Working out loud for a better career and life

Better for you. Better for the firm.

Transcript of Working out loud for a better career and life

Better for you.!Better for the firm.

Working Out Loud



Relationships Generosity Visible work Purposeful discovery A growth mindset 5

Elements of Working Out Loud

But not everybody did it.

Like diet & exercise

Small steps,!practiced over time,!

with feedback!& peer support

Working Out Loud circles

“What am I trying to do?”

“Who can help me?” !

“How can I contribute to them to deepen our relationships?”

70% of the audience joins a WOL circle

“After just one WOL Circle meeting, I was already feeling

more connected with my colleagues and more encouraged about my career.”

“I honestly feel empowered to own my success

and not wait for it to come knocking.”

Take a step.

Make your own luck.!And make work better.