorities

Conservation International (CI) Aliances Workshop

14 February 2008 Page 24 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

621 Reaching agreement on principles for wild salmon conservation

Wild Salmon Center Aliances Workshop

623 The Amphibian Ark Amphibian Ark (AArk) Poster

627 Lessons Learned on Human and Environmental Security and the Way Ahead

Arab Group for the protection of nature (APN)

Aliances Workshop

629 Converting Green spaces to Green bucks—Sustainable approaches to conservation of green spaces in cities

School of Architecture R.V College of Engineer (RVSA)

Knowledge Cafe

631 Parque de Collserola, 20 años Consorci Parc de Collserola (Parc de Collserola)


638 Training methods on education about international aspects of biodiversity for nature/ecoguides (volunteers included)

Association for Environmental Education (IVN)

Combined workshop

643 Community-private partnerships for conservation-based businesses

African Wildlife Foundation (AWF)

Aliances Workshop

653 Gobernabilidad local de la diversidad biológica y cultural


Aliances Workshop

655 L´expérience de mise en place du réseau régional d´aires marines protégées en Afrique de l´Ouest

Fondation Internationale du Banc d´Arguin (FIBA)

Combined workshop

665 The impact of illegal activities on conservation United States Government, Department of State

Combined workshop

690 Conservation of matrixes of biological communities as a condition of restoration high-grade natural ecosystems

Ecological Movement of Kyrgyzstan "Aleyne" (EMK Aleyne)

Knowledge Cafe

693 Conservation International Learning Initiative Conservation International (CI) Poster

694 Developing a Protected Areas Network in Liberia Conservation International (CI) Poster

698 IIRSA : integración económica versus desintegración socioambiental, hacia un diálogo ciudadano y la reflexion politica

Centre Coopération Internationale Recherche Agronomique (CIRAD)

Combined workshop

699 Challenges of a new vision: Linking local community initiatives and aspirations to biodiversity conservation

Indian Forest Service (IFS) Poster

700 Learning for our Future: Ongoing Capacity Development for Conservation and Sustainability Practitioners

Commission on Education and Communication - CEC/IUCN

IUCN Commission session

701 The re-construction of artificial reef for Octopus using discarded electric poles<br>

Environmental Protection & Conservation Organisati (EPCO)


704 The Bushmeat Crisis and DNA Barcoding: Building an Infrastructure for Action

Zoological Society of London (ZSL)

Aliances Workshop

707 Management, planning and design of the European Landscape

European Foundation for Landscape Architecture (EFLA)

Aliances Workshop

711 Technology Tools for Coastal-Marine Ecosystem Approaches to Management

EBM Tools Network (EBM-IMP) Combined workshop

714 Understanding the Impacts of Fisheries Bycatch of Marine Megafauna: Large-Scale Regional Patterns and Trends

Nicholas Policy Institute/ Duke University (NI)

Combined workshop

716 Should I Eat Fish? Nicholas Policy Institute/ Duke University (NI)

Combined workshop

717 Real Oceans for Real People Nicholas Policy Institute/ Duke University (NI)

Knowledge Cafe

719 Conflict of power and participation in protected areas: An unresolved paradox of biodiversity conservation

Indian Forest Service (IFS) Knowledge Cafe

14 February 2008 Page 25 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

721 Diversity of Seagrass Resources in the Coastal Waters of Bangladesh: Five New Global Records and Conservation Aspects

Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries (IMSF-CU)


724 Prioridades y acciones locales para la conservación de la biodiversidad en los Andes de Venezuela

Conservation International (CI) Poster

725 Species composition, Diatery Phenology of Golden Monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis kandti) habitats, Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda



727 Stratégie de mobilisation et de gestion des ressources locales dans la perspective de la foresterie communautaire au Cameroun. <br>

National Center of Education/Ministry of Research (CNE/MINRESI)

Knowledge Cafe

728 Intérêt de la sauvegarde de la diversité biologique pour les générations présentes et futures au Burundi.

Min Aménagement du territoire et Environnement (MINATTE)

Knowledge Cafe

731 The different uses of nature resources: A discussion of environmental conflicts

Programa de Pósgraduação EICOS da UFRJ (EICOS/UFRJ)


733 Biodiversity conservation in temperate forests of Chamba, Himachal Pradesh, India - role of awareness, education and community participation.

