Working With and Sharing Interview Material 9310039A Rachelle 9310803A Jeff 9310901A Roxan.

Working With and Sharing Interview Material 9310039A Rachelle 9310803A Jeff 9310901A Roxan
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Transcript of Working With and Sharing Interview Material 9310039A Rachelle 9310803A Jeff 9310901A Roxan.

Page 1: Working With and Sharing Interview Material 9310039A Rachelle 9310803A Jeff 9310901A Roxan.

Working With and Sharing Interview Material

9310039A Rachelle

9310803A Jeff

9310901A Roxan

Page 2: Working With and Sharing Interview Material 9310039A Rachelle 9310803A Jeff 9310901A Roxan.

Working With and Sharing Interview Material

• To study the materials as early as possible

• Managing The Data

• 1. To make materials accessible by organizing (copied and filed consent forms, label audiotapes accurately, keep track of decision points during the process)

• Keep contact to make sure content forms are filed

(order, label, filing, documentation)

Page 3: Working With and Sharing Interview Material 9310039A Rachelle 9310803A Jeff 9310901A Roxan.

Keeping interviewing and analysis separate

• step1

• Study and analyze a number of Interviews

• Step2.

• frame new questions according to the results which found out from those interview materials

• (avoid any in-depth analysis before finish all the interviews)

Page 4: Working With and Sharing Interview Material 9310039A Rachelle 9310803A Jeff 9310901A Roxan.

Tape-recorded Interviews• To transform spoken words into a written

texts.• To avoid researchers’ own consciousness

for participants by recoding their actual words.

• Benefits of Keeping original data • check accuracy• demonstrate their accountability• give sense of security to interviewees • 4. to improve techniques of interview

Page 5: Working With and Sharing Interview Material 9310039A Rachelle 9310803A Jeff 9310901A Roxan.

Transcribing interview tapes• Having interviews in computer files will

improve highly efficient and labor saving

• To transcribe a portion of tapes will lead to some part of information missing

• To record all nonverbal signals (laugh, sighs, pauses, nod…) can enhance the task of researchers while study the transcripts after a long time of interviews.

Page 6: Working With and Sharing Interview Material 9310039A Rachelle 9310803A Jeff 9310901A Roxan.

Transcription• m…about two hours…it’s Shriek. But the film

was with English subtitle, and I have watched film without subtitle in college…[pause and pondering] when I was a junior student and the film was called “catch 22”

The teacher explained some background information of plot to us. And he asked us to write sentiments about this film.

yes…[I think] [pondering] some audio materials of textbooks and ICRT news, studio classroom.

For instance, I had learned a new words in “No Reservations.” The film is about cooking. So I learned lots of new words about cooking from that film. [laugh]

Page 7: Working With and Sharing Interview Material 9310039A Rachelle 9310803A Jeff 9310901A Roxan.

Studying and reducing the text

• To reduce the data inductively not “deductively’’

• Researchers must have open attitude, seeking what emerges as important and of interests from the text.

• To make sure that interests in not infused with personal emotion (anger, bias, prejudice)

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Marking what is of interest in the text• Read the texts→ mark with brackets the

interesting passages (meaningful chunks)

• Making Sense as a Personal Process

--the researchers affirms the role of her judgment during the marking process

* member-checking can only inform the judgment for they did not working with the materials

Trust yourself as a reader

Page 9: Working With and Sharing Interview Material 9310039A Rachelle 9310803A Jeff 9310901A Roxan.

Sharing interview data: Profiles and Themes

• Step1.To develop profiles of individual participants and group them in meaningful categories→

• Step2. to mark individual passages and group them in categories and study these categories in order to find out their connections among them.

Page 10: Working With and Sharing Interview Material 9310039A Rachelle 9310803A Jeff 9310901A Roxan.

Rationale for crafting profiles• To craft profiles in participants’ own words

to know their past experiences and reflect their consciousness.

• Narrative form of participants’ stories is a necessary way to make sense of interview data.

• display coherence in the events of participants’ experiences

• link the individual experiences to the social and organizational context

Page 11: Working With and Sharing Interview Material 9310039A Rachelle 9310803A Jeff 9310901A Roxan.

I Steps in Crafting a profile

Characteristic: Sequential process.

Steps part1

A. Read the transcript.

B. Mark passages of interest.

C. Label those passages.

D. Make two copies of the marked and labeled transcript.

Page 12: Working With and Sharing Interview Material 9310039A Rachelle 9310803A Jeff 9310901A Roxan.

E. Cut and file the marked passages into folders or computer files that correspond to the labels you devised for each passage.

( Cut all the passages that you marked as important and paste them together into a single transcript. Tools: word-processing program or a scissors.)

Be careful:

A. Never cut up the original transcript.

B. Resulting cut-and-paste version should be one-third to one half the length of the original three-interview transcript.

Page 13: Working With and Sharing Interview Material 9310039A Rachelle 9310803A Jeff 9310901A Roxan.

