Work Book Luq

SPECIFIC BODY INJURIES 1. Blows to the Eye Chemical Burns Eye Knocked Out Foreign Object 2. Nosebleeds 3. Knocked-Out Tooth 4. Impaled objects 5. Amputations 6. Sucking chest wound 7. Abdominal Injuries Protruding Organs BANDAGING TECHNIQUE Use of Triangular Bandage Open Phase 1. Head (topside) 2. Face; back of the head 3. Chest; back of chest 4. Hand; foot Cravat Phase 1. Forehead; eye 2. Ear; cheek; jaw 3. Shoulder; hip 4. Arm; leg. 5. Elbow; knee (straight; bent). 6. Palm pressure bandage. 7. Palm bandage of open hand. Use of Roller Bandage 1. Spiral Open Closed Spiral reverse 2. Figure of eight 3. Recurrent with spiral turns 31 Guidelines in using dressing and bandages 1. Use a dressing that is large enough to extend at least 1 inch beyond the edges of the wound. 2. If body tissue or organs are exposed, cover the wound with a dressing that will not stick, such as plastic wrap or moistened gauze. Then secure the dressing with a bandage or adhesive tapes. 3. If the bandage is over a joint, splint and make a bulky dressing so the joint remains immobilized. If there is no movement of a wound over the joint, there should be improved healing and reduced scarring.

Transcript of Work Book Luq

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1. Blows to the Eye Chemical Burns Eye Knocked Out Foreign Object

2. Nosebleeds3. Knocked-Out Tooth

4. Impaled objects5. Amputations6. Sucking chest

wound7. Abdominal Injuries

Protruding Organs


Use of Triangular BandageOpen Phase1. Head (topside)2. Face; back of the head

3. Chest; back of chest4. Hand; foot

Cravat Phase1. Forehead; eye2. Ear; cheek; jaw3. Shoulder; hip4. Arm; leg.

5. Elbow; knee (straight; bent).

6. Palm pressure bandage.7. Palm bandage of open

hand.Use of Roller Bandage1. Spiral

Open Closed Spiral reverse

2. Figure of eight3. Recurrent with spiral turns


Guidelines in using dressing and bandages

1. Use a dressing that is large enough to extend at least 1 inch beyond the edges of the wound.

2. If body tissue or organs are exposed, cover the wound with a dressing that will not stick, such as plastic wrap or moistened gauze. Then secure the dressing with a bandage or adhesive tapes.

3. If the bandage is over a joint, splint and make a bulky dressing so the joint remains immobilized. If there is no movement of a wound over the joint, there should be improved healing and reduced scarring.

4. A bandage should fit snugly but should not cut off circulation or cause the victim discomfort. If the area beyond the wound changes color, begins to tingle or feel cold, or if the wound starts to swell, the bandage is too tight and should be loosened.

5. Bandaging techniques depend upon: Size and location of the wound. Your first aid skills. Materials at hand.


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- Flush for 20 minutes or longer. Let the victim wash with a mild soap before a final rinse.

- Cover the burned area with a dry dressing or, for large areas, a clean pillowcase.

- If the chemical is in the eye, flood it for at least 20 minutes, using low pressure.

- Seek medical attention immediately for all chemical burns.

3. ______________________________ The injury severity from exposure to electrical current depends on the type of current (direct or altering), the voltage, the area of the body exposed, and the duration of contact.

Care for Electrical burns- Unplug, disconnect, or turn off the power. If that is impossible,

call the Power Company or ask for help.- Check the ABCs. (Airway, Breathing, Circulation) Provide Rescue

Breathing (RB) or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) if necessary.

- If the victim fell, check for spine injury.- Treat the victim for shock.- Seek medical attention immediately. Electrical injuries are treated

in burn center.

Types of Burn Injuries

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1. __________________________ Not all thermal burns are caused by flames. Contact with hot objects, flammable vapor that ignites and causes a flash or an explosion, and steams or hot liquid are other common causes of burns.

Care for Thermal Burns Care of First-Degree and Second-Degree Burns

- Relieve pain by immersing the burned area in cold water or by applying a wet, cold cloth. If cold water is unavailable, use any cold liquid you drink to reduce the burned skin’s temperature.

- Cover the burn with a dry, non-sticking, sterile dressing or a clean cloth.

Care for Third-Degree Burns- Cover the burn with a dry, non-sticking, sterile dressing or a clean

cloth.- Treat the victim for shock by elevating the legs and keeping the

victim warm with a clean sheet or blanket.

2. ______________________________Chemicals will continue to cause tissue destruction until the chemical agent is removed.

Care for Chemical burns- Immediately remove the chemical by flushing with water. - Remove the victim’s contaminated clothing while flushing with



____________________ is any substance: solid, liquid or gas, that tends to impair health or cause death when introduced into the body or onto the skin surface. A poisoning emergency can be life threatening.

Causes:1. Common in suicide attempts.2. Occasional accidental poisoning.

Ways in Which Poisoning May Occur

1. ____________________ - by mouth.

2. ____________________ - by breathing.

