Workshop 16: EmberJS Parte I

Raúl Delgado & Andrés Lamilla Front End Workshops EmberJS General Overview [email protected] [email protected]

Transcript of Workshop 16: EmberJS Parte I

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Raúl Delgado & Andrés Lamilla

Front End WorkshopsEmberJS General Overview

[email protected]

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A framework for creating ambitious web applications.

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● Focus on ambitious web applications: applications that look and act like desktop applications, but happen to be delivered via web technologies

● More productive out of the box: provide a complete development stack to make the developer productive immediately. (Ember CLI, application structure, thousands addons).

● Stability without stagnation: backward compatibility is important and can be maintained while still innovating and evolving the framework.

● Future web standards foresight: pioneer of many standards around Javascript and the web. (promises, web components and ES6 syntax)


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● Routes: the state of an application is represented by a URL● Models: data associated with the current state of the application● Templates: HTMLBars templating language. (Handlebars

variation)● Components: custom HTML tag● Services: singleton objects to hold long-lived data such as user


Five essential Concepts

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Big Picture

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● In December 2011, the SproutCore 2.0 framework was renamed to Ember.js● The framework was created by Yehuda Katz, a member of the jQuery, Ruby

on Rails and SproutCore core teams● Ember follows a six-week release cycle. Every six weeks a new release is

made available, and at the same time a beta for the next release is also published

● Ember follows the semantic versioning convention. This means that breaking changes are only introduced at major version numbers such as 1.0, 2.0 etc.

● Ember 2.0 was released August 13, 2015. Introduction of the Glimmer rendering engine

● It follows the Convention over configuration design paradigm● Stable release 2.4.3 / March 17, 2016


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Ember cli

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● Strong conventional project structure● Powerful addon system for extension● Uses babel, which turns ES2015 module syntax into AMD (RequireJS-esq)

modules.● Use QUnit and Ember QUnit by default. But, you are free to use other options

such as Mocha and Ember Mocha.● Use Bower, for front-end dependencies and npm, for managing internal

dependencies● Is configurable via a file named .ember-cli

Ember cli

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Has support for:● Handlebars● HTMLBars● Emblem● LESS● Sass● Compass● Stylus● CoffeeScript● EmberScript● Minified JS & CSS

Ember cli

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Commands:● ember● ember new <app-name>● ember init● ember build● ember server● ember generate <generator-name> <options>● ember help generate● ember destroy <generator-name> <options>● ember test● ember install <addon-name>

Ember cli

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npm install -g [email protected] new ember-quickstartcd ember-quickstartember serveLivereload server on http://localhost:49152Serving on http://localhost:4200/ember generate route scientistsinstalling route create app/routes/scientists.js create app/templates/scientists.hbsupdating router add route scientistsinstalling route-test create tests/unit/routes/scientists-test.jsember build --env production

Ember cli

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ember install ember-cli-sassember install ember-cli-bootstrap-sassymv app/styles/app.css app/styles/app.scssecho '@import "bootstrap";' > app/styles/app.scss

Ember cli

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Ember implements its own object system. The base object is Ember.Object. All of the other objects in Ember extend Ember.Object.Ember.Object can observe properties change. This simple architectural decision is responsible for much of the consistency across Ember. Every Ember object can observe the properties of other objects, bind their properties to the properties of other objects, specify and update computed properties, and much more.

This gives enormous power and flexibility !


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Ember.object vs JS object

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Defining new Ember Class:



person1 = Person.extend({ firstName: “John”, lastName: “McClaine”, fullName(): { let fullName = this.firstName + ‘ ’ + this.lastName; alert(`my name is ${fullName} !`) }})

person1.get(‘firstName’) //Johnperson1.get(‘lastName’) //McClaneperson1.fullName()

//my name is John Mclane !

Person = Ember.Object.extend()user = Person.create()

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Person = Ember.Object.extend({ firstName: null, lastName: null, fullName: Ember.computed( 'firstName', 'lastName', function() {

return `${this.get('firstName')} ${this.get('lastName')}`; }), fullNameChanged: 'fullName', () => {

// deal with the changeconsole.log(`fullName changed to: ${this.get('fullName')}`);


var person = Person.create({ firstName : Harry, lastName : ‘Stamper’})

person.get(‘fullName’) // Harry Stamperperson.set(‘firstName’, “Grace”)

// fullName changet to: Grace Stamper

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The models are objects that represent the underlying data that the application presents the user. Different applications have very different models, depending on what are the problems they are trying to solve.

