Wireless Power Transmission

ELECTRICAL PROJECTS http://www.edgefxkits.com/ ELECTRICAL PROJECTS Wireless Power Transmission Project

Transcript of Wireless Power Transmission

Wireless Power Transmission



What Is Wireless Power Transmission(WPT)?

Why Is WPT?

History Of WPT

Working Principle Of WPT

Types Of WPT

Advantages And Disadvantages Of WPT


Wireless Power Transmission

The Transmission Of Power From One Place To Another Without Using

Wires, Cables, Or Chords.

But, The Wireless Power Transmission Is Made Possible By Using

Various Technologies Like Microwave, Laser, And Em Waves.

Nikolas Tesla Realized The Concept Of Wireless Power Transfer.

What Is WPT?:


Wireless Power Transmission

Why Not Wires?


As Per Studies, Most Electrical Energy Transfer Is Through


Most Of The Energy Loss Is A Loss During Transmission

• On an average, more than 30%.

• In India, it exceeds 40%.

Wireless Power Transmission


History Of WPT:

Nikola Tesla in late 1890s

Pioneer of induction techniques

His vision for "world wireless system“

The 187 Feet Tall Tower To Broadcast


Wireless Power Transmission


History Of WPT (Continue…)

All People Can Have Access To Free Energy

Due To Shortage Of Funds, Tower Did Not Operate

Tesla Was Able To Transfer Energy From One Coil To Another Coil

He Managed To Light 200 Lamps From A Distance Of 40 Km

Wireless Power Transmission


Working Principle Of WPT:

By Converting The AC Power To DC Power Using Rectifiers And

Filters And Then Again Converting It Back To AC At High

Frequency Using Inverters.

This Low Voltage High Frequency Ac Power Then Passes From

The Transformer Primary To Its Secondary And Is Converted To

Dc Power Using Rectifier, Filter And Regulator Arrangement.

Wireless Power Transmission


Inductive Coupling:

It Is Most Prominent Methods Of Transferring Energy.

Used For Near-field Power Transmission.

The Power Transmission Takes Place Through Mutual

Inductance Between The Two Conductive Materials

Wireless Power Transmission


Microwave Power Transmission:

This Involves By Converting The AC Power To RF Power

And Transmitting It Through Space And Again

Reconverting It To AC Power At The Receiver.

Wireless Power Transmission


Laser Power Transmission:

It involves the use of LASER beam to transfer power in

the form of light energy.

The laser gets powered using sources like sun or any

electrical generator and accordingly generates high

intensity focused light.

Wireless Power Transmission



Initial Cost Is High.

High- Frequency Signal Must Be The Supply.

Maintenance Is Complicated.


Wireless parking charger.

Wireless electronic charger.

Wireless Power Transmission



More Reliable Than Ground - Based Solar Power.

Low Maintenance Cost. But, Initially High Cost.

If We Develop This, We Need Not Bother About The Exhaustion Of

Natural Resource.

In Near Future, The World Will Be Completely Powered With

Wireless Technology.