WJEC · Web viewUNIT 1 Muslims prepare for prayer because it tells them to do so in the Qur'an...

ASSESSING GCSE RELIGIOUS STUDIES UNITS 1&2 PARTS A and B Training event 2017 (Delegate's Copy)

Transcript of WJEC · Web viewUNIT 1 Muslims prepare for prayer because it tells them to do so in the Qur'an...

Page 1: WJEC · Web viewUNIT 1 Muslims prepare for prayer because it tells them to do so in the Qur'an which is considered the direct word of Allah himself. Before they pray, Muslims first



Training event 2017

(Delegate's Copy)

Page 2: WJEC · Web viewUNIT 1 Muslims prepare for prayer because it tells them to do so in the Qur'an which is considered the direct word of Allah himself. Before they pray, Muslims first


(a) What is meant by 'morality'?

This is when people have morals.

(a) What is meant by 'morality'?

This is a code of right and wrong e.g. what are good and bad actions, for example, some people believe that killing is always wrong according to their ideas about morality.

(a) What do Christians (CATHOLIC CHRISTIANS) mean by 'omnipotence'?

This means powerful

(a) What do Christians (CATHOLIC CHRISTIANS) mean by 'omnipotence'?

This means all powerful and is used to talk about God's power


KEY; Sources of wisdom

Specialist Language

Knowledge and Understanding

(b) Describe how Jewish women might worship differently to men. [5] UNIT 1

In the Orthodox Jewish traditions women will usually sit apart from men in the synagogue. Also, women will not usually be allowed to read from the Sefer Torah during prayers. During prayers men are expected to cover their heads for worship but unmarried women do not need to. There are other duties that only apply to men; men are obliged to wear tefillin for worship and to pray three times a day but women are not. This is interpreted from the Torah teaching ‘A man’s attire shall not be on a woman’ Tefillin is considered a man’s attire and in studies of the Torah by scholars, this teaching is given as the reason why women should not wear it. The main religious duties for a Jewish woman are in the home – especially to bring in Shabbat by lighting candles.

(b) Describe how Muslims prepare to pray. [5] UNIT 1

Before they prey, Muslims will always wash themselves in running water. This is called wudu in Arabic. There is a ritual given in the Qur'an for this where they do the same things in the

Page 3: WJEC · Web viewUNIT 1 Muslims prepare for prayer because it tells them to do so in the Qur'an which is considered the direct word of Allah himself. Before they pray, Muslims first

same order every time; washing hands, arms, feet, ears, face and head three times each. They will then look for a clean place to pray. If they are outside, they may use a prayer mat, and if they are in a mosque, it will be carpeted and all shoes must be removed. Before praying, they must also be facing Mecca and they might use a compass to show which direction to face. In a mosque an alcove called a mihrab will show the direction of Mecca. They are then ready to concentrate and focus on prayer.

(b) Describe Jewish beliefs about God. [5] UNIT 1

Jewish people believe that there is only one God. It clearly says in the Shema (the declaration of Jewish faith): 'Hear O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one'. Furthermore, Jewish people believe that God is omnipotent and the creator of everything. The Genesis story shows God creating from nothing. God is also believed to be omnibenevolent (all loving) and present everywhere at the same time (omnipresent). Jews also believe that God has given his people laws (mitzvot) to obey in order to live a good life and that, after death, God will judge the lives they have lived.


KEY; Sources of wisdom

Specialist Language

Knowledge and Understanding

(c) Explain why Muslims prepare before praying. [8] UNIT 1

Muslims prepare for prayer because it tells them to do so in the Qur'an which is considered the direct word of Allah himself. Before they pray, Muslims first wash themselves in running water. They do this because they believe you should be physically as well as spiritually clean before God. Running water is cleaner than still water, so they use a fountain or tap. This washing ritual is called wudu and it makes them focus and concentrate by having to wash in the same order every time e.g. their hands, feet, face, head etc. They also believe that you must pray in a clean place because it is disrespecting Allah otherwise. They may use a prayer mat and in the mosque they will make sure that all footwear is left outside because Muslims pray by kneeling and bowing on the floor and so it's important to keep the carpets clean for practical as well as religious reasons. Finally, Muslims will face Mecca when they pray because the sacred Ka'aba is there and it is the place where Prophet Muhammed first received his message from Allah.

