Worktrek 2

Worktrek 2 Towards Jerusalem June 2011


Week 2 of Worktrek Towards Jerusalem June 2011

Transcript of Worktrek 2

  • 1. Worktrek 2
    Towards Jerusalem
    June 2011

2. Itinerary
Mon:Tel Aviv to Jericho
Wed:Nablus, Sebastia, Nazareth
Thu: Galilee, Capernaum,Nazareth
Fri:Galilee, Banyas, Golan, Nazareth
Sat: Bet Sean, Qumran, Wilderness
Sun:Bethlehem, Wilderness
Mon: Bethlehem
The second week was based in Bethlehem, with visits to Herodium, Hebron,Jerusalem,Masada,Engedi, Dead Sea
Mon:via YadVashem to Tel Aviv
3. The Wall
Week 2Monday
4. 5. UN Resolution 194, Article 11:
Resolves that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or in equity, should be made good by the Governments or authorities responsible.
Instructs the Conciliation Commission to facilitate the repatriation, resettlement and economic and social rehabilitation of the refugees and the payment of compensation, and to maintain close relations with the Director of the United Nations Relief for Palestine Refugees and, through him, with the appropriate organs and agencies of the United Nations;
6. Resolution 194
Rejected or reinterpreted by Israel
USA regularly vetoes UN resolutions calling on Israel to act justly
Keys are used as a symbol of the right of return
Channel 4 - The Promise
7. 8. Dheisheh Refugee Camp
Just south of Bethlehem
1948 - Arab-Israeli war
1949 - Camp established
Temporary tent refuge for 3,400 Palestinians from Hebron and 45 villages
Now about 10,000 people in 1 km2 with narrow paved streets and concrete buildings
9. Dheisheh Refugee Camp
Connected to mains water and electricity
Water is taken by Israel from under Palestinian land and sold to Palestinians
Only switched on once a month
Palestinian houses all have water tanks on the roof
Palestinian families like to live nearby, so they need to build upwards
10. Dheisheh Refugee Camp
Many refugees are now third or fourth generation
Schools have a shift pattern
Class size up to 50 (max)
Sardine rooms
Some houses are not connected to mains sewage, so they use common percolation pits
11. Dheisheh Refugee Camp
6 families in this yard shared 1 WC
Children are taught how to plant trees
12. Settlement
13. Road being built for Israeli use
14. Tuesday
15. Herodium
16. Herod the Great
Born in 74 BCE
King of the Jews in 40 BCE
Called Great because of his building and irrigation projects:
Caesarea, Masada, Temple Mount
Heavy taxes
Ruthless, hated, paranoid
Slaughter of innocents in Matthew 2
17. Herod the Great
10 wives all political
15 children
Favourite wife - Mariamne
Conspired against him
Killed her, then regretted it
Preserved her in honey
18. Herodium
Near Tekoa (Amos) on site of Herods victory over Parthians
Summer palace and fortress
Man-made mountain
Earth from nearby mountain was moved to make the fortress look like a hill.
19. Herodium
20. Herodium
21. Travel to Hebron
Biggest commercial centre in West Bank pottery and glass
Very important in ancient times
Currently difficult
5 Jewish settlements in city
Israels aim connect them all to another outside the city
Strategy daily harassment
Commercial life almost dead
Shoppers intimidated, soldiers just watch
1500 soldiers for 400 settlers
22. Hebron
23. Hebron
Settlers live above street
Throw rocks and sewage out of windows
Chicken wire as protection
Ethnic cleansing?
City divided into H1 (Palestinian) and H2 (Israeli)
24. Tomb of the Patriarchs (Mosque)
25. Tomb of the Patriarchs (Mosque)
26. Tomb of the Patriarchs (Mosque)
27. HRC
Hebron Rehabilitation Committee
Aims to restore buildings and culture
Cars are not allowed, so horses and donkeys bring building materials
28. Wali at HRC Building
29. Solomons Pools
Huge reservoirs main water source for Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Hebron
30. Efrata Settlement
31. Efrata Settlement
Southern West Bank between Bethlehem and Hebron
Part of a cluster of settlements, known as Gush Etzion
Palestinians not allowed in
Guarded by armed soldiers
Long thin settlement, maximising disruption for Palestinians
32. Efrat Synagogue
33. Ardie Goldman
Secular Jewish upbringing in Chicago
Became an orthodox Jewish Zionist
