Works of Art from Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP

WESCHLER’S Since 1890 WORKS OF ART FROM DEWEY & LEBOEUF LLP Friday, February 1, 2013 1PM W A D & L B LLP


Friday Feb 1st at 1PM---Works of Art from Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP featuring Fine Art and Prints by Christopher Wool, Roy Lichtenstein, Frank Stella, and Sol LeWitt Exhibit - January 26 through January 31

Transcript of Works of Art from Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP

Page 1: Works of Art from Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP

WESCHLER’SSince 1890



Friday, February 1, 2013

10 AM

WESCHLER’SSince 1890


Friday, February 1, 2013 1PM















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PSale 1405A








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Page 2: Works of Art from Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP

WESCHLER’SAuctioneers & Appraisers Since 1890

Adam A. Weschler and Son, Inc. has served the Nation’s Capitalas fine art auctioneers and appraisers since 1890. The gallery isnow owned and managed by fourth and fifth generation membersof the Weschler family and is supported by a highly experiencedadministrative staff.

In our second century, Weschler’s renews its commitment to thehighest level of professionalism in auction and appraisal services.Since its founding, Weschler’s has strictly adhered to the principlethat the company own none of the items it auctions, acting solely as an agent for consignors.

Adam A. Weschler (1874-1951)Ralph A. Weschler, Sr. (1897-1966)Ralph A. Weschler, Jr. (1921-1982)Benjamin E. Weschler (1922-1993)

William P. Weschler, Sr. (1926-2006)John S. Weschler, Sr. (1956-2011)


William P. Weschler, Jr.Accredited Senior Appraiser

American Society of Appraisers


Thomas M. WeschlerPresident

Accredited Senior AppraiserAmerican Society of Appraisers

Leonard J. WeschlerTreasurer / Secretary







Sale Date Sale Title Consignment Deadline

Feb. 22, 2013 Vintage Posters and Fine Art from Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP n/a

Mar. 22, 2013 Capital Collections Estate Auction Feb. 1

May 17, 2013 Capital Collections Estate Auction Mar. 22

Previews begin the Saturday prior to the auction







Page 3: Works of Art from Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP


WESCHLER’SAuctioneers and Appraisers Since 1890

909 E Street N.W. Washington, DC 20004202/628-1281 FAX 202/628-2366


Friday, February 1, 2013 at 1 p.m.

PREVIEWSaturday, January 26 – 9 a.m. to NoonSunday, January 27 – 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.Monday, January 28 – 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.Tuesday, January 29 – 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Wednesday, January 30 – 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.Thursday, January 31– 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

CATALOGUES$20 at the Gallery

$25 by First Class Mail, $35 Overseas

In absentee bids this sale may be referred to as 1405AFront Cover: Lot 583

All lots subject to 20% buyer’s premium* as part of purchase price.(See clause 6 of the Conditions of Sale)

Page 4: Works of Art from Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP



Leigh Snitiker


Thomas M. Weschler


Leigh Snitiker

Matthew S. Wilcox


William P. Weschler, Jr.

FINE ARTDanielle Isaacs

Colette Chipman, Consultant


Mark P. Weschler


Leigh Snitiker


(202) 628-1281

Fax (202) 628-2366


Linda Amigh

FREE VERBAL ESTIMATES:Weschler’s experts will provide a freeauc tion-value estimate by ap point ment inour gal lery. Al ter na tively, pho to graphswhich clear ly de pict the items may besub mit ted in person, by mail or via emailat [email protected], if ac com pa nied

by de scrip tive in for ma tion such as di men -sions, con di tion, sig na tures, prove nance,and oth er rel e vant data. We schler’s ex -perts will be happy to visit your locationto view large col lec tions for a nominal fee,re fund able if the col lec tion is consignedwithin one year.

WRITTEN APPRAISALS:Weschler’s experts provide written ap -prais als for insurance, tax, estate or salepur pos es. The cost is based on the timeinvolved and the scope of the appraisal.Please contact Wil li am P. Weschler, Jr. orTho mas M. Wes ch ler at (202) 628-1281for further in for ma tion.

Page 5: Works of Art from Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP


Manager of Capital CollectionsLeigh Snitiker202-628-12811-800-331-1430

Assistant to the [email protected] Acs


American and EuropeanPaintings, Drawings, Sculpture,Prints and [email protected] IsaacsColette Chipman, Consultant


American Furniture and [email protected] S. Wilcox

European Fur ni ture and [email protected] Snitiker

20th Century Decorative [email protected] Snitiker

Rugs, Carpets and [email protected] M. Weschler

Asian Works of [email protected] P. Weschler, Jr.

Jewelry, Coins & [email protected] P. Weschler



Karen Weschler202-628-12811-800-331-1430 Fax 202-628-2366


Furniture and DecorationsWilliam P. Weschler, Jr.Thomas M. Weschler

Fine ArtsWilliam P. Weschler, Jr.Thomas M. Weschler

Jewelry and U.S. CoinsWilliam P. Weschler, Jr.Thomas M. WeschlerMark P. Weschler


Linda Amigh


Linda Amigh


Linda Amigh


Matthew S. Wilcox, DirectorWilliam P. Weschler, Jr.Thomas M. Weschler



William P. Weschler, Jr.Thomas M. Weschler


Thomas M. WeschlerMichael J. WeschlerLeonard J. WeschlerMark P. Weschler


G. Otis DavisRonnie LyonGregory JanrhettCharles JohnsonBrian Sullivan


Virginia WeschlerLinda AmighAllison MulhollandDeborah KnottOlivia Wood


Olivia Wood


Terence D. McArdle


Christian Barclay


Karen Weschler


Todd Allan Printing Co.


Page 6: Works of Art from Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP

PREVIEW:The preview will be held the Saturday pre -ced ing the sale from 9 a.m. to Noon,Sunday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday,Tuesday and Wednes day from 10 a.m. to5 p.m., and Thurs day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.You are en cour aged to attend the previewand to close ly ex am ine all lots of in ter est toyou. We schler’s staff will gladly assist you ifre quest ed.

CATALOGUES:The catalogue for this auction is avail ableat We schler’s Gallery during the ex hi bi tionand auc tion for $20. A catalogue admitstwo people to the auction. Cat a logues canbe mailed for a cost of $25 and mailed over-seas at a cost of $35. Annual catalogue sub -scrip tions are available by cate gory.Additional in for ma tion may be ob tained bycon tact ing Linda Amigh at (202) 628-1281.

PRICE LISTS AND POSTCARDS:Post sale price lists are available free ofcharge, approximately three weeks afterthe sale or online. Price lists are auto mati -cally sent to cat a logue sub scrib ers, as areWeschler’s postcards, pub lished prior toeach sale.

PRE-SALE ESTIMATES:As a convenience to bidders, We schler’spub lish es pre-sale es ti mates of the value ofeach lot in the auction. Estimates are in -tend ed as a guide and should not be con -sid ered a pre dic tion of the sell ing price.

