With IVF

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Transcript of With IVF

  • 7/28/2019 With IVF


    With IVF of PNSS 1L on around 480cc level and regulated at 21gtts/min and on around _____

    consumed and replaced with PNSS I L on full level and regulated at same rate; with side drip of

    PNSS 64 cc + 8 ampules of Furosemide on volumetric chamber on around 20 cc level and

    regulated at 10 mgtts/min; with on going blood transfusion of 1 unit packed RBC typed B with

    serial number 098768 and regulated at 20 gtts/min; with endotracheal tube connected to

    continuous manual resuscitator with oxygen at 10LPM; with oxygen inhalation on at 2-3L/min

    via nasal cannula; with Nasogastric Tube intact for feeding; with foley catheter coonectec to

    urine bag draining to (color of urine)output; with chest thoracostomy tube connected to water

    sealed drainage with reddish pleaural output

    BP-90/70mm/Hg, CR-98, RR-25, Febrile 38.8C; Tepid sponge bath done and cold compress

    placed over the forehead; on around_____ temperature rechecked and became ____

    Examined by Dr. _______ with orders made

    Consumed one cup of rice, one piece of fish and one glass of water

    Bronchial tapping done after nebulization

    BP-110/80 (1hr before the end of shift)

    Endorsed for continuity of care


    Foley catheter Fr.16 connected to urine bag inserted aseptically with yellowish urine

    output of around 300ml

    With foley catheter to urine bag draining to (color of urine)output

    Foley catheter removed aseptically


    NGT Fr.16 inserted by Dr. ________ (and connected to bedside bottle)

    With NGT for osterized feeding

    With NGT connected to bedside bottle with brownish gastric output

    Osterized feeding of 170 ml + 60ml of water given per NGT and well tolerated

  • 7/28/2019 With IVF



    Reports of sharp pain on the abdominal incision area with a pain scale of 8 out of 10

    Facial grimacing

    Guarding behavior

    Restless and irritable


    Administered Celecoxib 200mg IV

    Encouraged deep breathing exercises and relaxation techniques

    Kept patient comfortable and safe


    Patient reports pain was relieved



    Temperature of 38.9 OC via axilla

    Skin is flushed and warm to touch


    Tepid Sponge Bath (TSB) done7:30pm

    Administered 250mg IV Paracetamol as per doctors order

    Encouraged adequate oral fluid intake

    Encouraged adequate rest


    10:00pm>Temperature decreased from 38.9 to 37.1 OC

  • 7/28/2019 With IVF


    F1: Ineffective Breathing Pattern

    D1: increase respiratory rate of 24 cpm

    D2: use of accessory muscle to breath

    D3: presence of nonproductive cough

    F2: Hyperthermia

    D1: skin warm and flush to touched

    D2: increased body temperature of T= 38.9 degree celsius/axilla

    F3: Fatigue

    D1: less movement noted

    A: 9:00am monitored v/s and charted

    regulated IVF and charted

    morning care done

    assessed patient needs and performed handwashing before handling the patient

    advised SO to always stay on patient bedside

    promote proper ventilation and a therapeutic environment

    elevated the head of the bed (moderate high back rest)

    provided comfort measures and provide opportunity for patient to rest

    due meds given


    tepid sponge bath done

    instructed SO to provide blanket and let patient wear loose clothing

    F4: Discharge Plan (12:00nn)D1: discharged order given by Dr.Name/Time

    Madvised SO to give the ff. meds at the right time, dose, frequency and route

    Eencouraged to maintain cleanliness of the house and surroundings

  • 7/28/2019 With IVF


    Tadvised to go to follow-up consultations on the prescribed date

    Hencouraged to do chest tapping to facilitate mobilization of secretion

    Oobserved for signs of super infections such as fever, black fury tongue and foul

    odor discharges

    Dencouraged to eat fresh vegetables and fish

    Sadvised to continue praying to God and hear mass on Sunday

    2:00pmout of the room per wheelchair with improved condition