Woodsmith - 075

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Transcript of Woodsmith - 075

  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075


    3 95O T E S F R O M T S H O PO 7

  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075


    A fe w y ears ago w e rem od eled th e oldcarriage house Ihnl ~b eh in d o urofficebuildinjl.; ;1) weusetheground nooras a photo stu dio . an d th eupper Oooras aconferencecenter

    In th e p ro ce ss o f r em o de lin g, w e d ec id ed10 tearup pari or the , , s kep dcal that th isp ro cess w ould restore th e redw oo d colo rwi thout having10 sand d ow n to n ew w oo d.

    It turned outgre.~ fte r re fm iM in g ilw ith a m ixture ofspar v arn ish an d oil, itlooks like aged redw ood - • deep rich redcolor rather than gray (m ore like the w aycherry ages).

    PA TI OTA IU £ A bout the sam e lim e Iwasw orkJng on this refinishing project, w estarted 1 0 g-et. batch o( req uests for plans(o r a p atio o r p ic nic ta ble- usuallyaceom-panied with the suggestion to make itd im - re m tita n th etypical 2x6 (constructionlumber) tablcsfoundin mos t S la teparks.

    S o w e decid ed to ad d to ou r co llection o (o utd oo r fu rn itu re w ith a nocllJ g cmalpatiotable, e ineorporat~d an easy- to-makever-sion o( m onise and lcnon joinery on thista ble. B asica lly, y ou c re ate th e m o rtis e b y

    cuuing dadoeslntwo b oa rd s a nd join themlogctbl'r 10 produce th e mortise.

    Forth. ctheroutdoorprojectin th is issue(the annal planl< tS), witched 10 a moretypicalw ay ot makinga mortise- usingadriU press to rough out the m ortise, andcleaning il u pwith a chisel, Then I cut theten on s o n a tab le saw.

    B ut in the m iddle of this process, ec id ed ir wo uld b e ( u n10 doa lillieh and w ork. ot oul m ym ortise c hi se ls a nd c ho pp eda w ay a tthe m ortise s (o r a s ec on d p la nter .

    J.-\PAl'' 'ESE SAWS . To cut the tenons. Ir ea ch ed (o rm y d oz uk is aw.lt's a o ic cw a yto

    cut tenons.And lthoughl it wa s aboullimcw e ta lk ed a bo ut th e v ario us Ja pa ne sesawswe use -e -e speci al ly for de li ca te joine ry.

    AUina U ,i t's odd10 d un k that this w holei ssue actua lly S W 1ed w henI (O< gO tIOmo veth e r ed w oo d f ur nitu re in sid e f or th ewinter.

    I'F.\I P ~ CES. 1.D.. id KreyIing

    CaryChriste~nR o d S to a ke sChris GI.. .. .. .1 riDirk Ver SteegKurtSchull%

    CirculalionOirec;lJ>rIJzBred.esonSubscriptionMBnagerSandy & um

    :-r ...tBndSalesKen tA .Bu.ktonGrophlcsDirector Jon Snyd~r

    P r o j o C ISuppUos kslit An n GemhartUndaJones

    Wa.rcl1ouse carson SupvG lorinSh_ nRolUlld LongDnvidStoUI

    C~Q m l.. I , _ 1 Vi . c e -M g r.UncL l ~t o rrow ustomerSenice Jennie n os

    Janice. K.et tD\'t :Cen e1I. BraJl'lOllMi. SmithR o be rtl l R UM )Jo)'John sen

    ConlJ1lllcrPaul E . G my~1dc.. pil18 U n« a O 'R ou rk e

    Nt>t\\ )rk:Administrator OouAlas ~ dsterAdministrative A $bL C h( ry lA. Scott

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    Shop MIlD3g\.' s.e,'e CurtL'

  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075


  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075

    4/32N o. 75


    I \jI

    :~ ~ r --

    SECO D : sUO( N - ; t l- \ .• _ _ .... TItWIGU I .- I lP


    ~ f1 ST ~- w PiAClANGl D£OGI SlOGmwt

    MfWt GAUGi SiT _/AT 2 2 .) ,· ANO\.i- I , I

    [) u ,d e «,lf~tJdll O U , 1IIt ,

    side 1 one piece 3 g c : l i n S l t h eripfence , 1\eJ

  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075



    l8 lACKn

    SID EaRACI ff

    2_J SlO rs Nr eAACKUS


    itas framing for shelves, It costaboutS4.00 for 3 36 ·)ong piece,th e sho rtest ould buy.

    W hat m akes il ideal for tablebrackets is that there are holesoppos ite some of th e slots. seeFig. I. To allow the wood tomove ac ross t he gra in. thebrackets on the si desofthe table

    NIl. 75 5

    [£vOU would lik e to share atip idea , just send it tolI oo d.miJ . , Til ls a ndTechniques, 22QOGrand Ave .. DesMoines,Iowa~J2 .

    We wil l pay upon p ublica·tion 15 to 10 0 (depending In thepublished leng th o fth elip Please incJudt an explanation an d a sketch orphOIO We11drawa ne w one).

    W MU Pl1CE

    brac kets that w ould allow nIt ab le top to move independent lyo f t he ta ble base.

    But th e L b rac ke ts s oldatm y local hardware store don tallow (or an y wood movement.So I d ec id ed tomake my braeke ts out of slo ue d ste el a ngle. seeFig. L 1be hardware store sells

    ecen tly bu il ta table with abutche r-block style, solid woodtop. Bill [ ran into a problemw he n I trie dto f ind bracketstoattach th e ta bl e to p10th e base.

    \ Vo o d e xp an d s a n dcontractsacrossthe grain ith changes inhumidilY. Since m ytop is m ad eof thick solid wood. Ineeded


    RU88AlfJ UIf/prCle~ ,/u d . OMo

    base need s lo ts perpend icular 10the b en d. se e F ig . 2 3. S lots in thebracket s on the table ends .howev er, sho uld b e p aralle l w ithth e b end. see 1·; .2b.

    To make table brackets, cuth ~ sI~ ,1angle with a hacksa winto tVl ·long segments, secFig. l. '[ben sc re w th e b rac kets10 the tab le base. To attach thetop. use ascrewan d a w ash er inea ch sial

    you won t have chan ge thedepth of cut on the r outer beforemaking the second passs.

    To make deeper groov.. . use1;\\ 0or three spacers and removeone aftereach pass.

    111iswo rk ed , , w e ll ,I m ade apermanent spacerby screwing apair ofcleats on the ends th espacer, see Fig. I. n l Yoverlapthe ends of the router tab le andhold th e space r inplace.

    111ismeth od also w o rk s w h enrouting mul tiple asses freehand. Jus t attach a sp acer 10) ou r router base p late w henmaking t he- first pass.

    Krill P Broun e , ,lle, fp , / pm ;


    W O R KPI Kf

    b S E OND P S S(

  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075

    6/32N o. 75

    r fhis ratio Table isn 't shaped lik ' a standard~ i;icnic table.and i t's nOIbuill like 011('either.

    Making it involves culting thre e jo ints; lap joints.mortise and tenons. an d sp lin ed m iters, N ot th ejoineryyou'dexpect to findin an cutdoorproject

    JOINERY.BUI Ill biggcst dwlengc i. not inm a kin g t he joints forthebase Themainchalltngecomes in accura te ly cull ing UI( 'mitersfo r dIe f ramearound th e top, With s ix teen mi te rsto C'UI. an yerrorgelsmull ip l i< 'd when the frame isassembled ,

    So th e se cret is10 take your lim e and m ake atest frame from scrap wood firsL Then. wheny o u'r e d o ne . y o u11h av e a ta ble for outdoors that'sbuilt with t he c ra ft smansh ip o f indoor fumi tu re .