Mukand Lal National College, Yamuna Nagar (MLNC)


739 Practical Applications for the World Heritage Convention, an IUCN - World Heritage Centre Perspective

United Nations Education, Scientific and Culture (UNESCO)

Combined workshop

740 Top 50 de la flora amenazada de los archipélagos macronésicos

Macaronesian Island Plants Specialist Group


742 Community involvement in biodiversity conservation. benefit sharing from revenue gained from the biodiversity spots and parks.

The Department of Foretsry Zanzibar (DCCFF)

Knowledge Cafe

750 El rol de la legislación forestal para garantizar la sostenibilidad de los ecosistemas forestales

Red Latinoamericana de Derecho Forestal (RELADEF)

Knowledge Cafe

752 Principles for a Code of Conduct for the Management and Sustainable Use of Mangrove Ecosystems

Centre for Tropical Ecosystems Research (cenTER)


755 Creating a better dialogue between government and civil society

Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV)

Aliances Workshop

759 Developing Biological Objectives for Protected Area Management: Lessons Learned from National Wildlife Refuges, United States

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Poster

763 Biología, Conservación y Desarrollo sostenible de los esturiones en el Sur de Europa.

Asociación Sectorial de la Acuicultura Ecológica (ASAE-España)


774 Les collectivités locales – acteurs incontournables dans la gestion durable de la biodiversité. Quel place au sein de l´UICN?

Fédération des Parcs naturels régionaux de France (FPNRF)

Aliances Workshop

775 Les collectivités locales – acteurs incontournables dans la gestion durable de la biodiversité. Quel place au sein de l´UICN?

Fédération des Parcs naturels régionaux de France (FPNRF)


776 El valor de la designación internacional en la Política Nacional de Conservación

Comision Nacional de Areas Naturales Protegidas (CONANP)

Knowledge Cafe

787 Towards a World Ocean Public Trust - Ecosystem-Based Governance Beyond National Jurisdictions

Jatun Sacha Foundation (JSF) Knowledge Cafe

788 Towards a Humboldt Current Network of Marine Protected Areas

Jatun Sacha Foundation (JSF) Combined workshop

791 Les aires protégées transfrontalières en Afrique de l´Ouest

Centre National de Gestion des Aires Protégées (CENAGAP)


14 February 2008 Page 26 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

795 Effects of armed conflicts on biodiversity conservation and sustainable utilisation of natural resources in Nepal

Department of Forest Research and Survey (DFRS)


796 Towards a consistent, integrated framework for conservation planning for species survival

James Cook University (JCU); University of Queensland (UQ)

Aliances Workshop

799 Aproximación a la valoración económica de la Reserva Nacional Pacaya Samiria, Perú

Fundación Solidaridad Internacional (SI)


805 Slipping through the net: Transboundary conservation where EEZs meet the high seas

World Commission on Protected Areas - IUCN

Aliances Workshop

815 Partnerships for conservation - linking ex situ and in situ conservation in Europe

Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI)

Aliances Workshop

817 Rethinking Destination Management at World Heritage sites: Policies and Processes for Engaging the Tourism Industry

World Heritage Centre (WHC), UNESCO

Combined workshop

832 Prosopis: Dryland blessing or menace? National museums of kenya (NMK)


838 Meta Analysis of Tourism and Biodiversity Research 1977-2007:<br>What do we know after 20 years?

The University of Utah/Intl. Ecotourism Society (U of U/TIES)

Knowledge Cafe

840 Aplicación práctica del Enfoque Ecosistémico como estrategia para la conservación en Latinoamérica

Fundación Conservación Bosque Chiquitano (FCBC)

Knowledge Cafe

841 Estrategia de Biodiversidad de Uruguay y su proyección al MERCOSUR

Ministerio Medio Ambiente (MVOTMA)

Knowledge Cafe

851 Presentación del programa para la elaboración de la Estrategia de Conservación de los Invertebrados del Mediterráneo.

