WO 2013/163999 A1 WIPOIPCT

(12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property Organization International Bureau (43) International Publication Date 7 November 2013 (07.11.2013) WIPOIPCT (10) International Publication Number WO 2013/163999 A1 (51) International Patent Classification: B26B 19/00 (2006.01) (21) International Application Number: PCT/DK2013/050105 (22) International Filing Date: 15 April 2013 (15.04.2013) (25) Filing Language: English (26) Publication Language: English (30) Priority Data: PA2012 00292 1 May2012 (01.05.2012) DK (71) Applicant: KLAUS LAURITSEN HOLDING APS [DK/DK]; Strandvejen 63 D, DK-7120 Vejle 0 (DK). (72) Inventor: LAURITSEN, Klaus; Strandvejen 63 D, 7120 Vejle 0 (DK). (74) Agent: PATENTGRUPPEN A/S; Aaboulevarden 31, 4th floor, DK-8000 Aarhus C (DK). (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind o f national protection available)'. AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW. (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of regional protection available)'. ARIPO (BW, GH, GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, Cl, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). [Continued on next page] _ _ (54) Title: Programmable Hair Trimming System OS OS OS m so o C4 Fig. IB (57) Abstract: A hair trimming system is disclosed that is arranged to detect the position of a hair trimming device (2) in relation to a client's head(30), and to adjust its trimming length automatically and dynamically according to preprogrammed values at any given point during a hair trimming session. O £

Transcript of WO 2013/163999 A1 WIPOIPCT

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OrganizationInternational Bureau

(43) International Publication Date7 November 2013 (07.11.2013) W I P O I P C T

(10) International Publication Number

WO 2013/163999 A1

(51) International Patent Classification:B26B 19/00 (2006.01)

(21) International Application Number:PCT/DK2013/050105

(22) International Filing Date:15 April 2013 (15.04.2013)

(25) Filing Language: English

(26) Publication Language: English

(30) Priority Data:PA2012 00292 1 M ay2012 (01.05.2012) DK

(71) Applicant: KLAUS LAURITSEN HOLDING APS[DK/DK]; Strandvejen 63 D, DK-7120 Vejle 0 (DK).

(72) Inventor: LAURITSEN, Klaus; Strandvejen 63 D, 7120 Vejle 0 (DK).

(74) Agent: PATENTGRUPPEN A/S; Aaboulevarden 31, 4th floor, DK-8000 Aarhus C (DK).

(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, fo r every kind o f national protection available)'. AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.

(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, fo r every kind o f regional protection available)'. ARIPO (BW, GH, GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, Cl, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).

[Continued on next page]

_ _ (54) Title: Programmable Hair Trimming System


oC 4

Fig. IB (57) Abstract: A hair trimming system is disclosed that is arranged to detect the position of a hair trimming device (2) in relation to a client's head(30), and to adjust its trimming length automatically and dynamically according to preprogrammed values at any given point during a hair trimming session.

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WO 2013/163999 A1Declarations under Rule 4.17: Published:

— o f inventorship (Rule 4.17(iv)) — with international search report (Art. 21(3))

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WO 2013/163999 PCT/DK2013/050105

Programmable H air Trimming System

The present invention relates to a hair trimming system, which can be

programmed to adjust the hair trimming length according to a position of a hair

5 trimming device in relation to the head of the person, whose hair is being


Description of the related art

10 Hair trimming devices commercially available use either a replaceable or a

manually adjustable comb unit in order to control the distance from the

trimmer’s cutting point to the client’s head and thus the hair trimming


15 Using these devices, it is virtually impossible to create neither a smooth

fading between different hair lengths, nor a repeatable end result if more

than one length setting is applied. They have thus a limited use for other

than short and even length haircuts, and, without a distance comb, for

trimming off hair at a person’s ears and neck area.


It is an object for the present invention to provide a hair trimming system

that can be used for a wider range of hairstyles by offering a pre­

programmed and repeatable length-fading end result.

25 Brief description of the invention

The present invention relates to a programmable hair trimming system that

is arranged to detect, by means of an electromagnetic tracking system, the

position of a hair trimming device in relation to a client’s head, relate this

30 position to previously generated data regarding the desired trimming length,

and to automatically and dynamically adjust the trimming length of said hair

trimming device accordingly.

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This enables a user to perform a hair trimming with a pre-programmed and

repeatable length-fading end result.

5 In an embodiment of the invention, said hair trimming device further

comprises a number of electromagnetic field sources of the electromagnetic

tracking system.

This principle allows for 3D positioning with precision and price suitable

10 for a consumer product, with small source and detector sizes suitable for

being placed in a hair trimming device and a head tracking device.