    It s nor U t rhe shape ofth is Patio Table that s unique The joinery thatgoesin to buiW ing rhe table is similarcow hat you d find in an indoor table

    Yet aU the joints are mad e w ith just a table saw and a r outer

    Patio TablePROJE TE TURE

    Stl I IJES. I used c le ar h ea rtredwood (o r thetable base and top fram e. W h ite oak and cedar

    are g oo d a lternatives.In fact.Imade the topsla isof we stern red ced ar- they add contrast a ndhold d ow n th e co st,

    TIlt main joinlFin th e ta ble h av e n o h ard wa re,they're assembled wiUImoisture-resistantglue.Keeperstripsand s crewshold tht lOpslatsinplace.T he to pi tself issecured 10 i .bebase wi th threadedin se rts a nd m ach in e b olts, fbis makes it easy tobrea k the tabledown for s tOrage in thewinter.)

    To red uce the effec ts of the e lemen ts in thesummer, the ta ble is f in is he dwith • mixtur e ofs pa rv am is h a nd tu ng o il. s ee S ou rc es . p ag e 3 1.

  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075

    7/32N o. 75

    .(1lO) -6 x l fh WOOdsclews (64 )BrodsGG

    1 .' c~,..x 7' . 1. 96* (5.3 ft .d_,F ,re ; D 1 E :t:-4 I g j

    G I g ijGFFl • a 11,.·x- 71 .... 96 (S.3 Ikf ~Ft .,

    g i IS i 1 .2~ , · 4?21r . J 4211k .4 2 6+ .¥ 'x ~ . - 4

    H. • 9I Z2 j

    2 . - . 6 ( ' '., )( $' ... l- - (Two 800nf ••• ad. Ft. fo(h ) • ~ •

    2 A 6 t I \.I) x s t.,...• 06 (a ad . f t.

    1'·, x4 .: O 1? x 4·A6 1:. t \ 1 , .2 9 Rgh I I.X ~ 2ilghl;,. 2 1 < •1 4Rgh \ •• 2 -t-17 J?ghl~x 2'~ ' 1 9RQhloll \ a - d5 lgh'12 .6 4Rg h

    TOPA F,ome {8)8 ClOSS Btoce C SiaI. (4 )o SIa s (4 )E Slats(4 )f SloI5 (4 )G Slols(l6)II l(ee;:>elSlIips (4)1 Splines (S)BASEJ Armsa }K Feel(2 )l tegs(4)M Pods (4 )SUPPUES• (4) < ¥ t . .ThcdInsem & 1 , ' Mach Bo II. 1 6) 8 . 1'/ ,' F h W O Q O s c tE o lN S

    2 Jt It ,11 .., . )( S ·60' {Two B o o •S lid . Fr . loth )I ..2 .' :~ ,. . [ ., . .... lv z u ,t 1'2.4 1 1 · • 3 1,.,.). 96 ' ( Th.... Boafds:. 5 .3 ad. Ft . loch )


    i.ax I ' .. ..fhWOODSCttlW




    r...,... ~ C RO SS S EC TI ON

    , ...(y LEGNOTE:$l.A rs ARE CU TOvtISJU . THINTRtMMfOto Frr


    GA RM ~


    - WASHlR

    .li . - , \> J~M A C H I N

    1 Ol~


    c : i YI=~~~ ROSS ~ •BRACE 1J ~ . 5~5~==;::::==;: _:~Y--. H KEEPERSTRIP S

    4 8 1 /4' 'W x 29 HOVERAU D IMENSIONS :



  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075

    8/32No. 75Xlo¥Iot . .. ,tartworkon IOP ycullmge , ..I · I 0 ROVY - POCk m - clNn..., ON Tl4OC k N[sections A fro m a2x610 [OUIl l en g th s o f IN FOUR........ JOlt SPUNIS2 2 T h en r ip t h es e10 finishedwidth (4 ) . L 5(~CT1~IO ~N~$ ~QH(~ _ ~===========:

    )1JTERl;.TocheckIhal t il e milergauge isset at th e e xac t angl e,I irst m ade aseriesoftest cuts on eigh l pieces of 4 · widc scrapplywe'od. (A lso . sec th e lip o n p ag e 4 .)

    Th en . 1 0 g u aran tee th at ailth e sections er e iden t ic alin l en g th . I a tt ac he d a n a ux iliary f en ce In m y m ite rgaug an d clamped as top b lock 10 th is (< ,nee.

    Once the IC Opieces formaperfect octagon.mil,,,.all e ight sec tions 10IC1lg \h .S( C Fig. I.

    KERFS ,'II) sru xes, Tostrengthen th e[oints,Iu sed VZ',lhicksplines, Th e splinesfitin kerfs cen tered o nthe thickness oi th eframe sections.see F IR . la o ICU ithesekerfson th e table sawm;inga dado blade and aspecialjig. sec S ho p N OI . pag c' 1 6.

    N < x t. m ake { h e- s pli ne sb y r es aw in gcn()u~h stock to f i th e kerfs, Then cut Olesplines10 width an d length, refer 10 Fig. ~.:-laIC: For m axim um s tre ng th. o rie nt theg ra in o (th e s p lin e a cro s s t he jo in tline.

    I 'OCKElS.TI le next s tepis 10CUI pocIleIS·on t he u n dc n;id {' o f(o ur o ( ih c fram e sections 10 rec eiv e th e cro ss b race s. refer10Figs. I an d 3 . I roughed-ou tthese pockets ~ ~ u -u sin g t herouter wilh a strn ig hl bit. ro utin g ~.1 0 w ith in IN ' ~f he IaYOUIlines.Then Ic lean ed u p t o t heli ne s wilh a ch is el,


    Tomake th e c roMS braces (8). firstdry-as-semble rhe framean d m easu re b etw ee n th eli·~·~ ~~··~·:._~~-= l~~[~ _ :::::=~;:=~~~~~~lYWOOOextremes ofeachpocket.Then curtwo piecesuf2x61OdU5lellgth.ao d also 10 f i l i a l idth. r-:-r---:;;;;;;;-;;;:::-----------::;::::=====;::::===;::::;:::: l

    ILUP I,\PS. N o w l ayoul half·lapio im s o n 4 c uno mth e end. and center of( 'och cross brace, see I-...Jfig. 2 . N o le; T I'e ccn lerh alflap is c ot o n th e

    to pofo ne b ra ce an dth e o om o f t he o th er••\ SS ~ IH LV. I as sem bl ed t he l OP u ps id edow n o n8 halfsheet o r p ly wo od . see F ig. 3.S pre ad so m e p la st ic re sin g lu ein e ac b s awk erf . t he n a dd t he sp lin es .(See pag e 3 1 fo rmore on outdoor glues .)

    C la mp t he f ra mepieces 10the plywoodasy ou w ork y ou r w ay aro un d th etable , Thenglue and screw the cross braces imo thepockets, seeFig.3a.