RESERVES:The “reserve” is a confidential mini mumprice agreed between the con signor andWe schler’s be low which a lot will not besold. Lots that have a reserve will not bemarked as such, but the reserves will notbe in excess of the low pre-sale estimates.We schler’s will execute all reserves on be -half of the con signor by bidding throughthe auc tion eer and plac ing suc ces sive orcon sec u tive bids for a lot. The auc tion eermay open the bid ding on any lot on behalfof the consignor up to the reserve amount.In the event the bidding does not reach there serve, the auc tion eer will an nounce“Passed.”

BIDDER REGISTRATION:Each bidder must be assigned a biddingnum ber before bids can be rec og nized.Bidding number reg is tra tion will be avail -able during ex hi bi tion hours and duringthe auc tion. Bid ders already reg is teredwith an annual We schler’s bid ding num berneed not re-reg is ter for each sale.

ABSENTEE BIDS:Bidders who cannot attend the auctionmay submit absentee bids using the Ab sen -tee Bid form at the back of this catalogue oravailable online. Ab sen tee bids may also beplaced through We schler’s FAX number,(202) 628-2366, by tele phone, (202)628.1281. Bids placed by telephone mustbe confirmed by FAX, letter or email. Ourfacilities for telephone bidding are some-what limited so it is strongly rec om mend edthat you make arrangements at least 24hours in ad vance. Please con tact LindaAmigh at (202) 628-1281 for spe cif ic in for -ma tion on ab sen tee bids. Ab sen tee bid dersare urged to read the In for ma tion for Ab -sen tee Bidders at the back of this cata-logue.

CONDITION REPORTS:All property is sold “As Is” in accordancewith Con di tions of Sale clause 3 and nei -ther We schler’s nor the consignor makeany ex press or implied war ran ty or rep re -sen ta tion as to the con di tion of any lotoffered for sale and no statement made atany time, wheth er oral or written, shall con-stitute such a war ran ty or rep re sen ta tion.

Weschler’s staff is available to answer anyquestions or to pro vide any additional in -for ma tion re gard ing prop er ty of fered;how ev er, such condition re ports do notcon sti tute warranty and are not in tend edto re place first hand inspection by a pro -spec tive buy er.

BIDDING INCREMENTS:The auctioneer generally ad vanc es the bid -ding in the following incremental amounts:$100-499 $25 increments$500-999 $50 in cre ments$1,000-1,999 $100 increments$2,000-4,999 $200 increments$5,000-9,999 $500 increments$10,000+ auctioneer's dis cre tion

PURCHASER PAYMENTS:Successful bidders are requested to maketotal pay ment for purchases by cash, Visaor MasterCard or pre-approved check onthe day of sale.

Buyers not known to Weschler’s and plan -ning to pay with a personal or busi nesscheck are re quired to supply us a bank let-ter of credit prior to the auction. If such ar -range ments are not made prior to the auc -tion, purchases will be held by We schler'suntil the check has cleared our bank.

The stan dard 20 percent* Buyer’s Pre mi -um is added to the purchase price of allitems sold. Dis trict of Co lum bia 6 per centSales Tax is added to that total, except forbidders who hold a valid District of Co -lum bia re-sale tax num ber. *Discount forCash, Wire or Local and/or Approved Checks.

Please Note: The District of Columbiadoes not reciprocate with other ju ris dic -tions and We schler’s cannot accept taxnumbers from other ju ris dic tions. Taxnumbers must be reg is tered at the time abidding number is issued. For further in -for ma tion please con tact KarenWeschler at (202) 628-1281 or [email protected].

REMOVAL OF PROPERTY:All purchases should be paid for and re -moved the day of sale, but in no event laterthan three days post sale. We schler’s willadvise you on the best way to trans portlarge items, and will help ar range for pack -ing, in sur ance and shipping. We schler’s as -sumes no responsibility for the acts oromis sions of carriers or packers wheth er ornot they are rec om mended by us. For fur -ther in for ma tion please con tact us at (202) 628-1281.

EXPORTATION PERMITS:Certain lots may be subject to the pro vi sionsof the Endangered Species Act of 1973, theMa rine Mam mal Protection Act of 1972,and the Mi gra to ry Bird Act of 1982. Inorder to export these items, the buyer mustobtain spe cial li cens es from the De part mentof the In te ri or, Unit ed States Fish andWildlife Service. Some items may not beexported, and others may not be resold oncepur chased. Prospective bid ders who intendto export or resell such items are solely re -spon si ble for ob tain ing such licenses andWe schler’s can not, and will not, assure thatsuch licenses can be obtained.

COMMISSIONS:Weschler’s receives the standard 10 per -cent consignor’s commission on the ham -mer price of each lot that sells for morethan $5,001; 15 percent for lots sell ing be -tween $2,001 and $5,000; 20 per cent forlots sell ing be tween $1,001 and $2,000;25 percent or lots sell ing be tween $51 and$1,000; and 40 percent for lots sellingunder $50. For items of ex cep tion al val ue,the consignor’s com mis sion is ne go tia ble atthe time of con sign ment. If prop er ty car-ries a reserve and does not sell, a “buy backfee” of 5 percent or $50, which ev er isgreater, is charged. A sample stan dard con -tract may be ob tained by con tact ingWeschler’s office at (202) 628-1281.

CONSIGNMENTS:If you have property to consign, pleasecon tact us at (202) 628-1281 or [email protected]. Generally, items mustbe con signed at least six weeks prior to thesched uled auction date, but con sign ors areurged to con sign as early as possible. Visit our website,, toview upcoming auction and deadlines.


Page 7: Works of Art from Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP

CONDITIONS OF SALEThe property listed in this catalogue will be offered and sold by Adam A. Weschler & Son, Inc. (“Auctioneer”) as agent for the “Con signor” on the followingterms and conditions. No employee is authorized to alter these con di tions. All bidders and consignors acknowledge knowing and agreeing to these conditions.

1. REGISTRATIONPrior to sale, all bidders must register witha Weschler’s rep re sen ta tive and re ceive abid ding number. A bidding number will bere quired of the successful bidder at the fallof the Auc tion eer’s hammer for each lot.2. “AS IS” CONDITIONThe Auctioneer and the Consignor as sumeno risk, lia bil ity or re spon si bil ity for the au -then tic ity or the au thor ship of any prop er -ty iden ti fied in the catalogue (that is, theidentity of the creator or the period, cul-ture, source or origin as the case may be,with which the creation of any property isiden ti fied herein). All property is sold “AsIs” and nei ther the Auctioneer nor theCon sign or makes any warranties or rep re -sen ta tions of any kind or nature with re -spect to the property, and in no event shallbe responsible for the cor rect ness or anyim plied warranty or mer chant abil i ty orany im plied warranty of fitness for a par tic -u lar purpose as it relates to de scrip tion,genu ine ness, attribution, provenance, safe-ty, re lia bil ity or condition of the property.If any implied warranties of mer chanta bil -ity or fit ness for a particular purpose canbe construed from the cata logue, auc tion,or bill of sale, such war ran ties are dis -claimed by the Auc tion eer and the Con -sign or. No state ment in the catalogue ormade at the sale or in the Bill of Sale orinvoice or elsewhere shall be deemed sucha war ran ty or rep re sen ta tion or an ad mis -sion of li a bil i ty.3. GUARANTEENotwithstanding the preceding con di tion,if within 14 days of the date of the sale, onany lot, the pur chaser must give notice inwriting to the Auc tion eer that the lot sold isa coun ter feit and, if within 7 days aftersuch notice the purchaser returns to theAuc tion eer in the same condition as whensold, and gives writ ten proof from a recog-nized im par tial expert which es tab lishesbeyond rea son able doubt that the returnedlot is in fact a coun ter feit and that this wasnot in di cated by a fair reading of the cata -logue or the Auctioneer’s com ments at thetime of sale, the Auc tion eer as agent for theCon sign or will rescind the sale and refundthe purchase price paid defined as theamount of the successful bid price, plusbuyer’s premium. The guarantee is madeonly to the original purchaser of record(i.e., the registered bidder) and not anysubsequent owners. The original buyermust have remained the owner of the lotwithout disposing of any interest in it toany third party.The term counterfeit is defined as a mod-ern fake or forgery, and made with theintent to deceive.

