Workshop on Large-scale Sensing For Future Cities'13 / Tânia Calçada/Daniel Moura: "UrbanSense...

UrbanSense Platform



Transcript of Workshop on Large-scale Sensing For Future Cities'13 / Tânia Calçada/Daniel Moura: "UrbanSense...

  • 1. UrbanSense Platform

2. Characteristics Sensor network fixed and mobile 600 units 550 Mobile units 50 fixed units Units with heterogeneous set of sensors 600 environmental sensors 60 Video cameras 500 GPS, accelerometers, and On Board Devices Wireless communications Real-time transmission Opportunistic communications for delay tolerant data Local processing capacity Count people and vehicles locally Adaptive sampling rate 3. Goals UrbanSense platform aims to improve the understanding and awareness of environmental and behaviour phenomena Impact for the city Research platform Identify critical urban areas Open data Detect events in real time and automatically Wireless networks testbed Evaluate the impact of urban interventions Data analysis and pattern recognition Urban planning 4. Sensors UrbanSense includes 600 sensor units. Hererogeneous sets of sensors. Meteorological Temperature Relative Humidity 75 sensors (mobile and fixed)10 sensors (fixed)75 sensors (mobile and fixed) Solar Radiation 10 sensors (fixed)50 sensors (mobile and fixed) Azote Dioxide 75 sensors (mobile and fixed) 50 sensors (mobile and fixed) Carbon Dioxide GPS and Accelerometer 50 sensors (mobile and fixed)500 sensors (mobile) OBD On Board Device50 sensors (mobile and fixed) Carbon Monoxide25 sensors (fixed)Mobility75 sensors (mobile and fixed) Particles PM10High precision 1 sensor (fixed) Embebed Ozone (O3) Luminosity Stand alone VOC Pluviometer, Wind Vane AnemometerNoiseAir PollutionVideo Cameras 60 sensors (mobile and fixed) 5. Sensors Location Mobile sensor units located in buses: inside bus or at the roof. Static units located in traffic lights. 6. Wireless Communications Wi-fi Sensor network for interoperability with existing hotspots. Mobile units Vehicular Adhoc Network Static units Wi-fi hotspots Opportunistic communications data mules 7. Deployment plan 2013 500 vehicles Installed Buses STCP Trucks Leixes harbourVideo Cameras Pattern recognition software development Acquisition process completedEnvironmental sensors Requirements gathering Public consultation for hardware acquisition1st quarter 2014 Environmental sensors Hardware and software development Installation on buses and fixed locationsVideo Cameras Pattern recognition software development installation 8. Perceiving people and vehicles anonymously Contours computed with RPi Local Processing = Anonymity & Light CommunicationAt time 15:01 8 leaved 10 entered No video streaming No video storage Images described by statistics (descriptors) Low bandwidth requirements 9. Perceiving people and vehicles anonymously Sensing unit prototype What can be done? Counting people / vehicles Classifying vehicles Detecting patterns (e.g. crowding)Where? Streets Buildings Public transports 10. Buses as City Scanners Frequency map Buses have city-wide coverage Scanning the city using sensors Detecting and predicting traffic jams Characterizing mobilityBA #vehicles / day >= 47 40 to 46 34 to 39 27 to 33 21 to 26 14 to 20 8 to 13 1 to 7(Sample: 108 buses, Wed 27/Nov/2013) 11. Buses as City Scanners Time map Buses have city-wide coverage Scanning the city using sensors Detecting and predicting traffic jams Characterizing mobility#vehicles x hours >= 3.5 3.0 to 3.4 2.5 to 2.9 2.0 to 2.4 1.5 to 1.9 1.0 to 1.4 0.5 to 0.9 0.0 to 0.4(Sample: 108 buses, Wed 27/Nov/2013) 12. PORTO Living Lab for Future Citieswww.futurecities.up .pt