Wise Up To Christmas


Transcript of Wise Up To Christmas

Wise up to


‘Building a community of people who live out God’s purposes’‘Building a community of people who live out God’s purposes’‘Building a community of people who live out God’s purposes’

‘Building a community of people who live out God’s purposes’‘Building a community of people who live out God’s purposes’‘Building a community of people who live out God’s purposes’

• Presents For Each Other

• God’s Presents For Us

• Our Presents For God

Presents For Each Other

“I mean this year, it will be tough.

To be honest, I don’t think we’ll have a

Christmas, because there is just no

money for it.”

Vicky, Mother


Presents For Each Other

“After years of not being able to work,

I had accrued debts of about £10,000.

I was spending a large chunk of my

income on heating and wasn’t coping

well with my new illness.”

Laura, Mother


Presents For Each Other

“Everything impacted on my daughter,

Josie, and our home was not a happy

one. I just wanted to get Christmas

over and done with”.

Laura, Mother


“If anyone has material possessions and

sees his brother in need but has no pity on

him, how can the love of God be in him?

Dear children, let us not love with words

or tongue but with actions and in truth.”

1 John 3 v 17-18

Presents For Each Other

Presents For Each Other


“If I had the choice between spending

time with my family and a present,

I would definitely choose spending

time with my family.”

Ryan, 10, London

Presents For Each Other


“I don’t mind what I get.

I just want to make sure

that I see my family”.

Kerry, aged 11.

God’s Presents For Us

"The virgin shall be with child and will

give birth to a son, and they will call

Him Immanuel - which means,

'God with us.'" Matthew 1 v 23

God’s Presents For Us

“The most significant

achievement of our age is

not that man stood on the

moon, but rather that

God in Christ stood on

the earth” James Irwin

God’s Presents For Us

“For to us a child is born,

to us a Son is given”

Isaiah 9 v 6

God’s Presents For Us

If our greatest need had been information,

God would have sent an educator.

If our greatest need had been money,

God would have sent an economist.

If our greatest need had been technology,

God would have sent us a scientist.

God’s Presents For Us

If our greatest need had been pleasure,

God would have sent us an entertainer.

But our greatest need was forgiveness,

so God sent us a Saviour.

“For God so loved the world,

that He gave His one and only

Son, that whoever believes in

Him shall not die but have

eternal life” John 3 v 16

God’s Presents For Us

Our Presents For God

Matthew 2 v 1 – 12

The Visit of Magi

Our Presents For God

“On coming to the house,

they saw the child

with His mother Mary”.

Matthew 2 v 11

Our Presents For God

HRH Prince George of

Cambridge was born

on 22 July 2013,

at St Mary’s Hospital

in London,

to the Duke and

Duchess of Cambridge.

Our Presents For God

Our Presents For God

“they bowed

down and



Matt. 2 v 11

‘Building a community of people who live out God’s purposes’‘Building a community of people who live out God’s purposes’‘Building a community of people who live out God’s purposes’

• Presents For Each Other

• God’s Presents For Us

• Our Presents For God

‘Building a community of people who live out God’s purposes’‘Building a community of people who live out God’s purposes’‘Building a community of people who live out God’s purposes’

Our Presents For God

Wise up to


‘Building a community of people who live out God’s purposes’‘Building a community of people who live out God’s purposes’‘Building a community of people who live out God’s purposes’