©w^nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031163/1882-05-24/ed-1/seq-4.…best of talent, an.1 every...

_^in-jBftij"jlTiii<#iiJ>»«jl3»S**» , <i^ jqjjmnimmMmmmi m m ± |.IHUH.,,.|JJP.W*JI«III. •wjiipppw^ii ii4|iiM!fipgpwj|ft tpjffifLpBj,LPM. '^^ygpi^g^yy^v^'; 1 ^-,.,;'^^ 1 ''! ^ ^ ^ y 1 ;- -:r mmm MMM WM| | iMU tf^ d fl* WM ^ a ^{ A MUatfdi l B"«titoi ilMlii HABDWAflEJ. & L * - r - ! r t D(«QflESTEK&KOS£ f Hardware M'«rohsvnt*. iTO. 21 SENECA STREET THE IDEAL MISCELLANEOUS. ESTABLISHED 1846* Zlffi? ONLT NKW PARLOR STOVB IN TEE MARKET. Foil Line of tat ail prices. GOLD COIX,SPLEISDll) an«i ELECTRIC LIGHT. Full Line of Shelf and Heavy ZTardieo* Hot Air Furnace Work a SpeciaJtj AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMEB1? Uutkry, Hails, Pumps, Tin War.', Everything pertaining to the Trad'. Particular atu-ntion t ca;:«l [o oar stock OJ MOUSE-KEEPING GOODS. CARPENTERS' TOOLSi We mean to keop a large and desirable stock everytixir>' T "i ^ ,T - '*-*r. -in * ifpr oar goods at ^•EEDTJCED PKICE8.®, and will make it to the advantage of purchas ersto call on us. DURCHESTEK & ROBB, No. 12 Seneca Street. (Jeneva.N. V The Subscribers will sell for the next thirty day a few urst-claas PARLOK STpVES, such af£tb.e GARLANL\ ROTAL,( CROWN JEW$L, ARGAN) t a small .advance above cost f<jr O n all "We have also on hand a fine lot of Skates & Hand Sleighs which we offer at low prices. We have jusfflrc- ceived a nice lot ot CKOSS-CUT SAWS direct from the factory, filled and set in our awn Bhop, n!i i ii are wa-raned to work sstisf a ctoiy Also for tale the cc.i D' mil DUTTOX STIIA W CUTTER, and many olh>T kin.ia of C'u'ters,Jall of which w> offer al priced to buit the trade. We have a fnl line of SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE, sod are daily receiving invoice* direct from the manufacturers. We invito t'.e public to call and examine our slock bt-lure buying etsewhere. T. J. & R. M. SKILTON Wall Papers, Borders, Window Shades, J. WILSON & CO. T AKE PLE&SURK in announcing that thev have taken a lease of and fitted -up a store in the new SMITH BLOCK, LNDEN ST. where they are showing the most elegant designs In WALL PAPER* ASM BORDER* ever shown in Geneva. They are eoing to make a specialty in Ceiling Decorations. &Dd have more tn^n a hundred, designs ricb satins, plasties silver and gold; witn mstie and Oriental turning*, which are stylish and Deaatifui English. Designs We have the Litest import rone of these designs lor the Nursery,.VI odced after :he' - Mother t»oose' rhymes, entirely new hero, and \yriicn attract grea' attention; Paint and Oils. i We shall keep on haua a iai-g^ stock fof Paints and Oils, Vaeuishes, Keady-ttii^ed paints. Glass and Putty, and are rtady to conduct lur PAINTING GRAININC AND PAPER HANGING. and to put in PLATE GLASS FRONTS. it,..i u M. Quarries ani Office, aULNCY, Mass Monumental and Cemetery Work executed in the Very best style of workmanship, from the dark and light blue, grey and pink. y ftUINCY GRANITE ! Also, from all the other varieties of New England Granites, a full stock of which we nave constant ly on hand, making a fine assortment from which to select. We make a specialty of SCULPTURE; Figures of life size or half life size in Granite and bronze, and of letterim; in al 1 its forms, raised or sunk. STtfAiyl POLISHING WORKS With the latest iicproveKctits. l'n?tcptne rh best of talent, an.1 every mechanical appliance for carryinK on tilts business,\vc can otter the he£t indncemerit-to patronu and r<t'itlai.:ioL guaran- teed. ESTIMATES iPTJTiNriSilHlJD For any work Ir Granite. We are represented in Geneva and vicinit j by W. G. POTTER, ho will in the fatnre keep a LARCJS AND VAK- ED ASSORTMENT of our work constantly ou hand, thus enaoiing purchaser;! to :»ee the wore in- tead of ordering from "drummers'," in whicn they are so often deceived. Any orders entrusted to Mr. Potter fur uur ex'-cutlo . will receive our *\ rly and careful attention. W .H. MITCHELL. GEO. H. MITCJ.^LL. luly9 MRS. E. L. SMITH, R ESPECTFULLY announece to the Eidies of Geneva and vicinity that, she is prepared to do dress and cloak making:, also ladle's and child reii's underwear in the latest styles and at reason- able orices. Mrs. Sinith,makes a speciilty of., CHILDREN'S WORK and years of practice gn es her confidence to hope that she may please the public. Mrs. Smith will be founds at the rooms ove CLOSE and LEWIS S'lORE ON SENECA ST The rooms 30 long occupied by Mrs...Mills. Ladies please give us a call. 8itp!tf HATS and CAPS Umbrellas, Canes, Satchels, Gloves, Hosiery & Handkerchiefs. LATEST SPRING STYLES, LARGEST STOCK, BEST QUALITY, LOWEST PRICES. RBn" WIK1B 165 Exchange St- Geneva- 15mar iVerents ! .Boole Agents ! I SUIT and WW ta-BY JOHN B. GOUGH_£*r Hundreds of agents have answered onr call to sell this famous boob, snd yet we want 500 more For Tender Pathos, Ricn U lmor. w\<\ Thrilling Interest Itiswithoif a pe<> r Bveryiue laughs and ervs over it. Miuifters (••>••• "God speed it." ienpol rhousaeds now war.: ; t. snd it is Hie best selli. g book gor Agents evvr L-cued, We want good AGENTS, Men and Women, in this vicinity. $100. to a month Ea'ily made. Special Terms given. Send for circulars to A D. WORTH INGTOS & CO Hahtford, Conn. Our Mr. J. WILSON is a practical mechanic, well known in Geneva, who has put up nearly or quhe one-haif the flue decorauous in the placed We have employed the most skilled inectunicB to be hud, to that we are stjle to gnarjutee promptues* and aiperfect job-every time; "We Cordially Invite a C»lt <JeneT». Mar.i-Sm J. WlL8f>N 4 CO ITHA8JBEEN FOR A LONG TIME a recognized fact that if you wanted A GOOD LAMP CMIMNEi A. TINS PISOX OV JFREISTCH CHINA,! Worth Sending For. i)r. J". H. Sohenok, of Philadelphia, has Just published a book on " DISEASES OF THE LUNGS AND HOW THEY CAN BE CURED ,' which is offered FREE, postpaid, to all applicants. It contains valuable informntiou for ail who sup- pose themselves afflicted with, or li able to, any diseases of the throat or longs. Address DR, J. H. SCHEFCK, 4 SON, 600 Arch St. Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. Box 2S33. aprl9-4\v £J* O f\ PEK WEEK can he mafle in any local- V^O VJ ity. ^omiihing emirriv new for ayents, 85 oaiLt freo. G. W. I-NGKAIIA-M. & CO., BOoion Mass. CHEAP FARMS NEAR MARKETS The. State of Nichigan, havirg 50 years of im- provements still contains large tracts of nnocci- pied lahds suitatile for farms, some of them »ub- ject to free se'tlement under homestead laws, and .11 ot them lor sale at luw pricei. A pampDiet, prepared under authority of tne State and contain- ing a map, descriptions of its climate, soil, industries, crops and resources, and an aeroui t t f its land*, will be sent fre* to any one writing for it to Ccmmlssioner of Immigratisn, Detroit, Mich. Loan S; Trust SECURITIES. Also Ghoics Real Estate Mortgages Negotiated bT J.B.Heartwell&Co, For Sale by S.SCUTHWORJH Banker & Broker COAL! rnHBaENEVA COAL YARD (formerly run by J, Robinson), having passed intolmy hunds,jl am reparedto furnish the best of COAL AND WOOft *»•*•»••••••*••• Or a first rate quality Of Eafthern Ware, ^ You couldfindthem at KD'P'S CROCKERY STORE SORENXbi Si ..:..G*NBVA,N. Y., •S"Aa ltpw ..!•• "rhr 1 - Low Imexiur " r>p^c . . ... -c u.-ii .if 1. A.S1TB liZOS f£A f>OJ, . |that are be .i.tiful and cheap; ^*rfffie noreltleg thai, is bdnBa to supereedi ; •verythnjg in market. * ^ » Crockery Store baa alwaye Heen heatf- '"g-fflJly-reg*!JM»»gy #ta%an to have S <• ™i.s yard and Soft, at the lowest prices.* Order* left at 8. N. ANTHONY'S Insurance ofice. Smith block. Linden street, or postal card, or atjheyard, will receiTe prompt attention. PLEASE GIVE US A CALL- J. O. SJEYMOtilS For Sale or Rent* BEFORE THE FIBST OF APBtti The premises first east of the Catholic cetaetery Known as the Snyder or Bennett place. Ajddrees P COOLEY, Watkins. NJ Y. "FOR SAL>; THE HOUSEandLOT ; sontu-easi f'orr>r nf M!lto:r ' -1 Poltencv St> Oeneva. It is a valu-iit- pi-ttrty Ihcowcei not Uesirins to nae it o€?era it lor sale. A rare bargatn. Address V£&8>. HELEN WEEDE, e r «lTracv<St»eet.'Bnffa!o.», t CC a weei.iii yonr own town. Terinnand $6 bntttt D O free. Address H. Hallett * Co., Portland, Me. iffl&^RiiSSrSSeS PECULIARITIES OP THE BOY. An exchange saya a boy -mR tramp, 247 miles in one day on a rabbit hunt' and be limber in the evening; when, if yon ask him to go across the street and' borrow Jones' two-keh auger, lie trill be as stiff aS a neat block. - »Of coarse he win. And he will go swimming all -day and stay in; the water three hours at a time, and splash and dive and paddle and -pnir", ani next morn- ing he will feel that an unmeasured in- sult has been offered him when he is told by his mother to wash his face carefully so as not to leave the score of the ebb and flow so plain as to be seen under the gills. And he'll wander round a dry creek bed all the afternoon piling up a pebble fort, and nearly die off when his big Bister wants him to please pick up a basket of chips for the par- lor stove; and: heJU spend the :biggest part pf the day trying to aorner a stray mule or a bald-backed horse for a ride, and feel that all' life's charms have fled when it comes time to drive the cows home; and he'll turn a ten-acre lot up-side down for ten inches of angle worms, and wish for the Voiceless tomb when the garden demands his attention. But all the same, when you want a friend who will Stand by you and sympathize with yon and be true to you in aO kinds of weather enlist one of those small boye,—SwrUngton Eawlceye. S.D FROM DEATH The following statement of Wm. 3. Couehim, o Somerville, Mass,, Is so remarkable that we bes ask for it the attention of onr readers. 'In tb fail of '76 I was taken with a vioTtnt bleeding o the lungs followed by a severe cough. 1 soon tie gan to lose my appetite and flesh, I wns so weak at one time that I could not leave my bed. In the summer of 1877 1 was admitted to the city hospi- tal. v?Tiilothe.doctorssaid 1 had a hole In m j lert lung as big as a tall dollar. I expended ovei a hundred dollars ic doctoisand medicine. 1 wai as far gone at one tl ne a report went round tha< 1 was dead. 1 gav up hope, but a Iriend tol' 1 m. of or. Wm, Hairs :;alsani Tor the longs. I laugh- ed at my friend* r inltins? ray case was incurable, but got a oottle to "satisfy them, when to mj sm- priseand pratification, I commenced to feel bei; ter. My hope, oni -dead, Ues>»n to revive, and to- diy 1 l o l in bt;:e spirits than 1 have the past lnrltethis hopln^yoa will publish it, so that thoi-e iifflifU-1 with mscjso.1 lungs will be induced io take L>r. Wm. Hall's Balsam forthe Lungs, and tv convinced tint consumption can be cured. 1 nave taken iwo bottles and can positively s->t :hat it has ar-ue more good than all the olhe aicdn- "i-s 1 'live taken since my sickness. M K..U'''. h. s ipfirelj nl.-iapPtartU uud 1 shallaom b jie U> uo to worH. ••«» > *y nil druBKlsts. !&3 w Senator Uen Hitl think* he has not louK to live 11'^ has had l'uus operations for rancer or ttie-'toague. and is steadily failing, cancar has been a fatal unease in his lam.ly. —The anti-i.'hmeso bill has passed the United states Senate and is now betore the Uouse. " Clear Head ami voice, er.sy breathing, sweet breath perfid eioed, usteand hearing, no cough, to (Uitress. These are conditions bruujCht abuUt iu cutunli by the use of riandford's Radical Cure. IA> i-[ilete tn-tiseut fer ?1, Teirib'.e tchiti^ .r d fcaly humors, nlcers. sores •i- d ,-croluUif l.u.B cured by 'he Cnticurl and r'u: cur«>oap the grw.t sk'n care;-) txiernaly, ..: . C>.ir»r. Rt-rii'i i.t ;')' iod P'lriher) internally. Ask ah' lit it em at your druuiru-ia. A. MiiiRRBLi.. & CO., Dealer* !u GRAIN, PHOSPHATES, CUAL, Etc. CASH PAID FOR GRJJXS..£ afi-Yard and Elevator on East Jackson Street. Smith Block. Linden Street, Geneva, N. Y. Mauely GOLD PENS AND PENCILS From»AiK«u,' LAMBERT & Co. DESES, WORH..BOXEfl, BACKGAMMON BOiRPS A.N 0„PORTFOLIOS GAMES FOR flOLlDA iS L'h IJSMJ •^OJ^SALE. Two Houses and Lots ON COURT STRRET. SiNOHAMToN.N. Y. One of tne best localities In the city. Well built, high ceihujrs, frrencn win- dows ; very desirahle and available. Will ne sold separately or together, inquire of or address T. G. RICH, Jr., Real Estate Agt., Binghamton X. Y..»>- JA*. MALKfTF .«»!ievai N. Y. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES John O'Malley His accepted the G eneva Agency for the sale c the Boston Carriages, the best nVake in the eountry. The company '. as a surplus stock on ha d. made up daring th* win- ter to keep their men iu employment, and tui" spring they are offiered at VERY LOW PRICES! I have a dozou different styles on display, all four wheeled, with canopy and umbrella tops,at prices ran^in^ frum $14 upwards Thy a't. all nicely upholstere.l, \\!:h IN- .-ame style and flnmh as those formerly sold :n Geneva fer jliu to S,0. •Call and free Them, Aprl2li' JOUM O'MALLEY. Exchange street, Geneva. DR. WEYBUBIi, A Q SKNECA ST , Third Building West of T r O Post Office, (Seneva. N, V. Chronic, NVrvouB and Femaie Diseases a special ty. Dr. Weyburn's Favorite Remedy will cure We treat those diseases successfully that have fal erf to be cured by oiht-r methods of treatinen Niaht calls at fame place Chm/ea reafonabli A /ZH^TVT'T'Q $SOin a P'fS' 0 da y! The f\ \i i*! Ill I l l most rapid selling subscrlo 1 X W - U J -' •*• *^ tion booits ever published Ou fits Free 1 G W. Carleton <fc Co., Pubs. if. V; 10m.ij4w " ' Wanted Immediately A FEW 0 OO D M i£N to canvass among Real Estate owners for 'he sale of Prnit and Ornaments Trees, Shrubs, Vines, and a full line of Nurser •• products. The business is easily learned. S40 to SSO a M o n t h l a n d Ezpenee' cain re earue.l the first season. .Address, statl' a§^ and oeonpi-Uon, R. G. Clxase & C* in - >i f rw <^er-»-op NT C ATARI?Hilvs' Cream Balm r«^ELY'S ^_ Effleclni'l'Y cleanses ihe uasa passages of ' 'ntarrhal virus, cans- •n^ health v secret ion i* allajs inflamimit'on. protects the mcro bra">e fr^m add.iiot a culds. ! completely h'als the sores and re 'tores the sanse ot taste and smell. Hem - floral r( Baits are n al- ized by a few appe- al ions. A thoroneh treatment will cur Calarrh, Hay F,ver Ac. L'u quailed fcr colds in f c heai'. Agreeable to n-e. Apply by the little finder i'-to the nostrils. On re- ceii>'of JSCc will "ia'l arafk're. s o ' d i>v Oin'va dm si?t- K.L\ t' i'HEAil PALM IO..OWPRO.K.Y HAY-FEVER CIVEN AWAY. Zimmerman Fruit Dryer How and for Terms, Addren ZIMMERMAN FRUIT DRYER CO., Cincinnati, O. and BnmehlOa eta be cured by the use of Br. H. JAMIS' prepara- tions of CjukaokUIn- dla» or B ut BniH» Beinp. Bookoftestl- I n monials fronii.Doctors, Clergymen and "others, sent on receipt ot 3 cent ttamp. CKADDOCKifc Co.