€¦ · wm WRiv-vnuK MONDAY. AUGUST 25. 1873. PRICE FOUR CEWTg....

wm WRiv-vnuK MONDAY. AUGUST 25. 1873. PRICE FOUR CEWTg. voLxxxra.I-***""' INDIAN SAVAGERY. TTIE YEIXOWSTONE EXTEDITION TWICE ATTACKED. AK VKSCCCKWrVl RAID ON G__V. C-8TE«'» CAVAT.RT -thrm: whitb men billkd.a BAnxit wtth KIGHT H-'NDRK.. IVMAN8 KNDI-D BY AKTIU.F.I.Y .THE __OSSK8 ON EACH MDB. IflT TEIXORAI H TO THR FORT Penton, Montena, Aug. 2_.-Tho M_BWt_f di*i>.tch haa Just been roeeiTed b.v courier from tlie Bperi-1 correspondont of Thk Ti-iBiM_ with the Yellowstone Expedition : MlBMBI tlBBII Rivkr. An*. 19.-Tbe ubiindiiut prc,...r:.ti(.n which tho Yellowstone Kxpedi tion Mflde f.-.r tl.e rt* eption of theln.lians h-J bflM -''Hy _>-.- titi.-.l. Tlie ***** tion at BUotv Ki.ifo tliat we BtllltaUll" .'¦-"******* vieiiiitv of Tonpuo River provr.l rorrert. lti_.i-.i-.. wore ditwWtflBBd for the fimt tun.t about Aui.. 1. wat-hiiisoiinnovr-iiii-iitn aml prowBaC around tlie caniji uf Btfbt Kfl^ <>vert a. I t. >>k plaee. however, until Ang-1- Gou. with Bloody Knife aai a liluadBMi of cavalrv. bwl W*i dctailed by (,<-.i. Stanley to ffl <>n k< l_-_- B_H_fl inadvanceof tiiewaKons aud look np tl.e Mai. ahoi.t 1<> milea ahead thev hal't-d an.l picket 1 ili* ir *tt*U in a ***ai l.y tho river BO ~.,it for tbe train. Tv. o hoiirs aftcrvt.i.l nix _-_-_-_-_ ap|.eare<l ou tho plain, tm! tniide t'lOint.nstrationH tBMBid tru-ir catnp. A riismorint,-I line "f Hl.i:ii.i* was thrown ont aml the Bflddled. The _B____a_ Wfllfl ea.ily driven off, MApi-TfldBB be tlie d.-c-ny of a _BT|B partv irt a iiou'lilxiiinK wttod Wflftlag in ainl.nsh lor the cav-ilry. 1'in.tmp. thrit the ruse bflfld, tlie In- i |fl Um nuHiLcr of I0, b.ii.lly rotl Bfli and a.l- vati.c.l "ii the frrove oeeii,..ed l.v tlie cavalrv. GflD. C had "i.'y oafl -QBodxou vi vi un n, Badei ****** "' Capt. Miiy'i.-n. i<li<* troop __MBfl-___Bd 'I '. 1 r. antl I lie o'.h.T hy J.icilt. Vantnin. Tbfl n-en wereagain dismoant d_ndfor__ifld b sk ih" :.!-.*> _____noflnled andextended tht ir iml.* ...o'liul civaliy, who h.t.l th riv.-i Ht tii ir bat k*. I.aj.itl IlingWM BP ;. fl it'.i <_-*n. Ctt-ter i.-i tlie frotit, rtyoi ________m erawled along behli dt-r ihe rivt-r bank, flflfll tri.-.l to Btfltnpede hi- b |wil Um flM.iniBal Maa ftraflCxstfld. Thi ladlaaa ftted .a .*. \i-m.1 plarna. hut Eaflfld to bnrn oat tbe jBvaJf '. : .1. 1. rtc,l a charce, hopiaf tliat 'ln- lt lia BIIMIflBfld * Oflld soon. flOIBB up antl iocapturin.-t!:c I diflOB. After a thr.-.- boUfl*-ghl his ii'i>'->.iiii'i"»n r .vt- ofltj bfl tk** ehflTgfld tlu* Iu- li d,drOf__H| ni.inv of tireir e.j.iii'i.'. -.**. Af r re_r_-k_.Bg tertrti -nil.-t tkaj . irnls. One man't wooodad iii tlu iirm aad one ( fo.nv.l thi> t-Mctit of (i»ii. (ustt-r's |r>«t. Whflfl Uu I'.-'hi Mflfl ifoii.iron, tn.v.,*., ?r..l Intli.-nn 1 -tt ii>< w.r party kfl h -riif- f (.'.;!.!! '^lit" TetC-iBBiy I.CB etl»i '1 ttt. l'...lir..:in, il >lrv sull.r, wl.t" wen 1 U than ¦ mflfl flfllfl thfl loiiitnn. they Liii. .1 thi-!.-.. kad looh th'-ir hflraea antl BfltflflbBBB. I'livai' John Bflll ef the eavalry. v.hilt* fttb_Rtteg,fl-H BflimUar Eatfl. In thiaflght two Jn.iir.i.-t v,-i-ic kill.'i a id NTflral wounded, and thej (l.i ttit-r*th of An"iist, f'.it tb" flghl Bt Tt'iitrne l.iver, w. i-.ini'- Bpon Ihfl silc of a ne.nt lmlian villajfn. Tlie Iiiilia-i-ba-l *m-ked nfi antl a few days hflB-Bfl flhflBdwing -flflflB__flfl_B_l ****** trty. {..en. Staiiby iii: t-'uster to tako bi« eavalry, anmberiag 450 men, follow U.e ti.iil aml, |f poesil.l.-, over. il;>* flfld pflfliah t..-- Ind'.if.i*. li. :.. . t.f IheBth, and awi-hed all fltL'iit and moflt ol th. 41 flBBdown OB lln-'.i;h, afur a h t.f 1) ini].-*, be airiv.-tl at ¦ wben Ii.i'n IM-0-a,takiDgoi '¦¦"¦ .. oa Mboll i 'i!:. m.t .: 1111 t el to whi i. nt tbi. point ifll.*. yflfdl wiib-. I he ;i: i\v j. t.> sMii.i boi ea aad i*i. n. an.l tbe attemptto oofld lor WflBl '". bxi i Bfld rrpr. m eaflip waa difl-OT-i-d by tbe j i-s. On the Bflzl BMrolag _>ng. I ,ala_7* I. he iti tl by Bl * t I M. wbo ¦¦flflfl dowa t'< thc i.-. H Bod tii ed on hii camp. The iriag wai i-_ai -koail. both ?. '. ... '1 100 re aad bo- low our eaiap, i. id . ..'i tke ia onr n-ar. Om tonated, end ptwted on tln* l.'.ut't- a-itl i < [red tbem raTely. -Tbe J ro ti-it iI nn-n tli.-n monnt.-.l an.l pBlfl-fld :iin. Iim'.y f. .-eii-ht Blilea. Just rit this tiiiie tl>-liain CflBM up antl Opened fla Ibeli -tii- rirer flith Bitflleiy; a few iliotadii_pfl_Bi ideoded il.<- light. Thiabflttle, whleh too-k plaoe fl ItMa twoaiflea ot tbe Blg Horn, waa a tataa bbm. i KetohBmhad Ihctr horses Bhtil iiit'.T tht m. l^>i.t. I'.r: .1. n v,h* >:t<lly Iiot in the thighl prlTfltfl l'utlle, Qflfl. Cflfl- |l i - t.i.l. ily, was kiilcl, antl -Ooftll BflldlBn lUghtlj woimileil. We bad fow bai-fle kfllad aad tlir.-c woriTn!'d. Till Iriiti.iuB' Josa la esliniatttl bj QflB), O-flBBi at ." kill'l aai Wflandi d. T Im IndUai were v>oll amted with Inavy nih-s and hadahuudint aii.iii.iii'iioii. BoflM wflre ireflflfld la elothea in at tlie R_*,-i I v-*'ri "i:.i..iv PflCflpflpaa, .iipjiortetl to BB untl-r (-".iii' t>f .Sitlin.? Ball, and alM» BflptaBBd to b-'ve r,-.,iied tlieir suppliee frotn Fort l'eck on tho j_._BB0.U_. a faniou. tnuliiiK iwat ftr tflO.UM ai.'l an mf initius one for -. Camp Cook isai.otl.' r tbIpot 0- thedl sup- plieH. A lilK-ral npproi'riatioii by OoBgrfl-B was u*kt hM y.-ar for *ukM* tk* tcadlaa uo»t ** Fort i.iry pOflt, practically au t_ppr___rl_U-ton I ..tir OWB armic-. ^ lartro quaiitify if ¦.iiiiun.-tioii waa sbipi.ed to tbfl poaU bi " Bfl-dWBIfl." TbflM BfflOO-fll e,aJ-ly uecd InTflflB-fa- l)ion. Iheexpetlitionanivi-dat '.'..iii.'.ey'n Tillar on lli¦¦ 15th, and reached the UtuMt -^h.-ll on tho iath. It », ie.w h.nneward boiunl. i. -yn.i.ds and Norris. t WO *uiiU.rt., take this ikpflli h U BflBtfl-k, IM Bflflfl tiritiii.t. (i>>n. Ktanley cxpeets to reaeh I'ort Bfofl bjr tbclst of QBBBBflB, The health of tlie ( »:n__i.tini is |iKKi. Lieut. llradeu ie Kotting on weli. ta. -. FATK Of THK MODOC6. Uli IM'ltlMl-NT AOA-RBI TIIE RIX l*KI**t.''TRS.ALL POI S[, tit'll.TY -NI> (.r.MKXCED TO HE IIAM.KI. o i. 'Z. thk B-BR-B-CB ai-iii..v_d bv iiik i*iik_>i- t.t m. Wasuington, Aug. 23.--Tlte following is the Brdcr iu full in tbe eaae of the Modoc BflPltVflfli _Al _MB_-B__Bar, Al>.HTANT-tiKMKA1.8 OFFlrr... W'A*H1M.T<>V, 1>. ('., AU«. 13,1S7_. ) OoTtonil Coitrt-nisrtlal Orfl.-rs No. 8j. I_rsi livfore a Military ..'o-iveiiii.-iwliirheonvcaeflat Kiamstli, Oreiion, July 1, 1873, purhuntii to Hpeeiai inlr-rn Ro. 1. dal.d June 90, 1878, Ht*ailriurtrt. ra i lu-nt nt (, lu tlie Celu, Fort Kl.iiin.rh. Iiirkti , aud of Lieut.-CoL W. __, Elltott, ln lTr.:i,uf. \tei-e arraitrnsd aml tn, ,1, .'itpt. l.iu. Hknk Jlm. Poratui. Cbari'M. liarncho ai.<- (itii-Ey,.l Jiui, _nU bloluck .tllas L'-l, M. t uptivsaa. < arce l.MnMer ln vlolatlon of tbe laws of wsr. r*.: In tbla tbat tbey. ladlan. ea'led and rouiiuoulv ki.owu as Capt. Jaek, BchoBCbln, B m, lUrmbo alia* ...c-evt-d J.i k uiia» ('"ki, ineni'-ter. ot a c_.rin,ii ol lii'.vm m* the Mi.ili.i_, nhich band, ln. ln.lli.i; tb. tm aflflBflfl, ¦*_*> *i tbe llme borciiiallfl e____<-.1 iu op.ii a_ii B-flraat *ar witu tbo l'_i«*. t.ies tn. rln.-f c.niiiiiuiiil of Habl (.ap_. J_»< k, rtpr'-v iitativ-r of aai M'.rloc bai.d*. iuen iinder'ti 0__ *' ' boitilities, B.l« (,.i,. L. R. B. <«tii>T. Ijuiu,. ntatflfl Ariat. coaiuiaiKtiBa _b«L>«i>-.t ."tilct tl_e Oolatutiia. and r. itiini I'vatt- CotDtniflsiou, ui, ti.r parl Ol U . i ild Uultfld ."iiatcs, |ur llie .Krt-ixl .mi prutraflffl |.nx(M^a. of rlitvt iiksinK an.l srr.tu_-..iK tenas uii.i.i itie. M-tmtr betweea the United Slatta ana aald ccaflC, Bud _irl iher. >j|. ,n. tln ot tru.-c, uod ti. /.lil.!,* tl.e ol.illj-atl.ilis linl»ow-.l bl li U.U laws of.W-i, lriou)0IU_ip.i«ui] ol uauce afi.t.u 004*1' k..J aud u.ui'J' r *..i uti*.._.,u -»- Canla-; all thia at or near tba Lara Iieda, ao oalled, ituatod ucar Tule Like. u. ttu- State of California. oa or adont the lltb day of April, 1873. H|M'Oifl«att«n iflflflflfl. In, that tbay, Indiana calli-d Atnl rotiniiiiul.v knowu aa Capt. Jat-k, Hctiouchui, llowU.u Cbarlcy, Blaok Jim, Iiiiriit-lio ali.ia Oflfl cy.-d Jiui, and Sloltick hIib.b Cuk, uiuiuImth ofa I'crLiit. I,:in,l of I.iilliini k>ni ah i.i Modoca, whleh band, tho prlaonerfl above, wm at nnio nu.l plflflfl liercitiiifier alleaed, cii_rn_.''I ln open and flairraut war wltii tbe Uotted fttatofl.nndnr thr chief eoa¦_._-__flf flBtdCapfl Jack, did, aa rcpr.*-entntlve* ol tbe aaid Modoc hand, uu-t uii. 1, r a fl._.- uf trflflfl aml aUN|H-ii«u,ii of 1ioh_iUI.".b, I.rlir.-.J.u. K. ll. B. Cauuy, United BtateB Army, rmn- muiding the Military fJlfislon of tho Department of Colutnbia, aod eertatu Poacc Co_nml|itoner. on tbe part "f the L'ulUd Btatefl, ii.iuitly, Elcazcr Tbomaa, A. IJ. .",.. aolian,, and L. 8. l)v. r, ciiiacua af thu United *, aii representli__r the (inveruuicut of tbe Uulied Hiatei, imlflfl ujfroed aud prof-sae I purpoee of flttflflflflfltflfl and arraoflt&a r-n.-i upon which ti... BttfllHBn BBbrlin Bfltflflflfltflfl I'nit.'.l J.lrt''_ Hn.l B.ii'l b.tnil . Iii.uld oeaae, :.,.il ui,! tlitu'i-up n, Ifl watitou Tiol.ition of tbe sa-r> d owiuartur nl BBM Bbb flf t. ..c-. Bfld tmacherouaiv dlaro- irardiui: tne obUgBtlooa Implfl.fll hv nuch true.) under tbe nf war, willftill >*. f.-lonioualy. aud of their own ...ull. .- afiiri-tliininlit, kil] itiHl miirtter saul Bflflflflfl Tbomaa,floeol ttu- ra_eeCe-_m.afllon_Tflaf<>-fl>fl-dj aii (his at or near tttfl LflTfl Bedfl fl -BflBfld, itt-fltfld Bfl .r Tule,ui Ihe UliiU' ut California, ou ur uhoul Uio. Ulh day ot April, 1018. Chflrgfl Aflaaoll wltb iuient lo kill tu violatiou of the tBWfl of war. BpflfliflflflttoB First: In this that tfefl]*, Indlan«., taXiai hiui i.iiiiiii..-ly kBOWB Bfl Capt. Jittk, khocliin. 1 letoa i, Blaok .iiiu, Baraeho BUaaO. -. iyeA Jlni, Bfld Bioluek aliaa Cok. in.-.i.-.t.Ts of a cfriuiii band of lu- tlflflfl known .ia MflflOflB, wliich hand, tncluditii* thfl BriaowBIfl alu.v,. u,iii,.-tl, wai, al tbe Mflfl aod placo ift.-r Hll.-ifi'd. flDJCflfll .1 In open nnd flairraut war wltli thfl t jiiletl Ht .Ku-, u.itler tlie chit f cointnaud of Ihe .-..ltl Jack, <litl. .a ici'ii'-cntiitivcB of tbe iwltl Mfl- doe Nand, uiecl uuder a tl.iir of triuo and BUBpcii.ioii of hoatillUes, BrU^Oea. B. B B. Oflflbr, OBltfld BUtm Army, OomBtBBdlnf th_ DepertflMDt Ol Goiuuibl... aod t- iiniii lVuce OomuiiBaloflan, oa tli*- u.irt of tlie Unltc.i Btatofl, DBfltoIr Bleaaer Tflflflflflfl, A. Jl. MflBBflflflfl, Bfld I .-. i.i. r, ,i izt ... ,i IWpreflflfltlBfl tnt* (fovern.uejt of t tc Du-te- Hatei, fnr ibe BflT.d hik! profe-Bed pur- poeeol diflOBB-Uiffaad an_nfllt_r WraM npoa which tlio boatlllttra exlaUng betwflea tflfl Ualtflfll Blabrt tnd taht bandi .ii :i.t tlu n-upoti, iu tuuiiiii vi,ii i- liou ol the Baorad nhflrtttrttT of said tl nf ir,,<, aod uroualy diaregardlac tfefl oWI»atioui Impoaed uy ¦ueti trnofl onder tbfl lawi of war, felonioaal) im.kfl an aasanlt witb deadly weflpooflnpoti tlu _aldA. li. M.-a- Commlaai(jBitra ba ufurenHni. wiih hiin, ll.e .Mt .., liun tben aml tliere, lelolnou_.y, WlB- I..1.J i.Lil »t in,,;,,- BfoIflt-O-f-lt, t'> Uiil uml uilil-'ier, liun did ui'iin Ifefl body nf tlio flflld htea-flhflfli dlTBTfl BB Wflfl aml (tiiii_.-t-ri.iie woiiijiK All Ifefl i.l or ¦Aflfl ll.e iii-'l-, BB e.litii, tiuiHU-d ni nr 'lille I.-Kt 111) ,,- Btfltfl cl ( ..liiuii.i.i, ou ur al>,.ul ti.e llll.tiay of Apnl, 1878, ,, -pecifloatlon In ttiin, thfll Ui--y, Indiana. ci.u d i.nd eouiiMooly kuowu ".> ( u't. JFack, tk-bouchln, Bofltua Cuarl,y, kt ;k-k Juu, Itarnciio .ue-.'1-i u Jil... aml Blfliflflh Bliflfl Cok. n.t iiih<-i-H of a (-H..111 luiiii of lutlii.i.a kaowo I, -, bloh band, liioludins th. .iimv uamed, waa, at tbe trnrte snd plaoe herelna lor Bllexr.d, tdfl -rraul flvar ultbtbc t.'nitcdsi.-ti. fl, nudertbe chid ooinuund t.r *;.ld Capt. .i.u ., did. h- r.-p- ;i 18. i.taliica of ItaOlJC bBIld, Blflfll under u ll flfl <¦" .u i.i uii-ti iti.-k. i_ni.'.-t.,-i.. I-:. lt. K. (;a.ittv. UuUod Bia.O- Ariiiy, BOfl oeit-ln P-Btsfl CkNainta- Lulaaioiiera on ttio parl ol Ihfl Dulwd Bflfltfla, na-Mlr, ih..m.l-. A. B. MeaOtlBDJ, uii'l J.- a. l)...-r. t-.ti- bobb, all repreeentmg tbe (Joverninoni ol tli- l .-a .,:..-, for the afln u ao profeai ,1 purp "-. of d ii ¦ ind BITBIUCIOC t.-rnis upon wiiitli bOfltllltlflfl flXlflllOg bc-iweeotbi uitodSUflofl ood flaldbflod flhould oeaae, ¦ ,,i ,iiii iii.n and tbere, tfl waaton rlolatloa ol Ba.d tlau .,; im,,., aad treaahepoualj diarejpflrdUiK IhfloUllBfltloni tl bj _."'.. iruoi an it. Um lawfloi war, lolooionaljr n asaaull wlth deaflU]) wefl^oflfl upon the htul ituiii lal. .uer, ns ufoi-t-Hiiid, witn Bfl lnui, ¦aid Dyer, ttwoBOd tfeflre, tBIoalB-flljr, wllltflUr, flnd ol tlieir malioe aforethoacat, t<> kill an.l mnrder, aii thi- al or ucar tbe Lai ta ited oear Tvde 1. ike, ii. tfefl -aiato i.i C.ilonila. uu oi BfeOBI tfefl 11th Bflf oi Apnl, i8._. lu whicuoharge* ood ipecifleationi Ibe aocnaed.Oaot. J.u k, po-i.-.1. ii . Black Juu, BoaiO- . I.. .-,, li.iin, un i, aod Blolock allaa (;uk, Modoc lu- tptivea, i leaded " N.'i pulti " .:i^ iii.ititr.-ly consitl. ird lli,- ,-,. -.i'l. Ju k. ann. .^i Jlui, .nui sluiu-k ali.i* Oufl, Muduc inuiaii c.ipliv. I, CuargB Flial.Ol tbe -Ir.-t hih-< ill. ation, uuiltr ; of the inult) ni tbe eb .,i.'--. i.iuit.i. ne Co-Uiuiaaiou iii.e-. i,.. i.u, at-nteoefl .nnmu, Blaoh Juu, iM.-inii ii ii. .., .. aUaa On .-vid Jlo_*aiid B.oIu *. Blfefl lodlao e.ipi.i-. to bfl haooed bj thfl fleokootll d.-ail, at .-.icii ilin.'aml p. ifl ..a Ifefl pinp.T au- I,, rltT ahaii tiliect, Il -tlurtlB ol tbe lueuilicia ol tbe CoiBinis-ion eooeorrtafl lanla. h e. n.i.Ib.: pniOBBdlBita. finiiliujs and rnt'-nresof tlie Miinary OomnilBflioo in ipi. lack, Bofent* eliiu, lilatk .lnii, -. >. I-..I.. ii" a.iad (Jnc- ,-¦ d Juu, an.l Bioluokallaa Cok. tiotio Aibb eapttwaa, ware approred i>. tu<- c__.lwandiBB oi'.u-i r ot um __»_* p ,, ..... Co .,,,.1, and r.irwarded lo the Secretarj t:.