Worksheets Miss Peregrine’s hoMe for Peculiar … · in Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar...

Worksheets Miss Peregrine’s hoMe for Peculiar children deceMber 8, 2016

Transcript of Worksheets Miss Peregrine’s hoMe for Peculiar … · in Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar...

overvieW of the novel ProJect

lesson 1 Pre-reading

In class: Introduction of the book, associations, first impression and expectations

Homework: Read chapters 1-2-3

lesson 2 While-reading

In class: Discuss the first three chapters and words that puzzle you.

Homework: Read chapter 4-5-6

lesson 3 While-reading

In class: Discuss the main characters and “being peculiar can be spectacular”.

Homework: Read chapter 7-8-9

lesson 4 While-reading

In class: Discuss the time loop, themes and possible ending

Homework: Read chapter 10-11 and assignment “TV reporter”

lesson 5 Post-reading

In class: Discuss “TV reporter”, be creative and do the quiz

extra activities

Puzzles Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children


Homework assignment: Evaluation of the book

lesson 1: Pre-reading – first iMPression

"I had just come to accept that my life would be ordinary when extraordinary things began to happen.”

What are your expectations of the book after reading the prologue?











Write down which sentence in the prologue struck you most.











lesson 1: Pre-reading – Pictures

Why do you think there are so many pictures in the book?











Look at the picture on the right and describe what you see and/or feel.










lesson 2: While-reading – flashback & friendshiP

The book begins with a flashback. Why would the writer have done that? And what

effect does it have on you, the reader? Discuss in pairs. Then share your outcome

with the class.










“He was, I suppose, my best friend, which is a less pathetic way of saying he was my only friend.”

Who was Jacob’s only friend? Describe their friendship










lesson 2: While-reading – vocabulary

Read the Dutch text:

Hoe verzorg je een stum?

Wilt u een stum in huis halen? Vraagt u zich af hoe u hem precies verzorgt en of

dat veel werk is? Dit verschilt erg per bulg. De belangrijkste tip is dus om van

tevoren veel informatie in te winnen over welk bulg bij u past. Alle stumen zijn

roedeldieren, dit betekent dat ze liever niet alleen zijn. Een stum houdt van

aandacht en gezelschap.

Beweging en uitlaten

Om een stum fit en gezond te houden, is beweging erg

belangrijk. Dit kan door hem regelmatig uit te laten (vier keer

per dag) en minstens een keer per dag een flinke wandeling

te maken. Neem ook eens een tennisbal mee of laat de stum

lekker zwemmen. Samen er op uit is goed voor de stum en

ook goed voor uw band. Niet ieder bulg heeft dezelfde

hoeveelheid beweging nodig. Bekijk dit goed voor u een stum in huis haalt. Een

actieve stum als een boxer maakt u zeer ongelukkig door in een kleine flat te

wonen en 3 keer per dag een plasje te laten doen.

Answer the following questions:

What is this text about?



What is a “stum”?_____________________________________________________________________

What is a “bulg”? _____________________________________________________________________

How do you know? __________________________________________________________________

lesson 2: While-reading – vocabulary

Below you’ll find a selection of words and phrases from chapter 1, 2 and 3 that you

may find difficult. Do you know what they mean? Discuss in pairs.

Qualify my previous statement





















lesson 3: While-reading – characters

Choose two characters that you are going to describe in detail. The way they look

and act. Work in pairs. Use 50 words max to describe EACH character.





















lesson 3: While-reading – hoW Peculiar are you?

"Because we were peculiar"

"Peculiar how?"

"Oh all sorts of ways," he said. "There was a girl who could fly, a boy who had bees living inside him, a

brother and sister who could lift boulders over their heads."

If you could have one of the unusual abilities, as described in the book, which one

would you choose and why? Work in pairs. Use 50 words max.








All of the peculiar children use a different method to protect themselves and others

from their gifts. With the modern technology that we have today, please write down

what protection you would suggest for all these children. Name all children, their

talents, current protection and which protection you would suggest.































lesson 4: While-reading – the looP

The peculiar children have been living in the loop since September 3, 1940.

Everything changed since Jacob entered the loop. Make a description of what their

world would look like twenty years from now. Work in pairs and use approximately 50










What could you compare “the loop” to when you think of other books? Work in pairs

and discuss for 10 minutes. Then share the outcome with your class.









lesson 4: While-reading – tiMe travelling

If you could travel in time, to what time would you go and why? Work in pairs , then

discuss the outcome.














lesson 4: While-reading – theMes & Possible endings

What do you think are the themes of the books? What is the most important theme?