-.loaiBaceBfa.PhOa., Pa. ThiiKldlng Saw Jttachineia warranted '- u w off a 2 foot log in 2 .minutei, and coats lesamoney than any other Saw Machine, 'vr'earo lie fir»t Ann who ——™"—— manufactured these Tnfu3iina».yi, Arner- ica; and at present own the only legaJ right of the eome. Sena for our free circular fJnited State? filanfc.C0» Washrhgton. D O J. MONHiH: TAYLOR I JUSSH^S 1 ** a r e J 1 5* ure > «l«)glng, y ehing-, wdrle at night; leems as if pin-worms were crawling about IhoreotumjtKeprtvateparbjareofteDafftcted. A§a PleMant, economical and poeiUre cure, SWATIIK'B S 1 . 1 ??* 1 ? '• "npar* 0 ' *» any artiele fn thTmarket »ox«MI,25. Addreas, Da. SWATNS t Sox. PhiUwJ?* —The next State Fair will De held at DClca, be- ginning September 2Sth. —Theiesuit of the Spriug elections In the State have been generally reassuring to the Republi- cans. A CARD. To all who aro suffering from the errors and In- scrotions of youth, nervous weasnesB, early de- cay, loss of manhood, &c, 1 will send a recipe tha* will cure you. FKKB OF CHARGE. This greet emedv was dhjcoveied by a missionerv in South America. Send a pelf-nddr essed envelope to the Rev. Josoph Inman, Station D., New York City (floctly A D a n g e r o u s Counterfeit- There Is a dangerous counterfeit fn circulation purporting to bo " Walnu' Leaf Hair Restorer.' The utromjest evidence of the great valne of *'Wal- nut Li-af Hair Restorer'" Is the Tact that parties knowing its efficacy try to wiitarVit. Each bottle of thejiennine hac a faxsimileof the piRuatureof "D. E. Becker"—the manufacturer—olown to the tr'.ass; uwd the "ictitorcr" Is as clear ana liarmlfss as wa&.-r while it possesses all the component pro- per tics necfrsoary to restore lite, vi^'or, growth, n 1 color to the hair Purchase onjy trom respon- bU partiPS. Kach bottle is warranted, tc t:. X. Critiontoh, New York, and lienyon, Po' .V CID., Syr-ti*'iHe. wholasalu airenti*. —Thtre are thirty Egyptian obelisks scattered over Europe. Rome has eleven, four of which are higher man the one in New York. UCCKLEN'S ARNICA r-A^VE. The oest salve in thu world for cuts f hrnlse* burns, ulcers, salt Theum, fever sores, tetter, chap ped brands, chlllblains, corns and ad kinds of akli irritation. This salve is guaranteed to give pe^ fi-ct satb<factiou ia every case or money refunded Prico 26 cents per box 8seply -t-Iri Siam there Is a race of cats with tails only half the ordinary length and oiten contorted Into a kind of knot which cannol be straightened. CHOICE EXTRACTS FROM DR0GGIST8. W'B know the value of mait, hops cahsays and iron rompobins 'Ma i. Bitters " Onr lacv onntomer" highly praise them.' 'Physicians prescribe them in this lowu.' 'The i.irgept bottle and b-st medicine.' 'Best Blood;Purifier on our shelves, 'our best people take 'Mait Bitters." '."ure cure'for chilis au.i liver diseases ' 2.=ioctly —An F.ug'lsh statis''can caieniates rhat every man on an average >.,• -aks flf.. -two voiumes of aoo octavo pntreg per ..unuiii, and that every wo- man yeurly brings out bt'j volumes of tha same size m talk. Walnut Leaf Hair Eestorer. Ills entirely different from all others. It is as clear as water, and us its name indicates, is a perleet Vegetable iiair Restorer. It will immedi- ately free the nead from all dandruff, restore gray hair to us urtural color, and produce a new growth where it has fallen off. Ii does not in any manner affect the heatth, which Sulphur, sugar of Lead, aud Nitrate of Silver preparations have done. It will change light or laded hair in a few days to a beautiful glossy brown. Ask your druggist for It. Each bottle is warranted. Zobrist & Paitridze. mmamm m^z- * BPifmwm 0)<A>r 1'. frit-is, lOt-ei EeedsOnly U&tiiili 1-i i ' i- $12-'np. PareBolldoy lnrjr meBW ready. Wiite or call on BEATTY. «"a tnon.N. J J} 1 STANDARD FOOD FOR PUNTS ODORLESS. For producing flowers aiid viirorous growth, it has no ?qual. Has stood the te^t for years, and always do s ill claimed foi it. Is egpeo- inlly adapted for IK use plants and gardeniDg,(rlvlnj» i bealthv growth and abnn- ant flowers. Over 100,000 packages lold n lf-81. Awarded the medal it the Mechanics' Fair it Boston. Pnt np In package* at 10 an d 26 cents each, —FOR SALEJBY— D. W. HALLENBECK. S C I* <P«Jfladay at home. Samples worth$5 free 0 w J>/UAddres Stinson A Co. Portland, Me, MBS. LYSIA E. PlSKBAft, OF LYNN, MASS., LYDIA E. PSSmiSASVrS VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Pnelfcivo Onre | for all thoso PnliiCul <'omplnlnts And WenTtn«*MI m*oiixnioii t o o a r beet female populntjon* 16 trill cure antlro'y tlio worst form of Female C*nt' plaints, all ovarian troubles, Tuilftiuination and Uloora tlon, Falling' and Dlsplnceuientu, and the conMqnont SpUnal Weaknesa, and is particularly adaptad t» the Chongo of Life. Ifc will dlasolT* and oxpcl tumors from thatiUmi In an early stago of deT6lo]imout, The tendency to can* coirous liuraors there !• clieclced very Hiieodlly by iti nso- Ift remoTca faJntness, flatulency, dostroyaA^. ^.^Tinj for stimulants, anil relieves-arcaltnoHS of tho atomaab. 16 icuros Bloating, Ueodaohee, Nervous Prostration, Coinornl DubUlty, &ltv]?temiea*, Depression tu&d Indi- f*ation. Tbat feellnff of bearingr down, canfdnc pain,'telgllt end backache, li always pormanently cured hy J6i use. It vrlll at all times and under all circumstance not Is hairmony with the laws that govern the fomolo syDterc For tlio euro of Kidney Complaints OL* either «•! thif Ccirapound is unourpassed. tT»IA E. TOTKIIAM'S VECJETABLXC COM* POUNI>lfl prepared *t 233 and 235 W.storn JLvenut, Lynn, Mass. Price $U Six bottlesfor $&. Sent bjj mail In the form of pills, also in the form of lpr.enR^«, en receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkhaw freely answers all letters of inq airy. Send for pasnpfc left. Address as above. "jOention thl* JPtiper. Wo family should ha without LYDIA E. rlNKHAlT* LlVlER PILLS. Tliey cura constipation, biliou*3en asid torpidity of the liver. 25 ^n^j per box. 4JE5- S o l d by all Druggist*. "©> POSITIVELY CURED Benson^ (|pjnt "««»» MT1»T tkey »r* PnftmijMi All , 113 WATER OT^' HEW TOBK. . Ai« ttoer, better, stronger, »ni longer Imam to the Burlcet thsm any other trticUi of thu kind. Are always sure and reliable, •ff^jgf^j&ft insnif th. tegtt r m l u -'cre«»edj-rubefacient, Btimnlatint?: counterIrriUnt eSects, ' . . . . ; .- ' . . ,>.,»•««»*. Because they arcagenninepTi.t^i^Trttf^p—-^ aration, and so recogmrea by the profeakteT ^> ibixa. •'-•• - -.-'T - ^BecMseaeyarerthe «nly pkutera thainliere Fourth. .' BeaiUBe they wfli.portatArcutediieuMtrkkk ether rm^^^nrft^v^™™*^ Because pYerMCTtphysicl«ii»in<( droggirt»haTe ather plMiera or m»dicIne«torekterniaut, _i '. '.•'••• . iiWi-i'-'-iii. : ,_i'','. •. Bacuae the iramBf»cta«r» h«T«;Tec«lTrf the anljr madtlt erer:^— J --«-^^—- -***>*™ *£** *^" Oanof tbeNeceultresof Ike JFrench Premm. W. '.. • J I ! ,.. J'. I'U-^g:,, , i \, i v'' .4 - •"; <». a^erelias^ficeiitlydiefl: in JParis a-mia nsmieaqAntlOiiie Thomaesin, '-who- for many ', mana- ea- pacity spent no small portion-of Iris time in prison. Yet he was not strictly speaMng a martyr,-and hactbo olaiiQ to compensation from his party when it came to power; this he knew, and-he never asked for compensa- tion." He was quite content with the honor- able competency he had amassed by going to jail and fighting duels; for he belonged to that small band of broad-shouldered, tbick-moastaohed, hard-gritted men whom the carious press laws of the Second Em- pire had called into being as gSrtmts reapons- obits of different journals. His name" used to be printed eveiy day at the foot of the newspaper which he served, and he was supposed to have exeroised a supervision over every line whioh it contained. He also signed occasional articles to whioh it was desired to give special prominence as em- bodying the opinions, not of one writer only, but of the whole editorial staff. By virtue of a law passedjn 1851 by two rather obscure deputies, MM. Tinguy and Laboulie, all articles published in political newspapers had to bear signatures; and the effect of this law, intended to make journal- ists cautious was simply to oblige men like Antoine Thomassin to commit a great deal of quite unblushing perjury. Thomassin could neither read nor write. He had been twenty years in the army, and had retired as a sergeant-major of dragoons. His uttbf deficiency in all clerkly knowledge was held to be one of his best qualifications for the literary posts which hefillod, as editors had learned by experience that it was trouble- some to have a gerant blessed with enough education to acquire an interest in the writ- ings of the paper which he represented. Such gerants were apt take their functions au serieux, and to offer advice more thought- ful than welcome. Thomassin was above this foible ; he had been taught with infin- ite pains to scrawl his name in a large, splay hand, and that was all he knew or wished to know about "the letters Oad- mus gave." Nevertheless, when prosecu- tions were instituted against his employers ; when the huissier of the Correctional Court used to come to the newspaper office with the stamped paper conveying an invitation to the responsible manager to present him- self before the public prosecutor, Thomassin would put on his best coat, which he but- toned up to the chin, and bravely set off to the Palace of Justice. He was a familiar figure there, and the prdcureurs, judges, and avocats used all to grin when they saw him. The press laws had become a faroe long before they had ceased to be applied, and he must have been a very wooden-faced judge indeed who could have preserved his gravity when Thomassin stood up in court to say : " Cest mot qu'a ecrit ceV artique." His own demeanor while undergoing judg- ment was always perfect. He stood with head erect and eyes front, as if he were waiting to be shot by sentence of court- martial. Sometimes the judges would roast him a little by asking whether he had well weighed the serious import of the theories which he had emitted on po'litics ; but Tho- massin was always equal to such emergen- oies, and used to answer by Bolemn nods. There was no getting anything out of him except plaunstatements as to his name, age, and profession. When he had cried with respectful distinctness, 'Tm a journalist," he spoke no more, but took refuge in wags of the head. It was fine to see him bow and retire when he had got his sentence of threb months' imprisonment. If the people at the back of the court asked him "How much," and what for?" as he went by, he re- plied, " Three months, for writing disre- spectfully of the Senate," and strode back to his office looking calmly contented with what had happened.— London News. LINKED BY STEEL WRISTLETS. A.Tomig Woman and Tonng Man Oddlj " >:; . United Though Not for Wfe. A few days ago a. promising yormg mer- chant of Bntte left fofcavisit .to, San JPran- ciseo, and by a happy coincidence met a lady on the train who was. going a few miles down the road to see her' mother. .Being slightly acquainted they becarhe engaged in conversation, and soon afterward fell into. a blissful slumber, the lady on one seat and the gentleman on the other. On the train was a Sheriff, who happened to have with him a pair of handcuffs, and the conductor of the tiain being well acquainted with the travelers above mentioned proposed to the officer to play ajgpactical joke on the inno- cent slumberers. Assent was given and the conductor taking the handcuffs, cautiously approached the unconscious pair and attach- ed their listless arms by the official jewelry. He then raised a racket and the sleepers awoke with a start, only to find that in their sleeping innocence they had; been joined to- gether, and that no man without a key could part them asunder. They all joined merrily in the laugh, and though the gentleman gallantly avowed his captivity a pleasant one, thelady had almost arrived at her destination and asked for a separation. Then and there the trouble arose. The Sheriff had lost the key, And the situation which had been before regard- ed as a right merry conceited jest grew embarrassing in the extreme. ^ The key oould not be found, and at the next station the conductor was obliged to procure a file and go through the tedious process of filing '&e wriBtlets so that the travelers could go pn their separate ways rejoicing. The conduc- tor states that tlift next time he plays a prac- tical joke he will ri^orouyly avoid the gentle handcuff.—Muniana In,Lcr-M'/u.n.Uiin>. A SMALL BOY'S EXPLOIT. He Prevents the Hobbery of His Father by Three Masked Men. A letter from Fort Smith gives the partic- ulars o f a singular robbery which occurred in Sebastian eounty. One night recently three masked men surrounded the house of Major J. K. Hale, a planter, living near Ilackett City. T w o o f them entered the house with drawn revolvers, while the third remained outside to prevent egress from the dwelling and guard against surprise. Major Hale with his wife and two small children, were in the' sitting room. The robbers burst into the apartment, demanding mon- ey. The planter surrendered his pocketbook containing some notes and a small sum in silver, but the thieves threw it on the floor and told him they wanted that $1,100 which he had recently been paid, and indicated & trunk in the 1 corner of c the room in which tSie money was supposed to be kept. While Hale was getting a key for the trunk, his little six-year-old boy peeped un- der the mask which covered the face of one of the robbers and said: "Mr. Williford, why do you want to steal my father's mon- ey ?" The question discomposed tha thieves, and just then their companion out- side, becoming alarmed, blew a whistle, and the entire party 'fled without securing the expected booty. The boy had prevented the consummation of the robbery. Subsequently the three were arrested. They proved to be Williford, a neighbor of Hale's, a man natued W-hitledge, and Hale's son-in-law, a jroong man named Niex. All were highly connected, and the affair causes a sensation. They will be tried at the next term of the Circuit Court.