3. ____________________ - by animal bites, stings, syringes.

4. ____________________ - by skin contact.

Common Household Poison1. Sleeping pills.2. Pain relievers.3. Insect and rodent poisons.4. Kerosene.5. Denatured alcohol.6. Lye and acids including boric.7. Poisonous plants.8. Contaminated water.9. Fume.


Ingested Poison is one that is introduced into the digestive tract by way of the mouth. One form of ingestion poisoning is food poisoning, a general form that covers a variety of conditions.

Suspect food poisoning if:

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1. The victim ate food that “didn’t taste right” or that may have been old, improperly prepared, contaminated, left at room temperature for a long time, or processed with an excessive amount of chemicals.

2. Several people who ate together become ill.

Signs and Symptoms1. Altered mental status.2. History of ingesting poisons.3. Burns around the mouth.4. Odd breath odors.5. Nausea, vomiting.6. Abdominal pain.7. Diarrhea.

Instances when vomiting should not be induced.1. If unresponsive.2. Cannot maintain an airway.3. Has ingested an acid, a corrosive such as lye, or a petroleum product

such as gasoline or furniture polish.4. Has a medical condition that could be complicated by vomiting, such as

heart attack, seizures and pregnancy.


_________________________ is an injury involving the skin, including muscles, bones, nerves and blood vessels. This results from heat, chemicals, electricity or solar or other forms of radiation.

Common Causes1. Carelessness with match and cigarette smoking.2. Scald from hot liquid.3. Defective heating, cooking and electrical equipment.

4. Immersion in overheated bath water.5. Use of such chemicals, as lye, strong acids and strong detergents.

Factors to Determine the Seriousness of Thermal Burns:1. The Depth. The deeper the burn, the more severe it is. Three depth

classifications are used:




2. The Extent to the affected body surface area. This means estimating how much body surface area the burn covers.

3. Location of the Burns. Burns on the face, hands, feet, and genitals are more severe than on other body parts.

4. Victim’s age and medical condition. Determine if other injuries or pre-existing medical problems exist or if the victim is elderly (over 55) or very young (under 5).


First Aid ManagementWound with severe bleeding

C -_______________________________________

C - _______________________________________

C - _______________________________________

C - _______________________________________

Wound with bleeding not severe (home care)

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Clean the wound with soap and water. Apply mild antiseptics. Cover wound with dressing and bandage.

Reminders1. All wounds must be thoroughly inspected and covered with a dry dressing

to control bleeding and prevent further contamination.2. Once bleeding is controlled by compression, the limb should be splinted

to further control bleeding, stabilize the injured part, minimize the victim’s pain and facilitate the patient’s transport to the hospital.

3. As with closed soft tissue injuries, the injured part should be elevated to just above the level of the victim’s heart to minimize severity.

4. Amputated body parts should be saved, wrapped in a dry gauze, placed in a plastic bag, kept cool, and transported with the patient.

5. Don’t induce further bleeding to clean the wound.6. Don’t use absorbent cotton as a dressing.

27First Aid 1. Try to identify the poison. 2. Place the victim on his or her left side.3. Monitor ABCs.4. Save any empty container, spoiled food for analysis.5. Save any vomitus and keep it with the victim if he or she is taken to an

emergency facility.

Inhaled Poison is a poison breathed into the lungs.

Signs and Symptoms1. History of inhaling poisons.2. Breathing difficulty.3. Chest pain.4. Cough, hoarseness, burning sensation in the throat.

5. Cyanosis (bluish discoloration of skin and mucous membranes). 6. Dizziness, headache.7. Seizures, unresponsiveness (advanced stages).

First Aid1. Remove the victim from the toxic environment and into fresh air

immediately.2. Monitor ABCs.3. Seek medical attention.

Absorbed Poison is a poison that enters the body through the skin.

Signs and Symptoms1. History of exposures.2. Liquid or powder on the skin.3. Burns.


4. Itching, irritation.5. Redness, rash, blisters.First Aid1. Remove the clothing.2. Then with a dry cloth blot the poison from the skin. If the poison is a dry

powder, brush it off.3. Flood the area with copious amounts of water. 4. Continually monitor the patient’s vital signs.

Injected Poison is a poison that enters the body through a bite, sting, or syringe.

1. ____________________Signs and Symptoms Stinger may be present. Swelling

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Pain Possible allergic reaction.First Aid1. Remove stinger.2. Wash wound.3. Cover the wound.

4. Apply a cold pack.5. Watch for signals of

allergic reaction.

2. ____________________Signs and Symptoms Bite mark. Swelling Pain

Nausea and vomiting. Difficulty breathing or

swallowing.First aid1. Wash wound.2. Apply a cold pack.3. Get medical care to receive antivenin.4. Call local emergency number, if necessary.


2. Open WoundClassification of Open Wound

Causes Characteristics

P -Penetrating pointed instruments such as nails, ice picks, daggers, etc.

Deep and narrow, serious or slight bleeding.

A -Scrapping or rubbing against rough surfaces.

Shallow, wide, oozing of blood, dirty.