In another embodiment of the invention, said hair trimming system

comprises a number of electromagnetic field sources of the electromagnetic

15 tracking system, which are external to the hair trimming device, and

wherein said hair trimming device further is arranged to detect an

electromagnetic field from the electromagnetic field sources of the

electromagnetic tracking system by means of one or more sensor units of

the electromagnetic tracking system and transmit data regarding said

20 electromagnetic field, which data may be used to determine the position and

orientation of the hair trimming device in relation to the electromagnetic

field sources of the electromagnetic tracking system.

This layout allows for multiple electromagnetic field sources at various

25 positions, thus allows for additional tracking precision.

In an embodiment of the invention, the hair trimming system further

comprises one or more head tracking devices, which are arranged to detect

an electromagnetic field from the electromagnetic field sources of the

30 electromagnetic tracking system by means of sensor units of the

electromagnetic tracking system, transmit data regarding said

electromagnetic field, which data may be used to determine the position and

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orientation of the head tracking device in relation to the electromagnetic

field sources of the electromagnetic tracking system, and receive and

playback audio information.

5 In an embodiment of the invention, one or more of the one or more head

tracking devices are arranged to be placed in an ear of a person.

This allows a client on whom a hair trimming is being performed to move

his head freely during a hair trimming session, while maintaining the

10 position of said tracking device in relation to his hair in an area that does not

interfere with the hair trimming being performed.

In an embodiment of the invention, said hair trimming device comprises an

area dedicated for storing, charging and identifying a number of said head

15 tracking devices.

This avoids the need for a separate charger for said head tracking devices,

allows for integrated and hygienic storage for and transportation of said

head tracking devices, and for automatic pairing of data transmitting

20 hardware, i.e. bluetooth radios, between said devices.

In an embodiment of the invention, said hair trimming device comprises a

fixed distance between its user grip area and its distance comb.

25 This layout allows the person who is holding said hair trimming device to

focus on guiding the device on the surface on the client’s head, while the

hair trimming length adjustment is performed automatically by the

motorized length regulation mechanism of the hair trimming device.

30 In an embodiment of the invention, said hair trimming system further

comprises an embedded computer system, arranged to store hair length

profile data, communicate with a head tracking device and an external

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computer system, calculate trimming lengths and adjust the hair trimming

length of the hair trimming device.

This allows for performing a hair trimming session using said hair trimming

5 device and said head tracking device, without the use of an external

computer system.

In an embodiment of the invention, the data file format used for storing a

hair length profile comprises a list of position points on a client’s head with

10 accompanying desired trimming lengths.

This allows for a small data file size that can easily be modified and stored,

and for using a hair length profile data file on various compatible hair

trimming systems.


In an embodiment of the invention, said hair length profile data can be

retrieved, modified, visualized and stored on an external computer system.

This allows a user to pre-program a desired hair length profile data file

20 before a hair trimming session is initiated.

In an embodiment of the invention, the progress of an on-going hair

trimming session can be monitored on a connected external computer



This allows for a user to identify which areas on a client’s head that has

been covered so far during the hair trimming session.

The drawing


In the following, a few embodiments of the invention are described and

explained in more detail with reference to the drawing, where

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fig. 1A illustrates schematically an overall system setup with a connected

external computer system, and a system unit with an electromagnetic source

according to an embodiment of the invention,

5 fig. IB illustrates schematically an overall system setup with a system unit

with an electromagnetic source and a computer system according to another

embodiment of the invention,

fig. 1C illustrates schematically an overall system setup with a connected

10 external computer system, and a hair trimming device with an embedded

computer system unit according to another embodiment of the invention,

fig. ID illustrates schematically an overall system setup with a hair

trimming device with an integrated electromagnetic source according to

15 another embodiment of the invention,

fig. IE illustrates schematically a layout of an integrated system unit with

an electromagnetic field source, a computer system, an interactive display

and docking / charging areas for a hair trimming device and a head-tracking

20 device according to another embodiment of the invention,

fig. 2 illustrates schematically a head-tracking device layout according to

an embodiment of the invention,

25 fig. 3 A illustrates schematically a hair trimming device layout with a fixed

distance between a user grip area and a distance comb according to an

embodiment of the invention,

fig. 3B illustrates schematically a hair trimming device layout with a fixed

30 distance between a user grip area and a cutting point according to another

embodiment of the invention,

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fig. 3C illustrates schematically a hair trimming device layout with an