4. WITHDRAWALThe Auctioneer reserves the right to with -drawal any property at any time beforeactual sale.5. BIDDINGUnless otherwise announced by the Auc -tion eer at the time of sale, all bids are perlot as num bered in the cat a logue. The Auc -tion eer re serves the right to reject a bidfrom any bidder. The high est bid ac knowl -edged by the Auc tion eer shall be the pur -chas er. In the event of any dispute be tweenbidders, the Auctioneer shall have the soleand final dis cre tion ei ther to de ter mine thesuc cess ful bid der, or to re-of fer and re-sellthe ar ti cle in dis pute. If the Auc tion eer de -ter mines that any opening bid is not com -men su rate with the value of the articleoffered, he may reject the bid; and if, hav-ing ac knowl edged an open ing bid he de -cides that any ad vance is not suf fi cient, hemay re ject the ad vance.6. PURCHASER’SRESPONSIBILITYOn the fall of the Auctioneer’s hammer,title to the offered lot passes to the highestbidder who, thereupon will pay the fullpur chase price there fore or such part asthe Auc tion eer may require. All depositsmay be ap plied to any or all purchasesmade by the pur chaser at this or any previ-ous sale. All prop er ty shall be re moved bythe pur chaser at his expense on the day ofsale and, if not so re moved, may be sent bythe Auc tion eer to a public ware house forthe ac count, risk and ex pense of the pur -chaser. Any damage to or loss of any itempur chased which is left with the Auc tion -eer after the day of purchase is the pur -chas er’s sole re spon si bil ity. If the fore go ingcon di tions or any other ap pli cable con di -tions herein are not complied with, in ad di -tion to oth er remedies available to the Auc -tion eer and the Con signor by law, includ-ing with out limi ta tion the right to hold thepur chas er liable for the bid price, theAuctioneer at its op tion, may either (a)cancel the sale, re tain ing as liqui dateddam ag es all pay ments made by the pur -chaser, or (b) re-sell the property on 3 daysnotice to the pur chaser and for the accountand risk of the pur chas er, either pub lic ly orpri vate ly, and in such event the pur chas ershall be liable for the pay ment of any de fi -ciency plus all costs, including ware hous -ing, the expenses of both sales, and theAuc tion eer’s com mis sion at its regularrates and all other charges due here un der,and in ci den tal charg es. No claims shall beal lowed af ter removal of goods and no arti-cle shall be re-sold for pur chas er at the salewhere pur chased.

A premium equal to 20 percent* of the suc-cessful bid price up to and including$50,000, and 12 percent of the suc cess fulbid price over $50,000 will be added there -to and is payable by the purchaser as partof the total pur chase price.The District of Co lum bia Sales Tax is com -puted on this total purchase price. Thepur chaser will be re quired to pay the SalesTax unless ex empt ed through pos ses sion ofa val id District of Co lum bia Sales Taxnum ber. *Discount for Cash, Wire or Local and/orApproved Checks.After five (5) business days and the fail-ure to pay in full, the Auctioneer reservesthe right to charge the Purchaser’s creditcard on file ten percent (10%) of theentire amount due (including the ham-mer price, buyer’s premium, all applica-ble taxes and other charges). After four-teen (14) days, the Auctioneer has theright to charge the entire amount due(including the hammer price, buyer’spremium, all applicable taxes and othercharges) to the Purchaser’s credit card onfile.Please Note: The District of Co lum bia has no ar -range ment of reciprocity with any oth erju ris dic tion and the Auctioneer cannothonor a Sales Tax num ber from anyother ju ris dic tion.Buyers not known to the Auctioneer andplanning to pay with a personal or busi nesscheck are required to supply the Auc tion -eer with a bank letter of credit prior to theauction. If such ar range ments are notmade prior to the auc tion, pur chas es willbe held by the Auc tion eer until the checkhas cleared the bank.7. RESERVESUnless the sale is advertised and an -nounced as an unrestricted sale or salewithout reserve, Con sign ors reserve theright to bid through the Auc tion eer asagent on their own con sign ments.8. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONSThe Auctioneer reserves the right to can celthe sale or any portion thereof withoutprior or further notice, and to announce atany time ad di tion al conditions of sale.

Page 8: Works of Art from Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP

The terms used in this catalogue as to authorship, period, culture, source and origin are made subject to the provisions in theConditions of Sale printed in this catalogue.

George III Satinwood Inlaid Mahogany SideboardCirca 1800This heading, with the date, indicates a piece that in our opinion is essentially of the period with no major alter-ations or restorations.

George III Satinwood Inlaid Mahogany SideboardThis heading, without the date, indicates a piece that in our opinion is essentially of the period but has been sig-nificantly altered or restored.

George III Style Satinwood Inlaid Mahogany SideboardThis heading, with the word style, indicates a piece that in our opinion was made as an intentional copy of an ear-lier work.

While some defects and damages are mentioned in this catalogue, it is the responsibility of the purchaser to note the condition of each piece.



The terms used in this catalogue have the meanings ascribed to them here. Please note that all statements in this catalogue as to author-ship are made subject to the provisions in the Conditions of Sale printed in this catalogue.

Christopher Wool (American b. 1955)

In our opinion, a work by the artist.

Attributed to Christopher Wool (American b. 1955)In our opinion, a work of the period of the artist, probably in whole, or in part a work by the artist.

Studio of Christopher Wool (American b. 1955)In our opinion, a work by an unknown hand in the studio of the artist, possibly executed under the super-vision of the artist.Circle of Christopher Wool (American b. 1955)In our opinion, a work of the period of the artist, closely related to his style.

Manner of Christopher Wool (American b. 1955)In our opinion, a work in the style of the artist, and of a later date.

After Christopher Wool (American b. 1955)In our opinion, a copy of a known work of the artist.

The terms signed, dated or inscribedmean that in our opinion, the signature date or inscription are by the hand of the artist.We also give the placement of signature on the canvas as follows:

l.l. – lower left u.l. – upper leftl.r. – lower right u.r. – upper rightl.c. – lower center u.c. – upper center

The terms bears a signature, bears a date or bears an inscriptionmean that the work has a signature, date or inscription whichmay have been added by another hand. Dimensions are given height before width, unless otherwise stated, and to thenearest 1/4-inch. Pictures are framed unless otherwise noted. An asterisk (*) at the end of the description indicatesthat the print(s) in the lot has not been examined out of its mat and/or frame.

