Wisconsin SCO Virtual Data Integration

VIRTUAL INTEGRATION OF WISCONSIN PARCEL DATA Howard Veregin Brenda Hemstead State Cartographer’s Office UW-Madison Martin Goettl Geography & Anthropology UW – Eau Claire

Transcript of Wisconsin SCO Virtual Data Integration

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Brenda HemsteadState Cartographer’s OfficeUW-Madison

Martin GoettlGeography & AnthropologyUW – Eau Claire

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A RESEARCH PROJECTResearch focus: virtual data integration

Exploring feasibility of the approach

• Advantages • Limitations• Challenges• Best practices

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WHAT WE HAVE DONECombined existing county Web map services into single multi-county online parcel map

Counties supplied REST service endpoints

• No physical data exchange• No edgematching or

common data model• Web map points to

published county dataset (most current data)

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It depends on who you ask

Technology perspective• Software and standards supporting

computer interaction over the Internet

User perspective• Web apps offering data, product, or

service delivered over Web

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Technically • Web Map Service = WMS • OGC standard for online maps display• One of a family of standards

Generically• Way to deliver map content over Web• Also, feature and geoprocessing


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OUR GOALSProject goals broadened over time

Initial goal: create multi-county parcel Web map

Our focus now is on the research side• Not just parcels, but any theme• Limitations, challenges, best practices• Alignment with other GIS/IT trends

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Background (Howard)

Project status (Brenda)

Main challenges (Howard)• Performance• Availability of map services• Resymbolization and map appearance• Distributed analysis and querying• Legal issues

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“Combining data from different sources to provide a unified view of data for users”

A mashup combines different geospatial themes over one area.

Data integration combines the same theme over different (adjacent) areas.

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ADVANTAGE #1“Well-behaved” problem

Once source datasets are delivered, no further external inputs are needed

Relatively easy to allocate personnel and budget to the task

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ADVANTAGE #2True integration is possible (in theory)

Rubber sheeting and edgematching eliminate spatial “gaffs” (slivers, overlaps)

Common data model facilitates analysis and querying

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ADVANTAGE #3Republishing is relatively easy

Integrator can make data available in a variety of formats

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DISADVANTAGE #1Data producers provide copy of dataset

Issues:• Data sharing arrangements• Loss of local control over data• Possible quality decline due to spatial

and/or attribute adjustments

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DISADVANTAGE #2Integrated data may not be current

Depends on time it takes to perform integration, plus volatility of the layer

Re-integrating updated data is frequently costly (so often never happens)

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DISADVANTAGE #3Curating integrated datasets is increasingly impractical

Large data volumes (“big data”)

More frequent updates, data collection

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Need a solution that incorporates distributed

access, visualization, analysis and querying

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PROCESSSupported and facilitated by LION

Contacted stakeholders (county LIOs) via email

Gathered REST URL (or other URL)

Followed up in person or by phone

Dear <<LIO>>,

This email is to inform you of a joint research project by the State Cartographers Office (SCO) at UW-Madison and the Department of Geography and Anthropology at UW-Eau Claire. The purpose of our project is to investigate the feasibility of using Web map services to create a statewide view of geospatial data collected and maintained at the county level.

Our initial goal is to incorporate existing map services showing tax parcels into a single online map application. We have chosen parcel data for this initial test because this type of data is of interest to a wide range of users. However, our project has a broader purpose, namely to explore how Web map services can be used to support virtual data integration for simple mapping and display. Specific research questions we will be investigating include:

- How much flexibility exists to resymbolize map services from different counties? Can we apply a common set of map symbols to different services to make the integrated map look more consistent?- What are the limitations on querying and analysis, given that data models and attributes are not consistent from county to county? What implications does this have for data standards?- How much of an issue is performance? Are there performance improvements that can be implemented?- Can we integrate commercial and open-source services in a single Web application?