Page 4: WJEC · Web viewUNIT 1 Muslims prepare for prayer because it tells them to do so in the Qur'an which is considered the direct word of Allah himself. Before they pray, Muslims first

(c) Explain why Moses is important in Judaism. [8] UNIT 2

Moses is important in Judaism because God made a covenant with him. Moses was the first in his family to believe in one God. God made a promise to him. God promised him that his followers would be God’s ‘Chosen People’. Moses is important because some Jews believe that they are his descendants and he is the founding father of their religion.

(c) Explain why Moses is important in Judaism. [8] UNIT 2

Moses is important in Judaism because he was the greatest of all Jewish prophets. He was chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt after God spoke to him in the form of the Burning Bush. He is also the greatest prophet because during the forty year Exodus in the desert, he received the Torah on Mount Sinai which forms the basis of the laws and obligations (mitzvoth) that Jews follow to this day. The Ten Commandments are the ten most well known laws of Jewish faith and form the basis of laws all around the world e.g. 'Do not murder', 'Do not steal' etc. Furthermore, Moses continued the Covenant that God had already made with Abraham many years before, when he promised the Israelites a land of their own. Moses led them back to this 'promised land' though he died before they finally got there.


(c) From Christianity (or Catholic Christianity and Judaism) and ...... (second religion), explain attitudes towards capital punishment. [8] UNIT 1

Some Conservative Christians, such as Evangelicals, agree with capital punishment because the Bible says 'an eye for an eye, a life for a life'. Furthermore, the Old Testament teaches that the death penalty should be used for some crimes (such as adultery). Jesus never actually stated that the death penalty was wrong and, in the Middle Ages, the Church actually used it to punish those who challenged the Church. These Christians would say that some crimes are so dreadful that only the ultimate punishment will do.

Hindus believe in Ahimsa (non-violence), so many may disagree with the death penalty. They would say we are all connected to Brahman through the atman and deserve to be treated with dignity no-matter what we have done. They would argue that executing criminals brings bad karma to those who do it and that the criminal will be punished for his crimes anyway when he is reincarnated to his next life as something worse. India does have the death penalty though.

Page 5: WJEC · Web viewUNIT 1 Muslims prepare for prayer because it tells them to do so in the Qur'an which is considered the direct word of Allah himself. Before they pray, Muslims first

(c) From Christianity (or Catholic Christianity and Judaism) and ...... (second religion), explain attitudes towards same sex relationships. [8] UNIT 2

Some Conservative Christians believe that same sex relationships are wrong. Leviticus 20:13 teaches that "If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable." This shows that same sex relations are a sin for some denominations of Christianity.

Other Christians believe that these passages reflect the culture and society of the time they were written and that they do not apply to today's society. They may approach the Bible with as a non-literalist and point to the fact that there are lots of things in the Bible condemned which would be seen as accessible today.

Some other Christians believe that homosexual sex is wrong. God would say that sex should only be for reproduction rather than pleasure. This shows that sex in a same-sex relationships would go against God and be a sin.

Finally, some Christians would argue that sex is a tool to bring a couple closer together, not simply for reproduction. Sex should be seen as unitive rather than purely creative.Some Conservative Christians believe that same sex relationships are wrong. Leviticus 20:13 teaches that "If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable." This shows that same sex relations are a sin for some denominations of Christianity. God would say that sex should only be for reproduction rather than pleasure. Other Christians believe that these passages reflect the culture and society of the time they were written and that they do not apply to today's society. They may approach the Bible as a non-literalist and point to the fact that there are lots of things condemned in the Bible which would be seen as accessible today.

Most Orthodox Jews would disagree with same sex relationships for the same reasons.