    TRIMSPU N E S .On ce th e gluedries. trim.the sand th e splines lush w it h t heinsideand ou ts ide edgeso (th ~ fram e. see F ig . 4a. '- --1


  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075


    9 > ·WI........

    u r tcl(PtJl STili St F ff A C ft OS S N OS Of SLATS


    Il [ [

    00. ~


    m 1NSIDt IDOlS


    NOTE:- .ono

    fAC l UP





    indicatewhe re itm e ets th e e dg e o flh pcrossbrace, see F iK _1 . T hen cr ess- cu t eachslat tofinishedleng th 3 11he pencilmark.

    AAU8£rS. T he s la ts s ho u ld fil in th e o peings now, bUI theywon'lb e R us h with th e t asur face 0 1 th e ta ble f rame . Togel th em H u shcut rabbets on theendsoteach sla t.see Figs.8 and 9. I cu t ther ab b ets w itha dado b ladeon the table saw.

    ROt St),Ol'lillS.Now round ov er all fOlltOPedges of each SL11with a round-avebi t in therouter table, (~ o e : T h e b e ar in g oth e r ou te r b it h as tob < r em o ve d ( or m u tinthe rabbeted ends,S< < ShopN ot' '' '. page17.)

    I.NSTi\ll. 11IE TS . Next, to maintain aunifunn space between the s la ts , I tackedth em in p la ce .0)\ al a tim e. through thrabbeted ends. se e Fig.9 , P o si tio n t heWIIlporary \ 11 sp acer s b etw ee n ea chslat as . IIear c tacked down.re fe r to F ig, •.

    KF.F J ER Sl1 J1'S, wnen a li I he s la ts h av

    been ta ck ed in p la ce . r ill e no u gh:It, · thickstock fo r keeper str ips (Ii ) 1 0 a f in is hewid th o r3 4 • • ee F ig. 9. T hen cu t eack ee pe r s tr ipto fil. a nd sc re w th em u nd er tslots , S£,(, F ig . 1 0 ,Note: Don't g lue thekeepers tr ip s ill plac e, T hls way it's no prob lem 1re plac .. .damaged or brokens ial later

    equal , , · ·wide spacingbetween th em , se eF Ig, 1 .T o determine h ow w id eeach slatshould be, fiNt measure across th e widestpart 01the opening. All four openingsmustbe the same size.)

    Then. to a lluw fornine1Jl ·wideJ('dPS . subtract Iv from th ls measurement,Finally,divide this figu re by cigbt to o bta in thedes ired width olthcslats, (In m yca se. 2 1Jl .)

    Naweoough :Y~ · t hi cks tocklorall3 2 slatsca n becu i to this f in ished width ,re fe r to th eC u ttin g D ia gr am o n p llg e 7 .

    n, TOROl IGH 1£. 1GTIL With thes tock forthe s la ts r ippedtil uniformwidth.the)' c an b eCUtto l ength . To mlnimizcwaste.I started byfir st c ullin g th em to fiv e d iffe ren lroughle ng th s. r efe r to p an s C,[).E.F. and C ;in theMaterials on page 7

    M.E.lS l 11.E\ 1 m. The procedure for cutting Ih e s la ts 1 0finishe d le ng UI is the same(or each ofthe fo ur openings.So f or e ac h

    opening. fin.1cu t 3 4 5' miter a cr os s th eoutside end of Ihefic.>./ rt~.t ial b lanks .seeFag.7 and the Exp lodedIr.c w on page 7.

    N e x L p o :;i ti o rl li li tslats e lVe r th e C -JlX n i n gwith V J; · thi . :k temporary space rposhionedon both sides oieachslat Now make a penc ilmark on the in sid e e nd o fnil eig slat s to


    Each 0 1 the fou r ooenlnzs contains eightslats, TIl< 'slat. s ta rt ou la s b l ankso l d if fe ri nglengths thai ar e individually c u I t ofi~

    RIP SLATSTO IIIOTII _ T he top slats(C.I).E.F.G) f il in t the f rame openings wi th

    TABLE TOP C'- · ,r EOWith thetOI'frame assembled. th e n ex t s te pisto r ou nd o ve rthe e dg os .

    ROlNI).() I'ERS. To rou nd ov er theoutsidred ges o fthe frame. [ u sed aI I . round-everbit. routinll in 8 counter-clockwise direction.S < < rig. 5.

    For th e to p i>lairued ges o f th efra m e -an d also the tOPedges ofth e c ro ss b race s=[u sed a1 ro und-overbh, routing in a clockwise direction, se e F ig. 5.

    1Wl8f:rS. W hen the top sla ts a n' added,they're held in place b y a series o(keeperstripsauached 10the u ndersid e o fthe frame.refer to I'ill_g,'111 slat. n c- ';011 • ledge rabbeted into thef rame. Thele dg e is fo rm e d b yr ou tin g a ~ .· - wid e r ab b et o lonl1 the bot tomin side open mg s 0 1 th e fr am e. se e F ig . 6 _

    \lakt' at 1.:L'l tWli passe. to rout . I w -deep rabbet. leaving a ~ - th ic k tip to su p po nthe slats. see F ig. 6 : 1 .TI,eD S Qu ar e u p th eComerswith a chisel.

  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075

    10/32N o. 75

    Q 14

    fOO T


    C ur TO .SAM( W lDl14 '-.

    AS fOO T -

    . .__

    Q -L?~




    :V,··lhkk pads lit to the bottom ends ofe ac h f oo l. s eeFigs.1 4 a nd 1 43 .

    ~ - £l IBL£ FEET. 'Vith the pads in place.th e fe etcan now be assembled in toa crossshaped u nit. I u sed plastic resing lue an dc la m pe d th e tw opieces together, Finally.tomin imize spl in te ring , Isoftened th e u pp ered ge s (an d a lso th e o utsid e e nd s) o ( t he fe etwith. ·round-over bit,

    tween the f ir st two cuts wi th addi tional cuts .CltAlI tf'ER j. When you'r edonecauing the

    no tches thatform th e h alf la ps. lay ou t an dcut a decorat ivechamferon the to p e nds o feach foo t.8

  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075


    ar o s s lu CUI AS ARM



    AU (oots OF lEGS

    R OU T , ftOVNO )VEIl



    \V ,>dsm nh




    To m ake the arm s. startby rip pin g th e rema in ing g lued-upblankin to IW O lW'·thickpieces , D othisby fin; rippingone w finishedsize. then rippingthe o th er tomatch lite firs .

    Note: U nless y our saw canCUI 3' deep.you 'l l haveto make LwO P3. ' 10 ri p eacha rm . s eeFig$. 15.1a nd IS b.

    IlAl.F.1AJ 'S .To cut the notches that formthe half-la p jo in t, firs tlay our th e p os ition ofthe notch cen te r e> do n th elc.lIR\hof o oflite arms.SI e Fig. IS. T hen cu tth e notchesusing the sam e procedure as on the feet.

    CHA.\lFER.When thi- arm s are cut 10finishedsi7':::;:7-- I ,,, ;::-- -- -::= ====== ==:::::lcan be atta ched to th e base .

    CO l'NTERIlORf.$.>\l'm S1~\ .\1 \ 1 l0LES. Beg inbydnlling aceu nterb ore a nd s ha nk hol~ near r

  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075

    12/32N o. 75XIoodsmuh2

    Any lim you build a lamp w ith a post,you re f. ctd w t the questio n of how to

    I ct the electrical c ord th ro ug h the post.In stead of using ao extra long r ll bit. o rdrillinga h ole fro m b othends, lued up thepo 1 from s ev er al pie ce s a nd I ft a ch an a e inth e ce nte r fo rth e electrical cord.