While we do our best to protect the frames, we will not be responsible for damage, regardless of cause.

Page 9: Works of Art from Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP


Abbott, Berenice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555, 556Alexander, John. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512Arnoldi, Charles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529, 558, 559

Bailey, Vernon Howe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504Bengston, Billy Al . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547, 548Bidner, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550Bosman, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541, 542, 543, 560, 561Bradbury, Bennett Schroeder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511Briselli, Susan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551

Calame, Ingrid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 562Carey, June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523Christenberry, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553, 554

Dahlquist, Richard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522DiGiorgio, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520Dill, Laddie John. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528Dine, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563, 564

Fish, Janet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506Fonseca, Caio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565Frankenthaler, Helen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566, 567

Gornik, April . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568, 569, 570Grant, Gordon Hope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502Grant, Lanny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513Graves, Nancy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570A

Hagberg, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516Hallam, Kerry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524, 525, 526Heilmann, Mary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571Held, Al . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572Herrmann, Frank S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503Hodgkin, Howard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573Homitzky, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507Hughes, Manuel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533

Jacobsen, Antonio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505Jacquette, Yvonne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574Juarez, Roberto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527

Kahn, Wolf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575Kasimir, Luigi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576Kushner, Robert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531, 577

Lang, Cay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552Leclerc, Eugene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603Leger, Fernand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578, 579, 580, 581, 582 LeWitt, Sol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583Lichtenstein, Roy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584

Mangold, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585, 586Mazur, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519McNamara, Joseph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549Meyerowitz, Joe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557Miles, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514Moore, Jay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509, 510

Muench, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508

Neher, Ross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544

Oldenburg, Claes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587, 588

Pavlicek, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535Pfaff, Judy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589Porter, Liliana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545

Richards, Bruce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536, 537, 538, 539, 540 Rockburne, Dorothea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590, 591

Saba, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532Shepherd, Kate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592, 593Situ, W. Jason . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521Steffen, Bernard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594Steir, Pat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595Stella, Frank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596, 597, 598Stevens, Bradley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517, 518Stuart, Michelle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534

Tinqua, Attributed to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501Turrell, James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 599

Wool, Christopher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530

Yamaguchi, Takako . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600, 601

Zakanitch, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515Zucker, Joe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602

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Friday, February 1, 2013

1 p.m.

Lots 501 - 609

View items in the sale and leave bids online at www.weschlers.comRegister to bid live online at

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501Attributed to Tinqua (Cantonese School, Mid-19th Century)Courtyard with Garden: Two WorksEach unsignedEach a gouache on pith paper; eachapparently in good condition. Eachframed.*Sight size of each: 7 x 11 in (17.8 x 27.9 cm)$1,000-$2,000


502 502Gordon Hope Grant (American 1875-1962)Ships on the BeachSigned Gordon Grant AWS and dated 1951 l.r.Watercolor on paper; apparently in goodcondition. Framed.*Sight size: 21 x 29-1/2 in (53.3 x 75 cm)$800-$1,200


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504Vernon Howe Bailey (American 1874-1953)View of New York from Central Park and View of Manhattan andthe Brooklyn Bridge: Two WorksEach signed Vernon Howe Bailey l.r. The first, ink on paper and the second, pencil on paper; eachapparently in good condition. Each framed.*Sight size of first: 15-1/2 x 11-1/2 in (39.3 x 29.2 cm); Sight size of second: 14-1/2 x 21 in (36.8 x 53.3 cm)$700-$900


503 503Frank S. Herrmann (American 1866-1942)Ship at SeaSigned F.S. Herrmann l.r.Oil and gouache on paper; apparentlyin good condition. Framed.*Sight size: 32 x 27 in (81.3 x 68.6 cm)$500-$1,000


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505Antonio Jacobsen (Danish/American 1850-1921)The Advance at SeaSigned A. Jacobsen, dated 1885 and inscribed 705 PalisadeAv West Hoboken, NJ l.r.Oil on canvas22 x 36 in (55.9 x 95.4 cm)$10,000-$15,000

Provenance:Sotheby’s, New York, Sporting and Marine Paintings andSculpture, Friday June, 5, 1992, lot 234


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506Janet Fish (American b. 1938)BegoniaSigned Janet Fish and dated 99 l.r.Watercolor on paper; apparently in good condition.Framed.*Sheet size: 36 x 40 in (91.4 x 101.6 cm)$5,000-$7,000


507 507Peter Homitzky (American b. 1942)Kingston TowlineSigned Homitzky and dated 84 l.r.; also inscribed Kingstonon versoAcrylic on canvas48 x 42 in (121.9 x 106.7 cm)$1,000-$2,000

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508Charles Muench (American b. 1966)Cloaked in WinterSigned Charles Muench l.l. and inscribed Charles M/© 2002 onversoOil on canvas20 x 24 in (50.8 x 61 cm)$800-$1,200




509Jay Moore (American b. 1964)Sunny Morning, Buffalo ForkSigned Jay Moore l.l.; also inscribed “SunnyMorning, Buffalo Fork”/ © 2001/ Jay Moore/N43° 50.269’/ W110° 30.089’ on versoOil on canvas16 x 20 in (40.6 x 50.8 cm)$4,000-$5,000

510Jay Moore (American b. 1964)Buffalo Valley StormUnsigned; inscribed Buffalo Valley Storm/©2002/ Jay Moore/ N 43° 50.707/ W 110°24.0091 on versoOil on canvas16 x 20 in (40.6 x 50.8 cm)$4,000-$5,000

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511Bennett Schroeder Bradbury (American 1914-1991)August SeasSigned Bennett Bradbury l.r.Oil on canvas24 x 48 in (60.9 x 121.9 cm)$800-$1,200




512John Alexander (American b. 1945)Mexicans and Melons - No Place butTexasUnsigned; titled, dated Aug 1979 andsigned John Alexander on paper labelaffixed to versoMixed media on paper; apparently ingood condition. Framed.*Sight size: 29 x 38-1/2 in (73.7 x 97.8 cm)$800-$1,200

513Lanny Grant (American b. 1953)Frost LaceSigned Lanny Grant l.r.Oil on panel12 x 16 in (30.5 x 40.6 cm)$2,000-$3,000

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514Richard Miles (American b. 1938)Celestial GlorySigned Richard A. Miles/© l.r.; also titled and datedFeb 2004 on versoOil on canvas30 x 37 in (76.2 x 94 cm)$800-$1,200


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515Robert Zakanitch (American b. 1935)North America and South America:Two WorksEach signed R. R. Zakanitch anddated 92 l.r.Each a watercolor on rag board;each apparently in good condition.Each framed.*Sight size of each: 10 x 16 in (25.4 x 40.6 cm)$1,000-$2,000

516Robert Hagberg (American 20th Century)The Touch of SunSigned R. Hagberg © l.r.; also titled on paperlabel affixed to versoOil on canvas18 x 24 in (45.7 x 61 cm)$700-$900

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517Bradley Stevens (American b. 1954)Illumination of Mt. MoranSigned B. Stevens l.r. and inscribed Bradley Stevens/Illumination of Mt. Moran/ 28 x 22/ oil on linen/ 2000© onversoOil on linen28 x 22 in (71.1 x 55.9 cm)$600-$800