(c) From Christianity (or Catholic Christianity and Judaism) and ...... (second religion), explain views about abortion. [8] UNIT 1

Christians believe abortion should take place for reasons. If the mothers life is as risk or childs. If the women is raped abortion should take place. Some Christians are against abortion.

Muslims are against abortion. They believe "thou shall not kill but only God". This means that only god if god creates you then only he kills you. Killing is forbidden in Islam. However in circumstances of mothers life is as risk or childs or anything then abortions can take place before 120 days, you have to do it before the soul goes in.

Page 6: WJEC · Web viewUNIT 1 Muslims prepare for prayer because it tells them to do so in the Qur'an which is considered the direct word of Allah himself. Before they pray, Muslims first



Use of terms/languageUse of sources of wisdom and authority

Offering alternative or different view - MUST INCLUDE NON-RELIGIOUS VIEWS FOR LIFE AND DEATH - UNIT 1 PART B.

Use of religious/moral reasoning to analyse, evaluate and formulate judgements

(d) “Keeping the Ten Commandments is the most important part of Judaism.” UNIT 2Discuss the statement showing that you have considered more than one point of view. (You must refer to religion and belief in your answer.) [15]

I think that keeping the Ten Commandments is very important but not the most important part of Judaism. Examples of the Ten Commandments are; ‘Do not take the name of God your Lord in vain. God will not allow the one who takes His name in vain to go unpunished. Do not murder, do not commit adultery. Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy.’Clearly the Ten Commandments are very important because they were given as a covenant by God to the people through Moses. Some people might argue that for this reason they are the most important part of Judaism. They include the teaching ‘Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.’ There cannot be a more important request than this for God created all and this commandment clearly tells us to love him with all that we have. God also says ‘these commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children.’ This quote clearly highlights the importance of the Commandments and it is clear from the quote that we are to pass them down generation to generation which further highlights that there can be no higher command than these. However, I would argue that even though the Ten Commandments are central there are many other mitzvot in the Tenakh that are also very important. In fact, many of these other 603 mitzvot are about how Jews should live their daily lives. For example, it is in the 603 mitzvot where Jews get the rules surrounding Kosher foods that affect every day of their lives. It says in the Bible, ‘God spoke to Moses and Aaron, telling them to speak to the Israelites, and convey the following to them: Of all the animals in the world, these are the ones that you may eat.’ This law is incredibly important as it affects them on a daily basis. Also, even amongst the Ten Commandments different Jewish denominations will have different interpretations of the importance of the Commandment on Shabbat. Orthodox Jews are much stricter in their interpretation of this Commandment than Reform or Liberal Jews are. Some people might argue that does not matter because all Jews agree the Commandment on Shabbat is important even if they interpret it differently. However, I would argue that if the Ten Commandments were the most important thing, then different denominations would not disagree about how they should be kept.Some may argue that there are other key features of Judaism that are more important than the Ten Commandments because all Jews agree on what they mean and how important

Page 7: WJEC · Web viewUNIT 1 Muslims prepare for prayer because it tells them to do so in the Qur'an which is considered the direct word of Allah himself. Before they pray, Muslims first

they are. For example, the commitment to Pikuach Nefesh, which is the duty to save life, is believed by all Jews of all denominations and affects the way all Jews live their lives. All Jews would accept that the duty to save a life overrides all the other Commandments, so it must be more important. In conclusion, I would agree that keeping the Ten Commandments is very important but not the most important part of Judaism. Pikuach Nefesh is most important.

(d) 'Christians (CATHOLIC CHRISTIANS) should always forgive'. Discuss this statement showing that you have considered more than one point of view. (You must refer to religion and belief in your answer.) [15] UNIT 1

Christians believe they should always forgive as Jesus said when asked how many times we should forgive, 'not seven times, but seventy times seven times'. This tells Christians they should forgive every time. However, some find this hard; Julie Nicholson, who was a priest at the time her daughter was killed on the London Underground during the attacks and she found herself not being able to forgive the people who had murdered her daughter. As Christians believe that forgiveness is looking past someone's faults, but Julie also believed that the other person had to be there to be forgiven but the people who killed her daughter were dead as they were suicide bombers, and so due to this she stepped down from her role as a priest/vicar because she was telling people to forgive when she couldn't forgive others herself. This shows that Christians don't always forgive. In conclusion, I believe that Christians should forgive because in the Bible, where most of their beliefs come from, there are many quotes from Jesus and God that Christians should always forgive, so if they don't, they are going against their religion.

