Word-of-Mouth in the Age of Google: Building an Office Culture for Client Reviews [Slide Deck]

Building an Office Culture for Client Reviews an Avvo & Consultwebs.com webinar

Transcript of Word-of-Mouth in the Age of Google: Building an Office Culture for Client Reviews [Slide Deck]

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Building an Office Culture

for Client Reviews an Avvo & Consultwebs.com webinar

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Tanner Jones, Marketing Director

[email protected]

• 5+ Years of Legal Marketing

Industry Experience

• Veteran Legal Marketing Speaker

• Regular Contributor to


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Google is now taking an aggregate

of all of your online reviews.

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Without checking, do you

know how many reviews

your law firm has right now?

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If you answered no, you’re not alone.

Most lawyers don’t have a firm grasp

of where they stand with reviews.

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Picture A Day In The Life Of Your Firm

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Picture A Day In The Life Of Your Firm

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Obtaining client reviews should be as routine

as brewing a cup of coffee in your office.

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re·view (riˈvyo͞o), noun -

a) a formal assessment or examination of

something with the possibility or intention of

instituting change if necessary.

"a comprehensive review of defense policy"

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re·view (riˈvyo͞o), noun -

b) how prospective clients find your firm and


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75% Percentage of

reviews posted on

review sites that

are positive.

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90% Percentage of

customers who say

buying or hiring

decisions are

influenced by

online reviews.

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88% Percentage of

customers who

trust online

reviews as much

as personal


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1-5 Number of new

local reviews 85%

of SEOs are

attempting to get

every month.

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Online reviews

= today’s

word of mouth


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“The more reviews you have on

Google, generally the higher

you come up in local search.”

Jennifer Frame

Local SEO Specialist

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How can you get 5 star

reviews for your firm?

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They send a short

survey to ask clients

about their



The names of those

who respond with at

least a 4 out of 5 on

the overall

experience are

forwarded to their

Marketing Director.


She personally follows up

with those people to thank

them for their feedback.

While she is on the phone,

she mentions that the firm

is trying to build up their

online presence and asks

the client to help out by

leaving a review on Google.


She then sends them

a guide to leaving

reviews; she’s even

walked some clients

through the process

on the phone.


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“I certainly believe it’s the

personal touch of a client’s

original feedback being

appreciated and then the call

from the firm that really

makes this system tick.” --Joye Law Firm’s Marketing Consultant

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reviews via client

smartphones or


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Target your clients with Gmail

accounts to leave Google


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What About Negative Reviews?

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Don’t be surprised when you get a

negative review.

Have the expectation that you won’t

always be 100% satisfied with the

reviews you receive.

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Negative reviews may not be

entirely dependent on your

performance as a firm.

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Via Small Biz Trends

“Science has shown

that weather impacts

our mood, so a nice day

can lead to a nice

review. A rainy day can

mean a miserable one.”

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Also, remember that people in crisis

situations are prone to make snap


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• Build a process.

• Apologize.

• Follow up.

Dealing With Negative Reviews

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Courtesy of


Our internal reviews survey template!

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Our Resource Bundle

email: [email protected]

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