Asociación Española de Entomología (AeE)


855 Computer supported tools and methodologies for protected areas management

Laboratoire d´Informatique de Paris 6 (LIP6)

Knowledge Cafe

861 Participation of local people in biodiversity conservation in buffer zones using a flagship species: a case study of Hume´s Pheasant in Mae Daet Noi village, northern Thailand

Hume´s Pheasant Research Station (HPRS)


863 Species-based Indicators Species Survival Commission - IUCN

IUCN Commission session

865 Celebrating SSC: past achievements Species Survival Commission - IUCN

IUCN Commission session

866 Celebrating SSC: future vision Species Survival Commission - IUCN

IUCN Commission session

871 Fundamentos teóricos y metodológicos para un programa de Educaión Ambiental a partir de las representacones acerca de los animales venenosos en una comunidad educativa rural

Universidad Simón Rodríguez (UNESR)


881 Modelo de alianza intersetorial para la conservación del bosque nativo. La experiencia de TNC y el Gobierno del Paraná, Brasil para la protección del bosque atlántico

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Poster

883 Directrices para el fortalecimiento de aliamzas entre distintos actores para el desarrollo de mecanismos e incentivos para la conservación y el monitoreo de bosques nativos

Governo do Paraná Instituto Ambiental do Paraná (GOVPR - IAP )

Aliances Workshop

892 Des concepts aux outils opérationnels: les savoirs traditionnels dans la protection environnementale

Università di Bergamo Aliances Workshop

895 Species information for managing marine protected areas; improving access and integration

Miss Yvonne Sadovy Aliances Workshop

14 February 2008 Page 27 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

898 How a hotel can become an active agent of biodiversity conservation in its community ?

Accor (Accor) Aliances Workshop

901 Bringing knowledge to the needy: building partnerships in the biodiversity information world

Belgian BioSafeguarding the diversity of Life Platform (BBPF)

Aliances Workshop

902 International governance for plant genetic resources for food and agriculture

Centre for Intellectual property rights

Knowledge Cafe

903 Networks for better environmental information and governance

European Environment Agency/ European Commission (EEA)

Aliances Workshop

906 Identification de projets de conservation des écosystèmes de haute mer

Institut du déveleppement durable (Iddri)

Combined workshop

908 Introduction to conservation planning for species survival

Species Survival Commission - IUCN

IUCN Commission session

910 CBD Gap Analysis: Strategy, Standards and Tools Supporting Achieving CBD Targets and MDG Goals

UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC)

Aliances Workshop

912 Gestión participativa de áreas protegidas: hacia la conservación y el desarrollo sostenible

PROFONANPE Knowledge Cafe

917 Sustainable Tourism Certification: Conserving natural resources and protecting a tourist’s right to responsible travel opportunities

Rainforest Alliance, Inc Combined workshop

918 Reservas Naturales Urbanas de Patagonia, puerta de entrada a la conservación



919 Balance del primer año de BIODIVERCIUDAD Instituto Jane Goodall España (IJG - España)


920 Por donde empezar para crear areas protegidas y redes en el Pacifico Sur de America Latina

Agenzia per la Protezione dell´Ambiente (APAT)

Knowledge Cafe

921 The landscape mosaic: building upon biological connectivity, governance, diversity and socio-economic synergies.

Politecnico di Torino - Diter (CED PPN) (POLITO - Diter (CED PPN))

Aliances Workshop

925 Observatories of biocultural diversity: establishing longterm community conservation projects

Global Diversity Foundation (GDF)

