Words Meanings

Words Meanings 1. Jest Joke 2. Chatter and Tattle Gossip, Chit chat 3. Gamut Variety, Range 4. Dodge Avoid 5. Appease Calm down 6. Antagonism Opposition, Hostility 7. Enmeshed Mixed 8. Entangled Involved 9. Stirred up Aroused 10. Unilaterally Independently 11. Cookie-cutter approach Same approach 12. Amalgam Combination 13. Anticipate Expect, Foresee 14. Apprehensive Nervous, Fearful 15. Offended Hurt, Upset 16. Reluctant Unwilling 17. Entrenched Well-established, Fixed 18. Restive Restless, Uneasy 19. Profanity Curse, Bad language 20. Manipulation Exploitation 21. Monologue Speech 22. Icily Angrily 23. Wryly Sarcastically 24. Averse Against 25. Bogged Stuck, No progress 26. Sniped Criticized 27. Recoiled To withdraw 28. Provoked Irritated, Aggravated 29. Accusation Blame 30. Stammered Hesitated 31. Transgression Misbehavior, Disobedience 32. Blindsided Shocked 33. Expedite Rush, Speed up 34. Misconstrued Misunderstood 35. Inexplicably Strangely 36. Static Motionless, Still 37. Alleged Assumed, So-called 38. Resentment Anger 39. Deferring Delaying, Withdrawing 40. Strained Tensed 41. Precedent Example 42. Chafed Irritated, Bothered 43. Rhetorical Not literal


meanings of words

Transcript of Words Meanings

Page 1: Words Meanings

Words Meanings1. Jest Joke2. Chatter and Tattle Gossip, Chit chat3. Gamut Variety, Range4. Dodge Avoid5. Appease Calm down6. Antagonism Opposition, Hostility7. Enmeshed Mixed8. Entangled Involved9. Stirred up Aroused10. Unilaterally Independently 11. Cookie-cutter approach Same approach12. Amalgam Combination13. Anticipate Expect, Foresee14. Apprehensive Nervous, Fearful15. Offended Hurt, Upset16. Reluctant Unwilling17. Entrenched Well-established, Fixed18. Restive Restless, Uneasy19. Profanity Curse, Bad language20. Manipulation Exploitation 21. Monologue Speech22. Icily Angrily23. Wryly Sarcastically24. Averse Against25. Bogged Stuck, No progress26. Sniped Criticized27. Recoiled To withdraw28. Provoked Irritated, Aggravated29. Accusation Blame 30. Stammered Hesitated 31. Transgression Misbehavior, Disobedience 32. Blindsided Shocked33. Expedite Rush, Speed up34. Misconstrued Misunderstood 35. Inexplicably Strangely 36. Static Motionless, Still37. Alleged Assumed, So-called38. Resentment Anger 39. Deferring Delaying, Withdrawing40. Strained Tensed 41. Precedent Example 42. Chafed Irritated, Bothered43. Rhetorical Not literal44. Undermine Weaken 45. Belittle Put down, Demean 46. Thwarting Upsetting 47. Vulnerability Helplessness, Weakness48. Exasperated Annoyed

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49. Inadequate Insufficient, Poor50. Patronizing Humiliating, Mocking51. Undercut Demoralize, Discourage 52. Antagonism Aggression 53. Palpable Clear, Obvious54. Flailing Waving55. Panoply Collection, Range, Variety56. Accusation Blame57. Distortion Misinterpretation, Lie58. Digression Deviation59. Stakes Risks60. Considerably Significantly, Very much61. Vulnerable Exposed, At risk, Weak62. Escalate Rise, Go up63. Trumped Surpassed 64. Snare Trap, Capture65. Rattled Shocked66. Huffing Bad mood67. Pinned Attached, Related68. Persistent Constant 69. Clam up To say nothing70. Retaliate React71. Stubbornly Inflexibly 72. Misdemeanor Wrong, Crime, Offense73. Self-scrutiny Self-examination, Self-analysis74. Entangled Trapped 75. Outburst Outbreak 76. Assault Attack 77. Tacit Unspoken, Unstated78. Explicit Clear79. Overbearing Bossy, Dominating80. Panders Satisfies, Indulge81. Incrementally Increasing gradually82. Vicious Cruel83. Timid Nervous, Fearful84. Witty Clever, Sharp85. Snickers To make a short, quiet laugh in a way that shows disrespect.86. Licorice A candy made from the root of a plant87. Usurping Taking 88. Gambits Strategies 89. Exacerbate Make worse 90. Defuse Resolve, Calm91. Tangent Deviation 92. Disarm Win over, Neutralize93. Baffled Confused94. Malice Hatred 95. Pawn Puppet 96. Contentious Controversial, Arguable97. Unwittingly Without knowing

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98. Allegedly Supposedly 99. Inevitable Unavoidable 100. Deliberately On purpose, Intentionally, Knowingly 101. Cacophony Dissonance, Conflict, Disagreement102. Frivolous Playful, Funny103. Euphemism An indirect word or expression104. Humane Kind, Caring, Gentle105. Dire Terrible 106. Temperate Calm, Controlled107. Triumvirate Group of three108. Litigation Court case, legal action