Wm$P»ffiiW& mm$to&*nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85054113/1868-07-20/ed-1/seq-5.pdfBATOHELOR'S...

S f K CI A L N OT ICE 8. , DE.WISTAR'8 BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. Where this article la known it is a work of superero- gation to say one wordin its favor, so well 1« It estab- lished as an unfailing remedy for Coughi, Cold», Broa- chltl^ Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Dl»ea»ei of the Throat, Oheit and lungs, as well as that most dreaded of all diseases, Consumption, which high medica!»othorl. . : tjhttprbnouncedan incurable disease. Ibose who tare used this remedy know iu value; thow who nave not, hare but toraake a single trial to be satisfied that of all others It Is the remedy. The Rev;. JACOB iEOHLEK, well known and: much respected among the German.population of this country * 0 » W U U f e r Hanover, ^ , . ^ . ^ , 1 8 6 9 . Stairs. 8, W. Eowte Sc Son, Boston :^-Dr Sirs : Hav ing realized In my fiiiilly Important benefits from the use of your valuable preparation (Wlstar'a Balsam of W1M Cherry) It affords me pleasure to recommend'it to the public. Soine ei({ht year».a|(o, one of my daughter* leemed to be-in *decline, and little hope) of her rcCOV- ery weriseniertidneg. t then pro*urea a bottle of your excellent BaMainVand -before she had-taken, the whole of it there was a great Improvement In her health. I h»ve lnmjlndiTlduklcase.maile frequent use of your medi- cine, and have always been benefitled by it I .would, however", caution the .publtcagainst -imposition because there is agreat' deal of spurious Wistar's Balsam, of Wlld'Cherry afloat on the.couutry. . JACOB SEOHLER. No genuine unle«s sinned t. Butts on the wrapper. Prepared bv SETH W. F»WLE & SON, 18 Tremont St., Boston, arid f.r sale by Druggists generally. There will beam their room tills ev< GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE. I From James Carlin, of Amesbury, Mass.] I t H afflicted with asevere felon on one of my fingers anH"tried many remedies without relief Mrfriends In- duced me toapply you salve. Int- odays it extracted the Inflammation from my finger so as to enable me to re- sume my work I can al-ost nay that the sa\ve wrked like magic, for it effected a cure wiilidut leaving ascar. I unhesitttlngly pronounce Grace's Salve an excellent remedy a ddo not doiiot it will be appreciated through- out the land. 0T'Oo)y 25 cents a box. SETH W. FOWLE. * CO.; Boston, Proprietors. Sold by Apothecaries and Grocers generally. (Jy7dlaw4w4w) THE GREAT ENGLISH RHIHEDY. SIR JAMES OliARKE'S FRMALE PILL8. Prepared from » prescription of Sir 3: Clarke, M. D., Physician extraordinary, tothe Queen. * This invaluable medicine Is unfaittng.ln the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases towhich the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excesses and removes all obstructions,from whatever cause. 'fib ISARUIED LADIES . It Is particularly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period, with regularity, and although a powerful remedy, does not contain anything hurtful to the constitution. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pains in the Back and Liratis, Fatigue on slight exertion. Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and "Whites, it will effect a cafe when iU] other means have failed. Fall directions in the pamphlet around each package. SPECIAL NOTICE. Beware of Counterfeits. Observe the name of JOB MOSES ttn the package^^purchuse none without itall otters are base and worthless imituUons. N. B.—one Dollar, with fifteen cents for postage, en- closed tothe sole Proprietor, JOB MUSES, 2T Cortlandt Street, New York, will insure abottle or the GMiuur*, containing Fifty Pills, by return mail, securely sealed from all observation. BRYAN'S LIFE INVIGORATOR OR REJUVENATING ELIXIR, For the immediate relief andpermanent cure of that condition which unfits the sufferer Irom performing the duties of life, and which arises from a morbid condition of the Kidneys and Bladder, and results in nervous proa- trati nana organic debility. I have used this remedy in my private practice with unvarying success for many > ears. I amtherefore in- duced to offer it to 'he afflicted, feeling confident its mer- i its will be appreciated. It Is adapted to all derangements of the Urinary- Or- gans. It strengthens the system and gives LIFE, HEALTH AND STRENGTH To all who use it and follow my directions. It never fails to remove Nervous Debility, Impotency or Want of Power, and all Weakness arising from Excesses or Youthful Indiscretion, resulting in . | Loss of Memory, Nervous Trembling, Vnplearant Dreams, General Latudtude Weak Verves, Dimmest! of Vision, .j Headache, Flushing of the Skin, Which, If neglected will assuredly lead on to INSANITT OR CONSUMPTION. F'When the system is once effected It will not recover without help. It must be invigorated and strengthened to enable it to fulfill the duties of Life. .1 t^T~3qld by principal druggists everywhere. t ^ ~ S r i c e : i l per. bottie*-Six"B6ttles for $5. Sent by Expreis on receipt of the money, by Dr J. BR.VAN,96KasilSth8t., New York. -f^VPrivate circulars sent free; enclose stamp. (au28dStaw*wly] LOVE AND MATRIMONY. The affections of the opposite sex may be gained by following simple rules, and all may marry happily, if de- sired, irlthont regard to health, age or beauty. Bend address and stamp for- particulars to Madame LUCILLE '^ESIARRE, (aplSdStaw*wly) Bible House, New S ork. ' AGENT8 WANTBD. : " Ladles or Gentlemen.are offered liberal Inducements to actas agents and an opportunity to earn from $3 to $10 per day. No capital necessary. Enoloie .stamp and address TRtPP * <3O., Kighth Street, New lork. (ap23d8tawftwly) HAPPY MARRIAGES. Essays for Young Men,* on the Errors, Abuses and Diseases, which create impediments to Marriage, .with the humane yiew ol treatment and cure, sent in sealed letter envolooes free of charge Address, HOWABB ASSOCIATION, Box P. Philadelphia, Pa. (myl9diw3m) Philosophy of M a r r i a g e , - ~ A new course Lectures, as iielivered at the New fork Museum of Anatomy, embracing the subjects : Bow to live and what to live for; Youth, Maturity and Old Age : Man- hood generally reviewed ; The cause or indigestion, 1 , flat- ulence and Nervous diseases accounted for; Marriage philosophically considered, 4c. Pocket volumes containing these lectures will be for- warded to parties unable to attend, on receipt of four stamps, by addressing : Secretary, New York Museum of Anatomy and Science, 61S Broadway, New York. (fe25dly) BATOHELOR'S HAIR DYE. This splendid Hair Dye is the best in the world; the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable and in- stantaneous ; no disappointment; no ridiculous tints ;• remedies the ill effect of bad dyes ; invigorates and leaves the hair sof and beautiful black or brown. Sold by ail Druggists and Pennine 9, and properly applied at Batcbelor'a Wig Factory, 16 Bond St., JSew York. [ap8u*wGm] J AUIBS.'fAKB PARTICULAR NOTIOB. I J TBX REAL VELPAU FEMALE PILL. (Warranted French.) Theae Pills, 10 celebrated many years ago in Paris, for the relief of female Irregularities and afterward! so no- torious foe their criminal-employment in the practice ol abortion, are now offered Tor .sale for the first timein America. They have been kept in comparative obscurity, from the fact that the originator. Dr. Velpau, Is a phy- sician In Paris, of great wealth, and strict conscientioiis- principlea, and has withheld them from general use, lest they should be employed for unlawful purposes. Inover- coming female Obstructions, Falling of the Womb, Whites, Green Sickness, Suppression, Retention, or Im- moderate flow of the Monthly Discharges, Nervous and Spins, affections, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on sUght exertion, Palpitation'of the Heart, Hysterics, *c, and will effect a cure when all other means have failed.; -and aithnngh a powerful remedy,, do not contain calomel or anything hurtful to the constitution. ' To married ladies and young girls who have never been regulated, they are peculiarly suited. They will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regular! tT " CAUTION. Murled lidlei should nevemie them when there it reason to believe themaelves-prejjnanti for they; will b^Biore to.prodmce amiscarriage, ladle* can obtain a box-sealed from the eyei of the 'CttHOuSfj Oj euvivvuiij vuv w»««a *•*•«• BvshBBi kfvimgw —•»!»••• [*<•• to M. W. MACOMBBR, General Agent for United States, and Oanadas, at Albany, N. Y., or to any authorised Sold by J. 0.8prague, E. 0. lamphear.and Dlffenbach er * Davidson, Ogdensburgh, N.Y. (mhS5d4wly PHALON'S " PAPHIAN LOTION, » for Beautifying the Skin and Complexion. REMOVES AU. Eruptions, Xreekles, Pimples, Moth Blotches, fan, &c.,ancUthelSn%n soft, Jfair and JiUioming. for ladies In the Nursery it If Invaluoble. For Gentlemen after Shaving it hat-no equal. "Paphian Lotion" lathe only reliable remedy for dis- eases and blemishes of the SiUn. PHALON'S "PAPH1AN 8O|AP»» for the Toilev, Nursery andBath Will not chap the Skin. Price 25 cents per cake. Flor de Mayo. Flor tie mayo. A New Perfume jor the Handkerchief. Exqnlste, Del- icate, Lasting Fragrance. HULON k SON, New York. Sold by all Druggists. tmh21deodl>) I^lT US PBO'EECI OTJBSEiYES. Thephyilcalitrecturieofr,ft*-rtwngeit human being iiyuInerablieTerywhete.' OnibbdJesare enlowed bj natoreivith a certain-negative power wnich.prot eta them to a'certaiii.extent rr.om unwdolesomeinflnehcts*; batibif protection imperfect, and cannot be aafeiy re- lied on in unhealthy regions, or unuer circumstances of more.than or'dlnary danger. Therefore it is wisdpoi, it -lg'prudedce, itiscomrnon sense to -piovide a$%ixistsuca contingencies, by taking an antidote in advance : in.oi.h- 1/ - s er Words by fortlf>ing tue system with Ho»tetter's Bit- ters—the most complete protective agaluit all the epl- ; demic and endemic maladies that has: ever been admin- isiered in any country. As a remedy for Dyspepsia, tkere is no medicine that will compare wlt> it, Whoever suffers the pangs of In igestion, anywhere on the face of the earth whe>e Hostetter's Stomach Bitters can be pro- ' cured, does so voluntarily; for as surely as truth exists this invaluable tonic and alterative would restore* his disordered stomach to a healthy conditiun. To the nerv- oMltia also especially recommended and in cases of eouBrmed eonstlpaiion it also affords speeily and perma- nent relief . . lnallc«»esoffeTer and ague the Bitters is more po- tent than any amount of quinine, whUe the mo t dan- gerous cases of bilious fever yield to its wonderful prop- erties Those who have tried the medicine will never «M any other for the ailments which Hostetter's Biltsrs professes tocure. Tu those who have not made the ex- periment we cordially recommend an early application to th« Bliters whenever they are stricken by dine se of the digestive organi. (jyM*w2w) Motlaar Bailey*/* ftnletlitst S f r t t J tl»*y great quieting remedy for children teething, allays aU Mta.eurei wind colic, convulsions, griping, lie. Large ^e* » eenit. fciia** DrnggilUi .. Recently a beautitul bumming bird was observed to turn in its rapid flight and endeavor to extract nectar from the floral.ornament of an elegantly dreseed lady's bonnet. Before go- ing out she had used a few drops of Wood- worth's Flor Del Santo, whose exquisite perfume fair); captivated the bird. For sale every where. INQUIRE WITHIN.