L -Blunt instrucments such as sharpnel’s, rocks, broken glassess, etc.

Torn with irregular edges, serious or slight bleeding.

A - Explosion, animal bites, mishandling of tools, etc.

Tissue forcefully seperated from the body.

I - Sharp bladed instruments such as blades, razors, etc.

Clean cut, deep, severe bleeding, wound is clean.

Dangers Hemorrhage Infection Shock

Kinds of bleeding Arterial bleeding Venous bleeding Capillary bleeding


____________________________ is a break in the continuity of a tissue of the body either internal or external.

Two Classification of Wound:

1. Closed Wound Causes: Blunt object result in contusion or bruises. Application of external forces.

Signs and Symptoms Pain and tenderness Swelling Discoloration Hematoma Uncontrolled

restlessness Thirst

Vomiting or cough-up blood

Passage of blood in the urine or feces

Sign of blood along mouth, nose and ear canal

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Symptoms of shock

First Aid Management

I - _______________________________

C - ______________________________

E - ______________________________

S - ______________________________25

3. ____________________Signs and Symptoms Possible marks. Pain

Swelling Possible allergic reaction.

First Aid1. If jellyfish – soak area in vinegar.2. If sting ray – soak in non-scalding hot water until pain goes away. 3. Clean and bandage the wound.4. Call local emergency number, if necessary.

4. ____________________Signs and Symptoms Bite mark. PainComparative Characteristics of a Snake



Cortina, side locomotion


Semicortina curvature

Semi-triangular Oblongated

Rectangular Circular

Rough Smooth

Vertical Round

Nonconstrictor Constrictor

With fang marks Horseshoe shape


First Aid1. Wash wound.2. Keep bitten part still, and lower than the heart.3. Call local emergency number.

5. ____________________Signs and Symptoms Bite mark. Bleeding

First Aid1. If bleeding is minor – wash wound.2. Control bleeding.3. Apply antibiotic ointment.4. Cover the wound.5. Get medical attention if wound bleeds severely or if you suspect animal

has rabies.6. Call local emergency number or contact animal control personnel.

General Care for Poisoning1. Survey the scene.2. Remove the victim from the source of the poison.3. Do a primary survey.4. Care for any life threatening condition.

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5. if the victim is conscious, do a secondary survey.6. Do not give the victim anything by mouth unless advised by medical


39First Aid1. Establish and maintain an open airway.2. Monitor the patient’s mental status and vital signs frequently.3. Maintain the patient’s body temperature.4. Take measures to prevent shock.5. Care for any behavioral problem.6. Support the patient.

_________________________ is a powerful Central Nervous System (CNS) depressant. It is both a sedative, a substance that decreases activity and excitement, and a hypnotic, meaning that it induces sleep. In general, alcohol dulls the sense of awareness, slows reflexes, and reduces reaction time. It may also cause aggressive and inappropriate behavior and lack of coordination.

Signs of Intoxication1. Odor of alcohol on the

breath.2. Swaying and

unsteadiness.3. Slurred speech.4. Nausea and vomiting.

5. Flushed face.6. Drowsiness.7. Violent, destructive, or

erratic behavior.8. Self-injury, usually without

realizing it.

First Aid 1. Give the same attention as you would to any patient with an illness or

injury.2. Monitor the patient’s vital signs constantly. Provide life support when

necessary.3. Position the patient to avoid aspiration of vomitus.

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4. Protect the patient from hurting him or herself.


_________________________ is a depressed condition of many body functions due to failure of enough blood to circulate throughout the body following serious injury.

Dangers of Shock1. Lead to death2. Predisposes body to infection3. Lead to loss of body part

Causes1. Severe bleeding.2. Crushing injury.3. Infection4. Heart Attack.5. Perforation

6. Shell bomb and bullet wound.7. Rupture of tubal pregnancies.8. Anaphylaxis9. Starvation and disease may

also cause shock.

Factors which contribute to shock

1. P - _________________________

2. R - _________________________

3. I - __________________________

4. C - _________________________

5. E - _________________________

6. F - _________________________


Signs and Symptoms of ShockEarly stage:1. Face – pale or cyanotic in

color.2. Skin – cold and clammy.3. Breathing – irregular.

4. Pulse – rapid and weak5. Nausea and vomiting.6. Weakness7. Thirsty

Late stage:1. Apathetic or relatively unresponsive.2. Eyes will be sunken with vacant expression.3. Pupils are dilated.4. Blood vessels may be congested producing mottled appearances.5. Blood pressure has very low level.6. Unconsciousness may occur, body temperature falls.

Objectives of First Aid1. To improve circulation of the blood.2. To ensure an adequate supply of oxygen.3. To maintain normal body temperature.

First Aid and Preventive Management of Shock

1. _____________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________


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____________________ is the self-administration of one or more drugs in a way that is not in accord with approved medical or social practice.