    TA PER.A n oth er c ha llenge with this projo clW to lind a safe w ay tocut a tape r 011a ll (ou rsides of the short post. To do this .I cam e upwi th asurprisi ngly simplejig tha t a uto maticallysets the taper - und is safe to use. It s just.s qu ar e b lo c kof wood with an off-centerdowel((ormorein fo rm a tio n. s ec p ag e13

    There are three challenges to building th is l m p gett ingthe cord through the post rapeling a short piece and adding decorative

    strips and all have surprising ly s implesolutions

    Accent LampPRO J E TEE KEND

    WOOD A fter I m ade the o rigin .llam po ut o fwalnutwithbrass strips (a s show n in t he I ,h ul oabove . we made severa variations u ingdifferent w o o ds : o ak a nd m ah og an y- s-a nd d ecora tive s tr ipsmade out of a v arie ty o fmetalsa nd co nt ra st in g wo ods.

    t ~I~H . To protec· t b oth th e la mpand the d•. .,_ora tive s tr ips, 1 used a sp ray canof Defl SatinClearWoodFinishand s pr ay ed ,I two coats,

    H A R D WA RE..ou should be a b le t o p u rc h as emost of uie hardw are. the elec tr ica l suppliesa nd th e lam p shade at alo ca l lig htin g sto re , 0 :W/md m ill I mj et SU/lIJlie Is offering ahardwarekit and the shade. see p ag e 3 1

  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075


    WooJ,mirh 11

    • I e

    ...,. x. 3 · 30 ( .6 Sq. ' ,.)

    -\fa· X ' 'A 'll . 24- (.9 1 4 . ft .)

    r· i •

    8d FI or;', ' lh c~ WdOVl• 6 Sq , Ft of ',? ' ·Itlld< Wo:r.ut• (5) 1 2' 8 1o ss S1 up s{ O.0 6< · xv • (1) I Ol Tube 01 INlon l Gaua• (1) 6 foot lJI'\&Co rd o'\d PI\Jg• (1) II'StraJg~1 FlxllJl& ~( t'I.Ps.)• (I) l '-dlO S1ee1Wosh...-{-IllsP;P&)• (l)lod< W osh& rond ~I (fn plP&)• (I) 11 -00 Bl ossChecl(' rig. 1.This w ay you can build ina channe l r the electrical cord.

    tL'T po;.'T 'I F-ellS. Star by ('lllling tW OPOSIs ides (1\) from ¥. .Ihkk s tock 10 afini$hedw id lhof2 and rough l .ng thoC 10.'Ire rig. 1.Theil.c u t two post spa ce rs (B)from \ 't'·thicks tock 10 th e s am e It-nllthasthe sides but only 'V. ·wide.These spacer sare san dwiched be tween the sides (/\) toprovidethe chan nel fo r the co rd. This alsowillcreate aPOSItha t sta rts o ut a s aperfeclsquare. seeFig.Ia, r --.- = =~:::- -- -

    eWE-U P POST.The Ir ick in g lu in g u p th e TAPERJIGpost is assembling all till'p iecesso the edges1 -_2_ Jarc flush , This forms the squa rechannel(o rthe c ord in the cen ter.

    To do Il,is . I inserteda sho rt lengthof V zdowel in each en d as a tem po rary spacer.Then I glu t'tl an d clam ped the sides an dsp are rs to ge the r a $ a u n it, se e F ig . 1a, Aflerthe glue dries. cui the postto a fin ishedlength of9\1 .

    TAPERJI \.. T he n ex tSlep is 10CUIa taperonallfours idesof thepcst. Todothis,l madea simple jig 1 0h old o n e e ndofth e la m pPOSIawa y from the rip (cnc~ as it's fed throughth e b la de . r efe r to F ig. 3.

    Thejia i$ju.la2 x 2 block nhcssmesizeas the en d o fthela mp pcsn . see F ig. 2 Thet ri ck i s to mount a V : dowt l()ff ·l P /t'rol1lilcblo ck 1 0c re ate a n a n gle 1 0ta pe r th ep

  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075

    14/32N .). 7 5






    a ,

    Sf( LAD(17,..... K1GK .THlHl lU

    TO 11



    . ROUHO-OWa

    .- . .


    IUT1'~ K A G A,l N STST op atOQ( A f 4 0ADJ U stFENCETOWI JIIKf: to l .INOT'H


    N O T E :B UrP'WIlL cu r


    MtTU ONE_Of

    tA C> f . ...





    ST£P 2lIP

    6 _ _ _ _ ..-I. . . .

    ~- - -.. 30 ..---::::_ .-- - -r-k: j 11'l' r-

    t;T I : ~ 11 1 r-fRAMEPIEC fS j. .

    V -,- - L

    ., '

    WIGTlt 11 0£0fOR - - lankandnlakeamark. Then alignth e m a rk w ith th e blad e an d c lamp the b lankt o t he f.· n,'p , s ee S te p 2 in1·- g.7.

    Y o u c ancu t f o u rmiteredp i ecceS to ident ica l lengths by u sin g th e r ipfence as a step •s ee S Ic p 2in f il l. 7 . C l am p a block th e r e n t ' C ,an d then position the fence the blockbulls a J(a in st th e p oin te d en d o f the blank.(T h e blo c k k e e psth e c u t- o ff s f ro m b i nding.)

    After m a kin g th ecut. unclamp the blank,lu m it over. s lide the poiruagainst the block.and make unother cut, Iheo repeat this-procedure (qrthf remaining pieces,

    CL1' ~ R.o\.\1£PIECES.To cu t th e framepieces (D) to length. m ake a m ark 7 fro mt he m it er ed p oint, T he n re pe au he sa meprocedureuSNI fo rthc I ll at fonn I liccl'5.

    G U F. ·tl'. T h e n ex tstep is to glue up th~pieces 10 form the platform and Irarnesquares. (F o r m o reo n th is, se e p ag e 1 7 .)

    I'\AT FORMI RO~ lJo: Next.an angledcu t ism ade on the face(I fthe platform to r aiset he cen ter section wi th V4 oh ighshoulders.whilealso leavinga V, lip at the b ase .

    To d o rh ls ,firs l mljuslthe bladefo ra V . .deepcut, a nd r ut k er fstil (ann ihe shouldersoflht>raisedcente r section,see Fig. S.

    Tosupport thepillt(nrm (ortheanJlil>dcut.I U 5 < · dan auxilial ') ' renee, S < ,n inga long theblade.TOpreYl. OlUli., I m ad e a w o od en (z eroctearaneel i nser t t ha tfils t ig ht to the b lade.

    ROI Nil O\ER FtIA~IF..A s [or the bastfra me . rn un d o ve r the top ed g(' w ith a\ 4round-over bit. s ee F ig .10.

    ASSE\llll .Y. T o assem ble the b ase.flr.; 1sere th e frame to t he platform. s ee f Ir :. 11 .T hen glue onfour I · ,;qual'('feet (E ).

  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075


    15oodsmi rh

    D ECO RATIV E S TRIPSA fter th e b ase is assem bled.the nex t step is8.

