WinPRISM 2314 Update Instructions - Nebraska Book …

Installation Instructions for WinPRISM Version 23.1.4 Update Nebraska Book Co., Inc

Transcript of WinPRISM 2314 Update Instructions - Nebraska Book …

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Installation Instructions for WinPRISM Version 23.1.4 Update

Nebraska Book Co., Inc

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Copyright 2012 by Nebraska Book Co., Inc. All rights reserved.

This document contains proprietary information of Nebraska Book Co., Inc. Any reproduction of this information in

whole or in part without prior written authorization is prohibited. Use of this material for purposes other than in

connection with WinPRISM is in violation of the license agreement. WinPRISM is a registered trademark of Nebraska

Book Co., Inc.

Every attempt has been made to make this material complete, accurate, and up-to-date. Users are cautioned, however, that

Nebraska Book Co., Inc. reserves the right to make changes to the software and its related documentation without notice

and shall not be responsible for any damages (including inconsequential) caused by reliance on the material presented,

including, but not limited to, typographic, arithmetic, or listing errors.

WinPRISM 23.1.4 Update Instructions

Published July, 2012 by:

CBMS (College Bookstore Management Systems)

A division of Nebraska Book Co., Inc.

4700 South 19th

Lincoln, Nebraska 68512

(402) 421-7300

Printed in U.S.A.

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Vital Information Concerning 23.1.4

Current version installed must be 22.4.2 prior to loading 23.1.4.

.NET 4.0

WinPRISM version 22.0.0 and higher will require .NET 4.0 on all servers, workstations, and


SQL 2008 Required A prerequisite for Version 22 when released is SQL2008. For those users that are enrolled in our

ISV program, this upgrade doesn’t cost anything, and in most cases is a simple process. For

those users who want to go from 32bit to 64bit, it will require additional efforts so please contact

support for more details. We strongly recommend Server 2008 64 bit with SQL 2008 64 bit to

take advantage of the performance and security offered in those products. SQL2008 can still run

under the Server 2003 OS, but Server 2008 will be required for other offerings in the near future.

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Installation Instructions for WinPRISM Version 23.1.4 Update

These instructions are for upgrading your WinPRISM SQL Server, WinPOS Distributed SQL

Server and/or Comm/Admin server, along with associated WPConsole, WinPRISM, WPAdmin,

and WPPOSReg applications. It is assumed that the computer being updated is one you have

also used for running the WPConsole program. The update does not need to be loaded at month

end, but can be loaded at any time during the month.

IMPORTANT NOTES: � ALL users must be logged out of WinPRISM, WPAdmin and/or WPPOSReg (the WinPOS

register program) before the update can be loaded on any of your SQL server computers or

another computer running WPConsole. If the update is not able to complete correctly and the

installation program needs to restore your data back to your current version, it will not be

able to do the restore if any users are logged into any of these applications.

� If WPConsole is open on the SQL server computer, close it, and stop the service. If it is open

and running, the update to WPServer will not be able to complete. Also, be sure to turn off

the web lines. See the update instructions for more details.

� Since ALL users must be logged out of WinPRISM, WPAdmin and/or WPPOSReg before

the update can be done, you will need to do the update after hours, after the registers have

been closed for the day, or the next morning before you begin using WinPrism functions. Be

aware that the update can take up to 3 hours to complete, so plan appropriately.

Before starting the update, check to make sure you have:

� Current Version installed of 22.4.2

� The WinPRISM version 23.1.4 website address and your login information.

� These loading instructions.

� All applicable documentation pertaining to the update. � Customer Support’s telephone number (800) 510-3911

The length of time it will take to install WinPRISM version 23.1.4 on any given server will be 30

minutes to 3 hours, depending on the speed of the server and the size of the databases.

For WinPRISM POS - If you have more than one SQL server computer (e.g. a Main SQL

Server computer and a Distributed SQL Server computer), you must install the update first on the

MAIN SQL Server computer. Immediately after that, install it on any Distributed SQL Server

computers and/or Comm/Admin computers you have in your store(s). If you attempt to install it

on a Distributed SQL Server computer before the Main SQL Server computer has been updated,

a message will display, telling you that you must update the Main computer first, and the

installation on the Distributed SQL Server computer will be stopped. Registers will not function

until the Distributed SQL Server computers and/or Comm/Admin computers have been updated.