Signs and Symptoms

1. _________________________ Unresponsiveness. Breathing difficulties or inability to maintain an open airway. Abnormal or irregular pulse. Fever. Vomiting with an altered mental status or without gag reflex. Seizures

2. _________________________ Altered mental status. Extremely low or high blood pressure. Sweating tremors, and hallucinations (with alcohol withdrawal). Digestive problems, including abdominal pain and bleeding. Visual disturbance, slurred speech, uncoordinated muscle movement. Disinterested behavior, loss of memory. Combativeness. Paranoia.


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Common Causes1. Vehicular accidents.2. Motorbike accidents.

4. Falls5. Sports

3. Mishandling of tools & equipment.

Signs and Symptoms1. Pain2. Bruising3. Swelling4. Misshapen appearance

and obvious deformity.

5. Exposed bone.6. Pale, bluish skin; loss of

pulse in an injured limb. 7. Numbness furthers down

the arm or leg.

Bone, Joint, and Muscle Injuries Include the Following:

1. _______________________________ is the sudden, painful tightening of a muscle.

First Aid Have the victim stretch out the affected muscle to counteract the

cramp. Massage the cramped muscle firmly but gently. Apply heat. Moist heat is more effective than dry heat. Get medical help if cramps persist.

2. ______________________________ is the sudden, painful tearing of muscle fiber during exertion. Signs and symptoms: Pain Swelling

Bruising Loss of efficient movement.


4. Four/six/eight-man carry

5. Blanket (demonstrate the insertion, testing and lifting of blanket)

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6. Improvised stretcher using two poles with: Blanket Empty sacks Shirts or coats Triangular bandages

7. Commercial stretchers

8. Ambulance or rescue van

9. Other vehicles


___________________________ is sorting patients into categories of priority for care and transport based on the severity of injuries and medical emergencies.

Tagging of Patients1. Priority one (red tag)2. Priority two (yellow tag)3. Priority three (green tag)4. Priority four (black tag)


Pointers to be observed during transfer.1. Victim’s airway must be maintained open.2. Hemorrhage is controlled.3. Victim is safely maintained in the correct position.4. Regular check of the victim’s condition is made.5. Supporting bandages and dressing remain effectively applied.

6. The method of transfer is safe, comfortable and as speedy as circumstances permit.

7. The patient’s body is moved as one unit.8. The taller first aiders stay at the head side of the victim.9. First Aiders/bearers must observed ergonomics in lifting and moving of


Methods of Transfer1. One-man assist/carries/drags

Assist to walk Carry in arms

(cradle) Pack strap

carry Piggy back


Fireman’s carry Fireman’s drag Blanket drag Armpit/shoulder


Cloth drag Feet drag Inclined

drag (head first -passing a stairway)

2. Two-man assist/carries Assist to walk Four-hand seat Hands as a litter

Carry by extremities Fireman’s carry with


3. Three-man carries Bearers alongside (for narrow alleys) Hammock carry


First Aid Apply cold compresses at once. Elevate the limb to reduce swelling and bleeding within the muscle.

Rest the pulled muscle for 24 hours. Get medical help.

3. ______________________________ is caused by torn fibers in a ligament. Signs and symptoms:


THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL RED CROSS First Aid WorkbookSAFETY SERVICES Bones, Joints, & Muscle Injuries

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Swelling Bruising

First Aid Remove any clothing or jewelry from around the joint. Apply cold compresses at once. Elevate the affected joint with pillow or clothing. The victim’s physician may recommend an over the counter anti-

inflammatory medication (aspirin, ibuprofen) appropriate for the victim’s general health.

4. ______________________________ is the displacement of a bone from its normal position at a joint. While

_________________________ is a break or disruption in bone tissue.

Signs and symptoms: Pain Misshapen appearance.

Swelling Loss and function.


First Aid Check the victim’s ABC. Keep the victim still. Prevent infection by covering with a sterile dressing before

immobilizing. Splint or sling the injury in the position, which you found it. Take steps to prevent shock. Get medical help.

Immobilization/Splinting Use of Bandages1. Collarbone2. Rib3. Ankle4. Arm support

Use of Wood or other Improvised Splints1. Elbow2. Forearm/Hand/Wrist3. Finger 4. Hip/Thigh5. Knee/Leg6. Ankle7. Traction Splint


_____________________is a rapid movement of patient from unsafe place to a place of safety.

Indications for Emergency Rescue1. Danger of fire or explosion.2. Danger of toxic gases or asphyxia due to lack of oxygen.3. Serious traffic hazards.4. Risk of drowning.5. Danger of electrocution.6. Danger of collapsing walls.

Methods of Rescue1. For immediate rescue without any assistance, drag or pull the victim.

THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL RED CROSS First Aid WorkbookSAFETY SERVICES Bones, Joints, & Muscle Injuries


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2. Most of the one-man drags/carries and other transfer methods can be used as methods of rescue.

_________________________ is moving a patient from one place to another after giving first aid.

Factors to be considered in the selection or choosing the transfer method:1. Nature and severity of the injury.2. Size of the victim.3. Physical capabilities of the first aider.4. Number of personnel and equipment available.5. Nature of evacuation route.6. Distance to be covered.7. Sex of the victims. (last consideration).


__________________________ is a removal of the victim from difficult situation or position; or removal of a patient from a wrecked car or other place of entrapment.