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    16/32No. ;5

    D A M P C lO T H



  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075


    S URING t Ovto


    N o. 75



    Withoul abearing.you havetouse an ed ge guide or a routertable with fence 10 guid~ U w

    work. 011the l 'a t ioTable .13Is.Iused th e rouicr table.Ilut there was another prob

    lem -th e thro at o peningon th efence is to o w id e fo rth e s la ts . S othe comer o f th ewo rk p ie ce c anget h ung up inthe opening .

    ~\lX IUA R Y I ENCE To gelaround this pro blem . 1 m ad e anauxiliary fenc e fro m M aso nitew ith a sm aller opening. T hen Iclamped this to th e ro uter tab lef ence , s eer a g3.

    The pilot bearing o n a ro uterb it help s llU ide thebi l a longth eedge:of a workp iece. Bu t some

    tioll S the bearinggels in th e way.A s 1 w as building the PatioTable. I n ee de d 1 0 ro un d0\ tilerabbeted ends of th e lO P slats.BUI the bearing prevented th ecuner f rom makingcontactwitht he workpi ece. s ec~ig .

    I tt:~ tll\ E BEAAh'iG.o h o ok t hebearin g o ff th e bitby removingI lle s cr ew t ha th old s it in p la t-e ,see Fig.2 . No te: O n s om e ro ute rbits yo u C III~ emove th e bearing-il hc ldsthecuner in place.


    33.Repeauhls procedure fort ii t'remainingthree strips.

    To clam p the low er strips.trim th e b lo ck s n arro w er. T hitransfers the clampingpressure10 their luwer,·dges. set Fig. 3a.

    CJ...\. \lP S I1llPS. To usc theb lo c ks . a pp ly g lu e10 one stripand posl tion i rnntotil shoulder.Then p la ce a b lo ckon this andalso t he o pp os it e s ho u ld er.an dc la mp a cro ss th eblocks,sec F ig


    C f AT is D O £ O

    o f t hecleats Ilushwith t he li ne san d screw th em in p la ce.

    cu t;·uP.To glu~·up ure ass em b ly. a pp ly Illu cto a U [o u rpie

  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075

    18/32No. 75V()(x >mitb

    resin glue in th e m o rtise an d teno n jo ints th at co nnectth e legs an d ralls .

    For the s ides .I d id S Oll1ethingdif( rent.T he sid e slat sh av e t obe able 10 expand an dcontract with changes inhumidity so Ihey aren't glued i n p la ce. They're heldbetween the r l lswith tongue nd groove jo in ts

    \\'01)1).1builnhe plan ter out of redwood. II's an auraeti ve . s tra ig ht-g ra io ed w o od th at 's re sis ta nt10 ro t, B utthere are o ther w oo ds, like western red cedar andnorthern white cedar. thai also stand up well to theweather. Or you could build one offir o r pine, thenpalm it (see Detai ls. page 32

    nxrsu. To keep the redwood looking goodthroughoulthe year. I finished itwith a c om b i na tio n o fspa r varni sh andlung oil.T h i s s ea l. th ewoodand allows• light sheen to build lip For m o re o n this fin ish , seeS o urc es . p ag e 3 1.

    ne of lhe most in leres tingth ingsaooulthedesigno f th is p la nter is th e o ptio ns. T he b asic p la nte r is

    a s qu ar e u nlt, B ui ld in g o ne t hat's twi as w id e g iv es il adifferent look.A n d by adding one w ith longer legs , youcan create a n a ttr ac ti ve g ro up in g ( se e p ho to a bo ve ).

    AD t SL BLE S lI ELF Anothe r nice thing o ut this

    planteris s om e th in g y ou c an 't e ve n s ee f ro m t he o ut sid e-the she IL I l's ad ju st ab lelik eth e sh ew esin some bookcases. so you can changethe height of the sbelf to fitd if fe re nt-s iz ed p olle d p la nt s.This m eans the sam eplanter can show offshort p lant s in thespring an d tallerplants in th e s um m e r.

    Also. th e slab that m ake up theshelf h av e W 1 PSbe-tween them . S orain watercan't accumularein the bor toman d h arm y our plants. Or the p lant er.

    CO NSl RI cn OS Since a planter has 10 be strong andstand up to the w eath er.I u se d w ate r-resista nt p la stic

    This versatile redwood planter ts into almost any garden orpatio arrangement There are fo ur des ign options to bu ild a nd e ach has

    an adjustable shelf to accommodate plants o f differen t s izes

    Redwood PlanterP ROJE TUT OO R

  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075



    F~i~ ~ - ~ - : . - I-~ : - - -II- :~--- l I-- 7 ~ - I- -

    2J AX 2 ~ · 9 ~

    1~ .2 h -1 6 ''_x 3\ o : > · 11

    -14x 3~~ w·l 4x 2Y1· IS ;- .

    WOODA l egs ( ~ )8 l 00l$( 8 )C Side SIo Is 1 6)D ~l fSlols C d E Cleo s 2)

    SUPPUES• (4) SOeIfSupPOrtPIns• Epoxy QlWater-Resistonl GIlX'

    suchosPlosttC i?ell

  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075


    r 2 • • -~


    2 - C ORIU. \1 ....DltP


    ~8 . ~ ~


    r 21~ - I r-~ '~ .....j'..../

    2 .. e~

    t ~~ 4 rC -Woodsmlth

    With th e b la nk sC U isquare.th e le gs ca nbe tr imme d to f in is he d le ng th . s eeFig . 2.

    IA\ OUT A. iDCl T1l IEMOlm SES. O nc e th elegs are cu t 10finals ize .layoul the loca tions01 fo ur m ortise s o neach leg. see Fig. 2. (IIhelps 10 m ark the top ofeach leg and make

    al lyour measurements from that end.)Then u sin g th edri ll p ress. J bored themortises VII; deeper than th e d esire dle ng th o fthe tenon.se e rlg.3a. 'Thisway.thetenon w on 't b ottom out in the m ortise. an dthe assembledjo im willpull tOIlNhertiJ htly.

    TOdo 11Iil>.i rs t drill a VI hole at each en dof Ihe m o rti se . se e ~ig .. (I used aspecialm or tis in g b it. s ee p ag e31.) T he n d rill a s eries 01overlapping holes in betw een the endholes. Now mill out th e m ortise b y lidingthe w ork pie ce f ro mside 10 side, s ee Fig. 4.

    \Vhen uiem or us es ar cd rille d o ut, squareup the ends and clean up the sides of themorrise s witha c h is el. see F ig . 5 . Youcanleave the en ds rou nd. b uu heu you w illh v to r ou nd o ff t heed zes o f t h e m a tin g te ne ns.


    as sltaighl as possible . y ou11n c cd10 es tablish tw o O at s id es th at m ee tat a 90' comer.

    SQUi \I lE . F lAT SIDF.S.To do th is. begin byp lac in g the O a u est s id e o f e a chpiece againstthe rip fenc e. N ow trim a narrow strip of fth eoppos ite s ide(A). see lOPdrawingin F 1 g. I

    (Because the post. are too thick tocut allthew ay through in o nepass you 1 1have 10 turnthe workpiece en d.fer-end a nd fin ish trimming the firs t sllip wilha second pass.)

    Nexi. 10 cui side 8). position side (A )d ow n o nthe t ab le a n drip of fan other narrowstrip, again in two p asse s, se e se co nd d rawjug in fig. I. Side (A) and 13 . )s ho uld n ow beflat and 9 0' to each other.