Knowledge Cafe

933 International alliance for human capacity development for the implementation of the CBD

World Commission on Protected Areas - Mountains (IUCN-WCPA Mountains Biome)

Knowledge Cafe

936 Biodiversidad en la ciudad de Barcelona: conocimiento, gestión, difusión y participación.

Ajuntament de Barcelona Aliances Workshop

938 Marine Environment in Mediterranean: Function and role of different conservation tools (MPAs, Sanctuaries, ect..)

Italian Federation of Parks and Nature Reserves (FEDERPARCHI)

Combined workshop

939 Legal tools for PAs Governance Italian Federation of Parks and Nature Reserves (FEDERPARCHI)

Aliances Workshop

940 Towards a Federation of Mediterranean Protected Areas

Italian Federation of Parks and Nature Reserves (FEDERPARCHI)

Combined workshop


Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA)

Knowledge Cafe

949 The Conservation Commons The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Aliances Workshop

951 Biodiversity Hotspots and High-Biodiversity Wilderness Areas

Conservation International (CI) Poster

14 February 2008 Page 28 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

952 Genetic and population ecology applied to conservation and management of the Eastern Iberian Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus witherbyi

Universidad Simón Rodríguez (UNESR)


955 El trabajo en las comunidades locales como estrategia de conservación en la Reserva Natural del Iberá, Corrientes, Argentina

The Conservation Land Trust (CLT)

Knowledge Cafe

961 The Contribution of the Private protecting Areas for the Protection of the Diversity of Life

Governo do Paraná Instituto Ambiental do Paraná (GOVPR - IAP )


962 Territorio Indígena de Conservación: la dimensión política y cultural de la diversidad en las áreas protegidas

Dirección de Pueblos Originarios y Recursos Natura (DIPOREN)

Poble UNDP

963 Eradicación and control of alien species: politics and action for the ambient sustentability in the State of the Parana - Brazil

Governo do Paraná Instituto Ambiental do Paraná (GOVPR - IAP )


966 Abordaje intercultural en la gestión de áreas protegidas: pueblos indígenas y Administración de Parques Nacionales en Argentina

Dirección de Pueblos Originarios y Recursos Natura (DIPOREN)


967 Bridging the Nature-Culture Divide to Conserve the Diversity of Life

Quebec-Labrador Foundation/Atlantic Center for the (QLF)

Combined workshop

968 Synergy to promote in situ biodiversity conservation action.

The World Conservation Union (IUCN)


973 Sustaining Arctic Biodiversity in the Face of Growing Pressures: Finding Solutions and Moving to Action

Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF)

As part of a Global Thematic Workshop

977 Actividades socioeducativas y productivas en el <br>Área Protegida Laguna de Rocha<br>Reserva de Biosfera Bañados del Este<br>Uruguay

Sociedad Amigos de la Laguna de Rocha (SALR)


978 Actividades socioeducativas y productivas en el <br>Área Protegida Laguna de Rocha<br>Uruguay

Sociedad Amigos de la Laguna de Rocha (SALR)


982 The role of Customary Law in Conservation & Protected Areas

Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy - CEESP/IUCN

Aliances Workshop

984 Estudio Comparativo entre dos Áreas de Protección Integral y su Contribución Directa al Tema de Gobernanza.

Ambiental Consulting Ltda Poster

985 Abriendo camino para nuevos modelos de co-manejo de ANP con comunidades indigenas

Instituto Nacional de Recursos Naturales (INRENA)


989 Permaculture as a tool for the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and Community Development

Jordanian Society for Desertification Control & ba (JSDCBD)


994 The contribuition of private protect areas in the protection for life diversity

Governo do Paraná Instituto Ambiental do Paraná (GOVPR - IAP )

