With SIF! Founder Kelly Youngs

1 Passion & Purpose Challenge sheisfiercehq.com/join © 2016 She Is Fierce!, LLC With SIF! Founder Kelly Youngs

Transcript of With SIF! Founder Kelly Youngs

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With SIF! Founder Kelly Youngs

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The Passion & Purpose Challenge is the start of a journey into the life you have imagined!

Welcome to our global comm unity.... Where we connect women with each other and their dreams!

You have joined thousands of women around the world who have already taken our Passion & Purpose Challenge and started their

journey to a life that fulfi lls them.

The challenge will give you a step-by-step Q&A to help you reach new heights in your personal and professional lives, whether you’re

an entrepreneur, a professional, or still fi nding your path!

This challenge is all about giving you a chance to look inward and fi gure out what your leap of fi erce really is!

You are So Fе rce !


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Now, I haven’t always been the host of a global membership group fi lled with the most brilliant women in the world.

Nope! Just a few years ago, I lived in London and worked a bazillion (not an exaggeration) hours a week as a high-fl ying media producer. While I loved what I did, I couldn’t shake the feeling that there had to be more to life than workaholism and that I was meant to contribute something of greater importance.

So, when my husband and I decided we wanted to have kids, we left our big city lives and moved back near my family in sunny St. Augustine, Florida. I went from the whirlwind of a corporate media job to a tiny town, with toddler and a baby girl on the way (and no tube station in sight!)

Life just seemed to grind to a halt.

Now, look, I LOVE being a mom. It’s my favorite job in the world (most of the time at least) and I had NO desire to hop back in the rat race. BUT — I had always been super driven, so I couldn’t imagine not having a project to pursue (as if two kids wasn’t a project enough, amiright?!)

After a lot of self-refl ection, and a huge pity party, I refl ected on an idea I had been toying with for years: creating a community where women could discover their true potential, feel empowered, and accomplish amazing things! I realized I fi nally had the space in my own life to make that community happen.

So I did!

Hi, I’m Kell y Youngs, the founder of She Is Fierce!

Today, She is Fе rce ! has grown intosomething so much bigger than me. I am completely humbled and inspired everyday with the success the women in our tribe have been creating in their lives every day, the amazing stories I get to hear and seriously fi erce women I get to meet. And I think to myself… If I had stayed in my status quo and never listened to that little spark within me, my world would not be what it is today.

The world needs your contribution too… and I believe that She Is Fierce! can help you create the life you’ve imagined!

Now it’s time for you to get into the challenge and make your passion & purpose your everyday reality! 3

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“Don’t call it a dream, call it a plan”

Where Are You Compromising Right Now? Let’s Talk Limits

Envisioning Your Ideal Life

Framing Your Vision Join Our Community of Ambitious Women

Day 4:

Day 2:

Day 5:

Day 3:

Day 6:

What Gives Your Life Meaning?

Day 1:

What’s Inside

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This Challenge Will

Change Your Life!No, Really.

and we’ve received messages from dozens of women in our membership who credit this challenge — a shortened version of the first bundle in our membership — with setting them on a new path to

freedom and joy.

It’s time to step out of the conventional wisdom of what you “should” want or do and start thinking about what is most fulfilling to you, and

where you feel you have the most purpose.

20 Minutes

Per Day

So… here’s the secret to truly making this a life-changing experience:

Set aside 20 minutes every day for the next five days, or an hour and a half for one day this week. Get to reading, answering, and envisioning… and then I promise you will not only feel like you have a chance at a fresh start, but we’ll also be able to help you get where you want to be!

Thousands of other women have taken this challenge

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What Gives Your Life Meaning?Day 1:

For some, it might be that you are multi-passionate (you love so many things that

it’s hard to identify one thing to spend your time and life pursuing).

For others, it’s not diffi cult to fi nd passions you can enjoy for a time, but you might

struggle to fi nd that one thing you can feel really proud to be doing over the

long-haul... or even keep interested in!

The challenge in this section is to look past all of the expectations others have

of you. That includes all of the time you’ve spent educating yourself in one

particular area or even the time you’ve spent building a particular career.

The idea of following your “passion” will ring true for some — some of us identify that one passion that brings meaning to our lives when we are young and know that is a path that we want to follow.

Let’s really identify what truly brings you joy.

For most of us though, the idea that we should have one true passion that guides us can be really frustrating!

Why fi nding that “one thing” can be so hard

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Let’s fi nd that one thing — or even the many things‚ that you know will give your life true purpose and meaning.

The thing that will ultimately let you wake up joyful and ready to take on the world.

What Gives Your Life Meaning?