518 517


518Bradley Stevens (American b. 1954)Potomac MeditationSigned B. Stevens l.l.Oil on canvas30 x 42 in (76.2 x 106.7 cm)$800-$1,200

519Michael Mazur (American b. 1935)Bay IIInscribed Bay II/Mazur 1989 on versoAcrylic on panel12 x 72 in (30.5 x 182.9 cm)$800-$1,200

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520Joseph DiGiorgio (American b. 1941)Texas Wild FlowersUnsignedOil and pastel on five sheets of paper;apparently in good condition. Framed asone.*Overall: 41-1/2 x 147-1/2 in (105.4 x 374.6 cm)$700-$900

521W. Jason Situ (American b. 1949)Afternoon Sunlight: YosemiteSigned W.J. Situ OPA l.r.; also signed anddated 2001 on verso and titled on paperlabel affixed to versoOil on linen18 x 24 in (45.7 x 61 cm)$1,500-$2,500

522Richard Dahlquist (American b. 1944)Back CountrySigned R. Dahlquist l.l.Oil on canvas18 x 24 in (45.7 x 61 cm)$1,000-$2,000




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523June Carey (American 20th Century)Golden GateSigned June Carey ©/ASMN l.r.Oil on canvas20 x 30 in (50.8 x 76.2 cm)$800-$1,200

523 524


524Kerry Hallam (American b. 1937)New York HarborSigned Kerry Hallam l.r.Mixed media on nautical chart; apparently ingood condition; accompanied by certificate ofauthenticity issued by Chalk & Vermilion FineArts, Inc., Greenwich, CT. Framed.*Sight size: 48 x 36-1/2 in (121.9 x 92.7 cm)$1,000-$2,000

525Kerry Hallam (American b. 1937)Long Island Sound- Eastern PartSigned Kerry Hallam l.r.Mixed media on nautical chart; appar-ently in good condition; accompanied bycertificate of authenticity issued byChalk & Vermilion Fine Arts, Inc.,Greenwich, CT. Framed.*Sight size: 32 x 48 in (81.3 x 121.9 cm)$1,000-$2,000

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526Kerry Hallam (American b. 1937)Cape CodSigned Kerry Hallam l.r.Mixed media on nautical chart; apparently in good condi-tion; accompanied by certificate of authenticity issued byChalk & Vermilion Fine Arts, Inc., Greenwich, CT.Framed.*Sight size: 35-1/2 x 44 in (85.9 x 111.8 cm)$1,000-$2,000

527Roberto Juarez (American b. 1952)Arrow RootSigned Roberto Juarez and titled on versoOil on canvas24 x 108 in (61 x 274.3 cm)$3,000-$5,000



528 528Laddie John Dill (American b. 1943)Light Traps: A Pair of WorksEach signed Laddie John Dill and dated2000 on versoEach welded and polished aluminumbas reliefsEach overall: 36 x 23-1/2 in (91.4 x 59.7 cm)$600-$800

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529Charles Arnoldi (American b. 1946)MarathonUnsignedAcrylic on canvas45 x 70 in (114.3 x 177.8 cm)$10,000-$15,000


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530Christopher Wool (American b. 1955)UntitledApparently unsigned; inscribed Christopher Wool/ Untitled (D59)/ 1997/ Enamel on ricepaper on gallery label affixed to versoEnamel on rice paper66 x 48 in (167.6 x 121.9 cm)$200,000-$300,000

Provenance:Luhring Augustine Gallery, New York

Note:Gallery has stated the work may be signed on verso


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531Robert Kushner (American b. 1949)White Peony and White Peony II: Two WorksEach signed Robert Kushner, titled and dated 02 l.r. and l.l. respectivelyEach ink on paper with applied gold leaf; each apparently in good condition. Each framed.*Sheet size of first: 13 x 19 in (33 x 48.3 cm);Sheet size of second: 19 x 13 in (48.3 x 33 cm)$800-$1,200

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532Richard Saba (American 20th Century)Sound PostUnsignedAcrylic on canvas80-1/2 x 73-1/2 in (204.5 x 186.7 cm)$800-$1,200

533Manuel Hughes (American b. 1938)Ribbons: A Pair of WorksEach signed Hughes u.c.Each a pastel on paper; each apparently in good condition. Each framed.*Sight size of each: 20 x 26 in (50.8 x 66 cm)$700-$900

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534Michelle Stuart (American b. 1940)Moonlight (Manhattan)Unsigned; inscribed MichelleStuart/ Moonlight (Manhattan)1990/ 44 x 88” (inches)/ encaus-tic, earth, pigment, and plants onpaper label affixed to versoMixed media on paper mounted on board 40 x 73 in (101.6 x 185.4 cm)$800-$1,200



536Panel 1


535John Pavlicek (American b. 1946)From the North (White 3)UnsignedCollage with applied gold leaf onpaper; apparently in good condition.Framed.*Sight size: 29-1/2 x 50 in (75 x 127 cm)$1,500-$2,500

536Bruce Richards (American b. 1948)Weather Change: A TriptychEach signed Bruce Richards, titled andinscribed with medium and first andthird panels dated 2001 on versoEach oil on canvasOverall: 48 x 204 in (121.9 x 518.2 cm)$2,000-$3,000

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537Bruce Richards (American b. 1948)Modern LivingSigned Bruce Richards, titled and dated 2001 onversoOil on canvas61 x 54 in (154.9 x 137.2 cm)$1,000-$2,000

538Bruce Richards (American b. 1948)Odyssey ISigned Bruce Richards and titled and dated 01 onversoOil on canvas46-1/8 x 39-1/8 in (117.1 x 99.3 cm)$1,000-$2,000

539Bruce Richards (American b. 1948)Odyssey IISigned Bruce Richards on verso; also inscribed ©Bruce Richards ‘01/ Odyssey (11)/ oil/ canvas/ 46-1/8x 49-1/8 on versoOil on canvas46-1/8 x 49-1/8 in (116.8 x 124.5 cm)$1,000-$2,000

538 537


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540Bruce Richards (American b. 1948)Odyssey IIISigned Bruce Richards on verso; also inscribed © BruceRichards 01’/ Odyssey (III)/ oil/ canvas/ 46-1/8 x 56-1/8 onversoOil on canvas46-1/8 x 56-1/8 in (117.5 x 142.2 cm)$1,000-$2,000

540 541


541Richard Bosman (Australian b. 1944)Study for Tides: A DiptychSigned Bosman l.r.; also dated 1990 on paper label affixedto versoAcrylic on paper; apparently in good condition.Framed.*Sheet size of each: 19 x 44 in (48.3 x 111.8 cm) $700-$900

542Richard Bosman (Australian b. 1944)Pier IISigned Bosman on verso; also titled and dated 1990 on a paper label affixed to versoOil on canvas28 x 84 in (71.1 x 213.4 cm)$800-$1,200

Provenance:Galería La Máquina Espanõla, Madrid Brooke Alexander Gallery, New York