—Little Sock Dispatch to tht Chicago Tribune. A CORPSE IN A TREE. Terrible Dentil o f a Negro Hunter iu South Carolina. The Chester, Sofuth Carolina, Bulletin and Yorkville Enquire)' give the following facts about the terrible death of a negro hunter in York County: Six or eight weeks ago Jim Anderson, a colored man 19 years of age, living in the Bullock's Creek ^section, York County, took his gun and dog and went hunting. That evening the dog returned, but Anderson did not. Nothing serious was thought to be the matter, however, until a few days ago when vultures were seen in great numbers in the neighboring woods. Some one being curious to ascertain why they were there, went to investigate, when a most revolting spectacle met their gaze. The missiAg hunter was found dead hang- ing on a tree with one of his arms in a hole, where it is 1 supposed he put it to catch a rabbit. His coat and gun were lying at the foot Of the tree. The theory of his death is that he had chased game of some kind to Hrisf feee; which was hollow, and in his pur- suit of it he had climbed the tree, intending to jmpport-hhnself by a projecting limb with his right hand iwhile.reaching into the hol- low wjth his left. But it is evident, that while thus swinging by hie right hand to "^S^ShSS^;^ ¥& inserted, in the tree, the %tb broke, and his left was so fastened hi the Aperture that extrication was impossi- "ble^ and to a&oltohis' torture it was found that'hisleft sfibtilder was dislocated. In thiis cbhffitjprlhe^itsd &6 m Blow starvatidii almost in sigStofSbitetionB, but unfortui nateljr'ht-a larSpi^y sSfioni ^frequented", while if he ma^e'-cnespfoStr^ they old notattract attention:! The ar6i which was in the hole was broken., nek^^e shoulder, and the body, was h>mgu1g^i^the feet almost touching ft&fi^unitj #?b.«! : eorpIe was in .a most naW seating state pf decomposition, the jvrdturea haying gnawed out the' eyes and devoured a large portion of fhe r oppar jioftibn, of the mpm™™* UBl«jB«aa V A SETEEi-ScuaWAi. OP*B4«HON. Ixis ENDURED WlTBOUT'TABaHe EtHEBi SUBJECT, MBS. EDWABD MXBBS, OF EoNDQUT,;5i. Y. (From the Correspondence of the Kingston, N. X Freeman.) The case off Mrs. Ecward Mj ers ( of Rondout, Mew Tort, furnishes an apt illustration of voman's power of endurance Thus lady had been reated for months iu the usual way for Erysipelas if the hand without benefit, Not until her hand nad become a mass of puirlfied flesh did she torn to Dr. Kenm d v, -nrcprietor of the " Favorite Heme dy," for help. He at once iuf jrmed her that it wa impossible to save the hand--it must be amputated. She recegved this terrible rctellisrcnce quietly, de- clJnec to take ether, stipulating merely to hold her husband's hand daring the opepation, and under- went the painful process without movin? a mnsole or utterring a groai). Efc Kennedy then gave *• Favorite Kemedy " freely to cleanse the blond and prevent the re 1 urn of the dlseaBe, and Mrs. Myers now lives and rejoices m her great deliver- ance. *' Favorite Eeniedy " is fast becoming a trusted houeehold f rieud in all oast 8 of Female Weakness and diseases of ibe blood, cne dollar u bottle Your druggist has it. lmaylm SAVE THE NATION For it 'n HT'IV ten true Hint thotiai.dd of CHH, !)KFN arebTiUn ED TO HEATH ever j year by mpropor cr insufflcent FOOD. Remember m mmzmm. ©w^ I will now state that I made a miraculous cure of one of the worst cases of skin disease known. The patient is a man of forty yeara old ;" had suf- fered fifteen yearB. Hisfeves. scalp and nearly his whole body presentad a frightful appearauce. Had bad the attention, of twtlve different physicians, who prescribep the best remedies known to the profession, such as iodide potassium, arsenic, cor. rosive sublimate, sarsaparifta, etc. Had paid S5U0 Tor medical treatment with bat little relief- Jt pre- vailed upon him to use the Cuiicura .Resolvent in- ternally, and the Cuticnra and Cuticnra Soap exf ternally. He old so, and was completely cured. The skin on his head, face, and many other parts of his body, which presented a most loathsome ap- pearance, is now as soft and smooth as an infant's, with no scar or trace-of the disease left behind. He has now been cured twe!vt months. Reported by F. If. 15 own, E q , Barnwell, S C. a SGhOrlLA.iSOHE. Rev. Dr. . in i'c Uiilin; his txperienre with the i ut cura E'ra eie, s^i l that through Diviue Prcv.d'i ie one ot li s< jwii-honers «as cared of a rcii.fn "-sore, w:nn wi.s slowly drainii g away hip 'ise, oy tin C iti. urn Ke»olveat internally, and Cuii ui md Ci t cura Srap externally. The poison tht t rm i ti-d the dis ne-- was completely driven out. - a HIGHLY NU ITUTIOU-., and because a cook- •d food, easily assimilated, grateful to the m i st )• licati* ard irritalilu ttomacb, and especially dupted for thr INFANT and OR'-WING CHILD, NVALIDS, NURMN'i U OTHERS, and those -i.ifferiBK from Indlj.'Pt'tisn will Ann on trial that it ip all they can desire. It is carefully put up iu four sizes. Sold by rlnlj<g* p ts at 35 cents and up- warps, with WOOLHICH & CO , on every label. Iapl3m ^Gfdxjma:, jALVANISM and ELECTRTEiT 1 * The great Curative Agents. ECZEMA. Si stern months Fine _• an eiuplieu broke out on mir leg and boih, vhi. h turned out to be Ezem.i, am «C'.u d me great pi ih snd aniKyance. 1 tried vaiious . emedies wltu no goO'l results, uiitil I usi-d flu Co 1 lira lies el veil ii t. r.mllv, und Cmicura and Cn icura ijoip exuermtily, wai u entirely cured me o in a mj skii. ia no ainooili and natural as evt r. LKN.M. FKAILEY.C4 South St., Baitimoic, OUTIOUEA. The Cuticnra treatment, for the cure of Skin, Scalp and Blood Diseases, consists in the interna! UBe of Cuticnra Resolvent, the new Blood Purifier, and the external usefflCutit ura and Cuticura Soap r ihe Great Skin Cures. Price of Cuticura, small' boxes, 60c; large boxes, S1.00. Cuticura Kesol- vent, $1 per bottie. Cuticura Soap, a5c,; Cuticura ihaving soap, 15c. Depot, WEEKS & POTTfiB, Boston, Mass A GALVANIC BATTERY Is Imbedded in this Medicated Plaster, which, when applied ta the body produces a constant but milt.' current of Electricity, which is most exhilaratiiif.- affording immediate relief to the most excruciatiliK pains or whatsoever nature. They are aclaiou; edged by Physicians to be the most scientific metli od of application of thoso Fubtlo and mysterious elements of nature for the positive and speedy curt of the foUowing: complaints, viz.: R h e u m a t i s m ; N e u r a l g i a ; S i c k Head. _ ache; "Weak and Infia-nied Eyes; All directions of the Braiji; Spinal Com- plaints; Kidney and Xiiver Complaints; Sciatica, Paralysis and Lumbago; Dys- pep«ia; Asthma, and Lang Diseases; Dis- eases of the Heart; Nervous Prostra- tions; &c. PRICE ONLY $i.OO. THE BELL MANN CO., Prop'r., 842 Broadway, Cor. 13th St., ITew Tort AGENTS WANTED. B&UD STAMP FOB OIKCULAS5. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. itwntioa ttiin papor. Sent by MaiL. j A Wat- IK P. Mem wJ»-IersS3 i0. WMlenif r/I IluntinffCm '•fl$5. I mt Latum gold$6. fcioli<lffOl4$l2. Ciieapt-st snd be? «» M for your owu ufce or speculative put-poaes. Valuable ca Wmm sloguolVee. TH0aiPSOH*3CO.« ISliKassauSU Kowl'ari JLTENT5 e continue to act as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats, :ade Marks, Copyrights, etc., for the United States, lanada, Cuba, England, France, Germany, etc. We .jave had thirty-five years' experience, J Patents obtained through us are noticed In the SCI- ENTIFIC AMERICAN. This large and splendid fllus- k.ratedweeklypaper,$3.20ayear,showsthe Progress of Science, is very interesting, and has an enormous circulation. Address MUNN & CO., Patent Solici- tors, Pub's, of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, 37 Park Sow, NewYort. Hand book about Patents free± Sanford's Radical Cure. Head Colds Watery Discharges from the NOB iiid ityes, Kinging Isoifies in the Head,Nervou Headache and Cnill and Fever instantly _ Believed Chokon', putrid mucus is dislodged, membrase cleansed, dibiutecied, and healed breath sweetned, oineil, taste an '^hearing restored and constitution- al ravages checked. Cough, Bronchitis, Droppings into the Throat, Pains in the Chest, Dyspepsia, Wasting ol strength and F esb. Loss cf Sleep, &c„ cured. One bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal Sol- vent and oce Dr. Sandford s Inhaler, in one pack- age, of all drugeists, for *1, Ask for Sandurd'a Kadica 1 Cure. W E E a S & POTTER. Boston. "stAsre** LIGHTNING Is not quicker than COL- LINS' VOLTAIC PLAS- TERS m lelievine pain and Weakness of the itidneys. Liver anil Lui.ge, Rheuma- tism, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Female Weakness, Malaria- and Fever and Ague, Price 26 cte. Sold (verywhere A Treatise ua tUolr EK S ll"U S jjspeedy cure SENT FREE. Da. J.C. .HOFFMAN,? O.iiox 138,Chicauo.Ill. If you ore a man of £>usine.is,weak- ened by the strain of your duties avoid stimulants and us* Hop Bitters. If you are yoanff and discretion or dlssipa rled or single, old or poor health or languish ness, rely on h o p Whoever" you are. whenever you feel tnat y o n r system needs cleansing;, ton- ing or stimulating, without intoxicating, take Hop Bitters. Have you dy»- pepsia, kidney OT urinary com- plaint, disease ot the atcmiaeh, bowelB, bloocL liver or nerves) You will be cured it you use Hop Bitters Ifyouareslm- f ily w e a k and owspiritc'd.try I it.t It may , s a v o your I l i f e . <t h a s saved |y«n- dreds. if you ore a man of let- ters toilhiK over mid night woiii, to res- tore brain neiveand waste, use H o p B. sufferine from any in- ' tion ; if you are mar- young, smTeriutr from ing on a oea of slck- aitters. ^Thousands die an- nuauy f r o m some foren of Kidney , disease that might [ have been prevented by R timely use of HopBlttefS HOP NEVER FAIL! O. I. C. is an absolute and in-esista- ble c u r e for drunkenness, use or opium, tobacco,or narcotics. Soldbydrufr- frists. Send for Circular. nopBrmns a'Pe ce., Boebester, S. ¥• iToronto, Out. i 3 ENSmSJSSSS2£BEn children!. Thomandiyetentitlci. P«nsloMgiT.s for loss' ffiugor,tQQ.ey. orruptnr«,vanooieT«uif or nny JMsenae- TPnonsands of peaMocera an. Midi' rs entitled to EiCIlEASE and BOUNTY. PATENTS procured for Invmtori. SoWier* land warrants prooured. boaghtandfblOi Soldiers »nd heirs apply for yonr rights at onc«.8end]|. Stamps for '-The Citiiea-Ssldier." and Feaitba and Bounty laws, blanks aad>instxseti.&J, * 'W* tan refer to thousands of PeBiloners.'»nd Olhstfa' Addres. N.W. Fitzgerald40p»PEJSI0S-5> Agent* wanted for the Life anu "SSorb ot GARFIELD The only complete story of his noble life and tragic death. Fresh, brilliant, reliable. Elegantly printed ia English and G e r m a n ; beautifully illustrated; handsomely bound. Fastest selling book «v«r pull* lished. By John C Bldpnth, 1.I..B. pt» Il'l'iniff Do not Buy the catchpenny, rs- U&UlXvui vamped campaign books with whioh the country is flooded. They are utterly worthless ; an outrage upon the memory of tha great dead, and a base fraud* on the public. Thia book i. entirely n e w . The only work worthy the theme. Send 50c. in Stamp* for Aeent'a Ontflt. JONES BROTHERS & Co., Publishers, Philadelphi* T HE BEST CALICO. WM. SIMPSON & SONS* MOURNING, SECOND MOURNING SOLID BLACKS, Eddystone FANCY DRESS PRINTS The EDDYSTONE PRINT WORKS is one of the largest and most complete estab- lishments in the country. THE EXPERIENCE OF HALF A CENTURY has enabled them to attain such, perfection that they can with confidence ask you to test the quality of their work. They carefully avoid all poisonous drugs, make only fast col- ors,which are thoroughly washed in hot water end soap, thereby removing anything which would stain underclothing. Those who buy and wear their prints will, they feel confident, find them superior in dur- ability, artistic style and finish. Be sure and ask for their goods, and see that their marks and tickets are on them. flUCNJ O WUH 1 £ U the best F a m i l y HEU- t i n x m a c h i n e ever invented. Blockings, with H E E L ana T O E coxivrjlete, ia Will knit a pair of SO minutes. It will also knit a great variety of Iar.cy- work for which there is always a ready market Bend for circular and tennsto the T w o m M y Knitdos aiachine Co., 409 Washington St., Boston, Mass. NEW RICH P<vrsons* Purgative Pills make NewEieh Blood, and wjlll completely chapjre the blood it) the entire svstem In three months. Anyrtersot. Who will take 1 pill eachnightrfrom Z to 12 week* may be restored to sound health, if such a thing be possible. Sent bv mall for 8 letter stamps. I. S. jroBTNSOjN * CO^ Jioston, Mass., formerly JXangor, Me, A HEBERSIAS JMrii,.—" And the Frenchr man eiialltfngeclye, Pat?" "He did."' "Anfl ye had the choice of weapons, darliri?; phfet did ye choose? 1 ' ^'Sure an' J chose slnUe- labs at two paees." V An?'pnfat^didije say to that?" *' H^ said* ^ By gar! what weap- pa is he; 1^ 1 neyare teat of Mm. I rill hard zerapeer.* AndI siys^ said.I, -•'.Very weji, Mossotfj^ririgon yer^^rapeer,;m\rnsQHeJfet6 m sbiii«ia±aT ** ^'Aii, ye liqked MnU n "'ftii&kiifcl dici; ran' iu« : mawmer*sirjias- terin v np his durty head in the Bnedela Uarphy dowa yonder by the Boy de Ml- , Its Belief and,Cure as certan as day* foUbws day by Br. J. A. Sherman's-methou, with safety from the.darigers of strangulat on Si'd without the Injury trosseB inflict Those wishiiig nroof shcnld *«no 10;eente* for his hook, cp-ttarmng likenesses,of had rases beioie and after'cure, alEoendorsemepts of professional gentlemen. Miuisters, Merchanti, Farmers and others who have been cured. Trusses and fittpfmre*oocier or later affect the nervous" arid mental system, Bring on organic diseases, impotency, deiitroy energy and social cjsshes, makihe the yonng old and the ola useless < fftceg, ssi Broadway, K, Tl .'303Wainnt6t;. JPIfiladelphifl. 'Days tor consultation,, each week-New York, Mondays. Tues- days and Saturdays; ;Phi)8., ; ."Weuneadays, Thursdays and Fridays, every other week. 19apr4w A I N e r e i v F a f f l n s Cftu?&^ etc •;'.'. j 8 E r ^ J b f t ^ s y < a ^ ^ ' ^ i ^ B a s k r JXAvisf P A I K KTT.TIKB stands imiiraled. Is Btf^: I t t&s^^iirMfcBiawl* Itljaeyet Mist EdltOTOf.tl»St.JOlUli Infle8lnvounaa,a< It is Q»mo»f </•«&« . Nolarfillyshoulflfje __tsxc aHngleTtiowS!-':' g r o m t t t i e CvnrdTi'nittl ' Wenayeseenita _.__.„ ttto be agood article; .B,)|Tein,8ayB: -T,Tjatn«, soree, etc, —'t'welrnowot ^jaJXJttteofit effects, and inew Txa^».T^^\S.g.^kimil «fc Cwfeld, Brurnl^ rriuilk; - -^T" •< : - :Arter-]ongyear»olnaefIamsaUsnedit tepoefUvely efflelent as a healing remedy •w.vr. Itisapanacea fxh- anWufs^ and'tno-BK. FromB.W.Aaama.Baco.Ke.: It gare me Immediate wllet B-Lewlsgayx: Infortyyesjrs'usettneverhaafafledrrie. vr.w.Lxm ) mthoivnu,x.Y.,u.y*'. : inae your PAW Kauai^^ frequently. It . r^*mr^arifl8orerie8B^nd»*ritwoun4i . ^. »wlJcaM8aMl>an»tt!uusBoeq^ /j?««wI>Avr#PAnf KrxjjtKJsnotaMwnnMedreineiily. TVJT fertTTetrstt has Deeam •onatot use; and ttt»ewl«> have used it thfitonaertar* its best f^^ S»- j^jattaMJ^tT-gQgiqi'Hfflfl may ogaa Be aawd tar prompt item ' T&xgrime TOflBk»i£5ttttc<»tnei.I*inp^cfKt&rMAerwintraSUMOTIU VEGETABLE BALSAMIC 'i-H\ jh»»ureCTre'iBQHr' ; Whopping " [ Disease*, when taken M Mafpa.„ People die of coB»ump^tonj|imp- j jljr because of neglect, yhien the! timely use at thi» remedy -WOPW. | fhare cured them tt once. fifty-0t*e viarM <at eon- j atant use prove* the Act that no j cough remedy baa atood the test J | like J»6*i*M-*;~i3Bt ) 4x**.; Tor Sole Xrerywh«r«. - .—'^ :..^ Y-*s« ^-r~.