Winter in Art

{ Winter in Art El invierno en el arte. Guadalupe Carramiñana. 2014

Transcript of Winter in Art

{Winter in Art

El invierno en el arte.Guadalupe Carramiñana. 2014

One of the earliest examples of snow in art history.

February is a mural painting which is located inside of the “Catello del Buonconsiglo” Trento, Italy. 1397.

Look at them! They are playing with snow balls!

Brueghel the Elder. 1595.

Hendrick Avercamp. 1609.

Bartholomeus van Hove.


Caspar David Friedrich. 1823.

J. M. W. Turner. 1842.

Camille Pissarro. 1897

Van Gogh. 1882.

Claude Monet. 1869.

Winter in Japanese Art.



Ice Sculptures

Now is your Turn!!!