Steps part2: Read the cut-and-paste transcript, and then craft a narrative on the basis of them.

Be careful:

Asking yourself which passages are the most important.

A profile

A. Present the words of participants

B. Use the first person. Ex: I grew up as an only child, but we lived in an apartment house and there was always kids around me.

Page 14: Working With and Sharing Interview Material 9310039A Rachelle 9310803A Jeff 9310901A Roxan.

C. Be sure faithful to the words of the participants and to identify in the narrative when the words are those of someone else.

D. Create a mark “bracket” or“ellipses”to show that when language not in the interview itself has been inserted.

EX1: I grew up as an only child adopted at ﹝infancy .﹞

EX2: I always took care of kids….

E. Delete certain characteristic of oral speech that a participant would not use such as“uhms”

Page 15: Working With and Sharing Interview Material 9310039A Rachelle 9310803A Jeff 9310901A Roxan.

F. Present material in a profile in the order in which it come in as soon as possible.


Protect the identity of participant if the written consent form require to do so.

a. Pseudonym

*Be careful: ethnicity, age and the context of the participant’s life.

Page 16: Working With and Sharing Interview Material 9310039A Rachelle 9310803A Jeff 9310901A Roxan.

b. Changing the participant’s current situation.

Ex: English teacher can become math teacher.

*Be careful:

The disguise need to be used from time to time, but it shouldn’t mislead what the participants has said in the interview.

*Be careful:

The researcher must be sensitive to whether he or she has made the participant vulnerable by the narrative itself.

Page 17: Working With and Sharing Interview Material 9310039A Rachelle 9310803A Jeff 9310901A Roxan.

*Be careful:

Make much of the participant’s dignity.

Page 18: Working With and Sharing Interview Material 9310039A Rachelle 9310803A Jeff 9310901A Roxan.

Making Thematic Connection

Many usual ways of interview data:1. To organize excerpts from the word recorded

into categories2. Themes: Excerpts of patterns and connections which are within in

categories.3. Besides, we can present excerpt from the interviews about the topic

and organizedThe process of transcripts :

1. To label the passages that a person who has marked as interesting2. Stop to consider whether can be labeled.

3. Label each passage in a coding system to make easy know where the original passage is.

Page 19: Working With and Sharing Interview Material 9310039A Rachelle 9310803A Jeff 9310901A Roxan.

4. You can put those excerpts in computer or in folder.5. After that, reread all the file and start sifting out the ones which are not interesting. Rowan called the material a dialectical process. Ask those questions by urself because it is important to keep label for the present:1. What is the subject of the passages that are being marked?2. Are the words and phrase describe them?3. Is there a words within the passage that a category is suitable for the passage?

☆If some categories done early in the process, it will work out.

* The interviewer should respond to the participants’ words andconcentrate their intuition and comprehension.

* Try to form and express their standard in order to coding and sorting process and reducing the mass of words so that it can have moremanageable proportions.

Page 20: Working With and Sharing Interview Material 9310039A Rachelle 9310803A Jeff 9310901A Roxan.

• Excerpts is from a participant’s experience that connect to each other, sometimes excerpts connect to the literature.

• Need to judge whether particular dramatic incident is idiosyncratic or characteristic (Mostyn,1985).

• Have to be kept in the foreground.• Try to understand their importance for other data that has

compiled.• Don’t seek connections among the participants’ interviews

and build interpretative categories.

Page 21: Working With and Sharing Interview Material 9310039A Rachelle 9310803A Jeff 9310901A Roxan.

Interpreting and analyzing the material

• To mark passages that are interesting, label them, and gathering them.

• Craft a profile • Last step is ask what u have learned from interviews,

transcripts, mark, label and crafting profile, and organize categories of excerpts.

Such as:

* What connections are there among the experiences of the participants you interviewed?

* What do you understand now that you did not understand before you began the interviews?

Page 22: Working With and Sharing Interview Material 9310039A Rachelle 9310803A Jeff 9310901A Roxan.

• What confirmations of previous instincts?

• How have your consistent and inconsistent been with the literature?

• Glaser and Strauss’ a practical suggestion:

If the category was reduced and undefined or the

important points are unclear, you can write a note

about those passages. It will lead you to find what

it is you find important in them whole.

☆To ask what the research has meant to him or her, for example, What was the experience like?

Page 23: Working With and Sharing Interview Material 9310039A Rachelle 9310803A Jeff 9310901A Roxan.

˙connections among events, structures, roles and

social force.

˙Theory is about purpose of the research.

˙Narrative the participants words and we

interact with the participants.

Page 24: Working With and Sharing Interview Material 9310039A Rachelle 9310803A Jeff 9310901A Roxan.

Two profiles : A Cambodian Survivor of the Pol Pot Era and a Long-Time Day care

Provider• Wrong→ Before the war,…we had a very large

family…a lot of aunt, cousins, and grandparents.