• T _ - jlaimaaagiiiigis^i^^tTpeiE -nang.'latel-ot the^bwnof Geneva,Ontario(Joiriiy {Ss?I?f«S*«*'5 0 "*- deceased, tb^feserft-thsaSSino, ^mztt yoncnerstufireof. to the undersigned Admin- . itetrator, at his office on tinden Stee^BtTmsaia rt OW 5? f ,iSS ne S'.%P r Won the 26thyttayot .Dcfoher 1882. Bated April 26ht. 1882. '" . SAM.DSL N. ASTHONT, g6apr6m - . ~ Administrator^ « Dr, Baxter's Mandrake I I Will cure Jaundice* Dyspepsia, M I Liver Complwnta,. Indigestion T m I and all diseases arising from Bil- g j iousness. Fritc 25 cts. per bottie. || I ror3alc.Everywb«r*. ^ j iiJiriBiiByvwilWll^ilsaaattigdrmeKM^-irVgSg; & llENKt & JOHKSOM'S 1 AKNICA AHD OIL , ILINIME-NT] ^| For Jflait and. Beast, P T h e most perfect linjmsnt ever| i& compounded. Price 25c and 50c. j UAUGHY & CO. QnTTTIXT l>on't locate before seeing onr James oUUXXJ-Kiver Heitlemenl. 111ns. catalosn'' free. J.F.Mancha,Claremont,Surroy Co.,Va 17mv4 HIRES IMPROVED KOUT BEER 25c. yisckage makes 5 e-allons o n delicious, wholesome, spark line temperance beverage. Ask ymr druggist or pent hy mail for 25r. 0. 1 HIRES, 48-. Del. Ave.. Philada 17miy4w3 MKN WANTED To sell Fruifand Orna mental Trees, Grape". Shrubs, Roses, etc _ Noex- perience req'iired Salary and expenses paid. J. P. LECJ.AHE, Rochester, N. Y 17roy4w NOTICE f 0 CBEDITOBB. F TJRSITANTtoan Order of the Snrrosateof the County of Ontario, notice is hereby given to allpersohs ihaving claims agalnstgamuel P. Will son,Iate or the town of Geneva, Ontario County state of New Yorfc, deceased, to present, the same , with the vouchers thereof, to the undersignea ^administrators; 'at-the drag store o f Geoige H. .fibers, on Seneca street, in CeQeva, N."T„ on or hjefore the 1st day of June, 1882. * Bated November 2Sd," 1881. GEORGE H. MTEES, JANiS WTCSON, •Spoyym Administrators, Ac. B TJPRBME COtlKT^ COTJHTT OP ONTARIO, Sally Ann Ringer, Plaintiff, against Wallace B. Webster, et al. Defendants.. In pursuance of a judgment and decree of this court rendered, in thin action, at the Ontario Coun- ty Circuit and Special Term held at Oanan- daigua. on the 15th day of May, 1882, Hon. Charles 0. Dwight'presiding. T, the undersigned, the ref- eree in said judgment named, will sell at Dublic anction, at the depot of the N. V. C. R K., at Oato Corners, N. Y.; on the 30th day of June, 1883, at nine o'cloelt in the forenoon of that day, the following described premises. All that tract or parcel of land situate In the town of Phelps, County of Ontario and State of Sew York, and being part of lot number eighty, in Township number ten in the first range of towns in the County 01 Ontario aforesaid and particularly de- scribed as followB,beginning at the t-omhwest cor- ner of the said 'ot number eighty and running thence south eighty-seven and a half di grees east on tbe line of lofs twenty-four chains and twenty- five links, to a stake at the southwest corner of lands sold to David Boyd. Thence nonh one degree east on the division line of lots twenty-eiehi chains and eighteen links to the south bounds of the road or highway. Thence north eichtv-five de- grees west along $be line of sain road three chains aDd fifty links, to an angle in said road. Thence north fifty deirrees west along the tenth line or said road, six chains and forty-one links to a -lake. Thence south one degree west parallel with the east line of ttiiti tract nereby intended to be con- veyed ten chains and seven ht'ki- to a stake an I stones. Thence north eighty seren and a half de- grees, west sixteen chains and sixty-tt.ree links to 11 stake on west bounds ot paid lot. Thence souttt one r'egree west tmntv-tnu chains and twelve ln.ks, 10 the place of r.i'ginuims, containing ilfty- nine acres, Ihree roods, tixteen perches and three- quurters of a perch of lana and are the same oremises owned and occnoud by fumes Webster m his lifetime and at his decease, and conveyed to •ailaceB. Webster Seot. 1, 1670, by Olfauncey L. Webster and Oscar P. licartvji 11, 1 xccntors of thy last will and te^tattent of James Webster, de- ceased. ' JOHN E. BEAN, C. N. 1IEMII/P, iielcree. Pl'ife Att'y, Geneva, N.Y. ITnuyew m>> •;m €M > . * i \ Seneca and I' . - TiKI* r" One year's subscription, EVERYO •> fc-tudying MTJSIO "^Vill ct*t •valua.TDle iniormation yi-iKHG by sending for circulars E, TOTJRJRE Boston, Mass. lTmy^w BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER The manufacturers have Was the Highest Medals and Praises everywEers No Remedy more widely or Favorably Knowr. It is rapid in relieving, quick in curing. P01 lame Back, Rheumaiiern Kidney Affections and Achi-s and Pa''ns generally, it is the unrivalled remedy. 17my4w Parker J p Ginger orroisrio. GINGKK, BUCHU, MANTRAKE, and many of the beBt meaicines knowu are here combined into a medicine of such varied powers as to make the greatest Blood Purifier and the Best Health and Strength Restor- er Used- Cure" Complaints of Women and diseases of the Stomach, Bowels Lungs, Liyer Kidneys, and is entirely different, from Bitters, Ginger Essen'es and other Tonics, as it never intoxicates. SOc. and £1 sizes. Large Saving buying SI size. Hmcox <to Co , ^ew York. 17m,>4w WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OF THIS COUN* TRVWILL SEE BV EXAMfN'NG THIS MAP THAT THE HOW TO EEPEL THE ASSAULTS OF iLL HEAiTH— DE. KENXEDT'S FAVORITE REMEDY MEANS SOMETHING FOB TOfJ. The months of JIarch, April and May are the three successive arches of a bridge which con. nect the season of ice anu sleet with that of leaves nd roses. Ko less in respect of healtb than of outward natural phenomena is this true. Spring dsat-jiug seasan for invalids, and particularly foi those wno either suffer, or are liable" to suffer, from Bfiiiousness, Kidney eomplaiEts ana Consti- pation^of the IJowels, and for women who are caronicully subiect to any ofMhe long catalogue ol physical ailmeuts to wmv,u their delicate sex 11 heir Indications of disease iu Spring should be heeded at once. A fatal attack may easily result lrom neglect or a disordered condition of the bow- els. 'Ihe ounce of prevention may be had where tons of cure—or attempted care—may be unavail- ing. Are vou vexed or troubled in Spring with iuaigest-OD, lorp.d or disordered Liver, want of appetite, costipat.on, or a liverish Plate of the skin ? 11 s o , <ah.o < ithout an hour's unnecessary •oiay Dr. Kenned/s FAVORITE itEMEuY. Mo med icine i» t o uarra.esf and y ct co quick and posi- tive in its action, ii is Mature s own idea, con- densed and mud 1 tangible by Human slull. Do noc leave hi me u ben goin on a journey wlthont a bottle ot ii iu your vaiiSe. .You can n .1 possibly put one doilni" iu any othei shape where it can render jo so esjential service, rue FAVOR!lE REMEDY 1= almost. lNSTAM'aM riOUS in its ac- tion, out d.,^ not leir you 10 oi.ces.with its vio ' lenr.e noi nauseate you with dis^ult. .It tree; the Liver lrom Bile and sets the i.;.:h.nery ol jour body into normal ahd heaituv opi i.-tiiou. Kemem- bir: lir I). Kennedy's P A V O i t i l i i liKMtJL/Y. Ask your druggist lor it anu lute n ithing else. Pr.ce One Dollar a bottle- aprl94w ADVEPTISII One Inch^r les3, Inlengt Otle Week .».j Two Weeks. « ...; Three Week* ... ..<».. FourWeSkhv... . f;'.•»*.*. Two Months J . .... 'inree Mxrathj .».--.• ••*. S£x.moaaiB- -ii. 'rwelve Months .......... I CmmO,ROCKISLWD&PACIFIC ri Calls the attention of travelers to the central posi- tion of its line, connecting the East and the West by the shortest route* and earrying passengers* without change of cars.between Chicago and Kan- sas City, Ccuneil Bluffs, Leavenworth, Atchison, Minneapolis and St. Paul. It connects in Union Depots with all the principal lines Qf road between the Atlantio and the Pacific Oceans. Its equip- ment is unrivaled and magnificent, being composed of Most Comfortable and Beautiful Day Coaches, Magnificent BCorton Heclining Cnair Cars, Pull- man's PrettieBt Palace Sleeping Cars, and the Best Line of Dining Cars in the World, Three Trains between Chicago and Missouri Hiver Points. Two Trains between Chicago and Minneapolis- and St. Paul, via tne Famous ^ 'ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and Direct Line, via Seneca and Kanka- kee, has recently been opened between Richmond, Norfolk, Newport News, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Au- gusta, Nashville, Louisville, Lexington, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Lafayette, and Omaha, Minneap- olis and St. Paul and intermediate points. All Through Passengers Travel on Fast Express Trains. Tickets for sale at allprincipal Ticket Offices in the*United States and Canada. Baggage checked through and rates of fare al- ways as low as competitors that offer less advan- tages. For detailed information, get~the Maps and Fold- ers of the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest Ticket Office, or address R. R. CABLE, E . S T . JOHN, _ Tlce-Pres. A Genl M'g'r, Oea'l Tkt. * Tut. ±th CHICACO. Thirty-Sii Varieties of Cabbage r aS of Com: a8 of Coemn. icr; 41 of Melon; 33of Peas; aSof Beans; X7 0fSquasn; si if Beet and 40 of Tomato, with other varieties in proportion, a arge portion of which were grown on my five seed farms, win K found In my Vezetable and Flower Seed Ca,tal«gae brlSH*. Sent FRKB to all who apply. Customers of last Jeason need not write For iL All Seed soldfrommy bstaolish. nent warranted to be both £resb and true to name, so tar^ that ihould it prove otherwise, I will refill the order gratis, i The >rfgtnal introdneer of Emily Ohio and Burbaok I>«ta> toea, Harblehead Early Corn, the Hubbard Saafaah, Uarblehead Cobbage, Phinnej** Melon, and a score of tther new Vegetables, 1 Invite ithe patronage of the public. Hew Vegetables a Specialty. James t. H . Grceoryt Marblahwd, Htm. _ This elegant dressing is referred by those whohave used it, to any [similar article, on ac- jcount of its superior [cleanliness and purity. at contains materials only that are beneficial to the scalp and hair ^a^g^^* and always Restores the Youthful ColortoGrey or Faded Hair Parker's Hair Balsam is finely perfumed and ts' warranted 10 prevenrfalling o f the hair and to re- move dandruff atiditching. Htscox & Co., Kr.V. '• ' SOc - ""i jl sizes, at dealers In drags and medicines. 1 . in -lN ORDER T\ Lir" LIT i ME 3 0 UNION S Q . N E W YORK 'A &HICA&0 ILL-e- • < L^) 0 RANGE MAS S. MT<K *<w--<a=OK^s8»a£esMSftS§as:rt ir.^H E. M, DUBKRE, SENEGA STKEET, GENEVA.N. T. W8R OR ffsO '// 'S A Superlative Health.anff StrtBjtfc kettoret^ if you are/a jneohanic or farmer, worn" obtlrftH overwork, or a mother run down by family or hoiue. hold duties try PARKER'S Gmcts Tome. *^\ HyoamalawtTKxm&tS£.oi&vimttm»dae*'- hausted bymental stramoranwoiisca^/donorfaS, lntoxiratmffsQmuIarits.biittKe'Parlfi»v / f e i l Z S H ^ * ' - stomachy.bowels, Wood or'iawes,PAR&ie*G»rail i tVnrl the Best arid Surfeit C o ^ C B r ^ g ^ tfa? Kyouarewasffflgaway ftm8gi,aBSpa»^« GIKGER ToNic.atonc*; jtT^iJhvieora^anSli » « * « ioNicaconce; Jtwulinvirorate andbiiiH you np from fee feMosfthu^win h e » * r 3 i h t S 3 S ? * It has saved hundreds of hvesj. it jnavr»ave«P-— H«ox&co.,N.y. RfeAjti^rtaMhS^SSi? , flebghtfufrjiKfuineejKMedinijly -pobular. TaiilT isMotliiiigBkett. I*s5Jttipol&vi^|^ MNf^uxsNBar^iiixiforiigngj^jjf ~^| on ererr Bottle. ixyi^xahM rf lulu in 1 can suppjyyon. S S a n d W l K a S i T ^ * -" ' 2 Z^lSjut^Jets Reeds, $90 Otoe, «Offi^SJ^o^^r^^^TJSrB??S [e< J Ss3lg^HrSyrw l ^«:ft««> t Aduresa or call upon Jmoaths.ipost-paid if *"- ™y postage: and —._»thrMtl s-'ate 4sSQt| vidxess ' THS-VNBim Within my borne UiaWff| And prayed tor greatii That was mine nomi^if small; I And I cried out rebellions I had'not, saying it great Were only mine, jonrnl Were also mine, with hands; If love, the love I craved Its arms around me; the With me torever; peat And life would round c Into a fullness new andE Ana so I fretted 'gainst i And so I prayed for Ial Making a burden of tli I made regret for that w And then one came unto And asked to enter. " Or wealth or fame? nleaV She answered, "Nay, m " Open to me, I pray; m And thou shaltfind,al Of fame or bye within That with my coining co "That thou hast longed her face, Sort was her voice, ana I saw the look of one K My heart was sore, and £ I bade her enter. How tf Seemed now the falthtt So long had lain tmprm Shone the small paths wl Duty grew beautiful; wl| I saw the distant wealt But all fair things seen] The hour l clasped the hi MY COOS] " One of yon girls said my mother. "But, mamma," pie go, I'm in the midst course at college." "And I can't go!' Lotuse, w h o h a d j n s young Mr. Leggstt, vrl store on the corner, an adise of bliss. " Girls, don't talk s my mother, brisMy. Patsey Ponnsett, sick < needing care and co: one mnst hasten there. " Let Flossy go>" en "Yes,"* chimed in Flossy ?" "But Flossy is sue mother, in a pertorbec But here I dropped and rose, trying t o l o o " I am nearly eight oh, mamma, do let me Cousin Patsey, and me her heiress." "Dear, dear I" can have put suoh >r me child's Bead?" ,'f " But isn't she yery "She is-vfiry «cceiit| "Well, then of couij ded. "Ecceiitric ol And, oh, it would be ;s l&e to see -whaj IJrlpcj pose Utey liaS&^fesitf all ^aeh"mSRnSe£8tti?t And I ran laughing which had frisked out in the garden. Not that I could hear my i a child she is 1" An with a laugh: "Oh, l e t h e r g o ! should take a fancy t< making of her fprtun So they bought m6 med my plush h a t w i and sent m e off to W new traveling bag on cloak. I had never travels I quite enjoyed the:jn I h a d m y novel to Ba troit and sandwiches all the flitting s c e n e r window—until gettii buy some oranges wl ish fancy, I mistook t self alone and be' strange faces. "Hjbag!" Icrie right here on these And my cheque wtio Oh, deari oh, dearl And then a.tall, pit came forward. I . twice before, ^asauiL "Was it a canvass H.' on it 1 And was lying beside i t ? And I answered, I " Yes." "It is in the back were sitting there 1 1 duct you thither. "1 and it will be difficu to another." rVnd thus,fe>m; my treasure undistn of mamma's many laughed with Bvy way to Powder City I confided tt^. bii rich cousin, who- w< —that I never had. before^-that my oa that my cousmt was •*1T —thaf3 had trwatj pocket-book, a n a s with fourteen little And not until i the Powder City driver to go to Mia Cedar Eoad, did!i' unne^esRarily comD "Oh, aearr I hope he's notftbm My Cousin Tate teau or *pictrire|q a tumble-down old nautpond in front, nwillows at the bacl She lay ver* ill|i a fire of dampilogsj and a general smiel]' prdrifeea. ^Jj She was an uglyi with aiiboked^noee wrinkled upptjr Jip »''0bJ" Baid,'fihei] er^s giiifronr'DoiW at the mica " Whatcan I^f&ffo "Ton can ttke the £re," said i i W can makemejsbm morrow yo%t&n4 • :*'Sett^j|iei[t hadhe&rl^right I •J***h ®58}%?**>t ^^^^^^M, »^v ^.i- «fissk; ,**"•>

