Women in the Police Force

Women in the Police Force RCG Summer 2010 Daniel Foye, Erika Clark, Kristen Burke

Transcript of Women in the Police Force

  1. 1. Women in the Police Force
    RCG Summer 2010
    Daniel Foye, Erika Clark, Kristen Burke
  2. 2. Brooklyn's 70 Precinct
    The video is an example of the challenges and discrimination
    Women have to face in the Police Department.
    This is a fairly recent case from April 2007.
  3. 3. Brooklyn's 70 Precinct
    This clip is an example of what happens to women police officers everyday everywhere in the U.S.
    The Sergeant has been demoted and transferred and the cop was transferred.
    The civil litigation and potential departmental charges were still pending in 2007.
  4. 4. Harassment and discrimination in the New Jersey State police Department
    Grant, Zollitch, and Johnson were all veteran state troopers who are suing the department because of harassment by male troopers.
    Victoria Grants Story
    Dead birds and deer testicles were left in her locker and mailbox by male co-workers.
    Declined to interview for this story
    Kimberly Zollitschs Story
    Non stop sexual harassment causing a psychological disability causing her to take extended stress leaves, eventually leading to her retiring after only 15 years on the force.
    Nails in her tires, picture of her buttocks posted all over the station
    Women in the State Police: Trouble in the Ranks byJonathan Schuppe
  5. 5. Harassment and discrimination in the New Jersey State police Department Continued.
    Amy Johnsons Story
    name calling and an obscene Valentine from commanding officer causing her to be a physical and mental wreck
    Made the mistake of complaining about unfair criticism lead to more harassment and misconduct
    Belittled by supervisors in the presence of subordinates
    Fired from shooting a gun into air while off duty but says males who did similar acts were not fired. She was reinstated after appealing
    She did make it up the ranks to sergeant but stress leaves and three sexual harassment complaints later she retired and sued.
    In 2000 she received a letter from the Attorney General telling her that the investigation had substantiated her allegations.
  6. 6. Camerons Story
    She joined when there were only two female troopers and is proud that she was a groundbreaker being one of the first
    There were barriers that she had to overcome. The male troopers saw the females as second class and sometimes refused to work or talk to them and called them vulgar names.
    There were no female restrooms or locker rooms and the uniforms were made for men.
    The male troopers felt as though the women had not earned their dues because they got to do modified workouts.
    She feels that it was a rewarding and worthwhile experience despite the discrimination and she feels that it is a much better place to work at now that it was when she joined.
    A State Police Success
  7. 7. New Jerseys agency 3.7% of the force are females ranking 235thout of 247 state law enforcement agencies.
    The President of the State Troopers Union stated, It is shameful and embarrassing that were not doing a better job in our recruiting of women.
    Statistics within the New Jersey Department compared to the nation.
  8. 8. Interview with Female State Patrol
    We as women are held to the same standards as the men
    I started with four girls in my class of 36, we graduated with 25 and only two girls.
    There are still a lot of people out there who think that women should not be police officers.
    She also said that they take sexual harassment classes in the academy, but after they graduate the men seem to forget what they were taught
    We constantly have to prove ourselves to our male coworkers.
  9. 9. Women in the police force
    There is a new series on TLC dedicated to women in the police force
  10. 10. Historical Support
    Essay 5, Part VII
    Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions, Seneca Falls Convention, 1848
    First Womans rights convention held in Seneca Falls, New York in July 1848. Declaration of Sentiments Adopted
    Used the Declaration of Independence as model, contains Bill of Particulars
    Inaugurated the Womens suffrage movement in USA
  11. 11. Historical Support Cont
    Declarations of Sentiments
    States Woman are suffering everywhere and are standing up for change
    History of Facts about how man treats woman
    Never permitted to vote, have to follow laws which women have no say about, Man takes all right to property away from women, denied ability to obtain education, destroys all women's confidence, different code of morals, etc.
  12. 12. Historical Support Cont
    Declaration of Sentiments
    Resolutions that woman are asking for:
    No laws can conflict the true and substantial happiness of woman, all laws that prevent women from occupying a station or society have no authority, Woman is Mans equal, man needs to encourage her to speak and teach in religious assemblies, men and women are held to same standard about transgressions, Secure right to vote, and speedy success of the women's cause.
  13. 13. Historical Support Cont
    News articles of discrimination in Police
    Dayton, Ohio Police Dept. LOSES Reverse Discrimination Case. Oct. 15, 2006
    Dayton's "chief" was WRONG in firing white officer Barbara L. Temple in order to achieve forced diversity!The Court has ordered Dayton to pay former Dayton Police Maj. Barbara Temple a $1.2 million settlement for reverse discrimination!
    Police chief transfers top three women commanders to positions "no one wants.- Cinncinnati, OH June 29, 2010
    Borough police chief suspended with pay - Matawan
    June 15, 2010
    Empowerment of Women And Girls Tops Agenda at UN- United Nations June 29, 2010