    Ct l TO I 1 NISIlED SIZE.Nowyou 're ready10 cut the le g to f in is he d th ic kne ss. To doth is. set the rip ren ee2V · ( ro m th e b la de .T he n. w ith si de(A ) a ga in st th e f en ce .rip asllip ( ro m s id e e ) . s ee th ird d rawing. rig. I

    Then roll the leg one la st tim e . m aking apass with side (B) against the fence. se ef ou rth d ra win g in F ig. 1.

    W hen I bought the4x4 redwood PO SISto make the legs. Ilearned somethingabout redwood -4x4 PO SISare rarely

    kiln dried. So they'relikely to be wei onthe ins ide.

    W ET RF.O\\ 'O OO. \\'ork in g w ithvery wew oo d c an be a re al p rob lem . S o10 avoidhaving thel lOsts twis tor bend as Ihey driedou ~ I de alt wilhthe llO.LSin thre e stages,

    l ir l. 10 speed up the drying lime. Itr imm ed an

  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075


    XIoodsm lib( •. 7S

    c _I n



    . /. lfG



    ,, ~. - ~ '0

    ~ L\ 7tH StoE

    cKRn _. . . . . . . .-: : clofAMflaovm.. CORNta. s ·o ~ ~ - I~ _./UG l i { L , ~

    . J. -.....:

    JfC-tYm K~,

    OF.CORAl1\'£V I S . After cleaning up the ~ ~mortises 1 made a se ries of decorative cutsO n l he le gs. Begin b y ru tting a sial aroundthe t op end ofthe le gs .This isaclually a% . . . . . t . :dado thar's cut around alIfOUrsides.(p / ~...

    To m ake this con tinuous dado. first se r , . . , . . . ..: ; ;> ./yo ur dado blade 10CUI I I deep, TIleD posl- ~lion the rip fe nce 1~ (rom the blade. seeFig. 6a . Sbop NOIC:Usingan auxil iaryfence

    >onyo ur miter gauge will g iveyou bette r c on -trol 01 the le g. a nd also prevent chipout asyo ucuI I ll. d adoes ,S < . ' < 1Fig. 6 .

    Wilh th e end ofthe leg butted to the f ence.CU I the d ad oes o n foursides 01each leg.

    ~W I) I )£ I )CflA ftER. T he n ex ts tep is 10ro ut th e d ec ora tiv e s to pp ed c ha m fe rs o nthe outsid e corner oi each leg . see Fig 7.(No te: TIle o uts id e co m er is the comerformedby the sides w t ou t mortises.) t

    ou could MIt th is chamler wiUta hand-held muter. B ut s in ceI w a sgoing to chamfer

    l_ ~=~~~~~ ~d , ~ ...... ./ .....

    1/the to p and bo tto m o fthe legs on U te ro uter ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ ~able. I cut this stopped chamferUtere.100.Stan by sett ingthe height o the chamfer ROUlIIttAMf £ MA ~Obilsoi sr; ,~G·abovelherOUlerlablc.seeFil . In::= -+ ~~: : : : :_~.:: : . :~ : : . . : : . . . : .O M;~:.;::,.. JL _l e . I. Then a1i~'I1the face of the fence so it's IH us h w ith the bearing on the bit

    To ind icate the extrem es o f the sloppedchamfer.Imad lW Omarkson each leg.Onemark (S fromthe lOp end) indicates where1 0 p lu ng ~ th e rO UI~ rII) stan th e c ha m fe r.T he s ec ond m a rk ( ISVi' from the to p) in dic ate s th eSloppingpoint Then I made a refe re nc e m a rk :01 1 the router fence 10 ind icatethe centerpoint ofth e ro ute r b it,

    N ow tum on thero uter, and with a pivot-

    i ng mot ion . p lunge the leg against th e fence 9so the first m ark on the le g lines upwi th them a rk o nthe fence . s eefig. 8.Then slide theI ej 10the l efLWhen the second mark Ontheleg lines up \Ooilhhereference mark on thefence. S P and p ivo tth~ leg away f romthefCJ1c~.SCt FiIl.9.

    TOP CH,\\lt· ERS. Once the cornercham fe r s are completed, )'OU ca n CUI thechamfers o n the lo pen d ofeach Iej .T his isaJ O a : lb ·widf·cllamfc:rsoy()u d on , h av eto

    th,mlle'lhe router bi t. se c Fig . lOa. [~r~:~~::::::=::~-::::[,T(~= ~o makecuning th e cha m fe rs m o re a cc u- 10rate .lused a S X 8 u are pie cc o f'l 'lhkk .......... .7 - o . ~ -- ........:< -....I-rply\\ c w.rl a s3 p u sh block S R i '- : - IJ ., ) () 10 .. POSH 1t 0C1 ~ ___ UG Ipush blo ck keeps the legs square 10 the ~/ .r--.. TOP

    I ':,router table fence.and helpspreventchipout 0 . '1'-' 1 1 0 1 1o n lite b ack e dg e o r t h e c ui. -~ ~ ~,,:, . .t ;:;N ow cutth e ch am fers O nthe to pof each '.... ~ ~ '1.- 7 5leR.ho ld ingthe l eg f innly 10therouter table .1 I ~ ---- 1 ~f.n ce a nd p lywood pushblock.Again . f < t d ~ ~ - - - - - 1; L ~ r=== ~~e = =t he I~g f rom r ightto left. ~ r'

    ROTTO OlAM PERS. Finally. 10 prevent -........:~~: lOTT O .the legs from splintering w hen the box is dragged acrossthe ground.I route d s m aller 0 ....chamfers Onthe bouom ends ofthe legs .Todo this se t the h eig hl o f the router bit to~16 . s ee l'ig. lOa.Then fee d the legs overthe b it. s e c F ig.

    LE G S ...- I '. JE ;.

  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075


    16 2tlo __..I t.-


    SlAT , N OTE:cur A T O tAlOf 1 6 SLA tS s . _ r--

    12 curttNO N S 13


  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075

    23/32Nil. is

    o c~

    ®SHElf SLATS


    ,-------, Arter assembling thesides enly o stepremains b efo re theplanter is completemaking the adju stab le sh ell. Thes be lf c on sis ts o f fo ur

    slats an d tw o cleats,L-_-=- -'we ~ig 9.ClL \1S . Cu t thec lea ts (E) fro m I , ·thkk

    stock 10 a w idth of2 lr . To d eterm in e th ele ng th o f th e c le ats E . measure ~ istance o n the inside of the planter f rom s idesla t to sid eslat and sub tr ac t~ fo r dear-


    t ·


    S KE tf C £ T. U TSON


    LAYOUTHOW O R P L N S U 9 P O ft t S

    A ft er a U t hepiecesare cu t. the p lan tc rcanbea ss em b le d, B utfirst. I la id ou t and dri ll ed1 1holes each l eg (or p in suppor ts .


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    24/32No. i'i


    c:; :: t


    NOn: c : a o s s SlOTAUOWS aI.AD{ at


    LOOSl N s(1tlW to•• MOVlIlADI



    . . . . . . 9USH


    C U T SO N Il lU lLS ll1tOKI,J /..

    p N

    1 WEsnRN ·STYlf BACKS ?A,=,W,-- lHKK Il.A.Dl

    NlCU $AOY TO ..I': . N T ./ . IUCKll NQ..I' ; ../

    _/ .


