Winter 2009 Servant Leader Center of Toledo Newsletter


Transcript of Winter 2009 Servant Leader Center of Toledo Newsletter

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Justice Education Experiences

One of the purposes of the SLC’s

10 month process is to help peopleidentify personally with injustice,

 suffering, and pain in the world. We

do this so that individuals will deter-mine to stop participating in the

 systems that create and perpetuate

 poverty and other kinds of oppression

in the world. We also do this so that 

 some will take up the task of working 

to reform the systems and eliminate

the inequities that are so prevalent in

today’s culture.

 For inspiration toward this end,

we have scheduled a number of monthly talks to be given by people in

our community who have something 

to say about all this. The contexts for their work vary, but their purposes

are remarkably similar: to work 

towards a more just society.

 If you have an idea for a speaker 

or topic, please contact Steve at SLC.

 Don’t forget to mark your calen-

dars for these events.

You’ll be glad you did!

The very essence of 

leadership is [that] you have

a vision. It's got to be avision you articulate clearly

and forcefully on every

occasion. You can't blow an

uncertain trumpet.

Theodore Hesburgh 

February 18 7:00pmRev. Dr. Julian Davies, of The UniversityChurch of Toledo, will speak on “Living ina Disposable World: Consumerism,Environmentalism and Social Justice,”addressing concerns about our westernconsumer culture and its effects on theplanet, as well as putting forward practicalideas for changing course.

March 17 7:00pmRev. Dan Rogers, President and CEO of Cherry Street Mission Ministries, will speakon the current state of homelessness in theToledo area. He will also address thesubject of current efforts to change thesystems that feed the problem, and producesolutions to the challenges presented bythis escalating problem.

April 23 7:00pmMs. Toby Hoover , Executive Director of The Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence,will speak on current efforts regarding guncontrol on the local and national scene. Her organization works to oppose the agendaof Ohio’s gun lobby, and to reduce therisk of gun-related violence in our state.

May 5 7:00pmMs. Chris Palmerton, Executive Director of Women Blessing Women in Toledo, will doa presentation of the work of WBW inempowering women for life, through educa-tion, job training, and more.

June 3 7:00pmRev. Dee Baker , Director of ToledoCampus Ministries at The University of Toledo, will present a workshop on “Art andSpirituality.” Rev. Baker is a Master Potter and serves as pastor to the ecumenicalMinistries on U-T’s campus. Come expect-ing a refreshing and creative experience.

July 14 7:00pmMs. Mary Schmidbauer , Executive Director of Second Chance, with Toledo AreaMinistries, will do a presentation on the workof her organization with women who have a

history in the sex trafficking industry, to helpbring about a return to mainstream life.

August 12 7:pmMr. Dennis Doblinger , a former business

owner in Toledo and current near-homelessman, will speak on life on the margins inToledo, including finding food, gettinggovernment and medical assistance, landseizure, and more.

2009 Justice Talks @ the SLC

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Servant Leadership:

Threshold to a Life Transformed10 Month Process Registration Form

SESSION PREFERENCES (please Rank 1-3):

Daytime Session ___Mon ___Tue ___Wed __ Thu

Evening Session ___Tue ___Wed ___Thu


 ___Toledo ___Bowling Green ___Defiance

 ___Swanton   ___Delphos (Thurs. only)

I would like to make an appointment to learn moreabout the process.

I’m not ready to register, but please send me more


I’m not interested at the present time, but pleasekeep me on your mailing list.


Cost: $40 per month ($400 billed over the 10 months), which includesall course materials

Please mail your $40 non-refundable deposit with your registrationform to secure your place in the group to The Servant LeadershipCenter. The address is below. Your check will not be cashed until thegroup begins.

Sessions are 3 hours in length, 2 times per month (for instance:1st/3rd Thursday). Groups will run from September 2009—June 2010

Session times are decided upon by the group (for Instance: daytimegroups usually go from 10a-1p or 11a-2p; evening groups from 5:30-8:30p or 6-9p depending on the needs of the group members). Thiswill be determined at your group’s first session.

Scholarships are always available. 



Hm Ph. Cell Ph.

Wk Ph.


It’s Not Too Early To Sign Up For A Fall 2009 SL Group!!!

10 Month Process: Servant Leadership - Threshold To A Life Transformed

has gone to his or her grave with it still

unexpressed in the world, and the

world is impoverished all the more

because of it.

We like to know what’s coming

down the pike, and we even think weshould have some say in it. I guess in

some ways that’s good, but too often

the lack of knowing makes us too will-

ing to abdicate our places or calling as

difference-makers in the world, and we

settle for wishful thinking in place of 

meaningful action.

Martin Luther King was

right...there’s no reason we have to

see, know or control our own future

eventualities, but we do need to

take first steps. Steps that proclaim

who we are and what we care about

and where we know we must go.

That’s what Servant Leadership:

Threshold to a Life Transformed helps

people to do. Go ahead...take the first

step. Your fear will lose out with every

step you take. 

Many of those reading have been

through the SLC 10 month process,

and understand its call to transforma-

tive action in our communities. Those

who have not have probably at

least seen its effects on friends or 

acquaintances, or have been ex-

posed to it in some way.

Regardless which category

one falls into, we all face a similar 

challenge when we contemplate

dramatic new action or initiatives: fear.

Whether that fear is of failure or justthe unknown, it can have a debilitating

effect. More than one person with a

great solution to a compelling problem

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You don't have to seethe whole staircase, justtake the first step. 

Martin Luther King 

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