—The mouth is like a house to let. However pretty it may be externally it is impossible to judge of it* merits until you have Seen the' inside. 'If behind the ruby doors there are plenty of pearl white fixtures, you will ex- claim at once, "how beautiful." To impart the utmost possible brilliancy there is nothing like fragrant Sozodbnt, BOTTLED Buss.—The bacchanalian, smack- ing his lips over champagne may pronounce it delious ; but ask the lady of pure taste what ia the. moat enchanting liquid ever enshrined in glass, and she will recall theexquisite odor of Phaion's new perfume, Flor de Mayo, and tell you it is bottled ecstasy. .Sold by druggists. ^n |3P~Thcre are two special qualitiea which de- termine and fix the superiority of Mrs. S. A. Al- len's New Style, improved Hair Restorer or Dressing, in one bottle, over all other prepara- tions for the the hair. First, the prompt, quick action, great growth, life and vigor that it is sure to give tothe Hair, never failing, bya few applications to restore Gray or White Hair to its natural color, imparting to the Hair a de- lightful aroma, fresh, delicate and unchangeable in any climate. Second, its easy application, without any previous preparation of the Hair; without that sticky and disagreeable sulphur odor found and complained of in all other pre- parations. It never soils the skin or linen. La- dies will find it a standard toilet luxury to dress their Hair. It retains the Hair in auy desired position, and is cooling healing and cleansing to the sculp, removing immediately ail scurf, dand- ruff, and pimples. Price #1. Sold by all Druggists., (jelBd-tU-th-s-Jtwlm) "Spring, it is cheery, Wint r is dreary, Green leaves bang, but the brown must fly; When he is shaken, Lone and forsaken, What can an oldman do but die ?" Why, take Plantation Bitters, tqbe sure, and with them a newlcaae of lite. The old are made young again, the middle-aged rejoice, and the young become doubly brilliant by usine tbia splendid Tonic. Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Liver Complaint, Headache, Pains in the Side, Crick in tbe Back, and all symptoms of Stomachic Derangement, yield at once to the health-giving influence of Plantation Bitters. They add strength to the system and buoyancy to the mind. 8 If Kl/Ut tS <i • • «; e, ». Try the Congress Bitters. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE Are emphatically fast livers. The constant wear and ar of brain and muscle brings on many ailments, In- cluding Dyspepsia and all its attendant horrors, inch as billons headache, loss of appetite, stupor, hypochondria, and general debility of the whole system. All persons thus affected need some gentle stimulant, which compris- es medicinal properties and the virtues of the best ton- Sach an article can be .found in AIXXM's GoMOKBSS BITTIVS. they are not a cheap whiske.y, but a scientific preparation of some sixteen kinds of Roots and Barks al »f which are acknowledged by the Medical Faculty contain curative and tonic properties. One import- ant Ingredient Is the Prickly Ash Bark, celebrated throughout Europe as a preventive of Asiatic Cholera, ana of -all Summer Complaints and Diseases. All' per- lons shoul have tome reliable family medicine onhand not only as acure but as a preventive, and all who be- lieve that a pare curative stimulant is prelerable to the many poisonous compounds usually called "Bourbon Whiskey," should purchase and use Allen's Congress nitters. Address If. ALLEN, Proprietor, Fort Edward, N. Y. F B. WINNIE, Agent, Hopklnton, N. Y. g^"For sale by J. H. Barlow, Agent, for Ogdemburg, and Vicinity. (je20diwSm) ^ Children.—Multitudes of them suffer, linger, and die, because of Pin Worms. The only effect- ual remedy for these most troubleiome and dungeronsof all worms in children or adults, is found in Dr. Oould's Pin-Worm Sjrnp Purely vegetable, safe and certain.— a valuable cathartic, and ben. flclsl to health. GKO. 0. GOODWIN k CO., Boston, and all Druggists. (mhlTdftw6m) PAIN KILLER. We beg leave to call the attention of the public to this long celebrated and unrivalled FAMILY MEDICINE, The Pain Killer ia a purely vegetable compound, aud While it is a most efficient remedy forPain, it is aper- fectly safe medicine even in the most, unskillful hands. FOR SUMMER COMPLAINT, Or any other form of bowel disease In children or adults, It is an almost certain cure and has without doubt been more successful in curing the various kinds of CHOLERA Than any other known remedy, or even the most ikill- ful physician. In India, Africa and China, where this dreadful disease is* ever more or less prevalent .the Pain 'Killer Is considered by the native as well as European residents in those climates. [je2d3iaw&wlm) ASUEE KEMEDT. cy Intereatins New*.—Mo»l«er» take notice. Mother BaiUy't Quieting Syrup for child ren. Large bottles only 25 cents. Sold by BrngglBtf. Sold* by 3 O Sprague, Ogdensburgh. ERRORS OF TOOTH. , lean send you SanlUry Rules and Instructions that Will enable you to recover your Manhood without tee use of Medicine, by simply following the lats of nature and of health. Sndose.stamp and address \ < HEN BY AMStEN, (ap23a8taw*wly) %tatlon 0, New York. JOUVEN'S Inocio3?orLp HID Glove Cleaner! WILL bitantly cieam Kid f 1 "** 1 ' wltlionit lujnrtDK the M>u*t delleaie eolwr an* 1- eattrrlf free from i soy Oiot. ,, \ The Gloves can be cleaned on the hand and worn im- mediately. f»ne bottle will save ion thepries ot a doc~ en palrnof Glovei " 1 'tor sale by all Druggists and fancy Ooodt Dealers. Noate Kcnnlae without the •I*auutW(» #T :>r. 0. W*LL8 * 00.i IWfMUn M..M.T., (mblOdta) ! WhotHaWAl 0GDKN8BURG, N. T. LOCAL AND MISOBIXANEOUf. Eannady Rw-S«nt«nc«d. John Kennedy, convicted of the murder of Thomas Hand, at Dekalb, in this county, in February, 1867, has been re sentenced to be hanged at Canton, on Thursday, the 20th of August next, and it is morally certain that the 1 execution will be carried into effect onthat day, asi all the quirks of the law have been exhausted ia his behalf. Kennedy was convicted after a fair trial, but before the day of execution astay of proceedings was issued to bring the case before ft full bench of the Supreme Court. Tbe decision ofi the Oyer and Terminer was affirmed and the prisoner re-sentenced. An order sending the caise to the Court of Appeals was next secured, and at arecent term the judgment of the Oyer and Terminer was •gain affirmed. The prisoner was taken to Caldwell, at tbe late term of the Supreme Court, and sentenced for the third time. We have heard it intimated that Kennedy had several times made a partial confession,; andwe have no doubt that now, the last gleam of hope that justice, in some way, might be evaded or circumvented, haviuc fled, he will make a full statenent of the horrid crime of which he stands convicted and must expiate with his life. There has always been entertained by some a suspicion that a third party may have been engaged in this mysterious, murder.. Kennedy can, if he will, relieve the public mind upon thiB point. ••» Our 'New Custom Home. Some time since application was made from quite anumber of our prominent citizens, that our new Custom House Building might be sur- mounted by a suitable dome. In the new ap- propriation^provision was made for £that speci- fic object, but under the praiseworthy efforts to to cut down the expenditures, everywhere, to the lowest possible limit, this appropriation for the dome met with stubborn resistance—wa's once stricken out, but finally went throughand is now secure;). We opine that our worthyRe- publican Beprepresentative, Hon. C. T. Hulburd, ia entitled to our thanks for the success of this measure. We think this is the first instance where a dome has been added, and it needed strong, persistent effort and watchfulness on the part of our member to secure this. Hurrafor the dome—tbe crowning ornament of the beau- tiful structure now hastening to completion in our new city of Ogdensburg. Twtnparanc* Meeting. Alonzo E. Bradley, of New York City, Most Worthy Conductor of the Xational Division Sons of Temperance, will address the people of Ogdenaburg, on the subject of Temperance, at Lvceum Hall, on Thursday, July 2Sd, at hall- eleven o'clock. Admisgion free. A general invitation 'is ex- tended. Mr. Bradley is traveling under the patronage of the Grand Division of Eastern New York, and will give us an address-worthy of this old yet deeply interesting subject. Grant. We have received aproof sheet of J. H. Lit- tlefield's large steel plate picture of Gen. Grant, engraved by H. Geyler, and printed by J. F. Gedney, Washington, D. C. It is one of the ibest pictures of the "coming man" yet pro- duced, and will become universally popular. <e>. t y A good many Democrats are fearful that General Grant drinks too much, and consequent- ly borrow Bonie trouble for fear that the Presidency may be filled by by atipler. This is first; rate for a party which endorses John- son and nominate* frank Blair, Jr. for Vice-' President. In tbe last campaign, Frank stump- ed Connecticut. His bill at the Allyn House, for two days, was as follows : Board' $10; lemons and whiskey $65; total $75. What did he do with so much board? A Carious Compromise. The 0Aio&lafe»nan,(Democratic) commenting on the late Democratic Convention, eavs: "It was not Mr. Pendleton's financial views that defeated his nomination, for those views Were ratified