Wireless Developments to Watch - ucstrategies.com index Modula tion type FEC Coding Rate 20 MHz...

www.dbrnassociates.com | © 2015, dBrn Associates, Inc. 1 Wireless Developments to Watch Michael F. Finneran Principal, dBrn Associates, Inc. [email protected] UC SUMMIT- 2015

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Wireless Developments to Watch

Michael F. Finneran

Principal, dBrn Associates, [email protected]


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Independent consultant and industry analyst specializing in wireless and mobility

Consult with vendors, carriers, investment analysts, end users and the legal community on the full range of mobility issues

Speak at numerous industry conferences including Interop, CTIA/4G World, and Enterprise Connect where I chair the mobility track

Write regularly on mobility topics for Information Week, NoJitter.com, Webtorials, Network Computing, and UCStrategies.com

Published hundreds of columns and articles as well as white papers, reports, product comparisons, and industry research including the State of UC and the State of Mobile Security surveys for Information Week

Wrote the book: Voice over Wireless LANs- The Complete Guide (Elsevier, 2008)

Masters Degree from the J L Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University and a long time member of the SCTC

2Michael F. Finneran

Principal, dBrn Associates, [email protected]

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Session Topics

1. Big Doings in the 5 GHz. Band

o 802.11ac

o LTE- Unlicensed

2. Mobile UC and Social Collaboration

3. Internet of Things (and examples)

4. Wearables

5. Cloud RAN

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Gartner Worldwide Market Projections


(000’s Units)


(000’s Units)

PC Market(Desktops and Laptops)

308,472 316,689

Tablets 256,308 320,964(25.2% Growth)

Smartphones 1,862,766 1,946,456(4.5% Growth)

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Wi-Fi 802.11ac

• Next generation radio link

• Operates in 5 GHz band only

• Builds on 802.11n with wider channels, more efficient

signal encoding and more MIMO spectral streams

• Introduction coming in “waves”:

• Wave 1: Current

• Wave 2: Imminent

• Wave x: Maximum defined in the standard

• “It takes two to tango”- Access point and client most both

have the capability

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Wi-Fi: IEEE 802.11ac

Other 802.11ac Wave 2 Capabilities:

o Multi-User MIMO: Allows an AP to transmit to up to 4 clients simultaneously

o Standardized Beamforming: Supported not standardized in 802.11n

802.11n 802.11acWave 1

802.11acWave 2


Band 2.4 G or 5 GHz 5 GHz Only 5 GHz Only 5 GHz Only



20M or 40 MHz 20M, 40M,

80 MHz

20M, 40M,

80M, 160 MHz

20M, 40M,

80M, 160 MHz



≤64-QAM ≤256-QAM ≤256-QAM ≤256-QAM




(Delivered ≤3)

≤3 ≤4 ≤8

Maximum Data


600 Mbps

(Delivered 450M)

1.3 Gbps 3.47 Gbps 6.93 Gbps

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Per Stream Data Rates7

Theoretical Maximum Data Rate per Spatial Stream (in Mbps)





20 MHz Channel 40 MHz Channel 80 MHz Channel 160 MHz Channel

800ns GI 400ns GI 800ns GI 400ns GI 800ns GI 400ns GI 800ns GI 400ns GI

0 BPSK 1/2 6.5 7.2 13.5 15 29.3 32.5 58.5 65

1 QPSK 1/2 13 14.4 27 30 58.5 65 117 130

2 QPSK 3/4 19.5 21.7 40.5 45 87.8 97.5 175.5 195

3 16-QAM 1/2 26 28.9 54 60 117 130 234 260

4 16-QAM 3/4 39 43.3 81 90 175.5 195 351 390

5 64-QAM 2/3 52 57.8 108 120 234 260 468 520

6 64-QAM 3/4 58.5 65 121.5 135 263.3 292.5 526.5 585

7 64-QAM 5/6 65 72.2 135 150 292.5 325 585 650

8 256-QAM 3/4 78 86.7 162 180 351 390 702 780

9 256-QAM 5/6 N/A N/A 180 200 390 433.3 780 866.7

iPhone 6s: 2-Stream MIMO for 866 Mbps

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Comparison of a/g, n and ac

6.93 Gbps

3.47 Gbps

600 Mbps

54 Mbps

802.11a/g 802.11n 802.11acWave 2

802.11acWave 1

1.30 Gbps


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New Wi-Fi First Wireless Providers