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543Richard Bosman (Australian b. 1944)Study for Harbor LightsSigned Bosman l.r.; also dated 1990 on labelaffixed to versoAcrylic on paper; apparently in good condition.Framed.*Sheet size: 30 x 22-1/4 in (76.2 x 56.5 cm)$1,000-$2,000

543 544

545 545Liliana Porter (Argentine b. 1941)The WaySigned Liliana Porter l.r.Mixed media on paper; apparently ingood condition. Framed.*Sheet size: 40 x 59-1/2 in (101.6 x 151.1 cm)$2,000-$3,000

546No Lot

544Ross Neher (American b. 1949)The Libation BearersUnsignedOil on linen60 x 72 in (152.4 x 182.9 cm)$2,000-$3,000

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547Billy Al Bengston (American b. 1934)Alamo (Yellow)UnsignedLacquer and polyester resin on aluminum,inscribed Billy Al Bengston/ The Alamo 1969(Yellow)/ 36 x 34”/ Ed. 3/20 on paper labelaffixed to verso36 x 34 in (91.4 x 86.4 cm)$3,000-$5,000


548 548Billy Al Bengston (American b. 1934)Alamo (Brown)UnsignedLacquer and polyester resin on aluminum,inscribed Billy Al Bengston/ The Alamo 1969(Brown)/ 36 x 34”/ Ed. 20/20 on paper labelaffixed to verso36 x 34 in (91.4 x 86.4 cm)$3,000-$5,000

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549Joseph McNamara (American 20th Century)The WordsSigned Joseph McNamara on versoAcrylic on canvas46-3/4 x 61-3/4 in (118.7 x 156.8 cm)$700-$900


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550Robert Bidner (American 1930-1983)Second Street TownhouseSigned Bidner and dated 1983 on versoOil on canvas48-1/4 x 64-1/2 in (122.6 x 163.8 cm)$1,000-$2,000

551Susan Briselli (American 20th Century)Still Life: Two WorksThe first, signed Briselli l.r., the second, unsignedEach a hand-painted photograph; each apparently ingood condition. Each framed.*Sight size of first: 18-3/4 x 14-1/2 in (47.6 x 36.8 cm); Sight size of second: 18-1/4 x 14-1/2 in (46.4 x 36.8 cm)$800-$1,200

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552Cay Lang (American b. 1948)Achilles Heel, Private Parties, Rhapsody andBethlehem Partial View: Four WorksEach an ektachrome photograph, 1984-1987,the third, signed Cay Lang l.r. and numbered19/25 l.l. in pen, the others apparently signed;each apparently in good condition. Eachframed.*Sight size of each: 18-3/4 x 18-1/2 in (47.6 x 47 cm)$1,000-$2,000

Note:Rhapsody was taken out of its frame, and a sig-nature was found; the other three works havenot been taken out of their frames.

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553William Christenberry (American b. 1936)Palmist Hand, Havana Junction, AlabamaSigned with artist’s monogram in ink on verso; also titled,dated and inscribed Printed 1988Chromogenic print on Kodak paper, linen hinged at top corners; in good condition. Framed.Sight size: 17-1/4 x 22 in (43.8 x 55.9 cm)$2,500-$3,500

554William Christenberry (American b. 1936)5¢ Wall, with Johnson Grass, Demopolis,Alabama, 1980Signed with artist’s monogram in ink onverso; also titled, dated and inscribed Printed1988Chromogenic print on Kodak paper, linenhinged at top corners; in good condition.Framed.Sight size: 20 x 24 in (50.8 x 61 cm)$2,500-$3,500

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555Berenice Abbott(American 1898-1991)Lyric TheaterSigned Berenice Abbott in pencil l.r. Photograph, later impression; apparently in good condition.Framed.*Sight size: 16-1/2 x 21 in (41.9 x 53.3 cm)$3,000-$5,000


556 556Berenice Abbott(American 1898-1991)Nightview, New YorkGelatin silver print, 1932, signedBerenice Abbott in pencil l.r. and num-bered 34/100 in pencil l.l.; apparently ingood condition. Framed.*Sight size: 40 x 30 in (101.6 x 76.2 cm)$15,000-$20,000

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557Joe Meyerowitz (American b. 1938)Porch Scenes, Provincetown: Five WorksEach a chromogenic print; each apparently ingood condition. Each framed.*Sight size of each: 9-1/4 x 7-1/4 in (23.5 x 18.4 cm)$800-$1,200

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558 559

558Charles Arnoldi (American b. 1946)Untitled (Orange)Monotype on handmade paper, 1990, signed Arnoldi inpencil l.r.; apparently in good condition. Framed.*Sheet size: 787 x 584 mm (31 x 23 in)$800-$1,200

559Charles Arnoldi (American b. 1946)Untitled (Blue)Monotype on handmade paper, 1990, signed Arnoldi inpencil l.l.; apparently in good condition. Framed.*Sheet size: 787 x 584 mm (31 x 23 in)$800-$1,200

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560Richard Bosman (Australian b. 1944)Night SpanLithograph in color, signed Bosman in pencil l.r. and numbered16/30 in pencil l.l.; apparently in good condition. Framed.*Plate size: 483 x 1226 mm (19 x 48-1/4 in)$700-$900


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561Richard Bosman (Australian b. 1944)Night HaulWoodcut in color, signed Bosman in pencil l.r. and num-bered 19/35 in pencil l.l.; apparently in good condition.Framed.*Sheet size: 559 x 851 mm (22 x 33-1/2 in)$700-$900

562Ingrid Calame (American b. 1965)Untitled (Trace 1, 2 & 3): Group of Three WorksEach an etching with Chine collé, each signed IngridCalame in pencil l.r. and numbered 22/35 in pencil l.l.; eachapparently in good condition. Each framed.*Sheet size of each: 635 x 635 mm (25 x 25 in)$1,500-$2,000

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563Jim Dine (American b. 1935)A Temple Flora (Strelitzia) (D’Oench and Feinberg 12)Hand-colored etching, 1978, signed J. Dine in pencil l.r. andnumbered III in pencil l.l.; apparently in good condition.Framed.*Sight size approximately: 610 x 451 mm (24 x 17-3/4 in)$2,000-$3,000

563 564


564Jim Dine (American b. 1935)A Temple of Flora (Iris) (D’Oench and Feinberg 13)Hand-colored etching, 1978, signed Jim Dine in pencilc.l. and numbered 10/30 in pencil l.l.; apparently in goodcondition. Framed.*Sight size: 610 x 451 mm (24 x 17-3/4 in)$3,000-$5,000

565Caio Fonseca (American b. 1959)Three String GialloEtching and aquatint in color, 2006, signedindistinctly in pencil l.r. and numbered 41/50 inpencil l.l.; apparently in good condition.Framed*Plate size: 762 x 1016 mm (30 x 40 in)$1,000-$2,000

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566Helen Frankenthaler (American 1928-2011)Orange Downpour (Harrison 27)Pochoir in color printed on white Arches Imperial Roughwatercolor paper, 1970, signed Frankenthaler and dated9/30/1970 in pencil l.r. and numbered 35/50 in pencil l.l.;apparently in good condition. Framed.*Sheet size: 775 x 559 mm (30-1/2 x 22 in)$3,000-$5,000