and endorsed unanimously by the Convention." The Statesman is correct; the Convention did endorse Mr. Pendleton's financia' views, but it was found that there was such difference in the opiniona of the delegates, that some kind of compromise was necessary to keep from having a crash. The greenback men were permitted todraft the platform and the bond- holders to name the candidate. Inthis way the Pendletonian platform was unanimously adopted, and Horatio Seymour unanimously nominated. It is evident enough that somebody is to be cheated—either the greenback men who vote for Seymour, or tbe-pay-the-bonds-in-gold men, who vote for the greenback platform. Which is it ? ce the nominationof Seymour and Blair, Wade Hampton says "the cause for which Stone- wall Jackson fell cannot be in vain." Of course, he meant if they were elected. Wade Hampton was always a man of large hope. Down to the end of the rebellion, he thought, or else he lied, that the rebels were slowly but surely whipping tbe YankeeB to pieceBi After Sherman'a de- stroying augels inarcned over South Carolina, his opinion was slightly modified. Hia present notions will be eradicated in November. steamer Grecian struck a rock while descending the Cedar Rapids on the 16th, and was run into Sunday Bay, and beached, topre- vent her from sinking. Her- passengers and baggage were landed in safety and taken to Montreal by the Ottawa^ X T E M S . Generals Grant, Sherman and party arrived in Leavenworth, Kansas, Wednesday evening, and proceeded at once toFort Leavenworth, (There they will remain until Saturday, when they wills leave for Denver via the Kansas Pacific Railway, A Connecticut Democratic paper stated that General P. B. Blair is a graduate of Yale Col lege, and a New Haven paper explains: "Gen. Blair graduated at Yate prematurely. It took him less than a year to 'go through' college. On Wednesday the residence of W. C. Jones, Nashville, Tenn., was entered by John Hart, a burglar. He aroused the steeper in one of tbe •rooms, who attempted to kn'ockhim-down with a chair. Hart ran into tbe street closely pur- sued, and meeting a negro man who attempted to stop him, stabbed him in the heart with a long bladed knife, killing, him instantly. Hart was captured and committed to jail. Coniider-" able disposition exist* on the part of the white* and negroes to lynch him. ' MONTRUL, 20.—By bid fall from a stairway, tbe 'Other- day, Jefferson Davis wa* much iajvrea, three of his ribs being broken. He is doing well how. •"• '. >"•• .S.'.V-fi--; of the Piebident. j * H. D. WAUtATH,Becretaty|lf OoBaSSirap, July 20,18«8. ' **•• [from the Byracuie Journal-] ~ Baa* Ball. Some dlic'onaolate hue balllit has written the fo low n, parody of Longfellow'! "Excelsior" : The noon day tun w u pouring down Upon ameadow soft and brown, Loud to ilia comr»des,|SJir^_theJ*ry7'{I J. ~ '" "Base Ball!" He hopei to win himself a name, By playloc, soon, "a greater match game," lor him 'twill be the greatest fun, t o tear theworas',' '-C. C.'» have won," ••Base BaU!" Around the field he saw the light Of friendly faces, beaming bright, Just by bit head a ball bat flown, And from hl» lips escape a f "Now stop this game," the old man said. "The "secouo bate" has smashed his head, The "Pitcher," too, tut spiaintd Lis wrist, The "Umpire's brain is,in a nii»t,'' "Oh! drrp that bat," the maiden said, "And make a long "home run 1 instead," A "not bad 1 ' hit him lu the eye, But ttlll he aukwered with a sigh, !'Bew'»rjr! .,<m'U » « n be out OD.» ifcul !<> This was the "fielder's" itwrul huwl; But stll thtre echoed in his ear, In that deep voice, so thick and queer, "Base Ball!" "Used up," he sinks upon the ground, While pitying comrades gather round, And, in the awful throes of death, ^ He mnrmari wltrl kl. latest'breath', "Base Ball!" There, on the cola earth, drear and gray, To perfect jelly smashed he lay; While o'er the autumn fields afar TVas hearu the Victor's loud huzza, "Base Ball!" BY TELEUKAFH. Drowning of Charles Marceau, Jr., at Chateaugay Lake. j ') J I /.-'<! i,-- 1 ) 1 it, •j'J Ul dlspaicri to CHATKAUGAY, 20.—Charles Marceau was, yes- terday morning, drowned at about five o'clock, at Chateaugay Lake. ' We understand he is from Ogdensburg. t The accident occurred in some way in stepping from one boat to another.-he^: lpsiug hi3 balance and falling into'the- Water.- - -*' 4 His body was not recovered until about 5P. M. T. N. S. The victim of the sad accident mentioned above, is Charles Marceau, Jr., of this city.— NEW YORK, 18.—American Gold 1.43$. ! - ' ?OET COLBORNE.^IT.—The following vessels passed here to-day a * t*' Prop. Empire, Chicago to Ogdensburg.— Prop. Granite State,.-Toledo-to Ogdensburg.-- Schr. TK 8. J. BeraiB, Ogdensburg to Erie. " * NIWABK, 18^The'Kepublicans held an en- thusiastic ratification meeting here, last eve- ning. At a Democratic primary meeting, held in this city, lasfeveniug, a warm (contest arose be- tween the friends of: GenV Kunybnjapd H: Perry,,, candidates for Governor. Tbe delegates from 1 this count; tothe Slate Convention, arc mostly understood to favor JRunyon. PHILADELPHIA, 18.—The gas strikers Have succeeded in accomplishing tbeir object, 'the Trustees having complied with their demands for increased compensation. Work has been resumed, and there will be enough gas on hand, by this evening, to light the city, if proper economy is' obacrved,'and by Ho-moirow-night tbe supply will be fatly equal to the demiihd.— The ciuzensare*'r»-joicirjg at having escaped a repetition of Bach' darkness was as experienced last night. - | ^ , r , i ; ! , . ( TOBE,> 20.—On the, morning of the j6{h of July, it was discovered, ton opeqing the safe of the Importers' tiud Traders' B^uk, corrier of Bioadway and Murray streets, 'that $8,6obin bopds and cash had disappeared. j There was no evidence whatever of any bur- glary having.been committed.' All knowledge of tbe affair was confined to the bank officials and thefpolice, until it leaked out yesterday. No trace has yet been obtained" of either | the thieves or tbeir .booty; > i>_' jii; } John Spicer died last evening from taking strycanine, given by mistake by , an, apothecary, lor aBedlitz powder.' ' J. A (iany of eight young men and a boy were" engaged last evening-rowing a boat .along [the North river aud when near 42d street were upset and all thrown out. . ' The men were rescued by citizens and ;the WeehaWken ferry boat, but John Parks,!the boy, was drowned. His body was not recovered. . \ -r-r— . '.I- .-•••• . . ] ' ' NEW YOBK, 2U.—Tbe Times says the Mexican Government, through Senor Romero, has entered into twolimportant treaties, which were sent to the Senate onFriday for Tatificution. Oiie of tliera is n relation to citizenship, and is similar in geneni scope to those negotiated by Bancroft with Pruki.i aria-Bavaria, "t&e otlier is for the appointment of a Commission to settle private claims glowing, out of the .late .struggle in Mexico. --^ . -«-~-.-..«-o«~-»™.^.- .. 1 •__• Mr. Seward, iB also pushing his ciUzenehip policy in Bouth:i America and /jre/are 1 * likely to have treaties with some States'in" that country at an early day. Mr. S. is also strengthenings our relations with Mexico by arrangements' for' an extendcusystem of consular agencies in both, countries. \ ; r : H—•• •-;-.•• -*« •-•-.•>' . .'. 1 [ NEW YORE. 20.—^The Globe newspaper, pub- liaheiliin the iity of Mexico, asserta that Cofl'tS pondence has\taken place between tbe Minister of Foreign Relations and the United States, Le- gation. A difceulty-had arisen between the'two Departments on account of the expulsion; by tbe Mexican 'Government, of Mr. Napoleon, who claimed to be an American citizen. i NK^ YORK, 20,Wl'he, Nova.'Sc(»tia dfelegates who visited England to*'obtaurV release 'of their.' Province from [be Canadiau 0onfederauon| re- turned to Halifax on the 15th iust., and were warmly welcomed by the populace. A delegate ^who had none^pyer to advocate ihe Confedera- tion also returned with them and was received with hisses and a demonstration towards thro*' ing him overboard. \ i NEW YOBK, M.—The Heraia WasbihgtOhjdiai ' patclk siausk iiher- a'djbarniri'eiiti - question is lone which how occupies a large share otitbe attention of Congress, and both bodies are pushing their business as rapidly as possible in hopes of 'get- ting away daring the present wtiek. \ j Times Washington j-pecial saya: IA dispatch says th« 'failure of the Presiaent toiend in the veto of the Electoral College bill, on\ Saturday, as he led those in his confidence to believe', he would do, postpones the adjournment, which Would have .taken, place" on Wednesday, until Saturday ,the 2Gtli, oji Monday ijhe J27ii. { L Qnelpfthen«m^ir«ofthejjrebr|iad^gatioii, who has arrived here, gives it as liis opimidii tuat Georgia will not be ready for admission before i^J|««&pK»fe^L '} kX \ L Tfiei e amendment byiher|leg- jglamre is eiwcdingly rdoubU'ul on account' of the Dtmocntio mijonty in thetoirer houie. I . , , --.'i.. . ,- ;; 7*1,', Jh»,.)r.(IM1l|l. ' Ashefl-^Market nominal at 8.25^8.37.1 1 - Oo.ton—Market quiet at 81^^32 ibril.^XT.j., Rrdfe cents layAV vvntB iwsw. 1 T, ad.16,800 bbls.at [email protected]^ ihoice ex. state; „ .. lOic ® ex * ra WMt- ern; 8.16@i2~60 common to good shipping brands extra Round Hoop Ohio. Rye flour quiet-at 7 60/38.80. \i i Wm$P»ffiiW&mm$to&* I(?62*cent8"lowerr e all eru 1 . 3 % jtfjute.Jhoh.,-. .%Jf8«M ' ^ ^ '•« "<•< .-x. IN THK SPRING MONTHS the sjrstem natural)y«ni: !rgnnaehanM,and BdmboUPt Highly, Conct*mtt-i ed ttttractrfSdpaiUalM w aw western *V"iiOO«)l:O9. •:. - : • >• ••- •«•' ." • iktfb? Oatt h'ightir at^l@8S;for W s t ^ v ; '''-! Pork—MarketelbsefitieaTy. "'" "\ .Sale* l;5ilO barrels at i8.16@28 ; at new mesi. Beef quiet. •••-•.-. .•'- ' S - : '•'•'J'- BOOTS AND CHEAPER THAN EVER. wscin Have just opened and are now-offertnj for wile S' sWen- - •-. .•••••• aidBurnnier Btockof ; "•. ] THAT '.'.',;', i' i 'J ' ' '" ' -I I,,'."- '• { ' . - )..•> '. • • :••» • '•' 1 ! "»" 1 , - . - ;i From a Shoe Lace tothe Finest Work. made. «it .. -i : - -V .. •': •''«> *. ..*«*ti f'i."? _W We mtnufacture to order French »nd Aineriean Calf Boots and Shoes, Sewed or Pe»tg«d, ii Beaiobable Katen. • ..' • ;•• v i i , . ; '. "• . - .'.. ! V AND SEE FOE VOUR8PXVES. ' Next Dnor to the p ost Office, State Street, ! J j M k S ) J WANTBDi' , Apply at once t o , ^ j i p K ^ t - ^ ^ g^-i^ , ': 8TJM»n!R corner; ..of ,Clr«»* - Strieet,. corner of W«rren Street, VKW- icoaM; \i; ;• "• Broadway, corner of Grand Street •;-.' . . I •• Brfadway, eo'rrier of Warren 8tr*eti' 'NEWT0BK. , * *•' ' . i -.','':'? • i V '• l.ii • 1 O .Oft CUSTOM DKPARTMENT IS FlttlD f f the finest and ben European ami American fabrics. .-<:•.'•: 24* -v.. ,*? DEVLIN* 00. Uroadway, corner of Arand 8tr«<efcr ' 3. i' >s I •-^ Broadway, corner of Warren Street. NI\V.T0RK; O TJR ODOTOSi r'TJiraER8;ii]Bi!'MBrI Of *A8»E k ability-ana unsurpaiseain-theprofeiaion. J ' Broadway, co'rneir of 'Orand Stfeet,^.' l ' '"'*< Broadway, corner of Warren. Street. J i!•:-.•; JBXQEIJSJ O ' UUiMERlbAN YOKE 'SHIRT .JBXQEIJSJ others.in ease, elegance and durnb.lity., .,.,,- ' " ' ' ' ' •"•"j?ityus;*;(j 'BrbiaWay, corner of Grand StwsV. ';""„, ; , ? Broaairaj,,.cprner of Warrtn Street. . *""" ' . .r.s > I V J' - 1 C :*t«»». '"' * ' =|TJR TRIOES ATfETWENTr TER CENT.~BKiiOW l_/<otherhou«e« producing tdeiimeline.ofOooua.i DKTLIN ACO. Broadway, corner of Grand Street, t Broaoway, corner of Warren Street. NEW TOBK. (je27diw2m) | ^ PU«I,IC NOTICE. I N OTIfiE 18 UERFBV GIVEN THA£|W£ -HAVE '' completed tlic.a«>eMienv.o'f thirty'|>er cent on the basis of theiicheduleand assessment made by the coin-' nilssloners October. 1860, oti the neveval water pof era sltu'tt« on the Osvegittchie River, for balance of unpaid expenses incurred In erecting the dam at Cranberry. Lake, and lor current expeiiss. Copies of the assess- ment will be at the office of 8. B Viin Duzee, Gou'ver- neur, Henry Rodee, and Geo Parker. Ogdensburg, where payment must n« made within ninety da> a from tne 2d day of July, 1S6S. The snid assessment twas made by and pumnaut 10 chapter 505 of the .laws of the State of New ibrk", 1865. "' 8. B. VAN DTJZEE, i HENR? RdDEB, '• GEO. PARKEB, 1 ••• June 26,1SC3. [SS-SS-tfJ Commissionera/ SECOND AttRIVAl OF doobs Great Reduction in Pricei 1 Owing U> the depressed condition of the market I now rermy Imm'tnse stock of " ''••'' i i)on'slttlug of ' Black: tt Colored Slllcsi, Alexander, French > Mriali Black it Colnrcd Black ^Colored Alpacas. FRENCH JACONETS, Orgaudlev, And In fact everything in the line of Dre»s Goads at 25 " per cent IJelwoBrformer--"- JTJST KEOEIVED . / . . "'if 200 DOZ. HOOP SKIRTS V i f e i that wwnot be beat in Northern New York. ' ' ' ' -"t ? ' '"*• L- '•; j 1* '^f f,i '* 7 : - :•» Afc"i. a «./-. ' - niLIIITERT BOOBS-*" "*- Of all kinds at wholesale and retail. In thli particular .; - jbraacli we ^efy.,^6 n |bpe^t|on and. wUl.-tt6t.be- 1 underaoia. j tff ia no humbug.but facU which can beproved Dy 6alUhg*at - | M FRANK'8 | ur M. FRANK'8 WANTED. \ F )R NATIO^AM CAMPAIGN GdODa—SxlO STEEL Engravings of Grant and Oolfax, with or without frames. <>ne agent took 60 orders In one day.t;Also' Na- tional CampaiKn Biograpbies of both 25 cent*. Pins j Bmdjjes, Medals, and Photo* for •Democrati! aud RepubU-" : cans. Agents make 100 per cent. . I Sample, packages sent post-paid for $1. Send at and get tbe start. Address GO^DSPBED 4 CO. 0y7dawlm) ST.Park Jtpw, N i . T , or, •''' ' - ; •••'• .'•;. f.»..v > LAVIE8 BKWABE! | ; O1TH1 UiJOBIODi WTeeU . of ,,#V*l--jB(**jri' Washea. . AU Meh KaMdiM. «U»* op ,mr,Pf**t. j>, skin, and In a short tine destroj the complexion. If; would have » fresh, health; and jionthful a) ' n»e JOlmboia's extract Sartagarilla. tfartaparilla. The doteli wudl. Thoie who deilrii large quantity ana large dow,91..mealdhy.BK-lt. *^ „_,..„ purify andenrlchtheblood, which HtlmboWt »Ud BttraaSarMpariUa\MniiMiA ir 1<ti«'i /'• "••<: .tsni - rfM n,li.lH>ld's Mother Bailer** v4nfletiiicVBrrap bo: children teething,raikeMslclt'aoa 1 weak children strong and healthy ; give nmthers rest day and night. Is a quie ing medicine for children. Onlj 26 oenU. Bold by DruggUti. .» „ „ W«M*wBry :j.8plili>> T. O;BpragoeJ fy.Vi^ s MAPLE aeo. noddeia W< CITV .. ..-, .,*W.^Ji.i«r.a.5. .. FLOVB, SHORTS, BRANf * CORN '.. . ' HI I t A 1 . . .... . . .. , ... .{-5DE | y A Jhare ofT«he pubiW. M Itctted." Ofdert promptly flUef within the oity llmh«.\jyl<Mtf) U Itre*move.El»ckSpoil, Plmplei, Moth l eruptloDi 01 tbe Bkiii. " ' JLtil kind arlie from corruption of the blood. UelmhdWt Attract SartapariWi Uaremedy of the utmort value. C t i » ^ r RAB9»PARIl.LA cli&m and renovate! the bl»od, lnstlU the vigor of bealtb Jnto the system, and purges out the homortthat make tUik -*•-"•#$ -ti'ia &}*&£ t^ : " ^ ! l i j ; i. ;;; v(fS ; , i « 3 ILUID EXTRACT '.--mif-n ?.$,"!*•* T}\:ij-^s..v&\s . - : : < ' : * * : - . e . U ! < > . ', , i . . ' ! . . . . ' ' . ! . - . . - . > •;••'.< •• ^^J-"!:J•^t U-'J 1 • .V;!':K : \ ." -<":. , ' . : * . - ; > - , ' : . - ;..::•••: ..: itiv :'..:.•.• :••! U : . -: j . , t i e . - - - ; > • ' • •••--'" " » " . > BRADICATEfl ; " '•'*'-" ••'. "J -. -:»i Si.-:...-, iff I -,•-''' Vecetpi Of 26 ce'nta a i s l e d Ucket- hi gd'aMlleViiifirr 1 6ffl^ fe* envelope. cBni«n»Ton4;;ash'gift.' S i x " tm&i for $1, .,-. I > ; ' : . - . 1 . . .. >,': < ; ,.. ••<&<•>•••• ' . ; V - T •, . . ' . , : > . . . . • : . : • j •!..».'t i . ' j i: i- -•ir f ,,-ti -,-f ] t . iiuuabi IX .iVI:, '.-j- •••-::• i. '-"! ; _ i. . . i Soalp and Skin, !-• . :•-•• v :t\ i Which to disfigures the appearance, Purging the evil ef- fects of Mercury anu removing all taints, tbe remnants or diseases, hereditary or otherwise, aud is taken'b> Adults and Children with perfect safety. ; , .. .-7. '*, -- " •. .•:•-.;•• •-' "A ) ,, ..... •: .J _ . , J'a ».; •'. . Ik V ' . - t ? - .... 5 •••»>*. - U - % i . :••••:./: : £ Helmbold% Ctfiicen trateid i ...... : 5 t "I i ;m • .. f ,„.'."-. ., .'.. - j . - ,- •(.. ,. * Vl HBLMBOLD'3 CONCENTRATED SXTBAOT , ' .l.Z.^ 13 THE GRKAT BLOOD PURIl-IEtt, , •, , : 11 * ; }• - HELMBOWJ'S CONCENTEATBD 1B.VLC luja Ia acertain cure for dtaeatef of the Bladder, Rldneyl, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness Female Com-' plllnt., Orneral: Debility. : If no treatment ll fUbmitted to, ConirimpUori or J n j sanity may ensue. Our Flesh and Wood are •upDorjea, from these sources, and the Health and Happiness and that of {Posterity depends upon prompt Sue of a^ellas iyg£^&4$fai Mmh*&M .pp p. f ^ ^ j vertlseil may not be classed as Patei.t Medicines—most of which are prepared by idf-stjiedDoctpm, who.fin many instances are too Ignorant to read a pnyMuW S simplest prescripUonmuci leucompetent to prepare' many instances are too Ignorant to rea a py simplest prescripUon.j-muci leu. competent to prepare' pharmaceutieal preparations. '.'..';, . ! MY PREPARATIONS . '; , Are prepared in.v*ccm> Jrom.the-vegetarile subBlanccl named, and are the most active that can be made. De- coctions are exceedingly troublesome and it hece»: sary to prepare them ever> day, and tne tyrnpa are itlu more objeciionable, as they are weaker than the dei*c- 1Uon«,for.:,nuias'Saturated.witfi »nfar« aro)«a»ceptlble of. tdldlDg 111 Mittiibn.Kliu* less eXiraoUv* inatterJ thin water alone, and.thesyrupa are ottierwise objeCUOriabl^ for the patient is frequently nauseated and tbeitomich surfeited by the large proportion of sugar taken with each doae, which ii of no use whatever, except to keep the decoction from spoiUng. Here the. advantages, and superiority of the Fluid Extracts are strikingly manifest. The finest test of their &np c Tiqri'ty. -will be. a compari; •on with ihepropertlea aa aet forth In the United, states •<'>..,- Ht-y'.-w K Ht XABPKA.TOIIT i For (he manufacture Of fluid KxtracU has been visited by thousands of physlcUni »uu druggiiti from aU parts IS^ fe^^l^ HBISBO^DT tfe^^tile^JWed^lia ExtracU' are pleasant In taste and odor, and immediate in tueir "^o 11 ,4- !/?< ' ' S FHce »)i.*fi V** l»oittle, or Sixtora)«i«O thk ii&'i b&ii Mmmduti m ,-lii':g.i ; •. , -T. GOOD BRICKLAlfcRS kd^' . .^?Ullrig»t6^7nirk^t«ndipn^a;adaxat^ie^mtero<^i5 will flnd§t:aUy employment by calling on dr.idctressii.g ^ Ury.o|ihe/MechaiilcsandTradert. Excliati'ge, Ho. bistyStv^Nefirork.-..-;^ 1 < .i'v v-.l*j,«'ij XI*iB ••"••'; : '4 •";•/ - ^ ^ f ^ ; - ] : . , . - ^ fjtlter 55 years experience witift.the'pre|enj'teiirier and ate-varirtieSj^we know the WAliTBE,jiowjBirst_fiffered, will'r,estore confidence ingripe ijtisiSgi^K never*bts..=- Itsabuudant^ugarraisins'dt 4ii-dpprs br^oh the vine; ii. a greit grower and bearer, now contains 116 cluners of uloom ; is very compact ii cluster at the.JBa8t. wiich ia an advantage in marketing. We have net known the foliage tomildew. It succeeds in dry .and very wet toll; aseedling of the Delaware crossed' with the Diana, and better tiiitn-eitueri idpeiis before* the Hartford, therefore the earliest, hardiest and best variety. No 1 one year; t5eacli: inndvanCe; Orders.filled.in retttloc While 3uppr> lasts. No charge for packing. Seud stamp for beauufulcut ana opinions of many vlneyai d- UB. FEIiatS & CATWOOD, Po'keepsle, S ; Y, Ludlow Asthma p-many caiesapermanent cnre v; ria'5-b'een ejected by its use for one j ear. I have never known a single in- stance wh-re rtlleflias not been given by the use of tills valuable medicine. Price $150; Sold by Druggists. It H. BROWN, Agent, Potsdam, N . t . " ~vri?Axttiv.G. oxr THJBCBEES." Agents wanted for the most entertaining book pub- lished,aboundim; inEonmnce, Humor and- Wit. Agents sayitdf tBe%"st seliftg S^k'ontf a|.peop®'ifie tired of repetitions of dry details and army repurt«: . Oiie 4"ent-sold 5S in one week., Another, 65 Anpther,,92. Send for circular?, terms and newspaper opinions. Also, tf.imll.v Qaato Bibles,,best eldUon publifshud. %<3nAjJliNiPgiPabiillMlp-^fjlj^t" |Wl^|Pa Agenta wanted on Salary or ComriflFSloh, to canvass for 1.1'fTLEfrl.KIi.D'S' GRANT. i £§ "I regard Mr, Iilttlefiein'«J&ortrait of myself the'beat ever engraved.fetL,8;.-.6rant. >.;&'i * AdBreBS,; i. ^Mttieg'eja.i WaiBgigton,3). C. SHAW'S Chemical Electro Silver Plating flnid makes-wornout a.te.il Viire as goo i as new. For sa e By* druggists |^*Saniples for trial sent •ftee b.y mail oii 1 receipt of .^c8nra t to4)^ff<»^v^nfea^i;^M$iige..^ ! da«M>j; m *"W,* Chemist/ -W *lniifitreetv sBfidJpSrVeoBn.-^ Agents wanted every where A carious Book, A beautifully illustrated book worth a thousand: dol- lars, sent frte oii receipt of SO. cents by addre sibg. Br JOH> VANBtttPOOt, No. 80 .Clinton Places New York City. \v<. r-" ..- vr,!i;' -.'. ,-.•) .'. ; • 7-,:-.? ' *',». pugh- -::Ui.f \-~ •.;!--'.:.! •8achierm»^aa caniioif-faito at&act attention.' «,Wehave C l i ' & '' an Advertisement occupriEg an inch of epace^in 250 »Rlj|«nJOK^^is.'{#h^!WTBOntft ! :; li ri (t -f.;; v r. d;8fGil Aad rij

Transcript of Wm$P»ffiiW& mm$to&*nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85054113/1868-07-20/ed-1/seq-5.pdfBATOHELOR'S...

Page 1: Wm$P»ffiiW& mm$to&*nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85054113/1868-07-20/ed-1/seq-5.pdfBATOHELOR'S HAIR DYE. This splendid Hair Dye is the best in the world; the ... this invaluable

S f K CIA L N O T ICE 8.

, DE.WISTAR'8 BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY.Where this article la known it is a work of superero-

gation to say one word i n its favor, so well 1« It estab-lished as an unfailing remedy for Coughi, Cold», Broa-chltl^ Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Dl»ea»ei of theThroat, Oheit and lungs, as well as that most dreadedof all diseases, Consumption, which high medica!»othorl.

. :tjhttprbnouncedan incurable disease. Ibose whotare used this remedy know iu value; thow who navenot, hare but toraake a single trial to be satisfied thatof all others It Is the remedy.

The Rev;. JACOB iEOHLEK, well known and: muchrespected among the German.population of this country* 0 » W U U f e r Hanover, , . ^ . ^ , 1 8 6 9 .

Stairs. 8, W. Eowte Sc Son, Boston :^-Dr Sirs : Having realized In my fiiiilly Important benefits from theuse of your valuable preparation (Wlstar'a Balsam ofW1M Cherry) It affords me pleasure to recommend'it tothe public. Soine ei({ht year».a|(o, one of my daughter*leemed to be-in * decline, and little hope) of her rcCOV-ery weriseniertidneg. t then pro*urea a bottle of yourexcellent BaMainV and -before she had-taken, the whole ofit there was a great Improvement In her health. I h»velnmjlndiTlduklcase.maile frequent use of your medi-cine, and have always been benefitled by i t I .would,however", caution the .publtcagainst -imposition becausethere is a great' deal of spurious Wistar's Balsam, ofWlld'Cherry afloat on the.couutry. .

JACOB SEOHLER.No genuine unle«s sinned t. Butts on the wrapper.Prepared bv SETH W. F»WLE & SON, 18 Tremont

St., Boston, arid f.r sale by Druggists generally.

There will beamtheir room tills ev<

GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE.I From James Carlin, of Amesbury, Mass.]

I t H afflicted with a severe felon on one of my fingersanH" tried many remedies without relief Mr friends In-duced me to apply you salve. In t- o days it extractedthe Inflammation from my finger so as to enable me to re-sume my work I can al-ost nay that the sa\ve wrkedlike magic, for it effected a cure wiilidut leaving a scar.I unhesitttlngly pronounce Grace's Salve an excellentremedy a d do not doiiot it will be appreciated through-out the land.

0T'Oo)y 25 cents a box.SETH W. FOWLE. * CO.; Boston, Proprietors. Sold

by Apothecaries and Grocers generally.(Jy7dlaw4w4w)


SIR JAMES OliARKE'S FRMALE PILL8.Prepared from » prescription of Sir 3: Clarke, M. D.,

Physician extraordinary, to the Queen. *This invaluable medicine Is unfaittng.ln the cure of all

those painful and dangerous diseases to which the femaleconstitution is subject. It moderates all excesses andremoves all obstructions,from whatever cause.

'fib I S A R U I E D L A D I E S .It Is particularly suited. It will, in a short time, bringon the monthly period, with regularity, and although apowerful remedy, does not contain anything hurtful tothe constitution. In all cases of Nervous and SpinalAffections, Pains in the Back and Liratis, Fatigue onslight exertion. Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and"Whites, it will effect a cafe when iU] other means havefailed. Fall directions in the pamphlet around eachpackage.

• SPECIAL NOTICE.Beware of Counterfeits. Observe the name of JOB

MOSES ttn the package^^purchuse none without it—all otters are base and worthless imituUons.

N. B.—one Dollar, with fifteen cents for postage, en-closed to the sole Proprietor, JOB MUSES, 2T CortlandtStreet, New York, will insure a bottle or the GMiuur*,containing Fifty Pills, by return mail, securely sealedfrom all observation.

B R Y A N ' S


For the immediate relief and permanent cure of thatcondition which unfits the sufferer Irom performing theduties of life, and which arises from a morbid conditionof the Kidneys and Bladder, and results in nervous proa-trati nana organic debility.

I have used this remedy in my private practice withunvarying success for many > ears. I am therefore in-duced to offer it to 'he afflicted, feeling confident its mer- iits will be appreciated.

It Is adapted to all derangements of the Urinary- Or-gans. It strengthens the system and gives

LIFE, HEALTH AND STRENGTHTo all who use it and follow my directions. It neverfails to remove Nervous Debility, Impotency or Want ofPower, and all Weakness arising from Excesses orYouthful Indiscretion, resulting in . |Loss of Memory, Nervous Trembling,Vnplearant Dreams, General LatudtudeWeak Verves, Dimmest! of Vision, .jHeadache, Flushing of the Skin,Which, If neglected will assuredly lead on to

INSANITT OR CONSUMPTION.F'When the system is once effected It will not recoverwithout help. It must be invigorated and strengthenedto enable it to fulfill the duties of Life. .1

t^T~3qld by principal druggists everywhere.t^~Srice:i l per. bottie*-Six"B6ttles for $5. Sent by

Expreis on receipt of the money, byDr J. BR.VAN,96KasilSth8t., New York.

-f^VPrivate circulars sent free; enclose stamp.(au28dStaw*wly]

LOVE A N D MATRIMONY.The affections of the opposite sex may be gained by

following simple rules, and all may marry happily, if de-sired, irlthont regard to health, age or beauty. Bendaddress and stamp for- particulars to

Madame LUCILLE ' ESIARRE,(aplSdStaw *wly) Bible House, New S ork.

' AGENT8 WANTBD. : "Ladles or Gentlemen.are offered liberal Inducements

to actas agents and an opportunity to earn from $3 to$10 per day. No capital necessary. Enoloie .stamp andaddress TRtPP * <3O., Kighth Street, New lork.

(ap23d8tawftwly)HAPPY MARRIAGES.

Essays for Young Men,* on the Errors, Abuses andDiseases, which create impediments to Marriage, .withthe humane yiew ol treatment and cure, sent in sealedletter envolooes free of charge Address, HOWABBASSOCIATION, Box P. Philadelphia, Pa.


P h i l o s o p h y o f M a r r i a g e , - ~ A new courseLectures, as iielivered at the New fork Museum of

Anatomy, embracing the subjects : Bow to live andwhat to live for; Youth, Maturity and Old Age : Man-hood generally reviewed ; The cause or indigestion,1, flat-ulence and Nervous diseases accounted for; Marriagephilosophically considered, 4c.

Pocket volumes containing these lectures will be for-warded to parties unable to attend, on receipt of fourstamps, by addressing : Secretary, New York Museumof Anatomy and Science, 61S Broadway, New York.


BATOHELOR'S HAIR DYE.This splendid Hair Dye is the best in the world; the

only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable and in-stantaneous ; no disappointment; no ridiculous tints ;•remedies the ill effect of bad dyes ; invigorates andleaves the hair sof and beautiful black or brown. Soldby ail Druggists and Pennine 9, and properly applied atBatcbelor'a Wig Factory, 16 Bond St., JSew York.




Theae Pills, 10 celebrated many years ago in Paris, forthe relief of female Irregularities and afterward! so no-torious foe their criminal-employment in the practice olabortion, are now offered Tor .sale for the first time inAmerica. They have been kept in comparative obscurity,from the fact that the originator. Dr. Velpau, Is a phy-sician In Paris, of great wealth, and strict conscientioiis-principlea, and has withheld them from general use, lestthey should be employed for unlawful purposes. In over-coming female Obstructions, Falling of the Womb,Whites, Green Sickness, Suppression, Retention, or Im-moderate flow of the Monthly Discharges, Nervous andSpins, affections, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fatigueon sUght exertion, Palpitation'of the Heart, Hysterics,* c , and will effect a cure when all other means havefailed.; -and aithnngh a powerful remedy,, do not containcalomel or anything hurtful to the constitution.' To married ladies and young girls who have neverbeen regulated, they are peculiarly suited. They will, ina short time, bring on the monthly period with regular!

tT" CAUTION.Murled lidlei should nevemie them when there it

reason to believe themaelves-prejjnanti for they; willb^Biore to.prodmce a miscarriage,ladle* can obtain a box-sealed from the eyei of the

'CttHOuSfj O j e u v i v v u i i j v u v w » « « a *•*•«• BvshBBi k f v i m g w —•»!»••• [*<••to M. W. MACOMBBR, General Agent for United States,and Oanadas, at Albany, N. Y., or to any authorised

Sold by J. 0.8prague, E. 0. lamphear.and Dlffenbacher * Davidson, Ogdensburgh, N.Y. (mhS5d4wly


for Beautifying the Skin and Complexion.


Eruptions, Xreekles, Pimples, Moth Blotches, fan,&c.,ancUthelSn%n soft, Jfair and JiUioming.

for ladies In the Nursery it If Invaluoble.

For Gentlemen after Shaving it hat-no equal.

"Paphian Lotion" la the only reliable remedy for • dis-eases and blemishes of the SiUn.

P H A L O N ' S " P A P H 1 A N 8O|AP»» for theToilev, Nursery and Bath Will not chap theSkin. Price 25 cents per cake.

Flor de Mayo.Flor tie mayo.

A New Perfume jor the Handkerchief. Exqnlste, Del-icate, Lasting Fragrance. HULON k SON, NewYork. Sold by all Druggists. tmh21deodl>)

I^lT US PBO'EECI OTJBSEiYES.Thephyilcalitrecturieofr,ft*-rtwngeit human being

iiyuInerablieTerywhete.' OnibbdJesare enlowed bjnatoreivith a certain-negative power wnich.prot etathem to a'certaiii.extent rr.om unwdolesomeinflnehcts*;batibif protection t» imperfect, and cannot be aafeiy re-lied on in unhealthy regions, or unuer circumstances ofmore.than or'dlnary danger. Therefore it is wisdpoi, it-lg'prudedce, itiscomrnon sense to -piovide a$%ixistsucacontingencies, by taking an antidote in advance : in.oi.h-

1/ - s er Words by fortlf>ing tue system with Ho»tetter's Bit-ters—the most complete protective agaluit all the epl-

; demic and endemic maladies that has: ever been admin-isiered in any country. As a remedy for Dyspepsia,tkere is no medicine that will compare wlt> it, Whoeversuffers the pangs of In igestion, anywhere on the face ofthe earth whe>e Hostetter's Stomach Bitters can be pro-

' cured, does so voluntarily; for as surely as truth existsthis invaluable tonic and alterative would restore* hisdisordered stomach to a healthy conditiun. To the nerv-oMltia also especially recommended and in cases ofeouBrmed eonstlpaiion it also affords speeily and perma-nent relief . .

lnallc«»esoffeTer and ague the Bitters is more po-tent than any amount of quinine, whUe the mo t dan-gerous cases of bilious fever yield to its wonderful prop-erties Those who have tried the medicine will never«M any other for the ailments which Hostetter's Biltsrsprofesses to cure. Tu those who have not made the ex-periment we cordially recommend an early applicationto th« Bliters whenever they are stricken by dine se ofthe digestive organi. (jyM*w2w)

Motlaar Bailey*/* ftnletlitst S fr t tJ tl»*ygreat quieting remedy for children teething, allays aUMta.eurei wind colic, convulsions, griping, lie. Large^ e * » eenit. fciia** DrnggilUi

.. Recently a beautitul bumming bird wasobserved to turn in its rapid flight and endeavorto extract nectar from the floral.ornament ofan elegantly dreseed lady's bonnet. Before go-ing out she had used a few drops of Wood-worth's Flor Del Santo, whose exquisite perfumefair); captivated the bird. For sale every where.

INQUIRE WITHIN.—The mouth is like a houseto let. However pretty it may be externally it isimpossible to judge of it* merits until you haveSeen the' inside. 'If behind the ruby doors thereare plenty of pearl white fixtures, you will ex-claim at once, "how beautiful." To impart theutmost possible brilliancy there is nothing likefragrant Sozodbnt,

BOTTLED Buss.—The bacchanalian, smack-ing his lips over champagne may pronounce itdelious ; but ask the lady of pure taste what iathe. moat enchanting liquid ever enshrined inglass, and she will recall the exquisite odor ofPhaion's new perfume, Flor de Mayo, and tellyou it is bottled ecstasy. .Sold by druggists.

^n|3P~Thcre are two special qualitiea which de-

termine and fix the superiority of Mrs. S. A. Al-len's New Style, improved Hair Restorer orDressing, in one bottle, over all other prepara-tions for the the hair. First, the prompt, quickaction, great growth, life and vigor that it issure to give to the Hair, never failing, by a fewapplications to restore Gray or White Hair toits natural color, imparting to the Hair a de-lightful aroma, fresh, delicate and unchangeablein any climate. Second, its easy application,without any previous preparation of the Hair;without that sticky and disagreeable sulphurodor found and complained of in all other pre-parations. It never soils the skin or linen. La-dies will find it a standard toilet luxury to dresstheir Hair. It retains the Hair in auy desiredposition, and is cooling healing and cleansing tothe sculp, removing immediately ail scurf, dand-ruff, and pimples.

Price #1. Sold by all Druggists.,(jelBd-tU-th-s-Jtwlm)

"Spring, it is cheery,Wint r is dreary,

Green leaves bang, but the brown must fly;When he is shaken,Lone and forsaken,

What can an old man do but die ?"Why, take Plantation Bitters, tq be sure, and

with them a new lcaae of lite. The old aremade young again, the middle-aged rejoice, andthe young become doubly brilliant by usine tbiasplendid Tonic. Dyspepsia, Heartburn, LiverComplaint, Headache, Pains in the Side, Crickin tbe Back, and all symptoms of StomachicDerangement, yield at once to the health-givinginfluence of Plantation Bitters. They addstrength to the system and buoyancy to themind.

8 If K l / U t tS <i • • «; e, ».

Try the Congress Bitters.THE AMERICAN PEOPLE

Are emphatically fast livers. The constant wear andar of brain and muscle brings on many ailments, In-

cluding Dyspepsia and all its attendant horrors, inch asbillons headache, loss of appetite, stupor, hypochondria,and general debility of the whole system. All personsthus affected need some gentle stimulant, which compris-es medicinal properties and the virtues of the best ton-

Sach an article can be .found in AIXXM's GoMOKBSS

BITTIVS. they are not a cheap whiske.y, but a scientificpreparation of some sixteen kinds of Roots and Barksal »f which are acknowledged by the Medical Faculty

contain curative and tonic properties. One import-ant Ingredient Is the Prickly Ash Bark, celebratedthroughout Europe as a preventive of Asiatic Cholera,ana of -all Summer Complaints and Diseases. All' per-lons shoul have tome reliable family medicine on handnot only as a cure but as a preventive, and all who be-lieve that a pare curative stimulant is prelerable to themany poisonous compounds usually called "BourbonWhiskey," should purchase and use Allen's Congressnitters. Address If. ALLEN, Proprietor,

Fort Edward, N. Y.F B. WINNIE, Agent, Hopklnton, N. Y.g^"For sale by J. H. Barlow, Agent, for Ogdemburg,

and Vicinity. (je20diwSm)

^ Children.—Multitudes of them suffer,linger, and die, because of Pin Worms. The only effect-ual remedy for these most troubleiome and dungeronsofall worms in children or adults, is found in Dr. Oould'sPin-Worm Sjrnp Purely vegetable, safe and certain.—a valuable cathartic, and ben. flclsl to health. GKO. 0.GOODWIN k CO., Boston, and all Druggists.


PAIN KILLER.We beg leave to call the attention of the public to this

long celebrated and unrivalledFAMILY MEDICINE,

The Pain Killer ia a purely vegetable compound, audWhile it is a most efficient remedy for Pain, it is a per-fectly safe medicine even in the most, unskillful hands.

FOR SUMMER COMPLAINT,Or any other form of bowel disease In children or adults,It is an almost certain cure and has without doubt beenmore successful in curing the various kinds of

CHOLERAThan any other known remedy, or even the most ikill-ful physician. In India, Africa and China, where thisdreadful disease is* ever more or less prevalent .the Pain'Killer Is considered by the native as well as Europeanresidents in those climates.

[je2d3iaw&wlm) A SUEE KEMEDT.

c y Intereatins New*.—Mo»l«er»take notice. Mother BaiUy't Quieting Syrup for children. Large bottles only 25 cents. Sold by BrngglBtf.

Sold* by 3 O Sprague, Ogdensburgh.

ERRORS OF TOOTH. ,lean send you SanlUry Rules and Instructions that

Will enable you to recover your Manhood without teeuse of Medicine, by simply following the lats of natureand of health. Sndose.stamp and address \ <

HEN BY AMStEN,(ap23a8taw*wly) %tatlon 0 , New York.




Glove Cleaner!


bitantly cieam Kid f1"**1' wltlionitlujnrtDK the M>u*t delleaie eolwr

an* 1- eattrrlf free from isoy Oiot. ,, \

The Gloves can be cleaned on the hand and worn im-mediately. f»ne bottle will save ion the pries ot a doc~en palrnof Glovei " 1'tor sale by all Druggists and fancy Ooodt Dealers.

Noate Kcnnlae w i t h o u t t h e •I*auutW(» #T:>r. 0. W*LL8 * 00.i IWfMUn M..M.T.,

(mblOdta) ! WhotHaWAl



Eannady Rw-S«nt«nc«d.

John Kennedy, convicted of the murder ofThomas Hand, at Dekalb, in this county, inFebruary, 1867, has been re sentenced to behanged at Canton, on Thursday, the 20th ofAugust next, and it is morally certain that the1

execution will be carried into effect on that day,asi all the quirks of the law have been exhaustedia his behalf. Kennedy was convicted after a

fair trial, but before the day of execution a stayof proceedings was issued to bring the case beforeft full bench of the Supreme Court. Tbe decisionofi the Oyer and Terminer was affirmed and theprisoner re-sentenced. An order sending thecaise to the Court of Appeals was next secured,and at a recent term the judgment of the Oyerand Terminer was •gain affirmed. The prisonerwas taken to Caldwell, at tbe late term of theSupreme Court, and sentenced for the third time.We have heard it intimated that Kennedy hadseveral times made a partial confession,; and wehave no doubt that now, the last gleam of hopethat justice, in some way, might be evaded orcircumvented, haviuc fled, he will make a fullstatenent of the horrid crime of which he standsconvicted and must expiate with his life. Therehas always been entertained by some a suspicionthat a third party may have been engaged in thismysterious, murder.. Kennedy can, if he will,relieve the public mind upon thiB point.

• • »

Our ' N e w Custom H o m e .

Some time since application was made fromquite a number of our prominent citizens, thatour new Custom House Building might be sur-mounted by a suitable dome. In the new ap-propriation^provision was made for £that speci-fic object, but under the praiseworthy efforts toto cut down the expenditures, everywhere, to

the lowest possible limit, this appropriation forthe dome met with stubborn resistance—wa'sonce stricken out, but finally went through and

is now secure;). We opine that our worthy Re-publican Beprepresentative, Hon. C. T. Hulburd,ia entitled to our thanks for the success of thismeasure. We think this is the first instancewhere a dome has been added, and it neededstrong, persistent effort and watchfulness on thepart of our member to secure this. Hurra forthe dome—tbe crowning ornament of the beau-tiful structure now hastening to completion inour new city of Ogdensburg.

Twtnparanc* Meet ing.

Alonzo E. Bradley, of New York City, MostWorthy Conductor of the Xational Division Sonsof Temperance, will address the people ofOgdenaburg, on the subject of Temperance, atLvceum Hall, on Thursday, July 2Sd, at hall-eleven o'clock.

Admisgion free. A general invitation 'is ex-tended. Mr. Bradley is traveling under thepatronage of the Grand Division of EasternNew York, and will give us an address-worthyof this old yet deeply interesting subject.

Grant.We have received a proof sheet of J. H. Lit-

tlefield's large steel plate picture of Gen. Grant,engraved by H. Geyler, and printed by J. F.Gedney, Washington, D. C. It is one of theibest pictures of the "coming man" yet pro-duced, and will become universally popular.

<e>.t y A good many Democrats are fearful that

General Grant drinks too much, and consequent-ly borrow Bonie trouble for fear that thePresidency may be filled by by a tipler. Thisis first; rate for a party which endorses John-son and nominate* frank Blair, Jr. for Vice-'President. In tbe last campaign, Frank stump-ed Connecticut. His bill at the Allyn House,for two days, was as follows : Board' $10;lemons and whiskey $65; total $75. What didhe do with so much board ?

A Carious Compromise.

The 0Aio&lafe»nan,(Democratic) commentingon the late Democratic Convention, eavs: "Itwas not Mr. Pendleton's financial views thatdefeated his nomination, for those views Wereratified and endorsed unanimously by theConvention." The Statesman is correct; theConvention did endorse Mr. Pendleton's financia'views, but it was found that there • was suchdifference in the opiniona of the delegates, thatsome kind of compromise was necessary to keepfrom having a crash. The greenback men werepermitted to draft the platform and the bond-holders to name the candidate. In this way thePendletonian platform was unanimously adopted,and Horatio Seymour unanimously nominated.It is evident enough that somebody is to be

cheated—either the greenback men who vote forSeymour, or tbe-pay-the-bonds-in-gold men, whovote for the greenback platform. Which is it ?

ce the nominationof Seymour and Blair,Wade Hampton says "the cause for which Stone-wall Jackson fell cannot be in vain." Of course,he meant if they were elected. Wade Hamptonwas always a man of large hope. Down to theend of the rebellion, he thought, or else he lied,that the rebels were slowly but surely whippingtbe YankeeB to pieceBi After Sherman'a de-stroying augels inarcned over South Carolina,his opinion was slightly modified. Hia present

notions will be eradicated in November.

steamer Grecian struck a rock whiledescending the Cedar Rapids on the 16th, andwas run into Sunday Bay, and beached, to pre-vent her from sinking. Her- passengers andbaggage were landed in safety and taken toMontreal by the Ottawa^

X T E M S .

Generals Grant, Sherman and party arrived inLeavenworth, Kansas, Wednesday evening, and

proceeded at once to Fort Leavenworth, (Therethey will remain until Saturday, when they willsleave for Denver via the Kansas Pacific Railway,

A Connecticut Democratic paper stated thatGeneral P. B. Blair is a graduate of Yale College, and a New Haven paper explains: "Gen.Blair graduated at Yate prematurely. It tookhim less than a year to 'go through' college.

On Wednesday the residence of W. C. Jones,Nashville, Tenn., was entered by John Hart, aburglar. He aroused the steeper in one of tbe•rooms, who attempted to kn'ockhim-down witha chair. Hart ran into tbe street closely pur-sued, and meeting a negro man who attemptedto stop him, stabbed him in the heart with a

long bladed knife, killing, him instantly. Hartwas captured and committed to jail. Coniider-"

able disposition exist* on the part of the white*and negroes to lynch him. '

MONTRUL, 20.—By bid fall from a stairway,tbe 'Other- day, Jefferson Davis wa* much iajvrea,three of his ribs being broken. He is doingwell how. •"• '. >"•• .S.'.V-fi--;

of the Piebident. j *H. D. WAUtATH,Becretaty|lf

OoBaSSirap, July 20,18«8. ' **••

[from the Byracuie Journal-]

~ Baa* Ball.

Some dlic'onaolate hue balllit has written the fo lown, parody of Longfellow'! "Excelsior" :

The noon day tun w u pouring downUpon ameadow soft and brown,

Loud to ilia comr»des,|SJir^_theJ*ry 7'{I J.~ '" "Base Ball!"

He hopei to win himself a name,By playloc, soon, "a greater match game,"lor him 'twill be the greatest fun,t o tear theworas',' '-C. C.'» have won,"

••Base BaU!"

Around the field he saw the lightOf friendly faces, beaming bright,Just by bit head a ball bat flown,And from hl» lips escape a f

"Now stop this game," the old man said."The "secouo bate" has smashed his head,The "Pitcher," too, tut spiaintd Lis wrist,The "Umpire's brain is,in a nii»t,''

"Oh! drrp that bat," the maiden said,"And make a long "home run1 instead,"A "not bad1' hit him lu the eye,But ttlll he aukwered with a sigh,

!'Bew'»rjr! .,<m'U »«n be out OD.» ifcul !<>This was the "fielder's" itwrul huwl;But stll thtre echoed in his ear,In that deep voice, so thick and queer,

"Base Ball!"

"Used up," he sinks upon the ground,While pitying comrades gather round,And, in the awful throes of death, He mnrmari wltrl kl. latest'breath',

"Base Ball!"

There, on the cola earth, drear and gray,To perfect jelly smashed he lay;

While o'er the autumn fields afarTVas hearu the Victor's loud huzza,

"Base Ball!"

BY TELEUKAFH.Drowning of Charles Marceau, Jr., at

Chateaugay Lake. j') J I/.-'<! i , - - 1 ) 1 it, •j'J

U l dlspaicri t o

CHATKAUGAY, 20.—Charles Marceau was, yes-

terday morning, drowned at about five o'clock,at Chateaugay Lake. '

We understand he is from Ogdensburg. tTheaccident occurred in some way in stepping fromone boat to another.-he^: lpsiug hi3 balance andfalling into'the- Water.- - -*' 4

His body was not recovered until about 5 P. M.T. N. S.

The victim of the sad accident mentionedabove, is Charles Marceau, Jr., of this city.—

N E W YORK, 18.—American Gold 1.43$. ! -

' ?OET COLBORNE.^IT.—The following vesselspassed here to-day a * t*'

Prop. Empire, Chicago to Ogdensburg.—Prop. Granite State,.-Toledo-to Ogdensburg.--Schr. TK 8. J. BeraiB, Ogdensburg to Erie. " *

NIWABK, 18^The'Kepublicans held an en-thusiastic ratification meeting here, last eve-ning.

At a Democratic primary meeting, held inthis city, lasfeveniug, a warm (contest arose be-tween the friends of: GenV Kunybnjapd H: Perry,,,candidates for Governor. Tbe delegates from1

this count; to the Slate Convention, arc mostlyunderstood to favor JRunyon.

PHILADELPHIA, 18.—The gas strikers Havesucceeded in accomplishing tbeir object, 'theTrustees having complied with their demandsfor increased compensation. Work has beenresumed, and there will be enough gas on hand,by this evening, to light the city, if propereconomy is' obacrved,'and by Ho-moirow-nighttbe supply will be fatly equal to the demiihd.—The ciuzensare*'r»-joicirjg at having escaped arepetition of Bach' darkness was as experienced

last night. - |^ , r , i ; ! , .

( TOBE,> 20.—On the, morning of the j6{hof July, it was discovered, ton opeqing the safeof the Importers' tiud Traders' B^uk, corrier ofBioadway and Murray streets, 'that $8,6ob inbopds and cash had disappeared. j

There was no evidence whatever of any bur-glary having.been committed.' All knowledgeof tbe affair was confined to the bank officialsand thefpolice, until it leaked out yesterday.No trace has yet been obtained" of either | thethieves or tbeir .booty; > i>_' jii; }

John Spicer died last evening from takingstrycanine, given by mistake by , an, apothecary,lor a Bedlitz powder.' • ' J.

A (iany of eight young men and a boy were"engaged last evening-rowing a boat .along [theNorth river aud when near 42d street were upsetand all thrown out. . '

The men were rescued by citizens and ;theWeehaWken ferry boat, but John Parks,!theboy, was drowned. His body was not recovered.

. \ -r-r— . ' . I - . - • • • • . • . ] ' ' •

NEW YOBK, 2U.—Tbe Times says the MexicanGovernment, through Senor Romero, has enteredinto twolimportant treaties, which were sent tothe Senate on • Friday for Tatificution. Oiie oftliera is n relation to citizenship, and is similarin geneni scope to those negotiated by Bancroftwith Pruki.i aria-Bavaria, "t&e otlier is for theappointment of a Commission to settle privateclaims glowing, out of the .late .struggle inMexico. -- . -«-~-.-..«-o«~-»™.^.- • .. 1 •__•

Mr. Seward, iB also pushing his ciUzenehippolicy in Bouth:i America and /jre/are1* likelyto have treaties with some States'in" that countryat an early day. Mr. S. is also strengtheningsour relations with Mexico by arrangements' for'an extendcusystem of consular agencies in both,countries. \ ;r : H — • • • - ; - . • • -*« •-•-.•>' . . ' . 1 [

NEW YORE. 20.—^The Globe newspaper, pub-liaheiliin the iity of Mexico, asserta that Cofl'tSpondence has\taken place between tbe Ministerof Foreign Relations and the United States, Le-gation. A difceulty-had arisen between the'twoDepartments on account of the expulsion; bytbe Mexican 'Government, of Mr. Napoleon,who claimed to be an American citizen. i

N K ^ YORK, 20,Wl'he, Nova.'Sc(»tia dfelegateswho visited England to*'obtaurV release 'of their.'Province from [be Canadiau 0onfederauon| re-turned to Halifax on the 15th iust., and werewarmly welcomed by the populace. A delegate

^who had none^pyer to advocate ihe Confedera-tion also returned with them and was received

with hisses and a demonstration towards thro*'ing him overboard. \ i

• NEW YOBK, M.—The Heraia WasbihgtOhjdiai' patclk siausk iiher- a'djbarniri'eiiti - question is lonewhich how occupies a large share otitbe attentionof Congress, and both bodies are pushing theirbusiness as rapidly as possible in hopes of 'get-ting away daring the present wtiek. \ j

Times Washington j-pecial saya: IA dispatchsays th« 'failure of the Presiaent toiend in theveto of the Electoral College bill, on\ Saturday,as he led those in his confidence to believe', hewould do, postpones the adjournment, whichWould have .taken, place" on Wednesday, untilSaturday ,the 2Gtli, oji Monday ijhe J27ii. {L Qnelpfthen«m^ir«ofthejjrebr|iad^gatioii,who has arrived here, gives it as liis opimidii tuatGeorgia will not be ready for admission before

i^J|««&pK»fe^L '} kX \ LTfiei e amendment byiher|leg-jglamre is eiwcdingly rdoubU'ul on account' ofthe Dtmocntio mijonty in thetoirer houie. I

. , , --.'i.. . ,- ;; 7 * 1 , ' , Jh»,.)r.(IM1l|l.' Ashefl-^Market nominal at 8.25^8.37.1 1 -Oo.ton—Market quiet at 81^^32 ibril.^XT.j.,

RrdfecentslayAV vvntB i w s w . 1 T,ad.16,800 bbls.at [email protected]^

ihoice ex. state;„ ..lOic® e x * r a WMt-

ern; 8.16@i2~60 common to good shippingbrands extra Round Hoop Ohio.

Rye flour quiet-at 7 60/38.80.

\iiWm$P»ffiiW& mm$to&*I(?62*cent8"lowerr

eall eru

1.3% jtfjute.Jhoh.,-. ..%Jf8«M ' ^ '•«"<•< • .-x.

IN THK SPRING MONTHS the sjrstem natural)y«ni:!rgnnaehanM,and BdmboUPt Highly, Conct*mtt-i

ed ttttractrfSdpaiUalM w aw

western* V " i i O O « ) l : O 9 . •:. - : • >• ••- •«•' ." • i k t f b ?

Oatt h'ightir at^l@8S;for W s t ^ v ; '''-!Pork—MarketelbsefitieaTy. "'" " \

.Sale* l;5ilO barrels at i8.16@28;at new mesi.B e e f q u i e t . • • • - • . - . .•'- ' S - : '•'•'J'-



Have just opened and are now-offertnj for wile S' sWen-- •-. . • • • • • • a i d B u r n n i e r B t o c k o f ; • " • . ]

THAT '.'.',;',

i' i 'J ' ' '"

' -I I,,'."- •

'• { '

. - ) . . • > '. • • :••» • '•' 1 !"»" 1 , - . - ;i

From a Shoe Lace to the Finest Work. made. «it.. - i :- -V .. •': • ' ' « > *. ..*«*ti f'i."?

_ W We mtnufacture to order French »nd AinerieanCalf Boots and Shoes, Sewed or Pe»tg«d, ii BeaiobableK a t e n . • ..' • ;•• v i i , . ; ' . "• . - . ' . . !

V AND SEE FOE VOUR8PXVES. ' NextDnor to the post Office, State Street, !J j M k S ) J


, Apply at once t o , ^ j i p K ^ t - ^ ^ g^-i^ , ':

8 T J M » n ! R

corner; ..of ,Clr«»* - Strieet,.corner of W«rren Street,

VKW- icoaM; \i; ;• "•

B r o a d w a y , c o r n e r o f G r a n d S t r e e t • ; - . ' . . I ••Brfadway, eo'rrier of Warren 8tr*eti' 'NEW T0BK.

, * * •' ' . i - . ' , ' ' : ' ? • i V '• l.ii • 1


.Oft CUSTOM DKPARTMENT IS F l t t l D ff the finest and ben European ami American fabrics.

.-<:•. '•: 24* -v.. ,*? D E V L I N * 0 0 .Uroadway, corner of Arand 8tr«<efcr ' 3. i ' > s I •-Broadway, corner of Warren Street. NI\V.T0RK;

OTJR ODOTOSi r'TJiraER8;ii]Bi!'MBrI Of *A8»E kability-ana unsurpaiseain-theprofeiaion. J

' Broadway, co'rneir of 'Orand Stfeet,^.' l ' '"'*<Broadway, corner of Warren. Street. J

i!•:- .•;

J B X Q E I J S JO' UUiMERlbAN YOKE 'SHIRT .JBXQEIJSJothers.in ease, elegance and durnb.lity., .,.,,-

' " ' ' ' ' •"•"j? i tyus ;* ; ( j'BrbiaWay, corner of Grand StwsV. ';" " „ , ; , ?Broaairaj,,.cprner of Warrtn Street. . *""" '

. .r.s > I V J' - 1 C : * t«»» . ' " ' * '

=|TJR TRIOES ATfETWENTr TER CENT.~BKiiOWl_/<otherhou«e« producing tdeiimeline.ofOooua.i

DKTLIN A CO.Broadway, corner of Grand Street, tBroaoway, corner of Warren Street. NEW TOBK.

(je27diw2m) | ^


NOTIfiE 18 UERFBV GIVEN THA£|W£ -HAVE'' completed tlic.a«>eMienv.o'f thirty'|>er cent on the

basis of theiicheduleand assessment made by the coin-'nilssloners October. 1860, oti the neveval water pof erasltu'tt« on the Osvegittchie River, for balance of unpaidexpenses incurred In erecting the dam at Cranberry.Lake, and lor current expeiiss. Copies of the assess-ment will be at the office of 8. B Viin Duzee, Gou'ver-neur, Henry Rodee, and Geo Parker. Ogdensburg,where payment must n« made within ninety da> a fromtne 2d day of July, 1S6S. The snid assessment twasmade by and pumnaut 10 chapter 505 of the .laws of theState of New ibrk", 1865. " ' 8. B. VAN DTJZEE, i

HENR? RdDEB, '•GEO. P A R K E B , 1 •••

June 26,1SC3. [SS-SS-tfJ Commissionera/


doobsGreat Reduction in Pricei


Owing U> the depressed condition of the market I nowrermy Imm'tnse stock of " ''••'' • i

i)on'slttlug of '

Black: tt Colored Slllcsi,

Alexander, French > Mriali

Black it Colnrcd

Black ^ Colored Alpacas.


And In fact everything in the line of Dre»s Goads at 25" per cent IJelwoBrformer--"-


. / . . " ' i f

200 DOZ. HOOP SKIRTSV i f e i that wwnot be beat in Northern New York.

' ' • ' • ' -"t ? ' • '"*• L- ' • ; j 1* ' ^ f f , i ' *

7 : - :•» „ A fc"i . a « . / - .' - niLIIITERT BOOBS-*" "*-

Of all kinds at wholesale and retail. In thli particular. ; - jbraacli we efy.,^6n|bpe^t|on and. wUl.-tt6t.be- 1

underaoia. jt f f ia no humbug.but facU which can be proved

Dy 6alUhg*at - |M FRANK'8 |

urM. FRANK'8


F)R NATIO^AM CAMPAIGN GdODa—SxlO STEELEngravings of Grant and Oolfax, with or without

frames. < >ne agent took 60 orders In one day.t;Also' Na-tional CampaiKn Biograpbies of both 25 cent*. Pins jBmdjjes, Medals, and Photo* for •Democrati! aud RepubU-":

cans. Agents make 100 per cent. . ISample, packages sent post-paid for $1. Send at

and get tbe start. Address GO^DSPBED 4 CO.0y7dawlm) ST.Park Jtpw, Ni.T, or,

•''' ' - ; • • • ' • . ' • ; . f . » . . v >

LAVIE8 BKWABE! |;O1TH1 UiJOBIODi WTeeU . of ,,#V*l--jB(**jri'

Washea. . AU Meh KaMdiM. «U»* op ,mr,Pf**t. j>,skin, and In a short tine destroj the complexion. If;would have » fresh, health; and jionthful a) 'n»e JOlmboia's extract Sartagarilla.

tfartaparilla. The doteli wudl. Thoie who deilriilarge quantity ana large dow,91..mealdhy.BK-lt.

* ^ „_,..„purify andenrlchtheblood, which HtlmboWt»Ud BttraaSarMpariUa\MniiMiA

ir 1 <ti«'i /'• • "••<: . tsni - rfM


Mother Bailer** v4nfletiiicVBrrap bo:children teething, raikeM slclt'aoa1 weak children strongand healthy ; give nmthers rest day and night. Is aquie ing medicine for children. Onlj 26 oenU. Bold byDruggUti. . » „ „ W«M*wBry

:j.8plili>> T. O;BpragoeJ fy.Vi^ sMAPLE

aeo. noddeia W<CITV

.. ..-, .,*W.^Ji.i«r.a.5. ..FLOVB, SHORTS, BRANf * CORN

' . . . ' • HI It A 1 . . .... . . .. , ... .{-5DE| y A Jhare ofT«he pubiW. M

Itctted." Ofdert promptly flUefwithin the oity llmh«.\jyl<Mtf)


Itre*move.El»ckSpoil, Plmplei, Mothl eruptloDi 01 tbe Bkiii. " '


kind arlie from corruption of the blood. UelmhdWtAttract SartapariWi U aremedy of the utmort value.

Cti»^r RAB9»PARIl.LA cli&mand renovate! the bl»od, lnstlU the vigor of bealtb Jntothe system, and purges out the homortthat make tUik

-*•-"•#$ -ti'ia &}*&£ t ^ : " ^ ! l i j

; i . ;;; v(fS ; , i « 3

ILUID EXTRACT'.--mif-n ?.$,"!*•* T}\:ij-^s..v&\s• • . - : • : • < ' • • • • : • • * * • : • - . e . U

! < >.

', , i . . ' ! . • . . . ' ' . • ! • . - . . • • • - . > •;••'.< ••

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BRADICATEfl ;" '•'*'-"

••'. "J -. - : » i Si.-:...-, iff I -,•-'''

Vecetpi Of 26 ce'nta aisled Ucket-h i gd'aMlleViiifirr16ffl^

fe* envelope. cBni«n»Ton4;;ash'gift.' Six" tm&i for $1,

. , - . I • > ; ' • : • . - . 1 . . . . > , ' : • < ; , . .

••<&<•>•••• ' . ; V - T • , . . • • ' . , : > . • . . . • : . : • j

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ji: i- -•ir f,,-ti -,-f ]

t . iiuuabi IX. i V I : , '.-j- • • • - : : • i . ' - " !

; _ i. . .

i Soalp and Skin,

! - • . :•-•• v : t \ • i

Which to disfigures the appearance, Purging the evil ef-fects of Mercury anu removing all taints, tbe remnantsor diseases, hereditary or otherwise, aud is taken'b>Adults and Children with perfect safety. ;

, .. . - 7 . '* , -- " •. .•:•-.;•• •-' "A )

, , . . . . . • : .J _ . ,

J ' a » . ; •'. . I k V ' . - t ? - . . . . 5 • • • » > * . - U - % i . :••••:./:

: £

Helmbold% Ctfiicentrateid

i ......: 5 t

"I i ;m

• • . . f , „ . ' ." - . ., .'.. - j . - ,- •(.. ,. *


' .l.Z.^13 THE GRKAT BLOOD PURIl-IEtt, , •, , :

1 1 * ;

} • -


1B.VLC luja

Ia a certain cure for dtaeatef of the Bladder, Rldneyl,Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness Female Com-'

plllnt., Orneral: Debility. :If no treatment ll fUbmitted to, ConirimpUori or J n j

sanity may ensue. Our Flesh and Wood are •upDorjea,from these sources, and the Health and Happiness andthat of {Posterity depends upon prompt Sue of a^ellas

iyg£^&4$fai Mmh*&M. p p p. f ^ ^ jvertlseil may not be classed as Patei.t Medicines—mostof which are prepared by idf-stjiedDoctpm, who.finmany instances are too Ignorant to read a pnyMuW Ssimplest prescripUonmuci leu competent to prepare'many instances are too Ignorant to rea a p ysimplest prescripUon.j-muci leu. competent to prepare'pharmaceutieal preparations. '.'..';, . !

MY PREPARATIONS . '; ,Are prepared in.v*ccm> Jrom.the-vegetarile subBlanccl

named, and are the most active that can be made. De-coctions are exceedingly troublesome and it i» hece»:sary to prepare them ever> day, and tne tyrnpa are itlumore objeciionable, as they are weaker than the dei*c-1Uon«,for.:,nuias'Saturated.witfi »nfar« aro)«a»ceptlble of.tdldlDg 111 Mittiibn.Kliu* less eXiraoUv* inatterJ th inwater alone, and.thesyrupa are ottierwise objeCUOriablfor the patient is frequently nauseated and tbe itomichsurfeited by the large proportion of sugar taken witheach doae, which ii of no use whatever, except to keepthe decoction from spoiUng. Here the. advantages, andsuperiority of the Fluid Extracts are strikingly manifest.

The finest test of their &npcTiqri'ty. -will be. a compari;•on with ihepropertlea aa aet forth In the United, states

•<'>..,- Ht-y'.-w KH t XABPKA.TOIIT i

For (he manufacture Of fluid KxtracU has been visitedby thousands of physlcUni »uu druggiiti from aU parts

I S ^ fe^^l^HBISBO^DT tfe^^tile^JWed^lia ExtracU'are pleasant In taste and odor, and immediate in tueir"^o 1 1 , 4 - ! / ? < ' ' S

FHce »)i.*fi V** l»oittle, or Six tor a)«i«Othk ii&'i b&ii Mmmduti m ,-lii':g.i

; •. , - T .

GOOD BRICKLAlfcRSkd^'. .^?Ullrig»t6^7nirk^t«ndipn^a;adaxat^ie^mtero<^i5 will

flnd§t:aUy employment by calling on dr.idctressii.g^ Ury.o|ihe/MechaiilcsandTradert. Excliati'ge, Ho.

b i s t y S t v ^ N e f i r o r k . - . . - ; ^ 1 < .i'v v-.l*j,«'ij

XI*iB• • " • • ' ; : ' 4 • " ; • / - ^ ^ f ^ ; • - ] : . , . - ^fjtlter 55 years experience witift.the'pre|enj'teiirier andate-varirtieSj^we know the WAliTBE,jiowjBirst_fiffered,

will'r,estore confidence ingripe ijtisiSgi^K never*bts..=-Itsabuudant^ugarraisins'dt 4ii-dpprs br^oh the vine; i i .a greit grower and bearer, now contains 116 cluners ofuloom ; is very compact i i cluster at the.JBa8t. wiich iaan advantage in marketing. We have net known thefoliage to mildew. It succeeds in dry .and very wet toll;1» a seedling of the Delaware crossed' with the Diana,and better tiiitn-eitueri idpeiis before* the Hartford,therefore the earliest, hardiest and best variety. No 1one year; t5eacli: inndvanCe; Orders.filled.in retttlocWhile 3uppr> lasts. No charge for packing. Seudstamp for beauufulcut ana opinions of many vlneyai d-UB. FEIiatS & CATWOOD, Po'keepsle, S ; Y,

Ludlow Asthma

p-many caiesapermanent cnrev;ria'5-b'een ejected byits use for one j ear. I have never known a single in-stance wh-re rtlleflias not been given by the use of tillsvaluable medicine. Price $150; Sold by Druggists.

I t H. BROWN, Agent, Potsdam, N . t .

" ~vri?Axttiv.G. oxr T H J B C B E E S . "Agents wanted for the most entertaining book pub-

lished,aboundim; in Eonmnce, Humor and- Wit. Agentssayitdf tBe%"st seliftg S^k'ontf a|.peop®'ifie tired ofrepetitions of dry details and army repurt«: .

Oiie 4"ent-sold 5S in one week.,Another, 65Anpther,,92.

Send for circular?, terms and newspaper opinions.Also, tf.imll.v Qaato Bibles,,best eldUon publifshud.%<3nAjJliNiPgiPabiillMlp -^fjlj^t" |Wl^|Pa

Agenta wanted on Salary or ComriflFSloh, to canvass for1.1'fTLEfrl.KIi.D'S' G R A N T .

i£§"I regard Mr, Iilttlefiein'«J&ortrait of myself the'beat

ever engraved.fetL,8;.-.6rant. >.;&'i *AdBreBS,; i. ^Mttieg'eja.i WaiBgigton,3). C.

S H A W ' SChemical Electro Silver Plating flnid makes-worn outa.te.il Viire as goo i as new. For sa e By* druggists|^*Saniples for trial sent •ftee b.y mail oii1 receipt of

.^c8nratto4)^ff<»^v^nfea^i;^M$iige..^!da«M>j;m *"W,* Chemist/ -W *lniifitreetv sBfidJpSrVeoBn.-^Agents wanted every whereA carious Book,

A beautifully illustrated book worth a thousand: dol-lars, sent frte oii receipt of SO. cents by addre sibg.

Br JOH> VANBtttPOOt,No. 80 .Clinton Places New York City.

\v<. r-" ..- vr,!i;'- . ' . ,-.•) . ' . ; • 7- , : - .? ' *',».


-::Ui.f \-~ •.;!--'.:.!

•8achierm»^aa caniioif-faito at&act attention.' «,Wehave

• C l i ' & ''

an Advertisement occupriEg an inch of epace^in 250»Rlj|«nJOK^^is.'{#h^!WTBOntft!:;liri(t-f.;;vr.d ; 8 f G i l Aad rij