When to Perform Extrication1. Automobile & motorcycle accident2. Train derailment3. Collapsed building4. Unconscious injured victim5. Emergency situation:

Cave-in Fire Water accident Farm machine injuries Gunshot wounds Fall from height

Classification of Rescue Operation

1. _________________________- involves minimum equipment during rescue operation.

2. _________________________- involves specialized equipment normally found in rescue vehicle and extrication tools for disentanglement of the patient.

3. _________________________- includes complicated rigging, patient handling under extremely difficult or adverse conditions, breaching of walls disimpactation of vehicles and all types of rescue involving buildings with major structural damage.


- Check for fluid or blood in ears, nose and mouth.- Gently feel the sides of the neck for signs of injury.- Check and compare both collar bones and shoulders.- Check the chest and rib cage.- Check the patient’s abdomen for tenderness by pressing

lightly with flat part of your fingers.- Check the hipbone by pressing slowly downward and inward

for possible fracture.- Check one leg at a time.- Check one arm at a time.- Check the spinal column by placing the victim into side lying

down position and press gently from the cervical region down to the lumbar for possible injury.

- Record all the assessments including the time.- Keep the patient lying down, his/her head level with his/her

feet.- Keep the patient warm and guard against chilling.


THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL RED CROSS First Aid WorkbookSAFETY SERVICES Guidelines in Giving Emergency Care

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4. _______________________________

Interview the victim- Ask the victim’s name.- Ask what happened.- Assess the SAMPLE history.

Check the vital signs- Determine radial or carotid pulse (pulse rate)

Adult 60 – 90/min.Child 80 – 100/min.Infant 100 – 120/min.

- Determine breathing (respiration rate)Adult 12 – 20/min.Child 18 – 25/min.Infant 25 – 35/min.

- Determine skin appearance Look at the victim’s face and lips. Record skin appearance temperature, moisture, and color.

Do head-to-toe examination looking for DCAP-BTLS (Deformity, Contusion, Abrasion, Puncture, Burn, Tenderness, Laceration, Swelling)- Check and compare pupils of both eyes, dilated pupils - involve

bleeding and state of shock, constricted pupils - may mean heat stroke or drug over dose; unequal pupil may suspect head injury or stroke.


Elements of RescueIn Work Phase follows:

1. L - __________________________________

2. A - __________________________________

3. S - __________________________________

4. T - __________________________________

Problems in Rescue Situation1. Several medical and rescue units.2. Lack of identifiable leadership.3. Disorganized provision of care.

Principles of ExtricationAlthough no two-accident situations will be identical, the following basic principles of extrication apply to all rescue situations:1. Evaluate (size up) the situation.2. Locate all victims.3. Provide for the safety of rescue personnel and the patient.

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4. Secure the scene.5. Gain access of the patient.6. Provide emergency medical care (stabilize the patient)7. Disentangle the patient.8. Prepare the patient for transfer.9. Transfer the patient.



Situations when Spinal Injuries occurred1. Violent impact to the head, neck, torso or pelvis.2. Sudden acceleration or deceleration accidents.3. Falls from a significant height with the patient/victim landing on the head

or feet.4. Gunshot wounds to the neck or trunk.5. All shallow water diving accidents.6. All unrestrained victim of a vehicle crash.

Signs and Symptoms of Spinal Injuries1. Pain in the head, neck or back.2. Numbness, tingling or weakness.3. Pain when in motion.4. Deformity.5. Tenderness.6. Laceration or contusion.7. Paralysis.


- A bystander will be requested to call for a physician. - Somebody will be asked to arrange for transfer facility.

Information to be remembered in activating medical assistance: - What happened. - Location - Number of persons injured.

- Extent of injury and first aid given.- Telephone number from where you are calling.- Person who activated medical assistance must identify him/herself and drop the phone last.

3. __________________________________________________

Check responsiveness (if unresponsive, consent is implied). Protect spine if necessary

Check A - _______________________________

Check B - _______________________________

Check C - _______________________________

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1. Planning of Action2. Gathering of needed materials3. Remember the initial response as follows:

A - ________________________________

I - ________________________________

D - ________________________________

4. Instruction to helper/s


1. ______________________________ Is the scene safe? What happened? How many people are injured? Are there bystanders who can help? Identify yourself as a trained first aider. Get consent to give care.

2. ______________________________ Depending on the situation:

- Phone First or Phone Fast. - A bystander should make the telephone call for help (if available).


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______________________________ Exposure to extreme cold for a short time or moderate cold for a long time can cause hypothermia.

1. ______________________________The patient will present with cold skin and shivering and will still be alert and oriented.

Signs and Symptoms Increased breathing

rate. Increased pulse rate

and blood pressure. Slow, thick speech.

Staggering walk. Apathy, drowsiness,

incoherence. Sluggish pupils. Uncontrollable


First Aid Check

responsiveness. Cover the patient with

a warm blanket.

Apply hot compress. Check vital signs. Refer to a physician.

2. _______________________________ Patients may become unresponsive. This is a true medical emergency that can lead to death.


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7. ___________________________________________ is the system that controls body temperature and appreciate sensation. Parts

- Superficial epidermis- Deeper dermis

Body Regions

1. Cranial Cavity ____________________________

2. Spinal Cavity ___________________________

3. Thoracic Cavity ___________________________ ___________________________

4. Abdominal Cavity ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

5. Pelvic Cavity ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________


Signs and Symptoms Extremely slow

breathing rate. Extremely slow pulse

rate. Unresponsiveness

Fixed and dilated pupils. Rigid extremities. Absence of shivering.

First Aid Check responsiveness. Check ABC, perform CPR if needed. Care for shock. Refer to a physician.

Mechanism of Heat Loss

1. _________________________ – Body heat is lost to surrounding air, which becomes warmer, rises, and is replaced with cooler air.

2. _________________________ – This occurs when a person breathes in cold air and breathes out air that was warmed inside the body.

3. _________________________ – Body heat is lost to nearby objects without physically touching them.


4. _________________________ – Body heat is lost to nearby objects through direct physical touch.

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5. _________________________ – Body heat causes perspiration, which is lost from the body surface when changed from liquid to vapor.

Three general types of heat emergencies

1. _________________________ A muscular pain and spasm due largely to loss of salt from the body in sweating or too inadequate intake of salt.

Signs and Symptoms Muscle cramps, often in the abdomen or legs. Heavy perspiration. Lightheadedness; weakness.

First Aid Have the victim rest with his/her feet. Cool the victim. Do not use an alcohol rub. Give the victim electrolyte beverages to sip or make salted drink. To relive muscle cramps massage the affected muscles gently but

firmly until they relax.

2. _________________________ A response to heat characterized by fatigue, weakness, and collapse due to inadequate intake of water to compensate for loss of fluids through sweating.


5. ___________________________________________ is the system that removes waste products.

Parts- Kidney- Ureters

- Urinary Bladder- Urethra

6. ___________________________________________ is the system that propagates species.

PartsMale Female- Testicles - Ovary- Vas deferentia - Fallopian tubes- Seminal vessel - Uterus- Prostate gland - Vagina- Urethra- Penis

7. ________________________________________ is the system that gives form to the body, allow bodily movement, provide protection to the vital internal organs produce red blood cells and serves as a reservoir of calcium, phosphorus and other important body chemicals.

Parts- Skull- Vertebrae- Ribs- Pelvis- Bones of the upper and lower limbs.



1. ___________________________________________ is the system that transmits impulses throughout the body. Parts

- Brain- Spinal Cord- Nerves

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2. ___________________________________________ is the system that supplies oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the blood. Parts

- Air Passages- Chest Cage- Diaphragm

3. ___________________________________________ is the system that transports oxygen, food and water and remove waste products. Parts

- Heart- Blood- Blood Vessels

4. ___________________________________________ is the system that absorbs food and eliminate some waste products.

Parts- Mouth - Liver- Salivary glands - Gall bladder- Pharynx - Pancreas- Esophagus - Rectum


Signs and Symptoms Cool, pale or red,

moist skin. Dilated pupils. Headache Extreme thirst.

Nausea; vomiting. Irrational behavior. Weakness;

dizziness. Unconsciousness

First Aid Have the victim rest with his or her feet elevated. Cool the victim. Give the victim electrolyte beverages to sip or make a salted drink. Monitor the victim for signs of shock. If the victim starts having seizures, protect him/her from injury and

give first aid for convulsions. If the victim loses consciousness, give first aid for unconsciousness.

3. _________________________ A response to heat characterized by extremely high body temperature and disturbance of sweating mechanism.

Signs and Symptoms Raised body

temperature. Dry, hot, red skin. Dark urine. Small pupils.

Rapid, shallow breathing.

Extreme confusion. Weakness Seizures Unconsciousness


First Aid Cool the victim. Give First Aid for shock. If the victim starts having seizures, give first aid for seizures. Keep the victim cool as you await medical help.


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1. __________________________ is a condition that occurs when the blood flow to the brain is interrupted long enough to cause damage. People over age 50 are the most common victims, but younger people can have them, too.

Causes:1. Thrombus or embolism. 2. Ruptured artery in the brain. 3. Compression

Signs and Symptoms Weakness and

numbness of the face, arm or leg, often on one side only.

Dizziness Confusion Headache

Ringing in the ears. Change of mood. Difficulty in breathing

and swallowing. Loss of bowel and

bladder control.

55DIRECTIONAL TERMSMatch Column A with Column BColumn A_____1. Means toward the midline, or center of the body._____2. The patient is lying face down on his or her stomach._____3. Means toward, or closer to the feet._____4. Means close, or near the point of reference._____5. Means inside the body._____6. Means distant, or far away from the point of reference._____7. Means toward the back._____8. The patient is lying on her left or right side._____9. Means toward, or closer to the head._____10. Refers to the left or right of the midline.

_____11. Means outside of the body._____12. Means toward the front._____13. The patient is lying face up on his or her back._____14. Means near the surface._____15. A patient’s body stands erect with arms down at the sides, palm facing you._____16. Means remote, or far from the surface.