• Google: Planning to resell Sprint and T-Mobile

wireless services in a Wi-Fi/cellular network service

• Republic Wireless: Unlimited voice, data and text for

$19/month on a Wi-Fi/cellular network service

(Can boot you off for excessive cellular use)

• Scratch Wireless: Free Wi-Fi network service and sells

cellular voice and data “passes”

• Cablevision: Freewheel Wi-Fi only service in NY area on

1.3 MM hotspot network for $9.95/mo. for customers and

$29.95/mo. for non-customers

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LTE-Unlicensed (LTE-U)

• Mobile operators use of the 5 GHz unlicensed band for LTE


• Roughly 500 MHz available in the 5 GHz band and relatively uniform

assignment worldwide

• Allows carriers to increase LTE spectrum (and hence capacity)

without acquiring additional licensed spectrum

• Advocates claim better bandwidth efficiency than Wi-Fi

• Evolve: LTE-U support group formed by Verizon, AT&T, Qualcomm

and Alcatel-Lucent

• Evolve is battling with the Wi-Fi Alliance over who should be testing

for coexistence protocols

• Will have an impact on other users including

Wi-Fi (802.11a, n and ac) and 5 GHz cordless phones

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LTE-U Coexistence Strategies

• 1st Choice: Licensed channel (“Anchor Channel”)

• 2nd Choice: Unoccupied 5 GHz channel

• 3rd Choice: Time-slicing on occupied 5 GHz channel

• Roughly 50-50 split between LTE-U and other user(s)

• Different sharing procedure for countries with/without

“Listen Before Transmit” (LBT) requirements for unlicensed


• Will reduce the transmission capacity for Wi-Fi users who

are sharing that channel

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LTE-U Coexistence





Long Gap

100+ msec.

Short Gaps

<10 msec.

Adaptive On/Off Duty Cycle with CSAT

(For non-LBT Regions)


10 - 100 msec.

Listen Before Talk Based

Sensing Channel

UtilizationSensing Channel


Carrier Sense Adaptive Transmission (CSAT)

3GPP R10/11/12

3GPP R13


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VoLTE Interoperability

• One of the next big challenges in mobile

• VoLTE will give the mobile operators the ability to support

wideband voice calls

• Interoperability only promised for mobile to mobile calls on

the same operator network

o AT&T and Verizon Wireless have announced plans for interoperability


• No discussion of interoperability with wired wideband voice


• This is a topic to watch closely

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UC on Wi-Fi

• Real time communications is still a challenge for Wi-Fi

• Capacity and Coverage • QoS

• “Stickiness” and handoffs • Disintegrated UX- Separate App

• Security at public hot spots • “Why bother?” Unlimited T & T

• Can potentially save money and improve performance

• Some important developments:

• Wi-Fi Alliance Mobile Multimedia Marketing Task Group (Voice over Wi-Fi)

• UC Software Defined Network (UC SDN)

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Mobile UC?

ConnectSolutions survey of Lync users found 1% of calls made

with the Lync Mobile Client

Why? The native smartphone interface does everything that

needs doing

“Simultaneous ring” delivers what people need for

“fixed-mobile convergence”

Adoption of social collaboration platforms (Cisco Spark, Circuit

by Unify, SfB Groups function) could change this!

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Internet of Things

• Network of physical objects or "things”

embedded with electronics, software, sensors

and network connectivity enabling them to collect and

exchange data

Term coined by Kevin Ashton in 1999

Functions: Locate, report and actuate

Gartner predicts 26 billion devices by 2020

Enormous potential to change how people live and work

Products have already started to appear

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IoT Application Areas

• Retail

• Targeted advertising

• Behavior monitoring

• Energy Management

• Belkin Wemo

• Nest Thermostats

• Home Automation

• Remote locks

• Security

• Garage Door Openers

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IoT Application Areas

• Transportation

• Fleet Management

• Driver Monitoring

• Toll Collection

• Parking Search

• OnStar

• Health Care

• Remote monitoring

• Emergency Response

• Metadata

• Traffic Alerts (Google Maps)

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Wireless Options

• Technology Options

• RFID- Passive, Active

• Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

• ZigBee- IEEE 802.15.4

• Near-Field Communications (NFC)

• Wi-Fi

• Cellular (+ GPS)

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• iBeacon is an Apple-defined short range, BLE-

based technology that enables a smart phone or

other device to perform actions when in close proximity to

a beacon

• Beacons advertise their presence and can cause apps in

the smartphone to access content or push notifications to

the user (requires Internet access for the smartphone)

• Initially aimed at retail applications (e.g. locate shopper in

the store, track traffic patterns, push coupons, etc.) but

lots of other potential use cases

• Early adopters finding challenges: battery replacement,

keeping track of which goes where, beacons failing to

stick to some surfaces, crosstalk, etc.