Transcript of ©w^nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031163/1882-05-24/ed-1/seq-4.…best of talent, an.1 every...

Page 1: ©w^nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031163/1882-05-24/ed-1/seq-4.…best of talent, an.1 every mechanical appliance for carryinK on tilts business,\vc can otter the he£t indncemerit-to

_^in-jBftij"jlTiii<#iiJ>»«jl3»S**»,<i^ jqjjmnimmMmmmi mm± |.IHUH.,,.|JJP.W*JI«III. •wjiipppw^ii ii4|iiM!fipgpwj|ft tpjffifLpBj,LPM. ' ^ ^ y g p i ^ g ^ y y ^ v ^ ' ; 1 ^ - , . , ; ' ^ ^ 1 ' ' ! ^ ^ ^ y 1 ;- -:r

mmm MMM W M | | i M U t f^ d f l * W M ^ a ^{ A MUatfd i l B"«t i to i i l M l i i




* - r

- ! r t


H a r d w a r e M ' « r o h s v n t * .






Foil Line of

tat ail prices.


Full Line of Shelf and Heavy ZTardieo*

Hot Air Furnace Work a SpeciaJtj


Uutkry, Hails, Pumps, Tin War.',

Everything pertaining to the Trad'. Particular atu-ntion t ca;:«l [o oar stock OJ

M O U S E - K E E P I N G G O O D S .

C A R P E N T E R S ' T O O L S i

We mean to keop a large and desirable stock everytixir>'T "i ^ ,T- '*-*r. -in * ifpr oar goods at

^ • E E D T J C E D P K I C E 8 . ® ,

and will make it to the advantage of purchas ersto call on us.

DURCHESTEK & ROBB, N o . 12 Seneca Street. (Jeneva.N. V

The Subscribers will sell for the next thirty day a few urst-claas

PARLOK STpVES, such af£tb.e





t a small .advance above cost f<jr O n a l l

"We have also on hand a fine lot of

Skates & Hand Sleighs which we offer at low prices. We have jusfflrc-

ceived a nice lot ot


direct from the factory, filled and set in our awn Bhop, n!i i ii are wa-raned to work sstisf a ctoiy Also for tale the cc.i D' mi l


and many olh>T kin.ia of C'u'ters,Jall of which w> offer al priced to buit the trade. We have a fnl line of


sod are daily receiving invoice* direct from the manufacturers. We invito t'.e public to call and examine our slock bt-lure buying etsewhere.


Wal l Papers, Borders,

W i n d o w Shades,

J. W I L S O N & CO. TAKE PLE&SURK in announcing that thev

have taken a lease of and fitted -up a store in the new


where they are showing the most elegant designs In WALL PAPER* ASM BORDER* ever shown in Geneva. They are eoing to make a specialty in

Ceiling Decorations. &Dd have more tn^n a hundred, designs o£ ricb satins, plasties silver and gold; witn mstie and Oriental turning*, which are stylish and Deaatifui

English. Designs We have the Litest import rone of these designs

lor the Nursery,.VI odced after :he' - Mother t»oose' rhymes, entirely new hero, and \yriicn attract grea' attention;

Paint and Oils. i

We shall keep on haua a iai-g^ stock fof Paints and Oils, Vaeuishes, Keady-ttii^ed paints. Glass and Putty, and are rtady to conduct lur


and to put in


it,..i u M. Quarries ani Office, aULNCY, Mass

Monumental and Cemetery Work executed in the Very best style of workmanship, from

the dark and light blue, grey and pink.


ftUINCY GRANITE ! Also, from all the other varieties of New England Granites, a f ull s tock of which we nave constant ly on hand, making a fine assortment from which to select. We make a specialty of

SCULPTURE; Figures of life s ize or half life size in Granite and

bronze, and of letterim; in al 1 its forms, raised or sunk.


With the latest iicproveKctits. l'n?tcptne rh best of talent, an.1 every mechanical appliance for carryinK on tilts business,\vc can otter the he£t indncemerit-to patronu and r<t'itlai.:ioL guaran­teed.

E S T I M A T E S i P T J T i N r i S i l H l J D

For any work Ir Granite. We are represented in Geneva and vicinit j by


ho will in the fatnre keep a LARCJS AND VAK-ED ASSORTMENT of our work constantly ou hand, thus enaoiing purchaser;! to :»ee the wore in-tead of ordering from "drummers'," in whicn they are so often deceived. Any orders entrusted to Mr. Potter fur uur ex'-cutlo . will receive our *\ rly and careful attention.

W .H. MITCHELL. GEO. H. M I T C J . ^ L L . luly9

MRS. E. L. SMITH, R ESPECTFULLY announece to the Eidies of

Geneva and vicinity that, she is prepared to do dress and cloak making:, also ladle's and child reii's underwear in the latest styles and at reason­able orices. Mrs. Sinith,makes a speciilty of.,


and years of practice gn es her confidence to hope that she may please the public.

Mrs. Smith will be founds at the rooms ove


The rooms 30 long occupied by Mrs...Mills. Ladies please give us a call. 8itp!tf

HATS and CAPS U m b r e l l a s , C a n e s , S a t c h e l s ,

G l o v e s , H o s i e r y & H a n d k e r c h i e f s .



RBn" WIK1B 165 Exchange St- Geneva-


iVerents ! . B o o l e A g e n t s ! I

SUIT and WW t a - B Y JOHN B. GOUGH_£*r

Hundreds of agents have answered onr call to sell this famous boob, snd yet we want 500 more For Tender Pathos, Ricn U lmor. w\<\ Thrilling Interest I t i swi tho i f a pe<>r Bveryiue laughs and ervs over it. Miuifters (••>••• "God speed it." i e n p o l rhousaeds now war.: ;t. snd it is Hie best selli. g book gor Agents evvr L-cued, We want good AGENTS, Men and Women, in this vicinity. $100. to a month Ea'ily made. Special Terms given. Send for circulars to A D. WORTH INGTOS & CO Hahtford, Conn.

Our Mr. J. WILSON is a practical mechanic, well known in Geneva, who has put up nearly or quhe one-haif the flue decorauous in the placed We have employed the most skilled inectunicB to be hud, to that we are stjle to gnarjutee promptues* and aiperfect job-every time;

"We Cordially Invite a C»lt <JeneT». Mar.i-Sm J. WlL8f>N 4 CO


a recognized fact that if you wanted




Worth Sending For. i ) r . J". H . S o h e n o k , of Philadelphia, has Just published a book on " DISEASES OF THE LUNGS AND HOW THEY CAN BE CURED ,' which is offered FREE, postpaid, to all applicants. It contains valuable informntiou for ail who sup­pose themselves afflicted with, or li able to, any diseases of the throat or longs. Address DR, J . H. SCHEFCK, 4 SON, 600 Arch St. Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. Box 2S33. aprl9-4\v

£J* O f \ P E K WEEK can he mafle in any local-V ^ O VJ ity. ^omiihing emirriv new for ayents, 85 oaiLt freo. G. W. I-NGKAIIA-M. & CO., BOoion Mass.


The. State of Nichigan, havirg 50 years of im­provements still contains large tracts of nnocc i -pied lahds suitatile for farms, some of them »ub-ject to free se'tlement under homestead laws, and .11 ot them lor sale at luw pricei. A pampDiet, prepared under authority of tne State and contain­ing a map, descriptions of its climate, soil, industries, crops and resources, and an aeroui t t f its land*, will be sent fre* to any one writing for it to Ccmmlssioner of Immigratisn, Detroit, Mich.



Ghoics Real Estate Mortgages Negotiated bT

J.B.Heartwell&Co, For Sale by

S . S C U T H W O R J H Banker & Broker

COAL! r n H B a E N E V A COAL YARD (formerly run by J , Robinson), having passed intolmy hunds,jl am

reparedto furnish the best of


* » • * • » • • • • • • * • • •

Or a first rate quality Of

Eafthern Ware, ^ You could find them at


SORENXbiSi . . : . . G * N B V A , N . Y.,

•S"Aa ltpw ..!•• "rhr1- L o w Imexiur

" F» r>p^c . . . . . -c u.-ii

.if 1. A.S1TB liZOS f£A f>OJ, .

|that are be .i.tiful and cheap;

^*rfffie noreltleg thai, is bdnBa to supereedi ; •verythnjg in market.

* ^ » Crockery Store baa alwaye Heen heatf-

'"g-fflJly-reg*!JM»»gy #ta%an to have S

<• ™i.s

yard and Soft, at the lowest prices.* Order* left at 8 . N . ANTHONY'S Insurance

of ice . Smith block. Linden street, or postal card, or a t j h e y a r d , will receiTe prompt attention.


For Sale or Rent* BEFORE THE FIBST OF APBtti

The premises first east of the Catholic cetaetery Known as the Snyder or Bennett place. Ajddrees

P COOLEY, Watk ins . NJ Y .

"FOR SAL>; c» THE HOUSEandLOT ; sontu-easi f'orr>r nf M!lto:r ' -1 Poltencv St> Oeneva. It is a valu-iit- pi-ttrty Ihcowcei not Uesirins to nae it o€?era it lor sale. A rare bargatn. Address

V£&8>. HELEN WEEDE, e r «lTracv<St»eet.'Bnffa!o.», t

C C a weei.i i i yonr own town. Terinnand $6 bntttt D O free. Address H. Hallett * Co., Portland, Me.



An exchange saya a boy -mR tramp, 247 miles in one day on a rabbit hunt' and be limber in the evening; when, if yon ask him to go across the street and' borrow Jones' two-keh auger, lie trill be as stiff aS a n e a t b lock . - »Of c o a r s e h e w i n . A n d h e wil l g o s w i m m i n g a l l -day a n d s t a y in; t h e

water three hours at a time, and splash and dive and paddle and -pnir", a n i next morn­ing he will feel that an unmeasured in­sult has been offered him when he is told by his mother to wash his face carefully so as not to leave the score of the ebb and flow so plain as to be seen under the gills. And he'll wander round a dry creek bed all the afternoon piling up a pebble fort, and nearly die off when his big Bister wants him to please pick up a basket of chips for the par­lor stove; and: heJU spend the :biggest part pf the day trying to aorner a stray mule or a bald-backed horse for a ride, and feel that all ' life's charms have fled when it comes time to drive the cows home; and he'll turn a ten-acre lot up-side down for ten inches of angle worms, and wish for the Voiceless tomb when the garden demands his attention. But all the same, when you want a friend who will Stand by you and sympathize with yon and be true to you in aO kinds of weather enlist one of those small boye,—SwrUngton Eawlceye.

S.D FROM DEATH The following statement of Wm. 3. Couehim, o

Somerville, Mass,, Is so remarkable that we bes ask for it the attention of onr readers. 'In tb fail of '76 I was taken with a vioTtnt bleeding o the lungs followed by a severe cough. 1 soon tie gan to lose my appetite and flesh, I wns so weak at one time that I could not leave my bed. In the summer of 1877 1 was admitted to the city hospi­tal. v?Tiilothe.doctorssaid 1 had a hole In m j lert lung as big as a tall dollar. I expended ovei a hundred dollars ic doctoisand medicine. 1 wai as far gone at one tl ne a report went round tha< 1 was dead. 1 gav • up hope, but a Iriend tol'1 m . of or. Wm, Hairs :;alsani Tor the longs . I laugh­ed at my friend* r inltins? ray case was incurable, but got a oottle to "satisfy them, when to mj s m -priseand pratification, I commenced to feel bei; ter. My hope, oni -dead, Ues>»n to revive, and to-diy 1 l o l in bt;:e spirits than 1 have the past

l n r l t e t h i s hopln^yoa will publish it, so that thoi-e iifflifU-1 with mscjso.1 lungs will be induced io take L>r. Wm. Hall's Balsam forthe Lungs, and tv convinced t in t consumption can be cured. 1 nave taken iwo bottles and can positively s->t :hat it has ar-ue more good than all the olhe aicdn- "i-s 1 'l ive taken since my sickness. M K..U'''. h. s ipfirelj nl.-iapPtartU uud 1 shallaom b jie U> uo to worH. ••«» > *y nil druBKlsts. !&3

w Senator Uen Hitl think* he has not louK to

live 11' has had l'uus operations for rancer or ttie-'toague. and is steadily failing, cancar has been a fatal unease in his lam.ly.

—The anti-i.'hmeso bill has passed the United states Senate and is now betore the Uouse. "

Clear Head ami voice, er.sy breathing, sweet breath perfid eioed, u s t e a n d hearing, no cough, t o (Uitress. These are conditions bruujCht abuUt iu cutunli by the use of riandford's Radical Cure. IA> i-[ilete tn - t i s eut fer ?1,

Teirib'.e tchiti^ .r d fcaly humors, nlcers. sores •i- d ,-croluUif . « l.u.B cured by 'he Cnticurl and r'u: cur«>oap the grw.t sk'n care;-) tx iernaly, ..: . C>.ir»r. Rt-rii'i i.t ;')' iod P'lriher) internally. Ask ah' lit it em at your druuiru-ia.

A. MiiiRRBLi.. & CO.,

Dealer* !u


afi-Yard and Elevator on East Jackson Street.

Smith Block. Linden Street, Geneva, N. Y. Mauely


From»AiK«u,' LAMBERT & Co.



• ^ O J ^ S A L E . Two Houses and Lots

ON COURT STRRET. SiNOHAMToN.N. Y. One of tne best localities In the city. Well built, high ceihujrs, frrencn win­dows ; very desirahle and available. Will ne sold separately or together, inquire of or address T. G. RICH, Jr., Real Estate Agt. , Binghamton X. Y..»>- JA*. MALKfTF .«»!ievai N. Y.


John O'Malley H i s accepted the G eneva Agency for the sale c


Boston Carriages, the best nVake in the eountry. The company '. as a surplus stock on ha d. made up daring th* win­ter to keep their men iu employment, and tui" spring they are offiered at

VERY LOW PRICES! I have a dozou different styles on display, all

four wheeled, with canopy and umbrella tops,at prices ran^in^ frum $14 upwards T h y a't. all nicely upholstere.l, \\!:h IN- .-ame style and flnmh as those formerly sold :n Geneva fer jliu to S,0.

• C a l l a n d f r e e T h e m , Aprl2li' JOUM O'MALLEY.

Exchange street, Geneva.

DR. W E Y B U B I i , A Q SKNECA ST , Third Building West of

T r O Post Office, (Seneva. N, V. Chronic, NVrvouB and Femaie Diseases a special

ty . Dr. Weyburn's Favorite Remedy will cure We treat those diseases successfully that have fal erf to be cured by oiht-r methods of treatinen Niaht calls at fame p lace Chm/ea reafonabli

A /ZH^TVT'T'Q $SOin a P'fS'0 day! The f \ \ i i*! I l l I l l most rapid selling subscrlo

1 X W - U J - ' •*• * ^ tion booits ever published Ou fits Free1 G W. Carleton <fc Co., Pubs. i f . V ;

10m.ij4w " '

Wanted Immediately AFEW 0 OO D M i£N to canvass among Real Estate

owners for 'he sale of Prnit and Ornaments Trees, Shrubs, Vines, and a full line of Nurser •• products. The business is easily learned.

S 4 0 t o S S O a M o n t h l a n d E z p e n e e ' cain re earue.l the first season. .Address, statl' a§^ and oeonpi-Uon, R. G . C l x a s e & C*

in->ifrw <^er-»-op N T

C A T A R I ? H i l v s ' Cream Balm r«^ELY'S ^_ Effleclni'l'Y cleanses

ihe uasa passages of ' 'ntarrhal virus, cans-•n^ health v secret ion i* allajs inflamimit'on. protects the mcro bra">e fr^m add.iiot a culds. ! completely h'als the sores and re 'tores the sanse ot taste and smell. Hem -floral r( Baits are n al-ized by a few appe­

al ions. A thoroneh treatment will cur Calarrh, Hay F,ver Ac. L'u quailed fcr colds in f c heai'. Agreeable to n-e.

Apply by the little finder i'-to the nostrils. On re-ceii>'of JSCc will "ia'l a r a f k ' r e . so'd i>v Oin'va dm si?t- K.L\ t ' i 'HEAil PALM IO. .OWPRO.K.Y


CIVEN AWAY. Zimmerman Fruit Dryer

How and for Terms, Addren ZIMMERMAN FRUIT DRYER CO., Cincinnati, O.

and B n m e h l O a e t a be cured by the use of Br. H . J A M I S ' prepara­tions of C j u k a o k U I n -d l a » or B u t BniH» B e i n p . Bookof tes t l -

I n monials fronii.Doctors, Clergymen and "others, sent on receipt o t 3 cent ttamp. CKADDOCKifc Co.-.loaiBaceBfa.PhOa., Pa.