< l' ol IhO l uileil Mlal.--. Tl-.o fuUowiuB ar,* tfeflOrdflBBflt tfefl l'l.-nl-i.t aud fll | ,. ictaiy of War: >.\, in i. Hi i. I IflC. It, 1873. Tbe forceoinj* leotuucea lu Ibe .-___«ol Capt. .iu, Black Jim, ii"-. <'.. t .-.. Ban. .i j.u,. uud Blolnok allai « oB, Modoc Indiau .mu by uillitfluv authority, under u.i_<riattb< ol War, ¦-, lli.- iiiuii il tv nl ¦:. i;. 8. t.K.i-. i. Preaideot. Wm Di i-.i;;.ii.m, Au.. 88. 1813. T'u- forflgol-fl iweord ol pn '¦. <-..t.aalon nf Capt. Jack, Bcbooehln,Blai-k _iton Caarley, Baro Bo i.l.:<. One-Eyed JBo, _u»d i bavlng tt. a :. fon i.i in uu, aud Ihe Pi lideul i. iflioa, lu the fore- BOiuc nr,ii-i-i, approTed ut tht aenUiuoefl aoddirettu-d V ln- e.M Uflfl H Ule. v til. I DO I. i. r.iI Oiniuidi na tbe Uopartmeut ol iiu- Columhla, Kl 9 irl K am n "¦.., >n, on Wfl. W. I'.i.t.h--..-. Oecretary of War. Uy uiilei Of thfl B .. lary ol W..'. B. D. 'li.w.v-i -1', A.ljntanf-Ui-neral. HASIIIS iTON. IIIK MIA'K'-N' "iv _ Ofl MON. YVa.iiiv.ih.., AflC ti, i»7. Tbfl M'-xlefll the arnval ui Ditor limaonaa r«rfliirBl-ri tfefl MexlflBB .. .., id,- npitl Bfld a.tisfiiit nr profljreflfl, anl hnl li Bfl daiij. No u.upiro Ifl placo of thu lato Dr. I aflfl-r of Ne-v-Yofk hflfl Bflflfl flflT .1 BpOfl, hut it Is nel- lied that flflflflfl Oflfl Ol Ifefl foi.*._fl IB-fltfl-fllfl lflflIdflfltlfl WaflfeloKtofl wlll be ehoeeo. Barwa, BeiBiafl Miulfter, would lii.o Bflflfl b t d had (leuutl).eii traoafBiTfld to aaotber ..n taal oflflflfl Baflfl Bflfla aal atfld haat aii thoao know b Intli in -i.t''- itiou elai:n», wbicli are imjniig Ifefl BMat iitiport.iiit befoifl tbe Coininl tlon, IstoItIocfleflfl i at. ?:-' ..(*() it).. a-.'i upi :i iiifif liu .1 declaioa wlll real t i.- \.iiiit. iu aii IU.) oilii'l.a, tht* pi'.ii.-.pit't ol law hei:i»* .ul. na DisTHirr n.cisi.vii BB, 'llieloral i«>liii'il lflflHflljfl Ifllfl Ml promiaeifl to lie lutiT.', Ul c UM. .|: IflSflfl of tho Itporh-d flfl tfllflfll .,:.- | ,n of Ifefl Board of Pflfetta Wnrk» to prevent tlio re- eii-i tion of every lueuil-ir of tno Iiouse of IHhfBfe I Wfeflflldfld laal Blfl lflfl Ifl Mfl OflflBBl flf Mr. Hheplier.l, brotbfl r ol tfefl Vk PreaMflfll of the Bn.ird, for tho poni- ti.tu fll BQUflkir Bf Mfl pr'-. -nt Uiiiia,-. T..*o diatriotn aiflflliwad] Ib open ibtOR a_Blaal thfl florflflMflt, auti ).,,,¦.¦. nfltiao flflB flf tfeeirearlieflt anl , u j. .ii.--.iri, iu erder te lefeafl the re> ,,, in,ii of tue pr.; ..en ir.uo. Xhe *ir-U i«y of au leaaion ... Ifefl Lealfl-Btorfl .- hi order that tbfl lately revlaed Oode >i eutnioa of th< i.t:.> have li (-( ooud formal readiai;, u proeeed- ii will oeeapf oearir a o ihe omCBBOOB tiik BOCBBOO m i'l BBBTA1ITBB. B0BM n.t.-i-tit Ifl B-flBdy B»P«flflfld ln ru OOflflenBlBB the or»:.inlzutioii o: ihe Bflflflfl, O-Btiflflflefl »ha hBflfl r \,:i the Biit.j ct Bflflfl-fe fl-Mflfl BBJ there aeetui to 1. no eostBBt wttB raa -r' tt . t Xr.__.!_. ai r, Mr. McPheraoa flfl «',. k.-.i IA Baxtaa Bfl Ii'.w-heciier li '- )" ' f-rtiiin Bfll 1 le a ,-nuil.lii'e f'T n r.-riuiu Bl l'"-lin,- Th. .:. oupoBitton will he aofllfl M S»aot-»t An,,.-..r. .lunti'""" 1<X .¦'¦'" uu h.a n . mxt that _. - ctii-4-fulin ni*. i.*...iv.i._. m rsr 00 a MABJCBT fliTiiiii.i.D. I:itlieeaht.rnu...l oi tfefl dt/BBflflfedfe 8-tiHti LiecaMt-* the market houae pBBfltkaUj tu ira aaefltBa .tyl f»¦>__. tli all biiBlneuB to be done ut tbe h,.u-.e Bl Mfl Cflflflml Market Cotnpanv. ln which Vii'f-1'" !. r 1 1 b im« fli-kuod'-r. Tn- c.ior.d a»thia 'l,trict «Sl-_I on Mr.i.liep).tTtl .... Kriday to prot.-Bl ami-flt tl^Tuae of tb" markel-bonie t r p um b-fo-e H-u« opened to the DO Ut.t.'Jal.t''.ii. AfVAIBB OF THK iati: ntBBBMBB DflB___g tbe flr_. JBUI Iflfll Bafl * riBBfl-flton ¦obbbo haa boob BB4ar tfefl aharoa A.l)ut»iit-_ener_iB ortlce. Ifl tbo I el m.l BBNflflttoBl . NM.U8 Mbavi been p a-iflouBtrna to BMi.8.1 M han i- n ¦.¦.;¦¦ '. "-» ; ii :,*, and nui> Bwall th. call of tii'ir anu of tin appropriatlon ol I tlie buaiueaa f.,r !.',,. year euduiflt .. iu kO.l_-T-_.Bl 1 hflflfl into I""' l.-aBiiry. WABBIB-'rOfl -N'.' N.iarly all of thu iii.-ii.i f-i..r tue uew Oflflfll altrtd, dlaw.i pa.. 'im C-flflfe ol Bfllfld B Ifefl] f ll.o*e wlioae flflfl are initnuteltB-l, a:-l v bo au-1 li.itied u> talatf fa. Not wltbatanditiK Becretary B.-lkuap'a alnngent or.ler o! ltt*t week reUtlve Ifl War Ht-parlinenl', Ihe iMidy Chronirle, thlfl BMBfllflfl, advertiaea Oi.t.n. t... nt -nca al -aio.,' ) N'l.; Wttt Bflil I, Kausaflj BU I'wUl. il:_.u ; Bl, L-jo,a, M" , aud i'uiUajuutb, h. U. THE BEPUBLIC OF SPAIN NOTKS OF ITS PRKSKNT CO-iDITION. RrcoRDs or civiL mauiuaux- _>k*,ti-oy-_d by carl- IST8.MKKTI1.0 AT BARCKLONA.ntSSENSIOVi AT CARTAOKNA-BKKUA AOAIM INVK-T-D BV CABL- **Bt% . .__,. Mai-rio. aturdsy, Ang. M, 1*19. Tho Carlista, at tbe instination of the pri__U-, bnrn all tbe record. of elvll marrlafi*. that they cap- ture. Tbe artlllerymen ln irarrison at Baroelona mutlnled against their offlcers. Tbey were, however, dlsartned by tbe eavalry.undor tbe eomiuand of thc Captain-General, and were imprtsoucd before they bad tiuie to do any seriotis harni. Adviecs froin Carta_.ena UM* that the elvil and mili¬ tary autborltiei of the Coinmnnlat Afluiinlstratltiu had qoaiTeled. and their respt'etire partisans had e».ni»> to actual which a nuui-H-r of inon were killetl and wounded on both sldes. The private soidiers In Oartaccna are dlseouratfed. and are in favor of »urro..d-.iiu_. to tbe Goverutneut forcc-t. The Spanish fleet. under rmnmatid of Adtniral Lrol.os, betfi-U Um bo-nbariluiciit of Oflf-flflflBfl yesterda.v. Bavonm-., Haturday, Aui:. 23, 1H73. Tlie Carllsts say they ar- orc tnirlii_r for M movement on Madrld. and tbat they wlll be ready to inarch aome tlme _Hirt:.KO_t.'lirr. Tbo Csrtaipiia InHtircent. are viforoosly replying to tlie flre of tbe Spanlah fleet. Admlral I-obos bas under bis command only tbe Bara posna, Irou-clad, and some wooalcn fru;ates. UM Insurgents are plentlfully ituiiplied with protrlslons antl store., and aro saiiKiiino of asalstatioe from Ootn- tntinlst-. tn otber rltles. so that a stotU reslnUuee may be cxi't-i't.-'l frotn thflflfl. Ailvico- from Carlist .Uto tbat Perga has ai'iii'ibeeninvcsted by the Ctrlist army. Both slrles cliuni t.. lmve cuined a vlctory in tno rocont battlo belore tbat lowu. TIIK SIKfiK OK VA1.KNT.A. NOII.'K OB IIOMIIAKUMIINT Bl TIIK litlV KliSM KN I laouwa mai aai macartw* hy thk v.»hn- 11 ki:-, ihiikk I.ayV BMO-kUBM-Bl-. [fkom thk _ncu_ ooaaaaao-nan aa iu iamt>l Yai.evh, Aug. 3..At an onrly hour on tht* MMfllBg Bf Tfllj II a Pflflflflfli woinnii flflBM M frotn a villaire onthidc Bfld delivcretl B dispnteli to tl.o Itallati ('..ii-oil. adtiresaed to tho eonsular tor:.*, aml gtftflg -tM (onsuls flflfllflfl tbat Valoi.cla would l*o bombitnled at « p. m., Auir. 1. »r 6 a. tti., Auit. 2. Tlio not lee was un- iiii ,-nrv, for, with the exceptioti of niysclf, another corre-tpondent, and a f.-w flflflflBflflfl ainl atlvctiturotis BflflMBflk not a soul was to be Bflflfl in tbe houses or stroetfl of Vitloinla. Havinu lieen infonned by a volutiteer that tl.e voluiiteers were iromir attack the troop*, I pro- eeedd at once to the Ml-r.iel"te on tho top of the QfltbO dral tower. frotn which 1 knew l slio.ilil bave au exeel- lent Iflfl of UM liattle-fleld. I B*i *U be.-n »t my flflfll haif an hour when a sttttden flflflfld of wooly amoke Bfl-M out from the villa»_e of Mislata, sttuated so.itiiwost of V ti«-iat'in ainl to tl.o richt of tflfl nver, at thfl tlintun. .. >>f ul.ont 1,000 y.irds from the tow.-rs of Cuarto, ou wbicb the voluiitf. flfl hfld flflflfll tWfl gBBfl. Mfl Wflfl immedl- at.*lv .foil.iweil l.y a puH froin flflflB-fl.-.-lABfl eajuallv close, but on tlie left uf tho nver. It wa* .vl tl, nt M irinif z OflflflBM flfl i oi-cupn-d these twovil- Iflfljflfl a.-i't ii.teu.loil b.llMlrtlflj tlio town frotn th.-r.*. It was uot iiiany miiiutc- bfl-B-fl flflfl of thc tow.-rs of Cuarto ri pli'-tl, atnl f.»r aboul two hourt Uio arlill.-ry duel co.itiinicd w.ti.oiit iiilcriiiir.r.ii.11. Mu.ll, uiy tii'-to was a BBflflfl on lli.* PflflM.. side, and tbo al.oiit 2,fK.!i iti liiitn'rci', doplnyed >-ry roiichly ov.-r tho U.-l.ln iiiiin.-illntelv in front of ll. oiul-namod village, and Ure froiu behind every tra-c, every wall, flfld every nioiiii'l. Tlie BBW B8eaflM loniaad eflflttaaflflfl, .___. tm atttUmj ajjain bi*»C i" its B.ip-rior roalr. Tlie shells froiu tl.o tWWflBfl dropiH-d iu tbe villai_e_ witli adniiia.Uo precision, aml from my eoiiima-.i.liiiK t.'Hitlun I could s.»> tliitt Uiu rlT, ct wa« iiiiiMi.*ri>in: ulrradv men flflfl BflflflM lay am** t'-r.-.l Bflfld t.ii'1 woiiinlcil in front of tho hons-a, an.t IHriflflaWflfl.. fl-fl I'1 -flflflM-l BBBflflB, OM..;'"--, Hfn Ilt li 1. w.-il drr, cfcl, lmt f"T Mitne tflflflflfl or otticr tbey di.l not r. ..-ti Bl tU ** tlio.e froin the tflWflC.; nearly sll ******** fl-flflflg the hotises In that patt of tlir town whirh intiTvcr.-'1. -v.-ral fll ttUU bflflflflfl w.-rc nearly itmiwjntl. flfll uautui ee lia. ttaai tl ti..* 11.* I an.l so.ii.dcil I'i Bt 1." WflflBBfl Bfld cliil'licn aaal a ta* otb'-r BBBinaiihalaaM Oflflfl Iwattflddflwa tflfl atrct Mfl-tog tfl Un* -flflflfll OflfllflB, fli.BB a sh.-ll IhUPtwd flOUIli dlfllBflBfl ahflflll of BM an.l BWflf ihr lind of a lillle l>.t'"> whoin the motlier w.ta imr*in_ in her BIM >. Tiu* vo! inteeri aad ariHtta IflflgM .__. an.i.lrove th.- MldMn flflM tlir* barncades tbev bad .-onstrueted ln ti. vi!. . :i-- flfll B qflflO-flfl of volu-itc.-r a-t-. :>lry fa-11 ,.,,,;,; mtHMM-dfl bf UM fivii i." .r.i*, aml w. n- coin pletely d.-p'-rsed. A MU flflflfl Ihejr WMfl pCOtflflttflg fell i-,t<> Mi bflBdl of Uio \ ictor«, t.i.t it '¦' M r fik.-n. Ini' Lflgthc lliflgg-B s'-v.-i .1 ..-.'iiiii'icil of Um ''.vi! Oflaidfl and CereHmrif -.*_ Tm.g**! t,. u.e baflp_tfll,afld i.'-,'..r.* uiL-lit tln* kiiotl and wminiletl on bolli flldes amounted to ¦e_0ip_aa At tlie cloae ..ftl.iv tlie rfltflflBMIl fell l.ick, Bfld Iflfl lioo,.n ali.iti'loiie.l llie ti o BlUflgflfl an.l Ifltllfld mother, where they couc.-ntrated yesterday moro- IliM ''.». flrst i__y*l action hfld Bflflfl . irlt-ely favoi- al>.<- IO the Vai.i.ciinri, aud (BT thfl prc*. at tliofoarof Bfl iniii.c'.i ile boiiibanlinent Vflfl -tflflflllBfl. In fflflUflfl .,, v.ii,mt"-rs an'I iiiillliatneti, I uni*t BBf that tbeir eoBdnel wjib aienlMfll in trnatf t*a***t. Ba* one drunke.i myu did I B . flflfl BBl I bear flf a slnirl eflM liliob-flif tu anj etbai hIam, ln U_b Flflflflflfll Mflfl* CfldoIflflWfl pi'. of B-flflfl "p.-.taclos b..nKriii-r from a mtil mi a door, anl a l.u of Bapei untlt rin atli warninif all pt "lt iiiii;* U"t M I ¦:. h What ilil not bfllflflg to tln in. Tbi* in any etlii-i'ei.uiil.-j woul.l bv a f'oli-h Bfldfldflflr (.'eroiisjolio at mch Um*. Not i>o iu V.iiciit ia. Lvt-ry flflflflfl Jfll flflM M pri'li hin.MOlf ou b « l.oi.esi/, aad tflflflttIhflJfl-fl Wilhflfll-OBB T.fll.BtMfl. Dp to tii.-il.iy nf Iioiiiiiaiiliii.iit llc i>: h.t.l l"'-< a .l.-.ii. in BflMflg Uie miranti_ente voli.ntecrs and Uie unlilia.dlilriiwi. vtl.i. li api* .r.-il to nn Ifl bfl Mfldlflfl U a r.ipture. Irt. vciy pr>.'.ai'lc if MII bfld WflltfldtWfl or thtflfl tl i.vs lou_r>-r he eoul.l bflflfl flfltfllfld falflflfltfl witi.oul io. ui_f a siiikI- ... °f l"s Bflflfl. At il waa, lie suffered heavily, had tor. treat. snil BM r- tr.-itt IflflalIfld BBJTtWbflBlflflflWlBS btffe flf,..i.n aad tl r aMflt t* de gti il t--B_a. DflllflB Ihfl W_fl*_ of Ibl l-'of an artill.-ry ,a-t kept up, without, doluit much liarm aaelUMT UU, A ruu.or w_. BSHflflt a l_.publi.uii, ii uativo of a n. i.''.l>oiiriii»_ town, wa' Mg tfl tbfl Iflllflf ._ -.\.th »,iW0 men, aad :,.-... t H into have corroborated the vor- IBfll ti .. IT. Al an oarlv hour, yenter.lav ii,,>ii..t;--, I flflfllfl fllMflBdfld to thc MiKuelcte an.l found Ifeal HflfttM z Oflfl-BOfl bfld iivnln eeeflfMd thn village of .I tfl, " I.* UMfl WltB Ina I'T. ttie center Imng iu an oi'.-n bcl '., ui ecbi ion* t'ae l.-fr, an*t tbe rh-ht flfl- ciipM.iir flflflMflfll'i.; Bflflad ll.invella, ahout i.ooO Talflaci., aud al M Ifl M-fl-MM witb tho r>-st. Ifefl AflBMB bflgflfl *i's mornlnur w:»h artillery flre, t._it it, Mislata, th ien of Martincr's hu,*, appeared i._tely slleuced, flUfeOflgfl the vlllu'.'e was not . Tiiis utifortinate plat-e wua airalo ta.-1 en flre fo-day hy tho .bells ftorn VI t U.e rlgkt and eenter kept a arti l.r t .wn, and a sbill burst lu a iquare iltuated .1 in-atlou. not 60 yanls d.staut from thr> ....I. Oiii.-r st.ella burst in the air over tbe. I.juses, aud arici t. t'.iil.iii.Ks uear tbe towoia w.-re tl.-_.tio>etl or i.i... i. dfl-flflffld. -flflfl after Iha aciioa flflgafl, I n.- .1 the eenter of M.trlitiez's forccn bflflflbflMPMI t...u of its Ure, aud was aimluK at.-ay to Ita own .r, almro au lmiucuae coud of duat w.ta to b. b.'-ii air incln_: rapid!/ alon_c tl.o road. I aui t.ild * L ii_.uenu->couitu_c up. Uow t.-st. rday'a »,;tu»n 1 cannot asicriani yet, but IfeflbflflBflflflflflBBfll flfld. U 1* I'ositisely tflflMBd Uiat a body '.f C_ tiltliira hai BflfeMfld Val. n.-l.i, having de- lertfld U ¦ ;:* 'r, and that Wfltflll gflflfldfl bave .,. '1 us, li .wover, ..p,.iuia lu fe .-. i-x Bflflja-Bfl- '". *'l' tfl 11 o't Bfl fll flfl Ihe i.l. X-g. fl, *_.Tf feflBTT fl-lflB BflMfl. fl_aa__B. bfli not .llie i. ,1 .t M l.y V-i.-ti' .... I aui wnt:.,tf ui w ln ine early morninp of Ang. l, arul bflfljflfll ah ttt* m>- i |>i..i a . .| b.t- >.f it IMflfl fl ah ; it. r w-arao-tra.'. >1 froiu a BflflB J ¦ ,io %_* llii'-Oi'l'"" Vaielifia, wben a hbeil buril ll, tllc air, Itao l. .t a.-i.i (beiaTounu. audabo was .track l,y aaplio- ttr ou Ihfl iii' at. Mbe 1 s at tbe boapiUl uow in a pr«- r-riuu-on; l,ot.. Ait-ti._r-ouabii.i_ h-B-BBi i,ti,cUalUsoi.ti_.d.. A vuiuuu-er was llnun aial ad roucJng..- tb. civl _>.ii'i- retitflaVed, abes u. b.arda parched votce aaking for water "for the love of Ood." The voluntcer, a young mau wfioae heart had uot yet boen petnflrd by the horror* he wltneaaed around him, ran np to where the volce eame from. A civil guard was lying tn a pool of mud and blood. Ile waa abot through tho bre-Mt, and hia glmy eyea her.-iid.-d approaching death. He waa lying cloae to a fountaio. Without loa- Imt a moment the volunteer ran to it and brought back hia eap full of water. The blood waa gushlng from the poor Boldter'a numth; but the volunteer having ralaed hia bead io hia koeea poured down hia throat the delleiona llrjuld. It waa gettlng dark and up to thii tlme the rol¬ unteer had not noti. ed Ihe featnrea of hia ©otopanlon; lmaglne hia horror when he dlacoverod that the droop- lng head, and the aptrlt which waa dlientongilng Itaelf from htuii-iii mlaeriei, were thono of hia father, a reapect- -Jiln non onmmlBBloned oflicer ln tbe (Ivil ( The unfortunate man dld not recognize hta chlld; lt waa too late. lu* «ank tn ct"rual real wlth bla bead reatlng on tbe kneofl of a repeutant aon, wbo baa now thrown away hls rlfle and roaomtely refnied to fljcht agnin. Thia Btory bas been related to me hy aeveral voluuteeta, who aaw it and were ao toiehed by the acene. that tbey bad been exceodlngl- kind ever Blnce to the Iad. Thls Ib the war that la now golng ou lu the fleldi of La Iluerta. [Aecording to telegratn received froru .p.nn buJ.bc- .Iut-nt to the date nf the forcgoing letter, the \yam- bardment of* V.ileneta by tlie natiomil forcea wiib kept up nnttl the 6th of Auflruat. On tbo following day tin re waa a parlcy, and on the 8th of A upnit the rtfy atirreii- dered and waa forioally ovcuptcd by the Go\crumeut troopa..Aid.) OESEHAL FOBBIQB NEWS. VIFAVS OF THE DUC I)F. BROf.I.Il.. SPKBCH AT AN KN'TKHTAINIMKVT IB HIS BOflOBfl. -__B BMNU OB OB OoVl'KV.MKNT A.IAI' TKNTJK.NI.Y T.) BO0-4I BOBOBBflB, Parib, --i.'itur.l.-ir, Ang. IX BM, The Pr.fec-t of the Pepartmcnt of Eure to day g.tvo an eut itainmenf in hBOBT of fhe Dflfl De Broglle, Miiitater of Forelgn AfTitra. Many di- ti-jgulsh' d PBBfll liiii'-ti wero BBflflfll the guestB. In reply to a toa_t, the Uuc De l.roglie aald that the (inveriiiucul of the Bflflflflflfl waa BflBBOfll Ifl » BBBBBfllfl. notagain-t BfljBHfl oplulon, but »calu«t thoae looae prln- cipli'B wblr-b thre; to put au eod to BBflfefll order. The fltlflffljM Wflfl B p-rllous one. It mlcht he a lniig one. It wonld flflffltffl, in aupport of the (Jovernm.-t.t, Hfl effirtinf all 1 Wfl -t eit:_.i..iof Ifefl B-Bflfetfl. Tiie prohlem wliich the BitUAiion pro*. nt* wlll aoon he aolvvd hy the National Ate-c.nhly, without pasainn, fltt-flfll BM influenee of peraonal py BBBJflthlflfl He BaBflflBfli . hlgli BflflflflBflBBflflflfl IBfl ch.iracter of rresltleut Mat M.ilion, flflflflfl private life and public Bflttflflfl elitilletl liilt. he cal.ed . BBflflfll flf feflflflfl. II waa good fortuno fflflflJTrflflflfl to have attch ¦ aa I:i< M.thi.n, Wfeflflfl lnvalty to liii cmintrv ls above the Bflfl of party, aud lio'cAliurtcd bii bcarors torally around hiui. He alluded in kind tTtuB to BB Plflflld.I Thiera, to whoin, how. v. r, be thought tho A.i.einhly bad uiaui- fcat.-d ample gratitude foi BM BBflfl. M-rvue*. BOMI Kl'IiF, FOR IBELAJUfc A NTW PIOMlll WMK .A KlS'li TO I1K BLBCTBB HY uairaaoAi ooti biiib ibibbbui pakhamims .OOBflOOA-lO-i 00 MfATBO. LOBDOB, BfltflflO-f, Aug. IB, ie._. Tht Dublin lrishman pobttshoa the new pBflgHBB-BO of the "nomo Kulc" party. It, BBBBBflflfl the aatflflOflBflflfll of B new paper ln Dflfe.fl, flflBfld th- Faugh a llatlngh, to be tbo ullli lal jimniil of IBfl Bflfll/,.i agllatlon for the iibolltioii of lli>- BflflM and BflBM of [flfld Lieuteimnt, and the siib.iitntlon of % Surerain. to BflflfeflflBd ByOOlffllOal Mifr.a_re, and to bave the title ... Kuig* fnr trl Bflflfll IfllHBflflfllB. flfld for a lflfl BflUflSMtflf coufla eatlon of tho C-U-._ of abst'iitees. RAILKOAD COI.I.ISIO.V IV F.N'i.IAND. LOflBOfl, Sattirday, Bflfl tt, 18T3. A otillinion occiiiiotl this ui'T-jintf oa the ( Nor.hi-rn Rallaray, at, near Nnttin<rhaui bfltWflflfl a freight and BB excursmn tr.ilti. Tiietr.iu. were badly wr. .¦ked. Four i>> -iflflflfl flflflfl BBtfld and 1S Ofllfl li.i(lli iulnred, several of thetu beyond Bflffl of rc- covery. POBETON ROTEA The hoiise-p;iiiit»'iB und decorators of Lon¬ don ar" on a nt. ike. Ebg Victor Kiii.'inticl will Vicnini Mi Ilerlin BBflfll the Bflflflfl flfll BflflflflflflBflft IHE WMEE BBCOBlk IV ItKI.ri.Bl, Ml*. BBLFAir, Aag, 24..A most _OflllB<lWe fire ,1 oatkflrfltfeM flflfll.o«. fll lfl>fllflflB,lfea oafltfeai heingdry flfldfl atrong iraln BlflIIlflfl fri.m the Bflfltfl, It t-flflflflflflflflfld in Denniitfl flflflIflflft, north of II. Piiit.-.v IMtBlfltlUIB* BBfllf. Bflil BOOBBi **itl. fenrfnl rapniity ¦Iflflfl tne wharvea aa far Bfl Ourter's ahip var.l and BBBrifla IBftflflf, croi«mg U-Mflflt. :, eiteniling to Ili_h-t., flflflfl-flBflO all tfeafl-Bdlflflfl inasoatherly cour-.. tar Bfl ibe house of E. K. I.nylc BO iim_t. I '.'" tb*- Ure wna. tayed. m,r ns bu.ldli.i_n were d. itrnvril, iii'isily of WOfld. Tbo wuole lou, ai neur as it cau be ectlmated to-nlght, Ih nearly |.V-n,(TX). IBBflflOtflf »ll tl.0 Bflfl Btean.lioat wfeflflflflfli arMfe a fiti*;l(B BfleapH., all tho huiI'lingB are burnf. Aiuoug tlio priii,i|nl hnildlngK Bflflllfllfld are Mie BBfllfla of It. 8:tiley & ,S..n, 1'itcher 4 0 BflBfl.B, J. W. Fr.ilerick & Co. W. B. Bwan & (.'»., Diinel, the Hel'fast Bllfllll IJ. W. Ilfcher & Hons, flve Bflflflflfl] CfllBfll H. Cflflfl*fl ahii>-yarJ. with ono or mur. fflflflfl] Bfl the Btort-s; Mr. Oflflflflt, lumb r-yard; Mathewa & Co., Hi.h nnd hllnd factory; 0, B. Thonihs, ».il!-lntt; D. W. feOa.._Bartflfl railway. Ou BlgBflt, Ifefl valuahlo BflflflB of Jamea Oilmore, the Jflfltflfe WBtBBt Houae, the Cart.-r Hotiie, tue Ho.i-tc. and tht- Iioubcb of M. h. n. K. W. Kteph.-iiBon, D. W. Dyer, Aag raflfll.. nn-l E. K. Ilovle flflflfl llflllBrai. At keflfl ua fflifllM. Tfl ifliM-flfld Boflfllflflfl. A tarofl Bflmbfl ol MflBflflfl removed tholr fnriiliitre. Bflflflflfl them Mr. W II. Hurrill, Mr. T. TBfll-dl-fl. aml many olbcra on I.V FATOV. 0!IIO-r.Ofl«, $10.(WK). CisriNNATi, Auur. 24..A lire Bl Katon, Ohio, ¦1 u ui rnliitr, dcatroi. fld one of tbe flflrflflflfl .'f that tuwn. Bflflflflfli Bflflflfla a«lj''lnliig on twoain.fa «,!,¦ bfldll d.uiia-id. A afeaiu-r Wflfl Bflfll froin li.i n- mu,id liidinna. to tbe aa. tstatrce of the Pire Department h( r. . Xbe In-a i-Btmiatcd at froin 8_n,i.»l to |6.,U(_0. IV THIS (TTY AND liROOKLYV. The two-8tory frame dw.lliiifir No. 59 Cnnton- Bt., Brooklyfl, owned t.y IBOM BflJ Bta, aal aflefljaad by Edward Lcwta atid wite. was -MflBTflflfld to bo ou flru at iu p. t.i. on 8attiri!aT. aii'l wae damaged ahout |3.)0. l^.'.i aiid wife m iv *tl iflflQIMfll Iv BTNfltfld flfl the Coln- uialnt of Borlao on a ohaxge of haviiui fl_*l.__a__-4r fln .I,- ivnre.l to l.uru tbe bome. Tucv vieic heid for cxam- lUiitlnn. A flre on the rccoihI floor of the three-story No. lin Fn.ilt-rt.. ineJ i_» an flfll lore hy JoBcpU D. H.irhrr, ye-trrtav, d.-imare 1 Btoch |C-X). lir ..f Ure from the bumiug building wero blowrv upou the Toof of tbe flve rtory building Noa. 1.10, M5, and l.i llaiden-lauc aud Is'iU'etl lt. Bflfflflfl Ifefl llreincn i nuld ¦i.i.oui tfea Bifliti.tflfl mnd had Th at-eond, third. and fourth IflflCB of Bfllfl. IM flfld IM \1 t.n lu,.- were occupicd hy Eranclaco Llado. dealer ia eflflflfl, who.- fltflflB "aa dflflflBflfli l-,oOJ. BLfiKWIIKIil.. A Iii.- in I'rovidence fB0t0BB_f inorninp dc- a wi>iri.-n iiiilldlog uacd aa a achool rooui fur St Aiu» .iu. Orffflflfl -aylu.n. CltlMK-l AVIJ UABU1IIIIB BT Tr.f.F.ORAflf. .I.din lUnco.k. flhfl Iflaiflflfl- BflflB l'avvti. 111., hia l_nua_.l*: ,.._,_« U*> Iniaf. il.. u.__. ¦ _n.»i-_. ...C.l. l'r.u.k A. Riin-of The PtttttBU MmMri fl.4 an a;_>(..*etir B.uri a r..r I'awB^li ..J.ihraLij ua.iwraJ. buouBj.u.a rctltrilai waa rerr fru.tai. ....'.'.,Iliam < .u.'i'ii, li. qoartermBaawr on th.- . ..B*-r ".iTIiliif. hllfla- tnat t..«l lulo IBI riirr, al l'_,i_-»l»~.». *B .(.liirl,. flflBB, ao- waa flflflflfll ....Charlaa Maaae, aald tt. rrpraaaBt Lcnradi t*. .n:, ii Ue Klntripn l.-_ n.»,.-.. waa in*at_- tj ". Lara, railir- Jaj, i.r H*a,, g a lo: of rl.tb._< ttom a r«__> .b Ibe Laaflfl Bflfll ....Fru,i.a l.i-Bin. 1.40 IB, wli-.t BTBO BBflBBfltfld Im ak'i 1 .tl... r A-a-laiu. BlhiBBfa, »it _,..._.4 u_ -..*._ alttlty Ba*. la. waa a B*t.,B..! > ¦ _A BBflBB (> rmati. BflflM iiiiUiown. while 011 l-B BBJ to ib* Br. Jrr*-. IrBB-B. ¦.'-.. .>'. ..'». bf a ir*.. *ri lk* V.BfBi. . V.l,., 1...I u.l, *-.! .: ._ aa.ory -u lli. bliuga fla Wawa.ab!*, B-fltWara > ....'Ifeeai hoouer .Vee.lora <tf Jon-vtljoro. Me., wit tkrowss. i,*r :_._iii < . 1. iu li w ka. *r la. xg . ..( tall .. B.tu ia« wf..n*awi.. a-ltak^i'.-Biit, wi..M. .,i.r-.H 'l_l psflawa. .h. ... ... , ., B .1*1 Ktvusir I_l W_* bul ....... aafl .ie*. STEAMBOAT HORROKS. EXPL08ION OF A MISSISSUTI STEAMEB. TIIK BBB, WOLFE BI-OWJ. UP AT BT. FKAHCI8 H IBI^rfD-»IKAlt-_r THIKTT PKIWON8 KILLKD OB I.NJl'MED. HkiJ-Na, Ark., Aug. 28.-The Btenmer Oeo. Wolffl blew np at Kt. Kraneis's Island abont 2 o'clock yes¬ terday afternoon. Twelve per-ons ar© known to bfl loet, and tifteen are wounded. The offlcers of thc boat were all soTet. exeept the Beoond enaineer. who Waa on watch at the time of the exploeion. He n niiiwing. AU bai one of tho ladire aro saved. Mr Nclson. from Shreveport for Mcmphis,<i. A ileek p-Mengrr named Daweon. hu wife, and two children. bomid for Tupelo, Mifl*.. were all MUflfl. The cabin of tho b<iat was blown to pieeea. Thfl linll may be saved. llie p__UMigem and tkW* ti tk* Wolfe are atill on St Franeis's **_**_, w.iitiiij. ku an up-river boat. Tho place where the steamer blew up is known to river men an the " gT*rt-ytTi_,' baing the placo where tlie IVnusylvik-iiaaiid ll' 9* Nieholns blBW iii*. *ud the T. L. McOill w_m bomed. I').. (...... WflUfl was from Shrevep..rt for St. I.ouis. Capi Beory 8. Carter wae eomn_*nder. and JoflcpL Widen, Cluk. rin IMBTBIBfB MMMM ov tht. ivi* HKKtiN iit.Aiu, IPBBBDBU * xiiM.' i-i.i CB rtiii- TfNATT. BBO.TB <>K A LAI.Y. Mi.mi.II-*. Auif.'-U.-The steamer ******** arrive.l here about 11 o'cloek to-diiy, briuifiti-. most t»f tbr >,.ir vivors ofthe lU-fat.-d ****** WflMfl. BBBMfftlMBfl Capi llenry H. Carter, h<*r eoniuian.ler. who waa ...tisulei.iMy bi.iiis.-d ab«nif the _***\ and had blfl Iflfl lc_r BBM I'.fllv hru.Hc.l. Capt. Ctnei mul. * that a short tiinc bl f ** *U eaplflfl_BB bfl ha.l pflflM to his room to tai.-* a n.ip. lcavit.n tl.e ni.ii.i flO wat. h antl the lirst he kn.-w of the BSaMMl Wflfl thal li.Mt hii.ih. lf lilie.l into the air with B Hi'vereahock. and Ml witli tl.e flflflflfli on the lower ,l,ck. As soon as he louhl extrit ate himself h. trlanee.l .in.nd an.l saw that flfefl IflfWflad p.nt fld th.-t a'.ii'aud " t.-nits" or BflMfl BB ihe htirrioano thek. lnul be.-n hl"wn away af: t. tfir boil.TS. and tliat ."ai.tne of the tirnl.e". had tak.-n Itfl. Bl tirst thoiiKht wn toextii.L'uish the Iflflflflfl. wl.i.h, wilJi tl,,. ;ij,l a.f a f'-w otheis nnd a heavy rain whieli waa fiillini_at the tnnc, he soon biic- cec.lcl in il.iii_r. Mflfl-tBBMflM <)f the <-t.*w who ha.l bflflfl bnt sli_htly iiijiired. ****** that tho wreck ha.l .lnitct near tln- tMm, jumpod ont with tho h'-ad line antl made her fasf, when if WBfl l'onml that th,* boat had bflM bot littlo iiijiir-d. Bfl ****** As R"..n as tbe fire was S_ttBf_-flhflfl, ev. rything poBB-lib.araafloaataibHbtbtha snrt'ei-rs. Tbaeap- lateBtatBBabe bai bai ll or tl aaMa pa-teenm-.s, only one "f whom was lo-t Mr. \. l.-wi. a piauo- tiiner Irom New-York, aito about OU y.-.-us. Owtflf tothceoudition of Mr. Wid.ti, the cl.rk, who was _.*\t-rely l.uriic.l al'.mt the cl.est imd thtoat, it wus impos. ible to obtain a list of thc passenfp-rs froiu him, an.l the books Wflffl all l_B_ Misa Bebaeea Oaba ei J*t**_mtm,T*wt*. who was aeeoinpanied by her couain, W, Bolflfl-flflMb] tt I'.uis, Bl .*, states tbfl Waa BB BBfl f' (.iiartl of tho boat, an.l, ow ini_ ta thc wcvciity flf Ihfl -torm whi.h aaa i_4-U_Ln.iibid "LatasajB lat*laaflflUn," an.l just as she iflflfl tl.o exph-ion oe.tirrcd, and sho was l.l..\Mi into tlie riv.-r, where, Bflfltef a uian near her, ihfl _BBflp-fl him by the neck, and he tfllfl h.-r tfl OBl-h hi** ***** ann, or sho would tln.v.-n bath) whi.h she did. Bad -BOB after asparcame lloatina by whieh ho M-lflfl, ai.d tlny held to it, floating tlowu the river for a long dia- tanee, until the barbt-r of the boat came to their aasistanca. with a pole. whicb her prewerver caii-bt, an.l. .till holflteg flB '<> tue r-par. th.y Wfllfl sate'.y land.'d on ahore. Mita C'ohn waa brniflfld. BhaieBalfl not leamiba bbbbb «_. Bm man who BflTfld her. l.ut, he was one ui a party of lour bfl- loniriiig to tln- Transatl int'c Ct-CBfl. Tlie paisengei-sp. uk in tlio higheat tentB af thfl ei'iitl.i.-t ofthe olli'-.-r*. <.*! eci.illv of Capi. Cflltfll st.w.ini. Ifotaithatanfllaf thal Um tormer ...a* *ever>ly injured be was BMBl BBtlVB in the Wflrfc ot rflUflTtep flth-BB .fl flXlte_rfl--Mfla Ihfli >.. UBI OB nn: .:"WMi> anii iN.ii i:i:i>. Tbe fulltiwiii'.: i* fllifltflf tii".*. Iflfll. a.s been itscertaint-d : r.'t.r ii.-ipi. r. Bflcond flflirtneer: Ur. v.-'.in ef N-w- York; Mr. Dawaon, wife tod f ocblldren, ol Shreve¬ port <;. M. *a bttfl ol Md wltb tfefl tlsntlc Clri-iu; and Mven colored flteT-doiflfli of Wfefl-fl flfllfl I'.'i..'1 Bad l.iirie.l. Tiie following Blfl thfl wuiiiub- l.all nf whom renidc in Sl. Looifl, exeejif whflO othent'-tc itflflflflf Capt, .'.iit.-r, Joaaah B. Wldca, clerk, r.-v.-r.-:, IbIIm aud ebflfltj -laa. lianubut, pllot, left hy ba.ltl ¦pralaed; Ja«. Cosofean, bi-lacd^kiioui thebead; Com l;or, n, uilot, i-11 ac ti t .> iii tlu-head an.l i.o'ly; Joba ____*. ¦on, B__tneer, riabi .boflldei apralaed; MeCflitfejr, ii r,sUgbtly brolsedaad scal.l.-.l; Hiriiia.. Ma* it.'ii,, .teward, *-iik.11!_* Jas.Bmltt, third cook, I. ft ann atidif.."! Boakfed; tlir*. Frisble, Shreveport, eul in tlu- rbrhl snle, and li-l tluitciitci I.--ua, Bflklfl -ptai.i. .1. Thfl f'.ilt.wing patBOBB BN uniiuit: Mr*. Kiocti.i... tnd two i-iiililicii, Altiiama; MIs» Fl! ., Bbreveport; Mr Ober. ,**t. r.iarl.», maanurl; V. '.i anl, I,. J. Bowen. ,li_e Mu...... ( l.arl: i reehoOae, M. L. BanaaaB, Ira <'>-iii>T, Ed, ifo«ai.. M. B. Wllllanis, M. L> Bavlfle, aad tfefl tollowlflx flo_or__l Mfl~t__wvfli Wllllfl Wood, i'rank Thorp, Jauics ilawson. OflOTKC lli ..per. J t'ji.-i Joaef, iiin liiirtrcrt, licn Baakfl, t kflriei r-.i ih, Alex. Julian. aud Jobn Co.i-.lin. a tli.-in...i The followiti-c ei.lored stevedoree are in the h,.3- pilal at HfllflBA. badly hurt: llilly llurton of Nashvillc, Birt Noahl.y of Ht. f. i.l*, Perrj ilei'.ly t,f lire.-u. K>. tteflrn l.'.iiitinau IfleloredJ of Nea-Oi-ifl-M was o.ottu Bverooaed aud urowu. tl. '.'he cti.ineor statea that H'lpler, the second en¬ giueer. wlio waa ou tluty at tlie time ol the BXpld- Bioii, was one of tlie most reliahlo and coinpetei.t :n. n ho ever hitw, and he BBB give Bfl thcory ua to thtr eaOflfl Bf the explosiou. Th..- B-fltflflfla of II. lp- Iflf *m h.v tha BBip___t-__ wlio taw hitn try the gwig*}, and just at, he put tiown the stick the explo- -mn (1,-ciirreil. PB-BBBB ou eLoro who sa.v tho flf-irfl-tra state that bodies aml lragnieuu of timlicr blown 00 feet into the air. Capt. CfllBflf iiid the survivors speak in warra terins of tha BBBifltaaoB wda-afl by the ¦___________¦ «__f thed. .). Check aml .l.ilia in relieving their warita. Tho sc elcik, BflWBlfl Blat k, the Btfltfl, H.nry Bush, aml the BtflWBCd. Wflffl left iu cliar_c ol the w icek. Ihe othtrs kft tor St. Loiiis on thc Julia; ?.- BSSULTS OK TBI WIWAM.TI DTQ1 IBT. nrt tM-fl1HIT 1P ****** imr. *iiil a -nn: OBBIC-B-I A.ND CltilW IO KK KVI-.KI.I.V CK.V- M lillii.t'.lNTEMPI.lTI.D (_¦_-_¦ LS WOtBU mWilBW eiKA.M_uiAri- Wasiiinotom, Aug. 24..A coiapk-te effldal co| y of ibe tt stluiony in tue Wawasot iurestlicaioa was aubmltte.l to Inspectors R iso aud E Itjar thl-erenliiif, auii their report wlll be prepared and pi"»e_.trd M Secretary Itichardsoe as s.on a. peflMbbV Wh_o not aniou_.ln_ ln advaneo their report will be, the Iuspectors exprca. lulorcually their opinion up. u tbe fact. a. deteloped in the Inveatiratloc iu a manner which can lav.i littlo doiibt of the conclusious to tii. fi tbey will ofltcially arrive. OflaflflBBBBg the orlulu of the flre, they adtuit they bflflfl l.t. -ruiiii, d notbiiKf satlsfactonlv, and tbat lt wlll re* uia:u a uivstcry. They say, bowevor, that tliere can b. no 'lutii.t that lt beiraii la tbo tlrenino'a room, forward of the boller, at.d that it must hava b*«n burning for a eou- ai.lttal>Ie Uuia beforolt was diacovered. OflflflflBUflf tho conduct ot ._. BBBMBI aud ih etew «f tbe boat after the alai.nwas nlveu, the Iuspeetor* aro Ycry eaiphatio lo ibeir r> iicure. Bo'.ictliig tbat the tefltituony ahuwa uot only direct vlolatioa of law an.l n. .fleet of ihe rnV-s of tbe Treatury D.p.iTtment before tne tire, but sub-etpietitly toiupleto disord.r an.l deii.oral.ration of .11 bands, utfer ne«lect nf t uiters, raprrlally of the women aud children, aud diar.vard »f .-..-rytliii.K DflfBoaal saf.-tv. Tney do not say that they n.-lieve the au-amer,. 1 (.ave tkflflfl siM.l aiter ti,<- II e v. o, J:. ov.i, d, tb.,u_r . aad tflfl poMpflaboee. and flztUigaUben be.-n ia proper order aod use.l efft-.itircly, th. rbanoe-fl for her sat.-ty vrtrs n.oio thau even, but they dowy that wltfe pruia-r run mati'l and dlscipllnc aud une of t..,»ts, tlio llfoof v< j pa-*aa-ii_er I'Uifbt to have been pre».-rvo.l. Xbfll noltl lhat Uie euiriii.-t'r't d'-vH'tiou "f bis U«*t io act ua i".r d-.rii._r a portion of Ifefl trip ifl proved, aat] tfeai. it loexctiflatile BCfttsel of dutv. Tflfl in- *,_, lon Blll alro call altcuiiot. to the fact that uo nae wb.tever wa. MM o* tfe. \*Jgg*\*Z£3& four paavnger-.. and wlll ^''O^my n' change In the rulea of the PBpflrtlBBflfl,BfMgflflflj ln addltioo to the notloM w1.1. ""*«**!."/.. lrlp BBBBB waacena-wra can r. ad. aome ofB.*er dariott oaca «v .uiil gTvepra....... M flf ^tttM_^tA__*P__\ aud bbv Uo T tuteud to mah« tlieir report Juat anu .aw parlUl. ______.......- IBE FARMERs MoTlMLNT. KEIH.HT OF THB NBBBBB Ofl IHE MIHfAil HI BTATfl UKAM.t -BAn-IA. t'.ltV A- "IM*- MKM hB- bAssAb __BBOB-B- "". ¦¦¦ "" .* OAM/. HK 8*. IBT TKIKORAPH TO T.I* Him n I ,| Chicago. An*. 24.-Mr. T. li. AliVn. mtmMrt Of the M_a.ii.rl Biate Uraoge, baa BBflfl ..'.».><- . ,w# w«ek . offleial tour tfu-eugh )_ri.<H_dri anl Araausas- IU reporta Um 18888888 everywhore e-.tnualaaue la tfea Uraoge c*.i»e. r-aBlvcl ..n Mfl rlgbtlBB »f ibelr wBBBflB, BOd earBtas. for at-lf loiprovefl.. bA. On Ihe aoib litatant he attetid.ti and B.tdr-_«-e<.. Bv _»»» lation, a meellng farmera Bl .irand Burflt»_BB, fl_*_B» Ileiaaa. Ark., al wiiioli a-iveral iBousBad Werfl _rreme-t, inl hi*. audtenefl ware m»n*i rnlored people, wflo Bet->n»d atfBiiU vHr- TBb Muater of ihe SUU Ora_«8 tn Afbanma ia JfllflB Jonea, a weaiihy farioer reatdiBg m-mt Httiitfla, wbo ib veiv Intflligent aa well aa energrtlc aott preetA aad. Tborr- are as yet bul :»o auiiortllnat_. fllraBBBflin Arkanaaa, all lu tbe i_nrtb-eit..i«m part of tbe Blalr. bo* tbe ordtr B .preudlng. Mr. AIL-n thtnka thal 0T8 tlratig.' ¦BflflflB nt wlll havo a heallhy ' fle*-» ia flBe Sontb. by Baainiiladag partiex aod produ- ...» a UBtflri Blale of fe.lriig ainonu; th.- pt-op i- Ue fean. thi re w.ll be Miine tivnble ln Arhan-aa, and pethapain _Baflflflfl_,-_ BBflflflB BflflflBBflO" Bflflflflfl. Bfll triyts tbat it trlil imt '_.- *. .- I " I'tirmia .x lua nr giiiuz.'d for *ix ;.ii por|Hi«4-8, ifeeflegro, he tluak*. oonot be BdmitU-d t<. (Ue ttaiue lodgra.fclH wher>'Vera *ii(llel.'ii« numUirof tbein deaur aeparale organir_alM.ii. or wi.l biaiaeif m* thut tbey aaa propcilv ..gaatiod andaet agoing. lln pBBBJBB Bl Arkanaaa wlth wkvifli bB ottmc in confn. i were as Inielligei.t a aet of faroier. aa be had aeen anywtiece. and wbera-ver he weufl thai grratr esipea.e aud uiiaulDiliy of opflnlou afwinietl to prvvall. The Order, ho fur.lier fUt", k. m 'ti.e li.Bti.rl degree flour.ahliig ln tbla Htate. Tbere are afl ready more thaa wo lodgea in ML-aoan, wtlB nn average iiieinberaUipof 75,und th*«e ntii.ib.-r. wlll ta more than tlon il'd 1.. th' BBBl three iiiontbw. Tl.. ae will prohai'ly he mort. it.aii '..«.,<»*0 Urang. ra m Mi-wt...rt before ttprlng open. Tlie Unuiger-, Mr. Alleu tblnfla, wlll endeavor flfl BflBfl flfll tt fflBBBB, btlt thry e*i,nol fail to 1,-rcatly modify partieseventually. lOOBBBM i.v rui- n.l.ixoi. i.iiMuia' A*-s(,< uTiiiJfl. 1 ii¦_. BABMBBB BBOOMMBBDBB N 0088BflB__B Ciiha-.o, Aaga -4..At tlw mtetiug of fariu- BBBOl'-e, lil., yt-alerd.ay, Mr. B. M. _!uiitLt. P11 M tary of the I'.irtiien' BBBM Ol MBMBBOO, n-U.-ralad bfl* ad vire to tbe farinith to coiuhinc ai> tbe other Induri. . claase. dld, aud g.I bigher pnce« fur their prt-lu.*- Iha.i thoie olfer.'.l under the itiidlatmrOOi aBBflBBBfl of aapply and deraand. Br bi.M flflfl BBflfll f eu't .* ith i* tUat wi Bfll into iflfll uud niuiigage our BBflfl,flflflB,flad Bflfll they are rai-w.d. Tlien we are al th.- rneiry ot our BBflflfll aml iiieiciiaut. Bflfll flfl BflflB acil tor anv pil.-e thev iflflflflfl topivu-. Wi ihn.iltl «et flflflflr flfl ,i..,; if Bflflfl to wear our paoU aoill tfeay _.». flfl many ctinri bf reaooo ol tbe patcuca aa Joarpb's ooafl. i;,t our of debt aii'l h<: ia ¦ ooodlUOO tfl bold your flfl** pure until the eflaflaatera wlll M wllBflfl to jwy you a talr reuiitt.eratinii Ior htfeflT. I? the Bflflt tnen lue.t in ckplei ilur aud Btt a priflfl flfl Iflflfl I".*"k. aa they did laat year. aml atf 'l'-y _1" ,"nl>r give H for tt. then m-et them by h.d.tiug net untu they wiii Bc willing t,> (ir* rooflB. nflflfl ifl aa i..¦>...,! hrnadaiafl- flflflB wB ': tfefl w.,ri,i a mtr. t.i ¦aaifl; lf tbere ta a .uipiu_ oaa m-.i- tbflrawlllM a deflcit la ihe aecond or ibir.l .sar.aad it wt:i m wantitl at i-emuiieiiiilve pr.,.- OctoiB of flflfll flfld k.-i-p out ol di-iii, Bfld Bflflflfll roui ne maBhood, afltl flfl imt Ktaiid ut tlu* nieny of Bflflfll Bflflkfl-Baflflfl BBM .8 foniicd to laMfla you. A very plthy a'ldress wa. mad-- hy tfefl PlflaBtflBl of the ineeling, A'tphonae Mllkr, an Bflfll > -1-> BflB BflB fanu.-r. Aftt-r _flfl_fe__-0.* the BBBflflfl BMl fld t-> U.e furinallon of grangi a nnd eMBfl, tbe f*n ifl nt _fli Ht pri-B'Uf.uivea lu Ofll . Bflflfll hrto the narlooal treaaurvj oor LenlalalBr. and aold by moaopoltafl ot everj idiid ih '¦.'" tbem: oar cb.ef fl-agtatrate bb palai iad tafecfl hii ifeBTfl or Ifee tMck-actioo. .orward-a. timi .il roriupttt,:. Innnl. aml ttri- lerv ia .Bi'ilUutf Ifl Ifefl lafld Tfefl feaottfl of 1776 bting upprenaed i.nril opprcaiiou b. uoeudurable, formed i_Mo a defensiveciiuitioaAiiio - t tbelrgrievauoei lo the Dt-elaratioo ul imiii" .iiul algued and .ealedit « uh tb. tr -. *.l - the pa'triotlu fanaen ofl 187J, beiug opprt-seed bj k ,,., |..,\, i.i.i. .1 kntti .i miiiiin.ii.m, hBVI forth tbelr grlevance ln a declaration ol Indepeiidroce, .md Wlll Bght until ji.Bi rifhl .tr.- i. Wi make oo war with railroa-i a^ roada, bul we w.U w.i,:.' uorelcotiug ¦....rfari with . iflWIt Mu'i.i:tt r fraud*, andallclaahleglslatlou lhal bmUu nopolica poaaiide; tbal toruh th( ;. .. ... tlu expeoaeof the i-eople. I bflllflTfl it to i .....,iy N, BBJ ev.ry man h .-> bil prhe; we i.i u, flflfli flfl i tf"1'. * u mu* a.ii ranta, yt t wa ahall aevrr gei them uat.i wb imoke mit tbe pettypoliUcUna tfeatan . gacound : for offlee. lt toatter* aot froa what "J_W.* Beek out good and true aieu, imie UBflt -t i _. tfee n..u. Bfld uol tin ti.-ti. tbe .1 ORIll ARY. BeBJBBliB Yoilii-', BB BOtOf, woUrkaovfl Bl o Btoi "t m-.-ro lar.u-ior-, p ,rfi'-i; I. lo thfl parfl uf IjDO-fl ton , tiiett luodeflljr ln PW .. K.v. John Todd. I). D*, lo.'iir a pactoi ol tlio Firit CongregationalUt Church of IMi-dl Id,BflMfeflflflfl Ifea '.¦-.tiiileiitB'Msnita'," Bfli BflaBfltflfll bO*_ fnr the roflflfl, and oue of the best known lergvmen ln Vkeetern bflU. :t-, ilK-'l Ut lilr. liOll, .1, -i'l lt .ln Id, a.i-a., yettetdaf mormng, lo fefl Hcdrflar. Jodgfl TboOBOO A. li. N'cIb'.ii of Ti-:" tlietl at hii lato IflflMflflflfl ii. K,i.._.v,.l.- i -kt, r.lay, of clinli-ra, BBflfl two thi- HlflflBB, Bfl flflfl fun.ieily J,nl/r of tbe BvpflflflM Court of fBfll -' e, and 'i i BttBlflfli an .1,1 tl BBBfl HdarOBfll oiie tiaBBflfltBBflO Ui.loni.t, bfll aflarwaafl ftflflflifli Ifefl CflBfedaraey. Dfliiao ti.e proceedlngi atteodiBfl tha lupeaefeaaeBl fl Prrwuteot Johaaoaba wai ooeol U eoaoselffli i. ft ni", m:u1 made .. long, i.l''V al ipat cll, n Bi m ibfl n.r iti. Ktravaoaat pcaflfla ..r BMeBaal ¦* M u u .-nui flaai, MfMi ll'Ali ..I.KAM At a BteeUogr, on r-.ttiiid.iy, of t'ic Huanl of i-; aad AflpoflUoaflMBl* tfei oBaalBflfl ot BMkflM an upproi'liaii'in lo p:;y eierki Bfl ibe CMflBflMflMflOOl I Ac-oiiutB .iguiii amt'iip. OoatraHar Qoaaflaali 'hat ha wa« u..t ready to vote for such au appropi laiiin iieca.i _o he had heen unuhle tu Bfli Bflf law tuo OflflBBflflBBflfltfl toetiiii'.nvil.-iaB. Mr. Wh'elor »tat< d that John II. i-li.ili.tii 1, il fuimill. .1 Litu wuh au elaliorale flflflfltafl IflOOBBB-Btfl ibe al'owing of the apjiroj.rlailoo aikod|for. Mr. HTBlBBBj flflflfl adinlttiug th- ( u.r tflfl iflflfl nut .tatt: txiat the CumtiilaBlonera uf A. I ¦OflB bave aucli aa*,lriance aa Ifeay may re'j.i:re, h | y that it ls not neeeeaary ln tUe orgaulc law of tl,. criiineiit that »ucb ipecibcution MM Bfl given, aml he ¦888 the pav.'iKiitB to tke 8Bfl_fl__MBB and Bflflflflfli '-in- ployed hy the leceut BOBfld fll Au Iit, of v. i.rcci), Bt.-h:.i'ia, aml Van Nort werfl nn-iu!_*i , wltl,in._-h the act of 1H7. did uot autbonzit thwm to bire mom than one clerk.aA a parallel caae. II. urge* tb.-ifl tha c.-. trvlk-r .aiiiiol offrr oppoiitiuti lo tlie apprtipriat. the prescnt ln-tance witbout adinlttmg that he a. i. 1 without authority of law ln p.ivlnj; ih*. cl.ilma lu .ha former cace. After further dtaflflflflMfl BBB Uiatter Wflfl defarred. Tbe ("iitruil_r ww»aui_,ui,i<d,tu ;__iue Lumia Ior tlie fulluvMiig_Un k»: Al.ia.nal Crotoa Aqu-lael (bil atfita).f l.V).pe_ . r.,t_>. w.t*r aaa.B Bluck.HJtt..-.-J Sewrr rruair atu_l. I* Cllj Parfli. . *..(....) A__ria__Ml_i>a>U(:mp_-r*_--«l fc* I. muai b.__lalvr va;_u»uli»ij_a«i__>ua .»-.._(. ikaal;. .OM 'bJ Toflal.81 BBMflB Ti;LF.G«APHIC NOTE3. _Kx-Ilepreecntative John liickman lj Uamrer- oaalj iii .1 flfl born* lu l*n.irlt__-_. ..TIktc have thus far bflflfl entered f. r BXbMllflO ll Ifl. 5 w -Uflaud rair, T.'l butte.. Si'J .»-.ll*, and lCO-L.-j. _The weather yeBt.-rdny iu (.'iuciriuati wan in- _______ huL Tt.. kr.i _a-l aearori/ b*r_ iitui. al a., __* ,. , ....At the Metliiirii.t camp-nieetintt Rt Plainville, CoBB., raaunlar. a:*8l 7UflJO p.D|>li wti. pi.i.uu Tfl* __«-. l,.j cIumi u_ IS*-1--__8J. ....The IndiAna Patspt-i a-nd ]i.g Tie* ntT nf F.rt«. 'i»B. waltiBf for ther. af»r«B«ii ti_-..,t_ir, Bilrr t. . I* (vriaailt rautta- fr_a> > ....Mrt. _a__h V. Wtoiht at Har.for(_.Ti_n., who 11*1 iail »*..*. lt:t».'..'i(Kj tc ia* 11 a* Si -. ....itj s*b.,-.,. ... fc, ovm Back lo flt* pbiia_lkropie n..titntio-.i .1 U.r'.lord. ....TIh. ruet-olfic*) at Terrv istation, Pope Cuntv Arl.M.i. _aa k*«a liKjuiiuwtal, ?..*_** lu* p.\m.a-, ; f-alii Bul IcibiwibBufri. .f laaataii., U,a afins _,,__ \__._ lak, flwo m llne* Iibw BflU _* axva.a ....Jti._,gel'aKiiiof the Cutral Critnlhal Conrt Bt U8.B _.. rla..'. lb, _u. ,.1-rrd ,,_....*. nf U.fl r.i, bb.,..,,,,! ^" , !!' l»'B-BiM»w.48-_B-aa«a ,. iba ism, wa., w,!i .y.a*. xt iu eiiv.iia. .._,_ ¦¦

Transcript of€¦ · wm WRiv-vnuK MONDAY. AUGUST 25. 1873. PRICE FOUR CEWTg....


wmWRiv-vnuK MONDAY. AUGUST 25. 1873.




-thrm: whitb men billkd.a BAnxit wtth




FORT Penton, Montena, Aug. 2_.-Tho M_BWt_fdi*i>.tch haa Just been roeeiTed b.v courier from tlie

Bperi-1 correspondont of Thk Ti-iBiM_ with the

Yellowstone Expedition :

MlBMBI tlBBII Rivkr. An*. 19.-Tbe ubiindiiutprc,...r:.ti(.n which tho Yellowstone Kxpedi tion Mfldef.-.r tl.e rt* eption of theln.lians h-J bflM -''Hy _>-.-

titi.-.l. Tlie ***** tion at BUotv Ki.ifo tliat we

BtllltaUll" .'¦-"******* vieiiiitv of TonpuoRiver provr.l rorrert. lti_.i-.i-.. wore ditwWtflBBd for

the fimt tun.t about Aui.. 1. wat-hiiisoiinnovr-iiii-iitnaml prowBaC around tlie caniji uf Btfbt Kfl^ <>vert

a. I t. >>k plaee. however, until Ang-1- Gou. Bloody Knife aai a liluadBMi of cavalrv. bwlW*i dctailed by (,<-.i. Stanley to ffl <>n k< l_-_- B_H_flinadvanceof tiiewaKons aud look np tl.e ahoi.t 1<> milea ahead thev hal't-d an.lpicket 1 ili* ir *tt*U in a ***ai l.y thoriver BO ~.,it for tbe train. Tv. o hoiirsaftcrvt.i.l nix _-_-_-_-_ ap|.eare<l ou thoplain, tm! tniide t'lOint.nstrationH tBMBid tru-ir catnp.A riismorint,-I line "f Hl.i:ii.i* was thrown ont

aml the Bflddled. The _B____a_ Wfllfl ea.ilydriven off, MApi-TfldBB be tlie d.-c-ny of a _BT|Bpartv irt a iiou'lilxiiinK wttod Wflftlag in ainl.nsh lorthe cav-ilry. 1'in.tmp. thrit the ruse bflfld, tlie In-i |fl Um nuHiLcr of I0, b.ii.lly rotl Bfli and a.l-vati.c.l "ii the frrove oeeii,..ed l.v tlie cavalrv. GflD.C had "i.'y oafl -QBodxou vi vi un n, Badei

****** "' Capt. Miiy'i.-n. i<li<* troop __MBfl-___Bd 'I '.

1 r. antl I lie o'.h.T hy J.icilt. Vantnin. Tbfln-en wereagain dismoant d_ndfor__ifld b sk

ih" :.!-.*> _____noflnled andextendedtht iriml.* ...o'liul civaliy, who

h.t.l th riv.-i Ht tii ir bat k*. I.aj.itl IlingWMBP

;. fl it'.i <_-*n. Ctt-ter i.-i tlie frotit,rtyoi ________m erawled along behli

dt-r ihe rivt-r bank, flflfll tri.-.l to Btfltnpede hi- b|wil Um flM.iniBal Maa ftraflCxstfld. Thi ladlaaa ftted

.a .*. \i-m.1 plarna. hut Eaflfld to bnrn oat tbejBvaJf '. : .1. 1. rtc,l a charce, hopiaf tliat'ln- lt lia BIIMIflBfld * Oflld soon. flOIBB up antl!:c I diflOB. After a thr.-.- boUfl*-ghlhis ii'i>'->.iiii'i"»n r .vt- ofltj bfl tk** ehflTgfld tlu* Iu-

li d,drOf__H| ni.inv of tireire.j.iii'i.'. -.**. Af r re_r_-k_.Bg tertrti -nil.-t tkaj

. irnls.One man't wooodad iii tlu iirm aad one

( fo.nv.l thi> t-Mctit of (i»ii. (ustt-r's|r>«t. Whflfl Uu I'.-'hi Mflfl ifoii.iron, tn.v.,*.,?r..l Intli.-nn 1 -tt ii>< w.r party kfl h -riif-f (.'.;!.!!

'^lit" TetC-iBBiy I.CB etl»i '1 ttt. l'...lir..:in, il>lrv sull.r, wl.t" wen 1 U than ¦ mflfl flfllfl thflloiiitnn. they Liii. .1 thi-!.-.. kad looh th'-ir hflraea antlBfltflflbBBB. I'livai' John Bflll ef the eavalry. v.hilt*fttb_Rtteg,fl-H BflimUar Eatfl. In thiaflght twoJn.iir.i.-t v,-i-ic kill.'i a id NTflral wounded, and thej

(l.i ttit-r*th of An"iist, f'.it tb" flghl BtTt'iitrne l.iver, w. i-.ini'- Bpon Ihfl silc of a ne.ntlmlian villajfn. Tlie Iiiilia-i-ba-l *m-ked nfi antl l.ita few days hflB-Bfl flhflBdwing -flflflB__flfl_B_l ******trty. {..en. Staiiby iii: t-'uster to tako bi«eavalry, anmberiag 450 men, follow U.e ti.iil aml,|f poesil.l.-, over. il;>* flfld pflfliah t..-- Ind'.if.i*. li. :..

. t.f IheBth, and awi-hed allfltL'iit and moflt ol th. 41 flBBdown OB

lln-'.i;h, afur a h t.f 1) ini].-*, be airiv.-tl at ¦

wben Ii.i'nIM-0-a,takiDgoi '¦¦"¦ .. oa Mboll

i'i!:. m.t .: 1111 t el towhi i. nt tbi. point

ifll.*. yflfdl wiib-. I he ;i:

i\v j. t.> sMii.i boi ea aad i*i. n. an.l tbe attempttooofld lor WflBl '". bxi i Bfld

rrpr. m eaflip waa difl-OT-i-d by tbej i-s. On the Bflzl BMrolag _>ng. I ,ala_7*I. he iti tl by Bl * t I M. wbo¦¦flflfl dowa t'< thc i.-. H Bod tii ed on hii camp. Theiriag wai i-_ai -koail. both

?. '. ... '1 100re aad bo-

low our eaiap, i. id . ..'i tkeia onr n-ar. Om tonated, end

ptwted on tln* l.'.ut't- a-itl i < [red tbem raTely. -TbeJ ro ti-it iI

nn-n tli.-nmonnt.-.l an.l pBlfl-fld :iin. Iim'.y f. .-eii-ht Blilea.Just rit this tiiiie tl>-liain CflBM up antl Opened flaIbeli -tii- rirer flith Bitflleiy; a fewiliotadii_pfl_Bi ideoded il.<- light. Thiabflttle,whleh too-k plaoe fl ItMa twoaiflea ot tbe Blg Horn,waa a tataa bbm.i KetohBmhadIhctr horses Bhtil iiit'.T tht m. l^>i.t. I'.r: .1. n v,h*

>:t<lly Iiot in the thighl prlTfltfl l'utlle, Qflfl. Cflfl-|l i - t.i.l. ily, was kiilcl, antl -Ooftll BflldlBnlUghtlj woimileil. We bad fow bai-fle kfllad aadtlir.-c woriTn!'d. Till Iriiti.iuB' Josa la esliniatttl bjQflB), O-flBBi at ." kill'l aai Wflandi d. T Im IndUaiwere v>oll amted with Inavy nih-s and hadahuudintaii.iii.iii'iioii. BoflM wflre ireflflfld la elothea in

at tlie R_*,-i I v-*'ri "i:.i..iv PflCflpflpaa,.iipjiortetl to BB untl-r (-".iii' t>f .Sitlin.? Ball,and alM» BflptaBBd to b-'ve r,-.,iied tlieir

suppliee frotn Fort l'eck on tho j_._BB0.U_. a faniou.tnuliiiK iwat ftr tflO.UM ai.'l an mf initius one for

-. Camp Cook isai.otl.' r tbIpot 0- thedl sup-

plieH. A lilK-ral npproi'riatioii by OoBgrfl-B was

u*kt hM y.-ar for *ukM* tk* tcadlaa uo»t ** Forti.iry pOflt, practically au t_ppr___rl_U-ton

I ..tir OWB armic-. ^ lartro quaiitify if

¦.iiiiun.-tioii waa sbipi.ed to tbfl poaU bi" Bfl-dWBIfl." TbflM BfflOO-fll e,aJ-ly uecd InTflflB-fa-l)ion.

Iheexpetlitionanivi-dat '.'..iii.'.ey'n Tillar on lli¦¦15th, and reached the UtuMt -^h.-ll on tho iath. It», ie.w h.nneward boiunl. i. -yn.i.ds and Norris. t WO*uiiU.rt., take this ikpflli h U BflBtfl-k, IM Bflflfltiritiii.t. (i>>n. Ktanley cxpeets to reaeh I'ort Bfofl bjrtbclst of QBBBBflB, The health of tlie ( »:n__i.tini is

|iKKi. Lieut. llradeu ie Kotting on weli.ta. -.


POI S[, tit'll.TY -NI> (.r.MKXCED TO HE IIAM.KI.o i. 'Z.thk B-BR-B-CB ai-iii..v_d bv iiik i*iik_>i-t.t m.

Wasuington, Aug. 23.--Tlte following is theBrdcr iu full in tbe eaae of the Modoc BflPltVflfli_Al _MB_-B__Bar, Al>.HTANT-tiKMKA1.8 OFFlrr...

W'A*H1M.T<>V, 1>. ('., AU«. 13,1S7_. )OoTtonil Coitrt-nisrtlal Orfl.-rs No. 8j.I_rsi livfore a Military ..'o-iveiiii.-iwliirheonvcaeflat Kiamstli, Oreiion, July 1, 1873, purhuntii to Hpeeiaiinlr-rn Ro. 1. dal.d June 90, 1878, Ht*ailriurtrt. ra

i lu-nt nt (, lu tlie Celu, Fort Kl.iiin.rh.Iiirkti , aud of Lieut.-CoL W. __, Elltott, ln

lTr.:i,uf. \tei-e arraitrnsd aml tn, ,1, .'itpt.l.iu. Hknk Jlm. Poratui. Cbari'M. liarncho

ai.<- (itii-Ey,.l Jiui, _nU bloluck .tllas L'-l, M.t uptivsaa.

< arce l.MnMer ln vlolatlon of tbe laws of wsr.r*.: In tbla tbat tbey. ladlan. ea'led

and rouiiuoulv ki.owu as Capt. Jaek, BchoBCbln, Bm, lUrmbo alia* ...c-evt-d J.i

k uiia» ('"ki, ineni'-ter. ot a c_.rin,ii ollii'.vm m* the Mi.ili.i_, nhich band, ln. ln.lli.i; aflflBflfl, ¦*_*> *i tbe llme borciiiallfle____<-.1 iu op.ii a_ii B-flraat *ar witu tbo l'_i«*. t.ies

tn. rln.-f c.niiiiiuiiil of Habl (.ap_. J_»< k,rtpr'-v iitativ-r of aai M'.rloc bai.d*. iuen iinder'ti 0__

*' ' boitilities, B.l« (,.i,. L. R.B. <«tii>T. Ijuiu,. ntatflfl Ariat. coaiuiaiKtiBa _b«L>«i>-.t."tilct tl_e Oolatutiia. and r. itiini I'vatt- CotDtniflsiou,ui, ti.r parl Ol U . i ild Uultfld ."iiatcs, |ur llie .Krt-ixl .miprutraflffl |.nx(M^a. of rlitvt iiksinK an.l srr.tu_-..iK tenasuii.i.i itie. M-tmtr betweea the UnitedSlatta ana aald ccaflC, Bud _irl iher. >j|. ,n. tln ot tru.-c, uod ti./.lil.!,* tl.e ol.illj-atl.ilis linl»ow-.l bl

li U.U laws of.W-i, lriou)0IU_ip.i«ui]ol uauce afi.t.u 004*1' k..J aud u.ui'J' r *..i uti*.._.,u

-»-Canla-; all thia at or near tba Lara Iieda, ao oalled,ituatod ucar Tule Like. u. ttu- State of California. oa oradont the lltb day of April, 1873.H|M'Oifl«att«n iflflflflfl. In, that tbay, Indiana calli-d

Atnl rotiniiiiul.v knowu aa Capt. Jat-k, Hctiouchui, llowU.uCbarlcy, Blaok Jim, Iiiiriit-lio ali.ia Oflfl cy.-d Jiui, andSloltick hIib.b Cuk, uiuiuImth ofa I'crLiit. I,:in,l of I.iilliinik>ni ah i.i Modoca, whleh band, tho prlaonerflabove, wm at nnio nu.l plflflfl liercitiiifieralleaed, cii_rn_.''I ln open and flairraut war wltii tbeUotted fttatofl.nndnr thr chief eoa¦_._-__flf flBtdCapflJack, did, aa rcpr.*-entntlve* ol tbe aaid Modoc hand,uu-t uii. 1, r a fl._.- uf trflflfl aml aUN|H-ii«u,ii of 1ioh_iUI.".b,I.rlir.-.J.u. K. ll. B. Cauuy, United BtateB Army, rmn-

muiding the Military fJlfislon of tho Department ofColutnbia, aod eertatu Poacc Co_nml|itoner. on tbe part"f the L'ulUd Btatefl, ii.iuitly, Elcazcr Tbomaa, A. IJ..",.. aolian,, and L. 8. l)v. r, ciiiacua af thu United *,aii representli__r the (inveruuicut of tbe Uulied Hiatei,imlflfl ujfroed aud prof-sae I purpoee of flttflflflflfltflfl andarraoflt&a t« r-n.-i upon which ti... BttfllHBn BBbrlinBfltflflflfltflfl I'nit.'.l J.lrt''_ Hn.l B.ii'l b.tnil . Iii.uld oeaae,:.,.il ui,! tlitu'i-up n, Ifl watitou Tiol.ition of tbe sa-r> dowiuartur nl BBM Bbb flf t. ..c-. Bfld tmacherouaiv dlaro-irardiui: tne obUgBtlooa Implfl.fll hv nuch true.) under nf war, willftill >*. f.-lonioualy. aud of their own...ull. .- afiiri-tliininlit, kil] itiHl miirtter saul BflflflflflTbomaa,floeol ttu- ra_eeCe-_m.afllon_Tflaf<>-fl>fl-dj aii(his at or near tttfl LflTfl Bedfl fl -BflBfld, itt-fltfld Bfl .rTule,ui Ihe UliiU' ut California, ou ur uhoul Uio. Ulhday ot April, 1018.

Chflrgfl Aflaaoll wltb iuient lo kill tu violatiou ofthe tBWfl of war.

BpflfliflflflttoB First: In this that tfefl]*, Indlan«., taXiaihiui i.iiiiiii..-ly kBOWB Bfl Capt. Jittk, khocliin. 1 letoa

i, Blaok .iiiu, Baraeho BUaaO. -. iyeA Jlni, BfldBioluek aliaa Cok. in.-.i.-.t.Ts of a cfriuiii band of lu-tlflflfl known .ia MflflOflB, wliich hand, tncluditii* thflBriaowBIfl alu.v,. u,iii,.-tl, wai, al tbe Mflfl aod placo

ift.-r Hll.-ifi'd. flDJCflfll .1 In open nnd flairraut warwltli thfl t jiiletl Ht .Ku-, u.itler tlie chit f cointnaud of Ihe.-..ltl Jack, <litl. .a ici'ii'-cntiitivcB of tbe iwltl Mfl-doe Nand, uiecl uuder a tl.iir of triuo and BUBpcii.ioii ofhoatillUes, BrU^Oea. B. B B. Oflflbr, OBltfld BUtmArmy, OomBtBBdlnf th_ DepertflMDt Ol Goiuuibl... aodt- iiniii lVuce OomuiiBaloflan, oa tli*- u.irt of tlie Unltc.iBtatofl, DBfltoIr Bleaaer Tflflflflflfl, A. Jl. MflBBflflflfl, BfldI .-. i.i. r, ,i izt ... ,i IWpreflflfltlBfl tnt* (fovern.uejt oft tc Du-te- Hatei, fnr ibe BflT.d hik! profe-Bed pur-poeeol diflOBB-Uiffaad an_nfllt_r WraM npoa which tlioboatlllttra exlaUng betwflea tflfl Ualtflfll Blabrt tnd taht

bandi .ii :i.t tlu n-upoti, iu tuuiiiii vi,ii i-

liou ol the Baorad nhflrtttrttT of said tl nf ir,,<, aoduroualy diaregardlac tfefl oWI»atioui Impoaed uy

¦ueti trnofl onder tbfl lawi of war, felonioaal) im.kfl an

aasanlt witb deadly weflpooflnpoti tlu _aldA. li. M.-a-Commlaai(jBitra ba ufurenHni. wiih hiin,

ll.e .Mt .., liun tben aml tliere, lelolnou_.y, WlB-I..1.J i.Lil »t in,,;,,- BfoIflt-O-f-lt, t'> Uiil uml uilil-'ier,liun did ui'iin Ifefl body nf tlio flflld htea-flhflflidlTBTfl BB Wflfl aml (tiiii_.-t-ri.iie woiiijiK All Ifefl i.l or

¦Aflfl ll.e iii-'l-, BB e.litii, tiuiHU-d ni nr 'lille I.-Kt111) ,,- Btfltfl cl ( ..liiuii.i.i, ou ur al>,.ul ti.e llll.tiay ofApnl, 1878, ,,

-pecifloatlon In ttiin, thfll Ui--y, d i.nd eouiiMooly kuowu ".> ( u't. JFack,tk-bouchln, Bofltua Cuarl,y, kt ;k-k Juu, Itarnciio

.ue-.'1-i u Jil... aml Blfliflflh Bliflfl Cok.n.t iiih<-i-H of a (-H..111 luiiii of lutlii.i.a kaowo

I, -, bloh band, liioludins th. .iimvuamed, waa, at tbe trnrte snd plaoe herelna lor Bllexr.d,

tdfl -rraul flvar ultbtbc t.'nitcdsi.-ti. fl,nudertbe chid ooinuund t.r *;.ld Capt. .i.u ., did. h- r.-p-;i 18. i.taliica of ItaOlJC bBIld, Blflfll under u ll flfl <¦"

.u i.i uii-ti iti.-k. i_ni.'.-t.,-i.. I-:. lt. K.(;a.ittv. UuUod Bia.O- Ariiiy, BOfl oeit-ln P-Btsfl CkNainta-Lulaaioiiera on ttio parl ol Ihfl Dulwd Bflfltfla, na-Mlr,

ih..m.l-. A. B. MeaOtlBDJ, uii'l J.- a. l)...-r. t-.ti-

bobb, all repreeentmg tbe (Joverninoni ol tli- l.-a .,:..-, for the afln u ao profeai ,1 purp "-. of dii ¦ ind BITBIUCIOC t.-rnis upon wiiitli bOfltllltlflfl flXlflllOgbc-iweeotbi uitodSUflofl ood flaldbflod flhould oeaae,¦ ,,i ,iiii iii.n and tbere, tfl waaton rlolatloa ol Ba.d tlau.,; im,,., aad treaahepoualj diarejpflrdUiK IhfloUllBfltloni

tl bj _."'.. iruoi an it. Um lawfloi war, lolooionaljrn asaaull wlth deaflU]) wefl^oflfl upon the htulituiii lal. .uer, ns ufoi-t-Hiiid, witn Bfl lnui,

¦aid Dyer, ttwoBOd tfeflre, tBIoalB-flljr, wllltflUr, flnd oltlieir malioe aforethoacat, t<> kill an.l mnrder, aii thi- alor ucar tbe Lai ta ited oear Tvde1. ike, ii. tfefl -aiato i.i C.ilonila. uu oi BfeOBI tfefl 11th Bflfoi Apnl, i8._.

lu whicuoharge* ood ipecifleationi Ibe aocnaed.Oaot.J.u k, po-i.-.1. ii . Black Juu, BoaiO- . I.. .-,, li.iin, un

i, aod Blolock allaa (;uk, Modoc lu-tptivea, i leaded " N.'i pulti "

.:i^ iii.ititr.-ly consitl. irdlli,- ,-,. -.i'l. Ju k.

ann..^i Jlui, .nui sluiu-k ali.i* Oufl, Muduc inuiaii

c.ipliv. I,CuargB Flial.Ol tbe -Ir.-t hih-< ill. ation, uuiltr ; of the

inult) ni tbe eb .,i.'--. Co-Uiuiaaiou iii.e-. i,.. i.u, at-nteoefl

.nnmu, Blaoh Juu, iM.-inii ii ii. ..,

.. aUaa On .-vid Jlo_*aiid B.oIu *. Blfefllodlao e.ipi.i-. to bfl haooed bj thfl fleokootlld.-ail, at .-.icii ilin.'aml p. ifl ..a Ifefl pinp.T au-

I,, rltT ahaii tiliect, Il -tlurtlB ol tbe lueuilicia ol tbeCoiBinis-ion eooeorrtafl lanla.h e. n.i.Ib.: pniOBBdlBita. finiiliujs and rnt'-nresof tlie

Miinary OomnilBflioo in ipi. lack, Bofent*eliiu, lilatk .lnii, -. >. I-..I.. ii" a.iad (Jnc-,-¦ d Juu, an.l Bioluokallaa Cok. tiotio Aibb eapttwaa,ware approred i>. tu<- c__.lwandiBB oi'.u-i r ot um __»_*

p ,, ..... Co .,,,.1, and r.irwarded lo the Secretarjt:.< l' ol IhO l uileil Mlal.--.

Tl-.o fuUowiuB ar,* tfeflOrdflBBflt tfefl l'l.-nl-i.t aud fll| ,. ictaiy of War:

>.\, in i. Hi i. I IflC. It, 1873.Tbe forceoinj* leotuucea lu Ibe .-___«ol Capt.

.iu, Black Jim, ii"-. <'.. t .-.. Ban..i j.u,. uud Blolnok allai « oB, Modoc Indiau

.mu byuillitfluv authority, under u.i_<riattb<

ol War, ¦-, lli.- iiiuii il tv nl ¦:.

i;. 8. t.K.i-. i. Preaideot.Wm Di i-.i;;.ii.m, Au.. 88. 1813.

T'u- forflgol-fl iweord ol pn'¦. <-..t.aalon nf Capt. Jack, Bcbooehln,Blai-k_iton Caarley, Baro Bo i.l.:<. One-Eyed JBo, _u»d

i bavlng tt. a:. fon i.i in

uu, aud Ihe Pi lideul i. iflioa, lu the fore-BOiuc nr,ii-i-i, approTed ut tht aenUiuoefl aoddirettu-d

V ln- e.M Uflfl H Ule.v til. I DO I.

i. r.iI Oiniuidi na tbe Uopartmeutol iiu- Columhla, Kl 9 irl K am n "¦.., >n, on

Wfl. W. I'.i.t.h--..-. Oecretary of War.Uy uiilei Of thfl B .. lary ol W..'.

B. D. 'li.w.v-i -1', A.ljntanf-Ui-neral.


IIIK MIA'K'-N' "iv _ Ofl MON.YVa.iiiv.ih.., AflC ti, i»7.

Tbfl M'-xlefll the arnvalui Ditor limaonaa r«rfliirBl-ri tfefl MexlflBB ..

.., id,- npitl Bfld a.tisfiiit nr profljreflfl, anl hnl li

Bfl daiij. No u.upiro Ifl placo of thu lato Dr.I aflfl-r of Ne-v-Yofk hflfl Bflflfl flflT .1 BpOfl, hut it Is nel-

lied that flflflflfl Oflfl Ol Ifefl foi.*._fl IB-fltfl-fllfl lflflIdflfltlflWaflfeloKtofl wlll be ehoeeo. Barwa, BeiBiaflMiulfter, would lii.o Bflflfl b t d had (leuutl).eii

traoafBiTfld to aaotber ..n taal oflflflfl Baflfl Bflfla aal atfld haat aii thoaoknow b B« Intli in -i.t''- itiou elai:n», wbicli are imjniig IfeflBMat iitiport.iiit befoifl tbe Coininl tlon, IstoItIocfleflfli at. ?:-' ..(*() it).. a-.'i upi :i iiifif liu .1 declaioa wlll realt i.- \.iiiit. iu aii IU.) oilii'l.a, tht* pi'.ii.-.pit't ol law hei:i»* DisTHirr n.cisi.vii BB,

'llieloral i«>liii'il lflflHflljfl Ifllfl Ml promiaeifl to lielutiT.', Ul c UM. .|: IflSflfl of tho Itporh-d flfl tfllflfll .,:.-

| ,n of Ifefl Board of Pflfetta Wnrk» to prevent tlio re-

eii-i tion of every lueuil-ir of tno Iiouse of IHhfBfe IWfeflflldfld laal Blfl lflfl Ifl Mfl OflflBBl flf Mr. Hheplier.l,brotbfl r ol tfefl Vk PreaMflfll of the Bn.ird, for tho poni-ti.tu fll BQUflkir Bf Mfl pr'-. -nt Uiiiia,-. T..*o diatriotn

aiflflliwad] Ib open ibtOR a_Blaal thfl florflflMflt, auti

).,,,¦.¦. nfltiao flflB flf tfeeirearlieflt anl, u j. .ii.--.iri, iu erder te lefeafl the re>

,,, in,ii of tue pr.; ..en ir.uo. Xhe *ir-U i«y of auleaaion ... Ifefl Lealfl-Btorfl .-

hi order that tbfl lately revlaed Oode >i eutnioa of th<i.t:.> have li (-( ooud formal readiai;, u proeeed-ii will oeeapf oearir a o

ihe omCBBOOB tiik BOCBBOO m i'l BBBTA1ITBB.B0BM n.t.-i-tit Ifl B-flBdy B»P«flflfld ln ru OOflflenBlBB

the or»:.inlzutioii o: ihe Bflflflfl, O-Btiflflflefl »ha hBflflr \,:i the Biit.j ct Bflflfl-fe fl-Mflfl BBJ there aeetui to 1. no

eostBBt wttB raa -r' tt . t Xr.__.!_. air, Mr. McPheraoa flfl «',. k.-.i IA Baxtaa Bfl

Ii'.w-heciier li '- )" ' f-rtiiin Bfll 1 le a

,-nuil.lii'e f'T n r.-riuiu Bl l'"-lin,- Th. .:. oupoBitton will he aofllfl MS»aot-»t An,,.-..r. .lunti'""" 1<X .¦'¦'"

uu h.a n . mxt that _. -

ctii-4-fulin ni*. i.*...iv.i._.

m rsr 00 a MABJCBT fliTiiiii.i.D.

I:itlieeaht.rnu...l oi tfefl dt/BBflflfedfe8-tiHti LiecaMt-* the market houae pBBfltkaUjtu ira aaefltBa i» .tylf»¦>__. tliall biiBlneuB to be done ut tbe h,.u-.e Bl Mfl CflflflmlMarket Cotnpanv. ln which Vii'f-1'" !. r 1 1b im« fli-kuod'-r. Tn- c.ior.d a»thia'l,trict «Sl-_I on Mr.i.liep).tTtl .... Kriday to prot.-Blami-flt tl^Tuae of tb" markel-bonie t r pum b-fo-e H-u« opened to the DOUt.t.'Jal.t''.ii.

AfVAIBB OF THK iati: ntBBBMBBDflB___g tbe flr_. JBUI Iflfll Bafl *

riBBfl-flton ¦obbbo haa boob BB4ar tfefl aharoaA.l)ut»iit-_ener_iB ortlce. Ifl tbo Iel m.l BBNflflttoBl . NM.U8 Mbavi been pa-iflouBtrna to BMi.8.1 M han i- n ¦.¦.;¦¦ _¦ '. "-» ;ii :,*, and nui> Bwall th. call of tii'ir

anu of tin appropriatlon ol Itlie buaiueaa f.,r !.',,. year euduiflt .. iu kO.l_-T-_.Bl

1 hflflfl into I""' l.-aBiiry.WABBIB-'rOfl -N'.'

N.iarly all of thu iii.-ii.i f-i..r tue uew Oflflfllaltrtd, dlaw.i pa.. 'im C-flflfe ol

Bfllfld B Ifefl] f ll.o*e wlioae flflfl are initnuteltB-l, a:-lv bo au-1 li.itied u> talatf fa.Not wltbatanditiK Becretary B.-lkuap'a alnngent or.ler

o! ltt*t week reUtlve Ifl War Ht-parlinenl',Ihe iMidy Chronirle, thlfl BMBfllflfl, advertiaea Oi.t.n.t... nt -nca al -aio.,' ) N'l.; Wttt Bflil I, Kausaflj BU I' ; Bl, L-jo,a, M" , aud i'uiUajuutb, h. U.


RrcoRDs or civiL mauiuaux- _>k*,ti-oy-_d by carl-



**Bt% . .__,.

Mai-rio. aturdsy, Ang. M, 1*19.

Tho Carlista, at tbe instination of the pri__U-,bnrn all tbe record. of elvll marrlafi*. that they cap-ture.Tbe artlllerymen ln irarrison at Baroelona mutlnled

against their offlcers. Tbey were, however, dlsartned bytbe eavalry.undor tbe eomiuand of thc Captain-General,and were imprtsoucd before they bad tiuie to do any

seriotis harni.Adviecs froin Carta_.ena UM* that the elvil and mili¬

tary autborltiei of the Coinmnnlat Afluiinlstratltiu had

qoaiTeled. and their respt'etire partisans had e».ni»> to

actual which a nuui-H-r of inon were killetland wounded on both sldes.The private soidiers In Oartaccna are dlseouratfed.

and are in favor of »urro..d-.iiu_. to tbe Goverutneutforcc-t.The Spanish fleet. under rmnmatid of Adtniral Lrol.os,

betfi-U Um bo-nbariluiciit of Oflf-flflflBfl yesterda.v.Bavonm-., Haturday, Aui:. 23, 1H73.

Tlie Carllsts say they ar- orc tnirlii_r for M movement

on Madrld. and tbat they wlll be ready to inarch aome

tlme _Hirt:.KO_t.'lirr.Tbo Csrtaipiia InHtircent. are viforoosly replying to

tlie flre of tbe Spanlah fleet.Admlral I-obos bas under bis command only tbe Bara

posna, Irou-clad, and some wooalcn fru;ates.UM Insurgents are plentlfully ituiiplied with protrlslons

antl store., and aro saiiKiiino of asalstatioe from Ootn-

tntinlst-. tn otber rltles. so that a stotU reslnUuee may be

cxi't-i't.-'l frotn thflflfl.Ailvico- from Carlist .Uto tbat Perga has

ai'iii'ibeeninvcsted by the Ctrlist army. Both slrles

cliuni t.. lmve cuined a vlctory in tno rocont battlo

belore tbat lowu.


laouwa mai aai macartw* hy thk v.»hn-

11 ki:-, ihiikk I.ayV BMO-kUBM-Bl-.[fkom thk _ncu_ ooaaaaao-nan aa iu iamt>lYai.evh, Aug. 3..At an onrly hour on tht*

MMfllBg Bf Tfllj II a Pflflflflfli woinnii flflBM M frotn a

villaire onthidc Bfld delivcretl B dispnteli to tl.o Itallati('..ii-oil. adtiresaed to tho eonsular tor:.*, aml gtftflg -tM(onsuls flflfllflfl tbat Valoi.cla would l*o bombitnled at «

p. m., Auir. 1. »r 6 a. tti., Auit. 2. Tlio not lee was un-

iiii ,-nrv, for, with the exceptioti of niysclf,another corre-tpondent, and a f.-w flflflflBflflflainl atlvctiturotis BflflMBflk not a soul was

to be Bflflfl in tbe houses or stroetfl of

Vitloinla. Havinu lieen infonned by a volutiteer that

tl.e voluiiteers were iromir t» attack the troop*, I pro-eeedd at once to the Ml-r.iel"te on tho top of the QfltbOdral tower. frotn which 1 knew l slio.ilil bave au exeel-

lent Iflfl of UM liattle-fleld. I B*i *U be.-n »t my flflfllhaif an hour when a sttttden flflflfld of wooly amoke Bfl-Mout from the villa»_e of Mislata, sttuated so.itiiwost ofV ti«-iat'in ainl to tl.o richt of tflfl nver, at thfl tlintun. .. >>f

ul.ont 1,000 y.irds from the tow.-rs of Cuarto, ou wbicb

the voluiitf. flfl hfld flflflfll tWfl gBBfl. Mfl Wflfl immedl-at.*lv .foil.iweil l.y a puH froin flflflB-fl.-.-lABfleajuallv close, but on tlie left uf tho nver. It wa* .vltl, nt M irinif z OflflflBM flfl i oi-cupn-d these twovil-Iflfljflfl a.-i't ii.teu.loil b.llMlrtlflj tlio town frotn th.-r.*.It was uot iiiany miiiutc- bfl-B-fl flflfl of thc tow.-rs of

Cuarto ri pli'-tl, atnl f.»r aboul two hourt Uio arlill.-ryduel co.itiinicd w.ti.oiit iiilcriiiir.r.ii.11. Mu.ll, uiy tii'-to

was a BBflflfl on lli.* PflflM.. side, and tbo 2,fK.!i iti liiitn'rci', doplnyed >-ry roiichly

ov.-r tho U.-l.ln iiiiin.-illntelv in front of ll.

oiul-namod village, and Ure froiu behind everytra-c, every wall, flfld every nioiiii'l. Tlie BBWB8eaflM loniaad eflflttaaflflfl, .___. tm atttUmj ajjainbi*»C i" its B.ip-rior roalr. Tlie shells froiu tl.o tWWflBfldropiH-d iu tbe villai_e_ witli adniiia.Uo precision, amlfrom my eoiiima-.i.liiiK t.'Hitlun I could s.»> tliitt UiurlT, ct wa« iiiiiMi.*ri>in: ulrradv men flflfl BflflflM lay am**t'-r.-.l Bflfld t.ii'1 woiiinlcil in front of tho hons-a, an.t

IHriflflaWflfl.. fl-fl I'1 -flflflM-l BBBflflB, OM..;'"--, Hfn Ilt

li 1. w.-il drr, cfcl, lmt f"T Mitne tflflflflfl or otticr

tbey di.l not r. ..-ti Bl tU ** tlio.e froin the tflWflC.;nearly sll ******** fl-flflflg the hotises In that patt of tlir

town whirh intiTvcr.-'1. -v.-ral fll ttUU bflflflflfl w.-rc

nearly itmiwjntl. flfll uautui ee lia. ttaai tl ti..*11.* I an.l so.ii.dcil I'i Bt 1." WflflBBfl Bfld cliil'licn

aaal a ta* otb'-r BBBinaiihalaaM Oflflfl Iwattflddflwatflfl atrct Mfl-tog tfl Un* -flflflfll OflfllflB, fli.BB a sh.-ll

IhUPtwd flOUIli dlfllBflBfl ahflflll of BM an.l BWflfihr lind of a lillle l>.t'"> whoin the motlier w.ta imr*in_in her BIM >.

Tiu* vo! inteeri aad ariHtta IflflgM .__. an.i.lrove th.-

MldMn flflM tlir* barncades tbev bad .-onstrueted lnti. vi!. . :i-- flfll B qflflO-flfl of volu-itc.-r a-t-. :>lry fa-11

,.,,,;,; mtHMM-dfl bf UM fivii i." .r.i*, aml w. n- coin

pletely d.-p'-rsed. A MU flflflfl Ihejr WMfl pCOtflflttflgfell i-,t<> Mi bflBdl of Uio \ ictor«, t.i.t it '¦' M r fik.-n. Ini'

Lflgthc lliflgg-B s'-v.-i .1 ..-.'iiiii'icil of Um ''.vi! Oflaidfl andCereHmrif -.*_ Tm.g**! t,. u.e baflp_tfll,afld i.'-,'..r.*uiL-lit tln* kiiotl and wminiletl on bolli flldes amounted to

¦e_0ip_aa At tlie cloae ..ftl.iv tlie rfltflflBMIl fell l.ick,Bfld Iflfl lioo,.n ali.iti'loiie.l llie ti o BlUflgflfl an.l Ifltllfld

mother, where they couc.-ntrated yesterday moro-

IliM ''.». flrst i__y*l action hfld Bflflfl . irlt-ely favoi-al>.<- IO the Vai.i.ciinri, aud (BT thfl prc*. at tliofoarofBfl iniii.c'.i ile boiiibanlinent Vflfl -tflflflllBfl. In fflflUflfl

.,, v.ii,mt"-rs an'I iiiillliatneti, I uni*t BBf that tbeir

eoBdnel wjib aienlMfll in trnatf t*a***t. Ba* one

drunke.i myu did I B . flflfl BBl I bear flf a slnirl eflMliliob-flif tu anj etbai hIam, ln U_b Flflflflflfll Mflfl*CfldoIflflWfl pi'. of B-flflfl "p.-.taclos b..nKriii-r from a

mtil mi a door, anl a l.u of Bapei untlt rin atli warninifall pt "lt iiiii;* U"t M I ¦:. h What ilil not bfllflflg to tln in.

Tbi* in any etlii-i'ei.uiil.-j woul.l bv a f'oli-h Bfldfldflflr(.'eroiisjolio at mch Um*. Not i>o iu V.iiciit ia. Lvt-ryflflflflfl Jfll flflM M pri'li hin.MOlf ou b « l.oi.esi/, aadtflflflttIhflJfl-fl Wilhflfll-OBB T.fll.BtMfl. Dp to tii.-il.iynf Iioiiiiiaiiliii.iit llc i>: h.t.l l"'-< a .l.-.ii. in BflMflg Uie

miranti_ente voli.ntecrs and Uie unlilia.dlilriiwi.vtl.i. li api* .r.-il to nn Ifl bfl MfldlflflU a r.ipture. Irt.vciy pr>.'.ai'lc if MII bfld WflltfldtWflor thtflfl tl i.vs lou_r>-r he eoul.l bflflfl flfltfllfld falflflfltflwiti.oul io. ui_f a siiikI- ... °f l"s Bflflfl. At il waa, liesuffered heavily, had tor. treat. snil BM r- tr.-itt IflflalIfld

BBJTtWbflBlflflflWlBS btffe flf,..i.naad tl r aMflt t* de gti il t--B_a.

DflllflB Ihfl W_fl*_ of Ibl l-'of an artill.-ry,a-t kept up, without, doluit much liarm aaelUMT

UU, A ruu.or w_. BSHflflt a l_.publi.uii, ii uativo of a n. i.''.l>oiiriii»_ town, wa'

Mg tfl tbfl Iflllflf ._ -.\.th »,iW0 men, aad:,.-... t H into have corroborated the vor-

IBfll ti .. IT. Al an oarlv hour, yenter.lavii,,>ii..t;--, I flflfllfl fllMflBdfld to thc MiKuelcte an.l foundIfeal HflfttM z Oflfl-BOfl bfld iivnln eeeflfMd thn village of.I tfl, " I.* UMfl WltB Ina I'T. ttie center Imng iu an

oi'.-n bcl '., ui ecbi ion* t'ae l.-fr, an*t tbe rh-ht flfl-ciipM.iir flflflMflfll'i.; Bflflad ll.invella, ahout i.ooO Talflaci., aud al M Ifl M-fl-MM witb tho r>-st.Ifefl AflBMB bflgflfl *i's mornlnur w:»h artillery flre, t._it

it, Mislata, th ien of Martincr's hu,*, appearedi._tely slleuced, flUfeOflgfl the vlllu'.'e was not

. Tiiis utifortinate plat-e wua airalota.-1 en flre fo-day hy tho .bells ftorn VI

t U.e rlgkt and eenter kept a arti l.rt .wn, and a sbill burst lu a iquare iltuated.1 in-atlou. not 60 yanls d.staut from thr>

....I. Oiii.-r st.ella burst in the air over tbe. I.juses,aud arici t. t'.iil.iii.Ks uear tbe towoia w.-re tl.-_.tio>etlor i.i... i. dfl-flflffld. -flflfl after Iha aciioa flflgafl, I n.-

.1 the eenter of M.trlitiez's forccn bflflflbflMPMIt...u of its Ure, aud was aimluK at.-ay to Ita own

.r, almro au lmiucuae coud of duat w.ta to b.b.'-ii air incln_: rapid!/ alon_c tl.o road. I aui t.ild

* L ii_.uenu->couitu_c up. Uow t.-st. rday'a »,;tu»n

1 cannot asicriani yet, but IfeflbflflBflflflflflBBfllflfld. U 1* I'ositisely tflflMBd Uiat a

body '.f C_ tiltliira hai BflfeMfld Val. n.-l.i, having de-lertfld U ¦ ;:* 'r, and that Wfltflll gflflfldfl bave

.,. '1 us, li .wover, ..p,.iuia lu

fe .-. i-x Bflflja-Bfl- '". *'l' tfl 11 o't Bfl fll flfl Ihe i.l.