integrated electromagnetic field source and a docking / charging area for a

head-tracking device according to another embodiment of the invention,

5 fig. 4A illustrates schematically a relationship between a coordinate system

of an external electromagnetic field source, a head-tracking device and a

hair trimming device according to an embodiment of the invention,

fig. 4B illustrates schematically a relationship between a coordinate system

10 of an electromagnetic field source inside a hair trimming device, and a head­

tracking device according to another embodiment of the invention,

fig. 5A illustrates schematically a longitude vector index of position point

data with two perpendicular 360° scales according to an embodiment of the

15 invention,

fig. 5B/C illustrates schematically a latitude vector index of position point

data with two perpendicular 360° scales according to an embodiment of the



fig. 6A illustrates schematically a placement of centred and symmetrical

position points according to an embodiment of the invention,

fig. 6B illustrates schematically calculated local hair lengths between

25 position point lengths according to an embodiment of the invention,

fig. 6C illustrates schematically calculated smooth Bezier local hair

lengths between position point lengths according to an embodiment of the



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fig. 6D illustrates schematically calculated linear local hair lengths

between position point lengths according to another embodiment of the


5 fig. 7 illustrates schematically a calculation of the lower length limit for

shorter adjacent hair in order to avoid longer hair being trimmed

involuntarily at an offset position according to an embodiment of the


10 fig. 8A illustrates schematically a primary hair area following potential

movements of a client’s head according to an embodiment of the invention,

fig. 8B illustrates schematically areas with different hair length and their

overlapping area when using interchangeable distance combs according to

15 another embodiment of the invention,

fig. 8C illustrates schematically the start-up area where the hair trimming

device is placed by the user before guiding the device into the primary hair

area according to an embodiment of the invention,


fig. 8D illustrates schematically same-length contour lines according to an

embodiment of the invention, and

fig. 9 illustrates schematically the modification of position point lengths

25 on an external computer system according to an embodiment of the


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Detailed description of the invention

In the following descriptions, the term “user” describes the person holding

and guiding the hair trimming device during a calibration and/or hair

5 trimming session, and/or is operating an integrated and/or connected

external computer system.

The term “client” describes the person on whom a hair trimming is being


These can be multiple persons or a single person.


System layout:

Fig. 1A/1B/1C/1E illustrates an embodiment of the invention, where the

position and orientation of both a client’s head (30) and a hair trimming

15 device (2) are monitored in relation to a number of electromagnetic field

sources (1) placed next to the client.

The position and orientation of a client’s head (30) is monitored using a

head-tracking device (3) with an integrated electromagnetic field sensor

20 (10), placed at a point on the client’s head that follows his potential

movements during a hair trimming session without interfering with the hair

trimming procedure.

In an embodiment of the invention, a head-tracking device (3) is in a shape

25 similar to small audio headsets, and is placed inside the client’s ear, thus

preventing it from moving and turning while in use.

Parts that touch the client’s ear channel can optionally be interchangeable

for hygienic multiple user scenarios, and for adapting to different ear shapes.


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The head-tracking device (3) is powered by a battery (40) that can

optionally be recharged while the device is placed in an integrated system

unit (36, 39) or a hair trimming device (2, 39).

5 For increased precision, additional head-tracking devices (3) can be used in

the client’s other ear and/or on the face area - nose, nasal bridge or in the

upper mouth cavity (not shown).

The performance of the electromagnetic tracking system can be adapted to

10 the desired precision by modifying the electromagnetic field source, the

sensor units and data calculation/transmission components.

In this embodiment of the invention, the position and rotation of a hair

trimming device (2) is simultaneously monitored using an electromagnetic

15 field sensor (10) placed inside the hair trimming device (2).

The hair trimming device (2) can optionally be powered by a battery system

(15) that can optionally be recharged while the device is placed in an

integrated system unit (36, 38).


The strength, phase and orientation of the detected electromagnetic field (6)

is transmitted, wired or wirelessly (7), from a head tracking device (3) and

the hair trimming device (2) to an embedded computer system (4).

25 The embedded computer system (4) can be placed in either an integrated

system unit (36), fig. 1A/1B/1E, or in the hair-trimming device (2), fig.


The distance and orientation of the two monitored devices (2, 3) in relation

30 to the electromagnetic field source (1), together with previously generated

data regarding the client’s head shape (30), provides sufficient data for an

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embedded computer system (4) to calculate the position of the hair trimming

device’s (2) position reference point (35) in relation to the client’s head (30).

This position information is compared by the embedded computer system

5 (4) to previously generated data about the desired local hair length (21) at

any given point on the client’s head (30).

The derived hair trimming length (21) is transmitted, wired or wirelessly

(8), to the hair trimming device’s (2) length regulation control system (11)

10 and length regulation mechanism (18), which dynamically and

automatically adjusts the hair trimming length accordingly.