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Update Workflow

1. WinPRISM v23 System Requirements (page 4).

2. Make sure you have a current backup (page 5).

3. Stop WPServer (page 5).

4. Load the update (page 7-15).

5. Restart WPServer (page 16).

6. Update all WinPRISM POS servers repeating steps 3-5 above.

7. Update all clients (workstations, registers, fail safe) (page17-26).

8. Fax NBC (page 27).

9. In Case of ERRORS (page 12).

Follow these steps for each version update. If updating more than one version, load each

version to main and POS Servers one version at a time. For example; load v21 to main

server and then POS Servers; then load v22 to Main and POS Servers; and then load v23

to Main and POS Servers.

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WinPRISM v23 System Requirements

The current version installed must be v22.4.2 prior to loading v23.

.NET 4.0

WinPRISM version 22.0.0 and higher will require .NET 4.0 on all servers, workstations, and

registers. As part of the update on each system to WinPRISM 22, the system will automatically

download and install Microsoft .NET 4.0, provided the system in question has access and rights

to download and install the file from Microsoft. If not, the update will fail, and users will need to

install .NET 4.0 manually on the system prior to loading the update.

SQL 2008 Required A prerequisite for Version 22 when released is SQL2008. For those users that are enrolled in our

ISV program, this upgrade doesn’t cost anything, and in most cases is a simple process. For

those users who want to go from 32bit to 64bit, it will require additional efforts so please contact

support for more details. We strongly recommend Server 2008 64 bit with SQL 2008 64 bit to

take advantage of the performance and security offered in those products. SQL2008 can still run

under the Server 2003 OS, but Server 2008 will be required for other offerings in the near future.

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Backup Make sure your backup is being done and that it is current. While the backup is created during

the update process, you should always make sure you have a recent backup before starting.

Stop WPServer

1. You will also need to stop the WPServer service. To do so, click Start > Settings >

Control Panel.

2. Once there, open ‘Administrative Tools’

3. Open ‘Services’

4. Locate the WPServer service.

5. Right click the line, and choose ‘Stop’.

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Download Update File

If you have screen saver mode set on the server, turn it off to avoid having the screen go blank

during portions of the update.

1. Go to the support download page for the 23.1.4 update.

2. Locate the file called “WinPRISM Server Update File”. Click the link. When prompted,

choose to save the file to your hard drive.

3. Save the file to the desktop.

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Load the Update on All Servers (ICS Main Server First) 1. Once file is downloaded, double click the WPUpdateSSU_23.1b04_120709.exe file on

A “Setup – WPUpdate” window opens.

2. Click “Next”. A “Database Information” screen displays.

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3. Fill in the following fields, as shown above.

� User Name: enter “wpadmin”.

� Password: enter the appropriate password.

� DSN: select “(Local)”.

� The Drive combo box: choose the appropriate drive from the

dropdown list. The installation program uses the drive specified in

the combo box for installing temporary update files and for doing a

database backup before it updates your databases.

NOTE: The installation process requires approximately 155 megabytes of free space. If

there is not enough room on the drive for a backup, the installation will fail when it tries

to do the backup. If that happens, an error will appear and you will cancel the installation.

In that case, simply start the installation again and on this screen select another drive on

your server from the Drive combo box. If you only have a single drive and that drive is

full, click “Cancel” to stop the installation and contact Support to help you clear space on

your C:\ drive.

Restore Database: DO NOT check the checkbox.

4. Click “Next”. A “Select Components” screen displays.

5. Select “Full Installation” in the dropdown box.

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6. Click “Next”. A “Ready to Install” screen displays.

7. Click “Install”. An installing screen displays, and shows that it is extracting files.

8. The installer program displays “Step 1 of 27”.

NOTE: This is where the process does a backup of your data.

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9. When the backup has completed successfully, the program goes to step 2.

10. The system uninstalls WPServer and WPConsole, if installed on your server.

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11. The system then updates through all 27 steps, with screens similar to the following:

12. The system will then continue to update with steps 2 – 27 for the training database.

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13. SQL will then be restarted.


If at some point in the installation an error displays, DO NOT TRY AGAIN. If you

attempt to update again, you may lose valuable log data, or it may corrupt your system.

Write down the error completely or do a screen-print. The programmers will need to

know what it said. Once you have recorded the error, click OK. The “Completing the

WPUpdate Setup Wizard” window displays (see below). Click “Finish”. If there is any

problem with the installation, the process automatically restores the backup that was done

in Step 2 of the installation. THIS MAY TAKE CONSIDERABLE TIME. Do NOT

kill the process!!! When finished, your system will then be the same as it was before

you began the update process and you will be able to use your system with it still on the

current version.