567 567Helen Frankenthaler (American 1928-2011)Wind Directions (Harrison 28)Pochoir in color printed on white Arches ImperialRough watercolor paper, 1970, signed Frankenthaler andnumbered 2/50 in pencil l.l.; apparently in good condi-tion. Framed.*Sheet size: 775 x 558 mm (30-1/2 x 22 in)$2,500-$3,500

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568April Gornik (American b. 1953)Palatine LightEtching, 2002, signed April Gornik in pencil l.r. andnumbered 13/30 in pencil l.l.; apparently in goodcondition. Framed.*Sight size: 489 x 387 mm (19-1/4 x 15-1/4 in)$800-$1,200

569April Gornik (American b. 1953)Light Through TreesEtching, 2002, signed April Gornik in pencil l.r. andnumbered 13/30 in pencil l.l.; apparently in goodcondition. Framed.*Sight size: 489 x 387 mm (9-1/4 x 15-1/4 in)$800-$1,200

570April Gornik (American b. 1953)Edge of the ForestEtching, 2002, signed April Gornik in pencil l.r. andnumbered 13/30 in pencil l.l.; apparently in goodcondition. Framed.*Sight size: 489 x 387 mm (19-1/4 x 15-1/4 in)$800-$1,200




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570ANancy Graves (American 1940-1995)Stuck, The Flies BuzzedEtching, aquatint and dry point on copper, separate silkscreen andembossing on Magnani paper, 1990, signed Nancy Graves and numbered68/68 in pencil l.r.; printed by Vigna Antoniniana and edited by 2RC editions; apparently in good condition. Framed.*1194 x 2286 mm (47 x 90 in)$3,000-$5,000

571Mary Heilmann (American b. 1940)JazzEtching in color, 2002, signed M. Heilmann in pencil l.r. and numbered 8/25in pencil l.l.; apparently in good condition. Framed.*Plate size: 826 x 552 mm (32-1/2 x 21-3/4 in)$1,500-$2,500



572 572Al Held (American 1928-2005)PachinkoWoodcut in color, 1989, signed Al Held in pencil l.l.;apparently in good condition. Framed.*Sight size: 660 x 838 mm (26 x 33 in)$1,000-$2,000

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573Howard Hodgkin (British b. 1932)NickEtching and aquatint, 1977, signedHodgkin in pencil l.r. and numbered 6/100in pencil l.l.; apparently in good condition.Framed.*Sheet size: 476 x 578 mm (18-3/4 x 22-3/4 in)$2,000-$3,000


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574Yvonne Jacquette (American b. 1934)Two Ferries Passing: Suite of Ten WorksEach a soft ground etching and aquatint in color, 1982,each signed Yvonne Jacquette in pencil l.r. and numbered8/8 in pencil l.l.; each apparently in good condition. Eachframed.*Plate size of each: 406 x 393 mm (16 x 15-1/2 in)$8,000-$10,000

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575Wolf Kahn (German/American b. 1927)Barn Above PondSerigraph in color, 2002, signed Wolf Kahn in pencil l.r andnumbered 91/99 in pencil l.l.; apparently in good condition.Framed.*Sight size: 870 x 845 mm (34-1/4 x 33-1/4 in)$800-$1,200


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576Luigi Kasimir (Austrian 1881-1962)New York and Brooklyn Bridge No. 2:Two WorksEach an etching in color, each signedLuigi Kasimir in pencil l.c.; each apparent-ly in good condition. Each framed.*Sight size of first: 450 x 292 mm (18 x 11-1/2in); Sight size of second: 318 x 470 mm (12-1/2 x 18-1/2 in)$1,500-$2,500

577Robert Kushner (American b. 1949)White Anemone State I and White AnemoneState II: Two WorksEach a woodblock print in color on silk,1989, each signed Robert Kushner in pencil l.r.and numbered 1/21 in pencil l.r.; each appar-ently in good condition. Each framed.*Plate size of each: 279 x 381 mm (11 x 15 in )$800-$1,200

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578Fernand Leger (French 1881-1955)Femme au PoudrierLithograph in color, 1959, signed F. Leger in pencil l.r. andnumbered 5/180 in pencil l.l.; apparently in good condi-tion. Framed.*Sight size: 533 x 432 mm (21 x 17 in)$500-$700

579Fernand Leger (French 1881-1955)Amoureaux Dans La RueLithograph in color, 1959, signed F. Leger in pencil l.r. andnumbered 5/180 in pencil l.l.; apparently in good condi-tion. Framed.*Sight size: 533 x 432 mm (21 x 17 in)$500-$700

580Fernand Leger (French 1881-1955)L’OperaLithograph in color, 1959, signed F. Leger in pencil l.r. andnumbered 5/180 in pencil l.l.; apparently in good condi-tion. Framed.*Sight size: 533 x 432 mm (21 x 17 in)$500-$700




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581Fernand Leger (French 1881-1955)La Tour EiffelLithograph in color, 1959, signed F. Leger inpencil l.r. and numbered 5/180 in pencil l.l.;apparently in good condition. Framed.*Sight size: 533 x 432 mm (21 x 17 in)$500-$700

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582Fernand Leger (French 1881-1955)La PiscineLithograph in color, 1959, signed F. Leger in pencil l.r. and num-bered 5/180 in pencil l.l.; apparently in good condition. Framed.*Sight size: 483 x 648 mm (19 x 25-1/2 in)$500-$700

583Sol LeWitt (American 1946-2007)Wavy Brush StrokesSilkscreen monoprint in color,1998, apparently signed on verso;apparently in good condition.Framed.*Sheet size: 1410 x 1410 mm (55-1/2 x55-1/2 in)$8,000-$12,000

Provenance:Pace Prints, New York, NY

Note:According to Pace Prints, the workis signed Sol LeWitt and numbered12 on verso.

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584Roy Lichtenstein (American 1923-1997)Red and Yellow Apple (Corlett 195)Woodcut in color on handmade IwanoKizuki Hosho paper, 1983, signed RoyLichtenstein and numbered 43/60 in pencil l.c.;apparently in good condition. Framed.*Sheet size: 724 x 959 mm (28-1/2 x 37-3/4 in)$5,000-$7,000


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585Robert Mangold (American b. 1937)Double Column A, B, C: Set of Three WorksEach a soft ground and aquatint etching in color,2006, each signed R. Mangold in pencil l.r. andnumbered 12/40 in pencil l.l.; each apparently ingood condition. Each framed.*Sheet size of each: 756 x 254 mm (29-3/4 x 10 in)$8,000-$10,000

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586Robert Mangold (American b. 1937)Two Columns BEtching and relief in color on mulberry papermounted on Arches Cover white, 2004, signedR. Mangold in pencil l.r. and numbered 11/30 inpencil l.l.; apparently in good condition.Framed.*Sheet size: 1092 x 806 mm (43 x 31-3/4 in)$6,000-$8,000

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587Claes Oldenburg (American b.1929)Ice Cream Desserts (Axsom andPlatzker 147)Etching and aquatint in color, signedC.O. in pencil l.c. and numbered 23/50in pencil l.l.; apparently in good con-dition. Framed.*Plate size: 343 x 533 mm (13-1/2 x 21 in)$1,000-$2,000