X-g. fl, *_.Tf feflBTT fl-lflB BflMfl. fl_aa__B. bflinot .llie i. ,1 .t M l.y V-i.-ti' ....

I aui wnt:.,tf ui w ln ine early morninp of Ang. l, arulbflfljflfll ah ttt* m>- i |>i..i a

. .| b.t- >.f it IMflfl fl ah ;it. r w-arao-tra.'. >1 froiu a BflflB J ¦ ,io

%_* llii'-Oi'l'"" Vaielifia, wben a hbeil buril ll, tllc air,

Itao l. .t a.-i.i (beiaTounu. audabo was .track l,y aaplio-ttr ou Ihfl iii' at. Mbe 1 s at tbe boapiUl uow in a pr«-

r-riuu-on; l,ot.. Ait-ti._r-ouabii.i_ h-B-BBi

i,ti,cUalUsoi.ti_.d.. A vuiuuu-er was llnun aial ad

roucJng..- tb. civl _>.ii'i- retitflaVed, abes u. b.arda

parched votce aaking for water "for the love of Ood."The voluntcer, a young mau wfioae heart had uot yetboen petnflrd by the horror* he wltneaaed around him,ran np to where the volce eame from. A civil guard was

lying tn a pool of mud and blood. Ile waa abot throughtho bre-Mt, and hia glmy eyea her.-iid.-d approachingdeath. He waa lying cloae to a fountaio. Without loa-Imt a moment the volunteer ran to it and brought backhia eap full of water. The blood waa gushlng from the poorBoldter'a numth; but the volunteer having ralaed hiabead io hia koeea poured down hia throat the delleionallrjuld. It waa gettlng dark and up to thii tlme the rol¬unteer had not noti. ed Ihe featnrea of hia ©otopanlon;lmaglne hia horror when he dlacoverod that the droop-lng head, and the aptrlt which waa dlientongilng Itaelffrom htuii-iii mlaeriei, were thono of hia father, a reapect--Jiln non onmmlBBloned oflicer ln tbe (Ivil ( Theunfortunate man dld not recognize hta chlld; lt waa toolate. lu* «ank tn ct"rual real wlth bla bead reatlng on tbekneofl of a repeutant aon, wbo baa now thrown away hlsrlfle and roaomtely refnied to fljcht agnin. Thia Btorybas been related to me hy aeveral voluuteeta, who aaw itand were ao toiehed by the acene. that tbey bad been

exceodlngl- kind ever Blnce to the Iad. Thls Ib the war

that la now golng ou lu the fleldi of La Iluerta.[Aecording to telegratn received froru .p.nn buJ.bc-

.Iut-nt to the date nf the forcgoing letter, the \yam-bardment of* V.ileneta by tlie natiomil forcea wiib keptup nnttl the 6th of Auflruat. On tbo following day tin re

waa a parlcy, and on the 8th of A upnit the rtfy atirreii-

dered and waa forioally ovcuptcd by the Go\crumeuttroopa..Aid.)



TKNTJK.NI.Y T.) BO0-4I BOBOBBflB,Parib, --i.'itur.l.-ir, Ang. IX BM,

The Pr.fec-t of the Pepartmcnt of Eureto day g.tvo an eut itainmenf in hBOBT of fhe DflflDe Broglle, Miiitater of Forelgn AfTitra. Many di-

ti-jgulsh' d PBBfll liiii'-ti wero BBflflfll the guestB.In reply to a toa_t, the Uuc De l.roglie aald that the

(inveriiiucul of the Bflflflflflfl waa BflBBOfll Ifl » BBBBBfllfl.notagain-t BfljBHfl oplulon, but »calu«t thoae looae prln-cipli'B wblr-b thre; to put au eod to BBflfefll order.The fltlflffljM Wflfl B p-rllous one. It mlcht he a lniigone. It wonld flflffltffl, in aupport of the (Jovernm.-t.t,Hfl effirtinf all 1 Wfl -t eit:_.i..iof Ifefl B-Bflfetfl. Tiie

prohlem wliich the BitUAiion pro*. nt* wlll aoon he aolvvdhy the National Ate-c.nhly, without pasainn, fltt-flfll BMinfluenee of peraonal py BBBJflthlflflHe BaBflflBfli . hlgli BflflflflBflBBflflflfl IBfl ch.iracter of

rresltleut Mat M.ilion, flflflflfl private life and publicBflttflflfl elitilletl liilt. t« he cal.ed . BBflflfll flf feflflflfl. IIwaa good fortuno fflflflJTrflflflfl to have attch ¦ Prealde.itaa I:i< M.thi.n, Wfeflflfl lnvalty to liii cmintrv ls above the

Bflfl of party, aud lio'cAliurtcd bii bcarors torally aroundhiui.He alluded in kind tTtuB to BB Plflflld.I Thiera, to

whoin, how. v. r, be thought tho A.i.einhly bad uiaui-fcat.-d ample gratitude foi BM BBflfl. M-rvue*.


uairaaoAi ooti biiib ibibbbui pakhamims

.OOBflOOA-lO-i 00 MfATBO.LOBDOB, BfltflflO-f, Aug. IB, ie._.

Tht Dublin lrishman pobttshoa the new

pBflgHBB-BO of the "nomo Kulc" party.It, BBBBBflflfl the aatflflOflBflflfll of B new

paper ln Dflfe.fl, flflBfld th- Faugh a llatlngh, to be

tbo ullli lal jimniil of IBfl Bflfll/,.i agllatlon for the

iibolltioii of lli>- BflflM and BflBM of [flfld Lieuteimnt, andthe siib.iitntlon of % Surerain. to BflflfeflflBd ByOOlffllOalMifr.a_re, and to bave the title ... Kuig* fnr trl

Bflflfll IfllHBflflfllB. flfld for a lflfl BflUflSMtflf couflaeatlon of tho C-U-._ of abst'iitees.

RAILKOAD COI.I.ISIO.V IV F.N'i.IAND.LOflBOfl, Sattirday, Bflfl tt, 18T3.

A otillinion occiiiiotl this ui'T-jintf oa the( Nor.hi-rn Rallaray, at, near Nnttin<rhauibfltWflflfl a freight and BB excursmn tr.ilti. Tiietr.iu.were badly wr. .¦ked. Four i>> -iflflflfl flflflfl BBtfld and 1S

Ofllfl li.i(lli iulnred, several of thetu beyond Bflffl of rc-


POBETON ROTEAThe hoiise-p;iiiit»'iB und decorators of Lon¬

don ar" on a nt. ike.

Ebg Victor Kiii.'inticl will Vicnini MiIlerlin BBflfll the Bflflflfl flfll BflflflflflflBflft


IV ItKI.ri.Bl, Ml*.

BBLFAir, Aag, 24..A most _OflllB<lWe fire,1 oatkflrfltfeM flflfll.o«. fll lfl>fllflflB,lfea oafltfeaiheingdry flfldfl atrong iraln BlflIIlflfl fri.m the Bflfltfl,It t-flflflflflflflflfld in Denniitfl flflflIflflft, north of II. Piiit.-.vIMtBlfltlUIB* BBfllf. Bflil BOOBBi **itl. fenrfnl rapniity¦Iflflfl tne wharvea aa far Bfl Ourter's ahipvar.l and BBBrifla IBftflflf, croi«mg U-Mflflt.:, eiteniling to Ili_h-t., flflflfl-flBflO all

tfeafl-Bdlflflfl inasoatherly cour-.. a« tar Bfl ibe house

of E. K. I.nylc BO iim_t. I '.'" tb*- Ure wna. tayed.m,r ns bu.ldli.i_n were d. itrnvril, iii'isily of WOfld. Tbo

wuole lou, ai neur as it cau be ectlmated to-nlght, Ih

nearly |.V-n,(TX). IBBflflOtflf »ll tl.0 Bflfl Btean.lioat

wfeflflflflfli arMfe a fiti*;l(B BfleapH., all tho huiI'lingB are burnf. Aiuoug tlio priii,i|nlhnildlngK Bflflllfllfld are Mie BBfllfla of It. 8:tiley &

,S..n, 1'itcher 4 0 BflBfl.B, J. W. Fr.ilerick &

Co. W. B. Bwan & (.'»., Diinel, theHel'fast Bllfllll IJ. W. Ilfcher & Hons, flve Bflflflflfl]CfllBfll H. Cflflfl*fl ahii>-yarJ. with ono or mur. fflflflfl] Bfl

the Btort-s; Mr. Oflflflflt, lumb r-yard; Mathewa & Co.,Hi.h nnd hllnd factory; 0, B. Thonihs, ».il!-lntt; D. W.

feOa.._Bartflfl railway. Ou BlgBflt, Ifefl valuahlo

BflflflB of Jamea Oilmore, the Jflfltflfe WBtBBt Houae,the Cart.-r Hotiie, tue Ho.i-tc. andtht- Iioubcb of M. h. n. K. W. Kteph.-iiBon, D. W. Dyer,Aag raflfll.. nn-l E. K. Ilovle flflflfl llflllBrai. At keflflua fflifllM. Tfl ifliM-flfld Boflfllflflfl. A tarofl Bflmbfl olMflBflflfl removed tholr fnriiliitre. Bflflflflfl them Mr. WII. Hurrill, Mr. T. TBfll-dl-fl. aml many olbcra on

I.V FATOV. 0!IIO-r.Ofl«, $10.(WK).CisriNNATi, Auur. 24..A lire Bl Katon, Ohio,

¦1 u ui rnliitr, dcatroi. fld one of tbe flflrflflflfl .'f

that tuwn. Bflflflflfli Bflflflfla a«lj''lnliig on twoain.fa

«,!,¦ bfldll d.uiia-id. A afeaiu-r Wflfl Bflfll froin li.i n-

mu,id liidinna. to tbe aa. tstatrce of the Pire Departmenth( r. . Xbe In-a l» i-Btmiatcd at froin 8_n,i.»l to |6.,U(_0.


The two-8tory frame dw.lliiifir No. 59 Cnnton-Bt., Brooklyfl, owned t.y IBOM BflJ Bta, aal aflefljaad byEdward Lcwta atid wite. was -MflBTflflfld to bo ou flru at

iu p. t.i. on 8attiri!aT. aii'l wae damaged ahout |3.)0.l^.'.i aiid wife m iv *tl iflflQIMfll Iv BTNfltfld flfl the Coln-

uialnt of Borlao on a ohaxge of haviiui fl_*l.__a__-4r fln.I,- ivnre.l to l.uru tbe bome. Tucv vieic heid for cxam-

lUiitlnn.A flre on the rccoihI floor of the three-story No. lin Fn.ilt-rt.. ineJ i_» an flfll lore hy JoBcpUD. H.irhrr, ye-trrtav, d.-imare 1 Btoch |C-X). lir ..f

Ure from the bumiug building wero blowrv upou theToof of tbe flve rtory building Noa. 1.10, M5, and l.illaiden-lauc aud Is'iU'etl lt. Bflfflflfl Ifefl llreincn i nuld¦i.i.oui tfea Bifliti.tflfl mnd had at-eond, third. and fourth IflflCB of Bfllfl. IM flfld IM\1 t.n lu,.- were occupicd hy Eranclaco Llado. dealeria eflflflfl, who.- fltflflB "aa dflflflBflfli l-,oOJ.

BLfiKWIIKIil..A Iii.- in I'rovidence fB0t0BB_f inorninp dc-

a wi>iri.-n iiiilldlog uacd aa a achool rooui fur StAiu» .iu. Orffflflfl -aylu.n.

CltlMK-l AVIJ UABU1IIIIB BT Tr.f.F.ORAflf..I.din lUnco.k. flhfl Iflaiflflfl- BflflB l'avvti.

111., hia l_nua_.l*: ,.._,_« U*> Iniaf. il.. u.__.

¦ _n.»i-_....C.l. l'r.u.k A. Riin-of The PtttttBU MmMri

fl.4 an a;_>(..*etir B.uri a S« r..r I'awB^li ..J.ihraLij ua.iwraJ.buouBj.u.a rctltrilai waa rerr fru.tai.

....'.'.,Iliam < .u.'i'ii, li. qoartermBaawr on th.-. ..B*-r ".iTIiliif. hllfla- tnat t..«l lulo IBI riirr, al

l'_,i_-»l»~.». *B .(.liirl,. flflBB, ao- waa flflflflfll....Charlaa Maaae, aald tt. rrpraaaBt Lcnradi

t*. .n:, ii Ue Klntripn l.-_ n.»,.-.. waa in*at_- tj ". Lara, railir-Jaj, i.r H*a,, g a lo: of rl.tb._< ttom a r«__> .b Ibe Laaflfl Bflfll

....Fru,i.a l.i-Bin. 1.40 IB, wli-.t BTBO BBflBBfltfldIm ak'i 1 .tl... r A-a-laiu. BlhiBBfa, »it _,..._.4 u_

-..*._ alttlty Ba*. la. waa a B*t.,B..! > ¦

_A BBflBB (> rmati. BflflM iiiiUiown. while 011l-B BBJ to ib* Br. Jrr*-. IrBB-B. ¦.'-.. .>'. ..'». bf a ir*.. *ri

lk* V.BfBi. . V.l,., 1...I u.l, *-.! .: ._ aa.ory -u lli. bliuga

fla Wawa.ab!*, B-fltWara >

....'Ifeeai hoouer .Vee.lora <tf Jon-vtljoro. Me., wittkrowss. i,*r :_._iii < . 1. iu li w ka. *r la. xg . ..( tall .. B.tu ia«

wf..n*awi.. a-ltak^i'.-Biit, wi..M. .,i.r-.H 'l_l psflawa. .h. ... ..., ., B .1*1 Ktvusir I_l W_* bul .......

aafl .ie*.




I.NJl'MED.HkiJ-Na, Ark., Aug. 28.-The Btenmer Oeo. Wolffl

blew np at Kt. Kraneis's Island abont 2 o'clock yes¬

terday afternoon. Twelve per-ons ar© known to bflloet, and tifteen are wounded. The offlcers of thc

boat were all soTet. exeept the Beoond enaineer. who

Waa on watch at the time of the exploeion. He n

niiiwing. AU bai one of tho ladire aro saved. Mr

Nclson. from Shreveport for Mcmphis,<i.A ileek p-Mengrr named Daweon. hu wife, and two

children. bomid for Tupelo, Mifl*.. were all MUflfl.The cabin of tho b<iat was blown to pieeea. Thfl

linll may be saved. llie p__UMigem and tkW* ti tk*Wolfe are atill on St Franeis's **_**_, w.iitiiij. kuan up-river boat. Tho place where the steamer

blew up is known to river men an the " gT*rt-ytTi_,'baing the placo where tlie IVnusylvik-iiaaiid ll' 9*Nieholns blBW iii*. *ud the T. L. McOill w_m bomed.I').. (...... WflUfl was from Shrevep..rt for St. I.ouis.

Capi Beory 8. Carter wae eomn_*nder. and JoflcpLWiden, Cluk.rin IMBTBIBfB MMMM ov tht. ivi*

HKKtiN iit.Aiu, IPBBBDBU * xiiM.' i-i.i CB rtiii-


Mi.mi.II-*. Auif.'-U.-The steamer ******** arrive.l hereabout 11 o'cloek to-diiy, briuifiti-. most t»f tbr >,.ir

vivors ofthe lU-fat.-d ****** WflMfl. BBBMfftlMBflCapi llenry H. Carter, h<*r eoniuian.ler. who waa

...tisulei.iMy bi.iiis.-d ab«nif the _***\ and had blflIflfl lc_r BBM I'.fllv hru.Hc.l. Capt. Ctnei mul. * thata short tiinc bl f ** *U eaplflfl_BB bfl ha.l pflflM to hisroom to tai.-* a n.ip. lcavit.n tl.e ni.ii.i flO wat. hantl the lirst he kn.-w of the BSaMMlWflfl thal li.Mt hii.ih. lf lilie.l into the air with BHi'vereahock. and Ml witli tl.e flflflflfli on the lower,l,ck. As soon as he louhl extrit ate himself h.trlanee.l .in.nd an.l saw that flfefl IflfWflad p.nt fldth.-t a'.ii'aud " t.-nits" or BflMfl BB ihe htirrioanothek. lnul be.-n hl"wn away af: t. tfir boil.TS. andtliat ."ai.tne of the tirnl.e". had tak.-n Itfl. Bl tirst

thoiiKht wn toextii.L'uish the Iflflflflfl. wl.i.h, wilJitl,,. ;ij,l a.f a f'-w otheis nnd a heavyrain whieli waa fiillini_at the tnnc, he soon biic-

cec.lcl in il.iii_r. Mflfl-tBBMflM <)f the <-t.*w whoha.l bflflfl bnt sli_htly iiijiired. ****** that

tho wreck ha.l .lnitct near tln- tMm, jumpodont with tho h'-ad line antl made herfasf, when if WBfl l'onml that th,* boat hadbflM bot littlo iiijiir-d. Bfl ******As R"..n as tbe fire was S_ttBf_-flhflfl, ev. rythingpoBB-lib.araafloaataibHbtbtha snrt'ei-rs. Tbaeap-lateBtatBBabe bai bai ll or tl aaMa pa-teenm-.s,only one "f whom was lo-t Mr. \. l.-wi. a piauo-tiiner Irom New-York, aito about OU y.-.-us. Owtflftothceoudition of Mr. Wid.ti, the cl.rk, who was

_.*\t-rely l.uriic.l al'.mt the cl.est imd thtoat, it wus

impos. ible to obtain a list of thc passenfp-rs froiu

him, an.l the books Wflffl all l_B_Misa Bebaeea Oaba ei J*t**_mtm,T*wt*. who was

aeeoinpanied by her couain, W, Bolflfl-flflMb] tt I'.uis,Bl .*, states tbfl Waa BB BBfl f' (.iiartl of tho

boat, an.l, ow ini_ ta thc wcvciity flf Ihfl -torm whi.haaa i_4-U_Ln.iibid "LatasajB lat*laaflflUn,"an.l just as she iflflfl tl.o exph-ion oe.tirrcd, and showas l.l..\Mi into tlie riv.-r, where, Bflfltef a uian near

her, ihfl _BBflp-fl him by the neck, and he tfllflh.-r tfl OBl-h hi** ***** ann, or sho wouldtln.v.-n bath) whi.h she did. Bad -BOB after

asparcame lloatina by whieh ho M-lflfl, ai.d tlnyheld to it, floating tlowu the river for a long dia-tanee, until the barbt-r of the boat came to theiraasistanca. with a pole. whicb her prewerver caii-bt,an.l. .till holflteg flB '<> tue r-par. th.y Wfllfl sate'.yland.'d on ahore. Mita C'ohn waa BhaieBalfl not leamiba bbbbb «_. Bm man

who BflTfld her. l.ut, he was one ui a party of lour bfl-loniriiig to tln- Transatl int'c Ct-CBfl.

Tlie paisengei-sp. uk in tlio higheat tentB af thflei'iitl.i.-t ofthe olli'-.-r*. <.*! eci.illv of Capi. Cflltfll

st.w.ini. Ifotaithatanfllaf thal Um tormer...a* *ever>ly injured be was BMBl BBtlVB in the Wflrfcot rflUflTtep flth-BB .fl flXlte_rfl--Mfla Ihfli >..

UBI OB nn: .:"WMi> anii iN.ii i:i:i>.

Tbe fulltiwiii'.: i* fllifltflf tii".*. Iflfll. a.s faia.--l.asbeen itscertaint-d :

r.'t.r ii.-ipi. r. Bflcond flflirtneer: Ur. v.-'.in ef N-w-York; Mr. Dawaon, wife tod f ocblldren, ol Shreve¬port <;. M. *a bttfl ol Md wltb tfefl

tlsntlc Clri-iu; and Mven colored of Wfefl-fl flfllfl I'.'i..'1 Bad l.iirie.l.