In another embodiment of the invention, Fig. ID, the position and

orientation of a client’s head (30) is monitored in relation to an

15 electromagnetic field source (1) placed inside the hair trimming device (2).

The strength, phase and orientation of the detected electromagnetic field (6)

is transmitted, wired or wirelessly (7), from the head tracking device (3) to

an embedded computer system (4), placed in either an integrated system unit

20 (36) or in the hair trimming device (2).

The distance and orientation of the head tracking device (3) in relation to the

hair trimming device’s electromagnetic field source (1), together with

previously generated data regarding the client’s head shape (30), provides

25 sufficient data for the embedded computer system (4) to calculate the

position of the hair trimming device’s (2) position reference point (35) in

relation to the client’s head (30).

The invention is characterized by utilizing a general data file format and

30 separate hair trimming hardware. This allows for the same data file to be

used by hardware with various features, i.e. cutting point design, optional

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vacuum, grid resolution, wired / wireless and trimming length adjusting

mechanism design.

Head shape calibration procedure:


The hair trimming system can be adapted more precisely to the client’s head

(30) via an initial calibration procedure that generates a 3D representation of

the client’s head shape (30).

10 This once-per-client procedure can be performed using either a dedicated

calibration device (not shown), alternatively by setting a hair trimming

device (2) in a calibration mode with its trimmer motor (16) turned off.

The head shape calibration procedure can be performed using either an

15 external computer system (5) or a computer system in an integrated system

unit (36), hereafter called “the calibration system”.

As the distance between the electromagnetic field unit (1, 10) and the hair

trimmer position reference point (35) is programmed into calibration

20 system, these two components can be separately placed, fig. 4A/B.

At the beginning of the head shape calibration procedure, the system’s head­

tracking device (3) is switched on and mounted on the client.

25 The hair trimming device (2) in calibration mode is placed by the user (42)

at a number of random points on the client’s head (30, 33). The user (42)

can optionally confirm the placement by pressing a button (not shown) on

the handheld device.

30 The calibration system software provides the user (42) with a visual and/or

acoustic feedback signal when a calibration point has been registered, and

can also optionally show the areas that the user (42) has covered so far and

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the areas where he still needs to position the hair trimming device (2) in

calibration mode.

The calibration system indicates when the number of calibration points is

5 sufficient for it to generate a smooth 3D representation of the shape of the

client’s head (30).

A similar calibration procedure can optionally be performed registering the

client’s (30) hairlines for greater precision in the following hair length

10 profile creation and modification procedure.

The head shape and optional hairline calibration procedure can be repeated

for multiple clients (30), and the result can be stored as individual head

shape / hairline data files in an external computer system (5), and/or in the

15 embedded computer system (4), and/or in a database accessible via

connected computers i.e. the internet, and/or on local media i.e. USB

memory devices, and/or portable devices such as mobile telephones.

Hair length profile (HLP) (41) creation and modification procedure:


The HLP (41) creation and modification procedure can be performed using

an external computer system (5) and/or an embedded computer system (4)

in an integrated system unit (36), hereafter called the “HLP modification



A HLP (41) contains a set of position points (20, 26), each with an

accompanying hair length between zero mm and a maximum length

determined by a hair trimming device’s adjustment travel length.

30 The number of position points (20, 26) for a HLP (41) should be small

enough to allow for a smooth HLP (41), while maintaining the resolution

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needed for hair length variation, preferably four to eight centred position

points (20) and two to six pairs of symmetrical position points (26).

The number of calculated steps between the positions (20, 26) can be

5 adjusted by the HLP modification system with due respect for seamless

steps, preferably not larger than one mm.

As a HLP (41) consists of said position points (20, 26) and accompanying

position point lengths (20), the software of the embedded computer system

10 will be calculating the local hair lengths (21), optimized for the precision of

the length regulation mechanism (18) of its hair trimming device (2).

Each position point (20, 26) consists of an X value, fig. 5A, and a Y value,

fig. 5B/C, similar to the geographic coordinate system of a globe. A position

15 point (20, 26) can thus be considered as a 3D vector direction with origin at

a virtual centre inside a client’s head (30).

The centred position points (20) all share an X value of zero, while the

symmetrical position points (26) all have a mirrored twin point with similar

20 Y value and an X value of three-hundred-and-sixty degrees minus the

opposite point’s X value. The symmetric position points (26) can optionally

be replaced by individual position points (not shown) without a mirrored

twin point on the opposite side of the client’s head (30).

25 In an embodiment of the invention, the HLP modification system can

present a number of default HLPs 41 for the user (42) to choose from.