T h i i K l d l n g S a w Jt tachine ia warranted '- u w off a 2 foot log i n 2 .minute i , and

coats l e s a m o n e y t h a n any other Saw Machine, 'vr'earo l i e fir»t Ann who — — ™ " — — manufactured these

Tnfu3iina».yi, Arner-ica; and a t present o w n t h e o n l y legaJ

right of the eome. Sena for our free circular fJnited State? filanfc.C0» Washrhgton. D O


JUSSH^S1** a r e J?°15*ure> «l«)glng, y ehing-, wdrle at night; leems as if pin-worms were crawling about IhoreotumjtKeprtvateparbjareofteDafftcted. A§a PleMant, economical and poeiUre cure, SWATIIK'B S1 .1??*1? '• "npar*0' *» any artiele fn thTmarket

»ox«MI,25. Addreas, Da. SWATNS t Sox. PhiUwJ?*

—The next State Fair will De held at DClca, be­ginning September 2Sth.

—Theiesuit of the Spriug elections In the State have been generally reassuring to the Republi­cans.

A CARD. To all who aro suffering from the errors and In-scrotions of youth, nervous weasnesB, early de­

cay, loss of manhood, & c , 1 will send a recipe tha* will cure you. FKKB OF CHARGE. This greet emedv was dhjcoveied by a missionerv in South

America. Send a pelf-nddr essed envelope to the Rev. Josoph Inman, Station D . , New York City

(floctly A D a n g e r o u s C o u n t e r f e i t -

There Is a dangerous counterfeit fn circulation purporting to bo " Walnu' Leaf Hair Restorer.' The utromjest evidence of the great valne of *'Wal­nut Li-af Hair Restorer'" Is the Tact that parties knowing its efficacy try to wiitarVit. Each bottle of thejiennine hac a faxsimileof the piRuatureof "D. E. Becker"—the manufacturer—olown to the tr'.ass; uwd the "ictitorcr" Is as clear ana liarmlfss as wa&.-r while it possesses all the component pro­per tics necfrsoary to restore lite, vi^'or, growth, n 1 color to the hair Purchase onjy trom respon-

bU partiPS. Kach bottle is warranted, tc t:. X. Critiontoh, New York, and lienyon, Po' .V CID., Syr-ti*'iHe. wholasalu airenti*.

—Thtre are thirty Egyptian obelisks scattered over Europe. Rome has eleven, four of which are higher man the one in New York.

UCCKLEN'S ARNICA r-A^VE. The oest salve in thu world for cuts f hrnlse*

burns, ulcers, salt Theum, fever sores, tetter, chap ped brands, chlllblains, corns and ad kinds of akli irritation. This salve is guaranteed to give pe^ fi-ct satb<factiou ia every case or money refunded Prico 26 cents per box 8seply

-t-Iri Siam there Is a race of cats with tails only half the ordinary length and oiten contorted Into a kind of knot which cannol be straightened.

CHOICE EXTRACTS FROM DR0GGIST8. • W'B know the value of mait, hops cahsays and

iron rompobins 'Ma i. Bitters " Onr lacv onntomer" highly praise them.' 'Physicians prescribe them in this l owu. ' 'The i.irgept bottle and b-st medicine.' 'Best Blood;Purifier on our shelves, 'our best people take 'Mait Bitters." '."ure cure'for chilis au.i liver diseases '

2.=ioctly —An F.ug'lsh statis''can caieniates rhat every

man on an average >.,• -aks flf.. -two voiumes of aoo octavo pntreg per ..unuiii, and that every wo­man yeurly brings out bt'j volumes of tha same size m talk.

Walnut Leaf Hair Eestorer. I l l s entirely different from all others. It is as

clear as water, and us its name indicates, is a perleet Vegetable iiair Restorer. It will immedi­ately free the nead from all dandruff, restore gray hair to us urtural color, and produce a new growth where it has fallen off. Ii does not in any manner affect the heatth, which Sulphur, sugar of Lead, aud Nitrate of Silver preparations have done. It will change light or laded hair in a few days to a beautiful glossy brown. Ask your druggist for It. Each bottle i s warranted.

Zobrist & Paitridze.

mmamm m^z- *

B P i f m w m 0)<A>r 1'. frit-is, lOt-ei EeedsOnly U&tiiili 1-i i ' i- $12-'np. PareBolldoy lnrjr

meBW ready. Wii te or call on BEATTY. «"a tnon.N. J • J } 1



For producing flowers aiid viirorous growth, it has no ?qual. Has stood the te^t for years, and always do s ill claimed foi it. I s egpeo-inlly adapted for IK use plants and gardeniDg,(rlvlnj» i bealthv growth and abnn-ant flowers. Over 100,000 packages lold

n lf-81. Awarded the medal it the Mechanics' Fair i t

Boston. Pnt np In package* at 10

an d 26 cents each, —FOR SALEJBY—


SC I* <P«Jfladay at home. Samples worth$5 free 0 w J> /UAddres Stinson A Co. Portland, Me,



Is a Pnelfcivo Onre |

f o r a l l t h o s o Pn l i iCu l < ' o m p l n l n t s And W e n T t n « * M I m*oiixnioii t o o a r b e e t f e m a l e p o p u l n t j o n *

16 trill cure antlro'y tlio worst form of Female C*nt' plaints, all ovarian troubles, Tuilftiuination and Uloora tlon, Falling' and Dlsplnceuientu, and the conMqnont SpUnal Weaknesa, and is particularly adaptad t» the Chongo of Life.

Ifc will dlasolT* and oxpcl tumors from thatiUmi In an early stago of deT6lo]imout, The tendency to can* coirous liuraors there !• clieclced very Hiieodlly by iti nso-

Ift remoTca faJntness, flatulency, dostroyaA^. ^.^Tinj for stimulants, anil relieves-arcaltnoHS of tho atomaab. 16 icuros Bloating, Ueodaohee, Nervous Prostration, Coinornl DubUlty, &ltv]?temiea*, Depression tu&d Indi-f*ation.

Tbat feellnff of bearingr down, canfdnc pain,'telgllt end backache, l i always pormanently cured hy J6i use.

It vrlll at all times and under all circumstance not Is hairmony with the laws that govern the f omolo syDterc

For tlio euro of Kidney Complaints OL* either «•! thif Ccirapound is unourpassed.

t T » I A E. TOTKIIAM'S VECJETABLXC COM* POUNI>lfl prepared *t 233 and 235 W.storn JLvenut, Lynn, Mass. Price $U Six bottlesfor $&. Sent bjj mail In the form of pills, also in the form of lpr.enR^«, en receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkhaw freely answers all letters of inq airy. Send for pasnpfc left. Address as above. "jOention thl* JPtiper.

Wo family should ha without LYDIA E. rlNKHAlT* LlVlER PILLS. Tliey cura constipation, biliou*3en asid torpidity of the liver. 25 ^n^j per box.

4JE5- S o l d b y a l l D r u g g i s t * . "©>


Benson (|pjnt

" « « » » MT1»T tkey »r* P n f t m i j M i Al l

, 113 W A T E R OT^' H E W T O B K . . • Ai« ttoer, better, stronger, »ni longer Imam to the Burlcet thsm any other trticUi of thu kind. Are always sure and reliable, • f f ^ j g f ^ j & f t insnif t h . tegtt r m l u

-'cre«»edj-rubefacient, Btimnlatint?: counterIrriUnt eSects, ' . . . . ;

.- ' . . ,> . ,»•««»*. Because they arcagenninepTi.t^i^Trttf^p—-^

aration, and so recogmrea by the p r o f e a k t e T ^ > ibixa. •'-•• - -.-'T -

^BecMseaeyarerthe «nly pkutera thainliere

F o u r t h . .' BeaiUBe they wfli.portatArcute diieuMtrkkk

ether rm^^^nrft^v^™™*^

Because pYerMCTtphysicl«ii»in<( droggirt»haTe

ather plMiera or m»dicIne«torekterniaut, _i '. '.•'••• . i i W i - i ' - ' - i i i . : ,_i'',' . •. Bacuae the iramBf»cta«r» h«T«;Tec«lTrf the

anljr madtlt erer:^—J--«-^^—- -***>*™ *£** *^"

O a n o f t b e N e c e u l t r e s o f I k e JFrench Premm. W. '.. •JI ! ,.. J'. I'U-^g:,, , i \ , i v ' ' .4 - •"; <». •

a^erelias^ficeiitlydiefl: in JParis a-mia nsmieaqAntlOiiie T h o m a e s i n , '-who- for many ' ,

m a n a -

ea-pacity spent no small portion-of Iris time in prison. Yet he was not strictly speaMng a martyr,-and hactbo olaiiQ to compensation from his party when it came to power; this he knew, and-he never asked for compensa­tion." He was quite content with the honor­able competency he had amassed by going to jail and fighting duels; for he belonged to that small band of broad-shouldered, tbick-moastaohed, hard-gritted men whom the carious press laws of the Second Em­pire had called into being as gSrtmts reapons-obits of different journals. His name" used to be printed eveiy day at the foot of • the newspaper which he served, and he was supposed to have exeroised a supervision over every line whioh it contained. He also signed occasional articles to whioh it was desired to give special prominence as em­bodying the opinions, not of one writer only, but of the whole editorial staff.

By virtue of a law passedjn 1851 by two rather obscure deputies, MM. Tinguy and Laboulie, all articles published in political newspapers had to bear signatures; and the effect of this law, intended to make journal­ists cautious was simply to oblige men like Antoine Thomassin to commit a great deal of quite unblushing perjury. Thomassin could neither read nor write. He had been twenty years in the army, and had retired as a sergeant-major of dragoons. His uttbf deficiency in all clerkly knowledge was held to be one of his best qualifications for the literary posts which he fill od, as editors had learned by experience that it was trouble­some to have a gerant blessed with enough education to acquire an interest in the writ­ings of the paper which he represented. Such gerants were apt take their functions au serieux, and to offer advice more thought­ful than welcome. Thomassin was above this foible ; he had been taught with infin­ite pains to scrawl his name in a large, splay hand, and that was all he knew or wished to know about " the letters Oad-mus gave." Nevertheless, when prosecu­tions were instituted against his employers ; when the huissier of the Correctional Court used to come to the newspaper office with the stamped paper conveying an invitation to the responsible manager to present him­self before the public prosecutor, Thomassin would put on his best coat, which he but­toned up to the chin, and bravely set off to the Palace of Justice. He was a familiar figure there, and the prdcureurs, judges, and avocats used all to grin when they saw him. The press laws had become a faroe long before they had ceased to be applied, and he must have been a very wooden-faced judge indeed who could have preserved his gravity when Thomassin stood up in court to say : " Cest mot qu'a ecrit ceV artique." His own demeanor while undergoing judg­ment was always perfect. He stood with head erect and eyes front, as if he were waiting to be shot by sentence of court-martial. Sometimes the judges would roast him a little by asking whether he had well weighed the serious import of the theories which he had emitted on po'litics ; but Tho­massin was always equal to such emergen-oies, and used to answer by Bolemn nods. There was no getting anything out of him except plaunstatements as to his name, age, and profession. When he had cried with respectful distinctness, ' T m a journalist," he spoke no more, but took refuge in wags of the head. It was fine to see him bow and retire when he had got his sentence of threb months' imprisonment. If the people at the back of the court asked him "How much," and what for?" as he went by, he re­plied, " Three months, for writing disre­spectfully of the Senate," and strode back to his office looking calmly contented with what had happened.— London News.


A . T o m i g W o m a n a n d T o n n g M a n O d d l j ">:; . United Though Not for Wfe.

A few days ago a. promising yormg mer­chant of Bntte left fofcavisit .to, San JPran-ciseo, and by a happy coincidence met a lady on the train who was. going a few miles down the road to see he r ' mother. .Being slightly acquainted they becarhe engaged in conversation, and soon afterward fell into. a blissful slumber, the lady on one seat and the gentleman on the other. On the train was a Sheriff, who happened to have with him a pair of handcuffs, and the conductor of the tiain being well acquainted with the travelers above mentioned proposed to the officer to play ajgpactical joke on the inno­cent slumberers. Assent was given and the conductor taking the handcuffs, cautiously approached the unconscious pair and attach­ed their listless arms by the official jewelry. He then raised a racket and the sleepers awoke with a start, only to find that in their sleeping innocence they had; been joined to­gether, and that no man without a key could part them asunder.

They all joined merrily in the laugh, and though the gentleman gallantly avowed his captivity a pleasant one, thelady had almost arrived at her destination and asked for a separation. Then and there the trouble arose. The Sheriff had lost the key, And the situation which had been before regard­ed as a right merry conceited jest grew embarrassing in the extreme. The key oould not be found, and at the next station the conductor was obliged to procure a file and go through the tedious process of filing '&e wriBtlets so that the travelers could go pn their separate ways rejoicing. The conduc­tor states that tlift next time he plays a prac­tical joke he will ri^orouyly avoid the gentle handcuff.— Muniana In,Lcr-M'/u.n.Uiin>.


H e P r e v e n t s the H o b b e r y o f H i s F a t h e r by T h r e e M a s k e d M e n .

A le t ter f r o m F o r t S m i t h g i v e s the partic­

ulars o f a s ingular robbery w h i c h occurred

in Sebast ian eounty . One n i g h t recent ly

three m a s k e d m e n surrounded the h o u s e of

Major J. K. Hale , a planter, l iv ing near

I lacket t City. T w o of t h e m entered the

house w i t h drawn revolvers , whi l e the third

remained outs ide to prevent egress from the

dwel l ing a n d guard aga ins t surprise. Major

Hale w i t h h i s wi fe and t w o smal l children,

were i n the' s i t t ing room. T h e robbers

burst into the apartment , d e m a n d i n g m o n ­

ey. T h e planter surrendered his pocketbook

containing some notes and a small sum in silver, but the thieves threw it on the floor and told him they wanted that $1,100 which he had recently been paid, and indicated & trunk in the1 corner ofc the room in which tSie money was supposed to be kept.

While Hale was getting a key for the trunk, his little six-year-old boy peeped un­der the mask which covered the face of one of the robbers and said: "Mr. Williford, why do you want to steal my father's mon­ey ?" The question discomposed tha thieves, and just then their companion out­side, becoming alarmed, blew a whistle, and the entire party 'fled without securing the expected booty. The boy had prevented the consummation of the robbery. Subsequently the three were arrested. They proved to be Williford, a neighbor of Hale's, a man natued W-hitledge, and Hale's son-in-law, a jroong man named Niex. All were highly connected, and the affair causes a sensation. They will be tried at the next term of the Circuit Court.—Little Sock Dispatch to tht Chicago Tribune.

A C O R P S E I N A T R E E .

T e r r i b l e Denti l o f a N e g r o H u n t e r iu S o u t h Caro l ina .

T h e Chester , Sofuth Carolina, Bulletin and

Yorkville Enquire)' give the following facts about the terrible death of a negro hunter in York County: Six or eight weeks ago Jim Anderson, a colored man 19 years of age, living in the Bullock's Creek ^section, York County, took his gun and dog and went hunting. That evening the dog returned, but Anderson did not. Nothing serious was thought to be the matter, however, until a few days ago when vultures were seen in great numbers in the neighboring woods. Some one being curious to ascertain why they were there, went to investigate, when a most revolting spectacle met their gaze. The missiAg hunter was found dead hang­ing on a tree with one of his arms in a hole, where it is1 supposed he put it to catch a rabbit. His coat and gun were lying at the foot Of the tree. The theory of his death is that he had chased game of some kind to Hrisf feee; which was hollow, and in his pur­suit of it he had climbed the tree, intending to jmpport-hhnself by a projecting limb with his right hand iwhile.reaching into the hol­low wjth his left. But it is evident, that while thus swinging by hie right hand to "^S^ShSS^;^ ¥& inserted, in the tree, the %tb broke, and his left was so fastened hi the Aperture that extrication was impossi-"ble^ and to a&ol to his' torture it was found that 'h is lef t sfibtilder was dislocated. In thiis cbhffitjprlhe itsd &6m Blow starvatidii almost in sigStofSbitetionB, but unfortui nateljr'ht-a larSpi^y sSfioni ^frequented", while if he ma^e'-cnespfoStr^ they old notattract attention:! The ar6i which was in the hole was broken., n e k ^ ^ e shoulder, and the body, was h>mgu1g^i^the feet almost touching ft&fi^unitj #?b.«!:eorpIe was in .a most naW seating state pf decomposition, the jvrdturea haying gnawed out the' eyes and devoured a large portion of fher oppar jioftibn, of the

mpm™™* UBl«jB«aa

V A SETEEi-ScuaWAi. O P * B 4 « H O N . I x i s E N D U R E D



(From the Correspondence of the Kingston, N . X Freeman.)

The case off Mrs. Ecward Mj ers( of Rondout, Mew T o r t , furnishes an apt illustration of

voman's power of endurance Thus lady had been

reated for months iu the usual way for Erysipelas

if the hand without benefit, Not until her hand

nad become a mass of puirlfied flesh did she torn

to Dr. Kenm d v, -nrcprietor of the " Favorite Heme

dy," for help. He at once iuf jrmed her that it wa

impossible to save the hand--it must be amputated.

