Workshop 1 8 fei vienam workshop festival timelines

Nick Dodds Managing Director

Transcript of Workshop 1 8 fei vienam workshop festival timelines

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Nick DoddsManaging Director

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British Council VietnamFestival Workshop17-20 March 2010

Lịch trình FestivalHai nguồn hữu ích từ UK

Hội đồng Du lịch Xứ Wales•

Sự kiện Scotland•


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British Council VietnamFestival Workshop17-20 March 2010

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British Council VietnamFestival Workshop17-20 March 2010

Nội dung kế hoạch Người xử lý Đỏ Đỏ Vàng Vàng Xanh Xanh Chú thích

    Ngày sớm nhất Ngày cuối Ngày sớm nhất Ngày cuối Ngày sớm nhất Ngày cuối  

Ý tưởng/ Thiết kế Sự kiện                

Thành lập ủy ban                

Đề ra lịch trình Lập Kế hoạch                

Nghiên cứu và xác định ngày                

Mở Tài khoản Ngân hàng                

Ý tưởng Chính/ Chủ đề                

Tìm Địa điểm – Đặt chỗ                

Xác định các quỹ                

Xác định các giấy phép cần thiết                

Kiểm tra ràng buộc pháp lý                

Đội Tổ chức                

Liên hệ với các điểm thăm quan/sự kiện khác                

Xác định ai làm gì                

Đưa ngày vào Danh sách Sự kiện                

Bắt đầu xin cấp phép                

Dự thảo Ngân sách                

Bảo hiểm – tổ chức/hỏi giá                

Xây dựng Kế hoạch Marketing                

Bắt đầu hẹn lịch với nghệ sĩ/ người khác                

Tài trợ                

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British Council VietnamFestival Workshop17-20 March 2010

Nội dung kế hoạch Người xử lý Đỏ Đỏ Vàng Vàng Xanh Xanh Chú thích

    Ngày sớm nhất Ngày cuối Ngày sớm nhất Ngày cuối Ngày sớm nhất Ngày cuối  

Xây dựng kế hoạch PR/Báo giới

Trang Web

Kiểm tra tình hình cấp phép                

Làm hồ sơ xin tài trợ                

Liên hệ nơi đặt quảng cáo                

Duyệt ngân sách                

Duyệt Kế hoạch Marketing/PR                

Duyệt Quỹ tài trợ                

Duyệt Kế hoạch Thực hiện                

Contingency-Risk assessment                

Health /Safety/Security                

Transport control                

Emergency plan                

Emergency Services                

Confirmation Bookings-artists                

Marketing/Full PR                


Operational Plan                





Dealing with Visitors                



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British Council VietnamFestival Workshop17-20 March 2010

Nội dung kế hoạch Người xử lý Đỏ Đỏ Vàng Vàng Xanh Xanh Chú thích

    Ngày sớm nhất Ngày cuối Ngày sớm nhất Ngày cuối Ngày sớm nhất Ngày cuối  


Evaluation-Finalise Accounts

Set Date for Next Event

Feedback to Sponsors/Funders                

Final PR                

Staff De-brief/Thank you                




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• Chapter 1:Where to Start - General Planning

• The planning process is one of the most important aspects in successful Event Management: the more robust the plan, the smoother the journey to success. In this chapter we give you a guide to general planning.

British Council VietnamFestival Workshop17-20 March 2010

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British Council VietnamFestival Workshop17-20 March 2010

• Chapter 2:Business Planning

• An event Business Plan serves to communicate the strategic plan for taking the event forward, usually over a period of three to five years (if it is not a one-off proposition). Every event should have a Business Plan, and this chapter explains how you should go about creating one.

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British Council VietnamFestival Workshop17-20 March 2010

• Chapter 3:Putting the Team Together

• There are no ‘off the peg’ organisational structures that can be employed to deliver events. Each event is as individual as the objectives it aims to achieve – and the people that deliver it.

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• Chapter 4:Budgets and Financial Planning

• Good financial management is fundamental to the delivery of successful events. Our advice is simple: plan ahead, be realistic, keep on top of your budget and implement control systems that work for you.

British Council VietnamFestival Workshop17-20 March 2010

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• Chapter 5:Making it Add Up - Financial Planning

• When predicting the likelihood of an event’s success, two important questions have to be asked: 1) Is it financially viable? 2) Is it sustainable? (if it’s not a one-off proposition) This chapter will give you a head start where fundraising is concerned

British Council VietnamFestival Workshop17-20 March 2010

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• Chapter 6:The Programme

• Regardless of event type, a strong event programme is essential for success. If the programme is insubstantial or of poor quality it will not live up to the expectations of the audience/participants. This chapters gives you advice on setting up a programme.

British Council VietnamFestival Workshop17-20 March 2010

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• Chapter 7:Legal Issues

• Understanding your responsibilities under law is an essential part of effective event management. Organising an event involves taking care of a variety of legal issues. At the outset you need to define the legal responsibilities associated with running your particular event, and if they can be delivered within the available timescales.

British Council VietnamFestival Workshop17-20 March 2010

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• Chapter 8:Insurance

• Organising the appropriate insurance for your event is essential. Attention to detail is of utmost importance when putting in place the cover that is required. In taking out insurance, the insurer/underwriter agrees to provide security against future loss, damage or liability in return for a non-refundable premium paid by the event.

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• Chapter 9:Event Production

• This chapter is intended to help you start thinking about how to safely deliver your event from an operational point of view.

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• Chapter 10:Operational Communications

• This section describes two operational communication tools: 1) The Event Manual and 2) the Staff Briefing Document. Guides are provided to help you create your own versions.

British Council VietnamFestival Workshop17-20 March 2010

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• Chapter 11:Marketing and Communications

• This section aims to give those who are new to event marketing and communications a basic guide to help them through the planning process. It may also act as a stimulus for more experienced event marketers to review or rethink existing activity.

British Council VietnamFestival Workshop17-20 March 2010

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• Chapter 12:Visitor Research

• How can you develop and grow your event audience if you don’t know anything about it? Building a picture of who attended the event, where they came from, how they found out about it, what they enjoyed and if they will return is essential when developing marketing strategies. Discover our tips for visitor research in this helpful chapter.

British Council VietnamFestival Workshop17-20 March 2010

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• Chapter 13:Post Event

• It’s not over yet. The final step in the event management process is one of good business practice and good housekeeping and our advice is to start it as soon as possible after the event.

British Council VietnamFestival Workshop17-20 March 2010