If you have problems and are doing this update during regular support hours (7am-6pm,

Central Time, Monday-Friday), call WinPRISM ICS or POS Customer Support. If you

have a problem at any other time, call the ICS or POS Support number, 1-800-510-3911.

Follow the options for after-hours support, and you will be connected with a support

representative. Let them know exactly what the error was, and at what stage in the

update that it occurred (if you can tell).

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14. If no errors occur, after the last step of the WPUpdate process has successfully completed, a

“Completing the WPUpdate Setup Wizard” screen displays.

15. To update WPServer/WPConsole, leave the checkbox checked and click “Finish”. If you do

not run WPServer/WPConsole on this particular computer, you will not see an option to run

WPServerSetup_23.1.4.exe. Just click “Finish”. The installation process will skip the

WPServer installation and be complete at this step.

16. If you are updating WPServer, a “WPServer and WPConsole” screen displays.

Run WPServer Setup_23.1b04.exe

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17. Click “Next”. A “Select Components” screen displays. Select “Full Installation” from the

combo box.

18. Click “Next”. A “Ready to Install” screen displays.

19. Click “Install”. Messages display, showing that WPServer is being uninstalled and reinstalled. If a

file already exists, the system will prompt. Any time this occurs, choose YES to overwrite.

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20. When the files have been successfully extracted and installed, a “Completing the WPServer and

WPConsole” screen displays.

21. Click “Finish”.

22. Now that the update is complete, Customer Support needs to be notified. Please complete

the accompanying “Fax Back” sheet and send it to (402) 421-0554.

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Restart WPServer

1. Repeat update instructions for every WinPOS Server.

2. Start the WPServer service on every server. To do this, open Administrative Tools >

Services. Locate the ‘WPServer’ line. Right click the line, and choose ‘Start’.

After the Update

1. You will need to update each workstation and each register that runs WinPRISM to the new

version of WinPRISM. For details, see below.

2. You will need to update each register running WPPOSREG to the new version. For details,

see below.

3. You will need to update all fail safe registers to the new version. For details see below.

4. If you had the Screen Saver turned on before, you will want to restore that setting after the

update is fully functional.

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WinPRISM and WPAdmin Client Updates

REMINDER: All workstations and registers must be on .NET 4.0 to run 2200+ versions of


Updating WinPRISM and WPAdmin:

1. The first time you log into WinPRISM on each client (a workstation or cash register)

after the update has been done, you will see the following message: "The database

and application versions do not match. Do you want to update WinPRISM at this

time?" You will simply need to answer "Yes" to this question.

2. Your workstation will FTP to Nebraska Book's FTP server, pull the CAB (update)

file from the server, and extract the new software.

3. Once the file is obtained, you will see the following dialog:

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4. You will see the following as components for Crystal Reports are installed:

5. When finished, you will see the following. Click NO, as a restart is not necessary.

Be aware that this process will take several minutes (possibly up to 30). If you

think the update has "hung up", please do NOT end the task. Instead, call Support

at 800-590-3911.

Also, be aware that in order to update the WPPosReg clients on your cash

registers, you will need to open the registers for the day in WPAdmin. This

means that at least one client has to have WinPRISM updated on it before you

update the register program, so you can log into WPAdmin to open the registers,

prior to updating WPPosReg on the registers. Also note that WPPOSReg does

not require the Crystal Reports components, so you will not see that box.

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WPPOSReg Update

REMINDER: All workstations and registers must be on .NET 4.0 to run 2200+ versions of


1. The first time you log into WPPOSReg on each client after the update has been done,

you will see the following message: "The database and application versions do not

match. Do you want to update WPPOSReg at this time?" You will simply need to

answer "Yes" to this question.

2. Your workstation will FTP to Nebraska Book's FTP server, pull the CAB (update)

file from the server, and extract the new software.

3. When finished, you will see the login screen again. Log in normally.

Be aware that this process will take several minutes (possibly up to 20). If you

think the update has "hung up", please do NOT end the task. Instead, call Support

at 800-590-3911.

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Fail Safe Registers Update

REMINDER: All workstations and registers must be on .NET 4.0 to run 2200+ versions of


I Preinstallation requirements

1. The store’s servers must be on WinPRISM version 22.0.0+.

2. If the failsafe/stand-alone register was used in previous versions, the failsafe/stand-

alone software will have to be uninstalled.

1. Make sure all transactions on the register have flowed back to the store’s

database and posted correctly.