She recegved this terrible rctellisrcnce quietly, de-

clJnec to take ether, stipulating merely to hold her

husband's hand daring the opepation, and under­

went the painful process without movin? a mnsole

or utterring a groai). Efc Kennedy then gave

*• Favorite Kemedy " freely to cleanse the blond

and prevent the re1 urn of the dlseaBe, and Mrs.

Myers now lives and rejoices m her great deliver­

ance. *' Favorite Eeniedy " is fast becoming a trusted

houeehold f rieud in all oast 8 of Female Weakness and diseases of ibe blood, cne dollar u bottle Your druggist has it. lmaylm

SAVE THE NATION For it 'n HT'IV ten true Hint thotiai.dd of CHH,

!)KFN a r e b T i U n ED TO HEATH ever j year by mpropor cr insufflcent FOOD.

R e m e m b e r

m mmzmm.

©w^ I will now state that I made a miraculous cure

of one of the worst cases of skin disease known. The patient is a man of forty yeara old ;" had suf­fered fifteen yearB. Hisfeves. scalp and nearly his whole body presentad a frightful appearauce. Had bad the attention, of twtlve different physicians, who prescribep the best remedies known to the profession, such as iodide potassium, arsenic, cor. rosive sublimate, sarsaparifta, etc. Had paid S5U0 Tor medical treatment with bat little relief- Jt pre­vailed upon him to use the Cuiicura .Resolvent in­ternally, and the Cuticnra and Cuticnra Soap exf ternally. He old so, and was completely cured. The skin on his head, face, and many other parts of his body, which presented a most loathsome ap­pearance, is now as soft and smooth as an infant's, with no scar or trace-of the disease left behind. He has now been cured twe!vt months.

Reported by F. If. 15 own, E q , Barnwell, S C.

a SGhOr lLA. iSOHE. Rev. Dr. . in i'c Uiilin; his txperienre with

the i ut cura E'ra eie, s^i l that through Diviue Prcv.d'i i e one ot li s< jwii-honers «as cared of a rcii.fn "-sore , w : n n wi.s s l o w l y drainii g away hip 'ise, oy tin C iti. urn Ke»olveat internally, and Cuii ui md Ci t cura Srap externally. The poison tht t rm i ti-d the dis ne-- was completely driven out.

- a HIGHLY NU ITUTIOU-., and because a cook-•d food, easily assimilated, grateful to the m i st )• licati* ard irritalilu ttomacb, and especially dupted for thr INFANT and OR'-WING CHILD, NVALIDS, NURMN'i U OTHERS, and those -i.ifferiBK from Indlj.'Pt'tisn will Ann on trial that it ip all they can desire. It is carefully put up iu four sizes. Sold by rlnlj<g*pts at 35 cents and up-warps, with WOOLHICH & CO , on every label.




* The g r e a t Cura t ive Agents.

ECZEMA. Si stern months Fine _• an eiuplieu broke out on

mir leg and boih, vhi . h turned out to be Ezem.i, am «C'.u d me great pi ih snd aniKyance. 1 tried vaiious . emedies wltu no goO'l results, uiitil I usi-d flu Co1 lira lies el veil ii t. r.mllv, und Cmicura and Cn icura ijoip exuermtily, wai u entirely cured me o in a m j skii. ia no ainooili and natural as evt r.

LKN.M. FKAILEY.C4 South St., Baitimoic,

OUTIOUEA. The Cuticnra treatment, for the cure of Skin,

Scalp and Blood Diseases, consists in the interna! UBe of Cuticnra Resolvent, the new Blood Purifier, and the external use ffl Cutit ura and Cuticura Soap r ihe Great Skin Cures. Price of Cuticura, small ' boxes, 60c; large boxes, S1.00. Cuticura Kesol-vent, $1 per bottie. Cuticura Soap, a5c,; Cuticura ihaving soap, 15c.

Depot, WEEKS & POTTfiB, Boston, Mass

A GALVANIC BATTERY Is Imbedded in this Medicated Plaster, which, when applied ta the body produces a constant but milt.' current of Electricity, which is most exhilaratiiif.-affording immediate relief to the most excruciatiliK pains or whatsoever nature. They are aclaiou; edged by Physicians to be the most scientific metli od of application of thoso Fubtlo and mysterious elements of nature for the positive and speedy curt of the foUowing: complaints, viz.: R h e u m a t i s m ; N e u r a l g i a ; S i c k H e a d .

_ a c h e ; " W e a k a n d I n f i a - n i e d E y e s ; A l l d i r e c t i o n s o f t h e B r a i j i ; S p i n a l C o m ­p l a i n t s ; K i d n e y a n d X i i v e r C o m p l a i n t s ; S c i a t i c a , P a r a l y s i s a n d L u m b a g o ; D y s -p e p « i a ; A s t h m a , a n d L a n g D i s e a s e s ; D i s ­e a s e s o f t h e H e a r t ; N e r v o u s P r o s t r a ­t i o n s ; & c .

P R I C E O N L Y $ i . O O .

T H E B E L L M A N N CO. , P r o p ' r . , 842 Broadway, Cor. 13th St., ITew Tort


FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. itwntioa ttiin papor. Sent by MaiL.

j A Wat- IK P. Mem wJ»-IersS3 i0. WMlenif r/I IluntinffCm ' • f l $ 5 . I mt Latum gold$6. fcioli<lffOl4$l2. Ciieapt-st snd be?

« » M for your owu ufce or speculative put-poaes. Valuable ca Wmm sloguolVee. TH0aiPSOH*3CO.« ISliKassauSU Kowl'ari

JLTENT5 e continue to act as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats, :ade Marks, Copyrights, etc., for the United States,

lanada, Cuba, England, France, Germany, etc. We .jave had t h i r t y - f i v e y e a r s ' e x p e r i e n c e , J Patents obtained through us are noticed In the SCI­ENTIFIC AMERICAN. This large and splendid fllus-k.ratedweeklypaper,$3.20ayear,showsthe Progress of Science, is very interesting, and has an enormous circulation. Address MUNN & CO., Patent Solici­tors, Pub's, of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, 37 Park Sow, NewYort. Hand book about Patents free±

Sanford's Radical Cure. Head Colds Watery Discharges from the NOB

iiid ityes, Kinging Isoifies in the Head ,Nervou Headache and Cnill and Fever instantly _ Believed

Chokon', putrid mucus is dislodged, membrase cleansed, dibiutecied, and healed breath sweetned, oineil, taste an '^hearing restored and constitution­al ravages checked.

Cough, Bronchitis, Droppings into the Throat, Pains in the Chest, Dyspepsia, Wasting ol strength and F esb. Loss cf Sleep, &c„ cured.

One bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal Sol ­vent and oce Dr. Sandford s Inhaler, in one pack­age, of all drugeists, for *1 , Ask for Sandurd'a Kadica 1 Cure. W EE a S & POTTER. Boston.


LIGHTNING Is not quicker than COL­LINS' VOLTAIC PLAS­TERS m lelievine pain and Weakness of the it idneys. Liver anil Lui.ge, Rheuma­tism, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Female Weakness, Malaria-and Fever and Ague, Price 26 cte. Sold (verywhere

A Treatise ua tUolr EK S l l " U S jjspeedy cure SENT FREE. Da. J.C.

. H O F F M A N , ? O.iiox 138,Chicauo.Ill.

If you ore a man of £>usine.is,weak-

ened by the strain of your duties avoid stimulants and u s * Hop Bitters.

If you are yoanff and discretion or dlssipa rled or single, old or poor health or languish ness, rely on h o p

Whoever" y o u are. whenever y o u feel tnat y o n r system needs cleansing;, ton­ing or stimulating, without intoxicating, t a k e H o p B i t t e r s .

Have you dy»-pepsia, kidney OT urinary com­plaint, disease ot the atcmiaeh, bowelB, bloocL liver or nerves) You w i l l be cured it you use Hop Bitters


fily w e a k and owspiritc'd.try

I it.t I t m a y , s a v o y o u r I l i f e . <t h a s saved |y«n-dreds.

i f you ore a man of let­ters toilhiK over mid night woiii, to res­tore brain neiveand

waste, use H o p B . sufferine from any in- ' tion ; if you are mar-young, smTeriutr from ing on a oea of slck-ait ters .

^Thousands die an-nuauy f r o m some f oren of K i d n e y , disease that might [ have been prevented by R t i m e l y use of





O. I. C. is an absolute and in-esista-ble c u r e for drunkenness, use or opium, t o b a c c o , o r narcotics.

Soldbydrufr-frists. Send for Circular.

n o p B r m n s a'Pe ce. ,

Boebest er, S. ¥• iToronto, Out.

i3ENSmSJSSSS2£BEn children!. Thomandiyetentitlci. P«nsloMgiT.s for loss' ffiugor,tQQ.ey. orruptnr«,vanooieT«uif or nny JMsenae- TPnonsands of peaMocera an. Midi' rs entitled to EiCIlEASE and BOUNTY. PATENTS procured for Invmtori. SoWier* land warrants prooured. boaghtandfblOi Soldiers »nd heirs apply for yonr rights at onc«.8end]| . Stamps for '-The Citiiea-Ssldier." and Feaitba and Bounty laws, blanks aad>instxseti.&J, * 'W* tan refer to thousands of PeBiloners.'»nd Olhstfa' Addres. N . W . Fitzgerald40p»PEJSI0S-5>

Agent* wanted for the Life anu "SSorb ot

GARFIELD The only complete story of his noble life and tragic

death. Fresh, brilliant, reliable. Elegantly printed ia E n g l i s h a n d G e r m a n ; beautifully illustrated; handsomely bound. Fastest selling book «v«r pull* lished. By J o h n C B l d p n t h , 1 . I . .B . p t » I l ' l ' i n i f f Do not Buy the catchpenny, rs-U & U l X v u i vamped campaign books with whioh the country is flooded. They are utterly worthless ; an outrage upon the memory of tha great dead, and a base fraud* on the public. Thia book i. e n t i r e l y n e w . The only work worthy the theme. S e n d 5 0 c . i n S t a m p * f o r A e e n t ' a Ontf l t . JONES BROTHERS & Co., Publishers, Philadelphi*





The EDDYSTONE PRINT WORKS is one of the largest and most complete estab­lishments in the country.


has enabled them to attain such, perfection that they can with confidence ask y o u to test the quality o f the ir work . T h e y careful ly avoid all poisonous drugs, make only fast col-ors,which are thoroughly washed in hot water end soap, thereby removing anything which would stain underclothing.

Those who buy and wear their prints will, they feel confident, find them superior in dur­ability, artistic style and finish. Be sure and ask for their goods, and see that their marks and tickets are on them.

flUCNJ O W U H 1 £ U the best F a m i l y H E U -t i n x m a c h i n e ever invented. Blockings, with H E E L ana T O E coxivrjlete, ia

Will knit a pair of

SO minutes. It will also knit a great variety of Iar.cy-work for which there is always a ready market Bend for circular and tennsto the T w o m M y K n i t d o s a i a c h i n e C o . , 409 Washington St., Boston, Mass.

NEW RICH P<vrsons* Purgative Pills m a k e N e w E i e h

Blood, and wjlll completely chapjre the blood it) the entire svstem In three months. Anyrtersot. Who w i l l take 1 p i l l eachnightrfrom Z to 12 week* may be restored to sound health, if such a thing be possible. Sent bv mall for 8 letter stamps.

I. S. jroBTNSOjN * CO^ Jioston, Mass., formerly JXangor, Me,

A HEBERSIAS JMrii,.—" And the Frenchr man eiialltfngeclye, Pat?" " H e did."' "Anfl y e h a d t h e cho ice o f w e a p o n s , darliri?; p h f e t

did ye choose?1' ^'Sure an' J chose slnUe-labs at two paees." V An?'pnfat^didije say to that?" *' H^ said* By gar! what weap-pa is he; 1 1 neyare teat of Mm. I rill hard zerapeer.* A n d I siys^ said.I, -•'.Very weji, Mossotfj^ririgon yer^^rapeer,;m\rnsQHeJfet6 m sbiii«ia±aT ** ^'Aii, ye liqked MnUn

"'ftii&kiifcldici; ran' iu« :mawmer*sirjias-terinvnp his durty head in the Bnede l a Uarphy dowa yonder by the Boy de Ml-

, I t s Belief and,Cure a s cer tan as day* foUbws day by B r . J . A . Sherman's-methou, with safety from the.darigers of strangulat on Si'd without the Injury trosseB inflict Those wishiiig nroof shcnld *«no 10;eente* for h i s hook, cp-ttarmng likenesses,of had rases beioie and after'cure, alEoendorsemepts of professional gentlemen. Miuisters, Merchanti, Farmers and others who have been cured. Trusses and fittpfmre*oocier or later affect the nervous" arid mental system, Bring on organic diseases, impotency, deiitroy energy and social cjsshes, makihe the yonng old and the ola useless < fftceg, s s i Broadway, K, Tl . '303Wainnt6t; . JPIfiladelphifl. ' D a y s tor consultation,, each w e e k - N e w York, Mondays. Tues­days and Saturdays; ;Phi)8.,;."Weuneadays, Thursdays and Fridays, every other week. 19apr4w

AINere ivFaf f lns Cftu?&^ e t c •;'.'. j 8 E r ^ J b f t ^ s y < a ^ ^ ' ^ i ^ B a s k r JXAvisf P A I K KTT.TIKB stands imiiraled. Is B t f ^ : I t t&s^^iirMfcBiawl* Itljaeyet Mist EdltOTOf. t l»St .JOlUl i

Infle8lnvounaa,a< I t i s Q»mo»f </•«&«

. Nolarfillyshoulflfje __tsxc aHngleTtiowS!-':' g r o m t t t i e CvnrdTi'nittl

' W e n a y e s e e n i t a _.__.„ ttto be agood article;

.B,)|Tein,8ayB: -T,Tjatn«, soree, etc, —'t'welrnowot ^jaJXJttteofit

effects, and inew

Txa^».T^^\S.g.^kimil «fc Cwfeld, Brurnl^ r r iu i lk ; - - ^ T " •< : - :Arter-]ongyear»olnaefIamsaUsnedit

tepoefUvely efflelent as a healing remedy

•w.vr. Itisapanacea fxh- anWufs^ and'tno-BK. FromB.W.Aaama.Baco.Ke.:

It gare me Immediate wllet B-Lewlsgayx:


vr.w.Lxm)mthoivnu,x.Y.,u.y*'. : inae your PAW Kauai ^ frequently. I t

. r^*mr^arifl8orerie8B^nd»*ritwoun4i . — ^ . »wlJcaM8aMl>an»tt!uusBoeq^

/j?««wI>Avr#PAnf KrxjjtKJsnotaMwnnMedreineiily. TVJT fertTTetrstt has Deeam •onatot use; and ttt»ewl«> have used it thfitonaertar* its best f^^ S»- j ^ j a t t a M J ^ t T - g Q g i q i ' H f f l f l may ogaa Be aawd tar prompt item ' T&xgrime TOflBk»i£5ttttc<»tnei.I*inp^cfKt&rMAerwintraSUMOTIU



Whopping " [ Disease*, when taken M Mafpa.„

People die of coB»ump^tonj|imp- j jljr because of neglect, yhien the! timely use at thi» remedy -WOPW. | fhare cured them tt once.

fifty-0t*e viarM <at eon-j atant use prove* the Act that no j cough remedy baa atood the test J

|like J»6*i*M-*;~i3Bt)4x**.; Tor Sole Xrery wh«r«. -

.—'^ : . . ^ Y - * s« • ^-r~.• T

_ - jlaimaaagiiiigis^i^^tTpeiE -nang.'latel-ot the^bwnof Geneva,Ontario(Joiriiy {Ss?I?f«S*«*'50"*- deceased, tb^feserft-thsaSSino, ^mztt yoncnerstufireof. to the undersigned A d m i n - . itetrator, a t his office o n t i n d e n Stee^BtTmsaia

rtOW5?f,iSSneS'.%Pr Won the 26thyttayot .Dcfoher 1882. Bated April 26ht. 1882. '"

. SAM.DSL N . A S T H O N T , g6apr6m - . ~ Administrator^


Dr, Baxter's Mandrake I

I Will cure Jaundice* Dyspepsia, M I Liver Complwnta,. IndigestionT m I and all diseases arising from Bil- g j iousness. Fritc 25 cts. per bottie. | | I ror3alc.Everywb«r*. ^

j iiJiriBiiByvwilWll ilsaaattigdrmeKM^-irVgSg; & l l E N K t & JOHKSOM'S


ILINIME-NT] ^ | For Jflait and. Beast, P T h e most perfect linjmsnt ever| i& compounded. Price 25c and 50c. j


QnTTTIXT l>on't locate before seeing onr James o U U X X J - K i v e r Heitlemenl. 111ns. catalosn'' free. J.F.Mancha,Claremont,Surroy Co.,Va 17mv4

HIRES IMPROVED KOUT BEER 25c. yisckage makes 5 e-allons o n delicious, wholesome, spark

line temperance beverage. Ask ymr druggist or pent hy mail for 25r. 0. 1 HIRES, 4 8 - . Del. Ave.. Philada 17miy4w3

M K N W A N T E D To sell Fruifand Orna mental Trees, Grape". Shrubs, Roses, etc _ Noex-perience req'iired Salary and expenses paid. J. P. LECJ.AHE, Rochester, N. Y 17roy4w


FTJRSITANTtoan Order of the Snrrosateof the County of Ontario, notice is hereby given to

allpersohs ihaving claims agalnstgamuel P. Will son,Iate or the town of Geneva, Ontario County state of New Yorfc, deceased, to present, the same , with the vouchers thereof, to the undersignea ^administrators; 'at - the drag store o f Geoige H. .fibers, on Seneca street, in CeQeva, N."T„ on or hjefore the 1st day of June, 1882. * Bated November 2Sd," 1881.