Knowledge Cafe

996 Shellfish reefs at risk: A global assessment and recommendations for action

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Pavilion

999 CleanTrade: Threading the Needle of Invasive Species and Trade

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Knowledge Cafe

1000 A Conservation Practitioner´s Toolkit - Leasing and Ownership within Ocean and Coastal Waters

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Poster

1002 Buy, Sell, Trade! World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

Aliances Workshop

1003 Talking together - dialogue and understanding between the custodians of Sacred Natural Sites

Cultural and Spiritual Values Task Force (CSVPA-WCPA)

Knowledge Cafe

14 February 2008 Page 29 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

1005 Monitoring Forest Changes for Decision Making on Conservation Payments: The Case of the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve, Mexico

University of Aarhus, Denmark (AU, Denmark)


1007 Reds y alianzas de protección a la fauna salvaje na America del Sur

Governo do Paraná Instituto Ambiental do Paraná (GOVPR - IAP )

Knowledge Cafe

1010 Rede de protección a la fauna salvaje regional - el ejemplo de la política innovadora adoptada por el Paraná, Brasil.

Governo do Paraná Instituto Ambiental do Paraná (GOVPR - IAP )


1013 Geoparks and international co-operation Agenzia per la Protezione dell´Ambiente (APAT)

Knowledge Cafe

1015 Des concepts aux outils opérationnels: les savoirs traditionnels dans la protection environnementale

Università di Bergamo Poster

1016 Conserving Alaska’s Arctic through Partnerships U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)


1019 Global Polar Bear Conservation and Research: Challenges into the 21st Century

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)

Aliances Workshop

1020 Wildlife Without Borders: Conservation Grants<br>(African Elephant; Asian Elephant; Tiger; Rhinoceros; Great Apes; Marine Turtles)

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)

Knowledge Cafe

1023 Conservemos jugando en los Andes argentinos. Estrategias lúdicas para intercambiar perspectivas, saberes y experiencias.

Administración de Parques Nacionales de Argentina (A.P.N.)

Knowledge Cafe

1040 Desafios en el manejo de sitios de patrimonio natural de la humanidad en America Latina

Charles Darwin Foundation (CDF)

Combined workshop

1046 Reducing Salmon Farming Impacts on Biodiversity. Does Science Have a Relevant Role to Play?

Oregon State University (OSU) Combined workshop

1047 Seaflower emerge como una AMP con nuevas estrategias participativas: 10 años hacia el desarrollo sostenible


1048 Work methodology of consultative councils: Ilha Anchieta State Park case study

Fundação Florestal Poster

1050 Evaluación de la representatividad (de la estructura, composición y función) del Sistema de Areas Protegidas en Colombia.

Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia (UAESPNN)


1054 Power of Spirit: sustaining watershed ecosystems with music, art and stories

A natural resource / toch Knowledge Cafe

1055 Recognising, rewarding and refining the role of pastoralists in biodiversity conservation, especially in drylands

League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Livesto (LPP)

Aliances Workshop

1061 State of the world’s birds 2008: from local to global, from monitoring to action

BirdLife International Press event

1063 Economic valuation of pastoralism in Spain Transhumancia y Naturaleza (TyN)


1067 Observatories of biocultural diversity: establishing long-term community research projects with a focus on conservation

Global Diversity Foundation (GDF)

Knowledge Cafe

1072 Common tools for sharing and promoting information, communication, education, public participation and awareness on Mediterranean Conservation Policies.