In another embodiment of the invention, the user (42) enters length values at

a number of points on the client’s head (30) into the HLP modification

30 system. These values can be based on manually measured hair lengths on

the client’s head whilst having a desired hair length.

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During this manual procedure, the HLP modification system can show to

the user (42) where values needs to be added in order to generate a HLP


5 The HLP modification system can adapt the current HLP (41) to the

previously performed registration of the client’s head shape and optional

hairline registration, and visualize the generated HLP (41) to the user (42).

The HLP modification system software allows the user (42) to modify the

10 HLP (41) by selecting a position (20, 26) and then adjust its accompanying

hair length, fig. 9.

The length selectable at any position point (20, 26) is limited by the

maximum travel distance of the length regulation mechanism (18) of the

15 hair trimming device (2) to be used.

The limit for local length variation is given by the equation

Ly > sqr(Lx2 — D 2)

20 where Ly is the minimum length of a hair at the distance D from a longer

hair with the length Lx, fig. 7.

If the trimming length setting at Ly is shorter that given by said equation,

longer Lx hair could be trimmed involuntarily at the Ly position.


The HLP modification system prevents the user (42) from adjusting a

position point hair length (20, 26) with too much local variation according

to said equation.

30 The length setting for the neck hair area (34) is automatically set to a similar

level as at the closest position point/length (20, 26), as this area not

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necessarily follows the head-tracking device when the client (30) moves /

twists / bends his head.

The fade shape between position lengths (20, 26) is by default set to a

5 smooth Bezier curve (28), fig. 6C, and can be modified by the user (42)

towards a sharper connection angle (29), fig. 6D.

When the user (42) has changed the hair length at any position point (20,

26), the HLP modification system updates the HLP (41) by generating the

10 calculated local hair lengths (21) between the position lengths (20, 26).

The user (42) can choose to modify any number of position points (20, 26).

The updated HLP (41) can be displayed by the HLP modification system by

15 visualizing the position lengths (20, 26) and the calculated local hair lengths

(21) in a “hedgehog” style, and/or a terrain style with lines illustrating

contours (23) with similar hair length.

The updated HLP (41) can be illustrated by the HLP modification system by

20 showing a number of hairstyles possible with the currently selected HLP


The updated HLP (41) and potential hairstyles an be displayed by the HLP

modification system in combination with a number of photographs of the

25 client’s face, front and profile, visualized on a 3D head for a more realistic

preview of the potential end result.

The updated HLP (41) can be stored in an external computer system (5),

and/or in a database accessible via connected computers i.e. the internet,

30 and/or on local media i.e. USB memory devices, and/or portable devices

such as mobile telephones.

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A number of HLPs (41) can be stored in the embedded computer system (4)

placed in either the hair trimming device (2) or the integrated system unit


5 Hair trimming start-up procedure:

Prior to a trimming session, the user (42) selects which HLP (41) to use.

In an embodiment of the invention, the HLP (41) can be selected on an

10 interactive display (17) on the hair trimming device (2) and/or on an

interactive display (37) of an integrated system unit (36).

In another embodiment of the invention, the HLP (41) can be selected on an

external computer system (5) connected to the trimming system.


In order to verify the placement and orientation of a head-tracking device

(3), and to verify that the HLP (41) selected is compatible with the current

client (30), a start-up calibration procedure is performed by the user (42).

20 At the beginning of the start-up calibration procedure, the system’s head­

tracking device (3) is switched on and mounted on the client (30).

The hair trimming device (2) with its trimmer motor (16) switched off is

placed by the user (42) at a number of points on the client’s head (30). The

25 user (42) can optionally confirm the placement by pressing a button (not

shown) on the hair trimming device (2).

The embedded computer system (4) gives the user (42) visual and/or

acoustic feedback when a calibration point has been detected, after which

30 the user (42) places the hair trimming device (2) at another random point on

the client’s head (30).

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The user (42) can optionally follow the calibration procedure on a connected

external computer system (5) or the interactive display (37) of the integrated

system unit (36), which shows the areas where the user (42) so far has and

still needs to position the hair trimming device (2) in calibration mode.


When sufficient points have been detected by the embedded computer

system (4) to verify the compatibility between the client (30) and the HLP

(41) as well as the placement and orientation of the head-tracking device (3)

in relation to the client’s head (30), the user (42) is informed visually and/or

10 acoustically by the embedded computer system (4), and the hair trimming

can begin.

The trimmer motor (16) can optionally be prevented from being switched on

until a start-up calibration is completed, or unless the hair trimming device

15 (2) is set in a manual length regulation mode.