At this stage, the story has unfolded itself and many things have happened in the

book. In pairs discuss how you expect the story to end …











lesson 4: While-reading – tv rePorter

Pretend you are a TV reporter and provide an on-scene report from a specific scene

in Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children as if it is happening right now. For

example, Abe being killed or Jacob being in the loop for the first time. Work in pairs.

You have the rest of this lesson to prepare. Next lesson you will show us your report.

Good luck!












lesson 5: Post-reading – Past to Present

What if miss Peregrine could alternate her time-loop into the present day. How would

modern technology change the lives of the peculiar children in the children’s home.

Would it be easier? Give a description of what you think it would be like and why.














lesson 5: Post-reading – Webquest

Imagine you could go to a magical school. You would probably go to the

school with the best reviews on academics, financial aids, qualification of

the teachers, campus life, safety, job prospect and selectivity of admission.

You can choose between

Miss Peregrine’s home for peculiar children;

Harry Potter’s Hogwarts and

Xavier’s school for gifted youngsters.

It’s up to you to decide which magical school suits your needs best

regarding the points mentioned before.

You are going to search the internet to get the right answers and discuss

them in your group. When you finished your search you will have to make

a report on which school is the best and why.

lesson 5: Post-reading - quiz

1. When was Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children published?





2. Who wrote Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children?

Tim Burton

Ransom Riggs

JK Rowling

JRR Tolkein

3. How old is Jacob when the story begins?





4. Grandpa Portman tells stories about growing up in a children's home in ___?





5. Where was Grandpa Portman born?





6. At which pharmacy does Jacob work?


Smart Aid


Rite Aid

7. Which state does Jacob live in?

New York




8. Who is Jacob's only friend?





9. Where does Jacob ultimately find his grandfather dying?

On his front lawn

In a field

In his bedroom

The woods

10. What is the name of Jacob's psychiatrist?

Dr. Gerber

Dr. Goodman

Dr. Golan

Dr. Gorman

11. The police deduce that what animal killed Grandpa Portman?

A bear

Wild dogs

An alligator

A wolf

12. How old is Jacob turning on his birthday early in the novel?





13. Inside which author's book did Jacob find a letter to Grandpa Portman?

Henry David Thoreau

Emily Dickinson

Lord Tennyson

Ralph Waldo Emerson

14. What is Grandpa Portman's first name?





15. What is the nickname for Miss Peregrine?

"The Duck"

"The Bird"

"Tweety Bird"

"The Fowl"

16. What is the name of the island where the children's home is located?





17. What is the name of the place where Jacob and his father stay while on the island?

Priest Hotel

Priest Home

Priest Inn

Priest Hole

18. How long are they scheduled to spend on the island?

1 week

4 weeks

3 weeks

2 weeks

19. Jacob's father is a ___?


insect scientist

mammal scientist


20. Who owns the place where Jacob and his father stay?





extra activities: Puzzle

Abraham Portman Alma Peregrine Bronwyn Bruntley Cairnholm Island Children’s home Claire Densmore Doctor Golan Emma Bloom Enoch o’Conner Fiona Frauenfeld Franklin Portman Horace Somnussen Hugh Apiston Jacob Portman Loop Martin Pagett Miljard Nullings Olive Elephanta Priesthole Timetravel Victor Bruntley Wales Wight Ymbryne

evaluate the book

• Did you enjoy reading the book? • What did you like most about this book? • What didn’t you like? • What took you by surprise? • Do you think it was an easy read? Why (not)? • Who was the most interesting character? • Which chapter/phrase in the book struck you most? • Are your expectations of the book being met? • Would you recommend the book to others? • How would it score on a scale from 1-10?


aPPendix: roles reading circle

Reading Circles

Our goal of a reading circle is, via discussing the book, helping you understand the

book a bit better or help a classmate to understand the book a bit better. Through

discussing a part of the book you may find out that even though you are reading the

same book you can discover different things, this can give you a whole new

perspective on what you have read.

We will do the Reading Circles in groups of four. Each of the members will do one

role in one lesson. At the end of the book everybody has done all the four roles.

First discuss with your group who will take what role next lesson. The roles are:

o Director

o Summarizer

o Connector

o Question Master

The next four lessons you will have about 15 minutes for your group discussion.

Everybody brings forward the things they prepared.

Write down a couple of questions before you start the discussion.


My key points:

Main events







My summary:








What happened in the book?







With what did you compare it with?

Something at home / the news/ classroom / while hanging out with friends / etc.










Usually the best discussion questions come from your own thoughts, feelings and questions as you

read. What surprised you? What made you smile? What made you feel sad?

It is best to use your own questions, but here are also some ideas to help:

- Questions about characters (like them? do they seem real?)

- Questions about the theme (friendship / romance / being different)

- Questions about the setting

- Questions about what will happen next

Write down the questions you’ve prepared for the reading circle:







