Words Which Can Be Either Singular or Plural

Words which can be either singular or plural Association Class Club Committee Company Council Crew Crowd Family Gang Government Group Majority Minority The public Staff Team Union as·so·ci·a·tion noun 1. an organization of people with a common purpose and having a formal structure. 2. the act of associating or state of being associated. 3. friendship; companionship: Their close association did not last long. 4. connection or combination. 5. the connection or relation of ideas, feelings, sensations, etc.; correlation of elements of perception, reasoning, or the like. 6. an idea, image, feeling, etc., suggested by or connected with something other than itself; an accompanying thought, emotion, or the like; an overtone or connotation: My associations with that painting are of springlike days. 7. Ecology . a group of plants of one or more species living together under uniform environmental conditions and having a uniform and distinctive aspect. 8. Chemistry . a weak form of chemical bonding involving aggregation of molecules of the same compound. 9. touch football . 10. Astronomy . stellar association. Synonyms 1. Alliance, union; society, company; band. 3. fellowship. Company com·pa·ny kuhm -puh-nee noun

Transcript of Words Which Can Be Either Singular or Plural

Page 1: Words Which Can Be Either Singular or Plural

Words which can be either singular or plural

Association Class Club CommitteeCompany Council Crew CrowdFamily Gang Government GroupMajority Minority The public StaffTeam Union


noun 1. an organization of people with a common purpose and having a formal structure. 2. the act of associating or state of being associated. 3. friendship; companionship: Their close association did not last long. 4. connection or combination. 5. the connection or relation of ideas, feelings, sensations, etc.; correlation of elements of perception, reasoning, or the like. 6. an idea, image, feeling, etc., suggested by or connected with something other than itself; an accompanying thought, emotion, or the like; an overtone or connotation: My associations with that painting are of springlike days. 7. Ecology . a group of plants of one or more species living together under uniform environmental conditions and having a uniform and distinctive aspect. 8. Chemistry . a weak form of chemical bonding involving aggregation of molecules of the same compound. 9. touch football . 10. Astronomy . stellar association. Synonyms 1.  Alliance, union; society, company; band. 3.  fellowship.

Company com·pa·ny kuhm-puh-neenoun 1. a number of individuals assembled or associated together; group of people. 2. a guest or guests: We're having company for dinner. 3. an assemblage of persons for social purposes. 4. companionship; fellowship; association: I always enjoy her company. 5. one's usual companions: I don't like the company he keeps. 6. society collectively. 7. a number of persons united or incorporated for joint action, esp. for business: a publishing company; a dance company. 8. ( initial capital letter ) the members of a firm not specifically named in the firm's title: George Higgins and Company. 9. Military . a. the smallest body of troops, consisting of a headquarters and two or three platoons. b. any relatively small group of soldiers. c. Army . a basic unit with both tactical and administrative functions.

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10. a unit of firefighters, including their special apparatus: a hook-and-ladder company. 11. Also called ship's company. a ship's crew, including the officers. 12. a medieval trade guild. 13. the Company, Informal . a nation's major intelligence-gathering and espionage organization, as the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Idioms 16. keep company, a. to associate with; be a friend of. b. Informal . to go together, as in courtship: My sister has been keeping company with a young lawyer. 17. part company, a. to cease association or friendship with: We parted company 20 years ago after the argument. b. to take a different or opposite view; differ: He parted company with his father on politics. c. to separate: We parted company at the airport.

Synonyms 1.  Group, assemblage, body. Company, band, party, troop  refer to a group of people formally or informally associated. 3.  gathering, crowd. 6.  firm, house, corporation.

Company is the general word and means any group of people

a company of motorists

Band used esp. of a band of musicians, suggests a relatively small group pursuing the same purpose or sharing a common fate

a concert by a band; a band of survivors

Party  except when used of a political group, usually implies an indefinite and temporary assemblage, as for some common pursuit

a spelunking party.

Troop used specifically of a body of cavalry, usually implies a number of individuals organized as a unit

a troop of cavalry

fam·i·ly fam-uh-lee, fam-lee

  n 1. a. a basic social unit consisting of parents and their children, considered as a group, whether dwelling together or not: the traditional family. b. a social unit consisting of one or more adults together with the children they care for: a single-parent family.

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2. the children of one person or one couple collectively: We want a large family. 3. the spouse and children of one person: We're taking the family on vacation next week. 4. any group of persons closely related by blood, as parents, children, uncles, aunts, and cousins: to marry into a socially prominent family. 5. all those persons considered as descendants of a common progenitor. 6. Chiefly British . approved lineage, esp. noble, titled, famous, or wealthy ancestry: young men of family. 7. a group of persons who form a household under one head, including parents, children, and servants. 8. the staff, or body of assistants, of an official: the office family. 9. a group of related things or people: the family of romantic poets; the halogen family of elements. 10. a group of people who are generally not blood relations but who share common attitudes, interests, or goals and, frequently, live together: Many hippie communes of the sixties regarded themselves as families. 11. a group of products or product models made by the same manufacturer or producer. adjective 16. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a family: a family trait. 17. belonging to or used by a family: a family automobile; a family room. 18. suitable or appropriate for adults and children: a family amusement park. 19. not containing obscene language: a family newspaper. —Idiom 20. in a / thefamily way, pregnant.

ClassNoun 1. A number of persons or things regarded as forming a group by reason of common attributes, characteristics, qualities, or traits; kind; sort: a class of objects used in daily living. 2. a group of students meeting regularly to study a subject under the guidance of a teacher: The class had arrived on time for the lecture. 3. the period during which a group of students meets for instruction. 4. a meeting of a group of students for instruction. 5. a classroom. 6. a number of pupils in a school, or of students in a college, pursuing the same studies, ranked together, or graduated in the same year: She graduated from Ohio State, class of '72. 7. a social stratum sharing basic economic, political, or cultural characteristics, and having the same social position: Artisans form a distinct class in some societies. 8. the system of dividing society; caste. 9. social rank, esp. high rank. 10. the members of a given group in society, regarded as a single entity. 11. any division of persons or things according to rank or grade: Hotels were listed by class, with the most luxurious ones listed first. 12. excellence; exceptional merit: She's a good performer, but she lacks class.

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—Synonyms 27.  group, categorize, type, rank, rate.

Club–noun 1. a heavy stick, usually thicker at one end than at the other, suitable for use as a weapon; a cudgel. 2. A group of persons organized for a social, literary, athletic, political, or other purpose: They organized a computer club. 3. the building or rooms occupied by such a group. 4. an organization that offers its subscribers certain benefits, as discounts, bonuses, or interest, in return for regular purchases or payments: a book club; a record club; a Christmas club. 5. Sports . a. a stick or bat used to drive a ball in various games, as golf. b. Indian club. 6. a nightclub or cabaret: Last night we went to all the clubs in town. 7. a black trefoil-shaped figure on a playing card. 8. a card bearing such figures. 9. clubs, ( used with a singular or plural verb ) the suit so marked: Clubs is trump. Clubs are trump. 10. club sandwich. 11. Nautical . a. a short spar attached to the end of a gaff to allow the clew of a gaff topsail to extend beyond the peak of the gaff. b. a short spar attached to the truck of a mast to support the upper part of a club topsail. c. clubfoot ( def. 3 ) . –verb (used with object) 12. to beat with or as with a club. 13. to gather or form into a clublike mass. 14. to unite; combine; join together. 15. to contribute as one's share toward a joint expense; make up by joint contribution (often fol. by up  or together ): They clubbed their dollars together to buy the expensive present. 16. to defray by proportional shares. 17. to hold (a rifle, shotgun, etc.) by the barrel, so as to use the stock as a club. –verb (used without object) 18.to combine or join together, as for a common purpose. 19. to attend a club or a club's activities. 20. to gather into a mass. 21. to contribute to a common fund. 22. Nautical . to drift in a current with an anchor, usually rigged with a spring, dragging or dangling to reduce speed. –adjective 23. of or pertaining to a club.

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24. consisting of a combination of foods offered at the price set on the menu: They allow no substitutions on the club luncheon.

—Synonyms 1.  bludgeon, bully. 2, 4.  association, society. See circle. 12.  bludgeon, batter, maul, cudgel.

com·mit·tee kuh-mit-ee

–noun 1. a person or group of persons elected or appointed to perform some service or function, as to investigate, report on, or act upon a particular matter.