Hair trimming procedure:

The user (42) places the hair trimming device (2) in a start-up area (25) on

20 the client’s head (30), with contact detected by a pressure sensitive sensor in

the hair trimming device (not shown). The hair trimming device (2) detects

and confirms the placement in the start-up area (25) as well as the

trimmer/head contact via said pressure sensitive sensor, and starts the

trimming motor (16) automatically.


During a hair trimming session, the user (42) guides the hair trimming

device (2) on the surface of the client’s head (30) in the same way, as he

would use a commercially available hair trimming device.

30 The hair trimming procedure can be visualized using an external computer

system (5) and/or an embedded computer system (4), hereafter called “the

hair trimming visualization system”.

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WO 2013/16399918


The hair trimming visualization system can display the current position of

the hair trimmer position reference point (35) on the client’s head (30),

including a visualization of the area on the client’s head (30) covered so far

5 during the current session.

The hair trimming visualization system can show the user (42) to move the

hair trimming device (2) perpendicular to contour lines (23) with the same

trimming height, typically from a start-up area (25) towards the top of the

10 client’s head, in order to prevent that a hair trimming device (2) with a wide

cutting point (22) trims off too much hair.

Information about i.e. the current hair trimming length, data signal strength

and battery levels can be displayed on the interactive displays (17) and/or

15 (37).

If the system includes a head-tracking device (3) with built-in audio receiver

(13) and loudspeaker (14), audio information regarding the current trimming

length can optionally be provided to the client (30), which would be

20 desirable if he is guiding the hair trimming device (2) himself, and/or if no

hair trimming visualizing system is used during the trimming session.

If, for whatever reason, the data stream (7) from an electromagnetic field

sensor (10) to the embedded computer system (4) is interrupted, and/or the

25 user (42) moves the hair trimming device (2) too fast for the embedded

computer system (4) to calculate and transmit (8) the current length to the

hair trimming device’s (2) embedded length regulation control system (11),

and/or the transmission of trimming length data (8) from the embedded

computer system (4) to the hair trimming device (2) is interrupted, and/or

30 the hair trimming device (2) is lifted from the client’s head (30), then the

trimmer motor (16) is automatically shut off, and/or the length regulation

mechanism (18) is set to its maximum trimming length.

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WO 2013/16399919


In an embodiment of the invention, fig. 3 A, the hair trimming device (2) has

a fixed distance between its user grip area (24) and its comb (19), while the

cutting point (22) of the hair trimming device (2) is moved up and down

5 inside the distance comb (19) by the length regulation mechanism (18).

This allows the user (42) to focus on guiding the hair trimming device (2)

on the surface of the client’s head (30) without paying attention the

automatically adjusted trimming length.


In order to minimize the size and weight of the moving parts, a heavy

trimmer motor (16) should be at a fixed position inside the hair trimming

device (2), and the length regulation mechanism (18) should only move a

minimum of mass, including the cutting point (22).


In another embodiment of the invention, fig. 3B, a moveable distance comb

unit (27) is used, whilst the cutting point (22) is fixed in the hair trimming

device (2).

20 This is similar to the layout of most of today’s commercially available hair

trimming, but also requires that the user (42) constantly applies both

sufficient pressure on the client’s head (30) in order to keep the distance

comb unit (27) touching the surface of client’s head (30), and at the same

time not using too much force that could prevent the moveable distance

25 comb (27) from increasing the trimming distance.

Unless the electromagnetic field sensor (10) or electromagnetic field source

(1) in the hair trimming device (2) is placed in a fixed relation to a moveable

distance comb (27), the embedded computer system (4) compensates for the

30 movement of the hair trimmer position reference point (35) when the latter

embodiment is implemented.

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WO 2013/16399920


In an embodiment of the invention, the layout of the cutting point (22)

mechanism is similar to hair trimming devices commercially available, with

a horizontally moving shearing blade moving in parallel to a static blade.

5 In another embodiment of the invention, the layout of the cutting point (22)

contains a rotating cutting system, similar to other hair trimming devices

commercially available, mostly with an integrated vacuum system.

In another embodiment of the invention, the hair trimming device (2) is

10 connected to a vacuum unit (not shown) as applied by a number of

commercially available hair trimming devices, which assists the distance

comb (19, 27) in lifting the hair perpendicular to the client’s head (30). This

reduces the need for trimming the current area multiple times, as more hair

is likely to be trimmed the first time the hair trimming device (2) is passing

15 an area.

A connected vacuum unit could also remove trimmed-off hair and thus

reduce the need for cleaning of both the hair trimming device (2) and the

client (30) afterwards.


The vacuum can be generated by an external system collecting the hair

clippings, or a vacuum generator integrated in the hair trimming device (2)

itself, including a reservoir for collecting hair clippings.