Tiie following Blfl thfl wuiiiub- l.all nf whom renidcin Sl. Looifl, exeejif whflO othent'-tc itflflflflfCapt, .'.iit.-r, Joaaah B. Wldca, clerk, r.-v.-r.-:, IbIIm aud ebflfltj -laa. lianubut, pllot, left hy ba.ltl¦pralaed; Ja«. Cosofean, bi-lacd^kiioui thebead; Coml;or, n, uilot, i-11 ac ti t .> iii tlu-head an.l i.o'ly; Joba ____*.¦on, B__tneer, riabi .boflldei apralaed; MeCflitfejr,

ii r,sUgbtly brolsedaad scal.l.-.l; Hiriiia.. Ma*it.'ii,, .teward, *-iik.11!_* Jas.Bmltt, third cook, I. ft annatidif.."! Boakfed; tlir*. Frisble, Shreveport, eul in tlu-rbrhl snle, and li-l tluitciitci I.--ua, Bflklfl -ptai.i. .1.

Thfl f'.ilt.wing patBOBB BN uniiuit:Mr*. Kiocti.i... tnd two i-iiililicii, Altiiama; MIs» Fl! .,

Bbreveport; Mr Ober. ,**t. r.iarl.», maanurl; V. '.ianl, I,. J. Bowen. ,li_e Mu...... ( l.arl: i reehoOae,M. L. BanaaaB, Ira <'>-iii>T, Ed, ifo«ai.. M. B. Wllllanis,M. L> Bavlfle, aad tfefl tollowlflx flo_or__l Mfl~t__wvfliWllllfl Wood, i'rank Thorp, Jauics ilawson. OflOTKClli ..per. J t'ji.-i Joaef, iiin liiirtrcrt, licn Baakfl, t kflrieir-.i ih, Alex. Julian. aud Jobn Co.i-.lin. a tli.-in...iThe followiti-c ei.lored stevedoree are in the h,.3-

pilal at HfllflBA. badly hurt:llilly llurton of Nashvillc, Birt Noahl.y of Ht. f. i.l*,

Perrj ilei'.ly t,f lire.-u. K>. tteflrn l.'.iiitinauIfleloredJ of Nea-Oi-ifl-M was o.ottu Bverooaed audurowu. tl.

'.'he cti.ineor statea that H'lpler, the second en¬

giueer. wlio waa ou tluty at tlie time ol the BXpld-Bioii, was one of tlie most reliahlo and coinpetei.t:n. n ho ever hitw, and he BBB give Bfl thcory ua tothtr eaOflfl Bf the explosiou. Th..- B-fltflflfla of II. lp-Iflf *m h.v tha BBip___t-__ wlio taw hitn try thegwig*}, and just at, he put tiown the stick the explo--mn (1,-ciirreil. PB-BBBB ou eLoro who sa.v

tho flf-irfl-tra state that bodies aml lragnieuuof timlicr blown 00 feet into the air.Capt. CfllBflf iiid the survivors speak in warra terinsof tha BBBifltaaoB wda-afl by the ¦___________¦ «__f thed..). Check aml .l.ilia in relieving their warita. Thosc elcik, BflWBlfl Blat k, the Btfltfl, H.nry Bush,aml the BtflWBCd. Wflffl left iu cliar_c ol the w icek.Ihe othtrs kft tor St. Loiiis on thc Julia;


BSSULTS OK TBI WIWAM.TI DTQ1 IBT.nrt tM-fl1HIT 1P ****** imr. *iiil a -nn:


M lillii.t'.lNTEMPI.lTI.D (_¦_-_¦ LS WOtBUmWilBW eiKA.M_uiAri-

Wasiiinotom, Aug. 24..A coiapk-te effldalco| y of ibe tt stluiony in tue Wawasot iurestlicaioa was

aubmltte.l to Inspectors R iso aud E Itjar thl-erenliiif,auii their report wlll be prepared and pi"»e_.trd MSecretary Itichardsoe as s.on a. peflMbbV Wh_o notaniou_.ln_ ln advaneo their report willbe, the Iuspectors exprca. lulorcually their opinionup. u tbe fact. a. deteloped in the Inveatiratlociu a manner which can lav.i littlo doiibt of theconclusious to t» tii. fi tbey will ofltcially arrive.OflaflflBBBBg the orlulu of the flre, they adtuit they bflflfll.t. -ruiiii, d notbiiKf satlsfactonlv, and tbat lt wlll re*uia:u a uivstcry. They say, bowevor, that tliere can 'lutii.t that lt beiraii la tbo tlrenino'a room, forward ofthe boller, at.d that it must hava b*«n burning for a eou-ai.lttal>Ie Uuia beforolt was diacovered. OflflflflBUflf thoconduct ot ._. BBBMBI aud ih etew «f tbe boat after thealai.nwas nlveu, the Iuspeetor* aro Ycry eaiphatio loibeir r> iicure. Bo'.ictliig tbat the tefltituony ahuwauot only direct vlolatioa of law an.l n. .fleet ofihe rnV-s of tbe Treatury D.p.iTtment beforetne tire, but sub-etpietitly toiupleto disord.ran.l deii.oral.ration of .11 bands, utfer ne«lectnf t uiters, raprrlally of the women aud children,aud diar.vard »f .-..-rytliii.K DflfBoaal saf.-tv.Tney do not say that they n.-lieve the au-amer,. 1(.ave tkflflfl siM.l aiter ti,<- II e v. o, J:. ov.i, d, tb.,u_r .

aad tflfl poMpflaboee. and flztUigaUben be.-n ia properorder aod use.l efft-.itircly, th. rbanoe-fl for her sat.-tyvrtrs n.oio thau even, but they dowy that wltfe pruia-rrun mati'l and dlscipllnc aud une of t..,»ts, tlio llfoofv< j pa-*aa-ii_er I'Uifbt to have been pre».-rvo.l. Xbfll

noltl lhat Uie euiriii.-t'r't d'-vH'tiou "f bis U«*t io act ua

i".r d-.rii._r a portion of Ifefl trip ifl proved, aat]tfeai. it i» loexctiflatile BCfttsel of dutv. Tflfl in-

*,_, lon Blll alro call altcuiiot. to the fact that uo

nae wb.tever wa.MM o* tfe. \*Jgg*\*Z£3&four paavnger-.. and wlll ^''O^my n'

change In the rulea of the PBpflrtlBBflfl,BfMgflflfljln addltioo to the notloM w1.1. ""*«**!."/.. lrlpBBBBB waacena-wra can r. ad. aome ofB.*er dariott oaca «v

.uiil gTvepra....... M flf ^tttM_^tA__*P__\aud bbv Uo T tuteud to mah« tlieir report Juat anu .aw

parlUl. ______.......-



UKAM.t -BAn-IA. t'.ltV A- "IM*- MKM hB-

bAssAb __BBOB-B- "". ¦¦¦ "" .*OAM/. HK 8*.

IBT TKIKORAPH TO T.I* Him n I ,|Chicago. An*. 24.-Mr. T. li. AliVn. mtmMrt

Of the M_a.ii.rl Biate Uraoge, baa BBflfl ..'.».><- . ,w#

w«ek . offleial tour tfu-eugh )_ri.<H_dri anl Araausas- IU

reporta Um 18888888 everywhore e-.tnualaaue la tfea

Uraoge c*.i»e. r-aBlvcl ..n Mfl rlgbtlBB »f

ibelr wBBBflB, BOd earBtas. for at-lf loiprovefl.. bA.

On Ihe aoib litatant he attetid.ti and B.tdr-_«-e<.. Bv _»»»

lation, a meellng farmera Bl .irand Burflt»_BB, fl_*_B»

Ileiaaa. Ark., al wiiioli a-iveral iBousBad Werfl

_rreme-t, inl hi*. audtenefl ware m»n*i

rnlored people, wflo Bet->n»d atfBiiU vHr- TBb

Muater of ihe SUU Ora_«8 tn Afbanma ia JfllflBJonea, a weaiihy farioer reatdiBg m-mt Httiitfla,

wbo ib veiv Intflligent aa well aa energrtlc aott preetAaad. Tborr- are as yet bul :»o auiiortllnat_. fllraBBBflinArkanaaa, all lu tbe i_nrtb-eit..i«m part of tbe Blalr. bo*

tbe ordtr B .preudlng. Mr. AIL-n thtnka thal 0T8

tlratig.' ¦BflflflB nt wlll havo a heallhy ' fle*-» ia flBe

Sontb. by Baainiiladag partiex aod produ- ...» a UBtflri

Blale of fe.lriig ainonu; th.- pt-op i-

Ue fean. thi re w.ll be Miine tivnble ln Arhan-aa, and

pethapain _Baflflflfl_,-_ BBflflflB BflflflBBflO" Bflflflflfl. Bflltriyts tbat it trlil imt '_.- *. .- I " I'tirmia .x lua nr

giiiuz.'d for *ix ;.ii por|Hi«4-8, ifeeflegro, he tluak*. oonot

be BdmitU-d t<. (Ue ttaiue lodgra.fclH wher>'Vera *ii(llel.'ii«

numUirof tbein deaur aeparale organir_alM.ii. or wi.l

biaiaeif m* thut tbey aaa propcilv ..gaatiodandaet agoing. lln pBBBJBB Bl Arkanaaa wlth wkvifli bB

ottmc in confn. i were as Inielligei.t a aet of faroier. aa

be had aeen anywtiece. and wbera-ver he weufl thai grratresipea.e aud uiiaulDiliy of opflnlou afwinietl to prvvall.The Order, ho fur.lier fUt", k. m 'ti.e li.Bti.rldegree flour.ahliig ln tbla Htate. Tbere are aflready more thaa wo lodgea in ML-aoan, wtlB

nn average iiieinberaUipof 75,und th*«e ntii.ib.-r. wlll ta

more than tlon il'd 1.. th' BBBl three iiiontbw. Tl.. ae

will prohai'ly he mort. it.aii '..«.,<»*0 Urang. ra m Mi-wt...rtbefore ttprlng open. Tlie Unuiger-, Mr. Alleu tblnfla,wlll endeavor flfl BflBfl flfll tt fflBBBB, btlt thry e*i,nol

fail to 1,-rcatly modify partieseventually.lOOBBBM i.v rui- n.l.ixoi. i.iiMuia' A*-s(,< uTiiiJfl.

1 ii¦_. BABMBBB BBOOMMBBDBB N 0088BflB__BCiiha-.o, Aaga -4..At tlw mtetiug of fariu-

BBBOl'-e, lil., yt-alerd.ay, Mr. B. M. _!uiitLt. P11 M

tary of the I'.irtiien' BBBM Ol MBMBBOO, n-U.-ralad bfl* ad

vire to tbe farinith to coiuhinc ai> tbe other Induri. .

claase. dld, aud g.I bigher pnce« fur their prt-lu.*- Iha.i

thoie olfer.'.l under the itiidlatmrOOi aBBflBBBfl of aapplyand deraand. Br bi.M flflfl BBflfll f eu't .* ith u« i* tUat wi

Bfll into iflfll uud niuiigage our BBflfl,flflflB,flad they are rai-w.d. Tlien we are al th.- rneiry ot

our BBflflfll aml iiieiciiaut. Bflfll flfl BflflB acil tor anv

pil.-e thev iflflflflfl topivu-. Wi ihn.iltl «et flflflflr flfl,i..,; if w« Bflflfl to wear our paoU aoill tfeay _.». flflmany ctinri bf reaooo ol tbe patcuca aa Joarpb's ooafl.i;,t our of debt aii'l h<: ia ¦ ooodlUOO tfl bold your flfl**pure until the eflaflaatera wlll M wllBflfl to jwy you a

talr reuiitt.eratinii Ior htfeflT. I? the Bflflt tnen lue.tin ckplei ilur aud Btt a priflfl flfl Iflflfl I".*"k. aa

they did laat year. aml atf 'l'-y _1" ,"nl>rgive H for tt. then m-et them by h.d.tiugnet untu they wiii Bc willing t,> (ir* rooflB. nflflfl ifl aai..¦>...,! hrnadaiafl- flflflB wB ': tfefl w.,ri,i a mtr. t.i

¦aaifl; lf tbere ta a .uipiu_ oaa m-.i- tbflrawlllM a

deflcit la ihe aecond or ibir.l .sar.aad it wt:i mwantitl at i-emuiieiiiilve pr.,.- OctoiB of flflfll flfldk.-i-p out ol di-iii, Bfld Bflflflfll roui ne maBhood, afltl flflimt Ktaiid ut tlu* nieny of Bflflfll Bflflkfl-Baflflfl BBM .8

foniicd to laMfla .¦ you.A very plthy a'ldress wa. mad-- hy tfefl PlflaBtflBl of the

ineeling, A'tphonae Mllkr, an Bflfll > -1-> BflB BflB fanu.-r.

Aftt-r _flfl_fe__-0.* the BBBflflfl BMl fld t-> U.e furinallon

of grangi a nnd eMBfl, tbe f*n ifl nt _fliHt pri-B'Uf.uivea lu Ofll . Bflflfll

hrto the narlooal treaaurvj oor LenlalalBr.and aold by moaopoltafl ot everj idiid ih '¦.'"

tbem: oar cb.ef fl-agtatrate bb palai iadtafecfl hii ifeBTfl or Ifee tMck-actioo. .orward-a.timi .il roriupttt,:. Innnl. aml ttri-lerv ia .Bi'ilUutf Ifl Ifefl lafld Tfefl feaottflof 1776 bting upprenaed i.nril opprcaiiou b.uoeudurable, formed i_Mo a defensiveciiuitioaAiiio - t

tbelrgrievauoei lo the Dt-elaratioo ul imiii".iiul algued and .ealedit « uh tb. tr I¦ -. *.l -

the pa'triotlu fanaen ofl 187J, beiug opprt-seed bj k

,,., |..,\, i.i.i. .1 kntti .i miiiiin.ii.m, hBVIforth tbelr grlevance ln a declaration ol Indepeiidroce,.md Wlll Bght until ji.Bi rifhl .tr.- i.

Wi make oo war with railroa-i a^ roada, bul we w.Uw.i,:.' uorelcotiug ¦....rfari with . iflWItMu'i.i:tt r fraud*, andallclaahleglslatlou lhal bmUunopolica poaaiide; tbal toruh th( ;. .. ... tlu expeoaeofthe i-eople. I bflllflTfl it to i .....,iyN, BBJ ev.ry man h .-> bil prhe; we

i.i u, flflfli flfl i tf"1'. *

u mu* a.ii ranta, yt t wa ahall aevrr gei them uat.i wbimoke mit tbe pettypoliUcUna tfeatan . gacound

: for offlee. lt toatter* aot froa what "J_W.*Beek out good and true aieu, imieUBflt -t i _. tfee n..u. Bfld uol tin ti.-ti. tbe .1


BeBJBBliB Yoilii-', BB BOtOf, woUrkaovfl Bl oBtoi "t m-.-ro lar.u-ior-, p ,rfi'-i; I. lo thfl parfl

uf IjDO-fl ton , tiiett luodeflljr ln PW ..

K.v. John Todd. I). D*, lo.'iir a pactoi ol tlioFirit CongregationalUt Church of IMi-dl Id,BflMfeflflflflIfea '.¦-.tiiileiitB'Msnita'," Bfli BflaBfltflfll bO*_ fnr the

roflflfl, and oue of the best known lergvmen ln VkeeternbflU. :t-, ilK-'l Ut lilr. liOll, .1, -i'l lt .ln Id, a.i-a.,

yettetdaf mormng, lo fefl Hcdrflar.Jodgfl TboOBOO A. li. N'cIb'.ii of Ti-:"

tlietl at hii lato IflflMflflflfl ii. K,i.._.v,.l.- i -kt, r.lay, ofclinli-ra, BBflfl two thi- HlflflBB, Bfl flflfl fun.ieily J,nl/rof tbe BvpflflflM Court of fBfll -' e, and 'i i BttBlflfli an

.1,1 tl BBBfl HdarOBfll oiie tiaBBflfltBBflO Ui.loni.t,bfll aflarwaafl ftflflflifli Ifefl CflBfedaraey. Dfliiao ti.eproceedlngi atteodiBfl tha lupeaefeaaeBl fl PrrwuteotJohaaoaba wai ooeol U eoaoselffli i.

ft ni", m:u1 made .. long, i.l''V al ipat cll, n Bi m ibfl n.r

iti. Ktravaoaat pcaflfla ..r BMeBaal ¦* M u u .-nui flaai,

MfMi ll'Ali ..I.KAM

At a BteeUogr, on r-.ttiiid.iy, of t'ic Huanl ofi-; aad AflpoflUoaflMBl* tfei oBaalBflfl ot BMkflMan upproi'liaii'in lo p:;y eierki Bfl ibe CMflBflMflMflOOl IAc-oiiutB .iguiii amt'iip. OoatraHar Qoaaflaali 'hat hawa« u..t ready to vote for such au appropi laiiin iieca.i _o

he had heen unuhle tu Bfli Bflf law tuo

OflflBBflflBBflfltfl toetiiii'.nvil.-iaB. Mr. Wh'elor »tat< d thatJohn II. i-li.ili.tii 1, il fuimill. .1 Litu wuh au elalioraleflflflfltafl IflOOBBB-Btfl ibe al'owing of the apjiroj.rlailooaikod|for. Mr. HTBlBBBj flflflfl adinlttiug th- ( u.r

tflfl iflflfl nut .tatt: txiat the CumtiilaBlonera uf A. I¦OflB bave aucli aa*,lriance aa Ifeay may re'j.i:re, h | ythat it ls not neeeeaary ln tUe orgaulc law of tl,.criiineiit that »ucb ipecibcution MM Bfl given, aml he¦888 the pav.'iKiitB to tke 8Bfl_fl__MBB and Bflflflflfli '-in-

ployed hy the leceut BOBfld fll Au Iit, of v.

i.rcci), Bt.-h:.i'ia, aml Van Nort werfl nn-iu!_*i , wltl,in._-hthe act of 1H7. did uot autbonzit thwm to bire mom thanone clerk.aA a parallel caae. II. urge* tb.-ifl tha c.-.

trvlk-r .aiiiiol offrr oppoiitiuti lo tlie apprtipriat.the prescnt ln-tance witbout adinlttmg that he a. i. 1without authority of law ln p.ivlnj; ih*. cl.ilma lu .haformer cace. After further dtaflflflflMfl BBB Uiatter Wflfldefarred. Tbe ("iitruil_r ww»aui_,ui,i<d,tu ;__iue LumiaIor tlie fulluvMiig_Un k»:

Al.ia.nal Crotoa Aqu-lael (bil atfita).f l.V).pe_. r.,t_>. w.t*r aaa.B Bluck.HJtt..-.-JSewrr rruair atu_l. I*Cllj Parfli. . *..(....)A__ria__Ml_i>a>U(:mp_-r*_--«l fc* I. muaib.__lalvr va;_u»uli»ij_a«i__>ua .»-.._(. ikaal;. .OM 'bJ

Toflal.81 BBMflB


_Kx-Ilepreecntative John liickman lj Uamrer-oaalj iii .1 flfl born* lu l*n.irlt__-_.

..TIktc have thus far bflflfl entered f. r BXbMllflOll Ifl. 5 w -Uflaud rair, T.'l butte.. Si'J .»-.ll*, and lCO-L.-j._The weather yeBt.-rdny iu (.'iuciriuati wan in-

_______ huL Tt.. kr.i _a-l aearori/ b*r_ iitui. al a., __* ,. ,

....At the Metliiirii.t camp-nieetintt Rt Plainville,CoBB., raaunlar. a:*8l 7UflJO p.D|>li wti. pi.i.uu Tfl* __«-. l,.j cIumiu_ IS*-1--__8J.

....The IndiAna Patspt-i a-nd ]i.g Tie* ntT nfF.rt«. 'i»B. waltiBf for ther. af»r«B«ii ti_-..,t_ir, Bilrr t. .I* (vriaailt rautta- fr_a> >

....Mrt. _a__h V. Wtoiht at Har.for(_.Ti_n., who11*1 iail »*..*. lt:t».'..'i(Kj tc ia* 11 a* Si -. ....itj s*b.,-.,. ... fc, ovmBack lo flt* pbiia_lkropie n..titntio-.i .1 U.r'.lord.

....TIh. ruet-olfic*) at Terrv istation, Pope CuntvArl.M.i. _aa k*«a liKjuiiuwtal, ?..*_** lu* p.\m.a-, ;f-alii Bul IcibiwibBufri. .f laaataii., U,a afins _,,__ \__._lak, flwo m llne* Iibw BflU _* axva.a

....Jti._,gel'aKiiiof the Cutral Critnlhal ConrtBt U8.B _.. rla..'. lb, _u. ,.1-rrd ,,_....*. nf U.fl r.i, bb.,..,,,,!^" ,!!' l»'B-BiM»w.48-_B-aa«a ,. iba ism,wa., w,!i .y.a*. xt iu eiiv.iia. .._,_ ¦¦