Since our approach makes use of existing Web map services, we do not need to ask for copies of your geospatial datasets. Instead, we will simply be tapping into existing services that are already available on the Web. This also means that any map that includes your county's data will be up-to-date and accurate.

We do have one request. We would greatly appreciate your assistance by providing the URL of your parcel data Web service. For most counties, this will be an ArcGIS Server REST endpoint of the form:


We are also interested in other types of services -- such as ArcIMS, WMS, etc. If you have such a service, we would appreciate your help identifying its URL.

To provide us with your URL, simply reply to this email or to one of the email addresses listed below. So that we can keep on schedule for our project, we would greatly appreciate a response by May 1, 2012.

Please let us know in your email response if you have any conditions or terms associated with accessing your Web services in this way.

We plan to integrate the services into an online map viewer, and then make the viewer available through the SCO Web site (www.sco.wisc.edu) for general access. Users will be able to map and view your county's online parcel data, but will not be able to download the data. The purpose of our project is not to develop a statewide parcel dataset, but rather to explore the feasibility of virtual data integration as a simple way for users to view published Web map services. The end goal of our project is a Web map viewer and a brief report that lists the outcomes of our research questions. We will make this report available on the SCO Web site.

We appreciate any assistance that you can provide. If you have any questions about the project, please contact us. We also plan to attend the WLIA regional meeting in Minocqua in May and will be available to discuss the project there if needed.Sincerely,

Howard Veregin, [email protected], 608-262-6852Brenda Hemstead, [email protected], 608-263-4371Martin Goettl, [email protected], 715-836-4709

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Representational State Transfer

A communications protocol for the Web


Once a service is published through ArcMap to ArcGIS Server it is visible at the REST URL

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STATUSMost counties use Esri ArcGIS Server (REST)

ArcIMS still widely used (but, migrating)

Small number of counties using Open Source technology

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Waupaca County

Outagamie County

County Line

REST Services

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Waupaca County

Outagamie County

County Line

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SOME EXAMPLESWashington County Ozaukee


Waukesha County

Milwaukee County


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PERFORMANCEMany county REST services designed for internal access or occasional citizen use

Impact on these users if site usage increased significantly?

One of the reasons we are not releasing a public-access viewer at this time

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SERVICE AVAILABILITYServices can be added, removed, or modified

Affects where the map viewer points to the data

Services may also go off-line

Virtually no control over these changes

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Map service not responding

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Map service unavailable

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RESYMBOLIZATIONNeed to control symbol color and size

Also need to control zoom levels where features appear and disappear

Relatively easy to do, but little consistency or standardization between counties

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How to query across multiple datasets with different schemas

A big research issue (“semantic web”)

“Distributed query” or “federated search”

user query subqueries to participating data sources aggregation of query results

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LEGAL ISSUESOpens up new legal issues

Data readily incorporated into any mashup for any purpose

Loss of control over data

How will local governmentsreact to this new technology?

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Geospatial professionals• Demonstrate ROI for cost of geospatial services• Model a successful data integration scenario

Counties• Active participants in an effort that will have

impacts beyond county boundaries

Citizens and taxpayers• Maximizing utilization of taxpayer investments• Obtaining greater benefits • More effective and efficient governance!

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BENEFITS OF STUDYEducation about GIS Web services

Forward-looking way of thinking about data integration

Challenges and solutions to this new approach

Standards and best practices for Web services

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THANK YOU!Howard Veregin, [email protected]

Brenda Hemstead, [email protected] Goettl, [email protected]

Photos by UW-Madison, University CommunicationsGeology Lab Michael Forster Rothbart/University of Wisconsin-Madison/2003Globe Jeff Miller/University of Wisconsin-Madison/2011Community Engagement Jeff Miller/University of Wisconsin-Madison/2009Jeopardy Bryce Richter/University of Wisconsin-Madison/2008All photos © Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System

Other photosVIIRS Suomi Earth Image Norman Kuring/NASA/NOAA/GSFC/Suomi NPP/VIIRS