You can create a model with the command:

This will generate:


$ ember generate model person

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ModelsDefining attributes:

To define attributes to our model, we have four methods:- Attr- hasMany- belonsTo- normalizeModelName


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ModelsRelationship methods: hasMany & belongsTo:




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Ember is URL-driven so it always starts in the URL. In the example, our router has the following definition:


An instance of the Route invoke the model() method where we turn the model.Here it looks like a dummy object is returned:

Once model() has been returned, the renderComponent() method call ItemDisplayComponent model.

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Not only push data paths. They can also receive actions.

Actions are sent from components or other routes, so that the logic transitions involving URL or another route-level issue.


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RoutingWhat’s going on here?1. The Router parses the /items/2 URL and dispatches

control to a matching route: ItemRoute with a parameter item_id=2

2. ItemRoute invokes its model() hook, in which our app returns a model (Item with id=2) fetched via a service

3. renderComponent() is then run to render the component ItemDisplayComponent, passing it the resolved model Item

4. ItemDisplayComponent is responsible for the user interface: rendering/updating the DOM, and handling browser events

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The application route is entered when your app first boots up. Like other routes, it will load a template with the same name (application in this case) by default. You should put your header, footer, and any other decorative content here. All other routes will render their templates into the application.hbs template's {{outlet}}.

This route is part of every application, so you don't need to specify it in your app/router.js.

RoutingThe application route:

Index Routes:At every level of nesting (including the top level), Ember automatically provides a route for the / path named index.

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app/helpers/sum.jsexport function sum(params) { return params.reduce((a, b) => { return a + b; });};

export default Ember.Helper.helper(sum);


<p>Total: {{sum 1 2 3}}</p>

{{sum (multiply 2 4) 2}}

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<div> {{if isFast "I am fast" "I am slow"}}</div>


<div> {{if isFast (if isFueled "zoooom")}}</div>

{{#if isAtWork}} Ship that code!{{else if isReading}} You can finish War and Peace eventually...{{/if}}

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{{#each people as |person|}} Hello, {{}}!{{else}} Sorry, nobody is here.{{/each}}


<ul> {{#each people as |person index|}} <li>Hello, {{}}! You're number {{index}} in line</li> {{/each}}</ul>

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/app/components/store-categories.jsexport default Ember.Component.extend({ willRender() { this.set('categories', { 'Bourbons': ['Bulleit', 'Four Roses', 'Woodford Reserve'], 'Ryes': ['WhistlePig', 'High West'] }); }});


/app/templates/components/store-categories.hbs<ul> {{#each-in categories as |category products|}} <li>{{category}} <ol> {{#each products as |product|}} <li>{{product}}</li> {{/each}} </ol> </li> {{/each-in}}</ul>

<ul> <li>Bourbons <ol> <li>Bulleit</li> <li>Four Roses</li> <li>Woodford Reserve</li> </ol> </li> <li>Ryes <ol> <li>WhistlePig</li> <li>High West</li> </ol> </li></ul>

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/app/components/store-categories.jsexport default Ember.Component.extend({ willRender() { this.set('categories', { 'Bourbons': ['Bulleit', 'Four Roses', 'Woodford Reserve'], 'Ryes': ['WhistlePig', 'High West'] }); },

actions: { addCategory(category) { let categories = this.get('categories'); categories[category] = [ ]; // A manual re-render causes the DOM to be updated this.rerender(); } }});


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app/templates/components/single-post.hbs<p><button {{action "select" post}}>✓</button> {{post.title}}</p>


app/components/single-post.jsexport default Ember.Component.extend({ actions: { select(post) { console.log(post.get('title')); } }});

app/templates/components/single-post.hbs<p> <button {{action "select" post on="mouseUp"}}>✓</button> {{post.title}}</p>

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ember generate component my-component-nameinstalling component create app/components/my-component-name.js create app/templates/components/my-component-name.hbsinstalling component-test create tests/integration/components/my-component-name-test.js


app/templates/components/blog-post.hbs<article class="blog-post"> <h1>{{title}}</h1> <p>{{yield}}</p> <p>Edit title: {{input type="text" value=title}}</p></article>

app/templates/index.hbs{{#each model as |post|}} {{#blog-post title=post.title}} {{post.body}} {{/blog-post}}{{/each}}

app/routes/index.jsexport default Ember.Route.extend({ model() { return'post'); }});

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A controller is a routable object meant to “decorate” a model with display logic.


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A controller is a routable object meant to “decorate” a model with display logic.


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Ember CLI Mirage

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MirageEmber CLI Mirage is a client side mock server to develop and prototype applications.

Fixtures and FactoriesWe now have a couple of choices. We can create data using fixtures, or generate them through a factory. It's probably a good idea to use factories. They can easily be added to your tests.

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More information in...






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