Day 1:

For many of us, a life of purpose is a life that is not necessarily

“in-balance,” but it can be a life that fi lls us up with joy and

allows us to be passionate about our careers, our family, our

friends, our communities, and to fi nd joy in our own lives.

You may fi nd that the fi rst “passion” that comes to mind is not the one that

will ultimately bring you joy and fi ll your life with purpose.

For the following questions..

Don’t be afraid to keep writing, to spend time, to go back and add more,

to get deeper, to fi ll up the page (or many pages!) with ideas on what

choices you can make in your life to become a more fulfi lled and more

purpose-fi lled person.

Furthering Your Education

Starting Your Own Business

Jumping Ship To a New Career

Becoming a Mom

It might be...

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What Gives Your Life Meaning?

Day 1:

What activities do you remember participating in as a child, or in the past, that excited you, made you smile, or gave you a feeling of true satisfaction?

If you asked your friends and family when you were most happy, what would they say?

At what period in your life did you feel most full of purpose? Keep in mind here that you don’t have to answer, “When I had my child.” This isn’t necessarily about the moment of greatest joy, it’s about the extended period of time when you felt a great sense of self, a confi dence in who you were, and an excitement about the future.

What do you wish you could do but never have time to do or don’t have the right lifestyle for? Don’t feel like your answer here has to be practical… You can say, “coff ee with friends” — that might be a sign that what brings you joy is camaraderie and companionship. You can say, “dancing” or even “white water rafting’ — whatever you wish you could do! Those might be signs you need to allow yourself to let loose!

Not sure?… Go ask them!

List as many as you can



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What Gives Your Life Meaning?

Day 1:

Use this tool to help you identify the areas in your life that you are most and least satisfi ed with RIGHT NOW and where you should place your

focus. Rate each area with 0 as low and 10 as high.

You may fi nd that your priorities should be diff erent than you think they should be now... seeing everything visually can give you some direction. Remember — Do NOT fi ll out the sections based on where others might believe you are. The eight sections

relate to YOU and your life. Use your own judgment and your initial gut reaction when you look at each section.

Another benefi t to this chart is that you can use it to determine the percentage of your time you want to spend in each area in the future — not just as you focus on

specifi c goals. More generally, it can help you decide which areas of your life bring you greatest satisfaction and mean the most to you.

Career Friends & Family Finances Health

Personal Development Love Spirituality Community

/ 10

/ 10

/ 10

/ 10

/ 10

/ 10

/ 10

/ 10

Rate your Quality of Life ACTION


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Where are you CompromisingDay 2:

There is no right answer here — the right answers are the answers that come straight to your mind and feel right in your gut when you jot them down.

Women compromise a lot.

It is what makes us such incredible multi-taskers and helps us get everything done every day. Unfortunately, it also means that if we’re not careful, we’ll turn our ability to compromise on the small things into a willingness to compromise on the big things that really make up our daily existence…

• Are you in a job that bores you or sucks the life out of you because you can’t work up the courage to step in the unknown?

• Do you spend your weekends cleaning your house instead of getting fresh air?

• Do you feel like finding the time to work out & eat healthy is overwhelming?

• Do your three kids share a room because you haven’t saved enough to move to a bigger home?

Some of us wish we could be closer to family and some of us are compromising by staying near toxic relatives out of obligation.

Some of us are financially set but feel a lack of control over our lives while others feel overwhelmed keeping up with bills.

The compromises we make are different for all of us

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Where are you Compromising?

Day 2:

Where are you compromising?

Why do you allow those compromises? What is your true potential?

Map out the areas of your life you’re compromising on, what you think is holding you back, and what your ideal situation could look like. For column three — it may help to look at yourself from 30,000 feet. Imagine you were a stranger or even your own best friend… whichever works better for you. But for heaven’s sake - don’t allow yourself to fill in that section using all of your old baggage and limiting beliefs!







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Where are you Compromising?

Day 2:

Where are you compromising?

Why do you allow those compromises? What is your true potential?







Map out the areas of your life you’re compromising on, what you think is holding you back, and what your ideal situation could look like. For column three — it may help to look at yourself from 30,000 feet. Imagine you were a stranger or even your own best friend… whichever works better for you. But for heaven’s sake - don’t allow yourself to fill in that section using all of your old baggage and limiting beliefs!

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Let’s Talk LimitsDay 3:

We are defined by our values and by the kind of people we surround ourselves with. Our potential is limited ONLY by what we accept as limits.

Eleanor Roosevelt famously said:

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” That quote rings true for how we let others limit us, and we can extend it further to another great Eleanor quote,

“You must do the things you think you cannot do.”

We are limited only by what we allow ourselves to be limited by… and we each have our own “upper limits.”