    , lI ld lb. That third bevel acrossthe tip ot each toeth on a Iaf).1nc,,· .. .w i. I (lSe version ofa b.....k.......' I wanted to see howIt Quid work on CUllingd..,·,·,. l-, tlLy,orbgreaL)

    On..., III' . thai out of m yS)'<I,-m.1 i>. 'llanto u -e th e d oz uk ifo r'mall t rimmillg;oo . andgraduall) 1) . . .harp the l('t·thar t.and h o . .

    qUK'kl) L)h, -Ion th. Ouah wood ..-i h ,urpri,illwl) lild. · , rrort.f.ach , · rv . :ul loom on a jap:U1t'' '

  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075




    US CiltOSSCUf UtrK



    • 1, )



    sig ne d fo rc arp en lry w o rk .111es ho rt er s aw s(7 10 Vl an for joinel') '

    GRIP . The I')'obacan be held in nne handlik .. th e d oz uk i, o r lh bolh band s. see Fig.6 . \\'h en u sin g b oth h an ds . try a g olf· ty pegrip w ith one or bUiltindex fingers ex-tendrd. \\'hile it m ayseem a w kw a rd a t f ir st .I fin d u sin ) th is grip h elp s k eepIII sa waligned.Ia ls o n otic e th at w h en r ip pin g th ic kstock, u sin gboth h an ds is le sstiring.

    RIPt'INC TEC HXIQI'E. like the dozukib ac ks aw.t he s ma lle rr yo ba s aw s ca n b e u se d


    Ii nolh ing else .a ryoba (R\'E .uh .bah) 3W w i l lconsiderably lighlen your loolbox. 11131'sbecause c an r ep la ce tw o w e ste rnsaws arip sa w and a c ro ss cu t s aw.

    Ryob:omeans doub le and ref er s10 th eblade-ilhascrosSC tlll lh on one side,se efig 6. A nd ripping I('('lh on the other. seeF ig . 7 .Ry ob a s aw s c om e in s ev er al d iC fe re nllen glh s-lh e lo ng crthc saw. t he lo ng ertheteeth. T he longesl saw s(13 or m ore) arcd esig ne d fo r lim be r Im min g. T heteeth onthe mediumlen gth s aw s (Il 10J2 ) a rc d e-


    U s£ J U P PIN G TE mf TO

    - CU T1£N ON ....roo

    for d oin g fin e w ork . A ndw hen y ou n eed10do a part ic ula rly a cc ur ate CUI . tty rippingw ith th e s awin a v ert ic al p os itio n. se eFig 7.

    To d o t his ,firstIs ), O U l3 cu t lin e o n th e to n bouom faces ofthe w ork piece. Then.hold the pie ce s o il extends ofi the bench.S ta rt th e c ut u sin g th e te eth near the ha ndle.th en tu rn d ,e p ie ce o ve ra nd c ontinuethe kerff ro m U le ot l,c rs id e. N o w tu rn lhe p ie ce o verseveral t imesto advancethe cu t, A s y ou n ea rth e e nd o flh ec lIl. m o vethe full le ng lh o flhcsaw vert ica lly through th e w oo d. s ee F ig . 7.

    ROTAn:WORl s h ou ld er in J ap an es e.and the original purpose ofthe

    Since th e w id th o f th eblade and th e stripalong the backo f th e d oz uk ilimithow deep

    youcaucu t, you'll needaditleren ucehnique10 rulthrough stoc k that's thicker than th ewi dth o f th esa w blade.

    Todothis. starta kerfon one face.se e Fig.5. Then. without Slopping th e cUlting motion. rotate the piece 90' and co ntinue thekerf along the cut line. see F ig.Sa . Kee prolating the piece until you have a c on tin uoous ke rfa lh he w ay ar ou nd . N o w. d ee pe ntheke rf o n e ac h f ac e u ntil y ou 'v e C U Ithrou gh.


  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075


    10STAt' ... ,WITH$(itlU


    ·Thtr t· ....a JJ tJ th cr r vo be . .t\ lc~ that has nodin-e I t .....l. rn t'QUlvaIt lll_ It'~ called m eazebiki ,1' .11-1,h·II~.~ k.~,) ,..,..~i) . It has a,h,, d..ubh... 'tI~,'d lad.. cPfllr,fflon I ht',nd ,,[ I n~neck IJk Ih. ryoba.lh,· 32<biki h , .. , ul 1''I .'thon one sid. o r I lbL k and nppinJ(I.·,·th un the olherside.

    t NIQI' '_ ' Io\1l \ I I l i toUZt'bikiis m o sto(lt'nlIM () Ie. rut nlt)11iSt't\ 311(1groove~ in 111(m i dd l 1 lx ,,,d . lI ntb lid in Jl d ov eta il< . B utb t ' r nu ~ ' elr it, Iniq llt ..l lAP f ' . ' \ 11 a 11 s i7 . .t . U J I ( lJi~hl v.(·ilothl.tra il aJ~1 be :tl (_'() to makt~l' Ul '1

    ZE IKI



    KUl(H Sl.al-ACl

    N o. 75



    a '.IHIJ- .Anolhfr difference betweenth e k ug ih ik i lin d Iher eros-cu t saw s is the

    blade i, much more nt·lOblc.This meansc ar .. .m u , 1 b .· ld k en 1 0 n olbl'l'akor kinlt' thebladl' - ..SI·riU' limitationin a b ladeIilalo(len b in d, inIhl' k rl

    Since a kugihikl rf I, $.10 and i> lrid ey 1 0us. il «'nalfll),1, 'llh fin,1Iapaaese sawI'd bu y. In lar~ IIYIlU have a dozuki ,uy Oushcullinll ,111 it ~« s teeth are set, thevwon't bind in th e k cn.Just be carerul toprotectihe V.(Jrkpil ,(t' from-cratches,

    IG R I JI S A ,W


    eermcn. BUIIhl \,aJ'l' important differencesbhole 'ith a d ow el or p lu g.

    Bu t a]Il II1u iJ 1R h, dow el in thebole, I'ml,te,'I I w i th th p ro blem 0 1 trim m i ng il flu sh\\11hIh ,rl .. · . II • p ro blem b ec au se Iw an t to v id 'ru lch in g Ih.>sur face o llhl 'wOri

  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075


    I ~ litis claim p ytiming h w longlo ok IDm ake a cut w illllhe lSb40 0g 1 0Box saw.a nd h enIlming he=cul ,ita IljIdilio na l western crosscin saw, Th Too lB ox s aw d id m a kt'illbto)lgb wiU15fewer 5 t okes . but it loo k me rne s amlength o flim c as w ithlhe t r.d1 t iona lsaw~ullingonboth.Irak k h ard work ,

    T he-S1ltf.Ict· efl by th e Too l B o x s av ll J'jI r o ug h . B ut on ll whole. I like it C1I18'kingnl1lghcuts ia h ard w oo d a ndfo rcuung-COIlSIlUCtiongradcIwnbef.

    Nu 7~

    · Sh .rl ell / < 111 0 ttth I ta· . 1/1''' '' 61 1 Ik1 1; JOI 8 8 < w ~ ll; S on m ost


    western S3W~. this

    saw has lo n g . s h ar p. •three-bevel Japaneset( 'Clh.seephotoatlell.One manufac turer, S(aI lley. ca lf sthei rlineofhybr id s ·Sho rtCut s aw s. a nd m a ke ' th emin P en ns ylv an ia , T he lin (' in clu dfs p an elsaws.b ac ks aw s , a nd a1 oolllox saw.