Family moved to Efrat
The land was promised to Abraham and his descendents forever
Nothing has changed that
Jews have a right and responsibility to claim the land
I want to be able to travel to Jinin and order a kosher meal
34. Early start
Queue at checkpoint
To apply for a work permit, Palestinian men must be
over 30
married with children
no record of trouble
Only work for young men:
building the wall
building settlements
35. 36. 37. 6.30 Getting light
38. 39. 40. Holy Land Trust Mission Statement
Through a commitment to the principles of nonviolence, the Holy Land Trust seeks to strengthen and empower the Palestinian community in developing spiritual, pragmatic and strategic approaches that will allow it to resist all forms of oppression and build a future that makes the Holy Land a global model and pillar of understanding, respect, justice, equality and peaceful coexistence.
To strengthen international involvement and advocacy in order to achieve this purpose, Holy Land Trust has created unique travel and encounter programs as well as authentic and comprehensive media and news programs.
42. BeitSahour YMCA
Nidal Abu Zulof
Joint author of Kairos document calling for an end to occupation
Panel of 16 authors
Now endorsed by most churches
JAI coalition of Christians in Bethlehem area
encourages church groups to engage with peace and justice
43. Olive Tree Campaign
Since 2001 over 500,000 olive trees have been destroyed by settlers and soldiers
Plant 8,000 trees per year
Financed by sponsorship
50,000 planted so far
Easy way to get involved
Visit in 5 years to see your tree
Come and pick olives see for yourself
44. Boycott Israeli goods
International Court of Justice advised that Israels wall is illegal
Israel continues to build it
Israel continues discrimination
Israel continues to colonise East Jerusalem & the West Bank
Hundreds of UN resolutions condemn Israels actions as illegal
All attempts at negotiation have failed
All that remains is an international boycott of Israeli goods.
45. Falafel Takeaway
46. Manger Square
47. Manger Square
48. AmalNassar - Tent of Nations
49. Journey to Jerusalem
50. Journey to Jerusalem
51. Waiting for Rotan
52. Rotan
53. 54. British Mandate
Britain will look favourably on the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish peoplewithoutprejudicing the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or of Jews in any other country.
1897 Zionism
1917 Balfour Declaration
1920-1948 British Mandate
1936 Arab Revolt against Jewish and British targets
1947 UN Partition Proposal
55. UN Proposals 1947
Jewish state (56% of land)
Arab state(42% of land)
UN-administered Jerusalem (2%)
56. UN Proposals 1947
Jewish state
Arab state
UN-administered Jerusalem
Israel agreed,Arabs refused
British withdrew 1948
Arab-Israeli War 1948:
War of Independence
the Catastrophe (al-Nakba)
57. 1948
Israel declared independence
Took 78% of the land (UN had proposed 56%)
750,000 Palestinian refugees
58. After 1948
Jordan controlled West Bank
Egypt controlled Gaza Strip
Syria controlled Golan Heights
1950 Jewish Law of Return
European Jews settled near coast
1 m Arab Jews settled near border
Palestinian Refugee Camps in Gaza,West Bank,Jordan, etc.
59. Continuing Tension
Jordan controlled West Bank
Egypt controlled Gaza Strip
Syria controlled Golan Heights
1950 Jewish Law of Return
European Jews came to coast
1 m Arab Jews settled near border
Palestinian Refugee Camps in Gaza, West Bank, Jordan, etc.
1967 6-day war
1970sIsraeli Black Panthers
1990sFirst Intifada
60. 1993 - Oslo Accord
Israeli forces withdraw from Gaza & West Bank
PLO renounces violence
PLO recognised Israel
Israel recognised PLO
5-year interim period
1995 Oslo 2 - ABC
61. Swiss Cheese Map
USA/Israeli Proposal
Why did PLO sign?
62. 2000 Camp David
USA/Israel proposed interim bantustan as the final partition.
PLO refused to sign.
Israel resorted to force.
Second intifada
Massacres by Israeli army
Palestinian suicide bombings
Operation Defensive Shield
63. Operation Defensive Shield 2002

  • Build Wall

64. Settlement Master Plans 65. Settlement blocs 66. Greater Jerusalem