Italian Federation of Parks and Nature Reserves (FEDERPARCHI)

Knowledge Cafe

1076 An alliance for the mountains of the Mediterranean LEGAMBIENTE O.N.L.U.S. (LEGAMBIENTE)

Knowledge Cafe

14 February 2008 Page 30 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

1077 Natura e Territorio (Nature and Territory) LEGAMBIENTE O.N.L.U.S. (LEGAMBIENTE)


1079 The business world´s role in conservation education and communication

IPÊ - Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas (IPÊ)

Knowledge Cafe

1082 Proceso de planeamiento espeleológico de la unidad de conservación Parque Nacional Cavernas do Peruaçu, Brasil.

Grupo Bambuí de Pesquisas Espeleológicas (GBPE)


1088 Florestas de producción y sostenibilidad económica de las áreas protegidas<br>Florestas de producción y sostenibilidad económica de las áreas protegidas en el Estado de São Paulo, Brasil<br>

Instituto Florestal (IF) Poster

1094 Connection to Place - Integrating community engagement, public education, cultural expression and ecosystem conservation

Parks Canada Agency (PCA) As part of a Global Thematic Workshop

1096 The Mediterranean Biome: Leveraging Public and Private Funding to Achieve the CBD 10% Goal

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Combined workshop

1097 Water harvesting as a coping mechanism to increase production rates in Sudan Arid Lands

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

Knowledge Cafe

1099 Filling Conservation Gaps. Implementation and alternatives

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Knowledge Cafe

1101 Freshwater Ecosystem Protection: New Strategies, Tools and Partnerships to Secure Conservation of Water Resources

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Knowledge Cafe

1103 Identifying knowledge gaps and actions needed following a global analysis of MPA coverage

UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC)

Aliances Workshop

1108 Programa de Pequeños Guardaparques en la Reserva de Biosfera de los Bañados del Este, Uruguay

Vida Silvestre Uruguay Poster

1113 Comment élaborer une Liste rouge nationale des espèces menacées ?

Comité français de l´Union mondiale pour la nature (UICN France)

As part of a Global Thematic Workshop

1116 Designing a strategy to fill the Data Deficient Conservation Gap

Zoological Society of London (ZSL)

As part of a Global Thematic Workshop

1117 The role of Natural History Institutions in Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity

Muséum National d´Histoire Naturelle (MNHN)

Knowledge Cafe

1119 Gestión integral de territorios indígenas y áreas protegidas, discusión desde la perspectiva de los estados.

Servicio Nacional de Áreas Protegidas (SERNAP)

Knowledge Cafe

1121 Do we need a legal framework for water and lake management at global scale?

Global Nature Fund (GNF) Combined workshop

1122 La evolución de la participación social en la gestión de las áreas protegidas en Bolívia

Manejo de áreas protegidas y zonas de amortiguació (MAPZA)


1135 Vision for Protected Areas to 2020: Reviewing and renewing the CBD Programme of Work on Protected Areas

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) As part of a Global Thematic Workshop

1136 National Coalitions for Implementing the Programme of Work on Protected Areas

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) As part of a Global Thematic Workshop

1138 Diversity – integral to People’s Empowerment Miss reetu sogani Knowledge Cafe

1139 Are we really engineered to learn? Conservation International (CI) Knowledge Cafe

1143 The theory and practice of sustainable tourism Tour Operators´ Initiative for Sustainable Tourism (TOI)

Aliances Workshop

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1151 Marine Protected Areas: How are they doing and why?

Conservation International (CI) Combined workshop

1154 Bridging the nature-culture divide: A dialogue on integrated approaches to conserving the diversity of life

Quebec-Labrador Foundation/Atlantic Center for the (QLF)

Knowledge Cafe

1161 Protected Areas for Life: Safeguarding the Long-term Financial Sustainability of Protected Areas

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Combined workshop

1168 Developing a Habitats Red List The Nature Conservancy (TNC) As part of a Global Thematic Workshop

1170 Safeguarding Sustainable Finance for Protected Areas and Ecosystems

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Poster



Knowledge Cafe

1174 Safeguarding the deer and peccaries of the South American tropics

Wildlife Trust Knowledge Cafe

1175 Regional Challenges for Conservation: A Model for National Leadership and Conservation Impact

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Aliances Workshop

1177 Science to Action Conservation International (CI) Knowledge Cafe

1179 The Indo-Pacific Live Reef Food Fish Trade – Conserving biodiversity from reef to retail

Conservation International (CI) Combined workshop

1187 El SNUC y la reclasificación de áreas protegidas en el Estado de São Paulo, Brasil

Instituto Florestal (IF) Poster


Fundação O Boticário de Proteção à Natureza (FBPN)