    < ;ta n le y h a s m a d ,' so me c ha ng® 10 Ihelraditlonal . IaJ)ie epin to),'llidc DOmAnb lo ck s w ith a nllk >d s id esTo do this, I used WAn GU'I lw t ab le s aw. First.forlhe~5'/90' llUide.IiILth e bla de to 45 ' an d m ake a cut clo seto one ..,. .;...;c nd . s eeFig.13.Then sei t il e b la de b ac k1090' and m ake a cut2 f rom t lte f ir sL Next .t t)

    c ut th e doveta i l b lock. rese tthe b la de fo r10·and then m ake tw oparallel cuts about 2apart. (Aguidewithtwo para llel angll>d s ideswill let yo u cut b oth a ng le s o f tit,· ta ils a ndp ins by jus tturning thcguideblockaround.)

    I)SJN(;TIlEGII Il)ES.To use a g ui de b lo c k.


  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075


    N o, 75

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    . . OP RAIL



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    The problem wi lh m ost knock - . .. .... 6 \ . -](town ~ \\ lll lO~~S they' re not Iv ry < Iurdy-Ihey wobb le ifyouput much ((Ire...on rhem , . , ' --ut Ih(' d'''''j(1l ,,'nt in by JoeTOrTe>:of Mad........ CaUfomia ENDminimi7 4' thi problt'm by using U N T5a «'I o( t ab - . t haI fil in o If )

    you' , bu ilding more than one. Iust' the ... ..pi''' 'h.'a templale .

    - F\tR.' ~EQlEli CE. Start, .. . 2 .-

    by in , rtjnjl th~cro brace into ,th(' hole. in the leg~, Then. 1..malch Ih(' ,Iot< inthe top to th e

    15 ~ legs. Rnd~rfM or~m('()n~ ..ilh brratedSlOtagt space .In compari-on tlthe ot r group the knockdown de

  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075




    20 CUTON aOlM NOS

    \VooJs mith


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    S ECO ND:

    TO P R AIL b 6 )



    1.6 )C U T F r f

    LEGS(2.0playl <] lly fro m sid eto < ir ic. BUIit s

    gOIendtc en d stabilitytoo notfro m c om p ou nd cu ts on the legs,b ut fr om n otch es inthe lOP mil

    tt IT ll l

  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075

    30/32:-Jo.75V odsmlth

    4N OTE: IoIAKl M O C K,-=:::: ~~5UOHT1.Y HlGHtltTH ANF DIJ'II< Of C U T

    AUJaI .. lAAY FlNCf A NOStf l MSMING FENa 90

    F ::: : . .. . .TOrAW

    F dIS T C U T S M D EON fA,C[ OF ...._WORKf>lta .-....

    2FlHCt 1 NOT90 ·to rUlE

    -. .- .,

    the p rob lem bynd j l. st ingthe tipteuc e o r th e r'd J 1f11 y o ur s aw,

    [( they're no t adjus table, Yc an a tta ch an auxiliary fe llCP tothe rill enee,S t F ig. 4.T hen byplacing shim s be tween thef ences. you canbring the aux iliary fent' go 'teI th table to p,

    S OU rnO Ns.w e te m po r ar ily lvet the problem by clampinga b lo ck to th efenc e, s ec fig , 3 ,This me thoddoesn'tcomp letelyeliminate the pro blem , but itdoesminimizeit ,

    F or a m ore perm anent so lutio n, y ou may be able to c orre ct

    uuenonsonthe tablesaw.K c t : pth e ... .o rk pie ce b eu ed a gru n$ l therip f en ce a s YOIlm ake a rut. Andm a ke s ure s aw d us t d o e sn'Ibuildup along the fe nc e b etween cuts,

    11U ; WORKPI ECE.The work -plece mayalsob < 'par tofth e p ro bIc m . I fthe ends aren't square, itwo n't butt flush to th efence Soeach C UI yo u m ake will be adifferent distancefrom the end .Thiscauses s tepped shoulders .

    SE TUP . I your t echn ique andworkpiece check o ut, but you 'restill telling stepped shoulders,yo ur rip fenceis m o st likely thep ro b le m (a s il w as in m y c ase ).

    T he face o fthe fence is pro bably leaning( tllvi the blad e- irs no t 90 'to the table. (It'Sshown exagge rated in Fig. . )But yuu w on't notice Ihi s problem u ntil y o uCUl a teno n w ith our shoulders ,Here s w hy.

    Whe n you C UI the (wide)sho uld er. on the faces o fthepiec e, the piece co ntacts thefence nearthe bottom.see ~ig .

    But when you f liPlh~pil 'Ceonrdstelorut the(narrow) mouItk-n;.it c o nta cts th efence hig he r up .111ispushesth pieceaway f romthe saw bladecreating' steppedshoulder, see Fig, 2,

    3 1

    • I m ha t1illgl'ro1fblt ' C l(tl;llg.tiJl l~·· it h(J jll(lt i de Uf ' X U ~;1 l(J n t l» bl(1 .ap IU t i t Iltblr ~l l f l

    tu fi t fJ u t ~ rt o x , J 1 l1J, 1 1I ; -, 1 1 1/( 1( tilt IIY ) ~ p irX t)Jl (dgr ,l llflk, t i e l 4, (1 n ~~/ J ,/,J l r ( u tA . tIff . (ltC J Id t .t ,.-,r , lll IJ llt It 1 ,,. \\'IIot y;I'fl ,t~

    Bwl 1rllIl1; hl III1, 1 . •\/It:I,ig~11l

    I ldIhe sam e problem. ..h en m ak in g th eI C R fo r th ePatio Tablein this Issue,

    I ~ 1·~ ) 8 I..b \I , steppedsho ulder is created when thefourshoulders o f a W non don'talign , t s Call be cause d b)several sttuatiuns. the 0 .3you 'r e usingtil. ta ble s aw.U ,e.cond ition o f th e w o rk pie ce , a ndth e w ay th e ta ble sa w is se t u p.

    TEC Il X IQl~ , T here are two\hings 10rem em ber w hen yo u


    so lu tion dry andrins e, sec C,R£Fl1

  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075

    31/3231oodomnhn. is

    . PHO NE

    For la>te UFree order line. Open Mondaythrough Friday. 8:0 0 A M to5:00 PM C~OLraITIme.·

    Before c:alH nll, have y ourVISA, Master Car d, or DistQ_Card ready.

    1.• 00 · ...44·7002l;>OdsmithPro;ert SuppliesP.O. Hox t 0350

    DesMoin es. lA50306


    Til order by mail.use th e f97 -3i 711M.


  • 8/20/2019 Woodsmith - 075


    • Spli '~ (m lite OI ,w78 ofl)'1ll Pu tW Tab le r flt

    Patio Ta ble

    • Ti l Pla/t/t. Box uui J j o , pi 111 ( / 11 1 ( 1 11 1 1 ,1 1 / ,; Il .B'lt t 1Xl;1'( dorsf ( , (J , drr»ra t ,.. r ) ,nu1 . I } C dranfS 0 1 , 1 , It'g~ M , t l ,A t1I~.

    • The blad •• 1 1 Japan'$t 8al< r r rvthin alii/

    Japanese S aw s

    ... Al l ACCCltt l.Att/'p lot)~ 1 lood i S' obovt n I'.rltert· go display it, C /w o s e t he w o o d s 1 ( (Jillm.