Column BA. Anatomical positionB. Supine positionC. Prone positionD. Lateral recumbent positionE. SuperiorF. InferiorG. AnteriorH. Posterior

I. MedialJ. LateralK. ProximalL. DistalM. SuperficialN. DeepO. InternalP. External


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First Aid Check the victim’s ABC. Have the victim rest in a comfortable position. Seek immediately medical help. Do not give the victim anything by mouth.

If the victim loses consciousness, place him or her in the recovery position and administer first aid for unconsciousness.

Continue to monitor ABC’s. Stay with the victim until you have medical help.

2. __________________________ is a condition that affects the way the body uses food. It causes the sugar level in the blood to be too high.

Types of Emergency Diabetes

_________________________ Occurs when too much insulin is in the body.

Signs and Symptoms Fast breathing. Fast pulse. Dizziness Weakness Change in the level of


Vision difficulties. Sweating Headache Numb hands or feet. Hunger Anxiety


_________________________ Happens when there is too much sugar and too little insulin in the blood, and body cells do not get enough nourishment.

Signs and Symptoms Drowsiness and

confusion. Deep and fast

breathing. Thirst

Dehydration Fever A fruity-smelling. Change of


First Aid Give any fully conscious person in a diabetic emergency sugar-

candy, fruit, juice, or a soft drink containing sugar. If the person is unconscious, check ABCs and call for a physician. Immediate transport to the hospital.

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3. __________________________ is a sudden involuntary muscle contraction, usually due to uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain.

Signs and Symptoms Local tingling or twitching in part of the body. Brief blackout or period of confused behavior. Sudden falling, loss of consciousness. Drooling, frothing of the mouth.



1. Basic Equipment

Spine board Short board / Kendrick’s Extrication Device.

Sets of splints Poles Blankets

2. Suggested First Aid Kit Contents (Basic)

Rubbing alcohol Povidone Iodine Cotton Gauge pads Tongue depressor Penlight Band aid

Gloves Scissors Forceps Bandage (Triangular) Elastic roller bandage Occlusive dressing Plaster

3. Clothe materials commonly used in First Aid

_______________________ any sterile cloth material used to cover the wound.

1. _______________________ any clean cloth material sterile or not

use to hold the dressing in place.


Disease Signs and Symptoms

Infective Material

Respiratory illness, sore throat, nausea, vomiting

Food and water, mucus

Weight loss, night sweats, occasional fever, general ill feeling

Saliva, airborne droplets

Flu-like, jaundice Blood, saliva, semen, feces, food, water, other products

Fever, night sweats, weight loss, chronic diarrhea, severe fatigue, shortness of breath, swollen lymph nodes, lesions

Blood, semen, vaginal fluid

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Body Substance Isolation (BSI) are precautions taken to isolate or prevent risk of exposure from any other type of bodily substance.

Basic Precautions and Practices1. Personal hygiene 2. Protective equipment 3. Equipment cleaning and disinfecting


Vigorous muscle spasm; twitching, jerking limbs, stiffening Grunting; snorting. Loss of bladder and bowel control. Temporary cessation of breathing. Seizure are often associated with epilepsy; high blood pressure; heart

disease; brain tumor, stroke or other brain illness or injury; shaking young children violently; fever in children; head injury; electric shock; heat illness; poisoning; venomous bites and stings; choking; and drug or alcohol overdose or withdrawal.

First Aid If you know the person has epilepsy, it is usually not necessary to call physician unless-

The seizure lasts longer than a few minutes. Another seizure begins soon after the first. He or she does not regain consciousness after the jerking movement

has stopped.

However, you should call physician when someone having a seizure also- Is pregnant. Carries identification as a diabetic. Is in the water and has swallowed large amounts of water.


__________________________ A high temperature does not necessarily mean the victim is seriously ill. Some children, however, have febrile seizure

when a high fever is rising or falling.

When to get help for FeverFever is not always cause for alarm, but sometimes it is a sign of a serious problem. Seek immediately medical attention if:

Fever is over 39.4 C (103 F) Fever is accompanied by:

- Difficulty in breathing.- Unusual skin colors (blue, gray, purple).- A rash of tiny red or purple dots under the skin.- Shock - Stiff neck.- Bulging fontanel (soft spots of the baby’s skull).- Sign of dehydration - If the victim appears to be very ill, take steps to reduce the fever while

you seek medical assistance.


Causes of Emergency Childbirth1. Rupture tubal pregnancy with concealed hemorrhage into the abdominal

cavity.2. Unusual bleeding from the vagina at any stage.

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3. Convulsions associated with pregnancy.4. Miscalculations in the anticipated delivery.5. Premature onset of labor after an accident.6. Delay in transportation.7. Other factors which may abbreviate delivery.



How Diseases are Transmitted.

1. _____________________________________________ Occurs when a person touches an infected person’s body fluids.

2. _____________________________________________Occurs when a person touches objects that have been contaminated by the blood or another body fluid of an infected person.