Knowledge Cafe

1192 Innovations for Sustainable Economies Worldwatch Institute Mr Gary Gardner

Aliances Workshop

1193 Educación y capacitación en áreas protegidas en América Latina: experiencias pasadas y retos hacia el futuro.

University for International Cooperation (UCI)


1201 Áreas Protegidas: Orígenes y perspectivas, São Paulo, Brasil

Instituto Florestal (IF) Poster

1203 Can cultural and spiritual values of species help their conservation?

Cambridge Centre for Landscape and People (CCLP)

Knowledge Cafe

1204 Evolución bio-geológica durante el Pleistoceno, en la Sierra de la Primavera, Jalisco, México”<br><br>“Evolución bio-geológica durante el Pleistoceno, en la Sierra de la Primavera, Jalisco, México”

Universidad de Guadalajara (UdG)


1209 Los pueblos indígenas en un Estado plural: la necesaria revisión de las legislaciones nacionales sobre áreas protegidas

Dirección de Pueblos Originarios y Recursos Natura (DIPOREN)

Knowledge Cafe

1211 La restitución de los territorios indígenas en áreas protegidas: justicia y diversidad en un mundo plural

Dirección de Pueblos Originarios y Recursos Natura (DIPOREN)

Aliances Workshop

1212 En Uruguay también hay biodiversidad: primea área costero-marina protegida "Cerro Verde e Islas"

Karumbé (Karumbé) Poster


Miss Maria Fernanda Alegria Knowledge Cafe

1214 Estrategia de Conservación Ecorregional con visión participativa

Fundación Pro-Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (FPSNSM)


1215 The conception of conservation units’ councils as a social and technical system

Miss Maria Fernanda Alegria Poster

14 February 2008 Page 32 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

1217 Significado del Desarrollo Sostenible en América Latina: Actividades de hidrocarburos en Areas Naturales Protegidas. Experiencias en Chile, Ecuador y Perú.

Srta Susana Julieta Gallegos Vargas

Knowledge Cafe

1221 Green consumers, green NGOs and green companies: Who is leading who?

IUCN Press event

1222 Overconsumption, ethics and the role of the advertising industry

IUCN Knowledge Cafe

1224 Communicating biodiversity: what works, what doesn´t

IUCN Press event

1225 Towards a transnational and cross-sectoral approach to marine spatial planning in the Baltic Sea Region

The Danish Spatial and Environmental Planning Agency (lbst)

Combined workshop

1232 Promoting communication between academia and institutions which influence conservation policies and activities

CEC (Eastern Africa) Knowledge Cafe

1240 Programme Element 2: Governance, Participation, Equity and Benefit Sharing – Review of the Implementation of the CBD Programme of Work on Protected Areas and the way forward

Commission on Environmental Law - CEL/IUCN

IUCN Commission session

1247 Indicators for ecosystems condition, ecosystem services and ecosystem vulnerability

Commission on Ecosystem Management - CEM/IUCN

IUCN Commission session

1248 Restoring ecosystem services and their values Commission on Ecosystem Management - CEM/IUCN

IUCN Commission session

1249 Satellite Remote Sensing for Mangrove Monitoring Commission on Ecosystem Management - CEM/IUCN

IUCN Commission session

1526 World Database on Protected Areas World Commission on Protected Areas - IUCN

IUCN Commission session

1527 CBD Programme of Work on Protected Areas World Commission on Protected Areas - IUCN

IUCN Commission session

1528 Valuing Pas World Commission on Protected Areas - IUCN

IUCN Commission session

14 February 2008 Page 33 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly

14 February 2008 Page 34 of 34Please note this list is not final and will be updated regularly