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iBeacon Components

Immediate = Centimeters

Near = Meters

Far = >10 Meters

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Beacon Operation

2a. App responds


2b. App requests

content from a web site

1. Beacon sends

unsolicited message with

Universally Unique ID


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Competing Technologies

•Google’s Eddystone

•Samsung’s Placedge

•The Wi-Fi Alliance’s Wi-Fi AwareTM

(Uses Wi-Fi rather than BLE radio)

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Euclid Analytics

• Wi-Fi based retail monitoring system

• Monitors Wi-Fi ‘Probe’ messages from smartphones

• Measures signal power to judge proximity (e.g. in-store vs. passing by)

• Hashes the MAC address for privacy; can recognize new vs. repeat


• Info collected

• Number of people passing the store

• Number entering

• Duration of stay

• New Visitors

• Repeat visitors

• Changes based on sineage or promotions

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Cisco Connected Mobile Experience

• Wi-Fi based location tracking and customer engagement

for retail and other applications

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Wearables Bluetooth headsets still dominate the market

Technical Challenges Remain

o Battery life

o Need for associated smartphone

“Fashion challenges” are even greater

Approximately half of users stop wearing them

after a few months

Apple Watch could be the turning point

Nike Fitbit

Apple Watch

Motorola HC1

Galaxy Gear


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Cloud Radio Access Network (CRAN)

• New architecture for cellular networks

• Rather than locating the radio equipment at the cell site,

all of the ratio terminals or baseband units (BBUs) are co-

located with the the mobile switching center (MSC) or

“Mobile CO.”

• The RF output signal is converted to an optical signal and

sent over fiber pair to the cell site (i.e. “analog optical


• At the cell site the signal is converted back to RF by the

Remote Radio Head (RRH) and linked to the antenna.

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Traditional Radio Access Network (RAN)

Mobile Switching Center



Backhaul: T-1, Private Microwave,

Metro Ethernet, Fiber

Base Transceiver Stations

(Cell Sites)

Radio Equipment

(Baseband Unit)


Radio HeadFiber

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Cloud Radio Access Network (CRAN)



Cell Sites

Baseband Units (BBUs)/

RF-Fiber Converters


Radio Head

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3G/4G Cellular Data

3G Downstream (Mbps) Upstream (Mbps)Average Maximum Average Maximum

AT&T 5.7 16.2 1.0 2.3

Sprint 1.2 2.7 0.6 11.0

Verizon 0.9 2.8 0.5 17.6

T-Mobile 7.4 31.0 1.4 4.4

Source: PCMag “Fastest Mobile Networks 2015”


4G Downstream (Mbps) Upstream (Mbps)Average Maximum Average Maximum

AT&T 15.0 99.2 6.8 21.4

Sprint 12.7 72.0 5.3 19.3

Verizon 19.1 94.4 10.5 44.8

T-Mobile 15.3 100.0 12.3 39.6

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Next Gen Mobile Alliance Rqmts for 5G

• Data rates of several tens of megabits per second for tens

of thousands of users

• 1 Gbps to tens of workers on the same office floor

• Several hundreds of thousands of simultaneous

connections supported for massive sensor networks

• Spectral efficiency significantly greater than 4G

• Coverage should be improved

• Enhanced signaling efficiency

• Latency reduced significantly compared to LTE

• US tests to begin in 2016

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• Mobile developments continue on all fronts but UC

vendors have not participated

• Social collaboration is the big hope but could be coopted

by start-ups

• Traditional markets saturated in developed countries

• Growth in LDCs (China and India primarily) and in new

applications of mobile technology (e.g. IoT and Metadata)

• Difficult to see what the next big hardware development

will be but wearables don’t seem to be it

• Mobile data growth, particularly video, will continue to

challenge the mobile operators

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Wireless Developments to Watch

Michael F. Finneran

Principal, dBrn Associates, Inc.

[email protected]