Wolfgang Essentials 2017 - Creating An Audience Strategy With Google Analytics

Gabriela Baptista | @mgabrielabp

Transcript of Wolfgang Essentials 2017 - Creating An Audience Strategy With Google Analytics

Gabriela Baptista | @mgabrielabp


List of cookies collected in Google Analytics that

represents groups of users who have been to

your website & you want to re-engage with

Smartest way to find your ideal audience &

reach them in a cost-efficient way



Learn from your converters

Analyse how you converters behaved:

Use Google Analytics Segments

Analyse how you converters behaved:

Path Length Report

26% 155%Cost Per Lead Conversion Rate

123%Lead Volume


Find your Supershoppers

Shops regularly from your website (weekly, monthly)

Spends more than the average user

…or maybe both?

On every transaction

Every time they visited the website

“Thanks For Being A Loyal Customer”



ROAS 18x€350+ Audience

ROAS 8x€150+ Audience

Return On Ad Spend