Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Task Force Wrap-Up Webinar August 27, 2015.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Task Force Wrap-Up Webinar August 27, 2015

Transcript of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Task Force Wrap-Up Webinar August 27, 2015.

Page 1: Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Task Force Wrap-Up Webinar August 27, 2015.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

Task Force Wrap-Up Webinar August 27, 2015

Page 2: Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Task Force Wrap-Up Webinar August 27, 2015.

Welcome & Opening Remarks

Task Force Chairman Chris Hart IV

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WIOA Task Force• CareerSource Florida

• Enterprise Florida

• Dept. of Economic Opportunity

• Florida Workforce Development


• Dept. of Education

• DOE Division of Career and Adult


• DOE Division of Vocational


• DOE Division of Blind Services

• Florida College System

• Independent Colleges and

Universities of Florida

• State University System of Florida

• Florida Association of

Postsecondary Schools and


• Agency for Persons with Disabilities

• Dept. of Elder Affairs

• Dept. of Children and Families

• Dept. of Juvenile Justice

• Dept. of Corrections

• Florida Small Business

Development Center Network

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Task Force Charge

Develop WIOA implementation recommendations by providing counsel and support to the CareerSource Florida Team, as it prepares a WIOA Implementation Plan for consideration by the CareerSource Florida Board of Directors.

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• Florida WIOA Task Force Meets (Two webinars and four in-person meetings)



• WIOA Task Force Recommendations Reviewed by CSF Board and Board Input Gathered



• Final Florida WIOA Implementation Report Approved by CSF Board and Submitted to Governor and Legislature




• 2016 Legislative Session



• Submission of State Plan to U.S. Department of Labor

WIOA Timeline

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Key Meeting Dates of Interest• September 21 – CareerSource Florida Board of Directors

Board Review of Draft Recommendations and Input

• October 14 – CareerSource Florida Strategic Policy Council

• November 4 – CareerSource Florida Board of Directors Board Review of Draft Recommendations and Approval

WIOA Resource Page and Comments Submission

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WIOA Vision

• Needs of business and workers drive workforce solutions

• Superior customer service to job seekers and employers

• Strong regional economies

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WIOA Goals1. Increase access to employment, education, training and support

services — particularly for people with barriers to employment.

2. Create a comprehensive, high-quality workforce development system by aligning workforce investment, education and economic development.

3. Improve the quality and labor market relevance of workforce investment, education and economic development efforts.

4. Promote improvement in the structure and delivery of workforce services.

5. Increase the prosperity of workers and employers.

6. Reduce welfare dependency, increase economic self-sufficiency, meet employer needs and enhance productivity and competitiveness.

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Florida Vision

Florida will be the global leader for talent.

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Our Customer, Product & Shareholders

• Business is our customer. Existing businesses. Evolving businesses. Emerging businesses.

• The Floridians we serve, combined with the value-added workforce development solutions we provide to enhance their market-relevant knowledge and skills, are our product.

• Taxpayers are our shareholders.

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Successful Collaboration Criteria

1. Common Agenda 2. Shared Measurement 3. Mutually Reinforcing

Activities/Intentional Service Alignment 4. Continuous Communications5. Backbone Support

Source: John Kania and Mark Kramer, FSG. Collective Impact, Stanford Social Innovation Review, 2011.

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Recommendations from Task Force Members

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How Should Florida’s Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

Planning Regions be Organized?• Recognition of 24 local workforce development

areas and either seven or 24 regional planning areas

• Conversations are continuing within the CareerSource Florida network and additional regional recommendations may be forthcoming

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What Should Be Included in a Comprehensive

One-Stop Career Center?• Inclusiveness is key

• Local flexibility

• Credentialing tool with partner input

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How Should WIOA-Required One-Stop Career Center Partners

Share Infrastructure Costs?• Vocational Rehabilitation and Blind Services contributions

negotiated at the state level

• Adult education contributions negotiated at the local level

• Local flexibility with a provision for a state formula if no local agreement can be reached, as WIOA requires

• Do not require contributions from Perkins Act funding at this time

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Which Programs and Entities Should be Included in Florida’s

Workforce Development System?(combined or unified planning)

• Unified plan with voluntary participation as a combined plan

• Other potential partners may be incorporated in outlying years based on additional evaluation and planning (i.e. Perkins Act)

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Since WIOA Requires Common Measurement and Planning for the Core

Programs, What Governance or Organizational Structure Would Lead to

the Best Outcomes?• Emphasize WIOA requirement for state and local board

membership for core programs; add requirement for the Department of Corrections and Agency for Persons with Disabilities

• Mandate local board membership for required one-stop partners

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How Can Florida’s Workforce Development System Better Share Information, Systems

and/or Customers?

• Focus on integration of existing systems, sharing necessary information

• Integrate the Employ Florida Marketplace into career services and resources available through state college and state university career centers

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What Can Florida’s Workforce Development System Do to Best Serve Individuals with Obstacles

to Employment?

• Utilize principles of universal design in serving customers (i.e. career centers)

• Maintain the integrity of systems and unique customer bases

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What Resources or Relationships Do You Need to Implement

WIOA?• Memorandums of Understanding among

partners in career centers

• Flexibility in examining co-location

• Sound data-sharing agreements that allow for transparent reporting

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Other Recommendations

• Utilize WIOA resources to promote registered apprenticeships

• In career center credentialing, require after-hours access

• Provide cross training opportunities for core program staff working with career centers

• Adopt consistent nomenclature for State Workforce Development Board, Local Workforce Development Boards, Local Workforce Development Areas and Regional Planning Areas — aligned with WIOA

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Public Comment

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Closing Comments

Chris Hart IV, Task Force Chairman

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Key Meeting Dates of Interest• September 21 – CareerSource Florida Board of Directors

Board Review of Draft Recommendations and Input

• October 14 – CareerSource Florida Strategic Policy Council

• November 4 – CareerSource Florida Board of Directors Board Review of Draft Recommendations and Approval

WIOA Resource Page and Comments Submission