3. __________________________ __________________Occurs when a person inhales infected droplets that have become airborne as an infected person coughs or sneezes.

4. _____________________________________________Occurs when an animal such as a dog or an insect, such as tick, transmits a pathogen into the body through a bite.

Diseases that cause concern.

Disease Signs and Symptoms

Infective Material

Lesions, general ill feeling, sore throat

Broken skin, mucous membranes



1. _________________________ should not cause pain.

2. _________________________ should make the best use of things at hand.

3. _________________________ should notice all signs.

4. _________________________ should not alarm the victim.

5. ___________________________ should be comforting.

6. _________________________ should maintain a professional & caring attitude.


1. Unfavorable Surroundings2. The Presence of Crowds3. Pressure from Victim or Relatives

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Signs and Symptoms1. If labor contractions are approximately 2 minutes apart.2. If the woman is straining or pushing down with contractions.3. If the woman is crying out constantly.4. Warning from the woman that the baby is coming.

Delivery Procedures

1. ___________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________


1. _________________________ is a sustained body temperature above the normal level of 37°C (98.6°F) is known as fever.

Sign and Symptoms In the early stages:

- Pallor

- A “chilled” feeling – goose pimples, shivering, and chattering teeth.


As the fever advances:- Hot, flushed skin, and sweating.- Headache- Generalized “aches and pains”.- Higher temperature.

First Aid Make the patient comfortable in cool surroundings, preferably in bed

with a light cover. Allow her to rest. Give the casualty plenty of cool, bland drinks to replace lost fluids. An adult may take two paracetamol tablets. Give a child the

recommended dose of paracetamol syrup (not aspirin). If you are worried about the casualty’s condition, call a doctor.

2. __________________________ may accompany any illness, particularly a feverish ailment such as flu, but it may be the most prominent symptom of a serious condition, such as meningitis or stroke.

First Aid Help the patient to sit or lie down comfortably in a quite place. An adult may take two paracetamol tablets or her own painkillers. Give a

child recommended dose of paracetamol syrup (not aspirin). If in doubt or if the pain does not ease within two hours, call a doctor.

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____________________is an immediate care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly taken ill. It includes self-help and home care if medical assistance is not available or delayed.


1. Bridge that fills the gap between the victim and the physician. It is not intended to compete with, nor take the place of the services

of the physician. It ends when the services of a physician begin.

2. Ensure safety of him/herself and that of bystanders.3. Gain access to the victim.4. Determine any threats to patient’s life.5. Summon advanced medical care as needed.6. Provide needed care for the patient.7. Assist advanced personnel.8. Record all finding and care given to the patient.


1. To alleviate suffering.2. To prevent added/further injury or danger.3. To prolong life.


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3. __________________________ is a pain in the abdomen often has a relatively trivial cause, but can indicate serious disease, such as perforation or obstruction of the intestine.

First Aid Make the patient comfortable, and prop her up if breathing is difficult.

Giving her a container to use if vomiting. Do not give the patient any medicines or anything to eat or drink. Give patient a covered hot-water bottle place against the abdomen. If the pain is severe, or does not ease within 30 minutes, call a doctor.

4. ______________________________ are most likely to be caused by food poisoning, contaminated water, allergy, or unusual or exotic foods.

First Aid Reassure the patient while he or she is being sick. Afterwards, give

the patient a warm damp cloth with which to wash him- or herself. Give the patient lots of bland fluids to sip slowly and often. If the

appetite returns, give him only bland, starchy or sugary food for the first 24 hours.

If you are worried about the patient’s condition, particularly if it is persistent, call a doctor.


NATIONAL BLOOD SERVICESSaves the lives of patients in need of blood or blood components on a systems of free and voluntary donation of blood through a national network of blood service facilities. Education

programs are conducted to encourage people to donate blood.

DISASTER MANAGEMENT SERVICESIs in charge of conducting disaster preparedness programs, relief operations for disaster

victims and rehabilitation projects to help victims recover faster from their experience.

SAFETY SERVICESIs tasked to implement a nationwide educational campaign to ensure the safety of the Filipino people. To effectively carry out this task, the service conducts training in First Aid, Basic Life Support-CPR, Water Safety and Accident Prevention. It also renders first aid, lifeguarding,

rescue and ambulance services.

COMMUNITY HEALTH & NURSING SERVICESFocuses on helping vulnerable groups by promoting health and preventing illness in the community. It targets the most vulnerable not only as clients but as partners and major

players in community health development. Thus, it provides training on community based health management, home nursing and disaster nursing.

SOCIAL SERVICESProvides welfare service to individuals, families and communities through counseling, inquiry, tracing, health and welfare reporting, intercountry case work and emergency leave assistance

for Filipino in the US military service. Service is also given to vulnerable group like disadvantaged women streetchildren, disabled persons and the elderly. It also conducts

training on stress debriefing and provides psychological support to victims of disaster and other traumatic incidents.

RED CROSS YOUTHProgram educates children and youth from 7 to 25 years old, in the spirit of Red Cross and

provides opportunities for directing and harnessing their energy and idealism into worthwhile activities within the framework of the organization.


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