women with passion

women with passion © viennahub


women with passion, and how they got where they are....

Transcript of women with passion

Page 1: women with passion

women with passion

© viennahub

Page 2: women with passion

Women with Passion launched in Vienna in 2004, with an event focussed on life long learning and a mission to promote women with passion as role models through events, training and coaching

… as well as a book of profiles, available in careers departments and online

plans for the book now are :-

– to build 100 profiles in a book like this, as the first stage toward production of bound book, and delivery of subsequent workshops using book as tool

– to have professional portrait photos done as required

– to get partners behind project, for production,promotion and devt costs

Page 3: women with passion

women with passion

section one:-amandadeborahcatkristalydiapetronillaselma

section two:-alexisjosephine

section three:-

Page 4: women with passion

first page, freeformat...

Monika Katharina SteinInhaberin Naturpraxis Schlossgasse

• • Wants

Sponsoren für komplementärmedizinische Forschung, Partner im Bereich Naturheilkunde (Ärzte, Physiotherapeuten, Masseure, Homöopathen etc.),Interessierte Laien Energethiker, die sich fortbilden wollen,Qualitätssicherung im Bereich Energethikergewerbe in Österreich

• Haves Ein umfangreiches Wissen und Erfahrung in der Homöopathie und anderen komplementärmedizinischen Methoden, Erfahrung in der Erwachsenenbildung und Seminartätigkeiten, Online-Marketing, Coaching (systemische Arbeit), Konfliktlösung, Teambildung, Ziele, Klarheit,Homöopathie, Schüsslersalze, Bachblüten, TCM, Aurikulotherapie,Autogenes Training, Entspannungstechniken aller Art,Fortbildungsseminare Alternativmedizin

• Interests Naturheilkunde, Backen, Lesen, Musik, Heimwerken, Homöopathische Antiquitäten

• Organizations VfH - Verein für Homöopathie www.komplemed.at Frühstücksclub www.fruehstuecksclub.biz

Professional experienceto present

Inhaberin (Owner)Naturpraxis Schlossgasse, http://www.naturpraxisstein.atIndustry: Public Health

• to present Dozentin (Freelancer) DPS ZürichIndustry: Education Ausbildungsgang "Kinderheilkunde"; Sonderseminare

• BASF AG Ludwigshafen

Freiberufliche Pressearbeit

Selbständige Heilpraktikerin (Homöopathie) • College

FH f. Wirtschaftswissenschaften Ludwigshafen• Qualifications

Heilpraktikerin nach deutschem Recht (Prüfung staatl. Gesundheitsamt)• Languages

German, English, Spanish, French Children - two

Page 5: women with passion

2nd page stadard format... ( whats best yet to be decided,... )

but perhaps /probably, major milestones in date order that got them to where they are on left..... showing a path/perhaps zig zag, to reach the current point..... as role model path....

Page 6: women with passion

/artkids.eu/ "from a drawing of a child to precious art"

A Favour Artkids - a short story about a favour!“Hans, we saw the ArtKids-exhibition in the Groningen-Hospital.

My name is Leonie, and I am a teacher at the Mythyl school nearby. I’d like to ask you a favour.

Melany here, is a nice pupil, “chained” in a in wheelchair, and, … frankly speaking, there’s only one thing she likes

to do and càn do: drawing. But, she feels quite useless. Can you and Tamara pick up some of her drawings, and

paint them?"

Some weeks later I visited the school, and there was Melany in her wheelchair, with a big smile on her face.

She made large, very large drawings; her eyes were not so good either, so the teacher used to hand her charcoal

and big unfolded paper.

Drawings filled with emotion! And,… quite simple and stylized.

“Well, very nice drawings”, I said. Melany seemed very shy then.

“Can I borrow some of your drawings?” I asked. A big smile was the answer.

Tamara made a painting out of one of them.

And I showed the painting, 60 x 200 cm in the classroom. Melany’s smile was too big to fit in the classroom. And it

stayed there for about a month.

The painting inspired Melany and her classmates to paint. And, the mother of Melany bought the painting ( on a

hire-purchase of €25 a month).

That all apparently stimulated Melany. And not her mother, but Melany herself now usually pays the €25 a month

since she has her own exhibitions now, and earns money from her own drawings and art.

Page 7: women with passion

• 2nd page stadard format... ( whats best yet to be decided,... )

but perhaps /probably, major milestones in date order that got them to where they are on left..... showing a path/perhaps zig zag, to reach the current point..... as role model path....

Page 8: women with passion

Caterina - was born in 1966, in a little village in a Southern region of Italy called Puglia. She received a master degree in Computer Science at the University of Salerno, in Italy, a master degree in Electrical Engineering at Columbia University, New York, and her Ph.D. in Information Engineering at the University of Brescia, Italy. From 1992 till 1997, Caterina was a professor at the University of Brescia, lecturing courses in Analogue and Digital Signal Processes at the Dept. of Electrical Engineering. In 1998, to follow her heart, she moved to Vienna where she worked as research scientist at the Institute for Automation of the TU Wien. After one year in Austria, Caterina decided to move further north, and went to Belgium where she became manager of the Media Dept. of Starlab (a scientific research park / Europe’s answer to the MIT Media lab) and a year later the CEO and Chairman of Descriptomatic, a software company for Multimedia-on-demand and interactive TV solutions. After more than two years in Belgium, with her husband in Vienna and a newborn to take care of, Caterina decided it was time to reunify the family and went back to Vienna. Since January 2001, she works for Hutchison 3G, first in Product Implementation as Head of Application Enabled Services, then in Marketing responsible for the content portfolio and B2B Market. In October 2003, regardless a child on the way, she was appointed Director of the New Media Department.

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• 2nd page stadard format... ( whats best yet to be decided,... )

• but perhaps /probably, major milestones in date order that got them to where they are on left..... showing a path/perhaps zig zag, to reach the current point..... as role model path....

Page 10: women with passion

Christabelle - "I was born in India, grew up in Canada and now live in Germany. I have more than ten years’ experience working in collaboration with several organisations, associations and local committees in the field of global, multicultural and human rights education, for youth as well as adults. During my academic endeavours I enrolled in courses and volunteered with groups/organisations that increased my awareness of the world and helped me to understand the role I play on the world stage as well as to develop an understanding for cultural diversity and respect for various world views. I am dedicated to quality education and training, to promote understanding, attitudes and actions to protect human rights, and to foster the development of free and just communities. Since 2001 I have been resident in Hamburg, where I work as a freelance English language trainer and communication skills coach. I have the necessary patience, an understanding of the difficulties adult learners have in expressing themselves in a foreign language, and the ability to create a relaxing, friendly environment conducive to learning, coupled with the excellent knowledge of the subject matter. My content-based training and soft-skills coaching provide individuals with the tools they need to face the future and to become competent global business citizens.

Page 11: women with passion

• 2nd page stadard format... ( whats best yet to be decided,... )

but perhaps /probably, major milestones in date order that got them to where they are on left..... showing a path/perhaps zig zag, to reach the current point..... as role model path....

Page 12: women with passion

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contact for further information:nigelstonham at gmail dot com