(d) "You have to go to the synagogue to be a Jew." UNIT 1Discuss this statement showing that you have considered more than one point of view. (You must refer to religion and belief in your answer.) [15]

Going to the synagogue is very important to most Jews but many would argue that you don’t need to go to the synagogue in order to be a Jew.Some people might argue that going to the synagogue and taking part in Jewish worship is essential for being a Jew because if you do not keep God’s commandments then you cannot call yourself a Jew. One of the commandments is to keep Shabbat and to attend the synagogue. God says in the Ten Commandments that we are to ‘remember the Sabbath to keep it holy.’ One way of doing this is going to the Synagogue and worshipping God there. However, this is a weak argument because there are other ways to keep Shabbat and most important is the keeping of Shabbat in the home, not attending the synagogue. Shabbat is known to be a day of rest and this does not mean you need to attend synagogue to follow this command but that you must worship at home and rest with your family.

Page 8: WJEC · Web viewUNIT 1 Muslims prepare for prayer because it tells them to do so in the Qur'an which is considered the direct word of Allah himself. Before they pray, Muslims first

Others might argue that if Jews do not attend the synagogue then they are cutting themselves off from the Jewish community and are putting the traditions of Judaism at risk, for example the Bar Mitzvah. If you do not follow the traditions, can you say you are truly Jewish? The Synagogue is a vital and focal part of Jewish life and a hub of the community. If you are not attending, then you are not fully participating in all that it means to be a Jew. However, this is a weak argument because being Jewish is much more basic than what people do – it is who they are. Being Jewish is part of a person’s identity and they do not lose this identity just because they don’t attend the synagogue. Being Jewish can mean following the Jewish dietary laws, the commands of God and keeping their lives in the way God intended.

Attending the synagogue is important for many reasons. It is a way to keep God’s commandment. It is a way to keep close to the Jewish community. It is a way of keeping Jewish traditions alive. These are important but Jewish identity does not depend on any of them. Throughout history, Jews have managed to maintain their identity even when they have been separated from their community and even when there was no synagogue near enough to attend. In my view, you don’t have to go to the synagogue to be a Jew, but if you want to be a good and observant Jew then you should go if you can.

(d) "If God exists then people shouldn’t suffer." UNIT 1Discuss this statement showing that you have considered more than one point of view.(You must refer to religion and belief in your answer). [15]

Christians believe that God is omnipitent, omnicient , and so why should people suffer. They believe if people suffer then God is not all of these. But suffering is part of life you need to suffer to do good. God wants people to suffer. Some Christians would argue that people shouldn’t suffer because then they don’t have a good life. They think if god is omnipitent and omnicient then people can't suffer and its not god that makes them suffer. If he does then hes not omnicient.

In Islam teaches that In islam muslims believe that god exists and people suffer because god wants them to. They believe that suffering is part of life. If you suffer you do better. They believe God does this to everyone no one can live without it, otherwise they dont do good in life.

I think that if god exists people should suffer because thats how they achieve goals in life. Also everyone should experience the same.

Page 9: WJEC · Web viewUNIT 1 Muslims prepare for prayer because it tells them to do so in the Qur'an which is considered the direct word of Allah himself. Before they pray, Muslims first

(d) "The existence of suffering proves there is no God." UNIT 1Discuss this statement showing that you have considered more than one point of view. (You must refer to religion and belief in your answer). [15+6]

On one hand, the existance of suffering many prove there is no god. For example, God is meant to be omnibenevolent and if he was all loving he wouldn’t let people suffur. Moreover, if he's omnipotent, he should have the power to stop the suffering. This means that as there is suffering he can't be omnipotent or omnibenevolent so doesn’t that makes him not a god. If he doesn’t have power he can't be god as that is part of what a god is.

