Women's hair loss and Men's Hair Loss


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It is a common problem faced by both women and men, but it can be either hereditary, hair fall due to stress or some other factor. hair thinning and hair loss can be scary and worry anyone as healthy hair is a sign of a healthy body. for more info visit :- http://www.guciimage.com/

Transcript of Women's hair loss and Men's Hair Loss

Page 1: Women's hair loss and Men's Hair Loss

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Guci Image (GI)One Kalisa Way – Suite 210

Paramus, NJ 07652

Hair Loss Treatment Center - www.guciimage.com

Page 2: Women's hair loss and Men's Hair Loss

Women's hair loss and Men's Hair Loss

Have you been noticing excessive hair fall recently? Hair loss is a very common condition and affects most people at some time in their lives. Though, it is a common problem faced by both women and men, but it can be either hereditary, hair fall due to stress or some other factor. Yes, its true that anybody can face hair loss due to stress, most likely resulting due to fever, hormonal changes, unhealthy diet and other factors.

Whatsoever be the reasons, but hair thinning and hair loss can be scary and worry anyone as healthy hair is a sign of a healthy body. There are many myths associated with hair loss and its cause varies from person to person.

It is considered normal if one sheds around 50 to 100 hairs a day. But if you are one of those who is losing more than 100 hair every day, then you need to look for the root cause and get suitable treatment. Nevertheless, one can use relaxation techniques if the hair loss is caused due to stress and maintain a healthy diet to deal with hair loss problems. You can expect a regrowth of hair returning to normal after a period of three or four months.

Hair Loss Treatment Center - www.guciimage.com

Page 3: Women's hair loss and Men's Hair Loss

Causes of hair loss in Women:

Hair loss in case of women can be a catastrophic experience, it means losing your crowning glory. Major reasons why women face hair loss are childbirth, hormonal imbalance, medical conditions and side effects of certain medicine.

Hormonal changes can cause hair loss in women which occurs most commonly during puberty. Women go through hormonal changes during pregnancy, intake of birth control pills and menopause which can cause temporary hair loss.

As compared to men, women are more prone to suffer from telogen effluvium that, usually, occurs after major surgery, drastic weight loss or pregnancy. After a stressful event, women may lose hair for a duration of 6 weeks to 3 months. Women who suffer from thyroid problems can face hair loss if the thyroid gland do not work which has a direct effect on hair follicles.

A condition called Androgenetic alopecia is another reason for hair thinning in women which usually occurs at the frontal area, while your hair remains thick at the back. In most cases women face baldness which can be noticed in round patches on the scalp, and this medical condition is called Alopecia areata. This affects nearly 2% of the population.

Women's Hair Loss Treatment:

It is not easy to deal with hair loss problem and more importantly you need to focus on finding an effective solution for the problem. In many cases hair loss is temporary, and regrowth is possible. All you have to do is get in touch with the best hair specialist at the earliest. If you feel its due to intake of certain medicines, then its better to consult your doctor to lower the amount of medicines or suggest an alternate one. Keep a watch on your anxiety levels if hair loss is due to stress.

Hair Loss Treatment Center - www.guciimage.com

Page 4: Women's hair loss and Men's Hair Loss

Causes of Hair Loss in Men:

Most men come face hair loss due to hormonal imbalance, poor diet and stressful life. Tension, anxiety, improper sleeping habits, excessive boozing are some of the major reasons which increase the stress levels resulting in excessive hair loss in men. When a male body is stressed, it produces additional testosterone and adrenaline. Additional testosterone means more dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which in turn, can cause hair loss in men.

Most of the times, the major reason for hair loss in men is due to smoking. We all are aware what effect smoking has on our immunity system, but not many are aware of the fact that it equally affects the hair follicles. Smoking brings down the level of blood vessels, which reduces the amount of blood that reaches the hair, thus causing some hair to fall out.

Hair fall in men can also be due to hormonal imbalance and unhealthy diet. Problems in thyroid glands bring about changes in the functioning of hormones leading to hair thinning. Deficiency of zinc, iron, protein are all associated with hair loss in men. In addition to deficiencies, having too much of certain nutrients, such as vitamin A or carotenes can also cause premature graying and male pattern baldness.

Men's hair loss treatment:

In order to have a healthy head of hair, make sure you opt for a healthy lifestyle. Avoid excessive smoking and drinking that may take a toll on your hair. Also, make sure you lead a stress-free life including fun activities like swimming, meditation, exercising, yoga and cycling.

If you are looking for the best hair loss treatment center in New Jersey, then Guci Image is the ideal solution for all your hair loss requirements. We use the most effective laser therapy for women's hair loss treatment and Cosmetic Transdermal Reconstruction (CTR) for men's hair loss treatment. Guci Image believes in delivering the best quality service to the customers without burning a hole in their pockets.

Hair Loss Treatment Center - www.guciimage.com

Page 5: Women's hair loss and Men's Hair Loss

Contact Details:

Our Location

Guci Image (GI)One Kalisa Way – Suite 210Paramus, NJ 07652

Phone: (800)720-0880Local: (201)734-0051

Website: www.guciimage.com

Office Hours:

Tues-10AM to 7PM

Thurs-10AM to 7PM

Wednesday- 9AM to 5PM

Friday- 9AM to 5PM

Saturday-9AM to 5PM

Hair Loss Treatment Center - www.guciimage.com