2. Remove SQL Setup Support Files, SQL Native Client, SQL VSS Writer, SQL

Server Database Services, and SQL Server Express or SQL Server 2005 from

Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel. Delete the prism_data folder under


3. Version 23.1.4 WPPOSReg application needs to be installed and configured on the

register, and the register has to be able to communicate with the server.

4. .NET 4.0 is required to be loaded on all workstations and registers that connect to the

ICS or POS servers. This means your workstations and registers must be on

Windows XP or higher. WinPRISM clients and registers on Windows 98 and

Windows 2000 will NOT be supported. You can obtain the .NET 4.0 update here:

This file requires that the workstation or register has access to the internet. If it does

not, you will need to load the following file onto a flash drive or other shared drive,

and move it over to each register or workstation manually. Then, execute it.

5. An ODBC DSN entry for the POS System’s database server needs to be configured.

The server may be a distributed database server or the main server for a small site

with only one database server. This connection will be used to synchronize store data

between the database server and the local database on the register’s computer. (See

Appendix A.)

6. The time on the register and the time on the server(s) must be set to within 10 minutes

of each other.

7. Care should be exercised to prevent transaction numbers from being the same on

more than one transaction. Prior to the installation, go to WPAdmin > POS tab >

Parameters > Sequence Series and change your sequence series for your Sales

Receipts, Customer Numbers, and Gift Certificates. (Make sure the WinPRISM DSN

is pointing to the main server for this process so that all distributed servers get the

changes.) For a single-store system, this is fairly straightforward and can be

accomplished by changing the template for Sales Receipts to ######-@R (the “@R”

will cause the register number to be assigned as the last characters of the transaction

number, such as 001234-3). For the Customer Numbers and Gift Certificates, follow

the same procedure.

For multiple-store situations, you will want to define a slightly different template for

the Sales Receipts, such as 1-######-@R or M######-@R for the main store and 2-

######-@R or E-######-@R for a 2nd or East location.

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II Installation

1. Reboot the register and do not start up any programs.

2. Call POS Support and ask them to download Failsafe 23.1.4. Double-click on

setup.exe once it is downloaded to install the standalone register software. When the

“Welcome” screen comes up, click on “Next”.

3. Even though the window will allow you to change the User Name to something other

than “sa,” leave it as “sa.” To enable support to access the database records, you can

use “supportg3” for the password, or to increase security you can make this a unique

password. NOTE: Record the unique password and store it in a secure place. Click

Next to continue.

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4. On the Select Components screen, leave all three boxes checked and click on Next.

5. Now you are ready to install the failsafe/standalone software. Click on Install.

6. Failsafe/Standalone files will be extracted to the register.

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7. The installation package loads SQL Server Express.

8. Components are configured for SQL Express.

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9. SQL Express and databases are installed.

10. When SQL Express is finished, the setup wizard for WPServer and WPConsole will start.

11. Keep the defaults – all three boxes checked - for the components to be installed and click


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Click on ‘Install’.

12. Files are extracted to load WPConsole and WPServer.

13. If a box appears stating that WPCommR.dll already exists, click on “Yes” to overwrite it.

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14. When “Installation Complete” screen appears, click “Close” to finish.

15. The “Completing Failsafe POS Setup Wizard” appears. Click “Yes” and restart the

computer now, or “No” to restart the computer later and complete the Failsafe POS


16. The installer will make necessary changes to Windows XP, which will allow

communication with the main or distributed database server.

17. Any errors encountered by the installer are logged in C:\prism_data. (If the prism_data

folder was deleted in the pre-installation section, the folder was re-created with the 23.1.4

Failsafe POS setup wizard.) The installer will display the first two lines of any error

from the log files. You can review the rest by looking at the specified log file.

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WinPRISM/WinPOS 23.1.4

FaxBack Sheet Post-Update

Dear User,

So we may better serve you, please fill out this brief questionnaire. When you fax this sheet back

to us, we will know you have successfully performed the Version 23.1.4 update, and we will

update our records accordingly.

Please feel free to include an additional page if you would like to comment on the update process

CBMS Customer Support

Fax To: (402) 421-0554 Nebraska Book Co., Inc

Store: ___________________________

City: ____________________________ State/Prov.: __________________________

Nebraska Book Company Account Number _______________________________

Your name: ________________________________________

Completion date of Update: ____________________________

Circle the server(s) that were updated.

Main SQL Server Distributed SQL Server Comm/Admin