Furthermore, suffering is not only limited to bad people. In the bible Job was was referred to as "perfect" and he "feared god and eschewed evil." This means he was a good person yet he got painful boils, had his entire family die and lost everything. If there was a god, it wouldn’t make sense for him to let him suffer.

On the other hand, Christians see suffering as a trial they have to endure. In the bible, it says "stand ye in holy places and be not moved even when the winds of turmoil shall blow and if ye shall do these things ye shall have my stregnth to be with ye". This means that if Christians endure through trials and tribulations they can have god's strength to be with them. This may mean there is suffuring in order to test who is worthy to have god's strength with them.

Moreover, there would be little point to life if we couldn’t have suffering as we grow as people whilst we deal with it. We can learn empathy and can help others out during times of hardships. Therefore suffering does not single out the possibility of god.

Moreover, some Christians believe that suffering comes from Satan not God. In the story of Job, Satan was the one doing the bad things to him not god so it's highly likely that Satan is the cause of suffering. There fore suffering does not mean god doesn’t exist.

In conclusion, I think suffering doesn’t mean god doesn’t exist as there are many other possibilities such as Satan causing it.

Page 10: WJEC · Web viewUNIT 1 Muslims prepare for prayer because it tells them to do so in the Qur'an which is considered the direct word of Allah himself. Before they pray, Muslims first

Examples of possible frameworks/structures

Group Name ___________________

‘Couples with marriage problems should always turn to a religious community for help’

Write down some religious responses; they can all agree with the statement, all disagree with the statement or be a mixture of both. How valid is each point you make?

AGREE DISAGREEP……..make a pointE……..explain the point fully (include religious language and teachings)E…….evaluate the validity or strength of the point

P……..make a pointE……..explain the point fully (include religious language and teachings)E…….evaluate the validity or strength of the point

P……..make a pointE……..explain the point fully (include religious language and teachings)E…….evaluate the validity or strength of the point

Page 11: WJEC · Web viewUNIT 1 Muslims prepare for prayer because it tells them to do so in the Qur'an which is considered the direct word of Allah himself. Before they pray, Muslims first

Group Name ___________________

‘The high divorce rate in Britain today means that marriage is no longer special’.

Write down some religious responses; they can all agree with the statement, all disagree with the statement or be a mixture of both. How valid is each point you make?

AGREE DISAGREEP……..make a pointE……..explain the point fully (include religious language and teachings)E…….evaluate the validity or strength of the point

P……..make a pointE……..explain the point fully (include religious language and teachings)E…….evaluate the validity or strength of the point

P……..make a pointE……..explain the point fully (include religious language and teachings)E…….evaluate the validity or strength of the point

P……..make a pointE……..explain the point fully (include religious language and teachings)E…….evaluate the validity or strength of the point

Page 12: WJEC · Web viewUNIT 1 Muslims prepare for prayer because it tells them to do so in the Qur'an which is considered the direct word of Allah himself. Before they pray, Muslims first


Many Christians would agree with this because.........(link with religion and belief)Furthermore, they might also say that.......... (expanded or different viewpoint – link withquote)

These arguments are valid/weak/strong/make sense because......... (formulatingjudgements/justifying opinions)

On the other hand/however/additionally…. (alternative or opposing views)some............might disagree because............ (link with religion and belief)

In addition they could argue that...... (expanded or different view – link with quotes

These arguments are valid/weak/strong/make sense because......... (formulatingjudgements/justifying opinions)

Conclusion with own brief opinion given (but not compulsory). If own opinion given, use itas another opportunity to link with religion and belief e.g. ‘Like many Christians, I wouldargue that………because……..'

HAVE YOU…Used and explained at least 3 quotes/extracts?Used an extensive range of key vocabulary? (key words and otherwords)Checked spelling, grammar and proof read you work to make sure itmakes sense?Expanded your points with reasoning, detail and examples?Included a diversity of views?Reached judgements?