•Spoyym Administrators, A c .

BTJPRBME COtlKT^ COTJHTT OP ONTARIO, Sally Ann Ringer, Plaintiff, against Wallace

B. Webster, et al. Defendants.. In pursuance of a judgment and decree of this

court rendered, in thin action, at the Ontario Coun­ty Circuit and Special Term held at Oanan-daigua. on the 15th day of May, 1882, Hon. Charles 0 . Dwight'presiding. T, the undersigned, the ref­eree in said judgment named, will sell at Dublic anction, at the depot of the N . V. C. R K., at Oato Corners, N . Y.; on the 30th day of June, 1883, at nine o'cloelt in the forenoon of that day, the following described premises. All that tract or parcel of land situate In the town of Phelps, County of Ontario and State of Sew York, and being part of lot number eighty, in Township number ten in the first range of towns in the County 01 Ontario aforesaid and particularly d e ­scribed a s followB,beginning at the t-omhwest cor­ner of the said 'ot number eighty and running thence south eighty-seven and a half di grees east on tbe line of lofs twenty-four chains and twenty-five links, to a stake at the southwest corner of lands sold to David Boyd. Thence n o n h one degree east on the division line of lots twenty-eiehi chains and eighteen links to the south bounds of the road or highway. Thence north eichtv-five de­grees west along $be line of sain road three chains aDd fifty links, to an angle in said road. Thence north fifty deirrees west along the tenth line or said road, six chains and forty-one links to a -lake. Thence south one degree west parallel with the east line of ttiiti tract nereby intended to be con­veyed ten chains and seven ht'ki- to a stake an I stones. Thence north eighty seren and a half de­grees, west sixteen chains and sixty-tt.ree links to 11 stake on west bounds ot paid lot. Thence souttt one r'egree west tmntv - tnu chains and twelve ln.ks, 10 the place of r.i'ginuims, containing ilfty-nine acres, Ihree roods, tixteen perches and three-quurters of a perch of lana and are the same oremises owned and occnoud by fumes Webster

m his lifetime and at his decease, and conveyed to •a i l aceB . Webster Seot. 1, 1670, by Olfauncey

L. Webster and Oscar P. licartvji 11, 1 xccntors of thy last will and te^tattent of James Webster, de­ceased. ' JOHN E. BEAN,

C. N. 1IEMII/P, iielcree. Pl'ife Att'y, Geneva, N . Y . ITnuyew •

m>> •;m


> . * i •

\ S e n e c a a n d

I' . - TiKI* r" One year's subscription,

EVERYO •> fc-tudying • M T J S I O

" ^ V i l l c t * t •va lua .TDle i n i o r m a t i o n y i - i K H G by sending for c i r c u l a r s E, TOTJRJRE Boston, Mass. lTmy^w


The manufacturers have

Was the Highest Medals and Praises everywEers No Remedy more widely or Favorably Knowr.

It is rapid in relieving, quick in curing. P01 lame Back, Rheumaiiern Kidney Affections and Achi-s and Pa''ns generally, it is the unrivalled remedy.


Parker J p Ginger orroisrio. GINGKK, BUCHU, MANTRAKE, and many of

the beBt meaicines knowu are here combined into a medicine of such varied powers as to make the greatest Blood Purifier and the

Best Health and Strength Restor­er Used-

Cure" Complaints of Women and diseases of the Stomach, Bowels Lungs, Liyer Kidneys, and is entirely different, from Bitters, Ginger Essen'es and other Tonics, as it never intoxicates. SOc. and £1 sizes. Large Saving buying SI size. Hmcox <to Co , ^ew York. 17m,>4w





The months of JIarch, April and May are the three successive arches of a bridge which con. nect the season of ice anu sleet with that of leaves nd roses. Ko less in respect of healtb than of outward natural phenomena is this true. Spring d s a t - j i u g seasan for invalids, and particularly foi those wno either suffer, or are liable" to suffer, from Bfiiiousness, Kidney eomplaiEts ana Consti-pation^of the IJowels, and for women who are caronicully subiect to any ofMhe long catalogue ol physical ailmeuts to wmv,u their delicate sex 11 heir Indications of disease iu Spring should be heeded at once. A fatal attack may easily result lrom neglect or a disordered condition of the bow­els. 'Ihe ounce of prevention may be had where tons of cure—or attempted care—may be unavail­i n g . Are vou vexed or troubled in Spring with iuaigest-OD, lorp.d or disordered Liver, want of appetite, costipat.on, or a liverish Plate of the skin ? 11 so, <ah.o < ithout an hour's unnecessary •oiay Dr. K e n n e d / s FAVORITE itEMEuY. Mo med icine i» to uarra.esf and y ct co quick and posi­tive in its action, i i is Mature s own idea, con­densed and mud 1 tangible by Human slull. Do noc leave hi me u ben goin on a journey wlthont a bottle ot ii iu your vaiiSe. .You can n .1 possibly put one doilni" iu any othei shape where it can render j o so esjential service, rue F A V O R ! l E REMEDY 1= almost. lNSTAM'aM riOUS in its ac­tion, out d . ,^ not leir you 10 oi.ces.with its vio ' lenr.e noi nauseate you with dis^ult. .It tree; the Liver lrom Bile and sets the i.;.:h.nery ol jour body into normal ahd heaituv opi i.-tiiou. Kemem-b i r : l ir I). Kennedy's P A V O i t i l i i liKMtJL/Y. Ask your druggist lor it anu lute n ithing e lse . Pr.ce One Dollar a bottle- aprl94w

ADVEPTISII One Inch^r les3, Inlengt

Otle Week . » . j Two Weeks . « . . . ; Three Week* . . . . .<» . . FourWeSkhv... .f;'.•»*.*. T w o Months J . .... 'inree Mxrathj . » . - - . •

• ••*. S£x.moaaiB- - i i . 'rwelve M o n t h s . . . . . . . . . .


CmmO,ROCKISLWD&PACIFIC r i Calls the attention of travelers to the central posi­tion of its line, connecting the East and the West by the shortest route* and earrying passengers* without change of cars.between Chicago and Kan­sas City, Ccuneil Bluffs, Leavenworth, Atchison, Minneapolis and St. Paul. It connects in Union Depots with all the principal lines Qf road between the Atlantio and the Pacific Oceans. Its equip­ment is unrivaled and magnificent, being composed of Most Comfortable and Beautiful Day Coaches, Magnificent BCorton Heclining Cnair Cars, Pull­man's PrettieBt Palace Sleeping Cars, and the Best Line of Dining Cars in the World, Three Trains between Chicago and Missouri Hiver Points. Two Trains between Chicago and Minneapolis- and St. Paul, via tne Famous

^ 'ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and Direct Line, via Seneca and Kanka­

kee, has recently been opened between Richmond, Norfolk, Newport News, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Au­gusta, Nashville, Louisville, Lexington, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Lafayette, and Omaha, Minneap­olis and St. Paul and intermediate points.

All Through Passengers Travel on Fast Express Trains.

Tickets for sale at allprincipal Ticket Offices in the*United States and Canada.

Baggage checked through and rates of fare al­ways as low as competitors that offer less advan­tages.

For detailed information, get~the Maps and Fold­ers of the

GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest Ticket Office, or address R. R. C A B L E , E . S T . J O H N , _ Tlce-Pres. A Genl M'g'r, Oea'l Tkt. * Tut. ±th


Thirty-Sii Varieties of Cabbage r aS of Com: a8 of Coemn. icr; 41 of Melon; 33of Peas; aSof Beans; X7 0fSquasn; si if Beet and 40 of Tomato, with other varieties in proportion, a arge portion of which were grown on my five seed farms, win K found In my Vezetable and Flower Seed Ca,tal«gae brlSH*. Sent FRKB to all who apply. Customers of last Jeason need not write For iL All Seed sold from my bstaolish. nent warranted to be both £resb and true to name, so tar that ihould it prove otherwise, I will refill the order gratis, i The >rfgtnal introdneer of Emily Ohio and Burbaok I>«ta> toea, Harblehead Early Corn, the Hubbard Saafaah, Uarblehead Cobbage, Phinnej** Melon, and a score of tther new Vegetables, 1 Invite ithe patronage of the public. Hew Vegetables a Specialty.

James t . H . Grceoryt Marblahwd, Htm.

_ This elegant dressing is referred by those whohave used it, to any

[similar article, on ac-jcount of its superior [cleanliness and purity. at contains materials only that are beneficial to the scalp and hair

^ a ^ g ^ ^ * and always

Restores the Youthful Color to Grey or Faded Hair Parker's Hair Balsam is finely perfumed and ts' warranted 10 prevenrfalling o f the hair and to re­move dandruff atiditching. Htscox & Co., Kr.V. '•

' SOc- ""i j l sizes, at dealers In drags and medicines. 1

. i n - l N ORDER

T\ L i r"LIT i M E

3 0 UNION S Q . N E W Y O R K

'A &HICA&0 ILL-e-• < L ^ ) 0 RANGE MAS S.

MT<K *<w--<a=OK s8»a£esMSftS§as:rt ir.^H E. M, DUBKRE,

S E N E G A S T K E E T , G E N E V A . N . T .

W8R OR ffsO



A Superlative Health.anff StrtBjtfc kettoret^ i f you are/a jneohanic or farmer, worn" obtlrftH

overwork, or a mother run down by family or hoiue. hold duties try PARKER'S Gmcts Tome. *^\ •

HyoamalawtTKxm&tS£.oi&vimttm»dae*'-hausted bymental stramoranwoiisca^/donorfaS, lntoxiratmffsQmuIarits.biittKe'Parlfi»v / fe i lZSH^*'-

stomachy.bowels, Wood or'iawes,PAR&ie*G»rail i

tVnrl the Best arid Surfeit C o ^ C B r ^ g ^ tfa? Kyouarewasffflgaway ftm8gi,aBSpa»^«

GIKGER ToNic.atonc*; jtT^iJhvieora^anSli » « * « ioNicaconce; Jtwulinvirorate andbiiiH • you np from fee feMosfthu^win h e » * r 3 i h t S 3 S ? * It has saved hundreds of hvesj. it jnavr»ave«P-—

H«ox&co.,N.y. RfeAjti^rtaMhS^SSi?

, flebghtfufrjiKfuineejKMedinijly -pobular. TaiilT i sMot l i i i igBket t . I * s 5 J t t i p o l & v i ^ | ^ MNf^uxsNBar^i i ix i for i igngj^j j f ~ ^ |

on ererr Bottle. ixyi^xahM rf lulu in 1 can suppjyyon. S S a n d W l K a S i T ^ * -" '

2 Z ^ l S j u t ^ J e t s Reeds, $90 Otoe, « O f f i ^ S J ^ o ^ ^ r ^ ^ ^ T J S r B ? ? S [ e < J

Ss3lg^HrSyrwl^«:ft««>tAduresa or call upon

Jmoaths.ipost-paid if *"- ™y postage: and

—._»thrMtl s-'ate 4sSQt|

vidxess '


Within my borne UiaWff| And prayed tor greatii That was mine nomi^if

small; I And I cried out rebellions I had'not, saying it great

Were only mine, jonrnl Were also mine, with

hands; If love, the love I craved Its arms around me; the

With me torever; peat And life would round c

Into a fullness new andE Ana so I fretted 'gainst i

And so I prayed for I al Making a burden of tli

I made regret for that w And then one came unto

And asked to enter. " Or wealth or fame?

nleaV She answered, "Nay, m " Open to me, I pray; m

And thou shalt find, al Of fame or bye within

That with my coining co "That thou hast longed

her face, Sort was her voice, ana I saw the look of one K

My heart was sore, and £

I bade her enter. How tf Seemed now the falthtt So long had lain tmprm

Shone the small paths wl

Duty grew beautiful; wl| I saw the distant wealt But all fair things seen]

The hour l clasped the hi


" One of y o n g ir l s said m y mother .

" B u t , m a m m a , " p i e g o , I 'm in the m i d s t course at co l l ege ."

" A n d I can't g o ! ' Lotuse, w h o h a d j n s y o u n g Mr. L e g g s t t , vrl

store o n the corner, a n adi se o f bliss.

" Girls, don't talk s m y mother , br isMy. P a t s e y P o n n s e t t , s i c k < n e e d i n g care a n d co: o n e m n s t h a s t e n there.

" Let F l o s s y go>" e n

" Y e s , " * c h i m e d i n F l o s s y ?"

" B u t F l o s s y i s sue m o t h e r , in a pertorbec

B u t here I d r o p p e d a n d rose , t ry ing t o l o o

" I a m near ly e ight o h , m a m m a , d o l e t m e C o u s i n Pat sey , a n d m e her he iress ."

" D e a r , dear I" can have p u t suoh > r me child's B e a d ? " , ' f

" B u t isn't s h e y e r y " S h e is-vfiry «cceiit | " W e l l , t h e n o f couij

ded. " E c c e i i t r i c ol And, o h , i t w o u l d b e ;s l & e to s e e -whaj IJrlpcj p o s e Utey l iaS&^fesitf a l l ^aeh"mSRnSe£8tti?t

A n d I ran l a u g h i n g w h i c h had fr isked out i n t h e garden . N o t that I c o u l d h e a r m y i a chi ld s h e i s 1" An with a l a u g h :

" O h , l e t h e r g o ! should take a f a n c y t< m a k i n g o f h e r fprtun

So t h e y b o u g h t m 6 m e d m y p l u s h h a t w i and s e n t m e off t o W n e w trave l ing b a g o n cloak.

I h a d never trave ls I q u i t e e n j o y e d the:jn I h a d m y n o v e l t o Ba troit and s a n d w i c h e s all t h e flitting s c e n e r w i n d o w — u n t i l gettii b u y s o m e o r a n g e s wl

i s h fancy, I m i s t o o k t

self a lone a n d be'

s trange faces .

" H j b a g ! " I c r i e

r ight h e r e o n t h e s e

A n d m y c h e q u e wtio

O h , d e a r i o h , dear l

A n d t h e n a.tall, pit

c a m e forward. I .

t w i c e before, ^asauiL

" W a s it a canvass

H . ' o n it 1 A n d w a s

l y i n g bes ide i t ?

A n d I answered , I

" Y e s . "

" I t is in t h e b a c k

w e r e s i t t ing there 1 1

d u c t y o u thi ther . "1

and it will be difficu to another."

rVnd thus, fe> m; my treasure undistn of mamma's many laughed with Bvy way to Powder City

I confided tt^. bii rich cousin, who- w< —that I never had. before^-that my oa that my cousmt was


—thaf3 had trwatj pocket-book, a n a s with fourteen little

And not until i the Powder City driver to go to Mia Cedar Eoad, d id ! i ' unne esRarily comD

"Oh, a e a r r I hope he's not ft bm

My Cousin Tate teau or *pictrire|q a tumble-down old nautpond in front,

nwillows at the bacl

She lay ver* ill|i a fire of dampilogsj and a general smiel]' prdrifeea. ^ J j

She was an uglyi with aiiboked^noee wrinkled upptjr Jip

»''0bJ" Baid,'fihei] er^s giiifronr'DoiW

at the mica " Whatcan I f&ffo

"Ton can ttke the £re," said i iW can makemejsbm morrow yo%t&n4

• : * ' S e t t ^ j | i e i [ t hadhe&rl^right I



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