588 588Claes Oldenburg (American b. 1929)Wristwatch Rising (Axsom and Platzker 233)Lithograph in color, signed C.O. in pencil l.r andnumbered 105/125 in pencil l.l.; apparently ingood condition. Framed.*Sight size: 514 x 616 mm (20-1/4 x 24-1/4 in)$2,000-$3,000

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589Judy Pfaff (American b. 1946)Yoyogi IIWoodblock in color, signed J. Pfaff in pencill.r. and numbered 42/75 in pencil l.l.; appar-ently in good condition. Framed.*Sheet size: 800 x 914 mm (31-1/2 x 36 in)$1,000-$2,000


591 590

590Dorothea Rockburne (American b. 1934)Devine RayLithograph in color on Transpagra, 1981, signedRockburne and numbered 37/44 in pencil l.r. and titledDevine Ray in pencil l.l.; apparently in good condition.Framed.*Sight size: 1016 x 889 mm (40 x 35 in)$700-$900

591Dorothea Rockburne (American b. 1934)MelancoliaLithograph in color on Transpagra, 1981, signedRockburne and numbered 12/40 in pencil l.r. and titledMelancolia in pencil l.l.; apparently in good condition.Framed.*Sight size: 813 x 991 mm (32 x 39 in)$700-$900

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592Kate Shepherd (American b. 1961)Still Gallery, View Between Reds, ThreadLineSerigraph in color, 2001, signed Shepherdin pencil l.r. and numbered 42/45 in pencill.l.; apparently in good condition.Framed.*Plate size: 762 x 1016 mm (30 x 40 in)$800-$1,200


593 593Kate Shepherd (American b. 1961)White Boat, Deep Sea, Dented CloudSerigraph in color, signed Kate Shepherdin pencil l.r. and numbered 42/45 in pencill.l.; apparently in good condition.Framed.*Sheet size: 851 x 965 mm (33-1/2 x 38 in)$800-$1,200

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595Pat Steir (Dutch/American b. 1938)WaterfallAquatint and etching in color, 1987, signed PatSteir, titled Waterfall and dated in pencil l.c. andnumbered AP 6/10 in pencil l.r.; apparently ingood condition. Framed.*Sight size: 1372 x 1060 mm (54 x 41-3/4 in)$1,000-$2,000



594 594Bernard Steffen (American 1907-1980)Untitled: Two WorksEach a chromolithograph, each signed Bernard Steffen inpencil l.r and numbered 16/35 in pencil l.l.; each appar-ently in good condition. Each framed.*Sheet size of each: 737 x 838 mm (29 x 33 in)$800-$1,200

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596Frank Stella (American b. 1936)Polar Co-ordinates Variant 1a (Axsom 127)Offset lithograph and screenprint incolor, 1980, signed F. Stella and num-bered 15/20 and dated ‘80 in pencil l.l.quadrant; apparently in good condition.Framed.*Sheet size: 965 x 952 mm (38 x 37-1/2 in)$8,000-$10,000


597 597Frank Stella (American b. 1936)Polar Co-ordinates Variant IIIa (Axsom 128 )Offset lithograph, screenprint and letterpress in color, 1980, signed F. Stella andnumbered 7/32 and dated ‘80 in pencil l.l.;apparently in good condition. Framed.*Sheet size: 965 x 959 mm (38 x 37-34 in)$8,000-$10,000

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598Frank Stella (American b. 1953)Shards Variant 1a (Axsom 149 )Offset lithograph and serigraph in color, 1982,signed F. Stella and numbered 16/38 and dated ‘82 inpencil l.r.; apparently in good condition. Framed.*Sheet size: 1117 x 997 mm (44 x 39-1/4 in)$3,000-$5,000


599 599

599James Turrell (American b. 1943)First Light: Two WorksEach an etching and aquatint, 1989-1999, eachsigned James Turrell in pencil l.r.; each apparentlyin good condition. Each framed.*Sight size of each: 864 x 1168 mm (34 x 46 in)$4,000-$6,000

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600Takako Yamaguchi (Japanese b. 1952)Quaretto I and Quaretto II: Two WorksEach a serigraph and etching in color with gold leaf, eachsigned Takako Yamaguchi in pencil l.r. and numbered 11/50 inpencil l.l.; each apparently in good condition. Each framed.*Sight size of each: 597 x 597 mm (23-1/2 x 23-1/2 in)$1,500-$2,000



601 601Takako Yamaguchi (Japanese b. 1952)Quaretto III and Quaretto IV: Two WorksEach a serigraph and etching in color with gold leaf, eachsigned Takako Yamaguchi in pencil l.r. and numbered 11/50 inpencil l.l.; each apparently in good condition. Each framed.*Sight size of each: 597 x 597 mm (23-1/2 x 23-1/2 in)$1,500-$2,000


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602Joe Zucker (American b. 1941)Ponce Duels Seminole Chief MishaGoshLithograph with hand-coloring,acrylic veneer and foil, 1984, signedJoe Zucker in pencil l.r. and num-bered 18/18 in pencil l.l.; apparentlyin good condition. Framed.*Sheet size: 914 x 1219 mm (36 x 48 in)$3,000-$5,000



603Eugene Leclerc (Canadian 1885-1968)Gaspe TraderSigned E. LeClerc and titledParcel polychrome decorated wood ship model within a wood and Plexiglas caseModel approximately: 31-1/2 x 50 in (78.7 x 127 cm)$800-$1,200

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604Steuben Blue Aurene VaseEarly 20th CenturyHaving a bulbous body with short everted rim. Engraved on undersideSteuben.Height: 8-1/2 in (21.6 cm)$500-$700


605 606

605Pair of Cedric Hartman Brass and Granite OccasionalTablesDesigned Circa 1970sEach having a circular black granite top raised on a brassbase. Each impressed on underside of base Cedric Hartman,Made in USA and with model number.Height: 23-1/2 in (59.7 cm); Diameter of top: 17 in (43.2 cm)$1,500-$2,500

606Pair of Cedric Hartman Brass and Granite OccasionalTablesDesigned Circa 1970sEach having a circular black granite top raised on abrass base. Each impressed on underside of base CedricHartman, Made in USA and with model number.Height: 23-1/2 in (59.7 cm); Diameter of top: 17 in (43.2 cm)$1,500-$2,500

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607Pair of Cedric Hartman Brass and Granite OccasionalTablesDesigned Circa 1970sEach having a circular black granite top raised on a brassbase. Each impressed on underside of base CedricHartman, Made in USA and with model number.Height: 23-1/2 in (59.7 cm); Diameter of top: 17 in (43.2 cm)$1,500-$2,500


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608Two Christopher Spitzmiller Peachbloom Glaze TableLampsModernEach with mahogany base and brass fittings. Each withmaker’s paper label on underside of base.Height of tallest: 21-1/4 in (54 cm)$1,000-$2,000

609Pair of Neoclassical Style Ochre Marble Urns onPedestal20th CenturyEach urn carved with grape leaves raised on a cylindri-cal pedestal. One urn broken at socle.Height of urns: 22-3/4 in (57.8 cm); Height of pedestals: 43-1/4 in (110 cm)$800-$1,200



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