25 In another embodiment of the invention, a hair-thinning attachment (not

shown) can be engaged at the cutting point (22), as applied by a number of

commercially available hair trimming devices.

This hair-thinning attachment reduces the amount of hair that is caught at

30 the cutting point (22), and thus provides an end result with a more fluffy and

random appearance, which can be desirable for some clients (30).

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WO 2013/16399921


As the optional hair trimming visualization system can display the area

covered during the current trimming session, the user (42) can monitor

which areas has been trimmed and/or thinned out so far during the current

hair trimming / thinning session. This is especially useful when the user (42)

5 and client (30) is the same person.

In another embodiment of the invention, the distance comb (19) is

interchangeable, thus making it possible for using the hair trimming system

for hairstyles with longer lengths than the travel length of the length

10 regulation mechanism (18).

I.e. if the length regulation mechanism (18) has a travel distance of thirty

mm, one distance comb (19) could cover zero-to-thirty mm hair lengths, and

another could be used on twenty-to fifty mm lengths.


If these replaceable fixed-length distance combs (19) are to be used during

the same hair trimming session, a connected hair trimming visualization

system (5) can show the user which areas to trim with the current distance

comb (19), fig. 8B. The hair trimming unit (2) will automatically shut off its

20 trimmer motor (16), if the user involuntarily moves a short length distance

comb from its intended area (45) via an overlapping hair length area (44)

and into an area with longer hair (43).

In another embodiment of the invention, the user (42) can temporarily

25 modify the selected HLP (41) by adjusting all position point (20, 26) lengths

with a chosen percentage, i.e. plus/minus ten percent, and/or a chosen

distance, i.e. plus/minus two millimetre. The user (42) can also temporarily

modify the selected HLP (41) by adding one or more ad-hoc position points

and/or by modifying one or more position points (20, 26).


These temporary HLP (41) modifications can optionally be performed using

the interactive display (17) on the hair trimming device (2).

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WO 2013/16399922


In another embodiment of the invention, the user (42) can manually adjust

the length regulation mechanism (18), and thus use the hair trimming device

(2) as the manually adjustable hair trimming devices commercially

5 available, without the need for additional hardware.

It should be noted that the described embodiments are exemplary only and

are not in any way meant to limit the scope of protection, which is defined

by the claims listed here below.


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WO 2013/16399923


List of reference numbers

1. Electromagnetic field source

2. Hair trimming device

5 3. Head-tracking device

4. Embedded computer system

5. External computer system

6. Electromagnetic field

7. Electromagnetic field data

10 8. Trimming length data

9. Position data

10. Electromagnetic field sensor

11. Length regulation control system

12. Electromagnetic field data transmitter

15 13. Audio receiver

14. Loudspeaker

15. Battery

16. Trimmer motor

17. Interactive display

20 18. Length regulation mechanism

19. Fixed distance comb

20. Centred position point/length

21. Calculated local hair length / trimming length

22. Cutting point

25 23. Contour lines

24. User grip area

25. Start-up area

26. Symmetric position point/length

27. Moveable distance comb

30 28. Smooth Bezier local hair length connection angle

29. Sharp local hair length connection angle

30. Client / Client head / Client head shape

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WO 2013/16399924


31. Static 3D coordinate system

32. Relative 3D coordinate system

3 3. Primary hair area

34. Neck hair area

5 35. Hair trimmer position reference point

36. Integrated system unit

37. Interactive display

38. Hair trimming device docking / charging compartment

39. Head-tracking device docking / charging compartment

10 40. Battery

41. Hair length profile data

42. User of external computer system / hair trimmer device

43. Longer hair area

44. Overlapping hair length area

15 45. Shorter hair area

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WO 2013/16399925



A programmable hair trimming system comprising a hair trimming

device, said hair trimming system being arranged to

- detect, by means of an electromagnetic tracking system, the

position of the hair trimming device in relation to the head of a

person on whom a hair trimming is being performed;

- relate said position to previously generated hair length profile

data regarding the desired hair trimming length at various


- automatically and dynamically adjust the hair trimming length of

said hair trimming device according to its present position and the

hair length profile data.

15 2. A hair trimming system according to claim 1, wherein the hair trimming

device further comprises a number of electromagnetic field sources of

the electromagnetic tracking system.

3. A hair trimming system according to claim 1, further comprising a

20 number of electromagnetic field sources of the electromagnetic tracking

system, which are external to the hair trimming device, and wherein the

hair trimming device further is arranged to

- detect an electromagnetic field from the electromagnetic field

sources of the electromagnetic tracking system by means of one or

25 more sensor units of the electromagnetic tracking system;

- transmit data regarding said electromagnetic field, which data

may be used to determine the position and orientation of the hair

trimming device in relation to the electromagnetic field sources of

the electromagnetic tracking system.