Author Gay Hendricks coined this term in his book The Big Leap. We each have our own upper limits that we may be fully aware of, or which may be such a deep part of our subconscious that we don’t even realize when we hold ourselves back.

You can look back at your answers to the chart on pages 11 & 12 to identify some of your own limiting beliefs.

Your “upper limit” could be that you believe that to be “successful” is to move up in a corporate role and have a dependable job you can count on, simply because your parents, your friends and all of the people you went to school with think that... even though your real dream is completely different.

An example of an “upper limit”

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Let’s Talk Limits

Day 3:

Working in a non-profit

Becoming an entrepreneur

Or even quitting your job + traveling the world for a year!

Making your health your top priority

Starting a family

In some cases, you might not even really feel you deserve something better, no matter how much you tell yourself you want it! That doesn’t mean you have low ‘self-esteem,’ it means you haven’t experienced a different kind of possibility and you may have to focus on picturing yourself in a different place, a new role, or from a different perspective.

To stop limiting ourselves, we need to understand our own preconceptions and self-imposed limits.

The questions on the next page will help you identify how and why you unconsciously hold yourself back...

Identifying and naming your mindset can make moving beyond that mindset infinitely more achievable. Be honest in your assessment. No one but you has to ever see this... Get real with yourself about what preconceptions you’re bringing to the table so you can get past them and get into a place that you can build from!

Just being surrounded by your limiting beliefs can make it much more challenging to make a decision to step away from the comfort of familiarity and follow

your true calling like...

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Let’s Talk Limits

Day 3:

Jot down some notes on what your life looked like growing up... Where did you live? What was your family like?

Describe your family and friends. How do you feel about your relationships with them?

What relationship do you have with money? Do you feel struggle to keep up with the bills no matter how much money is coming in?

What areas of your life do you feel yourself “shut down” as soon as you have to face them? Does your job or business feel like it’s just a means to a payday at the end of the month? Do you have a friendship that just isn’t fulfilling anymore? Or do you shut down when a new challenge or opportunity comes up that seems too big to take on?



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Today, answer a few questions on what your true ‘dream life’ looks like.

But here’s the deal — you really need to look back at what you have written and

learned in days 1-3. It’s time to think very seriously about what matters most to you.

That could mean a life with greater financial security, a family that is tied more

closely, time to cultivate your friendships and support those who are important

to you, an education or a wardrobe that makes you feel great about yourself…

whatever that is going to be for you.

This isn’t about saying you wish you were suddenly an heiress with her own

personal yacht. This is about jotting down what your life would look like if you woke

up (almost!) every morning excited about your day and grateful for your blessings.

In days 1-3, you looked at where you are & how you got there!

Now, it’s time to turn that insight into a real vision for your future…

a life filled with passion and purpose!

You can include a ‘dream home’ or ‘dream vacations’ in your vision of course, but please remember that this is about envisioning the life that will truly bring you the most joy — not just a life filled with more ‘stuff.’

Envisioning Your Ideal DayDay 4:

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Envisioning Your Ideal Day

Day 4:

Describe your family.

If you already have a family, fill in the blanks on what your ideal relationship would be with each member (remember to stop those limiting beliefs about whether you’ll ever really get along with your sister!) If you don’t have a nuclear family yet, or if you plan to keep it single and just mingle… make your real intentions clear by

writing it down.

Where do you live?

Is it important to you to live near family, in a city, by the water?

What kind of home do you live in?

Do you want the glamour (and maintenance) of a large home in the country or the low-maintenance ease (but high expense) of a small city apartment, or do you dream of something a little more offbeat (houseboat, anyone?). Or — will you be spending the rest of your dream year travelling with just your backpack and favorite books as company?



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Envisioning Your Ideal Day

Day 4:

What kind of work do you do?

Do you own your own business or let someone else worry about that?

What does your average day look like?

Jot down a schedule of what you might do during a day that filled you with joy… some ideas might be: spend time with your kids (be specific), work on a project you’re passionate about (be specific), come home to a clean house and a delicious dinner with family (what does that look like?)

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Envisioning Your Ideal Day

Day 4:

What do your best days look like?

What are those big achievements you have only dreamed about? Use your imagination and don’t limit yourself here — if you could dream as big as you want, what would your best days look like? Do you win an award? Get a degree? Travel? Spend time with loved ones you never get to see? What is your “if only”?

What does the work you do mean to you?

Is it about financial gain, personal satisfaction, a sense of community, service to others, or a combination of those? Take some time to think this one through — we spend a LOT of our lives working. What would it mean to you to spend your days following your passions or living with purpose?

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Today — set some time aside for a little arts and crafts!

A Vision Board can change your life… and the chances that you’ll achieve all

those fuzzy dreams in your head!

