With ])i Jay t )j~iez, V111])

With ])i Jay t )j~iez, V111]) The term dystocia literally means "difficult birth." Rabbits are commonly revered as re- productive mavericks and their ability to reproduce is only rivaled by smallerrodents. True dystocia is relatively rare in domestic rabbits but can be uniformly fatal if ignored or not addressed correctly. This article will discuss normal pregnancy, abnormal pregnancy, and give methods of treatment for this serious condition. N ormal gestation of a doe is approximately 31 to 32 days in length. This is merely an average and can range from 28 days to 36 days. The gestation length is affected by a variety Both the of factors such as age of the doe, weight, . genetics, litter size, nutritional status, envi- enterior and ronment, and several more aspects. Partu- breech rition in domestic rabbits .is a qui~k process positions are and IS usually complete In 30 minutes fol- . lowing onset. Both the anterior and breech normaL for kits positions are normal for kits being born. being born An effective, inexpensive way to screen for post-partum dystocia is to get into the habit of palpating all does within 24 hours of giving birt-h for signs of retained fetuses. doe's pelvic canal compared to the fetus, or failure of the uterus to contract [uterine inertial. Does close to parturition should be checked frequently for signs of dystocia. They include persistent contractions, bloody discharge, straining with no obvious progress, or a green-brown discharge from the vagina. Obvious abnormalities, such as a fetus that is retained in the pelvic canal and cannot be delivered, can be addressed by the breeder. GENTLE manipulation and removal of the kit from the pelvic canal digitally [using mostly your fingers] can yield positive results if done carefully. As stressed in every species experiencing dystocia, lu- brication is a compassionate and necessary aid I Cause & Diagnosis The cause of dystocia, like gestation length, is affect- ed by multiple parameters. They include obesity, the size of the individual fetuses, the relative size of the Treatments Oxytocin is the most readily available drug available for breeders to use that will stimulate parturition. This is A safe delivery and a healthy litter is the goal of every responsible breeder. -. .

Transcript of With ])i Jay t )j~iez, V111])

Page 1: With ])i Jay t )j~iez, V111])

With ])i Jay t )j~iez, V111])

The term dystocia literally means "difficult birth." Rabbits are commonly revered as re-productive mavericks and their ability to reproduce is only rivaled by smallerrodents. Truedystocia is relatively rare in domestic rabbits but can be uniformly fatal if ignored or notaddressed correctly. This article will discuss normal pregnancy, abnormal pregnancy, andgive methods of treatment for this serious condition.

Normal gestation of a doe is approximately 31 to32 days in length. This is merely an average andcan range from 28 days to 36 days.

The gestation length is affected by a variety Both theof factors such as age of the doe, weight, .genetics, litter size, nutritional status, envi- enterior andronment, and several more aspects. Partu- breechrition in domestic rabbits .is a qui~k process positions areand IS usually complete In 30 minutes fol- .lowing onset. Both the anterior and breech normaL for kitspositions are normal for kits being born. being bornAn effective, inexpensive way to screen forpost-partum dystocia is to get into the habitof palpating all does within 24 hours of giving birt-h forsigns of retained fetuses.

doe's pelvic canal compared to the fetus, or failure ofthe uterus to contract [uterine inertial. Does close to

parturition should be checked frequently forsigns of dystocia. They include persistentcontractions, bloody discharge, strainingwith no obvious progress, or a green-browndischarge from the vagina.

Obvious abnormalities, such as a fetus thatis retained in the pelvic canal and cannot bedelivered, can be addressed by the breeder.GENTLE manipulation and removal of the kitfrom the pelvic canal digitally [using mostly

your fingers] can yield positive results if done carefully.As stressed in every species experiencing dystocia, lu-brication is a compassionate and necessary aid I

Cause & DiagnosisThe cause of dystocia, like gestation length, is affect-ed by multiple parameters. They include obesity, thesize of the individual fetuses, the relative size of the

TreatmentsOxytocin is the most readily available drug available forbreeders to use that will stimulate parturition. This is

A safe delivery and a healthy litter is the goal of every responsible breeder.-. .

Page 2: With ])i Jay t )j~iez, V111])

a hormone normally produced inhe hypothalamus. 1-3 units given

intramuscularly [hindquarters oralong the back) will usually elicit aresponse. I prefer to give 1 unit ata time, evaluate the effect, and re-administer another unit up to threedoses. The typical concentrationof this drug is 20 USP/mL whichtranslates into 0.05 mL per dose[this is a VERY small voturne!l.

Follow UpDoes who have had one episode ofdystocia are at an increased riskof it occurring in future parturi-tions. Because of this, care shouldbe taken to keep adequate recordsand consider culling animals thatconsistently have difficulty givingbirth. As mentioned earlier, true

dystocias are relatively rare in domestic rabbits so it isimportant to recognize the normal series of parturition,signs of dystocia, appropriate therapy, and when veteri-nary intervention is necessary.References available uponrequest

When uterine inertia is evident indomestic rabbits, I advise the useof oral calcium gluconate prior toadministration of oxytocin. Thesetwo drugs act synergistically. Oxy-tocin will increase the frequency of uterine contractionswhile calcium gluconate will increase their relativestrength. Small breeds of rabbits will usually toler-ate approximately 5 mL of 10% calcium gluconate whilelarger breeds will need up to 10 mL given for a desiredeffect.

Following administration of either drug, the doe shouldbe placed in a quiet, dark room with few disturbances.Allow 30-60 minutes for the desired effect of one orboth drugs. I usually repeat oxytocin injections approxi-mately 30 minutes apart if there is no effect. When drugtherapy proves ineffective for induction of parturition,surgical intervention is warranted if the litter and/orthe doe are salvageable. Caesarean section can be per-

formed by veterinarians who haveexperience in spaying and neuter-ing rabbits routinely. Because theuterus is friable even in non-preg-nant does compared to cats anddogs, tissues must be handled deli-cately if the uterus is to be saved.

Jay E. Hreiz, VMD.Chairman of the ARBA Rabbit & CavyHealthy Committee, Or. Hreiz is agraduate of Penn 5 Veterinary Schooland currently owns a small animal /exotics practice in the Charlotte, NC-area. He is also an ARBA judge # 789.

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