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WO 2013/16399926


4. A hair trimming system according to any of the preceding claims,

further comprising one or more head tracking devices, which are

arranged to

- detect an electromagnetic field from the electromagnetic field

5 sources of the electromagnetic tracking system by means of sensor

units of the electromagnetic tracking system;

- transmit data regarding said electromagnetic field, which data

may be used to determine the position and orientation of the head

tracking device in relation to the electromagnetic field sources of

10 the electromagnetic tracking system;

- receive and playback audio information.


5. A hair trimming device according to claim 4, wherein one or more of the

one or more head tracking devices are arranged to be placed in an ear of

a person.

6. A hair trimming system according to any of the preceding claims,

wherein the hair trimming device further comprises an area for storing,

charging and identifying a number of head tracking devices.


7. A hair trimming system according to any of the preceding claims,

wherein the hair trimming device further comprises a fixed distance

between its user grip area and its distance comb.

25 8. A hair trimming system according to any of the preceding claims,

further comprising a computer system, arranged to

- store hair length profile data;

- receive data from devices that are detecting an electromagnetic


30 - calculate a hair length from said stored and received data;

- control a length adjusting mechanism of a hair trimming device;

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WO 2013/16399927


- transmit information to an audio receiver in a head tracking


- be placed in a hair trimming device;

- communicate with an external computer system.


9. A hair trimming system according to any of the preceding claims,

wherein the hair length profile data format comprises a list of individual

position points on a client’s head with accompanying trimming lengths.

10 10. A hair trimming system according to any of the preceding claims,

wherein an external computer system is arranged to allow its user to

retrieve, modify, visualize and store a hair length profile data file.

11. A hair trimming system according to any of the preceding claims,

15 wherein an external computer system is arranged to allow its user to

monitor the progress of a hair trimming session performed by a

connected hair trimming system.

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WO 2013/163999 PCT/DK2013/050105


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Fig. IB

2/ 13

36 37

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Fig. 1CO 3/ 13

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Fig. ID 4/ 13

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Fig. IE 5/13



10, 12, 13, 14,

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Fig. 3A 6/1312 15 17 24 22 35

12 15 17 24 22 35

Fig. 3C

3 39 4 11 15 17 24 22 35

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Fie. 5B

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Fin, 5C 9/13

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Fig. 6C20,26 28

Fig. 6D20,26

'N r 21 20,26v

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Fig. 8C


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Fig. 9

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INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT ---------------- ;-------------International application No


According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC

B. FIELDS SEARCHEDMinimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols)B26B

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched

Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used)

EPO-Internal, WPI Data


Category Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages Relevant to claim No.

A GB 2 462 812 A (LAKIN PAUL WILLIAM CHARLES [GB]] 24 February 2010 (2010-02-24) the whole document


A US 3 272 209 A (KRAUS ROBERT J) 13 September 1966 (1966-09-13) the whole document


A US 2011/018985 A1 (ZHU LI 27 January 2011 (2011-01- the whole document

□ Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C.

* Special categories of cited documents :

NLIN C 27)

"A" document defining the general state of the art which is not considered to be of particular relevance

"E" earlier application or patent but published on or after the international filing date

"L" document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) orwhich is cited to establish the publication date of another citation or other special reason (as specified)

"O" document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other means

"P" document published prior to the international filing date but later than the priority date claimed

Date of the actual completion of the international search




See patent family annex.

"T" later document published after the international filing date or priority date and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand the principle or theory underlying the invention

"X" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive step when the document is taken alone

"Y" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be considered to involve an inventive step when the document is combined with one or more other such documents, such combination being obvious to a person skilled in the art

document member of the same patent family

Date of mailing of the international search report

2 July 2013 09/07/2013Name and mailing address of the ISA/ Authorized officer

European Patent Office, P.B. 5818 Patentlaan 2 NL - 2280 HV Rijswijk

Tel. (+31-70) 340-2040,Fax: (+31-70) 340-3016 Cardan, Cosmin

Form PCT/ISA/210 (second sheet) (April 2005)

Page 44: WO 2013/163999 A1 WIPOIPCT

INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORTInformation on patent family members

International application No

PCT/DK2013/050105Patent document

cited in search reportPublication

datePatent fam ily member(s)


GB 2462812 A 24-02-2010 GB 2462812 A 24-02-2010US 2012234146 A1 20-09-2012

US 3272209 A 13-09-1966 NONE

US 2011018985 A1 27-01-2011 NONE

Form PCT/ISA/210 (patent family annex) (April 2005)