This is your chance to take what you learned earlier in the challenge, and make

it come to life visually. It’s a fun activity that frees you up to think about what

really matters to you and what your dream life would look like — it will also give

you a daily visual reminder to help you stay on track as you get distracted by the

day-to-day realities we all have to deal with!

Side-note: I have to admit, I have always written down my goals, but I thought vision boards were SUPER-cheesy for a very long time. But once I was fi nally worn down by many mentors telling me to just do it, I found out how incredibly eff ective they are. Need proof? In the last two years, I had my second child, grew a truly global business from a small idea in my head, held 14 (yes, FOURTEEN) massive live events, started a public speaking career, and the best part… I have helped women from all walks of life to achieve their dreams!

The moral of the story? Don’t block your own success by underestimating

tried-and-tested methods!

So, now it’s time to get real.

Multiple social science studies have shown that you are

AT LEAST 42% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down.. and even more so if you share them…

Framing Your VisionDay 5:

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Day 5:

Framing Your Vision

Quick Tip!Step 3 Step 4

Step 5

It’s great to pull out beautiful pictures of rooms or clothes you love — and you can absolutely do that if those inspire you and fit

into your vision…

but remember to also try to find visual images that reflect you on a deeper level —what you value, what your ‘why’ is, and

the way you want to live your life.

That could mean pics of families or travel

destinations, quotes, words in languages you want to learn, logos of companies you want to work with or for or where you want to

be featured.

Look back at your answers from Day 4, where you

envisioned your ideal life.

Grab a stack of magazines that speak to your style or dream life or pull up your Pinterest page if

you prefer. Go through them and pull out images, quotes or lines of

words that speak to you.

Make sure you feel you have something that can visually represent each of the core areas of your vision for your life;

your career or your business, health, family, friends, love, spirituality, finances, travel and hobbies, your home and

environment, education or personal growth, and any other area of your life that matters to you.

Find Images That Inspire You!

Pin From The Heart!

Step 2Step 1

Choose a timeline — 1, 3, or 5 years (or 6 months if you have some specific and quickly achievable

dreams in mind)

Grab a posterboard, pin board or magnetic board from your local office supply store. A simple white poster will do, but if you’re

motivated by pretty stationery, go for something a little prettier. You want this board to be something that you are excited to

look at every day! Oh, and grab the appropriate glue, tape, pin or magnet option you need to put your vision up on the board!


Choose a TimelineGet Supplies!

Day 4 Ideal Life


Work Health Family Finances Travel Home EducationLove Spirituality

Visually Represent the Core Areas of Your Life



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Now, picture a world where...

Your life is filled with intention and purpose. Every day you wake up excited to take steps towards your long and short term goals. You’re crushing challenges and conquering goals on the daily.

You have a new job, started a company, or even up-leveled your biz. No matter your goals, your career is moving forward. You know where it’s heading and you love it!

You’re part of a GLOBAL, active community of like-minded, high-achieving women eager to support you in your dreams. You continually benefit from the wisdom and advice of truly inspirational women and higher level professionals.

When you look in the mirror, you smile. Your health, style and confidence shines right on through. People are drawn to your magnetism and charisma.

Join our Global Community

of Ambitious Women!

You live with pure courage and audacity. No more hesitation, fear, or self-doubt, you are one confident mama who’s ready to tackle challenges and approach life with heartfelt and passionate intensity!

Find out how

Click here to learn more!

This Challenge Was Just The Beginning!

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Well here are some examples of bundles we have in our membership that will get you IMMEDIATELY STARTED living your life of passion and purpose:

Sound Pretty Good?

Our private members’ site has training from expert mentors to help you achieve the dreams you’ve outlined in this Challenge... we’ll help you set those real, achievable goals and then give you the expert

training, support and community to help you along the way!

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Members get access to our sister site Lift U — from the Lift U dashboard,

you’ll access additional bundles, inspirational downloadables, informative

articles, interviews with seriously impressive women, and so much more. 

Interviews & Videos

Hear directly from highly successful women who have

already journeyed down a similar path to your own. Soak

up their wisdom, learn from their mistakes, and be inspired to push yourself further than you ever thought possible!

Monthly Support

Each month you’ll receive a new goal-setting planner to help prepare for the month.

You’ll also get a worksheet to help reflect on your progress

and re-assess your plans.


Feel emotionally supported, energized and inspired! Connect with other women across varied

disciplines and backgrounds who can help guide you along the

way with their own expertise and experience!

Expert Mentors

Each month, you’ll receive a new mini-course and monthly

challenge featuring a new expert mentor.  We continually

add experts to our roster of mentors and each one brings

new perspective and expertise to your continued growth!

Learn More >

Members-Only Benefits

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Join our Global Community

of Ambitious Women!

Join the Waitlist